Judge them by their words.
The BBC and Sky are trying hard not to let their disappointment show but the use of words like: a disaster [for the Liberals], terrible [for Labour] and catastrophe [for the Conservatives], betray their inner feelings. They couldn’t be impartial if they tried and they don’t try very hard anyway.
Well I am delighted and pleased and chuffed and happy and I would be uforic but I can’t spell it.
Oh What a Beautiful Morning , Oh What a beautiful Day!
and.. Roll on Sunday and then the GE next year.
BBC 5live Panto Campbell interviews a UKIPs P Nuttall
1/. Panto Patronises, Worrayergonna do about the bins eh!
2/. UKIP Voters are poorly educated, white, and old (intimates the North)
UH OH! 😀 whereas London you see, is better educated? (shakes head) and richly? diverse?.
3/. Can UKIP retain the BNP vote?.
Well done Nigel, all activists, party members and those patriots who voted UKIP.
Dame Nicky, VD et al reporting the rise and rise through gritted teeth. Be interesting how the daft arsed child Bacon grapples with matters this afternoon.
11.09 Neil Hamilton’s joke
Robin Chrystal – Political reporter, BBC News
UKIP’s Deputy Chairman Neil Hamilton says perhaps some women “like people talking dirty to them.” He was commenting after Matt Ellery – who was suspended by UKIP after saying local women were “pug ugly” – won a seat on Basingstoke and Deane Council. “It’s amazing he’s been elected,” Neil Hamilton told BBC Radio Berkshire. “It just goes to show that perhaps some women like people talking dirty to them.” He then added: “That’s a joke of course.” There’s confusion among UKIP officials locally over whether Matt Ellery will represent the party on the council or not.
11:03 – UKIP ‘not getting through in London’
Surprised a sharp (too sharp) operator like Hamilton handed that one to the BBC, who have made ‘no space for context or accuracy’ their editorial specialty, when not hitting the edit suite to reorganise stuff too suit (as Madge and even Barry have been subjected to).
Maybe he is laying a trap for the MSM – so as soon as they misreport it he can point out the lack of context (which would have been delivered by a extension of the quote by a few seconds)
‘Tony Livesey on 5Live just misquoted Nigel Farage’s quote’
Another worthy of location, capture & share.
BBC staff misquoting folk getting to be a bit of a frequent thing now.
And it may be interesting who, from where they misquote most, for what reasons.
The time of the BBC enhancing narratives like this with no consequence is drawing to a close.
Predictable stuff from the BBC but just have a gander at conservativehome they’re even more in denial than Auntie! Please do not ever vote for these people!
This ‘twatter’ possibly explains a lot about consistent BBC left, biased, unbalanced political output:
Mimi Kempton-Stewart
Assistant Politics Editor, Radio 4 Today. Former Guardian Student Media Digital Journalist Of The Year
As far as I know, the flaming tap clip people cannot sue the frackers because that area has had gas coming through the taps since mains water was installed in the 1920’s. But originally I thought that the reason why journalists do not investigate the flaming tap clip was because it was probably done by some left-wing environmental activist putting the gas trough his tap and then filming it for a gullible media.
Either the BBC, and Harrabin in particular, are the world’s worst investigative journalists or they (he) are lying through their teeth.
There has been so much discussion about this clip from Gasland on the internet
and it has been so comprehensively discredited that Harrabin must be aware of it.
So, through that clip, he is knowingly telling lies to BBC viewers. But, because they probably believe 95% of the population know no better, they think they can get away with it.
‘Winston Churchill famously said “a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on” and the flaming faucet scene in Gasland is the proof. A Google search of “flaming faucet” and “Gasland” returns 2,120 results, many of which refer to it as a “smoking gun” or sarcastically ask readers whether they can light their water on fire. Still others repeat the lie that hydraulic fracturing caused what happened in the movie, despite repeated attempts by the State of Colorado to correct the record. ‘
The above linked article contains a number of newspaper reports going back as far as 1951 about homes experiencing the ‘flaming tap’ phenomenon, none of which are anything to do with fracking.
BBC eco-socialist agenda? You bet. Keeping their 28gate mates happy.
Is on the BBC News website. Of course they ask the least articulate person they could find. Cheap spite from the Beeb. By the worm has turned. Well done UKIP anyway. Well done democracy.
I saw the picture but didn’t watch the clip. A older bald (skinhead) guy with a tattoo on his head! Out of all the thousands and thousands of us who voted UKIP the BBC use this particular voxpop; that was just nasty of them.
While I’m in ranting mode (sorry) the poxy ballot paper had some obscure UKIP-a-like at the top to confuse followed by the bloody BNP. Association of parties in the electoral commissions minds? UKIP were at the bottom somewhere near the fringe loony parties, like Labour.
No UKIP in our locals, but, as you say, on the Euro’s, UKIP at the bottom of the folded sheet, a UKIP-a-like at the top….absolutely pathetic (I went to vote at about 7pm, after work) when Mrs chop went at 8:30am (on her way to work) she said that UKIP were not on either ballot paper.
There was also a old, fat, biffer woman, a Labour candidate no less, sat at a desk at the reception area “welcoming in” the local knobs, who of course, voted for her (Is that against the rules?…I don’t mean is it against the rules to be voting for her (for the hard of thinking in here…Scott, I am looking at you), I mean her being present inside the polling station))
Either way, I think It may be worth looking into the missing UKIP space on the ballot sheets.
Excellent News, John Whittingdale has told the BBC that the licence fee will come to an end in 2016 or just after.
It comes after the results of investigations and the many submissions to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s inquiry into the Future of the BBC, and only three months after an article in the Space Special Interest group newsletter of Mensa, called “BBC Censorship” about the BBC’s censorship of Climate Science, Scientists and Scientific debate, which advised Mensa members to make submissions to the committee. The committee is to submit its report in the Autumn, but I may get more information from the newsletter in June.
But it did say that the climate science censorship policy at the BBC is one which the Committee is due to cover during future sessions with the BBC morons.
The BBC cannot afford it’s empire without a compulsory TV license. It will mean redundancy, big payoffs, golden goodbyes and downsizing. TOP-GEAR merchandise and Radio 4 tea mugs for sale. The BBC board of Trustees will have to be disbanded and replaces with accountable directors and even ‘Salford Quays’ HQ is in doubt, another expensive mistake. They will be looking for much smaller and compact offices. Sort of ‘boat like’ and perhaps moored just off the North Sea coast would be an ideal solution for ‘offshore’ EU prospects.
did you heard the scared rhetoric today on the bbc,lbc etc from the 3 scared of ukip so called mainstream politacal partys today,it was all the same old garbage about we must listen to the people concerns and win them back as voters,hang on,they have being saying that and taking us for granted since 1997 after ever local and general election and treat us as complete fools and idiots,ukip has come along now and said to the other stale 3 mainsteam politacal partys that your self interest has come before the voters and now we are the voice of the ordinary man and women on the street,that is the difference betreen ukip and the politacal establishment who have abused us as voters for years.
Brown listened to Mrs Duffy, and then called her a bigot in secret, but Brown was caught, and was embarrassed.
On the other hand Cameron has been openly implying that the electorate’s concerns about mass immigration are racist, with his dirty tricks campaign and politically correct attacks on UKIP.
Yesterday, I picked up the Express, and then I spotted David Cameron’s face with the caption telling me why I should vote Conservative, so I put the paper back and then bought the Daily Mail.
Yes this patronising view that they only need to ‘listen more’! Its as if they think the Globalist parties need to be the psychiatrists of the ‘fruitcake’ anti mass immigrationists.
No we dont want politicians to ‘listen’ we want them to ACT.
Pols saying they are ‘listening’ is like the BBC saying they speak for the nation.
At least every few years the pols can be measured in word and deed and if found wanting rejected at the ballot.
The BBC just lumbers on, unaccountably, no matter what.
From Savile to Jasmine, no matter what actual acts give lie to their claims on trust or transparency, they for now appear to be immune.
This of course can and must change. Soon.
News reaches the parasite bastards from BBc North west present at the Warrington LLyods group call center on Wednesday. They were there to report on the closure of the site. Apparently the f**kers were filming through a hedge at the staff who had just been told the site is closing. Sadly I didn’t get this passed onto me by my friends there. or I was going to have a go at standing in front of the camera. Apparently they don’t like that, but as it’s public property off the site I don’t see what they could have done. Apparently the members of staff filmed were unaware until they were told they had been starring on N.W. tonight.
