‘It is astonishing that a Labour government has managed to lead the country into this religious quagmire.’ Polly Toynbee
A large download of information regarding faith schools, of all faiths, and the consequences of their ever growing presence….starting from a very biased promotion of Muslim faith schools by Mark Easton and the downplaying of the hijacking of secular schools by extremists…..there’s lots to read and chew over…. but try and read it all….it tells you that opposition to faith schools is not just about Muslim schools…so no Islamophobic ‘witch hunt’, and that Labour played a huge role in creating this mess…for instance it allowed Muslim and evangelical schools in 2008 to opt out of Ofsted inspections…..you might ask how you don’t hear such things on the BBC in relation to the recent revelations (especially as it was revealed in a BBC Panorama programme in 2009 and 2010…can they really have forgotten?)….or how the direct evidence of a ‘Trojan Horse’ plot that Andrew Gilligan reports in detail is ignored by the BBC.
The BBC instead of standing back and reporting events has decided to try and change the course of events with the likes of Phil Mackie, Chris Cook and Mark Easton providing a rather unusual and personal view of those events not completely at one with the facts.
You might want to know if there is any substance to the ‘Trojan Horse’ claims….there isn’t according to these three. You might want to know if it is merely an anti-Muslim thing as suggested so often….but you won’t get any reference to opposition to Christian faith schools in relation to this story. You might want to know what part Labour played in creating this debacle when Tristram Hunt et al are constantly in the BBC studios…but again little to no reference is made to past sins of Labour in the run up to an election.
There is plenty of that ‘unusual and personal’ analysis but no nuance, context or history. For the BBC the job is to playdown any idea of Muslims hijacking state sector secular schools whilst conversely playing up the government’s part in recklessly ignoring that ..er…’non-existent’ threat.
An interesting day yesterday watching the BBC negotiate the tricky revelations about the ‘Trojan Horse’ affair.
All morning we were assured that there was nothing to be concerned about, Nicky Campbell even telling us that this wasn’t a Muslim/non-Muslim issue…his message being that perhaps a school would always take on the ethos of the parents and if you get good exam results maybe that’s acceptable.
The hapless Phil Mackie came on to tell us that the Trojan Horse allegations were somewhat exaggerated…perhaps coming from disgruntled staff who weren’t up to the job.
That’ll be like headmaster Tim Boyle who raised the alarm in 2010 and whose warnings the BBC based its criticisms of Gove upon for apparently not taking them seriously (though he might have…read on)…..or the headmistress of the ‘outstanding’ Park View School who has been forced out by Tahir Alam….
‘Outstanding’ head teacher allegedly targeted by Muslim radicals confirms that she’s retiring
Lindsey Clark, the respected executive head of Park View, one of the Birmingham schools targeted in the alleged “Trojan Horse” plot by Muslim radicals, has confirmed that she is to retire. She becomes the fifth non-Muslim headteacher to leave one of the schools linked to the plot over the last six months. The others are Balwant Bains (Saltley), Tina Ireland (Regent’s Park), Bhupinder Kondal (Oldknow), and Peter Slough (Small Heath). A sixth head, Golden Hillock’s Matthew Scarrott, left a little earlier.
As I have described, the replacement of secular, non-Muslim heads has been a key goal of the radicals leading the campaign.
Mrs Clark told Ofsted inspectors probing her school last month that she had been marginalised by Tahir Alam, the hardline chair of governors at Park View, and the school’s principal, effectively its number two, Mohammed “Moz” Hussain.
The Tahir Alam who has suddenly disappeared and left the PR to the only non-Muslim governor of the school.
After all the downplaying the BBC finally had to admit that there was more to this than they had previously liked to say:
“A culture of fear and intimidation has taken grip” in Birmingham schools caught up in the Trojan Horse claims, says Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw.
Head teachers have been “marginalised or forced out of their jobs”, said Sir Michael, as he delivered his findings on claims of hardline Muslim takeovers.
The Ofsted chief said there was evidence of an “organised campaign to target certain schools”.
Sir Michael’s conclusion is that there had been deliberate attempts to change the ethos of schools – and he has made recommendations, including the use of “professional governors”, to the Education Secretary Michael Gove, who will respond later on Monday.
“Some of our findings are deeply worrying and, in some ways, quite shocking,” says the Ofsted chief
Coincidentally on the same day this happened:
Ofsted has issued grave concerns over a Luton Islamic faith school found to have books which “promotes and condones” stoning, lashing and execution.
The Department for Education ordered Ofsted to carry out an emergency inspection of Olive Tree Primary School beginning May 13, but inspectors were forced to leave the school after parents became enraged over questions posed to nine-year-old students surrounding homosexuality.
During the visit the DfE asked inspectors to “pay particular attention to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.”
The schools watchdog has now said, in a report published on Monday, that it found literature in Olive Tree’s library which has “no place in British society” and “does not support pupils’ development for life in modern Britain”.
One problem with the BBC is a disconnect between its factual reporting and its analysis and comment/interpretation by people like Mark Easton who have their own agendas.
Despite “A culture of fear and intimidation has taken grip” and an “organised campaign to target certain schools” and “Some of our findings are deeply worrying and, in some ways, quite shocking,” says the Ofsted chief the BBC’s Mark Easton steps in to offer us his interpretation…and that’s all it is because facts are few and far between or ignored or distorted…although he mentioned the schools were not faith schools he continually gave the impression that they were in fact faith schools and perhaps should be considered no differently to Catholic faith schools:
‘Trojan horse’ scandal – extreme or diverse?
What there may well have been is an attempt by some conservative Muslims to encourage an ethos within Birmingham schools that is true to their religious tradition. But is that very different from Michael Gove’s encouragement of parents in Catholic academies to be true to their religious tradition?
If, like 629 other state-funded English secondaries, Park View had been allowed to become a faith school, then one presumes the Islamic ethos would no longer be regarded as a threat to the welfare of the pupils. Conservative Muslims would be no different from conservative Catholics looking to escape from moral and cultural relativism.
The BBC’s Chris Cook took a similar approach peddling the line that if the parents want faith schools then that might be the best solution: ‘Once you accept that certain schools are Islamic schools, you can then think about constructing a governing body with proper representation and management processes to prevent the problems in Birmingham.‘
Andrew Gilligan examines the Guardian’s coverage of this story and there is a distinct similarity between their coverage and the BBC’s:
Trojan Horse: how The Guardian ignored and misrepresented evidence of Islamism in schools
[The Guardian journalist has] done more than that – he’s ignored evidence, or misrepresented it as “crumbling” if it doesn’t fit his version of events. That’s not just bad journalism, but a betrayal of the liberal and progressive values The Guardian is supposed to fight for.
Are Easton and Cook right? Just how good are faith schools and is there a difference between Christian and Muslim ones? Do they sow divison and distrust and what are the consequences of segregation?
Muslim parent: Radical school is brainwashing our children
Mohammed Zabar, whose daughter attends Oldknow Academy, has spoken out after the head, Bhupinder Kondal, was driven out
And in 2010 Gilligan reports this:
Extremist Muslim schools: Islamism’s most worrying manifestation of all
I’ve just finished watching John Ware’s excellent BBC Panorama about what’s being taught in some Muslim schools: a subject which I, and others, believe is the single most worrying aspect of Islamist and radical activity in Britain.
At present the vast majority of British Muslims have little or no truck with Islamist ideas. But in some Muslim schools – not in all, but in a significant and growing number – a new generation is being raised to be much more radical than its parents.
The BBC’s film is another encouraging sign of the growing pressure under which Islamism now finds itself.
The BBC’s Panorama takes a look at faith schools in 2010 and tells us that the government is working on a programme to prevent radicalisation in schools….so does that indicate Gove did react to Tim Boyle’s concerns?
