lunchtime BBC 5live
Trojan Horse … Muslim Schools over reports of Extremism – Islamisation from teachers, parents, and the community.
The school parents (who were blocking off the school, earlier to keep it the same). this week now are offended by being called “extreme?” … ”
So … “word” according to the BBC now is erm ……. conservative Muslims.
The facts are there for anyone to see … what is the ahem … “punishment” for leaving Islam?
Whether in the mosque or not, in the Sharia courts so beloved of this throwback ideology?
… yep! to be killed …
well … is that extreme? … or not?
Friday morning
The BBC are doing the same thing this morning, (5live) “conservative Muslims in Bham” instilling a “conservative Muslim agenda” …
in the bulletin I ve just heard, “Trojan Horse” has now disappeared into the ether too.
I saw a video of an immam preaching to a room full of segragated Muslims. He asked (to paraphrase) if they supported segragation of men and women, they all agreed. He asked if the homosexuals should be executed. They all agreed. He asked if they should convert, enslave or kill infidels. They all agreed. He asked if this was, as the West claimed, extreme, or moderate? They all agreed that there was no such thing as extreme or moderate, there is only Islam. Moderate Islam is a misnomer where they utilise Taqiyya to ensure that non-believers can be mislead into thinking that Islam is peaceful an benign.
Perhaps we should publish their addresses and an open invitation as they are so keen on Roma/gypsies/illegal immigrants/muslims. They surely wouldn’t mind them pitching up in a ‘friendly’ garden? Because they aren’t ‘racist’ they would love it.
President Obama is in Poland and the G7 leaders are in Brussels for a summit which, for the first time in 17 years, will be held without Russia. Obama is promising to counter the Russian threat in Ukraine by increasing men and war machinery in eastern Europe. The US has already deployed troops for military drills in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland and NATO must now play its part in defying Vlad the Terrible says Obama.
Have we no say in this escalation on our doorstep? This mess, instigated by the EU high command and funded by the US, is getting way out of hand now. Hundreds of people killed already and increasing as each day goes by. This looks like the start of civil war, like the one in Syria, except in this case the West is in cahoots with the coup leaders who managed to take over in Ukraine. The election of the billionaire Poroshenko as President a week ago will do nothing for peace as he has stepped up the air bombardment against his own citizens in the east of his own country.
Before this coup by The West in Ukraine Vladimir Putin was quite happy and certainly his takeover of Crimea would not have happened without the danger to his fleet there from Western forces/NATO. The takeover was of course peaceful and voted for by a very high percentage of the Crimean people. It’s not as if Russia needs anymore land anyway it already stretches 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) from East to West. The Crimean takeover was purely strategic.
Does no one in the US or the EU see the danger of this bad tempered undiplomatic rhetoric and provocation from the build-up of Western arms in eastern Europe? The West is provoking a war with Russia and do we really think our lives will be un effected here in Britain or the USA?
It was only 100 years ago, and then again 75 years ago, that the two World Wars started, they cost millions of lives and to think it cannot happen again is being blind to the current situation. Russia is not Afghanistan or Iraq, it can hit back and with terrible force, and anywhere in the world now. The thing to remember is that Kiev and the borders of Russia are just 1400 miles away, about the same as Malaga, 2 ½ hours flying time away by jet plane but well under an hour by the new Russian Sarmatian missiles.
So, what the hell are Barack Hussain Obama and his European bootlickers up to? It must be intentional even Obama cannot be so stupid that he can’t see where this is going. What amazes me is that all our media are so in love with Obama that they question nothing where he is concerned. This sickening adulation of the Chosen One will be the end of us if he is not controlled by wiser council both at home or in Europe. The problem is that we do not have leader that a US President can respect. Our own man Cameron is only a faint shadow compared with the giants of Churchill or Thatcher. Even the vile Blair was better thought of by President Bush and the American people.
I wonder even now is there not somewhere in the darkest corners of the BBC someone that will take off their rose tinted spectacles and ensure that our National Broadcaster shall “Speak Truth Unto Nation”. It is their slogan after all. They are the biggest broadcaster in the world thanks to enforced subscriptions, so please stop worrying about the minutia and celebrities and for all our sakes do something positive for a change with that power. Highlight the dangers honestly and like Gordon “Save the World”.
The Globalists in the West are goading Russia into a war, after all war is a very profitable business. Once the democratically elected Ukrainian President said NO to membership of the EUSSR he was immediately toppled. Here’s Dr Paul Craig Roberts adviser to Reagan in the 1980s take on events.
We’ve spent years criticising the Americans for being late for both World War I and World War II; and now we’re criticising them for wanting to be really, really early for World War III.
Oh, you are a wag! (not the Mrs Rooney sort of course)
However, when it comes to WWIII the Yanks will ‘light the blue touch paper and then stand well back’.
Or they may just drone on and on.
Shall I pack up my troubles in my old kit bag now.
The americans were not late in entering the wars, they were under no obligation to do so until their own interests were threatened ,indeed they would have been entirely justified in joining either side if that was where they saw an advantage!
You so right Old Timer –
“So, what the hell are Barack Hussain Obama and his European bootlickers up to?”
Already the body bags are starting to accumulate in the Ukraine and I posted last week on this blog from Poland, about first hand reports on the Poles alarm at what is happening in some of their ancestral land the other side of their Eastern Border.
Besides many years in Poland in the cold war, I have also previously been in the Ukraine and from my observations there is no majority desire now, nor previously for an alliance with the EU or NATO, since particularly Eastern Ukraine has traditionally been a Russian ally for centuries.
See also popular opinion chart half way down the wiki page:
The US seem to me to be getting so much wrong nowadays, what with this week also exchanging a US soldier for 5 x Chieftains of the TALIBAN). The soldier an alleged ‘deserter’ with claims of 6 of his colleagues dead as a consequence of the search for him!
“Have we no say in this escalation on our doorstep?”
Surely you know the answer to that?
Do you not remember the ‘stop the war’ protest march? Estimates of up to 2 000 000 people protesting in London and BLiar ignored the lot !
Then there was Syria and wouldn’t leftie Dave have loved to have sent the troops in? Fortunately Red Ed stopped him perhaps having learned from the mistakes of BLiar.
How about Libya? Leftie Dave was right in there as soon as he could – and look at the mess he left it in !
No chance of him sticking round to clear it up – a little warning for us that is exactly what he’ll do to this country too !
I do not grant Ed Miliband any credit for that. He took every possible position, spinning like a top, in the week leading up to the vote. He was for intervention, then against, then he would abstain, then he was for it again then, as the time to the vote ran out, he, quite by accident, ended up being against.
I credict Nigel Farage and believe that his taking a very strong principled stand against intervention spooked a lot of tory backbenchers into voting against.
“Does no one in the US or the EU see the danger of this bad tempered undiplomatic rhetoric and provocation from the build-up of Western arms in eastern Europe?”
It seems that they don’t. In any case, somebody else’s children – largely Ukrainian, but possibly Russian and ours – will do the killing, the bleeding and the dying. Like The Che Guevara Memorial Comprehensive and regions which are “diverse” and “vibrant” they imagine they can separate themselves from the effect of their policies; naively, perhaps, in this case.
“So, what the hell are Barack Hussain Obama and his European bootlickers up to?”
Woke up this morning to the Today Show forewarning me that the next hour would include them discussing the question of whether the Government Coalition would merely be a zombie one for the next year.( Today 4/6/14…6.55 a.m)
At 7.10 or so… Labours Angela Eagle was on the show-unopposed ,and prompted by Justin Webb-to mention that the cost of living crisis, bedroom tax or what have you…would indeed be the fault of the zombie government we`ve now got for the next year
The 7.30a.m news headlines led with the fact that Labour had described the government as a zombie one..and this was in response to the Queens Speech, as yet unsaid.
Boy, they`re mindreaders at the BBC aren`t they?
And as I get home, the 4 O Clock News headlines on Radio 4 tell me that Ed Miliband has accused the Coalition of being-well a zombie government-what else could he now say?
And-of course-Miliband himself stating his partys wishlist for government-but with no Tory comebacks speakers broadcast.
Good old BBC eh…will the Tories ever deal with the cancer of the BBC to truthful reporting?
I myself don`t know why Peter Robinson apologised to Muslims last week. After all it was his pastor that referred to Islam as satanic…hardly controversial to me.
But Robinson did-last week.
Why then does the BBC report him apologising AGAIN yesterday for the same “offence”…double jeopardy only runs one way apparently?
Who chose to put the apology on the news again?-I mean, this is Ulster-and few BBC types normally give a damn unless it`s to hail Adams or McGuinness.
My guess is that it was tagged onto the Operation Trojan Horse-where Muslims “allegedly” made the lives of non-Muslims miserable…Nick Robinson was clear that is was only alleged…the BBC certainly tagged the two stories together, to imply the two things(Peter Robinsons apology, and the infiltration of our second citys educational system) were equivalent ishoos.
The BBC-subtle and clever as ever…as if we don`t know what their game is.
This from Guido (sorry it’s long, but worth reading).
How Spain is leading the charge towards fascist corporatism
Some weeks ago, the European Court made a quite extraordinary ruling that gives EU governments the ability to sanitise their online history by petitioning Google and other search engines to remove potentially damaging links to newspaper articles and other websites with embarrassing information.
Although a working party is yet to meet and discuss ‘best practice’ (ironique ou quoi?) in enforcing the ruling, as it stands Italy would have the right to ask Google to take down all references to its blatant lies about ‘economic recovery’ in the Spring of 2013.
It will come as no surprise to discover (as I just have) that one of the prime influencers for Article 29 (the basis for this Orwellian policy) was everyone’s favourite control freak Wolfgang Schäuble; but perhaps more interesting (in the light of information coming through from Spain over the last month) is that it was also pushed with some urgency by none other than Mario Rajoy of Spain.
And there’s more on the story of Juan Carlos’s abrupt “abdication”. It seems his major blunder was to proclaim loudly that “a free press is vital to democracy” while giving out gongs at the recent awards ceremony for International Journalism Prizes.
In another startling announcement from Spain, it seems now that Juan Carlos is to be succeeded by some bloke called Phil Bourbon. So with very little chance of a biscuit answering Mario Rajoy back, this should make things easier for the Prime Minister to fulfil his goal of being given a free hand to do WTF he wants as soon as possible.
Rajoy has strong form in the area of censorship. In the Autumn of last year he described those going on protest marches as “abnormal” (he’s right, they’re abnormally poor), and then in December some 300 Spaniards were fined €500 euros each for attending a protest against the budget cuts.
Equally, former Interior Minister (aka spook) and politician Mayor Jaime Oreja thinks it is “crazy to let people view all these problems of public order on television, because it only incites people to demonstrate all the more”. Well ping my blog Jaime, you’re right on the ball there and no mistake.
Similar demonstrations have been banned and fines handed out in Greece of late – notably in Athens and, on one occasion when I was present, in Kalamata.
The point here is a very simple one. Any and all examples of bent statistics, government repression and laws forbidden by the Treaty of Rome can be “forgotten” under the EU Court ruling. Working parties on “best practice” in the EU by the EC do not impress me one iota, because it has been blindingly obvious for years that Brussels am Berlin is a fascist grouping prepared to pull any stunt in order to get their Truth to prevail.
What we’re seeing here is Winston Smith’s Ministry of Truth job made flesh. We are seeing the contemporary Mr K being fined for a crime so ill-defined as to be, effectively, a Bourbon lettre de cachet. We are watching the fruition of prophecies made by visionaries from Kafka to Orwell.
To paraphrase the late and much lamented Ed Murrow, “The lights are going out all over Europe”.
courtesy : The Slog Blog.
GCHQ NSA says:
June 4, 2014 at 3:01 pm
We contribute with our non stop propaganda and online dirty tricks as well
Miliband and his Labour luvvie cronies says:
June 4, 2014 at 3:44 pm
We contributed by pushing through Leveson
to censor the British press.
BBC News and EU Propaganda Unit says:
June 4, 2014 at 3:46 pm
Anything we can do to help- you only have to ask.