‘The report also illustrates just how outmoded the IPCC has become since it was founded in 1988. Its reports are written over a period of three years, and finished months before publication.
When preparations started on AR5, the world hadn’t warmed for 13 years. That is a bit odd, if you believe the models, but not odd enough to merit a lot of attention.
By the time the report was finished, however, it hadn’t warmed for 17 years. That is decidedly odd, but hard to accommodate in a near-final draft that has been through three rounds of review.
After the report was finalized, but before it was published, a number of papers appeared with hypotheses about the pause in warming. AR5 was out of date before it was released. ‘
PM tonight ran an article with a UKIP member called Winston (I assumed he’s black) and some harridan with a Sikh sounding name.
The premise was that the word ‘racist’ had been used as a weapon by the mainstream media which had completely degraded it.
Winston was rightly quite angry about it, but the harpy on the other side was given far more time and allowed to interrupt at will, poor old Winston was faded out he tried to.
The Engineers and the interviewers conspired to make sure that the pro ‘racism’ as a bully word was the only one heard.
That was Winston of Croyden steel band fame. In fairness to the BBC he was faded out because he wouldn’t shut up. He sounded like a bit of a loose cannon to me.
I notice “Have I got news for you” spent most of the show making jabs at UKIP. It was recorded yesterday and we can only hope that with results in they will show greater respect to UKIP in future shows.
The expected anti UKIP comments, but I was interested to see that the comedian on the show, Ross Noble, was able to give an accurate reply to the question about the LBC interview. He knew that Nigel’s objection was to a house full of Rumanian men and that he had no problem with a house full of German children. The lack of an anti Nigel twist to his reply seemed to throw the rest of them.
“Sharia: Iranian actress could face public flogging for peck on cheek at Cannes Film Festival”
By Robert Spencer.
(inc video clip)
“Strictly speaking, according to the letter of Islamic law, they have her, and she knows it: she has already apologized for the kiss. Whether that will spare her the wrath of Iran’s Sharia enforcers remains to be seen.”
nobody in the UK government … “gets it”
anyone have the misfortune to catch “any questions”
a mini “Griffin/QT” session … how about BBC this morning
(fanny) Fanshawe revues the papers dressed as Quentin Crisp.
The electorate are wrong, its not about immigration, the EU
or deserved distrust of our “political class”
Its the electorate who don t get it,
hmm you see (he minces) UKIP didn t do well in London …
its all happy clappy diversity,
so its no no Nigel … girlfriend
Now Nigel is on a roll and the news that the tv fee is going in 2016 etc put the two together and Nigel is on a winner next year get it in first then watch them wriggle like a fish on a hook.
Depressing to see and hear the likes of Peter Oborne, Adam Boulton and Andrew Neil all staying reverential and on-message for the entrenched political elites( and their cliched, soundbite excuses and waffle) as they easily explained UKIPs success as a temporary protest vote.
Turns out that these tin idols of independent thinking and reasoned fearless journalism turn out to be their media bubbles, mush as their political chums are stuck in their political ones.
Oborne of course would never go near the scandals of Tower Hamlets and Rahmans re-election…but I`d expect SOME account of what`s going on in such “enriched” communities.
Looks like their pensions matter more than a current account of the trends we`re seeing.
Oborne has been fairer than most to UKIP, I think – including his presentation of Week in Westminster this morning. He pointed out again that the media have been overwhelmingly anti-UKIP
Yes I know he wasn`t too bad on UKIP…but he did write the “Lies of the Political Class” or something like that-and felt he was a bit woolly this morning.
When UKIP are the sole story-how come Diane James only gets a few comments ,once the other three lying political class clones have all said the same things?
Reckon UKIP need their media types to learn from Suzanne Evans who had a great campaign as a far as I could tell…and Winston from Croydon seemed to have the necessary aggressive tone needed to deal with the media scummards.
Things are going to get better as the song goes…the sun has got his hat l=on alright!
Fine story this morning-goes without saying without any “correspondents”…legal, social, childrens(does the BBC still have one -after Savile- in the last case?).
A Roma couple have lost their case to prevent their two boys being adopted by a gay couple in Kent….they cited the psychological damage thei would create-as well as cutting the boys off from their rich cultures, being Slovak, Catholic-and (of course) travelling Roma diaspora.
Cue tumbleweed Jacinta….mild for this time of year isn`t it?
Looking forward to a Muslim case of similar…let`s see whose grievances top whose in our never-ending story of Top Trumps re the vulnerable and marginalised…
Another stroke of genius from Israel
Keepod makes a complete operating system that fits on a USB device and can make old, refurbished computers act like new. It plans a campaign to offer low-cost computing to the two-thirds of the globe’s population that currently has little or no access. This BBC article shows the test bed for the project in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, while omitting to mention the Israeli origin of the invention.(of course.)
The USB flash drive is one of the most simple, everyday pieces of technology that many people take for granted.
Now it’s being eyed as a possible solution to bridging the digital divide, by two colourful entrepreneurs behind the start-up Keepod.
Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi aim to combat the lack of access to computers by providing what amounts to an operating-system-on-a-stick.
In six weeks, their idea managed to raise more than $40,000 (£23,750) on fundraising site Indiegogo, providing the cash to begin a campaign to offer low-cost computing to the two-thirds of the globe’s population that currently has little or no access.
The test bed for the project is the slums of Nairobi in Kenya. http://www.israpundit.com/archives/63596717
For INBBC: Violent jihad has been an intrinsic part of Islam in practice since the seventh century.
INBBC contradicts itself in the misuse of language to designate what are Islamic jihadist murderers:-
on the one hand, INBBC tries to separate them from Islam as a whole by associating them with Islam of Saudi Arabia, but on the other hand, INBBC describes them as mere ‘militants’!
“The BBC’s commitment to impartiality is second to none. Though there have been a few minor issues with news staff becoming understandably overexcited on social media about our unsurpassable election coverage, we can assume viewers that this has in no way affected the balance of our reporting. We would in no way allow the broadcasting of material that diminishes or denegrates any specific political party, or any of their candidates.”
“They basically had monks killed while praying in their shrines, because they politely asked the Muslim community to not build a mosque next to their holy shrines”
BBC world? … BBC Asia?? …………………………….?
well “why did Abbot wink?” seems to be captivating
the “headless chicken coop”
Which side do you think the BBC is on here? The BBC supports Islam and conspires against Catholics (so anyone becoming a Catholic is considered the enemy), and marrying the opposite sex – not gay – does not fit the BBC cultural agenda mechanism. Meanwhile unless we all intervene Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag is to be hanged. This petition may prevent it as a former Catholic country (according to Cameron) even if your of Secular persuasion, surely this is wrong in any country the UK (BBC) or Sudan (where the BBC mindset is). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/…/Pregnant-Sudanese-woman-sentenced-to-death- shackled-in-her-cell.html
Petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/278/113/666/
I wonder if the film about gays and miners will cover moments like the time the miners marched through my locality calling to the women ‘Show your tits for the lads’.
Couple of bits of crap c/o BBC24.
1. Oh dear-how sad-that fire in Glasgow.
Is it the UK taxpayer who`ll be paying for its renovation…or can we expect wee Salmond to stump up once he gets his independent Scotland.
I`d put a big tarpaulin over it, get Muriel Gary to weep arty tears over it as Runrig do a charity gig…and refuce to shell out a penny until we get the referendum results.
2. The Pope in Syria-apparently on 50, 000 Christians there and the number is dwindling…and Quentin Somerville puts this down to a Syrian as well as an Iraqi conflict or two.
But no mention of Islam whatsoever….maybe if the Pope allowed same sex marriages and more wind turbine technology he might get a few more converts?…so go the Beeb!
I am getting worried about the Pope. Here he is shaking hands with Bowen, arch BBC supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. And am I right in thinking he has called for a Pallie state?
Banned by the BBC, or perhaps get sacked for playing it?
Percy Grainger’s “In Dahomey” and amazing technically challenging piano piece played by Andre Hamelin, one of the worlds top pianists, but just look at the notes on the frontispiece.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
Four people shot dead in ‘anti-Semitic’ terrorist attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels after a man with a backpack opened fire then fled
Witnesses saw man run in from car park, shoot six times and flee
Belgian ministers have branded the attack ‘an act of anti-Semitism’
Deputy Prime Minister was in the vicinity, described the scene as ‘terrible’
Area around museum in central Brussels closed off, suspect in custody
“Unimaginable savagery. Can we say we are surprised when it has been common knowledge that a Jew cannot walk down a street in Belgium wearing a religious symbol without being beaten? The sanction of 21st century Jew-hatred cloaked in the guise of anti-Israel rhetoric makes possible Hitler’s dream of a judenrein continent. ”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/#sthash.j4aOfjca.dpuf
But this is a very different report than most of the biased nonsense.
