Why Britain bombed Germany with copies of the Beveridge report: Dream of a welfare state ‘helped bring down Hitler’
- RAF crews dropped copies of the Beveridge Report on occupied Europe
- The report was seen as a psychological weapon to undermine morale
- Senior Nazis thought Britain had accepted the theory of ‘national socialism’
British airman dropped copies of the plan for a post-war welfare state on Nazi German to demoralise the population in an audacious propaganda exercise.
Copies of the 1942 Beveridge Report were translated into German and flown by RAF bombers to Berlin and jettisoned over the city.
A new book by authors John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldrige uncovers the secret war-time story of how the RAF dropped leaflets instead of bombs.
According to the book, Nazi officials decided that they would not give any publicity to the Beveridge Report, even though one suggested ‘our enemies are taking over national socialist ideas’.
‘Our national socialits ideas’? But we’re always told that the Nazis, the National Socialists, weren’t socialists. They were obviously deluding themselves then.
The Nazis were socialists, Labour are socialists….might explain why Labour were so keen to fling open the borders and let half of Europe march in here….success at last!
Michael Gove’s wife Sarah Vine: ‘I thought of sending our kids to Italy to get away from hatred’
The wife of education secretary Michael Gove told an audience how she has considered sending her children to live in Italy to shield them from the “hate” directed towards their father in the UK.
“There are a lot of people who really, really hate Michael who send emails saying, ‘I hope you die’,” she said.
Her conclusion:
“I used to believe that socialists were nice but misguided. Now I know that they are not nice at all. They are very vicious and aggressive people who do really horrible things.”
But who might have contributed to that atmosphere of hate directed at Gove and his family?
Could it possibly be the BBC? Listen to ‘The Now Show’ any week and you might hear Gove compared to Hitler or some such….or HIGNFY….no slouches in mocking the Gove.
Curious though how quiet the BBC is about this story…can’t find any mention of the hate directed at the Goves by those nasty socialists.
Heard the second bit of “The Now Show”-from Jon Holmes doing some skit about the Chelsea Flower Show and on to the bitter end.
Utter desolation-tumbleweed and not even a wry smile of recognition that it resembled comedy…Russell Brand/Rufus Hound comedy in fact,
I`ll not ask how such shit gets commissioned…
I think the idea that the Nazis where right-wing, started when the National Socialists attacked the Soviet Socialists in the war, because Socialist groups in conflict call each other Right-wing, and then the one that loses, is forever labelled right-wing, its also why they call UKIP fascists, when no one has called themselves fascists since the war, and UKIP are Libertarians.
I think that originally Libertarians were regarded as left-wing, but are now called right-wing. But they certainty have never been Big State Socialist like the Nazis.
Yes, I’m sure Richard Pinder is right.
In the eyes of the Soviet Union and their international supporters, German National Socialists were seen as allies until Germany ratted on the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Prior to that time they weren’t called ‘Fascists’, they were called ‘workers in uniform’.
These days, so few people – especially the young – have heard of Molotov, Ribbentrop or the fact that Germany and the Soviet Union colluded in the attack on Poland that it is depressing. They call National Socialists ‘Fascists’ simply because they have learned to do so by rote – that piece of “knowledge”, like other important misinformation, has been hammered into them by constant repetition in the media and in “school”. I always bear that in mind when I hear schools of the past criticised for their addiction (a false accusation, as it happens) to “rote learning”. The same people clearly think that rote learning has its place in the process of misinformation, if not in education.
And speaking of education, the Beveridge Report is lauded in some quarters for its creation of the modern Welfare State. But did it not also include the concept of tri-partheid education – Grammar, Technical and Secondary Modern schools ? What happened to that?
I had a lefty on Twitter tied up with lack of historical knowledge last week. He didn’t believe that Soviet Union had ever been allied with Nazi Germany, he just knew it wasn’t true. Sad?
Large swathes of the leadership of the left called WW2 an Imperialist war until Barbarossa, organising the strikes in coal mines and munitions factories and calling for a “People’s Peace” with Germany to save the workers. They only got interested after the Nazi/Communist murdering bastards fell out.
I am trying to work out how many of the ‘heroic’ conscientious objectors so popular with the BBC objected on political grounds because the war was not endorsed by the comintern until July 1941
Aka, ‘doing a Ralph Miliband’.
Ah yes, Twitter. The repository for idle and unguarded thoughts that should never see the light of day. I can see why the BBC like it.
During the “Great Patriotic War” the Nazis were always called “Hitlerite Fascists”, as Stalin did not want to use the word Nazis, because of its obvious reference to socialism. Even today, a real Fascist like Putin calls the Kiev government Fascist rather than Nazi as the ultimate term of abuse. The Left will never accept that there was nothing “Right Wing” or “Conservative” about the Nazis, there Socialist revolutionaries with added racism (not that Stalinism was short on racism, as the Crimean Tartars could tell you, if they dared).
The “Great Patriotic War” was also known as the “1941-1945 War” in Russia.
Stalin and Hitler were allies in 1939 – a fact many choose to omit.
Fascism was the Italian name for national socialists in Italy, it came from the Roman symbol for a magistrate. The fascists were nicer than the Nazis because they where not anti-Semitic until put under pressure by the Nazi’s in the war, to be so.
HIGNFY host called Michael Gove a twat last night and excused it as a link to John Cooper Clarke. The glee in the studio was palpable.
Also an entirely gratuitous use of the work “F**K” as in Ross Noble claiming that Berlisconi wanted to **** the chancellor of Germany. Disgusting.
To HIGHFY’s credit they did briefly give Ed his Wiltshire moment. I wonder if it will be on the TV for the next 25 years a la Redwood and the Welsh National Anthem?
Let’s just say Hitler/Stalin were two sides of the same coin Stalin was once worshiped by the ‘liberal’ left in the UK as was Mao who murdered millions. This same intelligentsia basically took control of the UK by stealth as they knew most people didn’t care much for communism.
The so called ” intellectuals” usualy get it wrong. Thjats why their so clever.
Many of the Socialists I worked with in the past were of the “nice chap, but don’t cross him on politics, or he’ll turn nasty” variety.
Sums up the left.