Anyone care to place a bet on whether or not we have a classic ‘get Farage!’ moment this EU Election week from our nation’s state broadcaster or one of its many comrades in the ‘meeja’..?
One last push, comrades, before the votes are cast..? One last attempt to subvert the democratic process via rumour, lies and innuendo?
Or perhaps the hateful Corporation will ‘go dark’ on UKIP in a last-ditch attempt to pretend the greatest threat to their cosy, self-serving political clique doesn’t really matter..?
The Today prog. had another dig at Farage and his comments on Romanians this morning, at about 7.30am. Warmed-over porridge from our cutting-edge reporters. Still describing the O’Brien interview as bad for Farage – it probably won another 100,000 votes or more for UKIP.
Just watched the 6 O’clock news. The Romanian comment saga drags on. They even showed a Romanian woman working behind a bar, just the kind of job Brits can’t do I suspect. Hang on didn’t my ex work doing that.. Still bar work that must be flooding the treasury with tax income more than enough to pay for public services…the NHS…etc etc. Dissapointingly no politican of any kind has come knock knocking on my door:-( so far.
S`pose there`s no chance of a mass employing of Romanias finest in their canteens, cleaning bays and the car pool.
And ensure that those credit cards that BBC staff get are put through ATMS linked to the Bucharest Credit Union.
That would all surely get the BBC shut down at last-and relatively cheaply and quickly.
Vote UKIP-and if a Ceausescu would like Pattens job, then I`ll be happy to vote for that as well.
I have heard rumours that the Times has a major scoop waiting for Wednesday. There’s no doubt that the “sleepers” standing for UKIP and the UAF, HmH imposters will break cover this week and unleash a torrent of unsavioury publicity designed to cause maximum embarrasment.
I here that there will be eight pages of lies about UKIP policy in Wednesday’s Daily Mirror, based on extrapolations from policies announced in the last manifesto.
Even in spite of the fact that UKIP’s 2010 manifesto has been abandoned and their next one is not written yet, (same as all parties who also abandoned their manifestos within hours of the polls closing in 2010.
They are dishonestly extrapolating getting out of the EU to mean scrapping every law and protection which any EU regulation, rule or directive provides us.
It is pure fearmongering lies. As we have come to expect from the lying liars in the deeply corrupt mainstream media.
Meanwhile, the list of tory, labour and lib-dem MPs, candidates of one stripe or another, and councillors who have been arrested or charged or convicted of fraud, rape, assault of some kind (including their favourite ‘racist’), or kiddie fiddling is nowhere to be seen in tomorrow’s papers.
Well you’ve got the Mail giving space to the founder of UKIP, Alan Sked. He’s claiming that Mr Farage used the ‘N’ word back 1997. There’s no recording, or witnesses to this, it comes down to who you believe.
Considering Professor Sked now works for the LSE, I don’t consider his word to be worth much. Dredging up an alleged incident from 17 years ago really is clutching at straws in my opinion. Ed Balls once dressed as a Nazi, and there’s photo evidence of that, but it’s never used to attack him.
Balkan Floods?
Missing Yachtsmens (sorry yachtspeople)?
European Elections?
Which of these will be today’s lead story on Five Live? Err, none of them… It’s Richard Scudamore day.
The BBC are really going for this bloke. He might have been stupid but the illiberal liberal activists in Salford are in a state of high dudgeon – an apology is not acceptable to the BBC. He must be executed.
It’s only 7:30ish and already the BBC have wheeled out halve a dozen hand wringers, (conflating the story with another involving race – football being run by old white men). Labour’s Shadow Sports Minister has now made an appearance in the last half hour – there is always an open door for labour.
Meanwhile, a left leaning senior BBC journalist is allowed to get away with tweeting that a Tory minister is ‘thick’ but of course in the hypocritical world that is New Broadcasting House she is allowed, without censure, to have her views that are ‘her own’…no such accommodation is made for Scudamore’s private e-mails.
Once again the BBC are attempting to impose their view of the world on the rest of us.
The pitchfork and firebrand sales around w1a must be at record levels. Is there no one the mob doesn’t want fired?
It’s an odd obsession, because even the dimmest bulb there must surely by now have twigged the Pastor Neimoller consequences karma is already allowing to catch up with those perhaps not expecting to be victims of the ferret sack culture there.
Precedents are often hard to restrain or unset.
I mentioned many days ago that Heather Rabbatts, the woman who has typically tried to grab centre-stage on “wimmin in football” is a self-publicist, a Quangocrat and in my view a nasty piece of work. I remember her a bit when she was running Merton Council – arrogant and self-opinionated.
OT, but as the Telegraph and BBC are now ideological BFFs worth sharing.
Christina Odone punted out one of those ‘woe is wimmin’ pieces over the weekend.
Didn’t and still isn’t going well.
From Sharon Shoesmith to Helen Boaden, The Labour Front Bench to Gordon’s placewomen in such as the CQC, it had been pointed out that sticking the inept in roles beyond competence for diversity reasons alone has had pretty dire consequences all round.
The week before in the Telegraph Judith Woods penned a piece saying men are lazy and need a good kick up the arse. Not untypical, either, of the Telegraph’s female writers. Is there ever any backlash? None.
The irony of the Scudamore case is the affront taken by women footballers themselves. This is a game where piss-taking is a nailed-on part of the culture – if you can’t take it, you won’t survive on the pitch or in the dressing room.
So….delicate little flowers or rabid feminists? Like racism, sexism is a one-way street. This apparent over-reaction to Scudamore’s private comments tell us all we need to know about where football is heading…
I dropped my wife off at work on Friday morning, and the Scudamore story was top of the items of discussion on 5live then. I picked her up from work at the end of her day, and it was still there then.
On Saturday morning, the BBC had managed to shake Heather Rabbats out of her torpor to make a comment, thereby giving the story fresh legs for the weekend. The phrase she used “he needs to consider his position” being the same as the one used by the guy in the news on Friday.
This morning, when there had been no new developments, Nicky Campbell had a phone-in on the subject, thereby provoking fresh energy for the start of the week.
He even asked whether the police should become more interested in this kind of “crime”…
As someone said, the BBC are really going after Scudamore, and lets not forget it is the third such instance (that I can recall) where the BBC have been involved heavily over someone’s private thoughts and musings (the 3 being Carole Thatcher, Jeremy Clarkson and now Scudamore).
It can only be time before someone goes after Campbell/ Drearyshire or someone of their ilk after all, no-one is whiter than white.
That is precisely what needs to be done. Clearlly, there will be plenty of dirt in the backgrounds of the BBC’s Chosen Ones, so it needs finding and disseminating. Sauce, goose, gander.
Of course, we then run into the problem of who does the disseminating. As we saw with the Hewitt/Harman paedophile scandal, and the Begntsson affair,the BBC uses its near-monopoly to squash stores that don’t suit its far Left ((for that is what it is) agenda.
Crikey…they’re still at it. Bea Campbell is now giving it some. She want’s his balls removed by the sounds of it.
Gameshow is stirring it, but warrifitwas about the holocaust? Well Gameshow, Scudamores e-mails weren’t about the holocaust. But the BBC seem to want to hang someone about something that they didn’t say (shades of Clarkson).
But all the left-wing slogans are coming out…we got to ‘check our privileges’…and when it comes to what females say about men, feminist Gameshow helpfully answers his own question, ‘It’s the power differential apparently’ – the left who set the rules, in their twisted world tell us – that this is ok…minorities can possibly be sexist, racist.
Is it any wonder that ordinary people are fed up at being ignored, not having their voice and at being manipulated by the rarefied elite activists in the BBC
“Is it any wonder that ordinary people are fed up at being ignored, not having their voice and at being manipulated by the rarefied elite activists in the BBC ”
Tuned into Gameshow this morning and out again after 10 mins (seemed like a lifetime). The airtime given over to the pro-sacking mobbing was astounding.
Not sure if it was mentioned by gameshow (or covered elsewhere here) but this is what the women who was referenced by Scudamore, Peta Bistany, had to say about the matter;
“It has been completely overblown.”
Asked if she was distressed about the contents of the emails, Mrs Bistany, 44, an Australian who lives in London said: “It’s so far from that I cannot tell you.”
Funny how the BBC and all other professional offence takers in the MSM are too busy seeking their pound of flesh than to bother giving much regard to her views.
“Every day, British authorities find new and creative ways to demonstrate their cluelessness and impotence. They’re confronted with a clandestine plot to take control of schools — a plot conducted by people with contempt for British society and law, and an aspiration to replace them with Islamic law. In response, they devise a voluntary code of conduct”
Halal samosa s all round (invented by Islam) in Salford HQ
in celebration, whilst perusing the required read.
… aloha snackbar?
“These madrasas where they are teaching the Koran, teaching hatred of Jews, Christianity, and the West—
your (“R Spencer”), argument is that they are not corrupting Islamic text, they are teaching actual text.
Spencer: They’re working from very clear Islamic text. Radical Muslims around the world call Jews “monkeys” and “pigs.” This comes from several very clear passages in the Koran that say Jews and Christians are under the curse of Allah, because of their disobedience and refusal to accept that Muhammad is a prophet…
God turned them into monkeys and pigs. The fact that this kind of hatred is so deeply rooted in core Islamic text makes it all the more difficult to eradicate”
Having avoided the s*ite that is BBc for a few days. It’s Monday morning and situation normal on breakfast. HOUSING MARKET !!!!!! Yes the mythical property bubble that only exists in London. More hysteria. However for once they do have a more than 1 sided article, well done BBc. Yes sensible bloke tells it as it really is in the North West were we are, the property price boom is not happening. Wish it was as I could move away from here. Still cheap journalism at it’s cheapest just keep banging on about the artificial property prices in London. I expect them to return to this issue again.
