Why does UKIP not attract so many voters in London?
The BBC tells us:
Neil Hamilton said London was “difficult territory” for UKIP because it was so “cosmopolitan”. Earlier it was put to the party’s communities spokesman, Suzanne Evans, on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the party had some difficulty appealing to Londoners because they tended to be “cultural, educated, and young” – reportedly a direct quote from one of her fellow UKIP spokesmen. The party was “increasingly” attracting such people, she replied – but not yet in London. After much criticism of her role in these exchanges, Ms Evans said she was emphatically “NOT saying non-Londoners [are] ‘thick'”. But there is no point denying that most research and polls suggest the party has significant support among older voters – a demographic group that is both growing in size and remains more likely to vote.
Curiously whilst the piece is titled ‘Demography’ there is no mention of immigration…..London being merely ‘cosmopolitan’ as Neil Hamilton describes it…the BBC ventures no thoughts on what that might actually mean.
And note the photograph….the BBC have managed to find a photo with not a single obviously ‘ethnic’ face in it.
What is going on in London is precisely the effect that Labour intended to engineer across the whole country eventually….a land ‘ethnically cleansed’ of the native Brit and now populated by those with no loyalty or relationship with the historic land and its people and whose votes will swing elections.
Importing millions of Europeans was no ‘mistake’….one reason for doing so was that any future referendum on our relationship with Europe could hinge on a few votes…therefore importing people who come from ‘europe’ and have an affinity for it and who in all likelihood would vote to stay closely tied to Europe is an obvious strategy.
This BBC report might give a clue as to the reality of that suggestion:
Elections 2014: Poles seeking to get their voices heard
May’s local and European elections will see record numbers of Poles going to the ballot box in the UK. With up to half a million votes up for grabs, is it time British politicians took them seriously?
Lucas Szlek came to the UK from Poland as a 16-year-old with his parents in 2001. Having spent most of his adult life in Britain, he is standing as a Labour council candidate in Southampton.
“I think voting in the democratic election is part of integrating with British society,” he says.
“I believe lots of Polish people share the same principles as the British people and I think part of integration with a society is to contribute to the further decision making in Britain for everyone.”
Research by Polish City Club and Ipsos Mori suggests 72% of Polish people currently in the UK intend to stay. Is Mr Szlek pointing to a future where greater Polish representation will be a natural element of Britain’s political scene?
Daniel Kawczynski, for now Britain’s only MP of Polish origin, hopes so. “I do see Parliament changing and evolving… to properly reflect the changing nature of British society,” he says.
The 2011 census showed there are more than 600,000 Poles in the UK, and all EU citizens have the right to vote in both local and EU elections.
“These elections definitely will be those elections that Poles participate in, in the largest numbers, I think, throughout the last 10 years,” says Mr Byczynski.
Not least because the issues affect them.
“We cannot talk about relations with the EU and ignore the voice of the main immigrant group,”” he says.
But before it is assumed this means votes in the bag for the pro-EU campaign, the research by Polish City Club and Ipsos Mori paints a more complicated picture.
They found that half of Poles in the UK were intending to vote, but 50% of those were yet to decide who for.
“If the parties canvass their votes, they will receive support – even from a minority group called the Polish friends of UKIP,” Roger Casale, chairman of New Europeans, says about the Polish community.
“Very few politicians seem to have understood this. Yet the number and the concentration of Polish expat votes will change the outcome of elections in many marginal seats.
“Some Polish candidates have enough support to win even as independents.”
Let’s wait first for the Euro results in London. BBC seems relaxed about pathetically low voter turnout.
this thing about ukip not doing well in london is such a red herring,london is like new york,it is a very left wing liberal city with its electorate and it has a very high some say 60% immigrant population including up to 200,000 illegal immigrants many who are criminals according to home office figures,so the maths are simple here,why would left wing socalist types and immigrants in london vote for a party that is against mass immigration and getting out of the eu,that is a no brainer in my book and not fertile ground for ukip to campaign in.
London is a lost city, under occupation….
UKIP did badly in Tower Hamlets, East and West Ham, Forest gate, Southall, Brent etc. In areas not culturally enriched, the voters were more likely to vote UKIP.
