Anyone hear Rod Liddle talking about his book on R4 Start the Week, this morning?
Bloody marvellous. His views are counter to everything the BBC believes. Man from the Beeb even sinks to implying racism.
This programme probably needs a good ‘Fisking’ and a post of it’s own not least for the contribution of the presenter and the member of the elite, the intelligentsia who sat alongside Liddle.
Getting their defence in early, one of the ‘bien pensants’ as Liddle calls them, said they were fearful of what Liddle would have to say about the assembled panel…well at least they know what they are! These hand wringing hypocrites, who as Liddle said (paraphrasing), do not have to live with the consequences of their ideology in their smug, comfortable, north London lives, are representative of no-one other than their rarefied privileged clique.
‘More ‘multiculturalism’ is the answer’, one of the ‘PB’s’ said, but this is a type of ‘multiculturalism’ that is straight out of the BBC little book of group-think. Yet, according to those more understanding and qualified to know what they are talking about (and not least the ordinary men and women who have to live with it day in day out), the ‘BP’s’ and the BBC’s version of ‘multiculturalism’ has failed, leaving us with ghettos and division,
But perhaps the most sickening contribution made on was one that empathised with the terrorism of 9/11 and other atrocities. The BBC have always sanitised terrorism by calling terrorist as ‘militants’; they took another step along the road to their beatification this morning when a contributor (without challenge) spoke of the ‘7/7 boys’ and the ‘Boston Marathon kids’.
What sickening self-indulgent depravity, incubated and disseminated by an out-of-touch ignorant BBC that has become the property of the left wing elite (paid for, of course, by the rest of us).
I thought for a while I was listening to some sort of parody ,a satirical pantomime.But no it was for real
Even down to the citizen organiser who helps give voice to the people ,but only as long as they say the right things, and the progresive playwright for who multiculturalism is different coloured choirs singing from the same hymn sheet- their words ,dear reader, not mine.
Was rather good value.
I think poor ‘But surely you must..’ Tom may have needed a lie down after that, as attempt after attempt to get Rod to get back on piste and rejoin the path of the true hive was cheerfully rebuffed.
It was like an affluent faux left, bien pesant, male metro luvvie bromance parody of …
Their defining characteristic is a lack of courage. Believing only in their “right” to rule and starting to question their twisted view of reality they are getting fearful.
They are nothing that cannot be easily overcome when the time comes.
When Cromwell was asked how he proposed to overcome Charles and the Royalists he said “Give me a few good men”
That is all it will take and the elite knows it.
The elite has tried to destroy old England. That cannot happen.
Well said. One thing that does puzzle me though is that Liddle was the editor of radio 4 news. So has he seen the light re the topics covered in his book recently since he left the BBC , in a sort of Damascene conversion, or did he think this when he was at the BBC. If the latter, why did he not manage to impose his views to a much a greater extent, after all he was editor, a position of great influence and independence according to the BBC. At the very least, he could have had the liberal left world view rigorously questioned? Perhaps it was just the normal and understandable fears re his pension that kept him silent. Once again you think that this is strong evidence about how biased the BBC is and how much they muzzle any but the liberal left world views. Another good reason to get rid of the corporation.
Some Met Office scientific floozy on “Today” this morning (isn’t it weird how the “scientific fraternity, and others, these days always seem to begin their sentences with “So”?)
Any road up, she was on about an alleged projected increase in extreme localised convective rainfall events, which would all be down (of course) to climate change, specifically because the atmosphere was getting warmer.
Several things sprang immediately to mind during the course of our enlightenment – the obvious first being the lack of any opposing view (isn’t that always the case with the BBC and climate change?).
The second, was that so far as I’m aware, there has been no warming for over seventeen years.
Thirdly, they speak as if climate change has only just begun, and tend to forget that it has been ongoing ever since there has been a climate.
Then, of course, it was all predicted from the ubiquitous “models” (which have been in the habit of letting “climate scientists” down badly, of late), rather than empirical evidence or observation.
Last (but not least) – from my schooling, many years ago, I was always under the impression that more notable weather events were likely not from atmospheric warming, but from cooling.
But, as we all know, the BBC has a large (and rather blunt) axe to grind.
We also learned today, of Obama’s intent to shaft the USA by hiking electricity prices, and closing down coal fired power stations.
This is an international scam of monster proportions.
isn’t it weird how the “scientific fraternity, and others, these days always seem to begin their sentences with “So”?
Yes, that is something I’ve noticed of late, and not just the scientific community. This must be something they’re taught to do before coming on radio – perhaps it’s thought to be better than “umm” but to me just sounds odd.
Maybe it’s part of the Common Purpose courses, a bit like Masonic handshakes.
I wish that some reporter at the BBC, some depressed, maybe suicidal reporter could be so utterly fed up with how their soul has been eviscerated of any moral rectitude by the BBC, that before they top themselves, they would actually decide to have some fun by actually quizzing any of these climate alarmists so called “scientists” on the basics of the scientific method, and on how models are NOT empirical evidence, but are, barely, only a representation of variants of the CAGW hypothesis. Then ask, what must be done to validate or falsify a hypothesis of this sort. whether real, measured empirical evidence of warming, or lack-thereof, is a valid scientific way to compare the model to the evidence? If not, why not?
So far as I can tell, all the predictions of more extreme weather are based entirely on the world continuing to warm up and that prediction is based on the output of hundreds of computerised model runs of various theoretical CAGW scenarios… NONE of those predictions come from comparing the models to reality, other than the dishonest “hindcasting” which is 100% invalid for validating climate models.
I am sure that within 10 minutes of opening google that I could hindcast every winner of the Grand National for the last 40 years. Such a model would be utterly useless at picking next year’s winner, let alone all the winners until 2100.
How can any of the last 5 years examples of “weirder weather” be based on global warming, (as the BBC regurlarly suggests) if the world has not warmed at all in at least 17 years? And considering that ALL the CMIP-5 models failed to predict the current switch from a warming trend to a cooling trend, how much trust should we place in models which are 100% wrong, and which produced scenarios which are diverging from reality more and more every year?
No No No. There is a total clash between what the models forecast and what the climate has really been doing for the past 17 years – but that is because the reality is false. What has been happening has not actually been happening because the models say it has not been happening.
Any BBC environmental reporter could have told you that. So could George Orwell.
That little girlie’s argument could have been demolished in two seconds, were the interviewer knowledgable and minded to do so. As it was, the same old same old ….
Krishnan Guru-Murthy now nailed on for the job of replacing Jeremy Paxman.
I’m not surprised, after the recruitment of Mr Katz from the Guardian, it was clear that the presenter was going to have a record with left of centre reporting – C4 news being very much the TV arm of the Independent Newspaper.
ITV are missing an wide open goal with their breakfast offering, too much showbiz too many ads.
Get rid of the showbiz, have a few scrolling on screen ads to negate the need for so many breaks and with a more serious editorial they could easily beat the lefty feminised common purpose talking heads offering of the BBC….
Oh and the totty is better on ITV….
I’m at a loss as to why the BBC Breakfast offering does so well in the ratings, much like the gob on a stick me, me, me breakfast presenter on Radio 2 …
ITV lost the plot years ago. They are total celebrity. It is so bad that they really do see themselves up there with the Royal Family and the elite. They are completely and utterly up the own rectums.
One their “stars” Dawn French is in a national road show doing a play about her own life. Now you cann’t get more up your own rectum than that.
It was remarkably predictable, erring on painful.
Paul Merton often has an expression I read as ‘they really are wheeling this out again for us to have a go at?’. First few seconds.
Clearly one area elements of the BBC cannot, as they so often do, manage to ‘move on’ from.
Did anyone watch the Harry and Paul comedy programme, The History of bbc2 (I think it was called)? Believe it or not, it was quite funny and managed to take the piss out of just about everyone who is associated with the bbc. For example, Harry’s imitation of Paul Merton was both accurate and funny; well worth a watch.
Yes for once, a program worth watching, a piss take of all things BBC. No one will ever take a ‘talking heads’ type program seriously again after watching this, the parody was far too accurate.
Paul Whitehouse impersonated Merton, Harry did Hislop, yes both were spot on.
I stopped watching Newsnight some time ago. I haven’t watched much of have I got News For You. I watched one recently. I just sat there amazed it was so crap. The whole show was one big slag of Farage but wasn’t even remotely funny. And one mention of Millibland’s bacon sandwich gate moment. Like you Starfish my viewing of the BBc is now very minimal. Not very good value as they are always telling us.
Not at all surprised. The defining characteristic of the liberal left is that it is stupid. By stupid I mean the liberal might have degrees coming out of his ears but lacks any common sense at all.
Most if not all ruling classes are like this. Only rarely do we get a good ruler. Ignore the lot of them.
Yes, typified by their religious adherence to a form of multiculturalism, which is guaranteed to exterminate our own culture in the next 60 years, and turn this once diverse and tolerant nation into a totalitarian monoculture under Sharia law.
Christian Guru Murphy is quite a good choice. He once had an excellent Sunday show on LBC. Came across as a man who always does his homework and a good bloke.
I believe his name is Krishnan and I’m afraid I think he’s just another socialist who has his own preset bigotted views and harangues everyone with whom he disagrees. That’s one of the reasons I stopped watching Channel 4 News; Jon Snow must train them well.
The BBC is studiously avoiding the darker side of the release of Bowe Bergdahl from ‘captivity’ in Afghanistan.
Last night it struck me as a bit odd that he was only able to speak in Pashtu and was struggling to use English.
So what Details are the BBC withholding?
Well quite some important details concerning how Bowe Bergdahl came to be in the Taleban’s company, and the story is that he might well have defected. Wikipedia manages to carry this data in quite a long paragraph:
Then there’s the performance of the Obamessiah who released 5 Guantanamo terrorist prisoners for his release. This is reported, but not the fact that US law states that the President must inform Congress at least 30 days in advance of any transfers at Guantanamo Bay, no notice was given.
Half the story has been reported, and some very important details have been deliberately left out !
I see this article about Jimmy Savile is rapidly sliding down the main news page. It now appears there could be up to 500 victims…….
What I find incredulous is the way the article quickly shifts the attention and stone throwing onto the Broadmoor Psyciatric Hospital and his involvement there. Oh, and Edwina Currie(a Tory……..).
Note the words “Meanwhile, a joint investigation by Panorama and Radio 4’s the World at One has seen confidential memos which reveal how Jimmy Savile took control at Broadmoor in 1988”.
In other words, once again the BBC seems to think it’s nothing to do with them.
‘The Week’ is one of several barely funded ‘news’ media, like the HuffPo, that sometimes crosses my radar.
Just saw this from them on FB:
Sudan clarifies that Meriam Ibrahim, the woman sentenced to be hanged, will not be freed ‘in a few days’. Find out what caused the confusion
The ‘confusion’ seems mainly to be laid at the door of the vastly funded BBC, who is rather prone to hitting watertight oversight when the stories don’t suit the narrative, and will punt out anything when it does.
That the world’s most trusted news monopoly seems to need checking for clarification so often makes its value dubious and compelled funding in this country a travesty.
The Big Question on Sunday. Where to start?
Preening Nicky Campbell plus Harry Palmer-esque glasses that scream please take me seriously folks.
The subject was supposed to be a big one – the soul, where do we go after dealth, is there a Heaven and Hell?
You usually know where the BBC is going with this when the format is for Nicky to present some weird Mid-West ‘Christian’ view countered by a reasonable celeb atheist and then cue up with :
And what does Islam have to say about this…. and Budha and Sikhism and guru Tom Cobley and all and all and guru Tom Cobley and all – oh and not forgetting the liberal Jew – rely on the Jew for the best one-liners, folks “So the Rabbi said to the newly wed… ”
– well, you know how it goes. What you want the joke? I’ll give you the punch line ‘don’t ask me – either way your going to get screwed’.
But I digress and exaggerate.
The appaling thing about this BBC show was N Campbell’s shameless promotion of his pet project :
“Elephants are People Too, they think like humans they really do… And Dogs Too”
Don’t believe me? Check his Twitter. In among the odd-ball mohamedans, lefty campaigners and plain sycophants you’ll some sniff plenty of Elephants.
What, you didn’t realise that under-talented over paid celebrities like to pander to a lefty audience by promoting lefty causes… and given the BBC having to hide its leading red lights under a Bushel House the next best thing is go green, go Animals R Us
Love the fact the NSPCC want a new law to be brought in regarding mental cruelty to children. Yet not a peep out of the very same organisation regarding the child grooming by Muslim sex gangs in the UK.
The BBC had quite an extensive article on the 10 o’clock news a few nights ago about Young velnerable girls becoming liable to sexual abuse by “gangs of young men” and how the biggest police investigation into such gangs is happening in Newcastle upon Tyne.
They managed an in-depth article, interviewing police and outreach workers without once mentioning the words “Muslim” “Islam” “Asian” “Pakistan” at all, and rounded up the article with a reminder that child abusers come from all religious and social backgrounds.
Funny how they never reported that “qualification” when reporting on abuse by Catholic Priests from the 1960s and 1970s.
Except at the announcement of Operation Sanctuary we had the police telling us that the perps came from all different backgrounds etc . A quick search shows what we all knew anyway ,that the most perps have arabic names and the rest a mix of african etc.
