The Submarine Service is often called the ‘Silent Service’ but perhaps that could be as well applied to the BBC whose silence on matters Miliband is remarkable and where all his inglorious episodes sink without trace having made hardly a ripple in the BBC news at all….despite the most recent inglorious escapade having actually happened in a local BBC radio station interview.
Two stories came out today that shed an unflattering light on the real Miliband who doesn’t know who the leader of Swindon’s Labour Party is despite going to campaign there on his behalf, nor the cost of a week’s shopping despite campaigning on that very subject:
Miliband’s two car crash interviews in one day: Labour leader exposed on local radio for not even knowing who he was campaigning for in Swindon
Ed Miliband endured a nightmare day on the campaign trail today after following up a blundering TV interview with a car crash local radio appearance.
The Labour leader was this morning accused of being ‘out of touch with reality’ after appearing not to have any idea how much he spends on a weekly shop.
He was then left embarrassed on the BBC’s Radio Wiltshire when forced to admit he did not know the local Labour leader – even though he was supposed to be campaigning for him.
Mr Miliband was speaking to Swindon’s local radio ahead of the council elections on Thursday.
He was asked by radio host Ben Prater what he made of Jim Grant, the leader of Swindon’s Labour party.
Mr Miliband responded: ‘I beg your pardon?’
The radio presenter said: ‘Grant, do you think he has done a good job?’
The Labour leader replied: ‘I think that lots of Labour representatives are doing a good job right across the country.’
Mr Prater then asked whether he knew who Jim Grant was, but all Mr Miliband could say was: ‘You will enlighten me I am sure.’
The radio host then said: ‘Swindon Labour leader.’
A flustered Mr Miliband then claimed: ‘Yeah I think he is doing a good job.’
But Mr Prater asked how the Labour chief in Swindon could possibly feel supported if his national leader did not ‘even know his name’.
Mr Miliband replied: ‘Well he is doing a good job as leader of the council, Jim is, and I think that is the case.’
He added: ‘I know that Jim is doing a good job for Swindon and I think he is doing a good job as leader of the council.’
But the presenter was forced to intervene again to point out that Mr Grant is not the leader of the council – because it is a Conservative led council.
Mr Miliband said: ‘I think he is doing a good job for Labour on the council.’
To be fair of course everybody thinks ed Miliband is called David Miliband…wishful thinking perhaps from many.
Ah look…the BBC has reported Miliband’s little trouble, or at least one part of it….
Can you see the story? It’s not on the Frontpage, nor the UK page, not even on the England page….you have to go to the West & South West page, then click on Wiltshire and you get this
Ed Miliband grilled over local knowledge in Swindon
So obvious really:
You will note that clicking on this takes you back to the Politics page…and you will think hang on I’ve checked that page and nothing….except you’d be wrong because hidden in plain sight is this:
See it yet? No…well look at the ‘Watch/Listen’ box…still nothing? Then click on the scroll button and finally you will find the story.
Not as if the BBC want to make it as difficult as possible to find a story that makes Miliband look a complete prat is it?
You can guarantee if Cameron had such an interview it would be headline news and the subject of ribald commentary from BBC presenters and comedians for days if not weeks after.
He’s truly a twunt LOL of the first order.
What else do you expect from this moron?
It’s not just that he is incompetent; he has obviously been poorly briefed, showing that the whole Labour effort is in disarray.
And this deluded marxist clown genuinely believes that he could lead and run the country !
Imagine it was Farage? Front page…but Milliband? No hide it.
Hilarious the way Millipede repeats what he’s just been told as if he knew it already, thinking no-one will notice. Possible career limiting interview though for the radio jock.
Yes. He’s a fraud, an opportunist who can get away with saying the bleeding obvious without any challenge or scrutiny.
And the other thing that he does when he’s bandwagonning, is to climb aboard one that’s already rolling. Take for example Miliband’s declaration that when he becomes Prime Minister he will clamp down on tax dodging. No 2 son says he likes that. But the Tories have been taking action for the past three years.
No 2 son said he wasn’t aware of that…well he wouldn’t be would he? The BBC have never told him. And there are plenty of other initiatives that the BBC have left fallow, waiting for the parasite Miliband to pounce and claim that he is ‘setting the agenda’.
Of course, waiting for the opportunity to pounce and muscle in is part of Miliband’s modus operandi – ask his brother.