This according to the BBC, shows that people are quite relaxed about immigration when they see its good effects. It is those parts of England that are not culturally enriched, they are myopic and racist.
The BBC, along with Sky, know how to spin a story.
Why does UKIP not attract so many voters in London?
Well for starters, recent academic study shows that living in ethnically diverse areas results in people being less racist. But Alan won’t tell you that, because that doesn’t fit in with the over-simplistic lies that make up his bizarre view of the world.
Instead, he’ll copy and paste huge swathes of articles, bold up a couple of sentences, and pretend that he’s making a cogent point. Unfortunately, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V and Ctrl-B are a poor substitute for proper, well thought through points. Not that Biased BBC commenters want that: they just want their own silly little bigotries to be reinforced. And that, Alan can just about manage.
As UKIP are not racist your point is irrelevant…no surprise there Scott.
And as for the delights of diversity:
“Greater diversity equals more misery.”
IT HAS BECOME increasingly popular to speak of racial and ethnic diversity as a civic strength. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.
But a massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam — famous for “Bowling Alone,” his 2000 book on declining civic engagement — has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings.
Yawn! Can t keep away 😀 … eh! Scott
give it up … cupcake
go back to sticking pins, in your “Alan/DV” doll
Scott, a while ago I used to enjoy your contributions as a different point of view. I now seldom read them. You seem obsessive.
Obsessive? Actually deranged – and getting worse day by day
What rubbish. You cannot measure racism mathematically, which is what this ridiculous study, patently contrived to push an agenda, does! The maths is deliberately confusing to make it impossible for anyone lacking a fairly high level knowledge of stats to challenge.
Funny you should say that ,heres a fine example of academic number crunching
Ethnically diverse areas like Tower Hamlets you mean?
Wait until the EU pushed through laws so European migrants vote in National elections. It will come and then there will be no national identity. Labour have had a good stab at it. Look at London.
“Wait until the EU pushed through laws so European migrants vote in National elections. It will come and then there will be no national identity. Labour have had a good stab at it. Look at London.”
Quite.Its only a matter of time before the EU pushes this.
So wonderful that they’ve had to post over 100 police at the doors of the polling stations because of intimidation and threats. What a lovely culture we have imported into our London boroughs.
“Diverse”, as in “from Bangladesh or Pakistan”, and virtually no-where else? Funny how words take on a special meaning when uttered from the Left.
Is “monoverse” a word?
Scott, its amazing how much you can see in those glasses. I must get a pair. Safer than dropping acid to see what’s not there.
As we know, the left-wing definition of racism, is that only white people are racist, therefore multicultural ghettoes have no racism.
And therefore with London suffering from white flight into the leafy outskirts by anyone that can afford it, I do not think that anyone with intelligence would want to live in an inner-city shit hole where they are not welcome.
I still think that most of the BBC’s Labour voting morons prefer to live in the Tory areas of their more intelligent middle-class relatives who did not have to do Arts and Media studies, and go on to employment with the BBC.
And I do not know any geniuses who live in the inner-city areas that vote Labour, but not UKIP or Tory.
The remit of the Labour party is still to represent the interests of the less well educated underclass and I have never felt that it was the natural home for Mensa members.
It has been pointed out already, but UKIP are not racist.
Academic studies are not flawless. In particular, it is the norm for political correct definitions and viewpoints to be present in any discussion of contentious topics like this. You’d have to look closely at the study to see what it actually says.
And, of course, even if there is a lack of racism in cosmopolitan cities, that does not mean there are not negatives as well.
Bet you don’t live in a ‘diverse’ area Scott, probably a Billy Bragg type, thinks diversity is wonderful, but…..lives amongst his own….birds of a feather and all that…..which explains Paki’s living in mini Islamabad type areas, filthy and crowded out.
Evidence of correlation is not evidence of causation Scott. Perhaps ‘racists’ don’t elect to live in ethnically diverse areas? There has been a phenomenon of white flight from highly cosmopolitan cities across the world. I suspect that gay people also elect to remove themselves from highly homophobic districts as well – is there a thriving gay culture in Tower Hamlets, Luton, Rochdale…? Does this make gay people intolerant or does it mean that they are just seeking a place where they can live happily?
