Here’s one to focus comments on BBC coverage of the local council and European elections. I sat up and watched the early coverage from the BBC last night, and I thought it was ok but this morning, on Today, they were busy pushing the “protest and angry” voter line. Over to you….
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Funny, isn`t it, that the anti-establishment.. pro-riot, anti-“the Man” and pro-Occupy lefties get attacks of the vapours and clutch their pearls when the prospect of a REAL chance to change things come around?
I mean-all those tales of punk, of Grosvenor Square and of Lady Chatterleys lover?….yet here they all are-spliff in hand, credit card on hold and private schools to pay for-and wanting us all to stay in our little boxes made of ticky tacky.
The Toynbee Dream…revolution in the ghettos, but themselves safely able to get a Filipino to hand deliver the Guardian on a Saturday.
Hence their hatred of UKIP..a Live Revolution that`ll bring their whole rotten stack of card down, as stacked against the plebs that vote for the “racist, ill-educated beige civilians outside the M25…even the A406.
Looking forward to halal pigs squealing as the results roll in on Monday…but I`m sure it will be headlined as a catastrophe for UKIP…already written!
But no-one believes anything the lefty liberals say…so more fun as they convince themselves of same.
So…..The day came and went. I arrived home this evening to hear the bbbc news commentary and analysis. Already they are talking down the results of today’s votes withe regard to UKIP and they managed to import some chap from strathclyde university who declared that the average ukip voter is generally older and ‘less well educated’ (quote) than other voters and the reason that they haven’t done so well in the London boroughs is because the message of UKIP doesn’t ‘connect’ with the young, vibrant, intellectual younger citizens who live and work in modern London………. I found that very difficult to believe as I thought that there were less votes for UKIP because they hadn’t actually fielded many candidates in the London boroughs and because there are no longer any English people in London.
I expect that by tomorrow evening the bbbc will be telling everyone that although UKIP did attract some votes the overall winners are the Labour party who, fired on by their latest success will strive on through the next 12 months to become the glorious victors at the next general election and thereafter we will all finally be wearing grey work clothes, we will all be equal, we will not be allowed to have any contact with the opposite sex (except when sanctioned by the sate), we will all be living in a commune and eating only vegetables and will be commuting to work on bicycles and that all of us are equal but some are more equal than others…..Long live the fatherland !!!!!
There are hideously white areas in London like Chelsea, but I suppose the popularity of Boris and his empathy for UKIP, held up the Tory vote in these areas. But then don’t most white people who work in London, live and travel from the nice UKIP areas just out side of the city limits, rather than live in the shithole that makes up most of London.
As regards less well educated, in our high achieving schools area, the UKIP vote is about 50 percent, but this only effects a third of the council seats, but in the inner-city dumps with the poorest achieving schools in Yorkshire, UKIP only got 25 percent and one UKIP councillor.
So, bringing back Grammar Schools would double the UKIP vote.
So…..The day came and went. I arrived home this evening to hear the bbbc news commentary and analysis. Already they are talking down the results of today’s votes withe regard to UKIP and they managed to import some chap from strathclyde university who declared that the average ukip voter is generally older and ‘less well educated’ (quote) than other voters and the reason that they haven’t done so well in the London boroughs is because the message of UKIP doesn’t ‘connect’ with the young, vibrant, intellectual younger citizens who live and work in modern London………. I found that very difficult to believe as I thought that there were less votes for UKIP because they hadn’t actually fielded many candidates in the London boroughs and because there are no longer any English people in London.
I expect that by tomorrow evening the bbbc will be telling everyone that although UKIP did attract some votes the overall winners are the Labour party who, fired on by their latest success will strive on through the next 12 months to become the glorious victors at the next general election and thereafter we will all finally be wearing grey work clothes, we will all be equal, we will not be allowed to have any contact with the opposite sex (except when sanctioned by the sate), we will all be living in a commune and eating only vegetables and will be commuting to work on bicycles and that all of us are equal but some are more equal than others…..Long live the fatherland !!!!!
Simples !
