Here you go, an really early Open Thread for your use!!! Try to restrict your European election analysis to THAT thread and let’s keep this for other issues. I am out of the UK on business for a few days, back mid week!
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So Cam the Sham takes a kicking, mutters something about listening to the British people and then does exactly the opposite. He whistles of to Brussels for talks with his cohorts on how to keep us in the European Union of thieves and vagabonds.
He has gone over there crying and wailing that nobody loves him anymore and please my masters can I have a few crumbs to give to my serfs that will stop the fruitcakes rebelling. Perhaps a piece of paper with “peace in our time” on it might help?
If anyone in this country believes that that charlatan will ever give this country an honest referendum on Europe they are sadly in need of very strong medication and a holiday in Bradford, or Luton. He will get no concessions from the mafia bosses in Europe but will pull every dirty trick in the book and use our cash to spin the story that only he can perform the impossible miracle of renegotiation. As son of Blair he loves the EU, he has said so. The only thing that you can trust him to do is feather his nest.
My greatest concern in the next year will be the mighty money men behind the EU will find a way to undermine or destroy UKIP. There is a battle ahead so no walking in the woods alone, or driving a bit quick through Parisian tunnels, let alone flying about in light aircraft Nigel.
The EU and Cam the Sham will of course continue get all the free and biased propaganda needed to support the dictators in Brussels (Germany) from our wonderful BBC. The bastion of free speech across the world.
Or not.
Yes Old Timer, there is nil chance that Cameron could negotiate any real changes, however long he takes. He is not even telling us what his demands are.
For instance – is he demanding that WE can control our own borders ? The OUR courts will be the final deciders of who can stay here. That is a bare minimum requirement, easily expressed. But Cameron knows he cannot get this – so he will not even talk about it.
In the Tory manifesto that I received this month it says “We have taken all the actions we can under the current EU agreements to fix our immigration systems and limit migrants’ access to benefits”. But the net result is still a huge annual influx, including lots of illegals and false students, virtually no effective system of removing illegals. The whole system is a shambles.
The manifesto goes on to say that we want people in Europe who will “keep our border controls ……” But we don’t have any REAL border controls ! So what sort of negotiating start-point is that ?
If Cameron wins in 2015 there will be the pretence of negotiations but nothing substantive will be gained. Cameron will still present it all a a great triumph and try to con us into staying in the EU.
They got rid of Captain Hook, their sole achievement. And don’t say they sorted out the economy … they merely kicked it down the road for a subsequent government or generation to pick up. I’ve never heard Cameron talking about the control of our borders either, it seems to me, that he’s talking of working regulations and that sort of thing. These mythical re-negotiations are a gigantic fraud anyway, I hope people see through this.
”so no walking in the woods alone, or driving a bit quick through Parisian tunnels, let alone flying about in light aircraft Nigel.”
They always make it look like an accident, very plausible, don’t they ?
”the mighty money men behind the EU will find a way to undermine or destroy UKIP. ”
David Rockerfeller quote
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years.
But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
What a wonderful person !!
Fuck off and die.
From Guido: The main point of interest is that she is ex bBC.
Labor – bBC : totally interchangeable.
This has been amplified upon:
No.6 refers.
One hopes that Jasmine is still on hand to offer her extensive objective experience (confidentially) to the BBC news teams on what is and is not, or should, and should not be ‘of interest’ and hence not relevant to any newsroom coverage.
But Polly does look like she moved from the right place to another right place (not meant in the political sense)…
Liebour says:
May 27, 2014 at 11:23 am
Freedom of Inforamtion request to Liebour Thurrock Council
The Gazette was first made aware of an investigation in November and lodged a Freedom of Information request asking if the council “had investigated or prosecuted any councillors or senior council staff in the past year”.
Liebour Thurrock Council reply
But the council responded “the council has not prosecuted or completed any investigations against councillors or senior council staff in the last year”.
Liebour answered a different question to the one asked.
Ah, semantics. Hey, it if works for the BBC….
The You & Yours program on Radio 4 is having a phone in about the quality of courses at university. They get a caller who teaches at a uni, who lets it slip when she says ” when I was teaching my class on Marxist ideology”
Just says it all really.
The idea that tuition fees are like – so unfair – is not challenged by the BBC whenever it comes up for discussion, though one phone-caller did have the temerity to point out that students weren’t actually paying as they were being given loans by the government (taxpayer) until they were earning enough to afford to start repayment.
So, as ever, the pachyderms in the room were:
– Are there now too many going into further education.
– Are students choosing the right courses.
– Is there any kind of planning going into what mix of courses should be offered to meet business demand.
– What are student drop-out rates. Are any unis/courses worse than others.
– If the government (taxpayer) is to pay up front what other public spending should be cut to pay for it.
– Gap years.
This is a massive story which will dominate the headlines on the BBC for the next 3 weeks.
Oh, wait…………………………
On the World at One there was an ‘interview’ by Martha , who should stick to her bee keeping , and a couple of Labourites on the hot topic of immigration. All three , yes even Martha the interviewer, agreed that mass immigration brought many benefits to the country and proposed that all politicians from the three main parties, I assume that they still include the Lib Dems in that group and exclude UKIP, should unite and push the immigration agenda. The Tories should stay well clear of this proposal.