To be fair, Sky are just as bad… but why does no-one in MSM ever reflect upon the pernicious effect of stamp duty on the UK property market?
In 1997, when New Labour came to power the direction of travel was to eradicate stamp duty on property transactions completely following a gradual decline in stamp duty levels over some time.
Gordon came along and immediately started ratcheting it up to the point where it became more economic to do up the house rather than move. Effect? The supply side of the market declined contributing in part to a bubble, the results of which we all are aware of.
You won’t here any of this in the BBC or on MSM- it suits the narrative to talk lazily about housing bubbles etc
I posted a non complimentary comment on the hate not hope site yesterday in response to the plaid cymru leader Leanne Wood cosying up to them.
Was I being totally naiive in thinking it would get past their mods?
Such inclusiveness huh? A broad church, room for all?
Another soft interview for Miliband this morning. BBC employing usual tactic of asking the relevant questions but not properly following up. The one that stands out this morning was when he was asked about 62 Labour MPs employing people on zero hours contracts. Miliband unbelievable tried to get away with, ” I have not heard those reports”. There was a follow up question which he again side stepped and that was the end of it. Had Cameron been in that situation the whole of the interview would have been an aggressive battery of demands as to what he was going to do about it. As we have come to expect Miliband was given free reign to put forward a series of airy fairy, half backed ideas without being questioned on the substance.
“…tried to get away with, ” I have not heard those reports”. There was a follow up question which he again side stepped and that was the end of it.”
Given BBC senior management’s odd addiction to astounding uncuriosity and selective Alzheimer’s, it is likely professional courtesy and career concerns that see BBC employees work with the Labour leader to also help him navigate around such inconvenient, if actually newsworthy issues.
Where Miliband, E. was allowed meaningless waffle of the hopey changey variety with powder puff little challenges designed to allow party political broadcasts?
Spot on. Mind you, no more or less than what one would expect from bbbc. Had this been Nigel Farage it would have been a full on aggressive interview with the bbbc pundit almost answering for him. However, the longer that Milliband character stays as the labour leader the better as they cannot (should not) have a hope of winning any general election.
I see that the bbbc are still carrying a link on their front page to Ukip’s farage interview (now days and days old) where he dares to mention the Romanian question. This has been designated by the ‘meeja’ as a bad ukip moment……….I thought he did very well. It must be me and my decision making it could never be the bbbc trying to influence public opinion…..Could it?
But never underestimate the fact there is a large swathe of the British public – brainwashed over at least 3 decades by a left-wing education system – who now believe the government can and should sort out their problems for them, especially if it involves making the greedy, had-it-all baby boomers pay for it.
Returning to what is probably going to be a tragedy, let’s hope not. The missing yacht returning to Southampton. The criticism appears to be aimed at American rescue services. No mention of course that the Uk long range search and rescue assets. Remember Nimrod any one.
I sat through an hour and a half of Swedish misery Saturday night (Wallander) But the surprise ending was that the villains were not the Russians but the aweful murdering Americans. Just suited the BBC.
Sorry Fred, but I’d rather be sent to Guantanamo than watch a minute of that dismal tripe. It’s no wonder the Swedes are so prone to suicide if this is what they have to watch.
Of course, Swedish author, Henning Mankell, politically fits with Beeboid ideology: he’s leftist campaigner FOR mass immigration from Africa into Sweden, and he’s AGAINST all things Israel.
Mankell plays a key role in this:
‘Alien Invaders
Duration: 43 minutes
First broadcast:Monday 19 May 2014Anne McElvoy talks to the biologist Ken Thompson who dismisses attempts to control invasive species and questions the veracity of dividing plants and animals into ‘native’ and ‘alien’. However the Director of the Kew Innovation Unit Monique Simmonds warns that alien pests and diseases can have a devastating effect on much-loved plants, and that it’s vital to maintain and support diverse environments. The farmer John Lewis-Stempel records the passage of the seasons in his account of the life of an English meadow and he laments the decline of some of his favourite birds from his childhood. The woolly mammoth used to be native in Europe before it became extinct, and the palaeontologist Victoria Herridge confounds expectations by identifying the smallest mammoth ever known to have lived.’
How ironic that the BBC and the lefties see the importance of preserving native species while expelling the foreigners. It was of particular irony that the presenter said that once here they can be difficult to remove!
We only need look at how Grey Squirrels, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, and many other foreign species have forced out native species, to draw parallels with human activity.
BBC’ Radio 4 Today programme sports report ignored last night’s European Basketball Championship final in Milan . Is it because it was won by Israel’s Maccabi Tel Aviv ? Or am I just cynical!
BBC 5live – VD … V Drearybyshire
balanced UKIP news today
takes less than 1 minute
Farage has had to apologise!
don’t know about what … who cares
immigrants? erm Romanians?
smoking? … having a pint?
……………. off switch ………………..
In spite of all the BBC spin, I read the landslide vote in India as an omen – “let’s get rid of the corrupt old lot”. Let’s hope the same happens here on Thursday.
The weather forecast for Thursday in my neck of the woods is looking rather wet. I have a feeling that UKIP voters will be determined to get to the polls come hell or high water. Perhaps LabCon voters have a reduced incentive. Popcorn ready for Sunday.
I heard Nigel Farage once shook hands with Stuart Hall AND Jimmy Saville. I also heard but it could just be gossip that Nigel Farage as a copy of ‘Two-Little Boys’ by Rolph Harris and if you listen carefully to the words its actually a paedophile anthem.
” Have you ever wondered why it doesn’t really matter if Democrats or Republicans or Liberals or Conservatives are in power, the same policies, the same agenda’s are pursued ? That’s because they’re all members of the Council for Foreign Relations ( in Britain it’s the Royal Institute of International Affairs )
So that explains why Lib Lab Con are all for mass immigration, globalism and the EUSSR
Britain is, to all intents and purposes, a one party state. It may have three branches, that choose to operate under different names (Conservative, Labour, LibDem), but they all support globalism, multiculturalism, the EU, bogus environmentalism, hyper-immigration, war-mongering and a symbiotic relationship between big business and big government. Such differences as exist between them relate to time scales and levels of enthusiasm. The people who run them look alike and sound alike – spivs in suits with greased back hair and menopausal women with shrieky voices – and as are interchangeable as the characters in a soap opera. You know it and they know it, and now they are finding out that we know it. They do not want their cosy cartel of power threatened and will do anything to prevent it.
Michael Savage said on his radio programme the other week.
” Have you ever wondered why incompetent idiots become presidents and prime ministers ? they’re helped, they get selected and anointed by the Bilderberg Group and told what to do by the Tri Lateral Commission, they’re puppets !! ”
That explains Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama, one minute they’re a peanut farmer and a community worker, 6 months later they’re in the White House !!
Although I have serious issues with both Carter and Obama reducing them to peanut farmer and community worker like that is unfair.
Carter was in addition to being a farmer, a U.S. Naval officer, served two terms as a Georgia State Senator and one as the Governor of Georgia, from 1971 to 1975. Why all that experience and intelligence did not make a better president is a difficult question.
Obama was a lawyer and academic for much longer than he organised the community. He was also a three term state senator. The same question as Carter applies to him.
Obama was a part-time law lecturer, and he seldom acted in court. So no – he hardly ranks as a real lawyer in the way that Carter ranks as a real Navy officer and a real farmer.
In the State legislature he was not very active – and even less active when he got to Congress in Washington.
Even Obama’s “autobiographical” books were evidently ghosted.
he really was an empty suit – just a leftie community organiser mixed in with the dodgy side of Chicago politics. He was plucked from total obscurity.
Don’t forget Obama’s contribution to the sub-prime crisis:
‘Obama’s lawsuit was one element of a national “anti-redlining” campaign led by Chicago’s progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called “redlines” around African-American communities. The campaign was powered by progressives’ moral claim that their expertise could boost home ownership among the United States’ most disadvantaged minority, African-Americans.’
Obama as a lawyer sued banks for failing to lend to high risk blacks & Hispanics under the Community Reinvestment Act. As such his actions have had a direct consequence in the banking crisis.
Not the smartest move to have made.
Worse perhaps was the fact that Carter was the deluded president who introduced the CRA which caused the whole banking collapse in the first place.
Carter was a puzzle. A thoroughly decent man, still is. A Christian. Graduate in Physics. Yet a failure as President. He has however been possibly the greatest Ex-President with his good works. A bit of an enigma really.
Interesting piece.
I was impressed with this aspect especially: ‘I invite readers to follow the link (below) to today’s news Briefing’. At about 5.40 a.m., it quotes from my column item about UKIP… Now, please listen to the extract from my article which was broadcast, and ask yourselves if this is in any way an accurate reflection of what I wrote’
That seems pretty fair.
Sadly, at present, as so often seems the case with the BBC, and especially when things are not working out as they thought it would, the message I am currently offered is: ‘This content doesn’t seem to be working. Try again
You know what? I may just do that, as Mr. H’s kind invitation makes it seem worth perservering.
I wonder if it will turn out that it turns out to be a proper exercise of the BBC’s absolute duty of impartiality (specifically required by the Royal Charter which establishes the BBC and allows it to levy the licence fee) in matters of current controversy, and especially in party political matters, and even more especially party political matters during the weeks immediately before an election.
On past and current performance, I have my doubts it will.
Now that’s odd. The BBC prattled on about Farage and the Romanians again today – but no-one mentioned the Telegraph ad. I suppose their squads of producers and researchers must have missed it ?
Well they could argue that mentioning ads is akin to offering tacit support or at the very least the oxygen of publicity, but as always the BBC does seem to have variable levels of interest and analysis, depending on who is saying what that they like, don’t like… and the state of alliances that day.
