Given INBBC’s political predilection for ‘Islam + Left’ political alliance, its analysis of Islamic jihad conquest of Iraq and beyond, is consequently appeasing.
Compare ‘Daily Mail’s reports:-
“The ancient Muslim hatreds tearing apart the Middle East: How 1,400-year-old feud between Shia and Sunni sects flared into life with the fall of dictators like Gaddafi and Saddam… and now threatens to swallow all of Iraq.
“Sunni and Shia factions have been warring since 632AD disagreement over successor to prophet Muhammad.
“ISIS militants – who are Sunni – have been stampeding through majority-Shia Iraq.
“But the militants have stuck to Sunni heartlands, where residents are glad to be rid of Shia government forces.
“Religious tensions are flaring again now that dictators such as Colonel Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein have fallen.
“Rest of the world – and especially other Middle Eastern states – are watching nervously as the conflict intensifies.
“ISIS butchers leave ‘roads lined with decapitated police and soldiers’:
“Battle for Baghdad looms as thousands answer Iraqi government’s call to arms and jihadists bear down on capital.
“U.S. today changed tone on intervention; President Obama said: ‘I don’t rule out anything… Iraq will need more help.’
“Crucial vote to grant emergency powers was delayed because MPs did not turn up, leaving Iraqi government paralysed.
“Disruption in Iraq could add 2p to the price of a litre of petrol within a fortnight as ISIS insurgents take key oil fields.
“Kurdish forces are in full control of Iraq’s oil city of Kirkuk after the federal army abandoned their posts.
“Iran has sent special forces and a unit of elite troops to Iraq to assist the Iraqi government halt the advance.
“Iraqi air force is bombing insurgent positions in and around Mosul – 1.3million citizens still remain in the city.
“Middle East experts raised the prospect of Iraq being carved into three – Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite – by the conflict.”
What a waste of space the 2003 invasion has turned out to be!
Pity there isn’t some sort of major powers peace envoy out there to help sort it all out.
You know some upstanding world statesman, with integrity who all sides could trust.
No he wasn’t, the Saudis were. They’ve recently been overtaken by the Qataris. Saddam could have been contained with sanctions and selective airstrikes launched from ships and subs if need be. The war was a waste of lives, limbs, materiel, and money.
The West could have easily dealt with Saddam .The old Roman way.
Made him an offer he could not refuse. Without ever putting one foot in the place.
He would have come to heel..But it would have required ruthlessness and that is something liberals and neocons do not have.
The legacy of Bush’s, (with Blair’s connivance), Op IRAQI FREEDOM is still in the making.
The 2003 military operation title was definitely not apt, since the average Iraqi citizens life is no better and worse in most cases, than under the hated tyrant Hussein, with the death, disablement and displacement figures now totalling over a million:
In the UK we have Chilcot stalled and in the US loyalty and the neo-cons amazing influence and power means everyone is treading on eggshells on the truth of what is currently happening now and most fearful for the future of the Bush ‘extra’ radicalising invasion legacy.
But from today’s news about the attempted caliphate, my own view from the outset is strengthened that the invasion would turn out to be a disaster.
I say this as an ex-career soldier with experience on operations in both of the world hemispheres, (as opposed to being a stop the war activist).
Afghanistan in my view will also now revert to the original mess and chaos since, although after 9/11 the place definitely needed sorting of the Taliban/Al Qaeda terrorists, I feel again the wrong solutions were applied and so many deaths, disablement and displacement is not worth it.
If the Soviet Army, with their enormous resources in 1979 decided it could not make a socialist satellite and got out of there after 9 years, which alone should have indicated a much more intelligent solution was required other than a full invasion in an attempt to convert the place into a fully functioning democracy.
It is of course easy to forget the real contributions the BBC can make globally… BBC World News Why is sexual harassment so common in Egypt?
What can be done to stop it?
These are the questions being discussed on a hashtag trending in Egypt. BBC World News
Why are women being attacked and hanged in India?
#BBCtrending has been following this story
It’s good to follow things, one supposes. But there can be a danger of finding out more that it’s then deemed best others know less about.
Why are the Beeb picking on India? When Mandela’a South Africa was the rape capital of the world, silence. Now that Sweden is the rape capital of the world, silence.
The Beeb is also silent about what goes on across the border in Pakistan.
Because Hindu majority India, just like Jewish majority Israel stand out as free democracies against the background of their neighbouring Muslim majority states. If judged by the same standards as their Muslim neighbours, India and Israel would shine as beacons of freedom. Yes they have faults but compared to their neighbours they are paradises. So the dhimmis at the BBC have to denigrate Israel and India at every opportunity.
Of course India has a high Muslim population. After partition Hindu majority India has, mostly, protected minority Muslim population whilst Muslim majority Pakistan has encouraged the diminuation of non Muslim population. BBC is pro Muslim and India is just not Muslim enough.
When will we see an equivalent report on the BBC as to what is taught in Moslem schools ? Without this, this reporting merely diverts attention from the subject extremism in Moslem schools which is the where the news should rightly be focused..
Fair enough – there are loony funda-mentalist christians out there. Now just imagine if there were organised groups of them taking over the governorships of ordinary comprehensive schools, forcing ‘prayer’ five times a day, expelling non conformist teachers, making trips to the holy land whilst excluding non christians, changing the curriculum to match their religious views. Just imagine that this was happening in at least 20 schools and probably many more.
Do we think that the BBC might be able to muster a bit more investagitive muscle from its meagre – 272 staff off to Brazil for six weeks – strained budget of 4bn if that were happening in say a major city like Birmingham?
FFS there is an entire herd of elephants in the room at the moment, The BBC cant even see any of the poo they are depositing far less the pachyderms themselves.
On another note is there any chance that the BBC will do a gritty socially responsible programme about London gang murders, or forced ‘marriage’, or the genetic inheritence of multi-generational cousin marriage, ‘Honour’ murders, FGM…….. etc There is plenty of material out there for a genuine, sensitive and legitimate series of programmes exploring these ‘issues’. Of course, this will never happen.
And, as someone recently pointed out, loony fundamentalist Christians want to quote verses of the Bible at you while loony fundamentalist Muslims want to murder you.
Only socialists and the bBBC think they are equivalent.
As it happens, some God botherers from “Concerned Independent Baptist Churches in the USA” pushed a booklet through my letterbox earlier today. It’s an extract from “John and Romans”, whatever that means.
Terrifying – I’ve been hiding in the cellar ever since.
It has been a long time since Christians burned people alive at the stake.
We do not practice those extreme punishments anymore.
In Islam, they do and according to this video, the Muslims themselves claim that such punishments are the best possible punishment and this view is not radical or extreme, but shared by ALL Muslims.
‘Its Christianity all along’
Cripes, imagine if the writers of a show like ‘Spooks’ got inspired by that to conjure up someth… oh….
Possibly ISIS could be hired to advise on latest beheading techniques?
This is actually offensive given the events of the last few days. But what do you expect form this dscredited bunch at the BBC? Reality? Truth and logic.?
The attempt to control the debate is pure Common Purpose Marxism.
More and more people are seeing through the BBC’s lies and distortions.
‘Ed Miliband has apologised for any offence caused after he posed with a copy of the Sun newspaper.’
Which goes to show that if you try to prosper politically by courting and encouraging supposed ‘offence’ then in the end it catches you out.
I thought the BBC were a tad sorry for Miliband – certainly seemed to cut him some slack where a Tory might expect a far rougher treatment. But then I know the BBC are conflicted when it come matters Liverpool and Miliband.
bBBC NorthWest has for years acted as the unthinking propaganda outlet for the whingeing Scousers over Hillsborough. It is a rare day with no ‘news’ about them, or that the six top stories on the bBBC local ‘news’ website doesn’t include at least one ‘news’ item about how offended they are.
But I haven’t had my free copy of the Sun yet. Does this mean that the whingeing Scousers are controlling mail deliveries to Cheshire as well as Merseyside? They didn’t have any problem delivering election leaflets from the BNP last month, so it seems that their ‘principles’ only extend to their own Hillsborough grief.
I guess this is just another example of the posties deciding what of our mail to deliver and what to keep for themselves, but it always used to be just valuable stuff that went ‘missing’.
I think enough is enough. Fair enough if you don’t like the Sun but this ceaseless victimhood is unnecessary. There were others more to blame for Hillsborough than a rag.
If the cover-up is often worse than the offence, then surely this has to be a political equivalent where the apology simply compounds the foolishness of the action.
The twerp has taken a bad call he was walked into by his PR fluffers and just made it ten times worse.
He shows he’s not in actual charge of his own mind or body, makes idiot judgement calls and then to top it off to try and dig out the hole bares his neck to have his throat ripped out.
It would be funny if he wasn’t the next leader of the country if the BBC can arrange it.
Mind you, they’ve left comments open so he might be dropping the BBC’s crisis management team in it too often.
Though such as this top comment may tip it:
39. The BBC rustles my jimmies We live in a ‘take offence’ culture. Anyone who says ‘I am offended’ is automatically assumed to be in the right, apologies must be issued and every avenue must be explored to make sure the ‘offended’ is treated like royalty.
The only disgrace here is the complete nonsense that drives media like the BBC to report on such non-stories.
‘More difficult than expected’ is the BBC version of ‘not necessarily proceeding to our advantage’.
Miliband has the statescraft of a sea cucumber and general Napoleonic luck of …
salma yaqoob and all her leftie buddys on her twitter feed account are seething and accusing the bbc and david dimbleby of bias last night on question time over her disaster of trying to defend the trojan horse islamists in birmingham ,they say that all the panelists ganged up on her last night and did not let her get a word in edgeways,that is not the way i saw it last night and in fact if you watched question time she was the one talking over everybody and interupting and being rude to ian duncan smith everytime he tried to make a point,salma and her buddys are just sour losers because last night she got truly exposed for what she is and that is a excuse maker and appeaser of these radical trojan horse extremists in birmingam,salma yaqoob had the nick griffin treatment last night and she did not like it one bit,i quite enjoyed question time last night and that believe me is a very rare i praise that show.
Selma Yaqoob –
being Islamic, big big part of the problem
all of the weasel words, all of the apologetics.
Incapable of being truthful because of that poisonous ideology, and unbearably arrogant because of it.
‘they say that all the panelists ganged up on her last night and did not let her get a word in edgeways, that is not the way i saw it last night and in fact if you watched question time she was the one talking over everybody and interupting and being rude’
Seems to be SOP.
Certainly the weekend tag-team are again carving large chunks out of the OT-section telling each other how beastly it is to be here without actually going near the topics at hand.
Just waiting for the Borg-box to open up the latest from the Game of Thrones font to join in.
I heard something strange (well not really) on this mornings AM programme. They had a guy talking about the problems in Iraq and when discussing what options are open to the West he used the term *the Americans*. The Americans? Surely it was a slip of the tongue and what he meant to say President Obama? After all, everything else that emanates from over the pond starts with President Obama when the BBC choose to inform us.
One of the bBBC’s top ‘news’ items today is that an Iranian MP is offended because a German brewer has put the Iranian flag on its special World Cup-themed beer bottles. It’s Gaffel Koelsch, by the way, in case you want to add your own protest by ordering a case or two.
