Busy morning on the BBC. Every effort made to debunk claims by Sir Andrew Green’s MigrationWatch (with Evan Davies joining in the fun and games), then a strange thought for the day that seemed to claim teachers were like Christ, and of course a item on how Labour might win the Newark by-election. Just a normal day through the prism of the BBC.
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BBC’S CLARKSON IN N-WORD SCANDAL – ‘HIS POSITION IS UNTENABLE’ CLAIMS LAWYER – http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/05/01/clarkson-in-n-word-scandal
So why aren’t the BBC making this a major story, like they did when Ron Atkinson used that word? There are millions of reasons why not…
Hope they don’t see this then!
‘The Mirror says that it hired a firm of audio forensic experts to analyse the clip. They confirmed that the n-word was indeed used by Clarkson’.
Well, that is it; the science settles it.
Can we trust the Mirror on audio ‘proof’ after their recent (but far from only) travails with front page imagery?
Can we expect the same fate for Cee Lo Green and all those rappers that use the term same word?
UKIP again……………
Have a read of the below link…….
It is the usual shite from the bbbc but also it is the usual shite from ‘Call me Dave’. How do they possibly expect anyone to believe what they say after their own performance.
Cameron asks (quote)…..”When it comes to standing up for Britain in Europe, is there anyone you would trust less than a group of UKIP MEPs?”
Err, now let me think……..Oh, yes, that will be any of the other political parties especially yours Davy boy!!
“is there anyone you would trust less than a group of UKIP MEPs”
The bunch of traitors, liars and self serving, get rich quick crooks in No 10, immediately springs to mind.
How about he political … “establishment”, the Westminister cartel?
D Camerimam better to keep your lying mouth shut.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
If Dave “Dave ” Cameron thinks UKIP are Fruitcakes and closet racists what about our three major parties?
Liars, hypocrites, tax dodgers, expense fiddlers, chancers on the take, fraudsters and assorted convicted criminals.
Those we can do without…….
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Family of IRA victim hope for ‘justice’ after arrest of Gerry Adams”
I wonder what BBC-NUJ is hoping for?
Yesterday Alex Salmond got into a little bit of trouble as a result of expressing his admiration for a certain Vladimir Putin.
Whilst many in the West might have a sneaking admiration for a man who is everything our politicians are not, it is the reaction of the BBC to Salmonds remarks compared to the reaction when Farage reportedly said something similar.
Here is the BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-27218692
Very Much a factual report which doesn’t really express opinion.
Here is the report on Farage & UKIP http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26817003
In fact there are several of these reports too many to post.
Planet Clegg who was nearly spitting blood over Farages remark seems strangely quiet.
It’s difficult to accuse the BBC of bias over UKIP when the rest of the mainstream media owned by proprietors who have clearly defined party affiliations are all lining up to attack the party who seems on course to break their cosy cartel and vested interests.
However they are supposed to be remaining impartial and unbiased and it is clear that they are not.
Salmond has form for this – remember ‘unpardonable folly’?
The only thing is that like Farage he is right. Kosovo – a mess. Bosnia – a mess. Iraq – a mess. Libya – a mess. Afghanistan – a mess. Ukraine – a mess. British people are fed up of foreign military adventures which seem to end up making a bad situation worse. The British people can also see that there are 2 sides to each conflict.
The BBC may still support reckless interventionism but I don’t.
BBC : The world of elsewhere
‘Topical discussion in which a panel of personalities from the world of politics, media and elsewhere are posed questions by the audience. Presented by Jonathan Dimbleby.’
That would seem to be a case of self-setting your own remit so wide that you can get away with anything. Hello, is that Stephen Fry’s agent…. pity, how about Billy Bragg…. I wonder if he would be interested in…. ?’
The BBC’s Midas touch strikes again: fresh from the BBC hammering the line that Britain is growing more slowly than the ‘US & Germany’ the Obananarepublic turned in growth of 0.1% in the last quarter…
…So I guess the new talking point will just have to be how Britain is growing slower than ‘Germany’.
The latest BBC/Labour attack is on ‘inequality’.
“Mr Piketty uses tax data from a variety of Western countries to tackle the question of income inequality in today’s society. ” Piece concludes with BBC editorial opinion “Mr Piketty’s 685-page opus has started a legitimate debate in US political circles.”