Great Britain is a bigger place than London and there are far more educated people in this country who do not wish to live there. Watch this space on Monday . there trouble posting? Apologies for the double tap
an old video but just common sense – the funny thing is my boss in my particular field is a women and I work with a lot of women and they all agree with why young women might not be hired because they get pregnant and come back and get pregnant again – has happened to us and in business their isn’t the bbc style bottomless of money so someone else has to be hired so we are paying twice and we have to hold on until the maternity woman gets back…isn’t right but it is common sense why women of child bearing age aren’t hired (someone please call me a sexist pig as it will show how out of touch they are from reality)
It is one of the reasons that public services are always marked down as poor value for money. They have to follow every government edict on whatever is PC for the day, and so costs are driven up.
How much longer can we put up with the BBC interfering in politics? Especially during an election?
According to Guido, another BBC leftie hastily deleted a tweet attacking the English Democrats. She is Sally Challoner from BBC West.
However she reweeted a tribute to Tony Benn (below). I also liked Tony Benn but I don’t agree with the BBC’s promotion of his socialist ideas which I thought were mostly pretty extreme.
Retweeted by Sally Challoner
Steve Turner @SteveT_Unite • Mar 27
Farewell #tonybenn socialist, fighter, champion of working people, peace and justice the world over. RIP comrade x
Plus side to this must be Danny Cohen is certainly seeing much greater representation from the BBC ladies in the corporate foot-shooting stakes, so there seems no glass ceiling to worry about on being a motormouth numptie.
Without the fraudulent postal vote labour would have been wiped out .
“For Essex man, the only way is Ukip, says SIMON HEFFER (who 25 years ago coined the phrase Essex Man)”
Read more:
“Ukip ticks the box as the none-of-the-above party (so Tories and Labour should really be worried)”
Read more:
On Today this morning there was an interesting interview with a Labour MP. He was trying to defend the Labour Party campaign and Mr E Miliband, against a ferocious attack by the interviewe,r who thought that Labour should have attacked UKIP to a much greater extent and that E Miliband was losing labour their chance of winning the GE.
You could almost hear the interviewer saying, ‘after all that we at the BBC have done for you and for Ed, you let us down! We have done so much to boost that lame duck Ed and we have tried time after time to expose UKIP as being racist, but you have just messed up and Ed is still a liability’.
No doubt the BBC will soon settle down, get over their disappointment, and strain ever harder to get Labour elected, with or without Mr E Miliband. It will just require ever more brazen bias , suppression , distortions and lies. After all if they can get labour elected they will reap rewards of an increased LF and be set up by Labour to dominate the digital age. Hopefully they won’t get any of these things from the next Tory government.
Simon Fanshawe tells us this morning on BBC 1 Breakfast that:-
1. Only a minority of people voted for UKIP
2. London didn’t vote for UKIP and it is full of immigrants.
3. Only places that don’t have immigrants voted for UKIP
4. Where there are lots of immigrants people love it and can’t have enough ‘diversity’!
Of course no-one who voted for any of the other parties has any concern over immigration and EU nationals in London are just as likely to vote for the anti-EU party as any other.
Essentially most people are ‘on message’ so the Westminster Village should just carry on as usual but maybe shout louder, (with fingers in their ears?).
The political biased Beeboid ‘reporter,’ Mr Beake, is anti-UKIP in the way he presents his sample vox-pop, anti-UKIP opinions.
Beake obviously sides politically with ‘diverse’ (non-white?), younger voters in London, as he mischievously suggests that one has to travel further from the centre of London to find UKIP support in the “whitest” areas, where, he tells us, one gets such “dated” attitudes.
“UKIP weak performance in London: Voters views”
(inc video clip).
Just watched this video. It is so ‘out of the closet’ anti UKIP that I find it difficult to call it biased it is just bbbc political propaganda. Almost like a Nazi germany public broadcast! A perfect example of why this overblown, Marxist public broadcaster should be closed down. They seem to be settling down to the subliminal message if you vote UKIP you are questionably racist and a bit thick.
