A new alarmist report by the Global Sustainability Institute being plugged by the BBC makes the extraordinary claim that the “UK’s oil, coal and gas ‘gone in five years’” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-27435624). And, of course, it goes without saying that “there should be a ‘Europe-wide drive’ towards wind, tidal, solar and other sources of renewable power” so solve the problem. But the claims – which go unchallenged – seem to be fantasy of the highest order. For instance, most sources estimate that there there are a good 30 years of oil left in the British part of the North Sea. Here’s an article from the BBC this February making such a claim – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-26326117. Why such a disparity in 3 months? Because the first article is a plug for Scottish independence and the new article is a plug for Europe and a dig at the coalition. For those worried that it is all going to come to an end in 5 years time – don’t worry. There may be enough coal to last us for several centuries (see http://www.thejournal.co.uk/news/north-east-news/drilling-date-set-north-seas-6896191), ditto for gas (see http://www.thegwpf.org/britain-holds-biggest-shale-basin-world/). Britain’s energy problems and interdependence on other countries are, like so many problems, largely manufactured.
Harrabin is a prophet from the church of CAGW and a true believer. He not an honest news reporter, but is an advocate, a snake-oil salesman, and therefore a fraudster.
I will not even consider reading his biased, partial coverage as it is filled with misrepresentations and lies in pursuit of a dangerous political agenda.
Rubbish about our coal reserves and as for gas we haven’t even started extracting shale gas yet. How many are going to see that headline and believe it? Why is the BBC allowed to get away with such nonsense?
There are major oil fields coming on or being redeveloped West of Shetland that will still be producing in twenty years. I can’t remember the last time I read such arrant balls, even on the BBC website
And still they lead with a blind assumption that ‘renewable sources’ (fact: they’re not) will plug the gap if we build enough of them.
The BBC are wilfully misleading the public who, when they wake up to this fact (i.e. when the lights start to go out) there will be a lot of stuffing of licences up left liberal arses.
For “renewable” read “unreliable”.
Nothing is indefinitely “sustainable” – the opposite is not “unsustainable” it is “evolving”. Sustainablity is the biggest bs word in the dictionary.
The world will never run out of anything because the price mechanism matches supply to demand.
The BBC is no longer – if it ever was – a news reporting organisation. It is in the hands of environmental activists, “renewable energy” pimps and Guardian-reading white, middle class, left-wing pr*cks.
Would they ever dare criticise the association of Black police officers, or the association of black lawyers in such a way? “Is that an all black committee?”
They would be sacked so fast they would not know what hit them.
This is merely about standards. On ‘South Today’, (of England of course, but the BBC doesn’t ever mention England as a nation) last evening we had a reporter talking about house prices in Oxford. He was all dressed up in safety gear, Hi-Viz jacket and helmet of course for no good reason, standing in front of a wall ready for a display of graphics. His words were that the average price of a house was £400,000, pointing (the graphic showed just over £388,000) compared to an average wage of £30,000, pointing (the graphic showed just over £31,000). They will no doubt justify this on the grounds that we are all dumb and don’t understand numbers.
It is the standard we have come to expect from the BBC.
Last night the BBC World Service had a wholly alarmist report about a glacier in Antarctica breaking up, predicting an eventual rise in sea levels of over 1 metre. Jonathan Amos was the BBC “reporter”. Naturally there was NIL mention of all the research and observations showing that Antarctica is ADDING ice hugely. Remember the Ship of Fools at Christmas ?
What the BBC consistently fail to mention is that the ice is decreasing only in the Western peninsula of Antarctica, the relatively small finger of land (less than 10% of the total) that points up towards South America, whereas in the vast bulk of the continent the ice is indeed thickening. But that, of course, does not fit their agenda.
I think that as the evidence against the whole Global Warming scam increases, the BBC is getting more and more frantic in trying to keep it alive. I had not heard about Jonathan Amos, but he seemed pig-ignorant of all the contra-evidence. Just bigging up the latest alarmist story – pure BBC churnalism but he really went to town on it, a fairly long report, Amsterdam and London will be flooded etc etc.
Yet according to tide guages all over the world, sea levels are stubbornly refusing to rise faster than seven or eight inches per century and the rate of sea level rise is decreasing.
Climate alarmists. Never let empirical measured reality get in the way of model based alarmist headlines.
It should be pointed out, however that it is the amount of SEA ice that is increasing substantially in Antarctica. Adding to or melting THIS ice has no effect.
The loss of LAND ice, however (whether due to climate change, glacial movements or hidden volcanic activity) will result in an increase in sea level.
Go check it out. It is NOT just sea ice that is increasing. Virtually the entire mass of ice in Antarctica is thickening. Observational science trumps wonky climate models.
Diego Maradona manufactured a lot of waves although heading Argentina’s World Cup team in 2010, but the country’s operate
this yr last but not least came to an stop at the palms of a dominant German group The previous
soccer star pledged to operate naked (significantly like a
stunning lingerie design ) if Argentina received the tournament, and he ran more than a cameraman just
months just before the competitiveness commenced.
He even made a rule about players getting sexual intercourse throughout the World Cup.
ERASMIA, South Africa — Germany midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger accuses World Cup
quarterfinals rival Argentina of demonstrating no respect
for opponents and referees, and urges his teammates not to be
I often dread the BBC’s renowned analysis when trying to add context to a story, but often what they choose to just plonk down can crank an eyebrow. This tweet has me wondering what the desired reaction would be…
@BBCr4today: Civilian deaths in Boko Haram attacks have risen since certain areas of Nigeria gained state of emergency powers http://t.co/YInTU03yMU
On top of championing the notion of the release of killers to persuade kidnappers (and killers) to release ‘our girls’, I do wonder if they have ever read any history to learn from.
Indeed, sounds odd…and no info re which states the attacks have been in. I wonder if the Ramadan spike last year will be repeated…judging by increased activity this year we should hope not.
Must say I found Question Time was very watchable last night, positively trouncing the left for the first time ever! A little long term balance being restored?
Someone on here observed, some time ago, that there seems to be a disproportionate number of teachers represented in QT audiences. And they were out in force last night, repeating the same ‘Gove out, let teachers teach’ mantra as in other QT’s, to the usual loud applause from their colleagues (?). When the guy from the Telegraph said he was a fan of Gove there was audible booing.
A couple of my observations:
– If these people are typical of the self-interested clique delivering education in this country, it really is no wonder that our kids are being denied the education they deserve, and that 20% of British kids leave school functionally illiterate.
– And re QT, it’s time that the BBC were transparent about the way that they ‘carefully select’ their audience. The disproportionate number of teacher activists cannot be there by accident week in week out. I am left with the strong feeling that the BBC must be going to the teaching and other unions to find their participants. I do not believe that the QT audiences are selected solely on the basis of the forms that members of the public are invited to complete.
In the last few months, a producer for QT, admitted on The Media Show that they maintained a database of interested parties and locations so that the appropriate people were invited to join the audience. The Media Show isn’t exactly Today, PM or Newsnight though is it!
The database is no secret. If someone wishes to be part of the QT audience they must fill out a detailed and intrusive questionnaire on political, religious positions, employment, age, etc.
The BBC planted anti – Gove people in QT which may not only be to do with education. The Independent noted that “Gove’s sensitivity to Jewish issues is not new” when he condemned the action of the Royal Institute of Architects to remove Israel from the International Union of architects.
Deborah – really the Left got trounced on trashing economy, Illegal Wars, UK slipping well down the world education league under Labour etc etc- never seen anything like it on QT before:
I followed your link and whilst the left lost the on the logic of argument , as they usually do , they won in volume of applause, as they usually do on any BBC programme. Basically this was a bog standard QT with an audience packed with left leaning folks.
A gem from an always excellent website that patrols the PC madness of US/UK campuses, the trendy metropolitan Left & the gift that keeps on giving – performance art.
‘Further to the shocking news that narcissists are distressed by public contradiction & the apparently fashionable claim that “debate is violence”, Bart steers us to footage from Portland State Univ’s 5th Annual Law & Disorder Conference, a gathering of self-styled anarchists, feminists, anti-capitalists & other radical titans. And which, it turns out, was a little disorderly.’ http://www.davidthompson.typepad.com/davidthompson/2014/05/a-collision-of-intellectuals.html
I must say that the sight of these Leftist retards at the front of the room being shouted down by the Leftist retards at the back of the room leaves me feeling all warm inside. Its irritating when they do it to a conservative speaker, but when they do it to themselves its marvelous!
Its like a circular firing squad of Lefties with a Leftie tied to the post in the middle. They have discovered a way that they can -all- lose, and all I have to do is sit back and eat popcorn. Yay!
“BBC in fresh race row as Harry Enfield blacks up and pokes fun at girl in a burka in his latest comedy sketch show.
“Comedian mocks young Muslim girl in a burka in latest BBC show.
“Enfield also covers his face in dark make-up in another controversial sketch.
“Artist and comedy partner Paul Whitehouse accused of being ‘crass.’
“Risque show Harry & Paul: The Story Of The Twos will be shown later this month as part of BBC’s 50th anniversary.”
If it’s not been broadcast, how do we all know about it? From the same source that brought us Jeremy “N-word” Clarkson?
I’ve long suspected that Harry Enfield’s left-wing credentials were not all they appeared, but necessary to be accepted in the comedy circuit at the time.
I actually consider some of his comic creations amongst the best satirical skewers there ever were.
As a parent ‘Kevin the teenager’ was peerless, and my two hated how accurate it was when I showed it to them post ‘It’s so unfaiiiir’ whinge.
But for sheer topical relevance, William Ulsterman was brilliant then and is an affront industry classic still. “It is not me being unreasonable…”
Actually seems like most BBC favourites’ sole debating technique.
Beeboids reporting INDIA election: pro-Muslim, anti-Hindu.
In the following propaganda ‘report’ Beeboids’ only reference to Hindu-Muslim relations, is to criticise Hindus.
Of course there is no reference to the long history of Islamic jihad violence in India, and no reference to Islamic jihad massacre in Mumbai, November, 2008-
“Hindus, Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai”
By Andrew G. Bostom
And, of course, Muslim Beeboid, Mishal HUSAIN’s ‘reports’ on India are pro-Muslim.
She talks loosely of the ‘poverty’ of Muslims in India ( without relating any such poverty to the ideology of Islam), and she avoids talking about any proclivity of Muslims to jihad action.
We never hear of the democratic deficit or abuses of rights for all those Hindus that find themselves in Pakistan…even Bangladesh do we?
Muslims are always victims aren`t they, according to the BBC?
Can someone help me decipher BBC reply – re-complaint I made about ‘Swaying Audience’ on Any questions:
Splitting in to 2 posts sicnce so big reply from BBC.
Firstly this post is my complaint:
Complaint Summary: Historical evidence unresolved bias.
This post BBC reply:
Thank you for contacting us regarding ‘Any Questions?’, broadcast on 2 May 2014.
I appreciate your continued correspondence in light of your points and having reviewed our earlier reply, we must at the outset here just explain that perhaps our choice of words and phraseology could have been better.
When we talked about listeners feeling that a broader scope of people should have been involved in the programme, we were meaning that we were sorry to learn that you yourself had concerns in this area and that we naturally regret learning of any audience unhappiness with our programmes.
We should have added context here by explaining that obviously any programme like this will be looking for a broad but balancing range of views from people who are interested in the topics likely to come up and applicants are asked questions as part of their application for tickets to help establish their views and background. That said, it is crucial to say that in doing so we do not, and cannot possibly, claim that any such individual programme’s audience is representative in any proportionate or in any way of the views of the UK population as a whole, i.e. the taxpayers you mention. The overall aim is to achieve a balance across the series as the audience mix will vary in different locations and across the many different topics and will variously agree or disagree with the various panel members and questioners, complemented of course by Any Answers? And so on.
The audience for Any Questions? is by definition made up of BBC Radio 4 listeners who want to come along to the programme – and by the same token as above, we are not saying that Radio 4 listeners are representative of the UK population or taxpayers. You will appreciate that countless BBC programmes and outlets DO provide information about such things i.e. when we report surveys and suchlike that claim to provide a snapshot of national or taxpayer (or a specific demographics’) viewpoint – it’s all about the context. The remit and premise of the programme and thus its context is very well established and very well understood by listeners after many years of broadcasting thus listeners do appreciate these points, thus we can’t agree that simply witnessing a majority audience viewpoint on one individual issue on one individual occasion equates to a problem with selecting audiences for the programme nor what you now appear to be suggesting is a complete corporate political and/or social bias.