“Perpetrators of the most serious incidents were described as “being perceived as someone with Muslim extremist views, 27%, left-wing political views, 22%, or with right-wing views, 19%”.
Respondents said the most frequent comments made by non-Jewish people in the UK were: “Israelis behave ‘like Nazis’ towards the Palestinians” and “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own purposes” (both 35%).”
The last paragraph being the exact Fascist nonsense portrayed by the Fascist left. Talk about peddling hatred?
Muslim immigration/population on the rise ….
Europe anti Semitism on the rise …
hmmm any ideas?
“released after a Muslim mob arrived at the police station and threatened to burn it down. Clearly they thought that the idea of a Muslim being charged for stabbing a Jew was offensive and unacceptable. But obviously: to point out how deeply embedded anti-Semitism is in Islamic teaching and culture is “Islamophobic”
It all depends on your definition of ‘racism’ doesn’t it.
It’s a meaningless word without a proper definition, however I do have a new definition which I believe is accurate.
Racism means whatever the bully using the word at that time wants it to mean.
It might not mean the same thing in identical circumstance, at a different time or involving different people.
BBC-NUJ: still campaigning to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe and Britain.
And, as a further sample of what this involves, look at Germany today, and the political actions of three million Muslim Turks there at the instigation of Turkey’s Islamising PM Erdogan (not currently reported by Beeboids):-
“Erdogan ‘campaign speech’ rouses Turks in Germany”
Another evening of bBC talking heads proclaiming ‘how great are we?’ Slaps on the back all round. I was looking forward to ’50 Years of BBC Two Comedy’ but looking back, with just a couple of notable exceptions most of it really wasn’t funny.
Smug Beeboids such as Hislop, Mitchell, Brooker do their best to give it some sort of cultural importance, but really most of it was lefty crap and littered with plenty of obligatory anti Thatcher references.
Reviewing it 30-40 years on maybe Mary Whitehouse did have point?
Will have a cheap red tonight, as I watch Harry and Paul -BBC2, 9pm I think.
I trust that they`ll deal with the BBC mindset, as much as a good wage allows.
Brooker’s head is too big for his body. That’s a fact.
Interestingly, regarding his own show ‘Weekly Wipe’, he said this, ‘I think like a lot of people I felt like I …. guilty, like I didn’t know enough about current affairs, I was slightly bewildered by it, it was a bit confusing … what I discovered in watching more and more news was that the more news I watched the less I understood anything.’
That’s what happens when you watch the BBC News.
*boom* *tish*
Guardian headline worthy of bBBC ‘Jewish Museum Attack Leaves Three Dead’. Makes it sound like the Jewish building rose up and attacked three people, but note they ‘died’, not murdered, killed or slaughtered. There is a large Muslim population in Brussels – any connection?
Anyone else noticed how the Belgian Jewish shooting has quietly slipped down the page on the BBC website but yet the US drive-by is still top? I wonder why?
“Two of the three people killed in Saturday’s shooting at the Jewish Museum in the heart of the Belgian capital of Brussels were Israeli tourists, Israel Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.”
Oddly for an on-going story the BBC seems not much interested in the recent terrorism on the continent.
However, you will see a fair deal of the as-per-usual campainging against gun ownership in the US tagged onto another news report that does seem to have piqued BBC interest.
There’s the de rigueur daily puff piece for the pointless Glasgow Games, of course.
And is that Hugh Schofield? (Hugh Robert Armstrong Schofield, Clifton College & St John’s Oxford – reading Arabic and Turkish).
Dressed like a younger man, standing in a sunny Paris and warning us about the ‘Far Right’ party ‘of Jean-Marie Le Penn’ (just in case that little reminder who used to – but no longer – leads that party rings a bell).
Apparently this French party has had to ‘de-toxify’ – oh see how the buzzwords keep coming.
For this lot to win the election in France would be a ‘Cataclysm’.
Just in case you wondered, here are some synonyms of cataclysm:
It seems to be they have to say BRITISH BORN!!!! about Elliott Rodger every time they mention the story. How long has he lived outside BRITAIN? Ban guns in America yes banning guns here worked there are never shootings in the UK
Mary Beard spouting leftie crap on Radio 4 broadcasting house this morning. Difficult to believe she could manage to get in that it was ‘not about upper class white British officer class’ but this was fought amongst all religions and none & all classes.
Gee Mary I’m glad you told us that because I was under the impression it was only the boys who went to Eton who did the fighting !
No mention however of Hitlers fascination with Islam, nor the Muslims who joined the SS to fight for him.
Amazing isn`t it?
The Hay Festival…two days on from the UKIP rocket up the corporate fundament of the media-political elite.
And who have they been asking for opinion?…why Alan Johnson, Yasmin-Alibiah-Brown, Mary Beard, David Aaronovitch and Simon Hughes…and all cloned variants with BBC stamps of approval.
Who else could possibly know?…least of all two “members of the public” who paid to get into Hay-and need I ask you what THEY think of Farage?
Thank God for the occasional phone-in on Any Answers…who , at least , can speak human despite the usula interruptions from the Beeboids, and inbetween yet more actors from BBC casting telling us why we need less UKIP upsetting the lower orders.
We have ….
BBC Question Time – leading question UKIP and racism
BBC Any Questions – leading question UKIP and racism
BBC Any Answers – Phone in on UKIP and Racism
This morning flagship leading BBC “moral and ethics”
programme The Big Questions -is it possible to be Christian and a member of UKIP? (leading question UKIP
and er … racism?).
“so tell me sir …. how long have been beating your wife?”
BBC News Channel Editor Broadcasts Anti-UKIP Rant?
… editor?
… how BBC 1 as above?,
… how about BBC R4 as above?,
… How about BBC Religious Programming as above?
… How about BBC 5live too many examples this week alone?
UKIP’s success was a major media failure. The BBC did everything short of calling on voters to cast their ballots for anyone but UKIP and the public ignored them. The media likes to be seen backing winners because they can pretend it was their influence that made the difference. Backing losers – not so much.
Anybody tell me how the Greens did?
And are they filed under “others” for the bar charts…in the hope that none of us would know the death of the Greens is rolled into the gains of UKIP.
Sort of thing the BBC do…
They apparently gained twenty three seats, in areas where if you put a red rosette on a plank of wood, it would secure an election victory for Ed Miliband….The Greens are now the “official opposition”…..So the watermelons are now opposing Labour, demanding that Red Ed move even further to the left..
These US shootings…emoting grieving father( and well located microphones to get maximum angst, as the liberals do-can`t let good tragedy go to waste) wanting gun control?
These Brussels shootings…Bibi vaguely implicates the media and political elites that effectively incite these attacks with their anti-Semitic slurry 24/7?…but NO chance of an angry Jew shouting into the microphones about the terrors of being Jewish in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, France…..
Nah-gun controls the goal…and don`t ask about anti-depressants or family breakdowns…inappropriate to ask at such a sensitive time for grieving relatives.
F888 the BBC…and Aaronovitch says the BBC are correct not to assume it was Muslims…for didn`t we all think those Toulouse shootings outside a Jewish school were due to Anders Breivik and his worldwide followers?
That it turned out to be the ROP(again) wasn`t mentioned…so let`s not go all Islamophobe, unlike the Belgian authorities.
Brave, fearless BBC…saying it as it is…if you`re a brioche resting at Hay on Wye with the broadsheets on your tartan rug anyhow!
Terrible for the bereaved father who lost his son to the young toxic narcissist who went on the rampage, but yes, decrying the NRA is a gift to the media, and fails to deal with the vile scrote’s use of blades to kill three (3!!) of his fellow lodgers (shudder).
And we`re back yet again to issuing of guns to mentally deranged people on antidepressants…but no efforts whatsoever to target THEM.
For this would infringe human rights…so the left let it continue as such so that EVERYBODY can be banned from holding them.
Except for Detriots finest carjackers, and accredited gangster communities on both coasts…how else would be get the genius of a Tupac, and his final words to us all as he died.
“I`ll be Missing Him”…already…more guns for these artists please..NOW!
I emailed the author of the article about this claim and received no reply.
