Hi all. I’ve been away for a few days so apologies this is late. For my sins, I watched a little of BBC World News. It is arguably even worse than what we endure in the UK!!!
Nonetheless, John, I have heard three readings of her ‘work’ on BBC news programmes starting with ‘PM’ last evening, last night’s 10 o’ clock news and ‘Today’ this morning.
Yet another of the BBC’s pseudo-intellectual socialist wankfests.
The news last night seemed to go over “live” to the Hay festival(where else do the children of the revolution go at times of crisis?), where a “black woman of letters” would give a tribute to Angie baby.
I turned around to watch-and oddly enough it was another caftan`ed walking diabetes 2 tub of guts, just like Maya herself( are the health fascists not targetting fat black women as a priority-Obama cares ,does he not?).
Turned out that the black barrel fo fun and cleverness was a Toni Morrison….a one hit wonder with Beloved sometime back.
But black…BLACK I tells ya-and so a genius.
Still-I thanked my God-for I was expecting the BBC to give us Bonnie Greer by way of the “noted Black Woman of Letters”.
Imagine her as the black Gambaccini( until recent events)…always willing to speak for urban Chicago black America and deep-fried Southern victims of whitey way back…yet somehow about to do all this from The Flask In Hampstead.
The power of fiction fantasy eh?
Turned out that the black barrel fo fun and cleverness was a Toni Morrison….a one hit wonder
Oh do please entertain us with your ignorance some more, it’s such fun when a little man with nothing of merit of his own denigrates a Pulitzer-winning Nobel laureate.
Oh sorry Scott.
Obama won a Nobel Peace prize too, so I`ll shut up eh?
Maybe you(not Wikipaedia!) will tell me why she`s more than Beloved-a book I assume you know by your arrogance.
There`s a joke in here…can you see it?
Only wish you`d stop loitering around here Scott-a bit creepy with your smash and grab flan attacks…you flanneur you!
Joke no 2…
Off you go now Scott!….if I `ve entertained you, that`s no excuse to hang around this site like a stage-door Johnny….as I say. a bit creepy.
And be careful with the nasty ad-hominem attacks eh?….I was not talking to you at all, so off you trot sonny!
Your one-man masochism strategy is…frankly-a bit weird AND a bit creepy too, as I`ve said.
She only won a Pulitzer for “certain reasons”.
Like Robert Frost said, this free form poetry is like playing tennis without the net, and as Mark Steyn truthfully remarks, she not only dispensed with the net but the balls too.
Take a truly dispassionate look at some of her writings – especially that thing she “wrote” for President Obama’s inauguration. It has neither sense nor reason. All it is, is a great big bundle of words, meaning nothing, but secure in the knowledge that she said them on the big day so she would go down “in history”.
Yes, maybe. But not in a true history that looks upon a person’s worth. On that she failed.
If you don’t answer me I’ll thwceam!
And thwceam! And thwceam!
(Until I’m sick!)
How come you never try to answer any single kind of reasonable posts which get posted in your direction?
This is a favoured “trick” of all BBC departments –
“Do not engage with seemingly reasonable points of discussion. There are often “traps” laid within such questions.
By “traps”, we mean points which normal listeners or viewers may like to hear answered, yet such answers may not be in keeping with our culture.
Be cautious! Be aware!
If in doubt ask those above you for guidance!
(This has been a staff guidance message for those who have not yet had their DNA transfer.)
For the fact that she was lauded as a poet, Maya Angelou’s reputation firmly rests on the fact that she wrote autobiographies, later ones detailing her Zelig-like propensity to be around Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Nkrumah. It’s the first one, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, detailing her sexualization at a young age, that is probably the best known, and the one which apparently explains the built-herself-up-from-that-horrifying-past hagiolatry.
Some other lefty Spanish , Cuban ,South American writer ,poet ,socialist git died recently , I also had never heard of , black armbands all out round New Broadcasting House , so f***ing famous with them , I`ve forgotten his name .
All day long I have been heariung how Britain is turning racist. But now I see the real figures – racist attitudes have decreased in the past 5 years, AND racism has no clear correlation to wishing to have immigration reduced.
What tha BBC is trying to do is say “If you oppose open-door immigration, you are a racist. The BBC will tell any lie to try to push this line, to try to destroy our national identity.
Perhaps people are waking up and realising that they have been conned by the Liberal Left and its mouthpiece, the BBC, for decades. Those politicians and their media friends who promoted mass immigration and implemented it without any democratic mandate and have never admitted to its harmful effects, are guilty of a terrible error. Let us hope that somehow or other we can find an ending to this reckless social engineering experiment that doesn’t result in disaster for all concerned , native Brits and immigrants.
There’s a great post about how Ukip can win the next election by bolting on the aspirational working class by reminding them of this betrayal and using policies such as cheap energy and law and order to do it.
particularly liked this comment
MarcionMay 29, 2014 at 5:41 AM
Headline in the Indy today: Has Ukip’s success in the European elections proved that democracy is a flawed way to choose a government?
Do I need to bother to read the article? The headline says it all: democracy becomes suspect the moment people vote for the “wrong” party.
I think we’ve already become aware that the elite hold voters in barely concealed contempt: the ordinary man is too naive, inept or just plain stupid to be entrusted with the responsibility of choosing the people who hold the levers of power. Why, such a task should be left to the elite, who, after all, are qualified to choose themselves. We’ve also realised by now that voting is largely a fiction that voters wield any real power or have any real choice. So they’re really rubbing our noses in it with the above headline. And do read the article. Apparently the dismal state of the UK is our fault because we maxed out our credit cards. See how it works? When you start to win, they tell you that you’re losing.
All day long I have been hearing how Britain is turning racist. But now I see the real figures – racist attitudes have decreased in the past 5 years, AND racism has no clear correlation to wishing to have immigration reduced.
What tha BBC is trying to do is say “If you oppose open-door immigration, you are a racist. The BBC will tell any lie to try to push this line, to try to destroy our national identity.
More to the point is that 60% of those polled actually lied when they said they weren’t prejudiced. Anyone who says they aren’t prejudiced is either a liar or deluding themselves. Every human being on this planet is prejudiced in one way or another. It comes naturally as part of life’s experience. The worst prejudices come from bad experiences which colour a person’s attitudes to the causes of those bad experiences. Even a paragon of virtue like Scott displays his prejudices every time he posts a comment on this blog.
Never confuse racialism with prejudice. One is a discredited concept ( the master race theory of white supremacists is illogical and laughable when you see the inbred, bull necked, knuckle dragging hill-billy proponents of the ideology), the other is human nature which cannot be engineered out of us.
Yes, but which government blocked these very brave and loyal people from coming in, but opened the doors to millions of unconnected and unsavoury immigrants…. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha_Justice_Campaign
Andy S, you say that prejudice is natural. You may be right. However, it can be reduced by education. My definition of an educated person is someone who is intellectually developed enough to think objectively instead of being government by their subjective prejudices. That, however, is a rare achievement on both the left and the right.
The word “education” used in the way you have Rog is quite chilling. It smacks of the re-education camps used in places like North Korea, China and the old Soviet Union.
Personally I try to treat people on an individual basis, i.e. if they are OK with me them I’m OK with them. Unfortunately, there are sections of society who, individually behave in the same way. One only has to think of the Roma community who seem to be criminally inclined throughout the whole of Europe. Don’t just look at the crime stats for Roma in this country. Check out the stats for other European countries where they settle. Even the governments of their homelands, and I’m thinking of the old Czeckoslovakia and Romania, want rid of them.
When an ethnic group develops an adverse reputation around the world, then other groups will naturally be suspicious of them. If they become victims of crime by someone from that group then they’ll develop a dislike for that whole group. Some may call it prejudice, some may call it racism but it is in fact a natural human defensive measure against becoming a future victim of that particular group.
Prejudice isn’t even about race. Anyone who has one or more bad experiences with a particular group – it could be the police, traffic wardens, chain stores, even, shock/horror, ethnic groups – their views are going to be coloured accordingly.
‘What the BBC is trying to do is say “If you oppose open-door immigration, you are a racist.’
Precisely the point. Through their chosen cheerleaders the BBC is continuing the Labour strategy implemented by Blair i.e. brand as racist anybody who disagrees with, or even wants to discuss, uncontrolled immigration.
Democracy may not yet be dead in this country, but it sure is sick.
Even a cursory look at the internet news makes it obvious that the Ukraine is drifting towards civil war and a real confrontation between Russia and the useless EU.
And what is our media obsessed with?. Vince Cable and Clegg. And other non stories.
This is the 100th anniversary year of 1914 . The world then seemed to go insane. It could happen again as it seems pretty clear the Kiev government is waging war on the city of Donetsk ( bigger that Amsterdam by the way)
We pay the BBC journalists a fortune and this, the biggest news story by far is hardly covered.
The EU and BBC have largely lost interest once Ukraine started to turn bloody. Meanwhile the Ukrainian armed forces kill ‘Ukrainian terrorists’ apparently.
Crimea seems peaceful.
The war, and yes you are right Dave it is a war, was started in the Ukraine not by the annexing of Crimea by the Russians but by the annexing of Ukraine by the EU and the USA.
The annexing of Ukraine was a bloody affair, after months of full blown riots by terrorists throwing petrol bombs at the police, over eighty people were shot by snipers, probably paid for by the EU/US. The USA have after all boasted about the $5 billion they spent in helping ‘democracy’ in Ukraine. That is what they called the rioters “people demonstrating peacefully for democracy”.
On the other hand, The Crimea was taken back into the motherland of Russia after a vote by the Crimean people. It was a peaceful ‘transition’ and no one was killed, or has been since.
Now there has been an election for a new president in Ukraine, a billionaire, who is right now trying to bomb civilians into submission. Who in their tiny mind thinks that was a fair election, apart from Prancing Barry, Irrelevant Dave and the residents of Tower Hamlets of course?
As for Putin, despite the bombing of Russian speaking people in the East of Ukraine he still holds back but yet is repeatedly called a thug by The West. He will not hold back much longer. We are just a hair trigger from another world war, which may involve nuclear weapons.
But the headlines on the BBC an old Australian chap who may have fiddled with children 30 years ago. A running commentary on a kaput political party and a film clip of a boy band having a smoke.
Something about a fiddler playing whist Rome burns comes to mind.
BBC up to old tricks. Apparently an Ukrainian helicopter has been shot down by Pro-Russian rebels (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27618681). Putting aside the lack of reporting for atrocities committed by the other side (two mass murders of groups of policemen, for example. And yes, they probably are as bad as each other), note the interesting use of language. It is stated to be a military helicopter, yet the victims are described as “14 people”. Well yes, they are human beings, they are people. But in such instances it would be normal to describe the occupants as soldiers, or military personnel, or combatants. Normally used to describe civilian victims, the use of the term “people” is intentional and is designed to generate sympathy for one side or at least deflect away attention from what they are and what they are up to.
BBC-NUJ’s permanent political campaign for-
BBC-NUJ never says anything to the effect: ‘ it is unrealistic to even contemplate that the U.K could ever accommodate the unlimited millions of putative immigrants who want to come to U.K every day.’
On the contrary, BBC-NUJ always takes the political side of the immigrants (BBC-NUJ’s ‘migrants’), never talks about colonisation of U.K, and never talks of the need to strictly control the number of immigrants trying to get into U.K from Africa, Middle East, Europe every day.
Take the way Beeboids report on behalf of illegal immigrants in Calais, today.
Jeremy Paxman interviewed Michael Heseltine about the UKIP landslide, he babbled that Britain has been enriched by wave after wave of immigration over the centuries !!
This is where Michael Heseltine lives Thenford House, loves the ‘effnikk’ minorities and does everything he can to live as far away as possible from them as he can. Finding out where these hypocrites live tells you more about them than what they actually say !!
Thenford House would be much improved if the west wing was turned into a mosque and a Roma gypsy camp was placed on the front lawn. I think his Lordship Heseltine would be thrilled.
Heseltine has always been profoundly (some would even say thuddingly) third-rate. I still can’t get my head around why he continues to have a microphone put in front of him as if his views are of any moment. You’d do better to interview my cat. They key point that appears, as ever, to have slipped through his shaky fingers, is the “wave after wave” of immigration that has benefited the UK over the centuries was the same sort of immigration UKIP is proposing we return to. What we didn’t have was the nutty “come and get it” policy, or absence of a policy, the EU has imposed on us as an occupied country. Do pay more attention and try to keep up Michael, there’s a good chap.
