BBC 10 O’clock news reports the guilty verdict on Abu Hamza, details the crimes he was guilty of, almost all of them perpetrated in London, and then asked the question, as an aside ‘makes you wonder why he wasn’t prosecuted while he was doing all this here’.
Well I can tell you ! It’s because BLiars Liebour government turned a blind eye to any number of crimes committed by Muslims in the UK, after all “Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do” !
If the BBC wasn’t do biased they’d be dragging Liebour politicians past & present into the studios to answer that question.
Lawyers acting for him and Qatada, such as the odious Gareth Peirce (writes for the SWP rag), would have dragged the saga out in the appeal courts for years – at OUR expense !
Newsnight debates the pros and cons of EU membership with:
1)Pro EU guest
2) Stephanie Flanders who broadly agrees with other guest.
3) That wishy-washy Telegraph journalist on last week’s QT.
It gets better each time I view it. What a hypocrite that woman is. She said she runs an “Awards Programme for top achieving black children”. I rather think that had there been more time, Andrew would have mirrored his other question by saying .” If Michael had said he ran an awards programme for top achieving white children, would you, Diane, have considered that racist?
I see that Stephanie Flanders has been on BBC 2 twice tonight firstly presenting a documentary on polio and then on Newsnight. I do hope that her documentary was better than here economics!
I guess no-one at the BBC will ask her if she still thinks that the bailout of Greece worked?!
I have a confession to make. An abject confession. I feel so bad about it all. But I cannot keep hiding it, I must bare my soul.
I have delayed declaring my sin until 2 days before the election
I bet no-one here can guess what my awful sin is.
If no-one guesses – I will expose my awful transgression at about midday Tuesday 22 March. By then it will be too late for the DSWP/HnH etc and Tory-paid ferrets to denounce me, I can avoid their witchhunt.
It is late. I must go say my prayers before bedtime. Mea Culpa…..Mea Culpa….. Mea Culpa.
John, there is nothing wrong with *coming out* in public and then banging on about it for years and years and years. So please do not feel bad about your indiscretion, after all, there are some on here who like you have committed the *awful sin* and feel so much the better for doing so.
You did a little postal voting on the side, hopefully with lots of other fictitious ‘Andersons’?
I claim my free copy of James o’brien’s autobiography ‘Lost, up my own arse’.
Why is the report so passive towards this creature from hell? We have phrases like ‘fiery sermons at a north London mosque’ – What? Had he used to get a little bit animated during his religious musings?. Then we have ‘only answering “yes” when his lawyer asked if he was OK’………Poor little dab – was it a bit stressful for him to have to sit through a western trial process?……..Then we have ‘he had assisted MI5 “to keep the streets of London safe” ‘…..
So, all in all this abuhamza seems to be a decent chap. He was a nice, peace loving, disabled guy (not his fault that he lost an eye and both his hands,obviously) who had some ‘controversial’ views and suddenly found himself in an unfortunate postion and is now a victim of an uncaring criminal justice system…………
Leave it out bbbc will you……………
I just hope someone is able to close this awful broadcasting company down…The sooner the better
The fake position the BBC/Channel4/Sky like to portray to ‘ Joe Public’ is that there is no political bias, and we like to treat all political parties the same.
When therefore can we expect to view the likes of Cameron, Clegg, and Miliband, being subject to the constant probing, sneering, accusatorial, and personal interrogations of Nigel Farage? When can we expect to see the sanctimonious Charlie Stayt cross exam and harangue David Cameron, on the Breakfast Sofa about his Eton days ? When can we expect to see the leftie Snow on channel 4 probe the odious Dianne Abbot about her numerous racist utterings of the past ? When can we expect see Kay (there must have been whites there) Burley interview Clegg about the numerous sexual perverts, both past and present in his party? When can we expect Miliband to be doorstepped about his parties form for vote rigging ? When are all three leaders of the LibLabCon parties going to be quizzed as to how they became millionaires off the teat of tax payers ?
The answer to all of the above is NEVER ! because the whole steaming crock of s..1t which is the UK media, are in bed with the metropolitan left liberal elite, and the occupants of what they laughingly call the’Mother of Parliaments’
When will the pro EU parties be challenged about their ‘Whites First’ immigration policy clearly implied by favouring EU citizens? Apart from UKIP none of the parties has a non racist immigration policy.
In addition, which pro EU party supports the membership of the EU being extended to any country which does not have a white majority? They don’t want Turks, Arabs and African’s to join their club. Whereas UK would treat all those people and countries just the same as any other foreigners. Who’s really racist eh? If you want to come and work in the UK and you’re an Indian IT worker, a Brazilian doctor or a Canadian architect the answer is obvious.
I agree Flexidream.
What is patently obvious is the crock of excrement, lead by the BBC, don’t want to discuss the ishoos of being in Europe. They don’t want to discuss the huge disadvantages (both present and future) being in the EU, which adversely affects the people of the United Kingdom. Oh No they’d rather attack the messengers of such.
Note the complete abscence of any discussion of policy by the LibLabCon on the BBC or anywhere else. We all know why, it’s because the policy, over which they have no control, is determined and handed down by the unelected Commissioners who sit in Brussels
Thufferin’ Thuccotash! Where does Newsnight find them?
Practically incomprehensible Euro philosopher bewilders Paxo – and hardly lets him get a word in – as the Prof from some small-country-or-other is invited on to round off the BBC’s idea of a fair hearing about UK membership of the EU.
Well when a stemming of hyper-immigration and exit are well and truely off the BBC agenda what’s the point anyway?
Was I supposed to be taking notes? Might sub-titles have helped, as we small band of imsomniacs strained to understand the sub-Hanna Barbera Cartoon tones of the guest beatnic acedemic bluffing and blubbering through his beard?
Maybe he was some long-lost cousin of the Milibands?
What for the love of Kirsty and Stephanie has this got to do with us licence payers?
‘Global Capitalism, Global Capitalism… I guess I’m still a leftist…’
Seems like Capt’n Katz is mashing up the Old Newsnight slipway with Jamaica Inn.
First the new lady no one had clue what she was on about; now this?
Maybe, next, an interview conducted through the medium of modern dance! As Ms. Reid has showed, it’s the pins wot wins it. Emily & Kirsty can-canning around the Latest from the Middle East. Tastefully of course.
Lucky plummeting viewership seems not an issue for editorial wunderkinds fast-tracked from the Graun.
Not listened to Today for a while. Evian Davies was having a bad day as he tried to turn the Abu Hamza conviction story into a story attacking the British Government.
Speaking to a US official involved in the prosecution Evian repeatedly asked leading questions to try to get the American to criticise the UK for not prosecuting Hamza. The yank wouldn’t play and helpfully pointed out some differences in the US and UK legal systems. He was similarily dismissive of Evian’s attempt to link Hamza with MI5. The yank said it was common for agents to speak with people who were later convicted of terrorism, in much the same way I’d say that many criminals have had prior contact with the police.
Evian next moved on to the softer target of the British widower of one of Hamza’s victims. It all went pear shaped again. When directed to criticise the UK for not prosecuting Hamza the interviewee pointed out that Hamza had in fact been prosecuted and convicted in the UK for other offences and spent 7 years in prison – an ‘inconvenient truth’ the BBC did not think relevant as it spun its story of UK incompetence or unwillingness to prosecute. The interviewee also said that the hope had been early on that the wider Muslim community would respond and deal with the problem of hate preaching, which clearly didn’t happen.
Throughout, as the BBC rode its high horse and shouted about how bad it was that the UK had left it to the US, I was not suprised that they had no time to mention which (Conservative and female) Home Secretary was finally successful in getting Hamza extradited. And of course how tireless the BBC was in supporting Hamza’s extradition to face justice for his terrorist crimes.
Funny, the pictures of Hamza giving sermons in the street with masked henchmen by his side and dutiful followers bowed in prayer as PC (not the constable variety – the other one) Plod looked on impassively, adorned our newspapers like a dog turd presented in the middle of your cornflakes……..that was on whose watch, exactly?
Step forward Mr T Blair, the PM who couldn’t wait to rub our noses in diversity – a policy noticeably short on mentions during his election campaigning.
But then, mysteriously, we have not had a single retrospective from the BBC on 1997-2010 – just get Our Tone back now and again to speak a few wise words on the Middle East to a cacophonous accompaniment of a million ringing cash machines.
The BBC think that attacking UKIP as racist ( following the Liberal Left definition of racist which means you are one if you don’t put out the bunting whenever an alien arrives in your town or village), will put people off voting for them. They couldn’t be more wrong. Many people in the UK are not racist by the usual definition, but they don’t want their culture and way of life to be swamped by aliens. This is what UKIP give voice to and people are flocking to vote for them. No politician has dared to stand up for the Brits for decades and, as UKIP says, ‘ We Want Our Country Back’.
