St George is the patron saint of the Pallies. Now that is a bit of a bugger, as the left, who support the Pallies, also regard those who celebrate St George’s day as far right xenophobes and fascists who must be given no platform for their divisive views. This coming weekend the UAF are mobilising with their Islamic supporters, for a massive demonstration to drive the ‘fascist’ supporters of St George off the streets of Brighton. Look out for BBC reports sympathetic to the UAF. And if violence occurs you can be sure that it will not mention that if those arrested are UAF supporters.
Lies, damned lies and statistics (or possibly just ignorance)… The BBC are continuing to run with the “Britain is not a Christian country” story in their latest article (see Arguably, it’s not too bad by their standards, but they still manage to get in a photographs of two lesbians getting married (sic), the Muslim faithful at prayer and one of a discredited old goat from the CoE. But there is an interesting statistic in the text: we are told that there has been “an increase in the number of Muslims, with the proportion of the population in 2011 standing at 4.8%, or 2.7 million, up 2% or 1.5 million in 2001.” Mathematically, a change from 1.5 million to 2.7 million is not 2% – it is actually an increase of 80%. What they might mean is that Muslims now make up 2% of the total population, but it is certainly not up by 2%, it is up by 80%. A deliberate attempt at misinformation, or an example of straightforward ignorance?
It is really not that difficult once you realise that the figures are based on the proportion of the UK population as at 2001 and 2011.
Using the population figures for Jan 2002 and Jan 2012 (the closest I could find to the relative Census dates) from:
Population Jan 02 was c.59.1m of which 2.8% = 1.65m.
Population Jan 12 was c.62.5m of which 4.8% = 3.00m.
This gives you a rise of 2% as a proportion of population and an increase of 1.35m in absolute numbers.
The figures in the article do not differ significantly.
Of course, the increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise (in absolute numbers) however that is a totally different calculation and is of little value when looking at what proportion of the population declare themselves to be Christian or otherwise at any particular time.
On the subject of difficulty, any thoughts yet on why in your world BBC professional opinion is tickedy boo but BBBC personal posters’ is not?
Or was that a bit of moving on from a different time?
In case it slipped your usually obsessive archive thread trawling:
Do BBC staff, editors, or guests facilitated onto the airwaves never make unsubstantiated assertions?
Yes. Or no?
Do they step back from the rhetoric and provide objective evidence to support claims?
Yes? Or no?
What is your fascination in trolling Albaman? If anyone is guilty of “obsessive archive thread trawling” it is you. Now be a good little chap and take the hint that Albaman is obviously rejecting your advances and leave the debating to the big boys.
“leave the debating to the big boys”
Of course.
This would be ‘debating’ when he, or a ‘spokesperson’, opine or make claims about this site or its posters, but run for cover or call in back up if challenged?
Not keen, sorry.
Guessing no answers likely to be forthcoming to those questions as posed then?
“What is your fascination in trolling Albaman?”
Best question from a Borg Box cycling BBBC troll ever.
Because. It. Clearly. Is. Effective.
Yes, the sort of response you would expect from a 12yo.
Your conspiracy theory that those who disagree must be “Borg Box cycling BBBC” trolls and that it “looks like up to ten of ‘em” are here to “throw up a defensive screen” confirms that you are a deluded infant.
Around a year ago you did this site a big favour by taking a voluntary sabbatical. Maybe now is the time for you to take another break.
“sort of response you would expect from a 12yo”
Got to give you a ‘like’ for that, if only for rather messing with the middle-aged male meme mostly trotted out. Quite put a spring in my step.
“confirms that you are a deluded infant”
Also reminds one who trots out the term ‘confirmation bias’ a lot.
“Around a year ago you did this site a big favour by taking a voluntary sabbatical”
Crikey, did I? And you know not only the duration but reason too? Those notes being taken go back a ways and capture some detail. Especially from one whose presence here at best could be described as rare and/or recent.
All your own work?
“Maybe now is the time for you to take another break”
What, no “Or else”?
Tell you what, getting back to the topic of the BBC, have the site owners ban me for having views you don’t like and can’t deal with.
Shouldn’t be a stretch for you.
Then… sorted!
Scotty trolling under another name again. You can tell it’s him because he’s referencing a contributor’s post from way back which everyone else has forgotten about. That’s Scott, that is!
As usual, Biased BBC’s resident imbeciles confuse their own prejudiced assumptions with evidence.
I wouldn’t expect anything else, to be frank. Andy S’s history of making false accusations that have no supporting evidence is long – and, obviously, still growing…
Flattered, though, that we ‘Biased BBC’s resident imbeciles (who) confuse their own prejudiced assumptions with evidence.’ should be the subjects of your unwavering vigilance.
Get a life, man, and try to refrain from using the nuclear option as your first line of attack!
Albaman is using the statistics for the increase in the Muslim population in a way that I would expect. Ian Rushlow is correct in pointing out that the Muslim population has increased by 80% in a very short time.This is the really important figure. You know it and we know it. The elite refuses to discuss it and smears anyone who does. Foolish and storing up future trouble.
Liberalism at work as usual.
Really – is that why I explicitly said:
“Of course, the increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise…………………..”.
The fact remains that the article was about the religious preferences of the UK population. To say that 3.0m are Muslims does not give the same context as saying 4.8% of the population.
The substance of Rushlow’s post was that the Muslim population is up 80%. This is what matters and what needs to be discussed. The rest is irrelevant, interesting perhaps but unimportant. I suppose in the culture war all the liberal has left is a few statistics. . Like I said long ago. Time to choose sides. The BBC is on the other side. Who will prevail is what matters to this country and it’s people.
Quisling Ablaman, a 2.8% to 4.8% rise in the total proportion of Religion of Peas practitioners is ether a 80% rise in total numbers or a 30% rise in terms of the overall proportion. A 2% rise would be from about 2.8% to around 2.81%.
All the difference in the world between 2% and 81.8%, especially when a specific claim in the article is that a “Rise of other religions” is one of the arguments against Britain being a Christian country. Specifically it is a difference of 1.25 million people, whose leaders and supporters (if not the rank and file) have an agenda that wants to change the culture of the country and has the backing of the political establishment and the media.
As Albaman explained there is a lot of difference between 2% and 81.8%.
Are you so arithmetically challenged that you could not follow his clear workings?
Yeah, the albeeba team work is so obvious.
Composite characters, working on shifts to a predetermined strategy.
Now which organisation would bother to engage in such tactics I wonder?
“increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise (in absolute numbers) however that is a totally different calculation”
No, it’s not a totally different calculation. It’s just another way of saying the same thing more or less. Ian spotted that difference, and you have restated it, not discovered it. You and Ian disagree I think on the BBC’s intention.
The BBC is misleading where it says “up 2%” instead of saying “up from 2%”. A small difference you’d say, but it’s odd how it uses the latter formulation everywhere else in the article for other measures.
‘Of course, the increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise (in absolute numbers) however that is a totally different calculation and is of little value when looking at what proportion of the population declare themselves to be Christian or otherwise at any particular time. ‘
It’s certainly of little value to the BBC as I’ve never heard them mention it – in any context.
Unemployment is running at about 7%; if something drastic happened to the economy and it went up to 14% would the BBC report that it had gone up by 7% or that it had doubled? I’ve no doubts on how they’d play that one.
Time to drop kick the radio!
… BBC 5Live – R,(wanka!) Bacon, continually derides
and sneers at St Georges Day …
… then is going to pretend he knows investigative science?
(that prick couldn t investigate his own piss)
… and then
…. wait for it
… is going to pander to Islamic apologists, give lots of airtime to some useful idiot, because … Ta Ra!
there is no such thing as radical islam? … yep! its all our fault, its foreign policy, its Afghanistan ya da, ya da!
He is the recipient of “the most ignorant, arrogant, snide, patronising twat award”, on BBC today
here it is
1hr 18″ 40 sec
Aran Kandani … book out on Islamofauxbia
the muslims are coming! … UH-OH! 😀
anyone who has a book out that instigated, deliberate wilful, lie? … R Bacon is all ears
this creature can t wait to blame Israel too
R Spencer :-
“Britain is finished; it is a nation of the walking dead, unless it affects a drastic change in its leadership, and the prevailing political culture, and soon.
(Of course, the same could be said of the U.S.)
Here Jack Straw, of all people, asserts that there is a British culture that Muslims must accept, and dares to criticize the imposition of Sharia into British public schools that were the focus of the now-notorious Muslim “Trojan Horse” plot. Straw even ventures to say,( no doubt with trembling, timid voice, that some of those values were “Christian based).” But when David Cameron says that Britain is a “Christian country,” non-Muslims (not Muslims) complain; those non-Muslims will make sure that nothing effective is ever done to stop the assertion of Sharia in British schools and elsewhere”
Oh and “Birmingham MP admits there IS a ‘Trojan Horse’ plot by extremists … will the BBC now stop obfuscating?
stop highlighting/quoting absurd denials, from the bastards who are part of the problem, the plot itself.?
J Straw eh! … that would be … “Blackburn”! J Straw,
(Shakes Head) ..that bastion of Christianity?
and D Camerimam, W Vague, Warsi, Pickles, that fuckwit B Johnson and co
sheesh! even worse
… well! … Mr R Spencer, its hard to disagree
With that in mind that, there IS an Islamic extremist plot
BBC continues now, to push a discrimination type narrative.
BBC 5live reports, from Bham actually on the “godawful” VD show this morning, that some of the “Islamic Trojan Horse” reports have been leaked
… usual Islamobbc fare, of “witchunt”, “discriminatory”, “community fear”, baseless innuendo, to push a victim narrative.
Lets “cut the crap” …
the PROBLEM here is Islamic Extremism, not baseless piffle about offence.
do these reports often change very much when released? … NO! they bloody don t!.
Re confiscated Easter eggs… Cadburys Australia have genuine halal Easter eggs (see Not aware of any complaints by Muslims there of eating them. Perhaps they are not of the Saudi-inspired, British government sponsored, BBC backed variety so much in evidence here.
BBC World News seems to have a slight over staffing problem, as their content choices seem to be stretching editorial rationality to the limit.
On FaceBook the latest two ‘stories’ are an ongoing plea to vote for them in the Webbies awards and the topical tale of being a black man dating a white lady during the apartheid era. Amongst the loons, sex sites and handbag sales posts their output attracts, most posters are asking if they are a bit bereft of content to be dredging this up for zero good reason.
what sickened me this week is the way radio 5 live presenters gave to much airtime to these 50 leftist so called secular plonkers who chose the holy week of easter an important time for christians to attack david cameron for saying the flipping obvious that england is a christian country,the leftist sicko christianaphobes hated that and they came out with a tsunami of hatred and bigotary towards the christian faith,the bbc and radio 5 love these people.but it gets worst,dan snow this bbc upper class twit who us license fee payers fund his lavish lifestlye joined in on the anti christian hatefest,this bbc oik even posted on his twitterfeed that more people in the uk support man utd than practise christianity,but that does not make us a man utd supporting country said the pratt,that sick odious anti christian insulting comment is still up on that bbc moron dan snows twitter feed,imagine his insulting islam and muslims in the same way at ramadan or ied oopps i meant eid,he would be out of a job now and in hiding from muslim extremists,but good old auntie bbc loves to give platform to the bigoted christianaphobes who many work at and are employed by the biased bbc.that just makes my blood boil,sack dan snow i say to the bbc.ok.
Radio 4 1 pm News. Managed to get in a mention of the fact that this is both Shakespeare’s Birthday and St. George’s day. Their take on it – Shakespeare and Science (not, note, culture or literature) and then “Why St George is important to Palestinians.” Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I limit my contact with the BBC to Radio 3. On the breakfast programme this morning – St George’s Day – it celebrated Shakespeare’s birthday which eventually seemed a good excuse for not mentioning St George. But there was a piece for a national hero. Brian Boru! Four letter words.
As an Irishman I’d like to wish all English contributors a Happy St George’s Day. I wish you all the best in promoting your national day, and the joys of being English.
I enjoy St Patrick’s Day but agree with Dick – there is far too much over the top ‘plastic paddyism’ on that day.
Greetings friend!
Don`t know if you saw the “tribute” to the Irish when little Higgins came along to meet the Queen a few weeks back.
Bloody awful-but at least we saw where the likes of Henry Kelly go when they`re no longer relevant( as if he ever was).
They go to the Albert Hall to mime the Auld Triangle, watch kiddies doing steps for Paxman( it`s as if Savile hasn`t happened) and to cheer Princess Michael. And all this to get McGuinness into Windsor Castle.
Plastic paddies indeed-verging on racist patronising bollox I`d say.
Tramp the dirt down on Elvis Costellos career say I…to be sure begorrah Seamus( as the BBC no doubt would have it)
Didn`t our UKIP candidate(Mr Glossop) get his request on for the St Georges Military march?
True subversion-maybe we here at Biased BBC will have to send in requests for songs to herald the Revolution?
Imagine by Lennon may well be the one to send us all over the edge and to the barricades.
Yoko wrote it, so I understand!…Lennon wrote crap about cloudy grapefruits!
I like to rewrite history-the BBC have taught me well!
Actually I must apologise for my somewhat terse words earlier re BBC 5Lives R Bacon …. who did report St Georges day
His slimy deriding of our national day, and the manner to which he did so, then his pretence of knowledge on scientific endeavour was bad enough.
However when that numpty turned up with a book to sell, blatantly dissing Israel, blaming all and everything
instead of the perpetrators of Islamic terrorism … AND
bleating “Islamofauxbia” as if it had any basis in reality?, … as Bacon just massaged his airtime
I like it when Richard Bacon talks about theology, the Popes resignation, astronomy, science, classical music, etc etc. It’s unintentionally hilarious.
