Htiler made a pact with Stalin… seems others are like-minded.
Last Wednesday, the insider magazine Private Eye also claimed that the Leftist daily The Guardian had made a secret deal with the Tory Party, which claims to be conservative.
The Tories, it was alleged, had promised the favourite newspaper of the liberal elite a steady supply of damaging stories about UKIP candidates saying daft things (Tories, of course, never say daft things). In return, the newspaper had promised to avoid identifying the source.
Such stories are immediately picked up by BBC radio and TV news channels, which view The Guardian as sacred text. Asked about the allegation, The Guardian drew itself up to its full height and snapped: ‘The Guardian does not disclose its sources.’ (A certain Sarah Tisdall, who went to prison 30 years ago after The Guardian handed over documents that disclosed her as its source, might disagree.)
Well, there you have it. The Tory Party and The Guardian (and the BBC) are all united against UKIP. That would seem the best possible reason to vote UKIP. It also tells you who and what the Conservative Party really is.
In light of LBC’s James O’Brien’s hatchet job on Farage let’s have a warm up look at what other parties have been saying about immigration, race and our values before we fisk O’Brien and his smear:
Conservative MP Philip Hollobone: ‘We are importing a wave of crime from Romania and Bulgaria.’
He warned that crime among Romanians in England was ‘really quite startling’, adding: ‘Romanians are seven times more likely to be arrested in London than a British national.
‘Romanians account for more than 11 per cent of all foreign offenders, despite making up, at the moment, just a tiny proportion of residents.
From the Telegraph (Now so anti-Farage):
Up to one in three Romanians arrested, figures show
Up to one in three Romanian migrants have been arrested, figures have showed, as the country ranked second in a list of foreigners held over serious offences.
Some 27,725 Romanians were arrested for offences in London over the past five years, Scotland Yard said, including 10 for murder and more than 140 for rape.
The figures, published under the Freedom of Information Act, will fuel fears of a crime wave when restrictions on workers from Romania and Bulgaria are lifted in January next year.
Romanians came second only to Poles, who accounted for 34,905 arrests, including 84 for murder and almost 130 for rape.
However, there were some 587,000 migrants born in Poland living in the UK in 2011, estimates from the Office for National Statistics showed, compared with 87,000 Romanians.
Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the pressure group Migration Watch UK, said: “The extent of this Romanian criminality is a real concern for the ending of all immigration controls on Romanians and Bulgarians next year.”
Police experts predicted a fresh “wave of crime” as the country already struggles with an influx of foreign crooks.
Shock figures reveal that the eastern Europeans already topped crime league tables before Britain opened its borders to millions from the two countries today.
Almost 1,000 Romanians were detained by police in just one county alone over the past three years.
Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis is demanding urgent talks with Home Secretary Theresa May.
Romanians ‘started crime spree’ 24 hours after arriving in West Bromwich
David Blunkett riot fear over Roma migrant tensions
Tensions between local people and Roma migrants could escalate into rioting unless action is taken to improve integration, David Blunkett has warned.
The former home secretary fears a repeat of race riots that hit northern cities in 2001.
His concerns centre on the Page Hall area of Sheffield, where Roma migrants from Slovakia have set up home.
But he also accused the government of “burying their head in the sand” over the scale of Roma settlement in the UK.
In an interview with BBC Radio Sheffield, he said the Roma community had to make more of an effort to fit in with British culture.
“We have got to change the behaviour and the culture of the incoming community, the Roma community, because there’s going to be an explosion otherwise. We all know that.”
Ed Miliband ‘won’t turn back on immigration concerns’
Labour leader Ed Miliband has said immigration will be a big issue at the general election in 2015.
Speaking on Radio 4’s World at One programme, Mr Miliband said he could understand why voters were concerned.
Mr Miliband also said his party would not turn its back on voters’ concerns – unlike the last Labour government.
Miliband said that immigration is undercutting wages for the poorest….one of the biggest issues this country faces…inequality….linked to immigration of cheap labour….not getting a fair shake, a fair chance.
Immigration is a class issue….and most of all….working class people saying ‘my wages are being under cut’.
