Morning all. Time to start the week with a brand new Open Thread. I bet you are all looking forward to “Woman’s Hour” on BBC Radio 4 this week. Doreen Lawrence will be hosting one such episode and it’s inspiring to see the BBC create the space for her. You rarely see her on the BBC…..
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Goodness David, do you mean
Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon, OBE
…. never heard of her 😀
Perhaps she’ll be using her appearance to tell us how good life is in Venezuela.
Perhaps she might wish to go and live there, along with the Venuzuela Solidarity Campaign, and Ken Livingstone, Tariq Ali, Diane Abbot, the late comrades Benn abd Crow, plus the alternative and radical left which includes Left Unity and the Bone headed anarchists of Class War whose forthcoming election campaign for welfare hand outs from the state has been praised by the Guardian.
The word BARONESS when referring to that creature should always be in inverted commas !
I’ve already posted about the Woman’s Hour bias on a previous thread, and it is appalling. The five chosen wimmin are Doreen Lawrence, J K Rowling (Labour), a Guardian columnist, a lefty singer and Dame Kelly Holmes.
I suppose the invitations to Deborah Meaden , Virginia Bottomley, P D James and Christine Hamilton got lost in the post?
Doreen Lawrence is in an ad campaign promoting Marks and Spencers, talk about milking it, along with those two insufferable narcissists Emma ‘Twit’ Thompson and Annie ‘the ego has landed’ Lennox. That’s another shop I have to put on the long list to boycott .
Well. All the people I despise in one store.
This isn’t just an insufferable leftist no mark who has made a fortune out of her sons murder, its an M&S …. etc
Next week, will INBBC give programme to parents of Lee RIGBY, victim of most brutal Islamic jihadists’ public massacre in London?
Or Kris Donald, the young scots boy who was tortured, mutilated and murdered by a gang of muslims?
And set on fire.
He doesn’t count, he was hideously white.
The BBC trying its best to promote the Muslim Brotherhood as victims of an injustice instead of perpetrators of one. Sure, this is probably a human rights breach and illegal killing off of political opponents, but the BBC never (or very rarely) makes any mention of the many atrocities the Brotherhood itself commits. Blatant bias.
INBBC’s Cairo Bureau has acted more or less like a political offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood for years.
And INBBC is in political cahoots with Islamic broadcaster, and home of many ex-Beeboids, Al Jazeera.
Sorry to swear, but did anyone see The Big Questions on Sunday? ‘Is Islamism the biggest threat to world peace’. Utterly vintage Nicky Campbell ensued, accompanied by a self-loathing female rabbi saying “we need to build bridges between out faith communities” was enough to make me turn it over with a smile on my face! ‘Columbo’ on ITV far more appealing. Anyone like ‘Columbo’? “Hey Sergeant, do you know anything about these things? I think it’s called a fax machine”. Terrific stuff…
It’s hard not to think that in this case the Muslim Brotherhood is not the victim of injustice. But just imagine the indignation if Israel had done anything remotely similar.
Israel, whose very existence is threatened, releases convicted terrorist murderers. Egypt, which is in no danger, sentences protesters to death en masse with no proper process. Israel is a beacon. Egypt is a bonfire.
This is a follow up to someone s post at the end of the last OT, about the LACK of BBC coverage.
already been interviewed, on radio, I believe due to be on the Sun News Network, CBN, Fox news, US and Canada,
M Coren Show, Fox, E Stakelbeck, G Beck etc
A true freedom of speech issue, orchestrated of course …
non the less an important one.
Reporting arrest of Paul WESTON, ‘Liberty, GB’-
“Election candidate arrested for reading passage about Islam from Churchill book”
“UK politician arrested for quoting Churchill, could face 2 years in prison”
By Thomas Lifson.
“If you quote Winston Churchill on this topic, you could go to jail in modern-day Great Britain”
By Benjamin Weingarten.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report:
“UK politician arrested after making speech quoting Winston Churchill views on Islam”
Welcome to Cameron’s multiculty appeasing government and a police force which follows Downing Street’s political agenda. It took the cops three minutes to took to arrive, which was quicker than it took the cops to respond to Lee Rigby. Government, cops, the media, esp BBC, sing from the same sheet. Now await the trial with the judge instructed by Downing Street.
First I predict there will be no trial before May 22 whatever happens.
They may decide the quickest way to defuse it is to drop any charges for spurious reasons.
Or let the issue drag out hoping folk get bored waiting for action, then drop it.
Personally I cant see it ever getting to court, as a defendant he’d have a field day, not that aljabeeba would report it.
Albeeba just added it to their news pages
Very recent
I wonder who was the woman who rang for plod? A certain Amy Nutter perhaps, she is fond of calling people disgusting.
So far, the Paul Weston news story has been conspicuous by its absence on the bBBC TV News . Could it be that their researchers have not yet read about it on this website?
It would certainly have an effect on public opinion as we approach May’s elections. Perhaps they have learnt a lesson from last week’s attacks on the UKIP and are keeping mum about it …..?
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
Paul Weston was trying to express his freedom of speech, which involved reading Winston Churchill’s criticism of Islam, as part of ‘Liberty GB’ election campaign.
But still INBBC censors it, in line with the political class policy of:
-No criticism of Islam.
-Imprisonment for criticism of Islam.
Paul WESTON’s interview here is so impressive in its articulate intelligence, under pressure from the British state.
(brilliant video-audio clip -12 minutes).
Of little or no interest to pro-Islamic Beeboids.
“UK: Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, arrested for quoting Churchill, could face two years in jail”
UKIP needs to take a leaf out of Paul WESTON’s and ‘Liberty GB’s book.
It’s about Britain and the tradition of John Wilkes and the struggle for liberty:-
” His courtroom speeches started the ‘Wilkes and Liberty!’ cry, popular slogan for freedom of speech and resistance to power.”
To be fair I’d like to see you travel through London traffic trying to get somewhere quickly.
Apologies if I misunderstand you but if you are referring to my comparison between the three minutes the police took to reach Weston and the time it took to travel a short distance in London when Lee Rigby was murdered, then I have to mention my own experience when trying to negotiate Winchester’s ridiculous traffic system. Its a nightmare. All that I can think is that the cops must have been ready.