Clearly they still can’t accept that we , the British people , don’t want anymore mass immigration. I am pleased that they still can’t get it because the more that Labour , the liberal establishment and its propaganda arm the BBC, push mass immigration down our throats, the fewer people will vote Labour at the GE and the more the BBC will be seen for what it is, an anti democratic organisation totally OUT OF TOUCH with what the British people think and therefore not deserving of the LF. In fact the more Labour push immigration the more people might remember which party let in millions of aliens and cast their vote accordingly.
Mass immigration and the benefits therein is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the British populus.
I heard the interviews. How can the BBC justify having 2 senior Labour figures pushing the “benefits” of mass immigration (plus the interviewer not challenging them ) and no reply from UKIP ? But yes, let Labour carry on their own sweet way. And let the Tories and LibDems continue to allow another 250.000 foreigners in every year. Just what the doctor ordered !
Sorry – 200,000 is the NET migration firgure. The IMmigration figure remains at about 500,000 new foreigners per annum.
Didn’t you say you were standing for UKIP, John? Anyway, I voted for us (ukip) and I’m probably gonna join and bung them a few quid. What else can we do? This is all about saving our country whether it’s Hampshire (where Dave S lives) or South East London (where you are) or up here in the moronic North West, where I am. From little seeds do acorns grow.
I’m sure that over a period of time the BBc will balance the view that mass immigration with reality. Although there is not always the time to represent all points of view…see I could work for BBc complaints. Gizza a job.
Syria, Beebolids and ‘British’ Islamic jihadists.
As is well known, many Beeboids are politically sympathetic Islamic jihad organisations opposed to Assad in Syria.
Will Beeboids politically distance themselves from this?:-
“Syria’s most bloodthirsty jihadists ‘are British.’
“This of course should read ‘Syria’s most bloodthirsty jihadists hold British passports'”.
Nect time that Blair (See you next Tuesday) appears on Radio 4 will someone ask him about his Tax Status.
As a diplomat for the UN (FFS), does he pay UK tax on his world wide earnings or not?
Someone has to pay for his multicultural utopia here in the UK, why shouldn’t it be him?
PS I notice the BBC are not allowing comments on his interview on line, I wonder why, was it a condition of him appearing on Radio 4?
Next time that Blair (See you next Tuesday) appears on Radio 4 will someone ask him about his Tax Status.
As a diplomat for the UN (FFS), does he pay UK tax on his world wide earnings or not?
Someone has to pay for his multicultural utopia here in the UK, why shouldn’t it be him?
PS I notice the BBC are not allowing comments on his interview on line, I wonder why, was it a condition of him appearing on Radio 4?
Beeboids throw our licence-fee money at over-the-top coverage of not-so important latest elections in Egypt, complete with meaningless Beeboid ‘vox-pop’ favourites to include the odd individual, unrepresentative Egyptian.
Is it all part of Beeboids’ whit holiday break?
“Egypt election: BBC reporters at the scene”
-But, of course, BBC-NUJ does politically prefer the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Jazeera, to UKIP.
Good old World at One eh?
Womans Hour did “flag up” that there was about to be an “anti-capitalism/responsible handing over of the grandkids money” conflab in central London.
Bill Clinton would be there( steady on girls!) as would the oh-so-chic Christine Lagarde from the IMF or such…unelected, but at least the cleaning ladies would be safe being the slogan as I recall,
Anyway our unctuous Uriah Hopeless at the BBC did ask the great lady about “how come them`s upstairs are so rich, whilst we Beeboids and you IMF heads are so compassionate here amidst the toffs upstairs?”
In short-Clinton and Schmidt from Google , Lagarde and a BBC reporter all caring compassionately for the little beige civilians( as long as they don`t vote UKIP anyway).
Uriah Heap in the face of Lagarde and her bent millions…Torquemada when it comes to Gary Barlow without a charity record in a given week.
If Nige can`t recycle these porcine oafs to historys bin, then my name is not Jimmy Savile.
Oh-Lagarde mentioned twice about the environmental inequality and injustice that is a concern to her and all at the IMF.
Free wind turbines for us all then?…or being screwed over until the Russians and French step on our windpipes come next November?
Be rude to ask her though…a lady never tells huh?
OK, this might sound a bit weird. I fancy Lagarde … she might be a bit leathery but she has a French sophistication that others would find hard to replicate. I’m not even that old (I’m 40) but a froggie mature is hard to beat. Anyway, getting to the meat of the coconut – she’s a Bilderburger stooge, just like the rest of them. NOT to be trusted.
Now if one were to believe the utterings of David Icke and repitillian illuminati, she would be on top of my list of suspects – bet shes got a forked tongue….
Yeah Geoff, but just imagine what she could do with it.
BBC News Channel rarely beats Sky News to “breaking news” but thay appear to have scooped the news that a Reddich UKIP councillor has been suspended from the party for alleged racism & homophobia. The juggernaut cam move quickly when suitably motivated
bBC news24: The rolling tickertape headline is solely about an allegation against a UKIP councillor. I think they would break into the Queen’s speech as a headline special if it coincided with and there was any proof.
Oh well… that’s not goo.. oh, hold on, allegation? Alleged ‘isms? ‘obia?
Hold the presses….!!!!!
Now, imagine if one of these footsoldiers had been tagged as, say,
‘Labour have suspended Baldwin while she contests the charge, though Guido is told she still sits in the Labour group. Let’s hope no one brings this up this afternoon…’
The very idea.
The BBC twitterati wouldn’t let you hear the end of it.
