A Biased BBC reader asks the question why it is that the BBC seems a tad reluctant (shall we say) to publish stories which reflect negatively on the Gay agenda. Such as these two….
Regional daily loses thousands of sales with gay kiss splash
and then…
The answer is simple, its in the very name of this website !
‘He said: “I did come out at school in an assembly after a group of 11-year-olds held up a poster they made, with the heading ‘Gay is good’.
No doubt the flipside of the banner read ‘CO2 is evil’.
Poor brainwashed little bleeders.
Do tell how these stories ‘reflect negatively on the Gay agenda’? I don’t see how they do.
In fact, if the BBC had covered the resignation of the teacher, you’d say it was sypathetic to the gay agenda.
It does reflect badly on you though Mr Vance.
Erm, yet another homosexual teacher abusing his position to teach little boys that men having sex with men, but this time getting sacked for it, and rightly so in any sane nation.
The last thing the BBC (or you) want is sanity breaking out.
There will be Judgement Ernie.
He did not get sacked, he resigned and is now teaching at a different school.
The accusation made in your second paragraph is libelous and I suggest you contact David to have your comment removed.
Ey up, desperation setting in….
No, just saving David potential trouble – the libelous comment I referred to was removed leaving mines as a bit of an “orphan” !!
Back at you! If it doesn’t reflect badly, why has the BBC been so anxious to hush it up?
Here’s yet another ‘public servant’ who prefers to be a professional activist rather than do the job for which he is paid.
Let’s take this buffoon at his word: he wants Teh Ekwality. Fine then: how would people react to a primary school (primary!) where Joe PUA regales the kids with tales of F-closing an HB8 blonde sloot round the back of the Dog & Duck?
This is the issue: for years the gay movement and the BBC (but I repeat myself) have been pushing the line that gays are jus’ folks and so only uptight squaresville Jesus freaks could possibly object to hiring a known gay activist as a primary school teacher. Well, here’s one who did get hired, and acted *exactly* like us homophobes said hr would.
Everything we said was right, which means a sizeable chunk of the British public was smeared as bigots by the BBC and no everyone knows it. An honest organisation would face that fact, instead of trying to cram it down the memory hole.
And I’ve read in the Mail how Paul Flowers, disgraced ex-Head of the COOP bank and former head of Rochdale Schools when Cyril Smith was apparently running amok abusing boys, is having to face questions for not acting on complaints.
Has the BBC covered this, or are they just prepping up another friendly ‘interview’ with Paxman for this creep?
David seems to want his cake and eat it. In another place he argues that “Education in England will change as Islam advances remorselessly “.
In this case he appears quite happy that “The Muslim community is being allowed to influence government legislation around equality.”
Thinking like this perhaps explains why no electorate has ever given him a mandate to represent them.
Where in this post does DV say he is ‘quite happy that “The Muslim community is being allowed to influence government legislation around equality.”?
Is he not just asking why the BBC seems less than keen to highlight such stories…point of blog perhaps?
Nowhere in the post does he make a judgement about being gay as you imply he does.
“Nowhere in the post does he make a judgement about being gay as you imply he does. ”
My post implies nothing of the sort.
“Is he not just asking why the BBC seems less than keen to highlight such stories…point of blog perhaps?”
Are you seriously suggesting that the BBC should cover everything that happens in the UK from the Shetlands to the Channel Islands?
Your post implies exactly that…that DV would like a bit of an anti gay witch hunt.
It is the ‘British Broadcasting Corporation’ isn’t it?..not the parochial, left wing-only news service.
And of course in true “Biased BBC” style your perception must be right!!
Your understanding and concession-based style of course stands in stark contrast.
It is only a pity one gets treated to so few posts from you each minute to fully appreciate it.
But you must struggle not to empathise with those posts that share responses from the BBC that base crucial decisions on no more than the belief of a BBC employee that the BBC can do no wrong.
There’s the Islamic version of denying equality to pupils in our schools, which is basically to turn the clock back and, for example, segregate the little girls and boys (and even make girls sit at the back of the class), and the ‘progressive’ Left’s version of promoting it which is, basically, brainwash our schoolkids with every detail of the gay rights agenda from the earliest age possible.
Two totally different concepts.
see here is the agenda of every bbc and radio 5 live presenter,they have a pre production meeting before there shows with 2 or 3 young producers who are fast tracked into them jobs at the bbc straight from university after getting there degree in arts and the media and the theory of marxism,what goes on in these meetings which must be like a branch meeting of the socalist workers party you can only guess,who decides what topics to talk about and what topics not to,i often wonder why bbc presenters on radio 5 live have not talked about this topic but talked about that favorite topic of mainly smearing the conservatives and bashing ukip like they done today and alwayd puting a negative spin on these 2 politacal partys and never the labour party or the liberals.that is the real scandal of radio 5 live and radio 4.
What is interesting about the newspaper story is that the Editor seems to be so out of touch with his readership.
Bristol is not the tolerant and non-conformist place he seems to think it is. It is a city with a lot of racial ghettos and consequent tensions. It is a city where you can lose your job for the wrong comment, especially if you are a non conformist like Sam Mason.
Bristolians may keep their opinions to themselves more now but they still hold them. If the Editor had left his liberal bubble for five seconds and had a drink in a pub in St Judes or Fishponds rather than a wine bar on Whiteladies (wayciiiists) Rd he might just know that.
Why do the BBC not cover it? Who knows? I do imagine though that if they could find a useful angle they would do so. May be when they first saw the item they didn’t ask ‘Where’s that to?’ Or maybe Bristol doesn’t engage their curiosity, after all it would be the Uni they went to if they failed to get into Oxbridge so maybe it holds a certain terror for them?
Oh, and the the front page very badly designed and confusing. Not surprising people are put off buying it.
The reason why the second item is not covered is obvious although I am surprised they didn’t play up the Christian angle. Maybe there were not enough protests from the Jesus Squad to be an issue …
The Bristol story – gay kiss on front page of local paper leads to plummeting sales- got brief, high-profile coverage via an Eddie Mair interview with the local editor on the PM programme. Eddie, oozing with apparent sensitivity and his special brand of deep compassion, made every effort to show what a great guy this editor must be. My guess is the Beeboids couldn’t figure out any further ways to advance their wider narrative that gay is good with this particular story.