

In the last post I suggested that the BBC’s liberal, politically correct attitudes were partly responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism across Europe and elsewhere…the same could of course be said for the rise of UKIP as Tim Montgomerie explains:


The Ten Creators of UKIP

Illiberal liberals. I support gay marriage (shamefully, I was resistant to homosexual equality but now have the zeal of a convert) but, but, but I don’t think most traditionalists are homophobes. I think smart immigration benefits Britain but net immigration of 200,000 per year has never been endorsed by Britain’s voters. It’s too much. Have you seen house prices? I want British firms to have to invest in British workers and not always take the easy way out in employing people from abroad. However else are we going to cap the welfare bill for the working age population? Too many self-styled liberals don’t face up to these tough questions. They’re too busy shouting “bigot”, “racist” and “inadequate” at UKIP’s supporters. They still are. Too many right-of-centre commentators still want Cameron to declare war on UKIP voters and to deny that issues like immigration matter. They accuse UKIP voters of being hateful when, in reality, it is they who are hateful of UKIP voters and UKIP voters’ concerns.


UKIP is on a roll because the political parties and the likes of the BBC refuse to tackle immigration and Europe…..and in fact do all they can to talk up the benefits whilst burying the bad news.

Even now we have the same people, Cameron for instance, coming on to the airwaves telling us the problem is that the voters are ignorant…‘We must make an effort to get the public to understand our policies and the benefits of immigration and being in Europe.’

People who have concerns about immigration and Europe are portrayed as  ignorant, stupid, uneducated or prejudiced.

It’s the same old mantra that the BBC has been trotting out for years.

The BBC deny or try to explain away experiences such as these people have:

‘Will you be voting Labour?’ I [A Labour MP] asked. ‘No chance,’ came the reply. ‘It’s because of you lot that I’m earning less than I was ten years ago. Eastern Europeans have screwed us. We’re voting UKIP.’

Later that day I was speaking to a nurse who told me she was taking on another job as a cleaner so she could pay for extra lessons for her son. He was falling behind in English at school, she said, because the teachers spent all their time with Polish children who couldn’t speak English. She too was going to vote UKIP. 

Politics has become less like a conversation with people, and more an exercise in talking at them.



The only answer is to shut the borders to mass immigration and return to a trading relationship with Europe.

Can’t see that narrative getting through the editorial meetings at the BBC.



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47 Responses to Blowback

  1. chrisH says:

    Think I saw this on “conservative home”.
    Montgomerie asked us all “Who do we blame for UKIP”…a typical establishment grandee wondering how we sheep can best be cajoled into their holding pens.
    Never occured to him to “blame” we the people that voted for UKIP-as an antidote to the likes of Tim!
    “Some people won`t be told, you know-they`ll have to learn the hard way”( Elvis Costello/”Toyko Storm Warning” 1989)


    • Richard Pinder says:

      “Who do we blame for UKIP”

      The Tories, for voting for David Cameron as leader, instead of David Davis.


  2. Stu says:

    I am so sick of being told how ignorant and prejudiced I am by MP’s from the three major parties.

    Their favourite seems to be, “We didn’t get our message across.”

    So if any members of the three liblabconmen are reading here. Yes you did get your message across and I understood it but it was politically correct Euro bollocks so I voted UKIP.

    Kind regards an Englishman.


    • Aerfen says:

      While they of course claim they ‘get it’. Frankly who cares if they ‘get it’ or not? Its hardly the most complicated issue to understand anyway: the indigenous British people want less immigration! Only a total fool would struggle to understand that! What we want them to do is ACT; take the necessary actions to end mass immigration and regain control over our borders.


      • Albert says:

        And the likes of the limpdems president stating twice on QT that immigration was a BLESSING. No need for any inquest Farron we reject you.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      The question must be whether the electorate has got its message across.


      • John Alexander says:

        The sad thing is that Cameron’s probably right to hunker down till it all blows over.

        The threat of a Miliband govt is probably enough to get most of the “swivel-eyed loons” back on side for the general election.

        There’s a great piece about how Farage might win the election though called “Dave’s Disappointment” at:


        • Aerfen says:

          Now if Cameron were to follow Gladstone at the beginning of the last century and make a secret pact with UKIP, as Gladstone did with MacDonald, then the threat from Milliband would simply blow away.