“If you quote Winston Churchill on this topic, you could go to jail in modern-day Great Britain”
I’d like to think that in a future where we managed to get our nation back under sane leadership and government, there would be statues of P Weston and his ilk currently crying out in the wilderness.
Because if the right, (and I don’t mean tories) cannot turn it around I predict a grimmer future with statues of Anders Breivik instead.
I don’t watch broadcast television, but I do listen to the radio. Yesterday I heard the familiar, but annoying, voice of another (and very different) ex-PM ooze out of my radio. It was the radio broadcast of Blair being interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. Opining on Islam’s “extreme” ideology, Blair observed: “take an analogy, probably with something like revolutionary communism, or even fascism”.
He went on: “Fundamental source of this ideology are educational systems that educate young people in these countries to a narrow minded bigoted view of people who are religiously different. And if we are not prepared to deal with that issue… are going to carry on with this ideology growing.”
Has Blair said similar on the BBC?
Having watched that, the man is still totally deluded in believing he can alter their thinking, he even says that this will take a long time.
Total delusion! A total wilful blind ignorance of the nature of Islam.
He would have to be God himself (which BLiar probably believes he is!) to change the message in the Qur’an.
Truly ignorant & Naïve, but at least he’s finally beginning to admit there’s a problem and to speak about it.
Interesting he’s much more guarded in his UK speeches.
If PauL WESTON has been arrested then why not Tony Blair?
Because the establishment will protect him.
Just like certain police files on a “Charles Lynton” disappeared in May 1997 never to be seen again……
Of course it may just be a rumour.
Churchill himself received the cold shoulder from the Establishment during the 1930s for his warnings about the rise of Nazi Germany (today they would call it Naziphobia and arrest him). Whether then or now, the British political Establishment has the word appeasement running through it like the writing in a stick of Blackpool rock.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) still politically censoring this:-
“UK: Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, arrested for quoting Churchill, could face two years in jail”
By Robert Spencer. ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Paul Weston faces two years in prison for quoting Winston Churchill’s less than glowing remarks about Islam. How long would the Cameron government lock away Churchill himself for? After all, a man walking around talking like that could hardly be ‘conducive to the public good,’ now, could he?
“An update on this story from Supine Britannia: “Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, Arrested in Winchester for Quoting Churchill, Could Face 2 Years in Jail,” Liberty GB,”
Now if the case were those of Muslims with Guantanamo connections, such as Binyam Mohamed, or Shaker Aamer, then INBBC would campaign for them. But this is the case of an intelligent Englishman, Paul Weston, who quotes Churchill on Islam, so INBBC is politically opposed, on principle.
If someone quoted what Charles Doughty wrote about Islamic beliefs/religion in ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’ they would probably be arrested as well. It really is absolutely ridiculous that Paul Weston has been arrested.
Or the French writer Saint- Exupery
Last week saw the finals of two BBC quizzes that rank in the top order, for content, longevity and entertainment; Mastermind and Uni Challenge.
Unfortunately for the BBC and probably Lenny Henry all the contestants were hideously white (including the Eastern European guy) and for the feminists all hideously male.
So what’s to be done?
There have been some brilliant females on UC, Daisy Christolou*** who captained Warwick and another who presided over a team that was after winning the final, with aforementioned blue stocking, as usual gaining about 50% of the team’s points were disqualified!
Would having female or black quiz masters help? How about half the points coming from coursework?
Would quotas help? No! The obvious answer is to chose white male applicants who do worst in the selection tests and ignore the high scorers.
What better way to kill to birds with one stone than for Humphrys to announce the final score in each round thus.
”In last place with a pathetic 7 points total is John Smith who also happens to be a supporter of the nasty UKIP party”
I chose seven points because from memory that is two more than one poor soul managed in total in one game and he wasn’t hideously white nor female.
We need an official handicapper. Just like horse racing.
All males automatically deduct 5 points. All ethnic minorities automatically gain 5 points unless male in which case three points.
The beauty of this is that the teams would soon reflect the new realities.
A win win for liberalism.
I gave up watching Mastermind many years ago when, in the final, they deliberately asked a coloured person a whole series of easy questions in the general knowledge section.
(Put it like this – at the time I could answer about 3 of the questions during each general knowledge round – on this occasion I could answer all 15)
UKIP supporter are you?
What’s that supposed to mean McCabe? What are you trying to imply? Surely you are not going to talk about wacism are you?
Just another rebranded part of the same aljabeeba team.
I tweeted Peter Henley, BBC South’s political editor, about Paul Weston’s arrest for quoting Churchill on Sunday morning. He responded that he wasn’t working (despite checking his Twitter account, obviously) and would investigate on Monday. In the meantime, the story broke in the Southampton Daily Echo and after chasing Henley up, he responded that as the story is now “old news” they would not be covering it! BBC mentality at its absolute worst.
It’s not “old news” if you rely on the BBC for your news, because you will never have heard of it. What a pathetic Beeboid creep.
Wasn’t Mitchellgate old news after a few days … didn’t stop the BBC from banging on about it for weeks though.
“It’s old news.” Is it indeed? What about the Lawrence Inquiry? ” 21 years and counting and almost each and every week there’s some bloody nonsense the Beeb manage to dig up on it.
Not forgetting the ‘old news’ of Hillsborough and ‘Bloody Sunday’ that the beeb can’t get enough of.
And slavery.
I didn’t make it as far as Women’s Hour. I tuned in to Start The Week during the first interview, with Jeremy Rifkin. He was saying how successful Germany’s energy policy has been, with the people using solar panels to generate their own electricity.
I had already read the WUWT article on how Germany’s Secretary of Commerce had said; “The noble aspiration of a decentralized energy supply, of self-sufficiency! This is of course utter madness”, so I retuned.
Germany also has just about the world’s most expensive electricity and 8-900,000 of its people in ‘fuel poverty’.
Going well then.
Here’s another story about a racist local councillor. Hang on a minute, it’s not newsworthy, it’s the wrong party.
I seem to recall that the winter of 2012/3 was so bad and so overcast for prolonged periods that there were days when no solar electricity was generated in Germany, causing a massive rethink.
Wind 0.49% of UK demand at present. Has been about this much for a lot of the day. Of course solar will be nil for the day shortly.
Interesting blog below from a UKIP doctor, and from a year ago, how the BBC will go out of their way to destroy UKIP if they become an electoral threat to those who the BBC hold dear..