I wish they’d have a vote on whether to close the bbbc down. That would be one time when I would be glad to see UKIP come second.
and he is misquoting what Suzanne Evans of UKIP actually said.
There appears to be quite the trend in misquoting these days.
Being it is either by or facilitated through the BBC’s supposedly professional, objective news editorial is more than a concern.
I think the greatest misquote in history must be Enoch Powell and the “rivers of blood” – he never said anything of the sort. To paraphrase Josef Goebbels – “The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.”
Today’s Telegraph has a short item on Neil Hamilton’s joke about talking dirty. Of course they miss out the “I’m joking” line so it can smear UKIP.
Powell was the best public speaker I ever heard. In the early 1970 I hear him at the local Miner’s Institute. A Tory politician talking to hundreds of coal miners – by the end of the speech he had them eating out of his hand. A clear message, assembled with impeccable logic and expressed in understandable language – but he didn’t talk down to us.
BBC Breakfast : ‘…this unsually mild Spring….’
I suppose you have to hand it to the BBC – when they take up an agenda they are absolutely relentless.
‘Unusual milding’? Head for the hills!
Actually, today, here, ‘mild’ not a term I’d use.
Looks as though they expected us plebs to vote UKIP in both council and Euro elections. maybe they think were all to thick and not educated enough to put an X next to different pretty pictures.
I voted Tory in the council (good worker hes done well localy)
and UKIP in the Euro.
Tying a person to effective representation in politics is often tricky up through town & county to MP, party and EU.
Roland D opened my eyes a few days ago, so I was not surprised but remained unimpressed that on the EU ballot it was by party, often with a screed of bozos I’d never heard of clumped together underneath.
No way was I giving that set-up my mandate.
By James Delingpole.
It’s been fascinating listening to the interviews, excuses and prevarications ladled out by the media and mainstream political parties attempting to understand UKIP’s success. Ed wants to “listen” and to “engage” with people’s concerns over immigration. Well, that’s settled then, completely put my mind to rest. However I remember he seemed to cock a deaf ‘un when he was in government and could actually have done something when four million poured in. I really can’t understand why anyone in London would vote Labour. Every Labour run council is an expensive black hole of rate payers dosh and invariably you’re paying to live in an overcrowded, squalid, multicultural shit hole. Ed wasn’t leader of the Labour party during those dark years that have done so much to damage our culture, but he was at the top table. Electing this twerp to be prime minister would be akin to finding the navigator on the Titanic and making him Admiral of the Fleet.
Just to report that like other UKIP candidates in outer London our vote was low. I was standing in Kingston borough, which was a battleground focus, on polling day there were dozens of Tory and LibDem party workers in my ward alone.
I can console myself with the thought that I did virtually in percentage terms as well as the estimable Suzanne Evans who was standing in nearby Wimbledon.
BUT – one elected Tory Councillor told me at the count that he had voted UKIP for the Euro elections. So did several Tory people at polling stations. Sunday could be an even bigger shock – and it will show a lot more UKIP support in London that we saw on the local Council results. Miliband and Cameron will be forced to alter their stance on Europe and a referendum.
Our count did not end until about 10am Friday morning.
We will of course meet to discuss the way forward – but the Tories and LibDems round here know that we will be a factor in the General Election too, both the local constutencies are marginal.
The Tories have now taken control of Kingston. We were the only party to attack the profligacy of local Council spending, the vanity projects, the fact that Council Tax is 50% higher than the London average. It was disgraceful that the Tory local leaflets failed to take this as the main attack on the former LibDem Council. They do not seem to care what a burden this is on many households. Not everyone here is as rich as Zac Goldsmith, one of the local MPs, or the people buying plush new riverside flats in gated developments.
Meanwhile it looks more definite that the man who was violently abusive to a friend of mine outside a railway station in Merton on Wednesday was a local Labour candidate ! At least from photo ID. We shall see how this matter develops, the local police appear to be regarding this matter as a possible public order offence.
Sorry I think I may have just hit the report button by mistake.
Well done John. Grateful to the likes of you and your UKIP colleagues for your great donkey work in getting this fantastic embryonic ball rolling, (especially in your area, where the Tory/Lib Dem odds were particularly stacked against you).
