Have you ever heard any of Danny Kaye’s songs recently on the BBC?
Did you know this filthy singer sang filthy songs like even “INKA BANKA BONGA I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE THE CONGO – OH NO NO NO NO NO!!!”
I’m sorry if this causes offence, but a very old relation, even older than me in my seventies asked, “Do you remember Danny Kaye singing about the three little fishies?”
“Yes,” replied another relative, “But I also remember him singing about the Congo so he is now a singer non grata!”
Well, so he is! Do not repeat or in any way acknowledge this song unless you wish to see yourself forbidden at the next sunrise.
Bongo, Bongo, Bongo
Each morning a missionary advertise with neon sign
He tells the native population that civilization is fine
And three educated savages holler from a bongo tree
That civilization is a thing for me to see
So bongo, bongo, bongo I don’t want to leave the congo
Oh no no no no no
Bingle, bangle, bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
Don’t want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords
I make it clear
That no matter how they coax him
I’ll stay right here
I looked through a magazine the missionary’s wife concealed
(Magazine? What happens?)
I see how people who are civilized bang you with automobiles
(You know you can get hurt that way Daniel)
At the movies they have to pay many coconuts to see
(What do they see Danny?)
Uncivilized pictures that the newsreels take of me
So bongo, bongo, bong he don’t want to leave the congo
Oh no no no no no
Bingle, bangle, bungle he’s so happy in the jungle he refuse to go
Don’t want no penthouse, bathtub, streetcars, taxis
Noise in my ear
So no matter how they coax him
I’ll stay right here
They hurry like savages to get aboard an iron train
And though it’s smoky and crowded they’re too civilized to complain
When they’ve got two weeks vacation they hurry to vacation grounds
(What do they do Danny)
They swin and they fish but that’s what I do all year round
So bongo, bongo, bongo I don’t want to leave the congo
Oh no no no no no
Bingle, bangle, bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
Don’t want no jailhouse, shotguns, fish hooks, golf clubs
I’ve got my spear
So no matter how they coax him
I’ll stay right here
They have things like the atom bomb
So I think I’ll stay where I “om”
Civilization, I’ll stay right here
Nigeria Islam jihadist murderers = U.K. Islamic jihadist murderers.
INBBC make no connection between Islamic jihadists in U.K universities, and INBBC advocacy of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic parts of the world.
1.) Daily Mail’-
“Bomb mastermind of group which kidnapped 300 schoolgirls was ‘radicalised’ when he was student at British university”
The BBC seem very unhappy about the new Indian PM.
Their international take on the bloke revolves around a perceived lack of carpet burn for Islam in 2002 as they rampaged through his country….and the fact that the USA aren`t happy with him…well the liberal left at least.
He is not an inclusive figure…oh dear, he doesn`t lick up the minority tears of rage and sell his own Hindus down the river.
Sounds like the Indians have made the right choice, as long as the BBC Muslim wing are concerned about this democracy thing, and its results.
Cue pith helmets and a need to berate the natives for not voting for von Rumpoy or McClusky. Patten or Dana International.
Typical-if the BBC hate the result, it can only be good for the rest of us.
Chris wrote: “the fact that the USA aren`t happy with him…well the liberal left at least.”
Is that the same US which courted Saddam Hussien, President Putin, and all the leaders of a small country called China since 1980?
Expect the US attitude to change seeing as they wish to sell a huge raft of weapon systems to…India
Boeing’s C-17A strategic transport aircraft
Boeing P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft.
Boeing AH-64E Apache
FGM-148 Javelin anti armour missile.
Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk
and those are only what they are currently ordering (or have ordered) But then as this is the bBC speaking about a libtard US president , they won’t be happy until the US leaves NATO and joins Russia,China and Iran.
MSM talking about LBC – Farage car crash, but the LBC actual updated tonight online poll shows an amazing 73.3% people intending to vote UKIP. That is the highest I have ever for any party and maybe this could be an earthquake in British politics?
There is a God after all.
Who Are You Planning To Vote For In The General Election?
73.3% Ukip7.7% Conservatives7.4% Labour5.4% Undecided4.7% Green Party1.5% Liberal Democrats
Thanks for your vot
Do you have a better suggestion for how democratic process can be improved to deliver what is for you the ‘correct’ result?
One where those in the media you support who have traditionally been there to guide voters on the true path of righteousness are not now seen as corrupt, complicit false prophets?
Nothing is upsetting me at all. Just watched Sarries put in a fantastic performance and will head off to Twickenham for what should be an outstanding final.
My point is I wouldn’t put too much credence in a web poll. They are notoriously easy to fix. Getting 77% of the vote == momentous. Getting 77% of a web poll, less so.
All must be pleased that calm prevails in the Howard household.
I actually agree with you on polls, of any sort, fixed or simply poorly organised. But it is odd, do you not think, how and when the BBC for instance gets hugely excited by them.
But then can share your reluctance to accord them much credibility, often depending on when they agree with the results, and seldom when they don’t.
As with having lives (and what could be nicer than savouring sport in the sun), in further precedent this moment can surely be treasured should polls or BBC reporting of polls again become deemed the last word by any in future?
Especially those by the BBC that show the BBC to be simply awesome on all counts. Even their comedic value can wear thin.
Agree entirely, definitely would not believe the figures revealed by LBC poll since you can go back and make multiple votes for example. But I do have a gut feeling with so many positive UKIP Polls all over the net, this could be a defining moment in British politics.
The poll reading, just after showed 72% so through the day that has increased … very good for UKIP
and … not very good for everyone else
What to do for the Westminister out of touch/MSM?
well they could try the no publicity ploy, but its too late now
… and the arrogance of the old “blanket smears”
works only if those smeared are as corrupt/deceitful as those in power.
… the old “give em enough rope”, works only if those targeted play the game … if they stick to the facts? 😀
It is simple the evidence against what the EU is doing is damning, as is that against a privileged few in Westminister …
quite a problem for them, eh! … quite a hole they’ve dug themselves into.
remember this? from only a few weeks ago
listen to the attitude of Burley … “don t get bogged down in figures, remember what happened etc”
Hypocrisy … listen to the liars from No10
you hear nothing else … figures … doctored
orchestrated deceit … take Camoron, or the sneak thief Osborne, and tell them that,
(if you can get them to interview, without getting it skewed first , that is)
Arrogant shit. This man has never held down a proper job in his life. He seem’s to come from protected background to have lived a rarefied existence ever since and now is a Labour MP (there’s a surprise). Kaye should have shown that infamous photo of him taking a selfie of himself in his undies in his bedroom. That was “pretty dim” of him…
A message to all the liberal led media in Britain…. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
The British people can finally see through you, watch the votes next week .
7.20, Today programme. A long interview with someone called David Robinson of ‘community links’ Basically nothing more than a long attack on the government with no challenges whatsoever.
A brief search reveals that Robinson is a member of the Labour party, a fact that the BBC chose not to tell us.
It’s a shame, but driven by the calibre of such agenda-driven PR claimed as ‘reporting’ or ‘debate’ in the past, the word ‘community’ now acts as a red flag (often in more ways than one) demanding the subject be checked more closely than the BBC appears to have no time or desire to conduct.
Unless of course their origins or affiliations demand the full rigour of the BBC research department and disclosure up front for necessary context.
This mornings Today program on Radio 4 and the case of the Pregnant Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy illustrated one glaring thing, that the BBC interviewer had not the first clue about Islam at all, believing it to be very close to Christianity.
She had no idea what Apostasy is nor that there is more than one offence which will see the death penalty handed down.
No idea how or what is necessary to be regarded as a Muslim or a convert.
And no idea that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non Muslim.
This is precisely the problem that everyday the BBC faces, with ignorant presenters whose views are led by fascists with similar views that Islam is ‘lovely’ and they’re ‘just like us’ without having the first clue, and calling other people nasty names who dare tell the truth.
This is seriously worrying: with all the bombings, kidnappings, beheading, mass stabbings, honour killings etc that have become almost a daily norm on any news (clearly mass misunderstandings of the RoP) most people have decided to find out more about Islam; the fact that an interviewer on a global news organisation on their flagship political radio programme should be so ignorant of the facts is astounding.
The reviews of the newspapers on the Today prog managed to include references to the LBC interview with Nigel Farage, quoting at least 2 critical comments eg in the Mirror..
But NO newspaper mentioned the LBC interview on its front page today. The BBC has to dig inside – well inside – newspapers to find the item so it can slag off Farage “holding a gun to his head an pulling the trigger”.
Please Nigel, pretty please – make abolition of the BBC licence tax an election promise !
Yes – the interview seems to be dying rather quickly once the full facts come out. That IS the problem with the internet – people WILL tend to look for the information themselves rather than trusting a newspaper’s account of it.
Interesting use of semantics here.
Read on to see:
“However, Mr Whittingdale said the case for public funding ‘remains very strong’.
Not sure how true that is at all.
As one who has followed each inquiry outing closely, they seem long on claim and poor on accuracy, or at least get astoundingly uncurious with checking at times.
Mr. W was the one who cut off Angie Bray when she was calling out ‘independent media expert Steve Hewlett’ on some blatant 28Gate dissembling; one of the few times the BBC editorial agenda skew was raised.
In fact most of the inquiry has been devoted to seeking ways to impose the costs of the BBC on the public in other forms to the now tainted licence fee.
Some suggestions are very dubious, being just as compelled, but even less capable of resisting by opting out. IT purchase tithe; internet service skim.
I am now very dubious as to what this committee is driving towards given the thrust of all questions, invited witnesses and published recommendations thus far.
This committee is the one which we have the chance to directly influence, and was posted a few days ago.
If it is possible to transmit encrypted and overcome the objections of ‘little old lady’ or ‘the poor’ not being able to receive then we must make it known to them, in the face of vested interest scare tactics.
The BBC have clearly decided that tens of millions of Indians have got it wrong. Last night’s Newsnight was presented by a woman with the most appalling screechy voice (come back Kirsty) who kept using ‘divisive’ and ‘controversial’ and ‘right-wing’ to describe Mr Modi and alluded, a number of times to old accusations that he is a ‘mass murderer’. Muslims and other minor religious communities are, of course, very concerned about their future due to Modi’s Hindu nationalism.
Altogether a low score for Mr Modi. Far better would have been a left-wing, fundamentally corrupt Congress party win.
Seems Mr. Katz has picked his team. Policies pretty clear too. Maybe if he’d just create a Newsnight Party and see if the electorate is keen?
Or maybe safer to stay behind the BBC overpaid wall and sway policy home and abroad from a position of zero accountability?
Effective. Not as such very democratic.
Talking of irritating voices!
It was my misfortune to get a bit of “The Listening Project” inbetween More or Less(crap and getting worse) and PM…always crap, but then again “it`s alright for some”.
If anyone hears two more indulged, vacuous victims with whining voices and unctuous syntax circa Asbury Haights 1967…let me know.
Sometimes there IS a case for violence against such nasal self-pity…maybe a sacrifice of a few social workers might do the trick.