At the end of 2006, Sykes published the results of his researches in a book entitled Blood of the Isles: Exploring the genetic roots of our tribal history………..’By about 6,000 years ago, the pattern was set for the rest of the history of the Isles and very little has disturbed it since… Overall, the genetic structure of the Isles [suggests] descent from people who were here before the Romans… We are an ancient people, and though the Isles have been the target of invasion ever since Julius Caesar first stepped on to the shingle shores of Kent, these have barely scratched the topsoil of our deep‐rooted ancestry.’
Unfortunately Sykes admits that his project ran out of money before they could investigate the English properly. IIRC he said that there were more Celtic markers along the South Coast than anything else but could not draw definite conclusions. Funnily enough Sykes had enough dosh to do Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and left the more interesting, genetically speaking, England until last.
Sociologically speaking there is more evidence of Danish/Saxon influence culturally (the North-South Divide) and the incidence of Mummerset across Wessex is pretty strong evidence of Anglo-Saxon influence. They can’t have achieved this without numbers so there must be a non-Celtic drift in the English. And let’s not get onto the Normans.
The English are a melange of Celtic/Anglo-Saxon/Danish/Norman influences and England, like all Nations, is a cultural entity. That doesn’t stop us being a people though.
There is a good chapter in Ed West’s book, The Diversity Illusion, about ‘ waves’ of immigrants. They weren’t as game changing as people think – at most we only average around 5% Anglo Saxon DNA (bit higher in the East of the country) and the same for Viking DNA, the Normans even less. He says in the book ‘The English of 1927 were more than 90% the descendants of the English of 927, which makes it entirely untrue to talk of a nation of immigrants.
It must also be remembered that the previous ‘waves’ were all of European origin and have assimilated. I can’t see this happening now. I am waiting for asylum seeking aliens from outer space to land then we will have the full set to deal with. Imagine the joy of our favourite broadcaster if they are NOT white.
britain is racist
it is racist against native british, which has been pursued for decades by the so called elites, or as i prefer to call them,
elites in name only (EINOS)
Did I just hear right on the 08.00 BBC Radio 4 news, that the EU are asking for yet more financial contribution from member states? It was a one liner on the news so I might have misheard or misunderstood the bulletin release.
No you didn’t mishear OB, now whilst I am unable to search elsewhere whilst using google on the tablet I think it is £3.5 billion to use to help youth and some other little project. The EU really don’t understand.
Heseltine, A man “who had to buy all his own furniture” no long term understanding of British history or even allegiance to the country – great Beeb favourite though giving ‘right wing’ balance arf, arf. Would have been better off getting Peter Bowles on to reprise his role from To the Manor Born
Groundhog day at the BBc. Obviously the wheel of news dross is stuck as they trot out some more obesity statistics. Dead poet gets adulation. The presenters bleat on about it, had they heard of her before yesterday? I hadn’t. Then we are “treated” to some of the work with a silence awed reading. Sounded like a steaming pile of crap to me, but hey I’m just too stupid to appreciate the magnitude of the dead poets brilliance.
Yet another of those incestuous little chats between two Beeboids on ‘Today’ this morning, making sure the BBC helps spin the news in its chosen direction.
Mishal Hussein in the studio and reporter (didn’t catch his name) discussing the Birmingham ‘Trojan horse’ case. Apparently one of the reasons given for parents to show such a keen interest in their kids’ education is the area is riddled with crime and drugs – so they want their schools to be as far removed from these influences as possible. Leaving aside their aggressive persistence in hounding head teachers and others out of their jobs, isn’t keeping your kids clear of drugs and crime their responsibility? And if they are really worried shouldn’t they be tackling the police and local politicians about it?
Or is the real reason because they see madrassas and Imams as agents of the law in their 90+ percent Muslim area? I don’t know, only guessing, but it’s worth the BBC asking the question (ironic face).
Apparently “the BBC has learned” that “the Government” were made aware of what was going on as far back as 2010. Which Government would that be, seeing that there was an election that year? They didn’t tell us.
It was very carefully crafted reports that the Government ‘learnt’ of the Trojan Horse in 2010. I would lay bets on it being during GB’s reign – and when Gove came into office he was fighting a Department determined not to carry out his plans.
On the assumption that the issue was raised to the Goverment in 2010, It’s logical to assume it was underway by that date and therefore the “Trojan horse” exercise would have begin under Labour. But thinking that has made my brane hurt
Interestingly, like the Harmen / PIE disclosure, the BBC remained semi-detached from this story for weeks and weeks, even pouring cold water on it – ‘the letter was probably a fake’. But the story won’t go away and it is likely to erupt in the next few weeks.
But now they have to report it, it’s safe for the BBC to come out now that they found an anti-Tory angle.
But mark my words, these things did not just suddenly happen as soon as the Tories got into office, they have been going on for years.
The smug BBC ought to be careful where it’s pointing that smoking gun it is waving about.
Not sure if it has been discussed elsewhere but did anybody hear “Blackwash and Me” – a “special” documentary on 5Live the other night?
All about how the West Indies beat England in the 1984 test series.
Lots of personal testimonies – made me feel proud to be black again, helped me celebrate my West Indian origins and culture here in England etc etc
Quite possibly the worst piece of anti-white, racist propaganda I have heard. If you didn’t feel mightily ashamed of being white before listening, by God you should have done afterwards.
But being from the hideously white, self-loathing BBC, it is to be expected.
Was that really said? And without comment? Because if some sportsman said “Made me feel proud to be white again” we know what the BBC’s reaction would be, don’t we.
WE can all be proud to be black if we like!
As in Tim Westwood kinda black.
For as Bradley/Chelsea Manning and Tom/Conchita Sausage/Wurst have shown…you can be a woman if you only say so too.
Call me Camilla Batmanghedghli for funding purposes won`t you!…who`s to say I`m not?
“No matter what they tell you…what you believe is true”…the Blair Doctrine(as channelled via Boyzone!)
ChrisH. Absolutely Just like those fake Romanians said “we are all Romanian”If only I knew where Romania waz. Thinking of which the BBc don’t seem to have replied to my complaint about that yet. Maybe they had trouble with it as I wrote it in crayon.
You and I both. I suspect we’ll get an identical fob-off at the same time (which won’t actually address the point at issue) once they hope we’ve forgotten what it was we complained about.
Update on the “fake Romanian” complaint I made, This wasrecieved about 10 min ago. “Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform, quoting any reference number we provided. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this email address.”
A joy to hear Barnardos suggest on the BBC (Today 7am news 28/5/14) that criminals would now be asked to file details of their coming planned criminal activities with them…so that their children(especially their sons) would be taken care of in a planned and progressive way, should they find themselves getting sent to prison.
Yes-I know that Barnardos and the BBC reporter didn`t want me to get this impression…but I far prefer it to their one…and I`m sticking with it!
Maybe we should ALL be getting the “Right End of the BBC stick”…and poke their f***in eyes out with it.
Oh-and Barnardos joins the list of charity shops I`m no longer using-you sidle up to the BBC…you lose me…all £2.50 of me!
It’s difficult now to think of a charity that hasn’t been taken over by head-in-the-clouds big-government eco-warmist-redistributionist anti-capitalist socialists.
And after your puerile outpourings the other day, that includes you HRH Prince of Wales.
In a speech to business leaders in London, the Prince said that a “fundamental transformation of global capitalism” was necessary in order to halt “dangerously accelerating climate change” that would “bring us to our own destruction”.
He called for companies to focus on “approaches that achieve lasting and meaningful returns” by protecting the environment, improving their employment practices and helping the vulnerable to develop a new “inclusive capitalism”.
The lack of sense goes with his name. A cossetted and over privileged man who has never in all his years had to worry about the rent or the food bill or anything. Just get in his luxury car or train or plane and do what he wants. The monarchy should end with the Queen.
Biggest mistake ever was bringing them back in 1660.
The BBC and Herdy Gurdian told me yesterday that we`re all self-reporting our racism more than of old.
Where and how do I report myself for re-education? I wasn`t asked.
Still though-all reports specifically gave me no mention of Islam or the EU being problems in these areas-for BBC/Guardian would surely HAVE HAD To mention those , had these been factors.
So-in that light-we can all hate Islam, the Mo Brigade that enforce it-without being racist(but we knew that).
We can also hate the EU…and be merely xenophobic, and not racist…so no laws against that one.
As for the role of the EU in turning us all into sharia-compliant mutton for Choudhrys chummies?…we can sleep easy, knowing that the two topics are one and the same more often than not. No EU-no Eurabia.
Can`t understand Gods love without an appreciation of His righteous anger too mitch!
It`s not anger either-it`s called discernment and listening to Michael Abedowale as he stood by Lee Rigby last year.
Scripturally(the Koran) he was verbatim on Sura 8/9….but the BBC cut it out….wonder why?
Do check mitch-it`s not hate, it`s knowing the signs of the times…
Beyond ‘reporting’, I’d be interested in some of that world-renowned BBC ‘analysis’, say from Messrs. Easton & Robinson, on the consequences to politics and home affairs when small groups get to define what does or does not happen not by rule of law or debate but the threat of violence.
Let such things creep in as government, or fail to report them adequately as agenda-bound state media, and next thing you could find is things like ‘no-go’ areas or public institutions like schools being isolated.
Or… they could continue to obsess about how disagreeable it is being Nick or spinning spurious ‘ism ‘research’ to make sense of what is right on front of their lying eyes.
‘some of that world-renowned BBC ‘analysis’
Of course, should it be in the pipeline, fingers crossed no more of Luther’s lovelies are installed amongst the cubicle groves to pull a Panorama.
BBC staff will soon be unable to walk down a whispering corridor without ducking for cover for fear of getting fragged by a friendly.
Ah that lovely little box of cutting edge tricks top right of the BBC site.
It’s state of the art, as Ian Hislop, might say, ‘allegedly’.
There may even be research that shows everyone loves it. Maybe with LSE/Guardian input.
I hear it is soon going to be rebranded by Perfect Curve as the Distracting Meander Initiative
Joey Barton is the liberal medias dream of “the voice of the working chappie”.
Guardian!..check?…Smiths?…check!…pretentious French affectations?…check!…assaulting his juniors?…right on!
That he`s been a crap player for yonks now, and a thug for most of that time too…he`s the Russell Brand of football.
The BBCs idea of a rebel…but do they know that he once stubbed a cigar out in a youth players eyc at his club?
Ban the man!..hate crime against Gaia and the NHS!
Seriously, BBC? Guys who practice chat up lines and accessioning (seriously – they call it ‘peacocking’) are behind murders?
Perhaps sensing that it’s kind of a reach, the article itself is a classic of BBC bias. It jumps straight into quoting at length three feminist nutcases who are allowed to define what PUA is – thereby loading the dice right off – and it’s only in paragraph 16 that we hear from an actual PUA.
Fortunately though, the BBC lets us know not to trust that nasty PUA by telling us that he has ‘a controversial view that has opened [him] to ridicule’ and what’s more it’s ‘not unlike the right’s criticism of what it perceives as a flawed culture of sexual permissiveness.’ (the right! God forbid!).
Maybe that would be fair comment, except the feminist they quote from most extensively is Amanda Marcotte aka the woman who was fired by the John Edwards campaign for the Democrat nomination due to her nutty anti-male rantings being too much even for a campaign aimed at the left of the Democrat party. Apparently, being too crazy for the democrats is neither ‘controversial’ nor ‘open to ridicule’ at the BBC.
Because of its entrenched political commitment to the ‘Left-Islam’ alliance, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) censors on Islam and anti-Semitism.
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“How far gone is Dhimmi Britannia? This far gone: Abdurraheem Green made his anti-Semitic statements eight years ago, but is only being investigated now because of a report by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, one of the most prominent members of which is another anti-Semite, Maryam Namazie. Namazie is a Marxist, which indicates that her opposition to Sharia is not a fight for freedom, but just one thug trying to outmaneuver another; Hitler and Stalin fought each other, too, but that didn’t make either one of them freedom fighters. She is also an anti-Semite, having retailed Palestinian jihadist propaganda about Israel, claiming that it engaged in ‘genocide’ in Gaza — thereby spitting in the face of all genuine victims of genocide and advancing an anti-Semitic lie that was crafted in aid of the jihad against Israel. So is there any sane, rational voice among all these thugs, slaves, and idiots? Not in Insane Britannia.”