Remember, (quote from Margaret Thatcher):
“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it”.
Your real consolation prize comes in tomorrow for sure.
The majority of us patriarchs would not have so positively perked up with optimism for a better future for our great Nation without the likes of you, thanks.
Your real prize comes in tomorrow, not doubt about that.
Top of the Pops: “We only making plans for Nigel”:
Thanks charlatans. It was worthwhile – but exhausting – I am a patriarch too !
I wonder if the popularity of Boris and his empathy for UKIP, held up the Tory vote in these areas.
Or the lack of fraudulent postal votes ?
Let’s just wait for tomorrow night when the BBC will be left gasping for explanations…But in the meantime…
A few things the BBC election coverage would do well to take on board
1. Only 37% voter turnout. Most people didn’t vote for anyone.
2. Local elections are not Euro elections. Wait for Sunday’s results
3. The noise over allegations about racism foiled any attempt to discuss the EU after the Clegg/Farage debate.
4. UKIP are not racist
5. Conservatives are not greedy
6. Labour are not gullible
7. LibDems are not unpatriotic
8. Nationalists are not bigots
9. All the main parties support a free market, tolerance, the rule of laws passed by elected representatives, social welfare support, social medicine, independent courts and police etc. They differ in degree, seldom in substance.
10. The British electoral system is flawed and open to abuse.
Maybe the BBC can now treat us as thinking adults and support a grown up debate. Especially on why so few people bother to vote.
Or does the BBC have a motive to keep the ‘debate’ hysterical and partisan? How about one week on Question Time have a panel of people with no political interest, say all theologians or scientists? Or even all Canadians or Russians? No, the BBC prefer a Punch and Judy show. It’s all about entertainment and indoctrination not education and debate.
Listening to the Now Show by accident I’d counted 4 anti UKIP jokes and 1 anti Labour by the time I switched off. The BBC ‘getting it about right as usual’.
Well put FlexiD!
Sadly, the BBC only cares when it fuels a flame or fans an issue-then reports on its consequences(with cameras and OB conveniently to hand in order to write those “first drafts of history”).
The riots of 2011 showed us this…they like the safe rebellion as long as it only hurts the little people, and lets them show pony on their virtues and tolerances.
The BBC are the problem these days…they have to go.
Sample BBC statement…
“The BBC’s commitment to impartiality is second to none. Though there have been a few minor issues with news staff becoming understandably overexcited on social media about our unsurpassable election coverage, we can assume viewers that this has in no way affected the balance of our reporting. We would in no way allow the broadcasting of material that diminishes or denegrates any specific political party, or any of their candidates.”
In the gap between the local and EU results I’d like to throw in my great fear about the EU in/out referendum whenever it happens. This is prompted by the different pattern of voting seen in London because of its “cosmopolitan” ethnic mix.
If we vote to leave the EU I’ll be delighted.
If we vote to stay in by a significant majority I’ll be unhappy but accepting – that’s democracy.
But what if we vote to stay in by a small majority and a geographical analysis of the results show that those areas with a high indigenous population voted “out”, while the cosmopolitan areas voted “in”. We would have over 50% of the indigenous population feeling that their country had been stolen.
I don’t have any answers, but the London council results worry me.
That’s a brilliant point RJ, I must admit I hadn’t thought of that. The potential for civil unrest would be undeniable.
I remember a good few years ago the military of the island of Fiji mounted a coup after mass immigration from the Indian sub-continent had skewed elections against the interests of the indigenous population. No chance of that happening in this country, though – too many Common Purpose graduates in the higher echelons of our military.
The mass entry of Indians to Fiji happened 100 years or more ago. They were transported there by the Brits as “indentured labour” – to work the plantations. In other words, slaves.
But yes, Fiji is riven by racial stress. The Indian population is now much at a level with the indigenous Fijians. Bound to cause tension – which Fiji has suffered for many years.
Obvious lessons like this have been ignored by our political masters. Our politicians have deliberately set up such conflicts and tensions – and they are still doing it.
