Busy morning on the BBC. Every effort made to debunk claims by Sir Andrew Green’s MigrationWatch (with Evan Davies joining in the fun and games), then a strange thought for the day that seemed to claim teachers were like Christ, and of course a item on how Labour might win the Newark by-election. Just a normal day through the prism of the BBC.
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Oh dear, oh dear.
First in an occasional series of instances when guests are lorded by the BBC – but then say things which cause a sharp intake of breath at the BBC
Punk fashion heroine Vivienne Westwood initially has BBC Breakfast bods falling all over themselves to praise her – no doubt so as to establish their own ‘cred’.
So how about a shout out for the kidz….
‘Vivienne, what advice would you give to young people, just starting out in your industry?’
Like true old Royalty Ms Westwood is not afraid to say what she really thinks…
‘Oh, these days people have no talent but think they can do a thing just because they WANT TO…. that’s what happens in these so-called democratic times…. why don’t they just go off and be brain surgeons!’
Awkward moment there in BBC-land as a central plank of their left-liberal philosophy is challenged by one of their supposed heroes.
… growing old disgracefully …
actually I did miss the very start of that
… but I did see an older lady, in a sack
talking about clothes? … only to be directed
insidiously (by the beebot) to talk about climate change?
She had already trotted out her “we are all going to fry from global warming” rant in advance though so I assume she has got off with a yellow card in drone central.
Just wanted to repost this again as it the last OT got closed almost as soon I posted it there. It bears repeating:
Phil Ford says:
April 30, 2014 at 8:56 am
Very pleased Mr Farage has resisted the siren calls from the duplicitous BBC and others to run for that Westminster seat. He’s showed leadership and put the good of the party ahead of any personal ambition he might have to win a seat in Parliament. It was clear to him (and to just about everyone else) that the msm just wanted to tempt him into making a massive blunder ahead of May 22nd.
It won’t be the last time they will lay such traps for him, by any stretch of the imagination, so well done, Mr Farage – onward, then, to May 22nd!
Utterly agree, the time for bye-elections can come after the Euros.
Focus NOW on tne Euros, avoid the traps being primed ready to spring.
Here is a bit of news from the Western parts of Great Britain that the BBC reporters may find useful to keep an eye on ….
Would like to see the faux ‘nationalists’ rejected.
The post-8:30 Labour Party political broadcast slot on Today concerned the Labour policy to return schools to political control. Blunkett was given the usual polite encouragement by Humphrys.
In contrast, Humphrys let his venom flow in an earlier item where he accused (wrapped up in the BBC “some say” protocol) Farage of cowardice (“being frit”) to stand at the upcoming Newark by-election. Farage then was disappeared as Humphrys turned to arch-europhile Ken Clarke to dismiss UKIP as, essentially, fringe nutter opportunists: a conclusion with which Humphrys – and Robinson – could only (sadly) agree. It’s a measure of the BBC’s desperation when a Conservative (OK a CINO but still . . ) is brought on to make the BBC’s case.
You can guarantee the BBC will be pushing that line, as will most newspapers who seem to be terrified of the UKIP threat to their cosy relationships. As I’ve said in another thread, I’d bet it was Ken who was frit and refused to debate with Nigel, hence his disappearance.
I thought Clarke made an arse of himself trying to tell us what sort of people we should want to elect: only “proper” politicians. We know best, in other words. I doubt he did himself any good with that attitude, but the BBC don’t seem to realise the game has changed.
Good point about who was probably “frit”. Ken would have been horribly exposed in a direct discussion with Farage. OTOH he had Humphrys to help him out – and still he probably refused to play. Reminds me of the warmists who also refuse discussion . . . . I wonder why.
Yes. They are too stupid or arrogant to understand that the game is up. They will turn nasty next (the Balkanising Britain Corp already has). Their cosy dinner party with the plebs looking in at the window is over.
Ken, I suspect, likes his image as the avuncular Tory liked by the Joe Prole in the street. When it comes down to it he’s just the Billy Bunter face of condescending elite who know whats best for us. If only we weren’t so stupid we’d realise that…
The liberal left is so obvious. Standing in Newark makes no sense for Farage. The important election is the EU one. They really are frit of UKIP are they not? Good. Fear makes people careless.
More votes all the time for UKIP.
Well, the EU election is only important from a domestic consumption point of view. It will move the discussion along the road, and give the incumbent bast*rds a bloody nose in the UK. The powers that be don’t care about the implications for the EU parliament, because there aren’t any.
In and of itself, it is pointless. You could fill the entire EU Parliament with UKIP MEPs, and they couldn’t do a single thing, because it has zero power – repeat, ZERO POWER. The Commission can do whatever it wants, when it wants. The Parliament is only there as a sop to parliamentary democracy, to give the illusion that elected representatives can actually do something. The rules are clear on this.
it is the domestic repercussions of a huge UKIP vote in the EU elections that are important. I did not make that clear. What will Cameron do then? It could destabalise the Tory party which can only be a good thing. It could eliminate the Libdems as a political force and make Labour stop and really think .
The liberal elite will suffer it’s first serious setback in years. Much is riding on this election and the elite knows it. The EU parliament is ,as you say, irrelevant and so it is at this election.
Yep, this is solely about the UK. It makes no difference to the EU or its governance in any way, shape or form. The Commission will roll on doing what it likes until the union breaks up – which it will. The election is a pure dog-and-pony show, the whole thing.
Dog and Pony show, quite, but watched with great interest by every “political weather-forecaster” Hear them quaking in their boots. The media pundits who have invested their entire careers in LibLabCon, just like the warmist- exaggerators with their “30 days to save the planet” toffee.
As always (sigh) follow the money.
Van Rompuy: If the public doesn’t want EU expansion “we do it anyway.”
joeb -Much of what you say is true .I myself am not completely sure about exiting the EU but even if UKIP were to form a government tomorrow they could not get us out in one parliament. (Though despite, as you say, the dictatorial power of the commission, they could force us onto the path of an expulsion)
I’m not even the greatest fan of old style ‘high tory’ Farage. But this is about democracy .
At present the main parties see themselves answerable to a self appointed ‘liberal Inquisition’ rather than the electorate. The current anti-UKIP hysteria from the liberal establishment must surely prove that . At no point have the established parties even attempted to engage with the wayward flock rather they have joined the choir in its chanting of witch and heretic
But a good result for UKIP in next years general election would change all that,and the first step towards that is a good result in these euro elections
Anyone interested in making the political class answerable to the electorate regardless of affiliation should vote UKIP.
The alternative is more of the same for ever and ever Amen .
It looks as though there was a party line at the BBC to back up Ken Clarke. Here are some examples from twitter.
Ian Katz @iankatz1000 (Editor of Newsnight)
Ken Clarke struck me as most effective counter the mainstream parties have found to Farage so far
mary beard @wmarybeard 33m
Ken Clarke being great on the Today programme. He is one of the few people who puts UKIP in its place with gusto!
Mary Beard is the historian who on BBC Question Time told the people of Boston they knew nothing about immigration in Boston…
The Twitter people seem a bit out of touch. I suppose that is the nature of the beast. Twitter strikes me as a technology too far and to be avoided by those who wish to remain sane.
Poor Mary made a complete plank of herself on QT. But in the irony free world of the Toynbee’s Vaz’s, Abbots and Beard’s they just can’t stop offering their ill informed and rarefied thoughts and advice .