“UK: Anti-Semitic Islamic charity finally under investigation eight years after its founder was caught making anti-Semitic statements”
I had to laugh at the pre-leaking/suggestion that Lord Coe may become the new chairman of the BBC trust – I can’t work out whose brand would be more damaged by the move.
It seems a marriage made in heaven – a self important little twerp who everyone hates running a trust that everyone hates and no one trusts.
This video is brilliant and an independent view that needs to be seen by Cameron, Miliband and the establishment (includes BBC of course), it is so to the point and correct, (i.e. true).
prob the only person able to dodge the bullets coming his way soon. WTF does he know about running a business,the only running he knows is round at track,OH wait a minute running round and round in circles getting nowhere.Yes he’s the best man for it…..OR a Lib Dum maybe ?
Ed Miliband “doesn’t read much British news” and prefers an American political website to keep him informed of world events.
The Labour leader, who has no newspapers delivered to his home and keeps TV screens off while he works, relies on party aides to condense and deliver the news to him.
“I don’t read much British news. You get a lot of advice in the newspapers about what you should do. It’s much more important to follow your own path and stick to your own path. I’ve made that a rule in the last three and a half years,” he said in an interview with Buzzfeed.
He does, however, regularly check the US website RealClearPolitics.com for news on what he calls the “new global politics of inequality”.
Ed Miliband’s moral compass is set steady toward the same EU-UN-Globalist destination already reached by Gordon Brown, Tony Bliar, and Baron Kinnock – all ‘socialist’ politicians who made their way, grunting, to the trough while trampling over those they were supposed to represent. Perhaps the BBC, the EU, Ed Miliband, and David Cameron should consider Mr Bliar’s own words ‘The art of leadership is saying ‘no’, not saying ‘yes’. It is very easy to say ‘yes’.’
Very true, especially when you are exempt from the disastrous results of your decisions. Thank you to Nigel Farage and UKIP for showing Britain the art of leadership.
Apropos of this, there is a nice comment by Simon Kuper in FT Magazine that has been forwarded to me by a friend. I’m cutting it down to the essence of the article below:
“At a reception recently I met the former president of a small post-communist country. I know that’s what he was because he told me so immediately. He then began dropping names of London-based ex-Soviet oligarchs – his friends and business associates, he implied.
This man had Blair Disease, named for ex-prime minister Tony Blair: the growing propensity of former heads of government to monetise their service. Blair Disease is damaging but easily cured.
If you are super-rich, you probably have an ex-leader working for you, like an overpaid tennis coach. Blair, for instance, has shilled for JPMorgan Chase, Qatar and Kazakhstan’s cuddly regime. Then there’s the modern ex-leader’s staple: giving paid speeches to rich people. Blair’s Queen Anne mansion outside London differs from the “museum of corruption” recently vacated by Ukraine’s ex-president Viktor Yanukovich chiefly in degree, taste and the period when the money was made. Both men got rich through running countries. It’s just that Blair’s version was legal.
It’s easy to cure Blair Disease: bar ex-leaders from doing paid work for private interests. This free measure would instantly deflate populism, keep experience inside government and attract a better class of person to the job.”
‘relies on party aides to condense and deliver the news to him’
Always works well in the bunker, especially with regimes keen to only hear what they want, as history has shown.
Speaking of bunkers, and aides, I recall the Pollard Report mentioned a fair bit of the top floor Alzheimers was traced back to the novel excuse that the guys earning half millions a year couldn’t be held responsible for anything because their minions had not mentioned stuff to them… or they didn’t hear… or the restaurant was noisy… or it was in a corridor… or…
That’s why such ‘leaders’ these days get the big bucks.
If I was Ed, or Lord Tone, if any minions with an eyepatch limp out the group hug meeting having left behind a ream of A4 they claim is an iPad, I’d make my excuses and get in the queue to microwave a spud down the hall PDQ.
Good old Orla( Because I`m happy!) Guerin seems exercised at al Sissis landslide victory in Egypt.
Anti-democratic…not the 95% landslide required to please Morsis muppets…the bloody-minded electorate could not be persuaded to back the general, despite coercions and threats?
Orla fears the lack of a democratic mandate, when Morsi was doing so well last year!
45% a landslide compared to Obama of course-but, given the EU results giving the right/UKIP similar concerns about the elite HERE…unresponsive, out of touch, threatening and bullying in clear defiance of the results of the votes?
Nah-no EU voting parallels here whatsoever.
The Egyptians got it wrong, pretty much as UKIP/FN did here in Europe…but Orla cares about one and not the other.
I have difficulty telling Orla Guerin and Lyse Doucet apart when I hear their voice-overs. And boy do their voices grate – like seagulls being slowly strangled.
I find this to be the case with most of the women the BBC employ these days in “journalism.” And don’t get me started on those patronising, know-it-all, mummy’s voices the BBC women continuity announcers all have. It is the sort of voice women habitually use when crouching down to speak to a five-year-old. Even documentaries aren’t safe from them, where they spend the best part of an hour emoting like mad instead of just giving us the facts.
At least they have names you can put to their voices.
For some reason Carmen Squire has the ‘voice of choice’ across the whole of British media.
She’s the one that interrupts Radio 2 every 20 minutes to tell us in the same tones who the instantly recognisable voice in the trailer was.
Love them or loath them we can choose to listen or avoid the other regular presenters but not this one.
By about half way through this my face was flat on my keyboard and I was out of breath, quivering like a paint-mixer. This is like a clip from a lost episode of Dad’s Army.
I kept waiting for the sound of a gunshot.
Good ole “Barry from Watford” has “rung up ” Iain Lee on LBC & other stations over the years . Also been a ” guest ” on Steve Wright & Ian Collins shows too .
At risk of sounding a bit green, and not wishing to get google excited too much by going to find out, what is the difference (legally?) between [p-word] and extreme [p-word]?
Because if it’s straying into areas I think it might be, maybe the poor guy was simply surfing dating sites for marriage partners, that hailed from another time? Or does it more involve ping pong balls or Russian Queen paramours (allegedly)?
One is sure the community is mobilising as we speak to suggest to the police things be handled carefully as it would be a shame if anything happened, as it were.
1.Because he cares more about birds than he does about people…another greenie misanthrope.
2. Because he thinks that the Maltese are on a par with Nazis because they shoot songbirds that fly over the island-and gets arrested for so doing(all on our payments and his sneaky Twitter feeds).
3. Because he chooses ska for his desert island discs…a trendy guilt-ridden fop who`s never really got over not being chosen to play the weepy kestrel owner in that damned film Kes.
In short-the BBCs Childrens Presenting version of someone who cares…but not about kids or people…the usual self-loathing green do-gooder so beloved of the BBC.
Bring back Johnny Morris…even dead will do, compared to the likes of Packhammie!
Yep – Packham is a typical BBC gobsh*te. His dangerous form of pro-CAGW ‘edutainment’ (with a heavy emphasis on anti-science, lowest common denominator populism, of course) no doubt goes down extremely well with his Politburo employers. Packham – a ‘certain kind of fool’ who clearly enjoys ‘the sound of his own name’ (as The Eagles once memorably sang) – is the end product of a broadcaster now irretrievably beyond redemption.
Packham’s merely a conspicuous symptom of a much wider disease eating away the hateful Corporation.
Anyone have the misfortune to catch BBC s child star wannabe R Bacon … news of the Week?
A flavour … waycism and UKIP, in that order, and irritatingly, he s still pretending to be an “intellectual”
to boot.
No link yet …
Really only advised if you want to drop kick the radio.
Maybe the BBC is trying to help ’em out?
Seems that when the BBC gets on your case or offers profile even if it’s only to put the boot in, the only way is up.
So maybe Coventry is the greatest gift they can provide.
Almost a third of British people describe themselves as either “very” or “a little” prejudiced against people of other races, a survey of social attitudes finds.
The British Social Attitudes Survey, published annually by the National Centre of Social Research (NatCen), revealed “troubling” findings that levels of racial prejudice are “on the rise”.
“The findings are troubling,” said Penny Young, chief executive of NatCen Social Research.
“Levels of racial prejudice declined steadily throughout the nineties, but have been on the rise again during the first decade of this century. This bucks the trend of a more socially liberal and tolerant Britain.
Before going into the validity of this poll, it’s worth knowing something about who this Penny Young is. Penny Young is chief executive of NatCen. Before joining NatCen, Penny was head of audiences at the BBC Trust, the body which represents licence fee payers🙄
Now to the poll on which the above is based in which 2149 people were asked – “How would you describe yourself … as very prejudiced against people of other races, a little prejudiced, or not prejudiced at all?”.
In 2013, 3% described themselves as “very prejudiced”, 27% said they were “a little prejudiced”, and 68% said they were “not prejudiced at all” (a further 2% said they did not know).
Now I wonder just how many of these people really understood what prejudice actually means. Did they really know that it is preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Because I doubt that few if any of those who admitted a prejudice did so with the understanding that it implies that they have no reason for this opinion. So in a way it’s a ridiculous question. Better would be to have narrowed down various types of foreigners and races, those with a reputation for good integration, and those who have not, and then asked related to how well they thought they integrated and if they disliked them for that reason. Then we might see that it is not PREJUDICE, but people having good reason to feel the way they do. Perhaps it might have shown a far higher figure than indicated, but nothing to do with racism.
Brits really should not listen too much to the left, including the subtle innuendo from the BBC, regarding slandering us as a nation of many racists.
They should instead be praising our nation for being at the the top of the premier league of the worlds non-racist countries.
There are indeed so few countries in the world where almost all faiths, races and the worlds peoples are made so welcome.
I am blogging today from Poland, where in the Socialist era I spent many years working here.
The reality is as a Brit talking with my Polish hosts, I am forever defending British toleration points with Poles who cannot understand, for example, how the British send 30 million pounds to Polish children living here, (not UK), for example, through the UK child benefit system of those Polish parents working in UK.
Yesterday I was speaking with a Polish lady and her Pakistani husband she met whilst working in UK, out here on a Polish family visit.
This visit for the British/Pakistani guy has proven a very dangerous trip, so-much-so the guy cannot wait to get back to Brighton, where he is a taxi driver and is most unlikely to ever visit Poland again. Reason? You guessed it: extreme racism in Eastern Europe.
As one has grown to expect from the labour generation of lefty indoctrination, (which includes the BBC), in the UK quite the polar opposite is true of the British attitudes to foreigners compared to the much more endemic racism practised in East er Europe.
The US economy shifted into reverse in the first three months of 2014 shrinking by an annualised rate of 1%, official estimates have shown.
BBC reports without serious comment. Maybe it’s because I did a physics degree, or maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but all measurements carry an error. So it should be something like 1± 0.5%. Of course, if it was 1±2.0% the US economy could actually be growing. If that’s too complicated for the BBC, they can always fall back on the ratings agencies kindergarten system. Haven’t heard much from them lately. Perhaps there will be good news, like they’ve been closed down and their directors imprisoned.
Farzana Iqbal, aged 25, was stoned to death by members of her family in broad daylight on the steps of a courthouse in Lahore, Pakistan, because she had married a man with whom she was in love. This was an “honour killing” and perpetrators use sharia law to justify their murders. Some 1,000 women are killed in this manner in Pakistan each year and an overwhelming majority of the population seems to be in favour of them. Some 91 per cent of honour killings worldwide are “Muslim on Muslim” crimes. In Pakistan, laws introduced in the 1970s, by Zia-ul-Haq, and based on punishments recommended in the Koran and Sunnah, mean that women have almost no recourse in law and the male members of the family can do with them as they will.
This latest horrific case was reported last night on the BBC Ten O Clock News.
The following words did not appear at any time in the report: Muslim, Islam, Koran, Sharia.
The Religion of Peace website shows that there have been over 23,000 deadly Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11.
While our dhimmi BBC reports only a fraction of these incidents, it can’t even bring itself to deem them terrorists.
Another story concerns a mother and doctor, Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, in Sudan who has been sentenced to be flogged and death for converting to Christianity. On the BBC report there is no mention of her being a doctor, but they do tell us Correspondents say death sentences are rarely carried out in Sudan, so no worries there eh?
Except the website ‘Death Penalty Worldwide’ on Sudan tells a different story, so I doubt she’s feeling like she has a future.
There is a petition with over 500,000 signatories so far for Sudan to release her. I urge people to sign it. If left up to the BBC she’ll be executed before they would raise an alarm.