The BBC et al despise Britain and the British and they can’t understand that most of us actually preferred the country before we had mass immigration. They think that we have been converted to their way of thinking by decades of their state funded propaganda , but they are beginning to realise, as support for UKIP grows , that millions of us haven’t been.
I hope that after Thursday many main stream politicians, who have been cowed by the BBC and liberal left into supporting mass immigration , realise that there are millions of votes for politicians who stand up for Britain, even if that does mean having to run the gauntlet of the BBC racism slurs.
Have you noticed the way they have handled some disperate news items lately?
OK, something unfortunate has happened – based on the public’s natural sympathy for those involved, the confusion about complex events and all the inevitably unknown factors…. what authority can we target so as to drum up resentment and anger making the BBC look like an honest broker and give us a good long rail against someone other than us.
Please support Peter Hitchens in his quest for some truth from the BBC. They have swiftly given him an apology for the way they twisted his words in News Briefing on Sunday morning. Mr. Hitchens is not content with that, and I don’t blame him. He now seeks the whys and the wherefores concerning the twisting of his words. This is one to support and follow.
“latest barney is over tonight’s episode of Newsnight where either Wee Dougie or Dugher will appear to talk about Labour’s campaign.”
One wonders if Capt’n Katz will have been told to make ’em look good or, on current form, opted to invite both to debate with each other within a boxing ring that has only red corners. #morepopcorn
Meanwhile, usually supportive press seem less supportive at how this is playing out…
If only a wealthy UKIP supporter could buy up a couple of house in the street where Nick Robinson lives and transfer in some of those nice Romanians currently homeless and livening up Hyde Park Corner. Perhaps Tower hamlets could move in a few of those on their massive council house waiting list, (How to get a council house ITV) e.g. the Somali with nine children.
I understand Robinson has lost his mobile ‘phone; perhaps it was nicked by a Romanian pick pocket gang.
“PM’s number on BBC Nick’s lost mobile:
Number 10 treats misplaced handset as ‘serious security breach’ after it went missing as he attended football match”
The Abu Hamza case is a perfect example of how the BBC load the dice.
Apparently, everything Nigel Farage has ever said is a gaffe, but a significant chunk of the left having acted as the legal equivalent of a bodyguard for convicted terrorist Abu Hamza? Not worth mentioning. Stop banging on about it. The debate’s moved on.
On the plus side, at least we’ve finally had a day off from Universal Shami.
Robinson on 10 o’ clock news last night in high dudgeon with Nigel Farage on his campaign trail in Margate.
Lots of fifty-somethings and over obviously enthusiastic fans of The Englishman’s Last Chance to Save His Nation.
Not going down too well with Robinson so, having wound himself up into a state of hyper-indignation over the whole injustice of how this non-BBCgroupthink rabble have ever been given a voice for their opinions, he asks them what do they know about UKIP policy, apart from immigration? What about tax? What about the budget deficit? Cutting spending?
Blank looks all round.
The same blank looks he’d get, in fact, if he asked the man in the street about Miliband’s policies. But he never will.
I don’t get why UKIP are pressed on their policies, no other party is given such scrutiny and this is a Euro Election, not a GE. Farage has made UKIP’s position on Europe clear and is understandably keeping his powder dry as far as his GE manifesto goes.
Robinson, O’Brien, Newman, Snow etc are supercilious prats who are labouring under the misapprehension that they are speaking for ‘us’ – they ain’t and still don’t get it.
Actually I agree with him and can see where he is coming from, even after seeing my father and sister succumb to the disease. The world is already vastly over populated and any cure available only increases the burden on the NHS with those from all over the world seeking a cure here, we can’t sustain it. Meddling in nature doesn’t work.
The only certain thing in life is death, we’ve all got to go somehow someday, sadly some sooner than others, its nature! enjoy it whilst you can….
I have previously found the BBC sponsored Chris Packham to be odious and infantile in his manor and in his views. Please bring back the division that there used to be between children’s tv animal shows and an adult view of enviromental issues.
I did like his comment though, that lemurs should not be transported from Madagascar to the West Indies, on the basis that’s not where they belong. Does this apply to people, too? For instance, is it wrong for people to move from, say, Nigeria/Somalia/Russia/Iran/China/Brazil/insert-name-of-country-here to Britain?
Of course, the British did ‘invade’ Madagascar to stop Vichy France from giving over the island to the Japanese fleet in World War Two.
The British suffered about 500 casualties in the Battle of Madagascar, 1942.
I remember in the 1980’s after the dead body of a cancer expert was found in the countryside, an elderly colleague said that he suspected that the scientist was on the verge of finding a cure for Cancer, threatening the multi-million pound Cancer research industry, now I have just heard again that someone is in danger from finding a universal cure for Cancer.
The motives for the multi-million pound Cancer research industry match the results, the motives are that they do not want you to die or get cured, but to produce drugs that keep you alive longer than you would if you did not take the drugs.
The prices of the drugs are set at an average for life expectancy and the average ability for people to be able to afford the drug, with the bank account reaching zero at the point of death expectancy, so as to maximise profits.
A universal cure for Cancer would be an enormous disaster for the Cancer Charity and Research Industry.
Alec Salmond was given an incredibly easy ride from Evan Davis this morning on ‘Today’ when questioned about immigration.
It was difficult for Evan, I know, even to have to use that word.
He prefaced his question to Salmond with the statement that after independence there would be an open border with Scotland. (This was presumably the phrase his intern had used in the interview notes). In other words the rest of the UK would choose to impose no border controls.
Salmond agreed independence means little or no difference in movement back and forward across the frontier even though he also wants to have a different immigration policy than London.
He cited the ‘Common Travel Area’ (CTA) between the UK and Ireland as the example that would be followed.
Davis did not jump in and ask why why England would necessarily do what Salmond wanted in the matter nor did he point out that Ireland has to have an identical visa policy to the UK or else the CTA would collapse. Some independence.
Instead Salmond was allowed to ramble on with some deceptive remarks about foreign graduates not being currently allowed to stay on in the UK.
Evan was clearly impressed and started chortling. End of discussion. No hard follow-up question.
Even if UKIP got 100% of the vote on Thursday he and the BBC would ignore nor that too. Indeed they can do no other.
‘Alec Salmond was given an incredibly easy ride from Evan Davis this morning on ‘Today’ ‘
After that easy ride Mr Toad turned up on BBC News Channel Breakfast for a free unhindered blather in just about whatever fantastic direction took his fancy. The format was this : the sofa dolly called out a subject and he just waffled as he pleased.
The woman in red is my heroine.
Lovely to see snow struggling with what every decent person – including these two Romanian girls – are searching for from the politicians – freedom, law and order and decent behaviour.
Don’t get knocked down by any juggernaut lorries when you cycle home this evening will you Mr. snow……hahahahahah
Indeed. and Snow’s whole comment range is based on an untruth, the lady in red was trying to guide him back to the unruly’ truth but he kept grabbing at ‘the whole race’ and as such twisted what the other lady was saying too.
This may not have been the BBC but is a very good insight into the techniques used in pushing their agenda.
Mr Snow clearly wasn’t interested in finding out what these Romanians thought. He was interested in getting the approved answers out of them. See how he badgered the lady until she said “Politically, he was possibly wrong, but…” at which point he cut her off, repeated “Possibly wrong” and went over to the other lady who was more on message.
Seems car crashes are not restricted just to the targets of the UK’s media elite. They can meet ’em head on too.
I feel a wee bit sorry for whichever producer’s assistant found those two and didn’t vet ’em better before going on to tee up Jon’s (misplaced) race-driven outrage on their behalf.
Because it’s kinda going viral, and he’s not looking anything but a agenda-blinded plonker on any basis, but especially as a supposedly impartial interviewer.
Snow goes along with the line of the first guest that Farage and UKIP are using immigration as a smokescreen for his real policy of leaving the EU.
Yeah, it’s really a secret that UKIP want to leave the EU. And I stupidly was thinking that that was UKIP’s raison d’etre.
Really funny listening to Mariana Gordon. She’s more liberal than Snow is. I used to think Snow was decent, but he comes across as a smug bigot with a closed mind.
BBc frenzy in 8% AVERAGE increase in housing costs. This is obviously one they want to persue. Of course an “average” is just that, London & London commuter belt has a massive lopsided impact. What do the BBc want? 12% interest rates, because of course then they could do lots of stories on the repossessions. No mention of course of the number of migrants increasing the pressure on the housing supply but then they wouldn’t would they.
I had the misfortune to watch ‘Call the Council’ on BBC this morning. Pure public sector propaganda about all the wonderful things councils do to help the public. Like environmental health, checking taxis are road worthy and cleaning the streets.