‘It is likely that Saint George was born to a Greek Christian noble family in Lydda in Palestine, during the late third century between about 275 AD and 285 AD. He died in the Greek city of Nicomedia in Asia Minor. His father, Gerontios, was a Greek from Cappadocia, an officer in the Roman army; and his mother, Polychronia, was a Greek native of Lydda. They were both Christians from noble families of the Anici, so their child was raised with Christian beliefs. They decided to call him Georgios (Greek), meaning “worker of the land” (i.e., farmer). At the age of fourteen, George lost his father; a few years later, George’s mother, Polychronia, died.[12][13][14][15] Eastern accounts give the names of his parents as Anastasius and Theobaste.[citation needed]’
Oh dear all that education gone to waste
St Patrick was not Irish. He was the son of a Roman decurio and deacon Calpurnis, and was born about 385 AD in Bannavem Taberniae (Ravenglass ?), in Cumbria, ENGLAND !
ALL these supposed saints are a figment of over imaginative, superstitious, medieval minds, quite harmless unless taken too seriously, religion is the preserve of the deluded.
Thanks for contacting us again regarding ‘Woman’s Hour’ broadcast on 26 March.
We’re sorry if you remain concerned by the programme; however having discussed your complaint with the ‘Woman’s Hour’ programme makers, we feel there’s little we can usefully add to the initial response other than to highlight that guest Julie Bindel explicitly says in the programme that she is against ‘all’ religions (so not pro-Islam). We would also like to reiterate that the programme was looking at the specific issue of Islam and women rather than the whole of Islam itself.
At this stage however, if you believe a serious and specific breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines has occurred with this programme and you wish to pursue your complaint further you can contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU), within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation.
None of my specific concerns or questions were answered, just a flat denial, and no response over the presenter saying she would not allow anything negative to be said about Islam – despite her claims to be against it and all religions.
The pro Islam bias in itself is bad, but the standard of response to a legitimate complaint by simply denying everything is akin to a child sticking their fingers in their ears & shouting LA LA LA !
“At this stage however, if you believe a serious and specific breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines has occurred with this programme and you wish to pursue your complaint further you can contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU), within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation.”
And they will find that they are right and you are wrong. Been there done that.
It’s in keeping with every other unaccountable public sector body – totally unwilling to admit when it got it wrong, but very quick to reach for the expensive lawyers to defend the indefensible.
Bodies ostensibly set up to protect us from these public sector bullies became mere facades under the BLiar regime which give the appearance of being there to right wrongs, but in fact only ever find for the public sector decision.
It was good that Radio 5 spent the whole day yesterday in solemn funeral mode on the world shattering news of a football manager getting the sack, they’ve got their priorities right, instead of covering the trivial matter of the up coming Third World War between Russia and America over Ukraine.
No matter what you think about the Man U story it is a big one. Football is massive in this country and being a fan myself it is a big story and just because you don’t like football doesn’t change that.
Just like with Japan and China there isn’t going to be any WW3 over the Ukraine so it is ridiculous to say that. With our global economy there is too much to lose for the establishment so we will never see a major war between major nations again
Football new opium of the masses – but for old reasons
I take your point it is very important to a lot of people just not as universally as R5 would have us believe.
But on the possibility of another major war I think your too optimistic (generally though not in this instance),sometimes money isn’t everything.
No worries. Only guessing, but that extra ‘l’ would suggest the ‘big boys’ have come out to bring their uniquely funded contibution to the ‘debate’ and throw up a defensive screen. You could ask, but it looks like up to ten of ’em. Must be nice to have a limitless budget.
I saw those UKIP posters and they’re not ”da waaycist ” as Mike Gapes labour mp hysterically says, google a photo of him, he looks like a real arse.
If I were designing a UKIP poster, I’d put that Nigerian muslim fellow who beheaded the British soldier on a London street ( Strange how the media has forgotten that victim and not Stephen Lawrence ? ) holding a meat cleaver, blood dripping from his hands with a speech bubble saying ” Allah Akbar ” and underneath I’d have Vote UKIP, that’s all !!
There is some utterly appalling anti-Israeli bias with Gavin Estler on BBC News 24 right now at 19:20. Completely given free reign, a Palestinian spokesman labels Israeli officials as far-Right, against all peace, aggressive with Gavin ‘Right-on’ Estler nodding in agreement. Beyond belief. If you were from Israel watching this, you’d be close to tears with pure rage!
My girlfriend has always voted Liberal. She knows that I have never, ever voted, simply because all those tossers who have been the politicians at the time, in my view, didn’t deserve my vote. Simples. I have suggested several times to her that I might well vote U.K.I.P. in the coming election just to make a point if nothing else. As you can imagine, this hasn’t gone down too well and she even mentioned about U.K.I.P. being anti European and maybe a bit racist and has up until now been, by and large pro Europe. But trouble has just been delivered to her doorstep, or rather her bank balance. You see, my Girlfriend is a professional gardener and has a fair few clients which keep her busy through the gardening months of the year. Yesterday, one of her clients called for a meeting and my girlfriend was informed that she has taken on a migrant worker whom she will pay HALF of what my girlfriend was being paid. Needless to say, my girlfriend is now one day of the week short of her needed income. I pointed out to her when hearing this information, that the U.K.I.P. advert, which the Left (including the BBC) have suggested is racist, is anything but racist but is in fact a factual representation of what is happening. She fell silent when the cold reality of what had happened to her will be happening to many across this country and what effect it will have on her bank balance? I wonder if she will vote U.K.I.P? The ideology she has always voted for has just lost her a job! Hot line to Nick Clegg anyone?
Almost, Snap. My Brother is constantly moaning about being unemployed, whilst his European partner is in a minimum wage job. The sense of irony is somewhat missed, even when I point it out with a very big pointer.
Also my Daughter voted Liberal, because “they were going to do away with university fees” I told her that was never going to happen. My big pointer gets used a fair amount.
The BBC tells us how the Spanish live in London.
Strangely no mention of ‘bedroom tax’, ‘Boris’, ‘enrichment’ etc.
The London Fire Brigade however might think there is a ‘problem’ with 20 residents sharing eight rooms and a kitchen above a car workshop.
1997-2010, Labour openly attacked 2 industries – Construction and IT – under the pretext of targeting tax avoiders
The builders saw their pay undercut firstly by the Irish and then Eastern Europeans
As for the IT sector, they introduced IR35 (a sledge hammer to crack a nut, that has failed), and then fast tracked Indian visas to fill gaps in the sector that never existed (Of course, they accept salaries nearer that of a graduate is coincidence)
In the meantime, Mandelson advised us we could all work in the Marketing sector instead (as we are creating nothing, what are to market exactly).
But then, up pops Paxman to advise us that in that same timescale, the HMRC were advising BBC talent to create limited companies to limit their own tax burden (illegal to IT contractors, legit for BBC cue-card readers? And the rest). I wonder if Dave and Ch4 employees got the same advice?
In addition to what you say about Indian IT imports, at the same time massive scale exporting of UK IT jobs through “offshoreing” also took place. At the large company I worked for we imported an Australian IT director, instead of giving the job to the UK candidate, who then immediately set about exporting 200 jobs to India !
Bias flash report at 19:39. Terrible pro-Russian and anti-American bias from, yes you guessed it again, Gavin Estler reporting to some obviously pro-Eastern Ukrainian reporter. Will this barrage of bias ever end?
So where is the best place to include a photograph of several dozen muslim arses sticking up in the air? Of course, in an article on the relevance of the Christian Faith in modern Britain.
BBC news website home page
“Top Gear ‘regrets’ Myanmar remark”
Why do they put ‘regrets’ in quotes? It isn’t in quotes in the article heading or in the Top Gear statement so why put it in quotes? I honestly have ‘no’ idea
But fair credit to the BBC for giving this story prominence
“Gerry Adams accused of giving IRA orders by ex-IRA man Peter Rogers”
The BBC, not all bad 🙂
Let’s see if the higher ups there think this is as big a story as the Daily Mail calling Ed Milliband’s dad a communist.
Seems like the BBC have decided to drop this story off the headline page. Well, after all what’s the news value in more proof that Adams was active in the IRA?
Meanwhile in other NI news …
“[Republican] ..was shot dead while sitting in a hut at a fuel business off the Springfield Road.”
I wonder what sort of fuel ‘business’ that was. Maybe he was shot while doing his tax return?
I won’t give them any credit unless they run it on radio and TV and give it the same prominence as say, um, let’s think now…….yes, that’s it – the Maria Miller story.
I wonder if the BBC will be reporting this? YET ANOTHER MUSLIM PAEDO GANG!!!! There is a clear epidemic but it’s been brushed under the carpet by the middle class left because it spoils their morning tea, scone and Guardian perusal.
For goodness sakes, how many Muslim paedo gangs have been uncovered? The amount of these disgusting gangs seems to grow in direct ratio with the influx of Muslims.
The number seems to have gone beyond count. The only thing that beggars belief more is the main stream media’s silence on this war crime scale atrocity.
That silence makes them an accessory after the fact.
The BBC may the worst offender ,but not the only one
that should stand in the dock of the Hague along side the perpetrators themselves.
Can’t even be bothered to read them anymore… But one knows that the BBC will use the word ‘British’ to describe suicide bombers and there’ll be a sympathetic tone in the article.
This was covered by Sky this morning. Eamonn Holmes announced feedback from the station’s previous coverage of the issue, probably an hour earlier, but only came up with one email.
I suspect that the feedback was not entirely sympathetic.
……But remember Kirsten Farage is GERMAN, the fact she has lived in the UK for 15 years or more and is married to an indigenous Brit makes no odds to the bBC! Unlike these ‘British’ Muslim’s she’ll never be British, wonder why?
The article was unintentionally enlightening. I say unintentionally as I do not think the BBC means to give us the impresssion that there is an entirely seperate ” community” in this country. This is how it reads .
This is sadly closer to the reality and we all know it. For once the BBC could not avoid this.
Unless this is discussed openely we will go down the path of balkanisation and fracture our country beyond repair.
I hope the liberal elite is satisfied. They are responsible and they , and only they , must one day be held to account. By all of us .Muslim and indigenous.
Let us hope that this is another nail in the coffin of the BBC. Some folks I know, say that the BBC should be protected because only a non commercial broadcaster can offer up a wide range of high quality drama , music etc etc, and that the LF is well worth paying. No matter I hard I try, I can’t get them to realise that the problem with the BBC is not the quality of its drama, or the value for money of the LF, but the bias of its politics which permeates all its output. Perhaps the continued downward trend in the quality of its drama productions etc, will remove the concerns of these innocent but well meaning folks, and erode support for the BBC to a point where it can got rid of.
I used to come across the same arguments but to be honest, hardly ever now. A lot of people on the far left seem to think the BBC with out a licence fee will turn into “Fox News”. Well they can take right wing bias just like I have had to take left wing bias all these years.
If it is “protection of diversity and quality” of output they are worried about make the BBC subscription and they can pay for it.
The BBC hate the idea – for one they will have to cut back their huge empire – one that seems to have its own foreign policy, economic policy and social policy.
But when it comes to pass (and it will) I make one prediction – one service will remain free to view – BBC News. The propaganda must carry on.
What’s wrong with Fox News?
I watch fox everyday.
I know it is a right leaning channel it doesn’t hide from that.
Fox is honest. It does what it says on the tin.
When you watch fox you filter the information knowing it is slanted.
It’s good to be allowed a balance.
The beeb is dishonest. It claims impartiality and yet its bias is so extreme it is to the left of even Red ed.
In the print media we have
The times and the guardian,
The inde and the telegraph
The sun and the mirror
On the TV we have the guardian, the guardian , the guardian and the maybe Today (now defunct centrist paper)
BBC news is the broadcast version of the guardian. In fact they could save us all an awful lot of money by just reading the guardian out loud instead spending millions pretending to have a single independant thought.
Like a citizen of Prague or Berlin before the wall came down our only hope is that the beeb will eventually eat itself like communism did.
Watching the beebs output is bad for my health.
Trying to ignore the hamfisted political messages crudely inserted into all parts of their output is becoming evermore difficult.
Take Sherlock . A great bit of telly spoiled by a very crude depiction of Murdoch in the last series.
Dr who, is no longer a quirky time traveller , he is now some superannuated pacifist preacher.
Robin Hood becomes a multiculti tokenism fest.
Every music history show has to bring up thatcher.
The miners are always Ghandiesque,
Scientist are always evil. Black people are never murders in police shows.
Muslims are never terrorists in spy dramas.
Christians are always looney s or bigots.
Gays are always perfect people with no flaws.
Patronising propaganda at every turn.
Just imagine the miner’s strike hadn’t occured in the early 80s under ‘fatchers’ reign, imagine, if you will, that the coal mines had been left open another 20 years…now imagine how well that industry might have survived under the doctrine of ‘sustainability’ and ‘renewables’.
Would the ‘heroic’ miners of the 80s (now all but sainted into mythology by the progressive narrative) have been quite so lauded a generation later by the new pro-EU fascist ‘green’ left? Or might they instead have found themselves hated figures of an ‘evil fossil fuel industry’..?
That is a very good point and considering the middle class left wingers actually hate the working class unless they are using them they would be thrown to the wolves as they aren’t green.
Channel 4 news did an anti-fracking piece yesterday so it is all related
Let’s settle it with a fifteen round bareknuckle boxing context between Arthur Scargill ( in the Old Labour working class corner) and Marcus Brigstocke ( in the greeny right-on middle class corner).
You know I have long contemplated the end of the BBC or it being forced to become a subscription service, but I stupidly never thought that they might leave the news as free to air. You have upset me with this idea. Once the LF is got rid of I had assumed that the BBC news would be on an equal footing with its competitors, but YOU have upset that nice little apple cart and plunged me into another BBC depression.
Not-on-PAYE-but-still-loyal-employee-of-the-BBC Nicky Campbell likes to ponce about with Twitter – on which platform he cultivates a following of lefty campaigners, odd ball mohammedans and lovers of iddy-widdy-diddle aminals.