Mr Straw, who is a Christian himself, said he did not accept this analysis.
“There has to be a clear understanding that this is the UK and there are a set of values, some of which I would say to the letter writers are indeed Christian-based, whether they like it or not, which permeate our sense of citizenship,” insisted the MP for Blackburn.
David Cameron: It’s time that we revived Christian values
In a speech to celebrate the 400th birthday of the King James Bible, he said the New Testament had helped give our country “a set of values and morals which make Britain what it is today”.
He said we should “actively stand up and defend” these Christian values.
Mr Cameron also criticised the notions that by “standing up for Christian values we somehow do down other faiths” or that it was offensive to pass judgment on other people’s behaviour. “I think these arguments are profoundly wrong,” he said.
“And being clear on this is absolutely fundamental to who we are as a people, what we stand for and the kind of society we want to build.
“We are a Christian country. And we should not be afraid to say so.”
David Cameron Christianity claim
Writing for the Church Times earlier this month, Mr Cameron said: “Crucially, the Christian values of responsibility, hard work, charity, compassion, humility, and love are shared by people of every faith and none – and we should be confident in standing up to defend them.”
This did not mean “doing down” other religions, he said.
The prime minister also spoke of his faith in his Easter message, saying he found “peace” in Christianity.
Stand up for our Christianity, David Cameron tells UK
So Blunkett is concerned about Roma neighbours, as is Cameron, and jack Straw, in a general sense that we must stand up against those who don’t have our values, and Miliband agrees immigrants are taking the jobs of British workers.
If Farage is racist…….what about that lot? And isn’t Farage absolutely correct about the Romanian crime rate?
I’m wondering if there is an outbreak of integrity in some media now, or a few parapet-pokers are going off reservation, or a few bets are getting hedged as polls suggest the public are not reacting well to establishment (wiki description for the hard of thinking shared over the weekend) attempts at manipulation. When these get coordinated in back rooms that nudges things to a new, darker level.
The DM and Private Eye are not obvious bedfellows, and their legal bills suggest they are often keener to skirt around claim than substance on occasion, so I hope they are sure of this news. But given their being leaders of putting the boot in up to now makes it an extraordinary risk to take if not.
Assuming this is accurate, it is surely a huge story, set to shake the politico media cabal in the UK to its core, along with any remaining trust the voting public may have with any of them?
Beyond the subsequent fisking of what hasn’t attracted any investigative media or interviewer of integrity with other hats in this sordid ring, political parties doing dirty work to be fed via complicit media is repugnant.
If verified the Tories are lost to me as even an option on an individual basis (Roland D has put me straight on how a vote to the one MEP I like actually gets translated, and I already have seen how my MP can be whipped into ignoring his constituents’ wishes. Even local councillors have been tainted by party over constituent fealty).
And as Roland D also has noted, they are all at it. For the BBC to work with Labour to delay its outrage over matters of days is too cynical to ignore. News is news. Start storing it up for later and it becomes propaganda even if based on truth. You can’t play with timings like that.
The only positive is that they are all so obvious and inept at this attempted manipulation, the public appears pretty wise to it and is reacting in the polar opposite way to the one intended.
“Assuming this is accurate, it is surely a huge story, set to shake the politico media cabal in the UK to its core, along with any remaining trust the voting public may have with any of them?”
But it won’t, will it? For the simple reason that as Hitchens writes, he seems to be the only one to have reported the Private Eye story to a wider audience. As he says, all news desks read the Eye and sometimes follow up stories/leaks published by the mag.
In this instance we see the MSM of all shades and sizes have closed ranks. It is now surely obvious that the whole darned lot of them, TV. radio (incl LBC!), newspapers, are Europhiles to their very core. Perhaps the Express is a little out of line but they probably know they must not go too far.
There is no story – the MSM has spoken! Or not, as the case may be.
That is why Breitbart London is picking up a big audience
Some fine examples of “pot and kettle” .
Perhaps the researchers at the BBC would like to use some of these samples ?
