Right. It’s time for a new thread to discuss BBC coverage of the EUROPEAN elections results as they roll in! I see the Front National have topped the poll in France…
Can someone enlighten me as one of those Northerners who isn’t quite bright enough to make up his own mind and needs to have it explained to me by one of my betters in the London twattering class’s. How can people like me who voted UKIP not actually be voting for UKIP?
Seems like the delusional Harbitch is in denial as usual.
According to Harpeson on the Andrew Marr Show this morning those who voted for UKIP “weren’t actually voting for UKIP” …and so the extraordinary denial starts and soon will be by the BBC’s “it doesn’t actually mean UKIP will gain Westminster seats.” etc, etc
“We and our tame pals in the media have slagged you off on a daily basis for the last six weeks, but you had the utter gall to NOT curl up and die so here’s some honey to tempt you thickoes back into the fold.”
‘Lessons to be learned’ is more for the middle management strata of a Health Board or Social Services Department of a lefty council where children or patients are abused/die/suffer. Nobody ever loses their job.
Actually, I think Cameron is now absolutely committed to it. In the end, if he promises it going into the next election, he really will have no choice. But expect all three main parties to campaign for in, along with the BBC, SKY, almost all the print press and the EU itself, which will infiltrate the argument.
I agree. There will not be a referendum, no matter what they promise.
but we will get out anyway when it breaks up, which it will. It’s finished. 2007 was the beginning of the end, the resumption of the downtrend in The Big State ( which started in 1989 with the USSR collapse) and there’s nothing they can do about it. They enjoyed a bear market rally for ten years ’97-’07, but now their fate is sealed.
The intention here is to muddy the waters surrounding the in/out deciision by this socalled renegotiation. Even the Eurocrats have woken up to it wuth Baroso now changing hid tune on renegotiation totally.
They will have it all worked out in advance, some dubious concessions on border controls, freedom of movement, but with agreements containing escape clauses to be found in the small print, to be actioned once we have all been conned and voted to stay in.
If that vote goes to stay in you may as well emigrate cyz we’ll al be fucked forever, and over-run by islamic scum in very quick time.
The smoke screen of renegotiation is his one big hope, but he sure as hell aint gonna aint gonna get us out.
Yes, of course Cameron will deliver a referendum if he wins in 2015.
However it will not be an honest one. They have looked at the polls and if they offered a “Federal EU v Out” choice, people would most likely vote out. But if they can offer “reform or out” most people will vote for reform.
So that is why the tories are offering to secure reform and then offer that reform in a referendum.
The problem is, the public will most likely take the bait of reform, only to have the EU veto that reform after we have voted and switch us back to a federal United States of Europe.
This is why Cameron is offering his “bait and switch” referendum, so that he can con us into voting to stay in the EU.
What can you expect from someone whose idea of equality is to write discrimination into law as long as it’s only those she deems acceptable to discriminate against? Oh, and she wanted to prevent child sex offenders from serving jail sentences.
As deputy leader of the Labour party she’s far from irrelevant !
There are brain dead people out there whose fathers voted for a Labour party which represented them, now they’d vote Labour if they told them they would sell their children into slavery, they really are that dim.
It’s true, remember that QT episode a short while ago when a man said that any criticism of Labours record should be ‘left at the door’. Remember him, a fat slug of a man, probably a union official….he is the type that infests this country, and will vote labour even if his entire family was shot before his eyes on the order of SS Colonel Jochim Straw, or other…..
Marine le Penn’s FN performance in France is Farage-like brilliant, people everywhere are sick to death of being told what they think “is unacceptable” by the establishment parties – kow-towing to Muslim supremacists. At least they deport Imams at will from France – how many years did it take to rid us of Al Queda supporting Abu Hamza, the rights of his vile family endorsed by the repulsive EU toadie Nick Clegg?
Bring it on. The real revolution is not middle-class lefty Ben Elton spouting about Fatcher, or Dorset-resident Socialist Billy Bragg. The time for a real opposition to the Establishment LibLabCon.
You know, I voted U.K.I.P. this time and last, but even Farage refuses to do a deal with Le Pen. Now, is that because Le Pen really is beyond the Pale? I’ve no idea! She gave a pretty good and reasonable account of herself in a recent interview on ‘Newsnight’ despite the needlessly provocative attitude of the air-head they sent to interrogate her . But I know nothing of their policies and ideas and all I have to go on is “information” from the Beeb and similar who tell me with straight faces that they are all “racist”. This from an organisation which endlessly repeats – with equally straight faces – that German National Socialists and the B.N.P. are “extremely right wing”. So unfortunately, based on that and other experience of B.B.C. “information”, I wouldn’t trust that lot if they told me it was raining.
What is the truth about Le Pen and the Front National?
Like you, I don’t know the truth regarding Le Pen, but distrust what the BBC and MSM tell me. However I suspect Farage figures that, whatever the truth, the accusations of racism should he team up would be too loud even for UKIP to resist.
I rather suspect you’re right. That was my suspicion, anyway – that Farage was coming under enough pressure as it was, without having to deal with the “associating with racists in France” tripe that they would have heaped on him. However, it poses potential problems for the future. Suppose both U.K.I.P. and the Front National maintain or increase their popularity and the latter increasingly start to be seen as reasonable. Farage is then left with the choice of either going back on what he said or maintaining an unnatural and ever more absurd distance. We’ll see.
Can 25% of the French people be racist? I doubt it.
I would guess Farage steers well clear simply because of their name: ‘Front National’. It would leave him open to even more vitriol from the mainstream press and politicians, not to mention the BBC who, only last week, asked a UKIP representative: ‘So what is the difference between UKIP and the BNP?’ Their political commentary would be littered with ‘UKIP, who are allied to the French national front…..’
Le Pen was called anti-Semitic several times past night during the election coverage. I made a mental note to find out whether this was true. If it is, then she and her party should be utterly condemned (Farage seems to think the FN is not a party to get into bed with). However, I’m doubtful. Everyone knows of the increasing terror threats to Jews in France from islamists, and their increasing flight from France to Israel and other countries, and I rather doubt whether FN would want to add to the persecution by having an anti-Semitic policy. We shall see.
FN are difficult to pin down, unless you are a lazy socialist. This is because they have changed considerably over the years. When they first popped up they were fascist, having being born from socialist and centre-left tendencies. The advent of mass N. African immigration into what was Vichy France pushed them into Nationalism. Under the odious Jean-Marie le Pen they were definitely a ‘nasty’ party of the BNP ilk.
These days I think they are more populist than anything else. An odd mix of socialism and capitalism (rather than corporatism). They are not the French equivalent of the BNP anymore and can now be painted as right-wing – paternalist more than conservative.
The trouble with le Pen jr is that she is media savvy so the modern FN could be the old FN under a mask. Until the mask slips then we will not know for sure.
Poor Marine.
Womans Hour would normally howl sexist at any of us who dared to question the vulnerable woman at the mercy of the MCPs of politics and media(Male Chauvinist Pigs for those of you who may not remember!).
Also she is anti-establishment to her boots…wants the system smashed…and if we think OURS is corrupt and stitched up, we ought to see France and its ENA elites!
So-rebellious and female-hates the system and battling hew way through a mans world of sexism and patriarchy…send for Womans Hour!
Oh …Sarah Palin!
Let`s stick to weddings for the next few days shall we girls?…Segolene Royale is the BBCs face of French rebellion today then!
Comments here indicate that many of us do not know exactly what Marine Le Pen represents. A short while ago she came to England, gave a talk at the University of Cambridge. And the state funded UAF are still boasting about how they used drums to drown her out, how they organised a rowdy protest which must have deterred people from attending. And of course, the BBC could not be bothered to tell us what she had to say.
Some truly horrible polls for the Fib-Dems on the UKpolling.com site.
“Opinium in the Observer had topline figures of CON 32%. LAB 33%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 19%.”
” Survations last pre-election poll, are CON 27%(-1), LAB 32%(-3), LDEM 9%(+1), UKIP 23%(+2). Survation show some of the highest UKIP scores anyway, but the 23% is a record high for UKIP even by their standards ”
7% means the Fib-Dems will see an election wipe-out come the general election, except maybe for Nick Clegg, who might be the parties only MP !
You wouldn’t mind if Clegg wasn’t made aware this was going to happen prior to going into coalition, the last time they did, they lost so many MPs they could have held a meeting of the parliamentary Liberal party in the back of a taxi!
Clegg couldn’t stand Gordon Brown though and because of personal animosity, and Browns sheer dogged stupidity he wouldn’t resign to allow a Labour Fib-Dem coalition, so he lost the election and had to resign anyway !
It will take the Fib Dems decades to recover from Cleggs leadership, that is if they ever can. There is the possibility that the new left wing Tory party will occupy the space left by the Fib-Dems and UKIP will take the place of the right of centre opposition.
That would mean the Fib-Dems would largely disappear and the Tories would become the third party. These polls are beginning to show some evidence of those trends
But Cleggo’s “the best Prime Minister this country hasn’t got” according to Lord Pantsdown today: if only the rest of this ungrateful nation could see with such utter boss-eyed imbecility clarity of vision !