That would be Piketty the left wing French academic economist, not the succesful entrepreneur or investor. So he would know what he’s talking about.
Picketty Witch…a band from Somerset and a hit or two in the 60s/70s!
He got a puff via Thought For the Day….guess it`s compulsory to watch Newsnight before you speak to the plebs via radio 4.
And-guess what-he spoke last night at a lecture and has a book to sell, before heading back on Eurostar…very efficient, but I note he`s not giving those fruits of hand and brain to the workers…hardback will set you back a few Euros.
Sell out maan….just nick them I guess a la Chavez!
At last, at last, Newsnight nails its colours to the mast…
Paxman : ‘This will be of interest to North London latte-sipping liberals…’
Newsnight does an in-depth item on some French Marxist acedemic’s latest book- that’s interview with author, explanation of the theory with on-screen graphics and then studio discussion – Norman Lamont, Stella Creasey plus A N Other (who liked the book – good old BBC balance, eh)
Perhaps to excuse what we may take to be the BBC’s undue interest in this item we are told some duff statistic that this book is trending on Amazon or some such. Yeah right, I’m sure it’s selling like 50 shades of pink.
For one befuddled moment I felt as though I had been transported back 20 years into the Islington drawing room of Miliband’s old Pop.
Friends, Comrades, Licence Payers…. let us consider
“The time has come,” the Paxo said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
Of cabbages–and kings–
And why the sea is boiling hot–
And whether pigs have wings.”
The exact quote is:
“it’s had Guardian reading north london liberals smiling into their frappucinos”. Which is even better.
“The French economist who’s written what’s been described as the ‘Das Kapital’ of the 21st century”.
Because the last ‘Das Kapital’ worked really well, didn’t it? Or maybe they feel they didn’t impoverish and kill enough people while building Utopia? That’ll be it.
Oh dear……The Odious Daily Mirror are trying to have the BBCs biggest draw sacked for alleged “waycism”…
There are people in the BBC who hate Clarkson and what he represents. Remember Andrew Marr’s sneering throw-away comment about him some months ago? I have no doubt that some would want to see Clarkson gone.
The interesting question is how this un-broadcast footage has found its way into the public domain. Leaked in the same way that that Norman Smith / Craig Oliver disagreement did, someone in the BBC is up to no good.
Good to see the Mirror with it’s finger on the pulse.
Not only does Clarkson not say ‘nigger’ (he deliberately mumbles the line making a similar – ish sound) but at the time of posting 70% of the people in their poll don’t think he should be sacked if he did.
Nice one Mirror. Is Moron back on board!
R Spencer
“This article, like most about honor killings, never once mentions Islam. (… it is the BBC 😀 )
This steadfast and universal refusal to identify the root cause of honor murders only ensures that there will be more of them.
Muslims commit 91 per cent of honor killings worldwide”
Has anyone else noticed that footage of Farage or stills of him are now, in many cases, clips or photos of him smoking?
Smoker = bad person, marginalised, on the periphery. That’s how it works these days.
Nice piece of subtle bullsh*t. This just gets better and better! Hodges in The Telegraph today is blinding. I just wonder where they can go from here. Come on BBC, the old, dead, wood pulp media are showing you up. Let’s have it…
I’m loving the BBC’s attacks on UKIP. Why? Because in response UKIP rises in the polls. I imagine fevered meetings in Broadcasting House thinkpods trying to figure out why the hell this is happening.
I like ” thinkpods”.
I can imagine all the pods lined up in rows waiting to be programmed with approved thoughts. it is great fun seeing the liberal elite floundering.
Pretty Polly was discussing the rise of UKIP and making a few snide comments on R 4 around 8.50 this morning. Another few thousand votes for UKIP.
Good old Radio Hampstead, keeping the commie end up.
But I fear for the Filipino maids, cooks and nannies of NW3 come May 23rd. They’re going to take a beating from their multi-millionaire socialist masters, who will need to take their anger out on someone…
I think Hodges has been shafted by a discovery of his inclusion in the Migration Matters Trust board.
Apart from the usual hammering he is justly receiving, a lot has been made of this.
Absolutely, here is the document that proves so. (Page 3 section 8)
Click to access Sponsorship%20of%20Migration%20Matters%20Trust.pdf
… absolutely not – Hodges set it up himself.