In 2009 Panorama looked at the issue of fundamentalist Islam in the UK…Panorama asks whether we should isolate or talk to the radicals…..The question has split those who work in counter terrorism
Note that…in 2009 how to tackle extremism was already a divisive issue in government….so Gove V’s May is nothing new…Labour were falling out themselves…finally coming down on the side that GOve took…wanting to tackle those who preach against democracy and British values:
BBC Panorama – Muslim First British Second
From 2009:
‘We want to move away from just challenging violent extremism. We now believe that we should challenge people who are against democracy and state institutions.’
The UK government is preparing a major shift in its counter-terrorism strategy to combat radicalisation, the BBC’s Panorama programme has learned.
Conservative Muslims who teach that Islam is incompatible with Western democracy will be challenged as part of a new approach, Panorama has been told.
A senior Whitehall source said that Muslim leaders who urge separation will be isolated and publicly rejected.
He also said this would occur even if their comments fell within the law.
This will include those who argue that Muslims should not vote and that homosexuals should be condemned on religious grounds.
Panorama’s source said that Britain “needs to identify and back shared values” and that this new thinking will be central to a new counter-terrorism policy called Contest 2 due to be launched this Spring.
From 2014:
On a mission to end extremism
Behind the row between Michael Gove and Theresa May lies a very real threat to our values – as the Education Secretary understands all too well
He will probably want to widen the debate beyond the classroom, arguing that the real issue underlying particular problems in Birmingham and his spat with the Home Office is: how should the British state deal with non-violent extremism? By that he means extremism of all sorts, though the Islamist is the kind most manifest at present.
Of course, there’s a problem with definition, not least because “extremism” is an emotive word. In the present context it needs other words alongside it, such as segregationism. That is what, essentially, is what appears to have been happening in Birmingham.
It is our tolerance of intolerance that motivates Michael Gove’s mission to resist the ideological subversion of our institutions and democratic practices.
The issue isn’t just about extremist violence:
We can’t avoid the threat of Islamism
The truth about how the Home Office views Islamic extremism – by Theresa May’s former speech-writer
The debate on how best to ensure that religious extremism does not generate terrorism takes place in the context of another one: how to integrate immigrants into British society, and to ensure that they adopt values that are not actively hostile to the central ideals of our society – secular democracy, freedom of conscience, tolerance and the equality of everyone before the law.
The number of immigrants coming to this country increased enormously when Tony Blair relaxed the rules restricting entry. Many of the new immigrants were from Pakistan and Bangladesh. They went to the communities in Britain that had been settled and shaped by people who came from the same area, sometimes even the same village, as they did.
It is perfectly reasonable that immigrants, arriving in a strange land whose values and even language they do not fully understand, should prefer to be with people who are similar to them and who share their own language and values. But the effect of that preference is to create “diaspora” communities that do not integrate or adapt to the values of the new society.
Sir Paul Collier, a professor of development economics at Oxford University, has produced a model that shows that it inevitably becomes a self-reinforcing process: each diaspora community gets ever more entrenched in reproducing the values of the society from which the migrants to it come, which in turn attracts more migrants from that society to it, which then ensures that it is less integrated with the host society – and more attractive to the immigrants from the traditional society in Pakistan, India or wherever.
Professor Collier thinks that unless the state takes very definite steps to stop this process happening, it will continue more or less indefinitely, with the result that migrant communities become ever more alienated and remote from the society to which they are supposed to adapt.
That leads directly to the nightmare scenario: a Britain made up of mutually antagonistic “monocultures” that do not trust each other, do not work together and do not share the values of secular democracy, freedom of conscience and the equality of both sexes before the law.
State policy in Britain over the last two decades has fostered the formation of unintegrated diaspora communities: multiculturalism, which was for many years the dominant approach, encouraged communities to hold on to their own values – with the inevitable result that they have become more entrenched.
White racism is not the biggest obstacle to integration: the highest levels of segregation anywhere in Britain are those recorded between Indians and Pakistanis in towns in the north of England. The segregation between
African-Caribbeans and Asians is markedly higher than the degree of segregation between whites and African-Caribbeans. And it seems to be getting worse, not better. Immigrant communities are getting more isolated, less integrated and more locked into their own traditional values.
It is of critical significance to all our futures: what kind of society the next generation will inherit depends on who is right – and who wins the battle in Cabinet and in Parliament.
How we are betrayed by people like Easton…what is the truth about faith schools? Here Toynbee spells out the difference between a nominally Christian faith school and a Muslim one:
Get off your knees
Afraid of being labelled Islamophobic, the left has fallen into an embarrassed silence on religion. We must speak up.
Now that religion is dangerously hot and divisive again, with new power to excite enmity and exclusion, the separation between church and state is no longer a dry academic question.
Muslims want to keep their children separate, while most parents who choose Christian faith schools do it to help their children get ahead. In heathen Britain, anachronistic church schools thrive because they are a fraud. By definition, most (of course not all) parents choosing them are not religious. Often church schools are a semi-conscious device for screening out troublesome children, ensuring a calmer environment and better results. Surveys show that faith school on average take fewer children on free school meals or with special needs. Those with deprived intakes sink to the bottom of the league tables along with the rest: no magic there. It’s about results, not sectarianism.
The rise of the concept of Islamophobia has struck too many dumb. They no longer express anti-religious views for fear of being Islamophobic. So, apart from protests by the doughty scions of the National Secular Society and their British Humanist Association allies, the left has fallen into an embarrassed silence on the subject of religion, just as it needs to speak up.
“Islamophobia” blurs racism and anti-religion dangerously. It’s interesting to see how Christian activists are now keen to make common cause with Muslims, drawing on their heat and passion. (The far left is doing the same, even less convincingly.) Far from a Clash of Civilisations between Islam and Christianity, in Britain they join together over religious broadcasting, schools and other rights. Officialdom is easily frightened of Islam, with good reason, treading carefully in a minefield.
Parents want good schools, and might prefer not to have to get on their knees in their local church to get into them. It is extraordinary that secular Britain is rushing to re-invent religion and give state aid to promote superstitions of every hue.
Is it just a witch hunt against islam? There were huge concerns about Christian fauth schools as well…..and the part Labour played in creating this fundamentalist mess:
The Economist was right, back in 2001: ‘handing over the children to the preachers is wrong in principle and dangerous in practice’
Tony Blair’s plan to hand over more state education to religious organisations is dangerous
The issue is not whether people should be allowed to educate their children according to whatever religion they choose. Certainly they should, so long as they give their children a decent amount of real education at the same time as imbuing them with ancient beliefs and superstitions. The issue is whether state-funded education should be in the hands of religious organisations. It shouldn’t.
Every religion believes that it has a monopoly on truth. By paying for religious schools, the state is spending taxpayers’ money to help schools promote one set of beliefs over another. But it ought not to be the business of the state to interfere in these matters, either by suppressing, or by promoting, particular religions. Most decent countries agree on that point these days. A few, including Afghanistan and Britain, do not.
Religion, as the world has been reminded over the past three months, is a divisive influence. Britain’s northern cities, where riots exploded this summer between Asian and white gangs, are already split along racial-cum-religious lines. Mosques are clamouring for state cash for schools just as churches are. Education based on religion tends to entrench existing divides. Anybody who doubts that should visit Northern Ireland.
Britain already has 7,000 state-funded religious schools. That is 7,000 too many. The government will not make British education better by promoting these establishments, and it will make British society worse.
Here’s Toynbee again:
Only a fully secular state can protect women’s rights
It is astonishing that a Labour government has managed to lead the country into this religious quagmire
The veil turns women into things. It was shocking to find on the streets of Kabul that invisible women behind burkas are not treated with special respect. On the contrary, they are pushed and shoved off pavements by men, jostled aside as if almost subhuman without the face-to-face contact that recognises common humanity.
The veil is profoundly divisive – and deliberately designed to be.
