As noted in the last post the big battalions are mobilising to defend the European Supremacy and Domination over us.
You might note a couple of things…that when the die-hards list the benefits of the European Adventure the BBC doesn’t counter with the disadvantages….that when UKIP, and its voters, are called nasty and racist the BBC doesn’t step in to challenge that….that when some dissembling politician says he is in favour of ‘controlled immigration’ and that UKIP wants to stop all immigration and start a race war the BBC again doesn’t correct that claim.
You could have heard all those claims, and more, made today in an interview on the Today programme between Jim Naughtie and Tony Blair (08:10).
Why Tony Blair should be given prime spot on the Today programme is beyond me….or would be if I didn’t think the BBC had an agenda.
You might think that the BBC had dragged in Blair to point the finger of blame at him for the mess the political parties find themselves now in due to his policy of open door immigration and ever closer submission to the EU behemoth…but you’d be wrong.
It turned out to be a lightweight session with Naughtie lobbing in a few feeder questions to allow Blair to justify mass immigration, staying in Europe and to smear UKIP and its voters.
Naughtie asked the questions, Blair gave his spiel and they moved on to the next one without Naughtie challenging anything. Job done.
Should the EU hand back some powers to the nation states? Yes…but…..we can’t really do anything serious without Europe….we must take on those who are anti-Europe, anti-Immigration….confront, expose and take them on.
You want a more positive case made for Europe? Yes…..the rationale for Europe is stronger than ever….it’s all about power…weight, influence and power…you need alliances to exercise that…Europe is the answer (not NATO or the US? Naughtie doesn’t ask) and this was the man who spurned the UN & Europe…..
[Note here Blair admits the purpose of Europe was to diminish the nation state]
Isn’t the likelihood of exit higher than ever? No…and it is against the interests of the country.
What would you advise Ed Miliband to do? Say no to referendum and keep the borders wide open.
Nick Clegg tried that argument and look what happened. The problem with the LibDems is that their failure had nothing to do with Europe…or Immigration…their problem is that they are too right wing.
Did you make a ‘mistake’ about immigration when you were in office? No, you have to have proper controls but to allow that to trend into anti-immigrant feeling is a huge mistake…..if you look a little deeper at UKIP’s facade you get something a little nasty and unpleasant…..
Nothing nasty and unpleasant about Blair & Co….
…and Blair excitedly tells us……just look at the wonders of London and the incredible vibrancy and cosmopolitan feel that immigrants have brought to it.
So no difficult questions, no challenges to his answers and no counters to the smears he propagates against anyone who wants to limit immigration or divorce Europe… accusations that Blair himself is the architect of this ‘disaster’.
Note Naughtie suggesting Blair’s immigration policy was merely a ‘mistake’….that suggests they had a genuine attempt at implementing a suitable immigration policy but got it wrong….whereas we know that the strategy was a deliberate and calculated attempt to carry out a policy the results of which were known and expected…..mass immigration, job losses and wage cuts for the working class, housing shortages and social problems.
Blair says he is all in favour, and always has been, of controlled immigration…an obvious lie….Naughtie said nothing.
Blair then claims UKIP wants to stop all immigration and incites anti-immigrant feeling….again not true….they accept immigration but want it controlled…just as Blair said he does. Again nothing from Naughtie.
When Blair calls UKIP racist Naughtie again says nothing…and yet there is nothing racist about UKIP’s policies…to conflate a few tweets from fringe members with party policy is highly dishonest….there are just as many such people in any other party which have their own fringe elements.
Just another ‘interview’ from a Labour supporting Naughtie on the pro-immigration, pro-Europe BBC feeding questions to the boss and giving him a platform to perform.
The machine is in motion. It’s going to be a long year.
Though it’s convenient for many to forget it now and erase the memory, Blair was Labour’s most successful leader, electorally speaking, winning 3 consecutive elections and never losing. I didn’t vote for him, but a lot of people did and a lot of Labour politicians followed him. Now they seem embarrassed by the memory. In contrast, personally I think that Margaret Thatcher’s achievements grow in stature and there are politicians proud to be her admirers across the world. Forget what the BBC tried to do to her reputation when she died. The funeral service alone with spontaneous cheering not jeering, and the throwing of flowers (much to the chagrin of the BBC) showed how she was and is regarded by many.
But the BBC did do a good job of filming the funeral.
