The bBC ,its anti-Semitic bent and how it pains them to acknowledge the good that comes out of Israel. Keepod: Can a $7 stick provide billions computer access? The USB flash drive is one of the most simple, everyday pieces of technology that many people take for granted.
Now it’s being eyed as a possible solution to bridging the digital divide, by two colourful entrepreneurs behind the start-up Keepod.Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi aim to combat the lack of access to computers by providing what amounts to an operating-system-on-a-stick.In six weeks, their idea managed to raise more than $40,000 (£23,750) on fundraising site Indiegogo, providing the cash to begin a campaign to offer low-cost computing to the two-thirds of the globe’s population that currently has little or no access.
Other than this: “Keepod is Hebrew for the word hedgehog. It is also a play on words, as it joins the English word “keep” with the Hebrew word “od”, meaning “everything”.
There is no inkling where the two come from, in fact reading the article it could be either Kenya or America.. But here’s what the bBC don’t want you to know
“Enter Keepod, the Israeli startup with a simple but revolutionary vision – to transfer all the computing from a PC to a disk-on-key, or in geek-speak, a USB flash drive.
The bBC, and its anti-jewish message and the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
In 1993 when i saw the www for the first time I though what was the point? when I could xarchie to search for any acedemic publications or unix source code I would ever need and compile with gcc -ansi -pedantic
I still do not see the point of the www.
It is it pity that the www was invented by a person with so little knowledge of computer science. It means that his intellectual superiors have their time wasted by his stupid decisions.
The technological achievements coming out if Israel are a wonder to behold. One example : 3D Printing – I understand that one company can now 3D print complete houses. If the bbc wanted to do something useful they could compare the achievements of Israel over the past 50 or so years with those from the entire muslim world. And Israeli fruit is top class too.
You won’t find any news on the BBC of positive news of Israel’s humanitarian achievements and in medicine , science, technology and more. See weekly news at
When you say you “understand” 3D printing of houses, I’d suggest you mean you are giving your interpretation of something you have read/seen/heard without much depth of understanding.
No bBC, the thing that will scupper Englands chances is they are…….crap. a bunch of pre-madonnas who think ” me,me,me is much better than team work. Mind you the carbon footprint of the bBC contingent won’t help much either.
BBC News Channel takes us by the hand and leads us for just a moment or two through the looking glass and into the parallel world that is Eurovision.
Keep your W1A, surely this is the real satire at the BBC’s expense and satire of the very highest order.
We meet a… how shall I describe this chap… somewhat “camp” (?) anyway the obvious not ‘normal’ thing about him is that he has a PhD in Eurovision.
Who better to tell us that despite Sweden losing their national broadcaster (boo-hoo) (is that a fact? or was some other Euro nation?) they have still done rather well.
Lots of countries have complained about some girl with a beard – who cares?
The Russians are doing it on a see saw. Whatever next? Crimean voters, according to Eurovision, still come under the Ukrainian jurisdiction so will vote for Russia. Wait a minute, I thought this wasn’t all about politics?
The payroll sofa Bods tell us that Graham Norton is really really good at gently extracting the mick (careful : racial epithet)
“Our” (bias creeping in) song has a bit of a chance – wouldn’t want anyone put off watching.
And now we come to the meat in the sandwich of this item – the bread being the puff, the teaser, the trailer, the advert – if you will – to encourage us to watch.
But first, let me explain how ‘we’ always qualify for the final : we ‘pay’ for it. This wasn’t spelt out this morning by the BBC. I say again : We pay for it. Not even Machester City are allowed to do that.
I promised there would be meat to this item on the BBC News – there’s always an agenda on the BBC who don’t have agendas…. ‘We’ the British shouldn’t always expect to win. That’s ‘arrogant’ kiddies.
Europeans don’t ‘hate the UK’. Oh no. The reason we don’t do very well these days is that since a rule change everyone else is allowed to sing in English. Plus our songs are really not very good.
Was that a back-handed complement from the BBC to the English?
But how can that be – we are arrogant.
I know BBC presenters maintain that we are only English by default.
Are they now saying that there is something un-English about the English language that makes it good?
BBC: Taking the English out of England and giving it back to Europe – or something like that.
Eurovision has been plugged mercilessly by the BBC this past fortnight on R4, R2 and TV – Jeez, it even got a mention in ‘Prayer for Today’ this morning.
A bit of Common Purpose-style neurolinguistic programming at work what with the EU elections coming up, or just coincidence?
They’ve exhausted the back catalogue of The Two Ronnies and Morecambe and Wise.
Now they’ve moved on to Eurovision.
It’s all post-modern irony, you see, and not because they are getting increasingly desperate for broadcast material that meets even minimum standards of entertainment.
An unbelievable piece on radio 4 where the left wing New Statesman hack Helen Lewis is allowed to front a program talking about the Tory appeal to BME voters.
The amazing comment that ‘when the last wave of migrants arrived here in the 1960s and worked hard, settled down and integrated ! Integrated ??? So if that’s true why is there a need for multiculturalism to be invented?
Then it’s on to an explanation of the what the 30MPs who wrote a letter asking for renationalisation of the railways really wanted. This time a Tory is allowed to explain that they have used a specific single example of a franchised which failed because it was badly managed, and that all the others are managing quite well thank you.
This is supposed to be the week in Westminster and not an excuse to discuss left wing policies and dewy eyed dreams of revisionism and lies !
the left wing New Statesman hack Helen Lewis is allowed to front a program talking about the Tory appeal to BME voters
That’ll be The Week in Westminster, then, which is fronted by a different journalist each week, including from such hard left publications as The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph and the Financial Times.
Scott, I’m not sure if I have ever heard a review of the week in Westminster by anyone from the Salisbury Review or standpoint magazine. Perhaps you could check with the BBC and let me know as The New Statesman (that magazine with a proud history of apology for the blood soaked psychopathic regimes of the East Bloc) has a circulation so small that I can’t even find it and I would like to know why they selected them for the review.
I heard it by the way and it was foaming marxist bilge………. But then I am a loony bigot because I sometimes post comments on this site.
**Bless** (for the avoidance of doubt that **Bless* had nothing to do with undisclosed cultural practices in abattoirs)
Already mentioned on the midweek thread, but update on this guy Charlie Bloom, BBC Question Time Lib Dem ranter, who had disgusting go at Nigel, is getting his comeuppance all over the net and ‘blogosphere’:
He isn’t a LibDem, his ex-wife (divorced 14 years ago according to his twitter stream) and his daughter are. As for getting his comeuppance — what you mean is that UKIP supporters are having a go at him for holding 15-year career politician Farage to account.
‘As for getting his comeuppance — what you mean is that UKIP supporters are having a go at him for holding 15-year career politician Farage to account.’
Yes, he looks well qualified for holding people to account, doesn’t he?
Back in your BBC box, Danny. Or continue on here defending the moronic dregs of our society, if you prefer.
Danny – please do not tell me what I mean. I mean the guy is a total hypocrite for telling Nigel not to interrupt him and then Bloom going on to do exactly that himself. Any pillock who does that on National TV is going to get deservedly slated.
Has anyone else noted an increase in the exaggerated Obama flattery on the BBC website. Scores of little video clips like the one below which, as far as I can tell, only serve to paint the President in a positive light. If he were Republican and of anglo heritage would the fawning coverage be similar?
‘Obama’s maternal heritage consists mostly of English ancestry, with much smaller amounts of German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swiss, and French…’
So not so much O’ Bama, then.
And he’s as much in denial about his anglo heritage as he is his mixed race. He’s created a myth to conform to a socialist ideal of Presidency. Deceit and self-delusion in equal measure – just what you’d look for in ‘The Leader of the Free World’.
What a cowardly bunch are the Tories? Grovelling apology covered by the BBC after Tory council candidate tweets. Oh please, spare us the bit about no place in our Conservative team for this tweeter…
Gardner treats Islamic jihadists as apparently reasonable people, but people who may lose popularity if they carry out certain actions, so they should be aware of this!
‘Jihadwatch’ has been exposing the murderous nature of Islamic jihad Boko Haram for years; whereas INBBC has mislead, by talking of ‘sectarian religious conflict’ and of ‘militants’, and not making the Islamic connection.
Amidst all the “bring back our girls” selfie campaigns in the media over the plight of the schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram spare a thought for the boys who have been massacred by the same organisation when a boarding school was attacked in February.
The BBC (along with the rest of the mainstream media) was silent about this outrage. Nobody gives a damn about boys being massacred by extremists yet girls being kidnapped is a worse outrage it seems.
Is this our problem? How can we have a positive effect? We have wasted so many lives and millions of pounds in pointless interventions in far away lands.
That is a sorry tale.
Don’t know the bloke, but the account would seem fantastic were it not entirely credible given the BBC’s evident ability to create a breeding colony between a nest of vipers and a bunch of rats in a sack.
Who the hell could cope with never knowing who will stab you in the back and when over next to no good cause?
All credit him telling them to stick it with their face-saving PR weasel and obligatory ‘let’s keep this our little secret’. ‘“We would prefer that you don’t mention anything about last week’s broadcast.” In the end, the BBC wrote to say, “Regrettably … we will have to accept your offer to fall on your sword to resolve the situation.”’
Working there must be like being a distant relative of one of Kim Wrong Un’s ex, never knowing when the knock on the door will get stitched up.
No wonder the DOTIs who come here to vent veer between delusional and certifiable.
‘I was alerted to my error by an email from the BBC management who had, in turn, received a complaint from a listener who, by his own admission, never listened to my programmes, but just happened to switch-on his radio sometime after 8 pm on Sunday April, 27.’