No english names so far .
This has been going on for many years here and still its an utter disgrace that the police still cannot bring themselves to admit that the problem is immigrants and their deviant behaviour.
Not just deviant, but racist. I thought that the BBC were opposed to racism. I guess they are not, when the racism comes from middle eastern Asians against whites.
How would the BBC report it if a gang of predominantly white men were raping young girls and selecting them purely because the victims were Black?
Just like Woman’s Hour’s extraordinary ability to talk endlessly about the evils of female circumcision without ever mentioning the religion of the perps. In case mentioning the religious aspect to it leads to a breakdown in community cohesion. I have my doubts that the kind of people likely to be incited to religious or racial hatred would listen to woman’s hour.
I only listen when I can’t get to the radio to change the channel.
North West News at lunchtime keen to keep the BBC wimmin in sport agenda on the boil, this time at the Isle of Man TT. The ladies interviewed seemed good sorts and it takes a lot of guts for anybody to tackle that course at the speeds they go at.
But wait, the anchorman on return to the studio just couldn’t help himself could he: ‘…blah blah blah such brave women blah blah…’
So keen to pursue their agenda for equality in everything they end up doing the opposite – sounding right patronising twats.
Radio 4’s report this morning about the Buddists in Myamar ( Burma) being responsible for violence against the Bangladshi Moslems and also the poor conditions in the refugee camps was the usual BBC bias making the Muslims appear to be the victims .
There was no context to the report and the problem is any person unaware of BBC bias wouldn’t realise it was one-sided. That’s why this site is so important .
You will note that they are not Buddhismists, or militant Buddhists, or extreme Budhists, or Buddhist fundamentalists… just run of the mill, everyday, Buddhists; whereas no murderous savage actions by people called Mohamed are by ordinary Muslims but by ‘izzlumists’ ( pronounced in such a way as to make sure no one connects the carnage with’ isslahm’).
Anyone notice that every Radio 2 stand in is now a woman, has the controller been told that his daytime output is too ‘male’ ? Looks like the next generation is going to be ‘hideously’ female.
Feltz – Sara Cox
Evans – Zoe Ball
Bruce – Claudia Winkleman/Cox
Vine – Feltz
Wright – Jo Whiley
Mayo – Lisa Tarbuck
Have no problem with a women DJ’s, just hate it when all they talk about is their kids and what they’re having for tea tonight. Not a lot of talent above, a touch of nepotism and a blond ranting overweight talentless nobody….
Since it is ‘A’ level time of year, has any student anywhere been given a problem of plotting CO2 level against average global temperature and finding the correlation.
You would have thought that the examining boards would have loved a question that not only tests academical skills but also drives home the message of how temperature and CO2 levels are related.
There was a news item in the Telegraph last year where a lad had answered an A-level science question about global warming. It was a faultless, scientific examination of the hypothesis versus the evidence by all accounts but he was given zero marks for it because he failed to parrot the orthodoxy he had been taught in school.
His mother was furious, particularly as he was a very bright lad indeed and was A-starred on every other single A-level paper he did.
I’ve tried googling to find the item – without success – but this link will give you an idea of what they’re being taught and therefore expected to answer in their exams.
A good starting point for you would be Piers Corbyn’s website – he has the most plausible explanation of the causes of climate changeability; ie, that big golden thing in the sky. In addition, the evidence would suggest that CO2 levels lag climate changeability rather than lead it. But you won’t get that on the bbc.
I gave the BBC half an hour this morning re its “flagship” Today Show.
1. UKip Councils are crap-and here`s the only Labour kid-councillor to tell us why( too slow to defend Surestart, not passionate enough abut the living wage-apparently).
2. Savile in Broadmoor, and coming telly shows to forward the thesis that Broadmoor and Edwina Currie were-in a sense even worse than the BBC…so won`t we all just concentrate on these outliers( as opposed to outright liars, which is the BBC)?
And -in a sense wasn`t George Entwhistle as much a victim of Jimmy Savile as anyone else?…but of course!
3. More Boscastles from 2004 coming-those trustworthy folks at the UEA have said so, and their computer models based on IPCC data are irrefutable…got that?
4. Who`d have thought that when Islam, Sharia, oil and Blatter/Platinin and FIFA got together..then it might be a bit dodgy?
The BBC seem shocked….and so Lord Goldsmith and Lord Dyke…both Labour scummies with either blood on their hands or the BBC pension in their pocket…one from Hong Kong, one from a riverside Thames pile…are wheeled out.
For both are rather big at the FA or with FIFA these dyas…as Eddie Mair says “alright for some!”
Cheats never prosper eh?…bullcrap…Blairs stools pass through the body politic, via the BBC septic tank and straight into our national game.
the bbc has always been accussed of employing people with a left wing bias,well today on the richard bacon show on radio 5 live at 2.30 pm a rare thing happened,one of the bbcs most loved female actresses maxine peake of the barrister in silk fame admitted her quiet left wing extreme wing ideals,even bacon was a bit shocked when she said she was a member of the communist party and a proud marxist,she even said she had a bust of lenin and a portrait of joseph stalin on her wall and carrys around a chairman maos red book with her on her travels,it was a quiet extraordinary interview but gives you a true insight into the the myth that the bbc and there employees do not hold some very extreme left wing views,maxine peakes admiration of,lenin,stalin and chairman mao sent a shiver down my spine knowing there mass murdering past,it is a 1 hour interview that she had with richard bacon today,a must listen and i think in hindsight she is going to regret giving that interview today.
The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation shows its bias by keeping its useful idiots on a salary thanks to the licence payers.
This worship of Lenin, Mao and Stalin is utterly sickening, considering the death toll under those regimes.
If Bacon was surprised by this it sounds like he or his researchers had not done their homework.
In every article I’ve read about Peake she’s always at great pains to tell us she’s the daughter of a miner (or some such) and how The Evil Thatcher destroyed the working class. Funny that – can’t remember Mrs T murdering tens of millions of her political opponents like Peake’s commie idols.
Yet another boring, illogical, pea-brained, hypocritical luvvie living the capitalist high life whilst dreaming of The Revolution.
Peake’s sympathies are well know, I think that she was given some sort of award as a the left-wing warrior of the year by the massed ranks of the Bolton Socialist Liberation Front (or some other organisation similar sounding organisation). She’s no doubt, ‘my little Trot’, Owen Jones’ favourite actress.
I don’t buy the ‘Bacon was shocked’ business. He will have known full well what her beliefs are and why he wanted her on his show.
Bacon is a past master at the disingenuous and patronising his audience.
And BTW, did Bacon ask her if she would go down the road of sending the opponents of her Socialism / Communism / Maoism / Stalinism to death camps, along with the tens of millions of others sent there by her heroes; human beings who saw through the socialist mythology.
Imagine the fuss if someone said that they had a portrait of Hitler on their wall. Yet glorifying the memory of mass murderers is fine so long as they are Communists not Nazis. The left disgust me.
Actor Samuel West, son of Timothy West and Prunella Scales, does the voice overs for a lot of documentaries, is a member of the Socialist Workers Party.
Into this comfortable and comforting world, Dreadnought came like a bolt from the blue. On the one hand she demonstrated the Royal Navy’s technical and industrial lead over the navies of new nations like Germany and the United States. But on the other, Dreadnought reset every navy almost to zero.
All previous battleships – including all of those in the Royal Navy – were now obsolescent, and would soon be known dismissively as “pre-Dreadnoughts”.
Now anyone who could build enough Dreadnoughts could challenge the Royal Navy’s pre-eminence. Couldn’t they?
Those wicked British, an island, innovative, outward looking, world-trading nation had the audacity to protect its interests.
Oh for the modern insight! Ruled by Brussels! Part of little europe, in it and run by it! A country with no past and no culture!
One day this will be a footnote in the Urdu history books of Bhritistan, maybe, or maybe not.
‘In 1906, the HMS Dreadnought was launched. Described as a deadly fighting machine, it transformed the whole idea of warfare and sparked a dangerous arms race.’
And so it has been since the dawn of time, ever since man learned to bash his enemy over the head with a club.
‘Into this comfortable and comforting world…..’
Reading the article this is a total non-sequitur as well as being patently untrue of just about any period of modern history. But it serves the obvious agenda behind the article – blame the British yet again.
Had a look at the article you link to about the Dreadnaught.
An interesting and well-researched article but, according to the author:
“ It sparked a dangerous arms race” and “Britain was a nation obsessed with the Navy”.
Little hints of disapproval there I think from our man at the BBC. As if to say for us to be ahead in technology in the arms race is not a good thing for Britain. The navy was our main form of defence back then before the First World War yet to be in support of it, as we very much were back then, was an “an obsession” according to modern thinking and the author Giles Edwards.
They forget so easily that BBC stands for BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation. Yet never ever will they say “we” when referring to Great Britain. It stuck in my craw during the Falkland’s war and has done ever since.
This is the same attitude they (BBC) adopt now to everything that would defend us. The EDL, The BNP, and now of course UKIP. All are all hissed and booed at and accused of being extremists, racists, fruit-cakes and loons. We may criticise the uncouth antics and uneducated speech of the BNP & EDL yet how many of them have demolished trains, planes, buses, or sky scrapers full of innocent people in the name of their medieval cult? The answer is NONE, they are Patriots and say proudly they are. But patriotism is not a good ‘ism’ apparently.
There is no doubt in my mind that the BBC has been infiltrated by nut jobs of the highest order. They believe in everything Anti-British. The BBC, the stranger folks that are employed by them and the even stranger odd balls that defend them should be despatched forthwith. Don’t ask me where though or I will get a 4 am visit from the loyal PC PC’s. Welcome to the Britain of the BBC.
I truly despise revisionist post modern historians. They spend their lives at taxpayers expense, applying whatever is the latest trendy moralistic view to a different age, while failing to research the contemporary historical accounts which would provide the real facts and views of those living at the time.
I took part in the mass observation questions in the early 1980’s stored at Brighton University but most of the recruits came from the Guardian and the BBC so that this will be a very biased history of what people thought at the time.I’m sorry now I was part of it .
I share your disgust but I’m afraid such a state of affairs is inevitable.
Academics earn their income from two main sources, their jobs in universities and by publishing books and articles. This income from employment is not that high for the upper middle classes they mostly come from so they rely on publishing.
So if you are an expert on the Napoleonic Wars and you write a book on Waterloo (watch out for them next year!) you cannot just write the same old factual story. You have to write something new just to get your publisher interested. Ergo revisionism.
There is an argument to say that revisionism became popular once the differentials between academia and business became pronounced in the 1980s.
Except HMS Dreadnought wasn’t a bolt from the blue it had been proposed as a concept in Italy (without looking it up in @ 1903) The Americans were in the process of laying down two ships armed with 8 X 12″ guns. The Japanese a ship armed with a mix of big guns (12″ & 10″). However the Dreadnought was completed in 14 Months from the keel plate being @ half the time normal for this kind of build.Meaning Dreadnought entered service around four years before the American and Japanese vessels. BBc are frequently hazy on history even history in my lifetime.
Ah, the political class’s beloved European Union, and that class’s incomprehension at popular critique of E.U’s campaigning for mass immigration and federalised, undemocratic Europe.
Here, BBC-NUJ, which doesn’t ‘get it’ about the E.U., reports about how PM Cameron, who doesn’t ‘get it’ on E.U, who in turn chastises Eurocrats who don’t ‘get it’ either!
“Cameron says new EU chief must ‘get’ need for change”
Albaman’s been too busy canvassing for Scottish Independence and kissing Salmond’s backside to post on this site lately. For once, I hope Alby succeeds in his aims, then we’ll be rid of forty-odd Labour M.P.s at a stroke.
On a (free) forum discussing the (compelled funding) BBC, raising the topic of repeats, especially as a comeback, is brave and comedic, if possibly unintentional.
They choose to go to Calais. They know the score. Why should we waste time on them? They are responsible for their actions. Not us.
I forgot. Empathy. Empathy .Empathy. The liberal does love empathy.
BBC One Show, friend of Gordon Brown, champaigne socialist and ex GMTV presenter Fiona Phillips given time for an over sympathetic report from Calais on the clearing of the refugee camps.
Plenty of concern as the gendarme move in, she asks one where will he go, he says he doesn’t know, she says where indeed, as if there isn’t an obvious answer to the question (from whence he came?)
Tell you what Fiona if you’re so f*****g concerned let him move in with you and why not let his mates set up camp in your back garden? Maybe that’s not your kind of socialism? Just let the plebs suffer eh?
More like, how much did you pay to get this far and why didn’t you choose any one of a dozen other countries on your journey instead of banging your head against a fence in Calais?
But then that would be asking a question from a right-wing point of view, and we can’t have that on the BBC can we?
Had the misfortune to leave it on BBc after watching the always completely fair and balance North West Tonight. Heard “Fiona Phillips reporting from Calais” and changed channels immediately guessing it was a continuation of the earlier BBc sob sob stories. Still nice trip to France I imagine.
I noticed that they never once in that article informed the viewers as to the law relating to assylum, that any assylum seeker MUST seek assylum in the first safe country they arrive in.