Actually people forget a lot more than that, or more likely were never told in the first place. For example has the BBC ever reminded us that John Major polled 14,093,007 votes in 1992 whilst Tony Blair polled 13,518,167 in 1997? Or that this vote decreased over the next 3 elections?
1992 14,093,007 to 11,560,484 Majority 2532523/65 seats
1997 13,518,167 to 9,600,943 Majority 3917224/253 seats
2001 10,724,953 to 8,357,615 Majority 2367338/247 seats
2005 9,552,436 to 8,784,915 Majority 767521/157 seats
2010 10,703,654 to 8,606,517 Majority 2097137/49 seats
Fewer people voted for Blair yet he won a landslide victory in both 1997 and 2001. The 2001 victory gained Labour 247 seats whilst the greater majority in 1992 gained only 65 seats for the Tories. Worse in 2010 the Tories won twice the majority of Labour in 2005 yet ended up with 3x fewer seats.
Something, somewhere ain’t right. I hope it’s my maths …
It’s the built-in bedrock of urban seats, particularly in the metropolitan areas, which gives Liebour its inbuilt advantage.
Then there is the hardening of the middle-class Liebour vote among the public sector, particularly in education.
There is some Evil woman with glasses on News 24 slagging the Tories & Ukip in the paper review , another one for deporting to a foreign hell hole immediately .
Just seen the above programme – They just don’t get it do they – “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
They are getting more blatant and desperate and haven’t learnt the lesson from last time.
Carry on bBBC, you are doing a grand job for us, just like last time.
Panic in the Fibdems, The Liebour Leadership & The bBBC.
I also predict some Tory defectors to UKIP, very shortly….
Watch this space
Gavin Estler was yesterday interviewing the Labour MP Graham Stringer about the recent unfortunate turn of events. During the discussion G.E. said to the Labour man…..’WE’VE only got a year to put it right’….. not YOU but WE. Neutrality?
David Kelly – decent, honest and conscientious.
T Blair & Jack Straw – still alive
Hi Hexhamgeezer. I am probably classed these days as a “metro” – but I married and had children in Alston on the Pennine moors, worked in Newcastle, and remember the beauty of Northumberland towns like Hexham and Corbridge. You in that part of the country have not really been affected by mass immigration, down here in London we are really suffering – impact on schools, hospitals, housing etc etc.
Keep commenting !
All the hideously white towns in England suffer from mass immigration.
Everyone wants to escape from the cosmopolitan shit holes to live in my town, this drives up house prices, but it also puts on pressure to concrete over the countryside to accommodate white flight from the city shit-hole areas. The Tory councillors are under orders from above, to target 1,000 houses for, North, East, South and West of the town.
I do not believe that the people who love the Cosmopolitan areas, actually want to live there.
I bet, Scott is a racist hypocrite, who actually does not live in a Labour shithole, but wants Tories and UKIPers to say that they want to live in a Cosmopolitan area next door to a Romanian criminal gang, as Cameron seems too indicate, as he is not a racists, and would love too, but is stuck in a house in a posh area.
”T Blair & Jack Straw – still alive .”
Wickedness in high places. Bliar issued a D notice on investigating suspected pedophiles in the government.
People don’t seem to understand that the reason that no other party could break thriough in the north east, was essentially because they hadn’t been swamped with our “perfectionate enrchers”……Sunderland has now fallen to Bangladesh….Hence UKIPs sudden march into this “Labour stroonghold”.
…. and the BBC helped kill Dr Kelly by exposing his name
This is excellent . The more the elite lies and dissembles the more people become determind to do away with the whole EU shambles.
Blair was always of limited intelligence. Let him go on as much as he likes. it is past time on the lot of them. BBc included.
it seems that ed miliband and the labour partys doomed to fail new strategy now is to insult the 6 million decent people who voted for ukip by trying to suggest in a sly way that they voted for ukip because maybe they are little bit racist,the sly war criminal tony blair played the same card today when he popped out under his stone to make the same comment as the sly bugger he is,then the labour party supporting guardian today is suggesting that we are all racist because we voted for ukip in there sly way,see the pattern here,insult us with the smear of racism,bad mistake eddy and the guardian,ex labour voters like me and others will never vote for the labour party again,its ukip all the way now you insulting out of touch muppets.
For some reason, the Beeb must believe that T. Blair is some kind of asset to a cause. As other commentators above have suggested, I suspect that every time they trot the homicidal old kleptocrat out they will increase the vote for U.K.I.P.