London can remain part of the EU as an autonomous region, whilst the rest of Britain retains its independence outside. One country, two systems (think China and Hong Kong, or Berlin surviving within East Germany). As London doesn’t produce much in the way of energy, water and food they can import that (at a price) from Free Britain. Bring it on…
Well maybe we could have a system of restricting the rights of non-indigenous people, we could stamp their passports or other official documents with some sort of indicator, that way we could make sure that they didn’t have too much influence and we could make sure they weren’t part of the “national community”. That way their votes could be disregarded, or perhaps not even counted in the first place.
That’s a lot of ‘we’, as it were.
But this time, I suspect you are not seeing yourself as part which, given past inclusivity claims, could get confusing.
The “we” in each line is whoever is entitled to vote, which will probably be everyone on the electoral register. There wont be any recent arrivals in the country as it takes time to get on the register, but not that long.
Being cynical I assume that the official policy of the Conservatives, Labour and Liberals will be to campaign for a “Yes”, so they’re not going to agree to any restriction of the franchise that would reduce “their” vote.
Just to ensure clarity, I was referring to the post of Mr. Howard, who can on occasion deploy a form of ‘we’ that may presume more inclusivity than entirely warranted.
In this case I suspected other aims were intended, and it’s possible the confusion I feared may have become reality.
If not, my apologies.
Understood. Thank you.
You rac**ist bar steward. Take your bigotry elsewhere please.
My comment above obviously meant for Danny, (since just been told could be misconstrued).
I gather that Matthew Parris in the Times is suggesting that UKIP is yelling a pack of lies, nobody is really affected by immigration from East Europe.
I am sure that everything is fine for Parris, ex-MP and now a journalist and broadcaster. HIS job isn’t affected by this immigration, HIS wages aren’t depressed by it. He is not affected by the acute pressure on local state school places in London and elsewhere. He can ride above the massive rise in house prices and rents directly caused by excessive immigration.
He is just part of the metro-media bubble. Deaf and blind.
His article is now being discussed for an hour or two on LBC. So far, overwhelming criticism of the trite remarks of Parris.
Well of course. He’s just like Desperate Dan Hodges in the DT (and Polly Toynbee, Yasmin Brown etc).
They are all part of the progressive elite that rules this country. Being in the EU is just part of their “project”.
When their cosy stitched up version of democracy is challenged, no matter how slightly, they react with disdain, then contempt and finally anger directed at the ungrateful masses.
Andy Burnham – thinks UKIP getting too much favoured coverage from BBC:
Loads agree with him on his twitter acct:
After its political invective against UKIP, ‘Guardian’ now attempts to work out what is really going on:-
“First Britain and now for Europe – Ukip redraws the political map”
EU – corruption – just one of the major reasons to justify UKIPs vote tomorrow:
And who’s doing INBBC News channel’s ‘Press preview’ tonight again, but none other than its political chum, Ugandan Muslim immigrant, and would-be UKIP censor, Ms Alibhai-Brown.
Given her recent cited views on selective censorship by person or persons restricted to herself and approved others, that the BBC has increased her profile as guide on what is news and what is not seems unsurprising, if disappointingly predictable.
Another reason the BBC should not employ this woman to review anything and why UKIP vote justified:
“Uganda: Churches step up security after threats from Islamic jihad group”
By Robert Spencer.
“Surely Muslim leaders in the West who know that Islam preaches peace and tolerance are jetting to Somalia right now, in order to explain to the leaders of Al Shabab that jihad is peaceful and benign, and that Islam respects Christians as the People of the Book, and that jihadists would never attack churches. Aren’t they?”
Another lefty lie exposed: (found on Guido):
The cat always get’s let out of the bag as some time or other. Bryant and Murphy, the minister pushing the treaty through Parliament both swore the Party line that they were different. I had done my homework and it was clearly an EU conspiracy to get the treaty through without triggering referendums from countries.
However, one should never forget that it was Major and the Maastrict? treaty that created the EU. So the cons did not offer us a referendum either on that treaty which was just as important.
