One year to the general election….we could probably fill an open thread every day with the BBC’s bias as the charities, pressure groups and think tanks clamour for airtime, so readily given, to pronounce the coming apocalypse if the Tories get voted into power again….only today we heard the anthem for doomed youth blasting out on the BBC as yet another left leaning charity, Save The Children, warns us that welfare cuts and the cost of living crisis are going to ‘sentence’ the young to a life of poverty in the near future….sounding remarkably like a Labour Party broadcast.
Jeremy Paxman interviewed, more like a cosy fire side chat, Michael Heseltine about the UKIP landslide, he babbled that Britain has been enriched by wave after wave of immigration over the centuries !!
This is where Michael Heseltine lives Thenford House, loves the ‘effnikk’ minorities and does everything he can to live as far away as possible from them as he can. Finding out where these hypocrites live tells you more about them than what they actually say !!
Thenford House would be much improved if the west wing was turned into a mosque and a Roma gypsy was placed on the front lawn. I think his Lordship Heseltine would be thrilled.
Missed out a word, Roma Gypsy camp placed on the front lawn.
He sent his older daughter to Stowe School, that great melting pot of multi-culture.
Stinking hypocrite. Right up there with Dianne Abbott, Polly Toynbee, Tony Blair, Harriet Harman, Shirley Williams. If it’s so f@@king great why do you send your kids to white elitist (private and grammar) schools? Vomit inducing.
Heselslime is an appalling old fraud. Every time he speaks I am reminded of Mary McCarthy’s comment on Lillian Hellman, “every word she writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.”
Newsnight presenter just talked of the worst race riots being in Bradford all those years ago. However I remember at the time the BBC maintained that it was NOT a race riot at all and was against “Police heavy handedness”. Even though it was apparent to me and I shouldn’t wonder half the nation that it WAS a race riot.
Like my old mum always said if you lie you gotta remember what you lied about.
ICM research for the BBC into the complaints procedure. Unfortunately it’s of little real use as the only questions they wanted asked were regarding the time taken to respond, was the person on the phone nice, etc etc.
Just shows that either they don’t want to know the answers to the questions which matter.
My personal experience with the complaint procedure is that the automatic reply arrives promptly but the actual reply can take so long that you have forgotten what you asked. Even if the reply is, “You are right Mr. deegee. The article has been corrected (ROFL)” the offending piece has been up for months.
All the damage has been done.
Another week, another Leftist intellectual booked to appear on Katz’s failing Newsnight.
(Just me, or is Laura Kuenessberg really really peculiar?)
All Newsnight bookings now apparently done in a vain attempt to reinflate that punctured used condom that represents the low spirits in the leftist BBC/Guardian junior common room.
Thomas Piketty has been run up the flag pole – but only a few saluted.
Are the BBC ‘Les Mis’ about what’s happened in France or what?
Despite best efforts at Licence-Fees-Are-Us their mate Red Ed Miliband looks to be crashing to the ground in some sub-Red Bull powerless flight attempt.
And – as Paxo would have it – this chap Nigel Garage is going down a storm.
Quick, someone shout racism before Philip from Rising Damp sheds a tear.
So who’s this Marquand, they’ve dragged on tonight, you ask. Was he the fourth black Musketeer in the recent BBC adaptation? No, silly.
‘Born in Cardiff, Marquand was educated at Emanuel School, Magdalen College, Oxford… His father was Hilary Marquand, also an academic and former Labour MP… He was the MP for Ashfield from 1966 to 1977, when he resigned his seat to work as Chief Advisor (from 1977 to 1978) to his mentor Roy Jenkins who had been appointed President of the European Commission….’ Enough, enough!
IIRC, he was in the SDP (remember them ?) along with Woy & Co.
Good point-is Laura Kuennsburg more “peculiar” that Cathy Newman on Channel 4?
Got to be a psychotherapeutic faeces oh this one.
Between these two?…I`d go for Newman as the odder one…but it`s close!
Does BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson still believe that it was Nick Clegg 4 and Nigel Farage 0 in the televised deabtes on Europe?
I suspect fears over this are what has led the BBC to stop comments on his articles, rather like what they did with Linda Yueh who is supposed to be chief business correspondent.
There was something quite druggy in the way that Robinson decided after the first debate everyone in the studio felt it had been “about even”. Then, embarrassingly, the YouGov poll told a different story. My recollection is he wrinkled his nose and laughed it off, suggesting that in the light of the 21 point poll margin for Farage, he had “just scraped it.”
Isn’t the Chief Executive of Save The Children the former Deputy Chairman of the Labour Party? Another case of Labour politicizing a charity with its placemen.
I thought that all CEO’s of all charities were former Labour Party members. But I could be wrong.