Utter crap!
For some reason Anish Kapoor, born in India but living here for 44 years, is brought out as an expert as to why the Indians that live in India are all wrong.
It is a pity that this intellectual doesn’t know the difference between vis-à-vis and à propos but that would be ‘divisive’!
Jeremy Vine on Friday includes BBC news at its worst [1:02].
E-on’ s fine is reported then a caller to the Vine show has her piece repeated. How do the BBC know that what she said is true or that she is even a customer of E-on? Also included is someone from Citizen’s Advice given free-rein to do his anti-energy company bit (no mention of the useless regulator Ofgem though). The boss of E-on gets to say that he is “absolutely devastated”, but after the news Vine continues to mock this comment, as he had done prior to the ‘news’. He clearly thinks he is doing a ‘St. Margaret’ and like her his comments verge on the slanderous but unlike her he isn’t smart enough to realise that she does it within the walls of parliament and gets a free ‘Do Not Go To Jail – Do Claim Expenses’ card.
Most of this so-called ‘News’ item is just a re-edit of the earlier part of the show and is opinion not fact.
Later on Vine wets himself because a Danny La Rue sound-alike tells us how she/he survived being spiked by a stag/hind and how wonderful life is as a deer-loving vegetarian.
This item is completed by explaining why the voice is like it is and how naughty the newspapers were for telling us, after all the deer didn’t check out the victim’s sexuality before doing the damage. For some reason we are told that this person is a Cambridge academic, I’m sure the deer didn’t bother about that either so why put that in the story?
If anyone wants to witness the sheer pig headed obstinacy and inability to see reality, then take a look at what’s going on at the Co-op.
Talk about a bunch of lefties welding on the blinkers, the rose tinted glasses, and then burying their heads in the sand just to be sure – just like the Labour party !
Strange how the BBC can attack the bankers for being greedy not running their companies properly, and is still banging on about it and yet it turns out that the Co-op is being run by amongst others “an engineer, a plasterer and a retired deputy head teacher.”
I can see such parallels of the Co-op in the Labour party who are in their case running the country onto the rocks.
Ah the Co-Op where for PC purposes they recruited a gay (with a fondness for young men) drug taking former deputy head of Social Services at Rochdale Council Banker (Cyril Smith anyone?) and labour councillor to run their banking arm.
Well, under his remit he continued the CO-Op Banks ethical policies such as not having anything to do with firms which they deemed not PC I quote: “The Ethical Policy excludes the provision of any banking services to businesses which take part in certain business activities or sectors. These include a commitment not to finance “the manufacture or transfer of armaments to oppressive regimes” or “any business whose core activity contributes to global climate change, via the extraction or production of fossil fuels”.
This has resulted in the bank declining finance totalling in excess of £1bn . £1Bn? remind me again just how much Money they owe.
At this point I’d be voting UKIP even if I didn’t agree with many of their policies, just to piss off the BBC and their CONSTANT attempts to undermine them.
The bias couldn’t be more obvious if every presenter wrote the word ‘Lefty’ on their foreheads in permanent marker before going in front of the cameras.
We have one ‘mainstream’ MEP I am aware of and seems to try and do her best for those who elected her.
I am pretty sure I will be voting for her.
The rest are cyphers and it’s all up for grabs, but I do need to gen up on what teaching lessons and tactical voting may do.
Not keen on cut off noses to spite faces.
However, like you, the stunts pulled by the establishment parties and their tribal PR media departments so far make boosting UKIP a real attraction as, best I can judge, despite a few bad eggs and loons (no more or less than the rest, best I can see), many have tried hard to stay dignified in the face of frankly desperate assaults.
That this ‘car crash’ meme seems to have been repeated by every MSM outlet as if they were sent a briefing script from a central location really knocks my sense of fair play off side, especially when they seem determined to portray one of their own acting like an idiot as ‘how interviews are done’.
Tell it often enough can be effective, but ‘it’ has to be credible. When not, the result is to sent folk elsewhere in search of honesty.
All most the entire UK media estate has been shown up and found wanting.
Point of order, Mr Who. You won’t be voting for said lady. You’ll be voting for a party, who have decided in which order to place their dummies candidates. If she’s second on the list your vote will also help elect numpty #1 on the list, even if you consider him or her to be worse than Jimmy Savile.
In fact, Oh!
I was to this point unaware of this (if already grappling with who and under what banner was a valid proxy in the town & county council elections up through county MP to national party (Whipped ‘n all, making my wishes here essentially irrelevant) to EU puppet masters.
And as powerful an example of the value of using social media and the internet to glean information and education over more traditional and less trustworthy outlets.
I just found this out too, funnily enough from a Labour flyer which arrived yesterday. All the candidates are on one ticket and the choice is by party.
I suppose this is an inevitable result of PR but what if I like one candidate from one party and one from another? I can’t vote for one without getting the rest.
The principle of voting for the candidate and not the party seems to have vanished with the EU elections. Quelle suprise.
Colour me vexed on this.
It may show my political naiveté in still having faith in the best of the awful options of governance we are presented, but as an unlikely nihilistic anarchist I’d advocate the supposedly country-concerned parties getting their act together on making folk feel their votes still count, make a difference and get behind people or parties actually serving as valid proxy representatives rather than stitched-up droit du segnieur miniscule mandate rulers or hapless well-paid puppets.
Sod ’em all.
I think I may become the Tories, Labour, Lim Dems, BBC, Times, Telegraph, Graun & Paul Staines’ worst nightmare for trying to play me so obviously… and badly.
This may well turn out to be the entire British politico-media establishment’s (link provided earlier for the hard of thinking) domestic version of Operation Clarke County.
I hope the results of their shenanigans are painful enough to get a few smart, ethical brains (there has to be a few around, surely) around the notion of running this country (sorry EU… from unelected, unaccountable goofs that make Ed Miliband look statesmanlike to bent accounts that make Enron seem well run, you don’t seem a good deal at all) as a representative democracy with a truly independent 4th estate.
I see the bBC really wants to get rid of Richard Scudamore over private e-mails (yes private e-mails) he sent to his friends. Which an Aid leaked to the press for money. Here are the e-mails:
In the emails Scudamore wrote that “You will learn over time that female irrationality increases exponentially depending on how many members join your family. That should keep you within the Chinese government’s one child per family enforcement rules. Very clever those Chinese.”
Scudamore also replied to a lawyer friend who joked about spending “…all day fending Edna off my graphite shaft”, that his friend “…Must keep her off your shaft…graphite, sausage meat or flimsy sponge.”
Scudamore also forwarded an email from the football executive and businessman David Dein called a “Male Fairy Tale”, which read “Once upon a time a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?” The Princess said, “No!” And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and banged skinny big titted broads…”
and yet the very same bBC which wants this mans head has no problem defending a Labour MP (Austin Mitchell) over a rapist comment he made over..Twitter.
The very same MP I should add the bBC defended 2 years ago: Mr Mitchell prompted criticism on Twitter by telling the former Conservative MP for Corby, Louise Mensch: “Shut up Menschkin. A good wife doesn’t disagree with her master in public and a good little girl doesn’t lie about why she quit politics.” He later said the message had been meant as a joke.
The ‘just joking’ excuse seldom serves as credible or a solution, certainly for the person trying to use it, and also any supposedly account-holding media who suddenly go understanding on highly selective bases.
But when the person is a FoB (Friend of BBC) and the medium is the BBC, very different rules can and usually do apply.
Austin Mitchell is a classic knob. Before he became an M.P. he was a presenter with Yorkshire T.V local news, and it did us all a favour when he went to Westminster and we didn’t have to listen to his inane laughter whilst he was trying to be a character.
And as far as the alleged sexism by the football guys, let the female who hasn’t made fun of the male anatomy, in jest, I might add cast the first stone. Whilst in between proper jobs I once worked in an office 3 males and 200 females, 1974 just when Playgirl was launched, that was sexism, female on male, but ” can’t you take a joke ” was the phrase used again and again.
I’m reading the bBC’s coverage of how the Afghan Government are demanding the release of British prisoners held in theatre. UK told to hand over Afghans held in military jails
Reading the article all you hear is how naughty the British are for arresting people and how the good old Islamic government of Afghanistan will treat them a lot better than Racist white foreigners.
Funny enough with a number of examples of where poor innocent Terrorists Afghans have been abused by followers of Nigel Farage, the bBC kind of left out this very salient snippet: Ban on UK troops handing over Taliban suspects
British troops have been banned from transferring suspected Taliban prisoners over to the Afghan authorities because of claims of torture by local forces, it was revealed yesterday.The moratorium on passing on any captives to the National Directorate of Security (NDS) throws into disarray a central plank of the UK exit strategy from Helmand, that authority is being transferred to local security services with combat forces due to leave by the end of 2014. The High Court heard allegations yesterday that the NDS operated an underground interrogation chamber near the British headquarters in Lashkar Gah and that “torture was entrenched” in the organisation. Despite the fact that the British can only hold detainees for 96 hours – or 30 days with ministerial approval – it was revealed that the allegations of torture had led to a complete ban on sending detainees for questioning to the NDS, the prosecuting authority. Do you think the bBC, knew of the above Maya Evans: peace activist wins legal aid court battle
Whose side is INBBC on in:
– Islamic, repressive Saudi Arabia v. Geert Wilders?
“Dutch firms no longer welcome in Saudi Arabia because of Geert Wilders”
By Robert Spencer.
“The Saudis are angry with Wilders because of the uncomfortable truths he tells about Islam, and no longer will deal with Dutch companies. Very well. It’s just a shame that Dutch companies, and others in the rapidly diminishing free world, haven’t told the Saudis long ago that as long as the Kingdom denies basic rights to women and non-Muslims and deny the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, they have no interest in doing business in Saudi Arabia.”
Personally I feel this is nothing more than an attempt by SA bigots to force the Dutch not to ban the Burka. (Which they have been discussing for a number of years) Which the truth be told if put in place will ensure other EU countries do likewise and put on hold the very same bigots game plan to insert Sharia law into our Non Islamic way of life.
The hypocrisy and arrogance of “money and Islam” eh! If they couldn t shovel it out of the ground they d be like their minds … in the stone age.
Do western ambassadors in muslims countries tell foreign ministers in those countries to stop denigrating, stop insulting, (or in the case of Egypt) stop murdering christians?
latest news on the euro polls,the leftie independant newspaper has just reported that ukips poll ratings have shot up from 32 % to 35 % meaning they have a 11% lead over labour over,one man to thank for that,james obrien,his disgusting smearing and demonising of nigel farage and ukip as racist etc has just backfired on him in a spectacular manner,thanks james,lbc and the bbc for increasing ukip poll ratings with your constant personal attacks on nigel farage and ukip.
Only 56% hold negative views about Jewish people. Isn’t that grand?
Hossein Bastani, BBC Persian, probably misses the point as to why.
*Not mentioned, Israel and Iran had a close relationship under the Shah and a significant proportion of Iranians have buyer’s remorse from Ayatollah Khomeini and his successors.