Well no one is listening to her apart from her chattering classes mates (the producers of QT no doubt). Games up Mary. Now kindly f**k off.
I was couldn t get this yesterday …
BBC a tad concerned?
so tired of saying it
BBC … another “race”? row about a muslim? …
… what race is Islam
The ‘race’ bubble is bursting. And not before time…no one buys that sh*t anymore.
Getting fed up with the aggressive and incredulous questioning by all of those in the MSM are giving Farage, Sky included. Milliband would never suffer the same fate at their hands and would soil himself if continually harangued as is Farage.
Saw him last night in Bath, a full house, most of which gave him a great reception. If nothing else he has facilitated and energized people to be open about their views, the subject of immigration is now mainstream…
Interestingly as we were queuing, the local BBC seemed more concerned in filming the 25 or so ‘great unwashed’ who were protesting outside, other than the 700 odd entering the meeting. That 25 had dispersed when we left.
The best they could come up with was “Immigrants will pay your pensions” and “Farage is a banker” (which of course he wasn’t) – pathetic!
Whilst you are right that Milibland would never get the sort of grilling Farage is getting the UKIP coverage is fair.
Yet another snide interview by the BBC – trotting out the usual claptrap, – but Farage handled it impeccably, quick and straightforward answers, always keeping his composure – with a smile and a chuckle. Nigel really laps this stuff up,
I hope the BBC carries on with its relentless bias – for 2 reasons. One, because it gives UKIP more and more airtime. The more the focus is on Farage, the more decent and honest he appears. And two, because it is opening a lot of people’s eyes to the innate bias of the BBC.
Shit scared and Smith seemed really rattled because he knows that Farage is running the show because he is coming across as the underdog rising above the snide attacks and that Joe public is taking it in as a real opportunity to kick the establishment hard, if nothing else.
Only hope that UKIP are keeping tabs on the likes of Rachel Reeves, Anna Soubry, Danny Alexander, Andrew Lansley who accuse Farage of being “frit”,,,and hope Carole Thatcher sues the BBC for intellectual infringement of copyright in using this hallowed word.
These milksop feather bedded nomarks still grubbing their expenses and smarming in their restricted codespeak of weasel words….how much courage has any of THIS lot ever used?
Apart from hiding in the BBC Green Room to hurl snide abuse!
Hope Nigel has a black book and will target each and every one of them…spineless jellies just need a bit of salt poured on them…slugs and slime.
Farage should say that he will debate the charge of cowardice among other things in the televised leaders debate…
This really is dreadful isn’t it? The bias is so ingrained they’re not even aware of it. Answer yes or no – Dear God, what a fool that “interviewer” is. Thanks for posting it.
Yes indeed, Yes or No. The BBC interviewer probably used that technique when interviewing for the University Socialist Society Mag. He has come on rather well….
Yes, errrr…….’ Have you stopped beating your wife, answer yes or no! ‘
Smith’s face looks like he bit on a shit sandwich
Smith is a disgrace, he shows just how partial and biased he is, he quite clearly displays his view that UKIP are not fit to express views on anything. He is the one not fit, he simply attempts to insult and intimidate. Smith is not fit for purpose, just like the rest of BBC News. They are all getting very desperate.
Biased Beeboid ‘News’ not needed: close it down.
Save public’s money.
“Public prefers Channel 4 news, according to internal BBC report”
I used to think that, but over the last few years I have decided that Channel 4 news is just as lefty, pro-AGW, and slimy as the BBC, if not more so. With the Newman feminist, the Murthy know-nothing, and the horibbly snide leftie Snow, not to mention the bouncing (and quite mad) Frei, it is now an hour of crap worth missing.
“…Channel 4 news is just as lefty, pro-AGW, and slimy as the BBC, if not more so…”
More so, I’m afraid. CH4 News is a hotbed of Jon Snow-led lefty posturing; it’s actually quite nauseating to watch (so I don’t). Snow is a major CAGW cheerleader, as well as a committed Europhile and ‘multiculti’ evangelist; basically a fully-signed-up ‘progressive’ prat of the highest order. The fact he will have to be chiselled out of his ‘news anchor’ status at CH4 speaks volumes about how power-crazed and self-congratulatory such people can be, once they get a taste for ‘gaming’ the news agenda to their way of thinking.
Avoid CH4 News at all costs – it just isn’t a healthy choice for open-minded free thinkers of a Libertarian persuasion.
Just seen an advert for a ‘documentary’ next Thursday about whether the internet “has made misogyny socially acceptable.” It’s another attempt by the BBC to tarnish men by trying to claim that sexism only exists towards women, and that abuse towards men online doesn’t exist at all, both of which anyone with an IQ over 50 can see are bullshit. It also allows the Beeb to maintain its recent agenda of trying to control and undermine the internet, since they know that the biggest threat to their closed house of regimented prejudices is the freedom for its plebs to research other information sources.
There’s no doubt whatsoever that this is the intention, seeing as one of the women they showcased was Germaine Greer, who said “men have become even less tolerant of women” – this is the same sexist bitch who has on several occasions said that men are naturally violent and once said all of them would become rapists if it wasn’t against the law. She’s one of the last people who has any right to expect tolerance when she has a complete lack of it herself.
The strange thing is that every woman I know, all of them independent and strong, distance themselves completely from these asinine views and from sexists like Greer using the term “feminists” to get away with the sort of disgusting rubbish that men could only dream of being able to say. So if it’s the BBC’s intention to be a mouthpiece for feminism, it’s not going to work. The very women they’re targeting are either too intelligent to fall for it, or too thick and gullible to ever have their views taken seriously anyway. Or, they’ve already entered into a belief system which won’t be swayed by watching Kirsty Wark make sneering remarks and getting men to read jokes so she can call them sexist when they laugh, since if there’s one thing a PC neo-leftist hates it’s humour. Why else would Russell Howard still have a career?
In other words, there’s no merit to it except to allow some pseudo-journalists and a couple of bitter misandrist pigs to spew anti-male venom for an hour. And then they wonder why people see them as being ‘distant’? They’re distant because they choose not to reflect reality. And we’re paying for this shite under threat of prosecution.
Evan Davis gave go-to migration man Jonathan Portes a free run and much more time than Sir Anthony Green. Then he picked up Portes’s irrelevant point that immigrants also pay VAT and nagged away at Green to get an answer before cutting him off as he was trying to reply.
A good morning’s work on the newly reviewed BBC’s news and current affairs output with an extra dose of diversity rammed down your throat.
Is Portes an immigrant?
Probably. Scratch the surface of these people and there’s an immigrant underneath. FFS, the leader of the Libs is Dutch and the leader of the Labour Party is a Polak. It’s no wonder we Britons are treated so badly in our own country.
Very true, I suspect that Barbara Roche (nee Margolis) has a chip on her shoulder for that reason. There is more that a passing resemblance to well know lefty Miriam…
Do I detect a little antisemitsm from the 2 above. Miriam is a traitor to her people. She should go live in gaza and see what they do to dykes.
The only similarities seem that they should both go on a diet.
Tel-aviv has a world famous gay pride event, Boy George attending this year.
Miaiam Margoyles ? Wasn’t she the puritanical Lady Whiteadder ?
The Labour Leader is a red wej.
Evan Davis favours immigration because he gets to ogle callow young Arab and Brazilian men while pulling on his nipple chains. Allegedly.
I would like any defender of the BBC to give an example of any guest of a leftist persuasion who has faced two interviewers – which is effectively what happened to Green. Portes was allowed to run riot with Davis chipping in occasionally to back him up.
