Don’t you think it a little strange that despite its vast resources and all those “world class” journos it employs (at our expense) the BBC might have picked up on the fact that a French-based Muslim extremist has been arrested on suspicion of having slaughtered four Jewish people in Brussels last week? Still, at LEAST it is bringing us the breaking news that climate change is going to be the death of us…..
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So Vance’s whole post here is predicated on the BBC not reporting something. But, in fact, it has.
Another lie? Or is this one just down to incompetence and laziness?
So did the BBC article appear before or after Mr Vance published his post? You don’t say.
He never does.
He always waits till the stealth edit has taken place then, presumably on the nod from one of his ‘friends’ in the bbc cesspit, rushes in with the ad hominen.
It appeared this morning on the main news page. It was the top story. Someone didn’t notice it.
Yes I saw it on their website. I lost count of the number of times that the BBC laboured the point that he was French or a French national. Virtually ever other sentence in such a short article.
Of course not a dickie about islam or muslim until much later when they started their stealth editing.
And of course nothing about his North African origins.
But then that’s the beeb for you, never give the full news facts if it runs foul of the PC agenda.
Where I come from that kind of evading mentioning a major relevant fact is called Lying by Omission.
Yes, eventually, reported accurately and without any of the slavering agenda driven speculation associated with the Boston marathon or Toulouse murders.
Strangely, the BBC led its reporting of those atrocities with speculation about the right wing nature of the murders, before any facts were available.
Any idea why they did that?
You are a blockhead Scott.
Riddle me this…is our suspect ” believed to be possibly linked to Islamic terrorist groups”..or is he a Muslim?
The BBC seem keen to tell me that he`s the wordy former…but, as far as I heard, not the latter(which I guess lacks the subtlety and nuances that the BBC seem keen to apply to UKIP).
It`s a nice Sunday evening Scott…you should be outside, not bandying verbiage round with us lot.
Where does Scott get 9 friends from. – BBC?
A remarkable statement on the state of Muslim theology by Czech President Miloš Zeman two weeks ago went largely unnoticed.
Reversing the Tide of the Muslim Word Purge
I am convinced that this xenophobia, and let’s call it racism or anti-Semitism, emerges from the very essence of the ideology these groups subscribe to.
In this single sentence, Zeman does something that no leader in the Western world has yet dared to do. He identified the nature of the threat to Israel—the equivalent of loudly breaking wind at a party. And at the risk of repeating myself, Zeman did the deed out loud, daring not only to voice his brave words behind closed doors at a private reception, but subsequently posting them for all the world to see on his government’s website.
Stuff the BBC website, Scott – where was the coverage on the radio and TV? This is a major news item and had it been a murdering psychopath from some white supremacist group taking out a few Muslims the BBC would be running it daily on their ‘flagship’ news programmes from every possible angle including the spread of the ‘extreme Right’ in Europe and the evil influence of the ‘xenophobic’ UKIP.
You are so right.
I (naively) thought they would make more of Lee Rigby’s anniversary but I suppose he does not fill the Stephen L criteria.
Scott is such a charmer. When I wrote the post, the BBC had not ANY link to the story on its main news portal. Hence the story. BBC is now covering it, but I note it is spun around the Syrian angle. The fact is that just as the Toulouse killer did not need any link to foreign Jihadists, nor does this one. Maybe the BBC could simply ask why some Muslims like to slaughter Jews?
What makes you think the killer is a Muslim? The BBC say he’s a Frenchman who moved in radical Islamist circles and went to Syria ( Surely if he was a Muslim the BBC would report that wouldn’t they?
Maybe he is a Christian who just helps out at weekends? Who is to say?
I first heard on Fox news.
You need to change your news provider to one who reports news and not the promotion of social cohesion and Agenda 21.
Everyone knows what’s going on except the cultural Marxist of the BBC newsroom.
You may have noticed on a previous thread that I pointed out to Scott about his breathtaking rudeness, knowing of course, that he would ignore my gentle rebuke.
There was an old banking test when sending a nasty letter to a client “How would it sound if it was read out in a Coroners Court”. I think most would agree that this test applied to Scott’s posts would not produce a favourable result.