Of course it is good to know they check take-a-ways for vermin and close them down if the find any, eventually. It’s also good to see that they take un-roadworthy taxis off the street but harder to understand why they wait 18 months to do so. And we all know how clean the streets are ..
Gosh are we all so lucky to have such ‘heroes’ (yes, they did call them heroes) working tirelessly for our benefit. Even though they are pulling taxis off the road whilst the drivers are at their busiest and seem more interested in the fact that their signage is too large rather than their brakes don’t work. But hey!
So now I know that when I next have to call the council because the bin men have emptied half the streets bins in the road, or because they still haven’t fixed the potholes or the streetlamps or the play equipment in the park, just how super they are!
Another ITMA, but this just appeared in the in-box: Man guilty of Syria terror plan
Man from Portsmouth becomes first person in UK to be convicted of preparing for terrorism in Syria
Clicking to the story, one goes on to learn…. ‘Mashudur Choudhury said he was trying to escape problems at home’
As many men do. At least most sheds harbour nothing more dangerous than the odd saw, trainset or home brewing kit. Seems this Portsmouth-based ‘Briton’s’ ‘release’ was more ambitious in that he has just been… ‘convicted of terrorist offences in connection with the conflict in Syria’.
Seen anything more on BBC News about the ‘unethical’ tax-avoidance scheme that Gary Barlow got embroiled in?
It’s reported that a BBC reporter, apparently, seems to have fallen foul of HMRC via the same scheme, has apologised and promised ‘to pay the money back’.
BBC still banging on about Peter Scudamore after everyone else has dropped it, same tactic as they used against Andrew Mitchell. Come to think of it, did they ever apologise for getting that one wrong?
Jeremy Vine shut down a female caller who said the PA was in the wrong – “We have done whistle-blowers already”.
A lot of female callers appeared to be on Scudamore’s side and thought the PA had made herself unemployable AND hurt women in general by casting doubt on the trustworthiness of women in support roles.
Vine is a strange cove, always trying to provoke controversy where none exists, encourage the creation of new law and discourage following old laws or moral codes.
The old East Germany must have seemed like paradise to these people, with children reporting on their parents. For Communism substitute Marxism, Feminism, Homosexuality, EU-topia, Islam, Made-made global ‘weirding’, Mass immigration etc.
Agree with all you say, but to this…‘always trying to provoke controversy where none exists’… there is little that is strange.
He has a daytime talk show. He, his producer and team are paid by how many tune in to get wound up.
The only difference to the shock jocks he likely disdains is they will take on all callers and enjoy the ensuing fight. Mr. Vine’s little stitch up sessions may wheel on two extremes as guests to ensure heat over light, but once the listener comments start coming in it’s pure BBC filter in place.
Which is why those the slip through live by fooling the screeners are as fun as those two Romanians with Jon Snow.
‘It did after all happen on their own station’
Wrong kind of car crash on the line, probably.
And that DJ better be careful bragging about it (was pretty funny) as this is likely the extent of balance permitted. I doubt this will get elevated by A. Newsroom to wall to wall national cover, unless the BBC high command figure Ed needs throwing under a bus before the national election so a bit of a sacrificial lamb hit on the EU (all the main parties looking like they are in dire positions anyway) may be worthwhile collateral damage to get the big prize of a more charismatic puppet to sign off on the next Charter.
On top of Ed’s grasp of family grocery finance reality earlier, he’s having rather a torrid time now.
Probably wondering why chunks of the MSM not still gunning for Nige.
He should have done a deal like Dave did with the Graun (allegedly (c) Hislop, I) , though that one may yet serve those two less than well when chickens return to roost.
made almost the same comment at the same time over on the Speccie.
Funnily enough all the car crashes Miliband has made today and there is no link on any BBC news page, oh there is the story (hidden) but no link on News, UK News, England, Politcs, pages etc. Funny that…now where’s A Journalist who was telling us the order of news the other day?
Ten Ways To Solve The Housing Problem on the BBC web.
Of course Number 11, cutting demand, doesn’t make the list. Perhaps if all UKIP voters were deported to an EU re-education gulag camp in the Ukraine ALL problems would be solved?
Given Pollard, Rose, PAC etc, have already established the place is like a sack of ferrets dropped into a vipers nest for those still (or thinking… sorry Mr. Lowe) they are loyally employed there, it seems hardly surprising that if you bugger off, especially have left more than a few poos in the pool, the legacy issues may be less than glowing:
Still, the BBC and staff are noted for their editorial by omission, and this one does speak volumes, if in silence.
Feeling the warm glow, Chris?
When the Guardian gives its pages over to such things, it’s also possible Lord Tone may still have a few issues to address yet.
Have we got our Sarah Palin?
This woman has been hugely impressive throughout this campaign, hope Nigel realises how good she is.
Nigel is the new Barak Obama…yes we can ,UKIP!
Let`s not make it TOO hard for the BBC to understand…yes we can…duh!
At 6 minutes in Neil infers that in 1975 we were all for free-movement of labour.
However we were told: “The Six have attracted large numbers of workers from outside, while the movement within the Six has diminished. When we join, the pattern is likely is expected to be similar.”
Not exactly, “Open doors? Yes please!”
Pop over to Guido Fawkes and listen to Miliband’s interview on BBC Wiltshire. It is hilarious and so revealing I’m sure it will feature on the main news. It certainly would be if it had been N.Farage.
For some reason known only to the upper echelons of the BBC, the intense love affair with the corporation and extremist Islam continues. In this report the BBC just has to carry out damage limitation by mentioning the Christians roll in the bloodshed that is being perpetrated (mainly by Muslims) in Nigeria…
UKIP political event cancelled due to activists who accused them of, wait for it, – racism. Steel band walked off because, UKIP are – racist.
Are the BBC hinting at something they want us to know perhaps? And who stirred up this racism agenda? And who can stir up a riot on twisted information better than anyone you know? They just don’t give a damn!
Less than two days before an election and the BBC cannot leave it alone can they. They are more than just biased their whole propaganda department, all £4 Billion worth and thousands of paid hangers on are in full screw up UKIP mode.
Well, “I just don’t give a damn” either. I have never looked forward to an election so much in all my life. UKIP may have a few ‘characters’ in amongst the patriots that speak their mind but better that than the cowards and traitors who have sold our country for 20 million pieces of silver. Don’t tell them your name Tony.
P.s Have you made sure you know who your chosen candidates are on Thursday? The dirty tricks department of the LibLabCons will be out in force to trip you up if they can.
I shall be wearing my Purple and Gold tie with pride.
It has of course been immortalised by members of the fairer sex sporting coiffure more commonly known as ‘The Croydon Facelift’.
So perhaps its allure is appreciated further and wider than some vapour-fitting ‘reporters’ may have us think.
More seriously, the precedent of democracy and free speech being derailed by the threats of certain groups kicking off is getting more and more of a concern.
The BBC doesn’t like UKIP.
I get it.
But they are a party and they do campaign.
Deal with it. Impartially.
And maybe get a bit more interested, investigatively, in who came to ‘clash’ with whom. Where do ‘Romanians carrying banners’ spring from?
And maybe delve a wee bit deeper into bands who apparently were unaware of who hired them for what event until … what, halfway through the set?
That seems… hard to credit.
But then, I am not A. Cubicle Warrior for a £4Bpa propaganda system.
And had Nigel showed up, he`d have been accused of incitement to racial hatred…and those ill educated, unwashed rentamob from BBC Extra Casting with their cod-Romanian accents would have been all over the news.
Tough luck BBC onanists…UKIP are on due to create that revolution.
Of course no matter WHAT UKIP get-what they achieve-it`ll still be a crisis for Nigel and his “beleaguered” team in the words of the f***in BBC and their political handlers and groomers.
It’s fairly prominent now on the news front page. Strangely, there’s nothing to be seen regarding Mr Miliband’s unfortunate radio interview.
I do hope UKIP are now in the habit of having someone video their gatherings because you can guarantee someone will accuse them of starting any trouble.
The BBC really seems curiously untroubled by these mysterious rent-a-mobs who can turn up and stop other parties campaigning. Sooner or later fire will have to be fought with fire.
Ex- Beeboid Michael Crick did his fair share of stirring things up for Channel4 New with the members of the steel band and the UAF/SWP fascists who turned up to cause trouble.
Crick stalks UKIP candidates in the hope of catching them saying something “controversial”. Crick the Prick openly shows his hatred of UKIP. Just proves you can the Beeboid away from the BBC but you can’t take the BBC aay from the Beeboid.
Little fat twat from Northampton needs a good slap across both faces-and either chin will do!
Still-Radio Gaga, Echo Beach, Mirrormen?
The whole liberal elite have their lilos on the lawns and hope we`ll not hunt the buggers down as traitors anytime soon.
