‘It seems to me that progressive, reasonable, pacific and prosperous states – like the Nordic countries, or Switzerland or New Zealand – tend to be less than 10 million people. That’s almost intimate, for a nation. Citizens of smaller countries feel pride and connection. The population is small enough to have deliberative public policy, which takes account of local needs. The health service and the education service seem less distant from everyday lives. Folk feel more involved and valued. I can imagine how Scotland might achieve that, with only five million.’
A. The author is linking being ‘progressive’ with being ‘reasonable, pacific and prosperous’. I’m pretty sure that by ‘progressive’ he means left-wing.
B. The author is painting an attractive picture of Scottish independence. I hope that the BBC soon publishes an article which shows the downsides of independence.
C. The author makes a good case for reducing immigration, although I’d be amazed if that was his intention!
For balanced, he goes on to say:
When citizens think at the level of their immediate community, they fail to see the common interest that they share with others in their wider society, so they reject that hostel for recovering drug addicts. They tend to be more short term than long term in their analysis, so they reject those wind turbines.
But of course! Who wouldn’t want a drug hostel opening in their neighborhood, or to have a local beauty spot defaced by a wind turbine?
That guy is arguing for heptocracy, which is what we had in the dark ages, so he is arguing for a return to the dark ages in order to avoid returning to the dark ages. Such are the bizarre convolutions in logic which people have to revert to in order to defend their calls for a vile “divide and conquer” agenda of defeating the English without a shot being fired.
He wants the English to pre-emptively surrender to a foreign entity (the EU) without us ever being defeated in war. The legal definition for such surrender is Treason.
It was Treason. Accordingly, much of the legislation regarding Treason was removed by the Blair regime as soon as it gained power in 1997. They did not want to leave themselves open to legal action in the future.
Only the death penalty was removed under the Blair government, by an amendment to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (a generally objectionable Act which also introduced into law the notion of racially or religiously aggravated offenses) proposed by Lord Archer of Sandwell.
A Swedish gentleman wrote a comment on the Gates of Vienna Blog, he wanted Putin to invade and take over Sweden since the Swedish ruling elites are doing their utmost to abolish the country by bringing in millions of Third Worlders.
Race Hustler Jesse Jackson on Swedish Television ” Sweden is destined to become multiracial and multicultural, that’s part of the new world order.” The Swedish Eloi behind him clap and cheer him.
I’d suggest that muslims are insane because they are fed insanity from an early age, but what is the reason that so many Westerners, non-muslims are also insane; what excuse do they have to do what they are doing?
Who else can remember seeing the HIGNFY , [ when it was comedy & not propaganda ] episode when Ian Hislop asked Jimmy Saville what he did in his caravan parked at the BBC , & Saville said something like ” anyone I can get my hands on “.
This was about year 2000 , but it proved that what he was doing was common knowledge at the BBC .
Well , just recently I read that the BBC are now claiming that it never happened , & was a faked video that appeared on the Internet trying to implicate them .
So is my memory bad & I never saw it on the Television , or is this more lying & propaganda by the BBC .
Will Labour Party (and INBBC) apologise for its campaigning for open-door, mass immigration into UK from Islamic countries?
“‘Hellfire’ Muslim teachers at ‘Trojan Horse’ school warned six-year-olds about ‘white prostitutes.’
“Oldknow Academy in Birmingham allegedly used hate terms in assemblies.
“Leaked report reveals concerns from teachers over extremism.
“At one stage a teacher was said to have lead pupils in anti-Christian chants.
“Head teacher Bhupinder Kondal has allegedly been pushed out by takeover.”
“One Rule for Islamists and Another for Everyone Else?
It’s not Fair, it’s not British and it’s a Recipe for Disaster.”
By James Delingpole.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“How long do you think a white teacher would last in a British primary school if he were to tell his class of seven-year olds that all non-Christians were ‘filthy heathens’? Or if he referred to black people using the ‘n-word’? Or he accused all Muslims of being frustrated terrorists?
“Not very long, I expect. The story would be a national scandal, with politicians promising to root out this disgraceful attitude wherever they found it, with earnest, handwringing Guardian editorials about the prevalence of racism in modern Britain, and a soundbite from the Prime Minister himself on Channel 4 News reassuring viewers how personally repellant he found the whole appalling business.
“So how come for one particular minority the rules are different? ”
Just listening to Your Call on R5L. Subject: the Trojan Horse plot.
Needless to say, everyone who has phoned in thinks the allegations are nonsensical, “racist” and anti-Muslim. Not a single dissenting voice, as far as I can tell. The actual substance of the Ofsted report has barely been mentioned – all reporting seems to be based on denying that its contents (curious silence on this point) have any value. Just heard the news roundup: “The Head of Park View, one of the schools named in the Trojan horse report, denies the allegations, blah, blah, blah..” (paraphrasing). That’s pretty much it. Nothing to see here, move along please.
You should have pretended to be a muslim, called yourself Abdul, covered the telephone mouthpiece with a handkerchief and put on a silly Arab accent ” I want Nicki , how you say, British people are all waaycist !! ” I’m guessing you would have got on, probably get a whole programme devoted to yourself.
The assistant head of Park View would appear to be one of those socialist worker members who have infiltrated the NUT and who are subverting education in Britain today. He even has “proudred” on his twitter nonsense, that’s code for screaming loony far lefty. Expect him to be on the BBC every day now. No wonder this Marxist clown “rejects” the report by Sir Michael Wilshaw, a man who is a breath of fresh air at Ofsted.
Here’s what he thinks:
Wilshaw is known for his outspoken manner and hard-line style that has its source in the earlier days of his career with his disciplinarian approach. In December 2011, before starting the Ofsted post, he said “If anyone says to you that ‘staff morale is at an all-time low’ you will know you are doing something right.” In his first major speech as Chief Inspector in February 2012 he said “We have tolerated mediocrity for too long.” At an education conference at Brighton College in May 2012 he proclaimed that teachers are not stressed, adding that head teachers needed reminding what stress really was. In June 2013, he said that state schools were not nurturing their brightest students, and that this was “an issue of national concern”.
I foresee a very early closure, and perhaps deletion, if too many comments like this get through:
3 Minutes ago
Yet again, a twisted fear of causing offence to an offensive group of people has allowed them operate at will, subverting and attacking what the rest of us think of as normal civic order.
It’s time to get the gloves off, we’re in a fight against extremism, the time for softly-softly is over. These radical elements must not be allowed to enforce their perverted views on anyone.
Dear oh dear, that article is so depressing. Leads you to wonder how widespread the practice of aggressive Muslim ‘governors’ forcing their Islamic agendas on schools actually is.
‘I foresee a very early closure, and perhaps deletion, if too many comments like this get through’
Possibly complemented by the ongoing psycho’s carnival that threads from most BBC FaceBook posts (esp. World News)
If they even mention this topic there I see things getting ‘interesting’ (in the Chinese sense).
I may just fire up the old page capture icon as no one does hate like loyal BBC FB commenters.
For now they seem to be erring on the side of caution, with poetry (not Vogon)… https://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews
‘I foresee a very early closure’ 1528. Kdav
2 HOURS AGO 1. ssurfer5963
So that’s a total of 6 hrs, almost exactly during working hours and before anyone on normal hours gets near home.
Wonder what the 3rd and 5th (plus others) most popular said that we’ll never know about?
The BBC 5live – Your Call schools -snap inspections ok or not.
This ambiguously obtuse basis for debate, is talking about “Trojan Horse” schools, Islamic extremism, without mentioning either.
Fewer calls than normal, Panto, Phil Mackie, propaganda speeches from “Trojan Horse” governors, etc etc.
The “Your call” inquisition is particularly sharp this morning,
to vet you for the show, I called in myself over this unending narrative …
What do I think about, Hindu schools, Evangelical schools? about a possible witchunt in Bham?
HELLO, what about them? … these are not faith schools?
the issue is Islamic totalitarianism in ordinary schools.
Is Ofsted overreacting then … for crying out loud, you can blame Ofsted, Ministers, local government, waycism, the fairy story of “Islamofauxbia” , maybe I m a terrible chap for even mentioning it?, victimisation?
This doesn’t t detract one iota from what has been going on, and why?
Why is one of the ringleaders, of the plot himself an Ofsted inspector?, is this guy vetting high muslim percentage schools? … very, very problematic.
This shows a dangerous and subversive WIDER issue, you have teachers, governors, inspectors, imams imported into the schools, and indeed a large percentage of the parents?
trying to blockade the school.
Two reports on murderous Islamic jihadists’ attack at Karachi airport.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Pakistan: Islamic jihadists with automatic weapons and grenades attack Karachi airport; all flights suspended”
By Robert Spencer.
“Pakistan is a failed state with a government full of supporters of jihad terror. This kind of attack nonetheless comes most likely because the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has vowed to wage jihad until Pakistan becomes a Sharia state. It is already a Sharia state in virtually every way, but the TTP is going to keep on murdering people until that tiny 1% of Pakistani life that is not fully Islamized is completely eradicated.”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report-
By M. Ilyas Khan in Islamabad, and by Riaz Sohail, BBC Urdu, in Karachi, who between them, use the favourite INBBC euphemism, ‘militants,’: NINE times; and the word ‘jihadists’:NONE.
“Taliban claim deadly attack on Karachi airport”
Well I guess where I am would return to being Northumbria! The idea of restoring the Heptarchy isn’t so bad just let’s not do it because a Grauniad journalist has suggested it!
BBC radio news is literally awash, with indignant Muslim spokesman and Beebots, blaming everyone else, for problematic action/teaching/proselytising in Bham schools?.
Over 500 complaints, from parents, teachers, heads, ex governors to be expanded now to over 100 schools, from Bradford to Luton (according to news today) ?.
All we get is pneumatic re runs of fauxhocked Governors speeches? … lots of inferences of victimisation, waycism, and Islamofauxbia … insidious obfuscation to pull in disadvantaged children, or run down areas, beleaguered community, or any other number of diversionary nonsense.
Salford on high alert? … from Toady, Panto/Your Call, Sheela Foglegity, Jeremy Whine next? .
Where are the voices, of an opposing view? … that a much higher percentage of listeners are in agreement with?.
That’s a very good point although I’d change ‘be taught’ to ‘learn’. Considering the left are addicted to the belief that all behaviour is nurture not nature they seem a bit reluctant to admit this.
Yes, and whilst I will not be able to listen I imagine it will be along the same lines as Drearyshire talking about sporting matters.
In this last week I have heard her talk and conduct interviews on various subjects such as Rooney’s best playing position, and the effects of concussion in sport (2 or 3 times)
Whilst that second subject is important, it has demonstrated her lack of knowledge and understanding of sporting matters.
