Have a read of this if you will!
“So is the BBC in crisis? The consensus seems to be, not yet – though it soon may well be. Steven Barnett predicts a gathering tide of anti-BBCism from Tory politicians and newspapers in the runup to the charter renewal. He writes: “If Britain wants to sustain a cultural institution which is still trusted and enjoyed by the vast majority of its own citizens while being praised and admired throughout the world, we must have the political will to make the resources available.” In other words, an inflation-linked licence fee must be restored (and wisely spent). That, rather than the history of the sexual predators it once employed, will be the BBC’s make or break.”
As discussed many times, a state funded broadcaster is not necessarily the only or the best way to ‘sustain a cultural institution which is trusted and enjoyed’. Particularly when it is in fact a propaganda machine which supports, what are often minority views, across the country as a whole.
The liberal left politics are so firmly entrenched at the BBC that it is beyond reform. It will never get anywhere close to being impartial.
The BBC was rightly concerned that Mr Murdoch would become too powerful a media baron. But the BBC is already several times more powerful than Murdoch would have been. What was right for Murdoch must be even more so for the BBC. It needs to be got rid of for the health of our democracy.
God every time and everywhere this national treasure/ envy of the world argument pops up it is sooooooooooooo tedious.*
If that’s all you got (and it is) – STFU.
I was under the impression that a tax payer funded monopoly broadcast organisation, committed to a political party was not allowed.
We pay to have them sneer at our values, attitudes and worldview. No wonder we are angry.
I’d say that the BBC is in an incipient crisis which it hopes to avoid by getting inflated-proof public finance, and a politically sympathetic government at the 2015 Election (preferably, Beeboids hope, Labour).
The BBC has been continually committed to expand its global broadcasting empire for largely non-British people via World Service, Arabic TV, etc; in Britain, BBC has increased the largesse it has handed out to its top bureaucrats, ‘talent’ etc.
At the same time, the BBC has been spreading its cultural and political propaganda, as exposed on ‘B-BBC’ site here daily. If anything, the BBC political bias has become more explicit recently, with a more pronounced tendency to censor views it does not like. Such BBC political activity is likely to become more noticeable to, and resented by more and more British licencepayers, in the run up to Charter renewal in 2016.
It was interesting to view the BBC News coverage of Saint George’s Day.
They merged it with the forthcoming Scottish Referendum on Independence to make it ‘topical’. Why?
In other words, they countered criticism of not mentioning Saint Georges Day, yet watered it down by including the Scottish referendum. And no presenters wore a red rose. As to be expected.