Not wrong. Spot on. There is an IEA economics text book on how Labour managed (under Brown) to strategically place key ‘SOCK PUPPETS’ at the head of all major national charities to ensure Labour maintained it’s politically correct influence (even if and when voted out of government)..
The BBC has decided not to mention UKIP at all this morning. Its all the Libdem treachery and infighting. There is also the death of that child raped black activist author. It is becoming a Mandela moment. I had never heard of her. Don’t want to.
Fred, you , like me, are part of the ‘left behind folks’. I have it on the authority of the BBC that this woman was a one of the shapers of the 20th century and that her works contain deep insights into the human predicament. I won’t go on because I didn’t understand mush of what they were saying , me being one of the northern dumbies. But I will definitely go down to the library and take out all of her works for deep study. You see I’m desperately trying to catch up with the thinking of the metropolitan elite so I can better understand how they have managed to con us out of our country.
Some shaper she is!
Diabetes 2 on the Batmanghedghli scale of 90% by my reckoning.
If we mean that she shaped the 20th C by making our youngsters think it`s OK to mug the white trash for the KFC buckets…then fine.
Otherwise I know why the caged bird sings…because he`s not been given a referendum on whether he wants to rot in the cage or not.
Bit of satire there…but no jokes allowed re the EU and UKIP, and the idiocy of their political beaks…the Lefty comix at the Beeb dare not do that.
As I said yesterday , I`ve never heard of her either , but News 24 , were all going all “Mandela mode” ,yesterday afternoon , maybe because today is Ascension Day , they are expecting a sign from the Veld .
Womans Hour keeing at Mayas demise.
And not a care for the gravediggers(male of course!) who`ll have to dig a hole big enough to haul her into.
Funny how female inequality and discrimination has yet to reach the binmen or gravedigging “fraternities” isn`t it?
Anyhoo-you`ve not heard the end of Angie!
If Last Word is not giving the old trout at least fifteen minutes tomorrow-then my name is not Camilla Batmanghedghli, nor is it Bonnie Greer.
Poor gravediggers eh?
If they cremate her, she could provide eat for numerous old folks homes and/or hospitals. She probably warrants a multi-thousand baby power rating!
The electorate have spoken…not only here, but throughout Europe.
1. We want out of the EU
2. We want an end to immigration unless WE decide who`s welcome-and who`s getting dumped here to turn us into Eurabia Zone no 4.
How much more f***in “seemples” does it have to be?
So f***off Maya, Heseltine with your arboreum somewhere leafy, Clarke or Ming…if THOSE two bullet points are not addressed and discussed-you can F888 Off!
All else is a distraction-unless it`s the campaigns to get Lee Rigbys murderers beheaded with a blunt Stanley knife, bring back grammars and get rid of the BBC License.
The electorate all over Europe have spoken-but the leite at the BBC and in Brussels are not listening…clearly.
Maybe we the people need to work that little bit harder to ensure that we communicate our message across a little clearer…
The next election is not all about immigrants but ‘foreign’ socialist ideas strategically added as EU ‘diversity and equality’ agendas that undermine UK school education policies. I refer to a specific Labour quango that soaked 89% of all public funds (for a 5+ years) of political lobbying whilst the BBC made the ‘public ‘propaganda’ a daily dose. Think of the ‘Olympics’ + ‘Sochi’ to the BBC mindset). Such sexual adventures deserve an Olympic gold medal (more than anyone else athletically). The fact that UK Sexually Transmitted Infections proliferate and have featured highly in England’s history (now called STI’s) is shameful – and that ignores (new) HIV and Aids related diseases that have found UK legal approval (despite a series of Scientific based public Health and Safety concerns). Since Cameron’s Freedoms Act 2010, Stonewall have taken every opportunity to further indoctrinate Children at School by using ‘OfSted’ as a prop. The latest ‘lunch time gay clubs’ to attract children (with the promise of ice-cream) to turn Boys and Girls away from parents is gender theory (not a science but an already discredited Swedish theory). What we are about to witness before the next election is the harressment of parents objecting to the inclusion of explicit (gay) sexual PHSE as a fun discourse). PHSE was devised under Labours educational policy (Ed Balls), endorsed regularly by the BBC and now further extended by Cameron into mainstream life. Parents can therefore be ridiculed, despised and threatened for protecting their own children from harm. ‘Helping kids be “safe” at school is the Orwellian term for aggressively enforcing pro-“LGBT” sexual ideology — and more importantly, suppressing all dissent’. Welcome to Cameron’s (left of centre) world… Not exactly traditional ‘Conservative’ values is it? I voted Ukip and will do so again.
What happened to Marriage recently (in the USA) this video is a chilling reminder of what’s about to happen to our children with Camerons express approval.