…or, if you prefer, a small item tucked away in the “Elsewhere in the News” section that is only linked to from a submenu that only shows up on the news homepage (on the current desktop site at least – the responsive beta site has different navigation that increases the visibility of some of those sections).
Seeing as Biased BBC has coruscated the Beeb in the past for “burying” items based on them pushing links further down section index pages than BBBC would like, isn’t it a bit rich to misrepresent this small article as a “top news item”?
Or are you now going to stand up and be counted when other Biased BBC commenters moan that an article has been “buried” by – shock horror – listing it on a high traffic index page in a different location to the one such commenters have decided it deserves?
It’s hardly worth answering this hissy-fit, but at the time that I posted on Friday evening, this item was on the bBBC ‘news’ website in the section headed ‘Other Top Stories’, immediately under their chosen top three feature items.
Only a bBBC-drone would find it surprising that 17 hours later it was not there and had been replaced by other ‘Top Stories’.
Rival muslim groups, and there I was thinking that they were peaceful and moderate until offended by the EDL, who have probably gone out there to wind them up.
“Praise be to Allah, who gave Twitter to the mujahideen so that they may share their joys and not have listen to the BBC, al-Arabia, Al-Jazeera,” an ISIS affiliate wrote on his Twitter page in Arabic.”
Looks like the BBC are not toeing the line enough…
Allah invented everything, doncha know, meaning all the western inventions, nobel prizes won by Jews, groundbreaking medical cures and even football were created by the mooney one, proving once and for all, that Muslims are super, duper folk, and we are a load of old crap…come on, chop us up, we deserve it.
Hardly a BBC history programme goes by without reference to towns and cities in ancient and medieval times being ‘cosmopolitan’, the latest being Norwich.
Well, by the time I started going there in the late sixties it was about as cosmopolitan as a 50 year-old episode of ‘The Archers’ – ‘hideously white’ might be one person’s description – so I can only assume some kind of ethnic cleansing must have taken place at some point in its history. In fact, it’s only relatively recently that it’s seen an influx of Eastern Europeans and ‘Asians’ – much, much later than most of the rest of the country.
Still, it helps with the ‘We’ve always been a nation of immigrants’ narrative, doesn’t it?
Insidious. The BBC is like dry rot eating away at the fabric of Britain.
It’s a common misconception that rural communities are inbred. This is something pushed by lefties who hate the fact that these communities don’t vote for them.
The last figures I saw for incest put the white underclass in Feltham as having the greatest number of incestuous births, but that was the early ’90’s. That class has been pretty much displaced in Feltham now so I doubt the ‘honour’ still stands. The point being that cities are greater hotbeds of incest than villages – its the anonymity of the city etc.
Now as far as consanguinity, marrying close relatives who are not parents or siblings, is concerned that falls mostly in communities that do not have much of a presence in Norfolk.
These days, of course, the figures are meaningless as they have changed incest to include consanguinity. A common trend in ‘official’ stats is the conflation of similar data sets to create new ‘problems’. That is unless Bradford has a special reason for being the incest capitol now.
In Pakistan, Incest is entirely normal. hence why there has been a massive increase in deformed babies born to Pakistanis in this country in recent years.
One thing I do know about these scum is they are certainly NOT British, as the BBC keeps on saying… Another thing I know is that they will most certainly be Labour voters when living here …
Someone here in an earlier post on people from Britain going to fight in Syria said correctly that they are not British; they are terrorists with British passports.
That aside, this could be a very long war and should we ever have a government with balls it could be arranged that they would not be allowed back. Gradually, we would lose the fanatics, although I do feel a tinge of pity for the virgins.
‘India’s domestic spy service has accused Greenpeace and other lobby groups of hurting economic progress by campaigning against power projects, mining and genetically modified food, the most serious charge yet against foreign-funded organisations.
The leak of the Intelligence Bureau’s report comes as Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new administration seeks way to restore economic growth that has fallen to below 5 percent, choking off investment and jobs for millions of youth entering the workforce.’
Islam – Iraq / Iran and the unspoken truth of what’s really going on.
The Mail today runs a story on Ancient hatreds, the BBC alludes but doesn’t say.
The Mail is unfortunately wrong here, I believe the BBC knows what’s going on and makes the odd reference and tells the truth of a single word, but assiduously avoids any deeper investigation.
And this is the word, remember it because you will hear it time & and again without explanation.
This is the dream of very very many Muslims, to re establish the ancient Caliphate.
The BBC makes vague references that Europe or the USA might be threatened if the Syrian rebels succeed and indeed they / we certainly will
But they don’t say why.
After WWI and Lawrence of Arabia, the Turks were defeated and the old Turkish empire was carved up by European powers in treaty negotiations which the Arabs weren’t even allowed to attend !
Kemal Attaturk abolished the Caliphate in 1924
So what would the restoration of a Caliph mean?
The reunified Muslim world would come under the control & command of a single man. Countries such as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia would cease to exist, as artificial constructs made by European powers.
Currently Muslims are only allowed to conduct ‘defensive’ Jihad, when they are attacked they are allowed to respond, but with a Caliph in place they could conduct ‘offensive’ Jihad once again.
Just take a few moments to dwell on that. A group of savages fighting & murdering their way across the Middle East does anyone seriously think they’ll put someone reasonable in charge?
And just to illustrate the boundaries they think they should have under their control, well it includes Spain and the Southern Med, plus Turkey. Starts to seem an even worse idea to allow Turkey entry to the EU !
Western powers seem paralysed. They don’t want people to know what these fighters are up to other than that they’ve taken a few towns, and it makes me wonder if they really know.
Unless this is stopped in its tracks and a lot of Jihadis are gratuitously killed, then yet again our leaders will have sold us down the river in another weak minded expedient decision
Correct. Over 20 years ago I remember being told that one of the reasons for the dismantling of the USSR was the Russian belief that eventually Europe would face invasion again from the Islamic world and being weakened by liberalism would need Russia to defend it. The old USSR was not working and had to be broken up.
The price will be Russian domination of Europe. Listen to Putin carefully and you can hear echoes of this all the time. Russia is part of the Christian world make no mistake about this and has rejected liberalism.
AS for the USA it is now leaving Europe to it’s fate.
Unfortunately this country is no longer able to defend the Christian West against what might be coming. Nothing wrong with the ordinary people just a completely decadent and malevolent ruling elite.
I’m sure that most who visit this blog have noticed a continued running thread of Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate Change being the BBC’s preferred point of reference, seeing that maybe even they have now admitted to themselves at least, that there has been no Global Warming for the past 17.5 years. So *Climate Change* fills in all the gaps, but has now become a meaningless phrase, simply because *Climate* has always changed and has been recorded as such since records began with any degree (no pun intended) of accuracy. My meteorological friends up there in the arctic Circle of Norway and just across the hills in Sweden, tell me that they are forecast snow over the next 5 days with probably the lowest recorded night and day temps since records began. We shall see. But, the thing is, in 2012, 2013 and 2014, record snow falls in the summer and low mean temperatures would suggest that despite what the Hockey Stick voodoo suggests, the opposite is happening, the planet is not getting warmer but cooler. How can that be BBC after all you constantly tell us, the plebs, that the science is settled and that Global Warming is taking place? In my village and within 5 miles of it, there are 4 weather reporting stations (private) and we all meet up to discuss this and that concerning meterology, and our own record keeping shows that for the last 24 years the mean temperature (12 month) has shown 3.27 degrees cooling. These temperatures are rural and not influenced by anything other than natural phenomena. Global Warming BBC? Cimate Change because of Global Warming BBC. My arse BBC.
salma yaqoob last night on question time,george galloway tonight on any questions,what binded like glue these members of the extreme far left respect party and united them on both nights,they both defended and supported the trojan horse islamists in birmingham. george galloway went one step further tonight on any questions,he called the trojan horse plot a hoax,i rest my case on yaqoob and galloway,you are the jury.judge for yourself.
If with todays hostile media we cannot if Galloway is or is not a Muslim then what chance would there have been in the 1930 / 40s with a completely controlled media of knowing whether Hitler converted to Islam?
The (lack of) Respect Party was totally wiped out in Bradford in the local elections. Gob-shite Galloway is widely predicted to lose his Bradford parliamentary seat at the next election. I don’t recall the BBC ever calling these off-the-scale nutjobs “extremist”.
The West has enormous firepower. WE have never needed to put men on the ground, Not in Afghanistan or Iraq.
This was our great error. All because ofthe lib/neocon belief in exporting so called democracy.
Let them sort out their own lands but make it clear that each and every incursion into Europe or terrorist attack will result in retribution on a scale the world has not yet seen.
The new “Mock the Week” opened with a vicious and totally unfunny attack on UKip. As it happens, I can’t stand UKip myself, because it only makes less likely what it purports to try to achieve, but that is just my opinion. There is no way that a democratic party, with considerable support, which UKip demonstrably is, should be exposed to completely one-sided derision on a taxpayer-funded channel.
U.K.I.P. also came in for a bashing on that other lefty propaganda show, the News Quiz on radio 4 last night. It is quite clear that any one of the political parties who are seen as a threat to the establishment which is the Far Left (the BBC in particular) will find itself in the cross hairs. Also, as usual per show, Mr Gove got it in the neck. Funny how you never hear of any Left Wing politician or group being cross haired isn’t it?
That’s because neither were perceived as a danger to the “establishment”, and therefore the continued free reign (and, indeed, very existence) of the BBC.
Stumbled across it last night on iPlayer. As there have been nothing but repeats for a while I was chuffed, but it was awful. They have taken the HIGNFY route and made it even more dire. What a terrible waste of talent.
I groaned at the inclusion of the two Cohen-pleasers, but that seems a price that has to be paid. The blonde is not only unfunny but an idiot. The slumped ethnic seemed capable only of channeling old Lenny Henry race material.
But the rest? And it was relentless. Minute after minute after minute.
I truly respect Andy Parsons as one sharp cookie, but he totally misued the word ‘racist’ several times, with Dara, Ed, Les & even Milton just feeding the unfunny maw of a political obsession.
Ed Byrne even mocked the BBC for the obsession, they all laughed… then carried on for ages.
My apolitical wife looked up from her iPod and said ‘Wasn’t this last week?’
Yes, so last week.
For the first time I switched it off.
I wonder if it was filmed in their Party political broadcast studios in Scotland?
I was interested to see that Lenny Henry is on Radio 3 tonight in Between the Ears. I couldn’t help wondering when that programme was planned and especially Henry’s participation. My cynical side wonders whether the attempt to depict him as an intellectual (or what passes for one at the BBC) only came about after the misreported UKIP episode.
It took up over the first ten minutes of the programme for a sustained attack. But that’s MTW. It has form as a vehicle for Alinsky rule 5esque propaganda.
I shouldn’t have included the phrase “with considerable support” above. The UK Independence Party certainly does enjoy considerable support, but it shouldn’t matter. Even if they got two votes on the Norfolk coast and another vote in Denbigh, it’s not for a state broadcaster (which is what the beebyanka is) to denigrate legitimate parties.