Thanks Manfred, great post. The EU (ECHR) anti-Google ruling does mean the start of a re-write of European history and the start of censorship (using EU waffle jargon ‘subsidiarity’ to cap it) – which Cameron would approve of (as the Lisbon Treaty states that we are already treaty bound by all (EU) ECHR rulings – so we can expect more of this soon until the penny drops that the Leveson inquiry was just a prelude to what the left EU elite really want in Europe. No dissent.
On the last Open Thread, when discussing a complaint I had made regarding UKIP and “Romanians” in Croyden, I made the following forecast:
“I fully expect either a justification for something other than my complaint or a holding apology for not replying which asks me not to contact them (in the hope I will forget).”
Well lo and behold.
“Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime.…”
And just how long do they expect “meantime” to be?
If you want the BBC to reply more promptly what used to work sometimes was a complaint to the local MP. In any case if it doesn’t, it at least highlights to your MP that he should be concerned that the BBC is publically funded and as such has to answer to complaints without delay.
As I’ve stated before, I contacted my (Tory) Mp @ 2-3 years ago with my concerns about the BBc. His response was that he was only an MP and what did I expect him to do about it or words to that effect due to a move I’ve not got the letter to hand. Basically he didn’t want to know.
Interesting interview with Peter Hitchens in which he describes himself as an ‘obituarist’ – for the death of the country.
He covers many issues with which the people posting here care about, including the BBCs Europhilia. He outlines why the Conservative party has to die, how Labour has changed under BLiar, and why the country is finished.
He also attacks UKIP but still urges people to vote for them !
He describes the way that Leftie Dave will ignore the result of any referendum (if he chooses to allow one) if the people go against his wishes.
You should, it is very much an expansion on some of the themes he raises in that interview
I read after reading ‘brief history of crime’ ( highly recommended) and it was not at all what I expected. A more personal testimony and in some places quite moving.
Ok you remember the UKIP “carnival” you remember my complaint and hopefully you remember the BBc reply asking me which report I was complaining about. Yes it was the UAF / Hope not hate / Rent a mob scum pretending to be Romanians. I thought they would be able to recall the story as they ran it all day. Remember their reply. Here’s my reply although I ran out of charachters. Maye I should complain the boxto put a complaint isn’t big enough to put all my complaint in. Anyway:
The report of the UKIP “carnival” in Croydon was broadcast through the day of 20/5/2014, also the 18:00 hour BBC1 & probably the 22:00 news. I would not of thought that BBC news staff would have had such a problem remembering the report as it continued along the “racist” UKIP theme. If you recall there was even a report with an interview of a Romanian woman working in a Hotel and of course the story of the steel band pulling out. What is of concern is that along with your usual coverage of the UAF / Hope not hate rent a mob you showed there was mention of Romanians, which then led onto the interview with the hotel worker. However how come that channel 4 managed to discover that the supposed Romanian demonstrators were in fact rent a mob pretending to be Romanians If you copy and paste you can watch channel 4 uncovering this. Your web page , now amended no surprise, also made reference “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.” it had actually already been revised before that version. Why was the web page not amended to show that members of the crowd appeared to be pretending & why did the BBC news not report this aspect?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is not interested in the freedom of American critics of Islam, but does campaign for the freedom of our Islamic jihadist enemies in Guantanamo.
“Victory: UK Court of Appeal gives Spencer and Geller permission to appeal ban”
Of course, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) sees no ‘Trojan horse’ problem of Islamic infiltration of British education. Instead, INBBC continues its political campaigning for mass immigration of U.K, and for Islamisation.
“UK Home Secretary Theresa May on Muslim Trojan Horse school plot: ‘Is it true that the Department for Education was warned in 2010? If so, why did nobody act?'”
“Is Theresa May serious? She wants to know why nobody acted on Islamic supremacist attempts to take over British schools even when these plots became known? Nobody acted because of people like…Theresa May. Everyone was afraid to act because they were afraid that if they did, they would be labeled ‘Islamophobic’ by a British political class that demonizes and even bans from the country those who speak out against jihad terror. When Britain collapses into civil war or capitulates totally to Sharia, the blame will be squarely on the shoulders of Theresa May and her allies and comrades.”
Imagine you have a media studio in London, and another in Salford, and you wanted your staff to ‘get acquainted’, how would you accomplish it for the least cost but achieve the result you wanted?
Is it necessary to actually meet in person, or can it be done via television? You certainly have the facility for that.
But if you decided that meeting face to face was that much better would you send the team from London to Salford, or visa versa, or would you send EVERYBODY to a third distant venue that you hired for the day?
Ah ha! So, the BBC are expected to CUT 600 news staff are they? Well, this would explain why Scott has been behaving so strange lately, what with David Vance being paid to talk on the BBC.! No wonder he was throwing hissy fits at David Vance. But then, I might be wrong.
Credit where credit is due – I was pleased to see the tail end of a report about the Trojan Horse schools scandal on Newsnight tonight. Interesting and eye-opening.
Unfortunately, I didn’t catch the names of the two interviewees – one was the man from the Quilliam Foundation who met Tommy Robinson; the other a Muslim head teacher who started on the usual “nothing to see here” spiel. Quilliam bloke got Muslim head teacher to admit on air that he would like Britain to become a sharia state; when challenged, Muslim head teacher also refused to condemn stoning women to death for adultery (as long as due process was followed) and the amputation of limbs.
Of course, “liberals” refuse to believe that people like this actually exist or that the head teacher’s ideal of the UK under sharia could ever come to fruition. Such Useful Idiots should reflect on the fact that Tower Hamlets is only 30% Muslim – and presumably only a fraction of them are “extremists”. Yet it is run as a Banana Republic as was demonstrated in the recent elections, has declared itself a “Muslim Zone”, whilst homosexuals and women deemed to be “immodestly” dressed risk a beating. The shape of things to come?
look … the facts are there, for all to see.
This is not a religion, it is the most dangerous ideology on this planet.
They are openly telling you now, right here right now … whether
academic, school teacher, or any of its pseudo “scholars”, or spokesman like this
The aims are patently obvious … I will say no more than leave here a clear example … the absurd
notion of a Muslim “peace” conference
yep! … stoning ok … chopping of hands ok … segregation ok etc.
Norway isn’t even in the EU, so why have the liberal and progressive Scandinavian countries taken to importing such primevalist Islamist scum like these ?
To bleed the welfare funds and the taxpayers of those countries dry ?
Cultural Marxism or Decadence ? the Cause of Western Weakness by blogger Fjordman.
”It is also true that not all those who undermine Western civilization through support for Multiculturalism and mass immigration do so out of a hidden political agenda.
Some do it out of plain stupidity and vanity. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded of them all?”
It’s a beauty contest for bored, Western intellectuals who use immigrants as a mirror to reflect their own inflated egos, a sport where they can nurse their vanity in the mistaken belief that denigrating your own cultural heritage is a sign of goodness and lack of prejudice.
I suspect that part of the craziness on display now stems from feelings of guilt because of affluence. I hear so many of these open border activists talk about “solidarity,” but in reality it’s all about me, me, me.
They don’t show much solidarity with their own children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the Balkanized nightmare they leave behind.
It’s all about making them feel good about themselves right now, without regard for future consequences of their actions.
So their “solidarity” is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.
Besides, many of them have lived sheltered lives for so long that they honestly don’t understand that something bad can ever happen to them.
They’ve never had to fight for their freedom or their prosperity, which had been ensured by others.”
Yet again we see the public sector paralysed by the terror of an accusation of ‘racism’.
It’s better for them to allow schools to be taken over by extremists / fundamentalists, or to allow the gang rape of children, than to act and be called a nasty name.
The way to counter this is easy. Make a legal definition of racism – should be easy as there already is one, and then make false, or wrongful accusations of racism a criminal offence – one which the Police have to investigate, instead of one they can ignore, and introduce a mandatory compensatory payment for the victim.
That way we might return to a little more sense, lose the witch hunt, deprive the Fascist left of a meaningless bully word, free the public sector to act with a modicum of common sense, and actually deal with a hard core of very few ‘odd’ people with some pretty unpleasant views.
Careful. The definition, whether legal or not, is now effectively “it’s racist if I, as a non-white person, think it is”. You would entrench that even further into a no-win situation for anyone on the pale scale.
nick clegg said on radio 4 today that we cant go back to the england of 20 or 30 years years ago because we live in modern britian,this term modern britian is used quiet alot by clegg and the socalists in the labour party just lately,so what does this word mean,my take on it is modern britiain is the this, it is the new codeword for mass immigration,diversity is the codeword for mass immigration.multi culturism is the codeword for mass immigration,do you know what,i dont like living in modern britian,i prefer the england of 20 or 30 years ago.a must better and peacefull country to live in mr clegg.
Clegg is finished and he knows it. Ignore his drivel. Just another out of date and out of touch politician.
They are all Marxists at heart. The inevitability of whatever rubbish they believe in. Not true. We are free people and can change anything. Harden your attitude . Harden your heart and wait. Reality is on our side not the Cleggs of the world.
Too right Stuart, the UK of twenty, thirty years ago was a better and more peaceful place possessing a history and culture going back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. ‘Multi culture’, as propagandised by the BBC, means, in effect, ‘no culture’ since culture is ‘the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.’ and a multi-cultural state, by definition, will be able to agree on none of these.
‘Mass immigration’ is a euphemism for a cheap source of labour and its use by the ‘crony capitalists’ (as opposed to a genuine free market capitalism) and will only further enrich those who are already ultra rich. In addition, colonisation by mass immigration (because mass immigration is a form of colonisation, albeit by stealth, as the BBC well understands) destabilises and destroys, the culture it displaces.
This colonisation is taking place throughout Europe and the USA and at its heart is, I believe, the proposal already under negotiation, to create what is termed as a trans-Atlantic ‘free-trade’ area or bloc between the EU and the USA (TAFTA). Nationalism will not be tolerated.
In essence, it appears that TAFTA is going to resemble the state of Oceania, a state perpetually at war, in George Orwell’s ‘1984’. The BBC’s inverted values and historical revisionism are an embodiment of Orwell’s Ingsoc (English Socialism) the ideology of Oceania’s totalitarian government.
God help the UK when Clegg’s dream of a ‘modern Britain’ is a reality … it’s certainly going to need help from somewhere.
Do you want to keep our welfare state, (the NHS working well, schools not overcrowded, social housing for those who need it, the welfare budget affordable and so on) – or do you want out-of-control immigration.
Your choice. Stay in Europe – and say goodbye to the welfare state we have had for 60 years. Or leave Europe – and we can run our welfare state the old way.
The even blunter line is: leave the EU or cease to exist as a country.
” There is no future for the people of Europe other than in union” – Jean Monnet, founder of the EU.
“”Europe’s nations should be guided towards a super state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.” – paraphrase of Monnet’s intentions by Adrian Hilton
Make no mistake, the EU’s stated aim is “ever closer union”. The end of nation states and a federal “United States of Europe” is the goal. Britain will be a 2-3 “regions” of Europe.
I think it was on this site that someone suggested that one of the purposes of free movement of labour was to “dilute” national differences, thus making the prospect of a United States of Europe more readily achievable. That, bluntly, is what we are currently heading towards.
I agree with you that the question of staying in the EU is existential, it is central to UKIP’s case.
But not enough people have yet drawn the direct link between excess immigration (a lot of it of poor quality) and the pressures on every part of the welfare state. Most people want the welfare state to continue – in spite of its many faults – but it simply cannot cope at present.
You can’t get children into the school of your choice, and education in the schools is hindered by lack of good English among an increasing number of pupils, the NHS is creaking at the seams, social housing is overwhelmed in areas of high immigration, social security budgets cannot be reduced until we deal with the excess burden of youth and ethnic minority unemployment which cannot be solved as long as there are floods of older more experienced workers coming in from Europe.
I was told last night by an Indian woman from Croydon – a City worker – that she is having to wait 4 weeks for an appointment to see her GP. The population of Croydon has increased by about 10% in the past decade – the whole system is under acute strain.