In any case the contention is a typically arrogant one from the 21st century textbook of leftist supremacism. People who disagree with you need to be ‘educated’ until they do.
An example of this is the way the that UKIP supporters have been described; we have heard so much of this recently.
Dangerous, mad, racists, homophobes, xenophobic, sexist white male middle class fruitcakes.
All views freely broadcast by all the rump political parties and explicitly endorsed by the news room staff. This is normal and acceptable – apparently. However, why is it not OK to point out there are far more extreme positrons considered as the norm even in ‘moderate’ Islamic adherents in the UK? That is considered racist. And for the avoidance of doubt there really is a murderous loony islamic fringe in Britain, it was not UKIP members blowing up buses, or UKIP NHS surgeons attacking Glasgow airport or murdering army drummers on the street. No UKIP member has called for gay people to be murdered from a pulpit as far as I know. I don’t recall any members of UKIP being involved in modern slave trading. I don’t think any members of UKIP have flown overseas to fight for or against President Assad (another NHS consultant Surgeon with a wife from Acton). UKIP as far as I know have not run a concerted covert campaign to take over schools to ensure that their xenophobic mad fruitcake (etc) views are instilled into the youth, but UKIP members are so dangerous that they have been banned from fostering children in Rochdale because of their despicable views.
So why are UKIP dangerous? Dangerous to whom precisely? My contention is that they are dangerous to the left of centre consensus. Ideologically dangerous and in need of re education as they are far worse than those who want women covered up, gays stoned, apostates executed etc. It is indeed only a very tiny minority of Islamic people who have extreme views and this is always pointed out – quite correctly. I suspect that UKIP has a minority of racists homophobes etc as well. Why are one set of wrong thinkers entirely representative of one group but entirely unrepresentative of another?
Answers on a postcard please
Good post. Entirely agree.
Well put CCE.
One academic study (not a scientific study) demonstrates nothing. This kind of condescending nonsense is exactly what drives people to vote UKIP. Scott, what do you know about UKIP voters? Here in Rotherham, the party did very well despite the ethnic diversity of the area. The reasons are obvious to anyone who makes the effort to ask, and they are nothing to do with racism and bigotry. People are sick of being looked down on and ignored by a bigoted, self-regarding metropolitan elite, and everyone feels that the big parties need a good kicking (expenses scandals, unwanted candidates being parachuted in, total disregard for local views etc). They are sick of being talked at by pious little twerps.
One academic study (not a scientific study) demonstrates nothing.
It demonstrates rather more than a bunch of pseudonymous attention-seeking racists on this site could ever offer. It holds together far more than one of David Brims’ fact-free racist assertions, or Alan’s copy-and-paste attempts to look intellectual, or one of Pounce’s hair-trigger explosions of anger that are big on emotion and low on factual content.
But you carry on telling yourself that Biased BBC is full of knowledgeable people who know what they’re talking about. One more lie amongt all the others that riddle this site won’t hurt.
Condescending as usual, Scott. You haven’t addressed my point about your total lack of awareness regarding the reasons behind the the swing to UKIP (I KNOW you are wrong,because I interact with UKIP voters every day. It’s not about racism, and perhaps if people like you actually took the trouble to find out what people are thinking instead of jeering and making snide little remarks, then you might learn something). As for your comments about attempting to look intellectual, well, quoting one obscure piece of research doesn’t make you a genius, especially since you do not have the humility to try and learn the truth, and are simply content to snipe from behind the armour-plating of your towering self-regard.
Scott, did you vote UKIP ?
London isn’t cosmopolitan, Buenos Aires is cosmopolitan. London is like Timbuktu, a third world slum, you’re tripping over them !!
The London phenomenon is not so much European migration, but Commonwealth migration. No-one is prepared to say that we should pull out of the Commonwealth (especially because the civil servants employed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office would be out of a job) So we have people from one continent in particular with rights of free movement to the UK – I dare say the flow is more one way than the other.
Botswana Cameroon Ghana Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Zambia.
I was thinking of moving to Africa for a better life, but I decided it doesn’t look much different to South London.
Commonwealth Citizens do not have a ‘right’ to live here. However they do, disgracefully, have a right to vote, if here ona student visa for example!