Having followed this blog for some years now and watched Scott’s grip on reality and etiquette slip slowly down; I’m beginning to think that he seems to be getting more “Unwell” by the week.
Bearing in mind his fragile state before Christmas (see his blog for an explanation), don’t you think for His health alone he should be encouraged to move elsewhere, where he may be more at ease?
“His blog”?
Go on – give us the link – I could do with a good laugh.
google scott mathewman
To be fair to Scot he really does seem to have suffered mental health problems, whilst we may not be sympathetic to his point of view I think we can avoid adding to his woes.
Totally agree, I think people should think carefully about the consequences of mobbing him.
Just because he seems sometimes to invite it does not mean we should do it.
For his and our own well-being
You are right, that was the main point of my comment.
Point taken ,but perhaps a moratorium might be better than ‘excommunication’ for all concerned
‘Just because he seems sometimes to invite it’
And seems positively encouraged by some, presumably so-called friends, to persist despite the clear consequences. And woes can surely be eased often by resisting the urge to place oneself in harm’s way, especially being encouraged by cynical, manipulative colleagues to be a sacrifice to their cause. His arguments are by now counter-productive, but a sympathy concession hardly seems a solution.
I am unsure that creating a ‘leave alone’ zone is not slightly akin to the early days of an ‘ism accusation seeing everyone scuttle away from legitimate areas of engagement.
That, as I recall, may have worked for some creating the concern, but for many others saw some very dark doors open on them and others less able to defend themselves.
Pollard, Rose et al have shown that cultures tip-toeing round or protecting special cases were not always serving the innocent or BBC brand well, either.
My impression is that (like many if not most on the Left) Scott is a deeply unhappy individual who wants to find a way of blaming others for his misery. He insults people to get a hostile reaction, so that he can designate himself as a “victim”.
As for suicide, my view is that since death will come soon enough anyway, it is best to avoid those who bring little to the party except their own sad pathologies.
Scott very rarely has anything critical to say about the BBC, presumably because he hopes that one day they will give him a job.
As a lover of a free society if Scott admires the BBC I am quite happy for him to pay for it, just as Guardian readers pay for and enjoy reading that garbage.
The question he has to face is why people who despise the BBC should be forced to pay for it, just because it is full of people who think they ought to be tax funded because they have set themselves the goal of educating people to have correct (i.e. Leftist) thoughts.
Bunch of snobbish know nothing greedy middle class Stalinist wankers if you ask me, but that is just my opinion.
“I think we can avoid adding to his woes”
Looking at what is unfolding currently elsewhere, he does appear to be more than architect enough for a roomful all on his lonesome. It’s just a pity others seem constantly targeted and suffer too.
wanting/urging many more Lee Rigby atrocities?
yes David why do some Muslims want to slaughter
… Jews
… Gays …
… Americans
… Brits
… Buddhists
… Hindu s
… beat/flog/kill Muslim women (for various reasons)
… beat/flog/kill any women (for various reasons)
… anyone who want to leave the madhouse of Islam
… anyone who isn t Muslim.
“UK: Muslim arrested at Heathrow airport for ‘Syria-related’ terror offenses”
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“The BBC calls him a Frenchman,’ and while he is a French national, to think that he had any allegiance other than to the umma, the Muslim community worldwide, is absurd. But the BBC wouldn’t dare identify him by his primary motivation, for even though there is nothing else that explains his actions and nothing else that incited them, it would be ‘Islamophobic’ to point that out.”
Opening excerpt from-
“Muslim from France admits jihad murders at Brussels Jewish Museum”
Anyone recall (world Quran expert) D Camoron s confidante T Ramadan and his deep analysis on this?
About it being some Mossad (who else 😀 )
i suggest the media kept very quiet about these anti semetic racist murders in brussells because they was praying that it had nothing to do with the islamists living in there city,4 days ago i commented in this blog about the lack of of coverage in the media about this story,now we know why,it was the islamist racist fascists hitting a city where you would least expect them to hit,but this was a direct racially motivated attack on the jewish community in brussells,i suspect if these cowardly anti semetic attacks are not nipped in the bud by the belgian authoritys,mossad will step to protect there citixens under attack.
You are right. They were also hoping the killer would be a white fascist. Now he predictably turns out to be a Muslim expect the BBC to lose interest.