Clearly a bit more now that “Biased BBC” isn`t it , when the whole political gossips and pension hugging expense fiddling, tax-dodging MPs are all begging us all not to vote UKIP.
Only wish I could skewer my vote through their rotten black hearts.
For a couple of steel band members and a few fake Romanians(with rather well written placards re the emancipation of the proletariat maybe?) to make Cricks Wick of a piece only shows the level of reportage required to be a liberal.
These regular twenty minute hates are echo chambers of failed CB radio or hospital fete programmes…suppose when Savile went, Broadmoor went outside to do its “puff pieces”.
Roll on the 22nd then….yes we can Nigel!
Also note the Romanian ‘tunnel people’ in the preceeding report, all coming to a town near you soon….
Keith Vazzeline has the gall to defend his party’s decision to support Romania’s accention to Europe and call for more support from Britain to help them (‘it has a duty’). It seems in reality the EU is intent on bringing the standard of living of every nation member state down to that of the lowest….
Crick is a simple fellow. Not that bright and perhaps we should let him twitter on for our amusement. I still laugh when I think of his C4 interview with the odd Spanish UKIP donor.
“BBC reporter apologizes for Hitler salute.
Chris Rogers was filmed giving a Nazi salute while working on documentary on anti-Semitic football fans in Poland and Ukraine.”
In Yorkshire, we have a Woman on top of the UKIP list, with an Asian second, and then its touch and go if we get the token white male UKIP MEP that the BBC would obviously prefer to talk too in its Studio interviews after the count and in any future interviews with UKIP that the BBC dare not avoid.
‘On its website Lloyds says: “Following the guidance of Islam is an important part of everyday life, so we’ve made it an important part of everyday banking. Our Sharia committee of two independent scholars has guided us to create an account that’s right for you.”
You might think that the story of the UKIP carnival in Croydon today would be newsworthy what with all the protestors and of course all the Romanians who turned up to protest.
The BBC in a report modified at 17:27 reports “Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen”
BBC R4 reporting the shooting dead of a man in 1982 described him as a ‘teenager’. Well, that’s true he was 19. And of course whenever a 18 or 19 year old policeman, policewoman or soldier was shot dead by the IRA the BBC would always describe the victim as a ‘teenager’? Or is it simply that the BBC was trying to give the impression that the RUC shot a child? Tricky huh?
Survation – “Nearly 38% of voters UNAWARE European elections take place on Thursday”
Really? How can that possibly be given the amount of publicity surrounding it? I mean we aren’t talking about 38% of the populace, including those too young to vote, or locked away in prison etc. Added together it must be around half the population !
Perhaps the message is supposed to be: okay, UKIP are going to do well. But it won’t count – 38% of voters didn’t know about the election. If they had, they would all have undoubtedly voted for Labour-EU, LibDem-EU or ConservativeEU, meaning that UKIP wouldn’t have any come anywhere. No, really. I’ve read the script for the BBC’s 6pm news for this coming Friday and it says this.
I expect that the top BBC story about the Euro Elections will be the low voter turnout and how it magnified UKIP support. No mention of ballot paper confusion, postal vote irregularities, voter registration drives or media bias. And the BBC will emphasise that most voters voted for a party which supports continued EU membership.
I see the Suzanne Evans, shown in the above Brillo link, used to work for the BBC as a reporter and presenter. Maybe this is why Brillo was a little “soft” in his questioning. Good catch UKIP!!!
Readers might recall my voicing misgivings over UKIP allowing the agent of disgraced Labour MP Phil Woolas to stand for them in the coming elections.
Seems like my misgivings were correct, as he has unbelievably circulated a ‘how to cheat the elections’ leaflet to UKIP supporters in Asian areas of the town and inevitably Labour has complained.
I recommend people read this because it really is difficult to believe someone could actually print this:
The Headline is:
“Fresh election race row hits UKIP over claims Asian candidates are intent on rigging the poll”
The article goes on to say:
“The anti-EU party has been reported to both the police and the Electoral Commission over a leaflet being distributed around much of the borough. Its (SPOOF) pamphlet – which Labour is blaming on Joe Fitzpatrick, one-time agent to shamed former MP Phil Woolas, but now a UKIP activist and candidate – appears to warn that Asian candidates are intent on rigging the poll. It also suggests that the town hall solicitor is prepared to turn a blind eye to fraudulent ballot papers.”
It also says:
“Among its tongue-in-cheek suggestions (IN A SPOOF PAMPHLET) on ‘how to win an election’ are to ‘count on the white folk not voting’, as well as to ‘steal postal votes”.
So the UKIP candidate is wrong and has been reported to the police for pointing out criminal activities by certain groups and how they do it. The SPOOF PAMPHLET may have not been a good idea but I would suggest that electioneering fraud is just a tad worse. But then we mustn’t upset the COMMUNITY FOLKS must we?
Did I hear right just now, Hyoo on News at Ten, calling Boko Haram “Terrorists” ? I thought that word was haram, as it carried “value judgements”…..whatever the f that means….
BBC have commented on the guilty verdict on Abu Hamza by describing the reason for hi extradition as being
” where he rose to prominence for his fiery sermons at a north London mosque.”
Fiery sermons are Fire and Brimstone re one’s personal salvation not about murdering more than half the World’s population.
BBC are effectively condonong genocide in their manner of reporting
Of course, ‘The pro-E.U ‘Independent’, as the ‘Guardian,’ and Beeboids, don’t like the current anti-E.U political sentiment across Europe. They would like the E.U to be quietly getting 80 million Muslims from Turkey into the E.U. instead, so as to further Islamise the continent.:-
“EU elections 2014: A vote for Europe – or simply a chance to put the boot in?”
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some refreshing stuff away from OLD media
BBC 10 O’clock news reports the guilty verdict on Abu Hamza, details the crimes he was guilty of, almost all of them perpetrated in London, and then asked the question, as an aside ‘makes you wonder why he wasn’t prosecuted while he was doing all this here’.
Well I can tell you ! It’s because BLiars Liebour government turned a blind eye to any number of crimes committed by Muslims in the UK, after all “Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do” !
If the BBC wasn’t do biased they’d be dragging Liebour politicians past & present into the studios to answer that question.
Lawyers acting for him and Qatada, such as the odious Gareth Peirce (writes for the SWP rag), would have dragged the saga out in the appeal courts for years – at OUR expense !
And Islam Not BBC (INBBC) didn’t go after imam Hamza, as it went for EDL, which opposes Hamza.
Newsnight debates the pros and cons of EU membership with:
1)Pro EU guest
2) Stephanie Flanders who broadly agrees with other guest.
3) That wishy-washy Telegraph journalist on last week’s QT.
Paxo on Newsnight gave Nige a reasonable ride I thought. Nothing earth shattering nor will a full page Telegraph ad be required tomorrow.
Is Stephanie Flanders still claiming that the Greek bailout worked?
What a surprise to see Diane Abbot on Channel 4 so full of hypocrisy, calling Nigel a Racist:
It gets better each time I view it. What a hypocrite that woman is. She said she runs an “Awards Programme for top achieving black children”. I rather think that had there been more time, Andrew would have mirrored his other question by saying .” If Michael had said he ran an awards programme for top achieving white children, would you, Diane, have considered that racist?
I see that Stephanie Flanders has been on BBC 2 twice tonight firstly presenting a documentary on polio and then on Newsnight. I do hope that her documentary was better than here economics!
I guess no-one at the BBC will ask her if she still thinks that the bailout of Greece worked?!
I have a confession to make. An abject confession. I feel so bad about it all. But I cannot keep hiding it, I must bare my soul.
I have delayed declaring my sin until 2 days before the election
I bet no-one here can guess what my awful sin is.
If no-one guesses – I will expose my awful transgression at about midday Tuesday 22 March. By then it will be too late for the DSWP/HnH etc and Tory-paid ferrets to denounce me, I can avoid their witchhunt.
It is late. I must go say my prayers before bedtime. Mea Culpa…..Mea Culpa….. Mea Culpa.
John, there is nothing wrong with *coming out* in public and then banging on about it for years and years and years. So please do not feel bad about your indiscretion, after all, there are some on here who like you have committed the *awful sin* and feel so much the better for doing so.
You are Scott?
You did a little postal voting on the side, hopefully with lots of other fictitious ‘Andersons’?
I claim my free copy of James o’brien’s autobiography ‘Lost, up my own arse’.
So, here we go again. I ask viewers to just read through the bbbc’s report on the vile creature Abu hamza (link below)………
Why is the report so passive towards this creature from hell? We have phrases like ‘fiery sermons at a north London mosque’ – What? Had he used to get a little bit animated during his religious musings?. Then we have ‘only answering “yes” when his lawyer asked if he was OK’………Poor little dab – was it a bit stressful for him to have to sit through a western trial process?……..Then we have ‘he had assisted MI5 “to keep the streets of London safe” ‘…..