Travelling all the way across the EU by road to get to the UK invalidates their claim in law.
if they left their hell-hole dangerous country by plane or boat, and the next country they arrive in is the UK, THEN we should assess their claim.
Otherwise every single assylum seeker which arrives on our shores from the mainland EU should immediately be sent straight back.
Whoa! After sixty wasted years finds Enlightenment and rejects the race to Entropy!
If everyone gets a share of the cake,
No-body bakes the cake, Grasshopper!
[Evan Davis interviews economic historian Deirdre/Donald McCloskey in front of an audience at the London School of Economics, where she/he argues that poverty matters more than inequality. She/he describes how at the beginning of the 19th century most people who had ever lived had survived on $3 a day. Today, on average, people in Western Europe and North America live on over $100 a day]
I think it is a big assumption to claim that that the Left has ever wanted to improve the standard of living of the poor. Destroy free markets and reduce the standard of living of everybody to the same level, at the same time as redistributing power to a corrupt and intolerant Leftist elite would historically be more accurate.
Following the so called ‘banking crisis’ the UK found itself in a depression, the Labour government lost the election and was replaced by a coalition led by Cameron and Clegg.
Immigration which Cameron had promised to reduce stayed as high as it ever was, and last year 550 000 immigrants came to the UK to settle.
In terms of numbers on a page, it doesn’t matter whether those people work or they don’t, and it doesn’t matter what their culture is or their skin colour, or their religious belief – in terms of economics all are equal (beginning to sound familiar?)
Each person is an economic unit which has to spend money in order to survive, the fact that there are more people means that there’s more money in the system and therefore GDP increases.
According to migration watch The Treasury forecast that migration on this scale would add 0.5% to GDP – in the year of migration only. To get another increase requires more immigration the following year.
And that is why the main political parties are so hooked on the drug of mass immigration, because it’s a quick, but short term fix. The withdrawal symptoms from this drug don’t matter because the politicos know they won’t be around to clear up the mess they created. This is why leftie Dave isn’t too bothered about re election next time.
So no new school places, houses, hospital beds, because they all cost money. This is why the unemployed and the disabled have been mercilessly attacked, while the incomers are given the best housing and benefits without the conditions whites have to endure.
And yet people vote for them !
The coalition ‘recovery’ is exactly as some in the BBC described a phoney, except the BBC isn’t able to explain why, because to do so would mean criticising mass immigration. The very definition of being caught between a rock and a hard place !
So unemployment down by some manipulation of statistics and suspending people from the list for trivial reasons, and economic growth by continued Mass Immigration.
Interesting thoughts, however, we now have up to third generation non white Britishers, many of whom are just as ticked off as many “whites” are with the lunatic so called immigration policy that lib/lab/con, BBC, EU et al keeps telling us is essential to Britain’s survival.
It is essential for Britains survival, if borrowing is to continue at its current rate.
The alternative is to end the NHS which cannot be funded in its current state, lower pensions, and other benefits etc etc.
Who would want to be in charge of the government who did that?
They therefore increase the debt to levels which would be unaffordable to service as a proportion of GDP so they import bodies to make borrowing appear affordable as a ratio. They don’t need to think about the consequences because they aren’t accountable for their actions – as we’re finding out with Tony BLiar.
Don’t pretend to understand the new economics, but simple maths is stumping me on how this all is meant to work, at least long term.
Leading in from my post in another thread, our county seems stuffed, financially.
As it stands it is broke, and slashing all it can to stave off worse.
There is a population here who cannot stand any more hikes to taxes, and rises would be political suicide.
However, they seem to think bringing in new warm bodies will also bring in more money.
But as far as any can see, these new folk are not employed very gainfully, if at all, so immediately appear to be drains on a creaking system.
And as their benefits and kids are handed first draw on housing, schools, etc, the first place to go to draw down to compensate appears the elderly.
It’s not looking to produce a happy result with the actual working population, many of whom are also handling parents who are getting sidelined.
Unfortunately not. They either take a job, depriving some one else of it, and forcing them onto benefits, or end up on benefits themselves.
To live costs money and that means that for every extra ‘warm body’ there’s an increase in the money in the system. It might be that the money is borrowed by the government, but that is not important to the short termists.
To answer Guest who, yes in the medium term it’s a disaster completely unsustainable and yet another reason why leftie Dave doesn’t want to stick around in office when he can get off and earn big bucks on the lecture circuit instead.
The ‘slashing’ is being done to the supine white British population who if they were told that they were going to be executed would form an orderly queue ! Other cultures would have rioted a long time ago.
As long as there’s a ready made in the microwave, and something mindless on the telly the government can do what ever it pleases.
When I open the BBBC website, the first thing I usually do is scan the Recent Comments column to see what’s been happening. Seems to me that approx half the time I see at least one reference to Scott.
This must be working wonders for his ego. No wonder he keeps coming back. If that’s what most people want, then fine. But if you’d prefer he stayed away, this isn’t helping. Sometimes it’s hard to resist, but he’s very good at getting the argument he wants, as opposed to the argument the site started off with.
This business about King Juan Carlos….it amused me to see the ears of the Bolshy Broadcasting Corp prick up at the mention of Spanish republicans, and other assorted lefties, demanding a REFERENDUM on the future of their monarchy.
Suddenly, a REFERENDUM where the ordinary people (- remember them, the people that actually matter ?) get to decide on matters of national importance, doesn’t seem such a barmy idea after all…..
As an aside, I don’t know what all the abdication fuss is all about….Spanish kings have always been a bit flakey, all down through the centuries, throwing in the towel whenever things get a bit rough…..(only joking JC)
Normally your PC connects directly to the Biased BBC server.
You type in the address ( and a request is sent to your internet service provider (e.g. BT)
They reply and send the IP address that corresponds to ‘’.
Your PC then directly connects to the biased-bbc server.
Now…. that can be blocked by your internet service provider – e.g. if they consider the site to be a ‘hate site’ and stop sending out the corresponding IP address for ‘’.
This can be circumvented via the use of a service such as OpenDNS (google it).
Another method of blocking is to block any connections to IP address that corresonds to This is a more active method of blocking. Rather than simply withholding the information on how to find the site, they are now actively blocking it.
This is where a ‘proxy server’ comes in. You can connect to the proxy server and then the proxy server connects to Any data is passed from you to the proxy and then onto biased-bbc and vice versa. The ISP is no longer able to block your access to the site.
This is how people circumvent censorship in dictatorships.
It does that periodically. More than any other of my “regular” sites. I often wonder if it’s being attacked by those who would prefer we didn’t discuss BBC bias.
I wonderd that, as I had no problem with any other site or with youtube. My computer diagnostic program could find no problem other than the site would not respond to being ‘pinged’ (whatever that is)
This is regularly happens with bias. but nothing else.
Can anyone explain to me why this statement would require moderating for 5 hours?
“I wonderd that, as I had no problem with any other site or with youtube. My computer diagnostic program could find no problem other than the site would not respond to being ‘pinged’ (whatever that is)
This is regularly happens with bias. but nothing else.”
I would particularly like to hear from the site moderator
Ok so do you all remember the European Elections? Do you all remember the filth & fury surrounding UKIP before? Do you all remember UKIP in Croydon (the one where rent a mob were calling UKIP racists no matter the colour of their skin)? Do you remember the members of rent a mob posing as fake Romanians that another news channel busted?Do you remember I posted a reply from 29/5 saying they had to pass the complaint to the “relevant staff” this in response to my complaint of 20/5/14? Do you remember me saying I had made a complaint worded as this: “Complaint Summary: Reporting of UKIP in Croydon
Full Complaint: I wish to complain about the reporting of the UKIP carnival in Croydon. Whilst it is now blatantly obvious that the supposed Romanians were in fact members of the Socalist worker / UAF rent a mob. This has gone unreported and whilst on your web site you have removed the pictures of the banners pertinent to this story you have left the phrase “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.” Which apparently it now turns out they were not. Will you now report that members of the UAF were masquerading as Romanians in the interests of fairness and highlighhting the undemocratic activities of these groups?
Ok I have a response are you ready for it? It’s really not worth the build up.But here it is Thanks for your contact regarding BBC News Channel
I understand you had concerns with regards to coverage of UKIP in Croydon and I also note your reference to an online report.
However, as the BBC News channel is a rolling News Channel with different reports shown across the day, may I ask that you contact us again providing details of the report you were unhappy with, such as the time of broadcast.
May I also ask that you include the URL of the online report to which you refer.
Once we have received this information we will happy to look at your complaint again.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
What can you say really? I think it’s pretty obvious what it’s about as they ran the story all day. Complete with the interview with the Romanian working in a hotel. As noted on this site they did change the wording on the web page report but the message was the same.
‘So far, just the sound of silence’
Hardly surprising. They’re swamped.
I presume you got a number at least? Or maybe you’re on the naughty step if they think you’re getting a bit close to stuff they can’t squash even booting up through ECU to The Trust. Whatever happens, it must never get out into the public record, as that counts a bit.
You probably will get a reply at some stage, but it will likely be a faux apology for not replying, followed by a lot more silence unless you chase.
Yes, I got a number. Their 2 weeks is up tomorrow so I will chase them if I haven’t heard.
i fully expect either a justification for something other than my complaint or a holding apology for not replying which asks me not to contact them (in the hope I will forget).
Cameron cannot use National Interest to infiltrate UKIP with MI5 agents any more, because they keep getting exposed by patriots within MI5, so he must be infiltrating the anti-fascist socialist workers groups, to use them as useful idiots for his dirty tricks campaign against UKIP, and therefore the BBC is not allowed to report MI5 operations.
I’m not sure they’re actually ordering us, despite the headline. While there’s no rule against anyone offering advice to the UK, the fact they do so so soon after being given two fingers by the electorate pretty well sums up their arrogance.
Yes, this is one of the wonderful side-effects of the ‘culturally-enriching’ mass immigration into U.K from various Asian and African countries (which BBC-NUJ supports on some ‘principle’):- politicians from such countries bring their corrupt and even murderous activities with them.
“Pakistan MQM leader Altaf Hussain arrested in London”
‘Gareth Huntley: Search area reduced for missing Malaysia trekker’
Human interest – sure. A cliche ridden ‘roller coaster of emotions’ no less.
BBC London on-line can hang their story on ‘Gareth Huntley from Cricklewood, north London’
Although I thought I heard the TV version say ‘from Hackney’ Perhaps that was his family? Or perhaps Hackney just sounds more right-on than Cricklewood, man.
Anyway what could it possibly be about some gap yah guy going missing whilst backpacking that piques the interest over at metro-metro-central?
Lot of boxes ticked…
mixed race couple…. ‘Gareth Huntley, pictured with his girlfriend Kit Natariga, went missing during a trek’
charideee…. ‘He told friends he would be back at the charity project where he was volunteering by 14:00, but failed to return.’
I sincerely hope this chap is found alive and well – but although his story seems to get the juices flowing at the BBC it is simply not my local news priority.
If you think it’s important BBC, put it in your national news.
ra·cial·ism (rā′shə-lĭz′əm)
a. An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.
b. Policy or practice based on racial considerations.
2. Chiefly British Variant of racism.
With Great Pleasure with Sir Terry Wogan and Pauline Black
Radio 4
‘Pauline Black, actor, broadcaster and lead singer of ska band The Selecter performs heartfelt songs and shares the poetry and prose that shaped her from her earliest years as an adopted child of mixed race, growing up in 1950s Britain to the present.’
INBBC has this: note how criticism of Bergdahl is relegated largely by INBBC to the political right, and note how INBBC gets in a political plug for its ‘heroes’ of Guantanamo:-
“US army chief Dempsey: Bowe Bergdahl could be prosecuted”
“Revealed: Bowe Bergdahl left letter telling comrades at Afghan base he was ‘leaving to start new life and didn’t want to fight for America’ as Army announces he DOES face desertion charges.
“Sgt Bowe Bergdahl left a note for his comrades in which he said he did not want to fight for America any more and was leaving to start a new life.
“Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff today said ‘it’s premature’ to think there will be no charges against Bergdahl.
“Will put Obama under more pressure after Susan Rice said he served with ‘honor and distinction’ and freed five Taliban commanders.
“Former comrade who was there when Bergdahl disappeared five years ago broke a military gagging order to speak to MailOnline.
“He said: ‘As far as I’m concerned Bergdahl deserted his men and should face the firing squad.’
“‘Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but I was right, he had walked off.’”
There was absolutely no comment or report about a possible conversion to Islam of both him and his father, despite him giving some very obvious clues at the press conference with the Obamessiah.
The BBC are far from happy about that Syrian election aren`t they?
And this from the same organisation that would go to the remotest island in the Indonesian archipelago if there was any chance of the Muslim Brotherhood or Sinn Fein winning a seat on the local council..
Apparently, the vote is rigged, meaningless and a mere rubber stamp of the corrupt cronies that only set the election up, just so that can ignore the result and carry on as ever.
So in complete contrast to the Euro elections then BBC?
Do these people even stop to think on just how hypocritical and cyclops-like they are?
It is only democracy when the process selects people the western pan-national corporatocracy (EU/US) approve of.