Obama doing deals with murderous Taliban jihadists:-
‘Jihadwatch’ comment on INBBC report-
“Taliban’s Mullah Omar: Prisoner swap a ‘great victory'”
“Indeed it is. Five jihadists are now free to return to killing Infidels, chiefly the American troops in Afghanistan, and an American Muslim soldier is free to do dawah and spread claims of Muslim victimhood.”
Funnily enough, the BBC is quite as a reluctant to guess at root causes when it comes to other spree killers:
Yes, indeed. They can interview feminists about the supa-sekret messages in Manosphere material, but when it comes to a certain other demographic, every case is a one-off even if the bodies are stacked up six deep.
One of the ugly sisters threatened to “so bury” a knobhead footballer on Qt. But has not said boo to the scum who murdered 2 girls after rape, the animals that kidnapped and can only guess what else to 220 sisters in bongo bongo land, and don’t even mention what goes on behind closed doors in the good old UK. Feminazis, one and all. Easy targets only.
Well the BBC news website might well have a page on the arrest, but there’s no link to it from the main news page.
The desire to supress this comes as no surprise after the performance by the United Association of Fascists at the Manchester count for the Euro elections, when UKIP candidate and Orthodox Jew Shneur Odze was abused by the Fascists in a manner reminiscent of the Nazis prior to Krystallnacht.
Perhaps Scott might like to explain why the BBC media didn’t report this? Or why they managed to report the ‘brave comrades’ standing up to the nasty Nick Griffin when he arrived?
Perhaps Scott you might like to explain why it isn’t safe for a Jew to walk the streets of Brussels with any identifying paraphernalia? Or why it is that those Jews questioned about anti Semitic behaviour have identified Muslims first and foremost as the main offenders, followed by the Fascist left ?
The silence from “Scott” tells you all you need to know. What I struggle to understand is why he bothers, he is routinely firing blanks.
Is he a collective posting under a common identity? Is he a “BobWard” salaried propagandist? You would think someone of normal sensibilities who is routinely eviscerated would retreat into their cave, but Scott comes back like a plank stepped on in a darkened shed. For the life of me, why?
He keeps coming back because like all left wing diehards, he’s an ideologue. They just never give up because they have no other purpose or focus in life.
“Well the BBC news website might well have a page on the arrest, but there’s no link to it from the main news page.
Yes there is. “Suspect ‘admitted’ Brussels killings” is one of the top stories on the main news page. Just look under the main headlines.
Good to see Scott making a complete fool of himself. Again.
To pick up on David Vance’s comment about the prominence given to the latest Global Warming codswallop, the headline’s link to the more recent Boscastle floods (Boscastle has history) and the mildness of this spring (so what made it hotter in 1910?) show that nothing has changed at the Corporation.
Its ‘world class journalism’ is just idle bragging. In fact, the BBC abandoned the very concept of news reporting over decade ago and is now little more than a propaganda outlet for the dissemination of liberal cant.
June 4th will be the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacres.
Thus far the Chinese have deemed this period to be one where the Internet gets a good hose down and renovation….and so, oddly enough there`s no chance of getting any chatter online about the “challenges and issues raised” by the events of 25 years ago?
Let`s see how brave the BBC are in mentioning this…when Rupert was slavering around the Chinese for media concessions, he was a joke-and the BBC would have thought so too.
But now that China and the BBC are in talks about further expansion opportunities for themselves?…well, I`ll be surprised if the fearless BBC say too much about it all.
Hope I`m wrong though-the Chinese people deserve far better.
Oh WOW! I read the BBC linked article about flash floods and my jaw dropped. This report is simply complete hog wash! I cannot believe that this article even got to a print stage. May I inform everyone one on this blog that the so called *Flash Flood* of Boscastle was not caused by 8″ of rain falling in 4 hours (which is only 2″ per hour, which is pretty normal in a thunderstorm) but by a blocked river bed upstream (fallen tree) which dammed the river flow. This when it broke sent a wall of water washing away the substrata taking with it rocks and other vegetation into a narrow culvert. The bullshit that the BBC spread on Climate Change MUST be stopped. I have had enough of this crap, the lies and everything else that goes with the scam of Climate Change.