Did anyone hear the high profile apology that the BBC were foced to deliver on the Ten o’ Clock News last night?
Unusual to say the least. But I’m not quite sure what the apology was about ( I heard Met Police, I heard investigation) – it was delivered with such garbled incoherence and at such high speed, it left the impression that there was no real sincerity in the apology and the BBC were somewhat miffed they they were forced to deliver it at all.
Fiona Bruce replaced sincerity with surliness last night.
May be worth going down to the BBC online basement, past the sign that says ‘Beware of the Leopard’ and have a rummage in the darkest recesses of the complaints or Trust pages. If they had to apologise it will have to be there too.
But it will not be easy to find.
14 June 2014: On-air apology – BBC News at Ten, BBC One and Newsnight, BBC Two (broadcast 13 June 2014) “On 7th March the Ten o’clock News (Newsnight) broadcast a report alleging a possible police cover-up over an allegedly corrupt officer, DC John Davidson. The claims should have been put to the Metropolitan Police, an omission for which we apologise. The Met in fact says it did not claim in its evidence to the Ellison Review that there were no records of the officer’s links to a separate investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan and it does not accept that the BBC produced evidence of a possible cover-up. We were wrong to suggest the document we showed demonstrated such a cover-up and we apologise for this.”
Sounds like the cuts meant they couldn’t afford that 10p to check a story again.
Maybe the BBC more needs an omission statement?
Also interesting to note that the page in question is posted as far as it appears you can burrow down, so there may be no separate listing of the actual story, which may make it hard to bookmark & relocate.
So I’ve page captured, just in case it gets ‘lost’.
I’ve read the thing 4 times and it’s still gibberish.
Newspapers when they publish apologises and retractions usually publish a full context. I notice that the BBC have only owned up to part of their omission – what is the Ellison review all about?
Yes, Roland. Gritted teeth (but I suppose that they’ll say that they got their apology just about right)
BBC News 24’s film review slot is an odd beast. Dyed-in-the-wool lefty Mark Kermode pronouces so emphatically about what is worthy and what is not that one almost forgets that one still has free choice about which movies one is allowed to pay to see. Meanwhile apparently mild mannered quiet lefty Gavin Estler nods and purrs his approval at Kermode’s every minor thought and half-opinion. It’s almost as if the BBC has already set Kermode up as the commissar censor and official arbitor of liberal movie worthyness. Well I know Common Purpose teaches lefties to take the lead in this post-democratic age and pull along us less conscious masses by the nose to the promised land… but this is ridiculous. The post at the very top of this thread draws attention to the new film ‘Belle’ and how the dim wit, big mouth, over-grown public school boy, coked up, lefty, Richard Bacon loved it. Well it’s not BBC it’s BelleBC because Mark Kermode says so. ‘Quietly subversive’ How could the BBC not love it? Other opinions are sometimes available (if frowned upon) on the BBC so our Comrade Kermode does glancingly refer to ‘some critics’ who have been ‘sniffy’ about Belle. Ah, but can’t you just taste the contempt for these ‘sniffy’ critics. We BBC financed hacks at metro metro central are here to destroy all that is sniffy and to lead the common heard up the mountain to the promised land…. so go watch Belle…. and go see it and make sure you tell all your liberal minded pals…. so they’ll know you’re liberal minded too….
I hear it’s like Jane Austen (well, a bit) like Downton, like Upstairs Downstairs… with a black girl in it! Innit doh? Imagine Lady Di in minstral guise – what a winner! Note to all arty types: The very cheap short cut to BBC approval : put a black girl in it.
Put a black girl in, but ensure that she is barely discernible as black ( probably as a result of having one black grand parent) and pretty enough to get a following ,just like those American films and TV programmes concerning slavery and the civil war.
Simply ticks every pant wetting box.
slavery,, wicked “massah s”, galling victim narrative, trite pneumatic “we all blax now”
purring from Kermode, and any other latte loving … “legends in their own minds” from the MSM, have that bunch got a lot to answer for.
… remember back to 12 years a slave, (utter crap), further Amistad, (utter crap),
further still Roots and its spin off …
give me a break … enough already
Personally I take no instructions in style or fashion or any other taste related thing from a man who thinks Rockabilly is a living art form. What next, are they going to dig up the Stray Cats?
We can’t allow our pro-eu, pro-immigration politically-correct establishment take us into another futile foreign adventure. Just the sight of multi-multi millionaire Blair should be enough to convince. And let’s not allow multimillionaire liberal Scameron to do the same.
Blair’s explanations for taking the British into Iraq were rarely heard on the BBC . He certainly wasn’t part of the establishment. In 2004 a speech in Washington DC got 8 standing ovations there but wasn’t mentioned on the BBC. Later in 2006 his speech in Las Angeles was reported on News at 10 as “this is what the PM meant to say”
Whatever his words they were an execise in wish fulfilment. He was that most dangerous of leaders. Anxious to please everyone and without conviction or common sense.
I well remember the lead up to the Iraq invasion. It was clear the Iraqis were very scared and had limited weaponry. When some short range missiles were deemed to have a few extra ks of range they could not cut them up quick enough.
They knew that an invasion had already been decided on and that they were set up .
Nasty regime that it was it was a country which we could have easily dealt with and many many people would still be alive today if Blair and Bush and the idiots had stopped to draw breath and deal harshly but effectively with Saddam.
The neocons and the liberals dream of bringing democracy and Western ways to these dreadful ME societies. The reality is that the West must totally disengage from the ME world and that means every way. Trade, travel the lot.
Quarantine was and remains the only way to proceed. Touch us or threaten us and retribution will surely follow.
The point I am making is that views were also influenced by the censorship of the BBC. The BBC did not wish you to hear the PM of the time explain his policies more fully because they did not want people to be influenced by his speeches ( as an excellent speaker ) and the BBC didn’t agree with what he said. Is this how a publically funded body should operate?
Poor old BBC…. after all those years of apeasement, it seems the MUslims still don’t like them.
ISIS: “praise be to Allah, who gave Twitter to the Mujahadeen so that thay may share t5heir joys and not have to listen to the BBC”. (From the ISIS twitter feed).
They probably get fed up of the BBC constantly talking about them “misunderstanding” Islam. ISIS seem to understand Islam frighteningly well.,
Of course, INBBC is quite well politically disposed towards the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is does not regard as an enemy, despite its recent past actions against the Royal Navy, and despite the stated intentions of the Islamic Republican Guard.
For Beeboids:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“There can be only one winner if America makes common cause with an old foe.
White House now finds itself in the unlikely position of finding common cause with one of Washington’s most committed foes – Iran.
The Iranians are on to a winner by inviting Obama to join with them. They know that Obama is a Sunni muslim, who will think very carefully about bombing his own people. But should the US intervene in any way Shia’s, Sunnis and Kurds will condemn them along with the BBC and all leftists here. Cameron has taken the appeasers way – give them the money Barney, as Wilfred Pickles used to say.
Hey, if a bunch of non-essential overpaid employees’ militant union can hand a gaggle of overpaid hapless overpaid market second raters in management an excuse to dip even further into the public pot, go for it.
Just ask the tube drivers.
Though their bargaining position was a smidge more solid.
Any BBC strike is more like the cabs sulking about Uber, Ironic, given only BBC employees seem able to afford them… using funds taken by compulsion from the public.
Ever unique.
FWIW, James, I will likely view Mo flying back to show his national spirit as about as interesting as Wayne & chums flapping about Brazil.
Is it just me or does anyone else think think the BBC are being quieter than usual about England and the build up to England’s first game in the World Cup? Could it be because they’re afraid of upsetting the Scots? I listened to some Scottish nationalist prat on the radio today saying that an England win could tip it for the ‘Yes’ vote… is this really how pathetically fickle and infantile the nationalists and undecided voters are north the border?
Come on England! I hope we win, and see a huge flurry of St George’s flags draped around every lamp post. It’s OK for every other sod to be proud of your country, but not us.
You may well be right but after last nights performance I don’t think England will win a game in the first round. Yesterday they made a poor Italian side look good.
The Scots Nats, racists that they are, will not doubt be delighted.
Presumably, INBBC thinks that this further Islamisation of U.K. is so politically desirable and inevitable that it is hardly worth mentioning, let alone criticising-
“Britain to issue first Islamic bonds by Western sovereign”
By Robert Spencer.
“‘A sovereign sukuk is the centrepiece of Prime Minister David Cameron’s bid to position London as a leading hub for Islamic finance, as competition heats up with financial centres in the Middle East and Asia.’
This is what is behind the Cameron government’s utterly supine response to Islamic supremacist aggression and intimidation in the school system and elsewhere: he has to create a hospitable environment for Sharia as part of his plan to make London a global capital of Islamic finance.
And if the freedom of speech and equality of rights for women and non-Muslims have to go, so be it.”
“Iraq crisis: the bare faced ISIS executioner who spreads terror with his open killing.
“Shakir Wahiyib is a feared enforcer for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham who does not cover up his face in videos of his killings.”
The government is flirting with idea of abolishing Britain’s TV licence fee and instead funding the BBC through council tax, according to the Times. At the moment, each British household must pay £145.50 per year for the right to own a television, but ministers are now looking at alternatives, such as adding the cost on to other regular bills.
John Whittingdale, chairman of the Culture, Media and Sports Committee, said: “There is a strong case for at least updating the licence fee. One simple way is to maintain it as a charge on every household but attach it to an existing bill, be it council tax or some other. It’s something that we would consider as a potential alternative.”
Whittingdale is such a bloody wet. Can’t he see that the whole argument against the licence tax is that we do not want a compulsory and essentially flat-rate tax on every household. People should be free to use the BBC – or not to use it, and to pay accordingly. The technology is available, the Tories are running away from the issue of principle.
A ‘careful what one wishes for; you may just get it’ warning.
The transcripts of the Future of the BBC inquiry are indeed long but worth reading. They are listed in a post shared here not too long ago. Few seemed to have the time or inclination. Just as the establishment likes it.
In addition to what appears ‘interest’ in this new, even less accountable (zero option to withdraw) funding model, oversight by OFCOM (under Mr. Purnell’s chum Ed Richards) was favoured by interest-conflicted committee members like Ben Bradshaw.
Actual calibre of delivery has barely been discussed, and on the few occasions it might, gotten shut down pdq.
The issue is not just the money, but the compulsory tithe for people and editorial that makes the BBC a de facto political party, albeit one only able to operate in coalition with any actually elected, to serve its best interests and social engineering agendas.
Commenters do not seem keen. And one forgets there are many who do not pay the telly tax less for ideology but simple lack of interest on what is on offer. They are not impressed that they will be charged no matter what so others can see what such as the Newsnight slipway can slip past without checking.
Of course, it is being sold in as only the BBC is resourced to manage:
Um, according to them, it’s a popular move:
A spokesman said: “The licence fee remains the most popular way to fund the BBC, but we know the committee is looking at a range of ideas, and we will read their report with interest once it is published later in the year.”
I would be nice to know who the BBC spokesman thinks finds it popular.”