Of course, in any event, the views of the Any Questions? audience are of no actual consequence in reality other than being a snapshot of one group of people on one issue on one occasion – clearly it is not the view of the BBC itself nor do we support or endorse it, and it is not the view of the UK population i.e. licence fee payers as a whole, and no-one said that it was. Such a thing could not possibly sway the opinions of BBC Radio 4 listeners all of whom are perfectly able to make their own minds up on any issue – and of course it’s worth adding that listeners to the programme themselves are not in themselves necessarily representative of the entire population of taxpayers – Radio 4 like any station has a general demographic and drilled down from this the Any Questions? Programme will have a further reduced and specific demographic which is representative of nothing other than the programme’s general listenership.
It’s worth adding that the BBC itself across many programmes and outlets has covered all aspects of the Clarkson issue but it is not for us to try to or to even want to influence anybody in this regard – every individual is perfectly entitled to their own view on the matter and they can express those views to us if they wish through something like a snap poll of the Any Questions? Audience or by any other means. It’s perhaps worth noting here that our department which receives and logs all feedback, has received a large number of messages of support for Mr Clarkson over this matter, thus demonstrating that a range of views exist.
Other audience feedback doesn’t suggest to us that your views on this matter are shared – indeed, we don’t appear to have had any other comments of this nature on this Any Question? programme at all – thus we have to deduce that listeners did not reach the same conclusion as you and, as explained above, understand and are happy with the premise of this long-running programme thus appreciate how these things work in that the audience is not representative of the wider population, nor do we claim that they are.
Also, to clarify, Any Questions? Is not by definition specifically a “political programme” as you put it – the questions can be on absolutely any subject matter but of course within election periods such as we approach the upcoming elections special considerations are given. That said, the Clarkson issue is not in itself political, although there may be views upon it which have a particular political angle in some people’s opinion.
Whilst we note your references to various websites, we’re unable to comment upon these on the basis that they simply represent the author’s/publisher’s own viewpoints, plus they are historical and we are only able to entertain current matters. If you have a specific actual complaint yourself about current/recent BBC output which you feel has breached our published Editorial guidelines, then please do contact us and we can look into it for you. Also, your complaint has now moved away from the original specific subject matter of Any Questions? Into making a general allegation of corporate bias, but our complaints processes are only able to accommodate escalations of the same complaint meaning we are unable to address newly-raised matters such as this here.
We hope the above further clarifies matters surrounding Any Questions? Thus completely allaying any concerns on that issue, and in closing we thank you again for getting in touch.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
‘we must at the outset here just explain that perhaps our choice of words and phraseology could have been better.’
Seems to happen a lot.
And on top of reams of attrition waffle, just about typical.
However in the world of BBC uniques, poor use of words seems code for ‘we’re shutting this down soon as you are nailing us on fact and with our own statements, because… we can’.
I think I would submit those to the Parliamentary commission on the ‘Future of the BBC’ together with the suggestion that they are not taking complaints seriously and are avoiding the specifics by claiming that ‘over a period of time any bias evens itself out’ whilst having no evidence that it does. Worse than that no research has been undertaken to allow them to make that statement – it’s just words, or opinion without any basis in fact.
It’s the universal ‘get out clause’ for every complaint of bias. It’s unfair and shows a contempt for the reasonable complaints of viewers/ listeners.
There should be (IMO) an external body to deal with complaints – not OFCOM as public sector ombudsmen have proved worse than useless and completely incapable of regulating and controlling the bodies they oversee. You can bet that OFCOM uphold a fraction of 1% of the complaints they receive and those few they do uphold have little consequence on the broadcaster.
The ideal solution would be a private sector regulator which was paid by the broadcaster complained about for each complaint made.
This is only one eg of an Offcom decision which shows their total inability to regulate the media.
The photo mentioned here purported to show an Israeli massacre of Palestinians ” it is certainly regrettable that a photograph of the Halabja massacre was used as a prop to the drama. …….We welcome Channel 4’s apology and action to obscure the image in any repeat of the broadcast. We consider the matter resolved.”
‘…it is certainly regrettable…We consider the matter resolved.’
And so another ‘we are comfortable in the belief that our belief is all that matters’ is born.
‘..submit those to the Parliamentary commission on the ‘Future of the BBC’ together with the suggestion that they are not taking complaints seriously
The site is still open to submissions and although public comments are being published (almost all on how dire BBC oversight is), most discussion is still on how to keeping bunging them the four bil unaccountably. ‘an external body to deal with complaints – not OFCOM as public sector ombudsmen have proved worse than useless’
Agree totally.
OFCOM is being touted as the reluctant saviour of the oversight process.
As you say, it is no such thing. It’s one of the worst ombudsmen for oversight as anyone with a telco complaint will tell you, almost inevitably siding with their funders.
Also it’s headed by a DG-applicant who happens to be part of the whole Bradshaw-Purnell-Coyle Blair Cosy Club, so about as interest-conflicted as it could be.
Mind you, I did see Lord Smiff of Parts Underwater is gaily claiming ‘I’m free….!’ so the competition is hotting up for just how bent the shortlist will actually be.
It’s worth a read to know deluded some people can be. I wonder how she would feel if a larger number of the multi-million net immigration to the UK had ended up in Wales (pop. 3 million) instead of London, Manchester, Birmingham etc.
White was the majority ethnic group at 48.2 million in 2011 (86.0 per cent). Within this ethnic group, White British1 was the largest group at 45.1 million (80.5 per cent).
Bear in mind Dan, filling in the census correctly is voluntary. There can be twenty people living in a multi occupied dwelling and one fills in the census, conditions met, no further calls.
Don’t bring facts into things – it only confuses the poor loves. They then have to start concocting conspiracy theories (“the census contradicts our bigotry? Let’s fabricate a reason why it must be wrong!”) to bolster their already fragile viewpoints…
I’m not the one fabricating theories as to why the facts don’t fit a particular narrative. But that’s Biased BBC for you: a bunch of people who are so desperate to believe that they are important, that they’ll concoct fiction after fiction to bolster their own prejudiced cause – and then start slagging off anybody who points that out.
You’re the one in the telephone box. Why on earth you come on this site is beyond belief. You make no contribution worth a light. You have never put forward a justification of the licence fee.
You just indulge in abuse. Do contributors from this site go on your blog to abuse you? Face it – you are just a pathetic loser, a hypocrite, a fake.
No complaints about the “white bread” Labour party political broadcast. Though there is a split second shot of an African cleaner. I suppose Labour don’t want to alienate their core voters.
Bad Luck Barry’s lovely lady Michelle has fallen fowl of Twitter with her # poster “ # Bring Back Our Girls”. Getting publicity from this horrendous situation is shameful and she then makes is worse by saying, “they could have been mine you know! Shades of Travon!
Anyway the Twitter folks have made a fool of her with a little Photo-shopping. The main one highlighting Bad Luck Barry’s drone campaign that he is so proud of. “# My husband has killed more young girls than Boko Harem ever could”. Coming soon to a wedding near you by the way!
You could laugh but sadly it is true. As for Bad Luck Barry, he has sent some ‘experts’ to Nigeria to help his brother Good Luck Johnathon. The comedy goes on.
The Christian girls meanwhile are living, or dying, through an unbelievable nightmare that brings me to tears.
And a little mention of the BBC. They are outraged at the way Boko Harem have acted. Well not as outraged as at Nigel of course. And our Muslim community has been so quick to send fighters to Nigeria to find the girls haven’t they?
I thought I was supposed to go gaga in my dotage. Not the rest of the world.
How come the BBC seem to hope that the Nigerians can “negotiate the release of the girls” with Boko Haram…Today this morning had both Sarah Monty and Frank Gardner raising the prospect.
Oh, if only Goodwill and his Christians were not so Islamophobic eh?
I myself would send Sarah to meet that nice young man who seems to have done some kind of video re enslaving( he probably meant enchanting!)-and let HER show us all how exactly we “negotiate” with Boko Haram.
I think fondly of her efforts to find Shannon Matthews up on Bradfords estates….I reckon she is just what Nigeria needs…really I do!
Mantej Deol (Senior Broadcast Journalist at BBC Business and Economics Unit) is a real credit to her profession and the “impartial” BBC with comments like these:
Always thought Esther McVey wasn't very bright. Now watching her on TV realise she is thick. Quite stupid. #bbcqt
And here’s a BBC journalist who has already voted Green but may not have done so if he’d realised they were going to send him a SECOND flyer! How very middle class lefty BBC of him:
Not happy about @TheGreenParty putting the same leaflet through my door twice, too late though I've already posted my vote @SJ4Central
Seems she’s covered by that unique BBC exclusion clause the BBC would allow no other organisation, private or public: ‘BBC journalist but views are my own’
One might also add to that claim, ‘If you say so, love’.
Tulip, shove up… another cubicle warrior is in the garden.
What he is saying is he’s already voted Green, but as the Greens have wasted resources, killed rain forests and endangered wildlife on the planet Endor in order to put a 2nd election leaflet through his door, his now wishes he hadn’t.
Its a good example of how hypocritical the Green fascists are and if you care for the environment you should be voting for UKIP next week, next year and every year.
eeny meeny miney moe catch, a Greeny by the toe, if its Red, cut off its head, eeny meeny miney moe
‘Mantej has now deleted her tweet about McVey’
Now, I wonder who, reading what site that no one pays attention to, alerted her handlers?
And not a peep here. Still the weekend shift signs on soon. I wonder if they will have any thoughts?
I posted this in the last open thread, but I’m reposting it here, as if the BBC have told a blatant untruth about a political party, then that’s a very serious matter.
‘UKIP is dedicated to abolishing the European Parliament’ –
I thought all UKIP wants to do is give the people a vote on whether they want Britain to remain in the EU, which is different to wanting to destroy the EU.
If the BBC have got this wrong, they owe UKIP an apology.
Who was it that said LBC was better than Radio 4 the other day?
Farage has just been shamefully treated by James O’Brien with zero respect, this the same station that welcomes Nick Clegg and never question him about the many undesirables in his party.
but look at the comments – nearly all recognising O’Brien was trying another hatchet job, several saying it makes them even morew determined to vote UKIP
“Ukip has divided the left, not the right, and cut Labour off from its ‘old’ support.
“Labour and Ukip voters agree on more economic issues than you might think, presenting a strategic problem for Ed Miliband.”
Our Nige is on LBC quite often , but , James O`Brian is a Labour supporter but at the last election voted Lib Dem , & hates the Tories , & lib dems even more , now they are in coalition with the Tories .
Commenters are not impressed and it has the distinct air of having reached a point where the MSM have lost control of the debate. I didn’t hear the interview so don’t know how partisan these remarks are, but that isn’t really the point. There are significant numbers who take no notice of the MSM and these numbers appear to be growing exponentially. Looking at Guido’s comments in particular, he is taking a big hit on his reputation as scourge of the establishment and rightly so as he has been somewhat schizophrenic of late when it comes to UKIP. Meanwhile the Torygraph becomes derided by those on the right who look elsewhere for their news.
I haven’t seen anything from the BBC about it yet but I’m sure they’re slectively editing the interview as I write.
‘Looking at Guido’s comments in particular, he is taking a big hit on his reputation as scourge of the establishment’
I always took his stuff as as dubious until proven otherwise, along with most BBC output.
At least I figured he’d find stuff the BBC would not go near, so served as a ‘balance’ of sorts.
But once they start feeling they have the power to shape agendas with what they focus on, or drop out, their cred as the cutting edge vanishes.
Dung says:
May 15, 2014 at 10:54 pm
That poll is excellent. UKIP have dropped a point, down to 69%. Labour will shortly claim this as a victory, no doubt.
Like this
Correcting fluid says:
May 16, 2014 at 8:25 am
F**king great. Toilets “Motormouth” MCGuire must be sh**ting his pants hourly!
Funny old world.
Mirror boosting UKIP (albeit inadvertently).
Telegraph & Guido saying they’re doomed (albeit more on a ‘tell it often enough, wishful propaganda’ basis).
I get the distinct impression our media estate has lost the plot in a major way.
Good job we have the rock that is the BBC in such professionally dire times.
-Islam Not BBC (INBBC) supports Islamic Al Jazeera, Islamic Muslim Brotherhood, but censors this criticism of Islam in Egypt-
“Egypt: Woman kicked off TV show for expressing skepticism about Islam”
By Robert Spencer.
“Note also how fervently the unhijabbed host expresses her desire that the fullness of Sharia be implemented, “alcohol banned, and the cabarets..shut down. I am a Muslim and, therefore, I must implement Allah’s shari’a.” Will Muslim leaders in the West jet over to Cairo and explain to Riham Said that there is a multiplicity of understandings of Sharia, and that she can be a pious Muslim without wanting alcohol banned and caberets shut down? Or is that kind of claim only for Western consumption?”
Rise of polio in the Pak “basket case” … 5live loves relaying
blame on the CIA, the US finding Bin Laden, Drone attacks, distrust of the west, and other conspiracy theories.