In my borough, elderly people in sheltered housing are forced to share bathrooms or shower rooms – men and women – because “we have not been able to afford upgrades of older accommodation” – but the Council has evidently set up 5 hostels already for young immigrants.
So – if you want to stay in Europe you can say goodbye to national Parliamentary sovereignty AND watch the whole welfare state collapse. It is a widening of the argument – Parliamentary sovereignty is a bit abstruse to some people, the welfare state is a direct concern and worry to everyone with eyes to see.
We still have no voice in Europe until we actually leave the EU. The EU ‘Lisbon Treaty’ (Article 6) states we are ‘Fundamentally bound’ to accept ECHR court rulings (and all forthcoming EU immigration policies), without asking any pertinent questions. It really is a complete ‘stitch-up’ by our politically corrupt media reporting (BBC) and Labours hard left – in return for EU slush funds (BBC) and political hush money (Labour) to keep the natives quiet. More on that damn Lisbon Treaty here: Ukip is no ‘passing fad’ it’s our only survival.
Why is there not up rage in the media this morning? Last night on th BBC we had a Muslim convert refusing to condem sharia law, saying that ‘under the right circumstances’ its OK to chop off the hands of a theif.
It would seem that our lefty media, notably the BBC are either too scared or even condone such a thing, yet Farage and UKIP get a good kicking by said media and are racist for daring to question such things…
The aptly named programme Beyond Belief often has discussions between ‘people of faith’, chaired by Ernie Rea. They take the form of cosy little chats rather than Paxman Pastings so one would think it would be easy to pick up on points that seem a bit ‘off’ and ask for clarification.
A year or so ago the Muslim guest explained how Muslims loved to study other religions, including Christianity, and that was totally acceptable. So what if this study led to conversion? The answer was quite ineluctable, they must be killed!
Not a word from Ernie Rea, just quiet acceptance.
I guess he foresaw what would happen to his fellow countrymen Pastor James McConnell and First Minister Peter Robinson.
Islam: to submit to the will of ‘Allah’ and his thugs on earth.
One has to smile, at the arrogance of Muslim(and I use the term loosely) “scholars”, here is one who folds quicker than a cheap Bedouin tent, and resorts to ad hom attacks, through lack of cohesive argument to cover his spurious claims.
Jim I think one of the worst, BB I listened to
was an episode about Islam and homosexuality, completely facile some Sheik, a chap from black pride, and Ibrahim Mogra
… utter drivel
Unless I’ve missed it, there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the Newark By-Election this morning. Could this because the BBC, knowing that it’ll be either a conservative or a UKIP win, are not interested, do you think? Or is it because they think that if they don’t mention it, people might just forget to turn up and vote…
By law, I don’t think they are supposed to transmit election coverage on the actual voting day, OG, and that applies to by elections and general elections.
That would indicate that this world is at an end. IIRC, there’s a plausible theory that the dinosaurs were actually wiped out by a prehistoric Lib Dem election victory.
Old Goat, there are limits to the way elections can be reported on the actual day of voting. The most you can do is show a politician arriving to cast his vote, he cannot be interviewed though.
Bother, I’ve just clicked report by accident. Apologies.
I just wanted to say that I am sure I have heard BBC reporting “people are going to the polls today in wherever, the candidates are blah blah the results expected when” in other by-elections, but not today. I am sure you can report that much – for none of those facts are state secrets nor are they uncertain, but they would serve to remind the people concerned to go and vote. This weird discretion was also noticeable on the day of the council/euro elections the other week.
Yes, inadvertent reporting is so easy to do – I’ve drawn attention to it before – surely the “report” button could be moved a discrete distance away from the others?
Sheeela Foglegity – BBC5Live has Doolun Adebayo
with not the slightest clue, in an interview (read propaganda lecture) from Muslim Council of Britain.
on extreme Muslim schools … shamefully inept and
… total pap!.
The Ofsted reports are already showing the irregularities
… lost on the BBC obviously
Dotun Adebayo is an embarrassment. He used to be hidden away on the graveyard shift, now everyone can hear him. As a presenter he is about as good as Ian Wright is at sports reporting. Still, they tick a box I suppose.
Really worrying about the stitch up as ever.
Desperate BBC crapola….and the audience are/were thoroughly depressing.
Typical BBC shilling for Islam.
Noted how charmed and emollient the Business Correspondent was on the Today show at 7.20 am this morning.
These “Business Correspondents” clearly have never ran any kind of business themselves(too common), but seem full of advice to offer the CEO of Tesco or British Gas…and these mugs just take the venom and the slurs as heaped on them by the BBCs latest arts graduate to hold forth on “Big Business and The Man”
Not today though-no siree. Despite the failing business models year on year-the monopoly corruptions and failing outlets for the Brand…the astronomical pay outs for these specialists in serial underachievement and in failure…our BBC Business Monkey was happy with all excuses. caveats and screw-ups ,given by the oligeneous and bland “spokesman”
The BBC will not go near slating football salaries, the screw ups over FIFA and the failed business models of clubs like Villa, Everton and Man United.
No chance-Lineker would lose his berth and the BBC would lose its access to Platinis 5 star jacuzzi.
Hence the exception to all business bitchslaps from the BBCin regard of a gilded corporate shiller ,an apologist for “disappointing results”…the BBC suck up whatever the Great God Sport squirts into either of their fat smug faces.
And in other news, an interesting confluence of events to find interesting, if mixing jolly with sad:
Rather enjoyed the inadvertent impression that when the schools of state go on hols, so does the entire BBC workforce.
Now the reliable quality of Eddie Mair on PM is that he always gets a word in edge ways. No one gets away without being interrupted. A few short jabs here, a couple there, followed by the old right hook.
So there he is chatting to someone from a think tank who is concerned about Islamic extremism being a feature of some schools and a cuddly Muslim who cannot see the problem. Fine.
Think tank guy sets off and receives a few sharp jabs of interruptions. Quite right. Everyone should be challenged on PM. Ah, but then the Muslim defender moans away without interruption. He shifts effortlessly from ‘there is no problem and he should know’, to ‘why is everyone picking on me, is it because I am a Muslim?’ To ‘if there is a problem then Muslims should be left to deal with it.’
So where is Eddie with the ‘reason we are concerned with Muslims is because it is not Buddhists who are blowing up planes, it is not Jewish folk who are chopping up soldiers on our street nor is it Anglican bishops who wander around on the underground with bombs.’
And …’we have left it to Muslims to resolve but the situation is getting worse.’
Fortunately, despite becoming understandably exasperated with the nonsense dribbling from the Muslim’s mouth, the think tank guy actually landed a few sensible blows.
Come on Eddie, that wasn’t a championship performance!
Once again Daniel Greenfield on his Sultan Knish blog puts confused minds to rights with his latest piece. Not that you would ever get him on the MSM. They would rather have their fantasy land . What on earth would R4 do confronted by somebody like Greenfield. Run and hide?
Another anti UKIP non story which began in the Mirror and adopted by the Mail, note the obvious gerrymandering yet again on the Mail comments.
I thought it was against press regulations to report such on the day of an election? Unsure of the source but a commentor on Guido has said that UKIP are 2% ahead in an exit poll…
Imagine the howls of indignation if that scrawl had read no blacks or asians ,imagine the hours of police time wasted on an investigation, imagine the BBC coverage ,the interviews with ‘community leaders’ the government hand wringing.
Beeboids manage to present a long report on ‘Trojan horse’ infiltration of British education while censoring out the word ‘ISLAM’: quite a Beeboid intellectual tour-de-force in political obfuscation!:-
“Trojan Horse leaked report says pupils ‘not protected from extremism'”
How f***in DARE THEY?
These were Boko Haram nutjobs using the “preachers” pretence to get access to Christians in order to kill them.
As evil as saying that Anders Breivik was a lifeguard when he did his worst.
The BBC need a roasting for this one-it`s deliberate smearing of the Christians as far as I can see-no excuse for this at all.
BBC-Democrat gives it full political support to Obama, re-Bergdhal.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Obama: ‘I make no apologies’ for Bergdahl prisoner exchange”
By Robert Spencer.
“If Bergdahl is tried for desertion and treason (extremely unlikely, I know) and executed, will Obama then apologize to the families of the military men who were killed trying to find him? If the five Taliban commanders he released from Gitmo to get Bergdahl are involved in the deaths of more Americans in Afghanistan, will he apologize then? Will the mainstream media hold him to account, or continue to cover for him?”
I hope someone can skewer/fisk the duplicitous sneaky article “Bowe Bergdahl: A father’s risky campaign” by Tara McKelvey, 4 June 2014 ( Clearly trying to conceal the controversial nature of the soldier’s disappearance, not a word about his anti-American rants, about his father tweets that implied he wishes for death of US servicemen and women, and of course, a dash of Islamophilia – there is no mention of Islam, Muslims, despite strong suggestions that the soldier’s father converted to Islam, together with the captive.
Le Pétomane made a living at just that for years, so let’s give Liz a chance, hey ? Got to be more edifying than her current job at any rate, and at least there’ll be no more pretence about which end produces the most intelligent noise…….
Though orphaned, this is a reply to Geoff’s post above, rather than a suggestion than a professional farter of yore had anything of the Islamophile about him.
“Brother of Sudanese woman facing death penalty for ‘abandoning her Islamic faith’ by marrying a Christian says ‘she DESERVES to be executed.’
“Al Samani Al Hadi said he denounced his sister Meriam Ibrahim, 27.
“He said his family are ‘Muslim people’ and she needed to renounce her faith.
“Ms Ibrahim gave birth to a daughter in her prison cell last week.
“She has been sentenced to 100 lashes and death by hanging,”
Oddly, angling on google for an obit. has provided me with, well, me from Nov 2010 :
“I can remember reading the Telegraph’s obit. of an-ex BBC Farming Correspondent a few years back.
He actually had a farming background, and was specifically employed (in 1946) by Lord Reith to “counteract the Left-wing bias in the corporation.”
The “Sword Of Honour” trilogy gives a pretty good (‘fictional’) idea of the ideologies and priorities of our treasured national broadcaster during WW2. Amongst other things……”
Hysterical report on BBC radio 4 ‘Today’ program that guilty verdicts are “down by 60%”, and that this is down basically to prejudice against wimmin.
Fortunately the interviewee countered this lie and told listeners that the guilty verdicts are now down to 60% a fall of over 3% !
There is a tone from the interviewer that everyone brought before the courts should be found guilty, and that it is the fault of Jury’s for being ‘sexist’, and lawyers for cross examining victims.
Soon they will be pressing for summary conviction for rape and throwing away the key !
There is an assumption that lots of guilty rapists are being acquitted. No challenge that they may be innocent. The BBC goes along with the meme that more men should be charged with rape and that more of them should be convicted and that that would be a good thing. Stalin had no trouble with a similar approach and he found criminals everywhere he looked.
It’s like the whole leftie agenda – don’t give up until you get the “right answer” by any possible means. Too many “myths” you know – rapists in balaclavas waiting around street corners, and fearful women, who never encourage attention (whether intentionally, or otherwise).
If you dress and act provocatively, it should come as little surprise that someone would like to engage with your provocation. It’s a bit rich complaining afterwards.
Makes me wonder how much this fall in the conviction rate is caused by the spectacularly unsuccessful operation yew tree, which has seen celebrities accused of multiple rape acquitted !
The interviewee was a lady from the Crown Prosecution Service and I’m sure I heard her say that one reason for the drop in convictions was some tactic or other from offenders. Not defendants, but offenders.
In other words, she’d decided they were guilty, convicted or not.
Can anyone confirm I heard that right?
She was also read a letter from the CPS to an alleged rape victim where one of the reasons given for not prosecuting was the underwear the alleged victim was wearing. The CPS interviewee agreed this was terrible, but surely someone in her position should have wanted to find out why the underwear was thought to be relevant before rushing to judgement? It betrayed the mindset of “accused, therefore guilty”.
‘a tone from the interviewer that everyone brought before the courts should be found guilty’
Possibly confusing with magistrates and BBC en bloc licence fee prosecution attempts?
Ironically with women the main victims but this time OK by them.
Funny old world, at least via that unique BBC prism.