And on [Though for the Day’ this morning we had the usually very solid Joel Edwards criticising Sudan for misunderstanding islam by passing the death sentence on Meriam Ibrahim for converting to Christianity. Last week, it was Clifford Longley repeating the same – that Islamic terrorist acts were a misunderstanding of the Islamic faith. I rather think that both Edwards and Longley know full well that islam demands that these things must happen, but they shrink from the truth and prefer to lie. Have they not hear the Commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness”?
Beeboids are in a political alliance with Islam, and so they politically embrace Islamic jihad and Sharia law as key elements of their philosophical principles.
it was like a tale of 2 polling stations in the local and euro elections where i live last thursday, there was a carnival type atmosphere with all politacal candidates behaving towards each other in a respectfull manner,even the local bbc station had cameras there to film this exercise in peacefull democrasy at my poling station,4 miles up the road from where i live was a different story,for the first time ever they had police outside protecting the polling stations,in surrounding streets dressed in riot gear and on stand by in other parts of this area,why was that you may ask,that was to prevent voter intimidation,violence and bullying of voters,it was like a tale of 2 citys where i live and not once until now have i mentioned muslim or islam or where i live in this post,but you can guess what i am getting at.
Two attacks in the Central African Republic (CAR) less than 24 hours apart. The first on a Church and the second on a mosque. Here is how the bBC covers each story:
and the other
Anybody find it strange how only while Christians can be fully blamed for burning down a mosque, the people who started this all off (As they did the whole affair) are referred to as…mainly Muslims and that is hidden in the script, unlike the nasty Christians who get top spot.
Got to love the bBC, they are pushing out a story about how Chinese born Anna Lo was the Alliance Party (In Northern Ireland) European election candidate, is going to up sticks and leave because of…racism.
So was it becasue of the colour of her skin that she was picked on? well if I only followed the bBC for my news I would think so. NAh she was abused becasue she said this? Alliance conference: Party defends Anna Lo over united Ireland comment
The Alliance Party has presented a united front in defence of Anna Lo after she said that she believed Northern Ireland would be better off as part of a united Ireland.The party’s annual conference on Saturday came just two days after Ms Lo became the first senior party figure to make public her preference for the removal of the border, arguing that the Province would be better off politically, socially and economically as part of an all-island nation.
She also said she was “anti-colonial” and said the partition of Ireland was “artificial”.
Yeah that all the people of Ireland need, a foreign born political twit telling them all they need to sell themselves to….Strasburg, becasue she thinks it the right thing to do.
F-ing liberals just don’t get it do they.
And after the Alliance party sank without a trace, you (gee I wonder why) can bet your bottom dollar she isn’t flavour of the month at party HQ, never mind the streets. Maybe there lies the reason she doesn’t feel wanted. Maybe she would feel better off in China?
She told a story about how she was abused in the street with racist names. How fo you know it was about that comment?? There’s no evidence the person abusing her even knew she was a politician never mind made these comments.
And you mustn’t have been watching the BBC much because her comments were discussed at length on BBC NI’s ‘The View’ on thursday evening.
Anna Lo has lived in NI for more than 40 years, you twit, that’s longer than most who live here. She’s spent a career working for the betterment of people. I’d take umpteen Anna Lo’s over you anyday.I’m very sorry that you had a bad childhood at the hands of Muslim father, but ffs get over it.
p.s. who could disagree that the partition of Ireland was “artificial”?
“Anna Lo has lived in NI for more than 40 years” (30 according to wiki) and now all of a sudden she cant stand the racism?
And if her alleged abusers didn’t know she was a politician ,how did she know they were ulster loyalists? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Lo
Or is it this the reason for her decision?
‘Ms Lo told the Guardian newspaper that continual racist abuse directed at her by loyalists influenced her decision’
So far the only part of your post that rings true is “She told a story” And, by-your -leave ,I’m not convinced by your or the BBC’s version of events.
I think Pounce is right and she suffering the backlash of sticking a very sharp stick in a very angry hornets nest
Oh and I’m sure some of those abusing her agree with your view “that the partition of Ireland was artificial”.
Very interesting to listen to the Ukrainian neighbors views this week here in Poland on how dangerous the world has suddenly become because of the Ukraine crisis.
Poland being so ethnically and historically intertwined with Western Ukraine, (particularly the pre-WWII Polish territory given away by the allies at Potsdam in 1945 when the Polish border was moved Westerward), – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_changes_of_Poland_immediately_after_World_War_II –
means a lot of people are now worrying about their ancestral homeland.
It is amazing how the man on the street here in Szczecin blames the EU and NATO for interfering and having very shallow understanding how important to Russia the Ukraine is. Another comment I have heard often here is it would have done the Poles and Ukrainians a big favour if the EU and NATO had kept it’s noses well out of their neighbours affairs.
The Poles really do still fear the Russians with very good reason.
Here’s a thing. We know how ‘expert’ the BBC likes to positions itself (to the nation). Now imagine your a Lib/Lab/Con career politician (like Ed or Dave) with no time to take it all in. Prof. Gregory Burns (Neurologist) Emory University, Atlanta discovered why this is, ‘This study indicates that the brain relinquishes responsibility when a trusted authority provides expertise. The problem is that it can work out to a person’s detriment if the trusted source turns out to be incompetent or corrupt’ (i.e. the BBC in the UK is a case in point). http://liesdamnedliesstatistics.com/2009/03/trust-me-im-an-expert.html
BBC Radio Devon isn’t as good as BBC radio 4 at hiding their bias reporting. This week on Radio Devon in their morning news segments they have been talking about Devon in the first world war. Some pretty interesting stuff which raises a few eyebrows. On Tuesday, they hit upon the fact that Save the Children charity was set up during the first world war. Well, not quite, it was after the 1st world war, that being in 1919. The trouble with their segment was they overemphasised the importance of Save the Children charity and in doing so got me curious. So I looked up Save the Children and one of the founders was thus: [In 1904 she married Charles Roden Buxton, at that time a Liberal politician, and the pair were active in the Liberal Party. In 1915 she joined the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. In 1917 she and her husband left the Liberal Party for the Labour Party, and joined the Society of Friends] It also turns out that during the 2nd World war her husband was an appeaser for Germany. Hmm. It has been stated on this forum that many of the CEO’s of charities happen to come from the Labour party or have deep links with the Labour party so I had a look and came up with this: CEO Justin Forsyth: [In 2004, Justin was recruited to Number 10 by Tony Blair where he led efforts on poverty and climate change and was one of the driving forces behind the Make Poverty History campaign. He was to stay on under Gordon Brown, becoming his strategic communications and campaigns director, helping to use new communications strategies to reach the British public on a range of issues from knife crime to climate change. Justin was appointed as chief executive of Save the Children UK in September 2010. –
No wonder BBC Radio Devon gave up so much airtime on the subject. But then to some on here (Scott) the fact that too much airtime (in my opinion) was given up for the subject manor was just a coincidence. I’ve no doubt that the Save the Children charity nevertheless, do some excellent work.
They’re late this year – they usually save this ̶a̶n̶t̶i̶ English crap for St. George’s Day.
No doubt it’s timed for that other piece of establishment propaganda that was also suspiciously timed for the rise of the right in the EU elections – that poxy survey in which we’re now all just that bit more racist all of a sudden. Geez – do you think they had that up their sleeve waiting…just in case? No, of course not!
…and people wonder why there’s a growing snese that there’s an establishment stitch up that’s working against the interests of the majority and its concerns. If the subtle and not so subtle hints of ‘racism’ fail to shut ’em up, get some bogus research to shame them into silence once more.
Balls to the lot of ’em. What qualifies Bragg, above all others, to speak on Englishness…other than the fact that he’s got ‘all the correct opinions’ according to the BBC, and will put us all back in our horrid ‘far right’ box.
I’m hoping soon for a New England, Billy, but it’s unlikely to fit with your ‘progressive’ prescription for us (but not for thee).
David Dimbleby introduces Joey Barton-he`s footballs “philosopher-king” apparently!
Next thing-he refers to UKIP as the least ugly of four women.
The UKIP woman calls him out-but she`s only UKIP, so the BBC let his “outrageously sexist comment” pass without comment.
We`ll not be hearing about this any further I`m sure…sexism is a moveable feast as long as UKIP get abused.
Interesting how diverse the audience are as well-bias?…who`s to say?
Clearly a more inspired (by what, another matter) version of ‘politics of the least bad’, a reasonable definition of frustration.
However, post ‘girl-talk’ only the other day, it seems odd such an allusion did not see the ladies who whisper in corridors fly down from the edit suite to pull the plug.
As you say, the version seen later will be interesting.
Unbelievable, UKIP walked the European elections, yet bar one of the panel and 97% of the Question Time audience and texters has anything good to say about them.
The mega rich and politico panel untouched by the diversity that they think is so wonderfull still don’t get it…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Leading item on R4’s 4 pm news was the death of Maya Angelou.
I wonder what percentage of Brits had even heard of her.
But she must have been very, very well known in BBC circles, because she was headline news.
Her poetry is trite and childish. No need to have heard of her – she is a nonentity.
Cue unwarranted adulation, then.
Is is cos she’s black?
Not so much black, as not white.
Nonetheless, John, I have heard three readings of her ‘work’ on BBC news programmes starting with ‘PM’ last evening, last night’s 10 o’ clock news and ‘Today’ this morning.
Yet another of the BBC’s pseudo-intellectual socialist wankfests.
The news last night seemed to go over “live” to the Hay festival(where else do the children of the revolution go at times of crisis?), where a “black woman of letters” would give a tribute to Angie baby.
I turned around to watch-and oddly enough it was another caftan`ed walking diabetes 2 tub of guts, just like Maya herself( are the health fascists not targetting fat black women as a priority-Obama cares ,does he not?).
Turned out that the black barrel fo fun and cleverness was a Toni Morrison….a one hit wonder with Beloved sometime back.
But black…BLACK I tells ya-and so a genius.
Still-I thanked my God-for I was expecting the BBC to give us Bonnie Greer by way of the “noted Black Woman of Letters”.
Imagine her as the black Gambaccini( until recent events)…always willing to speak for urban Chicago black America and deep-fried Southern victims of whitey way back…yet somehow about to do all this from The Flask In Hampstead.
The power of fiction fantasy eh?
Turned out that the black barrel fo fun and cleverness was a Toni Morrison….a one hit wonder
Oh do please entertain us with your ignorance some more, it’s such fun when a little man with nothing of merit of his own denigrates a Pulitzer-winning Nobel laureate.
Oh sorry Scott.
Obama won a Nobel Peace prize too, so I`ll shut up eh?
Maybe you(not Wikipaedia!) will tell me why she`s more than Beloved-a book I assume you know by your arrogance.
There`s a joke in here…can you see it?
Only wish you`d stop loitering around here Scott-a bit creepy with your smash and grab flan attacks…you flanneur you!
Joke no 2…
Off you go now Scott!….if I `ve entertained you, that`s no excuse to hang around this site like a stage-door Johnny….as I say. a bit creepy.
And be careful with the nasty ad-hominem attacks eh?….I was not talking to you at all, so off you trot sonny!
Your one-man masochism strategy is…frankly-a bit weird AND a bit creepy too, as I`ve said.
She only won a Pulitzer for “certain reasons”.
Like Robert Frost said, this free form poetry is like playing tennis without the net, and as Mark Steyn truthfully remarks, she not only dispensed with the net but the balls too.
Take a truly dispassionate look at some of her writings – especially that thing she “wrote” for President Obama’s inauguration. It has neither sense nor reason. All it is, is a great big bundle of words, meaning nothing, but secure in the knowledge that she said them on the big day so she would go down “in history”.
Yes, maybe. But not in a true history that looks upon a person’s worth. On that she failed.
If you don’t answer me I’ll thwceam!
And thwceam! And thwceam!
(Until I’m sick!)
How come you never try to answer any single kind of reasonable posts which get posted in your direction?
This is a favoured “trick” of all BBC departments –
“Do not engage with seemingly reasonable points of discussion. There are often “traps” laid within such questions.
By “traps”, we mean points which normal listeners or viewers may like to hear answered, yet such answers may not be in keeping with our culture.
Be cautious! Be aware!
If in doubt ask those above you for guidance!
(This has been a staff guidance message for those who have not yet had their DNA transfer.)
I think you have missed the point there. As with modern art the inability of the masses to understand it is part of it’s appeal.
If you don’t like Angelou then you don’t understand it. If you don’t understand it then you are on the outside of a clique.