And on the basis of that one ‘complaint’, he was sacked (good as).
Orwell now spinning in his grave faster than a neutron in The Large Hadron Collider.
And I suppose it would be the end of Clarkson if he played the orchestral version. It’s not necessary for the words to be said (or sung) to inflame the BBC’s army of lefties, the tune would be enough to hang him.
Orwell worked for the BBC during WW2 as a propagandist. His novel 1984 was based on that experience. So I don’t think he would be in any way surprised.
Scroll down to see his playlist for his intended final programme – what a great guy he seems, what great old classic songs and tunes. How DARE these PC idiots shove him out !
What the hell is this country coming to ? You can hardly hear the word on the scratchy old recording, I never noticed it and I have sung that song many times to kids and grandkids who happily hop around to the tune. People DON’T know or sing the words of the verses, they just know and sing the chorus which is happy and catchy, a foot-tapping number from the 1930s.
Any way – here is Ambrose and the song that caused such mortal offence :
There’s a rumour going around that they’re going to remake that wonderful comedy, Dad’s Army. I do hope not, they’re bound to make a pig’s ear of it. I wonder will Corporal Jones still be able to tell us that “the Fuzzie Wuzzies don’t like it up em”? I can’t see them allowing it. Perhaps in the updated, politically corrected version for a non racist, non homophobic and enlightened modern audience the Fuzzie Wuzzies will like it up ’em…
Stupid pc nonsense……..Guy Gibson called his dog….wait for it, Scott, Danny, YAB, Fattie Abbot, ….N.I.G.G.E.R. There. Not so bad after all was it. Watch Pulp Fiction. Word is mentioned many times. I’ve heard blacks in Bristol call fellow blacks, ‘bad niggers’. Personally, i think COON is a lot worse, but there you are……
Yesterday on the 6am Radio 4 news there was a brief mention of Pfizer offering to meet Miliband to discuss the Astra Zeneca takeover bid, not long after the bid was tabled.
Apparently Miliband refused because he was ‘busy campaigning’.
I didn’t hear all of the Today programme but I’m pretty sure between Mrs jtf and I we pretty well covered it. The strange thing is, you see, there was nothing more on this startling revelation. Nor was the marvellous, wonderful, heroic Hodge (who was on trashing free schools with the excuse of a report that was 3 years out of date) asked about it at the end of her interview – but I suspect that’s a trick they reserve for the Tories.
By 7.30 it had drifted down the news stack and by mid-morning it had disappeared altogether.
Funny that, the BBC not holding Miliband to account, especially given the amount of airtime he’s been given by the BBC to rubbish Cameron’s handling of the bid.
Little Ed is channelling his inner Obama. His hero was too busy campaigning to do anything about the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi when the Ambassador was killed. Obviously, he found time to cry crocodile tears over his coffin when they brought the body home.
Having established that Marcus Brigstocke was not in it, I thought I would give the Now Show a listen. A strange thing happened: it was quite funny. They even managed to take the mickey out of Harriet Harman’s absurd posturing over the Jeremy Clarkson n-wordgate. Amazing what they can do when Twatstocke’s not there.
It’s the way he tells ’em (currently ‘the content doesn’t seem to be working’)….
I was brought here by a front page link entitled ‘Handling a heckler Obama-style’
Looking at the transcript, the ‘style’ in question for me did not fall under ‘joke’.
Lame-ass, maybe.
But maybe POTUS explained it to his adoring BBC follower later to be enshrined in this vital piece of BBC suck… reporting?
In other news, actually about the BBC as some cynical colleagues there encourage an emotionally fragile stalking horse, sacrificial lamb hybrid to self-detonate here in hope of creating victim empathy: Does it matter that these contributions were sought, not volunteered ?
Interesting questions that could apply to many a BBC guest, expert, panel commentator or live audience ‘representative of the public’. When they are billed as impartial but turn out not to be, I think it does. ‘BBC Trust minutes are back on top form – as transparent as a breeze block.’
That’s odd, because the Trust keeps saying how transparent they are. But then they also call themselves The Trust. And say things a lot in evident hope that in so doing they become true.
The more I learn about Mr. Cohen the more that charmer Lavrentiy Beria springs to mind.
Anyway, he’s clearly one who falls on the ‘our little secret’ side of BBC transparency, accountability and ability of people to raise concerns.
I wonder if it was he who charged Mr. Lowe for his bullet?
If I was Lord Hall, I might be watching my back too.
Following an EDL gathering in Rotherham the BBC’s Look North shows its even handedness. Interview with EDL person “your organisation is racist”. To imported UAF person “let me know if my tongue is too rough on your bottom.”
The BBC put enough spin on the South African 2014 election results to make it appear that it was reporting on a different election altogether:
South Africa election: ANC wins huge victory
In fact, the ANC victory was quite a bit less huge than any of its victories since 1994 and the party fell far short of the coveted two thirds of the vote, which would enable it to make changes to the constitution. But nowhere in the article does the BBC reveal those important facts.
It also doesn’t mention that the official opposition, the Democratic Alliance, increased its share of the vote from 16% in 2009 to over 22% – an extraordinary leap in support:
Bizarre. Eventually those weak-kneed jerks in ‘management’ positions at the BBC will become so PeeCee they will get rid of anyone worth anything at that excuse for a broadcaster.
Intention used to be a basic principle of law and civic life in this country. No longer. The liberal has put an end to that and replaced it with the shrill scream of the bodysnatched pod. In the end this leads to tyranny. Or as the liberal would put it. A nice caring empathetic never never land.
The PC cause (for which read the BBC if you like) might help itself were it to ban the n-word unconditionally i.e. no matter through what or through whom it was uttered, and treat each and every occurrence equally.
But, as we have come to realise, some are more equal than others.
I think the writer means BDS rather than armed conflict although with liberals you can never be sure.
The IDF is probably a match for most European armies with one hand tied behind it’s back so I would not be worried. Come to think of it the IDF could probably take on Nato without much trouble.
Will someone explain to me why we are expected to be interested in the opinions of the ghastly Michelle Obama, and to such an extent that they are made the front page lead on the BBC faux-News website this Saturday evening?
Why does the BBC consider her vacuous pronouncements on Nigeria of any interest to anyone in this country?
It’s bad enough enough that the poor Americans have to put up with this woman but at least some of them voted for her fool of a husband. We should simply be able to ignore her completely.
So the kidnapping of the Nigerian girls is due to climate change. And we who use oil in our cars are to blame. Climate change comes to the rescue of Boko Haram. How long before this is repeated by the BBC?
Please note they were chanting prayers to their God, and acting in accord with his written word. So why does the left, Guardian and BBC, not accept the Islamist’s own explanation? Why insert another reason?
#BBCtrending: Support for Israeli soldier who aimed gun at teen
In typical BBC last-first fashion “But – as ever – there are other perspectives on the story. “This for me is a disgusting campaign,” says Issa Amro, coordinator of Youth Against Settlements, the group that uploaded the video. They train activists and locals in how to use cameras and social media – in order to highlight abuses at the hands of Israelis”
No BBC, they instigate events like this for the camera. Palestinians provoke soldiers and police in the hope of a reaction caught on video. My entire sympathies are with the soldier and the campaign.
Be funny if they stuck the wrong support sign in the hands of FLOTUS, who currently seems to wander around like the ladies heralding rounds at boxing matches.
Interesting how frustrated those are who have enjoyed near absolute, unthinking support from the media and masses, when many now are kicking back when the true facts are shared.
I’m actually hopeful that even the BBC, infested as it is with one-line propagandists, still has a few with integrity enough to delve into the provocation PR industry that prevails to feed a too often astoundingly uncurious media.
Old men sending young men to try and drive other young men to react has a long, ignoble history. If enough media refused to play, that’s one heat-generating dial that could be turned down.
The main headline of the BBC news website has been ‘US First Lady condemns Nigeria kidnaps’ all day today.
I mean seriously, wgaf?
David Cameron has condemned the kidnaps, as has every major Western leader. Why should we care massively about the views of the wife of the President of America?
The article isn’t even in the top 10 read articles, despite being rammed down our throats. Maybe the BBC should take the hint..
If you need further reason to vote UKIP, Eurovision supplies it! Bloated waste of (telly) tax payers money for something we don’t want, can’t identify with and most hate us!
It also seems the European liberal metrosexuals in this country think a bloke with a beard in a dress is the pick of the bunch – out now!
I actually looked into this story John. The game is aimed at the 3 year old onwards.
Now I’ll accept that there are many older people who will play this game. But lets be honest, how many people will play a game that can be played by 3 year olds?
To that end why are the left pushing their political views on pre-kinder-garden children ?
After a week of the horror of Islamic Nigerian jihadists …
the scandal and cruelty of more Muslim Halal findings …
and on the ever growing Islam “Trojan horse” enquiry …
of course BBCs flagship religious Sunday show TBQs is
bound to ask, wait for it ….
…. Is the Church of England institutionally racist?
“the Beeb has got its hat on” oops! apologies
I mean blindfolds on at the BBC!
Newswatch? …
BBC Newswatch s usual trope of orchestrated emails
… followed by some patronising Beebot
listening intently, then dishing out
“sorry … only have small change” patter.
The question of Nigerian schoolgirls came up
… and where has the BBC been for … 4 WEEKS!
well …. no answer, no Beebot, and on to next item?
how about, Any Answers? … “Nigerian schoolgirls” is there in the header, (a bit flippant by the BBC?, were they the problem?)
in the programme itself…………………………… ?