Would they?
The spirit of Jasmine clearly still wafting around the corridors even if she is not there for now.
Beat me to it. See below.
Tell it often enough.
Works even better when true.
Sometimes it’s difficult not to laugh at the oh so blatant bias of the BBC. They just trip over themselves with it.
Here’s a classic of bias by omission.
Breaking news from BBC Hereford & Worcester:
UKIP suspend councilor for “racism & homophobia”
Of course you’d have to wait till hell freezes over for this:
Ed in Thurrock: Labour Councillor Faces Benefit Fraud Charges
Good lord, Labour councillor Claire Baldwin is on her way to court on charges of housing benefit and council tax fraud.
Anything from the BBC about this?
Of course not.
We’ve had to endure months and months of the Beeb filth determined to report any and every minor indiscretion if it can be pinned on UKIP whilst studiously ignoring anything to do with Labour or the other parties, even when it involed serious sexual offences, assaults, theft and bribery.
As detailed on this site:-
“It was a shock to the residents of Woodside & Madeley when they read the morning Newspaper at breakfast to find Community Paedophile Graham Whitetheir ”People’s champion” and so called squeaky clean 61 year old Labour Parish Councillor Graham White found guilty of making a stash of the most disgusting pictures of child abuse with his very own camera. The child’s family heard that Graham White had encouraged her to pose in pornographic style poses for his self satisfaction and secret degenerative lifestyle. The judge in the case was reported as a disgrace when sentence was passed, giving Paedophile Graham White a Three year probation order and a lousy Five year stint on the sex offenders register. Graham White announced he was a Member of the Labour Party on the Woodside & Madeley .”
Nigeria: Islamic jihad.
Two reports-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’, with analysis of Islamic jihad-
“Nigeria’s military knows where abducted girls are, but won’t rescue them”
By Robert Spencer.
“’We can’t go and kill our girls in the name of trying to get them back.’ That is indeed so; it is likely that the Party of the People of the Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad, a.k.a. Boko Haram, would murder the girls if there were a rescue attempt. This is in accord with Islamic law: killing kidnapped infidels, if that option is deemed most advantageous for the Muslims, is fully sanctioned under Sharia: ‘As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale and manumission; the third, to ransom them in exchange for goods or prisoners; and fourth, to show favor to them and pardon them. Allah, may he be exalted, says, ‘When you encounter those [infidels] who deny [the Truth=Islam] then strike [their] necks’ (Qur’an sura 47, verse 4)’ — Abu’l-Hasan al-Mawardi, al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah (The Laws of Islamic Governance), trans. by Dr. Asadullah Yate, (London), Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 1996, p. 192″
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC), with no analysis of Islamic jihad-
“Nigeria army ‘knows where Boko Haram are holding girls'”
Seeing as the BBC and the Guardian are one and the same I will post this here. A pathetic but provocative article on ‘racism’ (the middle class and trendy Guardian love this word as it has become a stick with which to beat and keep down the poor white working classes) that seems to equate ‘racism’ with the English, as the photos at the top clearly indicate. What about anti-white racism and Muslim racists? Does this not account for racism, too? Haven’t we English been beaten down and subdued enough by these despicable and cynical Left-wing, middle-class cretins? I wouldn’t use this paper along to wipe my backside with.
Sorry, the link:
What a load of codswallop! If it weren’t for dodgy surveys like this Trevor Phillips might have to get a real job. Can someone please tell me what it is he actually does. The Guardian, Independent and the dear old Beeb love this sort of puerile tosh because it offers them the chance to dig up a host of race hustling talking heads. It gives street thugs like the revolting UAF a fig leaf and means that the rest of us live in a society wracked by feelings of guilt and mutual suspicion.
“The proportion of Britons who admit to being racially prejudiced has risen since the start of the millennium”
Here,s an explanation – the liberal inquisition has worn out the word ‘racist’ Its application and definition has become so fluid that it has become meaningless And increasing numbers of people have ceased being scared of it.
By the way (Mr moderator) hit report ‘button’ by mistake, sorry an thanks for link
Alex, mate, I love your comments … don’t give up, there are plenty of like-minded people like you. All we need to do is wrestle this consensus from them .. with intelligent people like you we’ve always got a chance. Keep the faith!
Cheers, Doyle! I’m glad someone likes my posts! 🙂 All the best.
This report is from the National Centre for Social Research, whose CEO is Penny Young, former “Head of Audiences-BBC Trust”. It appears in the left-wing Guardian and is given prominence by the BBC. Already suspicious, I’m wondering who commissioned this report and, given the Guardian/BBC’s relentless campaign to label UKIP “racist”, whether it is mere coincidence that it has appeared so soon after UKIP’s outstanding election victory.
We are paying to have BBC staff in Nigeria – why can’t they report ALL the facts, ALL that is being said there ?
Or if they are reporting everything – who is editing out most of the story ?
Update for INBBC, from ‘Sky News’-
“Boko Haram Attacks Kill Dozens In Nigeria”
OK, here goes, I’ve been commenting a lot today (this is a consequence of last night’s curry and piss-up) although I only comment occasionally. The truth is … you lot are too intelligent for me. Every time I say something I feel like a bleedin’ idiot! Keep the faith!
An excellent example of the smug, self-satisfied middle-class BBC lefty in this Laura Kuenssberg interview with National Front president Marine Le Pen… obviously prefers the sound of her own voice to that of those she interviews (unless they be lefties, of course) and here hurls loaded questions towards the Le Pen.