Boy, am I angry!
Rightly so, OB. The BBC is abusing its charter big time on this and unabashedly brainwashing its listeners and viewers.
Climate models have been comprehensively discredited by real-world evidence yet the BBC fail to bring this basic fact to the attention of the general public. Worse, they continue to quote the Met Office and all the other climate fraudsters who carry on using these models, regardless of how useless they are, because they know in reality this is nothing to do with science but about pushing the eco-socialist anti-democratic agenda.
scott is not all what he seems,he is either a producer or a presenter working for radio 5 live.that i am sure of.
I hope for her sake she is as otherwise it would mean she actually pays the multi Billion £ media corporation £145 a year to defend them ! and that would make her an utter moron!
FFS!!!!! “Climate Change to boost summer flash floods” says study as reported by Matt McGrath. Oh really Mr McGrath. Don’t you even read your own reports? To Quote [To gain this extra clarity, the Met Office supercomputer was employed for nine months to run the simulations. Even then, they could only model the southern half of the UK.][Temperatures may not rise at the level used in the model}
In other words Mr McGrath….the met Office haven’t got a clue as to what is really going to happen, so if they haven’t got a clue how can YOU say that Climate Change is going to boost summer flash floods? Yiou sir, are F8cking useless! Go get a real job.
McGrath is proving to be worse than the other Green loonies at the BBC.
Yes John. This whole BBC driven Climate Change scam is getting more and more absurd as the years go by when, it is shown that there has been no global warming. The statement itself “Climate Change” is now meaningless and with each BBC preponderance of it, proves that they are pushing ideology propaganda. Within the article is stated that just ONE computer model was used. Well hey guys. I can produce a computer model that would show the river Fal will freeze over, because you know what BBC? World temperatures are FALLING from their recent historical high period which is the opposite from what, according to the BBC and the IPCC is supposed to happen. Dear God!
And whilst I’m on a rant, did you all know that whilst the BBC say that last year was the wettest on record, it is not true? It was the wettest for ENGLAND only. But let not the facts get in the way of propaganda. BBC, no longer fit for purpose, time to shut it down.
I thought it was only the wettest for SE England, extrapolated to cover the whole of the UK.
-from ‘Galliawatch’ site:-
“‘Frenchman’ held in Brussels killings.”
“A ‘Frenchman’ with the very Gallic name of Mehdi Nemmouche is being held in the case of the killings at the Jewish Museum. A jihadist and a repeat offender, he was caught in Marseille during a routine customs check. Le Parisien has the story. I will post more later. Unfortunately I must leave the computer for a few hours.
“The incredible press designates him as a ‘Frenchman’ in the headlines. So that people will think a Frenchman did it. You cannot fool all the people all the time. It’s the media who are fooling themselves. ”
Not an INBBC headline-
“French Jihadist arrested in shooting at Jewish museum in Brussels that killed 3”
Read more:
Ctrl-F “mus” on the story. Museum: 7 uslim: 0
It’s practically a case study in how the BBC lies by omission.
So climate models that failed to predict the flattening (and some say falling) temperatures of the last 17.5 years are telling us, with pinpoint accuracy, which relatively tiny areas of one small country are going to get an increase in flash floods by the year 2040?
It would be interesting to know what percentage of the voting population of the UK believe this shite, if only as an indicator of how successful the BBC’s eco-socialist brainwashing agenda has been.
I would say that at the moment, only the people at Weatheraction are better than Astronomers when it comes to understanding weather trends.
I am not sure that anyone at the Met Office understands that if it gets more cloudy, then temperature contrasts between Night and Day, and the Tropics and the Poles would cause less Hurricanes and Flash Floods and other extreme weather.
I think, just like in the Soviet Union, the only way the Meteorologists in the Met Office can protest against the Ideology, is to give the Ideologists what they want, when they know that the opposite is going to happen.
So we see that this is now happening to the Met Office as the forecasts get worse and worse.
Oh yea, and let us not forget what the Met Office Super Computer models were saying just a few seasons ago!
And once you have digested the above link, have a read of this one which just about sums up how pathetic the Met Office have become:
And the BBC give credence to anything the Met Office has to say about Super Computer Modelling? Agenda? What agenda?
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