The liberals with their usual lack of common sense and perspective will play to form over the Birmingham schools matter.
They ,and the appalling liberal media, will just not understand that the damage has been done. It is irreversible.
The non Muslim parents in the whole area will get the message loud and clear.
These schools are not for our children. Which is what some people really want.
This will particularly apply to the children of indigenous parents. So what the liberal fondly thinks of as multicultural will end up as monocultural .Not the majority culture so in the liberal’s mind this will seem to be allright.
Foolish beyond belief and guaranteed to bring future disaster. The present government is useless. Words without substance and as for the so called opposition it is largely their doing that this has arisen.
The reality of the world is starting to break into the liberal’s fantasy.
That it should imperil so many of us and threaten our particular way of life is such an indictment of liberal thinking that I cannot think of any parallel without going back to the 17th century.
And that century was not the most peaceful in our land.
The only thing in the above I might take issue with is whether this situation is genuinely irreversible. History suggests nothing should ever be ruled out and I am not quite convinced that a very considerable reversal in public feeling about multiculturalism and immigration might not one day take place.
If that happens, more or less anything is possible. And if it happens and turns nasty it will be entirely the fault of the liberal elite and the lickspittle media.
The Chief Inspector of Schools has now issued his report – a serious indictment of some of the Birmingham schools / Governors and also of Birmingham City Council.
He has also made a short video summarising and explaining his report. Sky News makes this the main item on its news page – as it should be. N0-one should dive into discussions on the report before listening to what he says.
But will the BBC make his video its main news item ?
Why do I sometimes get the feeling that many at the BBC would welcome a similar “culture of fear and intimidation” directed toward those with opinions differing from the holy BBC canon?
The fact that the Trojan Horse letter was anonymous, is often cited as undermining its veracity. No one seems to ask why it was anonymous ? If you look at the fate of almost everyone who has brought any of the many pernicious effects of large scale immigration to the attention of the authorities, the reason is obvious, the writer didn’t want to be vilified and probably to lose their job. That is such a sad indictment of British society in the 21st century. We dare not speak the truth about issues which are so serious and affect so many.
Already Labour and the BBC are trying to divert attention away from issue of what was going on in these schools and towards the spat between the Home and Education Secretaries. The liberal left simply refuse to accept that their policy of mass immigration and multiculturalism have already had awful consequences for millions of Brits. We can be certain that things will get much worse over the next decades.
People are not voting for UKIP because it offers a route to getting out of Europe but mainly because it offers a way of stopping mass immigration in line with the democratic wishes of the British people.
The Trojan Horse letter is irrelevant. Obviously it has been useful for the BBC as a smokescreen, as it could well be a fake. We donât know. But we must get the liberal elite to discuss the actual meat and bones of the issue not the ephemera.
We have sufficient evidence from teachers, heads and parents to know what was going with the Islamic takeover of schools dating back to the 1990s.
The BBC, The Guardian and The Independent will grab onto anything they can to deflect the awful truth of UK Muslim education. Let us forget the Trojan Horse letter and concentrate on what we do know.
The islamification of schools in Birmingham, Bradford and other English cities is yet another manifestation of the monster that the leftâs mass immigration agenda has created. Of course, the Labour party doesnât want to acknowledge its offspring so it diverts attention away from it by talking only about ministerial feuds. There is also much talk of âcommunitiesâ and the âdangerâ of spreading âdivisionâ in the harmonious, get-along world of multicultural England. âMulticulturalâ has now become a risible misnomer for areas, and schools, which are almost a hundred percent muslim. And nobody on the BBC, or most of the rest of the media, ever asks Why? Why are so many parts of our towns and cities almost exclusively muslim? And what are the future âdangersâ when islamification inevitably takes greater hold?
To avoid the real questions, the line now taken seems to be that since these schools are almost predominantly muslim, they are bound to have a strong muslim âidentityâ. Whatâs the problem with that? What concern is it of ours? This is a line that can, of course, be extended indefinitely. Since nothing the monster has yet done has stifled the predictable chorus of âislamophobiaâ, one wonders what will be next. We are now a âpost-Christian societyâ, so why not change the âsabbathâ to Friday and have the school week Sunday to Thursday? And those pubs – assuming there are any left in these areas – will just have to go since they are an intolerable offence to muslim sensibilities in âtheir communitiesâ. As someone who lives opposite the mosque in a part of town that, with no sense of irony, has been described by a local councillor as a âmajority ethnic minority areaâ I can only despair for its future.
To my mind what makes a good investigative journalist is their ability to think things through and work out the root cause of an issue. In this case, as you rightly say, it is the takeover of large areas of our cities by exclusively Muslim ‘communities’. If you give them your approval to come into the country and practice their ‘culture’ – effectively, as Labour allowed it, as if you were still living in rural Pakistan or Bangladesh – then who are they to refuse?
We are beginning to reap the whirlwind of the great multiculti imposition – the one you feared to criticise less you were branded a racist.
But what is truly depressing is the great multicultural lie persists, and ironically is still being promoted even in the context of what is happening in these Birmingham schools as if multiculturalism is now some overriding golden rule as to how every Briton should live his life.
Subtle bias from the beeboids?
Compare & contrast…
SKY NEWS – (Rik Mayall) He was also in several other programmes including The New Statesman, The Comic Strip Presents and Blackadder.
BBC NEWS – But his early, anarchic characters gave way to the smooth, scheming Conservative politician Alan B’Stard in The New Statesman, which ran on ITV from 1986 to 1992.
“Get Britain fracking or be held hostage by Russia, says think tank.
“Centre for Policy Studies claims UK’s growing dependence on foreign imports of fossil fuel means developing new sources of indigenous energy are vital for future prosperity.”
I’ve just turned on the news after hearing about the sudden & tragic passing of Rik Mayall. The coverage of the muslim ilfiltration of schools is under discussion and all I can hear is “alledged”, “Alledged”, “Alledged.
A lead report for ‘Daily Express’ but not, of course, for open-door immigration Beeboids-
“Illegal migrants pour into Britain: How we have lost control of the UK’s borders.
“Only one in every 70 migrants suspected of being in the country illegally is arrested, Home Office figures revealed last night.”
BBC Six News predictably given the Muslim Trojan Horse story the kid gloves treatment with an air of sympathy apparent in their report and a highly selective account given. BBC = Muslim grovelers.
They’ve done it again. They’ve came out on the side of Muslim extremists just like they do with every other problem that is caused by this supremacist, aggressive and intolerant ideology. The report was a disgrace and made Muslims out to be the victims; just like they did with the 9/11, 7/7 and Rigby attacks. They’re disgrace!
Here’s some news that I confidentally predict the BBC will not be reporting:
‘Hamas government spokesman in Gaza, Ihab al-Ghussein stated that Mahmoud Abbas was deceiving the Americans in public statements calling for peace with Israel.
In a Facebook post on June 8, al-Ghussein wrote that the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is “tricking” the Americans.
“When I go out and say that the [PA] government is my [Abbas] government and it recognizes ‘Israel’ and so on, fine â these words are meant to trick the Americans,” wrote al-Ghussein.’
There’s more here and it would be reported on the BBC if the BBC was an unbiased news reporting service. But as they aren’t, it won’t be.
Got to give this chap credit; he may be a fan still but when it looks off piste he calls it as he sees it… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/dry-stone-wallers.html
This quoted from a FOI submitter is priceless: ‘Having spent such a sum of money on commissioning this survey it is certainly a surprise to me that the BBC has not only misplaced it but forgotten that it was ever undertaken.’
So beautifully crafted the inevitable sulky, feet-dragging, non-apology reply looks even more graceless than they usually manage.
Seems that market rate Alzheimers the Pollard report noted is alive and well still.
Plus, so far, it appears they have not yet answered. I wonder what more will get pulled yet? http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/just-in-time.html ‘Weeks away from formal announcements of 500 job cuts across the News division, today they announce another hire from another news organisation.’
Of course he’s worried about the lack of internal sourcing.
Some may also ponder the ever-unique BBC ratings rationale, whereby plummeting interest by actual viewers sees the Katz chequebook not just dusted off but gilded.
I know it`s called Biased BBC…but you need only watch Channel 4 s Jon Snow lurking around a school playground tonight , just to see the liberal endemic reflex suckup to Islam; that is going on.
His interview was a disgrace-to introduce Salma Yacoob as a mere “Birmingham Councillor, up to 2011” was evil…and she clearly was co-ordinating the talking heads who had gathered…meanwhile any critics of the schools were given actors voices for fear of reprisals.
A Snowjob for Islam…does the liberal elite do anything other than blowMo with no second thought?
Hands Off Birmingham Schools eh?…T-shirts freshly printed, no doubt paid for by the rest of us.
I`d rather they got their hands off our schools actually…and stopped groping round care homes since we`re at it.
Salma Yacoob was Snows guide to it all-and the dull but honest Khalid Mahmood was shut up when he got too close to the real truth of all this…but the liberals don`t really like MPs unless THEY buy them…like Liam Byrne for example.
Creepy-the BBC and Channel 4 are two pincers of the satanic nutcracker…hard to deal with one and not the other.
Channel 4 is a well known extremist left/Muslim front. Its journalists are all middle class, sandal-wearing, muesli-eating sissies who are petrified of being beaten up by Muslim thugs in London if they were ever to criticize that religion of peace, love, flowers and wind chimes
And Liam ‘there’s no money left’ Byrne was guest Labour luvvie in today’s ‘cosy little chat’ at the BBC, courtesy of TWatO.
The questions that could have been asked to skewer Labour on their open door immigration policy and pro-Islam attitude to every facet of public life which led to this irreversible mess remained in a safe somewhere close to where Tony Blair’s Parliamentary expense claims are hidden.
Instead it was give Liam ‘there’s no money left’ Byrne the floor to kick the Tories.
Truly dreadful bias.
P.S. That was the Liam ‘there’s no money left’ Liam Byrne, by the way.
As far back as May 2002 Channel 4 as well as the BBC were putting programmes such as Channel 4’s State of Terror which offered no solutions to the Arab Israeli conflict ” but merely an incitement to hatred, as was born out by the attacks on Jews on the Channel 4 website following the programme “. Complaint continued “if you allow these unjustified attacks to continue , it will inevitably result in the destruction of our harmonious democratic society, of which I have always been proud to be a citizen” http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/about-state-of-terror-channel-4-13th.html
Am I the only one to have noticed a little comment in the news the other day. A reporter on the D-Day beaches remarked that all the most world important leaders were there”…from President Obama to the Queen”. Am I being too sensitive or should that have read…”from the Queen to…” Isn’t it the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation?