Being on the inside is all, ability is nothing.
Is it cos she is black?
For the fact that she was lauded as a poet, Maya Angelou’s reputation firmly rests on the fact that she wrote autobiographies, later ones detailing her Zelig-like propensity to be around Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Nkrumah. It’s the first one, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, detailing her sexualization at a young age, that is probably the best known, and the one which apparently explains the built-herself-up-from-that-horrifying-past hagiolatry.
Yea right. Fantastic not the word I would have used.
Lesser read by the British public than even Seamus Heaney
Some other lefty Spanish , Cuban ,South American writer ,poet ,socialist git died recently , I also had never heard of , black armbands all out round New Broadcasting House , so f***ing famous with them , I`ve forgotten his name .
I doubt if the BBC consulted Mark Steyn when compiling her obituary. For a view without the rose coloured glasses this is well worth a read:
She was hard left anti Semite pro Castro.
Ah, that explains it.
Left hands & Right hands:-
Less than 2 weeks ago – “In just over five years Britain will have run out of oil, coal and gas, researchers have warned.”
Today we have – “Independence: Scottish government view …..
14% increase in oil and gas production between 2013-18”
No sign of a production precipice on page 4 of the Scottish Government May 2014 Oil and Gas Analytical Bulletin:-
Click to access 00451335.pdf

All day long I have been heariung how Britain is turning racist. But now I see the real figures – racist attitudes have decreased in the past 5 years, AND racism has no clear correlation to wishing to have immigration reduced.
What tha BBC is trying to do is say “If you oppose open-door immigration, you are a racist. The BBC will tell any lie to try to push this line, to try to destroy our national identity.
Did any one see this Sunday Morning Live ?
According to this the British are black, muslm and speak swahili apparently.
So in the mostt “diverse” part of Britain it takes five days to get election results?
Not exactly diverse, is it? If the BBC’s idea of diverse is everyone exactly the same.
Perhaps people are waking up and realising that they have been conned by the Liberal Left and its mouthpiece, the BBC, for decades. Those politicians and their media friends who promoted mass immigration and implemented it without any democratic mandate and have never admitted to its harmful effects, are guilty of a terrible error. Let us hope that somehow or other we can find an ending to this reckless social engineering experiment that doesn’t result in disaster for all concerned , native Brits and immigrants.
There’s a great post about how Ukip can win the next election by bolting on the aspirational working class by reminding them of this betrayal and using policies such as cheap energy and law and order to do it.
It’s called Workers Of The World Ukip at:
particularly liked this comment
MarcionMay 29, 2014 at 5:41 AM
Headline in the Indy today: Has Ukip’s success in the European elections proved that democracy is a flawed way to choose a government?
Do I need to bother to read the article? The headline says it all: democracy becomes suspect the moment people vote for the “wrong” party.
I think we’ve already become aware that the elite hold voters in barely concealed contempt: the ordinary man is too naive, inept or just plain stupid to be entrusted with the responsibility of choosing the people who hold the levers of power. Why, such a task should be left to the elite, who, after all, are qualified to choose themselves. We’ve also realised by now that voting is largely a fiction that voters wield any real power or have any real choice. So they’re really rubbing our noses in it with the above headline. And do read the article. Apparently the dismal state of the UK is our fault because we maxed out our credit cards. See how it works? When you start to win, they tell you that you’re losing.
Mandelson has already told us we can’t be trusted with a referendum.
Never mind, Indy-Mandy, there’s always Agenda 21 eh?
They seem to have hidden the article now. Do you have a link? I could do with a laugh.
‘now I see the real figures’
But the BBC seems keen on thirds.
They are not alone.
It’s the magic fraction. Allegedly.
All day long I have been hearing how Britain is turning racist. But now I see the real figures – racist attitudes have decreased in the past 5 years, AND racism has no clear correlation to wishing to have immigration reduced.
What tha BBC is trying to do is say “If you oppose open-door immigration, you are a racist. The BBC will tell any lie to try to push this line, to try to destroy our national identity.
The figures almost exactly correspond with Labour’s open door immigration policy. But the BBC won’t discuss that aspect
More to the point is that 60% of those polled actually lied when they said they weren’t prejudiced. Anyone who says they aren’t prejudiced is either a liar or deluding themselves. Every human being on this planet is prejudiced in one way or another. It comes naturally as part of life’s experience. The worst prejudices come from bad experiences which colour a person’s attitudes to the causes of those bad experiences. Even a paragon of virtue like Scott displays his prejudices every time he posts a comment on this blog.
Never confuse racialism with prejudice. One is a discredited concept ( the master race theory of white supremacists is illogical and laughable when you see the inbred, bull necked, knuckle dragging hill-billy proponents of the ideology), the other is human nature which cannot be engineered out of us.
racism is in the eye of the beholder, I for one, would love to have a Gurkah and his family as a next door neighbour, in fact, I would be honoured.
Yes, but which government blocked these very brave and loyal people from coming in, but opened the doors to millions of unconnected and unsavoury immigrants….
Just because we are all a little bit waycist (cue song) doesn’t mean we have to act that way. It’s just not British, just not civilised.
By all means decry people for their actions, religion and or culture but it’s just dumb to judge people by their colour.
Andy S, you say that prejudice is natural. You may be right. However, it can be reduced by education. My definition of an educated person is someone who is intellectually developed enough to think objectively instead of being government by their subjective prejudices. That, however, is a rare achievement on both the left and the right.
The word “education” used in the way you have Rog is quite chilling. It smacks of the re-education camps used in places like North Korea, China and the old Soviet Union.
Personally I try to treat people on an individual basis, i.e. if they are OK with me them I’m OK with them. Unfortunately, there are sections of society who, individually behave in the same way. One only has to think of the Roma community who seem to be criminally inclined throughout the whole of Europe. Don’t just look at the crime stats for Roma in this country. Check out the stats for other European countries where they settle. Even the governments of their homelands, and I’m thinking of the old Czeckoslovakia and Romania, want rid of them.
When an ethnic group develops an adverse reputation around the world, then other groups will naturally be suspicious of them. If they become victims of crime by someone from that group then they’ll develop a dislike for that whole group. Some may call it prejudice, some may call it racism but it is in fact a natural human defensive measure against becoming a future victim of that particular group.
Prejudice isn’t even about race. Anyone who has one or more bad experiences with a particular group – it could be the police, traffic wardens, chain stores, even, shock/horror, ethnic groups – their views are going to be coloured accordingly.
‘What the BBC is trying to do is say “If you oppose open-door immigration, you are a racist.’
Precisely the point. Through their chosen cheerleaders the BBC is continuing the Labour strategy implemented by Blair i.e. brand as racist anybody who disagrees with, or even wants to discuss, uncontrolled immigration.
Democracy may not yet be dead in this country, but it sure is sick.
Even a cursory look at the internet news makes it obvious that the Ukraine is drifting towards civil war and a real confrontation between Russia and the useless EU.
And what is our media obsessed with?. Vince Cable and Clegg. And other non stories.
This is the 100th anniversary year of 1914 . The world then seemed to go insane. It could happen again as it seems pretty clear the Kiev government is waging war on the city of Donetsk ( bigger that Amsterdam by the way)
We pay the BBC journalists a fortune and this, the biggest news story by far is hardly covered.
The EU and BBC have largely lost interest once Ukraine started to turn bloody. Meanwhile the Ukrainian armed forces kill ‘Ukrainian terrorists’ apparently.
Crimea seems peaceful.
No, they lost interest when it became probable that the Russians were not going to take over all of Ukraine.
The war, and yes you are right Dave it is a war, was started in the Ukraine not by the annexing of Crimea by the Russians but by the annexing of Ukraine by the EU and the USA.
The annexing of Ukraine was a bloody affair, after months of full blown riots by terrorists throwing petrol bombs at the police, over eighty people were shot by snipers, probably paid for by the EU/US. The USA have after all boasted about the $5 billion they spent in helping ‘democracy’ in Ukraine. That is what they called the rioters “people demonstrating peacefully for democracy”.
On the other hand, The Crimea was taken back into the motherland of Russia after a vote by the Crimean people. It was a peaceful ‘transition’ and no one was killed, or has been since.
Now there has been an election for a new president in Ukraine, a billionaire, who is right now trying to bomb civilians into submission. Who in their tiny mind thinks that was a fair election, apart from Prancing Barry, Irrelevant Dave and the residents of Tower Hamlets of course?
As for Putin, despite the bombing of Russian speaking people in the East of Ukraine he still holds back but yet is repeatedly called a thug by The West. He will not hold back much longer. We are just a hair trigger from another world war, which may involve nuclear weapons.
But the headlines on the BBC an old Australian chap who may have fiddled with children 30 years ago. A running commentary on a kaput political party and a film clip of a boy band having a smoke.
Something about a fiddler playing whist Rome burns comes to mind.
You’d almost think this was a joke. Remind me that you can never be taken seriously as a human being.
BBC up to old tricks. Apparently an Ukrainian helicopter has been shot down by Pro-Russian rebels (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27618681). Putting aside the lack of reporting for atrocities committed by the other side (two mass murders of groups of policemen, for example. And yes, they probably are as bad as each other), note the interesting use of language. It is stated to be a military helicopter, yet the victims are described as “14 people”. Well yes, they are human beings, they are people. But in such instances it would be normal to describe the occupants as soldiers, or military personnel, or combatants. Normally used to describe civilian victims, the use of the term “people” is intentional and is designed to generate sympathy for one side or at least deflect away attention from what they are and what they are up to.
BBC-NUJ’s permanent political campaign for-
BBC-NUJ never says anything to the effect: ‘ it is unrealistic to even contemplate that the U.K could ever accommodate the unlimited millions of putative immigrants who want to come to U.K every day.’
On the contrary, BBC-NUJ always takes the political side of the immigrants (BBC-NUJ’s ‘migrants’), never talks about colonisation of U.K, and never talks of the need to strictly control the number of immigrants trying to get into U.K from Africa, Middle East, Europe every day.
Take the way Beeboids report on behalf of illegal immigrants in Calais, today.
An alternative which Beeboid never discuss-
“Living on a lifeboat”
by Garrett Hardin.
Jeremy Paxman interviewed Michael Heseltine about the UKIP landslide, he babbled that Britain has been enriched by wave after wave of immigration over the centuries !!
This is where Michael Heseltine lives Thenford House, loves the ‘effnikk’ minorities and does everything he can to live as far away as possible from them as he can. Finding out where these hypocrites live tells you more about them than what they actually say !!
Thenford House would be much improved if the west wing was turned into a mosque and a Roma gypsy camp was placed on the front lawn. I think his Lordship Heseltine would be thrilled.
Heseltine has always been profoundly (some would even say thuddingly) third-rate. I still can’t get my head around why he continues to have a microphone put in front of him as if his views are of any moment. You’d do better to interview my cat. They key point that appears, as ever, to have slipped through his shaky fingers, is the “wave after wave” of immigration that has benefited the UK over the centuries was the same sort of immigration UKIP is proposing we return to. What we didn’t have was the nutty “come and get it” policy, or absence of a policy, the EU has imposed on us as an occupied country. Do pay more attention and try to keep up Michael, there’s a good chap.
H/t to whoever it was who posted this link yesterday:
Click to access ANationOfImmigrants2007.pdf
At the end of 2006, Sykes published the results of his researches in a book entitled Blood of the Isles: Exploring the genetic roots of our tribal history………..’By about 6,000 years ago, the pattern was set for the rest of the history of the Isles and very little has disturbed it since… Overall, the genetic structure of the Isles [suggests] descent from people who were here before the Romans… We are an ancient people, and though the Isles have been the target of invasion ever since Julius Caesar first stepped on to the shingle shores of Kent, these have barely scratched the topsoil of our deep‐rooted ancestry.’
There is a poem by Kipling that says much the same. Forgotten the title. Interesting.
Unfortunately Sykes admits that his project ran out of money before they could investigate the English properly. IIRC he said that there were more Celtic markers along the South Coast than anything else but could not draw definite conclusions. Funnily enough Sykes had enough dosh to do Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and left the more interesting, genetically speaking, England until last.
Sociologically speaking there is more evidence of Danish/Saxon influence culturally (the North-South Divide) and the incidence of Mummerset across Wessex is pretty strong evidence of Anglo-Saxon influence. They can’t have achieved this without numbers so there must be a non-Celtic drift in the English. And let’s not get onto the Normans.