Remember when the BBC was not so united with the government on the topic of immigration?
Oddly, they also have a strange relationship with Labour’s ventures into the party political arena.
On safer ground a Labour poster or TVC can see every slot from Today to the Newsnight slipway hosting a minister urged to explain what the message means.
Except recently, when such wall to wall complementary PR was noticeable by its absence when Labour rather failed to deliver in print or broadcast:
HuffoPo is not exactly a hostile medium traditionally (I should add that Andrew Neil does get a h/t for a challenge on a niche BBC programme).
Well, if Ed Miliband can fail to have noticed a story about 62 Labour MPs operating zero-hours contracts, one can begin to understand how they might have missed it.
It was a big mistake taking out that add. Never apologise to the left once you do they are like a dog with a bone they will keep on at you until you crack. Where is Tommy Robinson ex EDL leader now he’s been turned? Not a peep from him of those who used to pursue him.
I’ll be voting UKIP, according to the Media Industrial Complex that makes me a member of the Waffen SS, if that’s the case then so be it, Sieg Heil everyone !!
All the arguments are usually about the economic effects of leaving the EU. My argument is on the political view; why stay in the EU if I could never live with the political consequences. I heard an interview with EU officials about the long term political project; a subject rarely talked about. The long term EU project is a EU superstate, with regions (e.g. se england) voting in representatives along Party/affiliates lines. No national identity, no voting for an MP, all on a proportionate basis. As I will not accept this, my argument is ‘lets leave the EU now’.
Conservative candidate: “But don’t you think it disgraceful what Farage said about not wanting Romanians living next door?” Me: “Do you want them living next door to you?”. Conservative candidate: “Yes, of course!”. Me: “What about Somalian warlords? Or Vietnamese cannabis farmers? Or Jamaican Yardies? Do you want them living next to you, too?”. A slight pause. Conservative candidate (sheepishly): “No, you’ve got a point there… But can I count on your vote?”. Me: “No, I’m voting UKIP”. Conservative candidate: “Everyone keeps telling me that!”
Well I said I hoped this was not a spoof, but the seems to be ok but the police use Assuming the pdf is legitimate, then whoever compiled the data was having a very poor laugh. e.g. German East Africa ceased to exist in 1919. I have severe doubts over the dodgy individuals from Christmas and Pitcairn Islands. My funny bone has not been tickled.
Sorry couldn t leave it ….
5Live V Drearybyshire UKIP/Farage apology.
Trumpeting and continuous, contacted communities spokeswoman from UKIP, with less than 10mins to airtime
… won t play the game.
5Live tries the usual set up, “ok then thank you and goodnight”, only to … immediately, enter stage right a fully “genned” up LibDem.
However … in Arnie, “I ll be back” fashion, UKIP return
to rubbish the Cleggaclone – job done …
Actually it is an interesting listen
no link yet.
Regarding James O’Brien’s train full of foreigners speaking in different tongues, I thought this clip would be apt, Paul Whitehouse from Harry Endfield’s show. I like the bit when he speaks swahili.
Heads up, Whine has the topic of Romanian neighbours on his show today. I’m sure we’ll be told just what wonderful neighbours they make and I bet he won’t miss the opportunity to replay ‘selected’ parts of the interview….
BBC-NUJ: keeping quiet, at present, about its (and U.K political class’s) campaign to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, and so speed up the Islamisation of Europe.
New book, available here for free, courtesy of ‘Civitas’:-
Wasn’t there a story several years ago about the havoc caused by dumping 70 young Kurdish men on a village – near Newbury, I think?
If memory serves, it was widely accepted that this had been a Bad Thing.
I understand that Farage’s argument was about houses full of Romanian men, not nice families. Houses full of young men are often a Bad Thing, regardless of where they come from. More manufactured outrage.
How very dare Nigel Farage suggest there is a high incidence of criminality among Romanians ? That’s gotta be racist ! This report from Dublin indicates similar vrime levels to London – but that is no excuse for Farage and UKIP. Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes – believe James O’Brian and his ilk :
And what race exactly are the vast majority of Rumanians? I think Farage has made his first mistake by apologising. He should have rejected the whole notion of “racism” and the rest of the playground insults bandied about by the left/liberal elite. Besides, this elite, comfortably ensconced in the leafy suburbs, are complete hypocrites in that they are never personally affected by mass immigration.
No wonder they fail when you see this Lib/Lab/Con weekly tally for example:
SEVENTEEN LibDem,Labour,Tory Councillors have been either ARRESTED, CHARGED, or CONVICTED of Crimes and Offences – Just in the last week alone!!
Why are these cases NOT on BBC News, Sky News, Newspaper headlines . . . .
Here is something that you won’t see on the BBC, Sky News or any of the front national newspapers.
Since Monday this week, there have been 17 Lib/Lab/Con councillors arrested, charged or convicted of offences including perverting the course of justice, child pornography, firearms and electoral fraud. In the same period, a further 13 have been involved in racism, sexism or homophobic scandals. Only 1 – Lord Hanningfield – has featured in the national media.
If any of them would have been UKIP, they would have made the news.
Take a look, and see how many of these you can spot in the national media!
Tories – 2 on firearms offences, 1 for falsely claiming to be a barrister, 1 drink driving ban, 1 disqualified for benefits fraud, 1 cronyism over pub license breach, 1 accused of sexist remarks
Labour – 1 banned from office for bullying, 1 cronyism delaying prosecution for benefits fraud, 1 electoral fraud allegation, 5 resignations over racism claims, 2 resignations over homophobia claims, 1 facing investigation into homophobic remarks
Across Europe, anti-Muslim parties are gaining electoral strength. They are often described as anti-immigration parties but in truth they have little complaint about immigrants other than Muslim immigrants.
What mostly passes for “debate” about multiculturalism is really the psychology of paranoia as a political style. That is why opinion polls on these issues are often self-contradictory. People will say they think there should be fewer migrants from Asia, but that the policy should be non-discriminatory. Or people might say that everybody should speak English, but then denounce funding for multiculturalism when its chief expenditure is to teach migrants English.
…and in order to introduce the item V Derbyshire had to read out the Farage letter from the Telegraph today. Therefore broadcasting exactly what Farage wants people to hear on his attitude to uncontrolled immigration from Romania. They then hear V Derbyshire attempting a blatant hatchet job on Suzanne Evans who had been given nil,notice of the interview – which merely confirms Farage’s other point, that the media are ganging up on UKIP.
Agreed Suzanne did that thing that the liberal media hate and that’s tell it like it is and V.D. (what were her parents thinking?) on Five-Lies was left sounding stupid.
Strangelky enough, not gettting the Clarkson/Scudamore treatment:
A BBC journalist was filmed giving a Nazi salute and goose stepping while filming a documentary about anti-Semitic football fans in Poland and Ukraine.
Chris Rogers was caught marching with one finger under his nose, as crew reportedly looked on.
The BBC Panorama documentary Euro 2012: Stadiums of Hate, was filmed two years ago ahead of the tournament in Poland and Ukraine – but details of the gaffe have only just come to light.
‘We took the appropriate action at the time – two years ago – and now regard the matter as closed. ‘No public flogging for the Beeboids, and no agonised phone ins with Gameshow for this guy.
It’s good to be an insider.
And then there’s this for the bulging ‘If Nigel Farage Had Done This’ File…
Jonathan Ornstein, executive director of the Jewish Community Centre of Krakow, gave an interview for the Panorama programme, and said he had been ‘exploited’ during the hour-long talk with the corporation as it ‘completely disregarded anything positive said and aired only comments critical of Poland’.And how over the top did the BBC go?
This far:
Footage from the documentary showing anti-Semitic chants and racist monkey noises aimed at Black football players prompted former England captain Sol Campbell to warn fans not to travel to Poland and Ukraine otherwise ‘you could end up coming back in a coffin.’
But only in the sense that the BBC could produce an unbiased program: don’t bet on it.
I suspect James O’Brien and the rest of the metropolitan cocktail party elite don’t use public transport. It can be very dangerous traveling on a London bus, you could get strangled by a, err, um, black fellow for no apparent reason !!
No apparent reason? Surely it is a perfectly understandable response to centuries of slavery and oppression. Until slavery is ended throughout the British Empire, until apartheid is destroyed in South Africa, until a black man can even become president in the United States these events will take place. Indeed, we should welcome them as sensitive assertions of growing black consciousness.
i have a theory about what is going on in ukip,you know the edl have always complained and caught out far left activists that have infiltrate there demos making nazi salutes and racist comments to discredit them,well this is exactly what is happening to ukip,ukip are a new fledgling party where anybody including me or you could stand as a candidate in the euro elections without background checks,i am convinced that ukip have been infiltrated by far left activists who are standing as there candidates and making deliberate racist comments to smear ukip hence these never ending media storys about there candidates making racist or zenophobic statements,this is dirty politics by the hard left and the labour party who are trying to discredit ukip by posing as ukip members and candidates in the euro elections,that i am convinced of now, this is one big dirty tricks campaign by the far left and there mates in the labour party and yes the bbc and there anti ukip presenters,as for lbcs own fidel castro james o brien,well what more can i say about this jumped up privately educated middle class marxist/communist agitator,thats that.
From the FaceBook feed of that bastion of impartial jounalism, ‘The Today Programme’: ‘Miliband: Labour to ‘tackle low pay’ It is a “terrible scandal” that 5 million people in the UK are in low-paid work, Ed Miliband says.
He speaks to Sarah Montague, describing a rise to the minimum as “essential”.
Cripes, a saviour has risen.
But one can see why the BBC doesn’t like interactivity out of its control on its own site. The comments are not kind.