It matters not who votes, nor how many, nor under what system the election takes place, so long as the eventual winner is someone the western corporatocracy approves of, otherwise, it is not democratic.
Should the BBC ‘report’ this (and if in the Graun programmed responses may kick in to follow) it will read:
““BBC News, which sources say employs around 8,000 people…”
A sound akin to a million monkeys with a million typewriters trying reproduce Shakespeare.
Didn’t they both look awkward. Two blokes, who clearly detest each other, pretending to be pals, criticising Europe and wincing as they sipped their pints of good English ale.
Now just who were they trying to emulate?
18:00 news They are running the “House market boom” story yet again. This despite Nationwide saying they think the boom (still not here ) is coming to an end. None of my friends around the country are reporting any kind of increases in property in their areas, but then none of them live in London. Off course if interest tares were rapidly increased I’m sure the BBc will take great delight in reporting on the plight of the re-possessed. Followed no doubt by a call to lower interest rates.
Lots of people on Twitter are claiming that the BBC is showing a right-wing bias by ‘bigging up’ UKIP and talking about them all the time.
I suspect that something more sinister is going on. The Tories lose far more votes to UKIP than Labour, and I think that the aim may be to split the Tory vote.
This is a consequence of the nature of mass media. It needs a constant supply of excitement, controversy and novelty to keep the audience interested. At the moment UKIP is supplying that.
They are claiming that the large amount of coverage of UKIP shows pro-UKIP bias. Strange that the vast majority of that coverage has been profoundly negative. If that is pro-UKIP bias, I would hate to see anti-UKIP bias.
This idea that the BBC is rightwing on the basis of the volume of its coverage ,whether bankers ,big business or the Torie’s, has been floated quite a lot lately ( by left wing academics) .It seemed to start about the time the EDL were in ascendancy.
By the same logic ,the BBC must be pro-nazi because it does far more documentaries about Hitler than Stalin, or pro-BNP. Because Panorama have done at least 3 exposes of the BNP (without exposing anything other than their own anti working class bigotry) and non of the SWP
BBC News has just devoted a generous amount of time to Jamal Edwards, the owner of SBTV, a broadcasting company that makes videos of rap and pop music stars and puts them on YouTube. No doubt about it, he’s done extremely well.
Nothing wrong with this. But I also read recently about Peter Moore who, at the age of 18, has been appointed co-principal trombone of the London Symphony Orchestra. No small achievement at that age. The LSO has been nurturing other young players with considerable success.
Set me thinking. What are the chances of hearing about this on mainstream BBC? Virtually non existent, I would say.
Time and time again I’m left thinking that the BBC has nothing to offer me whatsoever. I want out.
Kinda gives the game away
What game would that be?
He is a young black guy from a council estate who built up a media company from nothing (while working). That is now worth £30 million and he employs 12 people.
There is also the case of Wayne Marshall, who is one of Britain’s finest classical organists. He, too, is an Afro-Caribbean, and therein lies a moot point.
There is a patronising attitude that certain racial groups should only promote certain types of musical entertainment – as if going against the stereotypical grain brands you as a cultural traitor.
One of the best-known African-American musicians of the early 1900s – Scott Joplin of piano rag fame – was originally a classically trained pianist.
It probably wouldn’t even occur to the BBC to cover something like this except, perhaps, as part of some specialised niche coverage like the Proms or Young Musician competition. ‘Normal’ people have no interest in this elitist stuff.
I do get a little tired of the constant fawning by the MSM over El Sistema in Venezuela and incorrect references to the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, which hasn’t been a youth orchestra for some time. I’m not knocking these institutions but it gives the impression that nothing is happening anywhere else. When the European Community Youth Orchestra (now the European Union Youth Orchestra) was founded in the 1970s, there was initial embarrassment at the number of British musicians who passed the auditions. The rules were subsequently changed.
I probably haven’t watched A Question of Sport since David Colemans day, but unfortunately with little else to occupy my time tonight I stumbled on the latest series. What a dumbed down farce, it now begins with our sporting ‘heroes’ pratting around in faux tunnel before entering the ‘arena’ the whole thing nothing more than televised parlour games. Emlyn Hughes, Henry Cooper, Cliff Morgan and the afore mentioned Coleman must be spinning in their graves.
This program is a good example of what has happened to the BBC, its become a dumbed down farce for the hard of thinking and an insult to ones intelligence.
I have noticed that Question of Sport ensures a quota of at least one woman (plus Sue of course) each week – this would be fine if they knew as much as the men – but they don’t and it is obvious. To be fair I didn’t watch last night but it is the usual case. I want women on the BBC if they are the right person for the job not because they are female.
Women have now been handed the sh*t end of the stick in the BBC newsroom in the name of so-called ‘progress’ – the sports reporting. It’s not ‘progress’ – it’s the job no bloke wants. Even back in the 70s as a kid, it was clear the sports job on the news was below even the weather man in the pecking order (Tony Gubba or Kenneth Kenadall? I think you can see what I mean) The overwhelming majority of sports reporters on BBC news bulletins now are women, leaving the juicier jobs to the men. Doesn’t that make the BBC sexist?
26? I guess that’s not including local sports reporters either?
7 max would do, is it really that difficult for the same one to produce a report for radio, TV? do we really need one for Africa Business Report and another different one for Asia Buisness Report ? Does the licence fee fund these? Farcical!
No! I cannot agree. Question of Sport is better than ever, yes some of the set ups can be a bit weird, but it’s all part of the game and with both captains so enthusiastically involved I think it is OK.
Sue Barker and the captains have a great rapport, and their sporting knowledge is stunning.
Most of the females have done OK as far as I’m concerned.
Long may it continue!
The one (and only) upside of her giant BBC contract is that other channels are Barker-free: so nice to be able to watch the French Open on ITV without the fear of her popping up trying desperately to prove how ‘humorous’ everything is. Gurn, gurn, cackle, snort.
Harriet Harman is a right-wing Conservative!
Well not quite. Richard Fitzwilliams supports on-line nudity and the liberal freedom of Europe versus the wicked religious, right-wing conservatives in the USA resulting in the Instagram ban during The World Tonight [43:44]
Controversial = something of which the BBC disapproves
This morning on BBC TV News politics reporter (and sometime age and sex campaigner – on her own and her mates behalf – therefore making herself bullet-proof) Carole Walker talks us through the Queen’s Speech.
Just me or is this a desperate Limp-Cameron attempt to have the left liberal media especially the BBC love him….
Charidee Tax on placky bags
Free state childminding on the rates
But BBC ‘old and made’ Carole warns us Licence Payers there is also something ‘controversial’ in the speech.
You guessed it – ‘fraking’
Expand the State as much you like but dare to cross the Greenies and there’ll be hell to pay….
How predictable that the BBC will call something of which it disapproves ‘controversial’
Personally, I want cheaper fuel and less fuel imports. I don’t want to be forced to donate to fake charities under threat of dropping my supermarket grub on the pavement – I call that controversial.
If the BBC can’t drop the bias – which now seems impossible – stop them covering news and current affairs. Put that idea in a Queen’s Speech.
And our reward for reusing them is to find our stored stash sitting in a stew of shredded styrene.
I doubt if these plastic micro-particles are good for the environment either.
Lately I have found that many ‘child-proof’ caps on garden chemicals have disintegrated over time. I expect the politicians response, following the first death of a child, will to make it illegal to keep kitchen/garden chemicals for more than three months or face six years in prison!
’I doubt if these plastic micro-particles are good for the environment either.’
Of all people Jeremy Irons was part of a very good doco called ‘Trashed’, that looked at all this in some depth.
One aspect not widely covered by the PPE grads at such as the BBC is the obsession with bio-degradability, which creates a potentially toxic plastic soup from landfill and into the sea.
Witches Knickers are not nice either, but my faith in the powers that impose taxes over solutions is about zero on any green issue.
Funny, isn’t it, that we are the ones who ultimately suffer through these daft edicts. A better idea (and a more encouraging one) would be to offer a few pence reward for bags which are found and returned – a bit like the thruppance we used to get on Tizer bottles. Or, of course, they could (long ago) have manufactured cheap plastic bags which were biodegradable.
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
Anyone hear Rod Liddle talking about his book on R4 Start the Week, this morning?
Bloody marvellous. His views are counter to everything the BBC believes. Man from the Beeb even sinks to implying racism.
Great discussion, well worth a listen, Rod Liddle easily demolishes Tom Sutcliffe’s arguments that he (Liddle) is both a racist and a bigot.
This programme probably needs a good ‘Fisking’ and a post of it’s own not least for the contribution of the presenter and the member of the elite, the intelligentsia who sat alongside Liddle.
Getting their defence in early, one of the ‘bien pensants’ as Liddle calls them, said they were fearful of what Liddle would have to say about the assembled panel…well at least they know what they are! These hand wringing hypocrites, who as Liddle said (paraphrasing), do not have to live with the consequences of their ideology in their smug, comfortable, north London lives, are representative of no-one other than their rarefied privileged clique.
‘More ‘multiculturalism’ is the answer’, one of the ‘PB’s’ said, but this is a type of ‘multiculturalism’ that is straight out of the BBC little book of group-think. Yet, according to those more understanding and qualified to know what they are talking about (and not least the ordinary men and women who have to live with it day in day out), the ‘BP’s’ and the BBC’s version of ‘multiculturalism’ has failed, leaving us with ghettos and division,
But perhaps the most sickening contribution made on was one that empathised with the terrorism of 9/11 and other atrocities. The BBC have always sanitised terrorism by calling terrorist as ‘militants’; they took another step along the road to their beatification this morning when a contributor (without challenge) spoke of the ‘7/7 boys’ and the ‘Boston Marathon kids’.
What sickening self-indulgent depravity, incubated and disseminated by an out-of-touch ignorant BBC that has become the property of the left wing elite (paid for, of course, by the rest of us).
I thought for a while I was listening to some sort of parody ,a satirical pantomime.But no it was for real
Even down to the citizen organiser who helps give voice to the people ,but only as long as they say the right things, and the progresive playwright for who multiculturalism is different coloured choirs singing from the same hymn sheet- their words ,dear reader, not mine.
Was rather good value.
I think poor ‘But surely you must..’ Tom may have needed a lie down after that, as attempt after attempt to get Rod to get back on piste and rejoin the path of the true hive was cheerfully rebuffed.
It was like an affluent faux left, bien pesant, male metro luvvie bromance parody of …
Their defining characteristic is a lack of courage. Believing only in their “right” to rule and starting to question their twisted view of reality they are getting fearful.
They are nothing that cannot be easily overcome when the time comes.
When Cromwell was asked how he proposed to overcome Charles and the Royalists he said “Give me a few good men”
That is all it will take and the elite knows it.
The elite has tried to destroy old England. That cannot happen.
Well said. One thing that does puzzle me though is that Liddle was the editor of radio 4 news. So has he seen the light re the topics covered in his book recently since he left the BBC , in a sort of Damascene conversion, or did he think this when he was at the BBC. If the latter, why did he not manage to impose his views to a much a greater extent, after all he was editor, a position of great influence and independence according to the BBC. At the very least, he could have had the liberal left world view rigorously questioned? Perhaps it was just the normal and understandable fears re his pension that kept him silent. Once again you think that this is strong evidence about how biased the BBC is and how much they muzzle any but the liberal left world views. Another good reason to get rid of the corporation.
Very good, worth a listen.
Some Met Office scientific floozy on “Today” this morning (isn’t it weird how the “scientific fraternity, and others, these days always seem to begin their sentences with “So”?)
Any road up, she was on about an alleged projected increase in extreme localised convective rainfall events, which would all be down (of course) to climate change, specifically because the atmosphere was getting warmer.
Several things sprang immediately to mind during the course of our enlightenment – the obvious first being the lack of any opposing view (isn’t that always the case with the BBC and climate change?).
The second, was that so far as I’m aware, there has been no warming for over seventeen years.
Thirdly, they speak as if climate change has only just begun, and tend to forget that it has been ongoing ever since there has been a climate.
Then, of course, it was all predicted from the ubiquitous “models” (which have been in the habit of letting “climate scientists” down badly, of late), rather than empirical evidence or observation.
Last (but not least) – from my schooling, many years ago, I was always under the impression that more notable weather events were likely not from atmospheric warming, but from cooling.
But, as we all know, the BBC has a large (and rather blunt) axe to grind.
We also learned today, of Obama’s intent to shaft the USA by hiking electricity prices, and closing down coal fired power stations.
This is an international scam of monster proportions.
One would have thought that risks to UK energy security
and demonstrable evidence of what happens with over-reliance on renewables
might be an issue that the BBC might investigate
But they cannot due to their editorial policy
isn’t it weird how the “scientific fraternity, and others, these days always seem to begin their sentences with “So”?
Yes, that is something I’ve noticed of late, and not just the scientific community. This must be something they’re taught to do before coming on radio – perhaps it’s thought to be better than “umm” but to me just sounds odd.
Maybe it’s part of the Common Purpose courses, a bit like Masonic handshakes.
I blame Graham Norton…
I think they have replaced “Listen…” at the start of a sentence with “So…”
It bloody annoys the hell out of me…
“Listen….” “No, feck off….”
