Incredible really, the BBC spent £300,000 covering up the findings of the Balen Report which was an important and revealing investigation into the BBC’s journalism in the Middle East but it is happy to tell us of the inner workings of the BBC press operation, the backroom politicking and media gladhanding that went on during the political bunfight between the Gove and May camps.
Theresa May and Michael Gove: How the political storm broke
Believe me, when special advisers call you at 1.30am you know you’ve got a story on your hands.
It is an outbreak provoked by a genuine policy disagreement about extremism – and about the future outlook, and leadership, of the Conservative Party when Mr Cameron is no longer in charge.
For the BBC this saga is all about the Westminster politics and a chance to put the boot into the Conservatives and a timely opportunity to float the idea that Cameron may be on his way out.
And although Chris Mason notes that this farce revolves around a disagreement about ‘extremism’ the BBC seems remarkably reluctant to actually investigate the issues surrounding that and to actually seek to define what any definition of extremism might include.
Even in this long report specifically related to the subject and the fact of an argument about that very definition the BBC doesn’t get near to defining extremism merely giving a general overview:
May and Gove in row over extremism in schools
“They argued about how to define extremism. Mr Gove has long argued that Whitehall is too soft on extremism; that it only confronts people once they’ve turned to violence; that you should ‘drain the swamp’ and not wait for ‘the crocodiles to reach the boat’.
But what did a narrow or broad definition consist of? Kind of important but possibly too inflammatory should the broad definition include too much censure of Islam for the BBC’s liking.
Why the BBC concentrates on the mechanics of the argument and not the content is a mystery.
There must be disagreements every day in government about policy, especially between the coalition partners and yet the BBC reports this as if it were the apocalypse.
This story only blew up because a special advisor with the hots for the man Gove criticised went ballistic and began making highly inflammatory and inaccurate statements to journalists and went on to release May’s letter to Gove.
The BBC, amongst others, lapped up her revelations and reported them as credible, authentic insider comments from a ‘Home Office source’.
‘A Home Office source told the BBC “he was trying to make it someone else’s problem”.
Those around Mr Gove pointed out it was his view that for over a generation there had been a reluctance in Whitehall to confront extremism unless it developed into terrorism – and his criticism did not relate specifically to the current home secretary.
But a Home Office source was blunt, telling the BBC: “The Department for Education is responsible for schools, the Home Office is not.”
“They have got a problem and they are trying to make it someone else’s problem,” the source added.’
But as you can see from this and from the quote below the Home Office is responsible for tackling extremism in schools and proactively sought control:
“At the meeting he argued for a broader definition. Mrs May, for a narrower one. She won.”
The BBC’s political reporters must know that and yet eagerly reported the words of the spad claiming that Gove had dodged his responsibilities and failed to do his duty whilst passing the buck.
Only a year to go till the election.
What surprised me most about this was that the BBC agenda Top Trumps were in a different order than I imagined: anti Conservative trumps even ‘Muslim’.
The BBC is happy to make an issue of how politicians blame each other , just as long as they don’t have to deal with the very real issue that is at stake ie the incitement to racism of children that is occurring in some Birmingham school classrooms. It seems that the BBC just can’t get their head round the idea that children can be taught to hate. . The song writer Rogers in 1956 understood this when he included the controversial song at the time ” You’ve got to be taught to hate ” in the musical South Pacific.
‘There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.’ The BBC to a T.
Lets not forget that as far as MSM (including the BBC) are concerned, there are three things that “sell”. Conflict, controversy (or scandal) and anything to do with the Royal Family.
In this instance, two of the three apply and as an added bonus as far as the BBC is concerned there is the chance to dish it to the Tories as well.
The reports aren’t even out yet (at the time of writing this), but even so the BBC are heavily trying to influence people’s views in their reporting. This link would suggest that the issue has been around a while and doesn’t seem to be exclusive to Birmingham.
“Don’t dismiss this Tory feud – it’s protecting a swamp full of medieval Islam fanatics: TOBY YOUNG gives parents a stark warning of the threat facing our children.”
Read more:
The concluding sentence from Michael GOVE’s book, ‘Celsius 7/7’:-
“But unless we show that we are serious about defeating the forces that have encouraged Islamist terrorism, then the Islamic terrorists will have many opportunities in the future to prove just how serious they are about using force to defeat us.”
The Huffington Post UK’s ‘Political Director’ Mehdi Hasan has used his outlet today to compare British Secretary of State Michael Gove to terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, in yet another disturbing insight into the mind of Hasan.
Breitbart London yesterday noted Mehdi’s previous comments caught on tape, as well as his ineptitude as the ‘Political Director’ of Arianna Huffington’s faltering UK endeavour.
In his column today, Hasan – who has used the derogatory label “kaffir” for non-Muslims, as well as calling them “people of no intelligence” and “cattle” – juxtaposes Secretary of State Michael Gove (a man he publicly praised just four years ago) with the Norwegian terrorist who killed 77 people in 2011.
“Huffington Post’s Mehdi Hasan: ‘An Islamic supremacist and apologist for Shia imperialism; an Islamist facilitator and enabler'”
By Robert Spencer.