Flagship morals, religious ethics show TBQs on Sunday morning, wants to know … if the C of E is racist ?!*?!
AND i ve just checked the BBC Home news page? … and “Nigerian Schoolgirls” have disappeared from there as well.
See no Islam, Speak no Islam, Hear no Islam?
Pity those Niger ian … militant … insurgent …criminal
kidnappers keep banging on about the Quran and Allah isn t it?
… why aren t they shouting about, Al Quaida inspired terrorism
… how inconvenient for the media
As the BBC R4 reports this morning about difficulties between Christians and Muslims in Niger ia … even has an interview later to discuss reports of “tensions” between them?
BBC sacks DJ for playing ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’… because he accidentally played original version with the ‘N’ word – even though Jeremy Clarkson wasn’t fired for ACTUALLY saying it
Islamism in Birmingham schools: how the BBC is selectively reporting the ‘Trojan horse’ plot
But the Beeb’s record on the story has been mixed. It has done some real reporting on it – that is, making the effort, like us, to gather actual evidence of its own. But on other occasions it’s been too ready to take at face value the obviously self-serving denials of obviously interested parties – such as governors of the schools concerned, or in this case Birmingham City Council.
Two further reports on Islamisation of British education:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Schools warned to expect ‘firestorm’ when Ofsted publishes report into extremist ‘Trojan Horse’ plot.
“Meeting of headteachers was told there would be ‘serious implications.’
“Birmingham City Council CEO also attacked Ofsted and Michael Gove.
“Mark Rogers predicted response could change ways schools are run.
“Investigations were launched over alleged plot to sneak in extreme Islam.
“Recording of the private meeting was leaked to the media.”
Jones is a slick performer on TV, even when Andrew Neil had him against the ropes and looking stupid for thinking that ‘income’ and ‘assets’ were the same thing (snigger). But he simply brushed it off, insisting they were the same (maybe HMRC should look into his returns?). I saw him on Daily Politics with Delingpole, who by comparison with Jones, came across poorly. He needs to up his game seriously.
Jones looked and sounded a complete idiot. The other guests on that programme were embarrassed by his pathetic stumbling’s as he tried and failed to dig himself out of his hole.
Just heard one Emma-Jane Kirby reporting from near St Tropez.
Nice work if you can get it-and a double barrelled name like hers ensures that she DOES get work like this.
Still-she`s there to do a job…the FN there have a Mayor who says that he is not an FN candidate now-but the Mayor for all the town,
Emma says “non”-and seeks out some hijab-clad ladies in the market to interview…they say nothing to her.
That`ll be the white nazis scaring them into silence…and nothing whatsoever to do with what hubby or big brother will do to them if they talk to white kaffur/dhimmis like our Emma.
Oh to have to carry that worldview around despite full knowledge of the facts before you-got to lead to dissonance, ulcers and mental breakdown surely.
Emma also gets some British tourists to express concern that they`re in a National Front town…oh dear.
That the FN are completely different over there, and don`t house the likes of Sweetie Webster and John Tyndall is too nuanced a point for the BBC…but they`d not make it even if they DID know that.
We also hear that eleven-yes count them-ELEVEN people cancelled their holiday in the town at the time that they elected the FN Mayor.
100% positive correlation, no possible other factors or coincidences allowed-got that?
Very much a school sound recording project this one-a nice holiday momento for our girl at Roedean on Cheltenham…but this was NOT news or analysis as any adult outside the BBCs cloud if influence…acid rain and all!
Nasty, venal, dreadful, unthinking, lazy prejudiced crap…and can`t even blame line manager Paddy O Connell for this one.
But following Radio Devons scandal-he ought to carry the can for Emma Jane Kirbys awful sly and pointless grooming of liberal stool.
I heard a full half-hour prog on Radio 4 last week from another posh Beebette – all the way from Argentinia.
It sounded mostly tosh, full quota of bias. Her journalism was so insightful I can’t even remember what it was about now. I expect Scotty can while away a couple of hours devilling away to refute me.
What I can remember is thinking how much her programme cost us, travel costs and all that. Nice work if you can get it !
I too have an interest in Argentina. I like trekking and I have long wanted to get to Patagonia, but it costs an arm and a leg. Maybe I should apply for one of the BBC’s travel jobs ?
I might have a bit of a problem there. Patagonia is opposite the Antarctica – and AGW alarmists say that polar ice is decreasing. But it is actually increasing in the Antarctic. As we saw at Christmas time with the Ship of Fools !
But I think I would take the freebie, fly out to Argentina, stay in the nice hotels, do the trek and see the glaciers and fjiords and penguins, try to get a standby ticket on one of those Russian ships – and then come home to the UK and tell the BBC that unfortunately the sound-recording equipment got completely frozen and ruined, sorry. After I had claimed all my expenses.
Re Nigeria, halal, Trojan Horse etc this week.
To read or hear , see or critique much of the past weeks news without any knowledge of Islamic screed-as preached to us by Mohammad Sadiq Khan and Michael Adebolajo in GB these last few years-really leave one hell of a red. black and green striped tarantula in the room.
That the BBC and its liberals carpet crawlers for Anjem DARE to analyse any news re Muslim atrocities and scandals without any reference to Surah 8/9( The Verses of the Sword-the only scriptures in town unless you want the slave taking imperatives in Sura 4 etc) is craven, spineless and puts innocent people here at real risk( for some oafs STILL think the news is worth believing or trusting, poor dhimmi).
My take on it is that the Nazis did much the same-they tried to take the Jews out of the Bible in the Nazi Reign-wasn`t much left, made no sense whatsoever…but it pleased both Hitler and his servile church vehicle at the time.
The BBC are the cut and paste nazis cutting Muhammads imperatives and abrogations etc out of the laof they give us…it`ll choke us and reduce us to pap merchants if we don`t get some scholarship.
Thank God, there are good websites and people…for the BBC and its liberal floaters in the broadsheets, universities and politics are merely chucking rosewater around the charnel house that Islam has lined up for us in its House of War.
That Trojan Horse of theirs is a a war horse we`ll not be seeing musicals about,and no childrens laureate to write about…and it`s the fifth horse of the apocalypse on current trendings….
For some obscure reason the BBC does not seem to be bigging up this story about the Italian PM asserting that it is our manifest destiny to have a United States of Europe.
As the topic of editorial by omission has been raised by some elsewhere, if with ironic selectivity on their part, it is interesting what the BBC can decide is not overly ‘newsworthy’, and what opinions are not only allowed but given the full weight of the BBC broadcast machine.
The Latin term – very appropriate here – is “Suppressio veri” – conceal the truth
The BBC – and much of the rest of the media conceals from us that there is a political class in Europe that wants to kill off our national identity, submerge it in some superstate of Europe.
The Italian PM’s comments are explicit – so let’s bury them. The plebs of Britain don’t need to know.
Devastating stuff this John.
And not a peep from the liberal elite and the BBC,…who`d much rather we reflect on Berlusconis community service or such like.
The idea of the Italians running ANYTHING but themselves is all that we need to vote for UKIP….the Italians have been a byword for incompetent corruption since even before the end of WW2.
This in no way disparages a cultural and culinary civilisation that is great for its people and for us…but the idea of Italy running the EU for the next six months ought to be headline manna for Nigel.
Look at how their economy, their country have turned out since the Euro launch in 2002, the troinka putsch that removed the “awfully elected” Berlusconi in 2010 ,and the 5 Star votes of last year…
And they are at the bridge as their Euro Concordia sets sail again?…beyond satire.
All Renzi hopes is that someone-ANYONE will allow the Italians to sail steady as they do…and let others pick up the tab and take the blame, as they live the dolce vita…ot vida loca if you will.
Puke inducing lefty righteousness fest taking place on Campbell’s show this morning. “Is the church of England institutionally racist”. Anyone like to guess what the conclusion is ?
” Is Islam institutionally racist” next week is it Nicky ?
Postal votes, recounts and the gerrymandering a la Sinn Fein have now reversed these figures…and that`s the BBCs final word…all votes and threads closed from now on.
Who lets these people tweet or vote anyhow?…plebs I tellsya!
Yes – he skewered wee Dougie, the “Son of the Manse” dig was classic, when Neil attacked Labour’s party political for alleging the Tories know nothing of the NHS – although Cameron’s own poor son was treated so well by them. Alexander ducked and weaved – refusing to accept responsibility for really dirty campaigning.
Andrew Neil is one of the few who does any real research for his programmes – he also skewered wee Dougie on the Labour advert showing a food basket, the £400 allegedly added to the average punter in increased VAT is an impossible figure, it equates to the average punter spending £20,000 odd on VATable items when the total average take home pay is only a bit over £20K. It was clear that the Labour claim is not the annual figure – it covers the whole time since Cameron took office. So, more Labour lies and deception. I had not heard this line of argument before – it is typical that Neil should spot the huge flaw in the Labour advert.
The whole programme is well worth watching on iPlayer. Neil remains the only BBC reporter of any real stature. He should be D-G – or should take Patten’s job.
Yes, will be surprised if Wendys brother ever recovers from this mauling.
Come the day he even thinks of what a reduced, expendable and coasting tool he is.
From the party that gave us Nye Bevan and Roy Mason…this is what Labour actually has become.
Yes, wasn`t it strnage?
Neil is good-but on this topic was thoroughly hog-tied intellectually by the very notion of questioning the EU project itself.
Nigel has them screwed hasn`t he? It all augurs very well…this blind spot is going to blind them soon!