I wish that some reporter at the BBC, some depressed, maybe suicidal reporter could be so utterly fed up with how their soul has been eviscerated of any moral rectitude by the BBC, that before they top themselves, they would actually decide to have some fun by actually quizzing any of these climate alarmists so called “scientists” on the basics of the scientific method, and on how models are NOT empirical evidence, but are, barely, only a representation of variants of the CAGW hypothesis. Then ask, what must be done to validate or falsify a hypothesis of this sort. whether real, measured empirical evidence of warming, or lack-thereof, is a valid scientific way to compare the model to the evidence? If not, why not?
So far as I can tell, all the predictions of more extreme weather are based entirely on the world continuing to warm up and that prediction is based on the output of hundreds of computerised model runs of various theoretical CAGW scenarios… NONE of those predictions come from comparing the models to reality, other than the dishonest “hindcasting” which is 100% invalid for validating climate models.
I am sure that within 10 minutes of opening google that I could hindcast every winner of the Grand National for the last 40 years. Such a model would be utterly useless at picking next year’s winner, let alone all the winners until 2100.
How can any of the last 5 years examples of “weirder weather” be based on global warming, (as the BBC regurlarly suggests) if the world has not warmed at all in at least 17 years? And considering that ALL the CMIP-5 models failed to predict the current switch from a warming trend to a cooling trend, how much trust should we place in models which are 100% wrong, and which produced scenarios which are diverging from reality more and more every year?
No No No. There is a total clash between what the models forecast and what the climate has really been doing for the past 17 years – but that is because the reality is false. What has been happening has not actually been happening because the models say it has not been happening.
Any BBC environmental reporter could have told you that. So could George Orwell.
That little girlie’s argument could have been demolished in two seconds, were the interviewer knowledgable and minded to do so. As it was, the same old same old ….
Krishnan Guru-Murthy now nailed on for the job of replacing Jeremy Paxman.
I’m not surprised, after the recruitment of Mr Katz from the Guardian, it was clear that the presenter was going to have a record with left of centre reporting – C4 news being very much the TV arm of the Independent Newspaper.
Who cares?
Does anyone watch Newsnight any more?
Or QT?
‘Topical news quiz/show/comedy=lefty sniggering’
Recently calculated my BBC TV watching time as 2-3 hours per week
Good value? Still I have still got the radio stations they haven’t ruined…
starfish….Absolutely correct I really can’t bring myself to watch any of the above programmes, including that breakfast shite on bbc1
In the interests of diversity shouldn’t the BBC consider employing an eastern european in this post? Ideally Roma?
A Roma working in the studio would nick any expensive gadgets that weren’t nailed down !
ITV are missing an wide open goal with their breakfast offering, too much showbiz too many ads.
Get rid of the showbiz, have a few scrolling on screen ads to negate the need for so many breaks and with a more serious editorial they could easily beat the lefty feminised common purpose talking heads offering of the BBC….
Oh and the totty is better on ITV….
I’m at a loss as to why the BBC Breakfast offering does so well in the ratings, much like the gob on a stick me, me, me breakfast presenter on Radio 2 …
ITV lost the plot years ago. They are total celebrity. It is so bad that they really do see themselves up there with the Royal Family and the elite. They are completely and utterly up the own rectums.
One their “stars” Dawn French is in a national road show doing a play about her own life. Now you cann’t get more up your own rectum than that.
Sadly, there are no radio stations the BBC hasn’t ruined.
This morning produced a prize example: the breathless joy of Woman’s Hour interviewing Desmond Tutu’s daughter.
To twist Betjeman – come friendly bulldozers. It’s time the BBC was got rid of.
I watch HIGNFY as we have a competition who can guess how soon UKIP will be mentioned. Last Friday is was 2 seconds after the introductions
It was remarkably predictable, erring on painful.
Paul Merton often has an expression I read as ‘they really are wheeling this out again for us to have a go at?’. First few seconds.
Clearly one area elements of the BBC cannot, as they so often do, manage to ‘move on’ from.
Did anyone watch the Harry and Paul comedy programme, The History of bbc2 (I think it was called)? Believe it or not, it was quite funny and managed to take the piss out of just about everyone who is associated with the bbc. For example, Harry’s imitation of Paul Merton was both accurate and funny; well worth a watch.
Yes for once, a program worth watching, a piss take of all things BBC. No one will ever take a ‘talking heads’ type program seriously again after watching this, the parody was far too accurate.
Paul Whitehouse impersonated Merton, Harry did Hislop, yes both were spot on.
Surprisingly, it’s not available on Iplayer.
Did they upset someone?
I stopped watching Newsnight some time ago. I haven’t watched much of have I got News For You. I watched one recently. I just sat there amazed it was so crap. The whole show was one big slag of Farage but wasn’t even remotely funny. And one mention of Millibland’s bacon sandwich gate moment. Like you Starfish my viewing of the BBc is now very minimal. Not very good value as they are always telling us.
Not at all surprised. The defining characteristic of the liberal left is that it is stupid. By stupid I mean the liberal might have degrees coming out of his ears but lacks any common sense at all.
Most if not all ruling classes are like this. Only rarely do we get a good ruler. Ignore the lot of them.
Yes, typified by their religious adherence to a form of multiculturalism, which is guaranteed to exterminate our own culture in the next 60 years, and turn this once diverse and tolerant nation into a totalitarian monoculture under Sharia law.
Christian Guru Murphy is quite a good choice. He once had an excellent Sunday show on LBC. Came across as a man who always does his homework and a good bloke.
I believe his name is Krishnan and I’m afraid I think he’s just another socialist who has his own preset bigotted views and harangues everyone with whom he disagrees. That’s one of the reasons I stopped watching Channel 4 News; Jon Snow must train them well.
The BBC is studiously avoiding the darker side of the release of Bowe Bergdahl from ‘captivity’ in Afghanistan.
Last night it struck me as a bit odd that he was only able to speak in Pashtu and was struggling to use English.
So what Details are the BBC withholding?
Well quite some important details concerning how Bowe Bergdahl came to be in the Taleban’s company, and the story is that he might well have defected. Wikipedia manages to carry this data in quite a long paragraph:
And CNN are carrying a story that his comrades go so far as to call him a deserter !
Then there’s the performance of the Obamessiah who released 5 Guantanamo terrorist prisoners for his release. This is reported, but not the fact that US law states that the President must inform Congress at least 30 days in advance of any transfers at Guantanamo Bay, no notice was given.
Half the story has been reported, and some very important details have been deliberately left out !
Don’t forget that Obarmy wants to close down Guantanamo camp. By this act he has five fewer detainees to remove.
I see this article about Jimmy Savile is rapidly sliding down the main news page. It now appears there could be up to 500 victims…….
What I find incredulous is the way the article quickly shifts the attention and stone throwing onto the Broadmoor Psyciatric Hospital and his involvement there. Oh, and Edwina Currie(a Tory……..).
Note the words “Meanwhile, a joint investigation by Panorama and Radio 4’s the World at One has seen confidential memos which reveal how Jimmy Savile took control at Broadmoor in 1988”.
In other words, once again the BBC seems to think it’s nothing to do with them.
Why are UKIP supports classed as racist yet SNP and Plaid Cymru supporters aren’t?
Because they’re English…..
St Andrews and Davids days are celebrated by the left, But St Georges Day goes by without note …
Saint George’s day is always celebrated in this house. When I was still on the community radio I had a Saint George’s day special.
If you need to ask, you are racist.
IPCC investigating the Saint Stephen case, Detectives digging for Madeleine MCCann and Hillsborough still ongoing. The circus continues…
But wheres the ‘dough’ for the bread to come from?
‘The Week’ is one of several barely funded ‘news’ media, like the HuffPo, that sometimes crosses my radar.
Just saw this from them on FB:
Sudan clarifies that Meriam Ibrahim, the woman sentenced to be hanged, will not be freed ‘in a few days’. Find out what caused the confusion
The ‘confusion’ seems mainly to be laid at the door of the vastly funded BBC, who is rather prone to hitting watertight oversight when the stories don’t suit the narrative, and will punt out anything when it does.
That the world’s most trusted news monopoly seems to need checking for clarification so often makes its value dubious and compelled funding in this country a travesty.
The Big Question on Sunday. Where to start?
Preening Nicky Campbell plus Harry Palmer-esque glasses that scream please take me seriously folks.
The subject was supposed to be a big one – the soul, where do we go after dealth, is there a Heaven and Hell?
You usually know where the BBC is going with this when the format is for Nicky to present some weird Mid-West ‘Christian’ view countered by a reasonable celeb atheist and then cue up with :
And what does Islam have to say about this…. and Budha and Sikhism and guru Tom Cobley and all and all and guru Tom Cobley and all – oh and not forgetting the liberal Jew – rely on the Jew for the best one-liners, folks “So the Rabbi said to the newly wed… ”
– well, you know how it goes. What you want the joke? I’ll give you the punch line ‘don’t ask me – either way your going to get screwed’.
But I digress and exaggerate.
The appaling thing about this BBC show was N Campbell’s shameless promotion of his pet project :
“Elephants are People Too, they think like humans they really do… And Dogs Too”
Don’t believe me? Check his Twitter. In among the odd-ball mohamedans, lefty campaigners and plain sycophants you’ll some sniff plenty of Elephants.
What, you didn’t realise that under-talented over paid celebrities like to pander to a lefty audience by promoting lefty causes… and given the BBC having to hide its leading red lights under a Bushel House the next best thing is go green, go Animals R Us
Please BBC, not on my Licence Fee
What he really meant was elephants think like Nicky Campbell i.e. not very much at all.
Considering he is big on Elephants, he does a bloody good job of avoiding the one in the room with him during his “debates”
Love the fact the NSPCC want a new law to be brought in regarding mental cruelty to children. Yet not a peep out of the very same organisation regarding the child grooming by Muslim sex gangs in the UK.
The BBC had quite an extensive article on the 10 o’clock news a few nights ago about Young velnerable girls becoming liable to sexual abuse by “gangs of young men” and how the biggest police investigation into such gangs is happening in Newcastle upon Tyne.
They managed an in-depth article, interviewing police and outreach workers without once mentioning the words “Muslim” “Islam” “Asian” “Pakistan” at all, and rounded up the article with a reminder that child abusers come from all religious and social backgrounds.
Funny how they never reported that “qualification” when reporting on abuse by Catholic Priests from the 1960s and 1970s.
And this abuse by Pakistani Muslim rape gangs is going on RIGHT NOW.
Except at the announcement of Operation Sanctuary we had the police telling us that the perps came from all different backgrounds etc . A quick search shows what we all knew anyway ,that the most perps have arabic names and the rest a mix of african etc.
No english names so far .
This has been going on for many years here and still its an utter disgrace that the police still cannot bring themselves to admit that the problem is immigrants and their deviant behaviour.
Not just deviant, but racist. I thought that the BBC were opposed to racism. I guess they are not, when the racism comes from middle eastern Asians against whites.
How would the BBC report it if a gang of predominantly white men were raping young girls and selecting them purely because the victims were Black?
Would the the BBC utter the race word then?
Just like Woman’s Hour’s extraordinary ability to talk endlessly about the evils of female circumcision without ever mentioning the religion of the perps. In case mentioning the religious aspect to it leads to a breakdown in community cohesion. I have my doubts that the kind of people likely to be incited to religious or racial hatred would listen to woman’s hour.
I only listen when I can’t get to the radio to change the channel.
they don’t seem too keen on mentioning the evils of male genital mutilation either
North West News at lunchtime keen to keep the BBC wimmin in sport agenda on the boil, this time at the Isle of Man TT. The ladies interviewed seemed good sorts and it takes a lot of guts for anybody to tackle that course at the speeds they go at.
But wait, the anchorman on return to the studio just couldn’t help himself could he: ‘…blah blah blah such brave women blah blah…’
So keen to pursue their agenda for equality in everything they end up doing the opposite – sounding right patronising twats.
Radio 4’s report this morning about the Buddists in Myamar ( Burma) being responsible for violence against the Bangladshi Moslems and also the poor conditions in the refugee camps was the usual BBC bias making the Muslims appear to be the victims .
There was no context to the report and the problem is any person unaware of BBC bias wouldn’t realise it was one-sided. That’s why this site is so important .
You will note that they are not Buddhismists, or militant Buddhists, or extreme Budhists, or Buddhist fundamentalists… just run of the mill, everyday, Buddhists; whereas no murderous savage actions by people called Mohamed are by ordinary Muslims but by ‘izzlumists’ ( pronounced in such a way as to make sure no one connects the carnage with’ isslahm’).
the Beeb don’t even pretend to be impartial.
Anyone notice that every Radio 2 stand in is now a woman, has the controller been told that his daytime output is too ‘male’ ? Looks like the next generation is going to be ‘hideously’ female.
Feltz – Sara Cox
Evans – Zoe Ball
Bruce – Claudia Winkleman/Cox
Vine – Feltz
Wright – Jo Whiley
Mayo – Lisa Tarbuck
Have no problem with a women DJ’s, just hate it when all they talk about is their kids and what they’re having for tea tonight. Not a lot of talent above, a touch of nepotism and a blond ranting overweight talentless nobody….
