Nicky Campbell ran a phone in about the state of the economy…notably several callers said that when they raised the question of a pay rise with their bosses the answer was ‘There are plenty of East Europeans who will do it for a lot less’.
Whilst Campbell eventually highlighted such comments this is what the BBC’s economic genius from Wake Up to Money, Adam Parsons, said in response (55 mins):
‘Fascinating that, that disaffection that people sometimes have and their limited horizons…’s one of the symptoms of that long period of downturn and the change in the dynamic really of the British economy…we have got people who are prepared to work for lower wages, there’s a lot of them coming in, but I wonder sometimes whether the spectre of that, the memories of all those Polish plumbers who came along, resonates in people’s brains as much as the reality of it.’
Even as he admits there are workers being imported who undercut British wages he denies it saying it is just some sort of residual mythical belief generated by the Daily Mail no doubt.
So not, maybe, he says, the reality….never mind the callers stating quite plainly that it is happening to them here and now.
Of course Parsons does a double act with the venerable Micky Clark who is always more than happy to be unhappy about good news….the other day as the British Chamber of Commerce and the CBI stated that they believed the economy was bouncing back Clark decided (ala Flanders and the OECD) they couldn’t be trusted….saying they had got it wrong so many times before.
On that basis Clark and Parsons should be taken off air.
Have you noticed all those East Europeans fronting on the BBC? No, me neither. I welcome the East Europeans who come here to work but its typical of the BBC to preach against Brits facing downward wage pressure while keeping the Poles etc out of the BBC. The Poles might be too traditional, conservative and Catholic for BBC tastes.
So why do you ‘welcome East Europeans who come here to work’? They are still taking British jobs, homes, school places, overcrowding the country adding to pressur eon the NHS, transport, the police, roads, and every service from prisons to play groups, from leisure centres, to childrens sports clubs.
There was no such outcry when outsourcing cheap labour from India cost thousands of IT jobs. Wonder why.
flexdream, that’s precisely the point, all those who deny, denigrate and trivialise the concerns of normal people have never actually experienced the anguish of not getting a job because immigrants are taking them. This detachment from reality is I think a symptom of the mental derangement that socialist suffer. The question is whether it is caused by nature or nurture.
it is all about eastern european immigration,anybody would think we did not have mass immigration which resulted in 10 million people from third world coming here when tony blair and new labour opened the borders in 1997 to impose multi culturism and diversity on us against are will,that to me is the real debate that the politicians and ukip are avoiding for reasons i cant understand.
Didn’t start in 1997.
Bradford and a few other places were already lost by then.
I remember moving to Leicester in 1991. I was shocked the first time I saw an entire street where all the shop signs wherew written in Urdu.
There was no white people anywhere in this main shooping road, and it did not look very multicultural to me. It looked like the country was descending into monocultural ghettos.
That debate is still impossible to have. It is a reality too far. The past is full of debates that should have happened and did not. The reasons are elusive. Sometimes fear, sometimes ignorance but often simply that human beings want a quiet and uneventful life most of the time.
This failure to debate multiculturalism and whether it is in the long term interests of England is the single most damaging event of the last 20 years. Other failures are more obvious- the EU, the failure to educate our best children to the best of our abilities, the neo con obsession with exporting democracy to the world, indulging the bankers, the liberal propensity to go to war in what is deemed a righteous cause. Finally the continual attempts to overthrow custom and tradition in the name of a spurious equility and a misguided belief in perfecting a new type of man.
The unravelling of all these illusions is not going to be pretty.
“Indulging the bankers” – indeed.
That’s where Cameron has been trying to turn London into a world Sharia banking centre in order to compete with Dubai, whilst at the same time turning a blind eye to the inequalities and human rights abuses in Muslim lands – and not just Wahhabi police states like Saudi Arabia or that holiday paradise of the Maldives. .
Even the more enlightened states like Dubai, Qatar and Abu Dhabi have a medieval mindset when you scratch beneath the superficial razamatazz and glitz.
Good post.
Very well said indeed, a most eloquent description of the iniquities of the last 20 years of Parliament which has been dominated by self interest and ideology at the expense of the country and its people.
You forget that UKIP is a party founded to get us out of the EU, thus its inevitable UKIP will highlight European immigration. Many Third Worlders come here via the EU too, hundreds of thousands of Dutch Somalis, French Africans and Algerians, Spanish Brazilians, Swedish Iraqis etc, and of course Roma.
The irony is that if they wish to be rid of some undesirables give ’em one of their own passports and put em on a ferry at Calais , thus debasing their own nationality at the same time!….coming to your city soon
The useless Anna Soubry on the “The Andrew Marr Show” today. Apparently she “tells” her constituents that they should not be concerned by immigration and apparently they are satisfied “when they understand.” Apparently, according to the dimwit AND arrogant Soubry, clearly no liker of democracy, the EU election meant very little because turnout was low. The arrogance is extraordinary and was repeated by Paddy Ashdown who reckons that we don’t understand the benefits of immigration, silly us, and that the Lib Dems are right its just that again WE don’t get it. Silly us again. Say lets ignore want the people think… what a bunch of thick wits the punters are… Harman wasn’t on this week to say that the Labour party “is listening” and again ignore the public by spieling off whatever Labour party’s non existent policy on immigration and Europe is as at present.
