Morning all. Time to start the week with a brand new Open Thread. I bet you are all looking forward to “Woman’s Hour” on BBC Radio 4 this week. Doreen Lawrence will be hosting one such episode and it’s inspiring to see the BBC create the space for her. You rarely see her on the BBC…..
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Beeboids, as NUJ members and Labour Party supporters, are politically smearing UKIP.
Beeboids are not taking up the growing cultural, political and economic case against U.K membership of the E.U.
These two new books can give further strength to UKIP’s arguments:
“The Demise of the Free State: Why British democracy and the E.U don’t mix”
By David G. Green.
This 100 page book is available (in pdf) for free via ‘Civitas’ here-
Click to access TheDemiseoftheFreeState.pdf
Roger Bootle, an economist who writes regularly in the ‘Daily Telegraph’ (but who is not particularly associated with right of centre politics) has just published his book:-
“The Trouble With Europe: Why the E.U isn’t working”
[published, 1 May, 2014].
Impartiality in their genes?
Joe Inwood @JoeInwoodNews · Mar 14
Very sad news about the death of Tony Benn. Wrote an article for me when I ran a student magazine – a thoroughly decent man.
Joe Inwood?
‘Southerner, living and working in the North. BBC Reporter… It doesn’t have views…. I do. Occasionally. You might get a few of them on here. Leeds, West Yorkshire ‘
I do feel sorry for the poor chap – I can just feel his southern guilt.
The National Union of Journalists:
-the power driving Beeboid politics.
“NUJ members urge BBC to resign from CBI over its support for referendum No campaign”
Will BBC-NUJ stop supporting TUC political line?
The BBC licence-payers are simply the financial milch cow in all this.
Will BBC-NUJ demand that BBC refuse to employ these artists because they oppose Scottish independence?
“‘It’s time for people to get together, not split apart’:
Billy Connolly breaks silence to voice fears on Scottish independence.”
Read more:
BBC News interviews Barbara Roche (nee Margolis umm…) ex Labour MP and now chair of Migration Matters about the ‘worrying’ rise of UKIP.
They then cross to Norman Smith in Bath who immediately tackles Farage about the ‘racists’ in his party, who defends with trying to point out that there are unsavory types in the big three (fat Cyril & co?) Smith doesn’t want to hear this, and presses on with his line of aggressive questioning.
Farage also points out that infiltration may be responsible for the undesirables, and points out that this also has happened to the big three…
…..10 minutes later big banner at bottom of screen BREAKING NEWS “UKIP Members found to be ex BNP and EDL….”
Is there no end to this?
,,, and yet isn’t UKIP the only party which won’t let you join if you were in the BNP? I don’t agree with that policy, but it sort of pulls the rug out from any accusations that ex BNPers are an embarassment to UKIP, when they’d be welcomed by the other main paries.
The BBC must have missed this one from about three years ago.
Michael Rosen struggles with distance equals velocity times time; the benefits of a ‘liberal’ education!
So the Cyril Smith circus continues to rumble on. The most astonishing thing about this truly unwholesome business is that none of the Lib-Dems knew anything about it. David Steele, “No, I heard nothing at all.” Paddy Pantsdown, “Me neither.” We all know that Nick doesn’t know his arse from his elbow, so I was hardly surprised in his case. They’re like the three wise monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. You might have hoped that a thirty odd stone paedo, who spent decades fondling little boys backsides would attract the attention of our political elite. I mean the police had investigated him, as had certain sections of the press and we know that some powerful forces were protecting him. Do they think that the British public are a bunch of xxxxx? Smith enjoyed a long and lucrative career and a celebrity lifestyle which afforded him access to hundreds of vulnerable young lads.
Nice one Cyril…
They treated him with kid gloves.
And the kid was too scared to ask for them back.
Seriously though, can you imagine if fatboy Cyril had been a UKIP member? The biggest story since 9/11 and Princess Di.
‘Unconscious’ Musical chairs at Beeboid news:-
-lightweight Sopel moves to USA (Beeboids call it ‘North America’, but Canada does not really get seriously reported); the Obama supplicant Mardell shifts to Radio 4.
“BBC appoints Jon Sopel as North America editor”
I see with much trepidation the BBC are going to do a remake of Dads Army with Bill Nighy as Sgt Wilson and Toby Jones as Cpt Mainwaring. First question Why? Second Question who will play the black or Asian or even black and Asian characters that will definitely be in this new version? Maybe its an opportunity for Lenny Henry to grey his hair and go for the part of Corporal Jones. They don’t like it up em!
No – they’re saving him for the remake of “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum”.
I have just had the most unpleasant 5 minutes ever, being in the company of Barbara Roche of Migration Matters debating with the communications head of UKIP on Newsnight about how ‘wayist’ the UKIP posters are, amongst over UKIP bashing comments.
The nursery school of Owen Jones bedwetters just don’t get it and the more they attack UKIP for being racist the more people will be sick and tired with these arguments from the career politicos like Babs Cockroach.
Paxman just let the larger than life, lard arse, have the floor for almost all of the ‘debate’ where the biggest causality of this called discussion was the truth. She even had the chutzpah to give Paxo a knowing smile at the end of the debate, ‘job’s done’.