Not everyone is aware of this, and no, its not even reciprocal.
Seems no-one has told Lewisham Council, and Lambeth and Southwark, who are dolling out social housing and schooling places to Africans, willy nilly. You are a troll, aren’t you?, Aerfen?
Lots of those africans are here on the strenght of having EU passports
London is to be ignored. It is no longer part of England. Yes it sits like a giant octopus sprawled over the South east but it is not England now. It never really was and we of old England have long disliked it.
Old Cobbett had no time for it and that was two hundred years ago. When I think of England London is never there. It is just a huge sprawl . Ugly and now increasingly overcrowded .
It is turning into a city state quite different from England. Never go there now neither do my family. But then I never liked it even as a child. I got to know it but then it was a different city. You all know what I mean.
Of course UKIP will struggle in London. Bloody obvious . So what. We have allowed for that Leave it to the liberal fantasists.
One of the interesting things about our counter revolution is just how irrelevant London and the way London thinks is to it. It is of no account. We will change this country whether London likes it or not.
It was Chesterton who said that where London ends England begins. It is even truer now than 100 years ago.
One final point. I do not want to live in an ethnically diverse ( whatever that trite bossy little phrase means) England. And I have news for you liberals that does not make me racist and I object to the smear and will no longer tolerate it.
I am happy, as are millions of the old English, to live as our forefathers lived. Generation after generation. Our culture. Our ways. Loyal to the land without question and without qualification.
And if those liberal fantasists think this is just an old man’s wish then they could not be more wrong. Wait and see.
The young people of old England will not let it down.
This is what is driving UKIP .This feeling for old England and these pathetic liberals had better get out of our road or as so often in our past we will really get annoyed.
We have been ignored and patronised for too long. The fault lies with the liberals and with us for allowing them to have their way over the last 60 years.
”It never really was and we of old England have long disliked it.”
Just as Americans dislike New York and the French dislike Paris.
”I am happy, as are millions of the old English, to live as our forefathers lived. Our culture. Our ways. Loyal to the land without question and without qualification.”
You may enjoy this documentary on Ian Nairn who presented programmes in the 1960s and the 70s about the destruction of England by town planners. Nairn died in 1983 aged only 53.
Thanks for the this, something good to watch tonight.
Sorry, but you make the rest of England sound like Downton Abbey. It isn’t.
I grew in up S Yorkshire. Complete shit hole, full of people who regarded ignorance as a virtue. It that was old England, God help us.
Yes you have a point. Large parts of England are hellish dumps, but this has always been the case and it is no reason to import an additional 5 million people with vibrant and diverse cultures. That doesn’t make things better.
Proud to say that I was born in the then beautiful city of Bath. It saddens me when I visit today the town center is full of the obligatory foreign accents (not helped by the city’s two universities) the Victorian terraces where I lived, like a lot of housing stock are now student lets with absolutely zero sense of community.
Planners have destroyed the city with no thought given to blending it with the wonderful existing architecture.
Sadly London is ahead of the curve, as things stand and given time, other cities, some more quickly than others will vote just as Londoners did on Thursday, time is precious….
I worked for 18 months in Bath City Centre in the ’90’s just after the council had closed most of the public toilets.
I wonder how much money they spent on additional street cleaning to deal with the all pervasive smell of piss around the bus station? No doubt more than keeping the toilets open!
“…it is no reason to import an additional 5 million people with vibrant and diverse cultures. That doesn’t make things better.”
Of course it doesn’t, but having grown up in places like Bradford and S Yorkshire, it amuses me to hear London being singled out for criticism now. Community cohesion in places like Bradford went decades ago. Ray Honeyford alluded to it in The Salisbury Review but few people were interested back then. It’s a relatively small place, lacking London’s huge influx of commuters from a 100 mile radius, which limits the impact of the delightful residents in Tower Hamlets, who don’t seem to travel far.
London is no less English than say, Birmingham, also enriched, Liverpool, self righteous and whiny for as long as I can remember, or S Yorkshire, as mentioned above.
In my posting I did not mention the other towns and cities that are no longer where the old English wish to live. We all know where they are and what has happened to Bradford,once a fine Yorkshire city , is sadder in many ways, than what has happened to London.