Expect more of that ubiquitous BBC ‘spokesperson’ telling it often enough.
It has to be subscription or advertising with no public money. Otherwise, no matter what fudge they dream up, you can guarantee that it will benefit the ‘elite’ and be paid for by the public.
I live in France and the TV licence fee (currently around €118 a year) is added to the ‘Taxe D’Habitation’ which, along with the ‘Taxe Fonciere’, is the equivalent of the Council Tax in the UK. Incidentally, French TV is truly dire!
Often the ‘commercial market’ in the US is cited as a boogeyman to scare the punters here. But of course it is selective and ignores the new media realities.
Those who are trying to make such comparisons have to be confronted with not only the tripe the BBC produces, but the errors, lack of objectivity and professional integrity that comes with the total package, at such vast, and often inefficient compelled cost.
There is tripe aplenty on US TV yes, and skewed agendas in such as news that make many stations worthless. But thanks to new delivery systems, one can…. choose… what appeals and reject what is dire.
Copying the French model may appeal to some, but seems clearly a backward step even when it comes to simple calibre of offering.
Yes it is, so when I am obliged to watch television at all, it is via Freesat (carefully avoiding the tat on offer, there isn’t a lot left to watch anyway, from any source.)
Last year there was an odd Saturday evening quiz show about Britain where two sets of ‘celebs’ answered questions about Britain. It was called ‘I Love My Country’ but it was truly dire and even featured a game of exploding pass-the-parcel. I remember wondering whether the parcel would explode as it passed over Bradford or NI as the whole show was a bizarre parody of 1970’s nonsense. The sort of thing the BBC imagines ‘patriots’ like because they believe they are stupid. It also allows defenders to point at it and say ‘look the BBC is patriotic too’. Yeah, right!
It was also a rip off of a French quiz I saw last time I was in France, which was also truly dire and was sold to the BBC by a Dutch firm, apparently, who also sold them the execrable ‘The Voice’.
The Dutch firm is owned by RTL, the very definition of ‘Euro Trash TV’, a Europe wide commercial producer of brain rotting tripe, who are based in Luxemburg like all those EU tax avoiding companies the BBC hates so …
Anyone lucky enough to be listening to Saturday Live this morning will have heard the heart warming story of Paris Lees. (S)he is the poster girl of the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender movement and is a committed feminist (natch). There was a charming, rather cosy, interview conducted by Richard Coles where we discovered that young Paris had been an under age drug abuser, gay prostitute and had then taken to violent mugging (as you do) and had been sent to prison. (S)he really is the perfect advert for diverse and tolerant modern Britain.
I’ve been suffused in warm glow all day…
I heard the first minute – then realised it was the Rev Coles off on one of his usual arselicking interviews with a nonentity, hit the off switch pronto.
I’m all for criminals turning their lives around and getting back in the flow with decent people. That’s only right and proper. I don’t even care what shenanigans they get up to in bed or what gender they adopt. Couldn’t care less; that’s their business.
I do however object to ex-criminals being rewarded with celebrity status or being employed on a regular basis by the BBC. Especially when there are plenty of people out there with much better, life affirming stories than ‘I’ve stopped being bad – where’s my reward?’ who are subjected to constant vilification by the BBC and their ilk.
BBC Points West proudly reports that local lefty MP and wife of Unison regional secretary Ian Ducat Dawn Primarolo has been made a Dame (?!) Complemented with a report and interview from the garden of her very remote Cotswold stone cottage. I bet her constituents from the poorest part of Bristol are really pleased to see how well she has done for herself…
Socialism at work eh Dawn? now is that cottage your first or second home?
Islamising TURKEY:
-its E.U membership application is supported by BBC-NUJ, and by U.K political class, unswervingly.
“Turkey: Bars in tourist resort handed over to nation’s top Islamic body.”
[Excerpt from ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“As Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s more violent coreligionists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria impose Sharia by force in Mosul and the surrounding areas, he prefers to impose it less violently and more gradually, by means of measures like this one.”
“Honor killing in Scotland: Muslim burns ex-wife to death for being ‘too Westernised,’ twin daughters: ‘We had an hour to say goodbye. She was so badly burned we were told we couldn’t look at her face.’ –
So, the BBC reports that the ‘Prisons inspector accuses ministers of prisons ‘failure’. – It’s all about overcrowding! I just wonder how many foreign people are incarcerated in our jails that give a far better quality of life, healthcare, food and shelter than they would enjoy in their home prisons? We cannot deport them back to their own countries because of the EHCR. In short, British Prisons are no deterrent to those from the eastern countries in the EU. We are being taken for a ride!
Long piece on Broadcasting House – putting all the blame for ISIS on “2 prime ministers, – malaki and Blair”.
Not a cheep about Obama, who ditched Iraq after the surge had succeeded and the Sunni insurgents had been put back in their box by David Petraeus who got the majority of Sunni tribesmen onside. In 2011 Obama could and should have arrnaged to keep a supportive US presence in Iraq and should have forced Maliki to be more inclusive in his Government, less corrupt. Instead, Obama chose to walk away in a huff.
Obama was not even mentioned in the long BH piece. Not even in terms of speculating what the hell to do now the chickens have come home to roost.
What we are about to see is the greatest religious massacre for centuries as the Shiites finally can get at the Sunnis without worrying about the West.
Arthur wrote: “What we are about to see is the greatest religious massacre for centuries as the Shiites finally can get at the Sunnis without worrying about the West.”
Are you sure, according to the bBC, Islam is a religion of peace.
What are we to say…
I am thinking of how the UKs Interfaith groups joined with the UAF, singing We are Walthamstow/Tower Hamlets/ Bristol, wherever anti Muslim protests took place.
So we say
‘We are Sunni we are Shia,
we are Lesbian gay and Jew,
we are many more than you.
Yes. We are Iraq, Tower Hamlets, Bradford, Birmingham, and we are coming for you..’
And remember well from the BBC’s record. If the UK and USA bomb ISIS, the BBC will recycle photos of hospitals bombed in some previous war to show injured children and blame the allies
Just read Fatty Mardell’s piece on the latest situation in Iraq. I loved the intro – “The Obama doctrine, set out at West Point, appears to be in tatters as Iraq falls apart. The critics have been quick to point to what’s happening there as another sign of the weakness of his foreign policy.
But there is another way of looking at it. That he’s right.”
Lots of ‘brownie’ points there Mark!
Just reading this bBC article regards the PM promoting British values: Cameron: ‘Stop being bashful about Britishness’ People in the UK should stop being “bashful” about being British, the prime minister has urged. David Cameron said the country should be “far more muscular” in promoting its values and institutions.He repeated Education Secretary Michael Gove’s call to promote “British values” in the classroom following the Trojan Horse claims in Birmingham schools.
and here is how the Guardian reports what he said: Extremism and division is flourishing in the UK because of a “worrying” failure to push British values, David Cameron said, as he set out plans to teach all school pupils about the Magna Carta. Teachers were told by Michael Gove, the education secretary, that in the wake of the controversy over Islamist influence on some Birmingham schools they must in future “actively promote British values”.The prime minister said they included “a belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law”.
Of course this being the bBC, they had to insert this: Its report followed claims conservative Muslims had sought to influence the ethos and curriculum of schools in the city.
In an article about the PM, whom would you think the vast majority of thick leftwing bBC followers will seek to blame?
bBBC = Anti British. Paid for by an unfair & unjust British Tax ! No Taxation without representation – where have the Chairman and Trustees been all these years ?
This morning on Sunday Radio 4 it seemed the BBC needed a member of the Sikh community Jasvinder Sanghera to talk against forced marriages in her community. This is not the community where there is a major issue with this practise and again the BBC was able to avoid criticising the Moslem community directly . And isn’t it time that Muslims spoke out against these practices within their own community ?
Another reason for BBC-NUJ to continue giving its political support to Labour Party-
“BBC licence fee could be slashed in Government review next year, Culture Secretary Sajid Javid reveals.
“Minister says £145.50-a-year fee is a ‘large amount’ of money for families.
“Says the fee needs to take account of ‘big technological changes’ like iPlayer.
“Clearest signal yet that Tories may cut BBC budget after next election.”
Javid also suggested that the License Fee could be lumped in and collected as part of your Council Tax! They know that many people are wise to the fact that the fee is nothing more than a tax to pay for a left-wing propaganda organistion full of self-hating white liberals. Making the fee part of council tax will make it almost impossible to avoid paying it as councils are gung-ho in their council tax collection, ever missed a payment? I have by accident and almost immediately started receiving threatening letters from them, saying that if I didn’t pay I would have the ability to pay by installments removed, then there would be bailiffs and court summons and subsequent imprisonment! All I did was mistakenly cancelled a direct debit using online banking and missed one single payment.
‘Javid also suggested that the License Fee could be lumped in and collected as part of your Council Tax!’
Also something floated a lot in the Future of the BBC inquiry.
I know many are giving Mr. Javid the benefit of the doubt, but he was very vague in the Marr interview, and there’s a danger if he gets cut slack too long things become done deals.
I think I may write to my MP and ask for a specific answer from him and the Minister on this, and clarify certain answers will make future voting intentions very easy.
Plus the local campaigning will make life very uncomfortable for LA candidates, especially if from any party that squeezes that one in.
Councils are reeling from ‘cuts’ excused service failures or withdrawals (potholes, rubbish collection… even grass cutting).
Popping extra taxes ON TOP to collect and pass to a public sector black/green/pink hole like the BBC will be a tricky political sell.
OT, for now: ‘The usual suspects from the taxpayer-subsidised charity mafia will tomorrow try to pull off one of their coordinated outrage stunts.’
The question is, whose PR will become whose ‘news’? ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
And what context will be preserved by watertight oversight to avoid narratives being spoiled by any excess in investigation beyond going to broadcast.
Britain’s political class (with BBC-NUJ political support) is speeding up the colonisation and Islamisation of E.U and Britain with its campaigning for entry of Turkey and Albania into E.U.
“Cameron Breaks Pledge, Will Provide Albanians an Open Door to Britain.”
Cameron only has to make a so called pledge for a reasonable man to lay short odds on how long he will take to break it.
One of life’s mysteries is why the BBC is hostile to him or is it an elaborate charade.
He is one of their own.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
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DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
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Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
Richard Bacon bigging up the propaganda film Belle!
So good apparently it doesnt matter that its not historically accurate!
Given INBBC’s political predilection for ‘Islam + Left’ political alliance, its analysis of Islamic jihad conquest of Iraq and beyond, is consequently appeasing.
Compare ‘Daily Mail’s reports:-
“The ancient Muslim hatreds tearing apart the Middle East: How 1,400-year-old feud between Shia and Sunni sects flared into life with the fall of dictators like Gaddafi and Saddam… and now threatens to swallow all of Iraq.
“Sunni and Shia factions have been warring since 632AD disagreement over successor to prophet Muhammad.
“ISIS militants – who are Sunni – have been stampeding through majority-Shia Iraq.
“But the militants have stuck to Sunni heartlands, where residents are glad to be rid of Shia government forces.