Luckily they have the ‘right’ kind of lawyers, a lot of them, and all the money ever required to get the law to see things the way of those best funded.
I’ve been listening the BBC Radio 4 *Today* programme, and unless you caught the news summaries (one line summaries) you wouldn’t have known there was an election in Newark yesterday would you? The silence speaks volumes.
Our Norm clearly sees twitter as the way forward to mash-up selected facts with “quotes” and call the result ‘analysis’.
It will be interesting if he starts referring to Ed “SaviourofBBCfunding” Miliband once he can start campaigning for the Labour Party again after Newark’s little unpleasantness blows over.
Russian propaganda machine ‘worse than Soviet Union’
By Bridget Kendall Diplomatic correspondent, BBC News
‘The sheer volume of different state controlled channels is overwhelming.’
‘All glossy and well funded, each with their own slightly different but ultimately similar versions of the news – hours of slick, punchy and emotionally charged reports….’
Well, to be honest I’m not so sure the BBC is quite so ‘slick’ these days.
At least our Briget fairly nails her colours to the mast and more than hints on whose side she is on.: ‘….what worries the liberal intelligentsia…..’
‘So the question is – how long will this new patriotic conservative mood in Russia last?’
BBC : Damned the patriotic conservatives, long live the liberal intelligentsia!
How many reporters have the BBc got in France? I notice the BBc breakfast weather forecaster was forecasting from HMS Belfast. Brief mention of the Newark by election and playing down of UKIPs results.
Excute her! … whoa! …
bro, thanks for the support.
“Execute her”? One would almost think that Islam had a death penalty for apostasy. And in fact, it does. Muhammad commanded: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57), and the alleged “numerous verses in the Koran” that “guarantee freedom of belief” … have not prevented all the sects of Islam and all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite, from teaching that apostates should be killed.”
Probably this has taken up the column inches.
Israel plans new settlement homes
“The government’s policy is moving us towards one state”
and “political mistake”
Ok, to start with, that headline is misleading. It makes it sound as if the target is to lower the number of rape convictions. In fact, what they’re saying is that there HAS been a drop and they want to amend this. Ok, fine, but at no point is it even entertained within the article that perhaps the reason for the statistical drop last year was because…oh, I don’t know, maybe the defendants who weren’t convicted were NOT GUILTY? Seriously, it’s not even challenged that perhaps a 60% conviction rate is representative of the number of cases where the accused can actually be proven to have done it. By the tone of this article you’d think anyone taken to trial is guilty by default, in which case there wouldn’t be a need for a trial in the first place! But then, this is the BBC, where men are paradoxically both useless and overly powerful, and women are (again, contradictorily) both superior and yet somehow constantly victimised and in need of white knight treatment by – you guessed it – self-loathing male liberals and sexist feminazis.
I know it might be clutching at straws since at no point does it flat-out say anything about how guilt should be assumed, nor does it seem to really mention gender. But again, bias is not confined to what’s said, it’s also about what’s deliberately excluded. The fact that the BBC almost never reports on female domestic violence perpetrators, female sex offenders, male sex offence victims, white hate crime victims, etc. (or does its best to use weasel words as in the Lee Rigby case) and in this instance never so much as entertains the idea that a one-year drop might either be a blip or just a case of fewer guilty defendants, nor do they find anyone to make this argument themselves even though it should be common sense to anyone who’s ever heard of a “trial” that the whole reason for having one is to determine guilt by examining evidence, not to confirm it in cases already decided. The report is not overtly sexist in tone but, given the BBC’s other output and sympathy towards the more extreme aspects of feminism and the casual misandry they permit in much of their programming and reports, it’s pretty clear that what they’re basically saying is that all suspects charged with rape (all of whom, in BBC-land, are most likely male and targeting female victims, despite crime figures not backing either of these things up) should be assumed guilty, because obviously nobody has ever lied about being assaulted even though it’s happened again and again and again thanks to accuser anonymity.
Even if you don’t accept that, the fact that it’s taken as a given that a drop in convictions is a failure in the system for not getting them convicted, when it could just as easily be a failure in taking innocent suspects to trial stage that rightly gets acquitted by a jury, is incredibly worrying. This sort of thinking and demand for constant increases in conviction rates will most likely do two of three things it shouldn’t – it will result in evidence being either tampered or having its importance exaggerated to juries in the hopes they’ll find the defendant guilty on a falsehood, and/or it will result in police only seeking trials in cases where there’s almost guaranteed to result in a conviction, both of which are dangerous paths to go down and you’d be naive to think this wouldn’t happen on at least some scale (it already has on a few occasions). The obvious, and completely unavoidable result of either of these, is an increased prison population that is already teetering on the brink. Either that, or judges will simply give many new convicts ridiculously lenient sentences and some potentially dangerous people will be let out before they should. This is not some outlandish fear-driven histrionic, this is just the natural evolution of what’s already happening within our criminal justice system as long as people continue to judge things purely on numbers and don’t ever think about the possible reasons behind their changes beyond “it must be good/bad because screw you I’m a politician,” and the BBC has played a big part in this by letting this way of thinking go completely unchallenged and even in several instances endorsing it.
Cue the Three Musketrolls coming up with some banal, utterly juvenile straw man bullshit and ad hominem playground nonsense to ignore every point I’ve made and delude themselves into thinking the BBC is still an impartial broadcaster.
Hmm… I wonder if there’s any sort of connection between the BBC’s view that men acquitted of rape have “got away with it” and the editor of BBC News’s fondness for the #ibelieveher hashtag, eh? (Rhetorical question).
Better still, Twittercide by beeboid churnalists should be highlighted as often as possible. Let her own vacuous words destroy any credibility she may claim to have.
Stuff the BBC never reports on ..
The fighting in the Crimea – there isn’t any since Russia annexed it.
The fighting in Sri Linka – there isn’t any since the Tamil Tigers were defeated,
Suicide bombings in Israel – there aren’t any since the ‘wall’ was built.
The BBC is maybe unhappy with the causes of this non news, but peace isn’t noteworthy it seems.
What would such a non-news report look like? “No suicide bombers in Israel yet again today. Nor were there any sightings of the Loch Ness monster, nor did my cat rise from the dead as one of the living update. Your next update on things that didn’t happen in Israel same time tomorrow. See you then.”
News reporting is about reporting things that did happen, not going through a list of things that didn’t.
If Nessie had been seen most months then they built a fence and it was never seen again that would be news. Especially if Nessies were out and about elsewhere in the world like Eastern Ukraine and Nigeria causing mayhem.
‘News reporting is about reporting things that did happen, not going through a list of things that didn’t.’
You’d think, and A. Newsroom Tealady often lectures on what is and is not news.
The thing is the BBC is pretty interesting in how this gets decided (reasons FOI-exempted).
Actually BBC Watch is well worth staying on top of for missiles coming one way in the ME that are not news, and anything going back that clears schedules.
Equally Newark, where the trashing of UKIP to second place by the blessed Tories was high on the agenda, with little if any mention much less analysis of how two other parties fared at all.
Meanwhile, of vital import to the BBC and hence the viewers it so ably represents, the country is treated as priority to:
“Nun wins Italy’s The Voice”
Indeed this did happen.
As always, your contribution adds valuable insight to the mindsets at play in some quarters.
With luck the demands of family, friends and what looks like nice weekend weather will see the shift restricted to those even less able to construct a coherent defence of BBC best practice.
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lunchtime BBC 5live
Trojan Horse … Muslim Schools over reports of Extremism – Islamisation from teachers, parents, and the community.
The school parents (who were blocking off the school, earlier to keep it the same). this week now are offended by being called “extreme?” … ”
So … “word” according to the BBC now is erm ……. conservative Muslims.
The facts are there for anyone to see … what is the ahem … “punishment” for leaving Islam?
Whether in the mosque or not, in the Sharia courts so beloved of this throwback ideology?
… yep! to be killed …
well … is that extreme? … or not?
Highly ‘conservative’, I would have thought.
Friday morning
The BBC are doing the same thing this morning, (5live) “conservative Muslims in Bham” instilling a “conservative Muslim agenda” …
in the bulletin I ve just heard, “Trojan Horse” has now disappeared into the ether too.
growing terrorist threat, indoctrination no issue in schools? …. sheesh! relax
Home Secretary T May at war? with M Gove as she sends him a letter
… err … that ll sort it?
“Everyone was afraid to act because they were afraid that if they did, they would be labelled “Islamofauxbic” by a British political class that demonizes and even bans from the country those who speak out against jihad terror. When Britain collapses into civil war or capitulates totally to Sharia, the blame will be squarely on the shoulders of Theresa May and her allies and comrades.”
I saw a video of an immam preaching to a room full of segragated Muslims. He asked (to paraphrase) if they supported segragation of men and women, they all agreed. He asked if the homosexuals should be executed. They all agreed. He asked if they should convert, enslave or kill infidels. They all agreed. He asked if this was, as the West claimed, extreme, or moderate? They all agreed that there was no such thing as extreme or moderate, there is only Islam. Moderate Islam is a misnomer where they utilise Taqiyya to ensure that non-believers can be mislead into thinking that Islam is peaceful an benign.
Can you point us in the direction of that piece of video? I, for one, would like to see it and spread its coverage.
don t know whether this is the example, there are so many.
here s the link
That is the video I saw… Thank you for posting it. I could not find it again.
Thanks, I have added it to a piece I posted this morning.
Good Post. I left a comment on it with a link to Mehdi Hassan describing non-Muslims as cattle.
File under ‘B’ for ‘beyond parody’: The BBC’s ‘news’ website carries the following headline: “Billy Bragg Blasts YouTube Rates”.
Well, that’s YouTube finished, clearly. A washed-up Marxist Mockney desperate for publicity being pumped by his SWP-lovin’ pals at the Beeb. Again.
And Billy Bragg’s opinion is important because…?
..because he’s become the middle-class-left’s tame prole.
The archetypal ‘lap-dog of the bourgeoisie’ As we used to say.
Say what you like about Billy Bragg, but that beachside house he has down in Cornwall is lovely; the man has got a good eye for a property.
Cornwall? Unless he’s bought a new one his mansion is in Dorset !
Either way, it would be a dreadful shame if some travellers pitched up on his doorstep one day, would it not?
Perhaps we should publish their addresses and an open invitation as they are so keen on Roma/gypsies/illegal immigrants/muslims. They surely wouldn’t mind them pitching up in a ‘friendly’ garden? Because they aren’t ‘racist’ they would love it.
Steady on Comrades, we not might get away this for much longer…. Nick – I used to be a Conservative once, you know – Robinson. puts his foot down…
BBC – stealth edit via Newsniffer
1/ ‘BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said public rows within the coalition government happen every day.’
replaced with…
2/ ‘The BBC’s political editor, Nick Robinson, said the row amounted to “an old-fashioned Whitehall turf war”‘
Tony Bliar said ” Look underneath the facade of UKIP and there’s something pretty nasty and unpleasant.”
Very revealing, Bliar is self projecting his own personality onto other people, he’s talking about himself.
The Left are textbook projectors. It is part of their infantile narcissism.
President Obama is in Poland and the G7 leaders are in Brussels for a summit which, for the first time in 17 years, will be held without Russia. Obama is promising to counter the Russian threat in Ukraine by increasing men and war machinery in eastern Europe. The US has already deployed troops for military drills in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland and NATO must now play its part in defying Vlad the Terrible says Obama.
Have we no say in this escalation on our doorstep? This mess, instigated by the EU high command and funded by the US, is getting way out of hand now. Hundreds of people killed already and increasing as each day goes by. This looks like the start of civil war, like the one in Syria, except in this case the West is in cahoots with the coup leaders who managed to take over in Ukraine. The election of the billionaire Poroshenko as President a week ago will do nothing for peace as he has stepped up the air bombardment against his own citizens in the east of his own country.
Before this coup by The West in Ukraine Vladimir Putin was quite happy and certainly his takeover of Crimea would not have happened without the danger to his fleet there from Western forces/NATO. The takeover was of course peaceful and voted for by a very high percentage of the Crimean people. It’s not as if Russia needs anymore land anyway it already stretches 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) from East to West. The Crimean takeover was purely strategic.
