Today’s Any Questions deals with rent control and food banks amongst other topics.
Here’s some questions for Dimbleby to raise:
1. The Labour Party wishes to impose rent controls on the private sector to limit rent price increases…..are those rent increases the result of Labour Party immigration policies when in government that have seen hundreds of thousands of immigrants pour into this country each year for the last decade?
2. Is one result of that policy, not just the rent increases, but also the creation of a hidden ‘generation homeless’ who are forced to live with their parents whilst immigrants live in appalling conditions.
3. Are rent controls merely a populist policy designed to win the votes of the unthinking, selfish mass, a temporary ‘solution’ that in fact makes things worse for people who need to rent? Is not the problem too many poeple chasing too few houses and the answer to cut the ‘people’ and build more houses?
4. Foodbanks….foodbanks began under Labour’s jurisdiction…which would indicate that the need has always been there…..but is it not also true that the increase in use of foodbanks is a result of Labour’s own economic policies which destroyed the economy and created a ‘generation jobless’ amongst the young, and welfare cutbacks are just yet another result of that economic mismanagement?
5. Is the Trussell Trust a Labour Party front, run by a Labour Party member whose aim is a political one…to change government welfare policies…and doesn’t he aim to do this by creating as many foodbanks as possible and use the ‘fact’ of the existence of the foodbanks as ‘proof’ that the government is creating ‘food poverty’?
All highly relevant questions…somehow I doubt they will make an appearance, at least not coming out of the mouth of Dimbleby. Kelvin Mackenzie or George Eustice might raise a few points but only to have Dimbleby counter them with points seemingly designed just to muddy the water and make everything ‘relative’…will Dimbleby do the same for poverty campaigner Jack Monroe? Doubt it.
One thing will be interesting…Jack Monroe (female) became famous for feeding herself for £1 a day.
Which raises a few questions about this from the BBC:
Affordable healthy diet ‘too expensive for many’
Many people do not have enough income for a “decent diet”, public health experts have claimed in an open letter to the prime minister.
The UK Faculty of Public Health said the situation had become so serious that an independent group should be set up by the government to investigate.
The letter pointed to rising food prices, falling wages and a boom in food banks as proof.
Professor John Ashton: ”If the current trends go on, we are going to have a malnourished generation”
FPH President John Ashton says: “we may be facing a public health emergency in the UK. The spectre of Oliver Twist is back”.
Professor John Ashton….oh…the Labour Party Stalwart! Oliver Twist and a malnourished generation? Nothing like a bit of over the top hyperbole to help people take you seriously.
And what about this bit?:
The letter pointed to rising food prices, falling wages and a boom in food banks as proof.
Well food prices are falling, as are fuel prices, wages are increasing and the ‘boom in foodbanks’ is a marketing success for the Trussell Trust…also run by a ‘Labour Party stalwart’.
Still, good of the BBC to be giving such uncritical coverage and promotion to the Labour narrative of a ‘living standards crisis’.
The 2015 General Election propaganda campaign is underway by the Liebour Party, aided and abetted by the traitors at the BBC.
Do the same with the Labour Party as you should do with the BBC, write to them withdrawing their implied licence to enter your private property in order to communicate with the householder. If they knock on your front door they are trespassing; sue them.
Dont forget to put UKIP posters in your windows as well
“Well food prices are falling, as are fuel prices, wages are increasing…………………….”
Once again Alan shows his financial and economic illiteracy. Just because wage rises have exceeded food and fuel price inflation for one or two months does not negate the opposite happening for the previous 48 months.
Yes Albaman because Socialist Scotland is streaking ahead of the rest of the UK with it’s free for all policies. I saw a pathetic piece on C4 last night in Glasgow…………my grandparents would be turning in their graves. What a fucking shithole.
Albaman – Brown was not aware of the impact of his doubling of the 10p tax rate but it was immediately apparent to the “uneducated” low paid worker. In the same way your statement shows you to be out of touch about the effect of income tax cuts on take home pay for the lower paid, twice in 3 years the rise in the starting point for tax has added more than 1% to those earning less than £20-25,000. A modest percentage but you, Weird Ed & the BBC has been agonising over every last 0.1% of the gap twixt CPI & pay rises.
I have to say that Radio 4 brought on some guy from an association of private landlords who put the whole thing into sharp perspective.
Ed Millband is right. The practices he complains of do happen and are widespread. Rent increases have been incredibly high, there have been illegal evictions for no good reason, and landlords have stolen deposits from tenants.
This is only true of London, and not the rest of the country, where rents have been largely static, or only increased in line with inflation.
There’s not much evidence of widespread evictions and the new deposit system seems to be working well.
If Millipede is going to start making legislation on the basis of what is happening in London – and not the rest of the country then we’re going to be in trouble.
On top of that, who are these Landlords in London who are the new Rachmans (Oy Vay is me). Could they be the ones who advertise for tenants with the proviso that they must refrain from pork & alcohol??
Lets not forget that it was precisely because of stupid rent controls that Rachman was able to terrorise and force his tenants out of rental property.
Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.
what a typical bbc biased discrace dimbleby and question time was last night,that audience was packed out with liberal and labour party activists to attack ukip,the politacal establishment panel was no much better with there ignorant smears of racism against ukip,simon jenkins talked quiet alot of sense and he is a man of the left,but it got worst,after question time is extra time question on time radio 5 live with john the liberal pienaar and stephen the socalist nolan,they set that programme up for non stop attacks on ukip by there regular socalist workers party type5 live callers, nigel farage is right when he says the politacal and media establishment bbc,channel 4 etc have all joined up with there jeaulous hatred of ukip and have launched an all out smear campaign against them,the only reply to these people is to get out and vote for ukip in the euro elections and teach the politacal and media establishment a lesson they wont forget.
There`s am embargo here on any BBC output re current affairs in this house.
Until Adams gets put on trial and Farage sweeps the chattering classes into historys dustbin on May 22nd.
The liberal elite don`t scare Putin one jot…and we the people are in a much better position to bin the parasites at Media City and Parliament/Quango House/ University of Lililies.
Give the East London Mosque the info about them all, and prepare to go back to your constituencies , prepare for Government.
Show Trial Number One?…Jon Snow and Krishnan Guru Murthy!….
As an accountant one thing baffles me about food banks . The trend is an upward almost Eiger like, even defying seasonal adjustments. For instance during winter months you could imagine spare cash being spent on fuel. So during summer months when this money is not being spent on fuel it is free to be spent on food. One would expect this to have some effect on the amount of people going to food banks, but no. In accountancy, anomalies like this would be investigated. I think this ” charity ” should be more transparent and speaking as a trustee of a cash starved charity stop giving giving a bad name
Or alternatively fuel is a luxury commodity which people cannot afford, and with a particularly mild winter which we have just experienced, the poor simply forego heating ?
Why do that when you are not having to spend money on food? When people in the past were in financial difficulties they cut their spending, today they let food banks take up the strain.
Then fuel being a luxury in winter is double a luxury in summer meanwhile the figures for food bank take-up rises at a rate that has no relation to average spendable income to this sector. What would help would be that these figures were at least be tested by people with no agenda rather than used as a political tool thus harming charities like the one I belong to.
The problem with any free service like foodbanks is that there will always be a demand for it, even in the good times. All the data says the economy is getting stronger, yet more people are using foodbanks when logic suggests numbers should be decreasing as more people find work.
If I set up a stall handing out free bog roll I guarantee there will be a queue of people down the street ready to pick some up, whether they have jobs or not.
PS if so many are facing a hunger crisis, why is there a record number of obese people in the UK?