Apparently from tribal militant areas … “tribal militants?”
and its now emerging from Syria too, (tribal militants?).
5Live speaks to a Pashtun, she says she fears “a western plot to make us infertile” … (paranoid tribal militants?).
The Taliban have already murdered some Dr s and immunisation workers, to terrify locals, and use propaganda, (mass murdering, paranoid, “tribal militants”).
In all this melee of obfuscation, a nugget confirms that imams are not listening to medical advice
yep! folks! … its “screw loose” Islam again!
Not heard about this story on the BBC (in fairness, only The Times seems to be running it):
“British police are planning a crackdown to stop Islamists intimidating Muslims into not voting in next week’s European and local elections.
The Times reports that the independent Electoral Commission has identified 16 areas as “hotspots” for electoral fraud or voter intimidation, including the notorious London borough of Tower Hamlets which has a history of alleged electoral crime….
…Police are concerned that extremist vigilantes will try to prevent normal Muslims from voting by claiming that democracy is a sin against Islam.”
With the muslim population in the UK almost doubling over the past decade, I can’t see this problem getting any better. (I would be more hopeful if it were at all common to see so-called “normal Muslims” denouncing this sort of behaviour. But their silence is deafening.)
When you think of the struggles to get the vote. The momentous war over the 1832 Reform Bill it is almost impossible to credit this.
The police must be firm or otherwise this country is lost to democracy. Minimum sentences should be custodial.
The bBC seem slow to jump on the Farage ‘carcrash’ interview, are they afraid that once the story gets to the masses they will realise just what a lefty farce it was and create a few more k’s of UKIP votes?
72% of the LBC listeners poll now intend to vote UKIP.
… might have something to do with it
O Brien wants to shape up, for the LBC viewers, get a wash, and stop lolling around, worse here his interview was poor.
However he has been excellent, nailing that lying and insidious, b-stard, IDSmith is a good example,
Here he was too overbearing, on an interviewee
who unlike the odious IDS, (who deserved everything he got and more), could clarify lucidly, but just didn t get the chance.
I.D.S. is trying his best to sort out the mess that Labour has left the unemployed in. This LBC interviewer is a complete joke. He hasn’t got a clue. If this is the best that the left can come up, and this LBC interviewer thinks he is, then it only shows why Labour nearly brought this country to its knees. I am now more convinced than ever, that only the brain dead would vote for Labour. God help us all if they do!
… doing his best? …
by punishing the poorest?
by punishing the most vulnerable?
by barely veiled “workfare”
by “part time” Britain to shore up
dodgy statistics
the best for IDS and his Toryboy traitors you mean.
Yes Noggin, doing his best. Doing his best to point the people of this country in another direction. Another direction that gets those people you so kindly point out (above) to get off their state funded backsides (where they can) and look after themselves for a change. Come off state dependency puts more cash in the hard working tax payers pocket to do with it what they choose. By getting those workshy out into work (part time or otherwise) frees up more resources to look after the poorest. I could go on, but obviously you do not have a grasp of economics, much like the BBC and the Labour Party. Toryboy traitors? Yes, Toryboy traitors to the Left’s failed ideology.
“nailing that lying and insidious, b-stard, IDSmith”
I’m presuming you have some specific perceived personal circumstance that warrants this crazy opinion (I say crazy intentionally because even by loopy lefty standards what you write is nonsense.)
I see the BBC are being very quiet about the LBC interview.
I will accord the BBC one rare credit, and that’s they are a lot more politically savvy than their puppets in Labour, especially in public manipulation, which is why their frustration with the clowns they are trying to shoehorn in to sign off on the next funding round can show through in word and deed on occasion.
They have been the first MSM entity to see how the establishment profile, albeit to put the boot in, has consummately backfired.
Hence their new strategy of blanking UKIP.
Trouble is, as a monolith, they don’t react well in a hurry.
Hence capitalising on blood in the water can’t happen until the previous orders to not mention them have been formally superseded.
It will happen, just not as quickly as you might think.
Likely in a carefully edited stitch-up edit, taking out anything that spoil the narrative effect.
I earlier mentioned Graham Linehan taking Times journos to task on professionalism and integrity over AGW.
How any supposedly objective political journalist can open the bathroom mirror door without reaching for the cut-throat razor is beyond me.
They sold out more and quicker than air tickets from a Hoover promotion.
One party’s blunder is another PR department’s opportunity to… oo… look, racists!
Mr Miliband downplayed the error as part of the “perils of tweeting”.
Unless you’re Austin Mitchell and the BBC can be relied upon to see what could have been a wall to wall week-long party ‘mare, turned more a quietly excused ‘boys will be boys’ from Nick ‘Safe pair of hands’ & crew.
“Nairobi rocked by two deadly explosions.
At least 10 killed by blasts in Kenyan capital as hundreds of British tourists evacuated due to renewed terror threat.”
“Terror attack kills 13 in Kenya as hundreds of Western tourists are evacuated under armed guard over safety fears.
“At least 13 people are feared to have died in twin bomb attacks on Nairobi.
“Reports suggest around 70 people have been injured in the attacks .
“One blast reportedly came from a minibus near Gikomba Market.
“UK and US authorities recently imposed warnings on travel to Kenya.”
The elite is in a dangerous place. They are a vindictive lot but stupid. Minds were made up long ago and this behaviour by the media and the professional politicos is pointless. Also it is dangerous as it brings the whole democratic system into disrepute. They should shut up and let us vote.
You can almost see them quaking with fear. And so they should after the arrogant and disdainful way they have treated us for two generations.
A huge vote for UKIP is necessary to save our democracy. Not that the elite see it like that but then they never can see reality .
WOW the Radio 4 PM program are really sticking the knife into the Fib Dems this evening. I guess that following the Labour party broadcast they got the message that attacking the Clegg party is what Labour high command have ordered.
There have been calls for Clegg to resign if he loses MEPs and is left with just 4. His response was that the opinion polls suggest he’ll get ‘zilch’. He still won’t resign even then !
I’m not sure exactly what the Labour thinking is in attacking the Fib Dems, I know they want to take Cleggs Hallam seat and they might well succeed, but surely there’s more mileage in attacking the Tories?
No, I suspect the logic is that any Lib Dem defector will vote Labour so they need as many as possible because most Conservative defectors will vote UKIP. UKIP are also hurting labour so they go for the easy target.
Yes I heard that BBC most liked word *divisive* but they also said *Right Wing* in the same breath and sentence. Is not the *Far Left* also *divisive* BBC? But then, we would never hear those words in the same breath or sentence now would we, BBC?
I went looking for an example of the BBC using divisive as an adjective describing Modi and found it in the first paragraph of Profile: Narendra Modi
India’s next prime minister, Narendra Modi, is a divisive politician – loved and loathed in equal measure.
Not quite equal I see from the BBC’s own coverage of his landslide victory. India elections: Varanasi welcomes Narendra Modi Surely someone who in the BBC’s own words, won the most decisive election victory in India in three decades is uniting rather than divisive?
Perhaps we should let Modi address this in his own words? In true BBC fashion it is reported so far down that most will not read it. “The age of divisive politics has ended – from today onwards the politics of uniting people will begin.”
Perhaps if the BBC was willing to call a spade a spade it would write. Modi receives support even adulation from many of the Hindu majority of Indians (80.3%) but limited support if any from the Muslim minority (13.0%). It also might write that judging from the seats won by BJP (I would post the BBC’s own graphic but I have never succeeded in posting a picture on B-BBC 🙁 ) BJP’s support is strongest in North, West and Central India but less on the Southern and East coasts where the Congress party lost heavily to a large group (27% of the seats) won by groups only described as others.
Are there India hands who can explain this? There is clearly something missing in BBC coverage where more than a quarter of seats can be won by anonymous groups who are neither the new government and allies or the old. It would be like describing the UK results in terms of Conservatives and Labour but somehow failing to mention the Lib-Dems.
not having looked at the results, it could be due to the (puts on tin hat) diversity of india’s population.
the northern ‘cowbelt’ is mainly hindu and hindi speaking. in non-hindi speaking areas there are parties based on regionalism/linguistic grounds. i presume that the tamil speakers of tamil nadu state don’t see the bjp as representing their interests (the south resists the adoption of hindi as a national language, hence the survival of english as the nation’s second official language). the north mainly speaks hindi or other indo-european tongues, whilst in the south the languages are dravidian and not at all related to hindi. including dialects, there are literally hundreds of languages across the country.
there seems to be a strong local focus to politics. and language is very much apart of that.
these parties seem to be based either on getting a good deal for that state’s people from central government or advocate separatism.
add into that that west bengal has long had a strong communist party, as has kerala, whilst the state of maharastra has a very strong hindu nationalist party (shiv sena) based on ensuring that marathis (the state’s majority people) get a fair deal in employment etc and which used to be anti-southern and anti-gujurati migrant. it has made attempts over the years to become a pan-indian party and is not shy about using ‘activists’ to strongarm its ideology.
on my first visit about 20 years ago i remember seeing electoral posters which had pictures of hitler and the swastika on (can’t recall the state or party). i also recall in karnataka seeing ‘speak kannada or die’ alongside a swastika sprayed on a wall (perversely, it was written in english).
in short, it’s a very complex ethnic, linguistic, religious and ideological picture at the ballot box.
and that’s just an outsider’s view. i’m sure that there are bits i have wrong and nuances and subtleties i’ve missed. but a country larger than western europe and with 1.2 billion people, with huge manages to remain a democracy. that’s no mean feat.
I too was surprised not to see Farages LBC interview on the BBC website.
Were I to bother my arse with the awful Dan Hodges-or the surprising efforts to skew the event by Guido Fawkes-I`d have thought that the BBC would be celebrating and pushing this pish for all it was worth.
But no-had it happened on the BBC, we`d not be hearing the end of it.
Either that-or else the BBC are wising up to the fact that every time they trash UKIP…the more the majority they`ll be getting on May 22nd.
Still-I`ll see Staines in a different light now…and Hodges is a total creep…but I knew that anyway.
I wonder if Staines has taken his eye off the ball over at Order-Order. It appears that he’s leaving the majority of threads in the hands of Harry Cole ( the rotund one with the very bad hair we sometimes see on TV news programmes) and Alex Wickham. Guido is also taking the MSM’s shilling, firstly for Richard Desmond’s Daily Star(Sunday) and currently from Rupert Murdoch’s Sun On Sunday. Like most of the rest of our printed press, his current employer has a downer on UKIP with smears in both his main daily titles.
I understand that Guido is losing visitors to the site because his regulars see him as having sold out to the establishment.
“Nigel Farage’s spin doctor interrupts live radio interview”
Says BBC NEWS WEB. Its a complete non story form start to finish. But is does allow the LBC radio broadcaster keep firing off allegations at Farage till we get to the denouement.. a complete nothing almost 3 minutes later.
It looks like the BBC is pulling a nice trick of outsourcing it attacks on UKIP with the spurious nothing of a story so the punter sits through a pointless piece of anti UKIP propaganda…Smart eh?
The interview was arranged at short notice according to O’Brien, yet he was remarkably well prepared.
There was far more to this than, apparently O Flynn was not returning LBC’s calls, so O Briens producer took it upon himself to contact Farage direct and he agreed at short notice. If Farage was on a tight schedule it was hardly surprising that O Flynn stepped in to end it.
And speaking of the weekend shift, in other news… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/filling-buildings.html ‘Also heading up the M1 – “the core of the internal communication team”. In all 190 posts to re-settle.’
It’s possible some DOTI interjections may be tinged with (even more) bitter tears.
The BBC, MSM, and Political class are clearly getting the wind up. They are gonna pull every stroke to stall a UKIP landslide. Short of gerrymandering the polls (something I would not put past my old party, the Labour party…oh they did with postal votes and mass immigration..sorry) they will be left looking damned stupid when the voters of this country show them its us who rule and not them.
Watch how they will bounce it away by saying “its just a blip”, “lesson learned”, “we are listening”, “mid term blues, “time to move on” and all the other b@l@*ks they will spout . Believe me, that’s what we are gonna get Friday morning…
All very true (except the results won’t be out until Sunday 25/05/14). “Lessons will be leaned”; “We are listening”; “Protest vote”
…Get ready to play B*llsh*t Bingo!
Correct me if I am wrong, but only the council election results will be revealed on Thursday night , the Euro`s results don`t appear until Sunday night, as we have to wait for our Sunday voting Euro Masters to cast theirs , incase we have undue influence on them wanting to vote for the FN ,& other similer anti Euro parties .
Back to the LBC interview. The audience reaction to James O’Brien’s hectoring hatchet job and his deliberate avoidance of the real election issues will have won a good few more votes for UKIP.