Does no one in the US or the EU see the danger of this bad tempered undiplomatic rhetoric and provocation from the build-up of Western arms in eastern Europe? The West is provoking a war with Russia and do we really think our lives will be un effected here in Britain or the USA?
It was only 100 years ago, and then again 75 years ago, that the two World Wars started, they cost millions of lives and to think it cannot happen again is being blind to the current situation. Russia is not Afghanistan or Iraq, it can hit back and with terrible force, and anywhere in the world now. The thing to remember is that Kiev and the borders of Russia are just 1400 miles away, about the same as Malaga, 2 ½ hours flying time away by jet plane but well under an hour by the new Russian Sarmatian missiles.
So, what the hell are Barack Hussain Obama and his European bootlickers up to? It must be intentional even Obama cannot be so stupid that he can’t see where this is going. What amazes me is that all our media are so in love with Obama that they question nothing where he is concerned. This sickening adulation of the Chosen One will be the end of us if he is not controlled by wiser council both at home or in Europe. The problem is that we do not have leader that a US President can respect. Our own man Cameron is only a faint shadow compared with the giants of Churchill or Thatcher. Even the vile Blair was better thought of by President Bush and the American people.
I wonder even now is there not somewhere in the darkest corners of the BBC someone that will take off their rose tinted spectacles and ensure that our National Broadcaster shall “Speak Truth Unto Nation”. It is their slogan after all. They are the biggest broadcaster in the world thanks to enforced subscriptions, so please stop worrying about the minutia and celebrities and for all our sakes do something positive for a change with that power. Highlight the dangers honestly and like Gordon “Save the World”.
The Globalists in the West are goading Russia into a war, after all war is a very profitable business. Once the democratically elected Ukrainian President said NO to membership of the EUSSR he was immediately toppled. Here’s Dr Paul Craig Roberts adviser to Reagan in the 1980s take on events.
Come on guys – be fair.
We’ve spent years criticising the Americans for being late for both World War I and World War II; and now we’re criticising them for wanting to be really, really early for World War III.
Oh, you are a wag! (not the Mrs Rooney sort of course)
However, when it comes to WWIII the Yanks will ‘light the blue touch paper and then stand well back’.
Or they may just drone on and on.
Shall I pack up my troubles in my old kit bag now.
The americans were not late in entering the wars, they were under no obligation to do so until their own interests were threatened ,indeed they would have been entirely justified in joining either side if that was where they saw an advantage!
You so right Old Timer –
“So, what the hell are Barack Hussain Obama and his European bootlickers up to?”
Already the body bags are starting to accumulate in the Ukraine and I posted last week on this blog from Poland, about first hand reports on the Poles alarm at what is happening in some of their ancestral land the other side of their Eastern Border.
Besides many years in Poland in the cold war, I have also previously been in the Ukraine and from my observations there is no majority desire now, nor previously for an alliance with the EU or NATO, since particularly Eastern Ukraine has traditionally been a Russian ally for centuries.
See also popular opinion chart half way down the wiki page:
The US seem to me to be getting so much wrong nowadays, what with this week also exchanging a US soldier for 5 x Chieftains of the TALIBAN). The soldier an alleged ‘deserter’ with claims of 6 of his colleagues dead as a consequence of the search for him!
Dangerous times indeed!
“Have we no say in this escalation on our doorstep?”
Surely you know the answer to that?
Do you not remember the ‘stop the war’ protest march? Estimates of up to 2 000 000 people protesting in London and BLiar ignored the lot !
Then there was Syria and wouldn’t leftie Dave have loved to have sent the troops in? Fortunately Red Ed stopped him perhaps having learned from the mistakes of BLiar.
How about Libya? Leftie Dave was right in there as soon as he could – and look at the mess he left it in !
No chance of him sticking round to clear it up – a little warning for us that is exactly what he’ll do to this country too !
I do not grant Ed Miliband any credit for that. He took every possible position, spinning like a top, in the week leading up to the vote. He was for intervention, then against, then he would abstain, then he was for it again then, as the time to the vote ran out, he, quite by accident, ended up being against.
I credict Nigel Farage and believe that his taking a very strong principled stand against intervention spooked a lot of tory backbenchers into voting against.
That mention of Nigel’s sound view about keeping the EU nose out of Ukraine reminds me to say good luck UKIP in Newark today.
The result of that by election looks like UKIP hurt labour much more than they hurt the tories.
2M on the march eh? What a classic Pinocchio Number. The more it’s repeated the bigger it gets …
oh really…..pah …….you better read this:
Up to 30 million worldwide here:
Labour/BBC rag uotes 2 million locals:
Yes, really …
30 million (??) worldwide
.. and quoting the Grauniad? Tsk!
‘Fact checker’ my arse.
I think it was 2 million in the Tower hamlets sense
The concept of Leftist facts is an oxymoron. Reality is precisely what they are trying to avoid.
A very good post, if I may say so.
“Does no one in the US or the EU see the danger of this bad tempered undiplomatic rhetoric and provocation from the build-up of Western arms in eastern Europe?”
It seems that they don’t. In any case, somebody else’s children – largely Ukrainian, but possibly Russian and ours – will do the killing, the bleeding and the dying. Like The Che Guevara Memorial Comprehensive and regions which are “diverse” and “vibrant” they imagine they can separate themselves from the effect of their policies; naively, perhaps, in this case.
“So, what the hell are Barack Hussain Obama and his European bootlickers up to?”
God knows.
Woke up this morning to the Today Show forewarning me that the next hour would include them discussing the question of whether the Government Coalition would merely be a zombie one for the next year.( Today 4/6/14…6.55 a.m)
At 7.10 or so… Labours Angela Eagle was on the show-unopposed ,and prompted by Justin Webb-to mention that the cost of living crisis, bedroom tax or what have you…would indeed be the fault of the zombie government we`ve now got for the next year
The 7.30a.m news headlines led with the fact that Labour had described the government as a zombie one..and this was in response to the Queens Speech, as yet unsaid.
Boy, they`re mindreaders at the BBC aren`t they?
And as I get home, the 4 O Clock News headlines on Radio 4 tell me that Ed Miliband has accused the Coalition of being-well a zombie government-what else could he now say?
And-of course-Miliband himself stating his partys wishlist for government-but with no Tory comebacks speakers broadcast.
Good old BBC eh…will the Tories ever deal with the cancer of the BBC to truthful reporting?
I myself don`t know why Peter Robinson apologised to Muslims last week. After all it was his pastor that referred to Islam as satanic…hardly controversial to me.
But Robinson did-last week.
Why then does the BBC report him apologising AGAIN yesterday for the same “offence”…double jeopardy only runs one way apparently?
Who chose to put the apology on the news again?-I mean, this is Ulster-and few BBC types normally give a damn unless it`s to hail Adams or McGuinness.
My guess is that it was tagged onto the Operation Trojan Horse-where Muslims “allegedly” made the lives of non-Muslims miserable…Nick Robinson was clear that is was only alleged…the BBC certainly tagged the two stories together, to imply the two things(Peter Robinsons apology, and the infiltration of our second citys educational system) were equivalent ishoos.
The BBC-subtle and clever as ever…as if we don`t know what their game is.
This from Guido (sorry it’s long, but worth reading).
How Spain is leading the charge towards fascist corporatism
Some weeks ago, the European Court made a quite extraordinary ruling that gives EU governments the ability to sanitise their online history by petitioning Google and other search engines to remove potentially damaging links to newspaper articles and other websites with embarrassing information.
Although a working party is yet to meet and discuss ‘best practice’ (ironique ou quoi?) in enforcing the ruling, as it stands Italy would have the right to ask Google to take down all references to its blatant lies about ‘economic recovery’ in the Spring of 2013.
It will come as no surprise to discover (as I just have) that one of the prime influencers for Article 29 (the basis for this Orwellian policy) was everyone’s favourite control freak Wolfgang Schäuble; but perhaps more interesting (in the light of information coming through from Spain over the last month) is that it was also pushed with some urgency by none other than Mario Rajoy of Spain.
And there’s more on the story of Juan Carlos’s abrupt “abdication”. It seems his major blunder was to proclaim loudly that “a free press is vital to democracy” while giving out gongs at the recent awards ceremony for International Journalism Prizes.
In another startling announcement from Spain, it seems now that Juan Carlos is to be succeeded by some bloke called Phil Bourbon. So with very little chance of a biscuit answering Mario Rajoy back, this should make things easier for the Prime Minister to fulfil his goal of being given a free hand to do WTF he wants as soon as possible.
Rajoy has strong form in the area of censorship. In the Autumn of last year he described those going on protest marches as “abnormal” (he’s right, they’re abnormally poor), and then in December some 300 Spaniards were fined €500 euros each for attending a protest against the budget cuts.
Equally, former Interior Minister (aka spook) and politician Mayor Jaime Oreja thinks it is “crazy to let people view all these problems of public order on television, because it only incites people to demonstrate all the more”. Well ping my blog Jaime, you’re right on the ball there and no mistake.
Similar demonstrations have been banned and fines handed out in Greece of late – notably in Athens and, on one occasion when I was present, in Kalamata.
The point here is a very simple one. Any and all examples of bent statistics, government repression and laws forbidden by the Treaty of Rome can be “forgotten” under the EU Court ruling. Working parties on “best practice” in the EU by the EC do not impress me one iota, because it has been blindingly obvious for years that Brussels am Berlin is a fascist grouping prepared to pull any stunt in order to get their Truth to prevail.
What we’re seeing here is Winston Smith’s Ministry of Truth job made flesh. We are seeing the contemporary Mr K being fined for a crime so ill-defined as to be, effectively, a Bourbon lettre de cachet. We are watching the fruition of prophecies made by visionaries from Kafka to Orwell.
To paraphrase the late and much lamented Ed Murrow, “The lights are going out all over Europe”.
courtesy : The Slog Blog.
GCHQ NSA says:
June 4, 2014 at 3:01 pm
We contribute with our non stop propaganda and online dirty tricks as well
Miliband and his Labour luvvie cronies says:
June 4, 2014 at 3:44 pm
We contributed by pushing through Leveson
to censor the British press.
BBC News and EU Propaganda Unit says:
June 4, 2014 at 3:46 pm
Anything we can do to help- you only have to ask.
Thanks Manfred, great post. The EU (ECHR) anti-Google ruling does mean the start of a re-write of European history and the start of censorship (using EU waffle jargon ‘subsidiarity’ to cap it) – which Cameron would approve of (as the Lisbon Treaty states that we are already treaty bound by all (EU) ECHR rulings – so we can expect more of this soon until the penny drops that the Leveson inquiry was just a prelude to what the left EU elite really want in Europe. No dissent.
O’rilley on the Bergdhal/Obama debacle.
Just call me Mystic Meg.
On the last Open Thread, when discussing a complaint I had made regarding UKIP and “Romanians” in Croyden, I made the following forecast:
“I fully expect either a justification for something other than my complaint or a holding apology for not replying which asks me not to contact them (in the hope I will forget).”
Well lo and behold.
“Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do so for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of your complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant staff but that it may take longer than 10 working days to reply. We therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime.…”
And just how long do they expect “meantime” to be?
If you want the BBC to reply more promptly what used to work sometimes was a complaint to the local MP. In any case if it doesn’t, it at least highlights to your MP that he should be concerned that the BBC is publically funded and as such has to answer to complaints without delay.
As I’ve stated before, I contacted my (Tory) Mp @ 2-3 years ago with my concerns about the BBc. His response was that he was only an MP and what did I expect him to do about it or words to that effect due to a move I’ve not got the letter to hand. Basically he didn’t want to know.
Interesting interview with Peter Hitchens in which he describes himself as an ‘obituarist’ – for the death of the country.
He covers many issues with which the people posting here care about, including the BBCs Europhilia. He outlines why the Conservative party has to die, how Labour has changed under BLiar, and why the country is finished.
He also attacks UKIP but still urges people to vote for them !
He describes the way that Leftie Dave will ignore the result of any referendum (if he chooses to allow one) if the people go against his wishes.
