As has been pointed out to me, the BBC is leading its WORLD NEWS this evening as I write this at 22.31pm with Labour’s demand that Theresa May MUST apologise re the Gove spat. Now I am sure this may change and the link will be out of date but here is the screenshot that indicates a certain…shall we say…. BIAS?
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“Gunmen attack Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport” is top now….
Ahhhhhhh…..Islam, the gift that just keeps on giving.
They are warming up for the unspeakable NUT Blowers woman on AQ or QT or whichever Dimblebum leftfest she is scheduled on this week.
I don’t see how it’s any of the Labour Party’s business.
It’s a private dispute between two colleagues. In some circles, the Labour Party would be told to f off and mind their own business!
And in a properly run news organisation the Labourites would be being grilled over A/ How many Asian immigrants they allowed in to create the problem and B/ Why they allowed Islamism to grow unchecked and unhindered throughout their administration.
But, instead, we get Labour spin doctors’ talking points obediently regurgitated at every opportunity.
And to think, we get commenters on ths blog so stark staring mad that they claim the BBC is unbiased.
Unfortunately, I have a confession to make, I am still paying a couple of Licence Taxes to sustain this bias.
It so gripes me at every monthly DDR that I am forced to pay for something which constantly attempts to undermine the core values of my country.
I know the obvious answer is to not watch it any more, but I do like watching some of the BBC and other channels.
DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik ?
A bit like the BBC, really.
I watch very little TV at all these days but still pay the licence fee to avoid the heavies coming round. (I know there are a lot of answers like, “don’t open the door” etc., but when you’re over 70 and in ill health I no longer have the spirit for prolonged battles.)
The *ONLY* satisfaction I get is that I pay once a year using my credit card and receive cash back for this purchase. Obviously the BBC will received (slightly) less using this method and it must irk their system because they are forever inviting me to go the Direct Debit route. No thank you.
Having just moved house the very first letter we received was a TV license demand. Not a coincidence they have access to council data on who’s moved in or out of the area. Missus has paid it already although I feel a strike coming on next year…
Nothing to see here, move along eh? haha, what’s good for the goose Vance?
Clicked like on this personal attack by mistake.
When the BBC bias is so obvious it is helpful as it can draw peoples attention and to be alert for more subtle bias elsewhere.
Yesterday R4 news running a ‘spike’ piece on Trojan Horse concluded that the question is whether Gove’s department or May’s was to blame for not stopping it earlier! Forgetting that it is this government which has acted, that Muslims are culpable, that Labour failed to act and that the Labour local authority says there is no problem.
And Labour started it happening, facilitated it’s rise, assisted those now ‘of concern’…the only problem for the current government – being rightly held to account by our noble public broadcasting behemoth – didn’t stamp on it earlier.
This is the BBC trying to think it can use any – dare I say it – ‘anti-Muslim’ feeling to damage the Conservative Party.
The Islamification of these schools is exactly the same as the paedophile attacks on young girls in State Care.
The race and religion of the perpetrators was more important than the rights of the victims. Local authorities (mainly Labour) were loath to intervene lest they be accused of race discrimination and damaging community cohesion. Bearing in mind at all times, that racism is the worst crime that can be perpetrated in this country.
Islam is not a race.
Muslims are found in all races, just as are Christians, Buddhists and Jews.
That’s true. But since most Muslims are brown-skinned, criticising Islam is conflated with racism and is, therefore, unacceptable.
Are not most Christians brown skinned too? Yet with this in mind it seems one can criticise Christianity with impunity. More of those double standards we have become accustomed to
Like so many other issues which laboru messed up when in power, and the tories have tackled in power, the fact that the tories are tackling a problem is then reported as a tory problem and the tories are assigned blame for it.
A classic example being the telephone hacking scandal. This being a scandal which happened under a labour government in labour supporting newspapers, overlooked by a Met Police which at the time was run by labour supporting commissioner when the labour leadership, Murdoch and his executives, Blair, Campbell and the Met police commissioner were all very very closely working together in creating, executing avoiding investigating and reporting the same agendas.
It was a 100% labour scandal, which the tories have tackled, yet the BBC have only ever reported on it from the perspective of blaming Cameron, because he employed an Ex NotW executive as his press advisor.
Miliband also employs an ex NotW executive as a press advisor too and still does to this day. Funny how labour and the BBC do not consider this to be a scandal.
It is unbelievably Liebour’s business because it looks like they will soon officially/unofficially coalesce with the unConservatives. Libcon!
In my occasional dips into Today this morning, all I heard was wall to wall “spokesmen” for those who reckon there`s not enough Islamic extremism in Birmingham-that we`re making much ado about nothing-and that vulnerable Muslims will now get all radical because we`
In my occasional dips into Today this morning, all I heard was wall to wall “spokesmen” for those who reckon there`s not enough Islamic extremism in Birmingham-that we`re making much ado about nothing-and that vulnerable Muslims will now get all radical because we`re getting at them by daring to ask just what is going on.
Heard George Galloways old handmaiden from Respect..doing a Fiona Millar…and plenty from Blunkett-who can`t possibly see what is going on anyway.
S`pose there`s no chance of someone who supports the notion of clearing Islamic indoctrination out of state schools now is there?…dare we dream even of a Government spokesman to tell us why they`re doing what they`re doing?
Nah-just the BBCs favoured lefties and Islamic con artists-how the hell are we allowing this abuse of the airwaves?
Yes, the BBC sounded determined to spike the contents of the report before it was published.
The BBC approach may well be to spin this as: “Tories in meltdown with report attacked by school Trust.”
That’s a combination of Tory weakness and the Trust attacking (as opposed to the Trust on the defence.)