Yes…….I definitely got the impression his questions had been listed for Neil to just read out and he had been told not to deviate from them……….What with the Bloom plant on QT and the above, one might think that bbbc is biased………..! Nah, surely
Reminds me, I was watching the programme earlier and Christine Amanpoor was talking about the ‘nigger word’ issue while doing the papers. I may be wrong but were some of her words ‘silenced’ out – the camera had just switched to a view over her shoulder onto the table – maybe I just went deaf for a second; I am getting on a bit after all? Perhaps she said something wrong accidentally, but surely they don’t have delays in live broadcasts to censor people. Someone tell me it isn’t so, maybe she just obscured her microphone.
Of course, CNN (as Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera) is politically in synch with INBBC, so Amanpour (now based in U.K) get on Beeboids’ TV regularly with her Obama subservient propaganda.
Yep! folks … as erm … hashtags?, terrify Islamic mass murderers, child gang rapists, and slavers in Nigeria.
who have had weeks to … well … please themselves.
Mind you, the US even refused to list Boko Haram
as a terrorist outfit (because it would mean admitting islamic terror is still powerful force), until recently …
The hashtag, it isn t even a demand,
“get them back”… “or else” …
impotent clichés … that ll do it.
How many Nigerian Boko Haram Muslim sympathisers have immigrated into Britain in recent years? Will INBBC investigate? There are over 220,000 Muslims of Nigerian origin in Britain (over 120,000 are in London).
In the meantime, on Nigeria, UK’s political class (inc INBBC) will continue to blame ‘poverty’ for mass murdering, not Islamic jihad motivation!”
What’s the betting Mr Farrage will refuse to retract? Then what do UAF do as they can’t withstand scrutiny about their violence since there are many reports on how many have been arrested for violence at EDL demonstrations.
And they can’t even claim that they are not a violent party as it is only a small number who get arrested for violence – as they tried to besmirch the whole of UKIP as being racist on the same argument.
“Mr Bennett also denied the organisation had received any government funding. He said Unite Against Fascism would be writing to Mr Farage to demand that he retract his claims. ”
Lets hope it goes to court UKIP need go no further than ‘Nope, not Hope’ web site to find the evidence they need to support that assertion
(The site currently has a vid. of Owen Jones getting a roasting from ‘Brillo’ -classic)
Typical of the BBC to defend UAF and it’s Labour Party backers. UAF is basically a street mob which frequently resorts to intimidation and violence and has repeatedly tried to undermine the democratic process by disrupting UKIP’s public meetings. The United Association of Fascists, bringing the politics of the Weimar Republic to Britain.
the BBC have short (and selective) memories
of the UAF/Hope not Hate
Sky News.
“BNP leader Nick Griffin got a “rough ride” on BBC’s Question Time after violent protests beforehand left three police injured.
The Metropolitan Police said the officers had been hurt during the clashes outside BBC Television Centre in west London.
Two suffered minor injuries and the third was treated by paramedics for head injuries.
Police said three people had been arrested during the clashes.
More than 500 people were involved in the demonstration outside the BBC building in White City ahead of the filming of Question Time, due to be screened tonight at 10.35pm.
About 25 protesters beat BBC security to gain entry to the reception area of the building.”
3 police officers injured after anti-fascist protesters broke into the BBC’s TV Centre ahead of BNP leader Nick Griffin’s appearance on the Question Time programme
I’m having flash backs to Hattie Hatemen attempting to prove how safe the streets were in her constituency; in a flack jacket surrounded by a police escort!
I just saw this article in the top 20 list on the BBC site and thought ‘why on Earth should a lottery winner want to give money to Yes? Is Rick Wakeman really that badly off?’
Yet MORE champagne socialists like Connery and that godawful fake that is “Sralix” Ferguson…i`m a United fan-and even I know he`s au utter tw*t!
Funny how they all want independence up there-while living high on the hog down here.
I`ll respect Scotland far more when it recycles its own shit and stops sending it down here to the cosy chain of media and sports, political waste re-processors here in England.
Ta dongle-this would make a great period piece of drama for either ITV or BBC.
Far better than bloody Vera Drake crap….
But it would subvert the BBCs compulsory telly tax….so we`ll just have to imagine it for now. ‘in due course, she will be replaced by some rather higher-profile politically correct clone, and this empire of self-satisfied mediocrities will sail smugly on its way as if nothing had happened.’
And how else to acquire a reputation for trust, transparency and professional competence that is the envy of the world?
At least, as BBC sources say.
Many comments good value, not least those which seem to originate from a briefing meeting in no way funded by the EU.
…and then realise that the word ‘wonk’ is American student slang not used in UK before the Clinton administration in the 90s.
Surely the BBC must take more care before they include items from the days of black n’ white TV …”Why should we be pally with the wonks who started Calais?” sings David Kernan .
Tonights Countryfile yep you guessed it . Climate Change File , should be its new name . Well tonight ,& every bloody night on Countryfile, the one & only, made up Global Warming story about species not adapting , to nice sunny warm weather coming a few weeks early , no problemo for me , heating off, shorts on ,bring it on !
This is the Islamising Britain which U.K’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) has helped to create, via its campaigning for mass immigration from Islamic countries, and its condoning of all things Islamic –
“Alarmed British MPs demand passports be revoked from UK fighters in Syria”
Homs, Syria, now, after years of Islamic jihad warfare:-
(inc photos)-
“Back to Homs: Thousands of Syrians return to scenes of horrendous destruction after surrender of ‘capital of the revolution.’
“Old quarters of Homs, once a thriving city of a million people, were at centre of battle between rebels and government.
“Whole city blocks have been pounded into hollowed-out buildings and streets are littered with burnt-out cars.
“Two field hospitals and a network of secret tunnels to surrounding countryside discovered in battle-scarred areas.
“Conflict has killed more than 150,000 since March 2011 and peace deal is major victory for Syrian President Assad.”
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
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Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
The bBC ,its anti-Semitic bent and how it pains them to acknowledge the good that comes out of Israel.
Keepod: Can a $7 stick provide billions computer access?
The USB flash drive is one of the most simple, everyday pieces of technology that many people take for granted.
Now it’s being eyed as a possible solution to bridging the digital divide, by two colourful entrepreneurs behind the start-up Keepod.Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi aim to combat the lack of access to computers by providing what amounts to an operating-system-on-a-stick.In six weeks, their idea managed to raise more than $40,000 (£23,750) on fundraising site Indiegogo, providing the cash to begin a campaign to offer low-cost computing to the two-thirds of the globe’s population that currently has little or no access.
Other than this:
“Keepod is Hebrew for the word hedgehog. It is also a play on words, as it joins the English word “keep” with the Hebrew word “od”, meaning “everything”.
There is no inkling where the two come from, in fact reading the article it could be either Kenya or America.. But here’s what the bBC don’t want you to know
“Enter Keepod, the Israeli startup with a simple but revolutionary vision – to transfer all the computing from a PC to a disk-on-key, or in geek-speak, a USB flash drive.
The bBC, and its anti-jewish message and the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
Agree on the bBC being anti-semetic but this technology has been around for years. I’ve got a flash drive in my pocket now, that runs a Linux OS.
Android uses Linux at its base.
In 1993 when i saw the www for the first time I though what was the point? when I could xarchie to search for any acedemic publications or unix source code I would ever need and compile with gcc -ansi -pedantic
I still do not see the point of the www.
It is it pity that the www was invented by a person with so little knowledge of computer science. It means that his intellectual superiors have their time wasted by his stupid decisions.
The technological achievements coming out if Israel are a wonder to behold. One example : 3D Printing – I understand that one company can now 3D print complete houses. If the bbc wanted to do something useful they could compare the achievements of Israel over the past 50 or so years with those from the entire muslim world. And Israeli fruit is top class too.
And I understand that stent technology after a heart attack is Israeli too, we don’t hear much from the BDS campaign about refusing it.
Is it? then I have much more to thank them for than I had realised.
You won’t find any news on the BBC of positive news of Israel’s humanitarian achievements and in medicine , science, technology and more. See weekly news at
When you say you “understand” 3D printing of houses, I’d suggest you mean you are giving your interpretation of something you have read/seen/heard without much depth of understanding.
As a teenage visitor to Israel in the eighties, I was rather more impressed with the hot girls in the IDF…
According to the bBC, climate change to foil British chances at the world cup.
Scorching El Nino event could scupper England’s World Cup
No bBC, the thing that will scupper Englands chances is they are…….crap. a bunch of pre-madonnas who think ” me,me,me is much better than team work. Mind you the carbon footprint of the bBC contingent won’t help much either.
BBC News Channel takes us by the hand and leads us for just a moment or two through the looking glass and into the parallel world that is Eurovision.
Keep your W1A, surely this is the real satire at the BBC’s expense and satire of the very highest order.
We meet a… how shall I describe this chap… somewhat “camp” (?) anyway the obvious not ‘normal’ thing about him is that he has a PhD in Eurovision.
Who better to tell us that despite Sweden losing their national broadcaster (boo-hoo) (is that a fact? or was some other Euro nation?) they have still done rather well.
Lots of countries have complained about some girl with a beard – who cares?
The Russians are doing it on a see saw. Whatever next? Crimean voters, according to Eurovision, still come under the Ukrainian jurisdiction so will vote for Russia. Wait a minute, I thought this wasn’t all about politics?
The payroll sofa Bods tell us that Graham Norton is really really good at gently extracting the mick (careful : racial epithet)
“Our” (bias creeping in) song has a bit of a chance – wouldn’t want anyone put off watching.
And now we come to the meat in the sandwich of this item – the bread being the puff, the teaser, the trailer, the advert – if you will – to encourage us to watch.