It’s a far-sighted piece, and as we now see, very much on the money as far as the BBC and its almost daily anti-UKIP Hatespeak goes. This is a transcript of a reply I posted in a comments section on another site earlier today.
One of the first replies to the story, written by someone I assume would think of themselves as UKIP supporter, was this:
“…What is so bad about being proud of and waiting to maintain a white country?”
This was my reply, written because as an enthusiastic UKIP supporter myself I feel we really need to expose the idiots in our midst doing all they can to feed the fascist trolls arraigned against us with easy ammunition in their undemocratic war on UKIP:
I will vote UKIP, but not because I want to ‘maintain a white country’ – I find that notion quite offensive, actually, and I don’t think many (if any) true UKIP supporters would endorse the sentiment, either, because that isn’t what the party is about. Controlling all immigration – and absolutely ending uncontrolled EU immigration – is what UKIP wants to achieve; skin colour has NOTHING AT ALL to do with it. It’s about getting a firm grip on controlled immigration, ensuring that as a nation we can support those who live here already, whilst at the same time attracting quality immigrants (of whatever ethnicity/skin colour) to fill specific jobs/roles in our economy.
UKIP voters are not racists. We are realists, living in a world governed by hard economics and finite resources and we want to do what’s best for our country, its infrastructure and its people in the fairest, most practical ways possible. We want to protect British culture (not the same as wanting to ‘maintain a white country’ at all), whilst applying stringent controls on who comes here and in what numbers. We want to bring back £55m a week from our worthless membership of the EU into the British economy and reinvest that money in British infrastructure (education, health, housing, secure – and cheaper – energy, etc).
Skin colour has never played a role in any UKIP policy I have ever read – it is a complete nonsense for the msm or any ignorant UKIP party member to claim otherwise. Until the party can oust these morons from within its ranks and get its true policies into the msm it will remain vulnerable to attacks from within and without by those who seek to undermine and impoverish its appeal to a much wider, fair-minded – non-racist – voting public.
Good post, but I think it’s £55 million per day.
Radio2 12pm news reports on the tragic fire this morning in Sheffield, with a report from the local mosque.
Why do they never ask the question as to why such fires occur disproportionately within this community? Just the thing for Jeremy Vine. There could be a perfectly valid reason such as overcrowding, but sadly in the main its kids that lose their lives.
A Google of ‘house fires UK’ reveals the top three all to be under similar circumstances.
12:00pm The Politics show, all the four parties, the fourth party being the bBC presenter; are all attacking the UKIP representative. Shows how the lot of them are Sh**ing themselves about the EU.
On the Daily Politics’ piece about Europe, Tessa Jowells said people will vote for UKIP as a protest because “the election is not seen as important”. I suspect that now UKIP are ahead of Labour in the polls and look like coming out on top – in other words, now that the campaign of vilification seems not to have worked – the emphasis may change to one of seeming indifference. OK, UKIP may well win but, so what, it’s not as if it’s about “the real issues” or about anything really important.
Why can’t the BBC ever tell us a story straight? On ‘You and Yours’ was a young man who had bought a second hand car on ebay that was not fit for purpose and Winifred was interviewing him on the problems he was having getting redress. The 23 year old drummer was explaining that the car cost £500 and that this was his life savings and now he had no money and no car to get to gigs to earn the money that would pay for another car. I am still worrying that if all he had in the world was the £500 what was he going to use to pay the car insurance. Aged 23 I think it may well have cost more than the car. Trust the BBC? Even when there is no bias they never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
think it may well have cost more than the car. ”
It would more likely have cost around 4 times the price paid for it.
Probably even more – as an insurance broker I am fully aware of the limited number of companies who provide insurance for those in the entertainment industry – and most youngsters won’t realise that all those quotes on comparison websites will be void.
that is a very good point but no doubt trying to get yoofs to hate and blame society for their situations rather than that person looking at himself and thinking “I need to get a worthwhile job”
Like that bint that took the government to court for slavery when they forced her to work in a poundshop for her benefits rather than some museum where she will never ever get a job but she saw the poundshop as beneath her…..a typical leftie looking down her nose at real working class people who take those jobs that aren’t fit for her
Again, the BBC mistakes a commercial for an edition of Panorama as “news”. This time the “news” is that Panorama has discovered that Bernie Ecclestone legally avoided tax in respect of his ownership of F1’s TV rights. Note the word “legally”: he has not been accused of breaking any laws nor, AFAIAA, did he actually break any laws. Strikes me that his reported payment of £10 million to HMRC was to save HMRC’s blushes in that he probably didn’t even owe anything. Nevertheless it was probably cheap at the price to end HMRC’s nagging.
In other words, this is not “news”. It is propaganda pure and simple and feeds directly into Labour’s election manifesto. There’s the Labour “cost of living crisis” meme: despite this Ecclestone/HMRC dispute starting in 1995 it’s an illustration that the rich are getting away with something. Then there’s the Labour stategy of eliding the distinction between legally lowering your tax bill and illegally evading tax: the Labour frontman here is Lady Hodge who is given endless publicity by the BBC (on this and everything else except her enabling of child abuse in Islington) despite her hypocrisy (unmentioned AFAIAA by the BBC) in being the wealthy unapologetic beneficiary of an IHT tax “dodge” by her father.
Meanwhile the BBC ignores (per a search of the BBC website with descriptor “Lloyds Bank”) a far greater scandal in which Lloyds Bank – still partly owned by the state – has dropped fees in respect of the equivalent of a sharia-compliant overdraft while retaining them in respect of an ordinary one.
Perhaps Ecclestone thought that the 1 million he gave to Labour in 1997 was enough? Although Tony Blair claimed that it was only £5k (and thus not worth declaring) and it had nothing to do with exempting F1 from tobacco advertising laws.
I remember that F1 moment well. That was the first time I thought – Hm! That doesn’t sound like the action of the nation’s saviour. That sounds like the action of a devious, unprincipled shit.
I remember that F1 moment well. That was the first time I thought – Hm! That doesn’t sound like the action of the nation’s saviour. That sounds like the action of a devious, unprincipled shit.
The HMRC investigation ended with an agreement that Ecclestone pay them £10m in…err….2008.
Who was in government then? Oh yes, the Tories.