        • Richard Pinder says:

          I would prefer five years of Miliband.

          (1) If UKIP win, we leave the EU as soon as possible.
          (2) If Labour wins, we leave the EU after the UKIP landslide of 2020.
          (3) If the Tory’s win, we leave the EU after the UKIP landslide of 2020.

          So, vote UKIP, whatever happens, we will only get out of the EU with a UKIP victory.

          I am sure that both Labour and Tory supporters in a safe Tory seat, are patriotic enough to vote UKIP.

          Especially in a safe seat where the Tory was one of Cameron’s posh left-wing cronies who only joined the Tory party because Cameron offered them a safe Tory seat.

          “swivel-eyed loons” must also be Cameron’s term for anyone in the Tory party who is not posh, such as David Davis and anyone else with Afro or Working class heritage who all seem to languish on the backbenches and make Cameron look like an irritated moron, whenever he is in social contact with an MP who is not posh.

          I therefore suggest that David Davis, Nadine Dorries, Adam Afriyie and any other Tory MP who is not part of the upper-class elite, should now defect to UKIP, were they belong.

          The last time that the Tories where dependent solely on the posh vote, was in the Victorian age, but then people who where not posh, where not allowed to vote.


    • Flexdream says:

      I’m also tired of being lectured by politicos that they ‘get it’. Some do, some don’t. None seem bothered that 2/3rd of the electoral roll didn’t vote, let alone however many people aren’t registered. They don’t seem to want more democracy, just less. In all the media noise about the Euro elections did anyone catch anyone in the media describing what the European Parliament actually does? I missed that.
      I’m also tired of talking heads who magically can sense the mood of the electorate and predict next year’s General Election without having any polls or research to base it on.


  3. Dave S says:

    The commander is always responsible for defeat. To blame the men is a sign of weakness. Cameron , Clegg and the rest are to blame for what has happened to their parties.
    To blame the voters is a sure sign of panic.
    It is really heartening that UKIP have won. It shows that we ,the English, can effect change peacefully. The elite must respect this or the consequences will be serious.
    I hope there are sensible voices left in the old parties. The media is another matter. It is dominated by the liberals and without common sense. Listening to them is farcical. I fully expect that the elite both political and in the media will continue to fail to grasp what has occured. This is all to the good as this elite is not on my or England’s side.


    • Joshaw says:

      The Welsh came up with one or two surprises as well.

      Didn’t expect that.


      • Rob says:

        And the Scots. The UKIP MEP in Scotland must have made Salmond feel like he had found a dog turd in his porridge. Or better yet, half a dog turd.


  4. Jackde says:

    The European Commission in recent years has been funding rabidly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic campaign groups. Parading under the banner-term of “NGOs,” they have one concerted aim, which is to manipulate international opinion against Israel: Foreign government-funded subversion of a democracy.
    There is only one true explanation as to why the various wings of European anti-democracy have engaged in this cover-up. The motivation comes down to this: Whatever criticism the European Court will get for its refusal to be transparent, it is nothing compared to the criticism the EC would get if the identities of the recipients of its funding were made publicly available.

    Although the EU is institutionally incapable of listening to criticism, it would probably prefer to avoid it, or at least cut it off where it can. The events of recent weeks are merely a reminder that every lever of European “justice” will continue to be wielded to prevent such information being released. So since we cannot be “told” what the corrupt EC does with our money, perhaps this mere voter could say what he thinks is being done with it.


  5. Rob says:

    4:00PM Sky News Kay Burley having a go at UKIP in an undisguised attack. She kept repeating about what their policies were for 2015. Then she asked a question and when asked to repeat it said I know its difficult for you to understand me with my strange northern accent’ What an odd comment to make!


    • Joshaw says:

      Her brain is the size of a walnut.


      • Rob says:

        You must have seen some very, very small walnuts.


        • Mark says:

          Or as Jim Royle once said: “You could stick their brain into a hazelnut shell, and it’d still rattle !”


    • Jagman 84 says:

      I heard her recently on LBC so it was straight for the off switch. Cathy Newman on steroids!


  6. RJ says:

    Dave, Ed and Nick just know that we the people have voted the wrong way. LibLabCon will have to keep importing a new electorate.