Just out of interest, because I don’t actually listen to or watch bbc news programmes, have they bothered to cover the Somerset flooding recently; I mean, just because it’s being ignored by the press and the bbc, I’m sure it hasn’t suddenly dried up and normal service has resumed. Is there any dredging being carried out to rivers and streams to ensure it doesn’t happen again? Or is the UN Agenda 21 being pushed through regardless of how many lives and livelihoods are destroyed?
Hi John,
The authorities who created the flooding are now putting right what they should have done years ago, that is, stop paying the farmers to allow their drains and ditches to silt up, switched the drainage pumps back on and recut channels and dredge the main river courses to the sea. Once completed (if ever) then the Somerset Levels will not go back to their natural state, which is what the E.U. and all the tree huggers wanted. The flooding of the levels was to cap Methane which is now being seen as a worse threat to Global Warming than Co2. Seeing as there has been NO global warming for 17.5 years (in fact the global temperatures have shown cooling for the last 12), our tree hugger friends of the earth had to find something else to blame for the so called Climate Change. Increased Co2 hadn’t worked so they chose another so called *green house gas*, Methane. Peat is full of it and if allowed to dry out gives off the methane. Hence, they allowed the levels to be kept on the brink of flooding, but hey, nobody thought it would rain, especially when our own Met Office said it would be an unusually dry winter. Gross incompetence on a level of 17 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Crossed the levels Sunday morning on the Taunton to Glastonbury road ( please do not think I have any connection to the Glastonbury loons) .They looked very well indeed. Grass excellent and a real picture of health. It is amazing how our land recovers.
Anyone distinguish between the disgusting and arrogant Guardian and the BBC? Because, I sure as hell can’t! The Left-wing media outkets are all an utter disgrace. It’s almost as if they want Islam to take over, as if they favour Muslim terrorists over English who are proud of who they are and their country. I live in Ipswich and went into a pub on the quayside the other day and some lefty prat was sitting with a group of ethnics spouting off about how the English aren’t a race and all that. He had dreads, wore a wooly jumper but had a posh upper class accent. I cannot stand thes espoiled brats who have had never had to work so can sit all day reading postmodern cultural theory books whilst we have to graft for enough bread just to put food and good honest ale on the table!
I know it is not cool to pick on women, but felt I had to mention the B-BBC Great British Menu. Brave Dave Cameron was flanked by two women, there were comments on the food by “Molly, spitfire pilot” and “Mary, army Sergeant” (I think), yet it is well known that only men died in the allied forces on D-Day, and these undoubtably brave women DID serve and DID contribute, possibly even to D-Day in some way, but were certainly chivalrously kept from the area but the men, several thousand of whom paid with their lives.
Yet another example of the BBC re-writing history.
I generally agree with you but I think those Muslims in the British Indian army served loyally. The contribution of the British Indian army made up of many creeds is gratefully remembered.
It’s almost as if multi-culturalism in the UK has bred even more fundamentalism and segregationism than ever in the old days of the ‘racist empire’. Even as late as the 70s I’m sure the idea that British born Muslims would carry out suicide bombings on the Tube would have seemed the stuff of a ridiculous movie plot. Still, as Blair and Brown said it has nothing to do with our policy of foreign wars, and as Cameron says it has nothing to do with Islam. So as it clearly has nothing to do with the thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the jihadist preaching and recruitment allowed in Britain it’s all a bit of a mystery …
To the BBC Guardian axis of fantasy history is a resource to be used in the contining struggle to bring about their idea of heaven on earth otherwise known as liberal hell.
I did enjoy ‘The Crusades’, recently repeated on the BBC. Within a minute of the titles of the first episode, they were framed as an unjustified war by Christian maniacs on poor, innocent muslims, who were just going about their business. All this was cut with footage of a nice muslim family eating ice creams somewhere in the middle east.
Oh be serious. Hardly rewriting history, I don’t think anyone is under the impression that women were storming the beaches.
The two women involved in the show were:
Molly Rose – Spitfire pilot. Molly served in the Air Transport Auxiliary from 1942 to 1945. Her job was to transport planes to bases around the country for the RAF to then fly to the front line
Baroness Trumpington – Bletchley Park. Baroness Trumpington was a ‘cypher clerk’ at Bletchley Park from 1941 to 1946, translating tapes recorded in German into English in an effort to locate the position of enemy U-boats.
Yes, I know they had nothing to do with D-Day, and you know they had nothing to do with D-Day, but the B-BBC tried to deceive us. The captions were “Molly Rose – Spitfire Pilot” and the other one was “Army Sergeant”. This was a commemoration of D-Day, and the tens of thousands of men who lost their lives. Definitely disingenuous to include them, the misleading titles seals it. The fact that no-one who saw action sat next to “Cast-Iron Dave” means he was in on it.
On Sunday the Radio 4 appeal was for an outfit called “Peace Brigades International”. Never heard of them. But surporise surprise, when you Google them you find they are an NGO who pretend to be perfect saints, protecting “umnwrites” but in fact get into bed with baddies like FARC in Colombia.
Outfits like this should never get near the BBC airwaves. But they are exactly the sort of creeps that the BBC loves.
Have to appreciate the latest BBC one degree of separation ‘framing’ technique, namely “[Whatever quote takes our fancy]” as [Whatever talking head the BBC hands its pulpit to] puts it…
@BBCNewsnight: “I don’t think Michael Gove would know British values if they came and bit him on the bum” as @TristramHuntMP put it on #newsnight
I think that the statement should be “I don’t The BBC would know British values if it came and and bit them on the on the bum”
Get rid of this unfair and un British BBC tax – the licence fee.
The statement should be âI donât think the BBC would know British values if it came and and bit them on the on the bumâ
Get rid of this unfair and un British BBC tax â the licence fee.
“EDL Bomb Plotters Challenge Sentences”
What would you think that was about when you see that headline on the BBC? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/england/
Would make a good exam question for primary school.
It should of course be “Muslim bomb plotters …”
Just clicked that link not realising it was to a latest news aggregator.
But did get this: Toddler killer ‘a bit frustrated’
Not sure the ‘A’ team subbing headlines at the world’s most overfunded news monopoly.
Flexdream. The BBc did exactly the same first time round With EDL BOMB PLOT muslims responsible. I think I may well have complained, the usuall fob off with these mis direction tactics is that if you read the whole article it makes it clear.
Another day, another attempt by the BBC to spike the Ofsted report. Along with the usual tactic, practiced as soon as the investigation was announced, of finding voices to rubbish the report’s findings today the BBC leads with its portrayal of a ‘clash’ between the head of Ofsted and Gove. Earlier was ‘Labour says May should resign’, now it’s attacking Gove. Nothing about the clear and present danger of Muslim entryism.
If the BBC was interested in journalism it would be on the ground in Bradford, Luton and London asking questions. When it came to Northern Ireland they were happy big up the alleged activities of the MRF in the 70s, so what about the activities of the MCB in 2014?
To the BBC electioneering for a Labour win in 2015 trumps any concern for working class children, especially provincial kids.
BBC sofa eunoch Turnball may look and sound like an emasculated teddybear – but he still has that nasty BBC corporate bite.
“So…” (as our masters voice quangocrats like to say – I think they teach them that at Common Purpose courses) So, the set up was this: A nice little cause for concern piece on apparently rising personal debt. Oh how Ed Balls will love it. Afterall, Labour may be somewhat casual when it comes to public debt but have made a point of showing concern for the public’s debts.
Spokeswoman (odd hairdo) for the Money Concern Trust? – No, me either. I’m afraid she lost me when she told me that in 2007 it was life changes that set people into debt but now it was just basic living costs. That was her experience. A whiff of agenda? She actually lost me when she listed her advice – ‘consider, do you really need that gym membership?’ But I thought she said ‘basic’ living costs?
Now I’ll tell you how this BBC interview really went off piste….
Quango-lass says ‘yes, people need to prioritize their outgoings’.
BBC Bill Turnball liked that. ‘Prioritize’. He knows a thing or two about handling cash.
‘The number in the ÂŁ250,000 to ÂŁ500,000 salary bracket has also risen, from 26 to 33, according to BBC accounts published today. This is likely to include Dr Who actor Matt Smith, newsreaders Kate Silverton, Sophie Raworth and Huw Edwards, Mock the Week presenter Dara O’Briain, and Breakfast’s Bill Turnbull and Sian Williams.’
The BBC sure prioritize that Bill – ha ha
But I digress…
The talking female head then says to Bill ‘People should know which bills to pay first, do they know you can go to prison for not paying your TV Licence?’
BBC Bill was on her like avenging wrath…. ‘Not anymore, they don’t, the law has changed’
The socially concerned lady was not for turning…. ‘Well, the law hasn’t changed yet, so you can still go to prison if you don’t pay your Licence, at the moment’
125% mortgages anybody? Oh, that’s ok, it was lifestyle debt. Gordon Brown? Gordon WHO, BBC? You know, the one who took away the Bank of England’s supervisory role and turned a blind eye to this obscene mountain of uncontrollable self-gratifying debt because, well, it was BOOM time, wasn’t it?
And this accumulated debt, this Monopoly money borrowing that people with no self-discipline couldn’t resist because Gordon had, y’ know, abolished boom and bust, now has no bearing on what people can afford with their pay after the biggest financial re-adjustment in living memory?
This was just a mantra piece for Miliband, with the woman at the fore, with no challenge from our BBC host and with no connection at all to how people with one iota of common sense would choose to manage their financial affairs. It’s always somebody else’s fault.
I know that Islam is a religion of peace.
Muslim women are treated as equals and adore being shrouded in black sacks.
FGM is only undertaken for health issues.
Honour killings are a positive sign of our cultural enrichment.
Killing animals following the halal tradition is less traumatic for the poor beasts.
There have been no “Asian” gangs grooming teenage girls for their vile, depraved entertainment. It’s a myth.
I know that multiculturalism has been good for Britain.
It is obvious that mass immigration is a splendid thing and anyone that questions it must be a narrow minded, bigoted little Englander.
An amazing piece on Radio 4 ‘Today’ that architects are either failing or deliberately not designing buildings with area for homeless people to sleep !
Complaints about one block of luxury apartments which have installed a series of spikes to prevent tramps sleeping there.
There was a moan about the design of bus shelters and other buildings and their unsuitability for rough sleeping.
I have an idea however.
There are loads of spare bedrooms in the homes of rich lefties and these should be put to good use.
People like Billy Brag, Harriet Harperson, Michael Meacher (property empire) etc etc. In fact if every hypocritical lefie and BBC luvvie were forced to open their doors to the homeless then there wouldn’t be a problem at all !
Of course once they found that the homeless also being a multitude of problems with them I expect that they’d want to be rid of them as quickly as possible.