Yes I saw the Marr show and (just) managed to control my temper. What a ghastly and patronising woman, I pity her constituents. Ashdown made the point that London was the area where UKIP was least successful; obviously due to the fact that metropolitan, intellectual types are quite happy to live in a buzzing, diverse area. I could very easily have proffered another reason for UKIP’s lack of support in the capital; most of the indigenous people who can afford to have moved out to live amongst folk that speak the same language.
That’s precisely what I did.
How can you pity her constituents when they are the fools who voted for her?
She is Labour in everything but name. An absolute disgrace to what used to be the Conservative Party.
The problem is that people keep voting for these tossers. God knows why, but they do.
Soubry is indeed a stupid and useless woman. Although she is a defence minister, I saw her on Question Time when she did not even know that a contract to build tankers for the Royal Navy had gone to South Korea! I am sure the unemployed workers at Portsmouth dockyard are impressed with her grasp of reality.
She came across as under briefed and/or not up to the job on QT. Farage took her to the cleaners and was smirking. She then said “don’t take that tone with me” or “I don’t like your tone” to Farage because she was made to look ridiculous. She didn’t know that Daewoo were building boats for the RN in Korea. She tried to catch up by saying “big boats” as if the “small boats” didn’t matter. Foolish woman.
Also there was a committee meeting, maybe a select committed meetin, on Health which was in her remit at that time and she was made to look foolish again. She hadn’t a clue and was blustering looking to her aid for support. If she is the best the Tories can turn out to take positions of importance they are quite simply crap. No other word for it.
Am I getting old ? (62) But having seeing all the politicians in Westminster on BBC TV today, it struck me that they looked like a bunch of schoolboys – not a statesman amongst them. Has any of them had a real job ?,_2005
In 2005 the Labour party won the general election with 355 seats – an absolute majority of 31. Using the ‘Farage is a flash in the pan’ methodology of looking at the proportion of votes gained from the whole electorate rather than those who turned out is quite interesting.
Labour ruled the country for five years after getting 21.6% of the vote, they got 1.74% more of the electorate to vote for them than the Tories but .
Incidentally each labour seat had an average of 26,900 votes cast for it whilst for the defeated Tories each seat needed 52,900 votes.
Does any of this make sense?
Seems to me none of the big parties have much of a mandate, and no grounds whatsoever to partonise the electorate.
When the UK re-affirmed its commitment to FPTP a few years back, I knew that the country was heading, sooner or later, for a military coupe or civil war. Consequently, I took my family to live overseas. I will not be coming back, ever. Blair should be tried for treason.
When the AV referendum happened, there was also an implicit promise from the coalition that the constituency boundaries would be changed to remove the massive in-built bias in favour of labour.
Sadly the Lib-Dems were wholly untrustworthy and stabbed the senior coalition “partner” in the back. Cameron should have imposed the Parliament Act to push through an in or out referendum on the EU as soon as that happened.
Sadly, the top three parties may fight like ferrets in a sack, but it is only over who gets to implement their shared agenda, and not over implementing different agendas.
This is why I vote UKIP.
Further to that .
One of the reasons,I think, that the electorate rejected AV was that the version offered was explicitly designed to exclude so called extreme partys and ,less explicitly , to ensure a permanent left of centre coalition .
People saw through it for the fraud it was
This was precisely why I voted against it. It was nothing like PR and quite shocking that the coalition didnt offer full PR.
You know, it’s a good job no one one from UKIP ever got caught talking about people having ‘limited horizons’. The BBC would spend the next ten days running phone ins accusing UKIP of snobbery.
BBC-NUJ’s political role in all this is as a political Party for Mass Immigration.
In BBC-NUJ’s daily political campaigning for mass immigration into U.K-
1.) it always presumes that such immigration is ‘a very good thing’, so obviously so to Beeboids that they do not even argue the case;
2.) another Beeboid presumption:- the more immigrants the ‘better’:-10% of population, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% -it’s all desirable to Beeboids;
3.) there should be no talk of limits to numbers of immigrants to U.K;
4.) illegal immigrants must be supported, and allowed to enter U.K in unlimited numbers, despite any opposition from indigenous, erstwhile majority of British people.
2.) another Beeboid presumption:- the more immigrants the ‘better’:-10% of population, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% -it’s all desirable to Beeboids;
It all depends whether they can be brainwashed into putting their X in the Labour box in an election.
I dont think thats even the prime reason. The real goal is to turn the EU into a multiethnic superstate sufficently *mixed* that nationalism will never cause any former country to break away.
Of course the poorer countries love the EU they are the gainers, so its the wealthier countries must be filled with strangers.
Along a similar vein, when bBC conversations take place there is almost always a reference to ‘Right Wing’, BNP etc…… The idea that all this unrest about immigration, religion, multiculteral etc.., could be due to Lefties deliberate actions to get a client voting population; e.g. Look at London. Is never said.
First rule of the far left.
You never talk about the far left.