    • George R says:

      Their political commitment to campaign to get 80 million Turkish Muslims into E.U. continues, but will be deviously censored from their 2015 election manifestos.


  7. stuart says:

    we warned the politacal establishment and the media elite including the bbc and lbc more than once that your disgusting evil smear campaign agaist nigel farage and ukip just work work,it did not because the electorate are just a bit to intelligent and savvy to fall for all that false and dangerous propaganda,i need say no more .the ukip revolution rolls on to the next years election,your lies and smears and falsehoods against ukip wont work the next have been warned.


  8. Fred Sage says:

    Ken Clarke was on this morning discussing how UKIP could be on the slide (despite all the anti ukip propoganda) by the BBC and the rest of the media. The discussion is now how can they get their message across i.e. what lies can they tell. Anyone who gets an EU pension will lose it if they criticise the EU.


  9. jeff says:

    Tony Blair was on the Today prog’ this morning and was asked about his government’s immigration policy. When approximately four million people flood into an already cramped country like ours it might be asked if they had a policy at all. As far as I could make out it was just an open door, a welcome mat and a pamphlet explaining how to get a council flat and a giro. According to Tony mass immigration has been hugely beneficial to the economy. Hmmm…Of course for those of us who don’t employ foreign nannies, plumbers, chippies and gardeners because that’s what we do for a living it hasn’t been quite so wonderful. I realise such mundane things don’t bother the likes of Tony, Polly or Billy Bragg and it’s probably impolite of me to mention them. Also if you have a child trying to find a job or, God forbid, a house to rent or buy you may see things differently to our billionaire former premier. He also gave us his considered opinions on UKIP and revealed that he didn’t have to look too hard at them to see something deeply unpleasant.
    Dear God does this man have no sense of irony?


    • chrisH says:

      Yes Kenneth Clarke on before the news-and Tony Blair(from Berlin no less!) on after it.
      Had I been up earlier I imagine I`d have heard Michael(Lord) Heseltine and Eddie Izzard as well.
      I myself confidently expect tomorrows “Today” to have a seance to summon up the ghosts of Ted Heath and Roy Jenkins to ask what “their take” is on Europe…channelled through Cathy Ashton and Chris Patten to ensure “balance”….
      As Roland says-maybe we the electorate will need to do a bit more to the elite if we are to “get our message across”…seems that a vote doesn`t mean what it says unless it gets a rerun with unions, media and all the political troughers to ensure the “correct revision of the demos”.


  10. Mark says:

    Even the likes of the nurse had to be careful when choosing the scapegoat :

    He was falling behind in English at school, she said, because the teachers spent all their time with *Polish* children who couldn’t speak English.

    The Polish children will very likely pick up English very quickly, and integrate into British society without too much bother. It’s those from Islamic countries who the nurse should be more bothered about.


    • Rob says:

      The Poles can safely be criticized because they are white Christians. When they start forming paedo rape gangs and blowing up tube trains I will start to have a problem with them.


  11. George R says:

    Beeboid Economics editor, and son of Labour peer, Robert Peston still doesn’t ‘get it’ on UKIP; he’s pleased, of course, that the UKIP vote was not as high in London as elsewhere, but he struggles to get beyond vague generalities on this.

    Peston seems to miss out some facts on the large (and increasing) immigrant base in London. These are people who want more of their extended families to get into England, and so such a base is likely to oppose any British political party, such as UKIP, which wants to limit immigration.

    -from ‘Wikipedia’-

    “According to the Office for National Statistics, based on the 2011 Census estimates, 59.8 per cent of the 8,173,941 inhabitants of London were White, with 44.9 per cent White British, 2.2 per cent White Irish, 0.1 per cent Irish traveller and 12.1 per cent classified as Other White.

    “20.9 per cent of Londoners are of Asian and mixed-Asian descent. 19.7 per cent of Londoners are of full Asian descent, with those of mixed-Asian heritage comprising 1.2 of the population. Indians account for 6.6 per cent of the population, followed by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis at 2.7 per cent each. Chinese peoples account for 1.5 per cent of the population, with Arabs comprising 1.3 per cent. A further 4.9 per cent of Londoners are classified as ‘Other Asian’.