I also emailed UKIP, who told me it was untrue, so I emailed the author again.
The author has finally told me that the claim was made by a sub-editor (so that’s OK then), and asked me if I thought that UKIP wanted to abolish the EU (a bizarre question!).
The proper response would have been to have corrected the article and apologised to UKIP.
Jeff Waters,
“In an article a couple of weeks ago, the BBC claimed that UKIP wanted to abolish the EU… …The proper response would have been to have corrected the article and apologised to UKIP.”
Roger Helmer, UKIP Spokesman, 17/12/12:
“The European Union is beyond reform; it deserves to be put out of its misery.”
Nigel Farage, UKIP Leader, 17/04/13:
“This European Union is the new Communism. It is power without limits. It is creating a tide of human misery and the sooner it is swept away the better.”
Kind of sounds like UKIP want to abolish the EU wouldn’t you say?
That is such a biased and bigoted question. They should have gone the whole hog and asked:
“Can you be a Muslim and vote UKIP?”
Definitely another complaint going in today!
‘Expect a lot more of this’
I’d hope not.
In the run up to the Charter renewal, a supposedly trusted and transparent media entity pulling plugs and playing silly buggers with forums to try and skew public comments to suit their perverse ideal of nation-speaking sounds beyond barking.
But yes, they do seem to get away with it every time.
Media manipulation via propaganda and censorship has poor historical precedent.
The Pope visits the region and the BC’s angle is clear. Pope prays at Israel’s West Bank separation barrier provided the Palestinians with a propaganda boost but the situation of the rapidly diminishing Palestinian Christian population – not a peep.
“The time has come to put an end to this situation which has become increasingly unacceptable,” What does that mean? It is worse than a year ago – than in 1967 – than in 1948? It’s not that the conflict is a new one. Aside from a prayer meeting between Israel’s symbolic head of state, Shimon Peres (did no one tell him that Peres will be replaced next month?) and Palestines decision maker (who am I trying to kid?) what does the Catholic Church have in mind?
It would not be the BBC without obvious errors and bias:
* Palestinian officials have already noted that Pope Francis is the first pontiff to travel directly to the West Bank rather than enter via Israel.He didn’t travel directly nor could he. He entered from Jordan. The West Bank has no international airport nor sea port.
* Israel says the wall is needed for security but the Palestinians see it as a land grab. Sounds different if the BBC would say from September 2000 to mid-2005, hundreds of Palestinian suicide bombings and terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians killed more nearly 1,000 innocent people and wounded thousands of others. Since the barrier was constructed there has 90% reduction., doesn’t it?
BBC-NUJ and U.K government shadow-box on mass immigration into U.K (Marr & May this morning), while they BOTH campaign to get 80 million Muslims Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe.
I have lifted this directly from the BBC HYS. Sorry “Dave” whoever you are but he simply said what I was about to about the Andrew Marr Show today.
35. David
Great theatre on Marr. Papers reviewer predicted either Harman or May would say that their parties had “listened” but would not have a policy change to offer. Even with that warning Harman jumped straight in with “we have listened” and when pressed by Marr had no new policy to offer. Out of touch on the programme she was appearing on.
Remember when Brown sacked her for being so thick?
It was she who defended his decision to give pensioners 60p by way of increase, and held single parents increases to less-or some such shit at that time in 1997.
Frank Field thought her the thickest State goon at DHSS or wherever she was…no wonder she`s risen to the giddy heights of Paedo Info Exonerator, as revealed recently(well since 1979, but that`s “now” in Beeb Time)
As the BBC’s tame kamikaze on a bungee is yo-yo’d in all day (and it’s a Bank Holiday, so it’s going to be another long one) to try and provoke collateral fire PR elsewhere, this arrives in my in-box: http://bbcwatch.org/2014/05/25/context-free-twitter-messaging-from-bbcs-jeremy-bowen/
I have never doubted this was tragic and traumatic, but it can be interesting what in the BBC mind comes from ‘another time’ to be consigned to history’s memory hole, and what is darn near on a daily loop decades on.
Especially when it comes to fog-of-war reporting that can swing from the impossibly wild guess to total clarity.
I actually find Mr. Bowen’s own tweets incredibly revealing, especially in what he sees as beyond doubt; more so now that there is some context provided I was not aware of.
The concept of ‘civilians’, or ‘children’ even in such a theatre has surely been rendered redundant by the habit of old men and women in certain factions to send out teenagers in non-combat attire to initiate deadly force exchanges?
What were he and his crew doing there?
And the notion of it being ‘quiet’, until it got loud, is worthy of Hendy.
All this can be debated and nit-picked ad nauseam from a sofa near you.
At worst , it seems like the IDF investigation was like a BBC internal, only a bit more transparent and with more credible remorse.
But that was then.
What is now is a person utterly conflicted has been allowed to maintain top role ‘reporting’ (with a hefty dose of personal ‘analysis’, supported by translation-based intel from his tame local ringers) from the most febrile news region there is.
It may not be fair, but he is utterly compromised by this event to be a credible objective judge now. Clearly shown by his ongoing obsessions.
Even the lamest US cop show knows that if your partner is slotted you don’t get to lead the team on that case.
These adrenaline junkies of course do pay the ultimate price, but it gets left to their ratings-aware colleagues to turn a tragic mistake into a PR opportunity.
Apparently aware in most cases now that the only group who would rather be at home with their families are the one’s they and those whose motivations they too often try to understand seem hell bent on seeing taken out. Or, failing which, falling foul of a cynical PR stunt.
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 08:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 China can buy land in London to build embassy – signed off by Labour. UK cannot own any land in…
Fedup2Feb 24, 08:17 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It seems to be a ‘theme ‘ the US democrats don’t get – Trump has crossed a barrier of ‘party…
Guest WhoFeb 24, 08:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1893922242297266614?s=61 Trump names right-wing commentator Dan Bongino as deputy FBI director Annnnnnndddddd, BBC……? Seems more qualified to be in law…
ZephirFeb 24, 07:52 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Far right ? I was sitting having a coffee in a local town at the weekend, and a couple of…
Fedup2Feb 24, 07:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 German election – the parliament needs 315 for a majority . The right Coalition has 329 combined . AFD has…
Judge them by their words.
The BBC and Sky are trying hard not to let their disappointment show but the use of words like: a disaster [for the Liberals], terrible [for Labour] and catastrophe [for the Conservatives], betray their inner feelings. They couldn’t be impartial if they tried and they don’t try very hard anyway.
Well I am delighted and pleased and chuffed and happy and I would be uforic but I can’t spell it.
Oh What a Beautiful Morning , Oh What a beautiful Day!
and.. Roll on Sunday and then the GE next year.
Try this :-
Thanks John, but it was humoooor!
BBC 5live Panto Campbell interviews a UKIPs P Nuttall
1/. Panto Patronises, Worrayergonna do about the bins eh!
2/. UKIP Voters are poorly educated, white, and old (intimates the North)
UH OH! 😀 whereas London you see, is better educated? (shakes head) and richly? diverse?.
3/. Can UKIP retain the BNP vote?.
Panto sneers “their vote has gone somewhere”
the link. 1hr 9mins
I can think of a reason UKIP only polled 7% in london
Can you see what it is yet?
Ah, but Tower Hamlets is a different country, so that’s all right, then.
Well done Nigel, all activists, party members and those patriots who voted UKIP.
Dame Nicky, VD et al reporting the rise and rise through gritted teeth. Be interesting how the daft arsed child Bacon grapples with matters this afternoon.
……..”oh the times they are a-changing”………
Listening to VD now and she’s falling over herself to report that Neil Hamilton has suggested that some women liked to be talked dirty to.
Only at the end of the piece does she confirm that Hamilton added; “I am joking of course”.
The liberal leftie, hand wringing, self-loathing, whitey bashing Beeb – they just can’t fucking help themselves can they?
There’s a letter in the Daily Telegraph today, and I quote;
‘I’m still not sure if David Cameron ‘gets it’, but he’s certainly got it coming.
I feel like singing #The Sun has got its hat on# 🙂
Love it.
BBC latest news
11.09 Neil Hamilton’s joke
Robin Chrystal – Political reporter, BBC News
UKIP’s Deputy Chairman Neil Hamilton says perhaps some women “like people talking dirty to them.” He was commenting after Matt Ellery – who was suspended by UKIP after saying local women were “pug ugly” – won a seat on Basingstoke and Deane Council. “It’s amazing he’s been elected,” Neil Hamilton told BBC Radio Berkshire. “It just goes to show that perhaps some women like people talking dirty to them.” He then added: “That’s a joke of course.” There’s confusion among UKIP officials locally over whether Matt Ellery will represent the party on the council or not.