I think this one is the best (so far) in summary: Geoff Wade I wasn’t saying I agree or disagree with the policy itself. But I certainly question the impartiality of this newsfeed item, particularly with the imminent elections coming up. Will be interesting to see if the press releases from the Tory, UKIP, Liberal and Green (etc) parties getting similar treatment this week? I also await The Today Programme’s response to my original comment.
Sadly for Mr. Wade, the BBC’s finest only hold to account and don’t get held, so his and others’ legitimate questions may well remain unanswered.
Moving quickly on….
I passed the link posted here earlier about Peter Hitchens being grossly misquoted by the BBC to Breitbart London – they have now published a strong piece on it. Who knows – the Clinton techniques of instant-response might shut the BBC up a little bit in these closing days. But I doubt it.
Great new UKIP poster. I expect the BBC will sniff about the stats on laws passed in Europe – but they cannot evade the thrust of this strong advertising.
Has anyone see any strong posters for other parties ? This UKIP string of ads reminds me of the Saatchi brothers in 1979, highly effective and aggressive.
Maybe this is what a lot of people are liking about UKIP. They don’t waffle, they are direct and punch hard – but polite and humorous Farage and people like Suzanne Evans make them appear perfectly reasonable to be angry about what has been happening to Britain.
..and no mention of Lennart Bengtsson being forced out of the cosy climate consensus on the Beeb yet but their website leads in it’s science section on Antarctic ice mel,t which is also getting airtime this afternoon on R5Live.
‘Amazingly enough and considering how the press manufactured headlines about sea level rise increases being determined from these studies neither of the studies addresses or make any claims about the impact of their research results on specific future sea level rise projections.
In fact GLC study mentions nothing specific about future sea level rise projections while the Science study clearly notes that their research models “are not coupled to a global climate model to provide forcing nor do they include an ice-shelf cavity-circulation model to derive melt rates. Few if any such fully coupled models presently exist (13). As such, our simulations do not constitute a projection of future sea level in response to projected climate forcing.”
As sure as eggs are eggs this racial slur is not now going to go away. You can bet your bottom dollar when Local Authorities and the Police really do have to face this widespread Romanian criminality issue head on, as surely they will like any other cancer, this current denial of the problem will be thrown back at the current accusers.
Getting sick of this Anti-Farage bit by the bBC. In a nutshell he said he wouldn’t like to have a house full of Romanian men next door to him. You know what, ask anybody who works at the bBC (or any Labour MP) if they would like to comment on the subject. I’m pretty sure they would all reply likewise. Then ask if they would like the men to be :
or any other nationality and i’m pretty sure that most middle aged men (and Women) , with young families would say the same. In fact it would be a good candid camera spot, stitch up MPs, by pretending to move in a load of Romanians into the house next door. Bet you there would be a load of bitching.
I caught a bad dose of VD this morning. Sir Paul Coleridge was presenting the data in favour of marriage – better for health, finances, children’s future, etc – while Victoria insisted on the RIGHT of every chav to have as many ‘partners’ as s/he liked, with fatherless ‘families’ whose children should be looked after by my taxes.
Standard Radio 5 fodder.
Just saw BBC News at Six take apart Farage and the BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson doesn’t make any attempt to be impartial. He ends his article about UKIP “…nobody likes us and we don’t care.” Extraordinary statement. He’ll look like a nob when he finds out on Sunday morning that a large swathe of the British electorate DO like UKIP.
Robinson is the disgrace.
I’m sending UKIP some cash because the bastard establishment truly loathes the voting public and it seeps out of every pore when they have their backs up against the wall.
Yes-the more they pop at UKIP , the more the votes they`ll be getting.
Don`t the liberal elite yet know how much we hate them-and if UKIP are their enemy,then they`re the saving friends of any clued-up British person.
To vote for the traitor parties (who`ve been all we`ve been offered so far) is as stupid as a black slave of old voting for mas`sa and the plantation overseers-lest we get worse.
Muck out the barn-vote UKIP!
The media aren’t totally stupid so they must realise how many readers they’re alienating with the constant attacks on UKIP. I’ve started to wonder whether they have done a deal with the Westminster parties – remorseless attacks on UKIP in return for concessions on Leveson.
Check out this young broadcast journalist who works on the BBC’s user generated content & social media hub. I would reproduce some of his tweets and retweets but today’s alone (celebrating Malcolm X’s birthday) would fill the page:
I see former BBC employee Stephanie Flanders is being paid a big juicy fee to present a documentary, tonight on BBC2, about Polio. Presumably because her famous father was uniquely affected by it and the BBC couldn’t find a current BBC employee, with a Polio-afflicted relative, to present the documentary.
Only saw the second half of it, but it was pretty good to be fair to her.
Hope the fee was not a scandal, because it was actually as good a show as I`ve seen on the BBC lately.
No slagging off of the private sector, big pharma…and no mention of Pfizer either.
No UKIP or polio linked to global warming either!…
If only the BBC would stick to this kind of thing-but they can`t help themselves.
I see the bbbc news website are STILL carrying ‘Farage defends Romanian comments’ on the first page. How old is this now? (And, don’t forget this really is a non news item anyway – especially having seen the met police crime statistics on the FOI request above)
I cannot think of anything redeemable about the (almost) entire bbbc productions output. Their comedy can only be left wing, HIGNFY is just a waste of time, the people who choose the news agenda need to be removed. They are so skewed that they seem incapable of just delivering an impartial, newsworthy report in a fair and just and equivocal manner. It is just beyond them.
I hope when we do see UKIP’s election manifesto they include a ‘ removal of TV licence fee’ clause. Surely, this will guarantee them a landslide victory…….
Nigel Farage was asked about BBC coverage and bias on his visit to Hove last Summer. His answer was very revealing about the corporation needing radical reform and changes required.
Historically, INBBC was slow to report, over the years, the true extent and depth of Islamic jihadist imam, Abu Hamza’s deadly threat to British people.
“Hate preacher Abu Hamza found guilty in US court of helping Al-Qaeda terrorists”
As I’ve said previously does the weather forecast have to come from live from Wimbledon/ Flower show / whateve. Instead of the studio. In the Civil service we had to book hotels through central booking pay up front and finally got refunded months later. Rooms were more like £40 a night. Nice work if you can get it. I won’t the BBc know who i am.
Don`t forget all the “Guests” & journo`s constantly “bussed” up to Manchester for “Breakfast ” & 5 `dead` interviews , the Holiday Inns in the area, must be booming .
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
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andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
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Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
Anyone care to place a bet on whether or not we have a classic ‘get Farage!’ moment this EU Election week from our nation’s state broadcaster or one of its many comrades in the ‘meeja’..?
One last push, comrades, before the votes are cast..? One last attempt to subvert the democratic process via rumour, lies and innuendo?
Or perhaps the hateful Corporation will ‘go dark’ on UKIP in a last-ditch attempt to pretend the greatest threat to their cosy, self-serving political clique doesn’t really matter..?
A most interesting week ahead…
The Today prog. had another dig at Farage and his comments on Romanians this morning, at about 7.30am. Warmed-over porridge from our cutting-edge reporters. Still describing the O’Brien interview as bad for Farage – it probably won another 100,000 votes or more for UKIP.
Just watched the 6 O’clock news. The Romanian comment saga drags on. They even showed a Romanian woman working behind a bar, just the kind of job Brits can’t do I suspect. Hang on didn’t my ex work doing that.. Still bar work that must be flooding the treasury with tax income more than enough to pay for public services…the NHS…etc etc. Dissapointingly no politican of any kind has come knock knocking on my door:-( so far.
S`pose there`s no chance of a mass employing of Romanias finest in their canteens, cleaning bays and the car pool.
And ensure that those credit cards that BBC staff get are put through ATMS linked to the Bucharest Credit Union.
That would all surely get the BBC shut down at last-and relatively cheaply and quickly.
Vote UKIP-and if a Ceausescu would like Pattens job, then I`ll be happy to vote for that as well.
BBC-NUJ is as anti-UKIP as ‘Express’ is pro-UKIP-
“European elections are almost here –
and Ukip are threatening to rewrite the electoral map”
By Macer Hall.
I have heard rumours that the Times has a major scoop waiting for Wednesday. There’s no doubt that the “sleepers” standing for UKIP and the UAF, HmH imposters will break cover this week and unleash a torrent of unsavioury publicity designed to cause maximum embarrasment.
I am still voting UKIP.
I think Farage and UKIP will try to pre-empt it by announcing on Wednesday that they have heard of a whole set of dirty tricks about to be exploded.
And as you suggest – an awful lot of voters are getting more and more determined to vote UKIP the more the attacks continue.
Yes, I’ve been waiting for the napalm to be deployed. Wednesday has always been D-Day, so let’s see what the desperate come up with…
I here that there will be eight pages of lies about UKIP policy in Wednesday’s Daily Mirror, based on extrapolations from policies announced in the last manifesto.
Even in spite of the fact that UKIP’s 2010 manifesto has been abandoned and their next one is not written yet, (same as all parties who also abandoned their manifestos within hours of the polls closing in 2010.
They are dishonestly extrapolating getting out of the EU to mean scrapping every law and protection which any EU regulation, rule or directive provides us.
It is pure fearmongering lies. As we have come to expect from the lying liars in the deeply corrupt mainstream media.
Meanwhile, the list of tory, labour and lib-dem MPs, candidates of one stripe or another, and councillors who have been arrested or charged or convicted of fraud, rape, assault of some kind (including their favourite ‘racist’), or kiddie fiddling is nowhere to be seen in tomorrow’s papers.
Well those lies are ok in the Mirror, cos only a few thousand socialist chavs ,& dimwitts read it .