I respect Ashdown for achieving a commission in the Royal Marines, and serving with distinction, but his dalliance in politics was a disaster, and his fake gravitas is plain, and insulting to experience.
I actually pity the Lib Dems. The country was looking into the abyss in 2010. Thankfully, the Lib Dems did their patriotic duty and entered the coalition. They’re obviously a bunch of can’ts, but I dred to think what might have happened if they’d refused to enter government.
Anyway, loving UKIPs victory! The People’s Army marches on!
That final Guardian sentence: ‘Hours before the polling stations opened, three people were shot dead in a Jewish museum in Brussels and two Jewish brothers were beaten up in the south eastern Paris suburb of Creteil.’ Its the far right again.
Yes Just like the the tolouse gun man was a gang of far right ex soldiers -until he was caught and the bostan bombers were tea party actavists -until they were caught
How long does the liberal inquisition think it can keep their hall of mirrors standing?
They couldn’t just be cretinous thugs, could they? Cretinous thugs are only that way because some selfish parasite didn’t pay enough taxes enabling the all-benevolent State to send them scuba-diving in Tonga so they could be re-habilitated.
God! how often do we decent people have to say it?
Of course not ! In the light of the sad events of this week, those potential voters are now needed more than evah. They’ll probably fast-track the process.
Obama said it is in America’s national interest to have the UK in the EU. I presume that the UK pushing Turkey’s membership is part of the same plan – i.e. keep America sweet by getting a key NATO ally into the EU.
I think you overstate the reality for the Turks of ever joining. The Germans don’t want them – for fear of having the migration issues that we currently face (Germany already has a large Turk community).
All the talk of this is simply a negotiating ploy, no-one really thinks that its in the UK national interest to increase the landfall of the EU. But it scares the crap out of German voters every time we mention it – and that’s useful at keeping Merkel’s ambitions in check. Even if Merkel knows we aren’t serious, her voters aren’t as sophisticated.
Turnout of over 43% across Europe according to Auntie’s own reports, so no chance to play the “low turnout facilitates fringe parties” card this time, comrades. Yo ho ho.
Just seen the famous John Curtice…well oiled as well.
Tell me this…is he the same bloke as Herman van Rumpoy?
Or the reincarnation of Auberon Waugh, or even Cosmo Smallpieace?
Single Transferable votes only if you please…post `em in c/o Kemals Kebab shop and we at the EU will get you to vote again if you don`t think he looks like Brigitte Bardot, as we here in Brussels have decided for you.
It might have been hoped that the fascists would show a little less hate and tone down the nastiness, but they were in full voice when UKIPs Shneur odze an orthodox Jewish UKIP candidate arrived at Manchester Town Hall this evening.
Yet another glaring example of hypocrisy when they dare too call the BNP Fascist but then shout insults at black & Jewish people. I’m sure they bear a closer resemblance to Fascists than any other group
Actually they are National Socialists, not facists the clues in the name.
The awkward truth is in a speech by Adolph Hitler on May 1st 1927.
Most lefties also conveniently forgot the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, Stalin and Hitler where in bed together until they had a small falling out over Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union.
Two sides of the same coin, but you will never hear that from the scum at the BBC or those lefties jumping up and down protesting outside Manchester Town hall. So lets call the extreme left what they are Natzi’s.
Here in France, the only election posters that were torn down or defaced were those of the Front National.
The venom spat out by the extreme left, at a public meeting that I attended, was vile.
Years ago I was in lust with a very pretty girl who was into anti-fascism (and what right minded person isn’t?) and went on a march with her in Newham(?). One of the coppers walking alongside the noisy and rather small march was black. The amount of abuse this poor chap got was, to me at the time, gob-smacking.
It’s one of the few times my brain has over-ruled my dick and I didn’t regret it later.
Whatever happens remember the Tories in particular must not be listened to or trusted.
The leadership has no intention of agreeing to any meaningful referendum on leaving Europe.
If that’s the case (and I think it’s undeniable that that Tory leadership want to have a referendum that they can win for In), what strategy do you propose to actually get a referendum and most importantly, an OUT vote?
Of course Cameron ably supported by Labour/BBC will try and rig a referendum with misinformation and one-side coverage – however they may find that once campaign underway they cannot actually control the electorate.
I don’t think even Cameron could avoid an in/out referendum if he was returned with a majority – so that must be best chance
I am afraid if you vote Ukip at the GE next year you will get The Millipeed as PM . The Right vote will be split , there will be No referendum , more Socialism ,more Immigration , more anti English , anti white laws , more taxes , more Harperson , more Balls , more Big Brother legislation . Don`t forget Millipeed will have 40 free MP`s from the Peoples Socialist Republic of Scotland , Boundaries in his favour , & bbc cheerleading disciples .
Harperson has plans for all white, heterosexual ,English males , there will be internment ,in a sort of Concentration Camp for re education to PC core values ,we will all have to have our haircut like the “Great Leader ” Millipeed .
No, not cutting off my nose to spite my face . A friend of mine use to be die hard Labourite , then gradually moved to the Lib Dems , now he is voting Tory . Another almost the same , hated Maggie , loved Labour , now votes Conservative !
I notice the Guardian have a picture of Farage with a big headline underneath mentioning the Far Right french vote. They just cant resist linking it can they.
Exactly. This is the Beeb’s current line to watch. I reckon this is why Farage has already rejected any notion of an E-parliamentary block including other Eurosceptic parties.
Just curious to know how a party like LePenn’s whose policies are to the left of the current idiot running France are on the far right?
Just wonder why no one asks the Guardinistas and the parasites at the BBC this simple question?
Well the worst part is this is all too late. It is many years from when Labour started importing millions of Muslims into the country who are never going to integrate satisfactorily.
The elephant in the room is that by “immigration”, most people sadly mean “Muslims”.
The fascist left have made it impossible to express any viewpoint other than what a great idea this all was.
All UKIP have done is given the first opportunity for the electorate to express this view.
Only good thing to come out of this E.U election is the decimation of the Liberal Democrats and their politically subservient ‘leader’ Clegg, and his E.U federalising mentality. Will ‘Guardian’ ever disown
what Lib Dems represent?
Martin Schultz president of the EU moaning about democracy, and incapable of accepting that it is his administrations lunatic decisions which led to this outcome.
“it’s a bad day for European union, when a party with a racist, xenophobic and anti-semitic programme gets 25pc of vote.. in other countries have same development.. pro european countries have to take v seriously whats behind the vote.. the reasons behind such a vote is not that people are hardcore extremists – they are disappointed, they’ve lost trust & hope… an eu that is saving banks, but not saving the next generation. ”
No Mr Schultz, because of your oppressive nature you are incapable of seeing that the people exercising their democratic right is a good thing, and that is the reason why you have to go !
This is the third time that this headline has appeared on the live updates of the BBC news page
” Labour tops poll with UKIP second”
“Labour has narrowly topped the European election poll in Wales, but was just 0.2% ahead of UKIP. ”
It isn’t till you get further down that it becomes apparent that they are referring only to Wales. Misleading or what?
Reality is returning to the world. The elite will never be able to recognise this so will go down. Probably far more swiftly than seems possible. Real change is always always swift.
What is happening was always going to happen. Immigration has become colonisation and there is no historical record of an indigenous people accepting this meekly. Without understand really why people respond to any existential threat to their future in ways that cannot be foreseen.
The danger now is that the elite, stupid as always, will fail to realise this and continue with it’s policies.
Yesterday I spoke with a leading local Tory in my area and told him what would happen today. He was completely unable to understand what was going on and in denial. I suspect the politcal and media elite will never grasp what is about to happen in England in particular. The BBC in particular has no concept of reality. It exists to propogate an idealised future that it and it’s deluded fellow travellers believe to be possible. They bought the lie into the world now they will have to face the reality.
The U.K political class (inc Tories, Labour, Lib Dems plus Beeboids, etc) show itself very reluctant to actually talk about the issues relating to this E.U election, issues of opposition to mass immigration, and opposition to a federalising, undemocratic E.U.
It’s as though the U.K political class is unable to defend its political position on the above key issues, or doesn’t think it has to, despite the fact that UKIP come first in the popular vote on these issues. It’s as though the political class inc Beeboids have an unargued, unconvincing, default political position which they’re sticking to. They’re in denial. Apparently, UKIP supporters have to prove their case, but E.U federalisers and mass immigration propagandists don’t have to prove theirs!
Exactly my thoughts, and the same applied when he spoke to the beeboids.
I am unsure as to why he’s actually still a Tory….well, i am not really, he actually has always sounded Tory, in the real sense, unlike 70% of the wet wannabe Tories that occupy seats in the UK parliament at the moment.
As you say Dan Hannan is a Tory and would make a damn site better leader of the party than the current useless Blair light.
I have proudly voted Tory all my life because I believe in aspiration and freedom from state interference.
This time I voted UKIP.