The UKIP communications director did exactly what he is paid to do – he is managing Farage’s precious time, the interview had over-run its pre-agreed time, O’Brien is not the only person calling on Farage’s time. And as his “minder”, he was pretty generous allowing the “interview” to go beyond 10 minutes, it was a travesty.
I hope the LBC interview gets even more publicity – if people listen to it, they can hear what a pompous dickhead O’Brien made himself.
A veteran BBC journalist who once referred to America’s Republican Party as “nutters” has come under fire after tweeting nasty comments about a Conservative Party Member of Parliament last night during the BBC’s debate show Question Time.
Mantej Deol, a senior broadcast journalist and producer at the BBC Business and Economics Unit took to her Twitter last night to say, “Always thought Esther McVey wasn’t very bright. Now watching her on TV realise she is thick. Quite stupid.”
Users of the Biased BBC website noted that Ms. Deol quietly removed the tweet shortly after it was posted. She is understood to have served at the BBC for over 30 years.
Yet another example of the fascist media today with our Nigel and the LBC character that found it’s way onto sky news (just as bad as bbbc). It was introduced as another ‘car crash’ of an interview by Farage but the bit I saw was just the usual mud slinging by the left wing presenter which as we all know can be dealt with by Farage in his sleep. So, yet again the ‘headline’ was another non story just pushed out by the anti ukip media. The vitriol and vicious attitude by all the media on this run up to these european elections (esp bbbc) has actually truly staggered me and it almost makes one ashamed to be English. The quality of the mainstream politicians must be at an all time low. The 70% UKIP supporting poll mentioned above is more newsworthy than other stuff that they release but it is just COMPLETELY ignored by the bbbc et al.
Roll on 22nd May
I’ve seen the interview described as a “car crash” in numerous places. Remember, if it’s said often enough, it will become ‘true’. It wasn’t so much an interview as James O’Brien loving the sound of his own voice so much that is pretty much all we we got, with an occasional word from Farage. I can imagine when O’Brien arrived at his dinner party in Chiswick on Friday night, there was a standing ovation and slaps on the back from his fellow, pseudo-intellectual leftists for destroying the racist, fascist, capitalist running dog Farage.
“It comes to something when one of Biased BBC’s regulars describes the Mail and the Guardian as being on the same side.”
So they didn’t both demand justice for the racist bigots who murdered Stephen Lawrence then scott. The last I heard the DM was quite instrumental in pushing the case the police said wasn’t worth investigating.
this website is called the biased bbc for a good reason,after listening to 30 minutes of any questions tonight on radio 4 tonight and it got worst in the last 15 minutes you can be in no doubt what bias this organistation practises against those politacal partys they dont like,this was not any questions tonight,this was do you hate ukip any questions,the whole panel lined up against lisa duffy of ukip with a barrage of insults and smears,the hand picked audience of leftist activists from the liberal and labour ukip haters was even worse with there hatred and bile towards lisa duffy,good on lisa for putting up a good fight tonight against the ukip haters,this was the most biased any questions i have ever heard.and like lisa duffy said it was a appalling discrace the way she was treated tonight,just appalling bias from the bbc again.
Fear . Fear .fear. The liberal elite is scared. Discount them. My Chinese friends are all voting UKIP. Have already sent in their postal votes.
My fervent wish is to see the Libdums finished for good and the other two parties shown up for what they really are. Greedy little pigs and bullying cowards.
If the Fib Dems are wiped at the Euros, and near to wiped at the General election, who would benefit? If Ukip has to some extent split the Tory vote then the Fib Dems have split the Labour one for years. Without the Fib Dems to worry about would Labour benefit much?
The old parties are relevant if you like socialism, multiculturalism, high taxes and an unreconstructed public sector and the same old, same old.
Alas the future is bleak for progress, wealth and civilised life with those parties, as they can only manage the decline (and not very well either).
I think we need two generations of ‘De-Commiefication’ policies to get the country back on its feet, I hope UKIP (while not radical enough for me) will get the ball rolling.
See my entry at 10.13 am on this page – I complained about this BBC 4 Radio ‘Any Questions’ – see also BBC reply (plus comments from other posters on this site).
BBC really are stuffing our noses in it now.
You need to complain with lots of others – I am also sending details about my complaint to Parliamentary Media Sport Committee.
The more of us that do complain the better the chance we have of stopping the BBC deliberate bias.
As I clicked on it, I thought that this could not be Stuart Hall as he has been a BBC Broadcaster from 1976 to 1981 when he was presenting Nationwide, It’s a Knockout and Jeux sans Frontieres – the period for the charges in question. It surely must be another BBC Broadcaster???
Nope – Stuart Hall it was – they missed him pleading guilty to one indecent assault, being found guilty of another against the same girl. and try and pass him off as ex BBC within that headline. Three accidental failures (lies) for the price of one!!
Can`t help feeling sorry for all the accused here.
I just don`t like the groupthink and the bundling together of parallel cases to make one “substantial body of evidence”-when it`s really possibly just a pattern(as opposed to hard evidence).
I`m no lawyer-and trust the juries-but there is something deeply creepy about these show trials of old white blokes.
Sense there`ll be another redress to the current fashions years up the road…sense that Savile getting off has galvanised a load of comp farmers and creepy feminista lawyers.
Hope Rolf is innocent in any case…but I was wrong about Stuart Hall apparently.
BBC likes the EU,The tories like the EU,UKIP hate the EU.Who is going to get the most MEP’s UKIP,who will have power in the UK .UKIP. So why does the BBC and the Tories think they hold the power in the EU. Go UKIP go…
Unfortunately the Tories don’t all hate the EU, and it’s caused a huge rift in the party, which led to Tony BLiar being elected, for 3 terms because the Tories made themselves unelectable with in fighting.
Wikipedia begins its article on EU policy with this sentence: ‘No subject has proved more divisive in the Conservative Party in recent history than the role of the United Kingdom within the European Union.’
There is no way a man of Cameron’s limited command could enforce his will upon his party one way or another on Europe, so no one actually knows where he stands !
Your last sentences shows you are under the impression that the MEPs hold some power over the EU executive. Unfortunately they don’t.
It will come down to the UK government if they want to sign away powers, like they did at Lisbon and Maastricht.
For the first year at least the coalition will hold the power, after that there’s the election and who knows what colour the government might be.
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A new alarmist report by the Global Sustainability Institute being plugged by the BBC makes the extraordinary claim that the “UK’s oil, coal and gas ‘gone in five years’” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-27435624). And, of course, it goes without saying that “there should be a ‘Europe-wide drive’ towards wind, tidal, solar and other sources of renewable power” so solve the problem. But the claims – which go unchallenged – seem to be fantasy of the highest order. For instance, most sources estimate that there there are a good 30 years of oil left in the British part of the North Sea. Here’s an article from the BBC this February making such a claim – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-26326117. Why such a disparity in 3 months? Because the first article is a plug for Scottish independence and the new article is a plug for Europe and a dig at the coalition. For those worried that it is all going to come to an end in 5 years time – don’t worry. There may be enough coal to last us for several centuries (see http://www.thejournal.co.uk/news/north-east-news/drilling-date-set-north-seas-6896191), ditto for gas (see http://www.thegwpf.org/britain-holds-biggest-shale-basin-world/). Britain’s energy problems and interdependence on other countries are, like so many problems, largely manufactured.
From the link below………….
UK coal consumption:- In 2012 the UK consumed 64 million tonnes.
UK coal production:- In 2012 the UK produced 16.8 million tonnes
UK coal reserves:- The UK has abundant (3,196 million tons) reserves of coal
Harrabin’s source needs a new calculator.
Harrabin needs a lot more than a new calculator. An injection of integrity for a start. Others may have crisper ideas for him.
Harrabin is a prophet from the church of CAGW and a true believer. He not an honest news reporter, but is an advocate, a snake-oil salesman, and therefore a fraudster.
I will not even consider reading his biased, partial coverage as it is filled with misrepresentations and lies in pursuit of a dangerous political agenda.
Rubbish about our coal reserves and as for gas we haven’t even started extracting shale gas yet. How many are going to see that headline and believe it? Why is the BBC allowed to get away with such nonsense?
I thought we were supposed to run out of fossil fuel in the 1980s. That is what were were told in the 1960s.
Yes. And we have had ‘peak oil’ 4 or 5 times now
Strangely these ‘experts’ don’t realise that there may well be energy reserves elsewhere – they haven’t even been looked for yet
There are major oil fields coming on or being redeveloped West of Shetland that will still be producing in twenty years. I can’t remember the last time I read such arrant balls, even on the BBC website
And still they lead with a blind assumption that ‘renewable sources’ (fact: they’re not) will plug the gap if we build enough of them.
The BBC are wilfully misleading the public who, when they wake up to this fact (i.e. when the lights start to go out) there will be a lot of stuffing of licences up left liberal arses.
For “renewable” read “unreliable”.
Nothing is indefinitely “sustainable” – the opposite is not “unsustainable” it is “evolving”. Sustainablity is the biggest bs word in the dictionary.
The world will never run out of anything because the price mechanism matches supply to demand.
The BBC is no longer – if it ever was – a news reporting organisation. It is in the hands of environmental activists, “renewable energy” pimps and Guardian-reading white, middle class, left-wing pr*cks.
Tim Worstall rips it apart
With regards the Richard Scudamore affair and the “sexist” PRIVATE e-mails;
Have a listen to the following exchange between presenter Mark Chapman and correspondent Richard Conway (from about 28mins)
Chapman: “Is that an all male committee?…..all of a certain generation?……….”It is yes”
And then in chips Rory Smith of the Times:”Very unlike football to have a load of white men discussing things”
Isn’t it just dripping with self-loathing and hatred of middle aged whitey men?
Imagine a sarcastic comment about a “load of black men” discussing things?
The hideously white BBC – fucking shameless
Would they ever dare criticise the association of Black police officers, or the association of black lawyers in such a way? “Is that an all black committee?”
They would be sacked so fast they would not know what hit them.
Nor are they keen to discuss the “men” who form the paedo rape gangs. Strange that.
This is merely about standards. On ‘South Today’, (of England of course, but the BBC doesn’t ever mention England as a nation) last evening we had a reporter talking about house prices in Oxford. He was all dressed up in safety gear, Hi-Viz jacket and helmet of course for no good reason, standing in front of a wall ready for a display of graphics. His words were that the average price of a house was £400,000, pointing (the graphic showed just over £388,000) compared to an average wage of £30,000, pointing (the graphic showed just over £31,000). They will no doubt justify this on the grounds that we are all dumb and don’t understand numbers.
It is the standard we have come to expect from the BBC.
‘Near enough’ seems to do at the sloppy BBC, or ‘nowhere near’ in the case of ‘climate science’.
Last night the BBC World Service had a wholly alarmist report about a glacier in Antarctica breaking up, predicting an eventual rise in sea levels of over 1 metre. Jonathan Amos was the BBC “reporter”. Naturally there was NIL mention of all the research and observations showing that Antarctica is ADDING ice hugely. Remember the Ship of Fools at Christmas ?
What the BBC consistently fail to mention is that the ice is decreasing only in the Western peninsula of Antarctica, the relatively small finger of land (less than 10% of the total) that points up towards South America, whereas in the vast bulk of the continent the ice is indeed thickening. But that, of course, does not fit their agenda.
I think that as the evidence against the whole Global Warming scam increases, the BBC is getting more and more frantic in trying to keep it alive. I had not heard about Jonathan Amos, but he seemed pig-ignorant of all the contra-evidence. Just bigging up the latest alarmist story – pure BBC churnalism but he really went to town on it, a fairly long report, Amsterdam and London will be flooded etc etc.
Yet according to tide guages all over the world, sea levels are stubbornly refusing to rise faster than seven or eight inches per century and the rate of sea level rise is decreasing.
Climate alarmists. Never let empirical measured reality get in the way of model based alarmist headlines.
It should be pointed out, however that it is the amount of SEA ice that is increasing substantially in Antarctica. Adding to or melting THIS ice has no effect.
The loss of LAND ice, however (whether due to climate change, glacial movements or hidden volcanic activity) will result in an increase in sea level.
Go check it out. It is NOT just sea ice that is increasing. Virtually the entire mass of ice in Antarctica is thickening. Observational science trumps wonky climate models.
John, can you provide some links where we can check this out? Last I heard, the Antarctic’s land ice was melting at a fairly startling rate.
Allow me. Try http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/wp/2013/09/23/antarctic-sea-ice-hit-35-year-record-high-saturday/ for example. Antarctic’s land ice is only melting in the minds of BBC and UN employees. And trolls.