Just watched thick YAB (who ‘writes’ for a ‘newspaper’ nobody buys and holds political views nobody would ever vote for) ‘reviewing’ the papers on the BBC ‘News’ Channel AGAIN! She churned out her usual, inane ‘thoughts’ about UKIP and its electoral success and had frequent recourse to the royal prerogative, ending with the declaration that “we should all unite in opposing Farage’s divisive politics”. So, that’s great news then. They’ve learned nothing, they haven’t changed, they can’t change; the abuse, insults and misrepresentations will carry on and UKIP will go from strength to strength.
Divisive bad Diversity good?
I wonder how many people are aware that the opposite of diversity is unity and that it has its roots in the word division?
There was an extremely perceptive caller to Gameshow’s phone-in yesterday, who observed (paraphrasing) that it was the media as much as politicians who ‘didn’t get it’. They were the people who controlled the message and formed opinions for people. Needless to say he didn’t get much of a chance to develop his argument – he was soon on his way.
The incredible stupid Brown is part of this problem (is it true that, according to something I read a week or so ago, that she said that she hope that the (British) white male would be extinct in 10 years?). She is part of the self proclaimed intelligentsia who have denied people their voice, stopped ordinary people expressing their concerns. But of course that doesn’t stop the BBC offering her a platform – Marxists all over the world have to control the message.
BTW: Does anyone remember Alibhai-Brown on QT many years ago, pontificating about Iraq. Pontificating that is until an Iraqi refugee (a Curd I think), in the audience, took the conceited ‘know all’ apart mercilessly, telling her what the real story of Iraq was. She left Brown dumbstruck, exposed as the thick, moronic charlatan that she is. Not a ‘know all’ as it turned out, but a know fuck-all.
I wonder why no one at the BBC has leaked that footage to ‘YouTube’?
If we curtail the BBC, she will have a much smaller platform to spout her obnoxious and ignorant views. She can carry on writing in newspapers with a miniscule audience – until they go bankrupt.
BBC now thinks Labour’s local election results warrant their webspace being turned into a propaganda outlet:
Miliband insists…
Surely the correct heading would be: “Miliband deluded..”
Calls now for Clegg to stand down as leader of the Fib Dems.
No one can rescue the party at this late stage, better to let Clegg go down with the worst election defeat his party has seen that taint what might be a good leader for them. That is of course assuming they actually have any MPs after the general election!
Jonah Goldberg should now add a new chapter at the end of his Liberal Fascism book.
11. “Resurgence of Freedom”
The end of Liberal Fascism came with the failure of the effectiveness of Political Correctness and a dirty tricks campaign using left-wing racial identity politics by the Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron, a Conservative who was tempted by the left-wing ideology of Liberal Fascism, which then failed him, with the resurgence of the true conservativism of Free Speech from a new political party called UKIP, which echoed the concerns of the people, that mass immigration was having upon Britain’s house prices, wages, employment, overcrowding and the environmental cultural democratic and infrastructural breakdown of a once Great Nation, as well as the subversion of democracy by a corrupt and undemocratic foreign bureaucratic Liberal Fascist elite, whose Supranational Socialist Authoritarian project was failing a Europe that was rarely free from those who try to unite Europe by opposing democracy and causing wars as people then fight for freedom, in this case, to join little Switzerland, Iceland and Norway into a new age of free Independent sovereign democratic free states with radically improved democracy so that this type of state fascism is eliminated for good.
And then so on, Mr Goldberg
A few full-stops would help !
Don’t they test punctuation skills at Mensa ?
I’ve split this overlong sentence up a bit :
11. “Resurgence of Freedom”
The end of Liberal Fascism came with the failure of the effectiveness of Political Correctness and a dirty tricks campaign using left-wing racial identity politics by the Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron.
Although Cameron is nominally a Conservative, he was tempted by the left-wing ideology of Liberal Fascism, which then failed him.
Alongside that failure came the resurgence of the true conservativism of Free Speech from a new political party called UKIP, which echoed the concerns of the people.
