On behalf of Biased BBC, I would like to apologise to Mr Michael Stoute and his family for any distress caused by a comment posted here on 30th May by an anonymous contributor. I wish to point out that the allegations are incorrect and I have removed them from the site.
On a general note, can I please ask you all to think before you post comment that may cause distress to any individual and imperil this site? Thank you for your co-operation.
a comment posted here on 30th May by an anonymous contributor
A bit disingenuous, surely. Pounce may post under a pseudonym, but he’s well known to this blog – and, based on communication he’s had with Vance here and on Twitter, is known to the site owner. Describing him as “anonymous” suggests otherwise.
On the same thread, David Brims also contributed with comments which drew judgement on the complainant, based on nothing other than his skin colour and hairstyle. Not an anonymous poster – unless “David Brims” is known by Vance to be a pseudonym – but one who has on frequent occasions posted racially-based slurs, and yet who denies that he’s a racist.
Good on Mr Stoute for complaining in ways that have prompted Vance to finally take action against some of the hate speech disseminated on this blog. Now, if only he would do so without the threat of legal action hanging over him…
Oh do go away. You’re just a tiresome troglodyte. Your fanticism to abuse everyone and everything with the idiocy of the Left ‘hate speech’ is boring.
If you don’t like free speech, admit it and say so openly.
Don’t feed the gloating troll.
What you don’t understand Scott, is once the mechanism of thought policing is set up and established, then whoever takes power can use it for their own ends. A change of dictator, and suddenly friends and enemies of the state change overnight, and the definition of hate speech can change at the drop of a hat. The jackboots could be kicking down your door one day. I won’t be able to help you stop them, because they will have already kicked down my door and taken me away. Then your celebration won’t look so clever.
Whew, that goodness this site has a great moral authority like you to pronounce Scott. Where would we be without you?
PS: I hope this comment is ‘ism’ free. I rely on you to Thought Police Scott. Freed from the mooring of your moral anchor I really dont know where I might end up. Thank you.
Once again, little child Scott shows no humility or class while David Vance does. Scott is the antithesis of independent, intelligent thought.
I would invite readers to consider Scott’s glee carefully and ensure we give him, and his ilk, no further cause for his childish delight.
Thankyou for patronisingly and childishly referring to my comment as “glee”. Perhaps you could address the issues instead of dismissing them?
You know who Pounce is, don’t you – and yet you refer to him as “an anonymous poster”. You also know that David Brims posted racist comments about Mr Stoute.
But rather than address those points, you attempt to demean me. I can’t say I’m surprised – any avenue to weasel out of behaving responsibly is a route you seem to choose to take…
Every time I see your smug, creepy avatar, Scott, I am tempted to kick it.
I bet you get thro’ a lot of screens 🙂
I have tried to keep out of any of Scotts ramblings but I really can’t hold my tongue any longer. Scott your obnoxious gay metrosexual politically correct bilge really does get on my goat and even though some comments on here do go too far, they are as nothing to the offence your witterings cause to my blood pressure. As people have already asked you numerous times why the hell do you come on this site when you clearly are like a round peg in a square hole (ooh err ). Yes you are entitled to your opinion but why share it where nobody will concur, surely you would be happier on some gay rights site or perhaps an SWP site where you would fit right in. I apologise for the slightly ad hominem attack but I really do get fed up of trouble makers and that is essentially what you are
Because he’s a troll with all the psychological damage that comes with trolldom, I’d guess…
Scott contributes nothing to the debates on here. His posts consist of hissy fits and insults, most likely out of frustration because he can find no arguments against the endless examples of BBC bias posted by contributors to this website.
An asset to the BBC’s cause – not. An asset to the b-BBC cause – deffo.
And yes, Scott, you are childish. Go and stamp your feet and thcweam your head off somewhere else.
I resist the temptation, and merely fart in its general direction. Far more satisfying.
Don’t feed the gloating troll.
“Thankyou for patronisingly and childishly ”
Yet again hoist by one’s own petard.
Scott you really are the gift that keeps on giving.
You mean the same way you deliberately miss every point made on this site in order to demean people?
Hypocrisy is like a religion to you, Scott.
How did you know that there was a threat of legal action hanging over him Scott? Oh, and be careful for what you wish for concerning hate speech. Also, is it Vance or Mr Vance you refer to?
For the love of criminy Scott, David has behaved honourably will you give it a rest just once.
‘How did you know that there was a threat of legal action hanging over him Scott?’
For one not directly employed by the BBC he seems very well briefed on matters concerning them or their critics that either are not or less than obviously in the public domain.
‘Oh, and be careful for what you wish for concerning hate speech.’
Acknowledging ‘two wrong rules’ The BBC’s own pages, especially FaceBook*, would be an interesting read for any seeking a total network shut-down based on errant posts on lightly modded pages.
And while post-McAlpine one is sure the licence fee-paid war chest for legals is as well stocked as the pension shortfall account (shame about programming), babies can still get thrown out with bathwater.
*I have a page capture of a tribal call to genocide on an African story, that was left up for days. Today, on BBC World News alone, stories on China (Tiananmen), Pakistan (Hussain arrest) & Syria (Elections) have plenty worse than any posted here, and if eventually dealt with almost certainly never apologised for.