Segregation gets worse, with a third of schools now religious. The Young Foundation’s study, The New East End, warns that in Tower Hamlets white parents have taken over four church secondary schools, making them virtually all white, so neighbouring secular schools have become 90% Bangladeshi. Church schools aid segregation
The Leicester Islamic Academy turns state school next year, but the duty to accept 25% non-Muslims may not trouble it much. The principal said on The Moral Maze that all girls must wear the school uniform, both the hijab and the head-to-toe jilbab. Not much choice there.
Will the next Labour leader be brave enough to confront growing segregation? If so, start by ending all religious state education. It would be popular: a Guardian/ICM poll finds 64% of voters think “the government should not be funding faith schools of any kind”. Desegregating schools is a matter of fairness: Muslims have the poorest communities with the worst schools, and are in danger of increasing isolation and anger. The veil is another totem of that danger.
Here the Guardian looks at fundamentalist Christian schools:
Divine and rule
Evangelical schools might be a godsend for fundamentalist Christian families, but is their single-minded approach fostering intolerance in society?
In the US evangelicals have effectively created a parallel system of education which has schooled hundreds of thousands of pupils in its messianic world view and the evangelical social and political agenda has moved into the mainstream. Evangelical Christianity is far from being such a force in Britain, but it is clearly the desire of many of those I met that it should become so. They are being inspired by the growing confidence of other faith groups. Supporters of ACE talked admiringly of Muslims who make it clear they do not wish to join the mainstream. Fundamentalist Christians point enviously to the fact that more children are currently educated in Muslim independent schools than independent evangelical Christian schools – about 14,000 compared with about 5,000 – and independent Muslim schools are growing more quickly. Rather than confronting this sectarianism with a call to inclusiveness, they would like to react with further sectarianism of their own. The goal is a more, rather than less, divided society. “Christians have been leaving it to the government to decide on their values, while Muslims have said, ‘This is mine, this is my culture, this is who I am’,” says Maxine Hargreaves. “Now we Christians are saying that we want to defend our culture, too. We want to take back our children.”
Two thirds ‘oppose’ faith schools
Nearly two thirds of the public oppose faith schools fearing their impact on social cohesion, a poll suggests.
An ICM/Guardian survey found 64% of people opposed the idea of government funding for faith schools.
Barry Sheerman who chairs the Commons education committee questioned the idea of a “ghettoised” system.
“Schools play a crucial role in integrating different communities and the growth of faith schools poses a real threat to this.”
Teachers lack faith in Muslim schools
The row over whether faith-based schools help or hinder divided communities was reopened today as teachers rejected recommendations for more Muslim faith schools.
A report being published today at the House of Lords warns that too many Muslim pupils are being failed in their academic and spiritual education.
The Muslims on Education policy document, which has been compiled by Muslim academics and educationalists, says state schools need to make better provision for Muslim pupils. It also calls for more faith-based schools to be established to cater for their needs.
However, the National Union of Teachers said that introducing more faith schools would be an “admission of [the] failure” of schools to meet the needs of Muslim pupils.
Dr Nasim Butt, headteacher at Brondesbury College, an independent Muslim school. He said too many Muslim pupils were being let down in the state and independent sectors.
Dr Butt told EducationGuardian.co.uk: “The most important aspect of this report is the underachievement of Muslim children.
“Faith schools are not more divisive, they are often beacons of excellence academically, spiritually and morally.
The report flies in the face of recommendations from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) select committee, which found that “ignorance and fear of other cultures” was pushing parents to send their children to schools where they would mingle almost exclusively with pupils from the same racial background. They also suggested that faith schools should not be allowed unless actively promoting multi-culturalism.
MP Andrew Bennett, Labour chair of the ODPM Commons committee, said Northern Ireland demonstrated the dangers of faith-based schools.
“Children live totally parallel lives. You start off with separate school, then you end up with separate health centres, you end up with separate supermarkets,” he told the Today programme.
“What we want is for children to have a good understanding of each other’s culture and separating them in schools is not going be a good idea.”
Top school’s creationists preach value of biblical story over evolution
State-funded secondary teachers do not accept findings of Darwin
Fundamentalist Christians who do not believe in evolution have taken control of a state-funded secondary school in England. In a development which will astonish many British parents, creationist teachers at the city technology college in Gateshead are undermining the scientific teaching of biology in favour of persuading pupils of the literal truth of the Bible.
Emmanuel is a non-denominational Christian school which achieves consistently outstanding academic results and received a glowing Ofsted report last year.
“All we are saying is that it’s up to children to make their own minds up. I haven’t had any complaints… The parents are happy, the students and teachers are happy; we have them standing in queues waiting to get in.”
A spokeswoman for the Department for Education and Skills said: “What schools need to do is teach the national curriculum in an impartial way. Personal doctrines should not override anything that should be taught in the curriculum.”
Here is a very long look at Labour’s part in encouraging the growth of faith schools and the quagmire that has created:
Public support for church schools was controversial, however. During debates on the 1902 bill, for example, ‘inside and outside Parliament there was outcry against “Rome on the rates”‘
Secretary of State for Education, David Blunkett (pictured), assured them that he did not want to upset the compromises of the 1944 Education Act and that church schools would continue to enjoy a considerable degree of autonomy within the state system.
The government then turned its attention to other denominations and faiths. It was concerned that a system which gave huge amounts of state funding to thousands of Church of England and Roman Catholic schools but hardly any to schools of other faiths was inherently discriminatory. Anxious to demonstrate its commitment to multiculturalism, it quickly set about addressing the problem.
Tony Blair told a conference of faith groups organised by the Christian Socialist Movement that church schools were a pillar of the education system, ‘valued by very many parents for their faith character, their moral emphasis and the high quality of education they generally provide’
…religious groups would be encouraged to work with the private sector in running weak or failing schools
A report commissioned by Bradford Council concluded that communities were becoming increasingly isolated along racial, cultural and religious lines, and that segregated schools were fuelling the divisions. The report was prophetic. At Easter there were riots in Bradford and during the summer the disorder spread to Oldham, Greater Manchester and Burnley.
Professor Richard Dawkins, who, in an open letter to Estelle Morris, said ‘After everything we’ve been through this year, to persist with financing segregated religion in sectarian schools is obstinate madness’
There was more criticism of faith schools when, in March 2002, The Guardian reported that Emmanuel City Technology College in Gateshead, set up under the Tories with £2m of sponsorship from evangelical Christian Sir Peter Vardy, had hosted a ‘creationist’ conference and that senior staff had urged teachers to promote biblical fundamentalism.
The furore grew. At the beginning of April 2002 leading clerics and scientists wrote to the Prime Minister expressing their ‘growing anxiety’ about the spread of faith schools and the introduction of creationist teaching. Downing Street officials told the group that Tony Blair would respond to their concerns ‘in the near future’ (The Observer 7 April 2002).
‘In the end, it is a more diverse school system that will deliver better results for our children and if you look at the actual results of the school, I think you will find they are very good.’
However, Blair’s commitment to ‘diversity’ meant he was quite happy to hand over state schools not only to creationists but also to a bewildering variety of faith groups (not to mention electrical retailer Dixons, drugs company Pfizer, Anna Kournikova’s sports agent, and the chairman of Reading Football Club).
Others were less enthusiastic. Robin McKie noted that while Scotland was attempting to tackle the problems caused by its religiously-segregated schools, England was plunging towards a ‘sad, sectarian future’. This would be the unavoidable consequence, he argued, of the government’s ‘persistent encouragement of faith schools exclusively built for Muslims, or for fundamental Christians, or for orthodox Jews, or – while they are it – for aliens’
Researchers at Bristol University, led by Professor Simon Burgess, warned that the lessons of Sir Herman Ouseley’s report on the Bradford riots of 2001 had been ignored and that ‘white flight’ and the rise of Muslim schools were turning England’s inner-city playgrounds into monocultural zones which were potential breeding grounds for intolerance and racism (The Guardian 1 April 2004).