11:03 – UKIP ‘not getting through in London’
Surprised a sharp (too sharp) operator like Hamilton handed that one to the BBC, who have made ‘no space for context or accuracy’ their editorial specialty, when not hitting the edit suite to reorganise stuff too suit (as Madge and even Barry have been subjected to).
Not sure
Maybe he is laying a trap for the MSM – so as soon as they misreport it he can point out the lack of context (which would have been delivered by a extension of the quote by a few seconds)
The Daily Telegraph reports the joke with out the “That’s a joke” line – so it becomes a smear.
The BBC are banging on and on about migration and UKIP today. I think their policy is be ‘open’ and talk it to death for the shortest possible time.
Tony Livesey on 5Live just misquoted Nigel Farage’s quote about Romanians and Ed Balls again accused UKIP to be racists.
They still don’t get it.
Ed Balls (remember him?) still banging on about the cost of living crisis
That has worked well in encouraging the labour vote
‘Tony Livesey on 5Live just misquoted Nigel Farage’s quote’
Another worthy of location, capture & share.
BBC staff misquoting folk getting to be a bit of a frequent thing now.
And it may be interesting who, from where they misquote most, for what reasons.
The time of the BBC enhancing narratives like this with no consequence is drawing to a close.
Predictable stuff from the BBC but just have a gander at conservativehome they’re even more in denial than Auntie! Please do not ever vote for these people!
This ‘twatter’ possibly explains a lot about consistent BBC left, biased, unbalanced political output:
Mimi Kempton-Stewart
Assistant Politics Editor, Radio 4 Today. Former Guardian Student Media Digital Journalist Of The Year
Just seen that this ‘twatter’ could be a prank – sinced Guido published it on his site and took it down very quickly:
Harrabin’s pessimistic UK fracking report on BBC News at 1:00pm showed a discredited Flaming Tap clip.
Speaking of Harrabin, I wonder when he’ll be along to correct his previous reportage about disappearing Antarctic ice? I shan’t be holding my breath…
Harribin, this time 😀 doesn t get a mention
As far as I know, the flaming tap clip people cannot sue the frackers because that area has had gas coming through the taps since mains water was installed in the 1920’s. But originally I thought that the reason why journalists do not investigate the flaming tap clip was because it was probably done by some left-wing environmental activist putting the gas trough his tap and then filming it for a gullible media.
Was just about to post on this, Joe.
Either the BBC, and Harrabin in particular, are the world’s worst investigative journalists or they (he) are lying through their teeth.
There has been so much discussion about this clip from Gasland on the internet
and it has been so comprehensively discredited that Harrabin must be aware of it.
So, through that clip, he is knowingly telling lies to BBC viewers. But, because they probably believe 95% of the population know no better, they think they can get away with it.
‘Winston Churchill famously said “a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on” and the flaming faucet scene in Gasland is the proof. A Google search of “flaming faucet” and “Gasland” returns 2,120 results, many of which refer to it as a “smoking gun” or sarcastically ask readers whether they can light their water on fire. Still others repeat the lie that hydraulic fracturing caused what happened in the movie, despite repeated attempts by the State of Colorado to correct the record. ‘
The above linked article contains a number of newspaper reports going back as far as 1951 about homes experiencing the ‘flaming tap’ phenomenon, none of which are anything to do with fracking.
BBC eco-socialist agenda? You bet. Keeping their 28gate mates happy.
Vote 2014: ‘The reason I voted UKIP’
Is on the BBC News website. Of course they ask the least articulate person they could find. Cheap spite from the Beeb. By the worm has turned. Well done UKIP anyway. Well done democracy.
I saw the picture but didn’t watch the clip. A older bald (skinhead) guy with a tattoo on his head! Out of all the thousands and thousands of us who voted UKIP the BBC use this particular voxpop; that was just nasty of them.
While I’m in ranting mode (sorry) the poxy ballot paper had some obscure UKIP-a-like at the top to confuse followed by the bloody BNP. Association of parties in the electoral commissions minds? UKIP were at the bottom somewhere near the fringe loony parties, like Labour.
No UKIP in our locals, but, as you say, on the Euro’s, UKIP at the bottom of the folded sheet, a UKIP-a-like at the top….absolutely pathetic (I went to vote at about 7pm, after work) when Mrs chop went at 8:30am (on her way to work) she said that UKIP were not on either ballot paper.
There was also a old, fat, biffer woman, a Labour candidate no less, sat at a desk at the reception area “welcoming in” the local knobs, who of course, voted for her (Is that against the rules?…I don’t mean is it against the rules to be voting for her (for the hard of thinking in here…Scott, I am looking at you), I mean her being present inside the polling station))
Either way, I think It may be worth looking into the missing UKIP space on the ballot sheets.
Excellent News, John Whittingdale has told the BBC that the licence fee will come to an end in 2016 or just after.
It comes after the results of investigations and the many submissions to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s inquiry into the Future of the BBC, and only three months after an article in the Space Special Interest group newsletter of Mensa, called “BBC Censorship” about the BBC’s censorship of Climate Science, Scientists and Scientific debate, which advised Mensa members to make submissions to the committee. The committee is to submit its report in the Autumn, but I may get more information from the newsletter in June.
But it did say that the climate science censorship policy at the BBC is one which the Committee is due to cover during future sessions with the BBC morons.
The BBC cannot afford it’s empire without a compulsory TV license. It will mean redundancy, big payoffs, golden goodbyes and downsizing. TOP-GEAR merchandise and Radio 4 tea mugs for sale. The BBC board of Trustees will have to be disbanded and replaces with accountable directors and even ‘Salford Quays’ HQ is in doubt, another expensive mistake. They will be looking for much smaller and compact offices. Sort of ‘boat like’ and perhaps moored just off the North Sea coast would be an ideal solution for ‘offshore’ EU prospects.
did you heard the scared rhetoric today on the bbc,lbc etc from the 3 scared of ukip so called mainstream politacal partys today,it was all the same old garbage about we must listen to the people concerns and win them back as voters,hang on,they have being saying that and taking us for granted since 1997 after ever local and general election and treat us as complete fools and idiots,ukip has come along now and said to the other stale 3 mainsteam politacal partys that your self interest has come before the voters and now we are the voice of the ordinary man and women on the street,that is the difference betreen ukip and the politacal establishment who have abused us as voters for years.
Brown listened to Mrs Duffy, and then called her a bigot in secret, but Brown was caught, and was embarrassed.
On the other hand Cameron has been openly implying that the electorate’s concerns about mass immigration are racist, with his dirty tricks campaign and politically correct attacks on UKIP.
Yesterday, I picked up the Express, and then I spotted David Cameron’s face with the caption telling me why I should vote Conservative, so I put the paper back and then bought the Daily Mail.
Yes this patronising view that they only need to ‘listen more’! Its as if they think the Globalist parties need to be the psychiatrists of the ‘fruitcake’ anti mass immigrationists.
No we dont want politicians to ‘listen’ we want them to ACT.
Pols saying they are ‘listening’ is like the BBC saying they speak for the nation.
At least every few years the pols can be measured in word and deed and if found wanting rejected at the ballot.
The BBC just lumbers on, unaccountably, no matter what.
From Savile to Jasmine, no matter what actual acts give lie to their claims on trust or transparency, they for now appear to be immune.
This of course can and must change. Soon.
What does ‘Jasmine’ say about the BBC’s claims on trust or transparency?
News reaches the parasite bastards from BBc North west present at the Warrington LLyods group call center on Wednesday. They were there to report on the closure of the site. Apparently the f**kers were filming through a hedge at the staff who had just been told the site is closing. Sadly I didn’t get this passed onto me by my friends there. or I was going to have a go at standing in front of the camera. Apparently they don’t like that, but as it’s public property off the site I don’t see what they could have done. Apparently the members of staff filmed were unaware until they were told they had been starring on N.W. tonight.
One good reason why we need to break BBC news dominance:
‘The report also illustrates just how outmoded the IPCC has become since it was founded in 1988. Its reports are written over a period of three years, and finished months before publication.
When preparations started on AR5, the world hadn’t warmed for 13 years. That is a bit odd, if you believe the models, but not odd enough to merit a lot of attention.