I recall once being told that to manage a bank branch in Bradford was to be at the top of your profession. Different times. It is just that the elite is London based so their destructive force primarily emanates from that city.
“full of people who regarded ignorance as a virtue”
Really? Class-hate filled generalisation if you ask me!
The towns of S. Yorkshire are shitholes, but then so is most of London. Luckily we have the countryside on our doorstep. I agree that there is a cult of ignorance here, but that doesn’t mean people can be ignored – nor are they always wrong.
Another relevant Chesterton quotation: “It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem”.
“Never go there now”
So you are speaking from a position of ignorance.
“You all know what I mean.”
Yes we do.
“that does not make me racist”
See above.
“The young people of old England will not let it down.”
Indeed so. Among voters 18-24 Labour outnumber UKIP voters by nearly 3:1. It is only the 65+ where UKIP draws the most support.
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
“Never go there now”
So you are speaking from a position of ignorance.’
Plus, of course, you’ll always have Kiev.
Given your fondness for setting precedent, and this forum being (mostly) about the BBC, would it be fair to say therefore that commentary by paid, professional BBC staff about anywhere they have not physically been to recently is worthless? Along with the opinion of any basing their views on such commentary?
Actually the BBC’s staff can often create an amazing impression of a place even when they are there.
Those hotel balcony warriors at Tahir Square did seem to miss a few things mind.
‘a trend across broadcasting to “throw” resources at “the big story” and ignore other smaller ones.’
Thrown resources?:
Smaller stories?
But then, at the BBC, this was likely deemed a different time.
So any opinion from then is no longer valid?
Oh dear dear. One of my family cowered in her house with her children during the last riots and we rescued them so I obviously know nothing of present day London. They now live in another place.
The rest of your attempted putdown is not worth commenting on. I no longer argue with the deluded liberal. Past time on that sort of behaviour.
AS to the young people. In my shire they are not the sad ,weak and hopeless stock of the cities. Even our hard cases are the sort one can rely on to stand firm if necessary.
More of an indication of how successful the brainwashing of secondary school pupils is, presently. Fortunately they will grow older and wiser.
Really well said.
‘Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V and Ctrl-B are a poor substitute for proper, well thought through points’
That’s pretty funny.
Forget the campaign for Scottish independence. It’s London that should be independent – let them go, we don’t want them!
No lets get London back, not abandoning it! The last thing this country needs is an alien city state on our island.
Tow the bloody place into the mid-Atlantic and leave it there: in addition to the obvious advantages of placing The Great Wen and its attendant horrors far, farrrrr away from the rest of us, there’ll be a stonking great estuarine lake left where ‘IT’ used to be which can be used for regattas and other exciting watersports and also to house what’s left of the RN (Two pedaloes, a Grimsby trawler etc) if Scotland secedes this year.
And, though (or maybe because) I’m a Kenting, move the capital to York. If they want it, obv.
This is what the vibrant Tower Hamlets is like, where a Bangladeshi man can buy votes by spending the council’s money on his friends.

The area doesn’t look very ‘diverse’.
Read that article Scott? They need heavy police presence from erhm “over zealous” supporters and also there are investigations of postal fraud. I live in working class area, one of the poorest towns in this county, and no need for coppers at the door of the polling station. If this is what London has got too, in the great cosmopolitan metropolis then I’m sorry for the old working class communities that have been dumped on by mass immigration . They were NEVER asked about immigration ever and funnily enough many moved out to this county of Essex…where strangely enough UKIP have done very well. Perhaps feeling alienated once they don’t want it to happen again. However maybe this time they have found a party that stands up for them and not shits on them and ignores them like Labour, Conservatives and the Lib Dems. Maybe the working class London diaspora like the rest of this country reuse anymore to be pushed out.
Most have gone to Essex or at least to outer suburbs. There are few working class indigenous Londoners left now. But this is not a free choice , they have been pushed out.
It depends on whether you class 100% Bangladeshi as “diverse” I suppose.
Tower Hamlets is far from 100% Bangla. It is very ‘diverse’ and not just Eastern Europeans Somalis and Africans too. It also has students from everywhere, being relatively cheap for inner London.