But first, let me explain how ‘we’ always qualify for the final : we ‘pay’ for it. This wasn’t spelt out this morning by the BBC. I say again : We pay for it. Not even Machester City are allowed to do that.
I promised there would be meat to this item on the BBC News – there’s always an agenda on the BBC who don’t have agendas…. ‘We’ the British shouldn’t always expect to win. That’s ‘arrogant’ kiddies.
Europeans don’t ‘hate the UK’. Oh no. The reason we don’t do very well these days is that since a rule change everyone else is allowed to sing in English. Plus our songs are really not very good.
Was that a back-handed complement from the BBC to the English?
But how can that be – we are arrogant.
I know BBC presenters maintain that we are only English by default.
Are they now saying that there is something un-English about the English language that makes it good?
BBC: Taking the English out of England and giving it back to Europe – or something like that.
Eurovision has been plugged mercilessly by the BBC this past fortnight on R4, R2 and TV – Jeez, it even got a mention in ‘Prayer for Today’ this morning.
A bit of Common Purpose-style neurolinguistic programming at work what with the EU elections coming up, or just coincidence?
They’ve exhausted the back catalogue of The Two Ronnies and Morecambe and Wise.
Now they’ve moved on to Eurovision.
It’s all post-modern irony, you see, and not because they are getting increasingly desperate for broadcast material that meets even minimum standards of entertainment.
An unbelievable piece on radio 4 where the left wing New Statesman hack Helen Lewis is allowed to front a program talking about the Tory appeal to BME voters.
The amazing comment that ‘when the last wave of migrants arrived here in the 1960s and worked hard, settled down and integrated ! Integrated ??? So if that’s true why is there a need for multiculturalism to be invented?
Then it’s on to an explanation of the what the 30MPs who wrote a letter asking for renationalisation of the railways really wanted. This time a Tory is allowed to explain that they have used a specific single example of a franchised which failed because it was badly managed, and that all the others are managing quite well thank you.
This is supposed to be the week in Westminster and not an excuse to discuss left wing policies and dewy eyed dreams of revisionism and lies !
the left wing New Statesman hack Helen Lewis is allowed to front a program talking about the Tory appeal to BME voters
That’ll be The Week in Westminster, then, which is fronted by a different journalist each week, including from such hard left publications as The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph and the Financial Times.
Wow. Such bias.
You’ll probably find that the other correspondents stick to the subject a bit more instead of using the platform as a tool for political advantage.
Having subscribed in the past to the FT I don’t believe it has any political bias, if it did it wouldn’t be a reliable source of information.
Scott, I’m not sure if I have ever heard a review of the week in Westminster by anyone from the Salisbury Review or standpoint magazine. Perhaps you could check with the BBC and let me know as The New Statesman (that magazine with a proud history of apology for the blood soaked psychopathic regimes of the East Bloc) has a circulation so small that I can’t even find it and I would like to know why they selected them for the review.
I heard it by the way and it was foaming marxist bilge………. But then I am a loony bigot because I sometimes post comments on this site.
**Bless** (for the avoidance of doubt that **Bless* had nothing to do with undisclosed cultural practices in abattoirs)
I think there was more integration by immigrants in the past. The 7/7 bombers grew up here, they weren’t immigrants.
Excellent point.
Already mentioned on the midweek thread, but update on this guy Charlie Bloom, BBC Question Time Lib Dem ranter, who had disgusting go at Nigel, is getting his comeuppance all over the net and ‘blogosphere’:
He isn’t a LibDem, his ex-wife (divorced 14 years ago according to his twitter stream) and his daughter are. As for getting his comeuppance — what you mean is that UKIP supporters are having a go at him for holding 15-year career politician Farage to account.
Oh and Danny – just to reinforce my points about this Bloom fellow:
This is what Mr Bloom was happy about, celebrating the death of Thatcher:
I think you are being far too polite John. They make scum look positively benign.
‘As for getting his comeuppance — what you mean is that UKIP supporters are having a go at him for holding 15-year career politician Farage to account.’
Yes, he looks well qualified for holding people to account, doesn’t he?
Back in your BBC box, Danny. Or continue on here defending the moronic dregs of our society, if you prefer.
What a strange silence from “Danny Howard”. May I suggest that he is reminded of this the next time he decides to come a-trolling?
Agent Danny ? He’s probably consulting with Special Agent Uncategorised in that hollowed out volcano (via encrypted satellite link from the Crimea)
Oh, I found Charlie Bloom picture on Mike Thornton (Lib Dem MP Eastliegh webiste). Sorry if I am wrong assuming Charlie Bloom is Lib Dem connected?
Danny – please do not tell me what I mean. I mean the guy is a total hypocrite for telling Nigel not to interrupt him and then Bloom going on to do exactly that himself. Any pillock who does that on National TV is going to get deservedly slated.
It is like Diane Abbot complaining about racism
Helloooo Danny?
Daughter of Charlie Bloom enhances my long held suspicion that possibly what I suspected is true:
Is this confirmation of BBC collusion with Question Time audience plants:
Has anyone else noted an increase in the exaggerated Obama flattery on the BBC website. Scores of little video clips like the one below which, as far as I can tell, only serve to paint the President in a positive light. If he were Republican and of anglo heritage would the fawning coverage be similar?
Sorry, link:
No doubt, Islam-compliant BBC-NUJ, will approve the Obama trend, reflected in this headline:-
But, the critique is by Pamela Geller-
‘If he were Republican and of anglo heritage would the fawning coverage be similar?’
Alex – please look here:
‘Obama’s maternal heritage consists mostly of English ancestry, with much smaller amounts of German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swiss, and French…’
So not so much O’ Bama, then.
And he’s as much in denial about his anglo heritage as he is his mixed race. He’s created a myth to conform to a socialist ideal of Presidency. Deceit and self-delusion in equal measure – just what you’d look for in ‘The Leader of the Free World’.
What a cowardly bunch are the Tories? Grovelling apology covered by the BBC after Tory council candidate tweets. Oh please, spare us the bit about no place in our Conservative team for this tweeter…
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) & Frank Gardner’s strange ‘understanding’ of Islamic jihad murderers of Boko Haram and al Qaeda.
“Have Boko Haram over-reached themselves?”
By Frank Gardner,
INBBC security correspondent.
Gardner treats Islamic jihadists as apparently reasonable people, but people who may lose popularity if they carry out certain actions, so they should be aware of this!
‘Jihadwatch’ has been exposing the murderous nature of Islamic jihad Boko Haram for years; whereas INBBC has mislead, by talking of ‘sectarian religious conflict’ and of ‘militants’, and not making the Islamic connection.
Amidst all the “bring back our girls” selfie campaigns in the media over the plight of the schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram spare a thought for the boys who have been massacred by the same organisation when a boarding school was attacked in February.
The BBC (along with the rest of the mainstream media) was silent about this outrage. Nobody gives a damn about boys being massacred by extremists yet girls being kidnapped is a worse outrage it seems.
But worst of all to INBBC is EDL, which opposes Islamic jihad and sharia.
Is this our problem? How can we have a positive effect? We have wasted so many lives and millions of pounds in pointless interventions in far away lands.
Someone else falls foul of the N word?
That is a sorry tale.
Don’t know the bloke, but the account would seem fantastic were it not entirely credible given the BBC’s evident ability to create a breeding colony between a nest of vipers and a bunch of rats in a sack.
Who the hell could cope with never knowing who will stab you in the back and when over next to no good cause?
All credit him telling them to stick it with their face-saving PR weasel and obligatory ‘let’s keep this our little secret’.
‘“We would prefer that you don’t mention anything about last week’s broadcast.” In the end, the BBC wrote to say, “Regrettably … we will have to accept your offer to fall on your sword to resolve the situation.”’
Working there must be like being a distant relative of one of Kim Wrong Un’s ex, never knowing when the knock on the door will get stitched up.
No wonder the DOTIs who come here to vent veer between delusional and certifiable.
I think he must have played the version recorded by the Henry Hall BBC Dance Orchestra.
‘I was alerted to my error by an email from the BBC management who had, in turn, received a complaint from a listener who, by his own admission, never listened to my programmes, but just happened to switch-on his radio sometime after 8 pm on Sunday April, 27.’
And on the basis of that one ‘complaint’, he was sacked (good as).
Orwell now spinning in his grave faster than a neutron in The Large Hadron Collider.
And I suppose it would be the end of Clarkson if he played the orchestral version. It’s not necessary for the words to be said (or sung) to inflame the BBC’s army of lefties, the tune would be enough to hang him.
Orwell worked for the BBC during WW2 as a propagandist. His novel 1984 was based on that experience. So I don’t think he would be in any way surprised.
Scroll down to see his playlist for his intended final programme – what a great guy he seems, what great old classic songs and tunes. How DARE these PC idiots shove him out !
What the hell is this country coming to ? You can hardly hear the word on the scratchy old recording, I never noticed it and I have sung that song many times to kids and grandkids who happily hop around to the tune. People DON’T know or sing the words of the verses, they just know and sing the chorus which is happy and catchy, a foot-tapping number from the 1930s.
Any way – here is Ambrose and the song that caused such mortal offence :
Sorry John, my mistake, I thought he must have played the Henry Hall BBC Dance Orchestra version.