Nothing like reality biting to open peoples eyes, but then given the antipathy the Fascist left have with reality & the truth & think they’d casually forget all about it once it wasn’t affecting them
I wondered how people like Boris or the usual do-gooders would feel if homeless people started sleeping outside their front doors but then we already know the answer….they would be moved on but when it comes to normal people they are told they must have them hanging around their properties as they are evil otherwise
As I always say the reason I hate the left is because of their hypocrisy on EVERY issue they bleat about
It wasn’t surprising that the BBC failed to mention that one of the buildings that has a bit of ‘unfriendly architecture’ to discourage rough sleepers, is the Labour Party headquarters.
I know that they’re only tenants, but I can’t help thinking that if the BBC found that the nasty Tories headquartered in the building, we wouldn’t have heard the last of it. The chance to embarrass the Tories would have been just to tempting for the BBC to ignore.
Online petitions are hardly worth the megabytes they are composed of.
[rhetorcial]Which makes one wonder why supposedly credible news organisations seem to treat them as ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).[/rhetorical]
Zero thought, zero effort… all emotion. Maximum smug. No investment required. Next to no data confirmation. Especially if Stuart Hughes is helping on campaigni… editorial.
Manufactured outrage, click, move on.
In simplistic terms these spikes seem a dire concept. The metal ones I’ve seen appear a health & safety nightmare anyway. Slip sideways to get tenderised and you are in compo heaven. Mind you, pop a slab of 12-ply on them and it would keep the damp away.
As with everything it’s the narrow focus and inability to see where idealism stops and realities intrude, simply to whip up a hoo-haa about one group with another group using yet another group as an excuse. Interestingly, as suggested, group B (of Ark fame) would likely be less likely to sign up if one of their arm’s length causes actually set up camp on their own front lawn.
This looks a nice spot… http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/41/590x/secondary/147452.jpg
Less clear how a security guard not letting any homeless sleepyhead near enough to get comfy differs greatly from many other methods of crowd control.
Here is an example, of what happens when impressionable minds are NOT, taught to think, objectively, intellectually, openly and with common humanity …
Do you think these muslim adherrents read different Quran or Hadith or Sunnah to ones in Luton, Bradford, or Bham
mosque airheads not bleating out the same mantra s?
yep! Luton where books had to be removed only yesterday?
or London, or the King Fahad Academy remember that one.
Neglecting teaching sciences, or holocaust, or equally other religions, or the benefits of none, etc etc.
ahem … NOT! … on the BBC today
Palestinianâ prof resigns after death threats, for taking students to Auschwitz
death threats?
“Why? Did he advocate violence in the name of Islam, thereby twisting and hijacking the Religion of Peace TM ?
No, he took students on a field trip to Auschwitz to teach tolerance and empathy”
As stated on the previous blog, this is just more of Labourâs chickens coming home to roost.
Roll on Chilcot â let us get a little bit more of the full story about this Nationâs most Islamic radicalizing, disastrous 13 years of Governance this country has ever had to endure.
The whole Blair experiment has affected millions not only here, but in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.
Not only the deathly, disabling, displacing effects on millions, from the most irresponsible, doubtfully legal, heinous wars waged, but also from the recessional, bankrupting results of them running the worldâs largest financial centre.
Let us just hope we still might have a chance of righting their many gigantic wrongs.
BBC. – We are the victims of the extreme politics of Michael Gove whose ignorance of Islam is only matched by his hostility. Many Muslims will feel alienated and victims of state Islamophobia …
Sounds like the same pneumatic victim mentality
on show all day on BBC news yesterday
deceit and pandering in equal measures
… shame on the BBC
Here’s a story that caught my eye on the BBC online News site:
National Grid offers companies cash to cut power use
National Grid is offering to pay companies to cut their electricity use in winter to prevent blackouts. The firm, which runs Britain’s supply network, is seeking customers who can cut consumption or switch to backup services during peak demand. Demand is at its highest between 16:00 and 20:00 on winter weekdays, said National Grid. The UK is facing a reduction in electricity generation as old plants shut and new ones are slow to start up.
Hmmm. I thought Britain was a first-world nation, yet here we are being warned by Auntie that the National Grid is suggesting some of us might be facing power blackouts this winter. I’m struggling to find a reason for this – the BBC certainly don’t seem to want to explain. *shakes head* …Nope, I’m totally baffled why we might be running out enough power stations to meet demand…
BBC 2 The Culture Show Art critic Alastair Sooke bravely embarks on a four hour-long performance art experience courtesy of trailblazing artist Marina Abramovic
Some of you will have seen this [below] on Guido’s site and with it the tweet from Newsnight’s Maitlis
emily m â @maitlis This is killer interview. Lands gove in very sticky position if true #newsnight
10:44 PM – 9 Jun 2014
As someone says, why is she commenting on the news?
Newsnight has a track record in going for the Tories. Remember how they tried to spike Boris’s mayoral campaign running a story on his tax and earnings and those of Ken (I’ll publish details of everything I’ve earned for the last 4 years) Livingstone. Livingstone though hid his real earnings, but of course Newsnight lost interest when the story no longer met their agenda. We never did get to what Livinstone’s income really was.
It’s time Newsnight was taken off the air and Maitlis shown the door.
PS: Using the Livingstone example of how the BBC work, presumably Maitlis and Newsnight will lose interest in posting an apology / footnote / update to her tweet
I followed a scruffy fellow who lives in in subsidised housing near us into the local store yesterday. Did he buy groceries? Nope, just ÂŁ30 quids worth of lottery tickets.
A wise man once said that giving the poor & the destitute hope through the pools (now the lottery) gave their life a little meaning. Take that away and you might as well light a fuse on a bomb.
So what if he spent ÂŁ30 ? It’s his money and his choice, even if morally it’s wrong, for him having that chance of improving his miserable existence is worth more than anything else.
The pedo who was living two doors up from us (just jailed for 2 years & 30years on the sex offenders list) with four kids was using the foodbank I was told. In between having his car valeted, too much effort to wash it himself, driving his non road legal quad bike up and down the road and applying for planning permission to extend his house. Another distant relative of my partner was using a food bank whilst in a ÂŁ28K a year job.
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‘It seems to me that progressive, reasonable, pacific and prosperous states – like the Nordic countries, or Switzerland or New Zealand – tend to be less than 10 million people. That’s almost intimate, for a nation. Citizens of smaller countries feel pride and connection. The population is small enough to have deliberative public policy, which takes account of local needs. The health service and the education service seem less distant from everyday lives. Folk feel more involved and valued. I can imagine how Scotland might achieve that, with only five million.’
Two points –
A. The author is linking being ‘progressive’ with being ‘reasonable, pacific and prosperous’. I’m pretty sure that by ‘progressive’ he means left-wing.
B. The author is painting an attractive picture of Scottish independence. I hope that the BBC soon publishes an article which shows the downsides of independence.
C. The author makes a good case for reducing immigration, although I’d be amazed if that was his intention!
For balanced, he goes on to say:
When citizens think at the level of their immediate community, they fail to see the common interest that they share with others in their wider society, so they reject that hostel for recovering drug addicts. They tend to be more short term than long term in their analysis, so they reject those wind turbines.
But of course! Who wouldn’t want a drug hostel opening in their neighborhood, or to have a local beauty spot defaced by a wind turbine?
Just noticed the following, which is staggering in its bias:
‘My view is that we need fewer borders, not more. That’s why the European Union makes sense to me.’
When I read the headline – ‘Taking England back to the Dark Ages’ – I thought, ‘I bet this is about UKIP’, and lo and behold… LOL!
Oh, and there’s this too:
‘If we are ever to overcome the problem of climate change, we think globally and act globally.’
That guy is arguing for heptocracy, which is what we had in the dark ages, so he is arguing for a return to the dark ages in order to avoid returning to the dark ages. Such are the bizarre convolutions in logic which people have to revert to in order to defend their calls for a vile “divide and conquer” agenda of defeating the English without a shot being fired.
He wants the English to pre-emptively surrender to a foreign entity (the EU) without us ever being defeated in war. The legal definition for such surrender is Treason.
It was Treason. Accordingly, much of the legislation regarding Treason was removed by the Blair regime as soon as it gained power in 1997. They did not want to leave themselves open to legal action in the future.
The death penalty still applied for treason. Blair did not want that hanging over him.
Pun intended?
This canard really does refuse to die.
Pretty much every Treason Act since (and including) Edward III’s original one of 1351 is still largely in force:
Only the death penalty was removed under the Blair government, by an amendment to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (a generally objectionable Act which also introduced into law the notion of racially or religiously aggravated offenses) proposed by Lord Archer of Sandwell.
The nordic countries ! has he been to Malmo recently ?
A Swedish gentleman wrote a comment on the Gates of Vienna Blog, he wanted Putin to invade and take over Sweden since the Swedish ruling elites are doing their utmost to abolish the country by bringing in millions of Third Worlders.
Race Hustler Jesse Jackson on Swedish Television ” Sweden is destined to become multiracial and multicultural, that’s part of the new world order.” The Swedish Eloi behind him clap and cheer him.
I wish the BBC had the balls to report the truth like that.
I’d suggest that muslims are insane because they are fed insanity from an early age, but what is the reason that so many Westerners, non-muslims are also insane; what excuse do they have to do what they are doing?
Its called “Socialism”, the exclusive concern about the distribution of wealth with no understanding of its creation.
Who else can remember seeing the HIGNFY , [ when it was comedy & not propaganda ] episode when Ian Hislop asked Jimmy Saville what he did in his caravan parked at the BBC , & Saville said something like ” anyone I can get my hands on “.
This was about year 2000 , but it proved that what he was doing was common knowledge at the BBC .
Well , just recently I read that the BBC are now claiming that it never happened , & was a faked video that appeared on the Internet trying to implicate them .
So is my memory bad & I never saw it on the Television , or is this more lying & propaganda by the BBC .
Here it is….
even Diane Fatbot found it funny..
Will Labour Party (and INBBC) apologise for its campaigning for open-door, mass immigration into UK from Islamic countries?
“‘Hellfire’ Muslim teachers at ‘Trojan Horse’ school warned six-year-olds about ‘white prostitutes.’
“Oldknow Academy in Birmingham allegedly used hate terms in assemblies.
“Leaked report reveals concerns from teachers over extremism.
“At one stage a teacher was said to have lead pupils in anti-Christian chants.
“Head teacher Bhupinder Kondal has allegedly been pushed out by takeover.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2651700/Hellfire-Muslim-teachers-Trojan-Horse-school-warned-six-year-olds-white-prostitutes.html#ixzz348Avm2HG
What is happening in Birmingham and other major U.K cities is but a beginning of the Islamisation of British society.
And the U.K political class (inc INBBC) still campaign for entry of 80 million Muslims Turks into E.U!
“One Rule for Islamists and Another for Everyone Else?