The sanctimonious Left think they have a monopoly on righteousness and look down at those with different opinion with foul scorn.
My mate goes on and on about Kuenssburg, not her politics, he just fancies her. I have to admit, I didn’t see it … and then she made an effort for Chuka on Newsnight and I did. Yeah, she’s full of shit especially since she took the BBC dollar. No integrity.
Nothing to do with BBC bias (not yet, but give it time) just look at this
I look forward to the day when somebody nukes these savages.
Ofcom – due to review BBC Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) performance 2008-2013. Going to be asking us, the public for our views from Autumn to Spring 2014.
They not involved in Licence Fee matters, (as this is Government Review matter – 2016).
Assume we need to compile our dossier on how it has, or has not met our national PSB needs and put together reams of evidence of BBC failures to meet it’s balanced, non-biased political reporting over the last 5 years, ready to give Ofgcom when it asks.
Why did UKIP do so poorly in London?
You might think it was something to do with the fact that there are lots of immigrants there, many of whom are keen to remain in the UK and even for their friends and family to join them here.
Well, according to Robert Peston’s analysis, you’d be wrong!
You couldn’t make it up!
A reprise from B-BBC ‘Blowback’ thread:-
Beeboid Economics editor, and son of Labour peer, Robert Peston still doesn’t ‘get it’ on UKIP; he’s pleased, of course, that the UKIP vote was not as high in London as elsewhere, but he struggles to get beyond vague generalities on this.
Peston seems to miss out some facts on the large (and increasing) immigrant base in London. These are people who want more of their extended families to get into England, and so such a base is likely to oppose any British political party, such as UKIP, which wants to limit immigration.
-from ‘Wikipedia’-
“According to the Office for National Statistics, based on the 2011 Census estimates, 59.8 per cent of the 8,173,941 inhabitants of London were White, with 44.9 per cent White British, 2.2 per cent White Irish, 0.1 per cent Irish traveller and 12.1 per cent classified as Other White.
“20.9 per cent of Londoners are of Asian and mixed-Asian descent. 19.7 per cent of Londoners are of full Asian descent, with those of mixed-Asian heritage comprising 1.2 of the population. Indians account for 6.6 per cent of the population, followed by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis at 2.7 per cent each. Chinese peoples account for 1.5 per cent of the population, with Arabs comprising 1.3 per cent. A further 4.9 per cent of Londoners are classified as ‘Other Asian’.
“15.6 per cent of London’s population are of Black and mixed-Black descent. 13.3 per cent of Londoners are of full Black descent, with those of mixed-Black heritage comprising 2.3 per cent of the population. Black Africans account for 7.0 per cent of London’s population, with 4.2 per cent as Black Caribbean and 2.1 per cent as ‘Other Black’.”
“Demographics of London”
The inadequate Peston account:-
“Why did UKIP do less well in London?”
I have been observing the bbbc reports re these recent very annoying elections where the plebiscites have had the audacity to vote for something that the politicians don’t want and I have come to the conclusion that (as evidenced by the bbbc reporters actually speaking to the voters in the street) that the average UKIP voter seems to be a market stall holder who has very little command of the English language, has very little dress sense and is at least 80 years old.
Is this correct?
I wonder if I must have voted for the wrong party because I am none of the above
Please advise…………..
If you are none of the above, then I’m afraid the only other explanation is that you must be wayyyycist.
What vote did the suspended Tory council candidate in Brentwood get?
Remember this in the Guardian yesterday?
Like so many millions of my fellow Britons, I don’t take the Guardian, but I am certainly aware of this ‘new research’ – BBC Breakfast are lecturing me about it at this very moment.
Guardian>Today>Breakfast>Vine>One Show>Newsnight. Plus HIGNFY if it can get shoe-horned in as humour.
Not too sure this attempted ladle on of agenda in guise of news (‘research suggests’, even if ported over from the BBC science beat to politics, does carry a certain dubious whiff before it) has so far had quite the effect the strategists hoped. But then these were the team who brought us the recent election results.
As it looks on social media, those who simply have had enough are now even more pissed off with the crass student Uni rhetoric and lazy labelling, while even fence sitters are noticing the BBC is a safe pair of hands to carry even the most blatant propaganda message to order.
Not quite sure what the BBC/Guardian are getting so het up about…. they should be reassured by the BBC’s own reports today from BBC man Paul Adams:
‘Most people at the camps believe the UK will be a more welcoming place if only they can get there, our correspondent says.’
‘An Eritrean man said he had tried to cross the English Channel by boarding lorries but was stopped by police several times. “I will try again and again,” he told the BBC.’
“Great stuff , luvvie, your report from Calais is bang on message…..”
‘Several busloads of police arrived at the camps early on Wednesday.’
“Bit how about you up the stakes a bit…. spice it up a little… I’m not feeling enough excitment and sympathy for the migrants….”
‘Several busloads of police IN RIOT GEAR arrived at the camps early on Wednesday.’
(BBC edit exposed care of Newsniffer)
After the failure of the UKIP R waycists campaign BBc Breakfast returns to the newswheel of Dross. Yes weight loss & alcohol return yet again (see my numerous previous posts)
I don’t know whether I should put this on the current thread or wait for the next. Since, there isn’t one, I’ll bung it on here and maybe copy it onto the new thread.