Very worthwhile listening to:
Thanks Thoughtful only just found time to watch it -40mins well spent- have you read his semi-autobiographiical ‘rage against god’?
I’m afraid I haven’t, but I did read ‘The Abolition of Britain’ some of which was very well observed.
You should, it is very much an expansion on some of the themes he raises in that interview
I read after reading ‘brief history of crime’ ( highly recommended) and it was not at all what I expected. A more personal testimony and in some places quite moving.
Ok you remember the UKIP “carnival” you remember my complaint and hopefully you remember the BBc reply asking me which report I was complaining about. Yes it was the UAF / Hope not hate / Rent a mob scum pretending to be Romanians. I thought they would be able to recall the story as they ran it all day. Remember their reply. Here’s my reply although I ran out of charachters. Maye I should complain the boxto put a complaint isn’t big enough to put all my complaint in. Anyway:
The report of the UKIP “carnival” in Croydon was broadcast through the day of 20/5/2014, also the 18:00 hour BBC1 & probably the 22:00 news. I would not of thought that BBC news staff would have had such a problem remembering the report as it continued along the “racist” UKIP theme. If you recall there was even a report with an interview of a Romanian woman working in a Hotel and of course the story of the steel band pulling out. What is of concern is that along with your usual coverage of the UAF / Hope not hate rent a mob you showed there was mention of Romanians, which then led onto the interview with the hotel worker. However how come that channel 4 managed to discover that the supposed Romanian demonstrators were in fact rent a mob pretending to be Romanians If you copy and paste you can watch channel 4 uncovering this. Your web page , now amended no surprise, also made reference “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.” it had actually already been revised before that version. Why was the web page not amended to show that members of the crowd appeared to be pretending & why did the BBC news not report this aspect?…protect your computer before its to late.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is not interested in the freedom of American critics of Islam, but does campaign for the freedom of our Islamic jihadist enemies in Guantanamo.
“Victory: UK Court of Appeal gives Spencer and Geller permission to appeal ban”
Of course, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) sees no ‘Trojan horse’ problem of Islamic infiltration of British education. Instead, INBBC continues its political campaigning for mass immigration of U.K, and for Islamisation.
“UK Home Secretary Theresa May on Muslim Trojan Horse school plot: ‘Is it true that the Department for Education was warned in 2010? If so, why did nobody act?'”
“Is Theresa May serious? She wants to know why nobody acted on Islamic supremacist attempts to take over British schools even when these plots became known? Nobody acted because of people like…Theresa May. Everyone was afraid to act because they were afraid that if they did, they would be labeled ‘Islamophobic’ by a British political class that demonizes and even bans from the country those who speak out against jihad terror. When Britain collapses into civil war or capitulates totally to Sharia, the blame will be squarely on the shoulders of Theresa May and her allies and comrades.”
Imagine you have a media studio in London, and another in Salford, and you wanted your staff to ‘get acquainted’, how would you accomplish it for the least cost but achieve the result you wanted?
Is it necessary to actually meet in person, or can it be done via television? You certainly have the facility for that.
But if you decided that meeting face to face was that much better would you send the team from London to Salford, or visa versa, or would you send EVERYBODY to a third distant venue that you hired for the day?
You can guess what the BBC does.
With the BBC set to fire around 600 news staff, stories like this one must irk them even more.
Good! 🙂
The BBC idea of cuts is reducing quality and service, not perks for themselves.
BBC blows £20,000 on staff bonding session at Birmingham conference centre instead of using its £1billion Salford HQ
BBC to spend £20,000 sending around 200 of its staff to Birmingham centre
Conference on June 27 aims to give employees ‘a chance to get acquainted’
Bosses have hired state-of-the-art venue, as well as laying on refreshments
This is despite corporation spending £1billion on new Salford headquarters
Yesterday, plan was branded ‘complete waste of money’ by a BBC employee</i?
Ah ha! So, the BBC are expected to CUT 600 news staff are they? Well, this would explain why Scott has been behaving so strange lately, what with David Vance being paid to talk on the BBC.! No wonder he was throwing hissy fits at David Vance. But then, I might be wrong.
600? A very very small step in the right direction. There will remain several thousand too many.
Bloody cold out here on Dartmoor tonight. My temp’ gauge is only showing 6 degrees! For June? It must be Global Cooling:
Credit where credit is due – I was pleased to see the tail end of a report about the Trojan Horse schools scandal on Newsnight tonight. Interesting and eye-opening.
Unfortunately, I didn’t catch the names of the two interviewees – one was the man from the Quilliam Foundation who met Tommy Robinson; the other a Muslim head teacher who started on the usual “nothing to see here” spiel. Quilliam bloke got Muslim head teacher to admit on air that he would like Britain to become a sharia state; when challenged, Muslim head teacher also refused to condemn stoning women to death for adultery (as long as due process was followed) and the amputation of limbs.
Of course, “liberals” refuse to believe that people like this actually exist or that the head teacher’s ideal of the UK under sharia could ever come to fruition. Such Useful Idiots should reflect on the fact that Tower Hamlets is only 30% Muslim – and presumably only a fraction of them are “extremists”. Yet it is run as a Banana Republic as was demonstrated in the recent elections, has declared itself a “Muslim Zone”, whilst homosexuals and women deemed to be “immodestly” dressed risk a beating. The shape of things to come?
Ibrahim Hewitt, (convert?) – another forked tongue
Of course he’s a convert and radicalised too, note the refusal to condem sharia law, unbelievable.
look … the facts are there, for all to see.
This is not a religion, it is the most dangerous ideology on this planet.
They are openly telling you now, right here right now … whether
academic, school teacher, or any of its pseudo “scholars”, or spokesman like this
The aims are patently obvious … I will say no more than leave here a clear example … the absurd
notion of a Muslim “peace” conference
yep! … stoning ok … chopping of hands ok … segregation ok etc.
Norway isn’t even in the EU, so why have the liberal and progressive Scandinavian countries taken to importing such primevalist Islamist scum like these ?
To bleed the welfare funds and the taxpayers of those countries dry ?
Cultural Marxism or Decadence ? the Cause of Western Weakness by blogger Fjordman.
”It is also true that not all those who undermine Western civilization through support for Multiculturalism and mass immigration do so out of a hidden political agenda.
Some do it out of plain stupidity and vanity. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded of them all?”
It’s a beauty contest for bored, Western intellectuals who use immigrants as a mirror to reflect their own inflated egos, a sport where they can nurse their vanity in the mistaken belief that denigrating your own cultural heritage is a sign of goodness and lack of prejudice.
I suspect that part of the craziness on display now stems from feelings of guilt because of affluence. I hear so many of these open border activists talk about “solidarity,” but in reality it’s all about me, me, me.
They don’t show much solidarity with their own children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the Balkanized nightmare they leave behind.
It’s all about making them feel good about themselves right now, without regard for future consequences of their actions.
So their “solidarity” is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.
Besides, many of them have lived sheltered lives for so long that they honestly don’t understand that something bad can ever happen to them.
They’ve never had to fight for their freedom or their prosperity, which had been ensured by others.”
They might have to fight for it sooner than they think.
Yet again we see the public sector paralysed by the terror of an accusation of ‘racism’.
It’s better for them to allow schools to be taken over by extremists / fundamentalists, or to allow the gang rape of children, than to act and be called a nasty name.
The way to counter this is easy. Make a legal definition of racism – should be easy as there already is one, and then make false, or wrongful accusations of racism a criminal offence – one which the Police have to investigate, instead of one they can ignore, and introduce a mandatory compensatory payment for the victim.
That way we might return to a little more sense, lose the witch hunt, deprive the Fascist left of a meaningless bully word, free the public sector to act with a modicum of common sense, and actually deal with a hard core of very few ‘odd’ people with some pretty unpleasant views.
should be easy as there already is one
Careful. The definition, whether legal or not, is now effectively “it’s racist if I, as a non-white person, think it is”. You would entrench that even further into a no-win situation for anyone on the pale scale.
nick clegg said on radio 4 today that we cant go back to the england of 20 or 30 years years ago because we live in modern britian,this term modern britian is used quiet alot by clegg and the socalists in the labour party just lately,so what does this word mean,my take on it is modern britiain is the this, it is the new codeword for mass immigration,diversity is the codeword for mass immigration.multi culturism is the codeword for mass immigration,do you know what,i dont like living in modern britian,i prefer the england of 20 or 30 years ago.a must better and peacefull country to live in mr clegg.
Clegg is finished and he knows it. Ignore his drivel. Just another out of date and out of touch politician.
They are all Marxists at heart. The inevitability of whatever rubbish they believe in. Not true. We are free people and can change anything. Harden your attitude . Harden your heart and wait. Reality is on our side not the Cleggs of the world.
Even if the Tories cling on to Newark tomorrow, the LibDems will be demolished. Another nail in their coffin.
Lucky Scotland and Wales then!
Too right Stuart, the UK of twenty, thirty years ago was a better and more peaceful place possessing a history and culture going back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. ‘Multi culture’, as propagandised by the BBC, means, in effect, ‘no culture’ since culture is ‘the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.’ and a multi-cultural state, by definition, will be able to agree on none of these.
‘Mass immigration’ is a euphemism for a cheap source of labour and its use by the ‘crony capitalists’ (as opposed to a genuine free market capitalism) and will only further enrich those who are already ultra rich. In addition, colonisation by mass immigration (because mass immigration is a form of colonisation, albeit by stealth, as the BBC well understands) destabilises and destroys, the culture it displaces.
This colonisation is taking place throughout Europe and the USA and at its heart is, I believe, the proposal already under negotiation, to create what is termed as a trans-Atlantic ‘free-trade’ area or bloc between the EU and the USA (TAFTA). Nationalism will not be tolerated.
In essence, it appears that TAFTA is going to resemble the state of Oceania, a state perpetually at war, in George Orwell’s ‘1984’. The BBC’s inverted values and historical revisionism are an embodiment of Orwell’s Ingsoc (English Socialism) the ideology of Oceania’s totalitarian government.
God help the UK when Clegg’s dream of a ‘modern Britain’ is a reality … it’s certainly going to need help from somewhere.
I heard a very blunt line today, something like :
Do you want to keep our welfare state, (the NHS working well, schools not overcrowded, social housing for those who need it, the welfare budget affordable and so on) – or do you want out-of-control immigration.
Your choice. Stay in Europe – and say goodbye to the welfare state we have had for 60 years. Or leave Europe – and we can run our welfare state the old way.
The even blunter line is: leave the EU or cease to exist as a country.
” There is no future for the people of Europe other than in union” – Jean Monnet, founder of the EU.
“”Europe’s nations should be guided towards a super state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.” – paraphrase of Monnet’s intentions by Adrian Hilton
Make no mistake, the EU’s stated aim is “ever closer union”. The end of nation states and a federal “United States of Europe” is the goal. Britain will be a 2-3 “regions” of Europe.
I think it was on this site that someone suggested that one of the purposes of free movement of labour was to “dilute” national differences, thus making the prospect of a United States of Europe more readily achievable. That, bluntly, is what we are currently heading towards.
I agree with you that the question of staying in the EU is existential, it is central to UKIP’s case.
But not enough people have yet drawn the direct link between excess immigration (a lot of it of poor quality) and the pressures on every part of the welfare state. Most people want the welfare state to continue – in spite of its many faults – but it simply cannot cope at present.
You can’t get children into the school of your choice, and education in the schools is hindered by lack of good English among an increasing number of pupils, the NHS is creaking at the seams, social housing is overwhelmed in areas of high immigration, social security budgets cannot be reduced until we deal with the excess burden of youth and ethnic minority unemployment which cannot be solved as long as there are floods of older more experienced workers coming in from Europe.
I was told last night by an Indian woman from Croydon – a City worker – that she is having to wait 4 weeks for an appointment to see her GP. The population of Croydon has increased by about 10% in the past decade – the whole system is under acute strain.
In my borough, elderly people in sheltered housing are forced to share bathrooms or shower rooms – men and women – because “we have not been able to afford upgrades of older accommodation” – but the Council has evidently set up 5 hostels already for young immigrants.