Rather than go sneaking to the Guardian regarding any dirt they can dig up on UKIP, the Conservatives should be looking at the policies of UKIP , their obvious relevance to Britain today and the support they are gaining from ALL sections of the British community, by espousing what just a few years ago would have been considered to be Conservative values.
Jack Al-Straw a Christian in name only. He is a closet Muslim. Lets not forget the shambles of the Condeleeza Rice visit to Blackburn.
That was Jacks preferred choice to take her rather than Blackburn’s Majestic Cathederal. Some Christian!
I thought communists didn’t believe in any gods except for the gods of hate, power, envy, violence and repression. So Straw, a communist, could not be a Christian.
Yes and it was that visit that lost Straw his job as Foreign Secretary.
Apparently Rice went back to Bush and reported that the British Foreign Secretary was surrounded by and had sold out to Muslims and was a security risk.
Bush told Blair to replace him which Blair duly did.
All credit to Hitchens for blowing the whistle (to Private Eye, too – something I thought I’d never say after that lightweight lefty Hislop took over).
And to think, dear little Scotty was huffing and puffing with indignation only yesterday, when I said it was a three-way stitch-up.
You mention the Hitler/Stalin pact. Well, though those two fiends are long gone it seems their apparatus lives on at the BBC. I refer to the Pravda cum Goebbels treatment given to Hitchens article about UKIP.
This took place during Sunday morning’s News Briefing on R4 where the quote they used from Hitchens article is absolutely unbelievable. Unbelievable that is, unless you have followed this contemptibale organisation for some time and you will know it is just par for the course.
Here is the link to Hitchens follow up after a reader pointed out what had been done to his article:
And I see he now has an update about the whole farrago:
Not so much a fisking, as I agree with most, so more a re-iteration of some bits as there are some plain good points backed by incontrovertible facts in that update:
‘Let me explain how journalism works.’
If that doesn’t get A. Preposition & Noun in a fit apoplexy what will? Then again, Mr. Hitchins does have actual some points on the board more than a claimed trade and nickname.
‘Other publications sometimes use insider columns… to hint at what they know without saying it outright.
No more and no less than the ‘one degree of separation technique’ vastly over-used by the BBC, usually referencing the Guardian… or BIJ. Unless they just go full Robinson, and refer to ‘sources who say’.
‘…many stories are never confirmed, but the responses of those involved are even so a clue to the truth. A straightforwardly untrue story will be vigorously denied and will generally collapse very quickly, as the rivals of the paper which ran it will gleefully tear it to pieces. But a true story will not necessarily be confirmed. The targets of such stories will sometimes issue what are called ‘non-denial denials’, using terms such as ‘nonsense’ which appear to the naïve to be denials, but are not.’
A paragraph of insight to treasure.
‘The Guardian’s response to the ‘Private Eye’ story, which (as far as I know) was followed up by nobody but me, was not even a non-denial denial. It was a claim .. that the Guardian did not disclose its sources. It wasn’t even an attempt at denial.’
I don’t think I’ll get to like it, but there’s nothing like the smell of a skewering in the afternoon.
‘I was simply stating a fact. It is not true that the Guardian never discloses its sources. ‘
Hence the opportunity to make it, again and again, is well worth it.
Poor answers deserve sticking on poles and hanging out at the drawbridge for all to see.
‘My complaint (submitted simply through the BBC website) went in at lunchtime on Sunday and has been acknowledged.’
24hrs? Seems there may be more than one track at CECUTT. How very egalitarian of them.
‘I now fully expect a response telling me that nobody did anything wrong, in my experience the invariable first reaction of the BBC complaints department.’
They do err on the predictable.
‘…if I do receive such a response, I will then complain further that my complaint has not been adequately dealt with. This should eventually bring it before the Editorial Complaints Unit, the point at which complaints actually begin to be seriously considered by BBC executives, and the destination which all complainants to the BBC should strive to reach as an absolute minimum. Beyond the ECU lie the BBC Trust and (possibly) Ofcom. But persistence is all.
It’s as if he’s just a real person like you or I!!! I am trying to imagine by what miracle OFCOM would get involved though.
‘They knew it was dreadful, though they could not tell me what it was.’