I’m a Lancastrian, mainly, although a part of me is also Irish. From Cork apparently. My dad’s ‘little gran’ came over here in the nineteenth century. My dad remembers her because of her longlivity, she died at 108 after giving birth to 17 children! Amazing! Naturally, they were left-footers. My little gran’s son Tom married my great grandmother. She was a Taylor from Cheetham Hill. On her birth certificate it says she was born on a farm although I suspect it was more of a smallholding (gawd knows what she’d make of it there now!). Tom was handsome, with a moustache, typical of the era … striking in his military uniform. They had a son, my grandad, but we were the black sheep of the family. The reason: we became protestants.
When the First World War came calling Tom joined up … although the family legend is that he couldn’t bear to join an English regiment so he joined a Scottish one instead!
My mum saw a picture of him many years later. He’s only got one arm! No one ever mentioned it. He’d lost it in the war.
There was talk on my gran’s side of us having owned factories in Oldham although I don’t know whether that’s a fact. That’s the thing about family history … at least half is bullshit.
My great uncle Fred joined up just like all my other relatives. Apparently Fred only ever ate bread and cheese and beer. He wouldn’t eat anything else. I suspect the horrors of the First World War fucked him up.
My grandad joined the RAF (pronounced raf) around about, 1938. He did it to get away from a bent copper who kept plagueing him. He spent the next nine years there, putting the bombs on planes, notably on the Maastricht raid. He told me that the famed dive bombing of the bridge was nothing of the sort: the pilot was already dead. When the war actually started he told me, ‘ a couple of planes came over and circled the church tower’, an hour later all hell broke loose! My grandad was on guard duty one night … he woke up to a popping sound … it was the ammo dump. He’d been left behind! Five of them commandeered a tractor and crossed France, eventually reaching the coast. He was tired, he wanted to get on a ship, any ship. They refused him, it was the Lancastria.
There’s a common perception that your relatives won’t mention the war … it’s wrong … my gran used to talk all the time about the bombing of Manchester and if you prompted my grandad he’d happily talk to you about it … the time he was strafed by a Luftwaffe pilot, his poaching on that Wimbledon wallah’s estate … seeing people in bits and pieces. I could tell he’d never forget it.
Our relatives fought for this country, this sceptered isle, it’s a beautiful country. I can get on my bike and within five minutes I’m in the sticks. I love nature, I love the trees and the fields of my verdant country. The greenery is fantastic, ok, it rains all the time but that’s a small price to pay. Watch Best Gore to see what they do to people in these third world shit-holes … and then think how lucky you are to be born in this country. What I’m saying is this: it’s not for the liberal elite or the BBC to give MY country away. The Germans, a perceptive people, called it blud und boden, blood and soil … and that’s what it’s all about. This is MY country, you can’t give it away without a fight.
My Dad was just two months old when his Dad died years after WW1 from the effects of being gassed, his Mother (my grandmother) struggled to survive with a kid, no handouts back then she had endless endless cleaning jobs.
My Dad then was conscripted into the Navy in WW2 and spent his time in Burma and India doing his bit.
I was born when my Dad was 50 and sadly although he wanted to talk about it I was too young to appreciate his stories and we used to liken him to Uncle Albert (during the war….) he saw the funny side.
I now wish I listened, but I do recall some things he said and although he died just prior to Blair, one thing he mused on was that maybe we would have been better off if Hitler had won the war, he was, even back then dismayed that what he and his generation (and his Dads) had fought to protect, our government was just now just giving away. He was also convinced that the 1975 referendum was fixed, as he claimed he knew no one who had voted to stay in!
Being so close to someone who fought for the country gives one a perspective we all should have on the current state, one that many of my age and younger maybe don’t have. Christ knows what he would make of today’s goings on, but pretty sure he would have voted UKIP.
Sadly you would have to now be at least 87 to have seen service in WW2 and that generation is disappearing fast, we’ll soon be down to the Harry Patch’s. We owe it to them to protect what they fought for and not give it away for zilch, being born British is (was?) like winning life’s lottery…
One of my grandfathers was in the Royal Artillery during WW1 and the other in the Gordon Highlanders, and he lost his right arm. He was given a job with the gas board reading meters but succumbed to alcoholism and died when my mother was 12. My father is 94 and was a Radio Officer in the Merchant Navy throughout WW2 in the North Atlantic and was on 4 ships that were torpedoed and sunk. He is now in a dementia care home where he pays £2400 per month for the privilege from his dwindling savings, and in about a year we will have to sell his house. When I see all the freeloaders, wasters, and non-Brits demanding money and care, I just thank God he can’t see any of this.
Yep in the same situation with my Mum, savings nearly all gone…
My mate’s dad really didn’t talk about the war. I used to laugh that he’d machine gunned Germans ( he really had!). Hey’d say to me, ‘ I didn’t think anyone talked about it.’ They did! Most of what my grandad described was either incompetence or stupidity. The time he jumped in a Lanc and the pilot buzzed the Scottish hills … having to march and salute endlessly (he loved going on the American and Canadian bases because there was less formality). They were teenagers ffs. Imagine what you were doing at that age and then transpose it to that era! I remember him talking about going to church – he hated it – ‘RC’s and jews out! – they were excused, the proddies had to do it.
Funny enough, my grandad voted to stay in in 1975, just like my mum, dad and most of my relatives. My gran, in hindsight the most percetive of the lot, voted against.
