A Point of View: Taking England back to the Dark Ages
I am not sure that it’s just a coincidence that Switzerland is one of the more reactionary and anti-immigrant nations in Europe.
My view is that we need fewer borders, not more. That’s why the European Union makes sense to me. I worry that if we were to go back to historical precedent for the basis of our political units, we would end up fighting medieval battles, not with bows and arrows, but with immigration rules and tax regimes. In the 21st Century, surely it’s time to celebrate what unites us, not what divides us. If we are ever to overcome the problem of climate change, we think globally and act globally. I do love the idea of bringing back the heptarchy, both because I think smaller countries work better, but also because I love traditions. But, proud as I am to be an East Anglian, I think I am first and foremost a human being.
Geddit? ‘Taking England back to the Dark Ages’ by closing the borders, leaving Europe and creating little nation states.
A good trick by the BBC using a ‘point of view’ to smuggle in blatantly prejudiced and biased rhetoric to promote its favoured subjects.
I give in!
This is worth watching.
Betrayed: th-eu-nit.com Operation Paul Revere InfoWars.com Contest entry
I wonder if young master Shakespeare is on some kind of performance related pay?
It’s hard not to read his ill-considered tripe without wondering if he got an extra 10p per word for every Guardian-approved target he could hit.
And tomorrow we’ll have Frederick Forysth’s counterview?
No, I thought not…
Tear it down.
A soon as I hear/read the word ‘celebrate’ I reach for my Lee-Enfield.
‘Taking England back to the Dark Ages’
That headline would come in useful when describing the “enrichment” of certain Birmingham schools.
The BBC covers its back by passing this off as the personal opinion of the writer. I’m sure a diversity of opinions is welcomed and not just monoculture.
“The BBC covers its back by passing this off as the personal opinion of the writer”
Was it introduced with one of those special ‘views my own’ disclaimers they issue to twitter propagandists under their banner too?
Never heard the term before, but it does describe what is attempted, and too often permitted, and hence prevails and spreads, well:
“merely has to say “If this event proceeds, we’ll go bananas” to get it closed down”
Seems there’s a version for forums too.
Amazing, that of all the subjects, factual subjects at that, that could warrant a *group think* to highlight a global political/social need for change, Climate Change was chosen. The Far Left have their religion don’t they and preached to us everyday by the BBC.
It will be interesting which points of view, or matters of fact, the nation’s broadcast monopoly takes its lead from…
from East Anglia so doubt isn’t affected by the mass immigration that Labour forced on this country. Put this person in one of the East London estates and watch his opinion change in two seconds flat
That is simply a recipe for divide and conquer, so that the peons, (you and me), can be ruled over by a global dictatorship. It is calling for a British surrender to a foreign oligarchy.
Tom Shakespeare ticks all of the BBC’s boxes. That ‘Point of View’ was one of the worst that has ever been broadcast. His main theme was that he wants completely open borders. The man’s a fool. He even got in a bit about the urgency of tackling global warming. Ye Gods!
Medieval battles? I wonder which ones he had in mind because he really doesn’t have a clue about history, and it’s just a word which sounds good.
The medieval period lasting roughly from 1066 until the end of the wars of the roses in 1485.
During this period much of Europe was united in battle against the menace of Islam, in countries of Europe such as Sicily, Spain, and the threat to Constantinople. They also fought against the forces occupying Jerusalem.
Other wars were internal, or territorial disputes such as Henry V’s was against France to win back his Angevin empire, lost to him by the weakness of the simpleton Henry VI.
This was not a period of constant foreign adventures, war was a costly business and Monarchs could easily lose the support of the people if they spent too much, and if weakened by war, they could risk invasion from a foreign power.
If it’s a period of wars you want then the period from 1700 – 1945 is much more fertile ground – it just doesn’t sound as good to the uneducated ear !
Surely, heptarchy is exactly what we had in the dark ages, so he is arguing that we must go back to the dark ages, in order to avoid slipping back into the dark ages.
Clearly the man is a prat.
Betrayed: th-eu-nit.com Operation Paul Revere InfoWars.com Contest entry
Let’s not be quick to criticise the BBC. We must give them time to allow a guest to write with an opposing view.
How long shall we give them? Is infinity short enough?
‘Fighting Climate Change’ is guaranteed to take us back to The Dark Ages, literally and metaphorically.
Interesting the author conflates ‘Climate Change’ and open borders, though – Agenda 21 at its most stark bollock naked. But then, the BBC would have known that before inviting him to share his opinion with the British people, who rely on the Corporation for 70% of their news and current affairs coverage.
This blog seems to be trolling the “England is not a nation” trope, I think…
I love how diverse the invited contributors to ‘A point of view’ are – we have a really wide spectrum of opinion represented, such as leftists, environmentalists, progressives, greens, liberals, radicals, minority spokespeople, public sector quangoists, Europhiles, nuclear disarmers, artists, comedians, metropolitans.
A real cross-section of society, don’t you think?
Reads like the passenger manifest for the ‘B’ Ark.
Anything just so long as its anti British and pro EU!
Anti-English more like; we never get articles explaining how Wales or Scotland are not “real nations”, or calling for those nations to be carved up into regions.