It’s not Fair, it’s not British and it’s a Recipe for Disaster.”
By James Delingpole.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“How long do you think a white teacher would last in a British primary school if he were to tell his class of seven-year olds that all non-Christians were ‘filthy heathens’? Or if he referred to black people using the ‘n-word’? Or he accused all Muslims of being frustrated terrorists?
“Not very long, I expect. The story would be a national scandal, with politicians promising to root out this disgraceful attitude wherever they found it, with earnest, handwringing Guardian editorials about the prevalence of racism in modern Britain, and a soundbite from the Prime Minister himself on Channel 4 News reassuring viewers how personally repellant he found the whole appalling business.
“So how come for one particular minority the rules are different? ”
Just listening to Your Call on R5L. Subject: the Trojan Horse plot.
Needless to say, everyone who has phoned in thinks the allegations are nonsensical, “racist” and anti-Muslim. Not a single dissenting voice, as far as I can tell. The actual substance of the Ofsted report has barely been mentioned – all reporting seems to be based on denying that its contents (curious silence on this point) have any value. Just heard the news roundup: “The Head of Park View, one of the schools named in the Trojan horse report, denies the allegations, blah, blah, blah..” (paraphrasing). That’s pretty much it. Nothing to see here, move along please.
I called in myself, vetting callers today, is on high alert.
You should have pretended to be a muslim, called yourself Abdul, covered the telephone mouthpiece with a handkerchief and put on a silly Arab accent ” I want Nicki , how you say, British people are all waaycist !! ” I’m guessing you would have got on, probably get a whole programme devoted to yourself.
The assistant head of Park View would appear to be one of those socialist worker members who have infiltrated the NUT and who are subverting education in Britain today. He even has “proudred” on his twitter nonsense, that’s code for screaming loony far lefty. Expect him to be on the BBC every day now. No wonder this Marxist clown “rejects” the report by Sir Michael Wilshaw, a man who is a breath of fresh air at Ofsted.
Here’s what he thinks:
Wilshaw is known for his outspoken manner and hard-line style that has its source in the earlier days of his career with his disciplinarian approach. In December 2011, before starting the Ofsted post, he said “If anyone says to you that ‘staff morale is at an all-time low’ you will know you are doing something right.” In his first major speech as Chief Inspector in February 2012 he said “We have tolerated mediocrity for too long.” At an education conference at Brighton College in May 2012 he proclaimed that teachers are not stressed, adding that head teachers needed reminding what stress really was. In June 2013, he said that state schools were not nurturing their brightest students, and that this was “an issue of national concern”.
I’m actually quite astounded to see that we’re allowed to comment on Trojan Horse (‘Trojan Horse’: PM calls for snap inspections by Ofsted).
I foresee a very early closure, and perhaps deletion, if too many comments like this get through:
3 Minutes ago
Yet again, a twisted fear of causing offence to an offensive group of people has allowed them operate at will, subverting and attacking what the rest of us think of as normal civic order.
It’s time to get the gloves off, we’re in a fight against extremism, the time for softly-softly is over. These radical elements must not be allowed to enforce their perverted views on anyone.
Just posted this link on another thread…
Short memories these media types have…
Dear oh dear, that article is so depressing. Leads you to wonder how widespread the practice of aggressive Muslim ‘governors’ forcing their Islamic agendas on schools actually is.
‘I foresee a very early closure, and perhaps deletion, if too many comments like this get through’
Possibly complemented by the ongoing psycho’s carnival that threads from most BBC FaceBook posts (esp. World News)
If they even mention this topic there I see things getting ‘interesting’ (in the Chinese sense).
I may just fire up the old page capture icon as no one does hate like loyal BBC FB commenters.
For now they seem to be erring on the side of caution, with poetry (not Vogon)…
‘I foresee a very early closure’
1528. Kdav
1. ssurfer5963
So that’s a total of 6 hrs, almost exactly during working hours and before anyone on normal hours gets near home.
Wonder what the 3rd and 5th (plus others) most popular said that we’ll never know about?
Who remembers the canary in the mineshaft that was Ray Honeyford?
The BBC 5live – Your Call schools -snap inspections ok or not.
This ambiguously obtuse basis for debate, is talking about “Trojan Horse” schools, Islamic extremism, without mentioning either.
Fewer calls than normal, Panto, Phil Mackie, propaganda speeches from “Trojan Horse” governors, etc etc.
The “Your call” inquisition is particularly sharp this morning,
to vet you for the show, I called in myself over this unending narrative …
What do I think about, Hindu schools, Evangelical schools? about a possible witchunt in Bham?
HELLO, what about them? … these are not faith schools?
the issue is Islamic totalitarianism in ordinary schools.
Is Ofsted overreacting then … for crying out loud, you can blame Ofsted, Ministers, local government, waycism, the fairy story of “Islamofauxbia” , maybe I m a terrible chap for even mentioning it?, victimisation?
This doesn’t t detract one iota from what has been going on, and why?
Why is one of the ringleaders, of the plot himself an Ofsted inspector?, is this guy vetting high muslim percentage schools? … very, very problematic.
This shows a dangerous and subversive WIDER issue, you have teachers, governors, inspectors, imams imported into the schools, and indeed a large percentage of the parents?
trying to blockade the school.
‘You & Yours’ phone in tomorrow (Tuesday). The subject………..
…….Ofsted inspections.
My flabber is gasted.
Perhaps their some sort of “trojan horse” actively opperating at the BBC….
Would anybody be in the slightest bit surprised?
head of religious broadcasting – theres a start.
Not improbable.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Two reports on murderous Islamic jihadists’ attack at Karachi airport.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Pakistan: Islamic jihadists with automatic weapons and grenades attack Karachi airport; all flights suspended”
By Robert Spencer.
“Pakistan is a failed state with a government full of supporters of jihad terror. This kind of attack nonetheless comes most likely because the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has vowed to wage jihad until Pakistan becomes a Sharia state. It is already a Sharia state in virtually every way, but the TTP is going to keep on murdering people until that tiny 1% of Pakistani life that is not fully Islamized is completely eradicated.”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report-
By M. Ilyas Khan in Islamabad, and by Riaz Sohail, BBC Urdu, in Karachi, who between them, use the favourite INBBC euphemism, ‘militants,’: NINE times; and the word ‘jihadists’:NONE.
“Taliban claim deadly attack on Karachi airport”
“Taliban jihadists attack Pakistanâs largest international airport, 24 dead, disguised as police guards and wearing suicide vests, five-hour siege”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/06/jihadists-disguised-police-guards-wearing-suicide-vests-kill-18-five-hour-siege-pakistans-largest-international-airport.html/#sthash.NfexcyZb.dpuf
Well I guess where I am would return to being Northumbria! The idea of restoring the Heptarchy isn’t so bad just let’s not do it because a Grauniad journalist has suggested it!
Tell that to the people of Hwicce!
Yuk, that little parasite Owen Jones on DP, again !!!
BBC radio news is literally awash, with indignant Muslim spokesman and Beebots, blaming everyone else, for problematic action/teaching/proselytising in Bham schools?.
Over 500 complaints, from parents, teachers, heads, ex governors to be expanded now to over 100 schools, from Bradford to Luton (according to news today) ?.
All we get is pneumatic re runs of fauxhocked Governors speeches? … lots of inferences of victimisation, waycism, and Islamofauxbia … insidious obfuscation to pull in disadvantaged children, or run down areas, beleaguered community, or any other number of diversionary nonsense.
Salford on high alert? … from Toady, Panto/Your Call, Sheela Foglegity, Jeremy Whine next? .
Where are the voices, of an opposing view? … that a much higher percentage of listeners are in agreement with?.
From another perspective…
How long I wonder before someone suggests that each of those 500 complaints at 100 schools is labelled as an EDL/BNP style racist plot.
Move along! Nothing to see here!
BBC just incredibly have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of incitement to racial hatred being something that is taught and that it is most effective when taught at a young age. It directly supported in the past of people who incited hatred just 2 eg’s Jenny Tonge
http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/12/the-bbc-sponsers-supporter-of-terrorism.html and a rapper http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html Composers of the musical South Pacific in 1956 understood the fact that “you’ve got to be taught to hate” – why is it so difficult for the BBC to grasp this concept.
âyouâve got to be taught to hateâ
That’s a very good point although I’d change ‘be taught’ to ‘learn’. Considering the left are addicted to the belief that all behaviour is nurture not nature they seem a bit reluctant to admit this.
What do Beeboids politically campaign for?: a ‘multicultural’ Britain:-
“UK arrest of Pakistani politician who controls party from his home in north-west London sparks riots in Karachi and turns city into ‘ghost town'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2650497/UK-arrest-Pakistani-politician-controls-party-home-north-west-London-sparks-riots-Karachi-turns-city-ghost-town.html#ixzz3493MTGtd
Richard Bacon is talking to a forensics scientist this afternoon !!! I like when Bacon talks about intelligent stuff like that, comedy gold.
Yes, and whilst I will not be able to listen I imagine it will be along the same lines as Drearyshire talking about sporting matters.
In this last week I have heard her talk and conduct interviews on various subjects such as Rooney’s best playing position, and the effects of concussion in sport (2 or 3 times)
Whilst that second subject is important, it has demonstrated her lack of knowledge and understanding of sporting matters.
Bacon’s drubbing by Delingpole on ‘climate change’ was nothing less than joyful.
Let’s hope he comes back for more.
Is INBBC too politically chummy with Emirate of QATAR, and the Islamic propagandist broadcaster, Al Jazeera, to report this?:-
“How Qatar Supplied US Stingers to the Taliban”
By Jerry Gordon.
The liberals with their usual lack of common sense and perspective will play to form over the Birmingham schools matter.
They ,and the appalling liberal media, will just not understand that the damage has been done. It is irreversible.
The non Muslim parents in the whole area will get the message loud and clear.
These schools are not for our children. Which is what some people really want.
This will particularly apply to the children of indigenous parents. So what the liberal fondly thinks of as multicultural will end up as monocultural .Not the majority culture so in the liberal’s mind this will seem to be allright.
Foolish beyond belief and guaranteed to bring future disaster. The present government is useless. Words without substance and as for the so called opposition it is largely their doing that this has arisen.
The reality of the world is starting to break into the liberal’s fantasy.
That it should imperil so many of us and threaten our particular way of life is such an indictment of liberal thinking that I cannot think of any parallel without going back to the 17th century.
And that century was not the most peaceful in our land.
The only thing in the above I might take issue with is whether this situation is genuinely irreversible. History suggests nothing should ever be ruled out and I am not quite convinced that a very considerable reversal in public feeling about multiculturalism and immigration might not one day take place.
If that happens, more or less anything is possible. And if it happens and turns nasty it will be entirely the fault of the liberal elite and the lickspittle media.
I’m afraid the British Government have already surrendered.
Fits with the CofE vicar and governor of one school who said on the BBC that a 96% Muslim area made it one of the most diverse in Britain.
The Chief Inspector of Schools has now issued his report – a serious indictment of some of the Birmingham schools / Governors and also of Birmingham City Council.
He has also made a short video summarising and explaining his report. Sky News makes this the main item on its news page – as it should be. N0-one should dive into discussions on the report before listening to what he says.
But will the BBC make his video its main news item ?
the chief inspector’s video :
Why do I sometimes get the feeling that many at the BBC would welcome a similar “culture of fear and intimidation” directed toward those with opinions differing from the holy BBC canon?
The fact that the Trojan Horse letter was anonymous, is often cited as undermining its veracity. No one seems to ask why it was anonymous ? If you look at the fate of almost everyone who has brought any of the many pernicious effects of large scale immigration to the attention of the authorities, the reason is obvious, the writer didn’t want to be vilified and probably to lose their job. That is such a sad indictment of British society in the 21st century. We dare not speak the truth about issues which are so serious and affect so many.
Already Labour and the BBC are trying to divert attention away from issue of what was going on in these schools and towards the spat between the Home and Education Secretaries. The liberal left simply refuse to accept that their policy of mass immigration and multiculturalism have already had awful consequences for millions of Brits. We can be certain that things will get much worse over the next decades.
People are not voting for UKIP because it offers a route to getting out of Europe but mainly because it offers a way of stopping mass immigration in line with the democratic wishes of the British people.
Ray Honeyford R.I.P.
The Trojan Horse letter is irrelevant. Obviously it has been useful for the BBC as a smokescreen, as it could well be a fake. We donât know. But we must get the liberal elite to discuss the actual meat and bones of the issue not the ephemera.
We have sufficient evidence from teachers, heads and parents to know what was going with the Islamic takeover of schools dating back to the 1990s.
The BBC, The Guardian and The Independent will grab onto anything they can to deflect the awful truth of UK Muslim education. Let us forget the Trojan Horse letter and concentrate on what we do know.
Well said.
Where’s the ‘great investigative journalism’ the BBC keep bragging about? Maybe they’ve forgotten Gilligan doesn’t work for them any more.
Maybe even in fear of his life!
Did somebody suddenly pull the plug on the interview with the former Oldknowe school headmistress? – looked awfully like it. (news24 1510hrs)
Metal studs installed in London to deter rough sleepers – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27760689
I look forward to the BBC telling us about the anti-homeless spikes ‘protecting’ the Labour Party’s HQ: http://order-order.com/2014/06/09/new-spikes-forced-man-from-sheltering-outside-labour-hq/
Ha Ha – you got a long wait if you think we gonna report what Guido says!
Do they not realise that this will attract a lot of homeless Indian fakirs?
The islamification of schools in Birmingham, Bradford and other English cities is yet another manifestation of the monster that the leftâs mass immigration agenda has created. Of course, the Labour party doesnât want to acknowledge its offspring so it diverts attention away from it by talking only about ministerial feuds. There is also much talk of âcommunitiesâ and the âdangerâ of spreading âdivisionâ in the harmonious, get-along world of multicultural England. âMulticulturalâ has now become a risible misnomer for areas, and schools, which are almost a hundred percent muslim. And nobody on the BBC, or most of the rest of the media, ever asks Why? Why are so many parts of our towns and cities almost exclusively muslim? And what are the future âdangersâ when islamification inevitably takes greater hold?
To avoid the real questions, the line now taken seems to be that since these schools are almost predominantly muslim, they are bound to have a strong muslim âidentityâ. Whatâs the problem with that? What concern is it of ours? This is a line that can, of course, be extended indefinitely. Since nothing the monster has yet done has stifled the predictable chorus of âislamophobiaâ, one wonders what will be next. We are now a âpost-Christian societyâ, so why not change the âsabbathâ to Friday and have the school week Sunday to Thursday? And those pubs – assuming there are any left in these areas – will just have to go since they are an intolerable offence to muslim sensibilities in âtheir communitiesâ. As someone who lives opposite the mosque in a part of town that, with no sense of irony, has been described by a local councillor as a âmajority ethnic minority areaâ I can only despair for its future.
Well said. Great comment.
To my mind what makes a good investigative journalist is their ability to think things through and work out the root cause of an issue. In this case, as you rightly say, it is the takeover of large areas of our cities by exclusively Muslim ‘communities’. If you give them your approval to come into the country and practice their ‘culture’ – effectively, as Labour allowed it, as if you were still living in rural Pakistan or Bangladesh – then who are they to refuse?
We are beginning to reap the whirlwind of the great multiculti imposition – the one you feared to criticise less you were branded a racist.
But what is truly depressing is the great multicultural lie persists, and ironically is still being promoted even in the context of what is happening in these Birmingham schools as if multiculturalism is now some overriding golden rule as to how every Briton should live his life.
RIP British values. God help us.
Subtle bias from the beeboids?
Compare & contrast…
SKY NEWS – (Rik Mayall) He was also in several other programmes including The New Statesman, The Comic Strip Presents and Blackadder.
BBC NEWS – But his early, anarchic characters gave way to the smooth, scheming Conservative politician Alan B’Stard in The New Statesman, which ran on ITV from 1986 to 1992.
I noticed the lean towards Alan B’Stard , whatever happened to Kevin Turvey? Steve Nallon had to bring that one up.
How could they forget that Alan B’Stard defected to Labour?
And who are the BBC lining up to play the oleaginous, scheming Labour politician – a Mandelson caricature, say?
Not for Beeboid, Hampstead Harrabin:-
‘Telegraph’ (ÂŁ)-
“Get Britain fracking or be held hostage by Russia, says think tank.
“Centre for Policy Studies claims UK’s growing dependence on foreign imports of fossil fuel means developing new sources of indigenous energy are vital for future prosperity.”
I’ve just turned on the news after hearing about the sudden & tragic passing of Rik Mayall. The coverage of the muslim ilfiltration of schools is under discussion and all I can hear is “alledged”, “Alledged”, “Alledged.
Don’t forget ‘So-called’!
Illegal Immigration into U.K.
A lead report for ‘Daily Express’ but not, of course, for open-door immigration Beeboids-
“Illegal migrants pour into Britain: How we have lost control of the UK’s borders.
“Only one in every 70 migrants suspected of being in the country illegally is arrested, Home Office figures revealed last night.”
By Giles Sheldrick.
Did Beeboids report on this?:-
“‘Whites not welcome’ Shocking graffiti found outside primary school.
“RACIST graffiti reading ‘Whites not welcome’ has been found outside a primary school today.” (‘Express’, June 5.)
BBC Six News predictably given the Muslim Trojan Horse story the kid gloves treatment with an air of sympathy apparent in their report and a highly selective account given. BBC = Muslim grovelers.
“No evidence of a city wide plot”. Yea right I believe…Not!
They’ve done it again. They’ve came out on the side of Muslim extremists just like they do with every other problem that is caused by this supremacist, aggressive and intolerant ideology. The report was a disgrace and made Muslims out to be the victims; just like they did with the 9/11, 7/7 and Rigby attacks. They’re disgrace!
This comment on HYS was allowed, after reporting it , to remain . Clearly inferring that the victims etc are liars and that nothing ever happened .
Jus how offensive is that to the victims and their families?
Here’s some news that I confidentally predict the BBC will not be reporting:
‘Hamas government spokesman in Gaza, Ihab al-Ghussein stated that Mahmoud Abbas was deceiving the Americans in public statements calling for peace with Israel.
In a Facebook post on June 8, al-Ghussein wrote that the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is “tricking” the Americans.
“When I go out and say that the [PA] government is my [Abbas] government and it recognizes ‘Israel’ and so on, fine â these words are meant to trick the Americans,” wrote al-Ghussein.’
There’s more here and it would be reported on the BBC if the BBC was an unbiased news reporting service. But as they aren’t, it won’t be.
Got to give this chap credit; he may be a fan still but when it looks off piste he calls it as he sees it…
This quoted from a FOI submitter is priceless:
‘Having spent such a sum of money on commissioning this survey it is certainly a surprise to me that the BBC has not only misplaced it but forgotten that it was ever undertaken.’
So beautifully crafted the inevitable sulky, feet-dragging, non-apology reply looks even more graceless than they usually manage.
Seems that market rate Alzheimers the Pollard report noted is alive and well still.
Plus, so far, it appears they have not yet answered. I wonder what more will get pulled yet?
‘Weeks away from formal announcements of 500 job cuts across the News division, today they announce another hire from another news organisation.’
Of course he’s worried about the lack of internal sourcing.
Some may also ponder the ever-unique BBC ratings rationale, whereby plummeting interest by actual viewers sees the Katz chequebook not just dusted off but gilded.
I know it`s called Biased BBC…but you need only watch Channel 4 s Jon Snow lurking around a school playground tonight , just to see the liberal endemic reflex suckup to Islam; that is going on.
His interview was a disgrace-to introduce Salma Yacoob as a mere “Birmingham Councillor, up to 2011” was evil…and she clearly was co-ordinating the talking heads who had gathered…meanwhile any critics of the schools were given actors voices for fear of reprisals.
A Snowjob for Islam…does the liberal elite do anything other than blowMo with no second thought?
Hands Off Birmingham Schools eh?…T-shirts freshly printed, no doubt paid for by the rest of us.
I`d rather they got their hands off our schools actually…and stopped groping round care homes since we`re at it.
Salma Yacoob was Snows guide to it all-and the dull but honest Khalid Mahmood was shut up when he got too close to the real truth of all this…but the liberals don`t really like MPs unless THEY buy them…like Liam Byrne for example.
Creepy-the BBC and Channel 4 are two pincers of the satanic nutcracker…hard to deal with one and not the other.
Channel 4 is a well known extremist left/Muslim front. Its journalists are all middle class, sandal-wearing, muesli-eating sissies who are petrified of being beaten up by Muslim thugs in London if they were ever to criticize that religion of peace, love, flowers and wind chimes
And Liam ‘there’s no money left’ Byrne was guest Labour luvvie in today’s ‘cosy little chat’ at the BBC, courtesy of TWatO.
The questions that could have been asked to skewer Labour on their open door immigration policy and pro-Islam attitude to every facet of public life which led to this irreversible mess remained in a safe somewhere close to where Tony Blair’s Parliamentary expense claims are hidden.
Instead it was give Liam ‘there’s no money left’ Byrne the floor to kick the Tories.
Truly dreadful bias.
P.S. That was the Liam ‘there’s no money left’ Liam Byrne, by the way.