… but the Ambrose & His Orchestra version still available to add to your BBC Playlister at:
There’s a rumour going around that they’re going to remake that wonderful comedy, Dad’s Army. I do hope not, they’re bound to make a pig’s ear of it. I wonder will Corporal Jones still be able to tell us that “the Fuzzie Wuzzies don’t like it up em”? I can’t see them allowing it. Perhaps in the updated, politically corrected version for a non racist, non homophobic and enlightened modern audience the Fuzzie Wuzzies will like it up ’em…
Stupid pc nonsense……..Guy Gibson called his dog….wait for it, Scott, Danny, YAB, Fattie Abbot, ….N.I.G.G.E.R. There. Not so bad after all was it. Watch Pulp Fiction. Word is mentioned many times. I’ve heard blacks in Bristol call fellow blacks, ‘bad niggers’. Personally, i think COON is a lot worse, but there you are……
Yesterday on the 6am Radio 4 news there was a brief mention of Pfizer offering to meet Miliband to discuss the Astra Zeneca takeover bid, not long after the bid was tabled.
Apparently Miliband refused because he was ‘busy campaigning’.
I didn’t hear all of the Today programme but I’m pretty sure between Mrs jtf and I we pretty well covered it. The strange thing is, you see, there was nothing more on this startling revelation. Nor was the marvellous, wonderful, heroic Hodge (who was on trashing free schools with the excuse of a report that was 3 years out of date) asked about it at the end of her interview – but I suspect that’s a trick they reserve for the Tories.
By 7.30 it had drifted down the news stack and by mid-morning it had disappeared altogether.
Funny that, the BBC not holding Miliband to account, especially given the amount of airtime he’s been given by the BBC to rubbish Cameron’s handling of the bid.
Little Ed is channelling his inner Obama. His hero was too busy campaigning to do anything about the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi when the Ambassador was killed. Obviously, he found time to cry crocodile tears over his coffin when they brought the body home.
British leader sucking up to the yanks as usual.
They do not need a meeting to tell Miliband to mind his own fucking business.
Having established that Marcus Brigstocke was not in it, I thought I would give the Now Show a listen. A strange thing happened: it was quite funny. They even managed to take the mickey out of Harriet Harman’s absurd posturing over the Jeremy Clarkson n-wordgate. Amazing what they can do when Twatstocke’s not there.
It’s the way he tells ’em (currently ‘the content doesn’t seem to be working’)….
I was brought here by a front page link entitled ‘Handling a heckler Obama-style’
Looking at the transcript, the ‘style’ in question for me did not fall under ‘joke’.
Lame-ass, maybe.
But maybe POTUS explained it to his adoring BBC follower later to be enshrined in this vital piece of BBC suck… reporting?
In other news, actually about the BBC as some cynical colleagues there encourage an emotionally fragile stalking horse, sacrificial lamb hybrid to self-detonate here in hope of creating victim empathy:
Does it matter that these contributions were sought, not volunteered ?
Interesting questions that could apply to many a BBC guest, expert, panel commentator or live audience ‘representative of the public’. When they are billed as impartial but turn out not to be, I think it does.
‘BBC Trust minutes are back on top form – as transparent as a breeze block.’
That’s odd, because the Trust keeps saying how transparent they are. But then they also call themselves The Trust. And say things a lot in evident hope that in so doing they become true.
The more I learn about Mr. Cohen the more that charmer Lavrentiy Beria springs to mind.
Anyway, he’s clearly one who falls on the ‘our little secret’ side of BBC transparency, accountability and ability of people to raise concerns.
I wonder if it was he who charged Mr. Lowe for his bullet?
If I was Lord Hall, I might be watching my back too.
So all is clear on the Trojan horse school business. That is what you will conclude from a quick look at the BBC report.
You should look up what Birmingham Council is doing – going to sue Gove etc
Following an EDL gathering in Rotherham the BBC’s Look North shows its even handedness. Interview with EDL person “your organisation is racist”. To imported UAF person “let me know if my tongue is too rough on your bottom.”
The BBC put enough spin on the South African 2014 election results to make it appear that it was reporting on a different election altogether:
South Africa election: ANC wins huge victory
In fact, the ANC victory was quite a bit less huge than any of its victories since 1994 and the party fell far short of the coveted two thirds of the vote, which would enable it to make changes to the constitution. But nowhere in the article does the BBC reveal those important facts.
It also doesn’t mention that the official opposition, the Democratic Alliance, increased its share of the vote from 16% in 2009 to over 22% – an extraordinary leap in support:,_2014
If anyone wants to check out this miserable example of BBC wishful thinking trying to pass itself off as journalism, here it is:
Clearly the presenter had NO INTENTION TO OFFEND ANYONE….. An ancient happy record played in error.
Tell me did the BBC ever play any (C)rap music at any time? Will the DJs be sacked instantly?
Compare and contrast with Brand and Ross who deliberately set out to offend – but that was edgy comedy wasn’t it
Bizarre. Eventually those weak-kneed jerks in ‘management’ positions at the BBC will become so PeeCee they will get rid of anyone worth anything at that excuse for a broadcaster.
Intention used to be a basic principle of law and civic life in this country. No longer. The liberal has put an end to that and replaced it with the shrill scream of the bodysnatched pod. In the end this leads to tyranny. Or as the liberal would put it. A nice caring empathetic never never land.
The PC cause (for which read the BBC if you like) might help itself were it to ban the n-word unconditionally i.e. no matter through what or through whom it was uttered, and treat each and every occurrence equally.
But, as we have come to realise, some are more equal than others.
G. Orwell take a bow (yet again).
I see that the SWP front “Stop the War” is demanding that we go to war…..With Israel..You couldn’t make this up….
War is Peace. What could possibly go wrong?
I think the writer means BDS rather than armed conflict although with liberals you can never be sure.
The IDF is probably a match for most European armies with one hand tied behind it’s back so I would not be worried. Come to think of it the IDF could probably take on Nato without much trouble.
Will someone explain to me why we are expected to be interested in the opinions of the ghastly Michelle Obama, and to such an extent that they are made the front page lead on the BBC faux-News website this Saturday evening?
Why does the BBC consider her vacuous pronouncements on Nigeria of any interest to anyone in this country?
It’s bad enough enough that the poor Americans have to put up with this woman but at least some of them voted for her fool of a husband. We should simply be able to ignore her completely.
Because she might be the next president of the US
Only in some parallel universe.
I think the signs are all there
Nigh on half a million dead in the Darfur genocide to date.
Michelle Obama, Cara Delevigne, BBC, #wtfwereyou.
So the kidnapping of the Nigerian girls is due to climate change. And we who use oil in our cars are to blame. Climate change comes to the rescue of Boko Haram. How long before this is repeated by the BBC?
Reading through the comments I note he is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist
Still the Guardian have been pumping this ‘white people are to blame’ theme for a while
Here is a stoning of a young girl. Tell the left wing bastard at the Guardian to demonstrate how this can be explained by climate change.
My god! I couldn’t watch this beyond seeing the poor girl buried up to her neck. Fucking savages.
Please note they were chanting prayers to their God, and acting in accord with his written word. So why does the left, Guardian and BBC, not accept the Islamist’s own explanation? Why insert another reason?
Multicult wankfest performance of our Eurovision song, Children of the Universe says it all!
It didn’t represent my idea of Royaume-Uni !
#BBCtrending: Support for Israeli soldier who aimed gun at teen
In typical BBC last-first fashion “But – as ever – there are other perspectives on the story. “This for me is a disgusting campaign,” says Issa Amro, coordinator of Youth Against Settlements, the group that uploaded the video. They train activists and locals in how to use cameras and social media – in order to highlight abuses at the hands of Israelis”
No BBC, they instigate events like this for the camera. Palestinians provoke soldiers and police in the hope of a reaction caught on video. My entire sympathies are with the soldier and the campaign.
Be funny if they stuck the wrong support sign in the hands of FLOTUS, who currently seems to wander around like the ladies heralding rounds at boxing matches.
Interesting how frustrated those are who have enjoyed near absolute, unthinking support from the media and masses, when many now are kicking back when the true facts are shared.
I’m actually hopeful that even the BBC, infested as it is with one-line propagandists, still has a few with integrity enough to delve into the provocation PR industry that prevails to feed a too often astoundingly uncurious media.
Old men sending young men to try and drive other young men to react has a long, ignoble history. If enough media refused to play, that’s one heat-generating dial that could be turned down.
The main headline of the BBC news website has been ‘US First Lady condemns Nigeria kidnaps’ all day today.
I mean seriously, wgaf?
David Cameron has condemned the kidnaps, as has every major Western leader. Why should we care massively about the views of the wife of the President of America?
The article isn’t even in the top 10 read articles, despite being rammed down our throats. Maybe the BBC should take the hint..
If you need further reason to vote UKIP, Eurovision supplies it! Bloated waste of (telly) tax payers money for something we don’t want, can’t identify with and most hate us!
It also seems the European liberal metrosexuals in this country think a bloke with a beard in a dress is the pick of the bunch – out now!
“a bloke with a beard in a dress” is referred to as “she” in BBC News broadcasts. Obviously the performer belongs to a group who must be indulged
It is getting beyond parody
Nintendo is apologising for not having same-sex relationships as a feature of one of its games :
I actually looked into this story John. The game is aimed at the 3 year old onwards.
Now I’ll accept that there are many older people who will play this game. But lets be honest, how many people will play a game that can be played by 3 year olds?
To that end why are the left pushing their political views on pre-kinder-garden children ?
After a week of the horror of Islamic Nigerian jihadists …
the scandal and cruelty of more Muslim Halal findings …
and on the ever growing Islam “Trojan horse” enquiry …
of course BBCs flagship religious Sunday show TBQs is
bound to ask, wait for it ….
…. Is the Church of England institutionally racist?
“the Beeb has got its hat on” oops! apologies
I mean blindfolds on at the BBC!