It was car crash. Which every single MSM outlet was intoning in unison. Hence, that is what they knew it was without knowing why.
‘I don’t think the interviewer’s technique, of incessant aggression and hostile questions (the answers to which he then talked over) would have damaged Mr Farage with any impartial listener. ‘
Possibly explaining the new batch of kittens and telling the public what hasn’t worked before often enough, from Fleet Street to W1A.
Not sure they are yet grasping how this is panning out.
“Not sure they are yet grasping how this is panning out.”
I doubt if “they” really care. The past few weeks have shown the total contempt in which the MSM holds the British public. At their “debriefings/whatever” there will probably have been satisfaction at Hitchens’ comment about the students not knowing *why* Farage was in deep doo-doo, so long as they *thought* he was. The main point of all those reports was throwing the doo-doo at him. He did not step in it through his own actions. A lorryload of it was poured over him.
This is why the BBC effect is so dangerous. It is certainly listened to by the vast majority of the UK public, especially programmes like “Today” and “PM”, as they get ready for work or travel home. Those “reports” of Farage’s “car crash” will have settled nicely in the minds of those who do not pay much attention to detail. And then the later comments:
“Did you hear about that UKIP bloke’s car crash interview?”
“Yerrrs, just goes to show … ”
“I might have voted for them, but … ”
And hardly a single soul discussing said “car crash” will have heard a single word of the “interview”. But it was reported as a car crash interview on the BBC so it must be true.
The ever-shameless Guido still seems to be content to straddle the equal-opportunistic fence when it suits:
UKIP does need to face up to and confront its loons and crooks, but the MSM giving a pass to the unhealthy collections the (much better resourced) others sport too is farcical and deluded. There will be consequences.
As I’ve said before, Guido has completely blown his reputation (such as it was) by joining in with the establishment smear campaign.
File under ‘Tory stooge’.
Indeed. The comments, which normally aren’t worth reading, are priceless.
That said, there’s a certain unhealthy Farage cult behaviour emerging which believes he can walk on water and any attack on him is like drawing a picture of Mohammed.
The Farage cult is an issue, if perhaps inevitable in the pendulum-swinging culture we now have. ’twas ever thus.
The problem now is the cycle, which can be matters of days.
Neither he, nor his party, are immune from scrutiny, or being held to proper account.
However those who are so worried about their effect on the old order may have reacted too much, too late.
Certainly I am seeing real disgust in many new quarters at the not very subtle and frankly grotesque attempts that unravel as soon as they are unleashed.
It may well be a new monster is created, but certainly some old established one
[sorry, my browser had a fit before I finished]
.. some old established monsters are reaping what they sowed, and possibly from instruments of their own creation.
I hark back to ‘Demolition Man’, and what happened to those who defrosted the psycho ‘Phoenix’ character in hope of him sorting out the excesses of a few taggers.
Didn’t end well at all.
In fact, a Cluster-FUBAR with a great deal of mess.
That said, in the end the dead-wood clearance (plus a bunch of innocents in collateral damage) did point to a better future.
I think it is more down to the inbuilt British sense of fair play: support the underdog, the one under attack by a huge mob.
Does anyone else remember when almost the whole country talked of “plucky little Israel” when it seemed she was in mortal danger? After a few victories against overwhelming odds many changed their tune.
We may see the same type of thing should UKIP upset things this week.
One thing for certain – the popcorn will be in and the champagne on ice ready to cheer, yell and celebrate when I see Dimbleby trying to put on his best face to hide his real disappointment on Sunday night!
The establishment are so stupid. They don’t get it that the more they attack UKIP the more the punters say “Hold on a minute. Give Farage a break…” or “Actually UKIP are saying what we all say in our house, pub, work…” Its just get’s UKIP more support. If they had some real brains (our supposed betters) they’d leave UKIP alone. I’m no great supporter of UKIP but it’s got to be said they are giving power back do a large swath of the British electorate who have been overlooked. I’m all for UKIP because of that! And I will vote and give them cash.
Heil Farage?
Somehow, I just can’t hear it echoing round Wembley Stadium.