“Religious tensions are flaring again now that dictators such as Colonel Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein have fallen.
“Rest of the world – and especially other Middle Eastern states – are watching nervously as the conflict intensifies.
Read more:
“ISIS butchers leave ‘roads lined with decapitated police and soldiers’:
“Battle for Baghdad looms as thousands answer Iraqi government’s call to arms and jihadists bear down on capital.
“U.S. today changed tone on intervention; President Obama said: ‘I don’t rule out anything… Iraq will need more help.’
“Crucial vote to grant emergency powers was delayed because MPs did not turn up, leaving Iraqi government paralysed.
“Disruption in Iraq could add 2p to the price of a litre of petrol within a fortnight as ISIS insurgents take key oil fields.
“Kurdish forces are in full control of Iraq’s oil city of Kirkuk after the federal army abandoned their posts.
“Iran has sent special forces and a unit of elite troops to Iraq to assist the Iraqi government halt the advance.
“Iraqi air force is bombing insurgent positions in and around Mosul – 1.3million citizens still remain in the city.
“Middle East experts raised the prospect of Iraq being carved into three – Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite – by the conflict.”
Read more:
More analysis of Islamic actions, for INBBC:-
The Shi’a, The Sunnis, And Bush [re-posted]”
-from 2006, to 2014 –
What a waste of space the 2003 invasion has turned out to be!
Pity there isn’t some sort of major powers peace envoy out there to help sort it all out.
You know some upstanding world statesman, with integrity who all sides could trust.
It wasn’t a waste of time . Saddam Hussein was the biggest sponsor of international terrorism at the time. Nowadays there are much bigger sponsors!
No he wasn’t, the Saudis were. They’ve recently been overtaken by the Qataris. Saddam could have been contained with sanctions and selective airstrikes launched from ships and subs if need be. The war was a waste of lives, limbs, materiel, and money.
The West could have easily dealt with Saddam .The old Roman way.
Made him an offer he could not refuse. Without ever putting one foot in the place.
He would have come to heel..But it would have required ruthlessness and that is something liberals and neocons do not have.
The legacy of Bush’s, (with Blair’s connivance), Op IRAQI FREEDOM is still in the making.
The 2003 military operation title was definitely not apt, since the average Iraqi citizens life is no better and worse in most cases, than under the hated tyrant Hussein, with the death, disablement and displacement figures now totalling over a million:
In the UK we have Chilcot stalled and in the US loyalty and the neo-cons amazing influence and power means everyone is treading on eggshells on the truth of what is currently happening now and most fearful for the future of the Bush ‘extra’ radicalising invasion legacy.
But from today’s news about the attempted caliphate, my own view from the outset is strengthened that the invasion would turn out to be a disaster.
I say this as an ex-career soldier with experience on operations in both of the world hemispheres, (as opposed to being a stop the war activist).
Afghanistan in my view will also now revert to the original mess and chaos since, although after 9/11 the place definitely needed sorting of the Taliban/Al Qaeda terrorists, I feel again the wrong solutions were applied and so many deaths, disablement and displacement is not worth it.
If the Soviet Army, with their enormous resources in 1979 decided it could not make a socialist satellite and got out of there after 9 years, which alone should have indicated a much more intelligent solution was required other than a full invasion in an attempt to convert the place into a fully functioning democracy.
It is of course easy to forget the real contributions the BBC can make globally…
BBC World News
Why is sexual harassment so common in Egypt?
What can be done to stop it?
These are the questions being discussed on a hashtag trending in Egypt.
BBC World News
Why are women being attacked and hanged in India?
#BBCtrending has been following this story
It’s good to follow things, one supposes. But there can be a danger of finding out more that it’s then deemed best others know less about.
Why are the Beeb picking on India? When Mandela’a South Africa was the rape capital of the world, silence. Now that Sweden is the rape capital of the world, silence.
The Beeb is also silent about what goes on across the border in Pakistan.
Because Hindu majority India, just like Jewish majority Israel stand out as free democracies against the background of their neighbouring Muslim majority states. If judged by the same standards as their Muslim neighbours, India and Israel would shine as beacons of freedom. Yes they have faults but compared to their neighbours they are paradises. So the dhimmis at the BBC have to denigrate Israel and India at every opportunity.
But doesn’t India have quite a high Muslim population?
I, to be fair, have not read enough about the raping incidents that have been flagged up by the Beeb (and others, to be fair)
Has it been established whether or not the rapists are Muslim, Hindu or whatever in these reports?
10 reasons why India has a sexual violence problem
Obviously they “lost” many of their Muslims on partition in 1947. Something that we’re going to have to think about before long?
Of course India has a high Muslim population. After partition Hindu majority India has, mostly, protected minority Muslim population whilst Muslim majority Pakistan has encouraged the diminuation of non Muslim population. BBC is pro Muslim and India is just not Muslim enough.
According the the BBC its not Islam that is the cause of extremism. Its Christianity all along.
just unreal they put this out. Shame the ISIS can’t go into BBC headquarters……
Give ’em time…
When will we see an equivalent report on the BBC as to what is taught in Moslem schools ? Without this, this reporting merely diverts attention from the subject extremism in Moslem schools which is the where the news should rightly be focused..
Fair enough – there are loony funda-mentalist christians out there. Now just imagine if there were organised groups of them taking over the governorships of ordinary comprehensive schools, forcing ‘prayer’ five times a day, expelling non conformist teachers, making trips to the holy land whilst excluding non christians, changing the curriculum to match their religious views. Just imagine that this was happening in at least 20 schools and probably many more.
Do we think that the BBC might be able to muster a bit more investagitive muscle from its meagre – 272 staff off to Brazil for six weeks – strained budget of 4bn if that were happening in say a major city like Birmingham?
FFS there is an entire herd of elephants in the room at the moment, The BBC cant even see any of the poo they are depositing far less the pachyderms themselves.
On another note is there any chance that the BBC will do a gritty socially responsible programme about London gang murders, or forced ‘marriage’, or the genetic inheritence of multi-generational cousin marriage, ‘Honour’ murders, FGM…….. etc There is plenty of material out there for a genuine, sensitive and legitimate series of programmes exploring these ‘issues’. Of course, this will never happen.
And, as someone recently pointed out, loony fundamentalist Christians want to quote verses of the Bible at you while loony fundamentalist Muslims want to murder you.
Only socialists and the bBBC think they are equivalent.
As it happens, some God botherers from “Concerned Independent Baptist Churches in the USA” pushed a booklet through my letterbox earlier today. It’s an extract from “John and Romans”, whatever that means.
Terrifying – I’ve been hiding in the cellar ever since.
It has been a long time since Christians burned people alive at the stake.
We do not practice those extreme punishments anymore.
In Islam, they do and according to this video, the Muslims themselves claim that such punishments are the best possible punishment and this view is not radical or extreme, but shared by ALL Muslims.
“It has been a long time since Christians burned people alive at the stake.”
Probably. Have doubts about Berwick upon Tweed though. Too many wicker stores.
‘Its Christianity all along’
Cripes, imagine if the writers of a show like ‘Spooks’ got inspired by that to conjure up someth… oh….
Possibly ISIS could be hired to advise on latest beheading techniques?
Or Bonekickers, which BBC programme had a Christian fundamentalist decapitate a harmless Muslim.
“Bonekickers, which BBC programme had a Christian fundamentalist decapitate a harmless Muslim.”
The BBC are sick in the head liars and propagandists. If it was the Thirties they would be praising Stalin and attacking Churchill.
This is actually offensive given the events of the last few days. But what do you expect form this dscredited bunch at the BBC? Reality? Truth and logic.?
The attempt to control the debate is pure Common Purpose Marxism.
More and more people are seeing through the BBC’s lies and distortions.
BBC News 24 are telling me that Mr Miliband ‘is having a more difficult than expected morning’
‘Ed Miliband has apologised for any offence caused after he posed with a copy of the Sun newspaper.’
Which goes to show that if you try to prosper politically by courting and encouraging supposed ‘offence’ then in the end it catches you out.
I thought the BBC were a tad sorry for Miliband – certainly seemed to cut him some slack where a Tory might expect a far rougher treatment. But then I know the BBC are conflicted when it come matters Liverpool and Miliband.
bBBC NorthWest has for years acted as the unthinking propaganda outlet for the whingeing Scousers over Hillsborough. It is a rare day with no ‘news’ about them, or that the six top stories on the bBBC local ‘news’ website doesn’t include at least one ‘news’ item about how offended they are.
But I haven’t had my free copy of the Sun yet. Does this mean that the whingeing Scousers are controlling mail deliveries to Cheshire as well as Merseyside? They didn’t have any problem delivering election leaflets from the BNP last month, so it seems that their ‘principles’ only extend to their own Hillsborough grief.
I guess this is just another example of the posties deciding what of our mail to deliver and what to keep for themselves, but it always used to be just valuable stuff that went ‘missing’.
It seems that some Labourines and Union members in the Post industry refused to deliver copies of the Sun.
I think enough is enough. Fair enough if you don’t like the Sun but this ceaseless victimhood is unnecessary. There were others more to blame for Hillsborough than a rag.
Agree, it was not 60,000 copies of the Sun crammed behind the dippers that caused the crush, it was other dipper fans…end of story.
Blaming the police is pathetic, they did not squash the fans, other scousers did due to the lack of their OWN control.
“OWN control” is not allowed in Leftyism.
If the cover-up is often worse than the offence, then surely this has to be a political equivalent where the apology simply compounds the foolishness of the action.
The twerp has taken a bad call he was walked into by his PR fluffers and just made it ten times worse.
He shows he’s not in actual charge of his own mind or body, makes idiot judgement calls and then to top it off to try and dig out the hole bares his neck to have his throat ripped out.
It would be funny if he wasn’t the next leader of the country if the BBC can arrange it.
Mind you, they’ve left comments open so he might be dropping the BBC’s crisis management team in it too often.
Though such as this top comment may tip it:
39. The BBC rustles my jimmies
We live in a ‘take offence’ culture. Anyone who says ‘I am offended’ is automatically assumed to be in the right, apologies must be issued and every avenue must be explored to make sure the ‘offended’ is treated like royalty.
The only disgrace here is the complete nonsense that drives media like the BBC to report on such non-stories.
‘More difficult than expected’ is the BBC version of ‘not necessarily proceeding to our advantage’.
Miliband has the statescraft of a sea cucumber and general Napoleonic luck of …
salma yaqoob and all her leftie buddys on her twitter feed account are seething and accusing the bbc and david dimbleby of bias last night on question time over her disaster of trying to defend the trojan horse islamists in birmingham ,they say that all the panelists ganged up on her last night and did not let her get a word in edgeways,that is not the way i saw it last night and in fact if you watched question time she was the one talking over everybody and interupting and being rude to ian duncan smith everytime he tried to make a point,salma and her buddys are just sour losers because last night she got truly exposed for what she is and that is a excuse maker and appeaser of these radical trojan horse extremists in birmingam,salma yaqoob had the nick griffin treatment last night and she did not like it one bit,i quite enjoyed question time last night and that believe me is a very rare i praise that show.