Newswatch? …
BBC Newswatch s usual trope of orchestrated emails
… followed by some patronising Beebot
listening intently, then dishing out
“sorry … only have small change” patter.
The question of Nigerian schoolgirls came up
… and where has the BBC been for … 4 WEEKS!
well …. no answer, no Beebot, and on to next item?
how about, Any Answers? … “Nigerian schoolgirls” is there in the header, (a bit flippant by the BBC?, were they the problem?)
in the programme itself…………………………… ?
Flagship morals, religious ethics show TBQs on Sunday morning, wants to know … if the C of E is racist ?!*?!
AND i ve just checked the BBC Home news page? … and “Nigerian Schoolgirls” have disappeared from there as well.
See no Islam, Speak no Islam, Hear no Islam?
Pity those Niger ian … militant … insurgent …criminal
kidnappers keep banging on about the Quran and Allah isn t it?
… why aren t they shouting about, Al Quaida inspired terrorism
… how inconvenient for the media
meanwhile … militant “kidnappers” (who have nothing to do with Islam) …. storm a church
and shout “Allahu Ackbar”
As the BBC R4 reports this morning about difficulties between Christians and Muslims in Niger ia … even has an interview later to discuss reports of “tensions” between them?
why could that be?
BBC sacks DJ for playing ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’… because he accidentally played original version with the ‘N’ word – even though Jeremy Clarkson wasn’t fired for ACTUALLY saying it
As I’ve said before, there are millions of reasons why the BBC didn’t fire Clarkson…
Andrew Gilligan…
Islamism in Birmingham schools: how the BBC is selectively reporting the ‘Trojan horse’ plot
But the Beeb’s record on the story has been mixed. It has done some real reporting on it – that is, making the effort, like us, to gather actual evidence of its own. But on other occasions it’s been too ready to take at face value the obviously self-serving denials of obviously interested parties – such as governors of the schools concerned, or in this case Birmingham City Council.
Two further reports on Islamisation of British education:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Schools warned to expect ‘firestorm’ when Ofsted publishes report into extremist ‘Trojan Horse’ plot.
“Meeting of headteachers was told there would be ‘serious implications.’
“Birmingham City Council CEO also attacked Ofsted and Michael Gove.
“Mark Rogers predicted response could change ways schools are run.
“Investigations were launched over alleged plot to sneak in extreme Islam.
“Recording of the private meeting was leaked to the media.”
Read more:
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“‘No Trojan Horse extremism links’ Birmingham teachers hear”
By Phil Mackie.
I just heard Cameron and Clegg on the news, separately and one after the other, talking about “our COMMON PURPOSE” (my emphasis).
If that doesn’t tell you all you need to know about these two socialist, anti-democratic toe rags, nothing will.
News headlines on Radio 4 this morning passing references to “The ‘N’ Word”. One assumes that all the listeners know what the ‘N’ word might be…
Could it be ‘nonsense’? Or ‘numbskulls’, or ‘numpties’, or even ‘niggardly’ (cor, that was a bit near the knuckle, wasn’t it…)?
Oh, it was ‘NIGGER’. So what?
I suppose the BBC won’t be showing Blazing Saddles any time soon.
They probably thought it meant ‘knowledge’ 😉
Owen jones on TBQ. He’s on a winner with the BBC.
Jones is a slick performer on TV, even when Andrew Neil had him against the ropes and looking stupid for thinking that ‘income’ and ‘assets’ were the same thing (snigger). But he simply brushed it off, insisting they were the same (maybe HMRC should look into his returns?). I saw him on Daily Politics with Delingpole, who by comparison with Jones, came across poorly. He needs to up his game seriously.
No he didn’t brush it off.
Jones looked and sounded a complete idiot. The other guests on that programme were embarrassed by his pathetic stumbling’s as he tried and failed to dig himself out of his hole.
Just heard one Emma-Jane Kirby reporting from near St Tropez.
Nice work if you can get it-and a double barrelled name like hers ensures that she DOES get work like this.
Still-she`s there to do a job…the FN there have a Mayor who says that he is not an FN candidate now-but the Mayor for all the town,
Emma says “non”-and seeks out some hijab-clad ladies in the market to interview…they say nothing to her.
That`ll be the white nazis scaring them into silence…and nothing whatsoever to do with what hubby or big brother will do to them if they talk to white kaffur/dhimmis like our Emma.
Oh to have to carry that worldview around despite full knowledge of the facts before you-got to lead to dissonance, ulcers and mental breakdown surely.
Emma also gets some British tourists to express concern that they`re in a National Front town…oh dear.
That the FN are completely different over there, and don`t house the likes of Sweetie Webster and John Tyndall is too nuanced a point for the BBC…but they`d not make it even if they DID know that.
We also hear that eleven-yes count them-ELEVEN people cancelled their holiday in the town at the time that they elected the FN Mayor.
100% positive correlation, no possible other factors or coincidences allowed-got that?
Very much a school sound recording project this one-a nice holiday momento for our girl at Roedean on Cheltenham…but this was NOT news or analysis as any adult outside the BBCs cloud if influence…acid rain and all!
Nasty, venal, dreadful, unthinking, lazy prejudiced crap…and can`t even blame line manager Paddy O Connell for this one.
But following Radio Devons scandal-he ought to carry the can for Emma Jane Kirbys awful sly and pointless grooming of liberal stool.
I heard a full half-hour prog on Radio 4 last week from another posh Beebette – all the way from Argentinia.
It sounded mostly tosh, full quota of bias. Her journalism was so insightful I can’t even remember what it was about now. I expect Scotty can while away a couple of hours devilling away to refute me.
What I can remember is thinking how much her programme cost us, travel costs and all that. Nice work if you can get it !
I too have an interest in Argentina. I like trekking and I have long wanted to get to Patagonia, but it costs an arm and a leg. Maybe I should apply for one of the BBC’s travel jobs ?
I’m sure the BBC would provide funding for: ‘Anderson on Argentina: How AGW is Devastating Patagonia’
I might have a bit of a problem there. Patagonia is opposite the Antarctica – and AGW alarmists say that polar ice is decreasing. But it is actually increasing in the Antarctic. As we saw at Christmas time with the Ship of Fools !
But I think I would take the freebie, fly out to Argentina, stay in the nice hotels, do the trek and see the glaciers and fjiords and penguins, try to get a standby ticket on one of those Russian ships – and then come home to the UK and tell the BBC that unfortunately the sound-recording equipment got completely frozen and ruined, sorry. After I had claimed all my expenses.
Re Nigeria, halal, Trojan Horse etc this week.
To read or hear , see or critique much of the past weeks news without any knowledge of Islamic screed-as preached to us by Mohammad Sadiq Khan and Michael Adebolajo in GB these last few years-really leave one hell of a red. black and green striped tarantula in the room.
That the BBC and its liberals carpet crawlers for Anjem DARE to analyse any news re Muslim atrocities and scandals without any reference to Surah 8/9( The Verses of the Sword-the only scriptures in town unless you want the slave taking imperatives in Sura 4 etc) is craven, spineless and puts innocent people here at real risk( for some oafs STILL think the news is worth believing or trusting, poor dhimmi).
My take on it is that the Nazis did much the same-they tried to take the Jews out of the Bible in the Nazi Reign-wasn`t much left, made no sense whatsoever…but it pleased both Hitler and his servile church vehicle at the time.
The BBC are the cut and paste nazis cutting Muhammads imperatives and abrogations etc out of the laof they give us…it`ll choke us and reduce us to pap merchants if we don`t get some scholarship.
Thank God, there are good websites and people…for the BBC and its liberal floaters in the broadsheets, universities and politics are merely chucking rosewater around the charnel house that Islam has lined up for us in its House of War.
That Trojan Horse of theirs is a a war horse we`ll not be seeing musicals about,and no childrens laureate to write about…and it`s the fifth horse of the apocalypse on current trendings….
For some obscure reason the BBC does not seem to be bigging up this story about the Italian PM asserting that it is our manifest destiny to have a United States of Europe.
Roll on 22 May.
As the topic of editorial by omission has been raised by some elsewhere, if with ironic selectivity on their part, it is interesting what the BBC can decide is not overly ‘newsworthy’, and what opinions are not only allowed but given the full weight of the BBC broadcast machine.
The Latin term – very appropriate here – is “Suppressio veri” – conceal the truth
The BBC – and much of the rest of the media conceals from us that there is a political class in Europe that wants to kill off our national identity, submerge it in some superstate of Europe.
The Italian PM’s comments are explicit – so let’s bury them. The plebs of Britain don’t need to know.
Devastating stuff this John.
And not a peep from the liberal elite and the BBC,…who`d much rather we reflect on Berlusconis community service or such like.
The idea of the Italians running ANYTHING but themselves is all that we need to vote for UKIP….the Italians have been a byword for incompetent corruption since even before the end of WW2.
This in no way disparages a cultural and culinary civilisation that is great for its people and for us…but the idea of Italy running the EU for the next six months ought to be headline manna for Nigel.
Look at how their economy, their country have turned out since the Euro launch in 2002, the troinka putsch that removed the “awfully elected” Berlusconi in 2010 ,and the 5 Star votes of last year…
And they are at the bridge as their Euro Concordia sets sail again?…beyond satire.
All Renzi hopes is that someone-ANYONE will allow the Italians to sail steady as they do…and let others pick up the tab and take the blame, as they live the dolce vita…ot vida loca if you will.
David Cameron has lost the game”
Puke inducing lefty righteousness fest taking place on Campbell’s show this morning. “Is the church of England institutionally racist”. Anyone like to guess what the conclusion is ?