It’s a measure of people’s frustration with the liberal elite that they’ve latched onto Farage, also of UKIP’s failure to find anyone else to stand convincingly by his side.
I hope he never takes an aspirin and goes for a walk with a blunt penknife in his pocket!
For the Fascist establishment its all about the great leader Farage, as is the case with all fascist thinkers.
For me its all about UKIP leading us out of the EU.
If Farage goes, then UKIP could chose an even more Churchillian leader with Roger Helmer.
Helmer is brilliant. And a nice chap too.
‘claimed that the Leftist daily The Guardian had made a secret deal with the Tory Party’
Making this possibly a tad awkward….
‘Toynbee managed to throw in two inaccuracies of her own …. So much for “forgetting factual information”. Exquisitely, her apology and corrections run to almost a quarter of the length of her original column.”
Of course, our Pol is the pot that the BBC does love to wheel on to call others bl… er.. the ‘b-word’.
As a rule of thumb, if it is a political party or MSM rag or broadcaster trying to push it… check. Then check again.
Pol the Pot ? Could be very apt.
Pol Potty would also work. On more than one level too.…complete silence from the bbc over this story,
A further development in the “Let’s all smear Farage” story.
That well known [used to be] Conservative magazine “The Spectator” now has a blog from Douglas Murray titled “The smears against Nigel Farage and UKIP have reached spectacular depths”.
And there is an interesting little poke at the likes of James O’Brien and his kind from Rod Liddle.
“German or Romanian neighbour – which would you choose?”
I am a little surprised at these two articles because the Spectator in general has gleefully joined in the smear campaign. Perhaps even *some* journalists have normal stomachs?
To be fair to Liddel he has called the present UKIP manifesto a “wish list for hard working people” in an article about a year (maybe two) ago.
I have quite a lot of time for Liddle and he is one of my first reads every week. He very often gives great insight to his past employer the Beeb. Classic gamekeeper turned poacher.
Another ex BBC blogger worth keeping a daily eye on is a chap called Bill Rogers at:
Comment from the above:
Martin Jennerson • 4 hours ago
From the same interview I also enjoyed this exchange:
J O’B: “So are people right when they call you racist?”
NF: “I am unsure of what you mean by racist”
J O’B: “How can you possibly not be racist if you don’t know what it means?”
A restrained response to the latest manifestation of guilt until proven innocent rationale to ooze from the media ooze.
I have to wonder what it is that the public are grasping about cherished foundations of democracy and centuries of legal process under threat that these gilded parrots either do not, or do not want to. Or are seeking to subvert.
Yes, I read that comment and I must admit I had to go back and listen to the “interview” again.
That has to be one of the most sickening questions *EVER* asked of *ANY* politician in a supposed interview. And yet, our lords and masters, who simply do know what is best for us, proclaim this to be proof positive of Farage being a “racist”. [WOTEVER THAT WORD MEANS!]
There are more lickspittle notes from Nick Robinson on his BBC blog tonight – how he generously offered Farage the chance to apologise! A few times, even!!!
Apologise for what???
(I note comments were not allowed on Robinson’s article. – That just says it all.)
“Mainstream Britain still doesn’t understand UKIP.
“People recoil from the high moral tone adopted by parties that have had members of parliament jailed for fiddling expenses, or have held abominable views on matters such as terrorism or Leftist dictators. But the real point is that a new political era has just begun.”
Thanks for the link, a truly splendid article, especially the opening that you quoted about high moral tones of other parties.
He could have pushed a little more and maybe included the very many unusual sexual proclivities of Lib-Dem MPs, councillors, members [ooooh Matron!] which seem to be of absolutely no concern to the MSM when compared to any single “thing” UKIP is accused of.
(BTW, I am not normally a UKIP supporter though you may not have thought that from many of my recent posts. I am, however, an old bloke who believes in fair play and what I see in today’s media is *NOT* fair play. As a result, my postal vote is in and UKIP has my cross. I would normally have said, “A curse on all your houses!” in this and the few remaining upcoming elections in which I will still be able to cast a vote and not bothered voting. The disgraceful exhibitions I have seen every single day in all of our national media means that every single vote I am able to cast, from now until the day I die, will go to UKIP.