In my opinion Campbell’s support for the animal groups is a crafty Bill Clintonesque smoked but didn’t inhale means of signaling his implied support for all ‘progressive’ Leftist issues. He is of course little more than a BBC champagne campaign socialist like most of the rest of them.
Today one of his social media fanboys highlights some story about UKIP MEPs voting against EU measures that in some way touch on the Ivory Trade. (Correct me but I thought it would already be illegal in European jurisdictions and that UKIP habitually vote against all increased EU power over sovereign nations – ie a non-story LibLabCon anti UKIP attack line).
Naturally Campbell is more than happy to trumpet this story in order to stir up his little Twitter coterie.
I am sick to death of paying his BBC wages so that he can campaign for a leftier Britain. Campbell and his female plastic paddy bookends are largely to blame for making BBC 5 Live a no go zone for anyone without the listening sensibillty of a wannabe trendy supply teacher.
Police to encourage muslim women to prevent their relatives from popping off to Syria for a bit of Jihadi fun.
However, BBC picks up complaints from the ‘community’ that it might be seen as criminalizing the little dears. Both the police and the BBC have it wrong. I am sure the mums would love little Ahmed to die and spend eternity shagging virgins, and the police ought to realize that every Jihadist lost in Syria is one less for the protection of his human rights as a returning terrorist. Give ’em the slogan: ‘We don’t want to lose you but we think you ought to go’.
Couldn`t we empty Feltham, and offer them two buses(one Shia, one Sunni) c/o the Home Office to go on an Islam Heritage trail around Syria?
If we tell them that Paul became a “Christian” on the road to Damascus they`ll happily seek out the infidel Jewish bloke, as long as we don`t tell them that he too might be a casualty of the jihad ,by now.
When the twin towers were levelled we were,told to beware of islamophobia. When the Kenya bomb went off we were told to be aware of islamophobia. When the London tube bombs went off we were told to beware of islamophobia. When the Mumbai attacks happened we were told beware of islamophobia when young white girls were groomed by Muslim gangs for sex we were told to be aware of islamophobia, when lee rugby was butchered we were told to be aware of islamophobia,when 178 young Christian girls are kidnapped by Muslim gangs in Nigeria we are told to be aware of islamophobia.
When does a phobia become a sensible distrust of a belief system.
Why shouldn’t we be angry?
How many more have to die or be raped before we say stop?
This is like the Jews in ww2
When they came back with stories of atrocities people thought it can’t be true the Germans are a civilised people.
When news of the death camps started leaking people would still prefer not to was only isolated cases not systematic etc.
Yet now we know it was systematic. Now we know there was a bigger plan.
Think about this. If 178 Muslim girls were kidnapped by a Christian militia do you think ip the news would be buried like the Nigerian news? Do you not think embassies would be burnt and consulates bombed.
Cant you imagine clooney and Redgrave and Damon and the rest of the leftist clitterati demanding answers sanctions intervention.
Yet we have been conditioned to accept this. Oh dear another Muslim atrocity move on.
For god sake look at Scott.
He is a gay person.
If you hadn’t already guessed.
You don’t see him picketing the Saudi or Iranian embassies.
You don’t see him righting letters to the Pakistani governments.
Extreme Islam puts gays to death. A heinous crime. And yet he would rather be on here defending the apologists of islamofascism.
We have all been conditioned to look away for fear of being called racist.
While we look away women are being mutilated and enslaved, non Muslims are being butchered and children raped.
I am not a knee jerk blackshirt.
I am a reasonable person.
I have never even voted tory never mind BNP 🙂
And yet the trolls here will probably attack this post. Ask yourselves this , how can you defend such evil.
If it was your daughter, one day off to school next day taken by a gang of murderous thugs wouldn’t you want the world shouting for their release.
We don’t even whisper in case we upset the religion of peace.
Likewise. No conspiracy in the text. Just facts.
The liberal is not able to absorb facts that conflict with his belief system. Any conflict between reality and liberal beliefs means the facts must be wrong.
Odd really. Almost akin to a form of Gnosticism.
Where’s the conspiracy theory?
Do you question any of the atrocities mentioned?
I am a catholic . My church has had a massive problem with organised paedophilia. It suppressed news of this for too long. Now it is trying to redress the damage it has done. Now it is trying to route out its problems. It may not be perfect but it is trying to change.
With Islam we are not allowed to complain.
With Islam you and your friends on the hard left throw about terms like racist whenever anyone criticises Islam.
We are not allowed to question anything for the sake of community cohesion.
There are many good Muslim people but it would be wrong to pretend that Islam hasn’t got serious structural problems.
You can ignore the problems if you wish .
Me pointing them out doesnt make me a Nazi.
(Don’t forget that the SS had Muslim brigades)
Classic hard leftist,
Talk about feminism but ignore The oppression of women.
Talk about the rights of workers but ignore 21st century slavery.
Talk about pacifism yet ignore suicide bombers and jihadists.
Hypocrisy has always been the strongest suit of the left.
Fling the insults instead of answering the arguments.
Shout people down rather than listen and reply.
Socialism whether modern or mid twentieth century national socialism always prefers to play the man not the ball
The leftie, Nick Cohen, wrote a book about this phenomena: “What’s left?”.
It’s a bit long-winded in places, but, a large part of the book explores why so many so-called “liberals” support Islamic-fascism, despite its record on human rights, women’s rights and its attitude to atheists (seen as an even lower life-form than Christians or Jews) and homosexuals. Logically, “liberals” should abhor Islam.
Cohen’s theory is that “liberals” take the attitude that my enemy’s enemy is my friend – “liberals” see Islam as some sort of ally (despite all evidence to the contrary) because right-wingers see the Islam as a threat.
Liberals are not of the left in the old sense. They are in a world of their own devising. The old left (particularly in Britain) wanted to change the way the country was governed but had no illusions about human nature.
The liberal wants to remake us in some image of his own devising. Heaven on earth possibly?
Insane of course and they are the true heirs of Robespierre , St Just ,Mao, Lenin and the rest. . But in pursuit of this dream the liberal has so damaged Western civilisation that I doubt it will survive.
No that isn’t true.
At the time they were into something they called ‘social engineering’ reading the antics of the Labour NCB head Lord Robens the other day.
The Liberal has a deep seated self loathing, but instead of internalising this hatred it is externalised into destroying everyone else.
Ted Kaczynski wrote about this from his prison cell – still a brilliant mind in spite of his crimes
Did you actually read what I wrote? I used to be an active very left trade unionist. It was all about power nothing else.Nobody I knew wanted to social engineer anything. I have no idea whether the liberal loathes himself or not. What I do know is that the liberal is insane suffering from a mad desire to remake the world.
For god sake look at Scott.
He is a gay person.
If you hadn’t already guessed.
You don’t see him picketing the Saudi or Iranian embassies.
You don’t see him righting letters to the Pakistani governments.
To be fair, most Biased BBC commenters are too busy practising their kneejerk actions and telling themselves they’re right about everything to actually observe anything that actually happens in the real world.
True Scott, but as you pride yourself as being in touch with the real world why are the far left silent about the kidnapping of 178 girls?
If there’s a whale to save or a nasty fracking site to attack they turn up in their 100s yet when there is real world suffering its the three wise monkeys.
They probably blame the systematic rape of Christian girls in Nigeria on American foreign policy.
You usually give a reasonably thought out answer Scott but I think you’ll struggle here because you and your fellow travellers defence of extreme Islam is deluded hypocritical and downright offensive. There is no justification for mutilating young girls . There is no excuse for executing gays. There is no excuse for targeting the innocent. There is no excuse for subjugating women.
I have defended you on this site because I believe you have a brain and are prepared to argue your cause well please explain the lefts love affair with this most authoritarian of religions.
Balance feminism and the Burkha .
Balance gay rights with state sponsored murder
Balance the rights of the workers with modern slavery.
There are plenty of gay people campaigning against human rights abuses in regimes all over the world. This includes, but is not limited to, countries with Islamist regimes.
But Biased BBC is not the forum for rational discussion of that. There are far too many “I don’t care about gay marriage and here are three pages of discussions about how disgusting these people – that I don’t care about – are and how what they get up to in bed – which I don’t care about, but seem to imagine in graphic detail an awful lot – are.”
And you know, just as there are huge variations in views towards homosexuality under the Christian umbrella – from organisations in England and Wales who want to host weddings to celebrate the marriages of some of their congregation, to evangelical sects in Africa actively campaigning for the death penalty for gay people – there too is diversity within followers of the Islamic faith. Many campaigns against human rights abuses don’t get publicised at all in some cases because to do so would put the lives of some campaigners at risk from the laws that we’re trying to fight.
But Biased BBC commenters don’t want to know about that. Their brains seem to able to just about comprehend their own prejudicial theory that “all Muslims are gay-killing terrorists”, and that’s about it.
It was Earth Day 22 April the other day, it was also Lenin’s birthday, what are the chances of that, eh ? what a coincidence !! This is the lyrics to their anthem.
”Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment
Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise
Now we must resolve to protect her
Show her our love throughout all time
With our gentle hand and touch
We make our home a newborn world
Now we must resolve to protect her
Show her our love throughout all time
With our gentle hand and touch
We make our home a newborn world ”
Earth Day – just another offshoot of the ‘Conference of the Parties’ funded and propagated by the taxpayers of the EU and the UN, both socialist, progressive, undemocratic, unelected fascist bureaucracies intent on bringing about the imposition of a ‘one-world’ agenda, the obliteration of national borders, together with a mandated ‘wealth redistribution’ from richer nations to poorer nations.
All of this dangerous political dogma is supported – indeed encouraged and actively propagated – by the BBC, itself funded, once again, by – you guessed it – you and me.
Just a little off-topic here, but definitely BBC-approved:
“…European Election ballot papers may confuse the public into voting for a breakaway party over UKIP, according to Political Betting.
In nine English regions the first party listed on the paper will be “An Independence from Europe Party”, whereas the UK Independence Party (UKIP) will be at the bottom of the paper.”
Wow – crafty, revengeful, sulking deselected UKIP Mike Nattrass – he certainly on target to blag voters who do not check the form correctly, (plenty of them).
Reason for deselection not disclosed (?) – but Birmingham Post states:
Mr Nattrass added: “I belong to a party that now is totalitarian and it will not let the voter speak, because not only have they decided who will stand, they have also decided that the party members who should have a free vote will not get a free vote.”
Mr Farage is an “excellent frontman” but a “very bad leader”, said Mr Nattrass, who could stand as an independent next year.
“He only wants people in the party who absolutely and totally agree with him, so I’m regarded as a troublemaker.”
Surprisingly BBC Points West covered this last night and showed the ballot paper, the names and presentation are highly similar. One wonders who’s funding him?
I would also hazard a guess that were the name similar to either the Conservative or Labour party it wouldn’t have got as far as this….
Those many hundreds of news reporters at the BBC did not point this out this morning when telling me that Labour was ditching the Co-op Bank. From Guido
Iain McNicol’s sham plan to cut Labour’s ties to the Co-op by moving £1.2 million of debt to the Unity Trust bank doesn’t really cut any ties at all. As Faisal Islam reports, as a condition of the banking licence granted to Unity Trust the bank is “controlled” by… the Co-Op
Currently the Co-op Bank seems to be able to appoint people to key and controlling positions in the Unity Trust Bank. But it is now looking to sell its 27% share in the Unity Trust Bank, and since the Unions have the right to buy up any shares sold by the Co-op Bank, then it will almost certainly soon become a bank completely controlled by the Unions.
Now, in all the bulletins I heard on the Today programme, I never once heard mention of Mr Milliband and his fearless team getting even further under the control of the Unions.
But, of course, Mr Milliband spent months, just recently, distancing his party from the Unions and their control….didn’t he ? Well, maybe not, as we can now clearly see. In reality, just about the only people to be fooled by such claims by Mr Milliband were/are the employees of the BBC.
BBC News Channel tells of the killing of separatist militants and a government anti-terror crackdown on said militants.
And yet the BBC report is not marshalling our emotions so as join with our national broadcaster in throwing our full sympathy behind these militants….
Why the sudden lack of humanity, BBC?
We can’t be watching news from Sri Lanka.
We can’t be watching news from Syria.
Mystery solved. We are in eastern Ukraine and the BBC is standing shoulder to shoulder with Wee Willy Hague Call Me Dave and the EU favourite under dog in this no win dog fight in the Don Bas.
Just shows that the useless brigade haven’t got the first clue of what Islam is about, and worse, don’t want to know.
It’s all the usual PC mess up where fascist assumptions are made from a left wing standpoint and imposed from on high without the first clue as to what might happen.
I could check further, but honestly what’s the point. For the BBC it’s notable that he’s a Methodist, and a druggie, barely noticeable that he’s a Labourist and not at all notable that he’s gay. I’d say yet again the BBC has got the balance ‘about right’ (c).
Loved the decoupling of Labour from the travails at the Co-Op, by the BBC.
Important to isolate the contagion as ever with the BBC, especially when Labour and the Co-Op are the Dream Team of liberal media fantasy.
The Hattersley and Kinnock of our time.
NO mention of Flowers as a Labour councillor up in Bradford.
NO mention of Flowers and his Childrens Services/Social Services places at Rochdale-land of grooming Muslims and Cyrils Smith, funnily enough.
NO mention of Flowers and the Co-Op sponsoring all those Labour MPs up to and including the last election…and Ed Balls first among the Brothers to chow down with Uncle Paul for financial gain.
NO mention of all those soft loans to Labour.
NO mention of blowback between the Co-Op and the Labour Party re employment and jobs created for themselves and their “partners”…imagine Pauls were exotic to say the least.
NO clips of Brown, Balls and Miliband doing obeisance to all things Co-Op…their finance models, their lendings, their structures and salaries…their “Role Model Champion” accreditation by Brown , Balls and Miliband re their ethical, green banking models…as opposed to the sticky fingered con men in the City.