Just in case you wondered how the Number 1 female racist used her freedom to take over today’s Woman’s Hour:
Doreen Lawrence (this year’s number one game changer on the Power List) talks about the people who inspired her, from Maya Angelou to Barack Obama. She also investigates why fibroids are more common in Afro Caribbean women and discusses treatment options with Mr Yacoub Khalaf, Consultant at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London.
The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust runs a number of training programmes and bursaries designed to help young people from the black community to gain access to the professions. So what are the best ways to make sure all young people are able to fulfil their potential? We discuss with Minister for Skills and Enterprise, Matthew Hancock and Lee Elliot from education think-tank The Sutton Trust.
And Beverley Knight sings Fallen Soldier
Mr Hancock and Dr Elliot Major must have felt hideously white amongst that diverse gathering.
Glad I missed it.
In my local election ward, the Labour candidate is a muslim, the Green candidate is a muslim and the Conservative candidate is a muslim and my polling station is the muslim “community centre” which, according to the inscription above the door is “empowering the local community”. I shall be voting UKIP.
The BBC and the rest of the political establishment would not think it worthy of comment that a majority, or even all, of the candidates in a local election ward are muslims. Indeed, anyone even wondering out loud why this should be the case – let alone professing to being unhappy about it – would immediately be subjecting to the usual litany of playground insults. Consequently, they will never understand, and even if they do they will never acknowledge, what is at the heart of the widespread (but largely unspoken) concern about immigration that is fueling UKIP’s popularity.
What is worrying is that once the balance tips, any one of the elected above could defect to Respect or any other party that may more ‘represent’ their views, regardless of the colour of rosette they wear today.
We are already seeing Muslims well represented within our main political parties and IMO this is just like what is going on in some Birmingham schools, another Trojan horse….
Thank you for making clear your reason for voting UKIP. I wonder how many others in the party share your standpoint. Many I would hazard a guess.
Ooh, you’re so clever implying racism without actually saying the word.
UKIP ain’t a racist party, any right thinking person regardless of race would vote for a party/individual with which they share common ground. Its human nature, no matter much lefties, Marxists, call them what you will, try and control ones thoughts.
The word racist no longer trumps the argument.
BBC’s James Landale (clearly their ‘Get Farage!’ attack poodle) once again attempts to ‘explain’ why Nigel Farage ‘bottled it’ over the Newark by-election, beginning his p*sspoor ‘report’ with several clips of UKIP candidates and supporters being abused in public as ‘racists’.
That famous BBC ‘impartiality’ at work again, folks.
Landale is a nasty piece of work. Shallow and sneering.
BUT – most reasonable people would recognise that Nigel Farage gave straight answers – as usual. He gave a very valid reason for not standing in Newark. And the likes of Landale will get a nasty shock when UKIP chooses a candidate with local connections – and wins !
In the rest of Landale’s clip, most reasoable people could think “What a bunch of tossers those Swansea protesters are – and k Kenneth Clarke looks like a has-been red-faced wreck, a typical example of why we are going to kick the Tories in the ballot-box.”
If Ken Clarke is the best they can muster, they are totally stuffed!
Landale is one of the worst. I am glad he is still stupidly attacking Farage. Just means more votes. Liberals don’t do reality but seem not to do common sense either.
EU banning Indian mango`s ,because of fruit fly & pests, but I am sure its going to be spun to blame our Government & not their “Paymaster`s” the beloved al bbc `s EU.
Waycist EU, banning mango-eating fruit fly immigrants who only want to enrich our food
Lib/Lab/Con BBC favourites to beat UKIP

A quite amazing piece by Mark Easton on immigration.
If anyone is wondering whether the BBC is biased or not then here’s the proof !
Is this a new BBC-NUJ entertainment quiz programme?:-
“Police quiz Adams on woman’s murder”
Egg-cellent. More votes for UKIP!
Thanks Fred!
Egged on by the bBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the MSM no doubt.
What a lefty pr1ck!
See the last sentence of the BBC report of the egg incident, where the perp’s reason was ‘that he did not agree with UKIPs’ policies’, uttered by the BBC presenter with a knowing stare at the camera.
Just a question: have the police been asked to stay away from UKIP and not offer protection?
The liberal left have lost the plot and most arguments. The descent into violence is only a matter of time. The police? Supposed to uphold the Queen’s peace but you never know these days.