So – if you want to stay in Europe you can say goodbye to national Parliamentary sovereignty AND watch the whole welfare state collapse. It is a widening of the argument – Parliamentary sovereignty is a bit abstruse to some people, the welfare state is a direct concern and worry to everyone with eyes to see.
We still have no voice in Europe until we actually leave the EU. The EU ‘Lisbon Treaty’ (Article 6) states we are ‘Fundamentally bound’ to accept ECHR court rulings (and all forthcoming EU immigration policies), without asking any pertinent questions. It really is a complete ‘stitch-up’ by our politically corrupt media reporting (BBC) and Labours hard left – in return for EU slush funds (BBC) and political hush money (Labour) to keep the natives quiet. More on that damn Lisbon Treaty here: Ukip is no ‘passing fad’ it’s our only survival.
In my local hospital (leafy Home Counties), 48% of babies born have mothers from outside the UK
Why is there not up rage in the media this morning? Last night on th BBC we had a Muslim convert refusing to condem sharia law, saying that ‘under the right circumstances’ its OK to chop off the hands of a theif.
It would seem that our lefty media, notably the BBC are either too scared or even condone such a thing, yet Farage and UKIP get a good kicking by said media and are racist for daring to question such things…
The aptly named programme Beyond Belief often has discussions between ‘people of faith’, chaired by Ernie Rea. They take the form of cosy little chats rather than Paxman Pastings so one would think it would be easy to pick up on points that seem a bit ‘off’ and ask for clarification.
A year or so ago the Muslim guest explained how Muslims loved to study other religions, including Christianity, and that was totally acceptable. So what if this study led to conversion? The answer was quite ineluctable, they must be killed!
Not a word from Ernie Rea, just quiet acceptance.
I guess he foresaw what would happen to his fellow countrymen Pastor James McConnell and First Minister Peter Robinson.
Islam: to submit to the will of ‘Allah’ and his thugs on earth.
here is a prime example,
Radio – Beyond Belief
One has to smile, at the arrogance of Muslim(and I use the term loosely) “scholars”, here is one who folds quicker than a cheap Bedouin tent, and resorts to ad hom attacks, through lack of cohesive argument to cover his spurious claims.
Jim I think one of the worst, BB I listened to
was an episode about Islam and homosexuality, completely facile some Sheik, a chap from black pride, and Ibrahim Mogra
… utter drivel
Unless I’ve missed it, there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the Newark By-Election this morning. Could this because the BBC, knowing that it’ll be either a conservative or a UKIP win, are not interested, do you think? Or is it because they think that if they don’t mention it, people might just forget to turn up and vote…
Yes, just listened to an hour of drivel on 5live without any of the stories important to the nation, including Newark, before hitting the off button.
You managed to listen to 5 live for one whole hour??!! You must be radicalised…one minute and I’ve had enough of the drivel.
By law, I don’t think they are supposed to transmit election coverage on the actual voting day, OG, and that applies to by elections and general elections.
Guardian reporting an unofficial poll showing Tories and UKIP neck and neck at 31%.
Obviously has to be taken with a pinch of salt and am sure that the BBC have already planned their reports on the result.
UKIP win : Disaster for Conservatives as they lose their 44th safest seat. No by-election victories for 20 years.
Conservatives Win : UKIP bubble bursts – true brits give rousing thumbs down for racist party.
Labour Win : Hello? Is that Moe’s off license? 200 bottles of champagne please.
What about a Lib Dem win?
Ooops, forgot to take my tablets 🙂
That would indicate that this world is at an end. IIRC, there’s a plausible theory that the dinosaurs were actually wiped out by a prehistoric Lib Dem election victory.
Old Goat, there are limits to the way elections can be reported on the actual day of voting. The most you can do is show a politician arriving to cast his vote, he cannot be interviewed though.
Just a simple statement that “voting has started in the Newark By-Election” would suffice. My cynical mind smells a rat.
Bother, I’ve just clicked report by accident. Apologies.
I just wanted to say that I am sure I have heard BBC reporting “people are going to the polls today in wherever, the candidates are blah blah the results expected when” in other by-elections, but not today. I am sure you can report that much – for none of those facts are state secrets nor are they uncertain, but they would serve to remind the people concerned to go and vote. This weird discretion was also noticeable on the day of the council/euro elections the other week.
Yes, inadvertent reporting is so easy to do – I’ve drawn attention to it before – surely the “report” button could be moved a discrete distance away from the others?
Sheeela Foglegity – BBC5Live has Doolun Adebayo
with not the slightest clue, in an interview (read propaganda lecture) from Muslim Council of Britain.
on extreme Muslim schools … shamefully inept and
… total pap!.
The Ofsted reports are already showing the irregularities
… lost on the BBC obviously
Dotun Adebayo is an embarrassment. He used to be hidden away on the graveyard shift, now everyone can hear him. As a presenter he is about as good as Ian Wright is at sports reporting. Still, they tick a box I suppose.
The headline says “BBC snubbed amid EU leader row”.
I watched the video and frankly the “journalist” was being an obnoxious little twerp.
He’s lucky the minders didn’t physically throw him to the side and tell him to “go away”.
You get the impression from the BBC that they have a divine right over people.
Arrogant BBC and Arrogant Euro leader. I pay for them both. I was never questioned if I wanted either at any time, any how.
A new hero…………………..check out the snake oil muslim spokesman.
The slipperiest snake there was fatty Nolan
( given the company a tribute to his indefatigablity )
Everyone to their own faith I suppose but watching that video makes me thankful I have no religious allegiance whatsoever.
Really worrying about the stitch up as ever.
Desperate BBC crapola….and the audience are/were thoroughly depressing.
Typical BBC shilling for Islam.
Mind you-great view of George Galloway getting a pasting at 37 mins…and Nolan( to be fair) gives Galloway a pretty rough ride too.
World Cup 2014: Stevie Wonder’s Another Star chosen as BBC theme tune
Not that interested frankly, but couldn’t they find something a bit more local? Of course not.
I suppose Dizzee Rascal was busy, trying on the latest pair of Nike shoes. The obvious choice would have been Xavier Cugat’s Brazil.
For Scott’s benefit, Xavier Cugat was a very famous band leader of the 1930s, 40s and 50s.
Noted how charmed and emollient the Business Correspondent was on the Today show at 7.20 am this morning.
These “Business Correspondents” clearly have never ran any kind of business themselves(too common), but seem full of advice to offer the CEO of Tesco or British Gas…and these mugs just take the venom and the slurs as heaped on them by the BBCs latest arts graduate to hold forth on “Big Business and The Man”
Not today though-no siree. Despite the failing business models year on year-the monopoly corruptions and failing outlets for the Brand…the astronomical pay outs for these specialists in serial underachievement and in failure…our BBC Business Monkey was happy with all excuses. caveats and screw-ups ,given by the oligeneous and bland “spokesman”
The BBC will not go near slating football salaries, the screw ups over FIFA and the failed business models of clubs like Villa, Everton and Man United.
No chance-Lineker would lose his berth and the BBC would lose its access to Platinis 5 star jacuzzi.
Hence the exception to all business bitchslaps from the BBCin regard of a gilded corporate shiller ,an apologist for “disappointing results”…the BBC suck up whatever the Great God Sport squirts into either of their fat smug faces.
And in other news, an interesting confluence of events to find interesting, if mixing jolly with sad:
Rather enjoyed the inadvertent impression that when the schools of state go on hols, so does the entire BBC workforce.
RadRadio 4 Eddie Mair
Now the reliable quality of Eddie Mair on PM is that he always gets a word in edge ways. No one gets away without being interrupted. A few short jabs here, a couple there, followed by the old right hook.
So there he is chatting to someone from a think tank who is concerned about Islamic extremism being a feature of some schools and a cuddly Muslim who cannot see the problem. Fine.
Think tank guy sets off and receives a few sharp jabs of interruptions. Quite right. Everyone should be challenged on PM. Ah, but then the Muslim defender moans away without interruption. He shifts effortlessly from ‘there is no problem and he should know’, to ‘why is everyone picking on me, is it because I am a Muslim?’ To ‘if there is a problem then Muslims should be left to deal with it.’
So where is Eddie with the ‘reason we are concerned with Muslims is because it is not Buddhists who are blowing up planes, it is not Jewish folk who are chopping up soldiers on our street nor is it Anglican bishops who wander around on the underground with bombs.’
And …’we have left it to Muslims to resolve but the situation is getting worse.’
Fortunately, despite becoming understandably exasperated with the nonsense dribbling from the Muslim’s mouth, the think tank guy actually landed a few sensible blows.
Come on Eddie, that wasn’t a championship performance!
Once again Daniel Greenfield on his Sultan Knish blog puts confused minds to rights with his latest piece. Not that you would ever get him on the MSM. They would rather have their fantasy land . What on earth would R4 do confronted by somebody like Greenfield. Run and hide?
Another anti UKIP non story which began in the Mirror and adopted by the Mail, note the obvious gerrymandering yet again on the Mail comments.
I thought it was against press regulations to report such on the day of an election? Unsure of the source but a commentor on Guido has said that UKIP are 2% ahead in an exit poll…….no dogs,no whites and ignored by the bbc
Imagine the howls of indignation if that scrawl had read no blacks or asians ,imagine the hours of police time wasted on an investigation, imagine the BBC coverage ,the interviews with ‘community leaders’ the government hand wringing.
We still get the urban myth of ‘No dogs, No blacks, No Irish’ signs reported as if it was a fact.
Beeboids manage to present a long report on ‘Trojan horse’ infiltration of British education while censoring out the word ‘ISLAM’: quite a Beeboid intellectual tour-de-force in political obfuscation!:-
“Trojan Horse leaked report says pupils ‘not protected from extremism'”
For Beeboids:-
“Islam 101”
by Gregory M. Davis.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s irresponsible, political propaganda still portrays Islamic jihadist mass murderers as mere ‘militants’.
1.) Pamela Geller:-
“Update: Death toll rises to 168 – Muslims Massacre Christians in North Nigeria” – See more at:
2.) INBBC-
“Nigeria’s Boko Haram crisis: Maiduguri ‘preachers kill dozens'”
How f***in DARE THEY?
These were Boko Haram nutjobs using the “preachers” pretence to get access to Christians in order to kill them.
As evil as saying that Anders Breivik was a lifeguard when he did his worst.
The BBC need a roasting for this one-it`s deliberate smearing of the Christians as far as I can see-no excuse for this at all.
Anyone know howNigel’s chap went on in Newark this evening?………Exit polls etc. etc. ?
good question
Do you mean Sir Nigel?
BBC-Democrat gives it full political support to Obama, re-Bergdhal.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Obama: ‘I make no apologies’ for Bergdahl prisoner exchange”
By Robert Spencer.
“If Bergdahl is tried for desertion and treason (extremely unlikely, I know) and executed, will Obama then apologize to the families of the military men who were killed trying to find him? If the five Taliban commanders he released from Gitmo to get Bergdahl are involved in the deaths of more Americans in Afghanistan, will he apologize then? Will the mainstream media hold him to account, or continue to cover for him?”
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Obama: ‘No apologies’ for deal to free Bowe Bergdahl”
Liz Kendall the clueless and populist Labour MP on Question Time tonight could fart and the Welsh audience would fawn with applause.
Should we be taking a woman who was a special advisor to Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman seriously?
I hope someone can skewer/fisk the duplicitous sneaky article “Bowe Bergdahl: A father’s risky campaign” by Tara McKelvey, 4 June 2014 ( Clearly trying to conceal the controversial nature of the soldier’s disappearance, not a word about his anti-American rants, about his father tweets that implied he wishes for death of US servicemen and women, and of course, a dash of Islamophilia – there is no mention of Islam, Muslims, despite strong suggestions that the soldier’s father converted to Islam, together with the captive.
Pls, someone!
Le Pétomane made a living at just that for years, so let’s give Liz a chance, hey ? Got to be more edifying than her current job at any rate, and at least there’ll be no more pretence about which end produces the most intelligent noise…….
