To be clear, I am not a member of ANY political party and am cynical about the lot of them. However it is perfectly obvious that the BBC has done its best today to try and undermine UKIP! It started the day pondering if their election posters are “racist” and now the intrepid Nick Robinson has had a go at Farage because he employs his German wife. I suggest that between now and European election day we will see MUCH more of this as the BBC does what it can do undermine the one political party that wants out of the EU. One wonders why….
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Nick Robinson makes himself look a prat in the ‘interview’ he conducts with Mr Farage. Is this really the best one of the BBC’s upper echelon political reporters can do? Cheap, point-scoring drivel – as a licence-payer am I not entitled to expect a higher calibre of questioning…oh, I dunno, perhaps something about UKIP’s actual policies? Just an idea.
Not a chance, it seems. Mr Robinson is clearly more interested in attempting to publicly humiliate Mr Farage with pointless, personalised attacks. Is this what the BBC mean by delivering ‘quality’ and ‘integrity’ to paying viewers?
Must be more of that mythical BBC ‘impartiality’ at work, I guess.
The more Farage is attacked the better he looks. More votes for UKLIP every time
UKIP is very dangerous to the London Media Industrial Complex, unlike Lib Lab Con who are various degrees signed up to mass immigration, EUSSR, islamification. UKIP has a conviction.
“the London Media Industrial Complex” : in the USA aka ‘the Cathedral.’
…and unlike the big three parties has stuck with those policies.
When Farage signed UKIP up to supporting homosexual marriage he made his party the 4th cultural Marxist party in Britain.
If he’d hoped getting a fairer ride from the media luvvies, he seems to be experiencing disappointment now.
Seriously though, Farage is government class, but his party would be nothing without him.
”All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Several years ago Cameron ridiculed UKIP as ‘fruitcakes and lunatics’ , now we’re in the violently opposed stage.
Cameron is quite happy to allow the people of Scotland a vote for the break up the United Kingdom of Great Britain, yet he’s very reluctant to allow the British People a vote to get out of Europe.
Is this not a disgrace to Parliament, a disgrace to The Mother of Democracy and a disgrace to the people our great country that fought for centuries against domination from Europe?
I just pressed the wrong button to report your comment!!
What you just wrote could equally be said of the advance of the homosexual agenda.
I think there’s a bit of a flaw to Shopenhauer’s judgement.
Farage has a sense of humour and doesn’t take himself too seriously, he appeared on Harry Endfield.
Going well for the BBC so far, though…
Strange bedfellows being created left and right indeed.
These days I tend to skip to the comments to get a better handle on what has happened and how people feel about it.
Not usually with Guido, but this one made the effort worthwhile.
There are a few ‘colourful’ ones there that were guilty smiles, but this rational one seems best:
‘It would have been better for toenails to question Farage on policy.
Euro election is not that far away now.
The electorate is perhaps not in the mood for the obvious offensive smear offensive.
Same poster, later:
‘The interview above really makes the case against the BBC: Where is the public interest in what amounts to a tawdry tabloid style interview which would be better researched and more professionally executed by this blog and others if there was any real issue.’
Get in the gutter Aunty, see how you end up too?
When the media joins forces with the government and opposition it can either mean unity in the face of danger or the old order is bricking itself.
The efforts being deployed so far are so obvious and inept I am opting for the latter.
They are lining up to all have a pop at Farage. That they think they are being effective simply shows their arrogance. ‘They’ includes Dave ‘Fruitcake’ Cameron, Nick ‘good on TV’ Clegg, Dan ‘Labour’ Hodges, and now Nick ‘repetition’ Robinson. ‘They’ really don’t get it. Amongst ordinary people, even UKIP opponents, and there are many, want to hear the arguments and debate, not the name calling and point scoring.
That interview by Nick Robinson is a bloody disgrace. Robinson comes across as petty and stupid, determined to put Farage down, never accepting any of his obvious answers. And this man is the BBC’s top political reporter ???
Bias – what bias ? Robinson is never as fierce or scummy with other party leaders.
Seems to me the Establishment really are crapping themselves over UKIP. The Times last week, Laura K on Newsnight trying to smear Farage with Le Pen, – day after day, Robinson and Sky’s Burley today.
But a lot of it is rebounding to UKIP’s advantage, I think. Paul Sykes runs a £1.5 million poster campaign for UKIP, has to pay for all of it – but along come “attack dogs” / poodles in the media and give even wider publicity to the posters. Win-win for UKIP
ITV news at lunchtime was no better. Hostility and constant interruptions.
They’re all the same. Kay Burley’s ‘interview’ with Farage was pure bile and hatred. She defined “racism” as a belief that “one race is superior to others”, and concluded that Farage must be “racist” because he thinks Britons should take priority over east Europeans. Clearly, she’s too thick to realise that the majority of east Europeans are of the same caucasian race as the majority of Brits.
Kay ‘You can’t say that’ Burley never has been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but her soundbite pearls of wisdom are worthy of an heir to Colmanballs.
It does appear that the entire MSM is falling over itself to get the boot in, and in the process jumbling up the menu of ‘Isms they keep handy to throw about to do so.
Rather unedifying.
Burley presumably thinks ‘British’ is a race now and all white. So I guess she’s puzzled by the foreigner recently appointed to be the Culture Secretary.
I’ve just heard UKIP chap being interviewed by Peter Allen on radio 5. The BBC production team had obviously spent the afternoon formulating hyper aggressive questions to fire at the spokesman. As soon as one attack seemed to be failing Peter Allen moved on to the next, all the time shouting over the interviewee. Most BBC journalists at least try to disguise their hatred of UKIP, Allen didn’t even try. You could tell his job wasn’t being threatened by a Polish immigrant offering to do it for minimum wage.
The BBC has received millions of pounds from the EU. How can they possibly be unbiased? At the very least they should declare an interest at the beginning of every news article that has any EU aspect to it. A shame UKIP don’tfire this back at the BBC when they are under attack.
Just to add…
Peter Allen commented shortly afterto say they had received very many text messages about the interview. By his tone of voice I inferred that he had not made himself popular with his listeners.
If sobering, it may explain why he and his production crew did not pull the usual stunt of the BBC post-event ‘secret selection’ or, worse, their quaint habit of waiting until their guest has left to play with the edit or even add a new commentator safe from being held to account live by their target.
BBC News followed the aggressive questioning of Farage with their man in Sheffield who managed to mention BNP & racist in his summary. They then invited Richard Corbett to speak without interruption or questioning for several minutes. As well as being a former Labour MEP Corbett is also a person who the BBC could invite to dinner – his website includes this unsolicited testimonial
“Irrespective of party politics, there are some people who are good for politics as a whole. Mr Corbett, a decent, thoughtful politician, is also one of the few people who understand how the European Parliament actually works and explained it well.” – Mark Mardell
Lord Kinnocks, Prescotts and families!
Why would Labour be so keen to keep us in tow to Brussels, when such moral, competent statesmen and families could rejected, mocked and scorned-if not imprisoned-here at home?
McShane, Vaz, Mandelson….UKIP need to remind the Left how low they`ve sunk with pondlife spongiforms like THAT!
Can someone please explain how it is possible to be waycist when all the people (or nearly all) are of the same race?
When the UKIP posters talk about ‘Europeans’ taking UK jobs one assumes that they are all Caucasian, and therefore of the same race. Ergo it is impossible to racist as they are the same race as we are.
Not that it stops the Fascists trotting out this meaningless word which appears to be manipulated to fit what ever the bully using it wants it to mean.
When you’re arguing about mass immigration with a “liberal” and winning, he will eventually accuse you of racism. It’s inevitable, like night following day. The Lib-Dems, in particular, are a pathetic bunch of shabby charlatans. None of them have ever done an honest days work in their lives. They are part of a political elite detached from the rest of the population. They have no real arguments just bluster, name calling and bullying.
I agree with nige’!
One thing is very clear in this country: the Left have completely taken control of the media and our universities. When one takes a step back to watch different channels one can see how bad BBC bias is; more and more the BBC are seeking the opinions of its own reporters over experts, referencing hopelessly Left-wing think tanks for analysis and Left politicians and media commentators for debates. If Ukip get big results in both the European and General elections, then we might see the tide turn, as it were, and some sort of fight back. Farage isn’t stupid; he knows what the BBC and Channel 4 are up to.
Channel Four tonight was even worse. Dartmouth dealt with the absurdities of Snow well. Please keep it up liberal media. You are making yourselves look stupid and the panic is obvious.
Change, when it comes , is always fast and quite unexpected. I hope we are at such a moment. The liberal elite never had any depth and certainly no courage. Time to sweep them from public life.
Nothing else will do for old England and our people.
But Jon Snow turned his back on the UKIP bloke, once Snow had been educated re “xenophobia” and “British Jobs for British Workers”…and that mention of Gillian Duffy/Gordon Brown did NOT go down well with the lefty tag team of Snow and Corbett(Labour Euro MEP-Mc Shane/Vaz candidate).
Doesn`t Snow normally wear a white poppy in the small of his back should the Taliban need help in aiming at him?
Nah, the Taliban will keep Snow when they get in/take over…he`s more use to them alive than dead.
If you call liberal brain stem atrophy and spinal corrosion…”life”….more a living death to me….but it pays well enough.
In an almost unbelievable two fingered salute to the Eurosceptics in and supporting his party, leftie Dave has chosen to invite the President of the European Council Herman Von Rompuy to dine & stay with him at Chequers tonight.
Of course the BBC isn’t covering this, no surprises there, but what a time to pick!
For a long time I have been saying that Leftie Dave does not want to be re-elected, and that there is plenty of money waiting for him for his dirty dealings after his stint in office.
It beggars belief that a Prime Minister being forced into third place in the coming elections would further alienate his supporters in this way.
It must present a dilemma for the BBC though, attack a PM of a party they hate, by publicising a visit from someone who pays the bills. Now I would love to have been a fly on the wall when they’re discussing that one !
Yes, UKIP will benefit from Cameron’s political slipperiness on E.U.
Does anyone have an accurate figure on the amount of funding the BBC gets paid from the EU each year ?
Here you go …
And you wonder why the BBC is against a free press and for Leveson.
Thanks Flexdream,
We can now see why the BBC does not ‘bite the hand that feeds it’, namely the EU .
With all that Licence Fee money and EU money you think that they would have checked ‘Jamaica Inn’ before letting it go out . Where are the “Trustees” of the BBC ?
The establishment is getting a bit desperate. And they show it. It’s gonna come quick this change. I think the big three, the MSM and the BBC just don’t realise the anger in the hearts of many people in the UK, particularly England. They can paint it up any way they want. Out of touch and soon out of power. Its the best lesson we can teach them. Take away the power that they have so abused for decades. Even at that I think they are getting away lightly for what they have done to this once safe and independent country.
Who does Beeboid, N. Robinson think he is?:
-finger-pointing a yard away from N. Farage, and interrupting him one second into a response.
I thought Robinson sounded a bit anti-German.
St Georges Day ,tomorrow , have a good celebration , but I doubt the “bunkers” of New Broadcasting House , & that £1 billion pound gaff up Manchester way will give it much thought . Its only for those “Hideously White ” English Scum in their eyes.
Here’s one English town that seems to set an example for St George’s Day:-
“Annual St George’s Day Festival 2014”
From the Land of the Red Dragon – A big Da Iawn ! Well done cousins.
Now, what at are the British Broadcasting Corporation doing to promote British culture ?
It would appear we are the only ones in the street showing our flag.
Germans are white , therefore fair game.
Robinson needed a slap in his stupid chops
I couldn’t condone slapping him, but if I was a prospective BBC journo I would resent such an apparent buffoon as Robinson ‘job blocking’ the prospect of having political journalist who would actually ask questions about politics so as to educate and inform the audience. Instead we get a stuck record speaking and a tin ear listening.
The story of BBC bias over the last 40 years. It had died down a bit with the PC hegemony they’d achieved – ‘we are all cultural Marxists now’. UKIP is something that just sends them doolalley.
If INBBC were really anti-racism, and not anti-white, it would report this-
“New French film tackles grisly anti-Semitic murder.”
the more the left wing liberal controlled media attack nigel farage and ukip, the more popular ukip and nigel farage become,the leftists just down get it do they with there anti ukip propaganda because it just aint working,funny enough,the new labour lot are so thick and dumb that by them attacking ukip means that they are attacking the very party that might let them slip through the back door into no10 by splitting the tory vote,hush i should not of said that the thicko labour lot might catch on to the big mistake there are making attacking ukip,any way bbc and your other media leftie cousins,carry on attacking ukip,the more support they get the better you fools.
If you think they have started now with the anti UKIP propaganda think again, they have probably written off the EURO Election to UKIP in their minds ,the real assault will only commence at the General Election, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet !
Again something strange going on with the comments at the DM.
No one has been able to touch the top rated and pro UKIP comment falling short by 2.5k, but of the 2nd and 3rd best rated (both anti UKIP) if you click on the links of the commentors (English speaker & Dr Ebola) those comments don’t appear in their recent comments list, unlike the top comment by Ted which does. Highly suss and probably MSM orchestrated.