No they weren’t stupid
Hope Bernie cancels their F1 coverage ,or rather” Lewis Hamilton total coverage all the time, no other driver is taking part show” And he gives the non Sky coverage to ITV, I hope .
Just driven back … and caught a snippet about staff being gagged from speaking out to the Islamic Trojan Horse probe … and that Christmas was “cancelled” (from Bham mail yesterday) at one of the schools.
So checked on BBC? … then Birmingham and Black country BBC? … don t know why I bothered.
mind you, hardly surprising … apparently a tower block was demolished?
oh dear, this news hasn t gone away
on P Weston being arrested for reading Churchill
… so impartial BBC helpfully highlights
“Told ‘it’s disgusting’
Weston was bailed until 24 May”
After the EU election. Surprise surprise.
See my prediction above!
It took INBBC a whole day to put this up, and then only as regional report.
Don’t know about others here, but fed up with BBC biased news and that of Sky (which is going the same way) I switch to RT for an alternative view, they often show us more of what is actually going on in this country, something that the a fore mentioned rarely do.
But it seems that the Guardian don’t like the output of RT and want Ofcom to ‘look at it’ .
Biased it may be, but let us the viewer make up our own minds, its seems they prefer that we suffer the establishment bias of BBC news (+CH4 +Sky) and shut down the alternative. I find it ironic that the Guardian seeks to shut down RT yet is somewhat blind to the bias of the BBC……
“…I find it ironic that the Guardian seeks to shut down RT yet is somewhat blind to the bias of the BBC…”
Nothing ironic about it all – it’s inevitable. It’s how progressive fascism works. Anyone who dissents from the popular leftist narrative will be branded an enemy, racist, homophobic, islamophobic, bigot, fascist capitalist pig. There will be no discussion. There will be no dissent.
Welcome to the New Progressive Utopia, comrade.
We need to encourage the BBc to continue to attack UKIP. It is wonderful. More votes every time.
I have never known so many disparate people so determind to vote for UKIP. It is quite extraordinary.
Old England has life in her yet. All classes and all ages. They don’t get it at all. The elite that is. We are sick of them and that is that.
paul weston should of changed his name to anjem choudary just for one day,the police would of stood there and ignored his speech for sure,one rule for muslims and one rule for non muslims is the order of the day in the uk,and we have a damm cheek lecturing russia and china on free speech when we live in a country that is slowly turning into a fascist police state at that clamps down any at sign of dissent from its non muslim citixens who dare to be critical of islam and there followers,the met police are just a discrace for the pandering and appeasing the islamist extremists and trying silence anybody that opposes these islamic fascist hate mongers.
And today’s special guest on Richard Bacon’s show *drumroll – comedian Mark Steel.
might as well go clean out the bog.
And Radio 2 has Patrick “Thatcher – her final wish was to be cremated but we’ve no coal left.” Keilty standing in for Steve Wright….
Yeah. Laugh……. I never did.
As funny as Piles, Scott, Miranda Hart, Jo Brand etc
Three of those continue to irritate me – I got rid of piles.
Comedian should be written like this, ‘comedian’.
if alive today,would the police of arrested winston churchill for quoting from his own speech.he would be turning in his grave if he knew what is happening in this country today
staff being “gagged” so not to spill the beans?
will we ever know the truth? …what, on the BBC?
where is that Phil Mackie?
Trojan Horse News 😀 … not going away is it?
“Mr Mahmood said dozens of former heads and other senior staff, who allege they were forced out of their posts as part of a takeover plot by hardline Muslims in Birmingham, were made to sign compromise agreements which prevent them speaking publicly about their concerns.
He added: “People… are afraid to speak out because of gagging agreements.”
what! hardline muslims? …
not “orthodox” anymore? … BBC?
Gagging clauses within compromise agreement are not lawful if their intention is to cover up wrongdoing or other forms of illegality.
The law and / or regulation trumps such agreements.
So Max Clifford is guilty.
Only the BBC would invite David Mellor in for a critique of the verdict.
As if the BBC were once Mellors friend when he was philandering with Antonia de Sanchez(or whatever her name was).
Miar asked Mellor twice if he`d be celebrating the conviction now by raising a glass tonight…very nice eh?
Mellor said no…inappropriate and cheap.
Fair enough-but Mair certainly does NOT come cheap.despite his venal silkworm nastiness as shown here.
Mellor cost us plenty as well-so cheap is not the word.
The BBC truly are a corrupt bunch of liberal nasties these days…if only Clifford had worked for the BBC, he`d still be protected I`m sure.( as Sir James of Headingly and Roundhay was).
The egregious Mair is the main reason I now longer listen to PM. The man is the embodiment of everything I find objectionable in a presenter – and thank you, CH, for the beautiful phrase ‘venal silkworm nastiness’, which sums him up very well.
As for Mellor, I always enjoyed his classical music series on R3, and he was quite an effective arts minister, wasn’t he? How did Mellor ‘cost us plenty’? I ask only for enlightenment.
Just MP/Cabinet Minister payoffs and usual pensions I expect…as well as the Lottery/Ministry of Fun stuff at the start of Majors government that has had incalculably bad consequences re National Lottery etc.
You`re right about his music though-no objection to his career on that front!
As if he`d care anyway about my views..different world eh?
It’s not like Clifford didn’t slime a whole bunch of people. So why choose *this* guy to comment on the case?
The Mellorphant Man was the very embodiment of the sleazy awfulness of the Major Years, rightfully exiled to a Pub Quiz question once these arrogant berks lost the country to Princess Tony. There is literally no honest reason to give this piece of slime exposure except to try some guilt by association kick on the right.
Clifford was working on behalf of the Labour Party when he splashed the Mellor story. He’d made it his objective to help bring about the downfall of the Major government, which, in my opinion, didn’t need any help to make itself look bad. Clifford was given the credit for concocting the “Mellor shagged his fancy piece while wearing a Chelsea team shirt” story. I thought Alistair Campbell had already admitted being the originator of that porkie. Campbell probably got Clifford to plant it in the papers.
It’s poetic justice that Clifford has been convicted of sex offences after he fabricated the libellous story of Neil and Christine Hamilton being involved in the rape of some female at a party. Our Max had to shell out a great deal of money in an out of court settlement for that little stunt which, had it succeeded, could have seen the Hamiltons serving a prison sentence. Instead it looks like Clifford will be serving porridge instead. Ha, ha, ha.