Since it is ‘A’ level time of year, has any student anywhere been given a problem of plotting CO2 level against average global temperature and finding the correlation.
You would have thought that the examining boards would have loved a question that not only tests academical skills but also drives home the message of how temperature and CO2 levels are related.
But as far as I know, they haven’t done it.
Why not?
There was a news item in the Telegraph last year where a lad had answered an A-level science question about global warming. It was a faultless, scientific examination of the hypothesis versus the evidence by all accounts but he was given zero marks for it because he failed to parrot the orthodoxy he had been taught in school.
His mother was furious, particularly as he was a very bright lad indeed and was A-starred on every other single A-level paper he did.
I’ve tried googling to find the item – without success – but this link will give you an idea of what they’re being taught and therefore expected to answer in their exams.
A good starting point for you would be Piers Corbyn’s website – he has the most plausible explanation of the causes of climate changeability; ie, that big golden thing in the sky. In addition, the evidence would suggest that CO2 levels lag climate changeability rather than lead it. But you won’t get that on the bbc.
A BBC dynasty beneficiary pens a glowing tribute to the man who did more than many to make sure the BBC was never, ever, held to account, or else…
So far, the comments suggest folk are unpersuaded by yet another ‘BBC says the BBC got it about right’ effort.
I gave the BBC half an hour this morning re its “flagship” Today Show.
1. UKip Councils are crap-and here`s the only Labour kid-councillor to tell us why( too slow to defend Surestart, not passionate enough abut the living wage-apparently).
2. Savile in Broadmoor, and coming telly shows to forward the thesis that Broadmoor and Edwina Currie were-in a sense even worse than the BBC…so won`t we all just concentrate on these outliers( as opposed to outright liars, which is the BBC)?
And -in a sense wasn`t George Entwhistle as much a victim of Jimmy Savile as anyone else?…but of course!
3. More Boscastles from 2004 coming-those trustworthy folks at the UEA have said so, and their computer models based on IPCC data are irrefutable…got that?
4. Who`d have thought that when Islam, Sharia, oil and Blatter/Platinin and FIFA got together..then it might be a bit dodgy?
The BBC seem shocked….and so Lord Goldsmith and Lord Dyke…both Labour scummies with either blood on their hands or the BBC pension in their pocket…one from Hong Kong, one from a riverside Thames pile…are wheeled out.
For both are rather big at the FA or with FIFA these dyas…as Eddie Mair says “alright for some!”
Cheats never prosper eh?…bullcrap…Blairs stools pass through the body politic, via the BBC septic tank and straight into our national game.
the bbc has always been accussed of employing people with a left wing bias,well today on the richard bacon show on radio 5 live at 2.30 pm a rare thing happened,one of the bbcs most loved female actresses maxine peake of the barrister in silk fame admitted her quiet left wing extreme wing ideals,even bacon was a bit shocked when she said she was a member of the communist party and a proud marxist,she even said she had a bust of lenin and a portrait of joseph stalin on her wall and carrys around a chairman maos red book with her on her travels,it was a quiet extraordinary interview but gives you a true insight into the the myth that the bbc and there employees do not hold some very extreme left wing views,maxine peakes admiration of,lenin,stalin and chairman mao sent a shiver down my spine knowing there mass murdering past,it is a 1 hour interview that she had with richard bacon today,a must listen and i think in hindsight she is going to regret giving that interview today.
The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation shows its bias by keeping its useful idiots on a salary thanks to the licence payers.
This worship of Lenin, Mao and Stalin is utterly sickening, considering the death toll under those regimes.
If Bacon was surprised by this it sounds like he or his researchers had not done their homework.
In every article I’ve read about Peake she’s always at great pains to tell us she’s the daughter of a miner (or some such) and how The Evil Thatcher destroyed the working class. Funny that – can’t remember Mrs T murdering tens of millions of her political opponents like Peake’s commie idols.
Yet another boring, illogical, pea-brained, hypocritical luvvie living the capitalist high life whilst dreaming of The Revolution.
Peake’s sympathies are well know, I think that she was given some sort of award as a the left-wing warrior of the year by the massed ranks of the Bolton Socialist Liberation Front (or some other organisation similar sounding organisation). She’s no doubt, ‘my little Trot’, Owen Jones’ favourite actress.
I don’t buy the ‘Bacon was shocked’ business. He will have known full well what her beliefs are and why he wanted her on his show.
Bacon is a past master at the disingenuous and patronising his audience.
And BTW, did Bacon ask her if she would go down the road of sending the opponents of her Socialism / Communism / Maoism / Stalinism to death camps, along with the tens of millions of others sent there by her heroes; human beings who saw through the socialist mythology.
And can you imagine the fuss if she had even dared hint that Mussolini made the trains run on time?
Mussolini never actually made the trains run on time.
Another illusion shattered
Just imagine if she’d said she had a picture of Mussolini on her wall and carried around a copy of Mein Kampf. She’d never work on the TV again.
How can someone so beautiful be so ugly inside? What on Earth happened to her that she ended up so broken?
Imagine the fuss if someone said that they had a portrait of Hitler on their wall. Yet glorifying the memory of mass murderers is fine so long as they are Communists not Nazis. The left disgust me.
Actor Samuel West, son of Timothy West and Prunella Scales, does the voice overs for a lot of documentaries, is a member of the Socialist Workers Party.
Why are these lefties always so damn wealthy perhaps I should change my politics!
Only the wealthy can afford to be Marxists
A strange tale on the BBC web
Into this comfortable and comforting world, Dreadnought came like a bolt from the blue. On the one hand she demonstrated the Royal Navy’s technical and industrial lead over the navies of new nations like Germany and the United States. But on the other, Dreadnought reset every navy almost to zero.
All previous battleships – including all of those in the Royal Navy – were now obsolescent, and would soon be known dismissively as “pre-Dreadnoughts”.
Now anyone who could build enough Dreadnoughts could challenge the Royal Navy’s pre-eminence. Couldn’t they?
Those wicked British, an island, innovative, outward looking, world-trading nation had the audacity to protect its interests.
Oh for the modern insight! Ruled by Brussels! Part of little europe, in it and run by it! A country with no past and no culture!
One day this will be a footnote in the Urdu history books of Bhritistan, maybe, or maybe not.
‘In 1906, the HMS Dreadnought was launched. Described as a deadly fighting machine, it transformed the whole idea of warfare and sparked a dangerous arms race.’
And so it has been since the dawn of time, ever since man learned to bash his enemy over the head with a club.
‘Into this comfortable and comforting world…..’
Reading the article this is a total non-sequitur as well as being patently untrue of just about any period of modern history. But it serves the obvious agenda behind the article – blame the British yet again.
Had a look at the article you link to about the Dreadnaught.
An interesting and well-researched article but, according to the author:
“ It sparked a dangerous arms race” and “Britain was a nation obsessed with the Navy”.
Little hints of disapproval there I think from our man at the BBC. As if to say for us to be ahead in technology in the arms race is not a good thing for Britain. The navy was our main form of defence back then before the First World War yet to be in support of it, as we very much were back then, was an “an obsession” according to modern thinking and the author Giles Edwards.
They forget so easily that BBC stands for BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation. Yet never ever will they say “we” when referring to Great Britain. It stuck in my craw during the Falkland’s war and has done ever since.
This is the same attitude they (BBC) adopt now to everything that would defend us. The EDL, The BNP, and now of course UKIP. All are all hissed and booed at and accused of being extremists, racists, fruit-cakes and loons. We may criticise the uncouth antics and uneducated speech of the BNP & EDL yet how many of them have demolished trains, planes, buses, or sky scrapers full of innocent people in the name of their medieval cult? The answer is NONE, they are Patriots and say proudly they are. But patriotism is not a good ‘ism’ apparently.
There is no doubt in my mind that the BBC has been infiltrated by nut jobs of the highest order. They believe in everything Anti-British. The BBC, the stranger folks that are employed by them and the even stranger odd balls that defend them should be despatched forthwith. Don’t ask me where though or I will get a 4 am visit from the loyal PC PC’s. Welcome to the Britain of the BBC.
The naval arms race started by the French ,long before ‘Dreadnought’, with the
Perhaps not that well researched after all
I truly despise revisionist post modern historians. They spend their lives at taxpayers expense, applying whatever is the latest trendy moralistic view to a different age, while failing to research the contemporary historical accounts which would provide the real facts and views of those living at the time.
I took part in the mass observation questions in the early 1980’s stored at Brighton University but most of the recruits came from the Guardian and the BBC so that this will be a very biased history of what people thought at the time.I’m sorry now I was part of it .
I share your disgust but I’m afraid such a state of affairs is inevitable.
Academics earn their income from two main sources, their jobs in universities and by publishing books and articles. This income from employment is not that high for the upper middle classes they mostly come from so they rely on publishing.
So if you are an expert on the Napoleonic Wars and you write a book on Waterloo (watch out for them next year!) you cannot just write the same old factual story. You have to write something new just to get your publisher interested. Ergo revisionism.
There is an argument to say that revisionism became popular once the differentials between academia and business became pronounced in the 1980s.
It’s all Thatcher’s fault! 😉
Except HMS Dreadnought wasn’t a bolt from the blue it had been proposed as a concept in Italy (without looking it up in @ 1903) The Americans were in the process of laying down two ships armed with 8 X 12″ guns. The Japanese a ship armed with a mix of big guns (12″ & 10″). However the Dreadnought was completed in 14 Months from the keel plate being @ half the time normal for this kind of build.Meaning Dreadnought entered service around four years before the American and Japanese vessels. BBc are frequently hazy on history even history in my lifetime.
BBc are frequently hazy on history even history in my lifetime
Aren’t they just. But how long on Wikipedia would it take them to find out what you have just enlightened us with?
So are they on so tight deadlines they can’t research their topic, are they just plain lazy or do they have an agenda?
Ah, the political class’s beloved European Union, and that class’s incomprehension at popular critique of E.U’s campaigning for mass immigration and federalised, undemocratic Europe.
Here, BBC-NUJ, which doesn’t ‘get it’ about the E.U., reports about how PM Cameron, who doesn’t ‘get it’ on E.U, who in turn chastises Eurocrats who don’t ‘get it’ either!
“Cameron says new EU chief must ‘get’ need for change”
Is say, “Get stuffed…” to the lot of ’em.
maxine peakes father was a founding member of the communist party of great britian,like father like daughter
It was her maternal grandfather who was a member of the Communist Party. As a Stalinist he encouraged her to express herself.
Sounds about right – Stalin being a great believer in free expression an’ all that.
Bloody leftie thickos.
The One Show shilling for immigration, warning those in the Calais camps they are about to be evicted.
That would assume that they all have TV’s which are tuned into the One Show!!!
Imi’s mistake, of course they would be tuned to ‘Le Un Show’…
Ah, Albaman.
Kind of you to grace us with your presence after such a long absence.
And so much for you to catch up on, so many examples of bias for you to challenge.
Should keep you busy for the next few weeks. Good luck!
“And so much for you to catch up on, so many examples of bias for you to challenge.”
Obviously Alan and David are having difficulty in finding any. More repeats in these posts than on UK Gold!!!
Blimey Ally, have you been away recuperating from a sense of humour transplant?
Albaman’s been too busy canvassing for Scottish Independence and kissing Salmond’s backside to post on this site lately. For once, I hope Alby succeeds in his aims, then we’ll be rid of forty-odd Labour M.P.s at a stroke.
On a (free) forum discussing the (compelled funding) BBC, raising the topic of repeats, especially as a comeback, is brave and comedic, if possibly unintentional.
BBC1 is available in Northern France, Belgium and Holland. So yes, they just tune in like the rest of us.
They choose to go to Calais. They know the score. Why should we waste time on them? They are responsible for their actions. Not us.
I forgot. Empathy. Empathy .Empathy. The liberal does love empathy.
BBC One Show, friend of Gordon Brown, champaigne socialist and ex GMTV presenter Fiona Phillips given time for an over sympathetic report from Calais on the clearing of the refugee camps.
Plenty of concern as the gendarme move in, she asks one where will he go, he says he doesn’t know, she says where indeed, as if there isn’t an obvious answer to the question (from whence he came?)
Tell you what Fiona if you’re so f*****g concerned let him move in with you and why not let his mates set up camp in your back garden? Maybe that’s not your kind of socialism? Just let the plebs suffer eh?
Where will he go?
More like, how much did you pay to get this far and why didn’t you choose any one of a dozen other countries on your journey instead of banging your head against a fence in Calais?
But then that would be asking a question from a right-wing point of view, and we can’t have that on the BBC can we?
Looks like its going to be the “D Day Landings” in reverse ?
bloody brilliant comment………
Had the misfortune to leave it on BBc after watching the always completely fair and balance North West Tonight. Heard “Fiona Phillips reporting from Calais” and changed channels immediately guessing it was a continuation of the earlier BBc sob sob stories. Still nice trip to France I imagine.
I noticed that they never once in that article informed the viewers as to the law relating to assylum, that any assylum seeker MUST seek assylum in the first safe country they arrive in.