Diego Maradona manufactured a lot of waves although heading Argentina’s World Cup team in 2010, but the country’s operate
this yr last but not least came to an stop at the palms of a dominant German group The previous
soccer star pledged to operate naked (significantly like a
stunning lingerie design ) if Argentina received the tournament, and he ran more than a cameraman just
months just before the competitiveness commenced.
He even made a rule about players getting sexual intercourse throughout the World Cup.
ERASMIA, South Africa — Germany midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger accuses World Cup
quarterfinals rival Argentina of demonstrating no respect
for opponents and referees, and urges his teammates not to be
What has that to do with BBC bias?
Bugger all. It’s spam, and I wish this system showed the names of those who clicked “like”!
spam and online translated from Spanish presumably touting for betting (name hyperlink is a betting firm).
I often dread the BBC’s renowned analysis when trying to add context to a story, but often what they choose to just plonk down can crank an eyebrow. This tweet has me wondering what the desired reaction would be…
@BBCr4today: Civilian deaths in Boko Haram attacks have risen since certain areas of Nigeria gained state of emergency powers http://t.co/YInTU03yMU
On top of championing the notion of the release of killers to persuade kidnappers (and killers) to release ‘our girls’, I do wonder if they have ever read any history to learn from.
Indeed, sounds odd…and no info re which states the attacks have been in. I wonder if the Ramadan spike last year will be repeated…judging by increased activity this year we should hope not.
Must say I found Question Time was very watchable last night, positively trouncing the left for the first time ever! A little long term balance being restored?
To a point.
Someone on here observed, some time ago, that there seems to be a disproportionate number of teachers represented in QT audiences. And they were out in force last night, repeating the same ‘Gove out, let teachers teach’ mantra as in other QT’s, to the usual loud applause from their colleagues (?). When the guy from the Telegraph said he was a fan of Gove there was audible booing.
A couple of my observations:
– If these people are typical of the self-interested clique delivering education in this country, it really is no wonder that our kids are being denied the education they deserve, and that 20% of British kids leave school functionally illiterate.
– And re QT, it’s time that the BBC were transparent about the way that they ‘carefully select’ their audience. The disproportionate number of teacher activists cannot be there by accident week in week out. I am left with the strong feeling that the BBC must be going to the teaching and other unions to find their participants. I do not believe that the QT audiences are selected solely on the basis of the forms that members of the public are invited to complete.
Time for some transparency from the BBC
In the last few months, a producer for QT, admitted on The Media Show that they maintained a database of interested parties and locations so that the appropriate people were invited to join the audience.
The Media Show isn’t exactly Today, PM or Newsnight though is it!
The database is no secret. If someone wishes to be part of the QT audience they must fill out a detailed and intrusive questionnaire on political, religious positions, employment, age, etc.
The BBC planted anti – Gove people in QT which may not only be to do with education. The Independent noted that “Gove’s sensitivity to Jewish issues is not new” when he condemned the action of the Royal Institute of Architects to remove Israel from the International Union of architects.
Charlatan, do you mean it or are you saying it tongue in cheek. I dare not look at your link.
Deborah – really the Left got trounced on trashing economy, Illegal Wars, UK slipping well down the world education league under Labour etc etc- never seen anything like it on QT before:
I followed your link and whilst the left lost the on the logic of argument , as they usually do , they won in volume of applause, as they usually do on any BBC programme. Basically this was a bog standard QT with an audience packed with left leaning folks.
A gem from an always excellent website that patrols the PC madness of US/UK campuses, the trendy metropolitan Left & the gift that keeps on giving – performance art.
‘Further to the shocking news that narcissists are distressed by public contradiction & the apparently fashionable claim that “debate is violence”, Bart steers us to footage from Portland State Univ’s 5th Annual Law & Disorder Conference, a gathering of self-styled anarchists, feminists, anti-capitalists & other radical titans. And which, it turns out, was a little disorderly.’
‘Microaggressions’ aplenty; plus choice comments.
Agree – a great site.
Excellent stuff, my favourite comment being:
I must say that the sight of these Leftist retards at the front of the room being shouted down by the Leftist retards at the back of the room leaves me feeling all warm inside. Its irritating when they do it to a conservative speaker, but when they do it to themselves its marvelous!
Its like a circular firing squad of Lefties with a Leftie tied to the post in the middle. They have discovered a way that they can -all- lose, and all I have to do is sit back and eat popcorn. Yay!
Further to the shocking news that narcissists are distressed by public contradiction and the apparently fashionable claim that “debate is violence…”
Perhaps a one-way visa for North Korea might change their minds.
Apparently, David V. has gone to Venice via Orient Express so won’t know of mystery of missing Biased BBC blog.
“BBC embroiled in fresh race row over Harry Enfield burka sketch”
By John Glenday.
“BBC in fresh race row as Harry Enfield blacks up and pokes fun at girl in a burka in his latest comedy sketch show.
“Comedian mocks young Muslim girl in a burka in latest BBC show.
“Enfield also covers his face in dark make-up in another controversial sketch.
“Artist and comedy partner Paul Whitehouse accused of being ‘crass.’
“Risque show Harry & Paul: The Story Of The Twos will be shown later this month as part of BBC’s 50th anniversary.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2629870/BBC-fresh-race-row-Harry-Enfield-blacks-pokes-fun-girl-burka-latest-comedy-sketch-show.html#ixzz31rmsAkV1
If it’s not been broadcast, how do we all know about it? From the same source that brought us Jeremy “N-word” Clarkson?
I’ve long suspected that Harry Enfield’s left-wing credentials were not all they appeared, but necessary to be accepted in the comedy circuit at the time.
I don’t think Harry Endfield is a Liberal, he takes the mickey out of multiculturalism and Nelson Mandela, two sacred cows.
I actually consider some of his comic creations amongst the best satirical skewers there ever were.
As a parent ‘Kevin the teenager’ was peerless, and my two hated how accurate it was when I showed it to them post ‘It’s so unfaiiiir’ whinge.
But for sheer topical relevance, William Ulsterman was brilliant then and is an affront industry classic still.
“It is not me being unreasonable…”
Actually seems like most BBC favourites’ sole debating technique.
The Jeremy Clarkson “N****r” vid is on line…
I can’t even bring myself to say the letter at the beginning of that word, the 14th letter of the alphabet. That’s how not waaycist I am !
But you could write it 5 times! The thought police will be there shortly.
Correct. The letter “n” must be deleted from the alphabet, then the “n” word will cease to exist. If you disagree, you must be a racist.
Don’t you mean “Snafrican American”?
Or “Snafro-Carribean”?
Would he get away with ‘Stavros’ now?
I doubt it.
Harry Enfield comes across as a-political.
Ha ha! Brilliant!
Clearly, diversity has its limits.
Islam’s a scream, isn’t it?
Not sure how this one slipped through (Arabic celebrations):
Nigel Farage “To be honest, you’ve done nothing decent since loadsamoney”:
Boko Haram, Obama, and Beeboids.
-Not for Beeboid, Obama-supplicants to admit:-
£Obama Administration threatened Nigeria with sanctions in 2013 for fighting Boko Haram”
By Robert Spencer.
A Beeboid Muslim favourite.
“UK ‘moderate Muslim’ media star Mo Ansar lies about record, supports Islamic supremacists and Sharia punishments.”
Beeboids reporting INDIA election: pro-Muslim, anti-Hindu.
In the following propaganda ‘report’ Beeboids’ only reference to Hindu-Muslim relations, is to criticise Hindus.
Of course there is no reference to the long history of Islamic jihad violence in India, and no reference to Islamic jihad massacre in Mumbai, November, 2008-
“Hindus, Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai”
By Andrew G. Bostom
The politically pro-Muslim, anti-Hindu Beeboid ‘report,’ referred to above-
“Congress admits India poll defeat”
“Counter-terror orgs endorse Narendra Modi for India Prime Minister”
And, of course, Muslim Beeboid, Mishal HUSAIN’s ‘reports’ on India are pro-Muslim.
She talks loosely of the ‘poverty’ of Muslims in India ( without relating any such poverty to the ideology of Islam), and she avoids talking about any proclivity of Muslims to jihad action.
We never hear of the democratic deficit or abuses of rights for all those Hindus that find themselves in Pakistan…even Bangladesh do we?
Muslims are always victims aren`t they, according to the BBC?
Can someone help me decipher BBC reply – re-complaint I made about ‘Swaying Audience’ on Any questions:
Splitting in to 2 posts sicnce so big reply from BBC.
Firstly this post is my complaint:
Complaint Summary: Historical evidence unresolved bias.
Full Complaint: Thank you for your reply to my complaint and your apology regarding ‘swaying audiences on BBC 4 Any Questions (your Reference CAS-2688658-26BZ8J). I have further looked into what you say in your answer about having a balanced political programme ‘over a period of time’ and understand the practical difficulties you face to achieve that. However, notwithstanding your apology and that you have pro-rata the highest paid human resources public purse recipients in the land to rectify such statutory non-compliant political balance, from my research you have repeatedly not resolved this serious democratic issue for years. Please see just a few of the other historical media highlights of this unresolved problem going back to 2009: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100007144/any-questions-yeah-why-is-british-broadcasting-so-incorrigibly-liberal-left/ http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/any-questions-yes-why-is-this-programme.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2447357/DOMINIC-LAWSON-My-question-panel-DOES-BBC-partisan-audiences.html http://livinginamadhouse.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/how-the-bbc-fixes-the-political-bias-of-any-questions/ Please could you let me know if you have any plans in the future to rectify this democratic deficit, which will include also taking into account the views of the majority of those that pay for your service?
Thank you again for contacting us.
BBC Complaints
This post BBC reply:
Thank you for contacting us regarding ‘Any Questions?’, broadcast on 2 May 2014.
I appreciate your continued correspondence in light of your points and having reviewed our earlier reply, we must at the outset here just explain that perhaps our choice of words and phraseology could have been better.
When we talked about listeners feeling that a broader scope of people should have been involved in the programme, we were meaning that we were sorry to learn that you yourself had concerns in this area and that we naturally regret learning of any audience unhappiness with our programmes.
We should have added context here by explaining that obviously any programme like this will be looking for a broad but balancing range of views from people who are interested in the topics likely to come up and applicants are asked questions as part of their application for tickets to help establish their views and background. That said, it is crucial to say that in doing so we do not, and cannot possibly, claim that any such individual programme’s audience is representative in any proportionate or in any way of the views of the UK population as a whole, i.e. the taxpayers you mention. The overall aim is to achieve a balance across the series as the audience mix will vary in different locations and across the many different topics and will variously agree or disagree with the various panel members and questioners, complemented of course by Any Answers? And so on.
The audience for Any Questions? is by definition made up of BBC Radio 4 listeners who want to come along to the programme – and by the same token as above, we are not saying that Radio 4 listeners are representative of the UK population or taxpayers. You will appreciate that countless BBC programmes and outlets DO provide information about such things i.e. when we report surveys and suchlike that claim to provide a snapshot of national or taxpayer (or a specific demographics’) viewpoint – it’s all about the context. The remit and premise of the programme and thus its context is very well established and very well understood by listeners after many years of broadcasting thus listeners do appreciate these points, thus we can’t agree that simply witnessing a majority audience viewpoint on one individual issue on one individual occasion equates to a problem with selecting audiences for the programme nor what you now appear to be suggesting is a complete corporate political and/or social bias.
Of course, in any event, the views of the Any Questions? audience are of no actual consequence in reality other than being a snapshot of one group of people on one issue on one occasion – clearly it is not the view of the BBC itself nor do we support or endorse it, and it is not the view of the UK population i.e. licence fee payers as a whole, and no-one said that it was. Such a thing could not possibly sway the opinions of BBC Radio 4 listeners all of whom are perfectly able to make their own minds up on any issue – and of course it’s worth adding that listeners to the programme themselves are not in themselves necessarily representative of the entire population of taxpayers – Radio 4 like any station has a general demographic and drilled down from this the Any Questions? Programme will have a further reduced and specific demographic which is representative of nothing other than the programme’s general listenership.
It’s worth adding that the BBC itself across many programmes and outlets has covered all aspects of the Clarkson issue but it is not for us to try to or to even want to influence anybody in this regard – every individual is perfectly entitled to their own view on the matter and they can express those views to us if they wish through something like a snap poll of the Any Questions? Audience or by any other means. It’s perhaps worth noting here that our department which receives and logs all feedback, has received a large number of messages of support for Mr Clarkson over this matter, thus demonstrating that a range of views exist.
Other audience feedback doesn’t suggest to us that your views on this matter are shared – indeed, we don’t appear to have had any other comments of this nature on this Any Question? programme at all – thus we have to deduce that listeners did not reach the same conclusion as you and, as explained above, understand and are happy with the premise of this long-running programme thus appreciate how these things work in that the audience is not representative of the wider population, nor do we claim that they are.