So, all in all this abuhamza seems to be a decent chap. He was a nice, peace loving, disabled guy (not his fault that he lost an eye and both his hands,obviously) who had some ‘controversial’ views and suddenly found himself in an unfortunate postion and is now a victim of an uncaring criminal justice system…………
Leave it out bbbc will you……………
I just hope someone is able to close this awful broadcasting company down…The sooner the better
I am amazed (not really) that he wasn’t labelled as ‘divisive’, although I suppose they keep that in reserve for really bad people …
The fake position the BBC/Channel4/Sky like to portray to ‘ Joe Public’ is that there is no political bias, and we like to treat all political parties the same.
When therefore can we expect to view the likes of Cameron, Clegg, and Miliband, being subject to the constant probing, sneering, accusatorial, and personal interrogations of Nigel Farage? When can we expect to see the sanctimonious Charlie Stayt cross exam and harangue David Cameron, on the Breakfast Sofa about his Eton days ? When can we expect to see the leftie Snow on channel 4 probe the odious Dianne Abbot about her numerous racist utterings of the past ? When can we expect see Kay (there must have been whites there) Burley interview Clegg about the numerous sexual perverts, both past and present in his party? When can we expect Miliband to be doorstepped about his parties form for vote rigging ? When are all three leaders of the LibLabCon parties going to be quizzed as to how they became millionaires off the teat of tax payers ?
The answer to all of the above is NEVER ! because the whole steaming crock of s..1t which is the UK media, are in bed with the metropolitan left liberal elite, and the occupants of what they laughingly call the’Mother of Parliaments’
When will the pro EU parties be challenged about their ‘Whites First’ immigration policy clearly implied by favouring EU citizens? Apart from UKIP none of the parties has a non racist immigration policy.
In addition, which pro EU party supports the membership of the EU being extended to any country which does not have a white majority? They don’t want Turks, Arabs and African’s to join their club. Whereas UK would treat all those people and countries just the same as any other foreigners. Who’s really racist eh? If you want to come and work in the UK and you’re an Indian IT worker, a Brazilian doctor or a Canadian architect the answer is obvious.
I agree Flexidream.
What is patently obvious is the crock of excrement, lead by the BBC, don’t want to discuss the ishoos of being in Europe. They don’t want to discuss the huge disadvantages (both present and future) being in the EU, which adversely affects the people of the United Kingdom. Oh No they’d rather attack the messengers of such.
Note the complete abscence of any discussion of policy by the LibLabCon on the BBC or anywhere else. We all know why, it’s because the policy, over which they have no control, is determined and handed down by the unelected Commissioners who sit in Brussels
What’s the solution to apportioning blame for failing to prosecute Abu Hamza ?
Simples ! Blame the current government, not the ones who did it.
According to the Today program
An astonishing display of wilful ‘ignorance’ from the BBC. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!
Thufferin’ Thuccotash! Where does Newsnight find them?
Practically incomprehensible Euro philosopher bewilders Paxo – and hardly lets him get a word in – as the Prof from some small-country-or-other is invited on to round off the BBC’s idea of a fair hearing about UK membership of the EU.
Well when a stemming of hyper-immigration and exit are well and truely off the BBC agenda what’s the point anyway?
Was I supposed to be taking notes? Might sub-titles have helped, as we small band of imsomniacs strained to understand the sub-Hanna Barbera Cartoon tones of the guest beatnic acedemic bluffing and blubbering through his beard?
Maybe he was some long-lost cousin of the Milibands?
What for the love of Kirsty and Stephanie has this got to do with us licence payers?
‘Global Capitalism, Global Capitalism… I guess I’m still a leftist…’
I understood that much.
Seems like Capt’n Katz is mashing up the Old Newsnight slipway with Jamaica Inn.
First the new lady no one had clue what she was on about; now this?
Maybe, next, an interview conducted through the medium of modern dance! As Ms. Reid has showed, it’s the pins wot wins it. Emily & Kirsty can-canning around the Latest from the Middle East. Tastefully of course.
Lucky plummeting viewership seems not an issue for editorial wunderkinds fast-tracked from the Graun.
Not listened to Today for a while. Evian Davies was having a bad day as he tried to turn the Abu Hamza conviction story into a story attacking the British Government.
Speaking to a US official involved in the prosecution Evian repeatedly asked leading questions to try to get the American to criticise the UK for not prosecuting Hamza. The yank wouldn’t play and helpfully pointed out some differences in the US and UK legal systems. He was similarily dismissive of Evian’s attempt to link Hamza with MI5. The yank said it was common for agents to speak with people who were later convicted of terrorism, in much the same way I’d say that many criminals have had prior contact with the police.
Evian next moved on to the softer target of the British widower of one of Hamza’s victims. It all went pear shaped again. When directed to criticise the UK for not prosecuting Hamza the interviewee pointed out that Hamza had in fact been prosecuted and convicted in the UK for other offences and spent 7 years in prison – an ‘inconvenient truth’ the BBC did not think relevant as it spun its story of UK incompetence or unwillingness to prosecute. The interviewee also said that the hope had been early on that the wider Muslim community would respond and deal with the problem of hate preaching, which clearly didn’t happen.
Throughout, as the BBC rode its high horse and shouted about how bad it was that the UK had left it to the US, I was not suprised that they had no time to mention which (Conservative and female) Home Secretary was finally successful in getting Hamza extradited. And of course how tireless the BBC was in supporting Hamza’s extradition to face justice for his terrorist crimes.
“many criminals have had prior contact with the police”
Taint by mere association can be risky.
Ask any producers of paint balling docos.
Funny, the pictures of Hamza giving sermons in the street with masked henchmen by his side and dutiful followers bowed in prayer as PC (not the constable variety – the other one) Plod looked on impassively, adorned our newspapers like a dog turd presented in the middle of your cornflakes……..that was on whose watch, exactly?
Step forward Mr T Blair, the PM who couldn’t wait to rub our noses in diversity – a policy noticeably short on mentions during his election campaigning.
But then, mysteriously, we have not had a single retrospective from the BBC on 1997-2010 – just get Our Tone back now and again to speak a few wise words on the Middle East to a cacophonous accompaniment of a million ringing cash machines.
The BBC think that attacking UKIP as racist ( following the Liberal Left definition of racist which means you are one if you don’t put out the bunting whenever an alien arrives in your town or village), will put people off voting for them. They couldn’t be more wrong. Many people in the UK are not racist by the usual definition, but they don’t want their culture and way of life to be swamped by aliens. This is what UKIP give voice to and people are flocking to vote for them. No politician has dared to stand up for the Brits for decades and, as UKIP says, ‘ We Want Our Country Back’.
The BBC et al despise Britain and the British and they can’t understand that most of us actually preferred the country before we had mass immigration. They think that we have been converted to their way of thinking by decades of their state funded propaganda , but they are beginning to realise, as support for UKIP grows , that millions of us haven’t been.
I hope that after Thursday many main stream politicians, who have been cowed by the BBC and liberal left into supporting mass immigration , realise that there are millions of votes for politicians who stand up for Britain, even if that does mean having to run the gauntlet of the BBC racism slurs.
Cheeky BBC-journo-leeky
Have you noticed the way they have handled some disperate news items lately?
OK, something unfortunate has happened – based on the public’s natural sympathy for those involved, the confusion about complex events and all the inevitably unknown factors…. what authority can we target so as to drum up resentment and anger making the BBC look like an honest broker and give us a good long rail against someone other than us.
Please support Peter Hitchens in his quest for some truth from the BBC. They have swiftly given him an apology for the way they twisted his words in News Briefing on Sunday morning. Mr. Hitchens is not content with that, and I don’t blame him. He now seeks the whys and the wherefores concerning the twisting of his words. This is one to support and follow.
“latest barney is over tonight’s episode of Newsnight where either Wee Dougie or Dugher will appear to talk about Labour’s campaign.”
One wonders if Capt’n Katz will have been told to make ’em look good or, on current form, opted to invite both to debate with each other within a boxing ring that has only red corners. #morepopcorn
Meanwhile, usually supportive press seem less supportive at how this is playing out…
If only a wealthy UKIP supporter could buy up a couple of house in the street where Nick Robinson lives and transfer in some of those nice Romanians currently homeless and livening up Hyde Park Corner. Perhaps Tower hamlets could move in a few of those on their massive council house waiting list, (How to get a council house ITV) e.g. the Somali with nine children.
I understand Robinson has lost his mobile ‘phone; perhaps it was nicked by a Romanian pick pocket gang.
“PM’s number on BBC Nick’s lost mobile:
Number 10 treats misplaced handset as ‘serious security breach’ after it went missing as he attended football match”
Read more:
The Abu Hamza case is a perfect example of how the BBC load the dice.
Apparently, everything Nigel Farage has ever said is a gaffe, but a significant chunk of the left having acted as the legal equivalent of a bodyguard for convicted terrorist Abu Hamza? Not worth mentioning. Stop banging on about it. The debate’s moved on.
On the plus side, at least we’ve finally had a day off from Universal Shami.
Robinson on 10 o’ clock news last night in high dudgeon with Nigel Farage on his campaign trail in Margate.
Lots of fifty-somethings and over obviously enthusiastic fans of The Englishman’s Last Chance to Save His Nation.
Not going down too well with Robinson so, having wound himself up into a state of hyper-indignation over the whole injustice of how this non-BBCgroupthink rabble have ever been given a voice for their opinions, he asks them what do they know about UKIP policy, apart from immigration? What about tax? What about the budget deficit? Cutting spending?
Blank looks all round.
The same blank looks he’d get, in fact, if he asked the man in the street about Miliband’s policies. But he never will.
so I’m not alone
And fo the same reasons that have been expressed by many here for voting UKIP
Robinson is UKIP’s recruiting sargent -realises it but can do nothing alter it
His and the rest of the liberal inquisitions best strategy would be to say nothing – but , like the zealots they are ,they cant help themselves .
I don’t get why UKIP are pressed on their policies, no other party is given such scrutiny and this is a Euro Election, not a GE. Farage has made UKIP’s position on Europe clear and is understandably keeping his powder dry as far as his GE manifesto goes.
Robinson, O’Brien, Newman, Snow etc are supercilious prats who are labouring under the misapprehension that they are speaking for ‘us’ – they ain’t and still don’t get it.
Another BBC fruitcake who thinks that animals are more important than humans:
[Vote UKIP!!]
Actually I agree with him and can see where he is coming from, even after seeing my father and sister succumb to the disease. The world is already vastly over populated and any cure available only increases the burden on the NHS with those from all over the world seeking a cure here, we can’t sustain it. Meddling in nature doesn’t work.
The only certain thing in life is death, we’ve all got to go somehow someday, sadly some sooner than others, its nature! enjoy it whilst you can….
If you “know where he is coming from”, perhaps you could do us all a favour, and send him back there.
So, are you going to go around all the hospitals and hospices with a loaded gun then Geoff? Or rather, give it to the BBC employee, Chris Packham.
I have previously found the BBC sponsored Chris Packham to be odious and infantile in his manor and in his views. Please bring back the division that there used to be between children’s tv animal shows and an adult view of enviromental issues.
Indeed. where’s Johnny Morris when you need him?
I did like his comment though, that lemurs should not be transported from Madagascar to the West Indies, on the basis that’s not where they belong. Does this apply to people, too? For instance, is it wrong for people to move from, say, Nigeria/Somalia/Russia/Iran/China/Brazil/insert-name-of-country-here to Britain?
Of course, the British did ‘invade’ Madagascar to stop Vichy France from giving over the island to the Japanese fleet in World War Two.
The British suffered about 500 casualties in the Battle of Madagascar, 1942.
I remember in the 1980’s after the dead body of a cancer expert was found in the countryside, an elderly colleague said that he suspected that the scientist was on the verge of finding a cure for Cancer, threatening the multi-million pound Cancer research industry, now I have just heard again that someone is in danger from finding a universal cure for Cancer.
The motives for the multi-million pound Cancer research industry match the results, the motives are that they do not want you to die or get cured, but to produce drugs that keep you alive longer than you would if you did not take the drugs.
The prices of the drugs are set at an average for life expectancy and the average ability for people to be able to afford the drug, with the bank account reaching zero at the point of death expectancy, so as to maximise profits.
A universal cure for Cancer would be an enormous disaster for the Cancer Charity and Research Industry.
Alec Salmond was given an incredibly easy ride from Evan Davis this morning on ‘Today’ when questioned about immigration.
It was difficult for Evan, I know, even to have to use that word.
He prefaced his question to Salmond with the statement that after independence there would be an open border with Scotland. (This was presumably the phrase his intern had used in the interview notes). In other words the rest of the UK would choose to impose no border controls.
Salmond agreed independence means little or no difference in movement back and forward across the frontier even though he also wants to have a different immigration policy than London.
He cited the ‘Common Travel Area’ (CTA) between the UK and Ireland as the example that would be followed.
Davis did not jump in and ask why why England would necessarily do what Salmond wanted in the matter nor did he point out that Ireland has to have an identical visa policy to the UK or else the CTA would collapse. Some independence.
Instead Salmond was allowed to ramble on with some deceptive remarks about foreign graduates not being currently allowed to stay on in the UK.
Evan was clearly impressed and started chortling. End of discussion. No hard follow-up question.
Even if UKIP got 100% of the vote on Thursday he and the BBC would ignore nor that too. Indeed they can do no other.
‘Alec Salmond was given an incredibly easy ride from Evan Davis this morning on ‘Today’ ‘
After that easy ride Mr Toad turned up on BBC News Channel Breakfast for a free unhindered blather in just about whatever fantastic direction took his fancy. The format was this : the sofa dolly called out a subject and he just waffled as he pleased.
Only caught this interview at the very end, but just in time to hear the creepy Davis say ‘Alex Salmond, thanks ever so much’.
The biggest biased twat in a bunch of big biased twats.
Not BBC but this made me laugh. Jon Snow’s car crash interview with Romanian refugee on living next door to Romanians. Epic fail!!
Haha nice try Snow. You’ve invited two Romanians into the studio who don’t follow your narrative.
Stick to not wearing poppies in November.
The woman in red is my heroine.
Lovely to see snow struggling with what every decent person – including these two Romanian girls – are searching for from the politicians – freedom, law and order and decent behaviour.
Don’t get knocked down by any juggernaut lorries when you cycle home this evening will you Mr. snow……hahahahahah
Indeed. and Snow’s whole comment range is based on an untruth, the lady in red was trying to guide him back to the unruly’ truth but he kept grabbing at ‘the whole race’ and as such twisted what the other lady was saying too.
This may not have been the BBC but is a very good insight into the techniques used in pushing their agenda.
Mr Snow clearly wasn’t interested in finding out what these Romanians thought. He was interested in getting the approved answers out of them. See how he badgered the lady until she said “Politically, he was possibly wrong, but…” at which point he cut her off, repeated “Possibly wrong” and went over to the other lady who was more on message.
Seems car crashes are not restricted just to the targets of the UK’s media elite. They can meet ’em head on too.
I feel a wee bit sorry for whichever producer’s assistant found those two and didn’t vet ’em better before going on to tee up Jon’s (misplaced) race-driven outrage on their behalf.
Because it’s kinda going viral, and he’s not looking anything but a agenda-blinded plonker on any basis, but especially as a supposedly impartial interviewer.
Jon Snow’s new wife Zimbabwean Precious Lunga, 30 year age gap, he’s got a dog in this fight.
I see what you mean.
Jon Snow’s face was a picture at 2.20, he turned to stone. And when the woman in red started talking about right and wrong !!!
Mail order wife maybe ? still fair exchange is no robbery she gets a visa and he gets-
But I am surprised .Based on a couple of his own comments on race I thought ‘beautiful blue/black boys’ were his thing
(And before any one gets a fit off self righteous indignation those were Snows exact words)
“Mail order wife maybe ?”
Obviously not aware of the distance selling cooling off period.
Snow goes along with the line of the first guest that Farage and UKIP are using immigration as a smokescreen for his real policy of leaving the EU.
Yeah, it’s really a secret that UKIP want to leave the EU. And I stupidly was thinking that that was UKIP’s raison d’etre.
Really funny listening to Mariana Gordon. She’s more liberal than Snow is. I used to think Snow was decent, but he comes across as a smug bigot with a closed mind.
“A non-political organisation that promotes the European Union”?
Only a Jon Snow could speak such a sentence-and no irony whatsoever!
BBc frenzy in 8% AVERAGE increase in housing costs. This is obviously one they want to persue. Of course an “average” is just that, London & London commuter belt has a massive lopsided impact. What do the BBc want? 12% interest rates, because of course then they could do lots of stories on the repossessions. No mention of course of the number of migrants increasing the pressure on the housing supply but then they wouldn’t would they.
I had the misfortune to watch ‘Call the Council’ on BBC this morning. Pure public sector propaganda about all the wonderful things councils do to help the public. Like environmental health, checking taxis are road worthy and cleaning the streets.
Of course it is good to know they check take-a-ways for vermin and close them down if the find any, eventually. It’s also good to see that they take un-roadworthy taxis off the street but harder to understand why they wait 18 months to do so. And we all know how clean the streets are ..