Good if long Dutch Documentary about the evils of Europe.
Well you’ve got the Mail giving space to the founder of UKIP, Alan Sked. He’s claiming that Mr Farage used the ‘N’ word back 1997. There’s no recording, or witnesses to this, it comes down to who you believe.
Considering Professor Sked now works for the LSE, I don’t consider his word to be worth much. Dredging up an alleged incident from 17 years ago really is clutching at straws in my opinion. Ed Balls once dressed as a Nazi, and there’s photo evidence of that, but it’s never used to attack him.
Balkan Floods?
Missing Yachtsmens (sorry yachtspeople)?
European Elections?
Which of these will be today’s lead story on Five Live? Err, none of them… It’s Richard Scudamore day.
The BBC are really going for this bloke. He might have been stupid but the illiberal liberal activists in Salford are in a state of high dudgeon – an apology is not acceptable to the BBC. He must be executed.
It’s only 7:30ish and already the BBC have wheeled out halve a dozen hand wringers, (conflating the story with another involving race – football being run by old white men). Labour’s Shadow Sports Minister has now made an appearance in the last half hour – there is always an open door for labour.
Meanwhile, a left leaning senior BBC journalist is allowed to get away with tweeting that a Tory minister is ‘thick’ but of course in the hypocritical world that is New Broadcasting House she is allowed, without censure, to have her views that are ‘her own’…no such accommodation is made for Scudamore’s private e-mails.
Once again the BBC are attempting to impose their view of the world on the rest of us.
Deeply, deeply troubling.
The pitchfork and firebrand sales around w1a must be at record levels. Is there no one the mob doesn’t want fired?
It’s an odd obsession, because even the dimmest bulb there must surely by now have twigged the Pastor Neimoller consequences karma is already allowing to catch up with those perhaps not expecting to be victims of the ferret sack culture there.
Precedents are often hard to restrain or unset.
I mentioned many days ago that Heather Rabbatts, the woman who has typically tried to grab centre-stage on “wimmin in football” is a self-publicist, a Quangocrat and in my view a nasty piece of work. I remember her a bit when she was running Merton Council – arrogant and self-opinionated.
OT, but as the Telegraph and BBC are now ideological BFFs worth sharing.
Christina Odone punted out one of those ‘woe is wimmin’ pieces over the weekend.
Didn’t and still isn’t going well.
From Sharon Shoesmith to Helen Boaden, The Labour Front Bench to Gordon’s placewomen in such as the CQC, it had been pointed out that sticking the inept in roles beyond competence for diversity reasons alone has had pretty dire consequences all round.
The week before in the Telegraph Judith Woods penned a piece saying men are lazy and need a good kick up the arse. Not untypical, either, of the Telegraph’s female writers. Is there ever any backlash? None.
The irony of the Scudamore case is the affront taken by women footballers themselves. This is a game where piss-taking is a nailed-on part of the culture – if you can’t take it, you won’t survive on the pitch or in the dressing room.
So….delicate little flowers or rabid feminists? Like racism, sexism is a one-way street. This apparent over-reaction to Scudamore’s private comments tell us all we need to know about where football is heading…
I dropped my wife off at work on Friday morning, and the Scudamore story was top of the items of discussion on 5live then. I picked her up from work at the end of her day, and it was still there then.
On Saturday morning, the BBC had managed to shake Heather Rabbats out of her torpor to make a comment, thereby giving the story fresh legs for the weekend. The phrase she used “he needs to consider his position” being the same as the one used by the guy in the news on Friday.
This morning, when there had been no new developments, Nicky Campbell had a phone-in on the subject, thereby provoking fresh energy for the start of the week.
He even asked whether the police should become more interested in this kind of “crime”…
As someone said, the BBC are really going after Scudamore, and lets not forget it is the third such instance (that I can recall) where the BBC have been involved heavily over someone’s private thoughts and musings (the 3 being Carole Thatcher, Jeremy Clarkson and now Scudamore).
It can only be time before someone goes after Campbell/ Drearyshire or someone of their ilk after all, no-one is whiter than white.
That is precisely what needs to be done. Clearlly, there will be plenty of dirt in the backgrounds of the BBC’s Chosen Ones, so it needs finding and disseminating. Sauce, goose, gander.
Of course, we then run into the problem of who does the disseminating. As we saw with the Hewitt/Harman paedophile scandal, and the Begntsson affair,the BBC uses its near-monopoly to squash stores that don’t suit its far Left ((for that is what it is) agenda.
Typo – sorry – Bengtsson.
heard on bBC1pm news
“The increasing popularity of womens football in the UK”
more bollocks.
Fewer, actually.
Increasing popularity of womens football-on BBc Breakfast. They just missed the last 3 words.
Crikey…they’re still at it. Bea Campbell is now giving it some. She want’s his balls removed by the sounds of it.
Gameshow is stirring it, but warrifitwas about the holocaust? Well Gameshow, Scudamores e-mails weren’t about the holocaust. But the BBC seem to want to hang someone about something that they didn’t say (shades of Clarkson).
But all the left-wing slogans are coming out…we got to ‘check our privileges’…and when it comes to what females say about men, feminist Gameshow helpfully answers his own question, ‘It’s the power differential apparently’ – the left who set the rules, in their twisted world tell us – that this is ok…minorities can possibly be sexist, racist.
Is it any wonder that ordinary people are fed up at being ignored, not having their voice and at being manipulated by the rarefied elite activists in the BBC
“Is it any wonder that ordinary people are fed up at being ignored, not having their voice and at being manipulated by the rarefied elite activists in the BBC ”
And are turning to UKIP in their millions.
Tuned into Gameshow this morning and out again after 10 mins (seemed like a lifetime). The airtime given over to the pro-sacking mobbing was astounding.
Not sure if it was mentioned by gameshow (or covered elsewhere here) but this is what the women who was referenced by Scudamore, Peta Bistany, had to say about the matter;
“It has been completely overblown.”
Asked if she was distressed about the contents of the emails, Mrs Bistany, 44, an Australian who lives in London said: “It’s so far from that I cannot tell you.”
Funny how the BBC and all other professional offence takers in the MSM are too busy seeking their pound of flesh than to bother giving much regard to her views.
The BBC – wankers of the highest order.
Oh, and Vote UKIP
“Every day, British authorities find new and creative ways to demonstrate their cluelessness and impotence. They’re confronted with a clandestine plot to take control of schools — a plot conducted by people with contempt for British society and law, and an aspiration to replace them with Islamic law. In response, they devise a voluntary code of conduct”
Halal samosa s all round (invented by Islam) in Salford HQ
in celebration, whilst perusing the required read.
… aloha snackbar?
Time for a BBC re run?
Madrassas modernise to meet needs of British Muslims
erm … Trojan Horse anybody?
… Islam IS the Trojan Horse
The above reports don’t get a reference on INBBC’s ‘Education & Family’ on-line pages.
“These madrasas where they are teaching the Koran, teaching hatred of Jews, Christianity, and the West—
your (“R Spencer”), argument is that they are not corrupting Islamic text, they are teaching actual text.
Spencer: They’re working from very clear Islamic text. Radical Muslims around the world call Jews “monkeys” and “pigs.” This comes from several very clear passages in the Koran that say Jews and Christians are under the curse of Allah, because of their disobedience and refusal to accept that Muhammad is a prophet…
God turned them into monkeys and pigs. The fact that this kind of hatred is so deeply rooted in core Islamic text makes it all the more difficult to eradicate”
Having avoided the s*ite that is BBc for a few days. It’s Monday morning and situation normal on breakfast. HOUSING MARKET !!!!!! Yes the mythical property bubble that only exists in London. More hysteria. However for once they do have a more than 1 sided article, well done BBc. Yes sensible bloke tells it as it really is in the North West were we are, the property price boom is not happening. Wish it was as I could move away from here. Still cheap journalism at it’s cheapest just keep banging on about the artificial property prices in London. I expect them to return to this issue again.
To be fair, Sky are just as bad… but why does no-one in MSM ever reflect upon the pernicious effect of stamp duty on the UK property market?
In 1997, when New Labour came to power the direction of travel was to eradicate stamp duty on property transactions completely following a gradual decline in stamp duty levels over some time.
Gordon came along and immediately started ratcheting it up to the point where it became more economic to do up the house rather than move. Effect? The supply side of the market declined contributing in part to a bubble, the results of which we all are aware of.
You won’t here any of this in the BBC or on MSM- it suits the narrative to talk lazily about housing bubbles etc
It is spelt shite not s*ite .
I posted a non complimentary comment on the hate not hope site yesterday in response to the plaid cymru leader Leanne Wood cosying up to them.
Was I being totally naiive in thinking it would get past their mods?
Such inclusiveness huh? A broad church, room for all?
Nice try anyway.
Another soft interview for Miliband this morning. BBC employing usual tactic of asking the relevant questions but not properly following up. The one that stands out this morning was when he was asked about 62 Labour MPs employing people on zero hours contracts. Miliband unbelievable tried to get away with, ” I have not heard those reports”. There was a follow up question which he again side stepped and that was the end of it. Had Cameron been in that situation the whole of the interview would have been an aggressive battery of demands as to what he was going to do about it. As we have come to expect Miliband was given free reign to put forward a series of airy fairy, half backed ideas without being questioned on the substance.
but he still sounded like a naive idiot
“…tried to get away with, ” I have not heard those reports”. There was a follow up question which he again side stepped and that was the end of it.”
Given BBC senior management’s odd addiction to astounding uncuriosity and selective Alzheimer’s, it is likely professional courtesy and career concerns that see BBC employees work with the Labour leader to also help him navigate around such inconvenient, if actually newsworthy issues.
This is the Today interview, I presume.