” Is Islam institutionally racist” next week is it Nicky ?
hey bob,
don t worry as soon as that crap series ends
we ll be right back to Sunday Morning Lies.
The anti public view debate show, from the public broadcaster
Postal votes, recounts and the gerrymandering a la Sinn Fein have now reversed these figures…and that`s the BBCs final word…all votes and threads closed from now on.
Who lets these people tweet or vote anyhow?…plebs I tellsya!
Been to Betty’s tea rooms in Harrogate today, didn’t see a black face in the place, only conclusion, Betty’s must be institutionally racist.
Brillo giving Douglas Alexander a right going over on sunday politics. BBC not all bad.
Yes – he skewered wee Dougie, the “Son of the Manse” dig was classic, when Neil attacked Labour’s party political for alleging the Tories know nothing of the NHS – although Cameron’s own poor son was treated so well by them. Alexander ducked and weaved – refusing to accept responsibility for really dirty campaigning.
Andrew Neil is one of the few who does any real research for his programmes – he also skewered wee Dougie on the Labour advert showing a food basket, the £400 allegedly added to the average punter in increased VAT is an impossible figure, it equates to the average punter spending £20,000 odd on VATable items when the total average take home pay is only a bit over £20K. It was clear that the Labour claim is not the annual figure – it covers the whole time since Cameron took office. So, more Labour lies and deception. I had not heard this line of argument before – it is typical that Neil should spot the huge flaw in the Labour advert.
The whole programme is well worth watching on iPlayer. Neil remains the only BBC reporter of any real stature. He should be D-G – or should take Patten’s job.
Yes, will be surprised if Wendys brother ever recovers from this mauling.
Come the day he even thinks of what a reduced, expendable and coasting tool he is.
From the party that gave us Nye Bevan and Roy Mason…this is what Labour actually has become.
Now brillo goes after Farage. Bit dirty but IMO he gets no-where near.
Yet another dynamic performance from our Nigel. Even Andrew Neil refusing to discuss Europe
Farage for PM
Yes, wasn`t it strnage?
Neil is good-but on this topic was thoroughly hog-tied intellectually by the very notion of questioning the EU project itself.
Nigel has them screwed hasn`t he? It all augurs very well…this blind spot is going to blind them soon!
Yes…….I definitely got the impression his questions had been listed for Neil to just read out and he had been told not to deviate from them……….What with the Bloom plant on QT and the above, one might think that bbbc is biased………..! Nah, surely
This is quite a good watch.
equally as enjoyable …
as much for the the po faces, of the opposition
as uncomfortable truth, after uncomfortable truth
is relayed expertly.
another good one noggin – keep them coming !
A “must watch.”
Andrew Marr Tells the Prime Minister to Shut Up –
I wonder if he’d tell someone revered by the BBC, such as President Obama, to ‘shut up’.
It shows total disrespect.
Reminds me, I was watching the programme earlier and Christine Amanpoor was talking about the ‘nigger word’ issue while doing the papers. I may be wrong but were some of her words ‘silenced’ out – the camera had just switched to a view over her shoulder onto the table – maybe I just went deaf for a second; I am getting on a bit after all? Perhaps she said something wrong accidentally, but surely they don’t have delays in live broadcasts to censor people. Someone tell me it isn’t so, maybe she just obscured her microphone.
Of course, CNN (as Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera) is politically in synch with INBBC, so Amanpour (now based in U.K) get on Beeboids’ TV regularly with her Obama subservient propaganda.
as absurd #hashtags, and selfies … shamefully take the place, of definites …
Camoron leader of the lying, incompetent f-ckwits in No10
old Hussein s Missus from across the pond.
(like the pout?).
Yep! folks … as erm … hashtags?, terrify Islamic mass murderers, child gang rapists, and slavers in Nigeria.
who have had weeks to … well … please themselves.
Mind you, the US even refused to list Boko Haram
as a terrorist outfit (because it would mean admitting islamic terror is still powerful force), until recently …
The hashtag, it isn t even a demand,
“get them back”… “or else” …
impotent clichés … that ll do it.
Islamic jihadist, Boko Haram mass murderers, will be really impressed with liberals’ hashtag ‘politics’!:-
“Nigeria abductions: UK ‘ready to do more’ in hunt for missing girls”
How many Nigerian Boko Haram Muslim sympathisers have immigrated into Britain in recent years? Will INBBC investigate? There are over 220,000 Muslims of Nigerian origin in Britain (over 120,000 are in London).
In the meantime, on Nigeria, UK’s political class (inc INBBC) will continue to blame ‘poverty’ for mass murdering, not Islamic jihad motivation!”
… an excellent video, on just this issue …
so, to be clear, it’s nigel farrage’s fault he needs bodyguards, and not the fault of his opponents
What’s the betting Mr Farrage will refuse to retract? Then what do UAF do as they can’t withstand scrutiny about their violence since there are many reports on how many have been arrested for violence at EDL demonstrations.
And they can’t even claim that they are not a violent party as it is only a small number who get arrested for violence – as they tried to besmirch the whole of UKIP as being racist on the same argument.
“Mr Bennett also denied the organisation had received any government funding. He said Unite Against Fascism would be writing to Mr Farage to demand that he retract his claims. ”
Lets hope it goes to court UKIP need go no further than ‘Nope, not Hope’ web site to find the evidence they need to support that assertion
(The site currently has a vid. of Owen Jones getting a roasting from ‘Brillo’ -classic)
Typical of the BBC to defend UAF and it’s Labour Party backers. UAF is basically a street mob which frequently resorts to intimidation and violence and has repeatedly tried to undermine the democratic process by disrupting UKIP’s public meetings. The United Association of Fascists, bringing the politics of the Weimar Republic to Britain.
the BBC have short (and selective) memories
of the UAF/Hope not Hate
Sky News.
“BNP leader Nick Griffin got a “rough ride” on BBC’s Question Time after violent protests beforehand left three police injured.
The Metropolitan Police said the officers had been hurt during the clashes outside BBC Television Centre in west London.
Two suffered minor injuries and the third was treated by paramedics for head injuries.
Police said three people had been arrested during the clashes.
More than 500 people were involved in the demonstration outside the BBC building in White City ahead of the filming of Question Time, due to be screened tonight at 10.35pm.
About 25 protesters beat BBC security to gain entry to the reception area of the building.”
3 police officers injured after anti-fascist protesters broke into the BBC’s TV Centre ahead of BNP leader Nick Griffin’s appearance on the Question Time programme
I’m having flash backs to Hattie Hatemen attempting to prove how safe the streets were in her constituency; in a flack jacket surrounded by a police escort!
For all those saying – where are the Roumanians and Bulagarians UKIP promised would come – and haven’t. The Telegraph has this report.
If the figures next week show an increase then they will be hidden away. (200,000 is about the population of Newcastle Upon Tyne)
I just saw this article in the top 20 list on the BBC site and thought ‘why on Earth should a lottery winner want to give money to Yes? Is Rick Wakeman really that badly off?’
No, the story was rather a different tale.
Yet MORE champagne socialists like Connery and that godawful fake that is “Sralix” Ferguson…i`m a United fan-and even I know he`s au utter tw*t!
Funny how they all want independence up there-while living high on the hog down here.
I`ll respect Scotland far more when it recycles its own shit and stops sending it down here to the cosy chain of media and sports, political waste re-processors here in England.
It turns out the TV licence wasn’t popular in the early 60’s ! Have a read at this beautifully written blog post ..
Brilliant find -thanks for posting
Ta dongle-this would make a great period piece of drama for either ITV or BBC.
Far better than bloody Vera Drake crap….
But it would subvert the BBCs compulsory telly tax….so we`ll just have to imagine it for now.
‘in due course, she will be replaced by some rather higher-profile politically correct clone, and this empire of self-satisfied mediocrities will sail smugly on its way as if nothing had happened.’
And how else to acquire a reputation for trust, transparency and professional competence that is the envy of the world?
At least, as BBC sources say.
Many comments good value, not least those which seem to originate from a briefing meeting in no way funded by the EU.
listen at 10 secs…..
…and then realise that the word ‘wonk’ is American student slang not used in UK before the Clinton administration in the 90s.
Surely the BBC must take more care before they include items from the days of black n’ white TV …”Why should we be pally with the wonks who started Calais?” sings David Kernan .
Hee Hee! No he didn’t. BBC tsk tsk!
Tonights Countryfile yep you guessed it . Climate Change File , should be its new name . Well tonight ,& every bloody night on Countryfile, the one & only, made up Global Warming story about species not adapting , to nice sunny warm weather coming a few weeks early , no problemo for me , heating off, shorts on ,bring it on !
Islamic jihadists in Britain and Syria.
This is the Islamising Britain which U.K’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) has helped to create, via its campaigning for mass immigration from Islamic countries, and its condoning of all things Islamic –
“Alarmed British MPs demand passports be revoked from UK fighters in Syria”
Homs, Syria, now, after years of Islamic jihad warfare:-
(inc photos)-
“Back to Homs: Thousands of Syrians return to scenes of horrendous destruction after surrender of ‘capital of the revolution.’
“Old quarters of Homs, once a thriving city of a million people, were at centre of battle between rebels and government.
“Whole city blocks have been pounded into hollowed-out buildings and streets are littered with burnt-out cars.
“Two field hospitals and a network of secret tunnels to surrounding countryside discovered in battle-scarred areas.
“Conflict has killed more than 150,000 since March 2011 and peace deal is major victory for Syrian President Assad.”
Read more: