A couple of Tweets from Roger that shed new light on ‘science’ and certainty:
So Roger thinks ‘expert groups’ may be lying to us about just how certain they are about their projections…due to the politics…and Roger himself objects to claims of ‘certainty’ or over confidence in ‘the numbers’….though not when economist Stern tells us we are all going to die in 100 months or so….. but when ‘maverick’ Professor Tol (the green’s new hate figure) Tweets some ‘green’ figures about the costs of global warming suddenly certainty is a questionable virtue.
So the next time the climate lobby tell us global warming may not be scientifically proven beyond all doubt but the risks of not doing anything are just too great to ignore it…..think on…..they’re probably lying.
Seems to be another instance of when the BBC or its favoured sons or daughters do something it’s good, but if their ideological foes do it, it becomes bad.
They can try and spin that as unique, but like predecessor Richard Black’s variably-applied ‘watertight oversight’, mostly it looks like two-faced hypocrisy to suit.
The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch)
Hypocrisy and irony and undiluted ignorant dogma from your worst Orwellian nightmare. It’s all the BBC has to offer these days.
If he’d been working for the BBC, Winston Smith would have topped himself long before opening the first page of his diary.