And as much good as the Tories have done following up the shambolic Brown, Cameron has failed to deliver 2 key pledges:
1: a straight in/out referendum on Europe
2: to limit the number of immigrants (in particular, 3rd world incompatible ones, that no one seems to mention when immigration is discussed)
For those 2 reasons, I had no choice other than to defect to UKIP.
I have to keep reminding people here; Hannan is a member of the cross-party “friends of Turkey” group, and they actively agitate for Turkey’s inclusion to the EU….not good.
But Hannan is politically slippery:
he campaigns for 80 million Muslim Turks to get into E.U. So he must be opposed for his leading role in the Islamisation of Europe.
“Ukip Challenges David Cameron to Withdraw Support for Turkish Accession”
By Janice Atkinson,
UKIP MEP candidate, former Tory MP candidate.
(Oct 2013.)
Update: “Janice Atkinson is a Member of the European Parliament for the South East England region for the United Kingdom Independence Party. She was elected in 2014.”
Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, TUC (inc BBC-NUJ), ‘Guardian’ ‘Independent’ all campaign for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U., and for the Islamisation of Europe.
None of the above three parties will explicitly refer to this in their 2015 election manifestos for fear of losing votes.
All congratulations must go to the BBC, for in their ignorance they have given proof to the saying that ‘Bad Publicity is better than No Publicity at All’.
Well done to Nigel Farage and UKIP.
After my morning lie-in twitter surf, this was one of a few hilarious outcomes amongst many.
Mr. Salmond weighing in to the BBC for supporting UKIP so much with their overwhelming (if hardly positive) coverage they now have foothold in Scotland.
Amazing logic. On this basis Mr. Axelrod must be pleading with the BBC’s ‘management-who-respects-editorial-integrity’ to have a quiet corridor whisper with the lads and lasses in the cubicles to get them 24/7 trashing the party & leader.
That will see a few ‘views whatever I am told’ heads exploding.
Meanwhile, the misreading of the public continues apace across the entire chatterati.
The results, guys, are in.
So still yelling at those who voted they are wrong, racists or, most arrogantly, what they really meant, is likely to not go down too well.
One can only wonder if, and when, the small but powerful and so vocal minority used to dominating political discourse and policy, might twig that when things are out of their hands, the people still can speak.
And if what is spoken is ignored or rejected by them, they do so at their peril.
And a UKIP seat in Scotland………….I can’t believe it………maybe the message is finally getting through about Fuhrer Salmond and his nasty nasty dictatorship…….
Salmond was democratically voted in. Twice. And has topped the Euro polls here in Scotland. So it’s rather silly to call it a dictatorship, just because you (and I) don’t like him.
I’m just glad my UKIP vote looks like having been worthwhile here, for once.
Actually, I’m surprised at Salmond saying“But in Scotland, UKIP have come fourth with only around a third of the vote they got in the rest of the UK, where they won the election, and only around 3% of Scotland’s electorate backing them”.
He may have a point, with UKIP polling around 10% and Scottish turnout at 33.5%, but where does that leave the SNP’s share of 28.9%? Less than 10% of the electorate, by my calculation. Something of a hostage to fortune, and he’s usually more astute than that.
Is see that Faisal Islam of C4 News is gagging to link half of the UKIP success with the collapse of the BNP vote. Bias? You decide. I find it extraordinary that he has developed psychic powers equal to determining how the votes were divvied up between UKIP and Labour with such apparently unerring accuracy. Then again, he might just be talking out of his arse like so many of the panicked media establishment:
“Faisal Islam, Channel 4 News Economics Editor
So perhaps, broadly: UKIP’s 1.6 million extra votes have come half from Conservatives, half from BNP, Labour’s 1.1m extra from LibDems.”
Note the “Get Out of Jail” rider “perhaps broadly” which translates roughly as “My spin on this appalling situation.”
So now that the “far-right” have finally won I hope you all realise how totally anti-semitic voting is!
Now just stop it! – or we’ll have to ban elections
There is an alternative. I saw a news bulletin earlier under the intro of something like “People in Ukraine have been voting today”. The video they chose to illustrate this was of a bunch of men dressed in combat jackets and balaclavas smashing some polling boxes to pieces on the ground. I remember thinking “That’s the weirdest form of voting I’ve ever seen. I must try it next May.”
Graham Satchell going live from Notts.
He managed to find 2 women to interview at a boot sale.
Guess what, both thought UKIP WAS A TERRIBLE THING.
But the region had returned ukip members to the EU. He couldnt find a single person to balance his piece? Bollocks.
Every time I flick over to BBC1 Breakfast news, I keep seeing Chukka, on. It feels like he’s been on more than Nigel Farage has. Haven’t seen a Tory yet either! Poor old BBC, they are desperately trying to spin Labour picking up 7 MEPs as better news than UKIP making 10 gains.
It would seem that on the whole people across the EU have simply had enough of the lies, unfettered immigration and obsession with minority rights. Well done Ukip!
Well done to ‘An Independence From Europe’ and ‘UK EPP’ with their combined total of 250,000 voted – good work by The Electoral Commission as always – Managed in all likelihood to nick a couple of % points from UKIP on the walk up ballot – I would love to see the postal vote stats?
Any news on the folding scam; anyone charged with malpractice, breaking electoral law, etc??
Had ‘An Independence from Europe’ votes gone to UKIP (as doubtless 90% of the voters had intended), then UKIP would have gained extra seats in London the South West, both from the Greens.
I’m must say I’m astonished at the combined total of 250,000. That is far, far higher than I had expected. There should, of course, be an inquiry into the role and decisions of the Electoral Commission in allowing the name of this party, and into the role of Speaker Bercow for facilitating its approval.
But that is absolutely correct. They only become a party of power if the public vote to give them some. So far, they haven’t – the EU parliament is a toothless talking shop.
UKIP have done very well – but the defining aspect of this is how they now restructure the party to make it more robust in individual constituencies where it stands a chance of winning a Westminster seat.
They have had my support this far, but to get it next year they need to have a much better grasp of administrative issues – economics, local government funding, public services, law and order etc. It’s now about building a good manifesto that could be pressed onto the main parties if they held the balance of power.
The lib dems and the greens never ever managed to win a national election. This places UKIP in the top league, which considering that at this moment (9 days to the by election) they do not have any MPs really is one hell of a political earthquake.
I may be a small voice in the wilderness to the BBC, Sky, and the Dead Tree Press but my vote was not a protest vote. I will not change my mind at the General Election next year, I have changed political parties. And I am tempted also to say that I am not alone.
The other three old political parties have left it too late for people to change their mind. We no longer believe them, their waffle is only superseded by their stupidity. They are now like the three wise monkeys. They cannot see, hear or speak (for us any more). I hope and suspect if there are others like me then support for UKIP will grow even more. It is no longer just a protest voice on the fringes. It is a major force now in British politics. Nick Robinson and his comrades are watering the wind and aren’t their glum faces this morning a delight to see.
Well done Nigel and UKIP. I take my hat off to you ladies and gentlemen. An amazing result.
me too. The mainstream media have been very careful to avoid the real reason so many people have switched to support UKIP.
A protest vote does not normally win a national election so there must be more to it than that. For me there is.
So long as the EU Commission retains the power to impose laws upon us, that our elected parliament cannot refuse, then our sovereign democracy is broken and void. The democratic birthright our forefathers fought and died in foreign fields to protect, and hand on intact to us, has been squandered.
The ultimate sacrifice of our brave servicemen in two world wars has been defiled by our own “leaders”.
Until our sovereign democracy and freedom to vote out those who make bad laws, is returned to us, the free sovereign people of Britain, I shall continue to vote UKIP.
I am not fooled by the tory “bait and switch” referendum, which offers us a false and fraudulent choice between “reform” or “out” Reform is popular and polls show that the public will vote for it. The entire media will lie and lie and lie again to give the false impression that reform is deliverable. However when the ultimate purpose for the existance of the EU is ever closer union and a single political entity, fully integrated as one country, then that reform is undeliverable. There will be concessions, and these will be dressed up to appear as real and significant reform, the people will vote for them, but then the EU will veto them after our vote.
It is a classic “bait and switch” con.
The only way to honour the sacrifice of our troops and secure our sovereign freedom and democracy is to elect a UKIP government.
Still serious face on the breakfast settee from Louise, or is it because Bill got to go to London instead of her? Meanwhile over in the socalist republic of North west the story has morphed through the morning. Now running the number 1 story as Griffin loses seat although that was no surprise to most people. The footage of rent a mob behaving like well a mob in Manchester has been cut but is still being shown on the main report on breakfast.
Nick Robinson is a complete waste of space, unless, of course you are of the *far left* persuasion. He never reports any *news* just what he thinks is news which fits in nicely with the BBC mind set. I often wonder how much he gets paid to tell us what he thinks?
This BBC retweeted BBC employee tweet garnering some attention, can’t imagine why (beyond the typos):
@BBCLouise: David Caneron says Nigel Farage is a consummate politician – you can see that with his expenses, wife on pay role etc @BBCr4today
And the message from last night – The BBC have been trying to hide and camouflage ‘The Elephant in the Room’ and the people of Great Britain can still see it.
bBC news has just said that the EU has been at the heart of peace in Europe. Then they went onto show the rise of far left and right parties in Europe.