Gosh are we all so lucky to have such ‘heroes’ (yes, they did call them heroes) working tirelessly for our benefit. Even though they are pulling taxis off the road whilst the drivers are at their busiest and seem more interested in the fact that their signage is too large rather than their brakes don’t work. But hey!
So now I know that when I next have to call the council because the bin men have emptied half the streets bins in the road, or because they still haven’t fixed the potholes or the streetlamps or the play equipment in the park, just how super they are!
Another ITMA, but this just appeared in the in-box:
Man guilty of Syria terror plan
Man from Portsmouth becomes first person in UK to be convicted of preparing for terrorism in Syria
Clicking to the story, one goes on to learn….
‘Mashudur Choudhury said he was trying to escape problems at home’
As many men do. At least most sheds harbour nothing more dangerous than the odd saw, trainset or home brewing kit. Seems this Portsmouth-based ‘Briton’s’ ‘release’ was more ambitious in that he has just been… ‘convicted of terrorist offences in connection with the conflict in Syria’.
Seen anything more on BBC News about the ‘unethical’ tax-avoidance scheme that Gary Barlow got embroiled in?
It’s reported that a BBC reporter, apparently, seems to have fallen foul of HMRC via the same scheme, has apologised and promised ‘to pay the money back’.
That’s OK then
It was Gabby Logan.
However all was done in good faith so her OBE may yet be safe.
Colin Jackson too
But don’t worry its all okay when done by a friendly Beeboid and completely different to the same behaviour by anyone else!
Why is this story not featuring prominently on BBC news?
Oxfam says , climate, evil US big business, in theguardian. How many more boxes need ticking
Cereal and softdrinks brands among top polluters singled out in Oxfam report for not doing enough on climate
They’re trying to find a way to blame UKIP first.
BBC still banging on about Peter Scudamore after everyone else has dropped it, same tactic as they used against Andrew Mitchell. Come to think of it, did they ever apologise for getting that one wrong?
Jeremy Vine shut down a female caller who said the PA was in the wrong – “We have done whistle-blowers already”.
A lot of female callers appeared to be on Scudamore’s side and thought the PA had made herself unemployable AND hurt women in general by casting doubt on the trustworthiness of women in support roles.
Vine is a strange cove, always trying to provoke controversy where none exists, encourage the creation of new law and discourage following old laws or moral codes.
The old East Germany must have seemed like paradise to these people, with children reporting on their parents. For Communism substitute Marxism, Feminism, Homosexuality, EU-topia, Islam, Made-made global ‘weirding’, Mass immigration etc.
Agree with all you say, but to this…‘always trying to provoke controversy where none exists’… there is little that is strange.
He has a daytime talk show. He, his producer and team are paid by how many tune in to get wound up.
The only difference to the shock jocks he likely disdains is they will take on all callers and enjoy the ensuing fight. Mr. Vine’s little stitch up sessions may wheel on two extremes as guests to ensure heat over light, but once the listener comments start coming in it’s pure BBC filter in place.
Which is why those the slip through live by fooling the screeners are as fun as those two Romanians with Jon Snow.
Did radio ever get much worse than Jeremy Whine and…
‘Phone in if you’ve ever been stuck down a mine’.
Will the impartial BBC be making a story out of this car crash radio interview?
It did after all happen on their own station
‘It did after all happen on their own station’
Wrong kind of car crash on the line, probably.
And that DJ better be careful bragging about it (was pretty funny) as this is likely the extent of balance permitted. I doubt this will get elevated by A. Newsroom to wall to wall national cover, unless the BBC high command figure Ed needs throwing under a bus before the national election so a bit of a sacrificial lamb hit on the EU (all the main parties looking like they are in dire positions anyway) may be worthwhile collateral damage to get the big prize of a more charismatic puppet to sign off on the next Charter.
On top of Ed’s grasp of family grocery finance reality earlier, he’s having rather a torrid time now.
Probably wondering why chunks of the MSM not still gunning for Nige.
He should have done a deal like Dave did with the Graun (allegedly (c) Hislop, I) , though that one may yet serve those two less than well when chickens return to roost.
More on what BBC dont report
Found in spectator comments
made almost the same comment at the same time over on the Speccie.
Funnily enough all the car crashes Miliband has made today and there is no link on any BBC news page, oh there is the story (hidden) but no link on News, UK News, England, Politcs, pages etc. Funny that…now where’s A Journalist who was telling us the order of news the other day?
He’s changed jobs. He’s A Scientist now.
Ten Ways To Solve The Housing Problem on the BBC web.
Of course Number 11, cutting demand, doesn’t make the list. Perhaps if all UKIP voters were deported to an EU re-education gulag camp in the Ukraine ALL problems would be solved?
Was reading though comments (highest rated not editors picks) and wondered ‘Is it still Green Party policy to reduce UK population by 1/3rd?’
Guess which third!
Given Pollard, Rose, PAC etc, have already established the place is like a sack of ferrets dropped into a vipers nest for those still (or thinking… sorry Mr. Lowe) they are loyally employed there, it seems hardly surprising that if you bugger off, especially have left more than a few poos in the pool, the legacy issues may be less than glowing:
Still, the BBC and staff are noted for their editorial by omission, and this one does speak volumes, if in silence.
Feeling the warm glow, Chris?
When the Guardian gives its pages over to such things, it’s also possible Lord Tone may still have a few issues to address yet.
‘course, some are making a better fist of it than others. Or at least giving it their best shot.
One may still ponder if the ‘tell it often enough’ approach of the BBC high command works quite so well once out of the protective nest (albeit of vipers).
Dunno if this has been posted and hope this works but… awkward name for the reporter…
Or click here
“brillo” … nice try, but no cigar
Have we got our Sarah Palin?
This woman has been hugely impressive throughout this campaign, hope Nigel realises how good she is.
Nigel is the new Barak Obama…yes we can ,UKIP!
Let`s not make it TOO hard for the BBC to understand…yes we can…duh!
I suspect she is a Public Relations professional rather than a career politician.
Why is it that Tpru MPs can say we are importing a crime-wave from Romania – Nut UKIP gets called racists for saying the same thing ?
At 6 minutes in Neil infers that in 1975 we were all for free-movement of labour.
However we were told: “The Six have attracted large numbers of workers from outside, while the movement within the Six has diminished. When we join, the pattern is likely is expected to be similar.”
Not exactly, “Open doors? Yes please!”
Pop over to Guido Fawkes and listen to Miliband’s interview on BBC Wiltshire. It is hilarious and so revealing I’m sure it will feature on the main news. It certainly would be if it had been N.Farage.
For some reason known only to the upper echelons of the BBC, the intense love affair with the corporation and extremist Islam continues. In this report the BBC just has to carry out damage limitation by mentioning the Christians roll in the bloodshed that is being perpetrated (mainly by Muslims) in Nigeria…
Sorry, that should read ‘role’.
BBC 2 Radio News.
UKIP political event cancelled due to activists who accused them of, wait for it, – racism. Steel band walked off because, UKIP are – racist.
Are the BBC hinting at something they want us to know perhaps? And who stirred up this racism agenda? And who can stir up a riot on twisted information better than anyone you know? They just don’t give a damn!
Less than two days before an election and the BBC cannot leave it alone can they. They are more than just biased their whole propaganda department, all £4 Billion worth and thousands of paid hangers on are in full screw up UKIP mode.
Well, “I just don’t give a damn” either. I have never looked forward to an election so much in all my life. UKIP may have a few ‘characters’ in amongst the patriots that speak their mind but better that than the cowards and traitors who have sold our country for 20 million pieces of silver. Don’t tell them your name Tony.
P.s Have you made sure you know who your chosen candidates are on Thursday? The dirty tricks department of the LibLabCons will be out in force to trip you up if they can.
I shall be wearing my Purple and Gold tie with pride.
Go for it Nigel.
UKIP spokesman Winston McKenzie gets it right: “Croydon is unsafe and a dump.”
It has of course been immortalised by members of the fairer sex sporting coiffure more commonly known as ‘The Croydon Facelift’.
So perhaps its allure is appreciated further and wider than some vapour-fitting ‘reporters’ may have us think.
More seriously, the precedent of democracy and free speech being derailed by the threats of certain groups kicking off is getting more and more of a concern.
The BBC doesn’t like UKIP.
I get it.
But they are a party and they do campaign.
Deal with it. Impartially.
And maybe get a bit more interested, investigatively, in who came to ‘clash’ with whom. Where do ‘Romanians carrying banners’ spring from?
And maybe delve a wee bit deeper into bands who apparently were unaware of who hired them for what event until … what, halfway through the set?
That seems… hard to credit.
But then, I am not A. Cubicle Warrior for a £4Bpa propaganda system.