Scott, “Do as you would be done by” is not a bad maxim to try and live by.
Your constant trolling of this site and your refusal to discuss any polite questions addressed to you, sometimes has me wondering.
Are you maybe trying to increase traffic to your own site, traffic along similar lines to what you constantly post here?
It often seems like it …
I notice you’ve never uttered a peep when people like F*** The Beeb and Pounce (there’s that name again) have told me to fuck off, and called me a cunt.
But I’m the troll, I’m the one the pseudonyms get all irate about. As is so often the case, if a poster uses abusive language against someone you dislike, they get carte blanche to do what they like, and Vance does nothing.
Still, maybe this is a wake-up call: he can’t go on pretending that Biased BBC is his personal achievement – and a justification to get repeatedly invited onto the broadcaster he delights in hating – on the one hand, and yet wash his hands of the behaviour of its foulest participants on the other.
“…I notice you’ve never uttered a peep when people like F*** The Beeb and Pounce (there’s that name again) have told me to fuck off, and called me a cunt….”
If the cap fits, Scott…
There you go again. A simple, polite question met with the usual obfuscation. At least this time you “replied” instead of the usual silence greeting my posts addressed to you in the past.
Your “reply” is worthless. I now know you *are* a troll and I won’t bother you again. Here.
You keep moaning about the obscene epithets aimed in your direction, Scott. Well, as the old saying goes “Truth often hurts”.
What’s up Scott? Feeling lonely counting the tumbleweed blowing across your own website?
From the very start you came on here to wind people up. They put up with it for a while but your relentless hissy fits and ad hominems and in particular your very personal vendetta against David Vance had the inevitable result – people ran out of patience with you. I suspect any insults aimed in your direction were gleefully received and regurgitated – totally without context – within that barmy leftist echo chamber you inhabit along with your BBC/SWP chums.
Just take a long walk away from your keyboard and stay there.
If you tried taking yourself less seriously Scott you’d get less upset.
It’s always regrettable when people use the epithets you describe, especially when aimed at a moral paragon like yourself.
Yes, Scott. You’re the troll because you come here for no reason than to stir the pot, spew disgustingly prejudiced bullshit and generally act like a baby. You go against the grain to get attention, the very definition of a troll. ANd you do so while constantly claiming you hate this site and its users, yet strangely you can’t stay the hell away from it.
Nobody is interested in your immature, uneducated dogma. The sooner you realise this and crawl back under your rock, the better for everyone, yourself included. Obsessing like this isn’t healthy for you.
Scott has not the BBC ever made mistakes? They are only now talking about Jimmy Saville’s 500 crimes against young children. It took them sometime to acknowledge this. But you would never acknowledge it either. I have never known anyone who insults with the impunity you do.
This is the first time an apology has been necessary here.
The news of the world intercepted a few calls on some unprotected voicemail inboxes and Murdoch closed them down.
The BBC harboured several evil predatory paedophiles on their payroll and on their premises for decades, injuring hundreds of children.
The BBC should be shut down!
It says something when Murdoch can rightly claim the ethical and moral highground over the BBC!
“When the seagull follows the trawler, it is in the hope that sardines will be thrown from the side.
Scotts beak well sharpened after years of blunting it on car bumpers( stationary cars as well, poor sap!)…and finally-after years of wasted efforts circling the ocean liner that is this site-he`s been thrown a sprat.
Oh well done Scott-no wasted life yours eh?
By my reckoning you`ll get another chance to choke on a tiddler in 2019….at least a seal provides entertainment for its fishy…you Scott seem a bitter sort, but feast on, my bespectacled seagull.
Maybe we deserve this sad stickybeak to hold us all to account!…I`ll ask Eric!
Ah, the philosophical wit of Eric Cantona.
i watched a really good horror film the other day called troll hunter,the one thing the victims of this unpleasant quite ugly monster learnt is never feed the troll,we have a troll in this blog site,he is very hungry to be fed.his name is scott but goes under the name (albaman) in the start the week open thread,dont feed this troll and just ignore him,as for legal action.i have the funny feeling that you scott will trip up one day and become the one having legal action taken against you.dont feed the nasty troll scott aka (albaman),time to ignore this non entity,
“his name is scott but goes under the name (albaman)”
Really?? – guess my birth certificate, passport etc. all have the wrong name on them!!
So your birth certificate, passport etc. all say ‘Albaman’. Nice logic, there.
For what it’s worth, I don’t believe you and Scott are the same person. There are three regular trolls, of which you and Scott are two, and the other one is the dipshit who keeps posting the same easily-identifiable straw man rubbish under several different pseudonyms.
None of which makes it any better, mind you. It just means there’s three idiots rather than one. Though at least you occasionally attempt to justify your asinine devil’s advocacy with sources, unlike the other two.
To Err is SCOTT, one suspects not the first time either.
What a bizarre little web page that is.
‘That’s how you should apologise’.
Self-congratulatory, or what? Right up his own arse.