If we are going to not have divided, ghettoised communities we have to be very careful of this enthusiasm that some in the Department for Education have for faith schools, and we have got to be very careful about the growth of very religious minorities getting a hold on academies. (The Observer 7 August 2005)
Chief Inspector of Schools David Bell. In a speech to the Hansard Society in January 2005 he warned that a traditional Islamic education did not equip Muslim children for living in modern Britain (The Guardian 18 January 2005).
A small group of governors is making
significant changes to the ethos and culture
of the academy without full consultation.
They are endeavouring to promote a
particular and narrow faith-based ideology
in what is a maintained and non-faith
Many members of staff are afraid to speak
out against the changes taking place in the
The academy is not adequately ensuring that
pupils have opportunities to learn about faith
in a way that promotes tolerance and
harmony between different cultural and
religious traditions.
What do some high profiel Muslims think?:
The solution is that each and every Muslim child should be in state funded Muslim schools because western education makes a man stupid and selfish according to Lord Bertrand Russell.
Iftikhar Ahmad
What else has Iftikhar Ahmad of the London School Islamics say?:
There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
A community is held together by common values and principles.
[Here he gives a hidden clue as to what he wants…a Muslim caliphate…..]
The Muslim community has been passing through a phase of fourth Crusades. The battleground is the field of education, where the young generation will be educated properly with the Holly Quran in one hand and Sciences in other hand to serve the British society and the world at large. A true Muslim is a citizen of the world, which has become a small global village. We are going to prepare our youth to achieve that objective in the long run.
It is absurd to believe that Muslim schools, Imams and Masajid teach Muslim children anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-western views.
Islam does not teach that Jews and Christians are pigs and monkeys.
British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism.
Racism is deeply rooted in British society.
This is the true picture of British broken society and the Muslim community does not want to be integrated. The British government is again asking us, Muslims, to adopt the” British values” and to integrate fully into the British way of life. But many so called “British values” are not acceptable to us.
The Muslims don’t want to integrate or abide by western law.
[Despite saying this earlier…There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.…he claims that any parent not wanting to send their child to a Muslim school is racist:]
Schools in parts of England are becoming increasingly segregated. The study focused on 13 local authorities. Many of the schools and colleges are segregated and this was generally worsening over recent years. This is RACISM because British society is the home of institutional racism. A study by Bristol University reveals that a high level of racial segregation in Oldham schools and tension between communities resulted in recent riots in 2001. The solution is that those schools where Muslim children are majority may be designated as Muslim community schools.
In the late 80s and early 90s, when I floated the idea of Muslim community schools, I was declared a “school hijacker” by an editorial in the Newham Recorder newspaper. This clearly shows that the British media does not believe in choice and diversity in the field of education and has no respect for those who are different.
The time has come for the Muslim community – in the form of Islamic charities and trusts – to manage and run those state schools where Muslim pupils are in the majority.
Muslim schools are doing better because a majority of the teachers are Muslim. The pupils are not exposed to the pressures of racism, multiculturalism and bullying.
And the case for faith schools wasn’t helped when the London School of Islamics claimed that a 16 year old Muslim girl who had been murdered by her father in an ‘honour killing’ was the victim of British state education. The tragedy could have been avoided, it said, if the ‘poor girl’ had been educated ‘in a Muslim school by Muslim teachers’ (The Guardian 14 October 2003).
Protest/send letter to your MP/Send a letter to the school of your children Watch and find out and make sure that your children are not BRAINWASHED to accept homosexuality or to become homosexuals? Please put this worrying new news on your websites, mention it in Friday sermon, send it to all Muslim contacts…Thank you WS Dr A Majid Katme Muslim Coordinator to SPUC
What other views might he propagate?
A leading Islamic doctor is urging British Muslims not to vaccinate their children against diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella because they contain substances making them unlawful for Muslims to take.
Dr Abdul Majid Katme, head of the Islamic Medical Association, says almost all vaccines contain un-Islamic “haram” derivatives of animal or human tissue, and that Muslim parents are better off letting childrens’ immune systems develop on their own.
Dr Katme, an NHS psychiatrist, said: “If you breastfeed your child for two years – as the Koran says – and you eat Koranic food like olives and black seed, and you do ablution each time you pray, then you will have a strong defence system.”
The Guardian has its doubts about him:
Is there a doctor in the mosque?
The dubious medical advice of Dr Majid Katme, a respected figure in the British Muslim community, is placing lives at risk.
Which is the greater menace: Hizb ut-Tahrir or the Islamic Medical Association of the UK?
“Single sex environment in clinics and in hospitals is the safest and best way forward … female medical staff with female patients and male medical staff with male patients.”
Dr Katme does, however, appear to approve of vaccination against lesbianism – “We must vaccinate our children against this curse” – but perhaps in that particular case it’s the lesser of two evils.
The real problem, though, it that Dr Katme is a respected figure in the British Muslim community. Mothers who wouldn’t dream of listening to Hizb ut-Tahrir will listen to him. Many may also prefer his word – as a “good Muslim” – to that of the Department of Health or the BMA.
Policy Exchange had its doubts about faith schools of all religions in 2010:
A new report from Policy Exchange recommends reforms to faith schools to prevent infiltration from extremists.
It concludes that Britain’s education system, including OfSted and the Department for Education, is currently not equipped to meet such challenges. The report says:
“Current due diligence checks are piecemeal, partial and lack in-depth expertise;
The Coalition Government’s policy of opening up the education system to new academies and free schools programmes could be exploited unless urgent measures are taken to counter extremist influence;
Britain lags behind other liberal European democracies in addressing these problems in schools.”
Although PE mentions the Coalition’s academies if you have read through the information about Labour you will see that their academy schools were thought to be just as vulnerable to infiltration by extremists.
Scandalous -but it could be worse ……. here in Jersey some of our educational establishments were infiltrated by paedophiles.
Not dissimilar from problems experienced in the UK but much worse for an island the size of a small town.
Still a problem, is it, Mr Moral Relativist? Is paedophilia endemic in some of Jersey’s ‘communities’? How’s about gender segregation, or the banning of music and dance – how’s that going down in Jersey? And imagine your population ‘the size of a small town’ is 98% Muslim – still feeling comfortable with ‘religious conservatism’?
Chill there johnnythefish
Which part of “Scandalous” do you not understand? 😛
Do you disagree with my point which is that children in schools and institutions should be safe from sexual predators -just as they should be safe from religious predators?
Interestingly though superficially moralistic institutions are regularly the places where sexual predators and paedophiles are given the unsupervised freedom and power to operate. Jersey, the catholic church and I daresay some Muslim establishments where you are either classed a virgin possession or a worthless kafir whore, or where the upper casts pray on the lower casts.
Very unpleasant.
To answer your questions in order:
-paedophilia may well still be endemic in some of Jersey’s ‘communities’. Certainly the cover up of paedophilia is alive and well in Jersey and particularly at it’s BBC:
-gender segregation is not too much of an issue except that females are inevitably underrepresented in most areas including the parliament. In reality most important political decisions are probably taken in the freemason’s lodge ……..which IS gender segregated.
– public music and dance ARE permitted in Jersey but until recently [I kid you not !!! ] this could only legally be done “by kind permission of the Bailiff (the immensely powerful unelected crown appointee)
– ‘religious conservatism’ ……. yes we still have quite a problem with that but generally of the western and social varieties.
Do not make the mistake of assuming that the UK, it’s BBC or it’s Parliament is free of the corruption problems which plagues Jersey’s monied underworld. In many ways Jersey is just a surreal microcosm of the rest of the British Isles with Savile and ecclesiastical abuse etc. but being smaller and more ‘hick’ is easier to study and understand.
You could apologise for you rudeness but I don’t expect you will.
Sorry, this link will probably work better RE. the BBC’s continued cover up of paedophilia, link#1:
Meh, indeed.
Get in touch with your values.
Oh, you already have.
Continue with your moral relativism until you end up in a deep rectal hole which is, in fact, your own.