Also, to clarify, Any Questions? Is not by definition specifically a “political programme” as you put it – the questions can be on absolutely any subject matter but of course within election periods such as we approach the upcoming elections special considerations are given. That said, the Clarkson issue is not in itself political, although there may be views upon it which have a particular political angle in some people’s opinion.
Whilst we note your references to various websites, we’re unable to comment upon these on the basis that they simply represent the author’s/publisher’s own viewpoints, plus they are historical and we are only able to entertain current matters. If you have a specific actual complaint yourself about current/recent BBC output which you feel has breached our published Editorial guidelines, then please do contact us and we can look into it for you. Also, your complaint has now moved away from the original specific subject matter of Any Questions? Into making a general allegation of corporate bias, but our complaints processes are only able to accommodate escalations of the same complaint meaning we are unable to address newly-raised matters such as this here.
We hope the above further clarifies matters surrounding Any Questions? Thus completely allaying any concerns on that issue, and in closing we thank you again for getting in touch.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Patrick Clyde
BBC Complaints
‘we must at the outset here just explain that perhaps our choice of words and phraseology could have been better.’
Seems to happen a lot.
And on top of reams of attrition waffle, just about typical.
However in the world of BBC uniques, poor use of words seems code for ‘we’re shutting this down soon as you are nailing us on fact and with our own statements, because… we can’.
I think I would submit those to the Parliamentary commission on the ‘Future of the BBC’ together with the suggestion that they are not taking complaints seriously and are avoiding the specifics by claiming that ‘over a period of time any bias evens itself out’ whilst having no evidence that it does. Worse than that no research has been undertaken to allow them to make that statement – it’s just words, or opinion without any basis in fact.
It’s the universal ‘get out clause’ for every complaint of bias. It’s unfair and shows a contempt for the reasonable complaints of viewers/ listeners.
There should be (IMO) an external body to deal with complaints – not OFCOM as public sector ombudsmen have proved worse than useless and completely incapable of regulating and controlling the bodies they oversee. You can bet that OFCOM uphold a fraction of 1% of the complaints they receive and those few they do uphold have little consequence on the broadcaster.
The ideal solution would be a private sector regulator which was paid by the broadcaster complained about for each complaint made.
This is only one eg of an Offcom decision which shows their total inability to regulate the media.
The photo mentioned here purported to show an Israeli massacre of Palestinians ” it is certainly regrettable that a photograph of the Halabja massacre was used as a prop to the drama. …….We welcome Channel 4’s apology and action to obscure the image in any repeat of the broadcast. We consider the matter resolved.”
‘…it is certainly regrettable…We consider the matter resolved.’
And so another ‘we are comfortable in the belief that our belief is all that matters’ is born.
‘..submit those to the Parliamentary commission on the ‘Future of the BBC’ together with the suggestion that they are not taking complaints seriously
The site is still open to submissions and although public comments are being published (almost all on how dire BBC oversight is), most discussion is still on how to keeping bunging them the four bil unaccountably.
‘an external body to deal with complaints – not OFCOM as public sector ombudsmen have proved worse than useless’
Agree totally.
OFCOM is being touted as the reluctant saviour of the oversight process.
As you say, it is no such thing. It’s one of the worst ombudsmen for oversight as anyone with a telco complaint will tell you, almost inevitably siding with their funders.
Also it’s headed by a DG-applicant who happens to be part of the whole Bradshaw-Purnell-Coyle Blair Cosy Club, so about as interest-conflicted as it could be.
Mind you, I did see Lord Smiff of Parts Underwater is gaily claiming ‘I’m free….!’ so the competition is hotting up for just how bent the shortlist will actually be.
Easily deciphered:
“No-one else has complained. Now f**k off.”
Or only plebs like you have complained ,so we’ll carry on doing what the f#ck we want
Not for pro-E.U. BBC-National Union of Journalists’ branches to report?:-
they were people who whited up,they were all coloured end of story now F77k off were still voting UKIP
The establishment attacks on UKIP grow more desperate
Isnt that old fashioned ,er, racism?
UKIP are for ethnic minorities, white British people !! an ethnic group you don’t see much of in our towns and cities. A disappearing breed.
I had suspected Plaid Cymru had shifted to Plaid Commie, when they elected their new leader, Leanne Wood.
My suspicion was confirmed by this guest article for this dubious organisation :-
I could only manage to read two paragraphs of that turgid article on the ‘Hate not Hope’ website.
The headline was enough for me.
It’s worth a read to know deluded some people can be. I wonder how she would feel if a larger number of the multi-million net immigration to the UK had ended up in Wales (pop. 3 million) instead of London, Manchester, Birmingham etc.
“ethnic minorities, white British people”
White was the majority ethnic group at 48.2 million in 2011 (86.0 per cent). Within this ethnic group, White British1 was the largest group at 45.1 million (80.5 per cent).
Ethnicity and National Identity in England and Wales 2011
Dan my simple innocent naive child, visit London, it’s like Timbuktu, you’re tripping over them.
Bear in mind Dan, filling in the census correctly is voluntary. There can be twenty people living in a multi occupied dwelling and one fills in the census, conditions met, no further calls.
Don’t bring facts into things – it only confuses the poor loves. They then have to start concocting conspiracy theories (“the census contradicts our bigotry? Let’s fabricate a reason why it must be wrong!”) to bolster their already fragile viewpoints…
Bigot – a person who is intolerantly devoted to his or her own prejudices – intolerant of any differing opinion.
Just like Scott Matthewman
I’m not the one fabricating theories as to why the facts don’t fit a particular narrative. But that’s Biased BBC for you: a bunch of people who are so desperate to believe that they are important, that they’ll concoct fiction after fiction to bolster their own prejudiced cause – and then start slagging off anybody who points that out.
You’ve got to pity the poor souls, really.
Fasbricating theoires?
I think it is yours and Agent Howards viewpoint that is the fragil theological construct and Davids the one based on first hand lived experiance
“Start slagging off”?
Sounds like you.
*rolls eyes*
That glass house from which Biased BBCers are so insistent on throwing stones is getting awfully crowded, isn’t it?
Deal with the 77 million figure, Scotty.
Or will you duck the issue as usual ?
Don’t come the “rolls eyes” trash.
You’re the one in the telephone box. Why on earth you come on this site is beyond belief. You make no contribution worth a light. You have never put forward a justification of the licence fee.
You just indulge in abuse. Do contributors from this site go on your blog to abuse you? Face it – you are just a pathetic loser, a hypocrite, a fake.
No complaints about the “white bread” Labour party political broadcast. Though there is a split second shot of an African cleaner. I suppose Labour don’t want to alienate their core voters.
Bad Luck Barry’s lovely lady Michelle has fallen fowl of Twitter with her # poster “ # Bring Back Our Girls”. Getting publicity from this horrendous situation is shameful and she then makes is worse by saying, “they could have been mine you know! Shades of Travon!
Anyway the Twitter folks have made a fool of her with a little Photo-shopping. The main one highlighting Bad Luck Barry’s drone campaign that he is so proud of. “# My husband has killed more young girls than Boko Harem ever could”. Coming soon to a wedding near you by the way!
You could laugh but sadly it is true. As for Bad Luck Barry, he has sent some ‘experts’ to Nigeria to help his brother Good Luck Johnathon. The comedy goes on.
The Christian girls meanwhile are living, or dying, through an unbelievable nightmare that brings me to tears.
And a little mention of the BBC. They are outraged at the way Boko Harem have acted. Well not as outraged as at Nigel of course. And our Muslim community has been so quick to send fighters to Nigeria to find the girls haven’t they?
I thought I was supposed to go gaga in my dotage. Not the rest of the world.
The BBC is STILL not reporting that large numbers of thewse girls have been used as sex slaves for their entire captivity.
The BBC are once again showing their bias by not reporting the outrage from Muslim communities at the barbaric acts carried out in the name of Islam.
How come the BBC seem to hope that the Nigerians can “negotiate the release of the girls” with Boko Haram…Today this morning had both Sarah Monty and Frank Gardner raising the prospect.
Oh, if only Goodwill and his Christians were not so Islamophobic eh?
I myself would send Sarah to meet that nice young man who seems to have done some kind of video re enslaving( he probably meant enchanting!)-and let HER show us all how exactly we “negotiate” with Boko Haram.
I think fondly of her efforts to find Shannon Matthews up on Bradfords estates….I reckon she is just what Nigeria needs…really I do!
Good article by Farage in Conservative Home :
with lots of angry ex-Tory voters adding their comments
Mantej Deol (Senior Broadcast Journalist at BBC Business and Economics Unit) is a real credit to her profession and the “impartial” BBC with comments like these:
And here’s a BBC journalist who has already voted Green but may not have done so if he’d realised they were going to send him a SECOND flyer! How very middle class lefty BBC of him:
Perhaps the greens expected him to post two votes
And why does he have a postal vote ?
In my local ward 20% of the voting list is postal.
Seems she’s covered by that unique BBC exclusion clause the BBC would allow no other organisation, private or public:
‘BBC journalist but views are my own’
One might also add to that claim, ‘If you say so, love’.
Tulip, shove up… another cubicle warrior is in the garden.
In contrast, Mantej loves Alastair Campbell:
Alastair Campbell. Truth. Ha!
She even signs tweets to him with a kiss:
Does that say Mr McElvanney has voted Green, or is he simply saying they’re wasting paper as he has already voted and can’t change his mind?
What he is saying is he’s already voted Green, but as the Greens have wasted resources, killed rain forests and endangered wildlife on the planet Endor in order to put a 2nd election leaflet through his door, his now wishes he hadn’t.
Its a good example of how hypocritical the Green fascists are and if you care for the environment you should be voting for UKIP next week, next year and every year.
eeny meeny miney moe catch, a Greeny by the toe, if its Red, cut off its head, eeny meeny miney moe
Oh look, Mantej has now deleted her tweet about McVey.
Looks like she deleted the tweet saying she would never eat Halal. Wonder how many BBC employees would call her a racist?
She didnt.
‘Mantej has now deleted her tweet about McVey’
Now, I wonder who, reading what site that no one pays attention to, alerted her handlers?
And not a peep here. Still the weekend shift signs on soon. I wonder if they will have any thoughts?
So, did they really have a transmission problem when Farage was on with Brillo?
What’s that about ?
I posted this in the last open thread, but I’m reposting it here, as if the BBC have told a blatant untruth about a political party, then that’s a very serious matter.
‘UKIP is dedicated to abolishing the European Parliament’ –
Does anyone know if this is correct?
I thought all UKIP wants to do is give the people a vote on whether they want Britain to remain in the EU, which is different to wanting to destroy the EU.
If the BBC have got this wrong, they owe UKIP an apology.
Who was it that said LBC was better than Radio 4 the other day?
Farage has just been shamefully treated by James O’Brien with zero respect, this the same station that welcomes Nick Clegg and never question him about the many undesirables in his party.
The MSM are going overboard to destroy UKIP.
Judge for yourselves here
but look at the comments – nearly all recognising O’Brien was trying another hatchet job, several saying it makes them even morew determined to vote UKIP
“Ukip has divided the left, not the right, and cut Labour off from its ‘old’ support.
“Labour and Ukip voters agree on more economic issues than you might think, presenting a strategic problem for Ed Miliband.”
By Raheem Kassam.
O’Brien and his false accent is always a creep
Our Nige is on LBC quite often , but , James O`Brian is a Labour supporter but at the last election voted Lib Dem , & hates the Tories , & lib dems even more , now they are in coalition with the Tories .
Agree 100%.
It wasn’t an interview, it was an exercise in bullying.
Is this the one that is the main article on the Telegraph website – Farrage political career ended?
This is the interview (but I warn you that watching it may make you want to smash your screen):
Off topic, but relevant I think to the influence of the MSM and the BBC who are at the forefront of it.
Guido has deemed the interview a train wreck while Dan Hodges thinks it has effectively finished Nigel Farage’s political career. It has the hallmark of a pincer operation by some unholy alliances.
Commenters are not impressed and it has the distinct air of having reached a point where the MSM have lost control of the debate. I didn’t hear the interview so don’t know how partisan these remarks are, but that isn’t really the point. There are significant numbers who take no notice of the MSM and these numbers appear to be growing exponentially. Looking at Guido’s comments in particular, he is taking a big hit on his reputation as scourge of the establishment and rightly so as he has been somewhat schizophrenic of late when it comes to UKIP. Meanwhile the Torygraph becomes derided by those on the right who look elsewhere for their news.
I haven’t seen anything from the BBC about it yet but I’m sure they’re slectively editing the interview as I write.
‘Looking at Guido’s comments in particular, he is taking a big hit on his reputation as scourge of the establishment’
I always took his stuff as as dubious until proven otherwise, along with most BBC output.