MAYBE: It is the policies of the EU that is causing the rise of extremist parties.
The new Ukrainian president said that he wants to fast track EU integration.
Correct me if I am wrong, but surely there is a main condition of membership referring to human rights, and using fighter jets to bomb sections of what you consider to be your own population is surely a violation of those human rights? Therefore I would hope that some member state would veto any application by Ukraine on those grounds alone.
I voted UKIP for EU, but my only option for the locals was the usual three. So I didn’t vote. I will never vote fir any of these three ever again. The world has moved on from right v left, but the incumbents (inc. BBC) are still stuck in their ossified, 20th century political castle, being left behind. They just don’t get it.
I have heard this more than a few times today. Will never vote for the old corrupt three parties again. The liberal elite really does not understand what has happened.
Same here – at the last locals, only the Cons, Lab and Lib-Dems fielded candidates, so I spoiled my ballot paper thus:
“Where’s U.K.I.P.? Where are that bunch of racists, homophobes and swivel-eyed loons? I wanna vote for them!”
It took me a while and the pencil was thumping on the table a bit, despite my attempts to keep it quiet. The people behind the desk were smiling at me to when I came to drop the paper in the box, so I suppose they knew I hadn’t just put a cross somewhere.
Perhaps I’m rather childish, but I must admit that it felt really good.
There wasn’t any local council election where I live, but if there had been and there had not been a UKIP candidate, I would have drawn another box on the ballot and written them in to vote for them.
Can I suggest that if there is no UKIP candidate in your area, that you join and stand as a candidate yourself?
All the parties that are Euro/EU Sceptic seemed to be labelled as Far Right or Far Left by the media. It is not just a generalisation or a coincidence it is meant in a derogatory way. It is a slur.
I suppose the vain hope is that by labelling them as such we, the proletariat, we come to see the error of our ways and that to be a EU sceptic is nasty and dangerous, on the edge of the law. We ‘low information voters’ must follow the propaganda and see that the only way forward is to follow the path of enlightenment. The way of the liberal Liberals. Well that isn’t working out too well is it? One third of us who voted clearly voted ‘the wrong way’.
For instance, the French Front National party headed by Marine Le Pen is clearly right wing isn’t it? Everyone says so, the BBC, Sky, the papers all say so and so does Wikipedia, for what it is worth. However read their manifesto, their policies and guess what. They advocate not only halting immigration and moving away from the EU, as well as bringing back the Franc, but also a programme of nationalisation of their utility companies and protectionism of their trade with other countries. It is a mix of socialism and nationalism. Forceful perhaps but Right Wing or Capitalistic definitely not.
The labelling of political parties left or Right is nonsense. We should look more carefully at the policies and the people behind them and do you know what? I think the British people have just done that.
The BBC seemed embarrassed at having to name Tower Hamlets as being the one responsible for the late election counts for London-the BBCs great brown hope for the Ebony and Ivory Party of their own deludidngs.
Tim Donovan could not say anything-but did mumble about Mayoral irregularities and ishoos over there since Thursdays election-as well as certain “groups” that seemed to be “holding up progress”(I`ll say!)…I`m guessing darker gentlemen with hanna`ed beards (in nighties, seeing as it was late).
But Dimbly and Tim would not be exploring that democratic deficit anytime soon-just ebullient young lads fooling around the ballot boxes and polling stations.
Ever get the idea the BBC aren`t telling us the whole truth-EVER?
They cannot mention it. Multiculturalism means that we must allow people from different cultures enjoy their own cultures and we must be tolerant of them. They eat here as they would eat in their country of origin. They pray as they would pray in their country of origin, they celebrate their religious festivals and religious ceremonies as they would in their country of origin, they relax and enjoy the same social and cultural niceties as they do in the country of origin…
It also seems that our law is no impediment to them engaging in the same voting systems as their country of origin. They are free to enjoy the corruption and rampant vote fraud of their country of origin too.
Now I do not know how you, reader, may feel about this, but it is not racist to feel utterly sickened and outraged that our democratic systems are being openly and publicly abused, and the police and the electoral commission are allowing it to be abused. Not only that, but those who seek to see the law upheld, are labelled racist for being against such criminal vote fraud.
The election in Tower Hamlets should be labelled void, and re-run with independent returning officers and police in every polling station. And all those who chose to vote, should be required to attend a polling station to vote in person.
It is amazing that for hundreds of years, we have been able to hold free and fair and honest elections in this country with the results known by lunchtime on the next day (allowing for recounts) Yet in this one borough, they cannot get a result for many many days.
I never thought that simply putting a cross on a piece of paper, putting that in a ballot box, then counting those bits of paper, was so difficult. What is it about these imports from the third world that make this incresibly simple process, so complicated?
I hope that there is a full public inquiry into voting practices in Tower Hamlets.
I agree with you – there is now ample evidence of election malpractices, the whole election should be declared void. And a judicial enquiry should be established to investigate what happened. Let’s flush this whole thing out into the open – pour discourager les autres.
Come on Theresa May – have you got the balls to do this ?
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1906419124554674281 [img]https://i.ibb.co/Hpnx3Tbw/parasite.jpg[/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img]https://i.ibb.co/vCgVKcSk/immigrants.jpg[/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
On Thursday morning UKIP were 4/5 with the bookies, to gain the largest number of votes in the Euro election….
That 4/5 has now gone to “no offers”, not even 1/1000 can be found, and the bookies rarely get things like this wrong…
This could become very interesting watching the BBC Comrades squirm…
Can someone enlighten me as one of those Northerners who isn’t quite bright enough to make up his own mind and needs to have it explained to me by one of my betters in the London twattering class’s. How can people like me who voted UKIP not actually be voting for UKIP?
Seems like the delusional Harbitch is in denial as usual.
According to Harpeson on the Andrew Marr Show this morning those who voted for UKIP “weren’t actually voting for UKIP” …and so the extraordinary denial starts and soon will be by the BBC’s “it doesn’t actually mean UKIP will gain Westminster seats.” etc, etc
I see your denial, and i’ll raise you a “Protest Vote”
Not flustered by that. “Understand people’s frustration”
Ohhh….that’s a good one…
How about, “Lashing out at the big 3”
No chance. “We are listening” GAME, SET AND MATCH I think.
“We failed to get our message across..”
Not realising that the message heard and rejected by the electorate..
Or how about “There are Lessons to be learned”
“Sucking up votes from the BNP”
I win!
“Nobody pays any attention to the Euros. They’ll all come back home at the GE”
Like this you mean
But when you read it – “we heard your pain but we dont give a shit were going to carry on doing the same just gives us your votes you fucking mugs”
“We and our tame pals in the media have slagged you off on a daily basis for the last six weeks, but you had the utter gall to NOT curl up and die so here’s some honey to tempt you thickoes back into the fold.”
‘Lessons to be learned’ is more for the middle management strata of a Health Board or Social Services Department of a lefty council where children or patients are abused/die/suffer. Nobody ever loses their job.
Those voting UKIP were doing so because they demand a referendum on our future participation in the ghastly E.U.
Anybody truly believe that Cameron will deliver one?
If Cameron gives a referendum which goes against the EU, what are the odds for him giving another one where they can vote for it.
Actually, I think Cameron is now absolutely committed to it. In the end, if he promises it going into the next election, he really will have no choice. But expect all three main parties to campaign for in, along with the BBC, SKY, almost all the print press and the EU itself, which will infiltrate the argument.
Like Harold Wilson did in ’75, then.
I agree. There will not be a referendum, no matter what they promise.
but we will get out anyway when it breaks up, which it will. It’s finished. 2007 was the beginning of the end, the resumption of the downtrend in The Big State ( which started in 1989 with the USSR collapse) and there’s nothing they can do about it. They enjoyed a bear market rally for ten years ’97-’07, but now their fate is sealed.
Largely yes – but there are still a great many people who remember what Wilson did.
However, the big challenge is to have them seen and heard as wise voices, not portrayed as old white racists.
The intention here is to muddy the waters surrounding the in/out deciision by this socalled renegotiation. Even the Eurocrats have woken up to it wuth Baroso now changing hid tune on renegotiation totally.
They will have it all worked out in advance, some dubious concessions on border controls, freedom of movement, but with agreements containing escape clauses to be found in the small print, to be actioned once we have all been conned and voted to stay in.
If that vote goes to stay in you may as well emigrate cyz we’ll al be fucked forever, and over-run by islamic scum in very quick time.
The smoke screen of renegotiation is his one big hope, but he sure as hell aint gonna aint gonna get us out.
Yes, of course Cameron will deliver a referendum if he wins in 2015.
However it will not be an honest one. They have looked at the polls and if they offered a “Federal EU v Out” choice, people would most likely vote out. But if they can offer “reform or out” most people will vote for reform.
So that is why the tories are offering to secure reform and then offer that reform in a referendum.
The problem is, the public will most likely take the bait of reform, only to have the EU veto that reform after we have voted and switch us back to a federal United States of Europe.