Take a look at the photographs on the home page of the Park View Education Trust website (see http://www.pvet.co.uk/). And no, they were not taken in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.
I’m sure one of the pictures showed a mixed gender class but I might be mistaken. I think the school ‘ethos’ is clear as is the 100% diversity.
notice the boys are on one table the girls the other,no mixing of the sexes.looks to me that way.could be wrong….
What did we expect to happen when we invite into our country large numbers of rural villagers from Muslim countries, allow them to live in high concentrations and not to integrate into British life? Of course they are going to try and recreate what they know best, their previous culture and way of doing things.
Consequently, we are seeing how they would deal with things in their home countries, rigging elections, intimidation at the ballot box, corruption, nepotism and of course an education for their children which is similar to what they would get at home.
The BBC and the liberal left can try to cover this up and resort to their usual modus operandi when something newsworthy occurs that doesn’t fit with their narrative, OSDML, omit, suppress, distort, mislead and finally lie. The Trojan Horse story is a perfect case study in the way the BBC applies OSDML. But increasingly the truth will seep out and we will all begin to see what an awful problem they have created by their mass immigration and multicultural policy and to which there is no easy answer.
A problem created by politicians for politicians while the rest of us just wonder “why?” we ever got ourselves into this state.
I still have my pictorial encyclopedia from my primary school days and I think the sole reference to ‘Islam’ is on a page about costume around the world which shows a women wearing a veil. At the time that was all we needed to know, about on the same level as “Aborigines throw boomerangs”, general knowledge but not life critical.
Who would have thought that such a scene would be a daily occurrence in the street where I was brought up?
Better get a hard hat, it can’t be long before the air is thick with throwing sticks!
Except that “we” did not invite them. It was “they” who invited them i.e. the liberal globalist elite and their supporters and useful idiots.
The BBC totally misunderstand that children can be taught to hate.and in fact endorsed incitement to hatred in children see ( ignore title )http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/complaints-re-jewish-newspapers-hoax.html
Not altogether true. The BBC would readily agree that children were being taught to hate if for example a BNP member was allowed to talk in a school or indeed if a clergyman were to tell children that, in the eye of God, homosexuality is wrong.
Oddlythere’s no censure of Muslim Imans who call for the killing of homosexuals.
yes but there is censorship for British people who say they don’t like homosexuals.
If you write a piece this long Alan, regardless of its merit then the chances are that very few people are going to read it through, it’s just too wordy !
Your opening remark also leads me to question how much you know about the subject, and just how influenced by BBC propaganda you yourself have become.
“the hijacking of secular schools by extremists”.
No Alan, these are not ‘extremists’ they are simply Muslims following their religions as the Qur’an and Hadith tell them. Just because it appears ‘extreme’ to us doesn’t mean that it is.
Take a trip to any Muslim country and you will find schools run exactly along these same lines.
Clegg is on the Today program making an ass of himself (nothing new) trotting out the old apologist excuse “they’re not all the same” – you only need one to be different for that to be true, so it’s a meaningless argument.
There are plenty who do agree and for me that’s enough.
Rather reminds one of Amadeus, where the King advises Mozart that his work has too many notes in it.
The problem with the new sound bite, 140-characterless, time poverty-pleading world of today, is sometimes to cover an issue properly, in detail, with substantiation, does need a few words.
If they are good ones they all have value, which will be appreciated, educate and inform those taking the time to read them.
Those not so minded of course have the option to pass.
“No Alan, these are not ‘extremists’ they are simply Muslims following their religions as the Qur’an and Hadith tell them. Just because it appears ‘extreme’ to us doesn’t mean that it is.”
I see what you are saying, but It is extremism to us and our cultural values. It is not extremism to Muslims, as you correctly point out, they are teaching the normal values and beliefs as per the koran and hadith. They do not see it as extreme. But that does not mean that we should not also. To the traditional British culture, killing homosexuals and rape victims IS extreme and we should never ever turn a blind eye to such extremism, for any reason.
“The famous complaint of Emperor Joseph II about The Marriage of Figaro – “too many notes, Mozart” – is generally perceived to be a gaffe by a blockhead. In fact, Joseph was echoing what nearly everybody, including his admirers, said about Mozart”.
As for Kens post, it might comfort you to know that you are completely in tune with the BBCs definition which they have helpfully provided for us:
Today, the government defines extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”.
They even did a full page on it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27777892
Basically they have defined Islam as an extremist ideology which of course it if, but they’re never going to say that!
‘In fact, Joseph was echoing what nearly everybody, including his admirers, said’
Possibly… 97% of them? Sort of like a BBC twitter campaign, or indeed Graun-to-air editorial, then?
I may still invoke my option to pass in turn.
Thoughtful…..if you’d bothered to read any of the post you might have noticed I acknowledge the post is massive ….but urged you to read it and chew it over anyway….you’re not forced to do so, nor is any time scale suggested….the information is there to read if you want to, skim over and pick and choose what interests you…it’s not hard….and having looked at your own posts here you could follow your own advice perhaps.
As for what is the definition of extremism…if you have read anything I’ve posted here on Islam and the BBC, presumably not judging by your comment, you might have noticed that the whole basis of my argument was that the BBC (and the ‘establishment’) peddle the narrative that ‘extremist’ Islamic beliefs are a distortion or perversion of Islam……whilst in fact Islam is extreme itself in the context of a western, democratic, secular, progressive society.
Killing gays, killing those who would leave your religion, making inflammatory comments about other religious believers, making women 2nd class citizens etc hardly fits in with ‘British values’……they are extreme views…and well known aspects of Islam….as Mark Steyn says the problem isn’t that they are extremsist it is that they are following the directions as given by their religion.
In other words my argument has always, repeatedly, presented exactly the same ideas as you have raised above.
More of Labour’s chickens coming home to roost.
Roll on Chilcot – let us get a little bit more of the full story about this Nation’s most Islamic radicalizing, disastrous 13 years of Governance this country has ever had to endure.
The whole Blair experiment has affected millions not only here, but in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.
Not only the deathly, disabling, displacing effects on millions, from the most irresponsible, doubtfully legal, heinous wars waged, but also from the recessional, bankrupting results of them running the the world’s largest financial centre.
Let us just hope we still might have a chance of righting their many gigantic wrongs.
I agree. How do we correct and repair the cultural damage of the last 17 years? We need to have a British bill of rights which applies to ALL. I think the Australian approach is best. We need that bill of rights to show that we are a Britain built upon the Judeo-Christian heritage, and we are a tolerant and diverse country, but by which we have specific cultural values which must NOT be reversed or undermined by any of the diverse culture’s which reside here.
The motives for going into Afghanistan were right (if exceedingly naïve and optimistic given its history) as it was virtually a terrorist state. British jihadists – including some of the 7/7 bombers – trained there well before any invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq. Whilst I agree the invasions have exacerbated the situation and given extremists an excuse for their actions (and loaded guilt onto the West in the process) – terrorist acts against the West were already underway with more being planned.
Agreed johnny …..Afghan was required, since Taliban and Al-Qaeda, needed sorting for the sake of the world badly.
Do not want to go into long spiel here, but, in my view, they did it so wrong, amplified by taking their eye off the ball and going into Iraq, which has also resulted in another disastrous outcome.
Deffo. And as for Saddam Hussein supporting Al q’ Aeda? What a wheeze that was, and Blair backed it hook line and sinker: ‘Whatever you decide to do George, I’m 100% behind you’ (or words to that effect).
Blair should have been locked up years ago for life for his crimes against a) humanity and b) Britain
Just heard Clegg being interviewed on Radio 4 (about 8.15am) where he was pushed to give his opinion about wearing veils in school. Obviously, this was what the reporter believed to be the central issue. Move on.
