‘Support the Taliban’

‘Islam Will Dominate The World…Osama is on his way’ ”Kill Gordon Brown’
Not a word from the Muslim Council of Britain about those insults on the BBC….and yet when the BBC makes a frontpage splash with this:
Wikipedia edit from government computer added Muslim insult
……they’re all over it:
Nasima Begum, a spokeswoman for the Muslim Council of Britain, told the BBC: “It is these types of attitudes that create an unnecessary climate of fear and hostility.
“It is shocking and cause for great concern that inflammatory comments like these should be sent from someone within the government.”
Remarkable that the BBC continues to make such a big story out of this……especially when it completely ignored C4’s ‘Dispatches’ programme ‘Undercover Mosque’ which revealed some pretty nasty thinking based on Islamic values.
The BBC instead preferred to spend a week, the same weeek Dispatches was broadcast, attacking Jade Goody for allegedly being racist on another C4 programme ‘Big Brother’…so can’t claim to be embarrassed about investigating other channel’s programmes.
A very good indication of the BBC’s priorities and how it hides really dangerous news (ala Rochdale) in favour of hounding ‘stupid white trash’ as Goody was proclaimed to be by the self righteous on many a BBC programme dedicated to exposing the ignorance and prejudice of such people that week.
And in fact I can’t even find a BBC story on the vandalism of the war memorial with ‘Islam will dominate the world’ sprayed on it….nor indeed for the memorial in Burton sprayed with ‘Support the Taliban’. There must be some I’m sure….all with expressions of sorrow and anger from the MCB.
“Unnecessary climate of fear and hostility” eh?
As opposed to Islams perpetual stoking of that “climate of love and tolerance” that they create, having done so here now since 1989.
Witness Subways caving in to Islam…so that`s one more chain of suckups I don`t need to bother with.
Sounds like the BBC and its local output does it not?
“Subways caving in to Islam…so that`s one more chain of suckups I don`t need to bother with.”
but they ll be on speed dial, for Panto/Drearybyshire and co, to spend the licence fee … the next time they syphon in L Rigby murderers families, or the UK arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, the shills from the MCB, some terrorist from Gitmo, or the plethora of Islamic apologists and liars, “anything off of the menu boys”
alloha snackbar!
“It is these types of attitudes that create an unnecessary climate of fear and hostility.”
Funny, that…I thought it was muslims blowing up the Underground, beheading someone in broad daylight in a busy London street, and constantly screaming to kill all the unbelievers that caused a “climate of fear and hostility”.
But maybe it’s just me…
In bBC parlance, you’ve got it “Just about right”.
‘It is these types of attitudes that create an unnecessary climate of fear and hostility’
Not the Islamic terrorism then?
INBBC not interested in this:-
“Ground Zero Mosque developer now plans museum of Islam at Ground Zero.”
By Robert Spencer.
you have to take what the what muslim council of britian says these days with as much contempt as what anjem choudary spews out on a regular basis,am i to harsh on the mbc,well not really,they are connected to the muslim brotherhood in egypt who have been deemed there as a terrorist organisation by the egyptian goverment and booted out and banned from that country but for some strange reason have been let into england by the coalition goverment to set up there new hq in tower hamlets with the blessing of the mcb.note that ukip and nigel farage the next time the goverment try to smear you,also,the islamist trojan horse plot in birmingham,did you know that the teachers under investigation in them schools are all members of the muslim council of britian which the mbc have not denied,that you might not of known.but you do now,i need say no more about the mcb do i.
‘The BBC instead preferred to spend a week, the same weeek Dispatches was broadcast, attacking Jade Goody for allegedly being racist on another C4 programme ‘Big Brother’…so can’t claim to be embarrassed about investigating other channel’s programmes.’
Repeating the same lie over and over will never make it true.
so our war memorials have been defaced AGAIN. If this country had any pride left (of if the media weren’t so cowardly) it would be front page news and the culprits would be found and dealt with…..RIP Britain
INBBC is disdainful of anyone who might offend its preferred religion of Islam, but is likely to be sympathetic to anyone who offends Christianity.
“Sharia UK: Two women in court for tearing up Qur’an at soccer match”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Just a few months ago another man in Britain, Mark Stephenson, was prosecuted and fined for tearing up a Qur’an at a soccer match. If Mark Stephenson, Julie Phillips and Gemma Parkin had torn and thrown pages of the Bible, would they have been charged? Or have the British authorities simply taken it upon themselves to prosecute violators of Sharia blasphemy laws? Tearing up a Qur’an is a violation of Islamic law, not British law. Will Muslims be charged with ‘religiously aggravated harassment’ in Britain for their repeated claim that Moses and Jesus were Muslim prophets?”