I suspect also that Davis was aware of the nature of Portes’ main argument before the interview started.
And when Green countered with ‘I’ve not included the costs of things like healthcare and education either’ Davis did nothing to use this as a challenge on Portes.
A tried and tested BBC tactic with Davis at the forefront yet again. An effing disgrace and as clear an example of BBC bias as you are likely to find.
He is certainly immigrant descent, American Jew.
Another ‘nation wrecker’?
Not sure…I certainly got the sense that Portes was
a sanctimonious sneering little shit from his performance.
BBC’s veteran man to go to on elections, Prof John Curtice, in to talk about Farage/Newark tells us that immigration “is still a subject of concern to voters”. How did he/bbc/labour think the matter had been neutralised?
Here are Farage’s comments on the Barbara Roache “racist” nonsense :
My local info. is that UKIP candidates are finding really strong support on the doorstep. And the people who are saying they will vote UKIP are from all parties and none. Many traditional Tory voters are now Eurosceptic and very concerned about the impact of excessive immigration. – but the support also comes from traditional Labour enclaves. I know someone who went to a local council estate to try to gather the 10 signatures he needed for nomination to stand as a UKIP local candidate. It is often difficult to get people to sign these nomination forms – people are wary, they don’t quite understand that they are not committing themselves to vote in any direction. He expected to have to knock on a lot of doors to gather the 10 signatures. He did not know any of the people he approached. In the event, he needed to knock on only 14 doors – most of the people were happy or indeed eager to sign the nomination form.
By contrast, I am told that Tory and LibDem canvassers are getting very hurt by the proportion of voters, even their known past supporters, who are shutting the door in their face.
There is a strong tide running for UKIP, across any class or political divide. It puts me in mind of G K Chesterton’s poem “The Secret People” and the theme line :
“Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget;
For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet”
Methinks the people of England are going to make their voice heard on 22 May – bigtime.
I can vouch for that too, as I had to go out into my constituency to gather nomination signatures (I am standing for UKIP for a council seat) – I found it a lot easier than I expected.
Good for you Sir, I do hope you succeed.
I know what you mean Neil. Having never previously been active in politics, I’ve been out canvassing and dropping leaflets through doors for UKIP over the last couple of weeks.
The reception on the doorstep is amazing. We have a mix of “staunch” Tory and Labour wards in our area, and all signs are that the British people are going to deliver the promised “earthquake” on May 22nd, because both seem equally receptive to the UKIP message, as well as being sick and tired of being ignored by their respective traditional parties.
Mention the BBC to anyone and the reaction is the same, regardless of area. The contempt the Beeboids have for the licence-payers is more than reciprocated by the poor punters forced to pay for their seats on the gravy train. I had one guy actually spit on the ground when he mentioned them. “How stupid and easily-led do they think we actually are?” seems to be the general gist of it.
Interesting times ahead I think. And a lot of shocks heading for the Islington bubble.
I find this extraordinary. Are you saying that political parties that do not get their nominations from the local party faithful have to go door to door?
I’m surprised some candidates live to tell the tale!
I told the fat SNP twat who came to my door last night to fuck off
Will the bBC report this. On Guido site is a link to http://www.edballs.co.uk/blog/?p=1066 this Balls own site where he takes credit for the Co-op merger. But recently he disavows any participation in the merger. The clearest evidence ever of what a total liar Balls is. Will the bBC make a headline of this, well you all know the answer.
Of course not. They’ll have found a UKIP member who once said “slope” in a tweet. Much more newsworthy.
Presumably they were referring to their skiing holiday!!!!
He also says: ‘When I became Schools Secretary, we took the radical step of supporting the establishment of co-operative trust schools – to give parents and the whole community a greater say in their local school, without expecting them to go it alone and set up their own new school in competition to others, as the Tories want.’
Well we’ve got a large Co-Operative trust school a few miles away which is in very deep do-dos financially and educationally and it has serious problems with pupil behaviour in and out of school. It is now looking to another trust school to rescue it – but who would want to get involved with that political viper’s nest?
No doubt the BBC will continue to favour the Balls gloss (does he use Placker’s Kancker Lacquer, I wonder?) rather than reality.
BBC and Balls – it’s all bollocks.
Sorry – should have been Knacker Lacquer.
Ed Balls father helped shut all Grammar schools in Norfolk then the hypocritical shit sent the Edward Balls to a private school. Balls jnr should shut his mouth on education.
As if the Today programme wasn’t bed enough, it was followed by Midweek. That epitome of middle-class, lefty, loveliness presented by the insufferably smug “Libby” Purves OBE.
Libby’s guests on this mornings progressive, liberal love-in were a middle-class ‘hippie’ woman (pushing a book), a poet who likes to swim in odd places (also pushing a book), a very posh knight of the theatre (pushing his luck) and best of all an ‘Anglican’ vicar who runs residential courses on ‘understanding Islam’ (pushing an agenda).
Radio bloody Islington at it’s finest folks.
So why didn’t you exercise your rights – (by pushing the on/off button?)
Are you saying that sounding off here isn’t his right as well?
Well the wife enjoys it and I was waiting for Book of the Week. Also I had a old garden shed to demolish this morning so it helps to have a bit of pent-up aggression before piling in with the wrecking bar.
So Arthur can we exercise our right not to watch BBc without being bombarded with threat letters? Letters that contain phrases like what to do if you find yourself in court. Letters that say your case is under the final stages of investigation. When you have sub contracted scum trampling over gardens to try and look in the property. So moron there is no choice is there?
We get the letters on a regular basis – they go into the compost heap for recycling. I am sure the BBC would be pleased.
‘Radio bloody Islington’
You hit the nail on the head there. As a refugee from BBC Radio 4 – who fled due to constant political and cultural persecution – it occurs to me that those who actually enjoy the present output could very well afford to pay for it. The problem being that their smug anti-capitalism and perverse idea of ‘fairness’ allows them to abhor the very concept of a subscription whilst revelling in their subsidy. And the rest of us let them get away with it.
I’m still a fairly regular R4 listener as there is still some very good programming once you get past the ‘news’ and agenda-pushing shows like Start the Week, Midweek, Sod the Week etc.
Anybody able to tell us how long Libby, Laurie and Rosen have been on their perpetual cruise c/o our expense at the BBC.
Purvis seems never to take a holiday, and (as for the three of them) surely to God there are better cheaper alternatives from Latvia and Poland etc.
How come no talk of zero hours self employment opportunities or talk of Jimmy-Reid type Co-Op buy outs (the BBC seem awful fond of these Benn type Co-Ops-except for the REAL Co-Op of course for now)
Purvis, Laurie and Rosen are three of the BBCs biggest limpets…we can`t shake them off! Why not?
Heh heh. I’ve always referred to Radio 4 as Radio Hampstead. No difference I suppose. Although the demographic is younger in Islington. The multi-millionaire socialists in Hampstead are far more bitter and aggrieved, as they’re older. You can tell as they berate their Filipino servants on the way down the High Street.
Comedian Bob Mills on Radio 5 discussing the appeal of Miranda Hart.
” She’s a bit like women’s football, everyone tells me it’s immensely popular but I’ve never met anyone who’s actually seen it !! ”
I saw a 10 second trailer for Miranda Hart, all she does is bump into furniture and fall over, I thought slapstick went out with the Keystone Cops.