By the time the report was finished, however, it hadn’t warmed for 17 years. That is decidedly odd, but hard to accommodate in a near-final draft that has been through three rounds of review.
After the report was finalized, but before it was published, a number of papers appeared with hypotheses about the pause in warming. AR5 was out of date before it was released. ‘
PM tonight ran an article with a UKIP member called Winston (I assumed he’s black) and some harridan with a Sikh sounding name.
The premise was that the word ‘racist’ had been used as a weapon by the mainstream media which had completely degraded it.
Winston was rightly quite angry about it, but the harpy on the other side was given far more time and allowed to interrupt at will, poor old Winston was faded out he tried to.
The Engineers and the interviewers conspired to make sure that the pro ‘racism’ as a bully word was the only one heard.
That was Winston of Croyden steel band fame. In fairness to the BBC he was faded out because he wouldn’t shut up. He sounded like a bit of a loose cannon to me.
I notice “Have I got news for you” spent most of the show making jabs at UKIP. It was recorded yesterday and we can only hope that with results in they will show greater respect to UKIP in future shows.
Okay, and pigs will fly.
The expected anti UKIP comments, but I was interested to see that the comedian on the show, Ross Noble, was able to give an accurate reply to the question about the LBC interview. He knew that Nigel’s objection was to a house full of Rumanian men and that he had no problem with a house full of German children. The lack of an anti Nigel twist to his reply seemed to throw the rest of them.
That’s good, because Ross is one of the few genuinely funny people who go in that show.
“on that show” even.
Islamic Republic of IRAN.
Of course, Beeboids don’t mention Islam and Sharia law:-
Two reports on repressive Islamic Republic of Iran:-
1.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
“Who, What, Why: What can you be flogged for in Iran?”
By Beeboid de Castella.
2.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Sharia: Iranian actress could face public flogging for peck on cheek at Cannes Film Festival”
By Robert Spencer.
(inc video clip)
“Strictly speaking, according to the letter of Islamic law, they have her, and she knows it: she has already apologized for the kiss. Whether that will spare her the wrath of Iran’s Sharia enforcers remains to be seen.”
Beeboids’ enemy is UKIP, not Islamic Republic of Iran.
nobody in the UK government … “gets it”
anyone have the misfortune to catch “any questions”
a mini “Griffin/QT” session … how about BBC this morning
(fanny) Fanshawe revues the papers dressed as Quentin Crisp.
The electorate are wrong, its not about immigration, the EU
or deserved distrust of our “political class”
Its the electorate who don t get it,
hmm you see (he minces) UKIP didn t do well in London …
its all happy clappy diversity,
so its no no Nigel … girlfriend
…… off switch …………………
Now Nigel is on a roll and the news that the tv fee is going in 2016 etc put the two together and Nigel is on a winner next year get it in first then watch them wriggle like a fish on a hook.
Depressing to see and hear the likes of Peter Oborne, Adam Boulton and Andrew Neil all staying reverential and on-message for the entrenched political elites( and their cliched, soundbite excuses and waffle) as they easily explained UKIPs success as a temporary protest vote.
Turns out that these tin idols of independent thinking and reasoned fearless journalism turn out to be their media bubbles, mush as their political chums are stuck in their political ones.
Oborne of course would never go near the scandals of Tower Hamlets and Rahmans re-election…but I`d expect SOME account of what`s going on in such “enriched” communities.
Looks like their pensions matter more than a current account of the trends we`re seeing.
Oborne has been fairer than most to UKIP, I think – including his presentation of Week in Westminster this morning. He pointed out again that the media have been overwhelmingly anti-UKIP
Yes I know he wasn`t too bad on UKIP…but he did write the “Lies of the Political Class” or something like that-and felt he was a bit woolly this morning.
When UKIP are the sole story-how come Diane James only gets a few comments ,once the other three lying political class clones have all said the same things?
Reckon UKIP need their media types to learn from Suzanne Evans who had a great campaign as a far as I could tell…and Winston from Croydon seemed to have the necessary aggressive tone needed to deal with the media scummards.
Things are going to get better as the song goes…the sun has got his hat l=on alright!
Fine story this morning-goes without saying without any “correspondents”…legal, social, childrens(does the BBC still have one -after Savile- in the last case?).
A Roma couple have lost their case to prevent their two boys being adopted by a gay couple in Kent….they cited the psychological damage thei would create-as well as cutting the boys off from their rich cultures, being Slovak, Catholic-and (of course) travelling Roma diaspora.
Cue tumbleweed Jacinta….mild for this time of year isn`t it?
Looking forward to a Muslim case of similar…let`s see whose grievances top whose in our never-ending story of Top Trumps re the vulnerable and marginalised…
Another stroke of genius from Israel
Keepod makes a complete operating system that fits on a USB device and can make old, refurbished computers act like new. It plans a campaign to offer low-cost computing to the two-thirds of the globe’s population that currently has little or no access. This BBC article shows the test bed for the project in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, while omitting to mention the Israeli origin of the invention.(of course.)
The USB flash drive is one of the most simple, everyday pieces of technology that many people take for granted.
Now it’s being eyed as a possible solution to bridging the digital divide, by two colourful entrepreneurs behind the start-up Keepod.
Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi aim to combat the lack of access to computers by providing what amounts to an operating-system-on-a-stick.
In six weeks, their idea managed to raise more than $40,000 (£23,750) on fundraising site Indiegogo, providing the cash to begin a campaign to offer low-cost computing to the two-thirds of the globe’s population that currently has little or no access.
The test bed for the project is the slums of Nairobi in Kenya.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘reports’ but censors
jihad in Somalia, as though it is not perpetrated in the name of ‘true’ Islam.
“Somalia parliament attacked by al-Shabab in Mogadishu”
For INBBC: Violent jihad has been an intrinsic part of Islam in practice since the seventh century.
INBBC contradicts itself in the misuse of language to designate what are Islamic jihadist murderers:-
on the one hand, INBBC tries to separate them from Islam as a whole by associating them with Islam of Saudi Arabia, but on the other hand, INBBC describes them as mere ‘militants’!
Copied from election thread…
Sample BBC statement…
“The BBC’s commitment to impartiality is second to none. Though there have been a few minor issues with news staff becoming understandably overexcited on social media about our unsurpassable election coverage, we can assume viewers that this has in no way affected the balance of our reporting. We would in no way allow the broadcasting of material that diminishes or denegrates any specific political party, or any of their candidates.”
“They basically had monks killed while praying in their shrines, because they politely asked the Muslim community to not build a mosque next to their holy shrines”
BBC world? … BBC Asia?? …………………………….?
well “why did Abbot wink?” seems to be captivating
the “headless chicken coop”
aaah! Al BBC has this though
Which side do you think the BBC is on here? The BBC supports Islam and conspires against Catholics (so anyone becoming a Catholic is considered the enemy), and marrying the opposite sex – not gay – does not fit the BBC cultural agenda mechanism. Meanwhile unless we all intervene Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag is to be hanged. This petition may prevent it as a former Catholic country (according to Cameron) even if your of Secular persuasion, surely this is wrong in any country the UK (BBC) or Sudan (where the BBC mindset is).
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/…/Pregnant-Sudanese-woman-sentenced-to-death- shackled-in-her-cell.html
Petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/278/113/666/
Would anyone like to place a bet on how long it will be before this film gets an airing on the Beeb? It ticks so many boxes!
Oh, and before Scotty gets his knickers in a tangle I should point out that I am gay.
I wonder if the film about gays and miners will cover moments like the time the miners marched through my locality calling to the women ‘Show your tits for the lads’.
I think you misheard – it was show your PITS!
Couple of bits of crap c/o BBC24.
1. Oh dear-how sad-that fire in Glasgow.
Is it the UK taxpayer who`ll be paying for its renovation…or can we expect wee Salmond to stump up once he gets his independent Scotland.
I`d put a big tarpaulin over it, get Muriel Gary to weep arty tears over it as Runrig do a charity gig…and refuce to shell out a penny until we get the referendum results.
2. The Pope in Syria-apparently on 50, 000 Christians there and the number is dwindling…and Quentin Somerville puts this down to a Syrian as well as an Iraqi conflict or two.
But no mention of Islam whatsoever….maybe if the Pope allowed same sex marriages and more wind turbine technology he might get a few more converts?…so go the Beeb!
I am getting worried about the Pope. Here he is shaking hands with Bowen, arch BBC supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. And am I right in thinking he has called for a Pallie state?