Even if Farage turns out to be Satan, I will *STILL* vote for him!
Henry, dear heart – your sentiments give you credit. UKIP is the Fox, everyone in the media is out to catch the Fox.
But the Fox knows its territory. Its territory is the hearts and minds of the British people.
I think the media message is that Cameron is more politically correct than UKIP or anyone in football, as Cameron will no longer tolerate any politically incorrect views, especially in the Cabinet of the new New-Labour type Liberal Fascist Coalition. Therefore vote Tory and buy the Guardian newspaper for Cameron’s pro-EU politically correct views.
The careerist, Cameron has repelled most of the principled Tories from the Tory party, now he’s repelling the principled Tory voter, and is left, trying to use political correctness, to appeal to those voters who would never vote Tory.
I’m sure now even pro-EU Tories would consider voting UKIP, if they hate political correctness more than they love the EU.
The problem is that many are pro-EU from the same matrix of beliefs that leads them to be PC.
I have a confession to make.
I have delayed declaring my sin until 2 days before the election
I bet no-one here can guess what my awful sin is.
If no-one guesses – I will expose my awful transgression until midday Tuesday 22 March. By then it will be too late for the DSWP/HnH etc and Tory-paid ferrets to denounce me,
It is late. I must go say my prayers before bedtime. Mea Culpa…..Mea Culpa….. Mea Culpa.
22nd March won’t be on a Tuesday until 2016, by which time I’m guaranteed to have forgotten about your sin: it’s a Tuesday today so why not confess now ?
Meantime (and against my better judgement) I’ll play along: your sin is either:
A) You have a whole room of your house plastered with pictures of Toynbee, VD, Two Eds and Laurie Penny with their heads stuck onto the bodies of pornstars.
B) You are Barry “One word won’t do when I can employ fifty” from Eggheads.
C) It’s YOU who are the sole visitor to Scott’s blog.
Will there be prizes for the closest guess ? Box of choccies from the garage, maybe ?
It’s getting better!
And Peter Hitchens is not stopping at a swift BBC apology. He is going forward. I for one wish him well.
“It’s getting better!”
It does indeed.
Some have noted Mr. Farage should not have apologised for his neighbourhood malfunction, because such things put blood in the water.
Which is why for the BBC ‘sorry’ is darn near the most impossible word. And they have the staff and time and resources to avoid it.
So this one has been astoundingly quick.
And failed at first weasel.
Loved the attempt at waving it away by muttering about having a quiet word with anonymous staff before moving on.
And Mr. H is having none of it.
With the whole painful process to be played out in full public forum with no ‘we’ll keep this our little secret’.
Maybe we’ll get a ‘we note you are sharing our shame with others so we’re expediting you’?
His questions are good, and valid, and demand answers.
And given his position, audience, and what the BBC tried to pull, hard to avoid now.
They’ll hate it.
And given the topic, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time for the MSM disinformation brigade already reeling under accusations of establishment (wiki definition available for he hard of thinking) collusion.
I have admired Peter Hitchens for many, many years. Though I personally never strayed down the wayward path he took in his younger days when he even seemed to be a Trotsky type, [n.b. pedants: this is a light hearted remark] blah, blah, … I have been intrigued by his books of how he came to change his outlook on life.
I have read his books and his late brother’s books and I have to say that sincerity shines through in Peter’s writings. It may even sound foolish and sentimental but I really look forward to his Sunday columns. Sunday is *still* special to some of us of a certain age.
“This week’s Euro elections are a policy free zone.
“In spite of the unedifying exchange of insults, this year’s Euro elections have served a useful purpose.”
By Ross Clark.
The real concern is where are the ballot boxes going to be held until the count starts , the announcements of the results will be delayed in order that they can be released at about the same time across the continent.
This government will go to any lengths to please their EU masters the results are not a forgone conclusion,there is certain to be fraud and vote rigging.
Do not be surprised if there are banner headlines and photographs of Nigel Farage looking beaten and distressed as the ‘results’ start to come in .