What appeal is that? I have never seen an ‘up and coming’ tv personality who is so unfunny. I have nver understood how bbbc choose the new ‘talent’. Presumably one’s political views have to be as far left as possible……..
My 15 and 13 year old grand daughters love her. Have boxed sets of her series. This from you is not about BBC bias, its about your own sad little hang ups. No she’s not glamourous, but she has talent, have you looked in the mirror lately?
So you like her and that changes what ? nothing she is a publicly paid employee when staffing for the BBC and cops for the same scrutiny of her past,Talent , ideology and politics just like all those you don’t like and who you are happy to get flack !
And you maybe don’t like her, and that changes what?
Mat – Please tell my how you know who those are that you assume I don’t like? Rats, why am I bothering to respond, have better things to do.
Onlyme, it’s not about whether I like her, or why, it’s about the fact I have to pay for her when I can’t stand the woman . What is it you don’t understand about democracy, freedom and personal choice?
Who are you – don’t tell me – another white middle class left wing prick? Which bit didn’t I get right?
‘No she’s not glamourous….’
Who said anything about her looks?
Say what you like about Miranda Hartsole, but finally – finally – upper middle class Student Grants have a voice at the BBC.
Ah, bless, heaven knows what you mean.
Ah yes…. I think I see why you like her show so much now.
I never said I liked it, I said my 15 and 13 year old grand daughters did. Try responding to what is actually posted.
Evening, Scott.
Yeah, hello Scott. You gave it away by saying “Ah, bless.”
‘Telegraph’ (£) today:-
Article –
“Courses on bias at the Beeb? That’ll be a hoot.”
By James Delingpole.
just to provide the link
There are two new European election voting intention polls out today, both showing substantial leads for UKIP.
TNS-BMRB have European figures of CON 18%(-3), LAB 27%(-3), LDEM 10%(+1), UKIP 36%(+7), Others 9% (tabs here). Changes are from their last poll in early April.
ComRes/ITV have European figures of CON 18%(-4), LAB 27%(-3), LDEM 8%(nc), UKIP 38%(+8!), GREEN 4%. Full tabs are here and changes are once again from a previous poll in early April.
+7 & + 8 % for UKIP !
People don’t like the fascists telling them they are some how ‘vile’ or degenerate if they vote UKIP. I wonder how long it will be before they start calling them decadent or counter revolutionaries or other old Soviet words.
On Second thoughts though they’d most likely be looking to use words from the Fascist past.
One must give our intrepid BBC World Washington reporter Katty Kay big praise for appearing on the Bill O’Reilly FOX News show last evening, sans her literary partner, Claire Shipman (presumably no relation to the doctor of that name). The usual feminism about we need to instil more self-confidence in our girls, blah blah blah.
Of course, when flogging a book as she was doing, one is likely to appear on shows one normally wouldn’t grace with one’s presence– O’Reilly, a prime example of this himself, in HIS appearances– and it speaks well for HER self-confidence that she did. Bill wanted to “give her the jazz,” as he calls it, for her collaborator’s failure to also appear, but Our Katty was having no kittens about that, you should pardon the expression. No, she soldiered on, brave lass!
None of this would be important were it not for the fact that Ms Shipman is the wife of the White House Press Spokesman Jay Carney, and has recently been featured in magazine spreads in what can, in light of the Carneys’ penchant for Soviet-era propaganda posters, be called “Potemkin family life.”
Perhaps it was the better part of valour for La Shipman not to appear with O’Reilly, as the interview might have taken a strange turn; Shipman knows, being a feature reporter (formerly hard news, but pulled off that beat “for the duration”), you don’t appear on any show where you think the host is liable to renege on any pre-arrangement not to discuss certain subjects. This, of course, led to Bloviating Bill’s calling attention to Ms Shipman’s absence both at the beginning and conclusion of the Kay segment.
Congrats, Ms Kay, for bearding the lion in his den– why should you have to sit there and listen to your collaborator having the piss taken outta her for her risible photos? Best you give the segment a chance to work on its own terms, and not undercut it with any extraneity about a Yank TV presenter married to the WH Press Spokesman who collects Soviet-era propaganda!

In the latest opinion polls published today UKIP are up to ten points clear…..
This is turning into the establishment versus Joe Public…..
Pathetic Westminster cartel…endless tag team baiting of UKIP 24/7 by a rota of spineless grasping incompetents and gaseous word wankers!
Shows that UKIP have hit home and will hopefully turn the corkscrews right into what passes for a brain…a spinal bulb atop a neural tube.
I welcome their terminal squirmings….and Nigel has a key role to play as we muck out the fetid barn.
No wonder the BBC are frit.
see two posts above !
We must encourage the BBC and the liberal media to ramp up the attacks on farage and UKIp. .More please. It just means more votes. Time for a very English revolution.
Does media studies have a term for the BBCs trend to amplify it`s Panorama stories on the Today show-and them report on its own howling feedback, in the hope of generating a story for itself?…Russian Dolling?…nesting?…blowback and mental blockage?…I dunno!
This latest “expose” on a care home is only what we expected under Labour…and still goes on.
Scandalous I know….but these are private homes, and should be subject to the market.
My grouse is with mental hospitals, Feltham and schools…all of who have similar problems if not worse…but when it comes to mid-Staffs, Derby children homes or Blackpool comprehensives in chaos…absolutely NO secret filming there-and trust the state and its agents to smooth it all over.
Double standards….no efforts at all to even film their OWN news gathering agendas and meetings-let alone Haringey or Tower Hamlets!
Basically they only want state ownership of everything…so we can all be as parasitic, lazy and well-padded as THEY are…and let the grandkids pay once they`ve left the scene.
‘Does media studies have a term for the BBCs trend to amplify it`s Panorama stories on the Today show-and them report on its own howling feedback, in the hope of generating a story for itself?’
Not sure about media studies but the general public might think this was a simple case of self-abuse – or a ruder term.
Sad news about the death of actor Bob Hoskins.
Pity that the BBC’s immediate reaction is to turn to Twitter to tell them what to think. Good old Stephen Fry. Where would the BBC be without him?
I was amused to hear BBC News Channel praise the Long Good Friday as a classic in British film and to describe old Bob as ‘the everyman from north London, the under dog in Holywood who kept his cockney accent’ etc…..
And then hand over to Lizo Mzimba to tell us in a rather camp affected metropolitan way all about Who Framed Roger Rabbit and how tough it must be to act with cartoons.
‘Hobbies : Going to the cinema’
‘Brothers/Sisters : One, Zola – he’s a surgeon’
‘Favourite band/artist : Girls Aloud, especially Nicola’
‘What’s your biggest ambition? : To host my own film review show’
‘He attended the independent Solihull School (during which time he was also leader of the Birmingham Schools’ Symphony Orchestra)’
‘Lizo Mzimba – Worst BBC Reporter In History? ‘
Do you think he’d have got the job if he’d been called Bill Jones?
It’s so obvious that the Londonistan based main stream media, desperately wanted Nigel Farage to stand for election, for UKIP, in the ‘so called’ Tory stronghold of Newark.
Surely a good enough reason for him to decline to do so.
The ‘Odious Gob’ that is SOUBRY, has the sheer affrontery to class Mr Farage as frit (sic), for not standing for election at Newark.
Anna take a look at ‘Cast Iron Dave’ if you want to see someone who is frit.
Frit out of his skin to debate with Farage.
But ‘Dave’ is far from ‘frit’, in fact he’s more than comfortable with UKIPs position in the polls, and the fact that their splitting the Tory vote will mean he will lose the election.
You seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that Dhimmi Dave wants to win !
The only thing which motivates this man is personal wealth, and very little else. He is a blank canvass with no personal beliefs except those which might allow him to make some kind of pecuniary advantage.
Last year non entity Millipede senior made an estimated £1 million from public speaking engagements. Imagine how much money a Prime Minister who has managed a coalition government throughout a difficult period of austerity might be worth?
The Prime Ministers salary is a pittance especially when considering the hours and commitment needed. It is a necessary evil however, paying ones dues, a stepping stone to the rich rewards of the public speaking engagements.
And that’s why he doesn’t want to offend any groups, because it will cut his earning potential if he says something Muslims don’t like!
We are getting the Politicians we are refusing to pay for !
thoughtful… So your argument is, that if we pay more money we get better politicians ? This sure as hell doesn’t work with many staff at the BBC, bankers, footballers etc does it ?.
I do not agree that Cameron does not want to win, I believe he does not know how to win, because he is so out of touch with many in his own party, and so out of touch with reality.
In a way yes!
The Prime Ministers salary is unrealistically low, and there is further pressure not to take all of it.
I would argue that many of the staff at the BBC are [potentially] very good, but either a lack of control, or worse a common culture which leads to the far left results in bias.
How can it be that the PM is paid something like 1/3rd of the salary of the DG? Controlling a country is surely more difficult than controlling a media circus?
As for Dhimmi Dave, I have watched and listened to him & those close to him for quite some time.
You see him as a a man who “does not know how to win”, but I see a man devoid of ideas and principles. A blank sheet for others to write their policies onto [providing they can afford his fees]
This is a man who looks up to Tony Blair with an almost childlike admiration. He sees the Money BLiar has made since being PM, and he wants that with an avarice that most of is cannot comprehend.
This is a man whose sole motivation is money. He sees the premiership simply as a stepping stone onto the gravy train he so desires.
BLiar for all his faults, did want to win, and the hopelessly out of touch Tories allowed him to do just that.
The problem is that the Tories are no less out of touch now than they were then and it seems very likely that they will elect Boris Johnson a man who is a proven liar to lose the following election, unless Millipede totally fouls up and wrecks the country.
I thought she was too busy not realising the inconsistency of bar prices for the Armed Forces abroad (=no tax) and the house of commons (subsidised by the long-suffering taxpayer)
She is just a rent a gob and a stunning example of why female quotas are wrong
Here’s comrade Landale (BBC) to explain to the proles exactly why Nigel Farage chose not to stand for election in the Newark by-election:
“…They can simply claim Mr Farage does not have the courage of his convictions. He did not stand at Eastleigh, he did not stand at Newark, they will say.”
If that sounds to you like comrade Landale might be a little…well, ‘miffed’ I think you’d be correct. So annoying, after all, that Landale and his motley chums in the ‘meeja’ couldn’t trick Mr Farage to fall for their laughably obvious subterfuge.
Try again, morons – and try to avoid penning sulky pieces when your ‘Wile E Coyote-esque’ schemes to bring down the object of your hate fail to work as predicted.
The BBC: Clowns masquerading as journalists.
Yep, it’s that old ‘moving the goalposts’ thing again.
UKIP is a one man party, except when it isn’t, which just proves he’s a scaredy cat…. unlike the rest of our tough guys in Parliament and the BBC, all of whom respond to every tough question by trying to shout down the questioner with cries of hate speech.
Love the “THEY can claim” bit…as in “your critics might say”.
Always beware people who talk in the third person of themselves like Arthur Scargill.
The psychologists call it disassociation . dissonance and what have you…I prefer two faced!
When the BBC cite “critics or others”….they really mean WE as the BBC think that….and why don`t you proles and plebs get that?
Roll on May 22nd…avalanche or landslide gathering pace as I write!…climate change I suppose.
What a burke!. Who pays him? Oh we do. They are way way out of their depth now.
James Harding, head of BBC news, does comedy on the Media Show.
Impartiality runs through everything they do; they are a trusted outlet.
Caroline Raphael will be signing him up any day soon!
Then they got some previous BBC head of News to back him up.They admitted that if any other organisation had such a dominant position there would certainly be government intervention to reduce it and give competitors a chance. But the BBC is a sacred cow that the Tories dare not touch and Labour need to keep up the daily leftist propaganda. Why don’t the rules apply to the BBC?
I dreamt that the Tories won a majority at the next election and within a week announced that the BBC will be privatised by 2016. Then I woke up.
OT but you have to laugh at this, looks like SWP have got their work experience chaps out in ahead of the UKIP meeting in Swansea today, who is Denny Climate Change?
….A link always helps….
BBC Home page leads on the Stop and Search Laws, and asks “Do the public trust the police?” Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, but the BBC has certainly done all it can over the last 20 years to undermine the police – wonder how the same tactics would work in Beijing or Islamabad or many other places round the world? The real question should be “Do the public trust the BBC?”
Is everyone enjoying the BBC’s smear campaign against UKIP? They’re not disappointing are they? Precisely as expected. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the editorial meetings/read through of The Guardian from cover to cover.
I can’t wait for the “Every UKIP member and candidate is a convicted paedophile” story, which should hit the airwaves on the Monday before the election…
Just listening to the ‘Nigel Farage is a coward’ story ad infinitum. I’m waiting for the Conservative/Labour/Lib-Dem scared of a referendum now story!
Here’s Wednesday 21st May’s start for ‘Today’:
Beep, Beep, Beep. “It’s 6am. UKIP leader Nigel Farage has constructed a time machine, and gone back in time to befriend Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Adolf Hitler at the height of their fame. Mr.Farage couldn’t be contacted for comment, as he is believed to currently be in Hitler’s Berghof in the Obersalzberg in 1942, having a light breakfast with the German dictator before accompanying him on a pleasant walk in order to watch some disabled black people being gassed”.
You know it’s coming…
No, I believe that is only a bonus if you want to be a LibDem or BBC Childrens presenter or disc jockey.
Great fun. it just shows how stupid the pods really are. Mind you as they really are pods what can you expect?
The London Media Industrial Complex has went into over drive, so that means UKIP must be doing something right.
1. UKIP member ” If Lenny Henry finds Britain so intolerable, there is a simple solution, leave.”
Well, he does have a point.
2. A person on a UKIP party political broadcast turns out to be Irish !!! shock, horror.
I’ll let you into a little secret, all those ”people” who pretend to be ordinary families in Lib Lab Con party political broadcasts are actors from stage schools, it’s all phoney.
I’ll let you into a little secret, all those ”people” who pretend to be ordinary families in Lib Lab Con party political broadcasts are actors from stage schools, it’s all phoney.
Rather like Ahmed the activist from somewhere probably close to Salford who gives on the spot interviews from various battlefields to support the BBC line on Syria/Egypt/Lybia and so on.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2616576/Subway-removes-ham-pork-nearly-200-stores-strong-demand-Muslims-eat-Halal-meat.html…boycott subways
Sounds odd to me. If the Muslim population is only as stated by the Gov then it makes no sense to opt for Halal only,A poor decision that will alienate customers who do not want halal and like bacon. makes little sense unless Subway know something we don’t.
just go in and ask if they sell non halal meat and when they say no just tell them that its the last time you will use them, walk away and shake your head in disgust.
they might get the message
Shariah law says that if halal is not available, then it is permissible to eat non-halal. Not my words, Islam’s words. So it is not necessary for anywhere in the UK to provide halal meat. The requirement to eat halal is religious, but the demand that it be provided is purely political. Geddit?