I dunno, there’s a couple of white faces there.Probably Eastern European though.
And a few students and City workers, the latter near Shoreditch which is arty.
The reason there ain’t Ukip success in London is because the Left have flooded the sodding place with Muslims and Eastern Europeans who all want their benefits so vote for those socialist scum, Liebour.
The Eastern Europeans also want to be here, so dont want to see us exit from the EU.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
Significant article today (paywalled)-
“The capital fails to see the heartache and pain beyond”
By Charles Moore.
“Today, the word ‘London’ in political rhetoric has become rather like ‘Washington’ in America – shorthand for faraway people who do not understand the rest of the nation. Link it wsith ‘Brussels’ -as Ukip unhesitatingly does, and will again as the Euro-results come in tomorrow night – and you have a place apart from its hinterland. This is not a clever idea in a parliamentary democracy.”
“Mass immigration is destroying our once great nation”
By Leo McKinstry
“Ethnic groups in London”
“The Islamic future of Britain.
“Britain is in denial. If population trends continue, by the year 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation.”
By Vincent Cooper.
It’s time to move the capital somewhere else now where I don’t know Yorkshire would be ideal!
Not Bradford, not Dewsbury, not Leeds.
Harrogate would be nice – unfortunately it might ruin the happiest town in the country.
Traditionally York.
Traditionally Winchester!
Couldn`t we have six months in Winchester, followed by six months in York.
And HS2 to link them-with van loads of red boxes and diversity consultants being transported/parked in hotels on a monthly basis?
That`s the way to get Euro At;lantique Zone 1 organised…Lord Clegg for Obermeister Fuhrer!
Here comes matron….
So long as people insist on sending the wrong people to parliament, and people in Yorkshire are as guilty as any, it won’t make any difference where it is. I also seem to recall quite a high Scottish contingent under Blair/Brown. How would sending that shower to Yorkshire have improved things?
Did the British political class make this announcement in 1945?:-
‘Thank you, British white people, for your efforts in WWII in defending Britain from invasion, and for your continuing efforts in these austere years, but we have now decided to turn over Britain to any foreigners who want to take up residence and citizenship here. And thank you again’.
Listening to Any Questions. Seems that the main 3 have resorted to mantra.
How does Labour and the Unions feel about their fee paying members being placed out of work in favour of non unoin,agency employed, people from all over the world?
WOW!! Any Questions. It came from London and UKIP were ganged up on. So it goes on.
They could not even tell the truth about the O’Brian interwiev when he asked Farrage the difference between romainian MEN and German CHILDREN!!!!!
It’s going to get dirtier is my opinion. BRING IT ON !!
Yes the barracking of the UKIP man and Dumbledores interuptions were shocking. He dealt with it very well though IMO.
Even Ross Noble, brought on as the comedian on HIGNFY, knew the real details of the O’Brian interview.
Any answers worth a listen though.
@scott,go back to your demos outside the isreali embassy with your marxist,commie,freinds spewing out anti semite insults,ukip forever, down with the commies.
scott look likes one of these labour party supporting posh middle class privileged socalist workers party types
I wonder if he knows Owen Chav Jones, the famous metrosexual, Oxbridge educated tribune of the working class and favourite son of the BBC news and current affairs department? – “rolls eyes”
I am surprised that Scott thinks he is supremely educated. After all not many of use know about perverse biology nor the inner workings of ‘The Stage’ (where he works), promoting the joys of ‘online interactive theater bookings’, (the obscure joys of a modern day ticket clerk). The BBC is his ‘hero’ for drama (not world news). Scott (on Twitter) shows his ‘favorites’ are at an educational level obtained only by reading ‘The Guardian’ and watching BBC TV drama repeats – until you’re blind to reality. He has posted as AgentSmith (on this site) but his real name is: Scott Matthewman (on Twitter) plus his vanity (Blog) and (Google+) has posted hundreds of ‘selfie’ stye images (for his higher education). One presumes Scott is only half educated but then we’re all prejudiced are we?.
Tweets by scottm
“I am surprised that Scott thinks he is supremely educated.”
I am not. Globalist types are almost all intellectual snobs, and think just the fact that they have been to university makes them superior to all those who have not.