Things could get rough but that means more support for UKIP.
There is a real split at last in this country between the liberal fantasists and the majority. And between the metropolitan classes and the shires. We will have to see how it turns out.
The historical precedents are not good for the fantasists. In this country anyway.
well 5Live s R Bacon puts it as a highlight of the last 7 days …
says an awful lot about R Bacon
anyone see Ch 4 News last night, just about
the bottom of the barrel.
Matt Frei well and truly stuffed and Channel 4 News going well down the pan!
Is this a serious news programme?
Hamilton skewers the Guardian Audiobook that is Channel 4 “News”>
Frei refuses to answer….which says all you need to know about Channel 4 News..
Yep. Neil Hamilton is impressing me, and it is interesting to note the calibre of quite a few UKIP spokespersons, despite the ‘one man band’ slurs from the usual sources.
Brilliant !
INBBC still inclined to be anti-Assad regime, and pro-Islamic jihad opposition, so why should INBBC support this?:-
“Syrian rebels crucified: Islamic extremists execute two men in the most public way for ‘fighting against Muslims.’
“Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant announced it had executed seven prisoners, including two by crucifixion
Group said it held the seven responsible for grenade attack this month.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2616694/Horrifying-scenes-Syria-Islamic-extremists-CRUCIFY-two-fighting-against-Muslims.html#ixzz30TUwL0oz
Has BBC-NUJ reported this?
Picked up this gem on Guido Fawkes site:
Great article about BBC again giving a platform to Polly Toynbee to spout 8 factual errors, (lies by any other name), live on BBC News.
Why do the BBC give this woman so much airtime, when she is now universally renowned as being consistently wrong, telling leftist porkies and is totally incapable of controlling the red mist.
Adam Memon from Centre for Polciy Studies great article listing Polly’s 8 x lies live on air can be found here:
Don’t confuse the woman by reporting facts. She’s a leftie and thinks she only has to spout loony socialist slogans. Ideal for the bBBC bubble.
She used to be the BBC’s Social Affairs Editor that’s why she always on. How could someone with such aggressive views have been allowed to serve in such an important role at the impartial BBC? Though I recall some prick from the BBC Trust assuring us that BBC staff left their politics at the front door. Any one think Polly ever did? No me neither.
Toynbee is a cunt.
Language Timothy
Yes, don’t say ‘Toynbee’ – it is rude.
Apparently the Muslim community hate her as well. Come on! We can’t ALL be wrong!
Man-made Climate Change Weekly or ‘Inside Science’, as the BBC calls it, iIs amazed that ‘scientists’ have proved the concept of ‘reverse burning’.
The dreaded carbon dioxide can be ‘unburnt’ to produce a kerosine-like fuel. They do admit that plants do this already so it is not exactly new.
Oh, there is the small matter that when a chemical reaction releases energy, (burning), the reverse reaction requires energy input, (conservation of energy etc. – ‘settled science’). But never mind, it isn’t the efficiency that is important, it is the cost. No doubt ‘green’ taxes and subsidies will sort that out!
Peer reviewed snake-oil salesmen anyone?
Why choose this headline? I guess it’s because it shows just where the BBC’s workforce’s loyalties lie.
Sinn Féin grumbling about a ‘dark side’ has to be the ultimate ” pot/kettle” statement. !
Sinn Fein – the ‘dark side’ of politicking. The BBC has been quick to forget the allegations of just a few days ago incriminating McGuiness in IRA bombing.
Yes, indeed, an alien recently arrived on this planet would think that it was UKIP that had a record of violent insanity while Sinn Fein just had a few eccentrics in their ranks.
BBC R4 PM headline story is Adams’ arrest. McGuiness says it’s politically motivated. Robinson and Cameron say it isn’t politically motivated.
No prizes for guessing which of these 3 politicians is the only one to be mentioned or quoted in the headlines, and which is the same one always given prominence and quoted first throughout the programme.
The BBC, getting it ‘about right’ again with its pro Sinn Fein bias.
From Guido Fawkes:
Ed Miliband is ignoring questions from broadcasters on whether the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors supports his rent caps policy following Guido’s story this morning. They have however rowed back considerably in a statement to Guido. Clarifying their earlier claim that RICS is “examining what an appropriate benchmark might be”, Labour now admit
“RICs are developing proposals on long term tenancies and rent reviews linked to inflation or market rents as part of their Code of Practice for the Industry. We will look to build on their conclusions as we work with the industry to implement this policy in government.”