* Not mentioned that Iranians are not Arabs, don’t like Arabs very much and don’t have the sense of constant humiliation that characterises many Arabs.
* Not mentioned that the Jewish community of Iran is one of the oldest in the Diaspora with its roots reaching back to the 6th century B.C.E., the time of the First Temple.
* Not mentioned that even now, at an estimated 10,200 Jewish Iranians are the second largest Jewish population in the Middle East after Israel. The Jews have been ethnic cleansed from just about everywhere else in the Middle East and North Africa,
Of course it is entirely possible, Bastani, as a BBC employee, doesn’t know that.
Where there is Islam there IS extremism.
London, Woolwich is no different, only that larger community larger problem.
We have craven cowardice, and infiltrated authority that shows itself again.
Thanks for self enforcing Sharia authorities
… thanks for that.
In the end it will be the contempt we have for our cowardly elite that will finish them. They are not worth arguing with . That MP used the liberal weasel words” nor helpful” .
What does the fool mean?
It is beyond pathetic. They are not fit to speak Lee Rigby’e name.
The ComRes poll in the Sunday Mirror and Independent tomorrow shows UKIP with a strong lead over Labour – 11 points now ! This poll is evidently based on people who say they are determined to vote.
But a poll in the Sunday Telegraph has the Tories with a slight lead over UKIP and Labour close too.
The BBC 6,35 am review of the papers scours them all for anti-UKIP comments – and quotes only the Telegraph opinion poll, not the Indy/Mirror poll showing UKIP drawing even further ahead.
The BBC really is pathetic. So predictable, so snide.
But also so stupid ! After various “quotes” from the press about how racist and loonie/nasty UKIP is, it concluded with the (multi-millionaire) Asian Culture Secretary saying that people are entitled to feel anxious about immigration.
OK BBC – as Labour and now the coalition have caused the problem and have no solution to the fact that immigration is still running at massive levels, where can the poor “racist” voters turn ?
It looks like the best efforts of the metro-bubble media are simply driving people towards UKIP – and making them more and more angry that their entirely rational concerns are ignored or traduced.
“The BBC 6,35 am review of the papers scours them all for anti-UKIP comments – and quotes only the Telegraph opinion poll, not the Indy/Mirror poll showing UKIP drawing even further ahead”
Seems like only yesterday one from the weekend flying circus was urging caution to paying attention on such polls, albeit ones that didn’t serve the narrative.
Rather funny that The Indy or Mirror are temporarily not blessed with usual top spots in being quoted by the BBC, apparently for delivering the wrong kind of news.
Democracy seems troubling to some, for sure.
Quite like the cut of this chap’s jib.
Not sure how long before the embedded weasels will prise him out like Delingpole.
That Damian fellow has penned a rather devious little piece on AGW, which has placed him more with Geoffrey Lean than nearly his entire blog readership, which certainly meets the ivory tower test.
Meanwhile that nice Dr. Stanley has claimed that ‘pure rage’ is the measure of great interviewing technique.
Again the actual readership seems to disagree.
As with voters, the audiences for such media do have options should standards fail to meet expectation.
Of course, one remains immune to any such reality check or balance.
A good article, but I think he’s wrong when he says “What will sink the Corporation is nothing to do with trust or how much it costs. What people really care about is comedy. That’s what will sink it.”
Comedy is merely a symptom of the problem, which is the left wing bias which paralyses the thought process, and puts at the top of every decision process, propagandising for a left wing point of view, followed by a PC terror of offending some minority group.
Once those strictures are in place creativity becomes very limited, and you end up with unfunny programs, or worse unfunny publically biased programs like ‘The Now Show’.
So many voices are saying that the BBC is finished, lets hope they are right.
Don t worry George … the BBCs flagship “faith and ethics” show is on at 10am …
Panto Campbell asks.
Why can be done to address the “faith” behind, the Nigerian schoolgirls sex slavery/abductions, what, “Ethics” are they using?.
Why the refusal for a Lee Rigby memorial? what “faith and ethics” are involved?
Why is threat/violence/aggression the default position with Islam … what is going on?
… you ve probably guessed, not really,
is the C of E racist? oops! no … that was last week.
no its …
WW1 are we better or worse because of it?
A good article by Peter Hitchens in ‘The Mail on Sunday’ covering U.K.I.P. and taxes. It is freely available via his blog and I commend it to all here.
On way back from golf just caught last 10 minutes of Broadcasting House. Straight into the benefits of multiculturalism; some wonderful ethnics at the Barbican apparently. So that’s alright then. We can ignore roaming gangs of Somalis, Islamic no go areas, overcrowded schools and hospitals etc. The Barbican has talent, all is right in the world! Then into the Romanian crime wave; except apparently there isn’t. Someone stated that there are no reliable figures to be found on the internet, ergo there is no problem. Next item, some Nigel Farage and UKIP bashing, and finished on a cookery lesson. Ye Gods, if that’s how it ended what did I miss while I played the back nine?
The midday news on Radio 4 tells me that “The Labour leader Ed Miliband sez”….well take your pick, they`ll all be good and full of virtuous truths!
This one pops at Nigel Farage re his “not wannin` to liv nexta f***in Romanians”.
Not that he even said that-but hey, who cares at the BBC.
Not a glimpse of context, whatsoever to what he actually said…he just f***in hates Rummies…got that?
You`ll get many more reminders before Thursdays vote as well…and despite NOT having said this crass summary of BBC wish limewash…ED has said it`s just not fair, so the BBC have their soufle of liberal lies.
Vote UKIP…no patriot dare not.
Slap the BBC in the kisser…vote UKIP!
See-I can do crass crap too!…can I be the next Trust Toady now?
Ah yes…the Westminster commentariat getting their excuses and gabble in first.
The likes of Forsyth are merely the right channel of the media noise that we have to listen to…that it`s largely left speaker white hiss and spin that we get does not mean that Forsyth and other Tory cheer leaders aren`t furiously digging UKIPs grave.
Or so they think.
In fact they`re digging their own grave with every contrived lie about UKIP.
Every year now since 2002 we`ve had a worldwide or national scandal to contend with.
The liberal elite have done nothing but feather their nests, and smother dissent or legitimate protest.
UKIP is only the start-and look at them all clutch their pearls and have attacks of the vapours on cue.
The likes of Forsyth, Toynbee etc?…same shit, different buckets…
Odd I never see Romanian or any Eastern European names coming up on the credits for anyone working on BBC programmes. They really should practice what they preach and embrace the full benefits of multiculturalism….
It is sad that this story below was not reported by the BBC because of its bias (to be published in verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com) However , if I missed it, I’m happy to be corrected )
Christians protest Pakistan’s travel ban to Israel.
Pakistani Christians demonstrated in Karachi, demanding their right to pilgrimage to Christian holy sites in Israel. They held up placards, which included, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” “Israel you are light to the nations,” and “Recognize the Jewish state of Israel”. http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Pakistani-Christians-protest-travel-ban-to-Israel-352402
The Chinese panicking over the security of their nationals in Vietnam should read former Beeboid Bill Hayton’s explanation for any unpleasantness
There are several accounts of what triggered the rioting. Some say it began at an officially-sanctioned protest that got out of hand. Others have suggested that an American-based organisation of anti-Communist Vietnamese exiles, Viet Tan, may have played a role.
Over the past few years there have been dozens of strikes at foreign-owned plants in Vietnam. Complaints about low pay, bad workplace conditions (poor canteen food, limits on using the toilet and so on) and bullying management have triggered disputes.
These complaints have focused on plants owned by Taiwanese and Korean companies in particular. However, Thai and Singaporean plants have also been affected.
To these traditional complaints, a major new one has been added. Some factories, particularly Taiwanese-owned plants have been employing Chinese workers in favour of local Vietnamese.
When I was in China a few years back, there was an assumption that they were soon going to be undercut by places like Vietnam and Bangladesh…and they would have to become more a knowledge/service based economy than a cheap workshop of the world.
They clearly have form as awful employers in certain places in Africa, so that amoral kind of capitalism they are prone to promoting will be problem here in Vietnam, I`d imagine.
We see them all the same Asian types-but there`s lots of historical, racial-type problems of old, we know very little about.
If only the BBC would bother their arses to tell us about such things-as opposed to soundbite agonising about all those pictures they`ll choose to use for the news headlines.
The BBC love the blood-but hate the meat, the brain and the history
No bBC, we are not interested in wimmins football now, or at anytime in the future. If they are good enough to play in the big leagues with men, then bring it on.
Tell you what though!
I myself would like a woman-any woman-to manage Manchester United.
It would surely destroy the cult-like crap about the “role of the manager”.
Why not Mrs Moyes?…could hardly do any worse than hubby, and the chivalrous nature of the lads would ensure some degree of professional pride…and even a win or two!
See-I`m prepared to let my team be a guinea pig for female footy achievemment…and no need to break that glass ceiling( just some windowlene and fetching curtains maybe!)
All this I offer-as long as they get rid of the women that clog up the BBC sports desks…and consign womens football to subscription-only.
Just doin` ma job ma`am!
Could it be the case that David Axelrod has agreed to act for Labour for an unusually low £300K fee (for him it is) at the behest of Obama who wants to see a left leaning government in the UK?
If so at what point does that qualify as interference in another countries affairs?
“The UK government is so absurd that it is hard to believe it isn’t a parody. Perhaps eventually Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Cameron, as well as Jack Straw, Jacqui Smith and Theresa May, will reveal themselves to be a new Monty Python-style comedy troupe, having a laugh at the world by pretending to be competent politicians acting in Britain’s best interests. Or perhaps future generations will remember them as those who, through their folly and willful ignorance, brought about the death of Britain as a free state and a free society.
“£1,000,000 is $1,682,000. Nice compensation for jihad.”
“Paid a suspected terrorist up to £1 million compensation even though Whitehall officials had been told that he had … been at an al-Qaeda training camp planning attacks on Jewish and American targets.”
“an al-Qaeda “supergrass” had informed security agencies in 2004 that Abbasi had been sent to Afghanistan by the extremist cleric Abu Hamza “to receive jihad training in support of al-Qaeda”. Abbasi, 34, a former computer student from Croydon, south London, was captured in Afghanistan in 2001 and released from Guantánamo in 2005”
so … he won t be needing “foodbank vouchers” anytime soon then
… that’s a load off
“…beer-swilling bonhomie…” when those three words came from Nick Clegg’s mouth on the Andrew Marr Show (about Nigel Farrage this morning) the logo “sneering liberal tosser” lit up across Clegg’s forehead.
Perhaps its my TV, perhaps its me…I don’t know. That’s all I can see now on the soon to be Ex Liberal-Democrat leader’s head.
Bring on Vince (I don’t have a problem with immigration) Cable to be their next leader and the Lib-Dem’s and their name will be history. Few will regret their passing.
By the way. Why does their symbol look like a snake in the grass?