While Clifford was “exposing” the extra-marital affairs of Tory ministers, we now find out through his own admissions that he was conducting quite a few himself. In fact he was busy “playing away” for most of his married life. Hypocrisy comes natural to Labour supporters, it seems.
karma ALWAYS comes back round to get you
I have not heard the R4 interview with Mair, but the quoted reply is interesting. Mellor claims he is not gloating, yet on some TV interview he says ‘I hope he rots in hell’.
Sounds like to me that Mellor was cute enough to realise that if he admitted to the bBC he was happy then they would pull the PC rug on him. Whereas to another TV station he was quite happy to show that Clifford got his comeuppance. It also turned out that the extra of him being in a ‘Chelsea outfit’ was completely fabricated by Clifford for tabloid consumption.
So politician is careful was he says to the bBC because he knows what they are like; ‘whoda thunkit’.
come on max spill the beans about the goings on at the bbc,it will ease the pain of going to clink.
sorry to hear about the woman teacher being stabbed and killed in leeds,wonder if its the usual type of male suspect.know what i mean the ones that cant do wrong…..
If he is white his name will be all over the newspapers and the BBC if on the other hand his name is being withheld for legal reasons………………….
Turns out he’s a white emo kid. But his name still hasn’t been released in the press. For his name try twitter.
I don’t think the alleged killer will be named at this stage due to his being a minor. If convicted, his name may be published, if the judge decides it is in the public interest.
It’s a kid who hasn’t got the balls to do full goth but is desperate to be different the sort of sad prat who watch’s BBC3 !
I first head the term about 6 years ago, means ’emotional’ I understand. Think ‘pale and interesting’, skinny jeans and dark rings of makeup around the eyes. But otherwise Mat’s description fits the bill.
A little is filtering into U.K national coverage of Paul WESTON’s arrest (not INBBC though)-
“Arrested for quoting Winston Churchill: European election candidate accused of religious and racial harassment after he repeats wartime prime minister’s words on Islam during campaign speech.
“Paul Weston was arrested on the steps of Winchester’s Guildhall.
“Chairman of Liberty GB was detained on suspicion of racial harrassment.
“He quoted a passage from Winston Churchill’s 1899 book The River War.”
Read more:
Less than 50 years ago the country came to a standstill, cranes on the then industrious Thames dropped their jibs in respect of the great man Churchill, yet today just 49 years on a chap is arrested for repeating his words.
It must also be remembered that Churchill was voted the Greatest Britain in a not too recent BBC TV production….
suspicion of racial harassment?
please remind me, what “race” is Islam?
looks like Camerimam spends too much time listening to either the BBC, … or T Ramadan
How about William Gladstone on the Koran: –
“So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.”
Hang on, there’s a knock on my door…………..
” Hang on, there’s a knock on my door…………..”
Osama bin Laden’s last words!
Winchester is a silly little place. Smug and self regarding. Full of metropolitans whizzing up to Waterloo on the Desiros.
Alfred has a statue there. Not his sort of city any more.
BBC Radio Devon had a dig at Mrs Thatcher this afternoon. It was a joke, or so the afternoon presenter thought. He was playing records from 1980 and spliced in between was snippets of news. He played the Maggie thatcher speech containing *This lady is not for turning* but he spliced this speech into his commentary to state that Mrs Thatcher was still speaking and that he told the delegates to keep quiet and stop laughing (with applause) as she hadn’t finished. So the speech continued but at the end was greeted with silence, edited silence. What a cretin this BBC presenter is. His name is David Sheppard, yet another Lefty abusing his position from within the far Left BBC to promote Left wing bias. And you pay for this crap? Not me. I now have 25 letters from the BBC demanding to know why I do not have a TV licence.
Only 25, I’m making a 1:1 scale model in paper mache of Salford Media Sh**y. With the threat letters from the empty property WITH NO TV.
Thought I`d give this article a decent airing, seeing as we`re pretty good at sourcing the roots of bias…whether BBC or broadsheet as in this case here.
Sorry, I’ve been away a while… can someone please tell me why she is a Baroness? And why she is on the BBC? What has she done? I have much sympathy for what happened to her son but many other parents have lost children in racist attacks, Kris Donaldson’s parents for example, and they’ve received no titles or special treatment. Is it because ethnic minorities are treated specially and so we whites are made to feel guilty everyday of our lives?
The answer to your last question is yes.
Mrs Lawrence is perpetually pumped into our living rooms to remind us of how evil, racist and bigoted we all are. The endless repetition of “the racist murder of…” makes sure we never forget. PC Blakelock’s widow barely gets a mention, young Kris and his grieving family have been brushed under the carpet; Oh and what was the name of that soldier hacked to death on the streets of a London ghetto? Rigby, wasn’t it? Never mind.
You’ll never forget Stephen Lawrence.
Anybody tell me what Bernie Eccleston has done to deserve the Panorama stitch-up?
Thought he was a golden boy of New Labour.
Something very creepy and narkish about the “expose”…reminds me of what RT did to the likes of Bereszhovsky a few years back.
Now I don`t bother with F1…and, unlike the BBC and Labour…I`ve never seen the need to lick his boots when he was a Labour donor…but I hope the BBC get their come uppance over this.
This HMRC crap and sucking up to Hodge, Thornberry as if Occupy still lives on in all their hearts gives me the willies…don`t recall allowing the BBC to assume the rights of CPS on those they don`t like…when the likes of Yentob, Birt, Paxman and the like seem not to get the same treatment.
Release the liberal hounds!
If only the BBC gave as much attention to worrying about the tax affairs of those muggers who assaulted him in 2010…course not, self-employed Robin Hoods who will be “vulnerable”, and therefore not of interest.
The BBC are now reduced to HMRC/HODGE narks…didn`t Panorama used to matter once?
Hope he turns them over in one way or another.
Oh…and it`s Donal MacIntyre….a doorstepper of hard criminals by his own lights way back!
God…how the mighty have fallen….hope Ecclestone squashes the self-righteous creep.
Bernie is under trial for corruption – as such Labour have got to distance themselves from him. Hence the hatchet job by their lackeys on Panorama.