Probably too late on this but …
BBC Your Call – Panto Campbell is “on fire” this morning … how waycist we all are!
Only whites of course, anyone else …come now, it s understandable prejudice?
Caused by … wait for it … year, generations of colonial oppression?
Any voice of sanity in this “horse and pony show” is soon drowned out by
handwringers, and overt apologists … the BBC narrative is once again to include/push
Islam as a “race”?, by an orchestrated string of callers, patently absurd.
Narrative … what at the Biased Broad Cresent
There’s a word for Campbell … I think its cuntbubble. Apologies to those who might have a fit of the vapours.
”Campbell is “on fire” this morning … how waycist we all are!”
Yes, all those Race Hustlers Diane Abbot, Bonnie Greer, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Scott, UAF, SWP etc etc.
Is that what Nicki had in mind ?
He’s a shithouse. When he was on Wheel of Fortune, at least he was tolerable. One for the wall I think.
Or lamp post
The traitors death was to be hanged, drawn and quartered. There’s some dispute to what drawn meant … was it to be drawn on the back of a carriage or was it the drawing of the guts from the victim. I’m not sure whether the penis was cut off but it’s a distinct possibility. The ‘death’ was to have the guts drawn from the body i.e. the intestines, and it was then burnt in front of the victim. A gruesome ending – Elizabeth The First wanted an even more gruesome ending for her opponents but crucially it was deemed illegal. Her advisors told her that it was indeed painful anyway! After that they were quartered, starting with the head … the quarters were sent to the four quarters of the realm, like York.
If like me, you’ve read Foucault, you’ll
know what I mean … (Chris H will know what I mean cos he’s a teacher) i.e. the drawn out deaths of Damians and Ravilllac.
Personally, I ‘d saw the fuckers in half although I suspect that might be a bit too much for some people.
If only he was on fire…………..
”BBC Your Call – this morning … how waycist we all are!”
2 days after UKIP’s landslide, they pick that topic for a mass debate and in Campbells case it is a masturbate !! who would have thunk it !!
I love the way the BBC describes multiculturalism as globalisation….and suggests Londoners love globalization. Perhaps the ‘global’ members of London do…
You know something, I love coming on here. There are people more intelligent than I can only dream of! I’m on here every day although I don’t comment so much … Chris H – love your off the wall shit – George, Roland, Alex, Dave S (I love your posts mate) the rest are too innumerable to mention. I actually feel like a community (I fucking hate that word since it’s been hi-jacked by the left). Apologies to those of a sensitive disposition.
Don’t forget Pounce – Brilliant !!
Pounce is a top bloke.
That ChrisH, he gives me the horn.
Hat tip Peter Cook.
I’m not sure whether you’re taking the piss or not …,but, but … he fucking takes the piss out of lefties (I was one!) so who gives a fuck.
A top banana.
Certainly not taking the piss out of our ChrisH. His style and content make this site worth keep coming back and back to.
You still got a thing going with Body ? nudge nudge.
I thought Cameron had said that “he got it”
David Cameron will have been pleased the BBC wheeled on EU enthusiasts Tony Blair, Kenneth Clarke and Michael Heseltine to portray the victory of Ukip as a ‘populist’ aberration.
The PM entertained BBC news chief James Harding at Chequers, telling him – according to Broadcasting House talk – that he relied on the corporation to provide an antidote to the Eurosceptic views of some newspapers and voters.
Looks more like the BBC are ensuring a boost to their tax income post 2016 and that Cameron is a lost cause (OK so you already knew that)
This is the stuff that should be news headlines an absolutely prime example of biased bbbc and the corrupt nature of the MPs. Just imagine what the vote for europe would have been if we had a fair and impartial media.
I hope someone has let our Nigel know about this he is our only hope!!
Roll on the demise of the tv licence fee
‘he relied on the corporation to provide an antidote to the Eurosceptic views of some newspapers and voters.’
Ok, just a ‘sources say’ quote, but that is one heck of a thing to see in print.
It is not the job of ‘state media’ to provide ‘an antidote’ to what state government doesn’t like happening in the private sector or population.
It would be interesting to find out if James told him to get knotted or was on board (with all sorts of ‘getting it’ nodding and winking between what was understood, said and then done – especially give what the PM will have been pleased to see already emerging from the safest of BBC hands).
Peter Robinson under fire for backing Pastor James McConnell’s Islamic remarks
James McConnell of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in north Belfast, described Islam as “heathen” and “satanic”, and said he did not trust Muslims.
Peter Robinson said he would not trust Muslims who had been involved in terrorist activities or those devoted to Sharia law
Can anyone remember an instance where the BBC reported a Muslim criticising Christianity excepting when it’s part of another story?
This is just another example of an Islamophillic BBC which goes apoplectic when someone dares criticise its religion of choice.
The Beeb didn’t get into a tiz when this happened. Still one of the funniest events in the European Parliament.
It’s the way I tell em’.
Note the one third of us are racist message has been picked up by most of the media – just after UKIP’s electoral victory. It will have results: first, it is already being used to justify the anti democratic and thuggish behaviour of the UAF and the left. But watch out for a constant outpouring of attempts to educate us from the BBC, which will highlight every evil waaycist crime they can dig out of the news. Cameron will join in, denouncing racism, drawing attention to how it makes him feel sick. This will continue unti the general election.