Interesting report about the execution of a death row prisoner in the USA which went wrong.
The BBC are studiously avoiding the use of the word ‘execution’ preferring instead to use the word ‘killing’.
No doubts about their position on capital punishment then.
And this because the EU refuses to send the former drugs to the USA that killed with no trouble….due to “human rights” protocols.
But no mention of that is there?
And-as ever-no details about just what these murderers did to get themselves onto death row….for we might think that they didn`t suffer enough, for what they actually did to THEIR victims.
What if they introduced beheading…would the BBC dare to fuss about that, lest the Saudis take it as an insult to Islamic traditions?
Though it is a bit tiresome that most people condemned to death in the US are probably drug users & an OD of heroin would be the simplest way to dispatch them – but no can’t do that – killing them can’t have a hint of a pleasurable experience.
Very heavily monitored HYS on the fate of this man. Lots of space for the ‘all Americans are barbarians’ chants, and censorship on comparisons with Islamic crucifixions.
The guy who died of a heart attack due to incorrectly-administered lethal injections had been given the death sentence for shooting a 19 year-old girl then watching her being buried alive by his mates.
The way the BBC put it in their report was ‘…he met his own gruesome death’.
Class, BBC, sheer fucking class. But then, what should we expect from leftist morons whose brains have been addled by years of living in a bubble of moral relativism?
I’m not a supporter of the death penalty, but I could almost make an exception regards this thug.
His crime was horrendous, something that the BBC only mentions in the briefest of details.
Here’s a sad story on how City of Edinburgh Council has been pissing on the parents of cremated babies for 40 years. A terrible condemnation of the notion that the public are never fit to know the truth.
Baring in mind which political belief set this notion usually underpins I wondered who was in charge of the council during that period. Obviously not the Tories as the word ‘Tory’ does not appear in every paragraph.
I wonder who it could have been then? Answers on a post card please.
Actually, Edinburgh was a Tory city until around 1984.
I will get to the BBC in a minute
Anyone remember Benghazi?
You know, the place where 4 Americans, including the US ambassador were murdered in the US consulate by a well organised attack carried out by Al Qaeda on September 11th 2012.
Anyone remember how the White House, Jay Carney, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice all ran with the meme that it was a spontaneous protest against some obscure video highlighting the egregious excesses of islam, and that protest got out of hand.
Anyone remember how the White House, Jay Carney, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice have all got outraged by the suggestion that there was a cover up in the White House to detract from Obama’s failed foreign policies. This is the line that they have consistently followed during the last 18 months.
Well guess what. An outfit in the US called Judicial Watch have been successful in their FOIA lawsuit against the Obama administration and finally got hold of the smoking gun emails.
They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.
Among the top administration PR personnel who received the Rhodes memo were White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, Deputy Press Secretary Joshua Earnest, then-White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, then-White House Deputy Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri, then-National Security Council Director of Communications Erin Pelton, Special Assistant to the Press Secretary Howli Ledbetter, and then-White House Senior Advisor and political strategist David Plouffe.
The Rhodes communications strategy email also instructs recipients to portray Obama as “steady and statesmanlike” throughout the crisis. Another of the “Goals” of the PR offensive, Rhodes says, is “[T]o reinforce the President and Administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.” He later includes as a PR “Top-line” talking point:
I think that people have come to trust that President Obama provides leadership that is steady and statesmanlike. There are always going to be challenges that emerge around the world, and time and again, he has shown that we can meet them.
There was then a conference call where all the recipients participated The purpose of the call was to prepare Rice for her appearance on all of the Sunday shows the following morning to ram home the message that it was all down to a video and how wonderful Obama was.
Judicial Watch goes on to say:
“Now we know the Obama White House’s chief concern about the Benghazi attack was making sure that President Obama looked good,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And these documents undermine the Obama administration’s narrative that it thought the Benghazi attack had something to do with protests or an Internet video. Given the explosive material in these documents, it is no surprise that we had to go to federal court to pry them loose from the Obama State Department.”
Breitbart, as you would expect are on to this with the headline, “White House to Susan Rice: Blame the Video for Benghazi Attack”
The evidence is clear. Obama, The White House, Clinton, The State Department all lied. They all knew from the outset that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a well orchestrated attack by Al Qaeda.
Which brings me to the BBC and that stupid fat arsehole they employ in the US, one Bunter Lardell.
Has the BBC got anything to say about this? Has Bunter Lardell got anything to report?
Obama has been caught lying, his staff have been caught lying. The next democratic presidential contender, Clinton, has been caught lying. And what is giving the BBC angst?
Why, some senile 80 year old in the States who has gone off the rails with his ideas about darkies, but not one word, not a peep about the lies told over Benghazi.
BBC: Not fit for purpose.
Dump the BBC – you get more truth from Alex Jones. http://www.infowars.com
The vile piece of crap Carney is sucking up to the US media as we speak. bBC will cover this story with all their customary zeal regarding ANY possible wrong doing by Obama and his fellow scum.
Has Bunter Lardell got anything to report?
Attempting to explain away his neglect of this story, in May last year Bunter reported:
“In the interests of full disclosure I have to say I have not in the past been persuaded that allegations of a cover-up were a big deal. It seemed to me a partisan attack based on very little.”
So how did Bunter come to that conclusion? He explains:
I remember listening to reports from the BBC and others at the time that did suggest the attack in Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction to a rather puerile anti-Islamic video.
Listening to the BBC would lead Bunter down the wrong path, so I can sympathise with him there. The ‘others’ would be the usual Obama supporting broadcasters and newspapers.
Bunter will shortly be leaving America and bringing his ‘what I heard on the BBC’ style of journalism to Radio 4.
Just turned on the TV it started on BBC1 just intime to hear a non-direct attack on the news against Farage. Critics are saying he bottled it bla blah blah. Then another more subtle piece as Fiona announces the English Democrats have launched their campaign aparently they are campaigning for an English Parliment…so anyone voting for the “racist UKIP” might like to vote for them instead. Can you see what it is yet?
and it goes on and on and on,the ukip haters are running out of smear tactics to of course smear farage and ukip,but it is not working,wow,itv have just released an (exclusive) poll tonight no doubt in labour and liberal heartlands) saying that 33% of people think ukip is racist party,they would say that,but no mention by the itv (exclusive) poll that 77% of people dont think that ukip is a racist party,see what the real agenda here is with the bbc and other media outlets,bash ukipand smear them with racism hoping the voters will turn against them.what a failure.a complete failure by the labour party and liberal party spin doctors.
BBC North West News at lunchtime with reporter and anchorwoman completely incapable of joining dot A to dot B.
As has oft been reported on here, this particular regional news programme has excelled itself since 2010 at reporting examples of nastytorycutz. Most frequently in the frame for nastytorycutz has been Liverpool council, with their councillors almost daily bemoaning the fate of their heroic city – to the point, in fact, the viewer must wonder how they will survive.
Cut to today’s main news item: Everton FC looking to build a new ground and are looking to the council for financial help.
But how could the council afford it having been decimated to the edge of extinction by nastytorycutz?
We’ll never know as the question was never asked.
blah blah social good and (ps we councillors will have ready access to gratis boxes)
So an axis of the Electoral Commission and the bbc are trying all they can to hive off UKIP votes – promoting the ED’s by the BBC and the EC allowing ‘An Independence From Europe – Independence from Europe Now’ to appear on the top of ballot papers – are the Literal Democrats standing again?
