UKIP are under fire….ironically by Labour…for their ‘racist’ advertisements:
Not quite sure how that is racist….it is after all true…..even the first wave of East European immigrants complain about the next lot undercutting them in pay rates!
The BBC have been reporting it at length…strangely concentrating a fair bit on who funded the adverts….but also happily reporting the ‘furore’ about alleged racism.
Even stranger there is not a mention of Gordon Brown’s own demand for British jobs for British people…you might have thought that would be a perfect piece of ‘context’ for any reporter when Labour MPs are claiming UKIP is racist….and Dan Hodges claims they are worse than the BNP…..
……seeming to forget the similar ‘outrage over Brown’s remarks.
Of course this runs into at least two BBC ‘concerns’…European law and its dominance over the UK, and immigration….neither of which they will report in a way that would suggest either has a negative effect on the UK.
So if they are illegitimate concerns then no-one will vote for UKIP.
LBC having a phone in hosted by a presenter who has said on air they don’t understand how this poster can be called racist. I don’t think that would happen on the BBC.
The truth is that UKIP has the least racist immigration policy, as it is against the present bias to the (mostly) white EU, and wants to treat all foreigners the same, regardless of where in the world they come from. That is one reason they are attracting support from within the British Indian community as people realise skilled Indians who want to come here and work are going to be squeezed out to make way for benefit and health migrants from the EU.
But then a left wing world view which sees communities here of 85% Muslim as the most “diverse” in the country can easily see UKIPs equal treatment for all races as “racism”.
Mike Gapes has never held more than a cursory job outside of being a Co-Op Labour MP since 1992.
Wiki describes him as “very pro-European Union once declaring that he would prefer closer ties rather than Britain becoming an amusement park for American and Japanese tourists”
His constituency, Ilford South, is not widely thought of as an attraction for wealthy American and Japanese tourists, but it might benefit his constituents more if it was. Not that it would ever occur to this lifelong Labour droid.
“Mr Gapes introduced 36 amendments to the EU Referendum Bill of 2013. The bill’s proposer… alleged that the amendments were an attempt to use up the Parliamentary time allocated to the bill and prevent its being passed”
Just the person whose word we should take on anything, from whether UKIP is “racist”, or the time of day, come to that. Still, it’s good enough for the glove-puppet Labour Broadcasting Coporation to use for the headline quote.
I’d never heard of him either. But all he needs to do is shout “racist” and he’s whisked on to the Today programme.
“Ukip causes a stir with biggest ever poster campaign costing £1.5 million but they’re immediately attacked as ‘racist'”
Read more:
I have to report a typo in one of UKIP’s complementary posters.
Their “Who really runs this country?” poster is missing an “i”
Just seen Robinson vs Farage set to on BBC news. Disgraceful way his voice went up an incredulous octave when a vox popper said that some of UKIP’s policies were good.
I think we know who pro-E.U Beeboids support on this:-
“Don’t ask migrants how long they’re staying:
Border guards told quizzing arrivals from EU breaches Brussels rules.
“Home Office is powerless to count net migration accurately.
“Instead, ministers must continue to rely on a voluntary survey.
“The Brussels diktat has prompted incredulity among MPs.
“EU rule is another blow for the £500m e-borders programme.”
Read more:
Now being me I did actually write to Gordon Brown about his comments of British jobs for British workers . Of course one of his assistants replied with some waffle. I do think it’s naive to think that British jobs are not being taken up by migrants. Certainly in some of the sectors I’ve worked in this is the case. Perhaps what we need is a shake up and some of these long established BBc presenters to be replaced by new European presenters to better represent what is happening in the Uk.