Banned by the BBC, or perhaps get sacked for playing it?
Percy Grainger’s “In Dahomey” and amazing technically challenging piano piece played by Andre Hamelin, one of the worlds top pianists, but just look at the notes on the frontispiece.
Massacre at Jewish Museum in Brussels.
Two early reports:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
Four people shot dead in ‘anti-Semitic’ terrorist attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels after a man with a backpack opened fire then fled
Witnesses saw man run in from car park, shoot six times and flee
Belgian ministers have branded the attack ‘an act of anti-Semitism’
Deputy Prime Minister was in the vicinity, described the scene as ‘terrible’
Area around museum in central Brussels closed off, suspect in custody
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2638282/Three-people-shot-dead-anti-Semitic-attack-Jewish-Museum-Brussels-man-backpack-opened-fire-fled.html#ixzz32ejrFUQ9
2.) INBBC-
(a censored version of above)-
“Brussels fatal gun attack at Jewish museum”
The BBC will be praying that the religion of peace isn’t connected.
-from Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs’ site:-
“Unimaginable savagery. Can we say we are surprised when it has been common knowledge that a Jew cannot walk down a street in Belgium wearing a religious symbol without being beaten? The sanction of 21st century Jew-hatred cloaked in the guise of anti-Israel rhetoric makes possible Hitler’s dream of a judenrein continent. ”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/#sthash.j4aOfjca.dpuf
What’s your point? It seems reasonable to suggest the motive may have been anti-semetic but the Mail doesn’t know that any more than the BBC.
“‘Climate of Hate’ Triggered Terrorist Attack on Brussels Jewish Museum”
Following on from that:
Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ say Europe’s Jews
But this is a very different report than most of the biased nonsense.
“Perpetrators of the most serious incidents were described as “being perceived as someone with Muslim extremist views, 27%, left-wing political views, 22%, or with right-wing views, 19%”.
Respondents said the most frequent comments made by non-Jewish people in the UK were: “Israelis behave ‘like Nazis’ towards the Palestinians” and “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own purposes” (both 35%).”
The last paragraph being the exact Fascist nonsense portrayed by the Fascist left. Talk about peddling hatred?
Muslim immigration/population on the rise ….
Europe anti Semitism on the rise …
hmmm any ideas?
“released after a Muslim mob arrived at the police station and threatened to burn it down. Clearly they thought that the idea of a Muslim being charged for stabbing a Jew was offensive and unacceptable. But obviously: to point out how deeply embedded anti-Semitism is in Islamic teaching and culture is “Islamophobic”
(a great ad photograph …what part of – its repeated again and again in the Quran, do you not understand)
The sanctimonious BBC Newspaper (The Guardian) is at it again…
Since when was calling a group of people ‘scroungers’ or ‘perverts’ ‘racist’?
The Left have clearly lost touch with reality.
It all depends on your definition of ‘racism’ doesn’t it.
It’s a meaningless word without a proper definition, however I do have a new definition which I believe is accurate.
Racism means whatever the bully using the word at that time wants it to mean.
It might not mean the same thing in identical circumstance, at a different time or involving different people.
BBC-NUJ: still campaigning to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe and Britain.
And, as a further sample of what this involves, look at Germany today, and the political actions of three million Muslim Turks there at the instigation of Turkey’s Islamising PM Erdogan (not currently reported by Beeboids):-
“Erdogan ‘campaign speech’ rouses Turks in Germany”
Another evening of bBC talking heads proclaiming ‘how great are we?’ Slaps on the back all round. I was looking forward to ’50 Years of BBC Two Comedy’ but looking back, with just a couple of notable exceptions most of it really wasn’t funny.
Smug Beeboids such as Hislop, Mitchell, Brooker do their best to give it some sort of cultural importance, but really most of it was lefty crap and littered with plenty of obligatory anti Thatcher references.
Reviewing it 30-40 years on maybe Mary Whitehouse did have point?
Will have a cheap red tonight, as I watch Harry and Paul -BBC2, 9pm I think.
I trust that they`ll deal with the BBC mindset, as much as a good wage allows.
Brooker’s head is too big for his body. That’s a fact.
Interestingly, regarding his own show ‘Weekly Wipe’, he said this, ‘I think like a lot of people I felt like I …. guilty, like I didn’t know enough about current affairs, I was slightly bewildered by it, it was a bit confusing … what I discovered in watching more and more news was that the more news I watched the less I understood anything.’
That’s what happens when you watch the BBC News.
*boom* *tish*
Guardian headline worthy of bBBC ‘Jewish Museum Attack Leaves Three Dead’. Makes it sound like the Jewish building rose up and attacked three people, but note they ‘died’, not murdered, killed or slaughtered. There is a large Muslim population in Brussels – any connection?
Anyone else noticed how the Belgian Jewish shooting has quietly slipped down the page on the BBC website but yet the US drive-by is still top? I wonder why?
‘France 24 TV’:-
“Two of the three people killed in Saturday’s shooting at the Jewish Museum in the heart of the Belgian capital of Brussels were Israeli tourists, Israel Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.”
Same as on the Mail. Nowhere to be seen. At least it is actually still on the BBC’s UK front page in small writing. Incredible isn’t it?
Oddly for an on-going story the BBC seems not much interested in the recent terrorism on the continent.
However, you will see a fair deal of the as-per-usual campainging against gun ownership in the US tagged onto another news report that does seem to have piqued BBC interest.
There’s the de rigueur daily puff piece for the pointless Glasgow Games, of course.
And is that Hugh Schofield? (Hugh Robert Armstrong Schofield, Clifton College & St John’s Oxford – reading Arabic and Turkish).
Dressed like a younger man, standing in a sunny Paris and warning us about the ‘Far Right’ party ‘of Jean-Marie Le Penn’ (just in case that little reminder who used to – but no longer – leads that party rings a bell).
Apparently this French party has had to ‘de-toxify’ – oh see how the buzzwords keep coming.
For this lot to win the election in France would be a ‘Cataclysm’.
Just in case you wondered, here are some synonyms of cataclysm:
disaster, catastrophe, calamity, tragedy, act of God, devastation, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruination, upheaval, convulsion, blow, shock, reverse, trouble, trial, tribulation….
No bias there then.
It seems to be they have to say BRITISH BORN!!!! about Elliott Rodger every time they mention the story. How long has he lived outside BRITAIN? Ban guns in America yes banning guns here worked there are never shootings in the UK
Mary Beard spouting leftie crap on Radio 4 broadcasting house this morning. Difficult to believe she could manage to get in that it was ‘not about upper class white British officer class’ but this was fought amongst all religions and none & all classes.
Gee Mary I’m glad you told us that because I was under the impression it was only the boys who went to Eton who did the fighting !
No mention however of Hitlers fascination with Islam, nor the Muslims who joined the SS to fight for him.
Amazing isn`t it?
The Hay Festival…two days on from the UKIP rocket up the corporate fundament of the media-political elite.
And who have they been asking for opinion?…why Alan Johnson, Yasmin-Alibiah-Brown, Mary Beard, David Aaronovitch and Simon Hughes…and all cloned variants with BBC stamps of approval.
Who else could possibly know?…least of all two “members of the public” who paid to get into Hay-and need I ask you what THEY think of Farage?
Thank God for the occasional phone-in on Any Answers…who , at least , can speak human despite the usula interruptions from the Beeboids, and inbetween yet more actors from BBC casting telling us why we need less UKIP upsetting the lower orders.
We have ….
BBC Question Time – leading question UKIP and racism
BBC Any Questions – leading question UKIP and racism
BBC Any Answers – Phone in on UKIP and Racism
This morning flagship leading BBC “moral and ethics”
programme The Big Questions -is it possible to be Christian and a member of UKIP? (leading question UKIP
and er … racism?).
“so tell me sir …. how long have been beating your wife?”
BBC News Channel Editor Broadcasts Anti-UKIP Rant?
… editor?
… how BBC 1 as above?,
… how about BBC R4 as above?,
… How about BBC Religious Programming as above?
… How about BBC 5live too many examples this week alone?
what time are the Euro results in? … narrative?
UKIP’s success was a major media failure. The BBC did everything short of calling on voters to cast their ballots for anyone but UKIP and the public ignored them. The media likes to be seen backing winners because they can pretend it was their influence that made the difference. Backing losers – not so much.
Anybody tell me how the Greens did?
And are they filed under “others” for the bar charts…in the hope that none of us would know the death of the Greens is rolled into the gains of UKIP.