Where Miliband, E. was allowed meaningless waffle of the hopey changey variety with powder puff little challenges designed to allow party political broadcasts?
I doubt he inspired anybody.
Spot on. Mind you, no more or less than what one would expect from bbbc. Had this been Nigel Farage it would have been a full on aggressive interview with the bbbc pundit almost answering for him. However, the longer that Milliband character stays as the labour leader the better as they cannot (should not) have a hope of winning any general election.
I see that the bbbc are still carrying a link on their front page to Ukip’s farage interview (now days and days old) where he dares to mention the Romanian question. This has been designated by the ‘meeja’ as a bad ukip moment……….I thought he did very well. It must be me and my decision making it could never be the bbbc trying to influence public opinion…..Could it?
But never underestimate the fact there is a large swathe of the British public – brainwashed over at least 3 decades by a left-wing education system – who now believe the government can and should sort out their problems for them, especially if it involves making the greedy, had-it-all baby boomers pay for it.
Miliband is the answer to their prayers.
very few interuptions – and when they came they were quiet and unhectoring. Will the other leaders be treated similarly this week?
Returning to what is probably going to be a tragedy, let’s hope not. The missing yacht returning to Southampton. The criticism appears to be aimed at American rescue services. No mention of course that the Uk long range search and rescue assets. Remember Nimrod any one.
I sat through an hour and a half of Swedish misery Saturday night (Wallander) But the surprise ending was that the villains were not the Russians but the aweful murdering Americans. Just suited the BBC.
Sorry Fred, but I’d rather be sent to Guantanamo than watch a minute of that dismal tripe. It’s no wonder the Swedes are so prone to suicide if this is what they have to watch.
Of course, Swedish author, Henning Mankell, politically fits with Beeboid ideology: he’s leftist campaigner FOR mass immigration from Africa into Sweden, and he’s AGAINST all things Israel.
Mankell plays a key role in this:
“Henning Mankell, and the audacity of evil”
Radio 4 Start the week:
‘Alien Invaders
Duration: 43 minutes
First broadcast:Monday 19 May 2014Anne McElvoy talks to the biologist Ken Thompson who dismisses attempts to control invasive species and questions the veracity of dividing plants and animals into ‘native’ and ‘alien’. However the Director of the Kew Innovation Unit Monique Simmonds warns that alien pests and diseases can have a devastating effect on much-loved plants, and that it’s vital to maintain and support diverse environments. The farmer John Lewis-Stempel records the passage of the seasons in his account of the life of an English meadow and he laments the decline of some of his favourite birds from his childhood. The woolly mammoth used to be native in Europe before it became extinct, and the palaeontologist Victoria Herridge confounds expectations by identifying the smallest mammoth ever known to have lived.’
How ironic that the BBC and the lefties see the importance of preserving native species while expelling the foreigners. It was of particular irony that the presenter said that once here they can be difficult to remove!
We only need look at how Grey Squirrels, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, and many other foreign species have forced out native species, to draw parallels with human activity.
BBC’ Radio 4 Today programme sports report ignored last night’s European Basketball Championship final in Milan . Is it because it was won by Israel’s Maccabi Tel Aviv ? Or am I just cynical!
BBC 5live – VD … V Drearybyshire
balanced UKIP news today
takes less than 1 minute
Farage has had to apologise!
don’t know about what … who cares
immigrants? erm Romanians?
smoking? … having a pint?
……………. off switch ………………..
I wonder what the headlines in the media will be this week ?
Nigel Farage worships Satan
Nigel Farage eats babies for breakfast
Vote UKIP and expect volcanoes, earthquakes etc etc
In spite of all the BBC spin, I read the landslide vote in India as an omen – “let’s get rid of the corrupt old lot”. Let’s hope the same happens here on Thursday.
The weather forecast for Thursday in my neck of the woods is looking rather wet. I have a feeling that UKIP voters will be determined to get to the polls come hell or high water. Perhaps LabCon voters have a reduced incentive. Popcorn ready for Sunday.
I heard Nigel Farage once shook hands with Stuart Hall AND Jimmy Saville. I also heard but it could just be gossip that Nigel Farage as a copy of ‘Two-Little Boys’ by Rolph Harris and if you listen carefully to the words its actually a paedophile anthem.
Barry Goldwater wrote this in his autobiography.
” Have you ever wondered why it doesn’t really matter if Democrats or Republicans or Liberals or Conservatives are in power, the same policies, the same agenda’s are pursued ? That’s because they’re all members of the Council for Foreign Relations ( in Britain it’s the Royal Institute of International Affairs )
So that explains why Lib Lab Con are all for mass immigration, globalism and the EUSSR
Britain is, to all intents and purposes, a one party state. It may have three branches, that choose to operate under different names (Conservative, Labour, LibDem), but they all support globalism, multiculturalism, the EU, bogus environmentalism, hyper-immigration, war-mongering and a symbiotic relationship between big business and big government. Such differences as exist between them relate to time scales and levels of enthusiasm. The people who run them look alike and sound alike – spivs in suits with greased back hair and menopausal women with shrieky voices – and as are interchangeable as the characters in a soap opera. You know it and they know it, and now they are finding out that we know it. They do not want their cosy cartel of power threatened and will do anything to prevent it.
Michael Savage said on his radio programme the other week.
” Have you ever wondered why incompetent idiots become presidents and prime ministers ? they’re helped, they get selected and anointed by the Bilderberg Group and told what to do by the Tri Lateral Commission, they’re puppets !! ”
That explains Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama, one minute they’re a peanut farmer and a community worker, 6 months later they’re in the White House !!
Although I have serious issues with both Carter and Obama reducing them to peanut farmer and community worker like that is unfair.
Carter was in addition to being a farmer, a U.S. Naval officer, served two terms as a Georgia State Senator and one as the Governor of Georgia, from 1971 to 1975. Why all that experience and intelligence did not make a better president is a difficult question.
Obama was a lawyer and academic for much longer than he organised the community. He was also a three term state senator. The same question as Carter applies to him.
Obama was a part-time law lecturer, and he seldom acted in court. So no – he hardly ranks as a real lawyer in the way that Carter ranks as a real Navy officer and a real farmer.
In the State legislature he was not very active – and even less active when he got to Congress in Washington.
Even Obama’s “autobiographical” books were evidently ghosted.
he really was an empty suit – just a leftie community organiser mixed in with the dodgy side of Chicago politics. He was plucked from total obscurity.
Don’t forget Obama’s contribution to the sub-prime crisis:
‘Obama’s lawsuit was one element of a national “anti-redlining” campaign led by Chicago’s progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called “redlines” around African-American communities. The campaign was powered by progressives’ moral claim that their expertise could boost home ownership among the United States’ most disadvantaged minority, African-Americans.’
Obama as a lawyer sued banks for failing to lend to high risk blacks & Hispanics under the Community Reinvestment Act. As such his actions have had a direct consequence in the banking crisis.
Not the smartest move to have made.
Worse perhaps was the fact that Carter was the deluded president who introduced the CRA which caused the whole banking collapse in the first place.
Carter was a puzzle. A thoroughly decent man, still is. A Christian. Graduate in Physics. Yet a failure as President. He has however been possibly the greatest Ex-President with his good works. A bit of an enigma really.
An alternative description would be: Raving anti-semite.
BT have announced 1600 new jobs to accelerate the roll out fibre across the country.
Do you think that the BBC will show any interest in this GOOD news?
Nothing at the moment. Lets wait and see.
BT are planning Job losses
How very dare they!
Wouldn’t have happened when they were in public ownership.
But then again, nor would your new telephone line (well ok, it would – eventually….)
Farage fighting back with an ad in the Telegraph.
………….”please can we have our country back ?”
Peter Hitchens points out a pretty blatant piece of misrepresentation and bias here:
Interesting piece.
I was impressed with this aspect especially:
‘I invite readers to follow the link (below) to today’s news Briefing’. At about 5.40 a.m., it quotes from my column item about UKIP… Now, please listen to the extract from my article which was broadcast, and ask yourselves if this is in any way an accurate reflection of what I wrote’
That seems pretty fair.
Sadly, at present, as so often seems the case with the BBC, and especially when things are not working out as they thought it would, the message I am currently offered is:
‘This content doesn’t seem to be working. Try again
You know what? I may just do that, as Mr. H’s kind invitation makes it seem worth perservering.
I wonder if it will turn out that it turns out to be a proper exercise of the BBC’s absolute duty of impartiality (specifically required by the Royal Charter which establishes the BBC and allows it to levy the licence fee) in matters of current controversy, and especially in party political matters, and even more especially party political matters during the weeks immediately before an election.
On past and current performance, I have my doubts it will.
Now that’s odd. The BBC prattled on about Farage and the Romanians again today – but no-one mentioned the Telegraph ad. I suppose their squads of producers and researchers must have missed it ?
Well they could argue that mentioning ads is akin to offering tacit support or at the very least the oxygen of publicity, but as always the BBC does seem to have variable levels of interest and analysis, depending on who is saying what that they like, don’t like… and the state of alliances that day.
Remember when the BBC was not so united with the government on the topic of immigration?
Oddly, they also have a strange relationship with Labour’s ventures into the party political arena.
On safer ground a Labour poster or TVC can see every slot from Today to the Newsnight slipway hosting a minister urged to explain what the message means.
Except recently, when such wall to wall complementary PR was noticeable by its absence when Labour rather failed to deliver in print or broadcast:
HuffoPo is not exactly a hostile medium traditionally (I should add that Andrew Neil does get a h/t for a challenge on a niche BBC programme).
Well, if Ed Miliband can fail to have noticed a story about 62 Labour MPs operating zero-hours contracts, one can begin to understand how they might have missed it.