“Some day ALL Banks will look like the Co-Ops”.
The very notion of letting this lot near the nations coffers after their Co-Op recommendations…as well as their fixation on all things Hollande(remember him?)…is laughable.
But the BBC won`t laugh…like Mandelas sign-language mockery…the Left don`t do humour at all do they?
Witness Phil Jupitus…I rest my case.
is Obama muslim?… is he not muslim?
where s his birth certificate? … etc etc
hmm All one should think, is would he do anything different if he was?…
He can t bend over and take it in a more grovelling manner than he already does, he can t protect Islam any more than he does now.
“The Leftist media just can’t figure out why people would think Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. They think, as this witless article in Slate shows, that it must be because of his name, or his race. It never occurs to them, or they deliberately wish to obfuscate the fact, that Obama has repeatedly reinforced this impression throughout his presidency. Whether he is a Muslim or not, he has acted favorably toward Islam and Islamic supremacism from the day he took office. Pamela Geller included a lengthy but still partial list of the many ways he has done so in an article she wrote in June 2010:”
BBC’s lunchtime news report on the UK’s counter-terrorism chief’s appeal to Muslim women to ‘spot’ young (potential) jihadists and help stop them leaving the country for Syria (good luck with that one, ladies!).
Except it wasn’t so much about fearing the Jihad they may import to the UK, more a ‘going out there to see what they can do to help’ and ‘the vast majority going out as aid workers’ (no substantiating evidence offered).
Then, right at the end and almost as an afterthought ‘concerns they may bring violence back with them’ – like they’ve seen how hardened football hooligans organise themselves for a bit of a ruck. Suicide bombers? Don’t be daft, lad!
Now I understand, BBC, and consider myself re-educated with nothing to fear.
If these UK traitors want to jihad, to mass murder, rushing over to Syria, stopping them is not the issue, Shouldn t the consideration be them doing it here without going to Syria?
Just heard from the rumour mill that a certain Asian person who I know have has been arrested for postal vote fraud. No surprises there it’s been done by the usual suspects several times before in the past – but here’s the new part which has never been in the press BBC or otherwise, nor the electoral services commission press releases.
The people who rig the ballots have no interest at all in the political process. They aren’t doing this because they want to see a Labour / Liberal / Tory candidate elected. To be honest the more I think about it the more pointless that would be given the number of wards which make up a council.
They are risking a prison sentence because they have a corrupt politician in their pockets, something which I think is even worse than rigging the vote.
Having been the victim of information leaked from the council and finding out what a toothless tiger the Data Protection Act is, I now believe that this leak might well be the result of a corrupt councillor.
The other party made no bones about having someone ‘on the inside’ of the council and being able to get decisions he wanted made / passed, in his favour.
Surely the time has come to have the candidates or elected representatives removed from office and banned from standing for public office for the rest of their lives on the suspicion that they are corrupt.
Innocent until proven guilty? Well vote rigging or an attempt to, should in this case be sufficient to prove the guilt of the candidate.
If they are complicit in the fraud then ban away. Otherwise you will find that votes start getting rigged in order to dump or punish a politician rather than to corrupt them.
If someone at work is stealing – or up to some other no good stuff, then it’s perfectly reasonable for the employer to fire them, based on some evidence, even if that is insufficient to bring a criminal prosecution.
The point is that we as voters are served by these people they are supposed to work for us, and even if there isn’t enough evidence for a prosecution, if there is sufficient for a prima facie case then there should be a removal for office and banning from standing again.
If I accuse you of stealing from work and get some of your colleagues to back me up should you be sacked? Or should you be sacked after being found guilty after a trial?
Or, if it needs spelling out. The local Labour Party organise 20 activists to make accusations about the Tory incumbent. Should the incumbent be sacked just because Labour smeared him?
I sacked someone who worked for me for stealing.
Despite the useless brigades involvement who over the course of a fortnight asked everyday for more & more & more evidence and then amazingly apologised ‘because they didn’t know what they were doing’, I had covert CCTV evidence which would have stood up had I been sued for unfair dismissal.
Prima facie is not a few people making an accusation, it’s more than that, there has to be some evidence even if that is not sufficient for a criminal trial.
I seriously doubt that any rival political party would seek to rig an election of a single candidate in the certain knowledge that the person doing it faces a very short prison sentence and a criminal record.
Even then the council is made up of so many candidates in so many wards that nobbling a single one is not going to change the overall control.
Unfortunately many employers can cite instances of theft by employee and it takes careful handling these days simply to avoid, as you say, a law suit, no matter how vexatious. You are sadly not alone.
As to the politicians I think we may be at cross purposes here. I do not want to live in a society where people are convicted of ‘crimes’ on the basis of accusation only. There has to be evidence and it has to be strong enough to bring a case, i.e. prima facie. The only way of testing that is in court.
One or two celebs have just had the unhappy experience of accusation based trials and it does not bode well for our society.
This is different to dealing with a thief without involving the law. Do we really want the political class making back room deals over who gets tried and who doesn’t where vote rigging is concerned? I’d say not.
Get the evidence, present a case, convict and bang the bastards up.
So, early in this thread there is a debate about the statistics being used to deceive.
I dont need to worry about the percentage rise in Muslims.
Having seen the practical effects of an ideology, established by 7th Century savages, upon our once decent country, 2.7 million is 2.7 million too many!
I am sick and tired and utterly disgusted by the BBC’s sympathetic bias towards Muslims and those so-called ‘British’ men going to Syria to blow themselves up. All day we’ve had this pathetic story concerning our useless police force who are , rather than arresting, deporting or locking up Muslim extremists and throwing away the key, begging Muslim mothers to tell their naughty jihadis to stop going abroad to that holy war (in the BBC’s eyes). Gavin Estler (yet again) was utterly sympathetic in discussions with Muslim community spokespersons practically giving the impression that ‘British’ jihadis are somehow something we can be proud of. They are not, in my opinion. They are scum and I hope they do not return.
Everytime now I turn on the BBC I am noticing a huge increase in Muslim commentators, Muslim reports, and sympathetic packages that seem to portray Muslims as oppressed and harmless peace-lovers. All lies and bias.
How come they`re being allowed to leave during term time then?
These sadsacks have reading ages of 11 at best in general-which is why they`ll die for 72 grapes.
Surely Tower Hamlets and Newham ought to be taking their parents to court for non-attendance at the Trojan Horse Madrassas that they`re supposed to be monitoring.
Seeing as it’s just a rumour I don’t think info like that is a good idea, and to be honest it’s not relevant to the blog, other than it’s happening again.
Having spoken to one of the local councillors tonight, they are well aware it’s going on and that there are two or three people they believe might have been compromised. As they say though “it’s proving it”.
They shouldn’t have to prove it well founded suspicion should be enough.
Great news! The BBC isn’t biased!
It used to be a member of the CBI (The “bosses’ union” in beebspeak). They never made much of a song and dance about that did they, but then that was when the CBI was pro-EU, pro-mass immigration and that was OK.
However the BBC has now got a dose of ‘impartiality’, that wicked CBI has only gone and aligned itself with supporting the union of kingdoms! A step too far for the BBC!
Last item on the Today programme this morning, a comparison of those who went off to fight in the Spanish Civil war in the 1930s, and those “British” lads going off to fight in Syria now. You can imagine the bias for yourselves
BBC keen to promote Cornish independence. As someone who is from the Devon and Cornish border and whose family all come from Stithians, Truro and Plymouth I will tell you this: the vociferous minority are a bunch of prats, many of whom are complete losers, middle class and often, I’ve found, not even from Cornwall (more like London!).
There was a lady allegedly speaking ‘Cornish’ on the Jeremy Vine show today. I think her name was ‘Stewart’, hardly ‘pure wool’, as the French have it!
England, (less Cornwall), is completely populated by immigrants; Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cornwall are home to protected indigenous peoples whose languages and culture must be protected from ‘diversity’ or ‘enrichment’ at all costs.
It is all too complicated for me. I think one needs a bi-polar brain to make sense of it all!
Perhaps Hampstead and Highgate (with parts of Camden Lock and Salford annexed) can seek special minority status because so many of the indigenous residents speak a unique language of Bullshit and possess a Progressive culture not found in other parts of Britain (except possibly Brighton).
I mean, it needs protecting. It would be such a shame if it died out completely…..
The BBC failed to mention that after about 150 years of internal movement since the development of the railways and industrialisation,any celtic bloodline is as diluted as any other part of the UK.
I heard the item while sat in the car marvelling at the utter stupidity and naivety of the BBC types who quite simply have not the first clue of the difference between a 1930s left wing loon and a Jihadist.
Just for a moment imagine the following terrible scenario should come to pass:
Its the not so near future, due to the increasing dhimmitude and anti-semitism of western leaders, Israel is under large scale attack from its Islamic neighbors. The are so desperate for troops that they send out a call for any foreigners who will help them defend their homeland, a sort of modern day Varangian Guard. Numbers of young men from England, disenfranchised by mass immigration and no fans of the ROP decide to reenact the journey of their Saxon and Danish ancestors, making the trek eastwards. They travel to Israel to defend the last outpost of civilization in the east, fighting with courage and ferocity.
Now just imagine how the BBC would cover this, after all, its just lads from places like Bradford, Leeds, Blackburn, traveling to the middle east to fight for a cause they believe in right?
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
St George is the patron saint of the Pallies. Now that is a bit of a bugger, as the left, who support the Pallies, also regard those who celebrate St George’s day as far right xenophobes and fascists who must be given no platform for their divisive views. This coming weekend the UAF are mobilising with their Islamic supporters, for a massive demonstration to drive the ‘fascist’ supporters of St George off the streets of Brighton. Look out for BBC reports sympathetic to the UAF. And if violence occurs you can be sure that it will not mention that if those arrested are UAF supporters.
Lies, damned lies and statistics (or possibly just ignorance)… The BBC are continuing to run with the “Britain is not a Christian country” story in their latest article (see Arguably, it’s not too bad by their standards, but they still manage to get in a photographs of two lesbians getting married (sic), the Muslim faithful at prayer and one of a discredited old goat from the CoE. But there is an interesting statistic in the text: we are told that there has been “an increase in the number of Muslims, with the proportion of the population in 2011 standing at 4.8%, or 2.7 million, up 2% or 1.5 million in 2001.” Mathematically, a change from 1.5 million to 2.7 million is not 2% – it is actually an increase of 80%. What they might mean is that Muslims now make up 2% of the total population, but it is certainly not up by 2%, it is up by 80%. A deliberate attempt at misinformation, or an example of straightforward ignorance?
Misinformation. The BBC can no longer be trusted over anything.
It is really not that difficult once you realise that the figures are based on the proportion of the UK population as at 2001 and 2011.
Using the population figures for Jan 2002 and Jan 2012 (the closest I could find to the relative Census dates) from:
Population Jan 02 was c.59.1m of which 2.8% = 1.65m.
Population Jan 12 was c.62.5m of which 4.8% = 3.00m.
This gives you a rise of 2% as a proportion of population and an increase of 1.35m in absolute numbers.
The figures in the article do not differ significantly.
Of course, the increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise (in absolute numbers) however that is a totally different calculation and is of little value when looking at what proportion of the population declare themselves to be Christian or otherwise at any particular time.
On the subject of difficulty, any thoughts yet on why in your world BBC professional opinion is tickedy boo but BBBC personal posters’ is not?
Or was that a bit of moving on from a different time?
In case it slipped your usually obsessive archive thread trawling:
Do BBC staff, editors, or guests facilitated onto the airwaves never make unsubstantiated assertions?
Yes. Or no?
Do they step back from the rhetoric and provide objective evidence to support claims?
Yes? Or no?
What is your fascination in trolling Albaman? If anyone is guilty of “obsessive archive thread trawling” it is you. Now be a good little chap and take the hint that Albaman is obviously rejecting your advances and leave the debating to the big boys.
“leave the debating to the big boys”
Of course.
This would be ‘debating’ when he, or a ‘spokesperson’, opine or make claims about this site or its posters, but run for cover or call in back up if challenged?
Not keen, sorry.
Guessing no answers likely to be forthcoming to those questions as posed then?
“What is your fascination in trolling Albaman?”
Best question from a Borg Box cycling BBBC troll ever.
Because. It. Clearly. Is. Effective.
“Because. It. Clearly. Is. Effective. ”
Yes, the sort of response you would expect from a 12yo.
Your conspiracy theory that those who disagree must be “Borg Box cycling BBBC” trolls and that it “looks like up to ten of ‘em” are here to “throw up a defensive screen” confirms that you are a deluded infant.
Around a year ago you did this site a big favour by taking a voluntary sabbatical. Maybe now is the time for you to take another break.
Ohk noooo ! allbutts now has a side *rick! dam Scotty you need to troll for the BBC on double time to pay for these hangers on !
“sort of response you would expect from a 12yo”
Got to give you a ‘like’ for that, if only for rather messing with the middle-aged male meme mostly trotted out. Quite put a spring in my step.
“confirms that you are a deluded infant”
Also reminds one who trots out the term ‘confirmation bias’ a lot.
“Around a year ago you did this site a big favour by taking a voluntary sabbatical”
Crikey, did I? And you know not only the duration but reason too? Those notes being taken go back a ways and capture some detail. Especially from one whose presence here at best could be described as rare and/or recent.
All your own work?
“Maybe now is the time for you to take another break”
What, no “Or else”?
Tell you what, getting back to the topic of the BBC, have the site owners ban me for having views you don’t like and can’t deal with.
Shouldn’t be a stretch for you.
Then… sorted!
Scotty trolling under another name again. You can tell it’s him because he’s referencing a contributor’s post from way back which everyone else has forgotten about. That’s Scott, that is!
No it wasn’t.
As usual, Biased BBC’s resident imbeciles confuse their own prejudiced assumptions with evidence.
I wouldn’t expect anything else, to be frank. Andy S’s history of making false accusations that have no supporting evidence is long – and, obviously, still growing…
Bloody ell, it’s Scott in Genie-of-the-Lamp mode.
