Christianity and Capitalism…The Two Evils Of Our Time.
The Springwatch co-host and outspoken naturalist, Chris Packham, declared that economic growth is a ‘recipe for disaster’ and blamed Christianity for allowing humans to think that they can exploit the planet’s resources.
So pretty much the normal BBC view of the world then.
And Islam is not a problem for animals then Packo?
Gutless weirdo who spent too much time going feral with Terry Nutkins, when Packo was of compulsory school age.
Just the kind of Master HE Bates that only the BBC would employ near kids for telly.
Thought the Maltese would have ensured he didn`t come back even worse than when he went out there at taxpayers expense.
Islam?…halal?…Shari`a?…over to you fearless Packo…
Are all those employed by the BBC nut jobs? (I think I just answered my own question)
Chris Packham – great natural history TV presenter and I enjoy watching and listening to him. But he has no real insight on economics or religion. He’s right to have an opinion, but it doesn’t merit any special attention. Oh, and he’s wrong about Christianity, but that’s by the by.
A man who has opinions, imagine that.
I read the article and don’t think he does say ‘Christianity and Capitalism…The Two Evils Of Our Time’ though.