I guess qunago queen Jenny Watson will have sorted out the sub Banana Republic postal vote system in time as well …. time for my meds (G&T)
Salmond did it Scotland years ago with his ‘Alex Salmond for First Minister’ thing, to get his name on the ballot paper first.
Of course, if this really were to work it would assume the stupidity of the voter in not being able or patient enough to read a ballot paper properly.
Strangely though, Salmond was duly elected as first minister….
Shall we start to write “Have I got News For You” and “The News Quiz” then.
I for one can`t imagine what they`ll be leading with…and we UKIP supporters will remember to stuff their gaga down their throats on May 23rd.
Sad thing is…it`s all so predictable….but all the more fun for that.
Yep, standard issue BBC satire: thirty minutes of using naughty words and Nigel Farage in the same sentence.
Meanwhile, not offering any comedic possibilities at all:
Future Maximum Leader Alex Salmond claims that if Scotland can’t join the EU, he’ll blockade the North Sea in defiance both of International Law and his complete lack of any ships.
Labour Shadow Chancellor Ed Testicles denies any involvement with the Coop – aka the bank what gave his party a whole bunch of soft loans and him personally a wodge of cash.
The Party of Dave holds a glitzy party to welcome back Nigel ‘Handy’ Evans after he successfully beat a rape charge by convincing the courts he was just a common or garden blackout drunk serial groper.
Meanwhile, Nikos Van Clegg is busy explaining that when he wrote an article entitled ‘Cyril Smith: Greatest Parliamentarian of the Age’, he actually meant that as a criticism.
See? Nothing to work with there at all.
Thought this might be of interest
Sorry if I missed any previous posting of same
“Piers Morgan calls Jeremy Paxman a ‘smug weasel’ after BBC host quits Newsnight”
Pot, kettle.
Farage has to call off town centre visit to Swansea after violent thugs make their presence felt. From the banners it looks like some of Cameron’s pals in the UAF were involved. This government is beginning to look like Mugabwe’s, with thugs harassing candidates, and politically motivated cops ready to arrest candidates who quote Churchill.
Definitely orchestrated, the same posters and literature as was being handed out in Bath last night. More likely SWP, another cheek of the same ass.
Another pathetic attempt at a slur by Crick tonight on Channel Four, whats the betting UKIP will be on 40% by the end of the week?
The more we get from Michael Dick…the greater the UKIP vote is going to be.
He`s like Keith Vaz but with extra chip fat!
S`pose he`d rather wind up an eccentric Greek who will say ANYTHING than wonder about those 234 Nigerian schoolgirls who`ve apparently been enslaved, married off and sold to Boko Haram child abusers and murderers.
This story-like Kenyas` Westgate one is truly evil and frightening-but the likes of Crick care more about Lenny Henrys views than what Islam is up to in Africa….Katanga indeed my Muslimic dhimmis (like Michael Dick).
When was the last time Channel 4 attempted “serious news”…and Neil Hamilton was right to point this out.
When can we expect ‘Crick’, to doorstep members of the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly, and harangue them, in the street as to why these two institutions are so ‘hideously white’ ?
Or can we assume that this angle of journalism is only reserved for UKIP members?-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Excellent point.
If you leave out the rather poor figures for UKIP in Wales and Scotland – UKIP is already about 40% or overr in parts of England like East Anglia, the Midlands and London
Just renewed my TV licence. One of the most distasteful things I have done this year. I can’t put into words how much I hated doing it.
Two things worthy of note;
Their website is totally rubbish, it took me about 10 attempts to renew.It repeatedly showed “website is currently down, please try later’ after entering details. I wonder how many will end up fined because BBC payment methods are utterly crap.
I was notified by e-mail that my license was due. In the e-mail is a link, saying ‘click here, have your bank details or card details handy’. My first reaction was that it was a scam. Going direct to the website and turned out it was genuine, but they really shouldn’t be sending such e-mails out.
Why did you even bother? I stopped paying mine 18 months ago. I just bin the letters after laughing at them. The Capita enforcement goons are actually powerless. They have no right in law to enter your property and can do absolutely nothing unless you admit to them that you are watching off-air transmissions without a license. Plenty of solid advice available, just Google.
I stopped paying a few months back. Don’t have any freeview, nothing plugged into the aerial socket. I’ll watch the odd thing on iPlayer on my PC, and can watch Netflix via Playstation.
As far as I’m aware I’m legit, and anyway I’d never ever let any of those Capita goons in my gaff.
Half time…Chelsea 1 Madrid 1…..Yet the BBC are already reporting that Madrid have “won the tie”…Talk about amateurs…
Very interesting piece by Philippa Perry which goes some way to explaining the BBC!
Apparently we all re-live the same story over and over and bend our reality to suit. If the BBC has never reported good news it never will.
Philippa Perry also makes the point that we retain our long-term memories and perhaps this enables the elders of society to pass on the story that allowed them to survive. Unfortunately the ‘progressives’ are constantly trying to erase our cultural folk memories, such as ‘birds of a feather flock together’ or ‘marriage is between man and woman’ (sort of vital for propagation?). The young are so wise.
Paxman’s most memorable Newsnight encounters – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27225422
Curious how none of the videos featured Labour or Lib Dem politicians being turned over by Paxo…
Beeboids have to change their political tune on their ‘hero’, IRA’s Gerry ADAMS:-
“Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams held over Jean McConville murder”
Yep Gerry Adams the BBC’s favourite politician. Remember when Margaret Thatcher tried to ban this man from the news. The Beeb put him on 7 nights a week, to wind his victims up.
The BBC have never shown a glimmer of interest in Adams being a suspect even though it’s been covered in the national press time and again.
Quelle surprise.
Read it & weep ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-27224496
At least the BBC are covering the murder trial
A mother of three from Manchester was murdered by her husband for becoming “too westernised” and “establishing an independent life”
Yet take a look at her photo wearing the hijab, she doesn’t look in the least ‘Westerised’ so it’s a case of how ‘Westernised’ was she?
The accused husband claims he was “possessed of a spirit” an unusual defence and certainly not one I’ve heard before. Is this an Islamic possibility?
Watch out for a new Islamic remake of ‘The Exorcist’ with Ayatollah Rafsanjani taking the part of the older priest ?
More Islamisation of Britain, which INBBC censors out:-
“UK: Subway caves to Muslim demands, removes pork, sells only halal meat”
By Robert Spencer.
Which sort of people will spend their money at Subway now?
“Boycott Halal”
“Ban Halal Slaughter in the United Kingdom!”
Done. Only been in a Subway once. Never, ever again.
Fantastic breaking news from Northern Ireland; Gerry Adams has been arrested on suspicion of abduction and murder. I have always been amazed at how easy a ride he’s been given by our national broadcaster. Whenever he’s been interviewed it has seemed more like a chat with likeminded old mates than the interrogation a UKIP bloke might expect. Just imagine if the BBC scrutinized the IRA / Sinn Fein the way they have UKIP. Never going to happen, of course. Indeed four years ago the Beeb employed him to present a programme following in the footsteps of Jesus. Well, why not?
Somehow I don’t think they’ll be offering a job like that to Nigel.
“Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams arrested over murder of widowed mother abducted from her home in 1972.
“‘Freedom fighter’-turned-politician, 65, was arrested in Co Antrim.
