Nothing about this on the BBC website:
An Muslim man dressed up like a ‘panto’ Englishman to taunt his neighbours boasting of his ‘joy’ over 9/11 and the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, a court has heard.
But as said before the BBC publishes a long tract deploring a Wikiedia entry, removed instantly, that mocked Muslims, and tells us how offended Muslims are and how they have been victimised and demonised by actions such as this:
Wikipedia edit from government computer added Muslim insult
Anything that makes Muslims into ‘victims’ gets airtime on the BBC….anything that makes your everyday Muslim seem as bad as the ‘extremists’ is hidden away.
Perhaps a read of this week’s New Statesman might shed more light on such issues…the ‘frightened, self-censoring West‘:
David Selbourne: the “frightened” and “self-censoring” west can no longer ignore the Islamist threat
Mona Siddiqui: why moderate Muslims must speak out against hardliners and “battle for the very soul of Islam”
Question is…why are ‘hardliners’ not legitimate ‘Muslims’ and their version of Islam, the basic, fundamental version, continually presented as a ‘perversion’ of Islam by the BBC?
Surely, if anything, it is the purist form of Islam….and as there is only one version of Islam possible……it must be the real version.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continues to play an active political role as the dhimmi in promoting the continuing Islamisation of Britain; and INBBC exhibits an ‘understanding’ attitude towards daily Islamic jihad atrocities, as well as towards the furtherance of repressive Sharia law.
Al BBC, yep! the Biased Broad Cresent, as ever
helpfully highlights
… ‘Abusive and insulting’
“The women had denied the racially-aggravated offence.”
for crying out loud ….. WHAT RACE IS ISLAM!!!!!
R Spencer
“Pictured: David Cameron and his cabinet ministers.
Just a few months ago another man in Britain, Mark Stephenson, was prosecuted and fined for tearing up a Qur’an at a soccer match. If Mark Stephenson, Julie Phillips and Gemma Parkin had torn and thrown pages of the Bible, would they have been charged? Or have the British authorities simply taken it upon themselves to prosecute violators of Sharia blasphemy laws?
Tearing up a Qur’an is a violation of Islamic law, not British law.
Will Muslims be charged with “religiously aggravated harassment” in Britain?… for their repeated claim that Moses and Jesus were Muslim prophets?”
Sharia UK
whatever next eh!
Sharia in schools oops!
maybe “special” Sharia loans oops!
wanting London to be sharia money capital of Europe
anyway if they want Islamic schools eh Dave!
whats the problem?
It’s not news any more, but gathered stories to push an agenda.
Exactly so.
Does anyone else remember even 20 years ago when you’d have been hard pressed to recognise a muslim out in public; other than the hotspots of islam such as Bradford and Birmingham; whereas now, one can hardly pass a day without seeing them in just about every place, working-class and affluent. If that’s not enough evidence to show that the commies in our midst (including the crypto-comms in the Conservative party; have inflicted something demonic on our country, then I don’t know what it will take for people to wake up and see what’s before their eyes.
People won’t do anything until it affects them directly.
The ones working for the state are so completely brainwashed they can no longer think for themselves, and anyone dissenting is sacked.
The ones on benefits are now struggling just to get food in their bellies, reduced to the state of animals, and those in employment are worked so hard that they are completely exhausted by the end of the day. The only thing they care about is having a glass of chilled wine, cars on the drive, and some mindless babble on the TV.
So the world ends not with a bang but a whimper.
That goes for Afghanistan, Beirut, Islamabad etc in the 1950’s. Men and women in European countries going about their business in modern shopping areas with restaurants and cafes just like their counterparts in the civilized world . Islamification has taken these countries back 400 years to the poverty, deprivation and violence of those times.
Sorry, passage missed out should be :-
That goes for Afghanistan, Beirut, Islamabad etc in the 1950′s. Men and women dressed the same modern clothing as those in European countries going about their business in modern shopping areas with restaurants and cafes just like their counterparts in the civilized world . Islamification has taken these countries back 400 years to the poverty, deprivation and violence of those times.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): don’t mention Islam here-
“Islamic honor killing in UK: Muslim murders wife for being’too Westernized’
By Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“This article, like most about honor killings, never once mentions Islam. This steadfast and universal refusal to identify the root cause of honor murders only ensures that there will be more of them.
“Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that ‘retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.’ However, ‘not subject to retaliation’ is ‘a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.’ (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. In this case, of course, the victim was the murderer’s wife, a victim to the culture of violence and intimidation that such laws help create.”
INBBC (censors out Islam):-
“Rania Alayed case: ‘Westernised’ wife ‘murdered by husband'”
Rania Alayed case: ‘Westernised’ wife ‘murdered by husband’:
i have said this till i am blue in the face when asked my views on islam to the dumb and ignorant who fall for this lie that islam is a religion of peace.anjem choudary interviewed on channel 4 said there is no such thing as a moderate muslim or a extreme muslim,you are either a muslim or your not muslim,he is right,honest fascist extremists like choudary is not scared to say what the majority of muslims think,he does not worry me.he is exposed,what worrys me is the extremists who pose as moderates without the robes and beards that work as doctors,teachers,taxi owners,local councillors,even mps etc.they are the ones who will one day gain power through the backdoor in large numbers and control are soceity,banning pork and ham this week from subways is just one example of how are culture and heritage is being eroded in a trojan horse type takeover of are institutions up and down the country.
these black and white muslim converts are even more crazy than your ordinary muslim on the street
Over 80% Jews believe BBC biased … supported by clear facts.
Balen not released, hidden … BBC learns no lessons from it anyway.
conclusion biased BBC … rest my case Mlud!
Just watched HIGN Farange contemptuously destroyed. Do these people not realise that they are the people who are out of touch. All this middle class sneering at the audacity of the electret annoys the ordinary voter. His lop should be ashamed rather than a satirist he has become an apologist
Remmember proportional representation that all the left elites told us to vote for? we didnt.
Remmember prescott wanting us to vote for regions in regards to Europe. The vote was against.