    “15.6 per cent of London’s population are of Black and mixed-Black descent. 13.3 per cent of Londoners are of full Black descent, with those of mixed-Black heritage comprising 2.3 per cent of the population. Black Africans account for 7.0 per cent of London’s population, with 4.2 per cent as Black Caribbean and 2.1 per cent as ‘Other Black’.”

    “Demographics of London”

    The inadequate Peston account:-

    “Why did UKIP do less well in London?”


    • Rob says:

      You will search in vain for any party political manifesto since 1945 which promised to make the British a minority in their own capital city. And yet they wonder why we hate them.


  12. chrisH says:

    Rejoice, rejoice.
    Sweden has elected the EUs first “Feminist party” candidate.
    Must be true-Jane Garvey and a well placed cheroot chewing “lecturer in political science from Stockholm Institute for Well-Being and Niceness” tell me so(Womans Hour 27/5/14-Radio 4).
    The MEP is Roma and long been active in anti-racist, pro-feminist sloops and workshop caravans of love-Shocked I tellsya!
    She will of course be anti xenophobia, anti racist and pro-women.
    Sweden eh?…isn`t that where Swedish girls in Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenburg dare not leave their enclaves for fear of rape and worse by men of a brown persuasion?
    So when Feminism meets Islam in Sweden-pretty clear what our Romantics require…er, silencio! As well as smears at Nigel Farage of course.
    Not a peep from assembled guests-can only guess the Islamists of Sweden Voted for her…and posted the result to BH via Tower Hamlets Town Hall…or Mosque as it soon will be.
    Here`s hoping Womans Hour will go join their sisters in Malmo docklands to celebrate this earhtquake…the Feminist Party are now on course to match the LibDems in Brussels…oh, they already have!


  13. George R says:

    “‘Threats and Chaos’ At Tower Hamlets Vote Count, Reports Witness”


    • Joshaw says:

      Nothing really surprising about this.

      Import a sufficient number of people from the Third Developing World, impose no obligation whatsoever to integrate, and guess what you get. You get the Third Developing World and all that goes with it.


  14. George R says:

    Beeboid ‘Woman’s Own’-type piece for E.U. federalist, and mass immigration campaigner, Clegg-

    !Nick Clegg: Exhausted, red-eyed and pale”
    By Vicki Young,
    profound, sentimentalist: Political correspondent, BBC News.


  15. George R says:

    Miliband-Labour (and Beeboid advocates) ‘don’t get it’:-

    “Britain will NEVER leave EU under Labour, Miliband vows as he rejects fresh immigration crackdown despite UKIP’s election victory”

    Read more:


  16. roy says:

    sick and tired of the liberal politacal elite looking down and lecturing us about multi culturism and diversity,just sick of it.


  17. George R says:

    BBC-NUJ relieved, as Labour Party doesn’t ‘get it’ either:-

    “Ed Miliband rules out tougher stance on immigration or Brussels”


  18. George R says:

    “Voting UKIP No Longer A Guilty Secret”

    By Anushka Asthana.


    • John Anderson says:

      How dare she say that voting UKIP is somehow a guilty secret ? It may be that in her hive at the BBC – but out in the country it is not and was not.

      Patronising young idiot


      • John Anderson says:

        Sorry – she is Sky. Same difference. The London media bubble, blind as bats.


  19. George R says:

    “This roar of anger can be ignored no longer”

    Read more:


  20. Richard Pinder says:

    I think one of the benefits of mass immigration that Cameron is thinking of, is that you can now employ East Europeans on the minimum wage with ten years experience, while in the past, they had to employ young people, and then train them for ten years.

    Like the slave trade, the elite always prefer cheap labour, they see the collapse of the feudal system due to the shortage of labour after the plague, as a disaster, because they could not get hold of cheap labour before the age of slavery and mass immigration.

    But even for the elite, they eventually face oblivion, Jamaica had a white majority population in the 17th Century, they benefited from mass immigration in the 18th Century, but now the white Jamaican elite hardly exist. While on the other hand, Australia started out just as Slavery was abolished, so they had to import white convicts instead. They then introduced a whites only policy, and then replaced that with a points system that only allows competition in the high end of wages, therefore minimising labour supply at the low end, and therefore driving up wages from the low end of the market.

    Just as UKIP suggests.

    So I think that what will happen in the General Election is that you will get opposition voters in Labour and Tory seats, all voting UKIP, as well as some ex-non-opposition voters in these seats.