I almost laughed when I read
“just look at the wonders of London and the incredible vibrancy and cosmopolitan feel that immigrants have brought to it.”
Well, we long ago got used to the fact that our wonderful leaders don’t send their own children to the schools they have designed for the rest of us. Do any of them retire to the towns and cities they have designed for the rest of us? – Brixton, perhaps? I doubt it. They can’t wait to get into some leafy shire which still retains echoes of the values and traditions that they have spent their professional lives affecting to despise. The rest of us, however, are “racist” and “swivel-eyed loons”. I really do wonder at their lack of self-awareness.
great post and so true. Why I hate the left – they are just complete hypocrites on every level
Too true.. a close relative of mine, lefty trade union man at work…….Nazi dictator at home.
70 Million pounds they reckon Blair is worth. …Don’t comment Bliar on the beauty of multiculturalism and immigration as your kids don’t go to the same schools, hospitals nor walk the same streets as the rest of us. I notice when the BBC talked to him he was in Germany (as part of his jet set lifestyle). How he and Alistair Campbell sleep at night is beyond me.
By the way its noteworthy that Tony Blair’s children have ALL picked up Irish passports in the last couple of years. Does he know some awful catastrophe in the future us single holding passport holders don’t?
That is interesting.
They’re the folks on the hill, protected from the effects of mass immigration by their wealth and property prices, they look down their long, snooty noses at the plebs and find us “nasty” and “racist”. Hypocrite is too polite a term for these frauds. UKIP should start asking them why they don’t live in the so-called multi-cultural areas themselves.
We are lucky indeed to have a national broadcaster of such professional integrity and objectivity their editorial staff would never stoop so low as to allow personal prejudices to casually add inaccurate descriptions at the drop of a hat.
Plus Jasmine.
Indeed UKIP are not racists or of the “extreme right” as being pushed by the BBC and the Guardian …Except of course if you of the fascist left then anyone of the centre or centre right in their political views are. Unfortunately the far left actually believe that their political position straddles the centre ground…God help us.…notice how the bbc and the media ignored this story,imagine the outcry from the bbc if this was the other way around.racist pakistanis get away with it.
“Inspector Paul Goodall, of Pendle Police, said: “The landlord hasn’t committed any offences…”
Really? So if I put up a notice saying “Just white family” I wouldn’t be comitting an offence? Pull the other one.
Even if you put Only English or only Welsh the wrath of Hades would have come down on you. Double bloody standards again and they wonder why we get miffed. UKIP all the way.
I could not make head or tail of the police attitude. It was an offence whatever the police said. Sadly all too typical of a politicised police force.
As with the BBC there are institutional precedents being set here that will come back to haunt them, no matter how much the establishment juggles propaganda misinformation with censorship omission or suppression.
You can get away with a two track legal system briefly but, especially in the era of the internet, bust one group for what you’ve given others a pass, and the results won’t be pretty.
It’s called preferential treatment and we are sick of it, as the past week’s events have proved.
But of course according to Scott everyone on here is a bigot (yawn) so will be interesting to see if he comments on that link
1. Shortage of housing.
2. No school places.
3. No university places.
4. NHS waiting lists.
5. Unemployment.
Why the fuck can’t any of these idiots see the root cause?
Increasing the population stresses every one of the above.
Don’t forget water shortages even after wet winters …
The good news that if there are any water shortages they will occur in that rich multicultural ethnically diverse City of London.
(Will bring another meaning to ‘the great unwashed’)
But we are all supposed to know that immigrants are:
the builders not the occupiers
the teachers not the students
the doctors not the patients.
Do I need a sarc. tag?
yes but look at how many cooked chicken and pizza shops are springing up.Just to keep us plebs from thinking about the problems only their bellies not being fed
Owned by Middle Eastern or Pakistani muslims, even if they have Italian names.
Isn’t it amazing that ‘the world’s best investigative journalists’ can never be bothered researching the facts before they conduct their interviews? As with ‘climate change’, too many inconvenient truths, perhaps?
Fig. 6 clearly shows the almost instantaneous impact the Blair government had on net immigration, raising it to 150,000 p.a. from an average of 40,000 – and that was before 2004 and the further loosening of controls to admit limitless numbers from Eastern Europe.