The first main concern was the effects mass immigration was having upon Britain’s house prices, wages, employment, and overcrowding. This was followed by the environmental cultural democratic and infrastructural breakdown of a once great nation.
Then we had the subversion of democracy by a corrupt and undemocratic foreign bureaucratic Liberal Fascist elite (The EU) , whose agenda was no more than a Supranational Socialist Authoritarian project.
This agenda was failing a Europe that was rarely free from those who try to unite Europe by anti-democratic means.
This had spurred the people into fighting for the freedom to join a looser confederation with little Switzerland, Iceland and Norway into a new age of free Independent sovereign democratic states with radically improved democracy so that this type of state fascism is eliminated for good.
And then so on, Mr Goldberg
The Fox in the Westminster hen house?
So a Labour Lord claims that the UKIP result means Labour will lose the general election, and a Tory Lord say it means that Labour will win it comfortably !
If Labour think that Ed can’t win, the Tories think Dave can’t win and Nick faces a wipe out; that leaves Nigel as the last man standing.
Bring it on.
It’s more likely that there will be a hung parliament with UKIP perhaps holding the balance of power. God forbid that it is the Fib – Dems !
“If racism means ‘threatened by difference’, then we are all guilty”
By Archie Bland.
It was very interesting to watch, read and digest the reaction to the overwhelming numbers of people that voted last Thursday. I see the bbbc reaction included wheeling on that awful Yasmin Alibai-Brown and the equally awful Diane Abbot so that they could both have a platform for their anti UKIP brand of politics. Of course, we also had that other creature Marr on bbbc first thing thing this morning with a review of the papers with a couple of lefties to speak and, of course demonstrate their anti ukip position also with a couple of unrelated comments. In fact, I think the bbbc came to the conclusion that there were only a few uneducated people voting for UKIP and actually liebor did very well!
I just hope this evenings result is even worse for the main parties i. e. Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and the bbbc. Both ‘call me Dave’ and millibrand have both said that they are going to listen even harder! – Both TOTALLY unconvincing. ….
Interesting stuff
Yes, BBC-NUJ ensures that the immigrant lobby is over-represented in Britain- a key part of the Beeboids’ political role.
“Almost overnight, without debate or public awareness of what was happening, mainstream opinion adopted a radical new credo. ‘We must respect all cultures equally,’ ‘All cultures are equally enriching,’ ‘America’s strength lies in its diversity—these slogans have become articles of our national faith, without anyone’s thinking too clearly about what they really mean. There is an enormous difference between accommodating ourselves to diversity by saying that the diversity exists, that it presents certain challenges to a liberal order, but that we must deal with it as best we can, and saying that diversity is the highest good, to be pursued as an end in itself. The former position leads to a realistic response to the actual circumstances in which we find ourselves; the latter to a search for utopia.”
-By the late American, Lawrence Auster:
‘The Path to National Suicide: An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism.’
Some truly horrible polls for the Fib-Dems on the site.
“Opinium in the Observer had topline figures of CON 32%. LAB 33%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 19%.”
” Survations last pre-election poll, are CON 27%(-1), LAB 32%(-3), LDEM 9%(+1), UKIP 23%(+2). Survation show some of the highest UKIP scores anyway, but the 23% is a record high for UKIP even by their standards ”
7% means the Fib-Dems will see an election wipe-out come the general election, except maybe for Nick Clegg, who might be the parties only MP !
You wouldn’t mind if Clegg wasn’t made aware this was going to happen prior to going into coalition, the last time they did, they lost so many MPs they could have held a meeting of the parliamentary Liberal party in the back of a taxi!
Clegg couldn’t stand Gordon Brown though and because of personal animosity, and Browns sheer dogged stupidity he wouldn’t resign to allow a Labour Fib-Dem coalition, so he lost the election and had to resign anyway !
It will take the Fib Dems decades to recover from Cleggs leadership, that is if they ever can. There is the possibility that the new left wing Tory party will occupy the space left by the Fib-Dems and UKIP will take the place of the right of centre opposition.
That would mean the Fib-Dems would largely disappear and the Tories would become the third party. These polls are beginning to show some evidence of those trends