Who are the worst anti-Semites in Europe according to the statistics?
Muslims and the Left.
Not who’d you’d expect if you listen to the BBC’s everyday coverage from which you’d think it was the ‘Far Right’ which was about to sweep to power and set up concentration camps once more across Europe.
Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ say Europe’s Jews
Jews are once again being driven from Europe:
The survey found 29% of those surveyed had considered emigrating because of concerns about safety, with particularly high figures recorded in Hungary (48%), France (46%) and Belgium (40%).
Nearly half the Jews in france consider leaving…isn’t that extraordinary?
No mention of places like Malmo though.
Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes
“I never thought I would see this hatred again in my lifetime, not in Sweden anyway,” Mrs Popinski told The Sunday Telegraph.
“This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now.”
Malmo’s Jews, however, do not just point the finger at bigoted Muslims and their fellow racists in the country’s Neo-Nazi fringe. They also accuse Ilmar Reepalu, the Left-wing mayor who has been in power for 15 years, of failing to protect them.
The BBC explains who carries out the anti-Semitic attacks:
Perpetrators of the most serious incidents were described as “being perceived as someone with Muslim extremist views, 27%, left-wing political views, 22%, or with right-wing views, 19%”.
Respondents said the most frequent comments made by non-Jewish people in the UK were: “Israelis behave ‘like Nazis’ towards the Palestinians” and “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own purposes” (both 35%).
Muslims, the Right and the Left….the Left are usually left out of the equation by the BBC.
But note also the link to Israel…..of course that is a convenient cover for many to excuse their anti-semitism…..but who is it that generates that animosity towards Israel, its demonisation and the subsequent attacks on Jews around the world?
Organisations like the BBC.
There is a massive rise in anti-Semitism across Europe and part of the blame for that can be laid at the door of the BBC and its blatantly biased, pro-Palestinian coverage of the conflict in the Middle East.
Of course there are many left wing politicians whose words and actions add to the atmosphere of anti-Semitism such as George Galloway and Ken Livingstone…but it’s not just that…it is the political atmosphere created by the likes of the BBC who attempt to control the ‘narrative’ where to criticise Muslims is a hate crime but Israelis and Jews are fair game…..
The Clear and Present Danger
‘Most crucially and discouragingly, the current political climate in Sweden is a key enabler for the rise of anti-Semitic attacks. This is Swedish Jewry’s real clear and present danger; a fatal combination of political correctness, self-righteousness and obliviousness, as leading politicians and opinion makers participate in or blatantly ignore the correlation between a disproportionate demonization of Israel that frequently crosses the line into anti-Semitism. This has created a climate where it is acceptable and encouraged to support calls for Israel’s destruction, deliberately ignoring the effect such support has as a vehicle for the rise in Swedish anti-Semitism.’
Here’s a complaint about the BBC…from 2002:
BBC accused of anti-Semitism
The BBC is largely responsible for the growth of anti-Semitism in Britain, a journalist on the Jerusalem Post has alleged.
An “unchallenged diatribe” of opposition to Israel’s policies – which paints the Middle East as a “monochromatic, single-dimensional comic cut-out” – has become part of BBC corporate culture, he claims.
“Wittingly or not, I am convinced the BBC has become the principal agent for reinfecting British society with the virus of anti-Semitism,” Douglas Davis, the London correspondent of the Jerusalem Post, writes in this week’s Spectator.
The radicals of the 60s are now in positions of political power, Davis claims, and are making policy decisions based on “post-colonial guilt”, fuelled by the BBC.
A BBC spokeswoman said: “The BBC’s reporting about the Middle East is impartial, scrupulously fair, accurate and balanced.”
And remember this when the BBC managed to avoid using ‘anti-Semitic’ in reference to a Muslim peer:
The BBC recently reported the story of the Labour [Muslim] Lord who was suspended for claiming that Jews were responsible for his imprisonment after driving offences.
The Labour peer was jailed for sending a text message shortly before his car was involved in a fatal crash. He later said that Jewish owners of “newspapers and TV channels” had put pressure on the court.
Many queried the BBC’s reporting of the incident at the time. In fact, the odd headline, “Labour peer Lord Ahmed suspended after ‘Jewish claims'” is still currently live. Instead of using “anti-Semitism”, the Beeb opted for “Jewish claims”, making the story seem like there were claims by Jewish people leading to Lord Ahmed’s suspension.
As long as the Balen Report remains hidden away from accusing eyes the BBC cannot be trusted.
Why hide a report that was completed in response to Israeli concerns about the BBC’s coverage?
The report was not an internal one, commissioned purely as a check on their systems and their editorial checks and balances….it was not for reasons of ‘art, literature or journalism‘….it was done to confirm or negate claims of anti-Israeli bias and therefore should be made public. Not to publish it must lead to a belief that the BBC are hiding some unsavoury facts about their journalism on Israel.
Just because the BBC is pro Muslim does not mean its anti- Semitic. The very idea is nonsense when so many people working at the BBC are themselves Jewish, ethnically Jewish anyway, even if not religious. It’s inevitably a biased view from the Jerusalem Post, which would undoubtedly like the BBC to give Israel uncritical support.
What the post says is the BBC has contributed to the increase in anti-Semitism by its coverage of Israel and its habit of downplaying Muslim anti-Semitism….it does not say the BBC is anti-Semitic.
Well it certainly implies it is likely to be, and then there is the subheading!
The BBC is quite OK with the Jews so long as they can be reduced to strange recipes and innocent victims of the Second World War. (Was that the last one the BBC supported?) It’s when the Jews emerge from the quaint and start taking their future into their own hands that the BBC becomes antsy.