This is why Cameron is offering his “bait and switch” referendum, so that he can con us into voting to stay in the EU.
What can you expect from someone whose idea of equality is to write discrimination into law as long as it’s only those she deems acceptable to discriminate against? Oh, and she wanted to prevent child sex offenders from serving jail sentences.
She’s irrelevant and always has been.
Not in her own mind she is not.
Just like Ed Balls, Harman has been conspicuous by her abscence from the E.U. election campaign.
Good point. Balls was not to be seen. Perhaps he didn’t want to be associated with a loser like Milliband.
As deputy leader of the Labour party she’s far from irrelevant !
There are brain dead people out there whose fathers voted for a Labour party which represented them, now they’d vote Labour if they told them they would sell their children into slavery, they really are that dim.
Such people would still vote Labour if the Labour Party had ceased to exist !
It’s true, remember that QT episode a short while ago when a man said that any criticism of Labours record should be ‘left at the door’. Remember him, a fat slug of a man, probably a union official….he is the type that infests this country, and will vote labour even if his entire family was shot before his eyes on the order of SS Colonel Jochim Straw, or other…..
Well, I agree that she ought to be irrelevant, since she’s worse than thick – she’s a dogmatist, a hypocrite and a self-serving dissembler.
Unfortunately, people still vote for her and people like her. She and her ilk will only be truly irrelevant when they’re out on their ears.
Full house – Nick Clegg ‘It’s anti politics’.
Easy… “UKIP do not have coherent policies”
Marine le Penn’s FN performance in France is Farage-like brilliant, people everywhere are sick to death of being told what they think “is unacceptable” by the establishment parties – kow-towing to Muslim supremacists. At least they deport Imams at will from France – how many years did it take to rid us of Al Queda supporting Abu Hamza, the rights of his vile family endorsed by the repulsive EU toadie Nick Clegg?
Bring it on. The real revolution is not middle-class lefty Ben Elton spouting about Fatcher, or Dorset-resident Socialist Billy Bragg. The time for a real opposition to the Establishment LibLabCon.
You know, I voted U.K.I.P. this time and last, but even Farage refuses to do a deal with Le Pen. Now, is that because Le Pen really is beyond the Pale? I’ve no idea! She gave a pretty good and reasonable account of herself in a recent interview on ‘Newsnight’ despite the needlessly provocative attitude of the air-head they sent to interrogate her . But I know nothing of their policies and ideas and all I have to go on is “information” from the Beeb and similar who tell me with straight faces that they are all “racist”. This from an organisation which endlessly repeats – with equally straight faces – that German National Socialists and the B.N.P. are “extremely right wing”. So unfortunately, based on that and other experience of B.B.C. “information”, I wouldn’t trust that lot if they told me it was raining.
What is the truth about Le Pen and the Front National?
Le Pen is pro France, culture, people etc etc, apparently that according to the Media Industrial Complex makes her Satan !
Like you, I don’t know the truth regarding Le Pen, but distrust what the BBC and MSM tell me. However I suspect Farage figures that, whatever the truth, the accusations of racism should he team up would be too loud even for UKIP to resist.
Can 25%+ of the French really all be racists?
I rather suspect you’re right. That was my suspicion, anyway – that Farage was coming under enough pressure as it was, without having to deal with the “associating with racists in France” tripe that they would have heaped on him. However, it poses potential problems for the future. Suppose both U.K.I.P. and the Front National maintain or increase their popularity and the latter increasingly start to be seen as reasonable. Farage is then left with the choice of either going back on what he said or maintaining an unnatural and ever more absurd distance. We’ll see.
Can 25% of the French people be racist? I doubt it.
You been to France ?
One of the BBC’s reporters, Ben Wright I think, is calling the Front National an ‘anti-migrant’ party; ie. racist, and linking UKIP with them.
I would guess Farage steers well clear simply because of their name: ‘Front National’. It would leave him open to even more vitriol from the mainstream press and politicians, not to mention the BBC who, only last week, asked a UKIP representative: ‘So what is the difference between UKIP and the BNP?’ Their political commentary would be littered with ‘UKIP, who are allied to the French national front…..’
I think UKIP find FN a bit statist, protectionist and Big Government.
Le Pen was called anti-Semitic several times past night during the election coverage. I made a mental note to find out whether this was true. If it is, then she and her party should be utterly condemned (Farage seems to think the FN is not a party to get into bed with). However, I’m doubtful. Everyone knows of the increasing terror threats to Jews in France from islamists, and their increasing flight from France to Israel and other countries, and I rather doubt whether FN would want to add to the persecution by having an anti-Semitic policy. We shall see.
FN are difficult to pin down, unless you are a lazy socialist. This is because they have changed considerably over the years. When they first popped up they were fascist, having being born from socialist and centre-left tendencies. The advent of mass N. African immigration into what was Vichy France pushed them into Nationalism. Under the odious Jean-Marie le Pen they were definitely a ‘nasty’ party of the BNP ilk.
These days I think they are more populist than anything else. An odd mix of socialism and capitalism (rather than corporatism). They are not the French equivalent of the BNP anymore and can now be painted as right-wing – paternalist more than conservative.
The trouble with le Pen jr is that she is media savvy so the modern FN could be the old FN under a mask. Until the mask slips then we will not know for sure.
Poor Marine.
Womans Hour would normally howl sexist at any of us who dared to question the vulnerable woman at the mercy of the MCPs of politics and media(Male Chauvinist Pigs for those of you who may not remember!).
Also she is anti-establishment to her boots…wants the system smashed…and if we think OURS is corrupt and stitched up, we ought to see France and its ENA elites!
So-rebellious and female-hates the system and battling hew way through a mans world of sexism and patriarchy…send for Womans Hour!
Oh …Sarah Palin!
Let`s stick to weddings for the next few days shall we girls?…Segolene Royale is the BBCs face of French rebellion today then!
Comments here indicate that many of us do not know exactly what Marine Le Pen represents. A short while ago she came to England, gave a talk at the University of Cambridge. And the state funded UAF are still boasting about how they used drums to drown her out, how they organised a rowdy protest which must have deterred people from attending. And of course, the BBC could not be bothered to tell us what she had to say.
Play Bingo now live on the BEEB….
Some truly horrible polls for the Fib-Dems on the UKpolling.com site.
“Opinium in the Observer had topline figures of CON 32%. LAB 33%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 19%.”
” Survations last pre-election poll, are CON 27%(-1), LAB 32%(-3), LDEM 9%(+1), UKIP 23%(+2). Survation show some of the highest UKIP scores anyway, but the 23% is a record high for UKIP even by their standards ”
7% means the Fib-Dems will see an election wipe-out come the general election, except maybe for Nick Clegg, who might be the parties only MP !
You wouldn’t mind if Clegg wasn’t made aware this was going to happen prior to going into coalition, the last time they did, they lost so many MPs they could have held a meeting of the parliamentary Liberal party in the back of a taxi!
Clegg couldn’t stand Gordon Brown though and because of personal animosity, and Browns sheer dogged stupidity he wouldn’t resign to allow a Labour Fib-Dem coalition, so he lost the election and had to resign anyway !
It will take the Fib Dems decades to recover from Cleggs leadership, that is if they ever can. There is the possibility that the new left wing Tory party will occupy the space left by the Fib-Dems and UKIP will take the place of the right of centre opposition.
That would mean the Fib-Dems would largely disappear and the Tories would become the third party. These polls are beginning to show some evidence of those trends
But Cleggo’s “the best Prime Minister this country hasn’t got” according to Lord Pantsdown today: if only the rest of this ungrateful nation could see with such
utter boss-eyed imbecilityclarity of vision !I respect Ashdown for achieving a commission in the Royal Marines, and serving with distinction, but his dalliance in politics was a disaster, and his fake gravitas is plain, and insulting to experience.
I actually pity the Lib Dems. The country was looking into the abyss in 2010. Thankfully, the Lib Dems did their patriotic duty and entered the coalition. They’re obviously a bunch of can’ts, but I dred to think what might have happened if they’d refused to enter government.
Anyway, loving UKIPs victory! The People’s Army marches on!
Guardian acknowledged Le Pen’s victory in France, but note the typical BBC last sentence of the article. Are we to assume that the shooting in Belgium was inspired by the ‘far right’ ideology of Le Pen?
That final Guardian sentence: ‘Hours before the polling stations opened, three people were shot dead in a Jewish museum in Brussels and two Jewish brothers were beaten up in the south eastern Paris suburb of Creteil.’ Its the far right again.
Yes Just like the the tolouse gun man was a gang of far right ex soldiers -until he was caught and the bostan bombers were tea party actavists -until they were caught
How long does the liberal inquisition think it can keep their hall of mirrors standing?
Guardian-Beeboid political axis propagandises for their alliance with Islam to the last, not only in Britain, but globally, and notably now in Europe.
Beeboids campaign for a federalising, undemocratic, mass immigration European Union, and must be exposed and opposed.
Exposed, opposed, and brought to justice. Nuremberg for the BBC.