Though orphaned, this is a reply to Geoff’s post above, rather than a suggestion than a professional farter of yore had anything of the Islamophile about him.
Sudan and Islam: something for INBBC to censor?-
“Brother of Sudanese woman facing death penalty for ‘abandoning her Islamic faith’ by marrying a Christian says ‘she DESERVES to be executed.’
“Al Samani Al Hadi said he denounced his sister Meriam Ibrahim, 27.
“He said his family are ‘Muslim people’ and she needed to renounce her faith.
“Ms Ibrahim gave birth to a daughter in her prison cell last week.
“She has been sentenced to 100 lashes and death by hanging,”
Read more:
100 lashes because death by hanging is not punishment enough. Salaam no doubt from the Religion of Peace (c).
Wife’s asleep and snoring as I type at twenty past midnight.
Monitoring BBC 24 for their reaction to the Newark impending result.
Did the D-Day chaps expect this sort of thing in 2014? Wasn’t the BBC in 1944 a very different organisation?
Oddly, angling on google for an obit. has provided me with, well, me from Nov 2010 :
“I can remember reading the Telegraph’s obit. of an-ex BBC Farming Correspondent a few years back.
He actually had a farming background, and was specifically employed (in 1946) by Lord Reith to “counteract the Left-wing bias in the corporation.”
The “Sword Of Honour” trilogy gives a pretty good (‘fictional’) idea of the ideologies and priorities of our treasured national broadcaster during WW2. Amongst other things……”
Hysterical report on BBC radio 4 ‘Today’ program that guilty verdicts are “down by 60%”, and that this is down basically to prejudice against wimmin.
Fortunately the interviewee countered this lie and told listeners that the guilty verdicts are now down to 60% a fall of over 3% !
There is a tone from the interviewer that everyone brought before the courts should be found guilty, and that it is the fault of Jury’s for being ‘sexist’, and lawyers for cross examining victims.
Soon they will be pressing for summary conviction for rape and throwing away the key !
There is an assumption that lots of guilty rapists are being acquitted. No challenge that they may be innocent. The BBC goes along with the meme that more men should be charged with rape and that more of them should be convicted and that that would be a good thing. Stalin had no trouble with a similar approach and he found criminals everywhere he looked.
It’s like the whole leftie agenda – don’t give up until you get the “right answer” by any possible means. Too many “myths” you know – rapists in balaclavas waiting around street corners, and fearful women, who never encourage attention (whether intentionally, or otherwise).
If you dress and act provocatively, it should come as little surprise that someone would like to engage with your provocation. It’s a bit rich complaining afterwards.
Makes me wonder how much this fall in the conviction rate is caused by the spectacularly unsuccessful operation yew tree, which has seen celebrities accused of multiple rape acquitted !
The interviewee was a lady from the Crown Prosecution Service and I’m sure I heard her say that one reason for the drop in convictions was some tactic or other from offenders. Not defendants, but offenders.
In other words, she’d decided they were guilty, convicted or not.
Can anyone confirm I heard that right?
She was also read a letter from the CPS to an alleged rape victim where one of the reasons given for not prosecuting was the underwear the alleged victim was wearing. The CPS interviewee agreed this was terrible, but surely someone in her position should have wanted to find out why the underwear was thought to be relevant before rushing to judgement? It betrayed the mindset of “accused, therefore guilty”.
‘a tone from the interviewer that everyone brought before the courts should be found guilty’
Possibly confusing with magistrates and BBC en bloc licence fee prosecution attempts?
Ironically with women the main victims but this time OK by them.
Funny old world, at least via that unique BBC prism.
Luckily they have the ‘right’ kind of lawyers, a lot of them, and all the money ever required to get the law to see things the way of those best funded.
I’ve been listening the BBC Radio 4 *Today* programme, and unless you caught the news summaries (one line summaries) you wouldn’t have known there was an election in Newark yesterday would you? The silence speaks volumes.
Tweet from the BBC’s Norman Smith:
Defeated @ukip candidate Roger Helmer tells me he is happy with the support he got from Nigel “2 visit” Farage during #newark by election
Is it just me, or is that a disrespectful way to refer to Nigel Farage?
Was that Norman “left wing” Smith?
See. We can all do that, Mr Smith.
Judging by some of his tweets, he doesn’t seem to like UKIP much:
Tweets by BBCNormanS
In particular:
“Are they English cherries ?” Asks UKIP man at #newark market. Er….no. They’re Spanish.
I wonder if he’d have shared that with us if it had been ‘Labour man’ asking the question…
Our Norm clearly sees twitter as the way forward to mash-up selected facts with “quotes” and call the result ‘analysis’.
It will be interesting if he starts referring to Ed “SaviourofBBCfunding” Miliband once he can start campaigning for the Labour Party again after Newark’s little unpleasantness blows over.
It has been said before but the BBC just do irony, do they?
Russian propaganda machine ‘worse than Soviet Union’
By Bridget Kendall Diplomatic correspondent, BBC News
‘The sheer volume of different state controlled channels is overwhelming.’
‘All glossy and well funded, each with their own slightly different but ultimately similar versions of the news – hours of slick, punchy and emotionally charged reports….’
Well, to be honest I’m not so sure the BBC is quite so ‘slick’ these days.
At least our Briget fairly nails her colours to the mast and more than hints on whose side she is on.: ‘….what worries the liberal intelligentsia…..’
‘So the question is – how long will this new patriotic conservative mood in Russia last?’
BBC : Damned the patriotic conservatives, long live the liberal intelligentsia!
How many reporters have the BBc got in France? I notice the BBc breakfast weather forecaster was forecasting from HMS Belfast. Brief mention of the Newark by election and playing down of UKIPs results.
What happened to the BBC and Drearybyshire/Toady “womans hour”
style reporting … on this story?
woman sentenced to death Sudan?
Excute her! … whoa! …
bro, thanks for the support.
“Execute her”? One would almost think that Islam had a death penalty for apostasy. And in fact, it does. Muhammad commanded: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57), and the alleged “numerous verses in the Koran” that “guarantee freedom of belief” … have not prevented all the sects of Islam and all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite, from teaching that apostates should be killed.”
Probably this has taken up the column inches.
Israel plans new settlement homes
“The government’s policy is moving us towards one state”
and “political mistake”
“Drop in rape convictions targeted”
Ok, to start with, that headline is misleading. It makes it sound as if the target is to lower the number of rape convictions. In fact, what they’re saying is that there HAS been a drop and they want to amend this. Ok, fine, but at no point is it even entertained within the article that perhaps the reason for the statistical drop last year was because…oh, I don’t know, maybe the defendants who weren’t convicted were NOT GUILTY? Seriously, it’s not even challenged that perhaps a 60% conviction rate is representative of the number of cases where the accused can actually be proven to have done it. By the tone of this article you’d think anyone taken to trial is guilty by default, in which case there wouldn’t be a need for a trial in the first place! But then, this is the BBC, where men are paradoxically both useless and overly powerful, and women are (again, contradictorily) both superior and yet somehow constantly victimised and in need of white knight treatment by – you guessed it – self-loathing male liberals and sexist feminazis.
I know it might be clutching at straws since at no point does it flat-out say anything about how guilt should be assumed, nor does it seem to really mention gender. But again, bias is not confined to what’s said, it’s also about what’s deliberately excluded. The fact that the BBC almost never reports on female domestic violence perpetrators, female sex offenders, male sex offence victims, white hate crime victims, etc. (or does its best to use weasel words as in the Lee Rigby case) and in this instance never so much as entertains the idea that a one-year drop might either be a blip or just a case of fewer guilty defendants, nor do they find anyone to make this argument themselves even though it should be common sense to anyone who’s ever heard of a “trial” that the whole reason for having one is to determine guilt by examining evidence, not to confirm it in cases already decided. The report is not overtly sexist in tone but, given the BBC’s other output and sympathy towards the more extreme aspects of feminism and the casual misandry they permit in much of their programming and reports, it’s pretty clear that what they’re basically saying is that all suspects charged with rape (all of whom, in BBC-land, are most likely male and targeting female victims, despite crime figures not backing either of these things up) should be assumed guilty, because obviously nobody has ever lied about being assaulted even though it’s happened again and again and again thanks to accuser anonymity.
Even if you don’t accept that, the fact that it’s taken as a given that a drop in convictions is a failure in the system for not getting them convicted, when it could just as easily be a failure in taking innocent suspects to trial stage that rightly gets acquitted by a jury, is incredibly worrying. This sort of thinking and demand for constant increases in conviction rates will most likely do two of three things it shouldn’t – it will result in evidence being either tampered or having its importance exaggerated to juries in the hopes they’ll find the defendant guilty on a falsehood, and/or it will result in police only seeking trials in cases where there’s almost guaranteed to result in a conviction, both of which are dangerous paths to go down and you’d be naive to think this wouldn’t happen on at least some scale (it already has on a few occasions). The obvious, and completely unavoidable result of either of these, is an increased prison population that is already teetering on the brink. Either that, or judges will simply give many new convicts ridiculously lenient sentences and some potentially dangerous people will be let out before they should. This is not some outlandish fear-driven histrionic, this is just the natural evolution of what’s already happening within our criminal justice system as long as people continue to judge things purely on numbers and don’t ever think about the possible reasons behind their changes beyond “it must be good/bad because screw you I’m a politician,” and the BBC has played a big part in this by letting this way of thinking go completely unchallenged and even in several instances endorsing it.
Cue the Three Musketrolls coming up with some banal, utterly juvenile straw man bullshit and ad hominem playground nonsense to ignore every point I’ve made and delude themselves into thinking the BBC is still an impartial broadcaster.
Hmm… I wonder if there’s any sort of connection between the BBC’s view that men acquitted of rape have “got away with it” and the editor of BBC News’s fondness for the #ibelieveher hashtag, eh? (Rhetorical question).

Still got a job has she? There’s a surprise
Her picture makes me want to punch her.
No man who hits a woman, no matter what the provocation, can call himself a man afterwards.
No, you destroy their confidence by constantly criticising their looks and what they are wearing. That’s the way to defeat women …
Better still, Twittercide by beeboid churnalists should be highlighted as often as possible. Let her own vacuous words destroy any credibility she may claim to have.
Maybe she get get re-re-assigned? Again.
At this rate, she’ll end up as DG.
Danny “Quotas” Cohen will be over the moon.
Stuff the BBC never reports on ..
The fighting in the Crimea – there isn’t any since Russia annexed it.
The fighting in Sri Linka – there isn’t any since the Tamil Tigers were defeated,
Suicide bombings in Israel – there aren’t any since the ‘wall’ was built.
The BBC is maybe unhappy with the causes of this non news, but peace isn’t noteworthy it seems.
Stuff the BBC never reports on ..
What would such a non-news report look like? “No suicide bombers in Israel yet again today. Nor were there any sightings of the Loch Ness monster, nor did my cat rise from the dead as one of the living update. Your next update on things that didn’t happen in Israel same time tomorrow. See you then.”
News reporting is about reporting things that did happen, not going through a list of things that didn’t.
If Nessie had been seen most months then they built a fence and it was never seen again that would be news. Especially if Nessies were out and about elsewhere in the world like Eastern Ukraine and Nigeria causing mayhem.
‘News reporting is about reporting things that did happen, not going through a list of things that didn’t.’
You’d think, and A. Newsroom Tealady often lectures on what is and is not news.
The thing is the BBC is pretty interesting in how this gets decided (reasons FOI-exempted).
Actually BBC Watch is well worth staying on top of for missiles coming one way in the ME that are not news, and anything going back that clears schedules.
Equally Newark, where the trashing of UKIP to second place by the blessed Tories was high on the agenda, with little if any mention much less analysis of how two other parties fared at all.
Meanwhile, of vital import to the BBC and hence the viewers it so ably represents, the country is treated as priority to:
“Nun wins Italy’s The Voice”
Indeed this did happen.
As always, your contribution adds valuable insight to the mindsets at play in some quarters.
With luck the demands of family, friends and what looks like nice weekend weather will see the shift restricted to those even less able to construct a coherent defence of BBC best practice.