The thing is, we know what Blair did to make this happen in 2004 – but what did he do in 1997? He must have instructed somebody to relax border controls for how else could numbers more than triple in such a short space of time?
And the BBC can never be arsed asking.
Funny, that.
You are probably aware of the “rubbing the right’s nose in diversity” ambition which somebody let out of the bag a couple of years ago. You could probably Gurgle it if you haven’t. According to Peter Hitchens (who gives a readable account of the U.K.I.P. victory in American Spectator, also available on t’web) New Liebour actually sent out people trawling for immigrants, though I can’t remember an exact reference and you would have to trawl through some of his stuff yourself to find it.
Interestingly, the Blair years weren’t a particularly good time to be a genuine refugee, so human compassion formed no part of their calculation. According to Craig Murray in ‘Murder in Samarkand’ a family showed up at the embassy in Tashkent while he was ambassador there in genuine fear of their lives and London told him to deny them a visa.
”You are probably aware of the “rubbing the right’s nose in diversity” ambition which somebody let out of the bag a couple of years ago.”
Labour spin doctor Andrew Neather
Neather now has a weekly column in the Evening Standard spouting related guff
“spouting related guff”
Sounds like you think he was lying then; we await your in depth justification for that.
‘Labour sent out “search parties” for immigrants in a policy which has created a “problem” for British people unable to find work, Lord Mandelson has admitted.’
‘Even when Blair praised Ed Miliband for refusing to promise a referendum on Europe, his interviewer failed to point out his rank hypocrisy. After all, this was the PM who promised us just such a vote in the Labour manifesto of 2005.’
Blair and Brown, two prime ministers who not only promised to give us a referendum, they had it in their powers to do so (at least Cameron has the excuse his hands have been tied by the coalition).
Liebour – exactly that.
Another person I have never heard of, from across the pond ,has just popped their clogs , Al bbc over her like a rash. Is it cos she ain`t Hideously White , & a friend of Clinton & Barry ?
Who cares two hoots what that psychopath Blair says.That creep is going straight to hell.
It may matter who gets hitched to him by the BBC, who claim via that first word in the acronym to speak for the people of Britain.
The One Show on the bBC has become so blatantly pro Labour it is bad for my blood pressure as well as causing issues with my other half who sits through this drivel every week night lapping it up. The Liebor MP Ona King was just on, with selected PC luvvies – giving us the benefits of her multi-culti wisdom on how the evil UKIP has succeeded because politicians are not “managing diversity”. I believe that politicians “managing diversity” have got us where we are today.
There was a recorded session from Scunthorpe (I believe) where suspected “evil” UKIP voters were recorded saying why they voted the way they did, a brave thing to do on the Bolshevik Broadcasting Company – come the revolution!
To be fair, it’s hard to take “The One Show” seriously, because it looks like a children’s show set in the waiting room of a children’s hospital (and hosted by people who appear to be grinning, panting dogs waiting for their dinner). If they would just put some multi-coloured bricks out, the stage would be complete. Somebody commented in recent years that “When I was a child, everything was geared towards adults. Now I’m an adult, everything is geared towards children.” I take your point, however, in that “The One Show” is another prime time mouthpiece for the torrent of Islington-esque propaganda the BBC embodies today. The slightly encouraging thing is that despite their best heavy-handed efforts, there still seems to be a growing body of opinion across Europe against the Islington set and it’s continental equivalents. The more UKIP is attacked, and the more they wheel out filthy grinning confidence-tricksters like Blair to endorse their case (surely as much of a tactical mistake as sending Gordon Brown to Scotland to argue the pro-union case), the more normal people are getting narked about it. There have been suggestions of late that although a proportion of UKIP’s EU voters will go back to their traditional parties for a General Election, there is a stronger core of UKIP support now, and – interestingly – UKIP appear more likely to hang on to disaffected ex-Labour voters than Conservatives; something that won’t do that knob Miliband’s election chances any favours.
Blair a vicious hypocrite , sad example of what can be created from a weak man given power, and we end up with the consequences. He rushed us to war with Bush with inadequate equipment to eventually give Sadahm the death penalty. Bush was able to give the death penalty in texas, the irony is, if a soldiers child was murdered while out on tour , could he expect to see the childs killer given the death penalty in our liberal mess of a country. Hypothetical I know, but the pathetic questioning Farage puts up with by BBC makes me sick. Vote UKIP and stop paying BBC