Of course it is!
They couldn’t just be cretinous thugs, could they? Cretinous thugs are only that way because some selfish parasite didn’t pay enough taxes enabling the all-benevolent State to send them scuba-diving in Tonga so they could be re-habilitated.
God! how often do we decent people have to say it?
Will Tories, Labour Lib Dems, BBC-NUJ etc now stop campaigning to get 80 million Muslims Turks into E.U, and stop the Islamisation of Europe?
Or is the U.K political class to continue with its deception on Turkey?
Of course not ! In the light of the sad events of this week, those potential voters are now needed more than evah. They’ll probably fast-track the process.
Obama said it is in America’s national interest to have the UK in the EU. I presume that the UK pushing Turkey’s membership is part of the same plan – i.e. keep America sweet by getting a key NATO ally into the EU.
I think you overstate the reality for the Turks of ever joining. The Germans don’t want them – for fear of having the migration issues that we currently face (Germany already has a large Turk community).
All the talk of this is simply a negotiating ploy, no-one really thinks that its in the UK national interest to increase the landfall of the EU. But it scares the crap out of German voters every time we mention it – and that’s useful at keeping Merkel’s ambitions in check. Even if Merkel knows we aren’t serious, her voters aren’t as sophisticated.
Turnout of over 43% across Europe according to Auntie’s own reports, so no chance to play the “low turnout facilitates fringe parties” card this time, comrades. Yo ho ho.
Just seen the famous John Curtice…well oiled as well.
Tell me this…is he the same bloke as Herman van Rumpoy?
Or the reincarnation of Auberon Waugh, or even Cosmo Smallpieace?
Single Transferable votes only if you please…post `em in c/o Kemals Kebab shop and we at the EU will get you to vote again if you don`t think he looks like Brigitte Bardot, as we here in Brussels have decided for you.
Based on the current BBC Euro election page for the UK (a minute ago) Labour has a smaller % of the vote but more seats than UKIP!
Oh wait, they’ve kicked in the update functions! UKIP first, Tories second at the moment with % and seats.
It might have been hoped that the fascists would show a little less hate and tone down the nastiness, but they were in full voice when UKIPs Shneur odze an orthodox Jewish UKIP candidate arrived at Manchester Town Hall this evening.
Yet another glaring example of hypocrisy when they dare too call the BNP Fascist but then shout insults at black & Jewish people. I’m sure they bear a closer resemblance to Fascists than any other group
Actually they are National Socialists, not facists the clues in the name.
The awkward truth is in a speech by Adolph Hitler on May 1st 1927.
Most lefties also conveniently forgot the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, Stalin and Hitler where in bed together until they had a small falling out over Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union.
Two sides of the same coin, but you will never hear that from the scum at the BBC or those lefties jumping up and down protesting outside Manchester Town hall. So lets call the extreme left what they are Natzi’s.
Here in France, the only election posters that were torn down or defaced were those of the Front National.
The venom spat out by the extreme left, at a public meeting that I attended, was vile.
Years ago I was in lust with a very pretty girl who was into anti-fascism (and what right minded person isn’t?) and went on a march with her in Newham(?). One of the coppers walking alongside the noisy and rather small march was black. The amount of abuse this poor chap got was, to me at the time, gob-smacking.
It’s one of the few times my brain has over-ruled my dick and I didn’t regret it later.
Whatever happens remember the Tories in particular must not be listened to or trusted.
The leadership has no intention of agreeing to any meaningful referendum on leaving Europe.
If that’s the case (and I think it’s undeniable that that Tory leadership want to have a referendum that they can win for In), what strategy do you propose to actually get a referendum and most importantly, an OUT vote?
Of course Cameron ably supported by Labour/BBC will try and rig a referendum with misinformation and one-side coverage – however they may find that once campaign underway they cannot actually control the electorate.
I don’t think even Cameron could avoid an in/out referendum if he was returned with a majority – so that must be best chance
Yep, couldn’t agree more. It needs to be made absolutely clear. U.K.I.P. at the next G.E. as well!
I am afraid if you vote Ukip at the GE next year you will get The Millipeed as PM . The Right vote will be split , there will be No referendum , more Socialism ,more Immigration , more anti English , anti white laws , more taxes , more Harperson , more Balls , more Big Brother legislation . Don`t forget Millipeed will have 40 free MP`s from the Peoples Socialist Republic of Scotland , Boundaries in his favour , & bbc cheerleading disciples .
If Labour did win, i cannot see them lasting a year without mass protests and unrest, i’ll certainly do my bit.
Harperson has plans for all white, heterosexual ,English males , there will be internment ,in a sort of Concentration Camp for re education to PC core values ,we will all have to have our haircut like the “Great Leader ” Millipeed .
Matters not,!
There is no right wing under Cameron, he’s further left than Chairman Mao.
The secret here is:
No, not cutting off my nose to spite my face . A friend of mine use to be die hard Labourite , then gradually moved to the Lib Dems , now he is voting Tory . Another almost the same , hated Maggie , loved Labour , now votes Conservative !
Is it safe to watch the bbc coverage. I’m just about coping with Sky.
It’s worth it to see the tears in Dimbleby’s eyes.
I notice the Guardian have a picture of Farage with a big headline underneath mentioning the Far Right french vote. They just cant resist linking it can they.
Guardianistas are politically closer to the Islamic tenets of Sharia law and jihad, than to people who oppose an undemocratic, federalising E.U.
The Left hate democracy because it gets in the way of giving the people what they think is best for them.
Exactly. This is the Beeb’s current line to watch. I reckon this is why Farage has already rejected any notion of an E-parliamentary block including other Eurosceptic parties.
Just curious to know how a party like LePenn’s whose policies are to the left of the current idiot running France are on the far right?
Just wonder why no one asks the Guardinistas and the parasites at the BBC this simple question?
The daft thing is that the policies of the Front National are not extreme right, many are very socialist.
Just like the BNP. Read the literature. It’s National Socialism to a T.
Spot on, but the Beeb still label them as right wing.
I think its a word association thing….Right wing=bad, left wing=good.
They do not want left wing labour tied in with left wing BNP, so they lie, and try to associate right wing (evil) tories with right wing (false) BNP.
Drip drip drip….
From Twitter :
David Ottewell is head of Trinity Mirror’s data unit
“Seems lots of people across Europe really do feel so strongly about immigration they will vote for anyone who stands against it.”
Well Duh !
Haven’t we been telling you this for years? why has it taken so long to get through your skulls, and why are so many of you still unable to accept it?
Prime candidate for the “Stating The Bleeding Obvious Award 2014”
Well the worst part is this is all too late. It is many years from when Labour started importing millions of Muslims into the country who are never going to integrate satisfactorily.
The elephant in the room is that by “immigration”, most people sadly mean “Muslims”.
The fascist left have made it impossible to express any viewpoint other than what a great idea this all was.
All UKIP have done is given the first opportunity for the electorate to express this view.
Only good thing to come out of this E.U election is the decimation of the Liberal Democrats and their politically subservient ‘leader’ Clegg, and his E.U federalising mentality. Will ‘Guardian’ ever disown
what Lib Dems represent?
“Euro-elections: ‘Shut away in the darkness of Europe'”
Martin Schultz president of the EU moaning about democracy, and incapable of accepting that it is his administrations lunatic decisions which led to this outcome.
“it’s a bad day for European union, when a party with a racist, xenophobic and anti-semitic programme gets 25pc of vote.. in other countries have same development.. pro european countries have to take v seriously whats behind the vote.. the reasons behind such a vote is not that people are hardcore extremists – they are disappointed, they’ve lost trust & hope… an eu that is saving banks, but not saving the next generation. ”
No Mr Schultz, because of your oppressive nature you are incapable of seeing that the people exercising their democratic right is a good thing, and that is the reason why you have to go !
Schultz’s answer to it will be more EU and faster integration.
“A BBC light just fell on Nick griffin’s head”
Tweeted from Manchester Town Hall
This is the third time that this headline has appeared on the live updates of the BBC news page
” Labour tops poll with UKIP second”
“Labour has narrowly topped the European election poll in Wales, but was just 0.2% ahead of UKIP. ”
It isn’t till you get further down that it becomes apparent that they are referring only to Wales. Misleading or what?
Reality is returning to the world. The elite will never be able to recognise this so will go down. Probably far more swiftly than seems possible. Real change is always always swift.
What is happening was always going to happen. Immigration has become colonisation and there is no historical record of an indigenous people accepting this meekly. Without understand really why people respond to any existential threat to their future in ways that cannot be foreseen.
The danger now is that the elite, stupid as always, will fail to realise this and continue with it’s policies.
Yesterday I spoke with a leading local Tory in my area and told him what would happen today. He was completely unable to understand what was going on and in denial. I suspect the politcal and media elite will never grasp what is about to happen in England in particular. The BBC in particular has no concept of reality. It exists to propogate an idealised future that it and it’s deluded fellow travellers believe to be possible. They bought the lie into the world now they will have to face the reality.