Travelling all the way across the EU by road to get to the UK invalidates their claim in law.
if they left their hell-hole dangerous country by plane or boat, and the next country they arrive in is the UK, THEN we should assess their claim.
Otherwise every single assylum seeker which arrives on our shores from the mainland EU should immediately be sent straight back.
That is the law. It is time it was upheld.
Definitely not one for the One Show…
Feel the enrichment
“I was about 200ft away when I saw this man in a red jacket jump over a fence and grab a swan and sit down on it.
“He then took a knife and cut its head off at the bottom of the neck. I was stunned, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”
Fidan, who is unemployed, said he had been living in Britain since 2006.
A couple of question arise:
1. How do you like that Nicky Campbell with your Animals R Us campaigning?
2. BBC, explain Halal to me again.
Maybe the One Show could get Chris Packham to do a report on our strangely disappearing swan colonies….
Intensive farming methods to blame. Always.
Another dirty little secret that raises its ugly head once in a while, and then disappears.
Nothing to see here.
in all fairness to gobby bacon today,she fell into his trap when he asked her about her communist sympathys,then she shot herself in the foot.
Sometimes a chink of light gets through the BBC fog blanket:
Ancient American Marxist Transexual Academic Addresses LSE – with Evan Davis
All boxes ticked, what’s not to like?
Whoa! After sixty wasted years finds Enlightenment and rejects the race to Entropy!
If everyone gets a share of the cake,
No-body bakes the cake, Grasshopper!
[Evan Davis interviews economic historian Deirdre/Donald McCloskey in front of an audience at the London School of Economics, where she/he argues that poverty matters more than inequality. She/he describes how at the beginning of the 19th century most people who had ever lived had survived on $3 a day. Today, on average, people in Western Europe and North America live on over $100 a day]
I think it is a big assumption to claim that that the Left has ever wanted to improve the standard of living of the poor. Destroy free markets and reduce the standard of living of everybody to the same level, at the same time as redistributing power to a corrupt and intolerant Leftist elite would historically be more accurate.
A short economics lesson !
Following the so called ‘banking crisis’ the UK found itself in a depression, the Labour government lost the election and was replaced by a coalition led by Cameron and Clegg.
Immigration which Cameron had promised to reduce stayed as high as it ever was, and last year 550 000 immigrants came to the UK to settle.
In terms of numbers on a page, it doesn’t matter whether those people work or they don’t, and it doesn’t matter what their culture is or their skin colour, or their religious belief – in terms of economics all are equal (beginning to sound familiar?)
Each person is an economic unit which has to spend money in order to survive, the fact that there are more people means that there’s more money in the system and therefore GDP increases.
According to migration watch The Treasury forecast that migration on this scale would add 0.5% to GDP – in the year of migration only. To get another increase requires more immigration the following year.
And that is why the main political parties are so hooked on the drug of mass immigration, because it’s a quick, but short term fix. The withdrawal symptoms from this drug don’t matter because the politicos know they won’t be around to clear up the mess they created. This is why leftie Dave isn’t too bothered about re election next time.
So no new school places, houses, hospital beds, because they all cost money. This is why the unemployed and the disabled have been mercilessly attacked, while the incomers are given the best housing and benefits without the conditions whites have to endure.
And yet people vote for them !
The coalition ‘recovery’ is exactly as some in the BBC described a phoney, except the BBC isn’t able to explain why, because to do so would mean criticising mass immigration. The very definition of being caught between a rock and a hard place !
So unemployment down by some manipulation of statistics and suspending people from the list for trivial reasons, and economic growth by continued Mass Immigration.
Hey Presto ! Instant recovery !
Interesting thoughts, however, we now have up to third generation non white Britishers, many of whom are just as ticked off as many “whites” are with the lunatic so called immigration policy that lib/lab/con, BBC, EU et al keeps telling us is essential to Britain’s survival.
It is essential for Britains survival, if borrowing is to continue at its current rate.
The alternative is to end the NHS which cannot be funded in its current state, lower pensions, and other benefits etc etc.
Who would want to be in charge of the government who did that?
They therefore increase the debt to levels which would be unaffordable to service as a proportion of GDP so they import bodies to make borrowing appear affordable as a ratio. They don’t need to think about the consequences because they aren’t accountable for their actions – as we’re finding out with Tony BLiar.
the fact that there are more people means that there’s more money in the system
Really? Don’t they share the money too, so that more get less money and the amount in the system stays the same (ish)?
Don’t pretend to understand the new economics, but simple maths is stumping me on how this all is meant to work, at least long term.
Leading in from my post in another thread, our county seems stuffed, financially.
As it stands it is broke, and slashing all it can to stave off worse.
There is a population here who cannot stand any more hikes to taxes, and rises would be political suicide.
However, they seem to think bringing in new warm bodies will also bring in more money.
But as far as any can see, these new folk are not employed very gainfully, if at all, so immediately appear to be drains on a creaking system.
And as their benefits and kids are handed first draw on housing, schools, etc, the first place to go to draw down to compensate appears the elderly.
It’s not looking to produce a happy result with the actual working population, many of whom are also handling parents who are getting sidelined.
“Don’t they share the money too”?
Unfortunately not. They either take a job, depriving some one else of it, and forcing them onto benefits, or end up on benefits themselves.
To live costs money and that means that for every extra ‘warm body’ there’s an increase in the money in the system. It might be that the money is borrowed by the government, but that is not important to the short termists.
To answer Guest who, yes in the medium term it’s a disaster completely unsustainable and yet another reason why leftie Dave doesn’t want to stick around in office when he can get off and earn big bucks on the lecture circuit instead.
The ‘slashing’ is being done to the supine white British population who if they were told that they were going to be executed would form an orderly queue ! Other cultures would have rioted a long time ago.
As long as there’s a ready made in the microwave, and something mindless on the telly the government can do what ever it pleases.
Just an observation.
When I open the BBBC website, the first thing I usually do is scan the Recent Comments column to see what’s been happening. Seems to me that approx half the time I see at least one reference to Scott.
This must be working wonders for his ego. No wonder he keeps coming back. If that’s what most people want, then fine. But if you’d prefer he stayed away, this isn’t helping. Sometimes it’s hard to resist, but he’s very good at getting the argument he wants, as opposed to the argument the site started off with.
Yes. Just look at the apology thread.
Good grief. I’d missed that. Don’t know how.
You know what they say: “Don’t feed the troll”.
Just don’t.
I agree 100%. So let’s all agree not to feed the troll(s) Scott and Albaman.
And there it is again, another reference to Scott, Wednesday morning.
ps: Should have said “Another reply to Scott”.
Seems a bit quare that sky have been refused visas to report on Syria’s election, yet al-Bowen has slipped under the radar…
This business about King Juan Carlos….it amused me to see the ears of the Bolshy Broadcasting Corp prick up at the mention of Spanish republicans, and other assorted lefties, demanding a REFERENDUM on the future of their monarchy.
Suddenly, a REFERENDUM where the ordinary people (- remember them, the people that actually matter ?) get to decide on matters of national importance, doesn’t seem such a barmy idea after all…..
As an aside, I don’t know what all the abdication fuss is all about….Spanish kings have always been a bit flakey, all down through the centuries, throwing in the towel whenever things get a bit rough…..(only joking JC)
Has anyone else had problems logging on to this site in the last 12 hours?
Yes, couldn’t get on for 12 hours or so, although it checked out OK on:
Anyone else have a suggestion?
I could well be wrong, but last time it was down I was able to get on via ‘hidemyass’ a proxy server site, I do wonder if some ISP’s block the site?
I tried that. It didn’t work this time but I’ve had success that way in the past.
Geoff, for the non computer literate could you describe in words of one syllable what that means and how I could try to use it?
Normally your PC connects directly to the Biased BBC server.
You type in the address ( and a request is sent to your internet service provider (e.g. BT)
They reply and send the IP address that corresponds to ‘’.
Your PC then directly connects to the biased-bbc server.
Now…. that can be blocked by your internet service provider – e.g. if they consider the site to be a ‘hate site’ and stop sending out the corresponding IP address for ‘’.
This can be circumvented via the use of a service such as OpenDNS (google it).
Another method of blocking is to block any connections to IP address that corresonds to This is a more active method of blocking. Rather than simply withholding the information on how to find the site, they are now actively blocking it.
This is where a ‘proxy server’ comes in. You can connect to the proxy server and then the proxy server connects to Any data is passed from you to the proxy and then onto biased-bbc and vice versa. The ISP is no longer able to block your access to the site.
This is how people circumvent censorship in dictatorships.
Thanks Grimer – and in words I understood.
It does that periodically. More than any other of my “regular” sites. I often wonder if it’s being attacked by those who would prefer we didn’t discuss BBC bias.
I wonderd that, as I had no problem with any other site or with youtube. My computer diagnostic program could find no problem other than the site would not respond to being ‘pinged’ (whatever that is)
This is regularly happens with bias. but nothing else.
Can anyone explain to me why this statement would require moderating for 5 hours?
“I wonderd that, as I had no problem with any other site or with youtube. My computer diagnostic program could find no problem other than the site would not respond to being ‘pinged’ (whatever that is)
This is regularly happens with bias. but nothing else.”
I would particularly like to hear from the site moderator
Ok so do you all remember the European Elections? Do you all remember the filth & fury surrounding UKIP before? Do you all remember UKIP in Croydon (the one where rent a mob were calling UKIP racists no matter the colour of their skin)? Do you remember the members of rent a mob posing as fake Romanians that another news channel busted?Do you remember I posted a reply from 29/5 saying they had to pass the complaint to the “relevant staff” this in response to my complaint of 20/5/14? Do you remember me saying I had made a complaint worded as this: “Complaint Summary: Reporting of UKIP in Croydon
Full Complaint: I wish to complain about the reporting of the UKIP carnival in Croydon. Whilst it is now blatantly obvious that the supposed Romanians were in fact members of the Socalist worker / UAF rent a mob. This has gone unreported and whilst on your web site you have removed the pictures of the banners pertinent to this story you have left the phrase “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.” Which apparently it now turns out they were not. Will you now report that members of the UAF were masquerading as Romanians in the interests of fairness and highlighhting the undemocratic activities of these groups?
Ok I have a response are you ready for it? It’s really not worth the build up.But here it is Thanks for your contact regarding BBC News Channel
I understand you had concerns with regards to coverage of UKIP in Croydon and I also note your reference to an online report.
However, as the BBC News channel is a rolling News Channel with different reports shown across the day, may I ask that you contact us again providing details of the report you were unhappy with, such as the time of broadcast.
May I also ask that you include the URL of the online report to which you refer.
Once we have received this information we will happy to look at your complaint again.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
What can you say really? I think it’s pretty obvious what it’s about as they ran the story all day. Complete with the interview with the Romanian working in a hotel. As noted on this site they did change the wording on the web page report but the message was the same.
I gave them the web address in my complaint about the same matter. So far, just the sound of silence.
Complain about their non response to your complaint I always used to.
‘So far, just the sound of silence’
Hardly surprising. They’re swamped.
I presume you got a number at least? Or maybe you’re on the naughty step if they think you’re getting a bit close to stuff they can’t squash even booting up through ECU to The Trust. Whatever happens, it must never get out into the public record, as that counts a bit.
You probably will get a reply at some stage, but it will likely be a faux apology for not replying, followed by a lot more silence unless you chase.
Yes, I got a number. Their 2 weeks is up tomorrow so I will chase them if I haven’t heard.
i fully expect either a justification for something other than my complaint or a holding apology for not replying which asks me not to contact them (in the hope I will forget).
Cameron cannot use National Interest to infiltrate UKIP with MI5 agents any more, because they keep getting exposed by patriots within MI5, so he must be infiltrating the anti-fascist socialist workers groups, to use them as useful idiots for his dirty tricks campaign against UKIP, and therefore the BBC is not allowed to report MI5 operations.
Anyway, that’s a rumour worth investigating.
Beeboids will concur on this:-
By M.E. Synon.
I’m not sure they’re actually ordering us, despite the headline. While there’s no rule against anyone offering advice to the UK, the fact they do so so soon after being given two fingers by the electorate pretty well sums up their arrogance.
Yes, this is one of the wonderful side-effects of the ‘culturally-enriching’ mass immigration into U.K from various Asian and African countries (which BBC-NUJ supports on some ‘principle’):- politicians from such countries bring their corrupt and even murderous activities with them.
“Pakistan MQM leader Altaf Hussain arrested in London”
“The corruption of Britain: UK’s key institutions infiltrated by criminals”
(Jan 2014).
‘And now the news not where you are…’
Here I am – according to the BBC – apparently lost in the jungles of an Island off Malaysia.
Well in fact I am in London but BBC London TV News lead with this story
‘Gareth Huntley: Search area reduced for missing Malaysia trekker’
Human interest – sure. A cliche ridden ‘roller coaster of emotions’ no less.
BBC London on-line can hang their story on ‘Gareth Huntley from Cricklewood, north London’
Although I thought I heard the TV version say ‘from Hackney’ Perhaps that was his family? Or perhaps Hackney just sounds more right-on than Cricklewood, man.
Anyway what could it possibly be about some gap yah guy going missing whilst backpacking that piques the interest over at metro-metro-central?