The English are a melange of Celtic/Anglo-Saxon/Danish/Norman influences and England, like all Nations, is a cultural entity. That doesn’t stop us being a people though.
There is a good chapter in Ed West’s book, The Diversity Illusion, about ‘ waves’ of immigrants. They weren’t as game changing as people think – at most we only average around 5% Anglo Saxon DNA (bit higher in the East of the country) and the same for Viking DNA, the Normans even less. He says in the book ‘The English of 1927 were more than 90% the descendants of the English of 927, which makes it entirely untrue to talk of a nation of immigrants.
It must also be remembered that the previous ‘waves’ were all of European origin and have assimilated. I can’t see this happening now. I am waiting for asylum seeking aliens from outer space to land then we will have the full set to deal with. Imagine the joy of our favourite broadcaster if they are NOT white.
britain is racist
it is racist against native british, which has been pursued for decades by the so called elites, or as i prefer to call them,
elites in name only (EINOS)
Did I just hear right on the 08.00 BBC Radio 4 news, that the EU are asking for yet more financial contribution from member states? It was a one liner on the news so I might have misheard or misunderstood the bulletin release.
No you didn’t mishear OB, now whilst I am unable to search elsewhere whilst using google on the tablet I think it is £3.5 billion to use to help youth and some other little project. The EU really don’t understand.
You forgot the £200million for ‘crisis-hit Ukraine’ (£60million from British taxpayers).
Yes £500 million ! Cameron will pay it, no questions asked.
Nigel says “Thank you, Dave, for the additional ammunition. On yer bike”.
Heseltine, A man “who had to buy all his own furniture” no long term understanding of British history or even allegiance to the country – great Beeb favourite though giving ‘right wing’ balance arf, arf. Would have been better off getting Peter Bowles on to reprise his role from To the Manor Born
Groundhog day at the BBc. Obviously the wheel of news dross is stuck as they trot out some more obesity statistics. Dead poet gets adulation. The presenters bleat on about it, had they heard of her before yesterday? I hadn’t. Then we are “treated” to some of the work with a silence awed reading. Sounded like a steaming pile of crap to me, but hey I’m just too stupid to appreciate the magnitude of the dead poets brilliance.
Did you notice on Newsnight how the only people allowed to appraise her work were black?
Probably the only ones they could find down there.
Yet another of those incestuous little chats between two Beeboids on ‘Today’ this morning, making sure the BBC helps spin the news in its chosen direction.
Mishal Hussein in the studio and reporter (didn’t catch his name) discussing the Birmingham ‘Trojan horse’ case. Apparently one of the reasons given for parents to show such a keen interest in their kids’ education is the area is riddled with crime and drugs – so they want their schools to be as far removed from these influences as possible. Leaving aside their aggressive persistence in hounding head teachers and others out of their jobs, isn’t keeping your kids clear of drugs and crime their responsibility? And if they are really worried shouldn’t they be tackling the police and local politicians about it?
Or is the real reason because they see madrassas and Imams as agents of the law in their 90+ percent Muslim area? I don’t know, only guessing, but it’s worth the BBC asking the question (ironic face).
Apparently “the BBC has learned” that “the Government” were made aware of what was going on as far back as 2010. Which Government would that be, seeing that there was an election that year? They didn’t tell us.
It was very carefully crafted reports that the Government ‘learnt’ of the Trojan Horse in 2010. I would lay bets on it being during GB’s reign – and when Gove came into office he was fighting a Department determined not to carry out his plans.
On the assumption that the issue was raised to the Goverment in 2010, It’s logical to assume it was underway by that date and therefore the “Trojan horse” exercise would have begin under Labour. But thinking that has made my brane hurt
Oops boys, looks like it was Gove:
Interestingly, like the Harmen / PIE disclosure, the BBC remained semi-detached from this story for weeks and weeks, even pouring cold water on it – ‘the letter was probably a fake’. But the story won’t go away and it is likely to erupt in the next few weeks.
But now they have to report it, it’s safe for the BBC to come out now that they found an anti-Tory angle.
But mark my words, these things did not just suddenly happen as soon as the Tories got into office, they have been going on for years.
The smug BBC ought to be careful where it’s pointing that smoking gun it is waving about.
Not sure if it has been discussed elsewhere but did anybody hear “Blackwash and Me” – a “special” documentary on 5Live the other night?
All about how the West Indies beat England in the 1984 test series.
Lots of personal testimonies – made me feel proud to be black again, helped me celebrate my West Indian origins and culture here in England etc etc
Quite possibly the worst piece of anti-white, racist propaganda I have heard. If you didn’t feel mightily ashamed of being white before listening, by God you should have done afterwards.
But being from the hideously white, self-loathing BBC, it is to be expected.
“Made me feel proud to be black again”
Was that really said? And without comment? Because if some sportsman said “Made me feel proud to be white again” we know what the BBC’s reaction would be, don’t we.
WE can all be proud to be black if we like!
As in Tim Westwood kinda black.
For as Bradley/Chelsea Manning and Tom/Conchita Sausage/Wurst have shown…you can be a woman if you only say so too.
Call me Camilla Batmanghedghli for funding purposes won`t you!…who`s to say I`m not?
“No matter what they tell you…what you believe is true”…the Blair Doctrine(as channelled via Boyzone!)
ChrisH. Absolutely Just like those fake Romanians said “we are all Romanian”If only I knew where Romania waz. Thinking of which the BBc don’t seem to have replied to my complaint about that yet. Maybe they had trouble with it as I wrote it in crayon.
You and I both. I suspect we’ll get an identical fob-off at the same time (which won’t actually address the point at issue) once they hope we’ve forgotten what it was we complained about.
I didn’t use crayon, though. I used green ink.
Update on the “fake Romanian” complaint I made, This wasrecieved about 10 min ago. “Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform, quoting any reference number we provided. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this email address.”
A joy to hear Barnardos suggest on the BBC (Today 7am news 28/5/14) that criminals would now be asked to file details of their coming planned criminal activities with them…so that their children(especially their sons) would be taken care of in a planned and progressive way, should they find themselves getting sent to prison.
Yes-I know that Barnardos and the BBC reporter didn`t want me to get this impression…but I far prefer it to their one…and I`m sticking with it!
Maybe we should ALL be getting the “Right End of the BBC stick”…and poke their f***in eyes out with it.
Oh-and Barnardos joins the list of charity shops I`m no longer using-you sidle up to the BBC…you lose me…all £2.50 of me!
It’s difficult now to think of a charity that hasn’t been taken over by head-in-the-clouds big-government eco-warmist-redistributionist anti-capitalist socialists.
And after your puerile outpourings the other day, that includes you HRH Prince of Wales.
In a speech to business leaders in London, the Prince said that a “fundamental transformation of global capitalism” was necessary in order to halt “dangerously accelerating climate change” that would “bring us to our own destruction”.
He called for companies to focus on “approaches that achieve lasting and meaningful returns” by protecting the environment, improving their employment practices and helping the vulnerable to develop a new “inclusive capitalism”.
Stark staring bonkers. Wonder what his mum and dad think.
The lack of sense goes with his name. A cossetted and over privileged man who has never in all his years had to worry about the rent or the food bill or anything. Just get in his luxury car or train or plane and do what he wants. The monarchy should end with the Queen.
Biggest mistake ever was bringing them back in 1660.
The BBC and Herdy Gurdian told me yesterday that we`re all self-reporting our racism more than of old.
Where and how do I report myself for re-education? I wasn`t asked.
Still though-all reports specifically gave me no mention of Islam or the EU being problems in these areas-for BBC/Guardian would surely HAVE HAD To mention those , had these been factors.
So-in that light-we can all hate Islam, the Mo Brigade that enforce it-without being racist(but we knew that).
We can also hate the EU…and be merely xenophobic, and not racist…so no laws against that one.
As for the role of the EU in turning us all into sharia-compliant mutton for Choudhrys chummies?…we can sleep easy, knowing that the two topics are one and the same more often than not. No EU-no Eurabia.
That’s a lot of hate you’ve got there ChrisH, for a Christian. Aren’t you supposed to lover your enemies?
I think you have hate on the brain
Careful. Talk like that can get the Candyman appearing,
‘lover your enemies?’
Steady on.
Looking forward to your next rushed one-liner, maybe the topic of the BBC and its efforts could seduce?
Can`t understand Gods love without an appreciation of His righteous anger too mitch!
It`s not anger either-it`s called discernment and listening to Michael Abedowale as he stood by Lee Rigby last year.
Scripturally(the Koran) he was verbatim on Sura 8/9….but the BBC cut it out….wonder why?
Do check mitch-it`s not hate, it`s knowing the signs of the times…
ITV News about the vibrant monocultural community of Tower Hamlets: http://www.itv.com/news/london/story/2014-05-29/police-may-investigate-allegations-of-voter-intimidation/
bBBC ‘News’: … nothing.
Actually the BBC did it before ITV. And they worked on the story with Breibart http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/05/27/bbc-london-tower-hamlets-breitbart
In which case the bBBC ‘news’ should improve its ‘search’ facility, which shows nothing about Tower Hamlets for the last two days.
have they reported this yet?
Beyond ‘reporting’, I’d be interested in some of that world-renowned BBC ‘analysis’, say from Messrs. Easton & Robinson, on the consequences to politics and home affairs when small groups get to define what does or does not happen not by rule of law or debate but the threat of violence.
Let such things creep in as government, or fail to report them adequately as agenda-bound state media, and next thing you could find is things like ‘no-go’ areas or public institutions like schools being isolated.
Or… they could continue to obsess about how disagreeable it is being Nick or spinning spurious ‘ism ‘research’ to make sense of what is right on front of their lying eyes.
‘some of that world-renowned BBC ‘analysis’
Of course, should it be in the pipeline, fingers crossed no more of Luther’s lovelies are installed amongst the cubicle groves to pull a Panorama.
BBC staff will soon be unable to walk down a whispering corridor without ducking for cover for fear of getting fragged by a friendly.
Ah that lovely little box of cutting edge tricks top right of the BBC site.
It’s state of the art, as Ian Hislop, might say, ‘allegedly’.
There may even be research that shows everyone loves it. Maybe with LSE/Guardian input.
I hear it is soon going to be rebranded by Perfect Curve as the Distracting Meander Initiative
Have I got shit in my eye ? I’ve just read that Joey Barton the footballer is on QT tonight ? WTF….
if anyone disagree s with his crap … it ll kick off
… (big grin) who else is on?
Joey Barton is the liberal medias dream of “the voice of the working chappie”.
Guardian!..check?…Smiths?…check!…pretentious French affectations?…check!…assaulting his juniors?…right on!
That he`s been a crap player for yonks now, and a thug for most of that time too…he`s the Russell Brand of football.
The BBCs idea of a rebel…but do they know that he once stubbed a cigar out in a youth players eyc at his club?
Ban the man!..hate crime against Gaia and the NHS!
How desperately does the BBC want the Isla Vista killings to be about misogyny? This desperately:
Seriously, BBC? Guys who practice chat up lines and accessioning (seriously – they call it ‘peacocking’) are behind murders?
Perhaps sensing that it’s kind of a reach, the article itself is a classic of BBC bias. It jumps straight into quoting at length three feminist nutcases who are allowed to define what PUA is – thereby loading the dice right off – and it’s only in paragraph 16 that we hear from an actual PUA.
Fortunately though, the BBC lets us know not to trust that nasty PUA by telling us that he has ‘a controversial view that has opened [him] to ridicule’ and what’s more it’s ‘not unlike the right’s criticism of what it perceives as a flawed culture of sexual permissiveness.’ (the right! God forbid!).
Maybe that would be fair comment, except the feminist they quote from most extensively is Amanda Marcotte aka the woman who was fired by the John Edwards campaign for the Democrat nomination due to her nutty anti-male rantings being too much even for a campaign aimed at the left of the Democrat party. Apparently, being too crazy for the democrats is neither ‘controversial’ nor ‘open to ridicule’ at the BBC.
“Despite ceaseless immigration, the British are NOT more racist – whatever the blathering Left and BBC might say”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2642283/Despite-ceaseless-immigration-British-NOT-racist-blathering-Left-BBC-say.html#ixzz336T4KoFo
Because of its entrenched political commitment to the ‘Left-Islam’ alliance, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) censors on Islam and anti-Semitism.