I am having to re-think about the oppression of women (as opposed to children) in Islamic communities. Here we are denouncing their oppression, being forced to wear the hijab, owned by men, but observing muslim women out on the streets wearing the uniform, supported by the UAF, denouncing western values. Meanwhile the few women who have spoke out have been drowned in the silence of official feminist voices.
The left wing agenda will always take preference over feminism and democratic principles.
I’d agree with Thoughtful – this behaviour may well be seen as extreme here, but to say that it’s extreme from a Muslim perspective is to say the least, debateable. Likewise, what are the theological credentials of the BBC, Blair, Cameron, Gove or anyone else to say which is the ‘true’ version of this, or any other, religion.
I’d also say that we’d get a lot further in approaching the issue if we described the children as of being of Muslim parents rather than Muslim children themselves.
The extremist teaching of executing homosexuals and rape victims is not extreme to Muslims.
That does not mean we should accept such things in this country. IF they want to teach such vile extremism, then teach it in a Muslim country.
Why is it that lefties will happily smear and attack an entire group in this country, such as UKIP, as being utterly vile and unnacceptable due to the homophobic views of a few of them, yet when even more extremist homophobic views are central to Islamic teaching, these lefties turn a blind eye and defend the Muslims?
Such utter hypocricy is sickening. Anyone who defends Islam is clearly a homophobic, sexist bigot.
just send them back if they dont want to integrate then send them to a muslem country,this is a christian country.Abide by OUR RULES of ship out.What would happen if the shoe was on the other foot,we wanted christian schools in a muslem country.Would they allow it,come on MP’s the question isn’t that hard…….
The Muslim “faith” was spread at the point of a sword right from it’s conception. The lovies at the BBC do not understand how violent a belief it is.
The Beeb are slowly but surely painting themselves into a corner.
They try to equate fundamentalist Islam with fundamentalist Christianity ( assuming there is such a thing). The fact is that Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ a prophet who preached that one should love one’s neighbor, forgive them for any transgressions and genuinely sought peace between all Nations. Believe he lived or not, those values are the ones upon which our society is based and has prospered. Islam on the other hand is based on the teachings and maniacal ravings of a war mongering, violent pedophile who refers to Jews as monkeys and pigs. Who destroyed towns and villages killing and raping. Who advocates old men forcing innocent young girls into marriage. Who encourages those who refuse to accept their so called religion to be brutally murdered. have you ever heard of a Christian or those who live by Christian values throwing a bomb into a crowded place full of innocent men, women and children while shouting ” Jesus is great !” ( I know the IRA for example bombed indiscriminately, but their idealism was politically based and they did not attribute their vile actions to the word of God). In their nauseating fawning over Muslims, the BBC and it must be said this Government, trumpet the mass immigration of people from Pakistan and Bangladesh together with their introduction of their ideals and values as hugely contributing to our society. We are a tolerant Nation and accept those of different cultures ( I hate that word in that context) but when those people are a threat to the ordered society and values established over generations which have shaped this Nation then our media and politicians should strongly and more vocally insist they should adhere to our present day values and not surrender to that medieval so called religion which dragged many middle eastern countries from the fledgling civilization to which they were striving to attain in the 50’s and early 60’s, back to the barbarism of centuries ago. Is that where we are heading ?
Well said; you are so right.
x 100
The claims about Creationism being taught in Christian schools turned out to be unfounded, when investigated by Ofsted. Emmanuel college, for example, taught about evolution in its science classes and presented creationism in its R>E. classes as an alternative viewpoint. Some allegations centred on the school’s Head of Science who had, prior to his taking up the post, publicly advocated the teaching of Intelligent Design in schools. He was at some point a director of creationist body Truth in Science, but resigned from its board in 2006 to underscore the separation between his private views and the school’s teaching of science.
Just wanted to raise this issue because people like to talk about the myth of creationism being taught as fact in Christian schools to imply that all faith schools are as bad as one another. They aren’t at all. There is one particular faith that is causing problems in the UK system. (And, of course, the Trojan Horse schools aren’t faith schools in any case).
For whatever reason the BBC simply don’t report on the violence of the religion preferring to report the Muslims as victims of violence themselves. The reason is somewhat irrelevant because the effect is what should be focused on and what can be done to counter this effect. . Thousands if not millions ( if you include the BBC World service ) are misled by misinformation and cannot see the danger of the result of teaching children violent beliefs .
It’s a particularly viscous circle as when Muslims read such articles they get further entrenched in a siege mentality.
That’s why, of course, the BBC do it. It’s multiculturism as divide and conquer. Whilst people rage against Muslims and Muslims rage back no one watching the real villains of the piece.
I stopped watching BBC news propaganda years ago
thanks for reminding me of why!
That was a quite a long blog posting and I haven’t read through all of it yet, but I do agree with the point being made right at the very top.
Except that, as you did when you included the same quote on Sunday, you deliberately omit the sentences before and after which show that you’ve wilfully taken that piece out of context. As I said then:
I fully expect that I’ll get all manner of personal attacks against me for daring to point out that Alan is misrepresenting an article to fit his own agenda yet again. And I’m sure those that call me a troll, or make comments about their perception of my physical appearance rather than addressing Alan’s dishonesty, will continue to act smugly with no reason.
Don’t feed the endless troll
….the endlessly smug troll.
Ah, here we go: don’t address the issues. Call someone a troll instead. Ignore, as you did on the other thread, genuine trolling behaviour from others.
What a wonderful gift to humanity “John Anderson” is.
Don’t feed the troll
“John”, do you have anything meaningful to say? Maybe how disgusted you are that Alan misrepresents reports so that the distorted version can appear to reinforce his thesis, when in fact they don’t?
No? How about how ashamed you are that Biased BBC commenters, while ignoring that, started in on the sort of personal vitriol that, if even hinted at in their direction, would have them Ranting about “ad hominem” attacks?
No? Just going to repeat the one sentence again?
The whining, tiresome troll has been insulting people and seeking attention on this blog for years, forever trying to derail threads and forever avoiding the core arguments. He is a total waste of space, a total nit-picking troll..
So – don’t feed the troll.
I’m so happy that my words of wisdom are spreading here – Don’t feed the troll…
So you are going to ignore Alan’s distortions and other people’s trolling, then, “John”?
Care to explain how pointing out that Alan lies about the content of posts he links to is trolling?
Don’t feed the troll
Okay, so you do think that lying is okay. Just so we’re clear as to just why your opinion isn’t worth listening to…
So picking on one isolated quote from a very extensive piece by Alan carries your argument? Are you serious?
What about this one from Mark Easton then:
‘What there may well have been is an attempt by some conservative Muslims to encourage an ethos within Birmingham schools that is true to their religious tradition. But is that very different from Michael Gove’s encouragement of parents in Catholic academies to be true to their religious tradition?’
Twisted leftist moral relativism at its obfuscating worst. Wouldn’t you agree, Scott, or do you concur with Easton and consider Catholicism as homophobic and misogynistic as Islam? Don’t you think a 9-year old Scott might miss a bit of music and dance to lighten his day at school and feel just a teensy weensy bit upset when the strange man comes to talk about doing all kinds of nasty things to homosexuals?
Time to show your cards, Scott: what is it about gender segregation, homophobia, ballot rigging, voter intimidation, dressing women in black shrouds and making them walk ten paces behind you, not to mention the butchery and mayhem going on all around the world in the name of Islam, that you are so very, very keen to defend?
The floor is yours (previous refusals to answer will be excused for one day only)……
Why are you feeding the troll ?
This is challenging the troll. Not feeding him. Funny how he has disappeared.
So picking on one isolated quote from a very extensive piece by Alan carries your argument?
Picking the case which Alan was challenged on two days ago, but which he chose to ignore, and then repeated.
He knows he misrepresented the article. Anyone who reads the original can see that he misrepresented the article. But for some reason, neither he nor you see to care that he’s lying. And it’s hardly the first time he – or Vance, who also twists his reporting of BBC articles to suit his own prejudiced agenda – have made stuff up.