At least he didn’t compare him to Mohammad
A well documented paedophile, mass murderer & rapist.
“Michael Gove book offers clue to Trojan horse row and his views on Islamism.
“Celsius 7/7, published in the aftermath of the London bombings, provides insights into political outlook of education secretary.”
Beeboids should note:-
“Labour’s radical schools hypocrisy”
By Douglas Murray.
I can only assume the 5000-odd journalists enjoying the generous pay and conditions at the BBC think reading The Spectator is beyond their remit, otherwise they would be challenging the likes of Ed Byrne (on TWatO today) about the Labour record on addressing Islamic fundamentalism in schools, such as their funding of this group.
Or maybe there’s another reason….
Well the Chief Inspector of Schools has issued a damning report on Muslim interference in the Birmingham schools and Sky interviewed two female students who confirmed that segregation of sexes and a pro Muslim syllabus is in place. Lets see how the BBC counter (as they surely will) the Ofsted findings.
Their strategy has emerged. The story is the spat between Gove and May and the Ofsted report on islamization of schools is secondary.
“ialamization” ….!! have I made that word up ?
“The story is the spat..”
One is sure the resident home page monitor will confirm or deny this to be possible.
Just had a wee gander and nothing much to be seen on the whole issue at all. Seems 24hrs is a long time in inconvenient politics.
I did notice a story about a homophobic attack though.
Helpfully, it advises that the culprits were those unbiquitous BBC ‘men’.
Given the targets of such violence do seem skewed to homosexuals and/or women, one may wonder at what point any organisation with significant proportions of both on their roster may need to confront certain realities that in turn could present dilemmas.
“….may need to confront certain realities …” And therein lies the problem, their realities lie in the ether of their own agenda.
By leading with this headline on their news website:
Ofsted says schools were targeted
That’s another BiasedBBC theory bites the dust then.
Read the article plonker.
Another example of the BBC wriggling and writhing in desperation, trying to deflect from something they downplayed from the start.
Instead of “Trojan Horse: Schools were targeted” it’s “Trojan Horse: Ofsted says schools were targeted”
It even inserts “Trojan Horse claims” in the first paragraph.
I really have no more time to waste on someone as dim as you.
“Instead of “Trojan Horse: Schools were targeted” it’s “Trojan Horse: Ofsted says schools were targeted”
How is that the BBC ‘wriggling and writhing in desperation’? The latest development in this story IS the Ofsted report into it, hence why it features in the headline. It is not trying to deflect anything, merely providing the relevant information, i.e. that this is what Ofsted is saying.
The article also features far more of Sir Michael Wilshaw’s criticisms that it does of the counter-arguments.
And Benedick’s point still stands; if the BBC were trying to downplay it why is it still the top story on the BBC news page?
Mr Arnold, by whom were the schools targeted?
‘another BiasedBBC theory’
If you, somewhat generically, say so.
Better yet, if rather untrue to form, the sub-editor has not stuck it in those funky “quotes” usually so beloved.
So there we have it, a pretty massive, hard to ignore, actual news story, portrayed free of narrative enhancement, at least in headline treatment.
And there you are to bring it to the attention of one and all, albeit rare to the point of unique.
It will be interesting how long it stays up.
Here’s the link:
Surely A. Newsroom Tealady will oblige with how long before it ceases to be top or even news and morphs into ‘analysis’ (my ‘that’s what they call it, anyway’ quotes).
Interestingly, along with the sad demise of Rik Mayall, the page also has this:
‘The company that manages the flats has not yet explained why they put them in.’
It will be interesting if the story evolves to include this hardly irrelevant context in complement:
This would appear not to be a rare feature.
Might be interesting to see where else these devices have cropped up and if it’s around any high-dudgeon BBC staff-bunkers or gated communities. If they are, I bet they vanish PDQ now. Or by now squads of competing tribal pols & media are roaming the streets looking for a worse #2wrongs to punt out before the other guys diss them first. Jasmine is probably laying out Claymores around UKIP’s HQ.
‘A Labour spokesperson says:
“The Labour Party is a tenant at this address and does not have control over external alterations made by the building’s owner.”’
You know when the spokesweasels get dragged out anonymously they are not happy.
Still, if it’s good enough for the BBC…
Interesting how the BBC are playing the role of OFSTED in this Trojan Horse farrago.
It was only a few weeks back when Gove was accused of “politicising” OFSTED by not letting one of Blairs babes(long gone rancid, but there you go), stay on as OFSTED sandbag.
Just as well she wasn`t able to look the other way throughout the last few weeks.
And now that OFSTED has found that Islam is running amok by stealth in our second cities staffrooms, union halls and council offices?…well they`re obviously not political enough in shilling for Anjem, because the BBC has to bat for Islam-and Gove seems to have been right after all.
Typical BBC-OFSTED are useful only if it`s the BBC-approved “political interference” that they choose to do.
Vulnerable Muslims as ever…
BBC : Much ado about nothing?
More like : ‘Loves Labour and Lost’
Ah, the Diary of Chris Mason Aged 13 3/4. Surely nobody takes what the boy says seriously.