If we could only reduce the population at the same heady rate as the LibDem vote there’d be no need for any more houses ever. Could someone phone his show on LBC and ask him his secret ? I’m sure he won’t take offence.
In one single Council ward round here there are some LibDems with rather odd backgrounds. One was alleged to have tried to infiltrate the local Tory MP’s office last time round – in 2010 – and also admitted spreading false rumours about the A and E Department of a local hospital closing down.
Another is a man declared bankrupt just 7 years ago owing over £1 million to people in his local ethnic community. He is not standing under his former overseas name – he has adopted a bland English-seeking name. And his fellow-ethnics don’t live in the ward – nor does he – they are concentrated in wards 2 miles away.
The third is ex-LibDem, who resigned from the party when he was stated to be under suspicion of benefit fraud. He is standing as an independent – 6 weeks before he comes up at court facing 8 charges.
Peter Oborne is no friend of UKIP. So his words earlier this week bear repeating :
“No political party in modern history – not even Neil Kinnock’s Labour in 1987 – has come under such sustained attack and misrepresentation. Mr Kinnock at least had The Guardian and the Daily Mirror; Mr Farage cannot boast a single national title, and several papers are running vendettas against him. Mr Kinnock was treated reasonably fairly by the broadcast media. This is not the case with Mr Farage: consider the lacerating contempt shown towards him by Channel 4 News and its chief presenter, Jon Snow. Nick Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, has also abandoned his usual fairness when dealing with the party.”
C4 tonight was pathetic. Scared the lot of them. Even Guido Fawkes is running scared. Farage must have something. Whatever you do make sure you vote this week and vote for UKIP.
If this fails then the future is bleak.
The three parties hold over us has to end or England is lost. UkIP is a means not an end in itself. If it leads to the end of Cameron’s so called conservatism then the job is partly done.
I could never bring myself to vote Tory or Labour again as long as the liberal elite holds sway in both parties.
Wasted vote? That depends upon what you want to achieve. Someone slightly not as bad as Ed Miliband? Then vote for Dave’s Tories.
Truthfully, if I thought for a second that Nigel Farage might become Prime Minister, I wouldn’t vote for him. He’s a buffoon and possibly a rather unpleasant character. However he isn’t and he articulates points that many, possibly a majority, believe but which the main parties refuse to recognise are even legitimate points of view. UKIP is therefore a means to an end. Voting for them tells the other parties, and Conservatives in particular, that if you don’t give recognition to these points you won’t get our votes. If enough do this, they will be forced to change or perhaps serious politicians will jump to UKIP. And as an added bonus the BBC’s bias will probably become obvious to ever greater numbers.
Voting UKIP in the forthcoming General Election is about more than the result of that election. It’s about the possibility of greater change in future elections.
A wasted vote would be any one given to the three main parties , that is a vote for the status quo and will be seen by the establishment as an endorsement of their right to continue treating you with contempt.
to not vote for UKIP is a wasted opportunity to force change .
Vote UKIP at the general election or resign yourself to the same old same old for ever and ever amen
OMG! an honest luvvie. Self interest rules. Must be his age
Buying my house in Hampstead 29 years ago was the only financially sensible thing I’ve done because it’s the family’s security. It has gone up in value about 15 times. If the Stalinist Mr Clegg ever got his desire for a mansion tax, we wouldn’t be able to live here.
A completely pointless bit of diversity shoehorned into Countryfile tonight with a ‘beatboxer’ creating the sound of the dawn chorus.
What the hell does this have to do with the countryside? Mix in the dumbed down demo of the weather using straw bails and sugar beet with the obligatory ‘nudge’ to global warming completes the programs fall from serious program for farmers to CBeebies fodder for 5 year olds, pathetic!
I like that their honest about what they think. Not pretending that democracy is acceptable, because it puts the laws of man above the law of God. I respect that more than those Muslims who pretend to be democrats but who work for an Islamic state.
democracy IS acceptable,… as people are finding out Islam, and what it holds dear isn t
don t vote … brothers especially if it might curb an influx of stop gap “euro” arabs in the future
honesty and Islam? … au contraire
Mind you D Camoron, doesn t mind, he wants Muslims all the way to the top … too busy fleecing us all and lining their own pockets in No10 to notice, their idiotic, suicide solution.
Notwithstanding Nigel is getting it in the neck about frightening Londoners about Romanians, this LBC O’Brien fella got the wrong man to interview, if he seriously wants to go down that route:
From the link above, Nige’ got it about right. Poland would appear to have won it by a whisker in the time scale of the F.O.I. report, but following the trends illustrated in the report, Nigel got it spot on. Care to comment BBC? Care to comment on the truth of the matter? No need for the Leader of U.K.I.P. to apologise, the apology should be coming from the BBC for not telling the people of the U.K. the truth.
Can anybody tell me where the “Rhodesians” who’ve apparently committed 21 offences come from ? I know the Met will take pretty much anybody rejected by other forces so we can’t expect too much, but are they really only now catching up on their paperwork from the seventies ?
Not to mention the fearsome folk of Pondicherry
Portuguese East Africa, Portuguese West Africa, Portuguese Guinea
Antarctica (!)
The Belgian Congo
The Dutch East Indies
East Pakistan
French Sudan
German Southwest Africa
The Gold Coast
Irish Free State
North Vietnam
Palestine & Palestine (Historic)
The Ross Dependency
Southern Rhodesia
USSR (It’s back ! Putin must be thrilled !)
Well done to all concerned, but rather disappointed to see no arrests for The Holy Roman Empire, Sanjak Of Novibazar, Grand Duchy Of Hesse etc etc. Clearly the cunning crooks from these nations are ‘somehow’ keeping ahead of the Met.
Usual “Let’s have a pointless dig at UKIP quota”in Saturday’s DT ‘Mandrake’ column:
“A country’s joy
Whatever might be said about the people of the Republic of Suriname, they need not concern Nigel Farage too much. The smallest sovereign state of South America has barely 50 of its citizens residing in London.
Still, they like to celebrate their successes, and I hear that every single one of them has been contacted by Dr Amwed Jethu, the republic’s hon consul, to alert them to the fact that the pianist Cyrill Ibrahim, perhaps their best-known fellow citizen, is to perform at St Mary-at-Hill in the City on May 22.
The world famous Steven Osborne reckons that Ibrahim is one of the most exciting pianists of his generation.”
From the Met figures, it looks like the Surinamese are industrious folk indeed since, despite their tiny numbers (which “need not……” etc), they’ve pulled off the impressive total of 19 offences, or almost one offence per two people.
ComRes Eastern England showing today:
UKIP 61%
Con 15%
Green 9%
Lab 8%
Today's ComRes for eastern England is an absolute landslide for Ukip. Greens ahead of Labour. pic.twitter.com/UZNnOeecbn— Jack (@imjackyeah) May 18, 2014
“Tory fightback as Poll Shows UKIP Failing To Attract 100% Support. Mere 61% Indicates Fading Appeal Of Farage After Latest Gaffes. “
Dan Hodges: “People In Eastern England Are All Bloody Worthless Inbreds Anyway So That’s Why UKIP Resonates With Them. And They Should All Be Shot, too. “
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Have you ever heard any of Danny Kaye’s songs recently on the BBC?
Did you know this filthy singer sang filthy songs like even “INKA BANKA BONGA I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE THE CONGO – OH NO NO NO NO NO!!!”
I’m sorry if this causes offence, but a very old relation, even older than me in my seventies asked, “Do you remember Danny Kaye singing about the three little fishies?”
“Yes,” replied another relative, “But I also remember him singing about the Congo so he is now a singer non grata!”
Well, so he is! Do not repeat or in any way acknowledge this song unless you wish to see yourself forbidden at the next sunrise.
Bongo, Bongo, Bongo
Each morning a missionary advertise with neon sign
He tells the native population that civilization is fine
And three educated savages holler from a bongo tree
That civilization is a thing for me to see
So bongo, bongo, bongo I don’t want to leave the congo
Oh no no no no no
Bingle, bangle, bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
Don’t want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords
I make it clear
That no matter how they coax him
I’ll stay right here
I looked through a magazine the missionary’s wife concealed
(Magazine? What happens?)
I see how people who are civilized bang you with automobiles
(You know you can get hurt that way Daniel)
At the movies they have to pay many coconuts to see
(What do they see Danny?)
Uncivilized pictures that the newsreels take of me
So bongo, bongo, bong he don’t want to leave the congo
Oh no no no no no
Bingle, bangle, bungle he’s so happy in the jungle he refuse to go
Don’t want no penthouse, bathtub, streetcars, taxis
Noise in my ear
So no matter how they coax him
I’ll stay right here
They hurry like savages to get aboard an iron train
And though it’s smoky and crowded they’re too civilized to complain
When they’ve got two weeks vacation they hurry to vacation grounds
(What do they do Danny)
They swin and they fish but that’s what I do all year round
So bongo, bongo, bongo I don’t want to leave the congo
Oh no no no no no
Bingle, bangle, bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
Don’t want no jailhouse, shotguns, fish hooks, golf clubs
I’ve got my spear
So no matter how they coax him
I’ll stay right here
They have things like the atom bomb
So I think I’ll stay where I “om”
Civilization, I’ll stay right here
Nigeria Islam jihadist murderers = U.K. Islamic jihadist murderers.
INBBC make no connection between Islamic jihadists in U.K universities, and INBBC advocacy of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic parts of the world.
1.) Daily Mail’-
“Bomb mastermind of group which kidnapped 300 schoolgirls was ‘radicalised’ when he was student at British university”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2630645/Bomb-mastermind-group-kidnapped-300-schoolgirls-radicalised-student-British-university.html#ixzz31up2Gpxx
2.) INBBC-
“Man held over Abuja bus blast in Nigeria studied in Wales”
The BBC seem very unhappy about the new Indian PM.
Their international take on the bloke revolves around a perceived lack of carpet burn for Islam in 2002 as they rampaged through his country….and the fact that the USA aren`t happy with him…well the liberal left at least.
He is not an inclusive figure…oh dear, he doesn`t lick up the minority tears of rage and sell his own Hindus down the river.
Sounds like the Indians have made the right choice, as long as the BBC Muslim wing are concerned about this democracy thing, and its results.
Cue pith helmets and a need to berate the natives for not voting for von Rumpoy or McClusky. Patten or Dana International.
Typical-if the BBC hate the result, it can only be good for the rest of us.
I forecast a large increase in terrorist activity on the subcontinent.
On India, INBBC behaves politically like an aggrieved Muslim!
INBBC shows no awareness of the Islamic conquest and violence in the history of India.
Chris wrote:
“the fact that the USA aren`t happy with him…well the liberal left at least.”
Is that the same US which courted Saddam Hussien, President Putin, and all the leaders of a small country called China since 1980?
Expect the US attitude to change seeing as they wish to sell a huge raft of weapon systems to…India
Boeing’s C-17A strategic transport aircraft
Boeing P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft.
Boeing AH-64E Apache
FGM-148 Javelin anti armour missile.
Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk
and those are only what they are currently ordering (or have ordered) But then as this is the bBC speaking about a libtard US president , they won’t be happy until the US leaves NATO and joins Russia,China and Iran.
MSM talking about LBC – Farage car crash, but the LBC actual updated tonight online poll shows an amazing 73.3% people intending to vote UKIP. That is the highest I have ever for any party and maybe this could be an earthquake in British politics?
There is a God after all.
Who Are You Planning To Vote For In The General Election?
73.3% Ukip7.7% Conservatives7.4% Labour5.4% Undecided4.7% Green Party1.5% Liberal Democrats
Thanks for your vot
And Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf won the 1998 People Magazine “Most Beautiful People” award for probably the same reason.
Do you have a better suggestion for how democratic process can be improved to deliver what is for you the ‘correct’ result?
One where those in the media you support who have traditionally been there to guide voters on the true path of righteousness are not now seen as corrupt, complicit false prophets?
Danny What is your point exactly? What is upsetting you so much?
Nothing is upsetting me at all. Just watched Sarries put in a fantastic performance and will head off to Twickenham for what should be an outstanding final.
My point is I wouldn’t put too much credence in a web poll. They are notoriously easy to fix. Getting 77% of the vote == momentous. Getting 77% of a web poll, less so.
All must be pleased that calm prevails in the Howard household.
I actually agree with you on polls, of any sort, fixed or simply poorly organised. But it is odd, do you not think, how and when the BBC for instance gets hugely excited by them.
But then can share your reluctance to accord them much credibility, often depending on when they agree with the results, and seldom when they don’t.
As with having lives (and what could be nicer than savouring sport in the sun), in further precedent this moment can surely be treasured should polls or BBC reporting of polls again become deemed the last word by any in future?
Especially those by the BBC that show the BBC to be simply awesome on all counts. Even their comedic value can wear thin.
Agree entirely, definitely would not believe the figures revealed by LBC poll since you can go back and make multiple votes for example. But I do have a gut feeling with so many positive UKIP Polls all over the net, this could be a defining moment in British politics.
The poll reading, just after showed 72% so through the day that has increased … very good for UKIP
and … not very good for everyone else
What to do for the Westminister out of touch/MSM?
well they could try the no publicity ploy, but its too late now
… and the arrogance of the old “blanket smears”
works only if those smeared are as corrupt/deceitful as those in power.
… the old “give em enough rope”, works only if those targeted play the game … if they stick to the facts? 😀
It is simple the evidence against what the EU is doing is damning, as is that against a privileged few in Westminister …
quite a problem for them, eh! … quite a hole they’ve dug themselves into.
remember this? from only a few weeks ago
listen to the attitude of Burley … “don t get bogged down in figures, remember what happened etc”
Hypocrisy … listen to the liars from No10
you hear nothing else … figures … doctored
orchestrated deceit … take Camoron, or the sneak thief Osborne, and tell them that,
(if you can get them to interview, without getting it skewed first , that is)
Chris Bryant to ”our” Kaye ” You’re pretty dim, aren’t you ?” It’s at 2.10. It isn’t a car crash more like a train wreck interview.
What a little shit that Bryant is !
Arrogant shit. This man has never held down a proper job in his life. He seem’s to come from protected background to have lived a rarefied existence ever since and now is a Labour MP (there’s a surprise). Kaye should have shown that infamous photo of him taking a selfie of himself in his undies in his bedroom. That was “pretty dim” of him…
A message to all the liberal led media in Britain…. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
The British people can finally see through you, watch the votes next week .
7.20, Today programme. A long interview with someone called David Robinson of ‘community links’ Basically nothing more than a long attack on the government with no challenges whatsoever.
A brief search reveals that Robinson is a member of the Labour party, a fact that the BBC chose not to tell us.
It’s a shame, but driven by the calibre of such agenda-driven PR claimed as ‘reporting’ or ‘debate’ in the past, the word ‘community’ now acts as a red flag (often in more ways than one) demanding the subject be checked more closely than the BBC appears to have no time or desire to conduct.
Unless of course their origins or affiliations demand the full rigour of the BBC research department and disclosure up front for necessary context.
Serves you right for watching it.
I suggest you avoid anything or anyone with a title that includes: community, social, workshop, or minority.
A few others will occur to me as as soon as I press “post” but you get the gist. Leave them alone!
This mornings Today program on Radio 4 and the case of the Pregnant Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy illustrated one glaring thing, that the BBC interviewer had not the first clue about Islam at all, believing it to be very close to Christianity.
She had no idea what Apostasy is nor that there is more than one offence which will see the death penalty handed down.
No idea how or what is necessary to be regarded as a Muslim or a convert.
And no idea that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non Muslim.
This is precisely the problem that everyday the BBC faces, with ignorant presenters whose views are led by fascists with similar views that Islam is ‘lovely’ and they’re ‘just like us’ without having the first clue, and calling other people nasty names who dare tell the truth.
This is seriously worrying: with all the bombings, kidnappings, beheading, mass stabbings, honour killings etc that have become almost a daily norm on any news (clearly mass misunderstandings of the RoP) most people have decided to find out more about Islam; the fact that an interviewer on a global news organisation on their flagship political radio programme should be so ignorant of the facts is astounding.
There are none so blind as those who would not see.
The reviews of the newspapers on the Today prog managed to include references to the LBC interview with Nigel Farage, quoting at least 2 critical comments eg in the Mirror..
But NO newspaper mentioned the LBC interview on its front page today. The BBC has to dig inside – well inside – newspapers to find the item so it can slag off Farage “holding a gun to his head an pulling the trigger”.
Please Nigel, pretty please – make abolition of the BBC licence tax an election promise !
“‘Extremist thugs’ threw a brick at my home, says Ukip MEP.
“THUGS attacked the home of a Ukip MEP, throwing a brick through his front window while he and his family slept upstairs.”
By Anil Dawar.
Yes – the interview seems to be dying rather quickly once the full facts come out. That IS the problem with the internet – people WILL tend to look for the information themselves rather than trusting a newspaper’s account of it.
Interesting use of semantics here.
Read on to see:
“However, Mr Whittingdale said the case for public funding ‘remains very strong’.
Not sure how true that is at all.
As one who has followed each inquiry outing closely, they seem long on claim and poor on accuracy, or at least get astoundingly uncurious with checking at times.
Mr. W was the one who cut off Angie Bray when she was calling out ‘independent media expert Steve Hewlett’ on some blatant 28Gate dissembling; one of the few times the BBC editorial agenda skew was raised.
In fact most of the inquiry has been devoted to seeking ways to impose the costs of the BBC on the public in other forms to the now tainted licence fee.
Some suggestions are very dubious, being just as compelled, but even less capable of resisting by opting out. IT purchase tithe; internet service skim.
I am now very dubious as to what this committee is driving towards given the thrust of all questions, invited witnesses and published recommendations thus far.
“Licence fee is outdated and may be gone in as little as TWO years, BBC bosses warned”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2630893/Licence-fee-outdated-gone-little-TWO-years-BBC-bosses-warned.html#ixzz3207REDHN
This committee is the one which we have the chance to directly influence, and was posted a few days ago.
If it is possible to transmit encrypted and overcome the objections of ‘little old lady’ or ‘the poor’ not being able to receive then we must make it known to them, in the face of vested interest scare tactics.
The BBC have clearly decided that tens of millions of Indians have got it wrong. Last night’s Newsnight was presented by a woman with the most appalling screechy voice (come back Kirsty) who kept using ‘divisive’ and ‘controversial’ and ‘right-wing’ to describe Mr Modi and alluded, a number of times to old accusations that he is a ‘mass murderer’. Muslims and other minor religious communities are, of course, very concerned about their future due to Modi’s Hindu nationalism.
Altogether a low score for Mr Modi. Far better would have been a left-wing, fundamentally corrupt Congress party win.
Seems Mr. Katz has picked his team. Policies pretty clear too. Maybe if he’d just create a Newsnight Party and see if the electorate is keen?
Or maybe safer to stay behind the BBC overpaid wall and sway policy home and abroad from a position of zero accountability?
Effective. Not as such very democratic.
Talking of irritating voices!
It was my misfortune to get a bit of “The Listening Project” inbetween More or Less(crap and getting worse) and PM…always crap, but then again “it`s alright for some”.
If anyone hears two more indulged, vacuous victims with whining voices and unctuous syntax circa Asbury Haights 1967…let me know.
Sometimes there IS a case for violence against such nasal self-pity…maybe a sacrifice of a few social workers might do the trick.
Utter crap!
For some reason Anish Kapoor, born in India but living here for 44 years, is brought out as an expert as to why the Indians that live in India are all wrong.
It is a pity that this intellectual doesn’t know the difference between vis-à-vis and à propos but that would be ‘divisive’!
Jeremy Vine on Friday includes BBC news at its worst [1:02].
E-on’ s fine is reported then a caller to the Vine show has her piece repeated. How do the BBC know that what she said is true or that she is even a customer of E-on? Also included is someone from Citizen’s Advice given free-rein to do his anti-energy company bit (no mention of the useless regulator Ofgem though). The boss of E-on gets to say that he is “absolutely devastated”, but after the news Vine continues to mock this comment, as he had done prior to the ‘news’. He clearly thinks he is doing a ‘St. Margaret’ and like her his comments verge on the slanderous but unlike her he isn’t smart enough to realise that she does it within the walls of parliament and gets a free ‘Do Not Go To Jail – Do Claim Expenses’ card.
Most of this so-called ‘News’ item is just a re-edit of the earlier part of the show and is opinion not fact.
Later on Vine wets himself because a Danny La Rue sound-alike tells us how she/he survived being spiked by a stag/hind and how wonderful life is as a deer-loving vegetarian.
This item is completed by explaining why the voice is like it is and how naughty the newspapers were for telling us, after all the deer didn’t check out the victim’s sexuality before doing the damage. For some reason we are told that this person is a Cambridge academic, I’m sure the deer didn’t bother about that either so why put that in the story?
BBC-NUJ’s implicit definition of ‘racist’:
-anyone who doesn’t campaign for Britain to be colonised via open-door ‘policy’ of continuing mass immigration from Asia, Africa, etc.
If anyone wants to witness the sheer pig headed obstinacy and inability to see reality, then take a look at what’s going on at the Co-op.
Talk about a bunch of lefties welding on the blinkers, the rose tinted glasses, and then burying their heads in the sand just to be sure – just like the Labour party !
Strange how the BBC can attack the bankers for being greedy not running their companies properly, and is still banging on about it and yet it turns out that the Co-op is being run by amongst others “an engineer, a plasterer and a retired deputy head teacher.”
I can see such parallels of the Co-op in the Labour party who are in their case running the country onto the rocks.
Ah the Co-Op where for PC purposes they recruited a gay (with a fondness for young men) drug taking former deputy head of Social Services at Rochdale Council Banker (Cyril Smith anyone?) and labour councillor to run their banking arm.