Why is that? Why is it okay for Biased BBC to lie, not once but multiple times, in order to bolster a theory? And why are you okay with being lied to?
Alan lies. Time and time and time again. If you defend him and try and take the moral high ground while doing so, then more fool you.
Don;t feed the tiresome troll
Yet again, Scott, you have failed – and failed miserably – to rise to the challenge.
Now will you answer my questions and gain yourself a modicum of respect by stating your true position on Islam, else continue to obfuscate and evade ad nauseam and forever remain a figure of ridicule on here.
Argue your case, man, or just leave this site alone.
And Scott, when the Muslims take over it will be the likes of YOU with your wonderful tolerance of homophobia and the oppression of women (as long as the perpetrators are brown of course) who will be first against the wall.
Found it hard to believe that Dixons were sponsoring such establishments, a quick Google proves so ‘Dixons Trinity Academy’ mission statement ‘Diversity Achievement’
Another establishment to avoid along with M&S (refusal to serve alcohol and Tesco’s (Halal), strangely all three are or were Jewish owned…
The references to the disease of diversity on the Dixon’s Academy websites are nauseous. However, the academies are nothing to do with Dixons Retail, Dixons Travel, Dixons Estate Agents or my first optician, Mr Dixon, for that matter. The references to the past or present ownership of Dixons, M&S and Tesco – which are all publicly traded companies that anyone can buy shares in – are also nauseous. Take a look at an organisation called PFEG for information on who helps finance these schools (see http://www.pfeg.org/projects-funding/how-pfeg-funded).
I beg to differ, see quote below from Wiki, the article above mentions also Dixons retail.
” Stanley Kalms was appointed Chairman of the Dixons Group plc in 1971. He is also a Governor of Dixons City Academy in Bradford, West Yorkshire (where the state of the art theatre complex is named in his honour),”
Yes anyone can buy shares, but take a closer look at the major shar holder.
I beg to differ, see quote below from Wiki, the article above mentions also Dixons retail.
” Stanley Kalms was appointed Chairman of the Dixons Group plc in 1971. He is also a Governor of Dixons City Academy in Bradford, West Yorkshire (where the state of the art theatre complex is named in his honour),”
Yes anyone can buy shares, but take a closer look at the major share holders.
You never know Geoff your mother might have had a bit of Jooo in her and your the result.
Now F**K off twat.
“Another establishment to avoid”, echo’s of 30’s Germany here.
You have Nazi’s on this site.
it seems my post has been misunderstood, I was referring to them seeming pro Muslim for the reasons I stated and the juxtaposition and for absolutely no other reason.
There is a very simple test of “extremism”. Does a group, ethnic or religious, accept the law of the land or doesn’t it? If you think of major communities the British people have accepted over the centuries, say Roman Catholics or Jews, their commitment to the law of the land has been explicit & has been fundamental to their successful integration into British society. The Islamists put their above our law in every conceivable way. This will prevent them ever being acceptable members of our society.
The RC faith was illegal in the UK from late Tudor times to 1829, thanks to the Armada and the Gunpowder Plot. Islam has never been illegal despite all the Al-Qaeda and other Islamist acts and threats of terror.
In fact, if an Islamist nutter were to blow up Buckingham Palace and Parliament, then what was left of HM Govt would probably make Islam an equal state religion with CofE.
Islam is not illegal, but there are punishments under Islamic Law which are illegal in English criminal law. Muslims believe that Islamic law ALWAYS supercedes any national human sourced law. They only accept human laws under Taqiyya, but they believe their Islamic law to be superior.
The real fear is one of demographics. Once the Islamic population increases to a level where they can gain power, the tolerant British culture is dead. A wholly intolerant, totalitarian monoculture under Sharia law will replace all other cultures.
Grew up in Bradford so I was probably a little more aware than average of the differences between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. We didn’t dwell on it though. Why should we? Bradford had already absorbed Germans and, more recently, Poles Latvians and Lithuanians without much difficulty. It was a generally tolerant place, rewarded by riots in 2002.
I’m lost for words when I hear comparisons with 1930s Germany, accusations of widespread “racism”, or suggestions that the behaviour of the indigenous population is somehow responsible for the increasing acrimony and distrust.
Any loss of respect for Islam is entirely the result of the huge increase in numbers and the increased confidence, or dare I say, arrogance, encouraged by Saudi money. Unlike the Nazi attitude to Jews, nobody is particularly interested in Islam. It has little to offer and if its adherents would pipe down, stop feigning outrage on a regular basis and integrate a little more instead of trying to spread their way of life where it isn’t wanted, there would be much less fear and fewer outbursts of so-called “racist” language.
“It has little to offer and if its adherents would pipe down, stop feigning outrage on a regular basis and integrate a little more instead of trying to spread their way of life where it isn’t wanted, there would be much less fear and fewer outbursts of so-called “racist” language. “
But that is not following Islam, which I am sure you are aware, is dedicated to converting, enslaving or killing non-believers. As many Islamics are doing to this day in Islamic countries where Christians are burned alive in their churches.
“But that is not following Islam”
No, but it would be foolish to deny that there are some who claim to be Muslims yet manage to behave in a civilised way.
The big question in my mind is ‘how many’. I suspect there are quite a few who disapprove of Islamic tactics, at least on the outside, yet quietly hope for a wholesale expansion of Islam into the everyday lives of us all.
It’s probably too late to expect significant integration in any case.
….Their ways above our law….
It would be amusing if it weren’t quite so worrying, this incongruous coalition of the left and hard line Islamists. These two groups couldn’t be further apart, or so I would have thought. As spokespeople of the left the Beeb are wedded to promoting homosexuality, equal rights for wimmin and all things diverse, multicultural and cuddly. And then we witness the collision of ideals when modern liberal man runs smack into a belief system that is centuries behind our own. The poor liberal literally ties himself in knots attempting to excuse the inexcusable. He just can’t bring himself to find fault with a minority that he instinctively feels he has to protect and patronise. The recent “Trojan Horse” fiasco has surely shown that even to the most obtuse.
Imagine the uproar if these schools had been run by Methodists…
Don’t forget that the Left has previous, though. For instance, Herr Hitler and Uncle Joe pallying up together.
You mean two Socialists? Hardly a strange mix. You have swallowed the MSM “Nazi are Far right” meme. The Nazis were/are Left-wing (National Socialists…clue in the name??).The two only fell out when their aims of expansionism clashed.
As I have stated about British values elsewhere.
Under the politically correct imposition of thought policing and self-censorship in this country currently, British values could be described as: anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia and tolerance …
…. of Islamic racism, sexism and homophobia.
How I wish we could get past political correctness and tackle racism, sexism and homophobia within ALL cultures.
But you could argue, Ken, that we should have one unifying culture which underpins all the values you describe.
But the imposition of multiculturalism has dictated otherwise.
How do you define Islamist extremism? by Dominic Casciani.
You have to read between the lines of this to grasp the full horror of what Tony BLiars nu Liebour bunch did to understand it.
“Back in the early 1990s, London became a hub for an international network of predominantly Arab Islamist thinkers, many of whom had fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
These former fighters were seeking safe havens because their support for Islamic states meant they posed a security threat to the despotic regimes in their own countries.
They persuaded the UK that they would not pose an extremist threat here and were allowed to settle. ”
Except that it wasn’t the early 1990s which wold have put it as a Tory government issue, this was done under the approval of the BLiar government.
The final sentence is the telling one, that the numpties of the BLiar government allowed a load of Islamic Jihadist Militants to settle in Britain on the promise that they wouldn’t commit acts of terror here. Bliars nutters were quite happy for them to commit acts of terror in other countries, including neighbouring European ones, and naively believed they would keep their promises.
Thus Londonistan was born.
“This uneasy situation didn’t last. Jihadists – such as the preacher Abu Hamza – ultimately supported Osama bin Laden’s anti-Western message. The 9/11 attacks served only to convince critics that the UK’s security services had made a catastrophic error of judgement and allowed extremism to flourish.”