Roll on the European Elections.
I missed that. People really are noticing. Today a young man said to me that the orchestrated anti UKIP show was so obvious.
It was making him and his mates all the more determind to vote UKIP..
I have always thought that our greatest weapon against the liberal elite is it’s arrogance and inability to understand that life is not predictable. Those ,like the liberals , who think they possess the “truth” are always liable to overvalue themselves.
I rather enjoyed watching a woman who was obviously struggling with the weakest point imaginable to attempt to defend it from even the lightest questions.
Paxman went from a look on his face of deep concentration as he attempted to understand her argument, when he realised she was talking utter nonsense his face changed to that barely contained smirk that he can’t help showing as a loon falls apart on air.
She blatantly tried to dodge the questions by just emitting more bully words, and then trying to suggest that if the words were changed to ‘black’ then it would be ‘racist’.
The UKIP guy was far too laid back though. If it was me I’d have been all over her, asking why she had to emit meaningless bully words instead of being able to attack the posters point.
I would have challenged her to provide a definition for her bully word as now it didn’t seem to even refer to race at all – something everyone can agree on, and suggested without it that the word has no meaning.
I’d have been asking her about her intentions re criminalising people who criticise the EU and its open door policies, and our membership.
I would have pointed out the surveys which show that nearly 70% of people do not regard the posters as ‘racist’ and challenged her if it was as blatant as she was suggesting to contact the Useless Brigade who are very enthusiastic about prosecuting such incidents.
Then there’s the Advertising Standards Authority who will almost certainly have received complaints from desperate lefties unable to counter the obviously factual arguments.
German U boat captain …”Your name will also be going in my book, wass ist your name?”
Captain Mainwaring “…..Don’t tell him Habeeb….”
I sense imminent fear, panic and disarray in offices of the Liblabcons & INBBC following the resignation of Patrick Mercer – What will Mr Farage do?
In the immortal words of Corporal Jones ….”they don’t like it up them 1”
The BBC usually follows the Guardian line on most things. Will it fully relay this story in the Guardian reporting that it appears that many or most of the young Christian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria have been married off to their Muslim terrorist captors. Basically – mass rape, sexual slavery. Will Woman’s Hour splash it ? Will it be on the Today programme tomorrow ?
Listening to Nick *I have no news just my opinion* Robinson on Radio 4 this morning he stated that UKIP have come under attack from the papers and politicians. Interestingly, he forgot to mention the BBC.
There was no need for Robinson to mention the BBC among the attackers, because the BBC is of course utterly impartial, the likes of Robinson would never dream of attacking UKIP. Never ever.
Smear away, Robinson – but it just ain’t working for you ! The more you and your ilk whinge and whine, the more people will pay attention to UKIP’s real message to the political class. .
The dinosaur known as ken Clarke waffling on this morning, and on, and on…
…after Nigel Farage had (rightly, in my opinion) eschewed the chance of putting himself up at Newark, with a succinct, and to the point interview. He is a star, that man – a star.
Very pleased Mr Farage has resisted the siren calls from the duplicitous BBC and others to run for that Westminster seat. He’s showed leadership and put the good of the party ahead of any personal ambition he might have to win a seat in Parliament. It was clear to him (and to just about everyone else) that the msm just wanted to tempt him into making a massive blunder ahead of May 22nd.
It won’t be the last time they will lay such traps for him, by any stretch of the imagination, so well done, Mr Farage – onward, then, to May 22nd!
Oh dear, oh dear.
First in an occasional series of instances when guests are lorded by the BBC – but then say things which cause a sharp intake of breath at the BBC
Punk fashion heroine Vivienne Westwood initially has BBC Breakfast bods falling all over themselves to praise her – no doubt so as to establish their own ‘cred’.
So how about a shout out for the kidz….
‘Vivienne, what advice would you give to young people, just starting out in your industry?’
Like true old Royalty Ms Westwood is not afraid to say what she really thinks…
‘Oh, these days people have no talent but think they can do a thing just because they WANT TO…. that’s what happens in these so-called democratic times…. why don’t they just go off and be brain surgeons!’
Awkward moment there in BBC-land as a central plank of their left-liberal philosophy is challenged by one of their supposed heroes.
… growing old disgracefully …
actually I missed the very start of that
… but I did see an older lady, in a sack
talking about clothes? … only to be directed
(by the beebot) to talk about climate change?
Glad that UKIP(and Farage of course) won`t play the dancing bear for the BBCs liberal entertainments.
All UKIP need is a local man or woman in Newark to stand…and tell them that the BBC see their representation as a diversionary beauty contest to ensure a lose-lose for the embryonic Peoples Army.
Mercers resignation was staged, probably with the attempt to neuter UKIP.
“Wise as serpents..gentle as doves”…but aren`t the BBC truly despicable in citing politicians and the journalists as being “UKIPs critics”.
Why-it`s just as if the BBC only report the nastiness and lies
through see through, clean sewer pipes….without the social engineers, cultural saboteurs and slime faced assassins and psy-ops that the BBC represent!
Utter shameless hypocritical scum…their BBC!
Sure as F888 isn`t ours any more-and it will never be again!
I see the bbc are nearly in tears as there favourite ex terrorist is being questioned.