It was on the Vanessa-Vine show, that posh patronising BBC moron again, with a subliminal message that UKIP voters are uneducated racists.
This seems to contradict my life experience, as I was born to working class Grammar School educated parents, and brought up and educated in the posh Tory areas just outside of Hull, so it was not surprising to find that the UKIP vote was lowest in Hull, a Labour stronghold, with a low reputation as regards education, but with the UKIP vote being even lower in London, then this would not be a surprise if you happen to criss-cross Hull, as Hull is not all that bad compared to the no-go inner-city shit holes in London.
This uneducated racist research is not new, the BBC brought it out the last time, when the Cosmopolitan Labour voting intellectual Geniuses of Barnsley, suddenly became poorly educated BNP voters.
It’s ok I don’t do manual work and I’m not that old so I think I avoid the charge by association . Breafast were also trying again to blur the facts on credit unions by giving the interest per month instead of APR. Yes obviously they will be much lower than pay day lenders but 20%+ APR doesn’t sound that brilliant to me. I’ve also read reports true or otherwise some credit unions are propped up by public money and the obvious issue that they have to have the money to lend in the first place. Meanwhile on the BBc news some dead poet I’ve never heard of, wonder why they are bothered. And a sob sob story on the poor illegal migrants in Calais, I almost felt sorry, no that’s not true. Just another day at the BBc.
This morning Radio Wales and the call in program following it covered child poverty. It stated that a household was considered in poverty if its earnings were less than 60% of the average wage. No one challenged this comparison. As you can imagine there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth over the emotive issue of child poverty, two words to get any heart beating faster.
Yet if poverty is defined as 60% of average wages then poverty will always be with us and will even grow as the country becomes more prosperous and wages rise.
Surely there ought to be a definitive statement on what makes people poor, eg insufficient food, no home, poor access to running water etc.
But instead it encouraged the callers to wallow in their indignation of the poor existing in this country and deciding who is to blame.
According to a report in The Australian, BBC Worldwide has confirmed its new Australian channel, BBC First, will start broadcasting on 3 August. The new channel will be launched on the subscription TV platform, Foxtel.
If subscription is good enough for Australians, why isn’t it good enough for us in the UK? The BBC obviously feels Australians will hand over their hard-earned dollars to watch its programming. It obviously thinks it can make this new channel a commercial success. If it has this belief when entering new markets around the world, why doesn’t this belief extend to us?
Will BBC First enjoy the input of Jon Donnison one wonders, who has already brought that special brand of reporting he provides over from the Middle East beat?
Other, entirely fair points, noted.
One might wonder if David Lowe was simply a victim of unfortunate skewing of Tone & Danny’s pink & blue pie-charts down SouthWest ?
What a bizarre way to run a business.
Make a hell of a Downfall: ‘Steiner… Steiner says a heterosexual white male has accidentally been offered a job onscreen!’
” BBC bias and the rise of protest votes”
Read more:
Standby for major BBC schedule changes…….. American poet and civil rights campaigner Maya Angelou (who?) has died….
Main point on Radio 2 3 o’clock news.
BBC are on like a rat up a drainpipe.
‘Maya Angelou ‘the brightest light’ says Barack Obama’
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) censors out any reference to ‘Islam’ in the ‘reporting’ of the stoning murder of another woman in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Pakistan: Woman stoned to death by her family for marrying man she loved”
By Robert Spencer.
“Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that ‘retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.’ However, ‘not subject to retaliation’ is ‘a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.’ (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.”
2.) INBBC-
“Pakistan woman stoned by family outside Lahore court”
But INBBC will continue to propagandise for the ‘equal worth’ of all religions and cultures, and will continue to campaign for more mass immigration and colonisation of British people by millions more immigrants from Islamic (and other) countries.
The new report just out suggests people who admit to racism in this country has increased to 30%.
Also in the news, (see George’s comment above) a woman was stoned to death outside of the court house by her family this week in Pakistan. Just for falling in love and marrying a Christian.
If I do not condone a religion or a country that do these unspeakable crimes does that mean I am wrong and racist? I would dare to suggest that the opposite is true and that for this crime 30% is way too little it should be nearer 100% who would condemn this barbarous medieval act by this family, this religion, this race.
But perhaps, as the fifth columnists that come on here would say, the jolly chaps from that religion or place are not all like that and only the odd ball/militant/extreme/radical religious men from that religion are like that. If so, exactly what percentage of those gentlemen living in this country from that religion and that originate from that place (women of course don’t count) condemn this atrocity? Come on BBC I want a survey done. What percentage is it?
Every time I have watched the new today I have had it rammed down my throat that older, hard-working white men are the most racist. And yet what have we done? Other than let at least 5 million of them to come and live with us.
So, where is your condemnation of that country, those people, this evil religion. I do not mean have you reported it BBC, as I know you have, ( ) I mean have you condemned the country, the family and in particular the religion that did it. You haven’t have you BBC?
The last lines of your report say, ” The BBC’s Shumaila Jaffery says marriage against the wishes of relatives is culturally unacceptable in some parts of Pakistan. Under Pakistani law, the victim’s family is allowed to forgive the killer. However, in many cases family members are themselves responsible for the killing”. Not a hint of condemnation from the courageous BBC!
You are so ready to condemn, bully and boo at those who would dare to question the annihilation of our country’s origins and culture but are unable to condemn the pure evil of a murderous religion. You must therefore either agree with them or you are cowards. Which is it BBC?