Lot of boxes ticked…
mixed race couple…. ‘Gareth Huntley, pictured with his girlfriend Kit Natariga, went missing during a trek’
charideee…. ‘He told friends he would be back at the charity project where he was volunteering by 14:00, but failed to return.’
I sincerely hope this chap is found alive and well – but although his story seems to get the juices flowing at the BBC it is simply not my local news priority.
If you think it’s important BBC, put it in your national news.
“UK: Muslim London-area mayor accuses BBC of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ over corruption charges”
(April, 2014).
By Robert Spencer. ‘Jihadwatch’-
BBC : a racialist organisation
ra·cial·ism (rā′shə-lĭz′əm)
a. An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.
b. Policy or practice based on racial considerations.
2. Chiefly British Variant of racism.
With Great Pleasure with Sir Terry Wogan and Pauline Black
Radio 4
‘Pauline Black, actor, broadcaster and lead singer of ska band The Selecter performs heartfelt songs and shares the poetry and prose that shaped her from her earliest years as an adopted child of mixed race, growing up in 1950s Britain to the present.’
Always, always that obsession with race.
Reporting re-Sgt Bergdahl.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is politically sympathetic to him; but ‘Jihadwatch’ rightly isn’t:-
1.) Jihadwatch:
“’Major classified file’ on Bergdahl; concerns he ‘may have been an active collaborator with the enemy’”
Also ‘Jihadwatch’ archive here:-
INBBC has this: note how criticism of Bergdahl is relegated largely by INBBC to the political right, and note how INBBC gets in a political plug for its ‘heroes’ of Guantanamo:-
“US army chief Dempsey: Bowe Bergdahl could be prosecuted”
‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed: Bowe Bergdahl left letter telling comrades at Afghan base he was ‘leaving to start new life and didn’t want to fight for America’ as Army announces he DOES face desertion charges.
“Sgt Bowe Bergdahl left a note for his comrades in which he said he did not want to fight for America any more and was leaving to start a new life.
“Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff today said ‘it’s premature’ to think there will be no charges against Bergdahl.
“Will put Obama under more pressure after Susan Rice said he served with ‘honor and distinction’ and freed five Taliban commanders.
“Former comrade who was there when Bergdahl disappeared five years ago broke a military gagging order to speak to MailOnline.
“He said: ‘As far as I’m concerned Bergdahl deserted his men and should face the firing squad.’
“‘Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but I was right, he had walked off.’”
Read more:
There was absolutely no comment or report about a possible conversion to Islam of both him and his father, despite him giving some very obvious clues at the press conference with the Obamessiah.
The BBC are far from happy about that Syrian election aren`t they?
And this from the same organisation that would go to the remotest island in the Indonesian archipelago if there was any chance of the Muslim Brotherhood or Sinn Fein winning a seat on the local council..
Apparently, the vote is rigged, meaningless and a mere rubber stamp of the corrupt cronies that only set the election up, just so that can ignore the result and carry on as ever.
So in complete contrast to the Euro elections then BBC?
Do these people even stop to think on just how hypocritical and cyclops-like they are?
It is only democracy when the process selects people the western pan-national corporatocracy (EU/US) approve of.
It matters not who votes, nor how many, nor under what system the election takes place, so long as the eventual winner is someone the western corporatocracy approves of, otherwise, it is not democratic.
“BBC expected to cut up to 600 jobs in news and radio.
“James Harding, director of news and current affairs, to hold open sessions where further cuts are set to be discussed”
By James Plunkett.
Say that again, more slowly:-
“BBC News, which employs around 8,000 people…”
Should the BBC ‘report’ this (and if in the Graun programmed responses may kick in to follow) it will read:
““BBC News, which sources say employs around 8,000 people…”
A sound akin to a million monkeys with a million typewriters trying reproduce Shakespeare.
10^12 typewriters wouldn’t be enough to produce more than a few words in the correct order in a million years.
(Which is why the best computer passwords are long phrases – easy to remember for humans, impossible to crack for computers)
600 jobs lost? A very small step in the right direction. Still many thousands to go.
Liberal Democrats: Nick Clegg and Vince Cable pull pints –
A rather more frank assessment from The Telegraph –
Didn’t they both look awkward. Two blokes, who clearly detest each other, pretending to be pals, criticising Europe and wincing as they sipped their pints of good English ale.
Now just who were they trying to emulate?
Yet when poor old Nigel is caught supping a pint, they make an unholy fuss about it.
At least Nigel looks as if he’s enjoying it.
Mind you, going for a drink with Vince Cable?
I.m a lucky soul really. Come the 2015 election, I can walk into areas where I can help campaign against Ed Davey or Vince Cable.
Can’t wait.
18:00 news They are running the “House market boom” story yet again. This despite Nationwide saying they think the boom (still not here ) is coming to an end. None of my friends around the country are reporting any kind of increases in property in their areas, but then none of them live in London. Off course if interest tares were rapidly increased I’m sure the BBc will take great delight in reporting on the plight of the re-possessed. Followed no doubt by a call to lower interest rates.
More like a call for the Government to “step in and do something.”
Lots of people on Twitter are claiming that the BBC is showing a right-wing bias by ‘bigging up’ UKIP and talking about them all the time.
I suspect that something more sinister is going on. The Tories lose far more votes to UKIP than Labour, and I think that the aim may be to split the Tory vote.
My enemy’s enemy is my friend…
Any thoughts?
This is a consequence of the nature of mass media. It needs a constant supply of excitement, controversy and novelty to keep the audience interested. At the moment UKIP is supplying that.
They are claiming that the large amount of coverage of UKIP shows pro-UKIP bias. Strange that the vast majority of that coverage has been profoundly negative. If that is pro-UKIP bias, I would hate to see anti-UKIP bias.
This idea that the BBC is rightwing on the basis of the volume of its coverage ,whether bankers ,big business or the Torie’s, has been floated quite a lot lately ( by left wing academics) .It seemed to start about the time the EDL were in ascendancy.
By the same logic ,the BBC must be pro-nazi because it does far more documentaries about Hitler than Stalin, or pro-BNP. Because Panorama have done at least 3 exposes of the BNP (without exposing anything other than their own anti working class bigotry) and non of the SWP
BBC News has just devoted a generous amount of time to Jamal Edwards, the owner of SBTV, a broadcasting company that makes videos of rap and pop music stars and puts them on YouTube. No doubt about it, he’s done extremely well.
Nothing wrong with this. But I also read recently about Peter Moore who, at the age of 18, has been appointed co-principal trombone of the London Symphony Orchestra. No small achievement at that age. The LSO has been nurturing other young players with considerable success.
Set me thinking. What are the chances of hearing about this on mainstream BBC? Virtually non existent, I would say.
Time and time again I’m left thinking that the BBC has nothing to offer me whatsoever. I want out.
”Jamal Edwards.”
Jamal ?? !!! Kinda gives the game away, I love those old Anglo-Saxon names.
Kinda gives the game away
What game would that be?
He is a young black guy from a council estate who built up a media company from nothing (while working). That is now worth £30 million and he employs 12 people.
”He is a young black guy from a council estate who built up a media company from nothing (while working). That is now worth £30 million !!!”
Are you going to bake a cake in celebration ?
London Symphony Orchestra recruits youngest member
No mainstream TV interview though.
There is also the case of Wayne Marshall, who is one of Britain’s finest classical organists. He, too, is an Afro-Caribbean, and therein lies a moot point.
There is a patronising attitude that certain racial groups should only promote certain types of musical entertainment – as if going against the stereotypical grain brands you as a cultural traitor.
One of the best-known African-American musicians of the early 1900s – Scott Joplin of piano rag fame – was originally a classically trained pianist.
It probably wouldn’t even occur to the BBC to cover something like this except, perhaps, as part of some specialised niche coverage like the Proms or Young Musician competition. ‘Normal’ people have no interest in this elitist stuff.
I do get a little tired of the constant fawning by the MSM over El Sistema in Venezuela and incorrect references to the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, which hasn’t been a youth orchestra for some time. I’m not knocking these institutions but it gives the impression that nothing is happening anywhere else. When the European Community Youth Orchestra (now the European Union Youth Orchestra) was founded in the 1970s, there was initial embarrassment at the number of British musicians who passed the auditions. The rules were subsequently changed.
I probably haven’t watched A Question of Sport since David Colemans day, but unfortunately with little else to occupy my time tonight I stumbled on the latest series. What a dumbed down farce, it now begins with our sporting ‘heroes’ pratting around in faux tunnel before entering the ‘arena’ the whole thing nothing more than televised parlour games. Emlyn Hughes, Henry Cooper, Cliff Morgan and the afore mentioned Coleman must be spinning in their graves.
This program is a good example of what has happened to the BBC, its become a dumbed down farce for the hard of thinking and an insult to ones intelligence.
I have noticed that Question of Sport ensures a quota of at least one woman (plus Sue of course) each week – this would be fine if they knew as much as the men – but they don’t and it is obvious. To be fair I didn’t watch last night but it is the usual case. I want women on the BBC if they are the right person for the job not because they are female.
Women have now been handed the sh*t end of the stick in the BBC newsroom in the name of so-called ‘progress’ – the sports reporting. It’s not ‘progress’ – it’s the job no bloke wants. Even back in the 70s as a kid, it was clear the sports job on the news was below even the weather man in the pecking order (Tony Gubba or Kenneth Kenadall? I think you can see what I mean) The overwhelming majority of sports reporters on BBC news bulletins now are women, leaving the juicier jobs to the men. Doesn’t that make the BBC sexist?
The overwhelming majority of sports reporters on BBC news bulletins now are women
Not according to this list:
Of the 26 presenters, 14 are male and 12 are female.
Here is another, shorter, list That shows nine women and seven men.
26? I guess that’s not including local sports reporters either?
7 max would do, is it really that difficult for the same one to produce a report for radio, TV? do we really need one for Africa Business Report and another different one for Asia Buisness Report ? Does the licence fee fund these? Farcical!
No! I cannot agree. Question of Sport is better than ever, yes some of the set ups can be a bit weird, but it’s all part of the game and with both captains so enthusiastically involved I think it is OK.
Sue Barker and the captains have a great rapport, and their sporting knowledge is stunning.
Most of the females have done OK as far as I’m concerned.
Long may it continue!
Ugh ! Sue “Gurn Gurn” Barker aka televised sports biggest irritant.
And against some pretty stiff competition, too.
The one (and only) upside of her giant BBC contract is that other channels are Barker-free: so nice to be able to watch the French Open on ITV without the fear of her popping up trying desperately to prove how ‘humorous’ everything is. Gurn, gurn, cackle, snort.
Oh, and Hazel, forever.
Harriet Harman is a right-wing Conservative!
Well not quite.
Richard Fitzwilliams supports on-line nudity and the liberal freedom of Europe versus the wicked religious, right-wing conservatives in the USA resulting in the Instagram ban during The World Tonight [43:44]
BBC dictionary:
BBC word number 101
Controversial = something of which the BBC disapproves
This morning on BBC TV News politics reporter (and sometime age and sex campaigner – on her own and her mates behalf – therefore making herself bullet-proof) Carole Walker talks us through the Queen’s Speech.
Just me or is this a desperate Limp-Cameron attempt to have the left liberal media especially the BBC love him….
Charidee Tax on placky bags
Free state childminding on the rates
But BBC ‘old and made’ Carole warns us Licence Payers there is also something ‘controversial’ in the speech.
You guessed it – ‘fraking’
Expand the State as much you like but dare to cross the Greenies and there’ll be hell to pay….
How predictable that the BBC will call something of which it disapproves ‘controversial’
Personally, I want cheaper fuel and less fuel imports. I don’t want to be forced to donate to fake charities under threat of dropping my supermarket grub on the pavement – I call that controversial.
If the BBC can’t drop the bias – which now seems impossible – stop them covering news and current affairs. Put that idea in a Queen’s Speech.
We used 16 billion bags last year, obviously there is no need for them. ! They treat us with utter contempt.
And our reward for reusing them is to find our stored stash sitting in a stew of shredded styrene.
I doubt if these plastic micro-particles are good for the environment either.
Lately I have found that many ‘child-proof’ caps on garden chemicals have disintegrated over time. I expect the politicians response, following the first death of a child, will to make it illegal to keep kitchen/garden chemicals for more than three months or face six years in prison!
’I doubt if these plastic micro-particles are good for the environment either.’
Of all people Jeremy Irons was part of a very good doco called ‘Trashed’, that looked at all this in some depth.
One aspect not widely covered by the PPE grads at such as the BBC is the obsession with bio-degradability, which creates a potentially toxic plastic soup from landfill and into the sea.
Witches Knickers are not nice either, but my faith in the powers that impose taxes over solutions is about zero on any green issue.
Funny, isn’t it, that we are the ones who ultimately suffer through these daft edicts. A better idea (and a more encouraging one) would be to offer a few pence reward for bags which are found and returned – a bit like the thruppance we used to get on Tizer bottles. Or, of course, they could (long ago) have manufactured cheap plastic bags which were biodegradable.
But as usual, the poor customer has to pay.
“Charidee Tax on placky bags”
And, being the sheep we are, we will meekly go along with it.