My thanks to David Keighley and Andrew Jubb for this most interesting report on BBC bias over at Civitas. Make sure you read it….
“In this report Newswatch finds that the BBC’s independent Prebble report1 – which the BBC Trustees claimed gave a clean bill of health to the Corporation’s coverage of the EU,2 immigration and religion – is seriously flawed.
Newswatch has unearthed ties between Stuart Prebble and the BBC, between the BBC and the university department which conducted the supposedly impartial research, and between the university’s project director and the EU. The independence of the project is thus severely compromised. “
Will the BBC’s Director General, Mr Tony HALL, apologise for this devious piece of work? And rectify it?
The whole Leftist establishment is a tax funded circle jerk of people giving awards to each other. The BBC made a programme the other day complaining about the market dominance of Amazon. Nobody who wants a career in television will attack the BBC, because of its tax funded dominance, and of course that is just how the Left like it.
And why does Amazon have market dominance? Because it provides what I want, when I want it, at a reasonable price. Without those who don’t want to use it having to chip in.
On the rare occasions I’ve had a complaint, they’ve acknowledged it promptly and rectified, without a labyrinthine complaints system and no statements that they got it about right in the first place.
One can see why the BBC might have a problem with that.
There is a very interesting fisking of the BBC’s figures re Amazon. And all it took was a blogger to get to the truth the BBC could not (or would not?) reach:
Sorry to reply to my own post but I see that page now contains an update: a message to the blogger from a BBC producer confirming the blogger is right and the BBC got it wrong. They “misread the figures”.
“Update: And I just received confirmation that this detail was not correct:
@thDigitalReader You’re right. We misread info we got from ONS – then thought they’d confirmed our line. Have asked for cut. Thank you.
— Charles Miller (@chblm) April 24, 2014”
When I see stuff like this about their reporting/investigative standards it simply confirm s they are now beyond their sell-by date.
It’s time to get rid of the BBC.
Sambrook contributed this (below) in support of the BBC last year, drawing on comments from BBC / Labour’s James Purnell, who objecting to a degree of accountability (which was a bit rich from someone from the BBC which supported more Leveson type control of the print media).
Interestingly, the target of his ire was Maria Miller, which might explain one of the reasons she was caught in a perfect media storm recently for doing very little wrong.
But will this affect Islam Not BBC’s pro-Islam political stance?:-