He’s avoided tax which is Number One on the New Labour Top Ten Sins (as dictated to Owen Jones by His Holiness Richard “Dick” Murphy). The fact that he’s done this in a manner that is quite legal and in which no-one can poke a hole is kind of glossed over, as is that fact that the deal was reached with the intervention of the semi-notorious head of HMRC during the last LABOUR government.
INBBC TV 3 is tonight putting out another piece of apologetics for Islamic jihad and Islamic supremacy. There are no non-Muslims in this programme- ‘My Brother the Terrorist’, except the EDL which is portrayed in its peaceful protests as worse than the utterly violent Islamic jihadist killers who are treated kindly in INBBC propaganda!
INBBC certainly censors on this stark political and cultural reality:-
“The political reality of Muslim demographics.
Mainstream political debate in Britain today ignores the emerging Muslim demographic reality. But the burying of heads in sand will not rid Britain of the consequences of sixty years of heavy immigration.”
By Vincent Cooper.
Yet another article of empty words telling us of what we all know is going on, yet offering no solutions.
It’s very easy to criticise the government, and often they deserve it, but stopping Islam in it’s attempts to take over in the UK is impossible without a radical solution which would break every international law in the book.
3.5 million of them in the UK, and it’s impossible to tell which one is going to go rogue and when. The only solution would be to remove a huge portion of them and to ban any further immigration.
This is impossible to even suggest on mainstream media, let alone for politicians to say.
Great News
“BBC staff were sent on a course in “unconscious bias” to address concerns they tended to recruit people like themselves ”
“Mr Harding said: “If we really are determined to make the BBC more representative of the audiences it serves, then we have to intervene. ”
Bad news
This means that the BBC are to be actively racist in discriminating against white applicants.
And I hoped it was going to be a case of encouraging advertising in papers other than the Guardian.
The final lesson of the day for the INBBC Researchers and indeed your Trustees is …
Modern technology provides the British Citizen via the internet, a news media that is uncensored.
By not reporting all the news or omitting it, implies that there is a form censorship in operation.
Homework for tomorrow….Read through your Charter
How about Beeboids doing a non-CoJo course to recognise their conscious/unconscious bias FOR:
Islam, E.U, Labour Party, mass immigration, global warming, Obama?
Channel 4 Gogglebox and on comes the BBC interview with Nigel Farage about his German wife.
Every single contributor thought Farage was ‘dangerous’, ‘racist’, ‘unprepared’, etc etc. Not a single one had anything complimentary.
Yep, odd that wasn’t it? But then again this is Channel 4 we’re talking about. ‘Nuff said.
Yes caught that and immediately fired off a complaint to OFFCOM – that’s 10 minutes I’ll never get back…
Just look at the state of the people on that show so I wouldn’t worry too much. Just another TV freak show for the masses
When is Mrs Keith Blakelock going to be made into a Baroness? After all…………..argh..just forget it
Today’s Guardian leads with a story about a “cross party campaign to brand UKIP as a racist party” by Migration Matters. This is a hard-line, pro-immigration pressure group led by Labour’s former immigration minister Barbara Roche, who is quoted as saying that UKIP “is practicing what in effect is a form of Euracism”. At first, I thought this must be a spoof, surely Eurjoking. But no, it’s for real and if the get-UKIP campaign has come down to this, what can you say but Eurarseholes!
As has been pointed out elsewhere, you could say that Labour and now the Coalition have a racist immigration policy. restrictions on African and Asian entry – but no restriction on Caucasians from all over Europe. Whereas UKIP wants an equal policy for all, no special treatment for Europeans – entry will be on merit.
This is how tyranny gets a hold. Euracism- a meaningless term that the liberal will no doubt start to use. To vilify and eventually to criminalise us.
Aided and helped by the usual suspects- the BBc et al. The Eu will be pleased.
Keep it coming idiot liberals. The UKIP vote is going to only increase.
We must stop liberal facism now. The liberal is on the run at last. Take away democratic legitmacy and the liberal will be seen for what he is. Nothing other than a malevolent fantasist.
The fly in the ointment is how are the ballot boxes going to be guarded during the couple of days between the vote count and the announcement of the results ?
Correct. For the EU i particular the stakes are high. I would put nothing absolutely nothing past them or our rotten to the core elites.
interesting comment in the discussion about ‘intelligence’, is that eugenics were in the 1920s seen as ‘progressive’.
Yet another disaster the liberals perpetrated and then blamed their opponents for !
Well said Dave S
As we all remember, the egregious Barbara Roach (together with Jack Straw), was the main instigator of Labour’s open-door immigration policy. While she was in charge, she probably did more to damage this country than anyone else in the past fifty years. To its credit, the BBC does not seem to have (yet) given this group the publicity they doubtless want.
Racism is old hat, now, few take much notice of it, other than those for whom it is a convenient agenda. UKIP are going from strength to strength – they have long passed the “dubious” threshold, and are now potential saviours in the eyes of most right thinking folk – the more mud which is slung their way, the greater the interest in voting for them. They are on a roll. It’ll take more than the combined efforts of LibLabCon (and even the Fourth Reich) to stop it in its tracks, now.
Fully agree, and they simply have no concept that there is always a moment of truth in the consciousness of ordinary tolerant people who know when enough is enough and that they must excercise the individual power that they have to start the process of fundamental change to put a stop to the abuse of their concerns and democracy. I firmly believe that moment has now passed and nothing that these arrogant, devious idiots dredge up will do anything other than increase the numbers who will vote for farage and UKIP. I know I certainly will and wouldn’t had it not been for this point being reached.
Well said oldbob
My prediction for the INBBC ….
Torys lose the next election over HS2 and Europe and we will see Tory MPs defecting in the coming months.
All thanks to the next PM, Mr Farage
GDP figures due this morning are expected to show the UK economy is doing OK. This morning the BBBC found two experts who questioned the value of GDP numbers.
Personally, I boycott BBC Radio 5 Live
The left-wing bias there is often obvious – but not always so.
This morning I note listeners – perhaps concerned parents – may have been drawn in with a discussion of Special Needs Education.
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live 16 mins
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at @NickyAACampbell live at a school in Kent as we discuss SEN
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live 1 hr
We’re live at a school in Kent where Headmaster @NigelUtton has given us his views on SEN.
Listeners may have been impressed by the passion of Head Master*** Nigel Utton
[***not sure how that patriarchal term got past the BBC PC censor?]