At least I figured he’d find stuff the BBC would not go near, so served as a ‘balance’ of sorts.
But once they start feeling they have the power to shape agendas with what they focus on, or drop out, their cred as the cutting edge vanishes.
You will not see this on BBC Papers review: Even the Mirror Readers going UKIPing (there is a God after all):
UKIP 70% Poll says:
May 15, 2014 at 9:16 pm
Who will you be voting for at the next election?
Mirror Voters online Poll:
Conservatives – 3%
Labour – 20%
Liberal Democrats – 2%
Ukip – 70%
Other – 6%
Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook
Like this
Dung says:
May 15, 2014 at 10:54 pm
That poll is excellent. UKIP have dropped a point, down to 69%. Labour will shortly claim this as a victory, no doubt.
Like this
Correcting fluid says:
May 16, 2014 at 8:25 am
F**king great. Toilets “Motormouth” MCGuire must be sh**ting his pants hourly!
Funny old world.
Mirror boosting UKIP (albeit inadvertently).
Telegraph & Guido saying they’re doomed (albeit more on a ‘tell it often enough, wishful propaganda’ basis).
I get the distinct impression our media estate has lost the plot in a major way.
Good job we have the rock that is the BBC in such professionally dire times.
Sould have thanked Guido Fawkes site for that Mirror UKIP poll.
For politically biased, anti-UKIP Beeboids-
“The Rise of Ukip: Five Things You Need to Know”
By Alfred Joyner.
-Islam Not BBC (INBBC) supports Islamic Al Jazeera, Islamic Muslim Brotherhood, but censors this criticism of Islam in Egypt-
“Egypt: Woman kicked off TV show for expressing skepticism about Islam”
By Robert Spencer.
“Note also how fervently the unhijabbed host expresses her desire that the fullness of Sharia be implemented, “alcohol banned, and the cabarets..shut down. I am a Muslim and, therefore, I must implement Allah’s shari’a.” Will Muslim leaders in the West jet over to Cairo and explain to Riham Said that there is a multiplicity of understandings of Sharia, and that she can be a pious Muslim without wanting alcohol banned and caberets shut down? Or is that kind of claim only for Western consumption?”
Rise of polio in the Pak “basket case” … 5live loves relaying
blame on the CIA, the US finding Bin Laden, Drone attacks, distrust of the west, and other conspiracy theories.
Apparently from tribal militant areas … “tribal militants?”
and its now emerging from Syria too, (tribal militants?).
5Live speaks to a Pashtun, she says she fears “a western plot to make us infertile” … (paranoid tribal militants?).
The Taliban have already murdered some Dr s and immunisation workers, to terrify locals, and use propaganda, (mass murdering, paranoid, “tribal militants”).
In all this melee of obfuscation, a nugget confirms that imams are not listening to medical advice
yep! folks! … its “screw loose” Islam again!
Not heard about this story on the BBC (in fairness, only The Times seems to be running it):
“British police are planning a crackdown to stop Islamists intimidating Muslims into not voting in next week’s European and local elections.
The Times reports that the independent Electoral Commission has identified 16 areas as “hotspots” for electoral fraud or voter intimidation, including the notorious London borough of Tower Hamlets which has a history of alleged electoral crime….
…Police are concerned that extremist vigilantes will try to prevent normal Muslims from voting by claiming that democracy is a sin against Islam.”
With the muslim population in the UK almost doubling over the past decade, I can’t see this problem getting any better. (I would be more hopeful if it were at all common to see so-called “normal Muslims” denouncing this sort of behaviour. But their silence is deafening.)
When you think of the struggles to get the vote. The momentous war over the 1832 Reform Bill it is almost impossible to credit this.
The police must be firm or otherwise this country is lost to democracy. Minimum sentences should be custodial.
Erdogan…what the BBC’s Olga Guerin doesn’t tell you..but the main stream German press does…
Israeli scum…was the term the ‘moderate’ Islamist (Sunni)..snarled at a shopper..not even part of the demonstation.
Since the Mavi Marmara incident brought matters to the fore….what has been clear is that Turkish ‘Islamism’ shares a visceral detestation of Israel…..
There seem to be some technical faults on ‘Biased BBC’ blog preventing posting at present.
Is it just my browser seeing this new layout?
The bBC seem slow to jump on the Farage ‘carcrash’ interview, are they afraid that once the story gets to the masses they will realise just what a lefty farce it was and create a few more k’s of UKIP votes?
72% of the LBC listeners poll now intend to vote UKIP.
… might have something to do with it
O Brien wants to shape up, for the LBC viewers, get a wash, and stop lolling around, worse here his interview was poor.
However he has been excellent, nailing that lying and insidious, b-stard, IDSmith is a good example,
Here he was too overbearing, on an interviewee
who unlike the odious IDS, (who deserved everything he got and more), could clarify lucidly, but just didn t get the chance.
I.D.S. is trying his best to sort out the mess that Labour has left the unemployed in. This LBC interviewer is a complete joke. He hasn’t got a clue. If this is the best that the left can come up, and this LBC interviewer thinks he is, then it only shows why Labour nearly brought this country to its knees. I am now more convinced than ever, that only the brain dead would vote for Labour. God help us all if they do!
O’Brien really is an obnoxious, arrogant piece of work.
… doing his best? …
by punishing the poorest?
by punishing the most vulnerable?
by barely veiled “workfare”
by “part time” Britain to shore up
dodgy statistics
the best for IDS and his Toryboy traitors you mean.
Yes Noggin, doing his best. Doing his best to point the people of this country in another direction. Another direction that gets those people you so kindly point out (above) to get off their state funded backsides (where they can) and look after themselves for a change. Come off state dependency puts more cash in the hard working tax payers pocket to do with it what they choose. By getting those workshy out into work (part time or otherwise) frees up more resources to look after the poorest. I could go on, but obviously you do not have a grasp of economics, much like the BBC and the Labour Party. Toryboy traitors? Yes, Toryboy traitors to the Left’s failed ideology.
“nailing that lying and insidious, b-stard, IDSmith”
I’m presuming you have some specific perceived personal circumstance that warrants this crazy opinion (I say crazy intentionally because even by loopy lefty standards what you write is nonsense.)
I see the BBC are being very quiet about the LBC interview.
Maybe they are concerned that some people might actually agree with Nigel Farage and vote UKIP.
I see the BBC are being very quiet about the LBC interview.
I will accord the BBC one rare credit, and that’s they are a lot more politically savvy than their puppets in Labour, especially in public manipulation, which is why their frustration with the clowns they are trying to shoehorn in to sign off on the next funding round can show through in word and deed on occasion.
They have been the first MSM entity to see how the establishment profile, albeit to put the boot in, has consummately backfired.
Hence their new strategy of blanking UKIP.
Trouble is, as a monolith, they don’t react well in a hurry.
Hence capitalising on blood in the water can’t happen until the previous orders to not mention them have been formally superseded.
It will happen, just not as quickly as you might think.
Likely in a carefully edited stitch-up edit, taking out anything that spoil the narrative effect.
I earlier mentioned Graham Linehan taking Times journos to task on professionalism and integrity over AGW.
How any supposedly objective political journalist can open the bathroom mirror door without reaching for the cut-throat razor is beyond me.
They sold out more and quicker than air tickets from a Hoover promotion.
Labour guru’s Miliband tweet blunder – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27437978
This article features a screenshot of a tweet by former Conservative chairman Michael Fabricant asking ‘Has Nick Clegg finally gone totally loopy?’
It’s not at all relevant to the article, so I presume it was included to highlight the political differences within the Coalition.
One party’s blunder is another PR department’s opportunity to… oo… look, racists!
Mr Miliband downplayed the error as part of the “perils of tweeting”.
Unless you’re Austin Mitchell and the BBC can be relied upon to see what could have been a wall to wall week-long party ‘mare, turned more a quietly excused ‘boys will be boys’ from Nick ‘Safe pair of hands’ & crew.
Another Islamic jihad massacre in Kenya today..
Will INBBC blame ‘poverty’?
“Nairobi rocked by two deadly explosions.
At least 10 killed by blasts in Kenyan capital as hundreds of British tourists evacuated due to renewed terror threat.”
Did British Islamic jihadist Samantha Lewthwaite assist in it?
“Terror attack kills 13 in Kenya as hundreds of Western tourists are evacuated under armed guard over safety fears.
“At least 13 people are feared to have died in twin bomb attacks on Nairobi.
“Reports suggest around 70 people have been injured in the attacks .
“One blast reportedly came from a minibus near Gikomba Market.
“UK and US authorities recently imposed warnings on travel to Kenya.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2630252/Hundreds-British-tourists-evacuated-armed-guard-Kenya-terror-fears.html#ixzz31tflYwZ7
The elite is in a dangerous place. They are a vindictive lot but stupid. Minds were made up long ago and this behaviour by the media and the professional politicos is pointless. Also it is dangerous as it brings the whole democratic system into disrepute. They should shut up and let us vote.
You can almost see them quaking with fear. And so they should after the arrogant and disdainful way they have treated us for two generations.
A huge vote for UKIP is necessary to save our democracy. Not that the elite see it like that but then they never can see reality .
WOW the Radio 4 PM program are really sticking the knife into the Fib Dems this evening. I guess that following the Labour party broadcast they got the message that attacking the Clegg party is what Labour high command have ordered.
There have been calls for Clegg to resign if he loses MEPs and is left with just 4. His response was that the opinion polls suggest he’ll get ‘zilch’. He still won’t resign even then !
I’m not sure exactly what the Labour thinking is in attacking the Fib Dems, I know they want to take Cleggs Hallam seat and they might well succeed, but surely there’s more mileage in attacking the Tories?
No, I suspect the logic is that any Lib Dem defector will vote Labour so they need as many as possible because most Conservative defectors will vote UKIP. UKIP are also hurting labour so they go for the easy target.
A message for INBBC’s Muslim, Mishal HUSAIN, re-INDIA’s election-
“Muslims In India Did Everything They Could To Defeat Modi”
Politically divisive BBC (Radio 4, 6 pm News) describes new P.M-elect of India, Mr Modi, as ‘divisive’!
Like the Gandhi dynasty were not “divisive” ? – riding on top of the caste system ?
Oh that’s BBC speak for: “Right wing that has a majority”
Yes I heard that BBC most liked word *divisive* but they also said *Right Wing* in the same breath and sentence. Is not the *Far Left* also *divisive* BBC? But then, we would never hear those words in the same breath or sentence now would we, BBC?
I went looking for an example of the BBC using divisive as an adjective describing Modi and found it in the first paragraph of Profile: Narendra Modi
India’s next prime minister, Narendra Modi, is a divisive politician – loved and loathed in equal measure.
Not quite equal I see from the BBC’s own coverage of his landslide victory. India elections: Varanasi welcomes Narendra Modi Surely someone who in the BBC’s own words, won the most decisive election victory in India in three decades is uniting rather than divisive?
Perhaps we should let Modi address this in his own words? In true BBC fashion it is reported so far down that most will not read it. “The age of divisive politics has ended – from today onwards the politics of uniting people will begin.”
Perhaps if the BBC was willing to call a spade a spade it would write. Modi receives support even adulation from many of the Hindu majority of Indians (80.3%) but limited support if any from the Muslim minority (13.0%). It also might write that judging from the seats won by BJP (I would post the BBC’s own graphic but I have never succeeded in posting a picture on B-BBC 🙁 ) BJP’s support is strongest in North, West and Central India but less on the Southern and East coasts where the Congress party lost heavily to a large group (27% of the seats) won by groups only described as others.
Are there India hands who can explain this? There is clearly something missing in BBC coverage where more than a quarter of seats can be won by anonymous groups who are neither the new government and allies or the old. It would be like describing the UK results in terms of Conservatives and Labour but somehow failing to mention the Lib-Dems.
not having looked at the results, it could be due to the (puts on tin hat) diversity of india’s population.
the northern ‘cowbelt’ is mainly hindu and hindi speaking. in non-hindi speaking areas there are parties based on regionalism/linguistic grounds. i presume that the tamil speakers of tamil nadu state don’t see the bjp as representing their interests (the south resists the adoption of hindi as a national language, hence the survival of english as the nation’s second official language). the north mainly speaks hindi or other indo-european tongues, whilst in the south the languages are dravidian and not at all related to hindi. including dialects, there are literally hundreds of languages across the country.
there seems to be a strong local focus to politics. and language is very much apart of that.
these parties seem to be based either on getting a good deal for that state’s people from central government or advocate separatism.
add into that that west bengal has long had a strong communist party, as has kerala, whilst the state of maharastra has a very strong hindu nationalist party (shiv sena) based on ensuring that marathis (the state’s majority people) get a fair deal in employment etc and which used to be anti-southern and anti-gujurati migrant. it has made attempts over the years to become a pan-indian party and is not shy about using ‘activists’ to strongarm its ideology.
on my first visit about 20 years ago i remember seeing electoral posters which had pictures of hitler and the swastika on (can’t recall the state or party). i also recall in karnataka seeing ‘speak kannada or die’ alongside a swastika sprayed on a wall (perversely, it was written in english).
in short, it’s a very complex ethnic, linguistic, religious and ideological picture at the ballot box.
and that’s just an outsider’s view. i’m sure that there are bits i have wrong and nuances and subtleties i’ve missed. but a country larger than western europe and with 1.2 billion people, with huge manages to remain a democracy. that’s no mean feat.