Which, RICS point out, does not mention benchmarking. They say “We do not recommend that a government introduce a ceiling on rent increases” and that rent caps are “not a solution”. That went well then
From the Daily Telegraph:
Ed Miliband’s rent controls policy is in turmoil after an organisation that Labour claimed was helping with the plans said that it does not support the measures.
From the Guardian:
But the Tories said that the Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors, whose work is due to help Labour work out a system for a ceiling on rent, has rejected the idea.
The Tories highlighted a quote from a RICS spokesman, who said: “We do not recommend that a government introduce a ceiling on rent increases.”
The threshold would be based on an industry benchmark of average rent rises. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is currently considering what an appropriate figure would be, Labour says. (The BBC forgetting to mention anything whatsoever about RICS’s objection to a cap)
Heard a ludicrous notion of “Generation Rent” quoted by some bloke called Andrew on PM just now.
I gather it`s one of Eds…you know like “bedroom tax”, “squeezed middle”,” cost-of-living crisis”, “predator capitalism”and the like.
And the BBC happily ape their masters empty cliches and hollowed words, so “Generation Rent” it is!
The unthinking gullible glutinous and thick BBC will say ANYTHING that Labour tells them…and in fact probably get a knee-trembler for so doing.
Generation Rent Boy up and running to a portaloo near you sometime soon.
Unelectable scum and their mirrormen there at the BBC.
R Spencer
“Pictured: David Cameron and his cabinet ministers.
Just a few months ago another man in Britain, Mark Stephenson, was prosecuted and fined for tearing up a Qur’an at a soccer match. If Mark Stephenson, Julie Phillips and Gemma Parkin had torn and thrown pages of the Bible, would they have been charged? Or have the British authorities simply taken it upon themselves to prosecute violators of Sharia blasphemy laws?
Tearing up a Qur’an is a violation of Islamic law, not British law.
Will Muslims be charged with “religiously aggravated harassment” in Britain?… for their repeated claim that Moses and Jesus were Muslim prophets?”
Sharia UK
whatever next eh!
Sharia in schools oops!
maybe “special” Sharia loans oops!
wanting London to be sharia money capital of Europe
anyway if they want Islamic schools eh Dave!
whats the problem?
Al BBC, the Biased Broad Cresent, as ever
helpfully highlights
… ‘Abusive and insulting’
“The women had denied the racially-aggravated offence.”
for crying out loud ….. WHAT RACE IS ISLAM!!!!!
Interesting show on BBC4 . The reign of George 1. Rather good but probably unintentionally relevant to today.
Voltaire came here because he rightly valued the freedom of speech and lack of deference to a court and an elite. Seemed a rough time when we were really free to argue about anything openly.
Not so today BBC. You are one of the main censors of really free speech. Self censoring and trying to prevent open discussion on things the elite deems difficult.
That list is rather long and we all know what is on it.
It accounts for the panic over UKIP. Suddenly we are rejecting self censorship and open censorship. The elite will try to keep us quiet. Using lawfare, the police and all manner of sanctions.
Getting late in the day now and if the May EU election goes the way I hope it will then the elite will have taken a real hit. Expect things to get very dirty.
The 3 main parties are already preparing the ground for the result and as expected they blame the people and accept no blame themselves, After all they are the blame dodgers!
So it will be reported as a ‘protest vote’ without any real significance and will be minimised as much as possible.
The three parties will carry on much the same as they have been doing and the darkness will even deeper than it was before.
Don’t be pessimistic. The elite will take hit and a real blow to their morale. They won’t be able to go on as before. Trust me on this.
It will be interesting. Remember change is always and I mean always swift and unexpected. The world works that way and always has.
The bBBC’s distorted priorities were amply displayed in tonight’s BBC1 Ten O’clock ‘News’: the death of a Z-list ‘celebrity’ junkie was in the first half, followed later by Jeremy Clarkson’s attempt to avoid saying a ‘racist’ word, and much later by a brief mention of a judge being convicted of perverting the course of justice.
Strange days .. Top Gear can jokily portray Christ on a bike, and the crucifixion and there isn’t a peep. But in an outake from years ago Clarkson may or may not have mumbled a sound like an allegedly racist word and it’s headline news. Changed days, strange days.