“He is accused of the murder of mother-of-ten Jean McConville.
“She was abducted and murdered by Provisional IRA and secretly buried.
“Witnesses claimed she had gone to the aid of a wounded British soldier.
“The victim’s body was found near a beach in County Louth in 2003.
“Adams has always denied being a member of the IRA.
“In a statement issued via Sinn Fein tonight, he said: ‘I am innocent.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2617193/Sinn-Fein-leader-Gerry-Adams-arrested-suspicion-1973-murder.html#ixzz30PLYMGUa
No doubt when he dies the BBC will be sending 1000 reporters over to Belfast to cover his funeral.
Just goes to show how arrogant and self-absorbed the BBC are when they place a story about one of their own retiring in the top news stories on the website.
Who cares?
Well to be fair Paxo has had quite a long run and interviewed most of the political establishment.
I know Bruce Forsythe had appeared on TV since it’s very first few broadcasts, but I didn’t see any complaints when his retirement was all over the media.
I can think of better headlines than Kathrada: I can never be anti-Jewish. How about Kathrada: Mandela has shown no remorse (for terrorism) (about 00:20). or Kathrada: Once the Palestinian leaders decide on the road they will take (i.e. violence) I will support them (about 00:40) The I can never be anti Jewish statement comes literally in the last seconds of a 2:34 second clip. (about 2:34).
Tutu is no better, not only supports the pallys he curses the Jews. Great payback for all the Jewish support given to help destroy ( the real ) apartheid.
Here’s a little something to pass on/circulate to your friends, family and neighbours :-
Above link does not work: I assume this is it-
“Revealed: scandal of Councillors in establishment parties you may not have heard about”
Yes thanks George
neck and neck between BBC and Ch4 …
in the r sh-t throwing at UKIP stakes
… anyone catch Ch4 evening news
the political cartel in this country, really are pulling out the stops
They can pull out all the stops on the Westminster Cathedral Grand Organ but it will make no difference.
They have lost the trust of the people and UKIP seem to be gaining it.
No amount of sh!t flinging is going to change that.
The storm is coming for our masters in the politico-media hegemony, they know it, and they are squirming and desperate.
I think the message from the mainstream media is that UKIP are not a brain dead conformist political party like the other parties, and that about 80 percent of the public are racist because they are against mass immigration and they want a referendum to leave the EU.
So the message is that the Labour, Liberal and Conservative parties all agree with Gordon Brown, if you are part of the 80 percent who are bigots, then the LibLabCons do not want your vote.
So that leaves only 20 percent of the electorate for the LibLabCon establishment.
I have the same felling I had, the first time that I bothered to vote, and that is that with 31 percent admitting that they are going to vote UKIP, the only effect of the Anti-UKIP/Anti-Thatcher repression, was that the polls did not reflect that there was a large percentage who would not admit that they intended to vote Thatcher/UKIP.
Anyway, I now buy the Express, now that the Daily Mail has gone all Heathite.
And as long as the Tories stick to Cameron, they will now lose most of their voters, after losing most of their membership and supporters, and the next General Election could well be a turning point similar to the 1920’s, when Labour replaced Liberal.
The Tories have lost their principled membership due to Cameron, and are left with a membership made up of unprincipled public relations careerists, who have take for granted, a job in politics, with perks and allowances and a promotion onto the EU/Quango gravy train if the people reject them at the ballot box.
I was embarrassed for them. Crick was just appalling. Farage just swatted away the C4 guy like a very small gnat.
Frei was out of his depth and looked as if he wished he was somewhere else.
It was so obviously a crude attempt to smear UKIP and Farage. A low point in our democratic life if the media can actually believe we are that stupid.
I fear they really have shown themselves to be not worthy of any trust or respect. Time for a real clear out. Get rid of the lot. New people are needed.
Like I have said before. Change always comes rushing in like a storm and who knows what will happen.
I want to see a complete wipe out of the main parties now. They deserve no mercy. Never before have I felt like this but enough is enough and C4 and the BBC had better understand just how out of touch and alienated from old England they are.
The BBC and C4 know exactly how out of touch they are with the people, but they are convinced that the ordinary people are merely ignorant proles, and that they, with their superior intellects and morals should direct us proles towards a happier and more productive life.
I was brought up in a middle-class Tory area, I am sure that it was the emotional arts moron types who were the middle-class minority who voted Labour, and went on to the big city to get a job at the BBC.
The BBC types do admit that they are equal in intelligence to the Labour voting dregs in the Inner-city shitholes.
What the main parties and their media supporters don’t realise is that the start of the financial crisis marked the beginning of the end of Big Government in The West. It’ll take 20 years or more (which is swift, in my book), but they can’t stop it, now. There’s nothing they can do. Politics follows the culture, not the other way around, the culture is changing, it’s too big to stop. The real push will come when The Bond Vigilantes come calling for their pound of Big Government flesh. It will be very painful, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
The Frankfurt School/ Critical Theory Marxists so beloved of the BBC have had their chance, and they’ve blown it – as they were always going to.
Yes, I did. It was appalling bias…Yet, again, I do think that Hamilton dealt with the interview very well, though.
I was so incensed at Channel 4 so-called “news”, I felt the urge to write and complain, thus:
“…I gave up watching BBC television news some time ago, in favour of Channel 4 news, because I was sick and tired of the left-wing biased drivel I experienced every evening.
I have come to the conclusion that Channel 4 news is as bad, if not worse in that respect.
This evening, I witnessed twenty minutes of so-called ‘journalism’, during which the presenter and interviewer did nothing but bad-mouth UKIP, having ‘interviewed’ a private donor to that organisation, who was obviously of dubious provenance.
I have no political axe to grind, but was disgusted at the way Channel 4 news appeared to vilify UKIP, in a cheap and unnecessary manner. Had the same attack been aimed at ANY political party, I would have been shocked.
It is apparent to me, that you are as biased as the BBC, particularly in your approach to your dogmatic views on climate change, and in your obvious hatred of the UKIP organisation.
I shall not bother with the Channel 4 news service again, and for what it’s worth, despite never having been a member of a political party before, I am seriously considering joining UKIP.
The effect of your blatant bias, I would suggest, will have a similar effect on many more of your viewers – it appears that the more you sling your vitriolic mud, the greater the support there is for that party. I think you have really shot yourselves in both feet, and given UKIP an unintended boost to their popularity, whilst seriously reducing your own…”
The BBC may have quickly (after 1 day) lost interest in the latest allegations about Adams and his role in the IRA. However the police and family of Jean McConville haven’t.
We can now expect BBC ‘news’ about how arresting Adams could ‘threaten the fragile peace process.’
Bbc breakfast emphasising 3 points this morning:
1 Adams presented himself voluntarily
2 He has always denied any involvement in the killing
3 Sinn Fein claim it’s all politically motivated
So keep the faith plebs, we’re telling you !
Odd how with so many allegations in the public domain that the BBC decided to so quickly bury the recent allegations about Adams and McGuiness sending explosives across to the mainland for bombings. As the BBC has failed to link any Unionist politician with terrorism, much as they would love to, maybe it’s time for another Panorama investigation into how it was the Army that was going around murdering people?
BBC does everything to defend and support Gerry Adams Sinn Fien/IRA. But hates Farage and UKIP. Go figure.
Don’t see too many Sinn Fien jokes on Have I got News for You.
Good enough for me!
Attend voluntarily or we’ll nick you.
That sounds a tad coercive to me.