Flattered, though, that we ‘Biased BBC’s resident imbeciles (who) confuse their own prejudiced assumptions with evidence.’ should be the subjects of your unwavering vigilance.
Get a life, man, and try to refrain from using the nuclear option as your first line of attack!
Bloody ell, it’s Scott in Genie-of-the-Lamp mode.
Because Andy S and the rest of the lunatic squadron should just be allowed to lie about people without challenge, I suppose.
Albaman is using the statistics for the increase in the Muslim population in a way that I would expect. Ian Rushlow is correct in pointing out that the Muslim population has increased by 80% in a very short time.This is the really important figure. You know it and we know it. The elite refuses to discuss it and smears anyone who does. Foolish and storing up future trouble.
Liberalism at work as usual.
Really – is that why I explicitly said:
“Of course, the increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise…………………..”.
The fact remains that the article was about the religious preferences of the UK population. To say that 3.0m are Muslims does not give the same context as saying 4.8% of the population.
The substance of Rushlow’s post was that the Muslim population is up 80%. This is what matters and what needs to be discussed. The rest is irrelevant, interesting perhaps but unimportant. I suppose in the culture war all the liberal has left is a few statistics. . Like I said long ago. Time to choose sides. The BBC is on the other side. Who will prevail is what matters to this country and it’s people.
Quisling Ablaman, a 2.8% to 4.8% rise in the total proportion of Religion of Peas practitioners is ether a 80% rise in total numbers or a 30% rise in terms of the overall proportion. A 2% rise would be from about 2.8% to around 2.81%.
All the difference in the world between 2% and 81.8%, especially when a specific claim in the article is that a “Rise of other religions” is one of the arguments against Britain being a Christian country. Specifically it is a difference of 1.25 million people, whose leaders and supporters (if not the rank and file) have an agenda that wants to change the culture of the country and has the backing of the political establishment and the media.
As Albaman explained there is a lot of difference between 2% and 81.8%.
Are you so arithmetically challenged that you could not follow his clear workings?
Name shifting trolls are busy on this site tonight.
Yeah, the albeeba team work is so obvious.
Composite characters, working on shifts to a predetermined strategy.
Now which organisation would bother to engage in such tactics I wonder?
“increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise (in absolute numbers) however that is a totally different calculation”
No, it’s not a totally different calculation. It’s just another way of saying the same thing more or less. Ian spotted that difference, and you have restated it, not discovered it. You and Ian disagree I think on the BBC’s intention.
The BBC is misleading where it says “up 2%” instead of saying “up from 2%”. A small difference you’d say, but it’s odd how it uses the latter formulation everywhere else in the article for other measures.
oops “up from 2%” should be “up from 2.8%”
‘Of course, the increase from 1.65m to 3.0m does equal an 81.8% rise (in absolute numbers) however that is a totally different calculation and is of little value when looking at what proportion of the population declare themselves to be Christian or otherwise at any particular time. ‘
It’s certainly of little value to the BBC as I’ve never heard them mention it – in any context.
West Albaniaman making an arse of himself as per usual.
Had Droidnews called the rise ‘two percentage points’ they would have got away with it.
The ‘up 2%; is just wrong.
I put it down to rank ignorance by the droids tho.
If the mortgage rate went up from 5% to 6%, that’s a rise of one percentage point.
But it means that a person paying £500 a month at 5% would be paying £600 a month at 6%. That is a rise of 20% in the amount payable.
Unemployment is running at about 7%; if something drastic happened to the economy and it went up to 14% would the BBC report that it had gone up by 7% or that it had doubled? I’ve no doubts on how they’d play that one.
Depends on whicht party were in Govt !
“The Islamisation of Britain (Part 4): 2013 in Review”
It’s deliberate!
Time to drop kick the radio!
… BBC 5Live – R,(wanka!) Bacon, continually derides
and sneers at St Georges Day …
… then is going to pretend he knows investigative science?
(that prick couldn t investigate his own piss)
… and then
…. wait for it
… is going to pander to Islamic apologists, give lots of airtime to some useful idiot, because … Ta Ra!
there is no such thing as radical islam? … yep! its all our fault, its foreign policy, its Afghanistan ya da, ya da!
He is the recipient of “the most ignorant, arrogant, snide, patronising twat award”, on BBC today
here it is
1hr 18″ 40 sec
Aran Kandani … book out on Islamofauxbia
the muslims are coming! … UH-OH! 😀
anyone who has a book out that instigated, deliberate wilful, lie? … R Bacon is all ears
this creature can t wait to blame Israel too
R Spencer :-
“Britain is finished; it is a nation of the walking dead, unless it affects a drastic change in its leadership, and the prevailing political culture, and soon.
(Of course, the same could be said of the U.S.)
Here Jack Straw, of all people, asserts that there is a British culture that Muslims must accept, and dares to criticize the imposition of Sharia into British public schools that were the focus of the now-notorious Muslim “Trojan Horse” plot. Straw even ventures to say,( no doubt with trembling, timid voice, that some of those values were “Christian based).” But when David Cameron says that Britain is a “Christian country,” non-Muslims (not Muslims) complain; those non-Muslims will make sure that nothing effective is ever done to stop the assertion of Sharia in British schools and elsewhere”
Oh and “Birmingham MP admits there IS a ‘Trojan Horse’ plot by extremists … will the BBC now stop obfuscating?
stop highlighting/quoting absurd denials, from the bastards who are part of the problem, the plot itself.?
J Straw eh! … that would be … “Blackburn”! J Straw,
(Shakes Head) ..that bastion of Christianity?
and D Camerimam, W Vague, Warsi, Pickles, that fuckwit B Johnson and co
sheesh! even worse
… well! … Mr R Spencer, its hard to disagree
With that in mind that, there IS an Islamic extremist plot
BBC continues now, to push a discrimination type narrative.
BBC 5live reports, from Bham actually on the “godawful” VD show this morning, that some of the “Islamic Trojan Horse” reports have been leaked
… usual Islamobbc fare, of “witchunt”, “discriminatory”, “community fear”, baseless innuendo, to push a victim narrative.
Lets “cut the crap” …
the PROBLEM here is Islamic Extremism, not baseless piffle about offence.
do these reports often change very much when released? … NO! they bloody don t!.
shame on the BBC … today especially R Bacon
Re confiscated Easter eggs… Cadburys Australia have genuine halal Easter eggs (see Not aware of any complaints by Muslims there of eating them. Perhaps they are not of the Saudi-inspired, British government sponsored, BBC backed variety so much in evidence here.
BBC World News seems to have a slight over staffing problem, as their content choices seem to be stretching editorial rationality to the limit.
On FaceBook the latest two ‘stories’ are an ongoing plea to vote for them in the Webbies awards and the topical tale of being a black man dating a white lady during the apartheid era. Amongst the loons, sex sites and handbag sales posts their output attracts, most posters are asking if they are a bit bereft of content to be dredging this up for zero good reason.… birminghams no1 homophobe and hero of the far left had died
I don’t mean to be disrespectful but…
Are they going to cremate that bloody awful syrup with him?
Doubt it. Someone will cry bloody murder that it’s some sort of animal that deserves a more dignified burial, or something of the kind.
what sickened me this week is the way radio 5 live presenters gave to much airtime to these 50 leftist so called secular plonkers who chose the holy week of easter an important time for christians to attack david cameron for saying the flipping obvious that england is a christian country,the leftist sicko christianaphobes hated that and they came out with a tsunami of hatred and bigotary towards the christian faith,the bbc and radio 5 love these people.but it gets worst,dan snow this bbc upper class twit who us license fee payers fund his lavish lifestlye joined in on the anti christian hatefest,this bbc oik even posted on his twitterfeed that more people in the uk support man utd than practise christianity,but that does not make us a man utd supporting country said the pratt,that sick odious anti christian insulting comment is still up on that bbc moron dan snows twitter feed,imagine his insulting islam and muslims in the same way at ramadan or ied oopps i meant eid,he would be out of a job now and in hiding from muslim extremists,but good old auntie bbc loves to give platform to the bigoted christianaphobes who many work at and are employed by the biased bbc.that just makes my blood boil,sack dan snow i say to the bbc.ok.
FFS can someone give this utter imbecile a grammar lesson!
Full stops, punctuation and sense are English not the utter gibberish. Sounds like he did the sound on Jamaica Inn!
That old patrician class snobbery rears it head again – you bourgeois fauxcialists just cant help yourselves – learnt at your mothers knee I guess.
Probably typed on small phone on the move, which is difficult at the best of times…
We’re not all lucky enough to sit infront of a publically funded desktop in an ergonomially designed chair ….
Radio 4 1 pm News. Managed to get in a mention of the fact that this is both Shakespeare’s Birthday and St. George’s day. Their take on it – Shakespeare and Science (not, note, culture or literature) and then “Why St George is important to Palestinians.” Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
On St.Patricks Day the BBC never shut their fucking mouths about it …………St Georges Day barely a squeak!!!
I limit my contact with the BBC to Radio 3. On the breakfast programme this morning – St George’s Day – it celebrated Shakespeare’s birthday which eventually seemed a good excuse for not mentioning St George. But there was a piece for a national hero. Brian Boru! Four letter words.
As an Irishman I’d like to wish all English contributors a Happy St George’s Day. I wish you all the best in promoting your national day, and the joys of being English.
I enjoy St Patrick’s Day but agree with Dick – there is far too much over the top ‘plastic paddyism’ on that day.
Greetings friend!
Don`t know if you saw the “tribute” to the Irish when little Higgins came along to meet the Queen a few weeks back.
Bloody awful-but at least we saw where the likes of Henry Kelly go when they`re no longer relevant( as if he ever was).
They go to the Albert Hall to mime the Auld Triangle, watch kiddies doing steps for Paxman( it`s as if Savile hasn`t happened) and to cheer Princess Michael. And all this to get McGuinness into Windsor Castle.
Plastic paddies indeed-verging on racist patronising bollox I`d say.
Tramp the dirt down on Elvis Costellos career say I…to be sure begorrah Seamus( as the BBC no doubt would have it)
Didn`t our UKIP candidate(Mr Glossop) get his request on for the St Georges Military march?
True subversion-maybe we here at Biased BBC will have to send in requests for songs to herald the Revolution?
Imagine by Lennon may well be the one to send us all over the edge and to the barricades.
Yoko wrote it, so I understand!…Lennon wrote crap about cloudy grapefruits!
I like to rewrite history-the BBC have taught me well!
Yes he did…1 hr 27 mins in on Radio 3 today.
The Standard of St George by Kenneth Alford!
The UKIP anthem maybe?
UKIP is a national party or are you saying its only English?
Are yousaying a national party should not celibrate St Gearges day?
Actually I must apologise for my somewhat terse words earlier re BBC 5Lives R Bacon …. who did report St Georges day
His slimy deriding of our national day, and the manner to which he did so, then his pretence of knowledge on scientific endeavour was bad enough.
However when that numpty turned up with a book to sell, blatantly dissing Israel, blaming all and everything
instead of the perpetrators of Islamic terrorism … AND
bleating “Islamofauxbia” as if it had any basis in reality?, … as Bacon just massaged his airtime
… I have to digress, bias-bloggers that WAS IT!
I like it when Richard Bacon talks about theology, the Popes resignation, astronomy, science, classical music, etc etc. It’s unintentionally hilarious.
St George didn’t exist. St Patrick did. And changed history. And the Irish have had to leave in millions so they brought celebrating global.
St George is stuck with BNP numpties. No contest.
‘It is likely that Saint George was born to a Greek Christian noble family in Lydda in Palestine, during the late third century between about 275 AD and 285 AD. He died in the Greek city of Nicomedia in Asia Minor. His father, Gerontios, was a Greek from Cappadocia, an officer in the Roman army; and his mother, Polychronia, was a Greek native of Lydda. They were both Christians from noble families of the Anici, so their child was raised with Christian beliefs. They decided to call him Georgios (Greek), meaning “worker of the land” (i.e., farmer). At the age of fourteen, George lost his father; a few years later, George’s mother, Polychronia, died.[12][13][14][15] Eastern accounts give the names of his parents as Anastasius and Theobaste.[citation needed]’
Oh dear all that education gone to waste
St Patrick was not Irish. He was the son of a Roman decurio and deacon Calpurnis, and was born about 385 AD in Bannavem Taberniae (Ravenglass ?), in Cumbria, ENGLAND !
‘Spud thick Mick – thinks with his prick’
You English, Lenovo? Or as Chinese as the pc manufacturer whose name you’ve bizarrely borrowed?
And your version of Irish history is round about Year 8 NUT/Sinn Fein-interpreted level.
ALL these supposed saints are a figment of over imaginative, superstitious, medieval minds, quite harmless unless taken too seriously, religion is the preserve of the deluded.
Like Deja Vu reading a new thread with the number of old ones being rehashed on it!
How about this for a response:
Thanks for contacting us again regarding ‘Woman’s Hour’ broadcast on 26 March.
We’re sorry if you remain concerned by the programme; however having discussed your complaint with the ‘Woman’s Hour’ programme makers, we feel there’s little we can usefully add to the initial response other than to highlight that guest Julie Bindel explicitly says in the programme that she is against ‘all’ religions (so not pro-Islam). We would also like to reiterate that the programme was looking at the specific issue of Islam and women rather than the whole of Islam itself.
At this stage however, if you believe a serious and specific breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines has occurred with this programme and you wish to pursue your complaint further you can contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU), within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation.
None of my specific concerns or questions were answered, just a flat denial, and no response over the presenter saying she would not allow anything negative to be said about Islam – despite her claims to be against it and all religions.
The pro Islam bias in itself is bad, but the standard of response to a legitimate complaint by simply denying everything is akin to a child sticking their fingers in their ears & shouting LA LA LA !