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live 6 mins
Headteacher @NigelUtton: “disgusting” treatment of special educational needs pupils
Nigel Utton @NigelUtton 28 mins
@bellaale @bbc5live let’s storm the DfE! I’m up for it.
This Nigel Utton seems to have been quite a performer
However, there was some disquiet expressed by listeners who perhaps preferred some constructive facts alongside all the emoting
Space Projects Ltd @Spaceprojects 47 mins
Nicky Campbell on radio5 reached new levels of banality today…… well done you!
But Nicky Campbell was standing steadfast in support of his show
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 37 mins
@Spaceprojects I think SEN is an incredibly important issue to very many people.
Tell me some more about BBC 5 Live’s new star turn Nigel Utton ‘Head Teacher from Kent’
District Council Election – Thursday, 5th May, 2011
Nigel Utton The Labour Party Candidate 171 21% Not elected
Said Nigel Utton, who identifies as a man apparently, was both prone and driven to tears, such was his fury at government policies.
Later, we joined the school assembly for a not very rousing rendition of Abba’s Dancing Queen. I was left wondering if a chiffon clad Miss Utton was prancing across the stage a la John Hurt’s Caligula in I, Claudius, and thinking to myself that we too once had an Empire, before the Utton’s of the nation took over.
Five Live’s tour of the country is becoming something of a liberal whine festival. Yesterday, ex-military who could not cope, today an Utton embarrassment, and tomorrow apparently, the subject is “Do we need to buy British?”, and I’m sure the Five Live elves are busying themselves finding those who think not as we speak.
I just Googled Nigel Utton, and was mystified as to why a photo of Elton John came up…
When I collect my newspaper in the morning I scan the front page headlines. This morning there was a headline ‘ Lesson for BBC chiefs in ‘unconscious bias”. I walked home thinking that at last the BBC was beginning to address its overwhelming liberal left bias. Over breakfast I read the story and was very disappointed. The BBC recognises the danger of managers recruiting employees in their own image etc etc. But the main thrust of the problem that the BBC recognises is not that they recruit only members and potential members of liberal left elite , but that they are not ethnically diverse enough. A BBC spokesperson said that the BBC fully takes on board the need to be more representative of the audience it serves.
Well, I have news for the BBC , there are millions of people, who are forced against their will to pay the LF, and whom feel that the BBC does not represent them but actively campaigns against their views and best interest. When will we ever hear our voice on the BBC? When will BBC staff fairly report what we feel? When will the BBC stop denigrating us ? We have become an oppressed minority in our own country thanks to the tyranny of the BBC.
Daniel Greenfield has this week written an essay published Sunday which really takes the liberal obsession with racism apart. On his Sultan Knish blog.
Way over the heads of the average Beeboid pod I fear. Words probably too long.
A load of blather about electric cars again, this morning.
They STILL bang on about “emissions”. When is someone going to get the opportunity to come onto “Today” and say, once and for all, “Look, emissions of CO2 are neither here nor there, have no detrimental effect upon anything – rather the opposite – we’ve all been sold a pup by the greenie scammers, and wasted billions on making the motor industry (and every other industry) kowtow to the Great Global Warming Religion – stop it, stop it now”.
Of course, the BBC ain’t going to entertain someone with those views, are they? Heaven forbid…
We haven’t got enough electricity for our current uses let alone as a petrol/diesel substitute.
EdF reckon that 10% of UK electricity is used by internet/IT/communications and rising. Japan gives itself 5 years before these ‘hidden’ uses exceed capacity.
It is all part of the silly ‘green’ mentality that equates a 1MW wind turbine with a 1GW power station, (“I’d rather have the former, so sweet!” – Yes but which one keeps the lights on?)
the electric car is an evolutionary cul de sac as far as the motor industry is concerned
If anyone did a dust-to-dust environmental assessment they would not be able to be sold as ‘green’ – they are far worse than conventional cars
plus their hideously inefficient and environmentally damaging batteries are topped up by non-green electricity
Yes we’re raping the earth for the metals to construct the batteries. Electric cars are about as useful as windmills. Yet the mentally challenged greenies at town halls think they’re the future, note the amount of car park spaces with charging points now being given up for electric cars. I guess that’s OK if you want to go shopping for 15 hours…..
Just another ruse to see the average motorist off the road.
BTW those spaces are always empty….
“Just another ruse to see the average motorist off the road”
always wondered why the left hate cars so much but have always thought it is to do with the freedom they bring. If you drive you can go anywhere, anytime and answer to no one without leaving a trail in public transport tickets or stuck to pre-determined timetables. The left freedom so could be that or just me rambling!
Baroness Kramer, failed MP, failed London Mayor candidate, so promoted to The House of Lords. Now f,in transport minister, what are her qualifications for this job. Most of the “facts” she spouted were utter rubbish, claiming re-charging an electric car takes 30 min’s, more like 8 hours in reality.
This woman along with many others that have taken the same path to the Lords is an insult to democracy.
How do we get rid of these rejects ? Kramer, Scotland, nobody has even voted for Ashton.
Even if it is 30 minutes, the interview on Today established the range as 100 miles.
Drive for 100 miles, stop for 30 minutes. Drive for 100 miles, stop for 30 minutes. Drive for 100 miles, stop for 30 minutes. Always assuming you don’t have to wait in the queue of people charging their cars before you.
And they couldn’t figure out why electric cars haven’t caught on. 🙄
Well my experience of anything involving rechargeable batteries has been mixed and, much of the time, an expensive waste. No way would I fork out £1,000s on this technology without the sort of guarantee that no manufacturer could afford to offer in the first place.
(TIP: buy Eneloop (Sanyo) rechargeable batteries – the only ones worth having.)
Cheer up get the popcorn out a watch the fun as this reality also hits our political class.
Just after 8:30 this morning on Today Naughtie “interviewed” a Labour mouthpiece demanding an election debate between (at least) Miliband and Cameron. This wasn’t interesting or even particularly newsworthy. After all what’s interesting about some Labour creep – in between mentions of the “cost of living crisis” – mouthing off about another part of a Labour agenda, except to the BBC which facilitates anything which might make Miliband look good and Cameron look bad. There was a topic here of some concern to the electorate but why let it be hijacked by a mouthpiece from Ed’s shadow cabinet?