Well said mate.
Selma Yaqoob –
being Islamic, big big part of the problem
all of the weasel words, all of the apologetics.
Incapable of being truthful because of that poisonous ideology, and unbearably arrogant because of it.
Has she ever had a proper job? Or has she sucked on the public funding ‘teat’all her adult life?
Sorry, I couldn’t bare to watch it.
twitter 😀
usual herd mentality, Muslim
style … so very BBC
‘they say that all the panelists ganged up on her last night and did not let her get a word in edgeways, that is not the way i saw it last night and in fact if you watched question time she was the one talking over everybody and interupting and being rude’
Seems to be SOP.
Certainly the weekend tag-team are again carving large chunks out of the OT-section telling each other how beastly it is to be here without actually going near the topics at hand.
Just waiting for the Borg-box to open up the latest from the Game of Thrones font to join in.
" rel="nofollow ugc">
Newsround: I should have known it’s direct from the Amazon. Nice work if you can get it.
I heard something strange (well not really) on this mornings AM programme. They had a guy talking about the problems in Iraq and when discussing what options are open to the West he used the term *the Americans*. The Americans? Surely it was a slip of the tongue and what he meant to say President Obama? After all, everything else that emanates from over the pond starts with President Obama when the BBC choose to inform us.
One of the bBBC’s top ‘news’ items today is that an Iranian MP is offended because a German brewer has put the Iranian flag on its special World Cup-themed beer bottles. It’s Gaffel Koelsch, by the way, in case you want to add your own protest by ordering a case or two.
Silly really as there will be plenty of drunken Turks in Germany tonight …
One of the bBBC’s top ‘news’ items today
…or, if you prefer, a small item tucked away in the “Elsewhere in the News” section that is only linked to from a submenu that only shows up on the news homepage (on the current desktop site at least – the responsive beta site has different navigation that increases the visibility of some of those sections).
Seeing as Biased BBC has coruscated the Beeb in the past for “burying” items based on them pushing links further down section index pages than BBBC would like, isn’t it a bit rich to misrepresent this small article as a “top news item”?
Or are you now going to stand up and be counted when other Biased BBC commenters moan that an article has been “buried” by – shock horror – listing it on a high traffic index page in a different location to the one such commenters have decided it deserves?
It’s hardly worth answering this hissy-fit, but at the time that I posted on Friday evening, this item was on the bBBC ‘news’ website in the section headed ‘Other Top Stories’, immediately under their chosen top three feature items.
Only a bBBC-drone would find it surprising that 17 hours later it was not there and had been replaced by other ‘Top Stories’.
The spluttering troll is wrong on the original facts – as usual. The troll is a waste of space, a nitpicking distraction. Don;t feed the absurd troll.
That photo is horrific.
That’s Birmingham eh?
Glad I don’t f’king live there.
The present problems in Iraq are caused by rival muslim groups. Nothing to do with the West. It’s the way it always has been and always will be.
Intervene at your peril. It’s like intervening between rowing husband and wife.
Rival muslim groups, and there I was thinking that they were peaceful and moderate until offended by the EDL, who have probably gone out there to wind them up.
Sunni & Shia, “I’ve got hate babe.”
It’s Alien vs Predator
“Whoever wins, we lose”
“Praise be to Allah, who gave Twitter to the mujahideen so that they may share their joys and not have listen to the BBC, al-Arabia, Al-Jazeera,” an ISIS affiliate wrote on his Twitter page in Arabic.”
Looks like the BBC are not toeing the line enough…
Allah invented Twatter? Who knew?
Allah invented everything, doncha know, meaning all the western inventions, nobel prizes won by Jews, groundbreaking medical cures and even football were created by the mooney one, proving once and for all, that Muslims are super, duper folk, and we are a load of old crap…come on, chop us up, we deserve it.
Hilarious that they are pissed off at the Pro-Jihad BBC
Hardly a BBC history programme goes by without reference to towns and cities in ancient and medieval times being ‘cosmopolitan’, the latest being Norwich.
Well, by the time I started going there in the late sixties it was about as cosmopolitan as a 50 year-old episode of ‘The Archers’ – ‘hideously white’ might be one person’s description – so I can only assume some kind of ethnic cleansing must have taken place at some point in its history. In fact, it’s only relatively recently that it’s seen an influx of Eastern Europeans and ‘Asians’ – much, much later than most of the rest of the country.
Still, it helps with the ‘We’ve always been a nation of immigrants’ narrative, doesn’t it?
Insidious. The BBC is like dry rot eating away at the fabric of Britain.
Jeez. I always thought that the definition of being cosmopolitan in Norwich was f**king your cousin instead of your sister.
Cosmopolitan stopped at Thetford.
It’s a common misconception that rural communities are inbred. This is something pushed by lefties who hate the fact that these communities don’t vote for them.
The last figures I saw for incest put the white underclass in Feltham as having the greatest number of incestuous births, but that was the early ’90’s. That class has been pretty much displaced in Feltham now so I doubt the ‘honour’ still stands. The point being that cities are greater hotbeds of incest than villages – its the anonymity of the city etc.
Now as far as consanguinity, marrying close relatives who are not parents or siblings, is concerned that falls mostly in communities that do not have much of a presence in Norfolk.
These days, of course, the figures are meaningless as they have changed incest to include consanguinity. A common trend in ‘official’ stats is the conflation of similar data sets to create new ‘problems’. That is unless Bradford has a special reason for being the incest capitol now.
Ironically for ‘inbred’ read British white indigenous – and as for the actual cousin-marrying inbreds?
In Pakistan, Incest is entirely normal. hence why there has been a massive increase in deformed babies born to Pakistanis in this country in recent years.
One thing I do know about these scum is they are certainly NOT British, as the BBC keeps on saying… Another thing I know is that they will most certainly be Labour voters when living here …
Someone here in an earlier post on people from Britain going to fight in Syria said correctly that they are not British; they are terrorists with British passports.
That aside, this could be a very long war and should we ever have a government with balls it could be arranged that they would not be allowed back. Gradually, we would lose the fanatics, although I do feel a tinge of pity for the virgins.
In the interest of national security – once out, they should never be left back in.
Greenpeace about to get another good kicking?
‘India’s domestic spy service has accused Greenpeace and other lobby groups of hurting economic progress by campaigning against power projects, mining and genetically modified food, the most serious charge yet against foreign-funded organisations.
The leak of the Intelligence Bureau’s report comes as Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new administration seeks way to restore economic growth that has fallen to below 5 percent, choking off investment and jobs for millions of youth entering the workforce.’
Nowhere to be seen on BBC news.
Taxi for Harrabin!
Tumbril for Harrabin…
Remind Harrabin of the problems with windfarms
I wish you could ‘like’ a comment, twice.,
Islam – Iraq / Iran and the unspoken truth of what’s really going on.
The Mail today runs a story on Ancient hatreds, the BBC alludes but doesn’t say.
The Mail is unfortunately wrong here, I believe the BBC knows what’s going on and makes the odd reference and tells the truth of a single word, but assiduously avoids any deeper investigation.
And this is the word, remember it because you will hear it time & and again without explanation.
This is the dream of very very many Muslims, to re establish the ancient Caliphate.
The BBC makes vague references that Europe or the USA might be threatened if the Syrian rebels succeed and indeed they / we certainly will
But they don’t say why.
After WWI and Lawrence of Arabia, the Turks were defeated and the old Turkish empire was carved up by European powers in treaty negotiations which the Arabs weren’t even allowed to attend !
Kemal Attaturk abolished the Caliphate in 1924
So what would the restoration of a Caliph mean?
The reunified Muslim world would come under the control & command of a single man. Countries such as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia would cease to exist, as artificial constructs made by European powers.
Currently Muslims are only allowed to conduct ‘defensive’ Jihad, when they are attacked they are allowed to respond, but with a Caliph in place they could conduct ‘offensive’ Jihad once again.
Just take a few moments to dwell on that. A group of savages fighting & murdering their way across the Middle East does anyone seriously think they’ll put someone reasonable in charge?
And just to illustrate the boundaries they think they should have under their control, well it includes Spain and the Southern Med, plus Turkey. Starts to seem an even worse idea to allow Turkey entry to the EU !
Western powers seem paralysed. They don’t want people to know what these fighters are up to other than that they’ve taken a few towns, and it makes me wonder if they really know.
Unless this is stopped in its tracks and a lot of Jihadis are gratuitously killed, then yet again our leaders will have sold us down the river in another weak minded expedient decision
” will have sold us down the river”
Will have? You mean not already?
Correct. Over 20 years ago I remember being told that one of the reasons for the dismantling of the USSR was the Russian belief that eventually Europe would face invasion again from the Islamic world and being weakened by liberalism would need Russia to defend it. The old USSR was not working and had to be broken up.
The price will be Russian domination of Europe. Listen to Putin carefully and you can hear echoes of this all the time. Russia is part of the Christian world make no mistake about this and has rejected liberalism.
AS for the USA it is now leaving Europe to it’s fate.
Unfortunately this country is no longer able to defend the Christian West against what might be coming. Nothing wrong with the ordinary people just a completely decadent and malevolent ruling elite.
I’m sure that most who visit this blog have noticed a continued running thread of Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate Change being the BBC’s preferred point of reference, seeing that maybe even they have now admitted to themselves at least, that there has been no Global Warming for the past 17.5 years. So *Climate Change* fills in all the gaps, but has now become a meaningless phrase, simply because *Climate* has always changed and has been recorded as such since records began with any degree (no pun intended) of accuracy. My meteorological friends up there in the arctic Circle of Norway and just across the hills in Sweden, tell me that they are forecast snow over the next 5 days with probably the lowest recorded night and day temps since records began. We shall see. But, the thing is, in 2012, 2013 and 2014, record snow falls in the summer and low mean temperatures would suggest that despite what the Hockey Stick voodoo suggests, the opposite is happening, the planet is not getting warmer but cooler. How can that be BBC after all you constantly tell us, the plebs, that the science is settled and that Global Warming is taking place? In my village and within 5 miles of it, there are 4 weather reporting stations (private) and we all meet up to discuss this and that concerning meterology, and our own record keeping shows that for the last 24 years the mean temperature (12 month) has shown 3.27 degrees cooling. These temperatures are rural and not influenced by anything other than natural phenomena. Global Warming BBC? Cimate Change because of Global Warming BBC. My arse BBC.
And this from 2 years ago:
Please note that in meteorological terms the *wettest* can indicate precipitation which includes snow and rain and not just rain as one might assume.
My friends from the Nordic lands put to me this link:
But this one is a real doozy and “just up the road”!:
“Extreme Weather” seems to be gradually replacing climate change, which replaced global warming. And so it goes.
I have seen the nomenclature moved on from “climate change” to “climate disruption” in a few places. Geddit? Very good, isn’t it?
salma yaqoob last night on question time,george galloway tonight on any questions,what binded like glue these members of the extreme far left respect party and united them on both nights,they both defended and supported the trojan horse islamists in birmingham. george galloway went one step further tonight on any questions,he called the trojan horse plot a hoax,i rest my case on yaqoob and galloway,you are the jury.judge for yourself.