“At this stage however, if you believe a serious and specific breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines has occurred with this programme and you wish to pursue your complaint further you can contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU), within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation.”
And they will find that they are right and you are wrong. Been there done that.
It’s in keeping with every other unaccountable public sector body – totally unwilling to admit when it got it wrong, but very quick to reach for the expensive lawyers to defend the indefensible.
Bodies ostensibly set up to protect us from these public sector bullies became mere facades under the BLiar regime which give the appearance of being there to right wrongs, but in fact only ever find for the public sector decision.
Privatise everything !
It was good that Radio 5 spent the whole day yesterday in solemn funeral mode on the world shattering news of a football manager getting the sack, they’ve got their priorities right, instead of covering the trivial matter of the up coming Third World War between Russia and America over Ukraine.
Yep – it was absolutely baffling. I really couldn’t believe that ALL DAY the BBC’s news bulletins were dominated by this complete non-story.
No matter what you think about the Man U story it is a big one. Football is massive in this country and being a fan myself it is a big story and just because you don’t like football doesn’t change that.
Just like with Japan and China there isn’t going to be any WW3 over the Ukraine so it is ridiculous to say that. With our global economy there is too much to lose for the establishment so we will never see a major war between major nations again
Football new opium of the masses – but for old reasons
I take your point it is very important to a lot of people just not as universally as R5 would have us believe.
But on the possibility of another major war I think your too optimistic (generally though not in this instance),sometimes money isn’t everything.
Simon ”Football is massive in this country and being a fan myself it is a big story .”
Bread and Circuses.
” there isn’t going to be any WW3 over the Ukraine so it is ridiculous to say that.”
I suspect they said the same thing in 1913.
Thoughtful says:
April 23, 2014 at 6:35 pm
Like Deja Vu reading a new thread with the number of old ones being rehashed on it!
Thoughtfull says:
April 23, 2014 at 6:49 pm
Thoughtful says:
April 23, 2014 at 6:35 pm
Guessing a night of repeats ahead. Very BBC.
not my doing! I’d have had to have typed it twice to get a second one after a different post.
No worries. Only guessing, but that extra ‘l’ would suggest the ‘big boys’ have come out to bring their uniquely funded contibution to the ‘debate’ and throw up a defensive screen. You could ask, but it looks like up to ten of ’em. Must be nice to have a limitless budget.
I saw those UKIP posters and they’re not ”da waaycist ” as Mike Gapes labour mp hysterically says, google a photo of him, he looks like a real arse.
If I were designing a UKIP poster, I’d put that Nigerian muslim fellow who beheaded the British soldier on a London street ( Strange how the media has forgotten that victim and not Stephen Lawrence ? ) holding a meat cleaver, blood dripping from his hands with a speech bubble saying ” Allah Akbar ” and underneath I’d have Vote UKIP, that’s all !!
He looks like a man who ate all the pies to me. A typical labourite who fills his face at every free feed he can get his gob around!
‘Allah akhbar sp?’ or as Droidnews lied…
‘…shouting political slogans’.
Nice the way they fall over themselves to give succour to our enemies
There is some utterly appalling anti-Israeli bias with Gavin Estler on BBC News 24 right now at 19:20. Completely given free reign, a Palestinian spokesman labels Israeli officials as far-Right, against all peace, aggressive with Gavin ‘Right-on’ Estler nodding in agreement. Beyond belief. If you were from Israel watching this, you’d be close to tears with pure rage!
Am uncertain over this one but it had be questioning,
Is this – “Caring men have more ‘cojones’, Nick Clegg’s wife Miriam says”
– actually news?
Or is it only newsworthy because it happens to fit the BBCs cultural agenda.
It’s just that Cleggs wife has to root in her husbands spacesuit, that is if he ever actually returns to planet earth !
Prediction: He’ll have a lot more time to spend with the kids come next May.
Complete and utter SNP bias on, yes you guessed it, BBC 24 with Gavin ‘Right-on Metro-Trendy’ Estler. Just terrible.
My girlfriend has always voted Liberal. She knows that I have never, ever voted, simply because all those tossers who have been the politicians at the time, in my view, didn’t deserve my vote. Simples. I have suggested several times to her that I might well vote U.K.I.P. in the coming election just to make a point if nothing else. As you can imagine, this hasn’t gone down too well and she even mentioned about U.K.I.P. being anti European and maybe a bit racist and has up until now been, by and large pro Europe. But trouble has just been delivered to her doorstep, or rather her bank balance. You see, my Girlfriend is a professional gardener and has a fair few clients which keep her busy through the gardening months of the year. Yesterday, one of her clients called for a meeting and my girlfriend was informed that she has taken on a migrant worker whom she will pay HALF of what my girlfriend was being paid. Needless to say, my girlfriend is now one day of the week short of her needed income. I pointed out to her when hearing this information, that the U.K.I.P. advert, which the Left (including the BBC) have suggested is racist, is anything but racist but is in fact a factual representation of what is happening. She fell silent when the cold reality of what had happened to her will be happening to many across this country and what effect it will have on her bank balance? I wonder if she will vote U.K.I.P? The ideology she has always voted for has just lost her a job! Hot line to Nick Clegg anyone?
Almost, Snap. My Brother is constantly moaning about being unemployed, whilst his European partner is in a minimum wage job. The sense of irony is somewhat missed, even when I point it out with a very big pointer.
Also my Daughter voted Liberal, because “they were going to do away with university fees” I told her that was never going to happen. My big pointer gets used a fair amount.
The BBC tells us how the Spanish live in London.
Strangely no mention of ‘bedroom tax’, ‘Boris’, ‘enrichment’ etc.
The London Fire Brigade however might think there is a ‘problem’ with 20 residents sharing eight rooms and a kitchen above a car workshop.
1997-2010, Labour openly attacked 2 industries – Construction and IT – under the pretext of targeting tax avoiders
The builders saw their pay undercut firstly by the Irish and then Eastern Europeans
As for the IT sector, they introduced IR35 (a sledge hammer to crack a nut, that has failed), and then fast tracked Indian visas to fill gaps in the sector that never existed (Of course, they accept salaries nearer that of a graduate is coincidence)
In the meantime, Mandelson advised us we could all work in the Marketing sector instead (as we are creating nothing, what are to market exactly).
But then, up pops Paxman to advise us that in that same timescale, the HMRC were advising BBC talent to create limited companies to limit their own tax burden (illegal to IT contractors, legit for BBC cue-card readers? And the rest). I wonder if Dave and Ch4 employees got the same advice?
In addition to what you say about Indian IT imports, at the same time massive scale exporting of UK IT jobs through “offshoreing” also took place. At the large company I worked for we imported an Australian IT director, instead of giving the job to the UK candidate, who then immediately set about exporting 200 jobs to India !
Tax is for the bankers and scummy unwashed people and not our left wing betters….
You have a girl friend?
Jesus wept.
You have a point ?
Generally I mean not just here.
He probably assumed blokes would only have boyfriends.
I think he had a point once as Nicked Emus, though it wasn’t much of one.
Bias flash report at 19:39. Terrible pro-Russian and anti-American bias from, yes you guessed it again, Gavin Estler reporting to some obviously pro-Eastern Ukrainian reporter. Will this barrage of bias ever end?
So where is the best place to include a photograph of several dozen muslim arses sticking up in the air? Of course, in an article on the relevance of the Christian Faith in modern Britain.
BBC news website home page
“Top Gear ‘regrets’ Myanmar remark”
Why do they put ‘regrets’ in quotes? It isn’t in quotes in the article heading or in the Top Gear statement so why put it in quotes? I honestly have ‘no’ idea
“I honestly have ‘no’ idea, what ”no’ idea’ or “”no’ idea'””?
I for one have …sorry my “‘regrets'”
But fair credit to the BBC for giving this story prominence
“Gerry Adams accused of giving IRA orders by ex-IRA man Peter Rogers”
The BBC, not all bad 🙂
Let’s see if the higher ups there think this is as big a story as the Daily Mail calling Ed Milliband’s dad a communist.
Seems like the BBC have decided to drop this story off the headline page. Well, after all what’s the news value in more proof that Adams was active in the IRA?
Meanwhile in other NI news …
“[Republican] ..was shot dead while sitting in a hut at a fuel business off the Springfield Road.”
I wonder what sort of fuel ‘business’ that was. Maybe he was shot while doing his tax return?
I won’t give them any credit unless they run it on radio and TV and give it the same prominence as say, um, let’s think now…….yes, that’s it – the Maria Miller story.
It would appear the bBC have finally found an immigrant they don’t want working in Britain…… Mrs Farage !
I wonder if the BBC will be reporting this? YET ANOTHER MUSLIM PAEDO GANG!!!! There is a clear epidemic but it’s been brushed under the carpet by the middle class left because it spoils their morning tea, scone and Guardian perusal.
For goodness sakes, how many Muslim paedo gangs have been uncovered? The amount of these disgusting gangs seems to grow in direct ratio with the influx of Muslims.
The number seems to have gone beyond count. The only thing that beggars belief more is the main stream media’s silence on this war crime scale atrocity.
That silence makes them an accessory after the fact.
The BBC may the worst offender ,but not the only one
that should stand in the dock of the Hague along side the perpetrators themselves.
Iraq Inquiry – Blair back in the spotlight, but BBC not going for him like msm and Sky:
If Gorgeous George has his way, looks like Blair is really in for a few remorseful sleepless nights:
Investment, good for jobs, good for the economy, modernising…guess which is the only political party to get named in this little bit of good news?…
Notice how the often heard/read phrase “Tory-led Coalition Government” doesn’t get used for this piece.
Good spot. It’s so blatantly written by a labourista.
Can’t even be bothered to read them anymore… But one knows that the BBC will use the word ‘British’ to describe suicide bombers and there’ll be a sympathetic tone in the article.
This was covered by Sky this morning. Eamonn Holmes announced feedback from the station’s previous coverage of the issue, probably an hour earlier, but only came up with one email.
I suspect that the feedback was not entirely sympathetic.
……But remember Kirsten Farage is GERMAN, the fact she has lived in the UK for 15 years or more and is married to an indigenous Brit makes no odds to the bBC! Unlike these ‘British’ Muslim’s she’ll never be British, wonder why?
The article was unintentionally enlightening. I say unintentionally as I do not think the BBC means to give us the impresssion that there is an entirely seperate ” community” in this country. This is how it reads .
This is sadly closer to the reality and we all know it. For once the BBC could not avoid this.
Unless this is discussed openely we will go down the path of balkanisation and fracture our country beyond repair.
I hope the liberal elite is satisfied. They are responsible and they , and only they , must one day be held to account. By all of us .Muslim and indigenous.
They’re not useful for anything anymore as standards continue to fall…
Movies are afflicted with this as well. Mumbled dialogue resulting on overuse of the rewind button.
Sad state of affairs when the dialogue from an old optical sound track is easier to follow.
Let us hope that this is another nail in the coffin of the BBC. Some folks I know, say that the BBC should be protected because only a non commercial broadcaster can offer up a wide range of high quality drama , music etc etc, and that the LF is well worth paying. No matter I hard I try, I can’t get them to realise that the problem with the BBC is not the quality of its drama, or the value for money of the LF, but the bias of its politics which permeates all its output. Perhaps the continued downward trend in the quality of its drama productions etc, will remove the concerns of these innocent but well meaning folks, and erode support for the BBC to a point where it can got rid of.
I used to come across the same arguments but to be honest, hardly ever now. A lot of people on the far left seem to think the BBC with out a licence fee will turn into “Fox News”. Well they can take right wing bias just like I have had to take left wing bias all these years.
If it is “protection of diversity and quality” of output they are worried about make the BBC subscription and they can pay for it.
The BBC hate the idea – for one they will have to cut back their huge empire – one that seems to have its own foreign policy, economic policy and social policy.
But when it comes to pass (and it will) I make one prediction – one service will remain free to view – BBC News. The propaganda must carry on.
Spot on Frank – ‘one that seems to have its own foreign policy, economic policy and social policy’
What’s wrong with Fox News?
I watch fox everyday.
I know it is a right leaning channel it doesn’t hide from that.
Fox is honest. It does what it says on the tin.
When you watch fox you filter the information knowing it is slanted.
It’s good to be allowed a balance.
The beeb is dishonest. It claims impartiality and yet its bias is so extreme it is to the left of even Red ed.
In the print media we have
The times and the guardian,
The inde and the telegraph
The sun and the mirror
On the TV we have the guardian, the guardian , the guardian and the maybe Today (now defunct centrist paper)
BBC news is the broadcast version of the guardian. In fact they could save us all an awful lot of money by just reading the guardian out loud instead spending millions pretending to have a single independant thought.
Like a citizen of Prague or Berlin before the wall came down our only hope is that the beeb will eventually eat itself like communism did.
Watching the beebs output is bad for my health.
Trying to ignore the hamfisted political messages crudely inserted into all parts of their output is becoming evermore difficult.
Take Sherlock . A great bit of telly spoiled by a very crude depiction of Murdoch in the last series.
Dr who, is no longer a quirky time traveller , he is now some superannuated pacifist preacher.
Robin Hood becomes a multiculti tokenism fest.
Every music history show has to bring up thatcher.
The miners are always Ghandiesque,
Scientist are always evil. Black people are never murders in police shows.
Muslims are never terrorists in spy dramas.
Christians are always looney s or bigots.
Gays are always perfect people with no flaws.
Patronising propaganda at every turn.
“…The miners are always Ghandiesque…”
Just imagine the miner’s strike hadn’t occured in the early 80s under ‘fatchers’ reign, imagine, if you will, that the coal mines had been left open another 20 years…now imagine how well that industry might have survived under the doctrine of ‘sustainability’ and ‘renewables’.
Would the ‘heroic’ miners of the 80s (now all but sainted into mythology by the progressive narrative) have been quite so lauded a generation later by the new pro-EU fascist ‘green’ left? Or might they instead have found themselves hated figures of an ‘evil fossil fuel industry’..?