Bbc reportage concentrating on the collapse of libdem vote
Nothing on how poorly labour is doing (up 9-10% frim a poor 2009 showing just one year before a general election) or how the tory vote is holding up
The U.K political class (inc Tories, Labour, Lib Dems plus Beeboids, etc) show itself very reluctant to actually talk about the issues relating to this E.U election, issues of opposition to mass immigration, and opposition to a federalising, undemocratic E.U.
It’s as though the U.K political class is unable to defend its political position on the above key issues, or doesn’t think it has to, despite the fact that UKIP come first in the popular vote on these issues. It’s as though the political class inc Beeboids have an unargued, unconvincing, default political position which they’re sticking to. They’re in denial. Apparently, UKIP supporters have to prove their case, but E.U federalisers and mass immigration propagandists don’t have to prove theirs!
Dan hannans acceptance speech could have been given by a UKIP candidate
Exactly my thoughts, and the same applied when he spoke to the beeboids.
I am unsure as to why he’s actually still a Tory….well, i am not really, he actually has always sounded Tory, in the real sense, unlike 70% of the wet wannabe Tories that occupy seats in the UK parliament at the moment.
As you say Dan Hannan is a Tory and would make a damn site better leader of the party than the current useless Blair light.
I have proudly voted Tory all my life because I believe in aspiration and freedom from state interference.
This time I voted UKIP.
Same here Stu.
And as much good as the Tories have done following up the shambolic Brown, Cameron has failed to deliver 2 key pledges:
1: a straight in/out referendum on Europe
2: to limit the number of immigrants (in particular, 3rd world incompatible ones, that no one seems to mention when immigration is discussed)
For those 2 reasons, I had no choice other than to defect to UKIP.
The BBC have craftily helped Labour to re-frame the immigration debate so now it is only ever about Eastern Europeans.
Most Eastern Europeans (Tzigani exceptd) are the wrong kind of immigrant for Liebour.
White, of a Christian background, and aspirational.
I have to keep reminding people here; Hannan is a member of the cross-party “friends of Turkey” group, and they actively agitate for Turkey’s inclusion to the EU….not good.
But Hannan is politically slippery:
he campaigns for 80 million Muslim Turks to get into E.U. So he must be opposed for his leading role in the Islamisation of Europe.
“Stop Turkey”
(inc video clip)
“Ukip Challenges David Cameron to Withdraw Support for Turkish Accession”
By Janice Atkinson,
UKIP MEP candidate, former Tory MP candidate.
(Oct 2013.)
Update: “Janice Atkinson is a Member of the European Parliament for the South East England region for the United Kingdom Independence Party. She was elected in 2014.”
The political position remains:
Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, TUC (inc BBC-NUJ), ‘Guardian’ ‘Independent’ all campaign for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U., and for the Islamisation of Europe.
None of the above three parties will explicitly refer to this in their 2015 election manifestos for fear of losing votes.
All congratulations must go to the BBC, for in their ignorance they have given proof to the saying that ‘Bad Publicity is better than No Publicity at All’.
Well done to Nigel Farage and UKIP.
After my morning lie-in twitter surf, this was one of a few hilarious outcomes amongst many.
Mr. Salmond weighing in to the BBC for supporting UKIP so much with their overwhelming (if hardly positive) coverage they now have foothold in Scotland.
Amazing logic. On this basis Mr. Axelrod must be pleading with the BBC’s ‘management-who-respects-editorial-integrity’ to have a quiet corridor whisper with the lads and lasses in the cubicles to get them 24/7 trashing the party & leader.
That will see a few ‘views whatever I am told’ heads exploding.
Meanwhile, the misreading of the public continues apace across the entire chatterati.
The results, guys, are in.
So still yelling at those who voted they are wrong, racists or, most arrogantly, what they really meant, is likely to not go down too well.
One can only wonder if, and when, the small but powerful and so vocal minority used to dominating political discourse and policy, might twig that when things are out of their hands, the people still can speak.
And if what is spoken is ignored or rejected by them, they do so at their peril.
Yeah, I saw that. I just couldn’t believe my ears. What planet are these people living on?
And a UKIP seat in Scotland………….I can’t believe it………maybe the message is finally getting through about Fuhrer Salmond and his nasty nasty dictatorship…….
Salmond was democratically voted in. Twice. And has topped the Euro polls here in Scotland. So it’s rather silly to call it a dictatorship, just because you (and I) don’t like him.
I’m just glad my UKIP vote looks like having been worthwhile here, for once.
Actually, I’m surprised at Salmond saying “But in Scotland, UKIP have come fourth with only around a third of the vote they got in the rest of the UK, where they won the election, and only around 3% of Scotland’s electorate backing them”.
He may have a point, with UKIP polling around 10% and Scottish turnout at 33.5%, but where does that leave the SNP’s share of 28.9%? Less than 10% of the electorate, by my calculation. Something of a hostage to fortune, and he’s usually more astute than that.
The People of Scotland are of Great Britain, one island one border – The sea.
United we stand divided we fall.
Danny Alexander claiming that it is an anti govt vote.
How come the junior member of the coalition lost twice the proportion of their vote?
On BBC as I type Hanna and Afriyie both making noises about UKIP/Tory pact , Hanna says in maybe 60 seats
vote Tory get Labour
Is see that Faisal Islam of C4 News is gagging to link half of the UKIP success with the collapse of the BNP vote. Bias? You decide. I find it extraordinary that he has developed psychic powers equal to determining how the votes were divvied up between UKIP and Labour with such apparently unerring accuracy. Then again, he might just be talking out of his arse like so many of the panicked media establishment:
“Faisal Islam, Channel 4 News Economics Editor
So perhaps, broadly: UKIP’s 1.6 million extra votes have come half from Conservatives, half from BNP, Labour’s 1.1m extra from LibDems.”
Note the “Get Out of Jail” rider “perhaps broadly” which translates roughly as “My spin on this appalling situation.”
So now that the “far-right” have finally won I hope you all realise how totally anti-semitic voting is!
Now just stop it! – or we’ll have to ban elections
There is an alternative. I saw a news bulletin earlier under the intro of something like “People in Ukraine have been voting today”. The video they chose to illustrate this was of a bunch of men dressed in combat jackets and balaclavas smashing some polling boxes to pieces on the ground. I remember thinking “That’s the weirdest form of voting I’ve ever seen. I must try it next May.”
We’re probably not far off that in some parts of the country.
Voting is waaaaaaaaaycist.
Graham Satchell going live from Notts.
He managed to find 2 women to interview at a boot sale.
Guess what, both thought UKIP WAS A TERRIBLE THING.
But the region had returned ukip members to the EU. He couldnt find a single person to balance his piece? Bollocks.
Every time I flick over to BBC1 Breakfast news, I keep seeing Chukka, on. It feels like he’s been on more than Nigel Farage has. Haven’t seen a Tory yet either! Poor old BBC, they are desperately trying to spin Labour picking up 7 MEPs as better news than UKIP making 10 gains.
Chukka Obama Clone is being groomed to be the next labour prime minister.
Ticks a box…
The british Barak Obama
The BBC must be wetting themselves at the thought
(will jack dromey be his right hand man?)
If Chucky was PM , I would leave the country Immediately .
Jack Dromey is of course for political purposes a woman, having been selected from an all-female shortlist.
It would seem that on the whole people across the EU have simply had enough of the lies, unfettered immigration and obsession with minority rights. Well done Ukip!
Well done to ‘An Independence From Europe’ and ‘UK EPP’ with their combined total of 250,000 voted – good work by The Electoral Commission as always – Managed in all likelihood to nick a couple of % points from UKIP on the walk up ballot – I would love to see the postal vote stats?
Any news on the folding scam; anyone charged with malpractice, breaking electoral law, etc??
Had ‘An Independence from Europe’ votes gone to UKIP (as doubtless 90% of the voters had intended), then UKIP would have gained extra seats in London the South West, both from the Greens.
I’m must say I’m astonished at the combined total of 250,000. That is far, far higher than I had expected. There should, of course, be an inquiry into the role and decisions of the Electoral Commission in allowing the name of this party, and into the role of Speaker Bercow for facilitating its approval.
New Legislation For the General Election:
Anyone whos British ancestry can be traced by more than Two Hundred years will no longer be required to vote.
You and your ancestry have served well and now you can have a rest and leave it to the newer arrivals to do the hard work of voting.
Nick Robinson’s comment on the BBC News website:
‘UKIP have not turned into a party of power. They have though confirmed their power to disrupt’.
Elected to disrupt? Biased??
But that is absolutely correct. They only become a party of power if the public vote to give them some. So far, they haven’t – the EU parliament is a toothless talking shop.
UKIP have done very well – but the defining aspect of this is how they now restructure the party to make it more robust in individual constituencies where it stands a chance of winning a Westminster seat.
They have had my support this far, but to get it next year they need to have a much better grasp of administrative issues – economics, local government funding, public services, law and order etc. It’s now about building a good manifesto that could be pressed onto the main parties if they held the balance of power.
Yeah, they’re now the largest single party in the E.U. elections. Accurate reporting, eh? “They have the power to disrupt”!