Galloway is Manna from Heaven !
If with todays hostile media we cannot if Galloway is or is not a Muslim then what chance would there have been in the 1930 / 40s with a completely controlled media of knowing whether Hitler converted to Islam?
Can one be a Muslim with only one ball? Isn’t there something in the Koran about having intact stones?
Or was that a preparation for a punishment.
Well, its a confusing read …
The (lack of) Respect Party was totally wiped out in Bradford in the local elections. Gob-shite Galloway is widely predicted to lose his Bradford parliamentary seat at the next election. I don’t recall the BBC ever calling these off-the-scale nutjobs “extremist”.
The UK Government are saying they will not be sending any troops to Iraq. That’s good to know because we don’t have any troops to send.
All we have left are the Cadet Forces and we can’t send them because their parents will be fined by the schools for taking them out of class
Good to know if you’re a Muslims fighting for the Caliphate !
Obviously you haven’t read my post just a couple up ! Now the time to send troops is needed out useless idiots in charge won’t bother.
The West has enormous firepower. WE have never needed to put men on the ground, Not in Afghanistan or Iraq.
This was our great error. All because ofthe lib/neocon belief in exporting so called democracy.
Let them sort out their own lands but make it clear that each and every incursion into Europe or terrorist attack will result in retribution on a scale the world has not yet seen.
When ground troops went into Afghanistan I recall my fathers wise words at the time
‘No Afghani is worth the life of a single British soul, just Agent Orange the whole fucking country’
Harsh but I believe was true then and still true now.
You tell me the world would not be a better and safer place?
‘NYT’ + BBC + Mark Thompson = political left + Islam + Al Qaeda:-
“The New York Times defends Al-Qaeda”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
The new “Mock the Week” opened with a vicious and totally unfunny attack on UKip. As it happens, I can’t stand UKip myself, because it only makes less likely what it purports to try to achieve, but that is just my opinion. There is no way that a democratic party, with considerable support, which UKip demonstrably is, should be exposed to completely one-sided derision on a taxpayer-funded channel.
U.K.I.P. also came in for a bashing on that other lefty propaganda show, the News Quiz on radio 4 last night. It is quite clear that any one of the political parties who are seen as a threat to the establishment which is the Far Left (the BBC in particular) will find itself in the cross hairs. Also, as usual per show, Mr Gove got it in the neck. Funny how you never hear of any Left Wing politician or group being cross haired isn’t it?
I can’t remember the Green Party, or “Respect” ever coming in for the tarring that UKIP have.
That’s because neither were perceived as a danger to the “establishment”, and therefore the continued free reign (and, indeed, very existence) of the BBC.
That, of course, should have been “rein”, but then again maybe a Freudian slip, after all…
Quite right my Old Goat, but therein lies the bias does it not?
Stumbled across it last night on iPlayer. As there have been nothing but repeats for a while I was chuffed, but it was awful. They have taken the HIGNFY route and made it even more dire. What a terrible waste of talent.
I groaned at the inclusion of the two Cohen-pleasers, but that seems a price that has to be paid. The blonde is not only unfunny but an idiot. The slumped ethnic seemed capable only of channeling old Lenny Henry race material.
But the rest? And it was relentless. Minute after minute after minute.
I truly respect Andy Parsons as one sharp cookie, but he totally misued the word ‘racist’ several times, with Dara, Ed, Les & even Milton just feeding the unfunny maw of a political obsession.
Ed Byrne even mocked the BBC for the obsession, they all laughed… then carried on for ages.
My apolitical wife looked up from her iPod and said ‘Wasn’t this last week?’
Yes, so last week.
For the first time I switched it off.
I wonder if it was filmed in their Party political broadcast studios in Scotland?
I was interested to see that Lenny Henry is on Radio 3 tonight in Between the Ears. I couldn’t help wondering when that programme was planned and especially Henry’s participation. My cynical side wonders whether the attempt to depict him as an intellectual (or what passes for one at the BBC) only came about after the misreported UKIP episode.
It took up over the first ten minutes of the programme for a sustained attack. But that’s MTW. It has form as a vehicle for Alinsky rule 5esque propaganda.
I shouldn’t have included the phrase “with considerable support” above. The UK Independence Party certainly does enjoy considerable support, but it shouldn’t matter. Even if they got two votes on the Norfolk coast and another vote in Denbigh, it’s not for a state broadcaster (which is what the beebyanka is) to denigrate legitimate parties.
” “The BBC seem unable to define what’s appropriate behaviour and what isn’t.”
I thought it was the difference between ‘getting it about right’ and ‘a BBC spokesperson saying as little as possible as it’s excluded for the purposes of….’?
More for the top rated troll-exchange in the comments.
So many familiar, well-loved, rehashed lines.
Did anyone hear the high profile apology that the BBC were foced to deliver on the Ten o’ Clock News last night?
Unusual to say the least. But I’m not quite sure what the apology was about ( I heard Met Police, I heard investigation) – it was delivered with such garbled incoherence and at such high speed, it left the impression that there was no real sincerity in the apology and the BBC were somewhat miffed they they were forced to deliver it at all.
Fiona Bruce replaced sincerity with surliness last night.
May be worth going down to the BBC online basement, past the sign that says ‘Beware of the Leopard’ and have a rummage in the darkest recesses of the complaints or Trust pages. If they had to apologise it will have to be there too.
But it will not be easy to find.
Yes, I heard it and couldn’t figure out what the heck it was about either. The phrase “through gritted teeth” came to mind!
This it? If so, looks like the old Katz Newnight slipway is slipping up still:
14 June 2014: On-air apology – BBC News at Ten, BBC One and Newsnight, BBC Two (broadcast 13 June 2014)
“On 7th March the Ten o’clock News (Newsnight) broadcast a report alleging a possible police cover-up over an allegedly corrupt officer, DC John Davidson. The claims should have been put to the Metropolitan Police, an omission for which we apologise. The Met in fact says it did not claim in its evidence to the Ellison Review that there were no records of the officer’s links to a separate investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan and it does not accept that the BBC produced evidence of a possible cover-up. We were wrong to suggest the document we showed demonstrated such a cover-up and we apologise for this.”
Sounds like the cuts meant they couldn’t afford that 10p to check a story again.
Maybe the BBC more needs an omission statement?
Also interesting to note that the page in question is posted as far as it appears you can burrow down, so there may be no separate listing of the actual story, which may make it hard to bookmark & relocate.
So I’ve page captured, just in case it gets ‘lost’.
I’ve read the thing 4 times and it’s still gibberish.
Newspapers when they publish apologises and retractions usually publish a full context. I notice that the BBC have only owned up to part of their omission – what is the Ellison review all about?
Yes, Roland. Gritted teeth (but I suppose that they’ll say that they got their apology just about right)
BBC News 24’s film review slot is an odd beast. Dyed-in-the-wool lefty Mark Kermode pronouces so emphatically about what is worthy and what is not that one almost forgets that one still has free choice about which movies one is allowed to pay to see. Meanwhile apparently mild mannered quiet lefty Gavin Estler nods and purrs his approval at Kermode’s every minor thought and half-opinion. It’s almost as if the BBC has already set Kermode up as the commissar censor and official arbitor of liberal movie worthyness. Well I know Common Purpose teaches lefties to take the lead in this post-democratic age and pull along us less conscious masses by the nose to the promised land… but this is ridiculous. The post at the very top of this thread draws attention to the new film ‘Belle’ and how the dim wit, big mouth, over-grown public school boy, coked up, lefty, Richard Bacon loved it. Well it’s not BBC it’s BelleBC because Mark Kermode says so. ‘Quietly subversive’ How could the BBC not love it? Other opinions are sometimes available (if frowned upon) on the BBC so our Comrade Kermode does glancingly refer to ‘some critics’ who have been ‘sniffy’ about Belle. Ah, but can’t you just taste the contempt for these ‘sniffy’ critics. We BBC financed hacks at metro metro central are here to destroy all that is sniffy and to lead the common heard up the mountain to the promised land…. so go watch Belle…. and go see it and make sure you tell all your liberal minded pals…. so they’ll know you’re liberal minded too….
I hear it’s like Jane Austen (well, a bit) like Downton, like Upstairs Downstairs… with a black girl in it! Innit doh? Imagine Lady Di in minstral guise – what a winner! Note to all arty types: The very cheap short cut to BBC approval : put a black girl in it.
Put a black girl in, but ensure that she is barely discernible as black ( probably as a result of having one black grand parent) and pretty enough to get a following ,just like those American films and TV programmes concerning slavery and the civil war.
Simply ticks every pant wetting box.
slavery,, wicked “massah s”, galling victim narrative, trite pneumatic “we all blax now”
purring from Kermode, and any other latte loving … “legends in their own minds” from the MSM, have that bunch got a lot to answer for.
… remember back to 12 years a slave, (utter crap), further Amistad, (utter crap),
further still Roots and its spin off …
give me a break … enough already
Cant stand Mark Kermode also never trust a bloke named after a piece of lavatorial furniture.
Damn it, you got the pun in first.
Personally I take no instructions in style or fashion or any other taste related thing from a man who thinks Rockabilly is a living art form. What next, are they going to dig up the Stray Cats?
I also hate anyone who wears ridiculous items trying to make a fashion statement or as a part of their persona.
I’m thinking of that twat Jason Bradbury with the silly glasses from The Gadget Show.
P.S I had to listen to the Stray Cats Strut after your reference to them
Brian Setzer and the boys are good enough for me!
enjoy 🙂
‘Runaway Boys’ was the first record I (aged eight) ever bought with my own hard earned money.
Saw it again years later on TOTP2: what on earth did my junior self want it for ? A mystery in the Roswell class.
We can’t allow our pro-eu, pro-immigration politically-correct establishment take us into another futile foreign adventure. Just the sight of multi-multi millionaire Blair should be enough to convince. And let’s not allow multimillionaire liberal Scameron to do the same.
Blair’s explanations for taking the British into Iraq were rarely heard on the BBC . He certainly wasn’t part of the establishment. In 2004 a speech in Washington DC got 8 standing ovations there but wasn’t mentioned on the BBC. Later in 2006 his speech in Las Angeles was reported on News at 10 as “this is what the PM meant to say”
Whatever his words they were an execise in wish fulfilment. He was that most dangerous of leaders. Anxious to please everyone and without conviction or common sense.
I well remember the lead up to the Iraq invasion. It was clear the Iraqis were very scared and had limited weaponry. When some short range missiles were deemed to have a few extra ks of range they could not cut them up quick enough.
They knew that an invasion had already been decided on and that they were set up .
Nasty regime that it was it was a country which we could have easily dealt with and many many people would still be alive today if Blair and Bush and the idiots had stopped to draw breath and deal harshly but effectively with Saddam.
The neocons and the liberals dream of bringing democracy and Western ways to these dreadful ME societies. The reality is that the West must totally disengage from the ME world and that means every way. Trade, travel the lot.
Quarantine was and remains the only way to proceed. Touch us or threaten us and retribution will surely follow.