FWIW my opinion concerning election debates between the leaders of political parties is to have it on radio only (that way we’ll hear the words and the participants might be forced to make coherent cases) and without an audience. I grant you that finding an impartial chairman might be difficult (certainly if left in the hands of the BBC) but it’s possible that a transparent deal between the participants might remove that problem. Unfortunately, Naughtie – a “journalist” – refused to venture outside the “we want a debate and we want it now!!!” meme laid down by Labour. Incredible I know but it’s almost as if the BBC had a pro-Labour agenda.
Ity would be really fun and interesting if Mr Cameron just said – “OK, we’re going to have TV debates, but in the interests of diversity, we’re not going to allow the BBC to have any of these debates, but we’re going to broadcast them on ‘minor’ TV channels which don’t get enough exposure at the moment. I am sure the BBC will welcome this drive towards plurality on the airwaves, and will wholeheartedly support our efforts in this area….”
As if !….. we all know why the BBC wants to control any airing of these debates – they get to pick the presenter, the agenda, and the audience.
How are the BBC covering the HS2 vote? Considering it will involve ripping up half the countryside I would assume they would be against it…
Their waiting for the Guardian to tell Millibland what his position is,then they ( the BBC) can fall in line
Stewart my old mate, the Guardian does not tell milipede what to do, please get it right:
Len mcluskey does!
11:08am r5dead bBC in full rant mode going for a SECOND day by VD ‘is UKIP racist?’. With the elections only a few weeks away are the bBC getting the boot in before the moratorium comes into effect?
Let VD and the rest of the pods keep it up. Best thing that could happen. She and her like must think we are all stupid.
More votes for UKIP.
Trojan horse news
anyone recall the BBC pic of this chap. in their articles and their erm “helpful” highlights to push a victim type narrative.
“said one member of staff.
‘That they should continue with it, even with all the scrutiny we are under, just beggars belief.’”
No … What beggars belief is that anyone would be surprised that they have continued with it in a country that is in full appeasement mode.
They have continued with it, because they know that nothing serious will be done to stop it.
They have continued with it, because they know that at the rate Britain is going, in a few years this brouhaha will be a joke from the distant past, and
… Tahir Alam will be Minister of Education.
(oh but, D Camerimam will have to consult with Warsi and Ramadan first)
R Spencer.
“said one member of staff.
‘That they should continue with it, even with all the scrutiny we are under, just beggars belief.’”
No … What beggars belief is that anyone would be surprised that they have continued with it in a country that is in full appeasement mode.
They have continued with it, because they know that nothing serious will be done to stop it.
They have continued with it, because they know that at the rate Britain is going, in a few years this brouhaha will be a joke from the distant past, and
… Tahir Alam will be Minister of Education.”
A little off-topic, but absolutely BBC-relevant:
“…New evidence of a concerted ‘establishment’ attack against UKIP has come to light following the announcement of a ‘cross party’ campaign to brand Nigel Farage’s party ‘racist’.
The Migration Matters Trust, an organisation which boasts leadership from the Conservative, Liberal Democrats, and Labour parties, today announced a new initiative to undermine the UK Independence Party, highlighting what they call “Euracism”.”
Expect the BBC to play its role in all of this. Things are going to get very, very dirty between now and May 22nd.
The conspiracy against UKIP has reached bizarre lengths. Have you noticed that the Electoral Commission’s TV advert for registering to vote uses a purple skip to dump those who don’t get a vote into?
There is no doubt, it would account for vacancies such as this… apologies for the re-post from the weekend thread, but relative to the above.
Euracism is the racism of EU countries and politicians discriminating against workers from nationalities outside the EU by preventing them coming freely into the EU to work, thereby selecting people based on their race rather than their ability.
Yes and let’s not forget the enormous agricultural tariffs the EU place on poor third world farmers’ produce via the bloated scam that is the Common Agricultural Policy.
Presumably intending to enlighten we licence payers, BBC man Norman Smith is talking in riddles today.
‘These damaging stories coming out about UKIP don’t seem to be damaging UKIP in the polls’
“Damaging stories” Is that wishful thinking then, Norman?
They are not ” damaging stories” until the liberal elite decided they are. Hypocrisy.
They just do not get it .
They soon will.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Putin, sick of all the EU crap with sanctions etc etc decided to do what the West has done when it’s friends have got them selves into trouble, and invade Syria on Assad’s side.
The BBC and other assorted Fascists have all lined up screaming in favour of Jihad, and the slaughter of anyone who isn’t the ‘right’ flavour of Muslim.
I can just imagine the hysterical output as some of the ‘British men’ are killed, and the calls for memorials to be erected. Wouldn’t surprise me if some of the nutters called for their names to be added to the war memorials !
Putin could give the EU an ultimatum. Shut up whining or I will invade Western Europe. Who would stop him? Us? the Germans? The French?
Don’t be silly. We are defenceless. Nuclear weapons cancel each other out. The Russians know this.
So Nato is not worth a light. Without the American power it is actually completely useless.
When the US finally goes, sick to death of the Europeans, we will find reality rather frightening.
“Who would stop him? ”
The Greens ,they could form a rainbow warrior legion and and hold the the banks of the Rhine with multi colourd flags and ethnic drums.
Ed will sort him out when he’s PM.
Stewart, you are so right on the button with this!
called for their names to be added to the war memorials !
Oh FF sake dont give the arseholes ideas.
Norman Smith conducts a weighty interview with Farage outside a Bath pub, questions range from drinking beer to latest racist outrage by someonre being linked to UKIP. Behind them a man entering the pub gives the w*nker gesture. Who to? Farage or the grand dame?
Judge for yourselves, looked to me aimed at the interviewer….
Norrie probably slipped the geezer a £20 beforehand.
World class journalism in action.
It seems as though BBC 5 Live’s campaigning against Government education policy is working for some listeners…
Tony Bower @thetonybower 4 hrs
@rachelburden @NickyAACampbell stopped in car listened to that teacher. He should run for political office & show what real passion is!
He did run for political office Tony.
Nigel Utton The Labour Party Candidate 171 21% Not elected
It’s just that the BBC didn’t tell you.
Instinct tells me that the BBC won’t be running comments praising the ‘passion’ of Nigel Farage et al anytime soon.
they really are shameless at the bBC.