What will they think of next?
I can’t recall the Lib Dems or the Greens being described as a party with “The power to disrupt”
No, they were full on, legitimate political parties, with power to change, not to disrupt.
Robinson is an arsehole with a tail on his head.
The lib dems and the greens never ever managed to win a national election. This places UKIP in the top league, which considering that at this moment (9 days to the by election) they do not have any MPs really is one hell of a political earthquake.
I may be a small voice in the wilderness to the BBC, Sky, and the Dead Tree Press but my vote was not a protest vote. I will not change my mind at the General Election next year, I have changed political parties. And I am tempted also to say that I am not alone.
The other three old political parties have left it too late for people to change their mind. We no longer believe them, their waffle is only superseded by their stupidity. They are now like the three wise monkeys. They cannot see, hear or speak (for us any more). I hope and suspect if there are others like me then support for UKIP will grow even more. It is no longer just a protest voice on the fringes. It is a major force now in British politics. Nick Robinson and his comrades are watering the wind and aren’t their glum faces this morning a delight to see.
Well done Nigel and UKIP. I take my hat off to you ladies and gentlemen. An amazing result.
me too. The mainstream media have been very careful to avoid the real reason so many people have switched to support UKIP.
A protest vote does not normally win a national election so there must be more to it than that. For me there is.
So long as the EU Commission retains the power to impose laws upon us, that our elected parliament cannot refuse, then our sovereign democracy is broken and void. The democratic birthright our forefathers fought and died in foreign fields to protect, and hand on intact to us, has been squandered.
The ultimate sacrifice of our brave servicemen in two world wars has been defiled by our own “leaders”.
Until our sovereign democracy and freedom to vote out those who make bad laws, is returned to us, the free sovereign people of Britain, I shall continue to vote UKIP.
I am not fooled by the tory “bait and switch” referendum, which offers us a false and fraudulent choice between “reform” or “out” Reform is popular and polls show that the public will vote for it. The entire media will lie and lie and lie again to give the false impression that reform is deliverable. However when the ultimate purpose for the existance of the EU is ever closer union and a single political entity, fully integrated as one country, then that reform is undeliverable. There will be concessions, and these will be dressed up to appear as real and significant reform, the people will vote for them, but then the EU will veto them after our vote.
It is a classic “bait and switch” con.
The only way to honour the sacrifice of our troops and secure our sovereign freedom and democracy is to elect a UKIP government.
Still serious face on the breakfast settee from Louise, or is it because Bill got to go to London instead of her? Meanwhile over in the socalist republic of North west the story has morphed through the morning. Now running the number 1 story as Griffin loses seat although that was no surprise to most people. The footage of rent a mob behaving like well a mob in Manchester has been cut but is still being shown on the main report on breakfast.
08:30 The rent a mob footage is back in.
Nick Robinson is a complete waste of space, unless, of course you are of the *far left* persuasion. He never reports any *news* just what he thinks is news which fits in nicely with the BBC mind set. I often wonder how much he gets paid to tell us what he thinks?
Useless cross-eyed cock. Looks a bit like Scott.
This BBC retweeted BBC employee tweet garnering some attention, can’t imagine why (beyond the typos):
@BBCLouise: David Caneron says Nigel Farage is a consummate politician – you can see that with his expenses, wife on pay role etc @BBCr4today
‘Pay role…….’ ?
A BBC employee. Jeez.
‘France 24’:-
“Historic gains for far right in European elections”
And the message from last night – The BBC have been trying to hide and camouflage ‘The Elephant in the Room’ and the people of Great Britain can still see it.
bBC news has just said that the EU has been at the heart of peace in Europe. Then they went onto show the rise of far left and right parties in Europe.
MAYBE: It is the policies of the EU that is causing the rise of extremist parties.
‘The heart of peace in Europe’?
They should tell it to the Ukrainians.
The new Ukrainian president said that he wants to fast track EU integration.
Correct me if I am wrong, but surely there is a main condition of membership referring to human rights, and using fighter jets to bomb sections of what you consider to be your own population is surely a violation of those human rights? Therefore I would hope that some member state would veto any application by Ukraine on those grounds alone.
I voted UKIP for EU, but my only option for the locals was the usual three. So I didn’t vote. I will never vote fir any of these three ever again. The world has moved on from right v left, but the incumbents (inc. BBC) are still stuck in their ossified, 20th century political castle, being left behind. They just don’t get it.
I have heard this more than a few times today. Will never vote for the old corrupt three parties again. The liberal elite really does not understand what has happened.
Same here – at the last locals, only the Cons, Lab and Lib-Dems fielded candidates, so I spoiled my ballot paper thus:
“Where’s U.K.I.P.? Where are that bunch of racists, homophobes and swivel-eyed loons? I wanna vote for them!”
It took me a while and the pencil was thumping on the table a bit, despite my attempts to keep it quiet. The people behind the desk were smiling at me to when I came to drop the paper in the box, so I suppose they knew I hadn’t just put a cross somewhere.
Perhaps I’m rather childish, but I must admit that it felt really good.
There wasn’t any local council election where I live, but if there had been and there had not been a UKIP candidate, I would have drawn another box on the ballot and written them in to vote for them.
Can I suggest that if there is no UKIP candidate in your area, that you join and stand as a candidate yourself?
All the parties that are Euro/EU Sceptic seemed to be labelled as Far Right or Far Left by the media. It is not just a generalisation or a coincidence it is meant in a derogatory way. It is a slur.
I suppose the vain hope is that by labelling them as such we, the proletariat, we come to see the error of our ways and that to be a EU sceptic is nasty and dangerous, on the edge of the law. We ‘low information voters’ must follow the propaganda and see that the only way forward is to follow the path of enlightenment. The way of the liberal Liberals. Well that isn’t working out too well is it? One third of us who voted clearly voted ‘the wrong way’.
For instance, the French Front National party headed by Marine Le Pen is clearly right wing isn’t it? Everyone says so, the BBC, Sky, the papers all say so and so does Wikipedia, for what it is worth. However read their manifesto, their policies and guess what. They advocate not only halting immigration and moving away from the EU, as well as bringing back the Franc, but also a programme of nationalisation of their utility companies and protectionism of their trade with other countries. It is a mix of socialism and nationalism. Forceful perhaps but Right Wing or Capitalistic definitely not.
The labelling of political parties left or Right is nonsense. We should look more carefully at the policies and the people behind them and do you know what? I think the British people have just done that.
BBC News Ticker: seems to repeat the fact that Labour beat the Tories, incessantly.
The BBC seemed embarrassed at having to name Tower Hamlets as being the one responsible for the late election counts for London-the BBCs great brown hope for the Ebony and Ivory Party of their own deludidngs.
Tim Donovan could not say anything-but did mumble about Mayoral irregularities and ishoos over there since Thursdays election-as well as certain “groups” that seemed to be “holding up progress”(I`ll say!)…I`m guessing darker gentlemen with hanna`ed beards (in nighties, seeing as it was late).
But Dimbly and Tim would not be exploring that democratic deficit anytime soon-just ebullient young lads fooling around the ballot boxes and polling stations.
Ever get the idea the BBC aren`t telling us the whole truth-EVER?
They think you can’t handle the truth!
They cannot mention it. Multiculturalism means that we must allow people from different cultures enjoy their own cultures and we must be tolerant of them. They eat here as they would eat in their country of origin. They pray as they would pray in their country of origin, they celebrate their religious festivals and religious ceremonies as they would in their country of origin, they relax and enjoy the same social and cultural niceties as they do in the country of origin…
It also seems that our law is no impediment to them engaging in the same voting systems as their country of origin. They are free to enjoy the corruption and rampant vote fraud of their country of origin too.
Now I do not know how you, reader, may feel about this, but it is not racist to feel utterly sickened and outraged that our democratic systems are being openly and publicly abused, and the police and the electoral commission are allowing it to be abused. Not only that, but those who seek to see the law upheld, are labelled racist for being against such criminal vote fraud.
The election in Tower Hamlets should be labelled void, and re-run with independent returning officers and police in every polling station. And all those who chose to vote, should be required to attend a polling station to vote in person.
It is amazing that for hundreds of years, we have been able to hold free and fair and honest elections in this country with the results known by lunchtime on the next day (allowing for recounts) Yet in this one borough, they cannot get a result for many many days.
I never thought that simply putting a cross on a piece of paper, putting that in a ballot box, then counting those bits of paper, was so difficult. What is it about these imports from the third world that make this incresibly simple process, so complicated?
I hope that there is a full public inquiry into voting practices in Tower Hamlets.
I have some difficulty deciding which is worse, the actual event or the BBC’s near total silence on the subject.
One small election is of little import. The corruption and conspiracy of the state broadcaster is another matter.
According to Scott you are all racists for even saying this so expect the 3am knock…..
I agree with you – there is now ample evidence of election malpractices, the whole election should be declared void. And a judicial enquiry should be established to investigate what happened. Let’s flush this whole thing out into the open – pour discourager les autres.
Come on Theresa May – have you got the balls to do this ?