I’m not sure how much real influence the Beeb has with the Kill-the-Jews mob. The Muslims bring their Jew Hatred with them. They have no need of reinforcement from the BBC. The extreme Left see the BBC as wishy-washy apologists for capitalism. Their Jew Hatred is an inheritance from the times they received their orders from Moscow. The basis of Christian antisemitism is the concept that they have inherited God’s grace when the Jews refused Jesus and how dare the Hebes survives this long when God’s plan for them has so clearly past its expiry date!
The guns were already aimed. The BBC just supplied a significant proportion of the bullets.
just look around europe and the rest of the world,i never hear about these imaginary far right groups launching gun and grenade attacks on the jewish community or shooting sprees against innocent jews including schoolchildren that happened satarday just gone in brussels,notice how the media and the bbc have gone quiet on that story, the bottem line is anti semetic racist or terrorist attacks on jews world wide is certainly not carried out by nuns wearing habits but from followers of this religion called islam and there followers call muslims,who shot dead them 4 jews in brussels on satarday,nobody in the media including the bbc say they not will speculate who carried out these attacks because they damm well know who it is but are to scared to say it,thats that.
Asserson Report from 2004 and as we know the BBC hasn’t changed at all.. and before we blame Jeremy Bowen remember he succeeded Orla Guerin who was in my opinion worse than Bowen.
I was just following orders…sounds familiar?
BBC news reports about Israel creates an atmosphere in which ANTISEMITISM can thrive.
The following can be found at
by Trevor Asserson
Trevor Asserson, a leading British litigation lawyer, has undertaken three well-documented studies detailing the BBC’s systematic bias against Israel.
The BBC is increasingly developing from an organization that reports news into an organization that manufactures it.
Where Israel is concerned, the BBC is in breach of all or most of the guidelines set forth in its Agreement with the Government to which its material must conform. These guidelines include, inter alia, issues such as fairness, respect for truth, due accuracy, attachment to fundamental democratic principles, not broadcasting their own opinions on current affairs or matters of public policy, ensuring that opposing views are not misrepresented, and ensuring that the audience would not be able to gauge reporters’ personal views.
BBC news reports about Israel are distorted by omission, by inclusion, by only giving partial facts, by who is interviewed, and by the background information or lack of it that is provided. Distorted media reporting creates an atmosphere in which anti-Semitism can thrive.
It is no longer appropriate for the BBC to exist in its present form in a free market. The British government should not renew the BBC Charter when it comes due in 2005.
before we blame Jeremy Bowen remember he succeeded Orla Guerin who was in my opinion worse than Bowen.
I didn’t have a clue who JB was. However with all the left bitching about Israel I bought a number of books in which to familiarize myself with the region. One of the books was by JB.
Well, lucky for me, I am a military vehicle recognition instructor (Kind of helps in war if your troops hit the enemy) and on reading what JB wrote, I quickly saw that he was inventing things in which to pain the Jews as evil. However I had that advantage, others don’t know the actual capabilities of the Russian IS3 agaisnt the Centurion and rather than being weaker than the Cent (or sho’t as the IDF named it.) It was a tank which not only scared the pants off of Generals in Western Europe, it did so to the Israelis. Thankfully when the IDF met up with the tank. (In Gaza) the Egyptian tank crews had buggered off, leaving the engines running, which is why the IDF use them as mobile pillar boxes afterwards.
Another recycled post from Alan.
Most of the stuff about Balen you’ve just made up.
I know you think the BBC is the Great Satan, but in the absence of being able to hold it as being responsible for anything more than dodgy broadcasting, you want it to be guilty of something much worse. Sad, and boring.
Mitch wrote:
Another recycled post from Alan.
Most of the stuff about Balen you’ve just made up.
Care to enlighten us all where Alan did so:
“As long as the Balen Report remains hidden away from accusing eyes the BBC cannot be trusted. Why hide a report that was completed in response to Israeli concerns about the BBC’s coverage? The report was not an internal one, commissioned purely as a check on their systems and their editorial checks and balances….it was not for reasons of ‘art, literature or journalism‘….it was done to confirm or negate claims of anti-Israeli bias and therefore should be made public. Not to publish it must lead to a belief that the BBC are hiding some unsavoury facts about their journalism on Israel.
I know you think the BBC is the Great Satan, but in the absence of being able to hold it as being responsible for anything more than dodgy broadcasting, you want it to be guilty of something much worse. Sad, and boring.
And yet the bBC’s Middle Eastern Editor A Mr J Bowen tweeted only the other day:
and this tweet from Bowen about the King of Jordan:
The thing is when Jerusalem was run by Jordan (48-67) Jews were forbidden from entering, in fact to this day jews are forbidden from entering Jordan, owning land or just living there. and yet the bBC man in the area doesn’t mention that salient fact. At least under the jews anybody can visit (I know, I’ve been)
As much as I like to debate, I find it ironic that the people who scorn at the posters on this blog as being somewhat bigoted, racist and inventors of hype, in otherwords owners of a closed mindset arr actually the biggest bigots going, and when somebody tells them that to their face, they ink the page with their victim status and then scuttle off to the nearest cave in which to giggle at how many people they offend.
By all means debate, but it would help your cause if you brought a few facts to the table.
In the interests of accuracy. Jews are not forbidden from entering Jordan. I’ve been there twice on my Israeli passport. Between 1948 to 1967 no one travelling on an Israeli passport or even with an Israeli stamp on their non Israeli passport could enter. A dual nationality Israeli could enter on a foreign passport if he was quiet about it.
Praying at the Western Wall would have been dangerous, risking death at the hands of the Arabs and beating, gaol and deportation from the \Jordanian Authorities.
Presumably Arab Israelis could have entered with a clean foreign passport but very few had one.
Mount Zion, from which the Wall could be viewed, being the closest location to the Wall under Israeli control, became the place where Jews gathered to pray.