Meanwhile dozens more blacks murdered by Islamists in Nigeria, but al Beeba etc. don’t care as they’re kaffirs.
And a black judge to boot……………..helping Huhne with his legal lies
So BBC, so predictable. As prosperity spreads in the British economy Labour has to push the inequality agenda, and the BBC is fully on board. R4 trailing a programme about inequality. The sub text is ‘You might think you are better off but because someone else has more than you, then you’re really worse off’
The BBC aren’t touching the story (at least on their website) as Top Gear makes them so much money but I see the left have finally got their man in Jeremy Clarkson. Has taken years but they have finally stitched him up the worst crime of kiddie fiddling…sorry no murdering British soldiers…..no wait he said a bad word so throw the book at him.
Beware people on this blog – tow the left wing line or they will get you
He may, or may not, have said a word which is racist if spoken by a honky but street if spoken by a black rapper. You dig?
The height of madness. Breakfast TV has Clarkson grovelling because he didn’t say a word. It’s time this pc insanity was stopped.
Boko Haram aren’t so important, they only kill black people. Neither are EU tariffs on imports and dumping of subsidised crops which undermine African farmers. Or EU barriers against immigration from outside white Europe. Clarkson is the problem – he (didn’t) say a bad word.
He’d have been better saying nothing, in my opinion.
The Clarkson affair tells us more about the bBC than it does about him. The fact that some metrosexual lefty bBC employee released 18 month old un-broadcast footage/audio tells us that the corporation is littered with people that hate this country.
Were Clarkson not at the helm of one of the bBC’s biggest moneyspinners, he would be clearing his desk, as did some lowly One Show contributor with a surname beginning with ‘T’ after being outed in a similar way by two lefties.
The worrying thing is with what Clarkson said is that anyone over a certain age could quite easily say the same thing, just as I did when occupying my young God Daughter and reciting the rhyme, with a frown from her Mum!
We are living in sad and weird times…
What’s saddest is that I think most of those who complain about racist language couldn’t really give a s**t about the typical lot of the average black in Africa.
Exactly Geoff Clarkson is the same age as me and as children we would have read and listened that version of the nursery rhyme. As I have not attended Big Brother number 1’s re-education classes I am at a loss as to what version is now used. Again this topic was discussed by myself and others in reference to the broadcast of Olivers Army (Elvis Costello) where it has been aired censored and uncensored. Will they be dragging Costello up to apologise for his used of the word in the 1970s?
The Independent is conducting a poll as to who should be Paxman’s successor at Newsnight, and it naturally assumes – no doubt correctly – that it will be a Liberal/leftie.
Personally, I think the job should go to Jeremy Clarkson.
Jeez. What a depressing bunch.
Piers Morgan FFS!
Kay Burley LOL!
Russell Brand…..?*%$?
Just end the program, there is more that enough agenda pushing news on the BBC already, 24 hours worth in fact.
Since the advent of News 24 and digital TV, I can’t quite see why we still need to have 1pm, 6pm and 10pm news + Newsnight & World News (BBC4) on entertainment channels, just jobs for the boys funded by the telly tax.
The simplest ideas are always the best; moving all of their ‘current affairs’ dross to one channel is the answer.
Of course it might mean more ‘reality shows’ and repeats on their ‘flagship’ channel.
It would make it easier to argue that as the bBC no longer provides anything not easily available on the other free channels, it should no longer be supported by the tv tax.
Commenter “yachtsman” on the DT tells us
I understand that the BBC reacted positively to Lenny Henry’s recent statement that there are not enough black people on television; they are now going to screen Crimewatch every night!
Although he mumbles the offending word, the presenter clearly begins by saying the letter “n”.
So if I mumble a word that begins with N will Big Brother number 1 be on my case. I really don’t get this at all crucified for not saying a word on film that was never broadcast. i note terminally useless UNITE are involved calling for his sacking. Not sure what it has to do with that bunch of useless tossers. So UNITE where were you when my friends job got closed down? Nowhere to be bloody seen is the answer. I know lets just take this to it’s logical conclusion in a non logic SWP world and ban every word in The English language just so there can be no more cases like this.
Oh it gets better now Harman has chipped in calling for his sacking..pot callin?…oh no probably can’t say that