As far back as May 2002 Channel 4 as well as the BBC were putting programmes such as Channel 4’s State of Terror which offered no solutions to the Arab Israeli conflict ” but merely an incitement to hatred, as was born out by the attacks on Jews on the Channel 4 website following the programme “. Complaint continued “if you allow these unjustified attacks to continue , it will inevitably result in the destruction of our harmonious democratic society, of which I have always been proud to be a citizen” http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/about-state-of-terror-channel-4-13th.html
Channel 4 gets licence fee cash too.
Am I the only one to have noticed a little comment in the news the other day. A reporter on the D-Day beaches remarked that all the most world important leaders were there”…from President Obama to the Queen”. Am I being too sensitive or should that have read…”from the Queen to…” Isn’t it the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation?
Just out of interest, because I don’t actually listen to or watch bbc news programmes, have they bothered to cover the Somerset flooding recently; I mean, just because it’s being ignored by the press and the bbc, I’m sure it hasn’t suddenly dried up and normal service has resumed. Is there any dredging being carried out to rivers and streams to ensure it doesn’t happen again? Or is the UN Agenda 21 being pushed through regardless of how many lives and livelihoods are destroyed?
Hi John,
The authorities who created the flooding are now putting right what they should have done years ago, that is, stop paying the farmers to allow their drains and ditches to silt up, switched the drainage pumps back on and recut channels and dredge the main river courses to the sea. Once completed (if ever) then the Somerset Levels will not go back to their natural state, which is what the E.U. and all the tree huggers wanted. The flooding of the levels was to cap Methane which is now being seen as a worse threat to Global Warming than Co2. Seeing as there has been NO global warming for 17.5 years (in fact the global temperatures have shown cooling for the last 12), our tree hugger friends of the earth had to find something else to blame for the so called Climate Change. Increased Co2 hadn’t worked so they chose another so called *green house gas*, Methane. Peat is full of it and if allowed to dry out gives off the methane. Hence, they allowed the levels to be kept on the brink of flooding, but hey, nobody thought it would rain, especially when our own Met Office said it would be an unusually dry winter. Gross incompetence on a level of 17 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Many thanks for the update; it’s more than I’ve learned from the usual sources.
Crossed the levels Sunday morning on the Taunton to Glastonbury road ( please do not think I have any connection to the Glastonbury loons) .They looked very well indeed. Grass excellent and a real picture of health. It is amazing how our land recovers.
Anyone distinguish between the disgusting and arrogant Guardian and the BBC? Because, I sure as hell can’t! The Left-wing media outkets are all an utter disgrace. It’s almost as if they want Islam to take over, as if they favour Muslim terrorists over English who are proud of who they are and their country. I live in Ipswich and went into a pub on the quayside the other day and some lefty prat was sitting with a group of ethnics spouting off about how the English aren’t a race and all that. He had dreads, wore a wooly jumper but had a posh upper class accent. I cannot stand thes espoiled brats who have had never had to work so can sit all day reading postmodern cultural theory books whilst we have to graft for enough bread just to put food and good honest ale on the table!
sorry I meant outlets.
I know it is not cool to pick on women, but felt I had to mention the B-BBC Great British Menu. Brave Dave Cameron was flanked by two women, there were comments on the food by “Molly, spitfire pilot” and “Mary, army Sergeant” (I think), yet it is well known that only men died in the allied forces on D-Day, and these undoubtably brave women DID serve and DID contribute, possibly even to D-Day in some way, but were certainly chivalrously kept from the area but the men, several thousand of whom paid with their lives.
Yet another example of the BBC re-writing history.
next we’ll have the Muslim heroes who saved the Allies from Hitler’s foul tyranny. Only problem they all supported Hitler and still do.
I generally agree with you but I think those Muslims in the British Indian army served loyally. The contribution of the British Indian army made up of many creeds is gratefully remembered.
OK, I stand corrected on my ignorance. It’s easy to let the Muslim extremists of today cloud judgement. I qualify the statement to ‘many Muslims…’
It’s almost as if multi-culturalism in the UK has bred even more fundamentalism and segregationism than ever in the old days of the ‘racist empire’. Even as late as the 70s I’m sure the idea that British born Muslims would carry out suicide bombings on the Tube would have seemed the stuff of a ridiculous movie plot. Still, as Blair and Brown said it has nothing to do with our policy of foreign wars, and as Cameron says it has nothing to do with Islam. So as it clearly has nothing to do with the thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the jihadist preaching and recruitment allowed in Britain it’s all a bit of a mystery …
Easier for some than others.
To the BBC Guardian axis of fantasy history is a resource to be used in the contining struggle to bring about their idea of heaven on earth otherwise known as liberal hell.
I did enjoy ‘The Crusades’, recently repeated on the BBC. Within a minute of the titles of the first episode, they were framed as an unjustified war by Christian maniacs on poor, innocent muslims, who were just going about their business. All this was cut with footage of a nice muslim family eating ice creams somewhere in the middle east.
Very nicely done, BBC. Got the message. GOT IT!
Oh be serious. Hardly rewriting history, I don’t think anyone is under the impression that women were storming the beaches.
The two women involved in the show were:
Molly Rose – Spitfire pilot. Molly served in the Air Transport Auxiliary from 1942 to 1945. Her job was to transport planes to bases around the country for the RAF to then fly to the front line
Baroness Trumpington – Bletchley Park. Baroness Trumpington was a ‘cypher clerk’ at Bletchley Park from 1941 to 1946, translating tapes recorded in German into English in an effort to locate the position of enemy U-boats.
Yes, I know they had nothing to do with D-Day, and you know they had nothing to do with D-Day, but the B-BBC tried to deceive us. The captions were “Molly Rose – Spitfire Pilot” and the other one was “Army Sergeant”. This was a commemoration of D-Day, and the tens of thousands of men who lost their lives. Definitely disingenuous to include them, the misleading titles seals it. The fact that no-one who saw action sat next to “Cast-Iron Dave” means he was in on it.
RIP Rik Mayall, you taught me everything I needed to know about Europe and politics.
I’m willing to bet that the BBC don’t air that particular clip in their tributes.
I thought it was Nigel!
Heh heh. Love the ‘Clinging To Power’ in the background…
On Sunday the Radio 4 appeal was for an outfit called “Peace Brigades International”. Never heard of them. But surporise surprise, when you Google them you find they are an NGO who pretend to be perfect saints, protecting “umnwrites” but in fact get into bed with baddies like FARC in Colombia.
Outfits like this should never get near the BBC airwaves. But they are exactly the sort of creeps that the BBC loves.
Time to shut the BBC down. Abroad they side with terrorists, at home they side with people who create the climate for conversion to terrorism.
Have to appreciate the latest BBC one degree of separation ‘framing’ technique, namely “[Whatever quote takes our fancy]” as [Whatever talking head the BBC hands its pulpit to] puts it…
@BBCNewsnight: “I don’t think Michael Gove would know British values if they came and bit him on the bum” as @TristramHuntMP put it on #newsnight
Tristram Hunt.
Any chance of a mispronunciation from James Naughtie, do you think?
I think that the statement should be “I don’t The BBC would know British values if it came and and bit them on the on the bum”
Get rid of this unfair and un British BBC tax – the licence fee.
The statement should be âI donât think the BBC would know British values if it came and and bit them on the on the bumâ
Get rid of this unfair and un British BBC tax â the licence fee.
Take a look at the the Frost Powell interview from 1969, the comparison to the way that Farage has been treated by the MSM are uncanny.
Currently Islam is the ‘victim’ and fleecing us but when the balance shifts in 20 years or so he will have the whip hand….
“EDL Bomb Plotters Challenge Sentences”
What would you think that was about when you see that headline on the BBC? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/england/
Would make a good exam question for primary school.
It should of course be “Muslim bomb plotters …”
The BBC really is pathetic.
I have just complained to the BBC about this headline being used on their teletext service.
Just clicked that link not realising it was to a latest news aggregator.
But did get this:
Toddler killer ‘a bit frustrated’
Not sure the ‘A’ team subbing headlines at the world’s most overfunded news monopoly.
Flexdream. The BBc did exactly the same first time round With EDL BOMB PLOT muslims responsible. I think I may well have complained, the usuall fob off with these mis direction tactics is that if you read the whole article it makes it clear.
Another day, another attempt by the BBC to spike the Ofsted report. Along with the usual tactic, practiced as soon as the investigation was announced, of finding voices to rubbish the report’s findings today the BBC leads with its portrayal of a ‘clash’ between the head of Ofsted and Gove. Earlier was ‘Labour says May should resign’, now it’s attacking Gove. Nothing about the clear and present danger of Muslim entryism.
If the BBC was interested in journalism it would be on the ground in Bradford, Luton and London asking questions. When it came to Northern Ireland they were happy big up the alleged activities of the MRF in the 70s, so what about the activities of the MCB in 2014?
To the BBC electioneering for a Labour win in 2015 trumps any concern for working class children, especially provincial kids.
Bill Turnbull
BBC sofa eunoch Turnball may look and sound like an emasculated teddybear – but he still has that nasty BBC corporate bite.
“So…” (as our masters voice quangocrats like to say – I think they teach them that at Common Purpose courses) So, the set up was this: A nice little cause for concern piece on apparently rising personal debt. Oh how Ed Balls will love it. Afterall, Labour may be somewhat casual when it comes to public debt but have made a point of showing concern for the public’s debts.
Spokeswoman (odd hairdo) for the Money Concern Trust? – No, me either. I’m afraid she lost me when she told me that in 2007 it was life changes that set people into debt but now it was just basic living costs. That was her experience. A whiff of agenda? She actually lost me when she listed her advice – ‘consider, do you really need that gym membership?’ But I thought she said ‘basic’ living costs?
Now I’ll tell you how this BBC interview really went off piste….
Quango-lass says ‘yes, people need to prioritize their outgoings’.
BBC Bill Turnball liked that. ‘Prioritize’. He knows a thing or two about handling cash.
‘The number in the ÂŁ250,000 to ÂŁ500,000 salary bracket has also risen, from 26 to 33, according to BBC accounts published today. This is likely to include Dr Who actor Matt Smith, newsreaders Kate Silverton, Sophie Raworth and Huw Edwards, Mock the Week presenter Dara O’Briain, and Breakfast’s Bill Turnbull and Sian Williams.’
The BBC sure prioritize that Bill – ha ha
But I digress…
The talking female head then says to Bill ‘People should know which bills to pay first, do they know you can go to prison for not paying your TV Licence?’
BBC Bill was on her like avenging wrath…. ‘Not anymore, they don’t, the law has changed’
The socially concerned lady was not for turning…. ‘Well, the law hasn’t changed yet, so you can still go to prison if you don’t pay your Licence, at the moment’
She won that point, I feel.