Well, under his remit he continued the CO-Op Banks ethical policies such as not having anything to do with firms which they deemed not PC I quote:
“The Ethical Policy excludes the provision of any banking services to businesses which take part in certain business activities or sectors. These include a commitment not to finance “the manufacture or transfer of armaments to oppressive regimes” or “any business whose core activity contributes to global climate change, via the extraction or production of fossil fuels”.
This has resulted in the bank declining finance totalling in excess of £1bn . £1Bn? remind me again just how much Money they owe.
For Beeboids’ attention:-
“Police investigate postal vote fraud allegation in Tower Hamlets”
“The post-Paxo future of Newsnight looks nice but sounds bad”
By Rod Liddle.
At this point I’d be voting UKIP even if I didn’t agree with many of their policies, just to piss off the BBC and their CONSTANT attempts to undermine them.
The bias couldn’t be more obvious if every presenter wrote the word ‘Lefty’ on their foreheads in permanent marker before going in front of the cameras.
We have one ‘mainstream’ MEP I am aware of and seems to try and do her best for those who elected her.
I am pretty sure I will be voting for her.
The rest are cyphers and it’s all up for grabs, but I do need to gen up on what teaching lessons and tactical voting may do.
Not keen on cut off noses to spite faces.
However, like you, the stunts pulled by the establishment parties and their tribal PR media departments so far make boosting UKIP a real attraction as, best I can judge, despite a few bad eggs and loons (no more or less than the rest, best I can see), many have tried hard to stay dignified in the face of frankly desperate assaults.
That this ‘car crash’ meme seems to have been repeated by every MSM outlet as if they were sent a briefing script from a central location really knocks my sense of fair play off side, especially when they seem determined to portray one of their own acting like an idiot as ‘how interviews are done’.
Tell it often enough can be effective, but ‘it’ has to be credible. When not, the result is to sent folk elsewhere in search of honesty.
All most the entire UK media estate has been shown up and found wanting.
Point of order, Mr Who. You won’t be voting for said lady. You’ll be voting for a party, who have decided in which order to place their
dummiescandidates. If she’s second on the list your vote will also help elect numpty #1 on the list, even if you consider him or her to be worse than Jimmy Savile.Oh.
In fact, Oh!
I was to this point unaware of this (if already grappling with who and under what banner was a valid proxy in the town & county council elections up through county MP to national party (Whipped ‘n all, making my wishes here essentially irrelevant) to EU puppet masters.
And as powerful an example of the value of using social media and the internet to glean information and education over more traditional and less trustworthy outlets.
I just found this out too, funnily enough from a Labour flyer which arrived yesterday. All the candidates are on one ticket and the choice is by party.
I suppose this is an inevitable result of PR but what if I like one candidate from one party and one from another? I can’t vote for one without getting the rest.
The principle of voting for the candidate and not the party seems to have vanished with the EU elections. Quelle suprise.
Colour me vexed on this.
It may show my political naiveté in still having faith in the best of the awful options of governance we are presented, but as an unlikely nihilistic anarchist I’d advocate the supposedly country-concerned parties getting their act together on making folk feel their votes still count, make a difference and get behind people or parties actually serving as valid proxy representatives rather than stitched-up droit du segnieur miniscule mandate rulers or hapless well-paid puppets.
Sod ’em all.
I think I may become the Tories, Labour, Lim Dems, BBC, Times, Telegraph, Graun & Paul Staines’ worst nightmare for trying to play me so obviously… and badly.
This may well turn out to be the entire British politico-media establishment’s (link provided earlier for the hard of thinking) domestic version of Operation Clarke County.
I hope the results of their shenanigans are painful enough to get a few smart, ethical brains (there has to be a few around, surely) around the notion of running this country (sorry EU… from unelected, unaccountable goofs that make Ed Miliband look statesmanlike to bent accounts that make Enron seem well run, you don’t seem a good deal at all) as a representative democracy with a truly independent 4th estate.
I see the bBC really wants to get rid of Richard Scudamore over private e-mails (yes private e-mails) he sent to his friends. Which an Aid leaked to the press for money. Here are the e-mails:
In the emails Scudamore wrote that “You will learn over time that female irrationality increases exponentially depending on how many members join your family. That should keep you within the Chinese government’s one child per family enforcement rules. Very clever those Chinese.”
Scudamore also replied to a lawyer friend who joked about spending “…all day fending Edna off my graphite shaft”, that his friend “…Must keep her off your shaft…graphite, sausage meat or flimsy sponge.”
Scudamore also forwarded an email from the football executive and businessman David Dein called a “Male Fairy Tale”, which read “Once upon a time a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?” The Princess said, “No!” And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and banged skinny big titted broads…”
and yet the very same bBC which wants this mans head has no problem defending a Labour MP (Austin Mitchell) over a rapist comment he made over..Twitter.
The very same MP I should add the bBC defended 2 years ago:
Mr Mitchell prompted criticism on Twitter by telling the former Conservative MP for Corby, Louise Mensch: “Shut up Menschkin. A good wife doesn’t disagree with her master in public and a good little girl doesn’t lie about why she quit politics.”
He later said the message had been meant as a joke.
Anybody else the bBC are playing at King makers?
The ‘just joking’ excuse seldom serves as credible or a solution, certainly for the person trying to use it, and also any supposedly account-holding media who suddenly go understanding on highly selective bases.
But when the person is a FoB (Friend of BBC) and the medium is the BBC, very different rules can and usually do apply.
Austin Mitchell is a classic knob. Before he became an M.P. he was a presenter with Yorkshire T.V local news, and it did us all a favour when he went to Westminster and we didn’t have to listen to his inane laughter whilst he was trying to be a character.
And as far as the alleged sexism by the football guys, let the female who hasn’t made fun of the male anatomy, in jest, I might add cast the first stone. Whilst in between proper jobs I once worked in an office 3 males and 200 females, 1974 just when Playgirl was launched, that was sexism, female on male, but ” can’t you take a joke ” was the phrase used again and again.
I’m reading the bBC’s coverage of how the Afghan Government are demanding the release of British prisoners held in theatre.
UK told to hand over Afghans held in military jails
Reading the article all you hear is how naughty the British are for arresting people and how the good old Islamic government of Afghanistan will treat them a lot better than Racist white foreigners.
Funny enough with a number of examples of where poor innocent
TerroristsAfghans have been abused by followers of Nigel Farage, the bBC kind of left out this very salient snippet:Ban on UK troops handing over Taliban suspects
British troops have been banned from transferring suspected Taliban prisoners over to the Afghan authorities because of claims of torture by local forces, it was revealed yesterday.The moratorium on passing on any captives to the National Directorate of Security (NDS) throws into disarray a central plank of the UK exit strategy from Helmand, that authority is being transferred to local security services with combat forces due to leave by the end of 2014. The High Court heard allegations yesterday that the NDS operated an underground interrogation chamber near the British headquarters in Lashkar Gah and that “torture was entrenched” in the organisation. Despite the fact that the British can only hold detainees for 96 hours – or 30 days with ministerial approval – it was revealed that the allegations of torture had led to a complete ban on sending detainees for questioning to the NDS, the prosecuting authority.
Do you think the bBC, knew of the above
Maya Evans: peace activist wins legal aid court battle
That was in May 2011, then in Nov 2012 it was put in place again:
Ban on transfer of Afghan prisoners reinstated after Court battle
And in June 2013 we have this story:
Kabul demands British forces transfer prisoners within weeks
I wonder why the bBC don’t bother telling the Plebs the full story?
Whose side is INBBC on in:
– Islamic, repressive Saudi Arabia v. Geert Wilders?
“Dutch firms no longer welcome in Saudi Arabia because of Geert Wilders”
By Robert Spencer.
“The Saudis are angry with Wilders because of the uncomfortable truths he tells about Islam, and no longer will deal with Dutch companies. Very well. It’s just a shame that Dutch companies, and others in the rapidly diminishing free world, haven’t told the Saudis long ago that as long as the Kingdom denies basic rights to women and non-Muslims and deny the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, they have no interest in doing business in Saudi Arabia.”
Personally I feel this is nothing more than an attempt by SA bigots to force the Dutch not to ban the Burka. (Which they have been discussing for a number of years) Which the truth be told if put in place will ensure other EU countries do likewise and put on hold the very same bigots game plan to insert Sharia law into our Non Islamic way of life.
The hypocrisy and arrogance of “money and Islam” eh! If they couldn t shovel it out of the ground they d be like their minds … in the stone age.
Do western ambassadors in muslims countries tell foreign ministers in those countries to stop denigrating, stop insulting, (or in the case of Egypt) stop murdering christians?
The Dutch salve their consciences by subsidising ‘charities’ and NGOs whose major activity is defaming the real evil – ISRAEL.
BBC News this morning.
The seated male presenter was the same height as the seated female presenter.
A sofa inspection by suitably qualified sofa persons is demanded.
latest news on the euro polls,the leftie independant newspaper has just reported that ukips poll ratings have shot up from 32 % to 35 % meaning they have a 11% lead over labour over,one man to thank for that,james obrien,his disgusting smearing and demonising of nigel farage and ukip as racist etc has just backfired on him in a spectacular manner,thanks james,lbc and the bbc for increasing ukip poll ratings with your constant personal attacks on nigel farage and ukip.
Alas, but ‘certain to vote’ is not an accurate reflection of what might happen on polling date.
Very true. I doesn’t take into account the outrageous postal vote fiddles.
Iranians ‘least anti-Semitic in Mid-East’
Only 56% hold negative views about Jewish people. Isn’t that grand?
Hossein Bastani, BBC Persian, probably misses the point as to why.
*Not mentioned, Israel and Iran had a close relationship under the Shah and a significant proportion of Iranians have buyer’s remorse from Ayatollah Khomeini and his successors.
* Not mentioned that Iranians are not Arabs, don’t like Arabs very much and don’t have the sense of constant humiliation that characterises many Arabs.
* Not mentioned that the Jewish community of Iran is one of the oldest in the Diaspora with its roots reaching back to the 6th century B.C.E., the time of the First Temple.
* Not mentioned that even now, at an estimated 10,200 Jewish Iranians are the second largest Jewish population in the Middle East after Israel. The Jews have been ethnic cleansed from just about everywhere else in the Middle East and North Africa,
Of course it is entirely possible, Bastani, as a BBC employee, doesn’t know that.
WTF is BCE ?
Before Common Era I believe – a phrase to avoid the religiously inflammatory phrase BC – Before Christ.
When I’m asked to translate it I use “Before the Christian Era”
“Boko Haram and the Dynamics of Denial”
Not on the BBC. Will make Labour look bad.
Lee Rigby memorial rejected by authorities
Authorities oppose request by mother of Fusilier Lee Rigby for a permanent memorial at the scene of her son’s murder
Down the Orwellian memory hole.
So the Labour MP admits that there ARE Islamic extremists running around London. Nice to know.
Where there is Islam there IS extremism.
London, Woolwich is no different, only that larger community larger problem.
We have craven cowardice, and infiltrated authority that shows itself again.
Thanks for self enforcing Sharia authorities
… thanks for that.
… Islam IS the Trojan horse ….
In the end it will be the contempt we have for our cowardly elite that will finish them. They are not worth arguing with . That MP used the liberal weasel words” nor helpful” .
What does the fool mean?
It is beyond pathetic. They are not fit to speak Lee Rigby’e name.
The Fusiliers’ Museum in Bury will take care of that, I hope.
The ComRes poll in the Sunday Mirror and Independent tomorrow shows UKIP with a strong lead over Labour – 11 points now ! This poll is evidently based on people who say they are determined to vote.
But a poll in the Sunday Telegraph has the Tories with a slight lead over UKIP and Labour close too.
Guess which poll the BBC will push ?
The BBC 6,35 am review of the papers scours them all for anti-UKIP comments – and quotes only the Telegraph opinion poll, not the Indy/Mirror poll showing UKIP drawing even further ahead.
The BBC really is pathetic. So predictable, so snide.
But also so stupid ! After various “quotes” from the press about how racist and loonie/nasty UKIP is, it concluded with the (multi-millionaire) Asian Culture Secretary saying that people are entitled to feel anxious about immigration.
OK BBC – as Labour and now the coalition have caused the problem and have no solution to the fact that immigration is still running at massive levels, where can the poor “racist” voters turn ?
It looks like the best efforts of the metro-bubble media are simply driving people towards UKIP – and making them more and more angry that their entirely rational concerns are ignored or traduced.
“The BBC 6,35 am review of the papers scours them all for anti-UKIP comments – and quotes only the Telegraph opinion poll, not the Indy/Mirror poll showing UKIP drawing even further ahead”
Seems like only yesterday one from the weekend flying circus was urging caution to paying attention on such polls, albeit ones that didn’t serve the narrative.
Rather funny that The Indy or Mirror are temporarily not blessed with usual top spots in being quoted by the BBC, apparently for delivering the wrong kind of news.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Our political masters are horrified by Ukip. Trouble is, the voters aren’t”
By Sean Thomas.
Democracy seems troubling to some, for sure.
Quite like the cut of this chap’s jib.
Not sure how long before the embedded weasels will prise him out like Delingpole.
That Damian fellow has penned a rather devious little piece on AGW, which has placed him more with Geoffrey Lean than nearly his entire blog readership, which certainly meets the ivory tower test.
Meanwhile that nice Dr. Stanley has claimed that ‘pure rage’ is the measure of great interviewing technique.
Again the actual readership seems to disagree.
As with voters, the audiences for such media do have options should standards fail to meet expectation.
Of course, one remains immune to any such reality check or balance.
The comments are tasty – lots of fed-up Tory voters
“BBC satire W1A was ‘appallingly truthful’, says comedy legend John Lloyd”
A good article, but I think he’s wrong when he says “What will sink the Corporation is nothing to do with trust or how much it costs. What people really care about is comedy. That’s what will sink it.”
Comedy is merely a symptom of the problem, which is the left wing bias which paralyses the thought process, and puts at the top of every decision process, propagandising for a left wing point of view, followed by a PC terror of offending some minority group.
Once those strictures are in place creativity becomes very limited, and you end up with unfunny programs, or worse unfunny publically biased programs like ‘The Now Show’.
So many voices are saying that the BBC is finished, lets hope they are right.
BBC-NUJ main ‘news’ items on-line for US & Canada-
1.) homosexual marriage; 2.) journalist retire; 3.) race horse!
That’s the main points covered, then…
(Sorry, I accidentally reported your post – it’s so easy to do – it would be good if the” report” button was a little way away from the others…)
Even the politically left, ‘Independent on Sunday,’ can find space for such an article as this on Islam; but dhimmi Islam Not BBC (INBBC) can’t:-
“This spread of ‘holy fascism’ is a disaster”
By Patrick Cockburn.
Don t worry George … the BBCs flagship “faith and ethics” show is on at 10am …
Panto Campbell asks.
Why can be done to address the “faith” behind, the Nigerian schoolgirls sex slavery/abductions, what, “Ethics” are they using?.
Why the refusal for a Lee Rigby memorial? what “faith and ethics” are involved?
Why is threat/violence/aggression the default position with Islam … what is going on?
… you ve probably guessed, not really,
is the C of E racist? oops! no … that was last week.
no its …
WW1 are we better or worse because of it?
A good article by Peter Hitchens in ‘The Mail on Sunday’ covering U.K.I.P. and taxes. It is freely available via his blog and I commend it to all here.
“Here is the best reason for voting UKIP”
By Peter Hitchens.
On way back from golf just caught last 10 minutes of Broadcasting House. Straight into the benefits of multiculturalism; some wonderful ethnics at the Barbican apparently. So that’s alright then. We can ignore roaming gangs of Somalis, Islamic no go areas, overcrowded schools and hospitals etc. The Barbican has talent, all is right in the world! Then into the Romanian crime wave; except apparently there isn’t. Someone stated that there are no reliable figures to be found on the internet, ergo there is no problem. Next item, some Nigel Farage and UKIP bashing, and finished on a cookery lesson. Ye Gods, if that’s how it ended what did I miss while I played the back nine?
The midday news on Radio 4 tells me that “The Labour leader Ed Miliband sez”….well take your pick, they`ll all be good and full of virtuous truths!
This one pops at Nigel Farage re his “not wannin` to liv nexta f***in Romanians”.
Not that he even said that-but hey, who cares at the BBC.
Not a glimpse of context, whatsoever to what he actually said…he just f***in hates Rummies…got that?
You`ll get many more reminders before Thursdays vote as well…and despite NOT having said this crass summary of BBC wish limewash…ED has said it`s just not fair, so the BBC have their soufle of liberal lies.
Vote UKIP…no patriot dare not.
Slap the BBC in the kisser…vote UKIP!
See-I can do crass crap too!…can I be the next Trust Toady now?
“Westminster still expects Ukip to win”
By James Forsyth.
Ah yes…the Westminster commentariat getting their excuses and gabble in first.
The likes of Forsyth are merely the right channel of the media noise that we have to listen to…that it`s largely left speaker white hiss and spin that we get does not mean that Forsyth and other Tory cheer leaders aren`t furiously digging UKIPs grave.
Or so they think.
In fact they`re digging their own grave with every contrived lie about UKIP.
Every year now since 2002 we`ve had a worldwide or national scandal to contend with.
The liberal elite have done nothing but feather their nests, and smother dissent or legitimate protest.
UKIP is only the start-and look at them all clutch their pearls and have attacks of the vapours on cue.
The likes of Forsyth, Toynbee etc?…same shit, different buckets…
Odd I never see Romanian or any Eastern European names coming up on the credits for anyone working on BBC programmes. They really should practice what they preach and embrace the full benefits of multiculturalism….
It is sad that this story below was not reported by the BBC because of its bias (to be published in verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com) However , if I missed it, I’m happy to be corrected )
Christians protest Pakistan’s travel ban to Israel.
Pakistani Christians demonstrated in Karachi, demanding their right to pilgrimage to Christian holy sites in Israel. They held up placards, which included, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” “Israel you are light to the nations,” and “Recognize the Jewish state of Israel”.
Supplementary on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan-
“Pakistan: In police station, Muslim teen murders Ahmadi accused of blasphemy”
Wow-real bravery from Gods people here!
But Giles, Lucy and the like won`t be caring will they?
Judgement begins with the house of God-eek!
The Chinese panicking over the security of their nationals in Vietnam should read former Beeboid Bill Hayton’s explanation for any unpleasantness
There are several accounts of what triggered the rioting. Some say it began at an officially-sanctioned protest that got out of hand. Others have suggested that an American-based organisation of anti-Communist Vietnamese exiles, Viet Tan, may have played a role.
Over the past few years there have been dozens of strikes at foreign-owned plants in Vietnam. Complaints about low pay, bad workplace conditions (poor canteen food, limits on using the toilet and so on) and bullying management have triggered disputes.
These complaints have focused on plants owned by Taiwanese and Korean companies in particular. However, Thai and Singaporean plants have also been affected.
To these traditional complaints, a major new one has been added. Some factories, particularly Taiwanese-owned plants have been employing Chinese workers in favour of local Vietnamese.
So China the Vietnamese love you really, it’s those nasty capitalist swine to blame
When I was in China a few years back, there was an assumption that they were soon going to be undercut by places like Vietnam and Bangladesh…and they would have to become more a knowledge/service based economy than a cheap workshop of the world.
They clearly have form as awful employers in certain places in Africa, so that amoral kind of capitalism they are prone to promoting will be problem here in Vietnam, I`d imagine.
We see them all the same Asian types-but there`s lots of historical, racial-type problems of old, we know very little about.
If only the BBC would bother their arses to tell us about such things-as opposed to soundbite agonising about all those pictures they`ll choose to use for the news headlines.
The BBC love the blood-but hate the meat, the brain and the history
By James Delingpole.
No bBC, we are not interested in wimmins football now, or at anytime in the future. If they are good enough to play in the big leagues with men, then bring it on.
Tell you what though!
I myself would like a woman-any woman-to manage Manchester United.
It would surely destroy the cult-like crap about the “role of the manager”.
Why not Mrs Moyes?…could hardly do any worse than hubby, and the chivalrous nature of the lads would ensure some degree of professional pride…and even a win or two!
See-I`m prepared to let my team be a guinea pig for female footy achievemment…and no need to break that glass ceiling( just some windowlene and fetching curtains maybe!)
All this I offer-as long as they get rid of the women that clog up the BBC sports desks…and consign womens football to subscription-only.
Just doin` ma job ma`am!
Well I didn’t hear much about this on the BBC, it’s buried deep in the web pages, and judging by the comments here no one else has been aware either:
Also given a page in the Independent
and oddly enough the Grauniad too:
Could it be the case that David Axelrod has agreed to act for Labour for an unusually low £300K fee (for him it is) at the behest of Obama who wants to see a left leaning government in the UK?
If so at what point does that qualify as interference in another countries affairs?
Apparently this might be in response to the Labour party gaffe when they spelled his name ‘Alexrod’.
Either way despite it being all over the rest of the media it’s notably absent from BBC channels.
For INBBC to expose?:-
“Ministers paid £1m to suspect ‘seen at al-Qaeda terror camp’”
Comment by Robert Spencer at ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“The UK government is so absurd that it is hard to believe it isn’t a parody. Perhaps eventually Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Cameron, as well as Jack Straw, Jacqui Smith and Theresa May, will reveal themselves to be a new Monty Python-style comedy troupe, having a laugh at the world by pretending to be competent politicians acting in Britain’s best interests. Or perhaps future generations will remember them as those who, through their folly and willful ignorance, brought about the death of Britain as a free state and a free society.
“£1,000,000 is $1,682,000. Nice compensation for jihad.”