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“How far gone is Dhimmi Britannia? This far gone: Abdurraheem Green made his anti-Semitic statements eight years ago, but is only being investigated now because of a report by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, one of the most prominent members of which is another anti-Semite, Maryam Namazie. Namazie is a Marxist, which indicates that her opposition to Sharia is not a fight for freedom, but just one thug trying to outmaneuver another; Hitler and Stalin fought each other, too, but that didn’t make either one of them freedom fighters. She is also an anti-Semite, having retailed Palestinian jihadist propaganda about Israel, claiming that it engaged in ‘genocide’ in Gaza — thereby spitting in the face of all genuine victims of genocide and advancing an anti-Semitic lie that was crafted in aid of the jihad against Israel. So is there any sane, rational voice among all these thugs, slaves, and idiots? Not in Insane Britannia.”
“UK: Anti-Semitic Islamic charity finally under investigation eight years after its founder was caught making anti-Semitic statements”
I had to laugh at the pre-leaking/suggestion that Lord Coe may become the new chairman of the BBC trust – I can’t work out whose brand would be more damaged by the move.
It seems a marriage made in heaven – a self important little twerp who everyone hates running a trust that everyone hates and no one trusts.
A BBC presenter censored by his editor after referring to a female judo champion as a “girl”.
sheesh! … where have these from across the pond been
# wake up call!
mind you …
they don t miss everything
This video is brilliant and an independent view that needs to be seen by Cameron, Miliband and the establishment (includes BBC of course), it is so to the point and correct, (i.e. true).
prob the only person able to dodge the bullets coming his way soon. WTF does he know about running a business,the only running he knows is round at track,OH wait a minute running round and round in circles getting nowhere.Yes he’s the best man for it…..OR a Lib Dum maybe ?
Central African Republic: Islamic jihad massacre- alternative headlines:
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Central African Republic:
Islamic jihadists storm church, murder at least 30”
2.) INBBC:-
“CAR Seleka rebels kill many in Bangui church attack”
I doubt this will make it to the bBBC. It’s not as if he wants to be our next Prime Minister, is it?
I don’t read much British news, says Miliband
Ed Miliband “doesn’t read much British news” and prefers an American political website to keep him informed of world events.
The Labour leader, who has no newspapers delivered to his home and keeps TV screens off while he works, relies on party aides to condense and deliver the news to him.
“I don’t read much British news. You get a lot of advice in the newspapers about what you should do. It’s much more important to follow your own path and stick to your own path. I’ve made that a rule in the last three and a half years,” he said in an interview with Buzzfeed.
He does, however, regularly check the US website RealClearPolitics.com for news on what he calls the “new global politics of inequality”.
He doesn’t need to read it because Labour HQ wrote it!
Ed Miliband’s moral compass is set steady toward the same EU-UN-Globalist destination already reached by Gordon Brown, Tony Bliar, and Baron Kinnock – all ‘socialist’ politicians who made their way, grunting, to the trough while trampling over those they were supposed to represent. Perhaps the BBC, the EU, Ed Miliband, and David Cameron should consider Mr Bliar’s own words ‘The art of leadership is saying ‘no’, not saying ‘yes’. It is very easy to say ‘yes’.’
Very true, especially when you are exempt from the disastrous results of your decisions. Thank you to Nigel Farage and UKIP for showing Britain the art of leadership.
Apropos of this, there is a nice comment by Simon Kuper in FT Magazine that has been forwarded to me by a friend. I’m cutting it down to the essence of the article below:
“At a reception recently I met the former president of a small post-communist country. I know that’s what he was because he told me so immediately. He then began dropping names of London-based ex-Soviet oligarchs – his friends and business associates, he implied.
This man had Blair Disease, named for ex-prime minister Tony Blair: the growing propensity of former heads of government to monetise their service. Blair Disease is damaging but easily cured.
If you are super-rich, you probably have an ex-leader working for you, like an overpaid tennis coach. Blair, for instance, has shilled for JPMorgan Chase, Qatar and Kazakhstan’s cuddly regime. Then there’s the modern ex-leader’s staple: giving paid speeches to rich people. Blair’s Queen Anne mansion outside London differs from the “museum of corruption” recently vacated by Ukraine’s ex-president Viktor Yanukovich chiefly in degree, taste and the period when the money was made. Both men got rich through running countries. It’s just that Blair’s version was legal.
It’s easy to cure Blair Disease: bar ex-leaders from doing paid work for private interests. This free measure would instantly deflate populism, keep experience inside government and attract a better class of person to the job.”
‘relies on party aides to condense and deliver the news to him’
Always works well in the bunker, especially with regimes keen to only hear what they want, as history has shown.
Speaking of bunkers, and aides, I recall the Pollard Report mentioned a fair bit of the top floor Alzheimers was traced back to the novel excuse that the guys earning half millions a year couldn’t be held responsible for anything because their minions had not mentioned stuff to them… or they didn’t hear… or the restaurant was noisy… or it was in a corridor… or…
That’s why such ‘leaders’ these days get the big bucks.
If I was Ed, or Lord Tone, if any minions with an eyepatch limp out the group hug meeting having left behind a ream of A4 they claim is an iPad, I’d make my excuses and get in the queue to microwave a spud down the hall PDQ.
Good old Orla( Because I`m happy!) Guerin seems exercised at al Sissis landslide victory in Egypt.
Anti-democratic…not the 95% landslide required to please Morsis muppets…the bloody-minded electorate could not be persuaded to back the general, despite coercions and threats?
Orla fears the lack of a democratic mandate, when Morsi was doing so well last year!
45% a landslide compared to Obama of course-but, given the EU results giving the right/UKIP similar concerns about the elite HERE…unresponsive, out of touch, threatening and bullying in clear defiance of the results of the votes?
Nah-no EU voting parallels here whatsoever.
The Egyptians got it wrong, pretty much as UKIP/FN did here in Europe…but Orla cares about one and not the other.
I have difficulty telling Orla Guerin and Lyse Doucet apart when I hear their voice-overs. And boy do their voices grate – like seagulls being slowly strangled.
I find this to be the case with most of the women the BBC employ these days in “journalism.” And don’t get me started on those patronising, know-it-all, mummy’s voices the BBC women continuity announcers all have. It is the sort of voice women habitually use when crouching down to speak to a five-year-old. Even documentaries aren’t safe from them, where they spend the best part of an hour emoting like mad instead of just giving us the facts.
At least they have names you can put to their voices.
For some reason Carmen Squire has the ‘voice of choice’ across the whole of British media.
She’s the one that interrupts Radio 2 every 20 minutes to tell us in the same tones who the instantly recognisable voice in the trailer was.
Love them or loath them we can choose to listen or avoid the other regular presenters but not this one.
Description of Sharia Law on BBC News website today.
‘Sharia law acts as a code for living that all Muslims should adhere to, including prayers, fasting and donations to the poor’
Sounds nice.
And making life hell for any Muslim who wishes to leave the faith.
BBC local radio
worth every penny
By about half way through this my face was flat on my keyboard and I was out of breath, quivering like a paint-mixer. This is like a clip from a lost episode of Dad’s Army.
I kept waiting for the sound of a gunshot.
Good ole “Barry from Watford” has “rung up ” Iain Lee on LBC & other stations over the years . Also been a ” guest ” on Steve Wright & Ian Collins shows too .
Ha Ha incredibly funny – thanks for that find Stewart.
Wonderful…needs to go viral and put Iain Lee in his coffin!
Ta Stewart!
http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/teacher-trojan-horse-school-charged-7185381…oh dear
At risk of sounding a bit green, and not wishing to get google excited too much by going to find out, what is the difference (legally?) between [p-word] and extreme [p-word]?
Because if it’s straying into areas I think it might be, maybe the poor guy was simply surfing dating sites for marriage partners, that hailed from another time? Or does it more involve ping pong balls or Russian Queen paramours (allegedly)?
One is sure the community is mobilising as we speak to suggest to the police things be handled carefully as it would be a shame if anything happened, as it were.
4 other teaching staff and a youth worker?
uh oh! …… possibilities?
I just know that Chris Packham is a cnut but I can’t recall particularly why. Can anyone help?
1.Because he cares more about birds than he does about people…another greenie misanthrope.
2. Because he thinks that the Maltese are on a par with Nazis because they shoot songbirds that fly over the island-and gets arrested for so doing(all on our payments and his sneaky Twitter feeds).
3. Because he chooses ska for his desert island discs…a trendy guilt-ridden fop who`s never really got over not being chosen to play the weepy kestrel owner in that damned film Kes.
In short-the BBCs Childrens Presenting version of someone who cares…but not about kids or people…the usual self-loathing green do-gooder so beloved of the BBC.
Bring back Johnny Morris…even dead will do, compared to the likes of Packhammie!
Yep – Packham is a typical BBC gobsh*te. His dangerous form of pro-CAGW ‘edutainment’ (with a heavy emphasis on anti-science, lowest common denominator populism, of course) no doubt goes down extremely well with his Politburo employers. Packham – a ‘certain kind of fool’ who clearly enjoys ‘the sound of his own name’ (as The Eagles once memorably sang) – is the end product of a broadcaster now irretrievably beyond redemption.
Packham’s merely a conspicuous symptom of a much wider disease eating away the hateful Corporation.
Anyone have the misfortune to catch BBC s child star wannabe R Bacon … news of the Week?
A flavour … waycism and UKIP, in that order, and irritatingly, he s still pretending to be an “intellectual”
to boot.
No link yet …
Really only advised if you want to drop kick the radio.
Student debating society without the O Levels. Bacon is a twat of the first order, and should be ignored at all costs.
Ha! No Limp Dim on the Question Time Panel tonight, the BBC have refused.
I guess that’s what happens when you’ve been consigned to the 4/5 most popular party…..
too funny for words
Maybe the BBC is trying to help ’em out?
Seems that when the BBC gets on your case or offers profile even if it’s only to put the boot in, the only way is up.
So maybe Coventry is the greatest gift they can provide.
Let’s just look at a recent poll:
Racial prejudice ‘on the rise’ in the UK
Almost a third of British people describe themselves as either “very” or “a little” prejudiced against people of other races, a survey of social attitudes finds.
The British Social Attitudes Survey, published annually by the National Centre of Social Research (NatCen), revealed “troubling” findings that levels of racial prejudice are “on the rise”.
“The findings are troubling,” said Penny Young, chief executive of NatCen Social Research.
“Levels of racial prejudice declined steadily throughout the nineties, but have been on the rise again during the first decade of this century. This bucks the trend of a more socially liberal and tolerant Britain.
Before going into the validity of this poll, it’s worth knowing something about who this Penny Young is.
Penny Young is chief executive of NatCen. Before joining NatCen, Penny was head of audiences at the BBC Trust, the body which represents licence fee payers🙄
Now to the poll on which the above is based in which 2149 people were asked – “How would you describe yourself … as very prejudiced against people of other races, a little prejudiced, or not prejudiced at all?”.
In 2013, 3% described themselves as “very prejudiced”, 27% said they were “a little prejudiced”, and 68% said they were “not prejudiced at all” (a further 2% said they did not know).
Now I wonder just how many of these people really understood what prejudice actually means. Did they really know that it is
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Because I doubt that few if any of those who admitted a prejudice did so with the understanding that it implies that they have no reason for this opinion. So in a way it’s a ridiculous question. Better would be to have narrowed down various types of foreigners and races, those with a reputation for good integration, and those who have not, and then asked related to how well they thought they integrated and if they disliked them for that reason. Then we might see that it is not PREJUDICE, but people having good reason to feel the way they do. Perhaps it might have shown a far higher figure than indicated, but nothing to do with racism.
Steven Glover shares his view.
Despite ceaseless immigration, the British are NOT more racist – whatever the blathering Left and BBC might say
Brits really should not listen too much to the left, including the subtle innuendo from the BBC, regarding slandering us as a nation of many racists.
They should instead be praising our nation for being at the the top of the premier league of the worlds non-racist countries.
There are indeed so few countries in the world where almost all faiths, races and the worlds peoples are made so welcome.
I am blogging today from Poland, where in the Socialist era I spent many years working here.
The reality is as a Brit talking with my Polish hosts, I am forever defending British toleration points with Poles who cannot understand, for example, how the British send 30 million pounds to Polish children living here, (not UK), for example, through the UK child benefit system of those Polish parents working in UK.
Yesterday I was speaking with a Polish lady and her Pakistani husband she met whilst working in UK, out here on a Polish family visit.