History’s a slippery thing, ain’t it?
That is a very good point and considering the middle class left wingers actually hate the working class unless they are using them they would be thrown to the wolves as they aren’t green.
Channel 4 news did an anti-fracking piece yesterday so it is all related
Let’s settle it with a fifteen round bareknuckle boxing context between Arthur Scargill ( in the Old Labour working class corner) and Marcus Brigstocke ( in the greeny right-on middle class corner).
Can we add a bag of scorpions? Otherwise it would be a bit dull if each one fights as well as they do their day jobs..
You know I have long contemplated the end of the BBC or it being forced to become a subscription service, but I stupidly never thought that they might leave the news as free to air. You have upset me with this idea. Once the LF is got rid of I had assumed that the BBC news would be on an equal footing with its competitors, but YOU have upset that nice little apple cart and plunged me into another BBC depression.
Sorry – sometimes you need to think like your enemy.
Not-on-PAYE-but-still-loyal-employee-of-the-BBC Nicky Campbell likes to ponce about with Twitter – on which platform he cultivates a following of lefty campaigners, odd ball mohammedans and lovers of iddy-widdy-diddle aminals.
In my opinion Campbell’s support for the animal groups is a crafty Bill Clintonesque smoked but didn’t inhale means of signaling his implied support for all ‘progressive’ Leftist issues. He is of course little more than a BBC champagne campaign socialist like most of the rest of them.
Today one of his social media fanboys highlights some story about UKIP MEPs voting against EU measures that in some way touch on the Ivory Trade. (Correct me but I thought it would already be illegal in European jurisdictions and that UKIP habitually vote against all increased EU power over sovereign nations – ie a non-story LibLabCon anti UKIP attack line).
Naturally Campbell is more than happy to trumpet this story in order to stir up his little Twitter coterie.
I am sick to death of paying his BBC wages so that he can campaign for a leftier Britain. Campbell and his female plastic paddy bookends are largely to blame for making BBC 5 Live a no go zone for anyone without the listening sensibillty of a wannabe trendy supply teacher.
Police to encourage muslim women to prevent their relatives from popping off to Syria for a bit of Jihadi fun.
However, BBC picks up complaints from the ‘community’ that it might be seen as criminalizing the little dears. Both the police and the BBC have it wrong. I am sure the mums would love little Ahmed to die and spend eternity shagging virgins, and the police ought to realize that every Jihadist lost in Syria is one less for the protection of his human rights as a returning terrorist. Give ’em the slogan: ‘We don’t want to lose you but we think you ought to go’.
Couldn`t we empty Feltham, and offer them two buses(one Shia, one Sunni) c/o the Home Office to go on an Islam Heritage trail around Syria?
If we tell them that Paul became a “Christian” on the road to Damascus they`ll happily seek out the infidel Jewish bloke, as long as we don`t tell them that he too might be a casualty of the jihad ,by now.
As long as you are driving, I’m all far it!
Eager to kill some jews are we?
When the twin towers were levelled we were,told to beware of islamophobia. When the Kenya bomb went off we were told to be aware of islamophobia. When the London tube bombs went off we were told to beware of islamophobia. When the Mumbai attacks happened we were told beware of islamophobia when young white girls were groomed by Muslim gangs for sex we were told to be aware of islamophobia, when lee rugby was butchered we were told to be aware of islamophobia,when 178 young Christian girls are kidnapped by Muslim gangs in Nigeria we are told to be aware of islamophobia.
When does a phobia become a sensible distrust of a belief system.
Why shouldn’t we be angry?
How many more have to die or be raped before we say stop?
This is like the Jews in ww2
When they came back with stories of atrocities people thought it can’t be true the Germans are a civilised people.
When news of the death camps started leaking people would still prefer not to was only isolated cases not systematic etc.
Yet now we know it was systematic. Now we know there was a bigger plan.
Think about this. If 178 Muslim girls were kidnapped by a Christian militia do you think ip the news would be buried like the Nigerian news? Do you not think embassies would be burnt and consulates bombed.
Cant you imagine clooney and Redgrave and Damon and the rest of the leftist clitterati demanding answers sanctions intervention.
Yet we have been conditioned to accept this. Oh dear another Muslim atrocity move on.
For god sake look at Scott.
He is a gay person.
If you hadn’t already guessed.
You don’t see him picketing the Saudi or Iranian embassies.
You don’t see him righting letters to the Pakistani governments.
Extreme Islam puts gays to death. A heinous crime. And yet he would rather be on here defending the apologists of islamofascism.
We have all been conditioned to look away for fear of being called racist.
While we look away women are being mutilated and enslaved, non Muslims are being butchered and children raped.
I am not a knee jerk blackshirt.
I am a reasonable person.
I have never even voted tory never mind BNP 🙂
And yet the trolls here will probably attack this post. Ask yourselves this , how can you defend such evil.
If it was your daughter, one day off to school next day taken by a gang of murderous thugs wouldn’t you want the world shouting for their release.
We don’t even whisper in case we upset the religion of peace.
Doesn’t this site attract all the conspiracy loons. This one is a real gem. Must have spent hours writing this crap.
Reminds me of Mein Kampf and its warnings!
Heil Paddy!
What “conspiracy” do you see in the above-mentioned text?
I have read the text three times and fail to see anywhere does he mention anything that can be considered a “conspiracy”.
He was wetting himself for a chance to play the ‘Reductio ad Hitlerium’ card, and just couldn’t hold it in any longer
Likewise. No conspiracy in the text. Just facts.
The liberal is not able to absorb facts that conflict with his belief system. Any conflict between reality and liberal beliefs means the facts must be wrong.
Odd really. Almost akin to a form of Gnosticism.
‘Any conflict between reality and liberal beliefs means the facts must be wrong’
Brilliant Dave.
Hmm I think the only conspiracy loon attracted here was the lenovo virus troll
Where’s the conspiracy theory?
Do you question any of the atrocities mentioned?
I am a catholic . My church has had a massive problem with organised paedophilia. It suppressed news of this for too long. Now it is trying to redress the damage it has done. Now it is trying to route out its problems. It may not be perfect but it is trying to change.
With Islam we are not allowed to complain.
With Islam you and your friends on the hard left throw about terms like racist whenever anyone criticises Islam.
We are not allowed to question anything for the sake of community cohesion.
There are many good Muslim people but it would be wrong to pretend that Islam hasn’t got serious structural problems.
You can ignore the problems if you wish .
Me pointing them out doesnt make me a Nazi.
(Don’t forget that the SS had Muslim brigades)
Classic hard leftist,
Talk about feminism but ignore The oppression of women.
Talk about the rights of workers but ignore 21st century slavery.
Talk about pacifism yet ignore suicide bombers and jihadists.
Hypocrisy has always been the strongest suit of the left.
Fling the insults instead of answering the arguments.
Shout people down rather than listen and reply.
Socialism whether modern or mid twentieth century national socialism always prefers to play the man not the ball
Doesn’t this site attract all the feeble minded lefty loons?
Sadly yes, and Leninovo is just the latest daily moniker for the house drive by troll .
Alec – spot on!
leninovo – stop posting on here and get back to selecting the audience for tonight’s question time!
Well said. I agree with every word.
The leftie, Nick Cohen, wrote a book about this phenomena: “What’s left?”.
It’s a bit long-winded in places, but, a large part of the book explores why so many so-called “liberals” support Islamic-fascism, despite its record on human rights, women’s rights and its attitude to atheists (seen as an even lower life-form than Christians or Jews) and homosexuals. Logically, “liberals” should abhor Islam.
Cohen’s theory is that “liberals” take the attitude that my enemy’s enemy is my friend – “liberals” see Islam as some sort of ally (despite all evidence to the contrary) because right-wingers see the Islam as a threat.
Liberals are not of the left in the old sense. They are in a world of their own devising. The old left (particularly in Britain) wanted to change the way the country was governed but had no illusions about human nature.
The liberal wants to remake us in some image of his own devising. Heaven on earth possibly?
Insane of course and they are the true heirs of Robespierre , St Just ,Mao, Lenin and the rest. . But in pursuit of this dream the liberal has so damaged Western civilisation that I doubt it will survive.
No that isn’t true.
At the time they were into something they called ‘social engineering’ reading the antics of the Labour NCB head Lord Robens the other day.
The Liberal has a deep seated self loathing, but instead of internalising this hatred it is externalised into destroying everyone else.
Ted Kaczynski wrote about this from his prison cell – still a brilliant mind in spite of his crimes
Did you actually read what I wrote? I used to be an active very left trade unionist. It was all about power nothing else.Nobody I knew wanted to social engineer anything. I have no idea whether the liberal loathes himself or not. What I do know is that the liberal is insane suffering from a mad desire to remake the world.
For god sake look at Scott.
He is a gay person.
If you hadn’t already guessed.
You don’t see him picketing the Saudi or Iranian embassies.
You don’t see him righting letters to the Pakistani governments.
To be fair, most Biased BBC commenters are too busy practising their kneejerk actions and telling themselves they’re right about everything to actually observe anything that actually happens in the real world.
True Scott, but as you pride yourself as being in touch with the real world why are the far left silent about the kidnapping of 178 girls?
If there’s a whale to save or a nasty fracking site to attack they turn up in their 100s yet when there is real world suffering its the three wise monkeys.
They probably blame the systematic rape of Christian girls in Nigeria on American foreign policy.
You usually give a reasonably thought out answer Scott but I think you’ll struggle here because you and your fellow travellers defence of extreme Islam is deluded hypocritical and downright offensive. There is no justification for mutilating young girls . There is no excuse for executing gays. There is no excuse for targeting the innocent. There is no excuse for subjugating women.
I have defended you on this site because I believe you have a brain and are prepared to argue your cause well please explain the lefts love affair with this most authoritarian of religions.
Balance feminism and the Burkha .
Balance gay rights with state sponsored murder
Balance the rights of the workers with modern slavery.
There are plenty of gay people campaigning against human rights abuses in regimes all over the world. This includes, but is not limited to, countries with Islamist regimes.
But Biased BBC is not the forum for rational discussion of that. There are far too many “I don’t care about gay marriage and here are three pages of discussions about how disgusting these people – that I don’t care about – are and how what they get up to in bed – which I don’t care about, but seem to imagine in graphic detail an awful lot – are.”
And you know, just as there are huge variations in views towards homosexuality under the Christian umbrella – from organisations in England and Wales who want to host weddings to celebrate the marriages of some of their congregation, to evangelical sects in Africa actively campaigning for the death penalty for gay people – there too is diversity within followers of the Islamic faith. Many campaigns against human rights abuses don’t get publicised at all in some cases because to do so would put the lives of some campaigners at risk from the laws that we’re trying to fight.
But Biased BBC commenters don’t want to know about that. Their brains seem to able to just about comprehend their own prejudicial theory that “all Muslims are gay-killing terrorists”, and that’s about it.
It was Earth Day 22 April the other day, it was also Lenin’s birthday, what are the chances of that, eh ? what a coincidence !! This is the lyrics to their anthem.
”Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment
Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise
Now we must resolve to protect her
Show her our love throughout all time
With our gentle hand and touch
We make our home a newborn world
Now we must resolve to protect her
Show her our love throughout all time
With our gentle hand and touch
We make our home a newborn world ”
Hmm, it sounds all very new age, pagan.
Earth Day – just another offshoot of the ‘Conference of the Parties’ funded and propagated by the taxpayers of the EU and the UN, both socialist, progressive, undemocratic, unelected fascist bureaucracies intent on bringing about the imposition of a ‘one-world’ agenda, the obliteration of national borders, together with a mandated ‘wealth redistribution’ from richer nations to poorer nations.
All of this dangerous political dogma is supported – indeed encouraged and actively propagated – by the BBC, itself funded, once again, by – you guessed it – you and me.
This doggerel seems to scan with Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.
How Democracy
WorksDoesn’t WorkJust a little off-topic here, but definitely BBC-approved:
“…European Election ballot papers may confuse the public into voting for a breakaway party over UKIP, according to Political Betting.
In nine English regions the first party listed on the paper will be “An Independence from Europe Party”, whereas the UK Independence Party (UKIP) will be at the bottom of the paper.”
Wow – crafty, revengeful, sulking deselected UKIP Mike Nattrass – he certainly on target to blag voters who do not check the form correctly, (plenty of them).
Reason for deselection not disclosed (?) – but Birmingham Post states:
Mr Nattrass added: “I belong to a party that now is totalitarian and it will not let the voter speak, because not only have they decided who will stand, they have also decided that the party members who should have a free vote will not get a free vote.”
Mr Farage is an “excellent frontman” but a “very bad leader”, said Mr Nattrass, who could stand as an independent next year.
“He only wants people in the party who absolutely and totally agree with him, so I’m regarded as a troublemaker.” –
UKIP is challenging in court – but possibly too late now?
Surprisingly BBC Points West covered this last night and showed the ballot paper, the names and presentation are highly similar. One wonders who’s funding him?
I would also hazard a guess that were the name similar to either the Conservative or Labour party it wouldn’t have got as far as this….
Those many hundreds of news reporters at the BBC did not point this out this morning when telling me that Labour was ditching the Co-op Bank. From Guido
Iain McNicol’s sham plan to cut Labour’s ties to the Co-op by moving £1.2 million of debt to the Unity Trust bank doesn’t really cut any ties at all. As Faisal Islam reports, as a condition of the banking licence granted to Unity Trust the bank is “controlled” by… the Co-Op
Currently the Co-op Bank seems to be able to appoint people to key and controlling positions in the Unity Trust Bank. But it is now looking to sell its 27% share in the Unity Trust Bank, and since the Unions have the right to buy up any shares sold by the Co-op Bank, then it will almost certainly soon become a bank completely controlled by the Unions.
Now, in all the bulletins I heard on the Today programme, I never once heard mention of Mr Milliband and his fearless team getting even further under the control of the Unions.
