This item was posted by my colleague Mike Cunningham over on A Tangled Web and I think it warrants your consideration.
“Listening on the Beeb’s Today Programme to what must be considered a true favourite of the BBC’s way of group-think. The woman being interviewed had a son who had been kidnapped by the Nigerian Boko Haram bunch of criminal terrorists, and he had been killed during a rescue attempt. The woman was being interviewed as she had personal knowledge of these muslim killers, but she was saying that the Nigerian government should ‘open a dialogue’ with these fanatics, they should explore ‘areas of compromise’; and if necessary her son’s killers should be released as part of a deal with the Boko Haram bunch, who hold nearly three hundred girls from a school in Northern Nigeria.
When I state ‘true favourite of the BBC’s way of group-think’, I believe that this is what has been a total ‘belief’ tenet of the Corporation for decades. We must, in the eyes of the BBC, always compromise, always defer to others, never ever stand on principle, never ever argue or stand up for what we, as a nation, used to believe in or argue from a moral standpoint.
The woman whose son was murdered by these muslim killers is, of course, tragically mistaken in hoping for dialogue or compromise with any group who operates under the shadow of terror, or the bullet. The Nigerian government must, in my own view, organise and operate a policy of ‘search and destroy’ against the shadowy terrorists who seem to operate with impunity in the north of that burdened and corrupt country. They must operate as we, in Great Britain, singularly failed to during our own terrorist struggle; they should operate on a ‘shoot to kill’ policy, they should operate on the fact that ‘the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist’ with no bargains, no cushy prisons, no cosy deals, and they should never, ever, offer a place in Government if the terrorists would only promise to ‘disarm and place their weaponry beyond use’; mainly because we all know how weasel promises like that end up!“
I agree that the best way to deal with Boko Haram is by wiping them off the face of the planet.
I do wish to hear other views though. That comes from living in a democracy. Some people don’t.
Agree with your sentiment but not with any inference (if that was your intention) that the BBC are balanced in such matters. That’s all this site campaigns for – balance.
Oh if only Lee Rigbys family would only all become Muslim eh?
What a triumph of the human spirit THAT would be there at the BBC…and Ed Stourton and Clifford Longley could make programmes about it all.
The womans loss would be grievous-so only the liberal lotus eaters like the BBC would care to doorstep her likes by the mortuary slabs.
She has suffered enough without the BBC using her sons shroud as a white flag for Boko Haram.
Never let a good tragedy go to waste at the BBC do they?
Maybe if Boko Haram could only split the UKIP vote in Newark by standing at election..THEN we could open the worlds prisons to these evil psychopaths, and pay one to write a Guardian column.
Ian Brady for BBC Trust Chairman…the Broadmoor Broadcasting Co-Operative/Community…