It was a big mistake taking out that add. Never apologise to the left once you do they are like a dog with a bone they will keep on at you until you crack. Where is Tommy Robinson ex EDL leader now he’s been turned? Not a peep from him of those who used to pursue him.
I’ll be voting UKIP, according to the Media Industrial Complex that makes me a member of the Waffen SS, if that’s the case then so be it, Sieg Heil everyone !!
All the arguments are usually about the economic effects of leaving the EU. My argument is on the political view; why stay in the EU if I could never live with the political consequences. I heard an interview with EU officials about the long term political project; a subject rarely talked about. The long term EU project is a EU superstate, with regions (e.g. se england) voting in representatives along Party/affiliates lines. No national identity, no voting for an MP, all on a proportionate basis. As I will not accept this, my argument is ‘lets leave the EU now’.
It’s even worse, look up the Barcelona Process, the merging of the EUSSR and the north African muslim countries.
That’s another 70 million of the gits then …
To put it into perspective, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia have more people than France
Smug Donut James O’Brien asking a lot of gotcha questions to Nigel Farage.
James O’Brien doesn’t have any content in his brain that’s why he’s not content !! and lashes out.
What a fucking arsehole.
The bBC show the headline about Farage and the Romanians.
I hope this is not a good spoof but here is the FOI :
Which shows how disproportionate the Romanian arrests are. Nearly 28,000 arrests, I would not want them living near me either.
Conservative candidate: “But don’t you think it disgraceful what Farage said about not wanting Romanians living next door?” Me: “Do you want them living next door to you?”. Conservative candidate: “Yes, of course!”. Me: “What about Somalian warlords? Or Vietnamese cannabis farmers? Or Jamaican Yardies? Do you want them living next to you, too?”. A slight pause. Conservative candidate (sheepishly): “No, you’ve got a point there… But can I count on your vote?”. Me: “No, I’m voting UKIP”. Conservative candidate: “Everyone keeps telling me that!”
Very peculiar statistics in that the country names often seem pre-war: Abyssinia, Irish Free State, Ruritania and Siam!
Well I said I hoped this was not a spoof, but the seems to be ok but the police use Assuming the pdf is legitimate, then whoever compiled the data was having a very poor laugh. e.g. German East Africa ceased to exist in 1919. I have severe doubts over the dodgy individuals from Christmas and Pitcairn Islands. My funny bone has not been tickled.
Sorry couldn t leave it ….
5Live V Drearybyshire UKIP/Farage apology.
Trumpeting and continuous, contacted communities spokeswoman from UKIP, with less than 10mins to airtime
… won t play the game.
5Live tries the usual set up, “ok then thank you and goodnight”, only to … immediately, enter stage right a fully “genned” up LibDem.
However … in Arnie, “I ll be back” fashion, UKIP return
to rubbish the Cleggaclone – job done …
Actually it is an interesting listen
no link yet.
… nice try, but no cigar?” …
Regarding James O’Brien’s train full of foreigners speaking in different tongues, I thought this clip would be apt, Paul Whitehouse from Harry Endfield’s show. I like the bit when he speaks swahili.
Heads up, Whine has the topic of Romanian neighbours on his show today. I’m sure we’ll be told just what wonderful neighbours they make and I bet he won’t miss the opportunity to replay ‘selected’ parts of the interview….
Roma Gypsies make wonderful neighbours, they’re houses are so clean, practically spotless, as these photographs show.
BBC-NUJ: keeping quiet, at present, about its (and U.K political class’s) campaign to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, and so speed up the Islamisation of Europe.
New book, available here for free, courtesy of ‘Civitas’:-
“The Demise of the Free State:
Why British democracy and the E.U don’t mix.”
By David G. Green.
Click to access TheDemiseoftheFreeState.pdf
Wasn’t there a story several years ago about the havoc caused by dumping 70 young Kurdish men on a village – near Newbury, I think?
If memory serves, it was widely accepted that this had been a Bad Thing.
I understand that Farage’s argument was about houses full of Romanian men, not nice families. Houses full of young men are often a Bad Thing, regardless of where they come from. More manufactured outrage.
How very dare Nigel Farage suggest there is a high incidence of criminality among Romanians ? That’s gotta be racist ! This report from Dublin indicates similar vrime levels to London – but that is no excuse for Farage and UKIP. Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes – believe James O’Brian and his ilk :
And what race exactly are the vast majority of Rumanians? I think Farage has made his first mistake by apologising. He should have rejected the whole notion of “racism” and the rest of the playground insults bandied about by the left/liberal elite. Besides, this elite, comfortably ensconced in the leafy suburbs, are complete hypocrites in that they are never personally affected by mass immigration.
I agree…..Never apologise, it will be construed as weakness
Daily Politics again tried today to slate UKIP (not yet on iplayer, but Guido has extract).
No wonder they fail when you see this Lib/Lab/Con weekly tally for example:
SEVENTEEN LibDem,Labour,Tory Councillors have been either ARRESTED, CHARGED, or CONVICTED of Crimes and Offences – Just in the last week alone!!
Why are these cases NOT on BBC News, Sky News, Newspaper headlines . . . .
Here is something that you won’t see on the BBC, Sky News or any of the front national newspapers.
Since Monday this week, there have been 17 Lib/Lab/Con councillors arrested, charged or convicted of offences including perverting the course of justice, child pornography, firearms and electoral fraud. In the same period, a further 13 have been involved in racism, sexism or homophobic scandals. Only 1 – Lord Hanningfield – has featured in the national media.
If any of them would have been UKIP, they would have made the news.
Take a look, and see how many of these you can spot in the national media!
Tory councillor in Chingford to be sentenced today over firearms charges
Tory councillor resigns from party over firearms conviction in Somerset
‘Independent’ councillor – whose wife is a Labour county councillor – has disqualification for bullying reduced to 18 months
Labour councillor has case adjourned until safely after the election after her own (Labour controlled) council makes shambles of court paperwork in Thurrock
Former Lib Dem councillor now standing as independent charged with benefits fraud in Kingston
Conservative councillor arrested over false barrister claims in Guildford
Lib Dem councillor convicted of benefit fraud charges forced of council committees after refusing to resign in Tiverton
Conservative councillor receives one year ban for drink driving in Skegness
Police launch electoral fraud investigation into Labour councillor in Slough over intimidation relating to postal votes
Conservative candidate disqualified after £30k benefits fraud conviction comes to light in Enfield
5 Labour councillors resign from party in Middlesbrough citing racism of local Labour Party among other complaints
Tory council accused of turning blind eye to license breaches at pub owned by Tory councillor during function on behalf of Tory mayor in Crayford
SNP activists claims Tory councillor made sexist remarks (but nobody else heard) in Berwickshire
Labour councillor faces investigation over homophobic remarks directed at gay rival in Liverpool
More resignations from Labour Party in Thanet following leader’s resignation over homophobia claims earlier this week
Tories – 2 on firearms offences, 1 for falsely claiming to be a barrister, 1 drink driving ban, 1 disqualified for benefits fraud, 1 cronyism over pub license breach, 1 accused of sexist remarks
Labour – 1 banned from office for bullying, 1 cronyism delaying prosecution for benefits fraud, 1 electoral fraud allegation, 5 resignations over racism claims, 2 resignations over homophobia claims, 1 facing investigation into homophobic remarks
Lib Dem – 2 on benefits fraud charges
How I lost faith in multiculturalism
Worth reading and sounding very familiar.
Across Europe, anti-Muslim parties are gaining electoral strength. They are often described as anti-immigration parties but in truth they have little complaint about immigrants other than Muslim immigrants.
What mostly passes for “debate” about multiculturalism is really the psychology of paranoia as a political style. That is why opinion polls on these issues are often self-contradictory. People will say they think there should be fewer migrants from Asia, but that the policy should be non-discriminatory. Or people might say that everybody should speak English, but then denounce funding for multiculturalism when its chief expenditure is to teach migrants English.
Here is the link to the “Farage Apology Sketch”
5Live V Drearybyshire – 46mins 10
… unintentional comedy gold
Thanks for posting that link. V Derbyshire not only looks a drip – she sounds a drip. Suzanne Evans of UKIP wiped the floor with her.
…and in order to introduce the item V Derbyshire had to read out the Farage letter from the Telegraph today. Therefore broadcasting exactly what Farage wants people to hear on his attitude to uncontrolled immigration from Romania. They then hear V Derbyshire attempting a blatant hatchet job on Suzanne Evans who had been given nil,notice of the interview – which merely confirms Farage’s other point, that the media are ganging up on UKIP.
Agreed Suzanne did that thing that the liberal media hate and that’s tell it like it is and V.D. (what were her parents thinking?) on Five-Lies was left sounding stupid.
Strangelky enough, not gettting the Clarkson/Scudamore treatment:
A BBC journalist was filmed giving a Nazi salute and goose stepping while filming a documentary about anti-Semitic football fans in Poland and Ukraine.
Chris Rogers was caught marching with one finger under his nose, as crew reportedly looked on.
The BBC Panorama documentary Euro 2012: Stadiums of Hate, was filmed two years ago ahead of the tournament in Poland and Ukraine – but details of the gaffe have only just come to light.
Instead, we get this:
‘We took the appropriate action at the time – two years ago – and now regard the matter as closed. ‘No public flogging for the Beeboids, and no agonised phone ins with Gameshow for this guy.
It’s good to be an insider.
And then there’s this for the bulging ‘If Nigel Farage Had Done This’ File…
Jonathan Ornstein, executive director of the Jewish Community Centre of Krakow, gave an interview for the Panorama programme, and said he had been ‘exploited’ during the hour-long talk with the corporation as it ‘completely disregarded anything positive said and aired only comments critical of Poland’.And how over the top did the BBC go?