No not the UKs security services, lets apportion the blame where it should lie with Tony BLiar and Nu Liebour.
It goes on with cover up & deception:
“In the wake of the later 7/7 attacks on London, Tony Blair’s government signalled it would not only hunt down suspected terrorists, but also turn its attention to anyone promoting the ideology that could be linked to violence. ”
Oh the Heroic Saint Tony sorting out the mess of the Tories, but the Secret Services as well !
No one remembering those days could hold this version of events as a true and accurate interpretation of what happened.
Abu Hamza came to Britain as a student in 1979 as a student he married a stupid British woman in 1980 in 2004 e was finally arrested, but thanks to the BLiar terrorism act he couldn’t be charged Now he’s in America, and everyone is surprised at the ineffectiveness of the British legal system which utterly failed.
Here’s the Wikipedia entry proving the BBC page is a lie:
“According to Omar Nasiri
The mid- to late 1990s were the years when Britain’s capital earned the sobriquet of “Londonistan,” a title provided by French officials infuriated at the growing presence of Islamist radicals in London and the failure of British authorities to do anything about it.”
“According to critics, Britain’s “deep tradition of civil liberties and protection of political activists” led to the country becoming “a crossroads for would-be terrorists” for a decade after the mid 1990s. The Islamists used London “as a home base” to “raise money, recruit members and draw inspiration from the militant messages.” The British government’s perceived unwillingness to prosecute or extradite terrorist suspects provoked tensions with countries in which attacks occurred. Allegations of a British policy of appeasement of Islamists were made and denied by members of the British government who debated the issue
The BBC defending Labour & appeasing Muslims to this very day !
Agree Thoughtful – you highlight the elephant in the room:
The Bliar administration and BBC acting in hoc and attempting again obfuscation and deceit about the origins of the majority of our current problems with our British culture being autocratically undermined:
There was over a million increase in the Muslim population of our nation between 2001 and 2011:
Way more than a million. The estimates of ILLEGAL immigration are up to 2 million, of which over half is from Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.
Likely total increase of the Muslim population since Labour took power is of the order of 3 million. Brilliant. Just what we needed, all that diversity.
It is so sad that our children are being indoctrinated in the ways of a spiteful third world belief. A belief that subjugates women and mutilates the genitals of children. A belief that condones and excuses terrorist atrocities by the thousand, not only here in our country but all across the world. A medieval belief that was born of the sword and that openly still uses the sword to behead our own countries defenders on the streets of our own capital city. A belief that stones women to death for being raped. A belief that will murder you even for criticising it, let alone wanting to leave its terrible way of life.
Even worse are those that should know better yet would defend them.
“The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis”. Dante Alighieri.
Twinned with Media City, Salford.
Funny, all this extensive coverage of the Gove/May, Gove/Wilshaw spats – sorry, the Islamisation of Birmingham schools – by the BBC, with it being about education and the intimidation/hounding out of heads and teachers an’ all, I’ve not once heard them seek the opinions of the teachers unions.
Funny that.
Perhaps Scott knows.
Don’t feed the Scott-troll
Absolutely, just ignore him and he’ll go away – eventually. He’ll bluster and insult and try to force engagement in the meantime, but just ignore him.
I’ve not once heard them seek the opinions of the teachers unions
You must have missed last weekend’s radio ‘interview’ with Christine Blowers, the nut who leads NUT. The bBBC gave her free rein to say that Gove was terrible, this government is dreadful, teachers are wonderful … but completely ignoring any questions about the Muslim takeover of Birmingham schools. They then repeated her propaganda every half-hour in their ‘news’ bulletins.
The usual bBBC stance towards any trade-unionist.
The unions they should be speaking to – at great length – are those who represent head teachers. It is the heads who have been most strongly attacked by the Islamists, sidelined or forced to resign – and we know their union(s) have already said that there could be quite a few legal cases in due course.
I don’t think we have seen more than a fraction of the trouble yet. Islamist entryism has been taking place in many towns. They need to be purged from all over the UK education system.
And the Home Office needs to stop funding any outfit with any hint of attachment to extremist views.
The only good news so far is that Baroness Warsi has kept her biased trap shut. Time she and Cameron realised that we are sick of all the appeasement nonsense, the double-speak.
Thanks, Sir Arthur, I missed that one.
No continuing union narrative on this one, though, from the BBC. And from the sounds of their response on the occasion you quote, maybe even the BBC are too embarrassed to keep the union view current, it seeming not to offer any defence at all for its members against Islamic extremism in schools.
This is just another example of the BBC choosing not to give us facts which might interfere with its duty to educate us in politically correct ways of thinking.
have you noticed that all the leftists and there mates in the unions are coming out from under there stones like slugs to defend these racist islamist hate mongers who refer the white women as prostitutes,force muslim children to chant anti christian songs,invite al qaeda terrorists to these schools in birmingham,these leftists are just obscene and sickening,also,have you noticed that the former leader of the extreme islamist leftist respect party salma yaqoob has popped out from under her shell to defend her islamist brothers who have taken over these schools in birmingham,she has been appearing on the bbc,sky news,channel 4 etc non stop in the last few days to defend her islamist brothers,this unholy alliance to defend the trojan horse plotters betreen the islamists,the left,the unions and the foreign sound muslim immigrant parents just shows us who the real enemy within are.
When have the BBC given us the facts on anything over the past 40 years.Can anyone name any,the BBC stop any FOI request on the true facts on anything and everything.
As the UK slides towards civil war, who will be the first politician to admit that the BNP was right?
That’s a hell of a question. And the answer is none of them. How can they admit they were responsible for the destruction of Britain?
We are currently living in the Phoney Peace. The period before the war starts, when those that think they are just about to win over Britain and force it to become another Muslim hell hole, realise they are rumbled, as we all wake up to the threat terrible from within.
Despite the BBC and the Appeasers at any Price I think that the Great Awakening has now started but with more millions of them than we can now count what will they do? Will they give in quietly, see the error of their ways and become nice compliant British citizens? Perhaps they will become Christians, be good neighbours and integrate, start charitable organisations to help the disadvantaged, or even give away their wealth to the poor. I do not think so, the answer to the question, ‘what will they do?’ can be seen across the Middle East. Mayhem, chaos, murder, rape, bombings, etc. I think we all know the score.
Their warriors are happy to die for the cause and will start to slaughter us without a seconds thought if the nearly complete Islamification of Britain is threatened.
Perhaps Tony Blair should have been the one walking quietly through Woolwich a year ago when a couple of the gentlemen of the Religion of Peace were driving by with their medieval book and a few knives.
The BNP, on the whole, were right about Islam, just very wrong on so many other issues.
So there I was, checking on various blog rules around and about.
These ones from a certain source for some reason resonated today. Can’t quite place why:
* No inappropriate usernames (vulgar, offensive, etc).
* No multiple memberships. Please do not create more than one membership.
Meanwhile, it’s almost like in some quarters desperation is setting in.
Ironically the same ones who reserve the right to suspend accounts or delete any posting, at any time, for any reason, and is under no obligation to publish any work submitted on home turf.
Is there a prize for guessing the answer to your riddle?
Perhaps the blog ‘what he wrote’ will supply a box of chocs or a nice bottle plonk.
I of course have no idea what you mean;)
But I must say elsewhere I sense the relentless Mr. Anderson is causing a tremor in the Farce.
‘he continually gave the impression that they were in fact faith schools and perhaps should be considered no differently to Catholic faith schools’
Spot on mate – and I thought I was the only one who noticed it!
this is not a insult towards you scott,i am just trying to help you,could i suggest you seek psychiatric help,your paranoia does worry me,there are people out there that can help you scott.
You can’t blame the muslims for resisting homo propaganda in schools ,where every kind of sexual is perversion being passed off as normal!