I too was surprised not to see Farages LBC interview on the BBC website.
Were I to bother my arse with the awful Dan Hodges-or the surprising efforts to skew the event by Guido Fawkes-I`d have thought that the BBC would be celebrating and pushing this pish for all it was worth.
But no-had it happened on the BBC, we`d not be hearing the end of it.
Either that-or else the BBC are wising up to the fact that every time they trash UKIP…the more the majority they`ll be getting on May 22nd.
Still-I`ll see Staines in a different light now…and Hodges is a total creep…but I knew that anyway.
I wonder if Staines has taken his eye off the ball over at Order-Order. It appears that he’s leaving the majority of threads in the hands of Harry Cole ( the rotund one with the very bad hair we sometimes see on TV news programmes) and Alex Wickham. Guido is also taking the MSM’s shilling, firstly for Richard Desmond’s Daily Star(Sunday) and currently from Rupert Murdoch’s Sun On Sunday. Like most of the rest of our printed press, his current employer has a downer on UKIP with smears in both his main daily titles.
I understand that Guido is losing visitors to the site because his regulars see him as having sold out to the establishment.
“Nigel Farage’s spin doctor interrupts live radio interview”
Says BBC NEWS WEB. Its a complete non story form start to finish. But is does allow the LBC radio broadcaster keep firing off allegations at Farage till we get to the denouement.. a complete nothing almost 3 minutes later.
It looks like the BBC is pulling a nice trick of outsourcing it attacks on UKIP with the spurious nothing of a story so the punter sits through a pointless piece of anti UKIP propaganda…Smart eh?
The interview was arranged at short notice according to O’Brien, yet he was remarkably well prepared.
There was far more to this than, apparently O Flynn was not returning LBC’s calls, so O Briens producer took it upon himself to contact Farage direct and he agreed at short notice. If Farage was on a tight schedule it was hardly surprising that O Flynn stepped in to end it.
‘BBC is pulling a nice trick of outsourcing its attacks’
#onedegreeofseparation ‘news’ at its finest.
At least, that’s what some critics are saying.
And speaking of the weekend shift, in other news…
‘Also heading up the M1 – “the core of the internal communication team”. In all 190 posts to re-settle.’
It’s possible some DOTI interjections may be tinged with (even more) bitter tears.
The BBC, MSM, and Political class are clearly getting the wind up. They are gonna pull every stroke to stall a UKIP landslide. Short of gerrymandering the polls (something I would not put past my old party, the Labour party…oh they did with postal votes and mass immigration..sorry) they will be left looking damned stupid when the voters of this country show them its us who rule and not them.
Watch how they will bounce it away by saying “its just a blip”, “lesson learned”, “we are listening”, “mid term blues, “time to move on” and all the other b@l@*ks they will spout . Believe me, that’s what we are gonna get Friday morning…
All very true (except the results won’t be out until Sunday 25/05/14). “Lessons will be leaned”; “We are listening”; “Protest vote”
…Get ready to play B*llsh*t Bingo!
“understand their anger” is another pearl for Bullsh@t Bingo.
…As is “they really don’t understand the issues” and my favourite “leading Europe from the inside by example”
Correct me if I am wrong, but only the council election results will be revealed on Thursday night , the Euro`s results don`t appear until Sunday night, as we have to wait for our Sunday voting Euro Masters to cast theirs , incase we have undue influence on them wanting to vote for the FN ,& other similer anti Euro parties .
Back to the LBC interview. The audience reaction to James O’Brien’s hectoring hatchet job and his deliberate avoidance of the real election issues will have won a good few more votes for UKIP.
The UKIP communications director did exactly what he is paid to do – he is managing Farage’s precious time, the interview had over-run its pre-agreed time, O’Brien is not the only person calling on Farage’s time. And as his “minder”, he was pretty generous allowing the “interview” to go beyond 10 minutes, it was a travesty.
I hope the LBC interview gets even more publicity – if people listen to it, they can hear what a pompous dickhead O’Brien made himself.
and O’Brien repeatedly lied through his teeth in claiming he was not part of the metro mafia with the knives out for UKIP and Farage.
James O’Brien’s conduct descended into yobbery and the crappy DT’s equally crappy Dan Hodges have lost all credibility.
The only people who believe him now are members of his mother’s coven and David Cameron’s UAF.
BiasedBBC referenced at Trending Central…
A veteran BBC journalist who once referred to America’s Republican Party as “nutters” has come under fire after tweeting nasty comments about a Conservative Party Member of Parliament last night during the BBC’s debate show Question Time.
Mantej Deol, a senior broadcast journalist and producer at the BBC Business and Economics Unit took to her Twitter last night to say, “Always thought Esther McVey wasn’t very bright. Now watching her on TV realise she is thick. Quite stupid.”
Users of the Biased BBC website noted that Ms. Deol quietly removed the tweet shortly after it was posted. She is understood to have served at the BBC for over 30 years.
…actually, it was at Breitbart London. Shame thing really.
‘Same’. 😛
BY their tweetes we shall know them.
lbc= leftie broadcasting corporation
Is it me or does Narendra Modi winner of the India election look like an Indian version of Bill Oddie?
More like an Indian version of Francis Ford Coppola
barely 10 lines before the first “However…”
Yet another example of the fascist media today with our Nigel and the LBC character that found it’s way onto sky news (just as bad as bbbc). It was introduced as another ‘car crash’ of an interview by Farage but the bit I saw was just the usual mud slinging by the left wing presenter which as we all know can be dealt with by Farage in his sleep. So, yet again the ‘headline’ was another non story just pushed out by the anti ukip media. The vitriol and vicious attitude by all the media on this run up to these european elections (esp bbbc) has actually truly staggered me and it almost makes one ashamed to be English. The quality of the mainstream politicians must be at an all time low. The 70% UKIP supporting poll mentioned above is more newsworthy than other stuff that they release but it is just COMPLETELY ignored by the bbbc et al.
Roll on 22nd May
I’ve seen the interview described as a “car crash” in numerous places. Remember, if it’s said often enough, it will become ‘true’. It wasn’t so much an interview as James O’Brien loving the sound of his own voice so much that is pretty much all we we got, with an occasional word from Farage. I can imagine when O’Brien arrived at his dinner party in Chiswick on Friday night, there was a standing ovation and slaps on the back from his fellow, pseudo-intellectual leftists for destroying the racist, fascist, capitalist running dog Farage.
Interesting to see Guido finally blowing what few shreds of credibility he had left by leaping on the ‘car crash’ nonsense.
What a sad apology that website has become- on-side with the BBC, Mail, Telegraph Guardian and the rest of the terrified establishment!
It comes to something when one of Biased BBC’s regulars describes the Mail and the Guardian as being on the same side.
Still, any port in a conspiracy theory storm, eh.
“It comes to something when one of Biased BBC’s regulars describes the Mail and the Guardian as being on the same side.”
So they didn’t both demand justice for the racist bigots who murdered Stephen Lawrence then scott. The last I heard the DM was quite instrumental in pushing the case the police said wasn’t worth investigating.
Couple of links for you to ponder this lovely afternoon (just enjoying a catch-up cuppa mesel’):
Wikis I know, but no reason to doubt their descriptions.
You are an exceptionally dim bulb, Scott. if you are unable to understand the concept of an establishment that comprises deceptively opposing views.
this website is called the biased bbc for a good reason,after listening to 30 minutes of any questions tonight on radio 4 tonight and it got worst in the last 15 minutes you can be in no doubt what bias this organistation practises against those politacal partys they dont like,this was not any questions tonight,this was do you hate ukip any questions,the whole panel lined up against lisa duffy of ukip with a barrage of insults and smears,the hand picked audience of leftist activists from the liberal and labour ukip haters was even worse with there hatred and bile towards lisa duffy,good on lisa for putting up a good fight tonight against the ukip haters,this was the most biased any questions i have ever heard.and like lisa duffy said it was a appalling discrace the way she was treated tonight,just appalling bias from the bbc again.
Fear . Fear .fear. The liberal elite is scared. Discount them. My Chinese friends are all voting UKIP. Have already sent in their postal votes.
My fervent wish is to see the Libdums finished for good and the other two parties shown up for what they really are. Greedy little pigs and bullying cowards.
If the Fib Dems are wiped at the Euros, and near to wiped at the General election, who would benefit? If Ukip has to some extent split the Tory vote then the Fib Dems have split the Labour one for years. Without the Fib Dems to worry about would Labour benefit much?
Who cares? Time for the mould to be broken. Come what may.
The only way we will get our land back is to break the hold of the three parties over us.
The old parties are relevant if you like socialism, multiculturalism, high taxes and an unreconstructed public sector and the same old, same old.
Alas the future is bleak for progress, wealth and civilised life with those parties, as they can only manage the decline (and not very well either).
I think we need two generations of ‘De-Commiefication’ policies to get the country back on its feet, I hope UKIP (while not radical enough for me) will get the ball rolling.
“Who cares? Time for the mould to be broken. Come what may.”
Agree. Something has to change and a Labour government, which I suspect would be short lived, might be the price we have to pay.
I’d like to spend the rest of my life living in a country that bears some resemblance to the one I was born in.
See my entry at 10.13 am on this page – I complained about this BBC 4 Radio ‘Any Questions’ – see also BBC reply (plus comments from other posters on this site).
BBC really are stuffing our noses in it now.
You need to complain with lots of others – I am also sending details about my complaint to Parliamentary Media Sport Committee.
The more of us that do complain the better the chance we have of stopping the BBC deliberate bias.
Complain if you must. Rather would I hold them in contempt and dismiss their yesterday’s ways.
Apologies if this has been posted already……..
The headline I get in France from the BBC is ……..
Ex-BBC broadcaster cleared of rape charges…….
As I clicked on it, I thought that this could not be Stuart Hall as he has been a BBC Broadcaster from 1976 to 1981 when he was presenting Nationwide, It’s a Knockout and Jeux sans Frontieres – the period for the charges in question. It surely must be another BBC Broadcaster???
Nope – Stuart Hall it was – they missed him pleading guilty to one indecent assault, being found guilty of another against the same girl. and try and pass him off as ex BBC within that headline. Three accidental failures (lies) for the price of one!!
From what has been reported in the press to date, it ain’t looking too good for Mr Rolf Harris.
Can`t help feeling sorry for all the accused here.
I just don`t like the groupthink and the bundling together of parallel cases to make one “substantial body of evidence”-when it`s really possibly just a pattern(as opposed to hard evidence).
I`m no lawyer-and trust the juries-but there is something deeply creepy about these show trials of old white blokes.
Sense there`ll be another redress to the current fashions years up the road…sense that Savile getting off has galvanised a load of comp farmers and creepy feminista lawyers.
Hope Rolf is innocent in any case…but I was wrong about Stuart Hall apparently.
Update -Daily Mail description –
Veteran BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall found NOT GUILTY of 19 charges of sexual assault but guilty of ONE indecent assault
So not an Ex BBC Presenter – But a Veteran – The BBC – Traitors in our midst
Should read
Veteran BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall found guilty of ONE charge of kiddie fiddling but NOT GUILTY of 19 charges of sexual assault
BBC likes the EU,The tories like the EU,UKIP hate the EU.Who is going to get the most MEP’s UKIP,who will have power in the UK .UKIP. So why does the BBC and the Tories think they hold the power in the EU. Go UKIP go…
Unfortunately the Tories don’t all hate the EU, and it’s caused a huge rift in the party, which led to Tony BLiar being elected, for 3 terms because the Tories made themselves unelectable with in fighting.
Wikipedia begins its article on EU policy with this sentence: ‘No subject has proved more divisive in the Conservative Party in recent history than the role of the United Kingdom within the European Union.’
There is no way a man of Cameron’s limited command could enforce his will upon his party one way or another on Europe, so no one actually knows where he stands !
Your last sentences shows you are under the impression that the MEPs hold some power over the EU executive. Unfortunately they don’t.
It will come down to the UK government if they want to sign away powers, like they did at Lisbon and Maastricht.
For the first year at least the coalition will hold the power, after that there’s the election and who knows what colour the government might be.