Funny, I heard the almost identical discussion and identical views on the finance piece during this morning’s Today.
How could they discuss this without mentioning the steep rising curve of debt under Labour?
125% mortgages anybody? Oh, that’s ok, it was lifestyle debt. Gordon Brown? Gordon WHO, BBC? You know, the one who took away the Bank of England’s supervisory role and turned a blind eye to this obscene mountain of uncontrollable self-gratifying debt because, well, it was BOOM time, wasn’t it?
And this accumulated debt, this Monopoly money borrowing that people with no self-discipline couldn’t resist because Gordon had, y’ know, abolished boom and bust, now has no bearing on what people can afford with their pay after the biggest financial re-adjustment in living memory?
This was just a mantra piece for Miliband, with the woman at the fore, with no challenge from our BBC host and with no connection at all to how people with one iota of common sense would choose to manage their financial affairs. It’s always somebody else’s fault.
Bias? What effing bias?
I know that Islam is a religion of peace.
Muslim women are treated as equals and adore being shrouded in black sacks.
FGM is only undertaken for health issues.
Honour killings are a positive sign of our cultural enrichment.
Killing animals following the halal tradition is less traumatic for the poor beasts.
There have been no “Asian” gangs grooming teenage girls for their vile, depraved entertainment. It’s a myth.
I know that multiculturalism has been good for Britain.
It is obvious that mass immigration is a splendid thing and anyone that questions it must be a narrow minded, bigoted little Englander.
An amazing piece on Radio 4 ‘Today’ that architects are either failing or deliberately not designing buildings with area for homeless people to sleep !
Complaints about one block of luxury apartments which have installed a series of spikes to prevent tramps sleeping there.
There was a moan about the design of bus shelters and other buildings and their unsuitability for rough sleeping.
I have an idea however.
There are loads of spare bedrooms in the homes of rich lefties and these should be put to good use.
People like Billy Brag, Harriet Harperson, Michael Meacher (property empire) etc etc. In fact if every hypocritical lefie and BBC luvvie were forced to open their doors to the homeless then there wouldn’t be a problem at all !
Of course once they found that the homeless also being a multitude of problems with them I expect that they’d want to be rid of them as quickly as possible.
Nothing like reality biting to open peoples eyes, but then given the antipathy the Fascist left have with reality & the truth & think they’d casually forget all about it once it wasn’t affecting them
Yes, it’s like the current “bucket” ads on the telly in which James Nesbitt cajoles us all to give three quid to the Syrian cheeldren, for some water.
One wonders how many three quid ‘bucket’ donations he could manage, without actually noticing the loss.
Hypocrites, every man (and woman) Jack of them.
Don’t you know three quid buys an AK47 bullet?
I wondered how people like Boris or the usual do-gooders would feel if homeless people started sleeping outside their front doors but then we already know the answer….they would be moved on but when it comes to normal people they are told they must have them hanging around their properties as they are evil otherwise
As I always say the reason I hate the left is because of their hypocrisy on EVERY issue they bleat about
It wasn’t surprising that the BBC failed to mention that one of the buildings that has a bit of ‘unfriendly architecture’ to discourage rough sleepers, is the Labour Party headquarters.
I know that they’re only tenants, but I can’t help thinking that if the BBC found that the nasty Tories headquartered in the building, we wouldn’t have heard the last of it. The chance to embarrass the Tories would have been just to tempting for the BBC to ignore.
Hat tip to Guido.
Apparently “thousands” have signed an online petition against the installation of these “spikes”, according to Today. Which got me to wondering.
How many of these signatories would welcome a homeless person sleeping outside their own front door? Sadly, no-one on the programme seemed curious.
Online petitions are hardly worth the megabytes they are composed of.
[rhetorcial]Which makes one wonder why supposedly credible news organisations seem to treat them as ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).[/rhetorical]
Zero thought, zero effort… all emotion. Maximum smug. No investment required. Next to no data confirmation. Especially if Stuart Hughes is helping on campaigni… editorial.
Manufactured outrage, click, move on.
In simplistic terms these spikes seem a dire concept. The metal ones I’ve seen appear a health & safety nightmare anyway. Slip sideways to get tenderised and you are in compo heaven. Mind you, pop a slab of 12-ply on them and it would keep the damp away.
As with everything it’s the narrow focus and inability to see where idealism stops and realities intrude, simply to whip up a hoo-haa about one group with another group using yet another group as an excuse. Interestingly, as suggested, group B (of Ark fame) would likely be less likely to sign up if one of their arm’s length causes actually set up camp on their own front lawn.
This looks a nice spot…
Less clear how a security guard not letting any homeless sleepyhead near enough to get comfy differs greatly from many other methods of crowd control.
Architects, watch out!
If the affront du jour is spikes, then these two for a start are a real issue:
How unfeeling to suggest that the best way to help the homeless is to let them sleep in a doorway. That is not the answer.
Here is an example, of what happens when impressionable minds are NOT, taught to think, objectively, intellectually, openly and with common humanity …
Do you think these muslim adherrents read different Quran or Hadith or Sunnah to ones in Luton, Bradford, or Bham
mosque airheads not bleating out the same mantra s?
yep! Luton where books had to be removed only yesterday?
or London, or the King Fahad Academy remember that one.
Neglecting teaching sciences, or holocaust, or equally other religions, or the benefits of none, etc etc.
ahem … NOT! … on the BBC today
Palestinianâ prof resigns after death threats, for taking students to Auschwitz
death threats?
“Why? Did he advocate violence in the name of Islam, thereby twisting and hijacking the Religion of Peace TM ?
No, he took students on a field trip to Auschwitz to teach tolerance and empathy”
As stated on the previous blog, this is just more of Labourâs chickens coming home to roost.
Roll on Chilcot â let us get a little bit more of the full story about this Nationâs most Islamic radicalizing, disastrous 13 years of Governance this country has ever had to endure.
The whole Blair experiment has affected millions not only here, but in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.
Not only the deathly, disabling, displacing effects on millions, from the most irresponsible, doubtfully legal, heinous wars waged, but also from the recessional, bankrupting results of them running the worldâs largest financial centre.
Let us just hope we still might have a chance of righting their many gigantic wrongs.
BBC. – We are the victims of the extreme politics of Michael Gove whose ignorance of Islam is only matched by his hostility. Many Muslims will feel alienated and victims of state Islamophobia …
Sounds like the same pneumatic victim mentality
on show all day on BBC news yesterday
deceit and pandering in equal measures
… shame on the BBC
‘Telegraph’ (ÂŁ)-
“Was it really necessary for the BBC to send 272 staff to Brazil for the World Cup?”
By Graeme Archer.
Yeah. It is ridiculous the amount of substitutes allowed in the game these days.
Here’s a story that caught my eye on the BBC online News site:
National Grid offers companies cash to cut power use
National Grid is offering to pay companies to cut their electricity use in winter to prevent blackouts. The firm, which runs Britain’s supply network, is seeking customers who can cut consumption or switch to backup services during peak demand. Demand is at its highest between 16:00 and 20:00 on winter weekdays, said National Grid. The UK is facing a reduction in electricity generation as old plants shut and new ones are slow to start up.
Hmmm. I thought Britain was a first-world nation, yet here we are being warned by Auntie that the National Grid is suggesting some of us might be facing power blackouts this winter. I’m struggling to find a reason for this – the BBC certainly don’t seem to want to explain. *shakes head* …Nope, I’m totally baffled why we might be running out enough power stations to meet demand…
Anyone have any ideas?
how about closing BBC TV down at the weekends.
long weekends – Friday morning through till Tuesdays ?
“You are cynical, you like bad jokes and you drink too much at the weekend”
Serbian-born US performance artist and BBC favourite Marina Abramovic voices her opinion of us British.
BBC favourite, you ask…. boy oh boy what a BBC favourite….
Zeitgeisters BBC Radio 4 BBC Arts Editor (and post-dinner party appointee) Will Gompertz on Abramovic
The Arts Hour BBC World Service Marina Abramovic, the self-proclaimed ‘grandmother of performance art’, discusses the dangers of her art
BBC4 The Goddess of Art Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes (!)
Seductive, fearless, and outrageous, Marina Abramovic
BBC Radio 3 The Essay Marina Abramovic is the ‘grandmother of performance art’
And there’s more….
BBC Radio 4 Front Row Performance artist Marina Abramovic discusses her new project
BBC 2 The Culture Show Art critic Alastair Sooke bravely embarks on a four hour-long performance art experience courtesy of trailblazing artist Marina Abramovic
BBC News By Ian Youngs Arts reporter, BBC News
Performance artist Marina Abramovic has spent 40 years pushing her own mental and physical limit
And the BBC seem to have spent an awful lot of time, effort and our money pushing this lady.
“Pretentious, lovers of bad jokes – but with an eye for the main chance of living in the US and gobbling up arts public funding”
Mr As I See It voices his observations of certain Serbians
Some of you will have seen this [below] on Guido’s site and with it the tweet from Newsnight’s Maitlis
emily m â @maitlis This is killer interview. Lands gove in very sticky position if true #newsnight
10:44 PM – 9 Jun 2014
As someone says, why is she commenting on the news?
Newsnight has a track record in going for the Tories. Remember how they tried to spike Boris’s mayoral campaign running a story on his tax and earnings and those of Ken (I’ll publish details of everything I’ve earned for the last 4 years) Livingstone. Livingstone though hid his real earnings, but of course Newsnight lost interest when the story no longer met their agenda. We never did get to what Livinstone’s income really was.
It’s time Newsnight was taken off the air and Maitlis shown the door.
PS: Using the Livingstone example of how the BBC work, presumably Maitlis and Newsnight will lose interest in posting an apology / footnote / update to her tweet
North West Tonight it’s food banks again, Yes the second day running. Blah blah blah.
I noticed that according to C4 obesity is more common amongst poorer people. So calories are cheap.
I followed a scruffy fellow who lives in in subsidised housing near us into the local store yesterday. Did he buy groceries? Nope, just ÂŁ30 quids worth of lottery tickets.
Next stop of course, the food bank.
A wise man once said that giving the poor & the destitute hope through the pools (now the lottery) gave their life a little meaning. Take that away and you might as well light a fuse on a bomb.
So what if he spent ÂŁ30 ? It’s his money and his choice, even if morally it’s wrong, for him having that chance of improving his miserable existence is worth more than anything else.
The pedo who was living two doors up from us (just jailed for 2 years & 30years on the sex offenders list) with four kids was using the foodbank I was told. In between having his car valeted, too much effort to wash it himself, driving his non road legal quad bike up and down the road and applying for planning permission to extend his house. Another distant relative of my partner was using a food bank whilst in a ÂŁ28K a year job.