But, of course, Mr Milliband spent months, just recently, distancing his party from the Unions and their control….didn’t he ? Well, maybe not, as we can now clearly see. In reality, just about the only people to be fooled by such claims by Mr Milliband were/are the employees of the BBC.
Tales of the unexpected
BBC News Channel tells of the killing of separatist militants and a government anti-terror crackdown on said militants.
And yet the BBC report is not marshalling our emotions so as join with our national broadcaster in throwing our full sympathy behind these militants….
Why the sudden lack of humanity, BBC?
We can’t be watching news from Sri Lanka.
We can’t be watching news from Syria.
Mystery solved. We are in eastern Ukraine and the BBC is standing shoulder to shoulder with Wee Willy Hague Call Me Dave and the EU favourite under dog in this no win dog fight in the Don Bas.
Appalling double standards. Can you imagine if the Russian military had killed 5 Ukrainian civvies?
“Labour Party seeks to cut links with Co-op Bank”
-Will Beeboids now do same?
Typically devious BBC-NUJ headline: censoring out Islamic jihadists:-
“Police make Syria plea to UK Muslim women”
Re-write –
“Police make plea to UK Muslim women to stop Islamic jihadists going to Syria to murder.”
Just shows that the useless brigade haven’t got the first clue of what Islam is about, and worse, don’t want to know.
It’s all the usual PC mess up where fascist assumptions are made from a left wing standpoint and imposed from on high without the first clue as to what might happen.
“Police make Syria plea to UK Muslim women”
thats gonna work.
“Why ‘Moderate Islam’ is an Oxymoron”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
Beeboids not reporting Islamic jihad in Africa:
Two significant current examples, which BBC-NUJ excludes-
“Nigeria: Muslim clerics recruiting for Boko Haram in mosques”
“Jihadists now control secretive U.S. base in Libya”
-Not something which Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is concerned about:-
Anne Marie Waters!…another great brave lady in the class of Phillips and Ayaan.
Only wish the blokes were as brave at times.
Just being curious. I wondered which the BBC would mention in it’s last few reports mentioning Paul Flowers – Methodist rev, druggie, gay, Labour politico. Heck I thought, maybe my assumptions will be wrong .. – Methodist, druggie – Reverend, druggie – none of these – Methodist, druggie, Labourist
I could check further, but honestly what’s the point. For the BBC it’s notable that he’s a Methodist, and a druggie, barely noticeable that he’s a Labourist and not at all notable that he’s gay. I’d say yet again the BBC has got the balance ‘about right’ (c).
.. I meant to say ‘gay orgyist’.
Loved the decoupling of Labour from the travails at the Co-Op, by the BBC.
Important to isolate the contagion as ever with the BBC, especially when Labour and the Co-Op are the Dream Team of liberal media fantasy.
The Hattersley and Kinnock of our time.
NO mention of Flowers as a Labour councillor up in Bradford.
NO mention of Flowers and his Childrens Services/Social Services places at Rochdale-land of grooming Muslims and Cyrils Smith, funnily enough.
NO mention of Flowers and the Co-Op sponsoring all those Labour MPs up to and including the last election…and Ed Balls first among the Brothers to chow down with Uncle Paul for financial gain.
NO mention of all those soft loans to Labour.
NO mention of blowback between the Co-Op and the Labour Party re employment and jobs created for themselves and their “partners”…imagine Pauls were exotic to say the least.
NO clips of Brown, Balls and Miliband doing obeisance to all things Co-Op…their finance models, their lendings, their structures and salaries…their “Role Model Champion” accreditation by Brown , Balls and Miliband re their ethical, green banking models…as opposed to the sticky fingered con men in the City.
“Some day ALL Banks will look like the Co-Ops”.
The very notion of letting this lot near the nations coffers after their Co-Op recommendations…as well as their fixation on all things Hollande(remember him?)…is laughable.
But the BBC won`t laugh…like Mandelas sign-language mockery…the Left don`t do humour at all do they?
Witness Phil Jupitus…I rest my case.
No mention that the new bank (Unity?) is actually controlled by the Co-op – and 75% (going to 100%) owned my Unite (McClusky)?
Beeboid hero, OBAMA: supplicant to Islam –
“Malaysia: Obama to honor Islam’ by visiting triumphal mosque built on site of church”
is Obama muslim?… is he not muslim?
where s his birth certificate? … etc etc
hmm All one should think, is would he do anything different if he was?…
He can t bend over and take it in a more grovelling manner than he already does, he can t protect Islam any more than he does now.
Robert Spencer. ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“The Leftist media just can’t figure out why people would think Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. They think, as this witless article in Slate shows, that it must be because of his name, or his race. It never occurs to them, or they deliberately wish to obfuscate the fact, that Obama has repeatedly reinforced this impression throughout his presidency. Whether he is a Muslim or not, he has acted favorably toward Islam and Islamic supremacism from the day he took office. Pamela Geller included a lengthy but still partial list of the many ways he has done so in an article she wrote in June 2010:”
(article in link below)
BBC’s lunchtime news report on the UK’s counter-terrorism chief’s appeal to Muslim women to ‘spot’ young (potential) jihadists and help stop them leaving the country for Syria (good luck with that one, ladies!).
Except it wasn’t so much about fearing the Jihad they may import to the UK, more a ‘going out there to see what they can do to help’ and ‘the vast majority going out as aid workers’ (no substantiating evidence offered).
Then, right at the end and almost as an afterthought ‘concerns they may bring violence back with them’ – like they’ve seen how hardened football hooligans organise themselves for a bit of a ruck. Suicide bombers? Don’t be daft, lad!
Now I understand, BBC, and consider myself re-educated with nothing to fear.
If these UK traitors want to jihad, to mass murder, rushing over to Syria, stopping them is not the issue, Shouldn t the consideration be them doing it here without going to Syria?
Stopping the savages going to Syria to jihad is not a problem
Just stop the savages coming bavk is all that is needed. Fuck ’em.
It sounded like a marriage guidance counselling session, not how to defend non-Muslin British people from the real Islamic jihad threat against them.
@ lenovo..@@@@ you ha ha.
A thought !
Just heard from the rumour mill that a certain Asian person who I know have has been arrested for postal vote fraud. No surprises there it’s been done by the usual suspects several times before in the past – but here’s the new part which has never been in the press BBC or otherwise, nor the electoral services commission press releases.
The people who rig the ballots have no interest at all in the political process. They aren’t doing this because they want to see a Labour / Liberal / Tory candidate elected. To be honest the more I think about it the more pointless that would be given the number of wards which make up a council.
They are risking a prison sentence because they have a corrupt politician in their pockets, something which I think is even worse than rigging the vote.
Having been the victim of information leaked from the council and finding out what a toothless tiger the Data Protection Act is, I now believe that this leak might well be the result of a corrupt councillor.
The other party made no bones about having someone ‘on the inside’ of the council and being able to get decisions he wanted made / passed, in his favour.
Surely the time has come to have the candidates or elected representatives removed from office and banned from standing for public office for the rest of their lives on the suspicion that they are corrupt.
Innocent until proven guilty? Well vote rigging or an attempt to, should in this case be sufficient to prove the guilt of the candidate.
Give us a clue – location?
If they are complicit in the fraud then ban away. Otherwise you will find that votes start getting rigged in order to dump or punish a politician rather than to corrupt them.
Good luck proving it though.
If someone at work is stealing – or up to some other no good stuff, then it’s perfectly reasonable for the employer to fire them, based on some evidence, even if that is insufficient to bring a criminal prosecution.
The point is that we as voters are served by these people they are supposed to work for us, and even if there isn’t enough evidence for a prosecution, if there is sufficient for a prima facie case then there should be a removal for office and banning from standing again.
Depends what you mean by ‘prima facia case.’
If I accuse you of stealing from work and get some of your colleagues to back me up should you be sacked? Or should you be sacked after being found guilty after a trial?
Or, if it needs spelling out. The local Labour Party organise 20 activists to make accusations about the Tory incumbent. Should the incumbent be sacked just because Labour smeared him?
I sacked someone who worked for me for stealing.
Despite the useless brigades involvement who over the course of a fortnight asked everyday for more & more & more evidence and then amazingly apologised ‘because they didn’t know what they were doing’, I had covert CCTV evidence which would have stood up had I been sued for unfair dismissal.
Prima facie is not a few people making an accusation, it’s more than that, there has to be some evidence even if that is not sufficient for a criminal trial.
I seriously doubt that any rival political party would seek to rig an election of a single candidate in the certain knowledge that the person doing it faces a very short prison sentence and a criminal record.
Even then the council is made up of so many candidates in so many wards that nobbling a single one is not going to change the overall control.
Unfortunately many employers can cite instances of theft by employee and it takes careful handling these days simply to avoid, as you say, a law suit, no matter how vexatious. You are sadly not alone.
As to the politicians I think we may be at cross purposes here. I do not want to live in a society where people are convicted of ‘crimes’ on the basis of accusation only. There has to be evidence and it has to be strong enough to bring a case, i.e. prima facie. The only way of testing that is in court.
One or two celebs have just had the unhappy experience of accusation based trials and it does not bode well for our society.
This is different to dealing with a thief without involving the law. Do we really want the political class making back room deals over who gets tried and who doesn’t where vote rigging is concerned? I’d say not.
Get the evidence, present a case, convict and bang the bastards up.
So, early in this thread there is a debate about the statistics being used to deceive.
I dont need to worry about the percentage rise in Muslims.
Having seen the practical effects of an ideology, established by 7th Century savages, upon our once decent country, 2.7 million is 2.7 million too many!
I am sick and tired and utterly disgusted by the BBC’s sympathetic bias towards Muslims and those so-called ‘British’ men going to Syria to blow themselves up. All day we’ve had this pathetic story concerning our useless police force who are , rather than arresting, deporting or locking up Muslim extremists and throwing away the key, begging Muslim mothers to tell their naughty jihadis to stop going abroad to that holy war (in the BBC’s eyes). Gavin Estler (yet again) was utterly sympathetic in discussions with Muslim community spokespersons practically giving the impression that ‘British’ jihadis are somehow something we can be proud of. They are not, in my opinion. They are scum and I hope they do not return.
Everytime now I turn on the BBC I am noticing a huge increase in Muslim commentators, Muslim reports, and sympathetic packages that seem to portray Muslims as oppressed and harmless peace-lovers. All lies and bias.
How come they`re being allowed to leave during term time then?
These sadsacks have reading ages of 11 at best in general-which is why they`ll die for 72 grapes.
Surely Tower Hamlets and Newham ought to be taking their parents to court for non-attendance at the Trojan Horse Madrassas that they`re supposed to be monitoring.
I don’t know why they’re bothering to ask the women. They have no say in it whatsoever. They’re just there to cook and pop out more terrorists.
What a joke.
Seeing as it’s just a rumour I don’t think info like that is a good idea, and to be honest it’s not relevant to the blog, other than it’s happening again.
Having spoken to one of the local councillors tonight, they are well aware it’s going on and that there are two or three people they believe might have been compromised. As they say though “it’s proving it”.
They shouldn’t have to prove it well founded suspicion should be enough.
Sorry, what’s ‘… just a rumour..’? What are you talking about Thoughtless?
Great news! The BBC isn’t biased!
It used to be a member of the CBI (The “bosses’ union” in beebspeak). They never made much of a song and dance about that did they, but then that was when the CBI was pro-EU, pro-mass immigration and that was OK.
However the BBC has now got a dose of ‘impartiality’, that wicked CBI has only gone and aligned itself with supporting the union of kingdoms! A step too far for the BBC!
They are leaving “In order to protect the BBC’s neutrality” The BBC has said. You couldn’t make it up!
Last item on the Today programme this morning, a comparison of those who went off to fight in the Spanish Civil war in the 1930s, and those “British” lads going off to fight in Syria now. You can imagine the bias for yourselves
BBC keen to promote Cornish independence. As someone who is from the Devon and Cornish border and whose family all come from Stithians, Truro and Plymouth I will tell you this: the vociferous minority are a bunch of prats, many of whom are complete losers, middle class and often, I’ve found, not even from Cornwall (more like London!).
“the vociferous minority are a bunch of prats”
Aren’t they always!
There was a lady allegedly speaking ‘Cornish’ on the Jeremy Vine show today. I think her name was ‘Stewart’, hardly ‘pure wool’, as the French have it!
England, (less Cornwall), is completely populated by immigrants; Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cornwall are home to protected indigenous peoples whose languages and culture must be protected from ‘diversity’ or ‘enrichment’ at all costs.
It is all too complicated for me. I think one needs a bi-polar brain to make sense of it all!
Perhaps Hampstead and Highgate (with parts of Camden Lock and Salford annexed) can seek special minority status because so many of the indigenous residents speak a unique language of Bullshit and possess a Progressive culture not found in other parts of Britain (except possibly Brighton).
I mean, it needs protecting. It would be such a shame if it died out completely…..
The BBC failed to mention that after about 150 years of internal movement since the development of the railways and industrialisation,any celtic bloodline is as diluted as any other part of the UK.
I heard the item while sat in the car marvelling at the utter stupidity and naivety of the BBC types who quite simply have not the first clue of the difference between a 1930s left wing loon and a Jihadist.
Just for a moment imagine the following terrible scenario should come to pass:
Its the not so near future, due to the increasing dhimmitude and anti-semitism of western leaders, Israel is under large scale attack from its Islamic neighbors. The are so desperate for troops that they send out a call for any foreigners who will help them defend their homeland, a sort of modern day Varangian Guard. Numbers of young men from England, disenfranchised by mass immigration and no fans of the ROP decide to reenact the journey of their Saxon and Danish ancestors, making the trek eastwards. They travel to Israel to defend the last outpost of civilization in the east, fighting with courage and ferocity.
Now just imagine how the BBC would cover this, after all, its just lads from places like Bradford, Leeds, Blackburn, traveling to the middle east to fight for a cause they believe in right?