Here’s one the Labour Government did earlier: Binyam Mohamed, a political cause of ‘the left,’ inc Beeboids-
“Is Binyam Mohamed a Martyr?”
it’s worse than that, they paid £20 million to 16(?) Guantanamo detainees, presumably as hush money for Blairs crimes.
“Paid a suspected terrorist up to £1 million compensation even though Whitehall officials had been told that he had … been at an al-Qaeda training camp planning attacks on Jewish and American targets.”
“an al-Qaeda “supergrass” had informed security agencies in 2004 that Abbasi had been sent to Afghanistan by the extremist cleric Abu Hamza “to receive jihad training in support of al-Qaeda”. Abbasi, 34, a former computer student from Croydon, south London, was captured in Afghanistan in 2001 and released from Guantánamo in 2005”
so … he won t be needing “foodbank vouchers” anytime soon then
… that’s a load off
“…beer-swilling bonhomie…” when those three words came from Nick Clegg’s mouth on the Andrew Marr Show (about Nigel Farrage this morning) the logo “sneering liberal tosser” lit up across Clegg’s forehead.
Perhaps its my TV, perhaps its me…I don’t know. That’s all I can see now on the soon to be Ex Liberal-Democrat leader’s head.
Bring on Vince (I don’t have a problem with immigration) Cable to be their next leader and the Lib-Dem’s and their name will be history. Few will regret their passing.
By the way. Why does their symbol look like a snake in the grass?
Nick Clegg on the Andrew Marr Show yesterday,
“We simply don’t build enough homes in this country”
Why? Clue – elephant in the room.
Answers on a postcard please.
If we could only reduce the population at the same heady rate as the LibDem vote there’d be no need for any more houses ever. Could someone phone his show on LBC and ask him his secret ? I’m sure he won’t take offence.
In one single Council ward round here there are some LibDems with rather odd backgrounds. One was alleged to have tried to infiltrate the local Tory MP’s office last time round – in 2010 – and also admitted spreading false rumours about the A and E Department of a local hospital closing down.
Another is a man declared bankrupt just 7 years ago owing over £1 million to people in his local ethnic community. He is not standing under his former overseas name – he has adopted a bland English-seeking name. And his fellow-ethnics don’t live in the ward – nor does he – they are concentrated in wards 2 miles away.
The third is ex-LibDem, who resigned from the party when he was stated to be under suspicion of benefit fraud. He is standing as an independent – 6 weeks before he comes up at court facing 8 charges.
Great bunch the LibDems !!!
Peter Oborne is no friend of UKIP. So his words earlier this week bear repeating :
“No political party in modern history – not even Neil Kinnock’s Labour in 1987 – has come under such sustained attack and misrepresentation. Mr Kinnock at least had The Guardian and the Daily Mirror; Mr Farage cannot boast a single national title, and several papers are running vendettas against him. Mr Kinnock was treated reasonably fairly by the broadcast media. This is not the case with Mr Farage: consider the lacerating contempt shown towards him by Channel 4 News and its chief presenter, Jon Snow. Nick Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, has also abandoned his usual fairness when dealing with the party.”
“Ukip made ‘favourites’ to win Euro elections”
Not only Beeboids’ political bias v. UKIP-
C4 tonight was pathetic. Scared the lot of them. Even Guido Fawkes is running scared. Farage must have something. Whatever you do make sure you vote this week and vote for UKIP.
If this fails then the future is bleak.
But be honest with yourself Dave, UKIP is a one policy, one man show that will be a wasted vote in the GE.
Cf Ralph Nader, drippy-wippy votes, hanging chads, Florida, and George W victory.
The three parties hold over us has to end or England is lost. UkIP is a means not an end in itself. If it leads to the end of Cameron’s so called conservatism then the job is partly done.
I could never bring myself to vote Tory or Labour again as long as the liberal elite holds sway in both parties.
Wasted vote? That depends upon what you want to achieve. Someone slightly not as bad as Ed Miliband? Then vote for Dave’s Tories.
Truthfully, if I thought for a second that Nigel Farage might become Prime Minister, I wouldn’t vote for him. He’s a buffoon and possibly a rather unpleasant character. However he isn’t and he articulates points that many, possibly a majority, believe but which the main parties refuse to recognise are even legitimate points of view. UKIP is therefore a means to an end. Voting for them tells the other parties, and Conservatives in particular, that if you don’t give recognition to these points you won’t get our votes. If enough do this, they will be forced to change or perhaps serious politicians will jump to UKIP. And as an added bonus the BBC’s bias will probably become obvious to ever greater numbers.
Voting UKIP in the forthcoming General Election is about more than the result of that election. It’s about the possibility of greater change in future elections.
A wasted vote would be any one given to the three main parties , that is a vote for the status quo and will be seen by the establishment as an endorsement of their right to continue treating you with contempt.
to not vote for UKIP is a wasted opportunity to force change .
Vote UKIP at the general election or resign yourself to the same old same old for ever and ever amen
‘his (Nick Robinson’s) usual fairness’.
😀 😀
Notice how the giant sucking squid™ that is the BBC’s four billion quid annual spend has a tentacle attached even to Peter Oborne.
Usual fairness my arse.
Of no interest to BBC-NUJ/UAF?-
“EDL members ‘targeted’ in alleged hit and run outside pub”
That’s very interesting. I live about eight miles from there, and that’s the first I’ve heard of it – must be a media hush-up.
The case of David Lowe-
“BBC: another non-scandal, another overreaction”
Cue further political criticism from BBC-NUJ:-
“Netanyahu: Modi keen to deepen ties with Israel”
OMG! an honest luvvie. Self interest rules. Must be his age
Buying my house in Hampstead 29 years ago was the only financially sensible thing I’ve done because it’s the family’s security. It has gone up in value about 15 times. If the Stalinist Mr Clegg ever got his desire for a mansion tax, we wouldn’t be able to live here.
A completely pointless bit of diversity shoehorned into Countryfile tonight with a ‘beatboxer’ creating the sound of the dawn chorus.
What the hell does this have to do with the countryside? Mix in the dumbed down demo of the weather using straw bails and sugar beet with the obligatory ‘nudge’ to global warming completes the programs fall from serious program for farmers to CBeebies fodder for 5 year olds, pathetic!
I like that their honest about what they think. Not pretending that democracy is acceptable, because it puts the laws of man above the law of God. I respect that more than those Muslims who pretend to be democrats but who work for an Islamic state.
democracy IS acceptable,… as people are finding out Islam, and what it holds dear isn t
don t vote … brothers especially if it might curb an influx of stop gap “euro” arabs in the future
honesty and Islam? … au contraire
Mind you D Camoron, doesn t mind, he wants Muslims all the way to the top … too busy fleecing us all and lining their own pockets in No10 to notice, their idiotic, suicide solution.
Anyone catch RT with Wilders dishing it out against the EU.
“Don’t vote” is the message – does that include the postal variety as well?
Notwithstanding Nigel is getting it in the neck about frightening Londoners about Romanians, this LBC O’Brien fella got the wrong man to interview, if he seriously wants to go down that route:
Click to access 2013010000160.pdf
From the link above, Nige’ got it about right. Poland would appear to have won it by a whisker in the time scale of the F.O.I. report, but following the trends illustrated in the report, Nigel got it spot on. Care to comment BBC? Care to comment on the truth of the matter? No need for the Leader of U.K.I.P. to apologise, the apology should be coming from the BBC for not telling the people of the U.K. the truth.
Can anybody tell me where the “Rhodesians” who’ve apparently committed 21 offences come from ? I know the Met will take pretty much anybody rejected by other forces so we can’t expect too much, but are they really only now catching up on their paperwork from the seventies ?
I wonder much the same about those East Germans as well
Not to mention the fearsome folk of Pondicherry
Portuguese East Africa, Portuguese West Africa, Portuguese Guinea
Antarctica (!)
The Belgian Congo
The Dutch East Indies
East Pakistan
French Sudan
German Southwest Africa
The Gold Coast
Irish Free State
North Vietnam
Palestine & Palestine (Historic)
The Ross Dependency
Southern Rhodesia
USSR (It’s back ! Putin must be thrilled !)
Well done to all concerned, but rather disappointed to see no arrests for The Holy Roman Empire, Sanjak Of Novibazar, Grand Duchy Of Hesse etc etc. Clearly the cunning crooks from these nations are ‘somehow’ keeping ahead of the Met.
Usual “Let’s have a pointless dig at UKIP quota”in Saturday’s DT ‘Mandrake’ column:
“A country’s joy
Whatever might be said about the people of the Republic of Suriname, they need not concern Nigel Farage too much. The smallest sovereign state of South America has barely 50 of its citizens residing in London.
Still, they like to celebrate their successes, and I hear that every single one of them has been contacted by Dr Amwed Jethu, the republic’s hon consul, to alert them to the fact that the pianist Cyrill Ibrahim, perhaps their best-known fellow citizen, is to perform at St Mary-at-Hill in the City on May 22.
The world famous Steven Osborne reckons that Ibrahim is one of the most exciting pianists of his generation.”
From the Met figures, it looks like the Surinamese are industrious folk indeed since, despite their tiny numbers (which “need not……” etc), they’ve pulled off the impressive total of 19 offences, or almost one offence per two people.
Ow ! And now I’m deaf.
Caps Lock may be turned ‘off’ as well as ‘ON’.
(This handy tip brought to you by Spud U Like: “If it’s spuds you like, then you’ll like our spuds !”)
Not that I think you’re entirely wrong, you understand………..
Some times shouting is the only way to make things sink in .
ComRes Eastern England showing today:
UKIP 61%
Con 15%
Green 9%
Lab 8%
Monday’s headlines in the DT;
“Tory fightback as Poll Shows UKIP Failing To Attract 100% Support. Mere 61% Indicates Fading Appeal Of Farage After Latest Gaffes. “
Dan Hodges: “People In Eastern England Are All Bloody Worthless Inbreds Anyway So That’s Why UKIP Resonates With Them. And They Should All Be Shot, too. “
The BBC choose not to comment in this report on the BAFTA winners, but it looks like a very poor return for £3,500,000,000 of tax payers’ money
And, Oh looky: Just which massively impartial broadcaster is the odd one out here ?
“News coverage
ITV News at Ten: Woolwich attacks- Production Team (ITN for ITV News/ITV)
Channel 4 News – Production Team (ITN/Channel 4)
The Dale Cregan Verdict: North West Tonight Special – Production Team (BBC News/Northwest Tonight Special/BBC One)
The Lee Rigby Trial: ITV Granada Reports – Production Team (ITV Granada/ITV)“
Ouch, ITV, Chanel 4 and Sky outperformed the BBC.
A question.
Nigel Farage made his well-publicised remarks on Friday morning. Why have the BBC, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg et al waited until Sunday to be offended?
Criticism from such as they is praise indeed.
The secret of good comedy is timing.
They are having a laugh.
Which is why it’s hard to take any of them seriously.
Blimey, I know I don’t like the woman, but to suggest that ITN will be swapping ‘tat’ for her is a bit rude.