“Horror in Pakistan: Pregnant Woman Stoned by Family.”
By Arnold Ahlert.
Oh, good Lord…
The comments already are showing that deft touch Dave & co have with learning lessons and reading the country’s mood.
And his qualifications for such a role are what exactly?
A. Long ago being able to run faster than one or two others round a cinder track.
B. Because some other stuffed-shirt THINKS he MIGHT do a good job.
C. Similar to those of the current incumbent, who still isn’t qualified.
D. Not much else really.
Still, only £4Bpa of public money to p*sss away.
Meanwhile Dan Hodges again excels, if again unintentionally, at satire…
And the politico-media elite continue to seem a smidge out of step with the public if the comments are anything to go on.
If there is any truth to the ‘Trojan Horse’ allegations in Birmingham schools, BBC Radio 4 6 o’clock News tells us that it is those conservative Muslims that are to blame.
When the various reports appear no doubt Imam Cameron will be telling us that they aren’t true Muslims, after all he has gone along with the idea that ‘conservative’ is a toxic brand since he became leader.
The family who stoned their daughter to death in Pakistan were described by BBC News only as “conservative”, it is probably that tag that is thought compatible with that vile act, not being “conservative Muslims”
How long before they are described as UKIP?
It appears that Seb Coe is front runner to be the next head of the BBC Trust.
While Cameron seems to think that he would make a good choice for this position, I have my doubts.
I find his statement when told of the prospect somewhat troubling, certainly smacking of arrogance
Lord Coe told the Telegraph: “I think you will find that whenever any job at the moment comes up I seem to be slated in for it.
“Either the Mayor of London, Fifa, International Olympic Committee.
Reading his Wikipedia profile I find very little, if anything, that suggests he is actually in tune with the average British citizen. Not a lot different than Patten. He’s been involved in athletics, in one form or other, for most of his working life, and apart from being a ‘personality’ doesn’t offer much in the way of worldly experience.
He was a Tory MP for a while, also like Patten, but as Wikipedia also tells us:
Coe was elected as Member of Parliament for Falmouth and Camborne in 1992, for the Conservative Party,[4][23] but lost his seat in the 1997 general election.
So while his celebrity status may have initially got him the position, the public certainly weren’t impressed with his performance.
Frankly, I don’t think if he does get the position as head of BBC Trust, that we will be either.
Pity the public can’t vote.
Apparently it’s ‘politically correct’ for Blacks (such as L. Henry) to complain about too many White indigenous faces on British TV; but, apparently it’s not ‘politically correct’ for a UKIP branch chairman to complain about too many non-White faces on the streets of London.
1.) ” Our TV shows are far too white, says Lenny Henry”
Read more:
“Ukip branch chairman: ‘London is being ethnically cleansed of white people'”
The fact is that the British political class has organised the undemocratic colonisation of the U.K so that the ethnically white indigenous British people will soon become a colonised minority in what was once their own country.
Black people are not a small minority globally, look at Africa. Arabs are not a small minority globally, look at the Middle East
“As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will
plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of
27.98% in 1950.
“Using 2010 as the base reference, the big gainer in the population
derby will be blacks or sub-Sahara Africans. This group will expand
almost 133% to 2.7 billion by 2060. By the middle of this century
blacks will represent 25.38% of world population, which is up
dramatically from the 8.97% they recorded in 1950.”!topic/
“Tribal America.
On our suddenly race-obsessed politics.”
By Mark Steyn
“Everyone talks about this demographic transformation as if it’s a natural phenomenon, like Hurricane Sandy. Indeed, I notice that many of those exulting in the inevitable eclipse of ‘white America’ are the same people who assure me that demographic arguments about the Islamization of Europe are completely preposterous. But in neither the United States nor Europe is it a natural phenomenon. Rather, it’s the fruit of conscious government policy.”
And still the lemmings jump over the cliff!
Latest from Islamic republic of Tower Hamlets
Liked bob3’s comment
(PS can we have new thread,Scotts wetting himself waiting to make the first post)
One senses a certain air of sympathy for the Afghan immigrants looking at ways to illegally enter the UK. We’re are full-up and cannot take much more. For Christ’s sakes, when will the BBC realise this?
… laugh a minute on BBC Your Call?
heard the one about the Pakistani landlord who put the notice “Pakistani s Only” in his rental property? …
no? …
Your Call ?… its waycist oops no … I mean
understandable?, as somebody had used previously
used drugs there.
The terrible wicked persecution in S Africa? on Nigerians
by ……. S African Blacks … no, not racism persecution
after evil Boer twisted their minds? by oppression?
The Nation of Islam, hate filled racists?, Islam racist
… of course so.
but Panto chips in absurdly, in association with Islam
worrabouthiseh!… “the hate that hate produced”
I’ve heard this evening on local radio that Seb Coe is likely to be the new chairman of the BBC Trust and that his appointment is supported by the government. Given that the BBC is supposed to be unbiased, do we really need someone ‘supported by the government’ as the organisation’s chairman?
I am so angry about the response of the politicians (and the awfully biased bbbc). I hope UKIP do some really serious damage at the Newark by-election and win against all odds……..
Anyone with me?
UKIP is 5 to 2 with most bookies on Newark. But the real push starts this weekend. Patrick Mercer had a huge majority – but I could still see UKIP winning it.