This far:
Footage from the documentary showing anti-Semitic chants and racist monkey noises aimed at Black football players prompted former England captain Sol Campbell to warn fans not to travel to Poland and Ukraine otherwise ‘you could end up coming back in a coffin.’
But only in the sense that the BBC could produce an unbiased program: don’t bet on it.
I suspect James O’Brien and the rest of the metropolitan cocktail party elite don’t use public transport. It can be very dangerous traveling on a London bus, you could get strangled by a, err, um, black fellow for no apparent reason !!
No apparent reason? Surely it is a perfectly understandable response to centuries of slavery and oppression. Until slavery is ended throughout the British Empire, until apartheid is destroyed in South Africa, until a black man can even become president in the United States these events will take place. Indeed, we should welcome them as sensitive assertions of growing black consciousness.
I wouldn’t like him living next door to me or am I being waaaaaaaycist?!
Nigel Farage- Go Man Go
i have a theory about what is going on in ukip,you know the edl have always complained and caught out far left activists that have infiltrate there demos making nazi salutes and racist comments to discredit them,well this is exactly what is happening to ukip,ukip are a new fledgling party where anybody including me or you could stand as a candidate in the euro elections without background checks,i am convinced that ukip have been infiltrated by far left activists who are standing as there candidates and making deliberate racist comments to smear ukip hence these never ending media storys about there candidates making racist or zenophobic statements,this is dirty politics by the hard left and the labour party who are trying to discredit ukip by posing as ukip members and candidates in the euro elections,that i am convinced of now, this is one big dirty tricks campaign by the far left and there mates in the labour party and yes the bbc and there anti ukip presenters,as for lbcs own fidel castro james o brien,well what more can i say about this jumped up privately educated middle class marxist/communist agitator,thats that.
From the FaceBook feed of that bastion of impartial jounalism, ‘The Today Programme’:
‘Miliband: Labour to ‘tackle low pay’
It is a “terrible scandal” that 5 million people in the UK are in low-paid work, Ed Miliband says.
He speaks to Sarah Montague, describing a rise to the minimum as “essential”.
Cripes, a saviour has risen.
But one can see why the BBC doesn’t like interactivity out of its control on its own site. The comments are not kind.
I think this one is the best (so far) in summary:
Geoff Wade I wasn’t saying I agree or disagree with the policy itself. But I certainly question the impartiality of this newsfeed item, particularly with the imminent elections coming up. Will be interesting to see if the press releases from the Tory, UKIP, Liberal and Green (etc) parties getting similar treatment this week? I also await The Today Programme’s response to my original comment.
Sadly for Mr. Wade, the BBC’s finest only hold to account and don’t get held, so his and others’ legitimate questions may well remain unanswered.
Moving quickly on….
I passed the link posted here earlier about Peter Hitchens being grossly misquoted by the BBC to Breitbart London – they have now published a strong piece on it. Who knows – the Clinton techniques of instant-response might shut the BBC up a little bit in these closing days. But I doubt it.
Great new UKIP poster. I expect the BBC will sniff about the stats on laws passed in Europe – but they cannot evade the thrust of this strong advertising.
Has anyone see any strong posters for other parties ? This UKIP string of ads reminds me of the Saatchi brothers in 1979, highly effective and aggressive.
Maybe this is what a lot of people are liking about UKIP. They don’t waffle, they are direct and punch hard – but polite and humorous Farage and people like Suzanne Evans make them appear perfectly reasonable to be angry about what has been happening to Britain.
Hold the press!! Anctarctic ice is melting 2 X as fast as first thought and professo………………………………. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz…
feckin world is overpopulated anyhow.
..and no mention of Lennart Bengtsson being forced out of the cosy climate consensus on the Beeb yet but their website leads in it’s science section on Antarctic ice mel,t which is also getting airtime this afternoon on R5Live.
‘Amazingly enough and considering how the press manufactured headlines about sea level rise increases being determined from these studies neither of the studies addresses or make any claims about the impact of their research results on specific future sea level rise projections.
In fact GLC study mentions nothing specific about future sea level rise projections while the Science study clearly notes that their research models “are not coupled to a global climate model to provide forcing nor do they include an ice-shelf cavity-circulation model to derive melt rates. Few if any such fully coupled models presently exist (13). As such, our simulations do not constitute a projection of future sea level in response to projected climate forcing.”
The BBC don’t let inconvenient facts get in the way of their climate hype.
Impartial my arse.
Here we go, it’s started and notice that infamous word “defends” once again!!.
As sure as eggs are eggs this racial slur is not now going to go away. You can bet your bottom dollar when Local Authorities and the Police really do have to face this widespread Romanian criminality issue head on, as surely they will like any other cancer, this current denial of the problem will be thrown back at the current accusers.
Getting sick of this Anti-Farage bit by the bBC. In a nutshell he said he wouldn’t like to have a house full of Romanian men next door to him. You know what, ask anybody who works at the bBC (or any Labour MP) if they would like to comment on the subject. I’m pretty sure they would all reply likewise. Then ask if they would like the men to be :
or any other nationality and i’m pretty sure that most middle aged men (and Women) , with young families would say the same. In fact it would be a good candid camera spot, stitch up MPs, by pretending to move in a load of Romanians into the house next door. Bet you there would be a load of bitching.
I caught a bad dose of VD this morning. Sir Paul Coleridge was presenting the data in favour of marriage – better for health, finances, children’s future, etc – while Victoria insisted on the RIGHT of every chav to have as many ‘partners’ as s/he liked, with fatherless ‘families’ whose children should be looked after by my taxes.
Standard Radio 5 fodder.
is she speaking from experience?
Just saw BBC News at Six take apart Farage and the BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson doesn’t make any attempt to be impartial. He ends his article about UKIP “…nobody likes us and we don’t care.” Extraordinary statement. He’ll look like a nob when he finds out on Sunday morning that a large swathe of the British electorate DO like UKIP.
Robinson is the disgrace.
I’m sending UKIP some cash because the bastard establishment truly loathes the voting public and it seeps out of every pore when they have their backs up against the wall.
Yes-the more they pop at UKIP , the more the votes they`ll be getting.
Don`t the liberal elite yet know how much we hate them-and if UKIP are their enemy,then they`re the saving friends of any clued-up British person.
To vote for the traitor parties (who`ve been all we`ve been offered so far) is as stupid as a black slave of old voting for mas`sa and the plantation overseers-lest we get worse.
Muck out the barn-vote UKIP!
The media aren’t totally stupid so they must realise how many readers they’re alienating with the constant attacks on UKIP. I’ve started to wonder whether they have done a deal with the Westminster parties – remorseless attacks on UKIP in return for concessions on Leveson.
@ stuart.i think you might be onto something there mate with these strange going ons with these new ukip candidates who sound like leftie plants to me
Check out this young broadcast journalist who works on the BBC’s user generated content & social media hub. I would reproduce some of his tweets and retweets but today’s alone (celebrating Malcolm X’s birthday) would fill the page:
Worth noting , as you read the RTs from the likes of MPACUK & Lee Jasper, and all the anti-white quotes, that this BBC guy is actually white himself.
He looks like the classic middle-class-white-boy-over-compensating… in other words a PRICK!
Trust him to be impartial?
Nah, me neither.
His ghetto upbringing – white former head boy at Beverley Grammar School. Only natural Malcolm X would be his hero.
I see former BBC employee Stephanie Flanders is being paid a big juicy fee to present a documentary, tonight on BBC2, about Polio. Presumably because her famous father was uniquely affected by it and the BBC couldn’t find a current BBC employee, with a Polio-afflicted relative, to present the documentary.
Only saw the second half of it, but it was pretty good to be fair to her.
Hope the fee was not a scandal, because it was actually as good a show as I`ve seen on the BBC lately.
No slagging off of the private sector, big pharma…and no mention of Pfizer either.
No UKIP or polio linked to global warming either!…
If only the BBC would stick to this kind of thing-but they can`t help themselves.
I see the bbbc news website are STILL carrying ‘Farage defends Romanian comments’ on the first page. How old is this now? (And, don’t forget this really is a non news item anyway – especially having seen the met police crime statistics on the FOI request above)
I cannot think of anything redeemable about the (almost) entire bbbc productions output. Their comedy can only be left wing, HIGNFY is just a waste of time, the people who choose the news agenda need to be removed. They are so skewed that they seem incapable of just delivering an impartial, newsworthy report in a fair and just and equivocal manner. It is just beyond them.
I hope when we do see UKIP’s election manifesto they include a ‘ removal of TV licence fee’ clause. Surely, this will guarantee them a landslide victory…….
Nigel Farage was asked about BBC coverage and bias on his visit to Hove last Summer. His answer was very revealing about the corporation needing radical reform and changes required.
Historically, INBBC was slow to report, over the years, the true extent and depth of Islamic jihadist imam, Abu Hamza’s deadly threat to British people.
“Hate preacher Abu Hamza found guilty in US court of helping Al-Qaeda terrorists”
Read more:
“BBC spends almost £30m on hotels in just three years including one room costing £633-a-NIGHT”
Read more:
That was cheap if it included the girls.
…or boys…
Guy’s got to have a place to lay his hat…
As I’ve said previously does the weather forecast have to come from live from Wimbledon/ Flower show / whateve. Instead of the studio. In the Civil service we had to book hotels through central booking pay up front and finally got refunded months later. Rooms were more like £40 a night. Nice work if you can get it. I won’t the BBc know who i am.
Don`t forget all the “Guests” & journo`s constantly “bussed” up to Manchester for “Breakfast ” & 5 `dead` interviews , the Holiday Inns in the area, must be booming .