And had Nigel showed up, he`d have been accused of incitement to racial hatred…and those ill educated, unwashed rentamob from BBC Extra Casting with their cod-Romanian accents would have been all over the news.
Tough luck BBC onanists…UKIP are on due to create that revolution.
Of course no matter WHAT UKIP get-what they achieve-it`ll still be a crisis for Nigel and his “beleaguered” team in the words of the f***in BBC and their political handlers and groomers.
It’s fairly prominent now on the news front page. Strangely, there’s nothing to be seen regarding Mr Miliband’s unfortunate radio interview.
I do hope UKIP are now in the habit of having someone video their gatherings because you can guarantee someone will accuse them of starting any trouble.
The BBC really seems curiously untroubled by these mysterious rent-a-mobs who can turn up and stop other parties campaigning. Sooner or later fire will have to be fought with fire.
I bet it turns out that the rent a mob are Cameron’s useful idiots. Rented by Cameron’s public relations people at Tory central, using LibDem money.
Ex- Beeboid Michael Crick did his fair share of stirring things up for Channel4 New with the members of the steel band and the UAF/SWP fascists who turned up to cause trouble.
Crick stalks UKIP candidates in the hope of catching them saying something “controversial”. Crick the Prick openly shows his hatred of UKIP. Just proves you can the Beeboid away from the BBC but you can’t take the BBC aay from the Beeboid.
Little fat twat from Northampton needs a good slap across both faces-and either chin will do!
Still-Radio Gaga, Echo Beach, Mirrormen?
The whole liberal elite have their lilos on the lawns and hope we`ll not hunt the buggers down as traitors anytime soon.
Clearly a bit more now that “Biased BBC” isn`t it , when the whole political gossips and pension hugging expense fiddling, tax-dodging MPs are all begging us all not to vote UKIP.
Only wish I could skewer my vote through their rotten black hearts.
For a couple of steel band members and a few fake Romanians(with rather well written placards re the emancipation of the proletariat maybe?) to make Cricks Wick of a piece only shows the level of reportage required to be a liberal.
These regular twenty minute hates are echo chambers of failed CB radio or hospital fete programmes…suppose when Savile went, Broadmoor went outside to do its “puff pieces”.
Roll on the 22nd then….yes we can Nigel!
Also note the Romanian ‘tunnel people’ in the preceeding report, all coming to a town near you soon….
Keith Vazzeline has the gall to defend his party’s decision to support Romania’s accention to Europe and call for more support from Britain to help them (‘it has a duty’). It seems in reality the EU is intent on bringing the standard of living of every nation member state down to that of the lowest….
Crick is a simple fellow. Not that bright and perhaps we should let him twitter on for our amusement. I still laugh when I think of his C4 interview with the odd Spanish UKIP donor.
“BBC reporter apologizes for Hitler salute.
Chris Rogers was filmed giving a Nazi salute while working on documentary on anti-Semitic football fans in Poland and Ukraine.”
In Yorkshire, we have a Woman on top of the UKIP list, with an Asian second, and then its touch and go if we get the token white male UKIP MEP that the BBC would obviously prefer to talk too in its Studio interviews after the count and in any future interviews with UKIP that the BBC dare not avoid.
An Islam Not BBC (INBBC) hero?:-
“Mashudur Choudhury becomes first British person convicted for terror offences in Syria”
The cumulative impact of aspects of Islam on Britain society which INBBC seems to discount:-
“Decapitation, Morality Squads and ‘Five-Star Jihad’
A Month of Islam in Britain: April 2014”
by Soeren Kern.
Sickening when just one month is summarised like that. How many of those stories have appeared on the bBBC?
‘On its website Lloyds says: “Following the guidance of Islam is an important part of everyday life, so we’ve made it an important part of everyday banking. Our Sharia committee of two independent scholars has guided us to create an account that’s right for you.”
Sleepwalking into oblivion.
You might think that the story of the UKIP carnival in Croydon today would be newsworthy what with all the protestors and of course all the Romanians who turned up to protest.
The BBC in a report modified at 17:27 reports “Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen”
Except it isn’t true, and I strongly suspect that the BBC knows it isn’t too.
The BBCs Michael Crick was present when the truth became known so it’s difficult not to accuse the BBC of deliberate falsification.
BBC R4 reporting the shooting dead of a man in 1982 described him as a ‘teenager’. Well, that’s true he was 19. And of course whenever a 18 or 19 year old policeman, policewoman or soldier was shot dead by the IRA the BBC would always describe the victim as a ‘teenager’? Or is it simply that the BBC was trying to give the impression that the RUC shot a child? Tricky huh?
Correction – the IRA man was 17. However the BBC said 19 on the radio – listen to this at around 14:20
Survation – “Nearly 38% of voters UNAWARE European elections take place on Thursday”
Really? How can that possibly be given the amount of publicity surrounding it? I mean we aren’t talking about 38% of the populace, including those too young to vote, or locked away in prison etc. Added together it must be around half the population !
Perhaps the message is supposed to be: okay, UKIP are going to do well. But it won’t count – 38% of voters didn’t know about the election. If they had, they would all have undoubtedly voted for Labour-EU, LibDem-EU or ConservativeEU, meaning that UKIP wouldn’t have any come anywhere. No, really. I’ve read the script for the BBC’s 6pm news for this coming Friday and it says this.
I expect that the top BBC story about the Euro Elections will be the low voter turnout and how it magnified UKIP support. No mention of ballot paper confusion, postal vote irregularities, voter registration drives or media bias. And the BBC will emphasise that most voters voted for a party which supports continued EU membership.
I see the Suzanne Evans, shown in the above Brillo link, used to work for the BBC as a reporter and presenter. Maybe this is why Brillo was a little “soft” in his questioning. Good catch UKIP!!!
Readers might recall my voicing misgivings over UKIP allowing the agent of disgraced Labour MP Phil Woolas to stand for them in the coming elections.
Seems like my misgivings were correct, as he has unbelievably circulated a ‘how to cheat the elections’ leaflet to UKIP supporters in Asian areas of the town and inevitably Labour has complained.
I recommend people read this because it really is difficult to believe someone could actually print this:
The Headline is:
“Fresh election race row hits UKIP over claims Asian candidates are intent on rigging the poll”
The article goes on to say:
“The anti-EU party has been reported to both the police and the Electoral Commission over a leaflet being distributed around much of the borough. Its (SPOOF) pamphlet – which Labour is blaming on Joe Fitzpatrick, one-time agent to shamed former MP Phil Woolas, but now a UKIP activist and candidate – appears to warn that Asian candidates are intent on rigging the poll. It also suggests that the town hall solicitor is prepared to turn a blind eye to fraudulent ballot papers.”
It also says:
“Among its tongue-in-cheek suggestions (IN A SPOOF PAMPHLET) on ‘how to win an election’ are to ‘count on the white folk not voting’, as well as to ‘steal postal votes”.
So the UKIP candidate is wrong and has been reported to the police for pointing out criminal activities by certain groups and how they do it. The SPOOF PAMPHLET may have not been a good idea but I would suggest that electioneering fraud is just a tad worse. But then we mustn’t upset the COMMUNITY FOLKS must we?
-Remember the political alacrity with which Beeboids got stuck into Tory government minister, Andrew Mitchell, over this?:-
“P***gate: Officer boasted of ‘toppling government'”
“New scandal over Met’s undercover policing:
Conviction of three corrupt former Scotland Yard detectives may be at risk”
Did I hear right just now, Hyoo on News at Ten, calling Boko Haram “Terrorists” ? I thought that word was haram, as it carried “value judgements”…..whatever the f that means….
BBC have commented on the guilty verdict on Abu Hamza by describing the reason for hi extradition as being
” where he rose to prominence for his fiery sermons at a north London mosque.”
Fiery sermons are Fire and Brimstone re one’s personal salvation not about murdering more than half the World’s population.
BBC are effectively condonong genocide in their manner of reporting
Of course, ‘The pro-E.U ‘Independent’, as the ‘Guardian,’ and Beeboids, don’t like the current anti-E.U political sentiment across Europe. They would like the E.U to be quietly getting 80 million Muslims from Turkey into the E.U. instead, so as to further Islamise the continent.:-
“EU elections 2014: A vote for Europe – or simply a chance to put the boot in?”–or-simply-a-chance-to-put-the-boot-in-9406013.html
“DJ David Lowe says ‘N-word’ song that he lost his job over is on the BBC’s approved list of music which is ‘okay to play'”
Read more:
BBC Describes Abu Hamza as “delivering fiery sermons,” as part of reminder of what he did in Britain.
Fiery sermons is fire and brimstone re one’s own salvation not the calling for murdering ove half the world’s population
The BBC’s manner of reporting this Muslim’s behaviour is effectively a conivance at the urging of genocide.
Sorry doubled up on this one