This visit for the British/Pakistani guy has proven a very dangerous trip, so-much-so the guy cannot wait to get back to Brighton, where he is a taxi driver and is most unlikely to ever visit Poland again. Reason? You guessed it: extreme racism in Eastern Europe.
As one has grown to expect from the labour generation of lefty indoctrination, (which includes the BBC), in the UK quite the polar opposite is true of the British attitudes to foreigners compared to the much more endemic racism practised in East er Europe.
The US economy shifted into reverse in the first three months of 2014 shrinking by an annualised rate of 1%, official estimates have shown.
BBC reports without serious comment. Maybe it’s because I did a physics degree, or maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but all measurements carry an error. So it should be something like 1± 0.5%. Of course, if it was 1±2.0% the US economy could actually be growing. If that’s too complicated for the BBC, they can always fall back on the ratings agencies kindergarten system. Haven’t heard much from them lately. Perhaps there will be good news, like they’ve been closed down and their directors imprisoned.
Beeboids will be all for this ‘coalition,’ if it means reducing political opposition from UKIP to E.U and to mass immigration:-
Farzana Iqbal was murdered by Muslims applying ‘sharia’. Why does the BBC not report these facts?
Rod Liddle
Farzana Iqbal, aged 25, was stoned to death by members of her family in broad daylight on the steps of a courthouse in Lahore, Pakistan, because she had married a man with whom she was in love. This was an “honour killing” and perpetrators use sharia law to justify their murders. Some 1,000 women are killed in this manner in Pakistan each year and an overwhelming majority of the population seems to be in favour of them. Some 91 per cent of honour killings worldwide are “Muslim on Muslim” crimes. In Pakistan, laws introduced in the 1970s, by Zia-ul-Haq, and based on punishments recommended in the Koran and Sunnah, mean that women have almost no recourse in law and the male members of the family can do with them as they will.
This latest horrific case was reported last night on the BBC Ten O Clock News.
The following words did not appear at any time in the report: Muslim, Islam, Koran, Sharia.
The Religion of Peace website shows that there have been over 23,000 deadly Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11.
While our dhimmi BBC reports only a fraction of these incidents, it can’t even bring itself to deem them terrorists.
Another story concerns a mother and doctor, Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, in Sudan who has been sentenced to be flogged and death for converting to Christianity.
On the BBC report there is no mention of her being a doctor, but they do tell us Correspondents say death sentences are rarely carried out in Sudan, so no worries there eh?
Except the website ‘Death Penalty Worldwide’ on Sudan tells a different story, so I doubt she’s feeling like she has a future.
There is a petition with over 500,000 signatories so far for Sudan to release her. I urge people to sign it. If left up to the BBC she’ll be executed before they would raise an alarm.
And on [Though for the Day’ this morning we had the usually very solid Joel Edwards criticising Sudan for misunderstanding islam by passing the death sentence on Meriam Ibrahim for converting to Christianity. Last week, it was Clifford Longley repeating the same – that Islamic terrorist acts were a misunderstanding of the Islamic faith. I rather think that both Edwards and Longley know full well that islam demands that these things must happen, but they shrink from the truth and prefer to lie. Have they not hear the Commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness”?
Beeboids are in a political alliance with Islam, and so they politically embrace Islamic jihad and Sharia law as key elements of their philosophical principles.
And we licence-payers finance it all!
it was like a tale of 2 polling stations in the local and euro elections where i live last thursday, there was a carnival type atmosphere with all politacal candidates behaving towards each other in a respectfull manner,even the local bbc station had cameras there to film this exercise in peacefull democrasy at my poling station,4 miles up the road from where i live was a different story,for the first time ever they had police outside protecting the polling stations,in surrounding streets dressed in riot gear and on stand by in other parts of this area,why was that you may ask,that was to prevent voter intimidation,violence and bullying of voters,it was like a tale of 2 citys where i live and not once until now have i mentioned muslim or islam or where i live in this post,but you can guess what i am getting at.
Two attacks in the Central African Republic (CAR) less than 24 hours apart. The first on a Church and the second on a mosque. Here is how the bBC covers each story:

and the other

Anybody find it strange how only while Christians can be fully blamed for burning down a mosque, the people who started this all off (As they did the whole affair) are referred to as…mainly Muslims and that is hidden in the script, unlike the nasty Christians who get top spot.
It seems I can’t get the pictures above to open up and expand so here are the links:
Mosque attack:
Church attack
No words needed
Got to love the bBC, they are pushing out a story about how Chinese born Anna Lo was the Alliance Party (In Northern Ireland) European election candidate, is going to up sticks and leave because of…racism.
So was it becasue of the colour of her skin that she was picked on? well if I only followed the bBC for my news I would think so. NAh she was abused becasue she said this?
Alliance conference: Party defends Anna Lo over united Ireland comment
The Alliance Party has presented a united front in defence of Anna Lo after she said that she believed Northern Ireland would be better off as part of a united Ireland.The party’s annual conference on Saturday came just two days after Ms Lo became the first senior party figure to make public her preference for the removal of the border, arguing that the Province would be better off politically, socially and economically as part of an all-island nation.
She also said she was “anti-colonial” and said the partition of Ireland was “artificial”.
Yeah that all the people of Ireland need, a foreign born political twit telling them all they need to sell themselves to….Strasburg, becasue she thinks it the right thing to do.
F-ing liberals just don’t get it do they.
And after the Alliance party sank without a trace, you (gee I wonder why) can bet your bottom dollar she isn’t flavour of the month at party HQ, never mind the streets. Maybe there lies the reason she doesn’t feel wanted. Maybe she would feel better off in China?
She told a story about how she was abused in the street with racist names. How fo you know it was about that comment?? There’s no evidence the person abusing her even knew she was a politician never mind made these comments.
And you mustn’t have been watching the BBC much because her comments were discussed at length on BBC NI’s ‘The View’ on thursday evening.
Anna Lo has lived in NI for more than 40 years, you twit, that’s longer than most who live here. She’s spent a career working for the betterment of people. I’d take umpteen Anna Lo’s over you anyday.I’m very sorry that you had a bad childhood at the hands of Muslim father, but ffs get over it.
p.s. who could disagree that the partition of Ireland was “artificial”?
“Anna Lo has lived in NI for more than 40 years” (30 according to wiki) and now all of a sudden she cant stand the racism?
And if her alleged abusers didn’t know she was a politician ,how did she know they were ulster loyalists?
Or is it this the reason for her decision?
‘Ms Lo told the Guardian newspaper that continual racist abuse directed at her by loyalists influenced her decision’
So far the only part of your post that rings true is “She told a story” And, by-your -leave ,I’m not convinced by your or the BBC’s version of events.
I think Pounce is right and she suffering the backlash of sticking a very sharp stick in a very angry hornets nest
Oh and I’m sure some of those abusing her agree with your view “that the partition of Ireland was artificial”.
Very interesting to listen to the Ukrainian neighbors views this week here in Poland on how dangerous the world has suddenly become because of the Ukraine crisis.
Poland being so ethnically and historically intertwined with Western Ukraine, (particularly the pre-WWII Polish territory given away by the allies at Potsdam in 1945 when the Polish border was moved Westerward), –
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_changes_of_Poland_immediately_after_World_War_II –
means a lot of people are now worrying about their ancestral homeland.
It is amazing how the man on the street here in Szczecin blames the EU and NATO for interfering and having very shallow understanding how important to Russia the Ukraine is. Another comment I have heard often here is it would have done the Poles and Ukrainians a big favour if the EU and NATO had kept it’s noses well out of their neighbours affairs.
The Poles really do still fear the Russians with very good reason.
The BBC are going to be all over this story like maggots.
“Councillor’s drunk and disorderly arrest”
Oh hang on a minute it’s not a UKIP councillor, but a Labour one.
In the BBC lexicon this is definitely “Not Newsworthy”
Yet another bias by omission
Maybe A. Newsroom Editor could offer a view on why some get binned and others see the full bells and whistles treatment?
Here’s a thing. We know how ‘expert’ the BBC likes to positions itself (to the nation). Now imagine your a Lib/Lab/Con career politician (like Ed or Dave) with no time to take it all in. Prof. Gregory Burns (Neurologist) Emory University, Atlanta discovered why this is, ‘This study indicates that the brain relinquishes responsibility when a trusted authority provides expertise. The problem is that it can work out to a person’s detriment if the trusted source turns out to be incompetent or corrupt’ (i.e. the BBC in the UK is a case in point).
Currently Newsround has Billy Bragg saying England/Britain isnt a country, just an ‘economic unit’.
Bragg is worth thousands of votes for UKIP. We need to encourage him.
‘Billy Bragg isn’t a person, just a cunt’
BBC Radio Devon isn’t as good as BBC radio 4 at hiding their bias reporting. This week on Radio Devon in their morning news segments they have been talking about Devon in the first world war. Some pretty interesting stuff which raises a few eyebrows. On Tuesday, they hit upon the fact that Save the Children charity was set up during the first world war. Well, not quite, it was after the 1st world war, that being in 1919. The trouble with their segment was they overemphasised the importance of Save the Children charity and in doing so got me curious. So I looked up Save the Children and one of the founders was thus: [In 1904 she married Charles Roden Buxton, at that time a Liberal politician, and the pair were active in the Liberal Party. In 1915 she joined the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. In 1917 she and her husband left the Liberal Party for the Labour Party, and joined the Society of Friends] It also turns out that during the 2nd World war her husband was an appeaser for Germany. Hmm. It has been stated on this forum that many of the CEO’s of charities happen to come from the Labour party or have deep links with the Labour party so I had a look and came up with this: CEO Justin Forsyth: [In 2004, Justin was recruited to Number 10 by Tony Blair where he led efforts on poverty and climate change and was one of the driving forces behind the Make Poverty History campaign. He was to stay on under Gordon Brown, becoming his strategic communications and campaigns director, helping to use new communications strategies to reach the British public on a range of issues from knife crime to climate change. Justin was appointed as chief executive of Save the Children UK in September 2010. –
No wonder BBC Radio Devon gave up so much airtime on the subject. But then to some on here (Scott) the fact that too much airtime (in my opinion) was given up for the subject manor was just a coincidence. I’ve no doubt that the Save the Children charity nevertheless, do some excellent work.
It looks like a piece of my cut and paste did not get uploaded. It should have read [Dorothy Buxton nee Jebb (founding member) in 1904….
Oh joy of joys. My EPG says of Newsnight tonight…
“…and Billy Bragg on Englishness”
They’re late this year – they usually save this ̶a̶n̶t̶i̶ English crap for St. George’s Day.
No doubt it’s timed for that other piece of establishment propaganda that was also suspiciously timed for the rise of the right in the EU elections – that poxy survey in which we’re now all just that bit more racist all of a sudden. Geez – do you think they had that up their sleeve waiting…just in case? No, of course not!
…and people wonder why there’s a growing snese that there’s an establishment stitch up that’s working against the interests of the majority and its concerns. If the subtle and not so subtle hints of ‘racism’ fail to shut ’em up, get some bogus research to shame them into silence once more.
Balls to the lot of ’em. What qualifies Bragg, above all others, to speak on Englishness…other than the fact that he’s got ‘all the correct opinions’ according to the BBC, and will put us all back in our horrid ‘far right’ box.
I’m hoping soon for a New England, Billy, but it’s unlikely to fit with your ‘progressive’ prescription for us (but not for thee).
He’s calling UKIP ‘Little Englanders’ now.
David Dimbleby introduces Joey Barton-he`s footballs “philosopher-king” apparently!
Next thing-he refers to UKIP as the least ugly of four women.
The UKIP woman calls him out-but she`s only UKIP, so the BBC let his “outrageously sexist comment” pass without comment.
We`ll not be hearing about this any further I`m sure…sexism is a moveable feast as long as UKIP get abused.
Interesting how diverse the audience are as well-bias?…who`s to say?
Clearly a more inspired (by what, another matter) version of ‘politics of the least bad’, a reasonable definition of frustration.
However, post ‘girl-talk’ only the other day, it seems odd such an allusion did not see the ladies who whisper in corridors fly down from the edit suite to pull the plug.
As you say, the version seen later will be interesting.
yes had to laugh as the left laughed and applauded Joey Barton, ah as long as your UKIP or English you can be abused…
Unbelievable, UKIP walked the European elections, yet bar one of the panel and 97% of the Question Time audience and texters has anything good to say about them.
The mega rich and politico panel untouched by the diversity that they think is so wonderfull still don’t get it…
The scent of Jasmine lingers even though she is currently no longer present?