Albaman is Scottish but he is not Scott.
man up scott and stop being such a womans blouse and a crybaby
Scottie Boy is such an irritating little man that even his imaginary friend has deserted him.
If contrition has been shown then it’s best to leave it at that.
Scott, yet again you make use of the meaningless bully word ‘racism’.
Perhaps you’d be so good as to provide a definition which everyone agrees on and covers all eventualities.
Until I see such a definition however I shall continue to believe that the only one it has is this:
A word which means what ever the bully using it at the time wants it to mean. Please note that in similar or even identical circumstances even that meaning might not be the same.
It’s good to see you’ve all learned from this.
I find that it is strange that, recently, Scott is the first one to comment on David’s post.
It is almost as if he had a continuous monitor on the site. This is especially true this morning when
a) The site was ‘down’ early this morning, so that he must have been waiting to make his comment;
b) He had all the facts at his fingertips as to the details of the complaint.
Something odd, somewhere.
Perhaps Scott & David are one and the same and this is a just cunning wheeze to stir up controversy!
I missed all this and do not know what it was all about. I do know that the liberal left would dearly love to silence all opposition. And silence is the correct word. Liberals regard all opposition as malevolent. It is in their nature.and it is a corrosive force in society. I just think liberals are misguided.
So it is best to think of ourselves as living under a dictatorship on the old USSR model and be careful in what we write or say. The liberal stasi have their people everywhere now and are determind to silence us. Which is why they are so enraged over the UKIP vote.
I avoid personal abuse as a matter of course but I have no time or fellow feeling for the traitorous liberal tendency trying to destroy freedom and the old ways of England.
It might have been better to disable comments on this thread. It was inevitable that Scott would stick his oar in and it would become a thread all about him, thus feeding his insatiable need for attention.
Some of the comments on here are extremely offensive andabusive. Personal attacks are, frankly, childish. The BBC have a lot to answer for but it seems to me the perogative of the left to try and silence criticism it should not be that of the right. Daniel Hannan has a very interesting take on this in his Telegraph blog. Scott should be given every opportunity to have right of reply on here and wherever else he wishes too. He is merely digging himself into a hole but we should still offer respect and good manners cost nothing.
Quite right
nice detective work there philip exposing who scott really is.
Just yesterday I had posted somewhere on this site for people to remember that Scott has ‘issues’ and to not be too rude to him. I am not awfully sure I feel the same today. Meanwhile like Dave S I just haven’t a clue what this has all been about.
Deborah, I don’t want to go into too much detail for fear of getting DV into more trouble.
Suffice to say that the BBC ran a story about someone claiming discrimination. Pounce, or someone using his name posted purporting to show that the complainer had been involved in an unsavoury incident and linked to sites where this had been alleged. It would appear that these allegations were entirely unsubstantiated and at least one of the sites concerned has removed its posts as well.
As DV infers, it should be a lesson to everyone to be very careful when posting allegations just because they’ve been posted on another site. Once on the internet, it’s very difficult to unsay things that are incorrect, as they may still be on Google’s cache even when taken down.
Deborah. I actually agree with your previous sentence that he has problems but should tolerate him as healthy part of debate on this site. I do believe however that we should try not goad (or maybe even respond?) to him however vicious or aggressive his posts as that doesn’t help him.
To return to the subject of the post – I have always regarded Michael Stoute as a truly great trainer. He has been Champion Trainer umpteen times, won major races all round the world – and trained 5 Derby winners ?
A great man.
it is the oldest trick in the book on many blogs sites.get a freind of yours to post a most offensive comment on a site that you dont like then you complain to the author of the site about the comment your agent provocateur freind posted to try and discredit you and the blog site,i am not accusing scott matthewman of playing this double game,but i have my suspicions here,i really do.
Above you made an erroneous assumption (without any evidence to back it up) above suggesting Scott and myself are the same person.
Is this further comment a suspicion (for which you have some evidence) or just another erroneous assumption?
I don’t think anyone actually cares. We are just plain bored with the tedious drivel that you or both of you if your not Scott spout.
It’s called Problem, Reaction, Solution. As you say, it’s the oldest trick around.
Hail Scott, he from under the bridge. May the comments continue to get his goat. (See what I did there?)
This is the BBC’s ‘guide’ on modding:
These are the rules on reactive moderation:
Some seem entirely fair and reasonable.
A few however do stray into licence to censor territory.
Some simply allow anything to be obliterated for any reason.
The disciplinary para at the end is also worth noting.
Certainly some here may find their activities restricted or even curtailed if BBBC adopted BBC modding rules.
But of course there can and will be exceptions.
As I have mentioned already, the BBC FaceBook pages seem to operate on entirely different rules.
I think it would be best to talk around people who simply want to distract attention from the thread.
Scott, I have often debated with your pinko fellow travellers on the Graun . I profoundly disagree with them on most points as I have a differing world view. I however try not to play the man not the ball. I sometimes fail here when you are in full troll mode but usually I am at least civil.
Please try and be civil without the snidey remarks.
Even a stopped clock is right at least twice a day , it would be a shame to miss you being right if it ever happened because you are such a wind up merchant.