Sort of thing the BBC do…
They apparently gained twenty three seats, in areas where if you put a red rosette on a plank of wood, it would secure an election victory for Ed Miliband….The Greens are now the “official opposition”…..So the watermelons are now opposing Labour, demanding that Red Ed move even further to the left..
The far left green extremist party gained 23 seats and now have a total of 162 councillors
These US shootings…emoting grieving father( and well located microphones to get maximum angst, as the liberals do-can`t let good tragedy go to waste) wanting gun control?
These Brussels shootings…Bibi vaguely implicates the media and political elites that effectively incite these attacks with their anti-Semitic slurry 24/7?…but NO chance of an angry Jew shouting into the microphones about the terrors of being Jewish in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, France…..
Nah-gun controls the goal…and don`t ask about anti-depressants or family breakdowns…inappropriate to ask at such a sensitive time for grieving relatives.
F888 the BBC…and Aaronovitch says the BBC are correct not to assume it was Muslims…for didn`t we all think those Toulouse shootings outside a Jewish school were due to Anders Breivik and his worldwide followers?
That it turned out to be the ROP(again) wasn`t mentioned…so let`s not go all Islamophobe, unlike the Belgian authorities.
Brave, fearless BBC…saying it as it is…if you`re a brioche resting at Hay on Wye with the broadsheets on your tartan rug anyhow!
Terrible for the bereaved father who lost his son to the young toxic narcissist who went on the rampage, but yes, decrying the NRA is a gift to the media, and fails to deal with the vile scrote’s use of blades to kill three (3!!) of his fellow lodgers (shudder).
And we`re back yet again to issuing of guns to mentally deranged people on antidepressants…but no efforts whatsoever to target THEM.
For this would infringe human rights…so the left let it continue as such so that EVERYBODY can be banned from holding them.
Except for Detriots finest carjackers, and accredited gangster communities on both coasts…how else would be get the genius of a Tupac, and his final words to us all as he died.
“I`ll be Missing Him”…already…more guns for these artists please..NOW!
In an article a couple of weeks ago, the BBC claimed that UKIP wanted to abolish the EU.
I emailed the author of the article about this claim and received no reply.
I also emailed UKIP, who told me it was untrue, so I emailed the author again.
The author has finally told me that the claim was made by a sub-editor (so that’s OK then), and asked me if I thought that UKIP wanted to abolish the EU (a bizarre question!).
The proper response would have been to have corrected the article and apologised to UKIP.
What a strange and outrageous series of transactions.
Once again the world’s most trusted broadcaster evades it responsibility to respond to complaints in the way that it’s Charter and Ofcom demand.
Evasion, deflection and getting it just about right (even when it is completely wrong) is the BBC way of dodging a bullet.
Jeff Waters,
“In an article a couple of weeks ago, the BBC claimed that UKIP wanted to abolish the EU… …The proper response would have been to have corrected the article and apologised to UKIP.”
Roger Helmer, UKIP Spokesman, 17/12/12:
“The European Union is beyond reform; it deserves to be put out of its misery.”
Nigel Farage, UKIP Leader, 17/04/13:
“This European Union is the new Communism. It is power without limits. It is creating a tide of human misery and the sooner it is swept away the better.”
Kind of sounds like UKIP want to abolish the EU wouldn’t you say?
Apparently, The Big Questions this morning is asking whether it’s possible to be a Christian and a UKIP supporter!
FFS! Words fail me. I suggest we all head over to http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/complain-online/ and let them know what we think!
That is such a biased and bigoted question. They should have gone the whole hog and asked:
“Can you be a Muslim and vote UKIP?”
Definitely another complaint going in today!
They can backfire, but it seems a hashtag campaign is possibly born: #canyouworkforthebbc(viewsyourownofcourse)and…
Lib Dem Farron urges members ‘don’t turn on ourselves’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27563903
Second highest rated comment: Why have the BBC shut the thread and opened another one on the same subject?
Highest rated comment: Because it was not going the way the editor wanted or someone high up told them to.
Clear evidence of media manipulation and not the first time its been done.
Expect a lot more of this on the run up to the 2015 election.
‘Expect a lot more of this’
I’d hope not.
In the run up to the Charter renewal, a supposedly trusted and transparent media entity pulling plugs and playing silly buggers with forums to try and skew public comments to suit their perverse ideal of nation-speaking sounds beyond barking.
But yes, they do seem to get away with it every time.
Media manipulation via propaganda and censorship has poor historical precedent.
The Pope visits the region and the BC’s angle is clear. Pope prays at Israel’s West Bank separation barrier provided the Palestinians with a propaganda boost but the situation of the rapidly diminishing Palestinian Christian population – not a peep.
“The time has come to put an end to this situation which has become increasingly unacceptable,” What does that mean? It is worse than a year ago – than in 1967 – than in 1948? It’s not that the conflict is a new one. Aside from a prayer meeting between Israel’s symbolic head of state, Shimon Peres (did no one tell him that Peres will be replaced next month?) and Palestines decision maker (who am I trying to kid?) what does the Catholic Church have in mind?
It would not be the BBC without obvious errors and bias:
* Palestinian officials have already noted that Pope Francis is the first pontiff to travel directly to the West Bank rather than enter via Israel. He didn’t travel directly nor could he. He entered from Jordan. The West Bank has no international airport nor sea port.
* Israel says the wall is needed for security but the Palestinians see it as a land grab. Sounds different if the BBC would say from September 2000 to mid-2005, hundreds of Palestinian suicide bombings and terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians killed more nearly 1,000 innocent people and wounded thousands of others. Since the barrier was constructed there has 90% reduction., doesn’t it?
BBC-NUJ and U.K government shadow-box on mass immigration into U.K (Marr & May this morning), while they BOTH campaign to get 80 million Muslims Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe.
I have lifted this directly from the BBC HYS. Sorry “Dave” whoever you are but he simply said what I was about to about the Andrew Marr Show today.
35. David
Great theatre on Marr. Papers reviewer predicted either Harman or May would say that their parties had “listened” but would not have a policy change to offer. Even with that warning Harman jumped straight in with “we have listened” and when pressed by Marr had no new policy to offer. Out of touch on the programme she was appearing on.
Remember when Brown sacked her for being so thick?
It was she who defended his decision to give pensioners 60p by way of increase, and held single parents increases to less-or some such shit at that time in 1997.
Frank Field thought her the thickest State goon at DHSS or wherever she was…no wonder she`s risen to the giddy heights of Paedo Info Exonerator, as revealed recently(well since 1979, but that`s “now” in Beeb Time)
As the BBC’s tame kamikaze on a bungee is yo-yo’d in all day (and it’s a Bank Holiday, so it’s going to be another long one) to try and provoke collateral fire PR elsewhere, this arrives in my in-box:
I have never doubted this was tragic and traumatic, but it can be interesting what in the BBC mind comes from ‘another time’ to be consigned to history’s memory hole, and what is darn near on a daily loop decades on.
Especially when it comes to fog-of-war reporting that can swing from the impossibly wild guess to total clarity.
I actually find Mr. Bowen’s own tweets incredibly revealing, especially in what he sees as beyond doubt; more so now that there is some context provided I was not aware of.
The concept of ‘civilians’, or ‘children’ even in such a theatre has surely been rendered redundant by the habit of old men and women in certain factions to send out teenagers in non-combat attire to initiate deadly force exchanges?
What were he and his crew doing there?
And the notion of it being ‘quiet’, until it got loud, is worthy of Hendy.
All this can be debated and nit-picked ad nauseam from a sofa near you.
At worst , it seems like the IDF investigation was like a BBC internal, only a bit more transparent and with more credible remorse.
But that was then.
What is now is a person utterly conflicted has been allowed to maintain top role ‘reporting’ (with a hefty dose of personal ‘analysis’, supported by translation-based intel from his tame local ringers) from the most febrile news region there is.
It may not be fair, but he is utterly compromised by this event to be a credible objective judge now. Clearly shown by his ongoing obsessions.
Even the lamest US cop show knows that if your partner is slotted you don’t get to lead the team on that case.
These adrenaline junkies of course do pay the ultimate price, but it gets left to their ratings-aware colleagues to turn a tragic mistake into a PR opportunity.
Apparently aware in most cases now that the only group who would rather be at home with their families are the one’s they and those whose motivations they too often try to understand seem hell bent on seeing taken out. Or, failing which, falling foul of a cynical PR stunt.