The point I am making is that views were also influenced by the censorship of the BBC. The BBC did not wish you to hear the PM of the time explain his policies more fully because they did not want people to be influenced by his speeches ( as an excellent speaker ) and the BBC didn’t agree with what he said. Is this how a publically funded body should operate?
Hey Duke you trying to do me out of a job?
Irony re-Leveson lost on his repressive Beeboid chums?:-
” Leveson breaks the rules by taking pictures at Buckingham Palace garden party.”
Read more:
Poor old BBC…. after all those years of apeasement, it seems the MUslims still don’t like them.
ISIS: “praise be to Allah, who gave Twitter to the Mujahadeen so that thay may share t5heir joys and not have to listen to the BBC”. (From the ISIS twitter feed).
They probably get fed up of the BBC constantly talking about them “misunderstanding” Islam. ISIS seem to understand Islam frighteningly well.,
Of course, INBBC is quite well politically disposed towards the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is does not regard as an enemy, despite its recent past actions against the Royal Navy, and despite the stated intentions of the Islamic Republican Guard.
For Beeboids:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“There can be only one winner if America makes common cause with an old foe.
White House now finds itself in the unlikely position of finding common cause with one of Washington’s most committed foes – Iran.
By Con Coughlin.
“Is this what our foreign policy has become?”
Read more:
Whatever you do, just dont ask William Vague to try and make sense of it all.
The Iranians are on to a winner by inviting Obama to join with them. They know that Obama is a Sunni muslim, who will think very carefully about bombing his own people. But should the US intervene in any way Shia’s, Sunnis and Kurds will condemn them along with the BBC and all leftists here. Cameron has taken the appeasers way – give them the money Barney, as Wilfred Pickles used to say.
Hey, if a bunch of non-essential overpaid employees’ militant union can hand a gaggle of overpaid hapless overpaid market second raters in management an excuse to dip even further into the public pot, go for it.
Just ask the tube drivers.
Though their bargaining position was a smidge more solid.
Any BBC strike is more like the cabs sulking about Uber, Ironic, given only BBC employees seem able to afford them… using funds taken by compulsion from the public.
Ever unique.
FWIW, James, I will likely view Mo flying back to show his national spirit as about as interesting as Wayne & chums flapping about Brazil.
Is it just me or does anyone else think think the BBC are being quieter than usual about England and the build up to England’s first game in the World Cup? Could it be because they’re afraid of upsetting the Scots? I listened to some Scottish nationalist prat on the radio today saying that an England win could tip it for the ‘Yes’ vote… is this really how pathetically fickle and infantile the nationalists and undecided voters are north the border?
Come on England! I hope we win, and see a huge flurry of St George’s flags draped around every lamp post. It’s OK for every other sod to be proud of your country, but not us.
You may well be right but after last nights performance I don’t think England will win a game in the first round. Yesterday they made a poor Italian side look good.
The Scots Nats, racists that they are, will not doubt be delighted.
Presumably, INBBC thinks that this further Islamisation of U.K. is so politically desirable and inevitable that it is hardly worth mentioning, let alone criticising-
“Britain to issue first Islamic bonds by Western sovereign”
By Robert Spencer.
“‘A sovereign sukuk is the centrepiece of Prime Minister David Cameron’s bid to position London as a leading hub for Islamic finance, as competition heats up with financial centres in the Middle East and Asia.’
This is what is behind the Cameron government’s utterly supine response to Islamic supremacist aggression and intimidation in the school system and elsewhere: he has to create a hospitable environment for Sharia as part of his plan to make London a global capital of Islamic finance.
And if the freedom of speech and equality of rights for women and non-Muslims have to go, so be it.”
A Beeboid ‘militant’?:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Iraq crisis: the bare faced ISIS executioner who spreads terror with his open killing.
“Shakir Wahiyib is a feared enforcer for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham who does not cover up his face in videos of his killings.”
From Poll Tax to Stealth Tax…
The government is flirting with idea of abolishing Britain’s TV licence fee and instead funding the BBC through council tax, according to the Times. At the moment, each British household must pay £145.50 per year for the right to own a television, but ministers are now looking at alternatives, such as adding the cost on to other regular bills.
John Whittingdale, chairman of the Culture, Media and Sports Committee, said: “There is a strong case for at least updating the licence fee. One simple way is to maintain it as a charge on every household but attach it to an existing bill, be it council tax or some other. It’s something that we would consider as a potential alternative.”
Whittingdale is such a bloody wet. Can’t he see that the whole argument against the licence tax is that we do not want a compulsory and essentially flat-rate tax on every household. People should be free to use the BBC – or not to use it, and to pay accordingly. The technology is available, the Tories are running away from the issue of principle.
A ‘careful what one wishes for; you may just get it’ warning.
The transcripts of the Future of the BBC inquiry are indeed long but worth reading. They are listed in a post shared here not too long ago. Few seemed to have the time or inclination. Just as the establishment likes it.
In addition to what appears ‘interest’ in this new, even less accountable (zero option to withdraw) funding model, oversight by OFCOM (under Mr. Purnell’s chum Ed Richards) was favoured by interest-conflicted committee members like Ben Bradshaw.
Actual calibre of delivery has barely been discussed, and on the few occasions it might, gotten shut down pdq.
The issue is not just the money, but the compulsory tithe for people and editorial that makes the BBC a de facto political party, albeit one only able to operate in coalition with any actually elected, to serve its best interests and social engineering agendas.
Commenters do not seem keen. And one forgets there are many who do not pay the telly tax less for ideology but simple lack of interest on what is on offer. They are not impressed that they will be charged no matter what so others can see what such as the Newsnight slipway can slip past without checking.
Of course, it is being sold in as only the BBC is resourced to manage:
Um, according to them, it’s a popular move:
A spokesman said: “The licence fee remains the most popular way to fund the BBC, but we know the committee is looking at a range of ideas, and we will read their report with interest once it is published later in the year.”
I would be nice to know who the BBC spokesman thinks finds it popular.”
Expect more of that ubiquitous BBC ‘spokesperson’ telling it often enough.
It has to be subscription or advertising with no public money. Otherwise, no matter what fudge they dream up, you can guarantee that it will benefit the ‘elite’ and be paid for by the public.
Can pay! Won’t Pay! Is what I say!
I live in France and the TV licence fee (currently around €118 a year) is added to the ‘Taxe D’Habitation’ which, along with the ‘Taxe Fonciere’, is the equivalent of the Council Tax in the UK. Incidentally, French TV is truly dire!
Often the ‘commercial market’ in the US is cited as a boogeyman to scare the punters here. But of course it is selective and ignores the new media realities.
Those who are trying to make such comparisons have to be confronted with not only the tripe the BBC produces, but the errors, lack of objectivity and professional integrity that comes with the total package, at such vast, and often inefficient compelled cost.
There is tripe aplenty on US TV yes, and skewed agendas in such as news that make many stations worthless. But thanks to new delivery systems, one can…. choose… what appeals and reject what is dire.
Copying the French model may appeal to some, but seems clearly a backward step even when it comes to simple calibre of offering.
Yes it is, so when I am obliged to watch television at all, it is via Freesat (carefully avoiding the tat on offer, there isn’t a lot left to watch anyway, from any source.)
Not all French TV . We’ve become addicted to Moneydrop just for the presenters T-shirts.
Last year there was an odd Saturday evening quiz show about Britain where two sets of ‘celebs’ answered questions about Britain. It was called ‘I Love My Country’ but it was truly dire and even featured a game of exploding pass-the-parcel. I remember wondering whether the parcel would explode as it passed over Bradford or NI as the whole show was a bizarre parody of 1970’s nonsense. The sort of thing the BBC imagines ‘patriots’ like because they believe they are stupid. It also allows defenders to point at it and say ‘look the BBC is patriotic too’. Yeah, right!
It was also a rip off of a French quiz I saw last time I was in France, which was also truly dire and was sold to the BBC by a Dutch firm, apparently, who also sold them the execrable ‘The Voice’.
The Dutch firm is owned by RTL, the very definition of ‘Euro Trash TV’, a Europe wide commercial producer of brain rotting tripe, who are based in Luxemburg like all those EU tax avoiding companies the BBC hates so …
The licence fee at work.
But, if you have no TV, you just put a ‘cross’ on your tax form and you do not have to pay it.
Anyone lucky enough to be listening to Saturday Live this morning will have heard the heart warming story of Paris Lees. (S)he is the poster girl of the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender movement and is a committed feminist (natch). There was a charming, rather cosy, interview conducted by Richard Coles where we discovered that young Paris had been an under age drug abuser, gay prostitute and had then taken to violent mugging (as you do) and had been sent to prison. (S)he really is the perfect advert for diverse and tolerant modern Britain.
I’ve been suffused in warm glow all day…
I heard the first minute – then realised it was the Rev Coles off on one of his usual arselicking interviews with a nonentity, hit the off switch pronto.
I’m all for criminals turning their lives around and getting back in the flow with decent people. That’s only right and proper. I don’t even care what shenanigans they get up to in bed or what gender they adopt. Couldn’t care less; that’s their business.
I do however object to ex-criminals being rewarded with celebrity status or being employed on a regular basis by the BBC. Especially when there are plenty of people out there with much better, life affirming stories than ‘I’ve stopped being bad – where’s my reward?’ who are subjected to constant vilification by the BBC and their ilk.
BBC Points West proudly reports that local lefty MP and wife of Unison regional secretary Ian Ducat Dawn Primarolo has been made a Dame (?!) Complemented with a report and interview from the garden of her very remote Cotswold stone cottage. I bet her constituents from the poorest part of Bristol are really pleased to see how well she has done for herself…
Socialism at work eh Dawn? now is that cottage your first or second home?
Ah, the Cotswolds, that vibrantly diverse multi-cultural paradise much favoured by the affluent, hypocritical left.
Maybe she ought to pop round to Chipping Norton for a chinwag with Jezza.
BBC journalists Lyse Doucet and Tin Htar Swe (who?) made OBEs
Did Doucet get it for her ‘humanity of the Taliban’ speech?
For INBBC’s Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET:-
“Taliban slice off 11 people’s fingers as punishment for voting in Afghanistan’s presidential election”
Read more:
Islamising TURKEY:
-its E.U membership application is supported by BBC-NUJ, and by U.K political class, unswervingly.
“Turkey: Bars in tourist resort handed over to nation’s top Islamic body.”
[Excerpt from ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“As Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s more violent coreligionists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria impose Sharia by force in Mosul and the surrounding areas, he prefers to impose it less violently and more gradually, by means of measures like this one.”
‘Money Jihad’ site has this, which one might think, Beeboids should catch up on:-
“Mosul Seized: Jihadis Loot $429m from City’s Central Bank to Make Isis World’s Richest Terror Force”
So much for ‘British values’:-
“Honor killing in Scotland: Muslim burns ex-wife to death for being ‘too Westernised,’ twin daughters: ‘We had an hour to say goodbye. She was so badly burned we were told we couldn’t look at her face.’ –
See more at:
Is INBBC making a significant reporting feature of this?
This piece of news should arouse the feminists around the BBC – something to discuss on Woman’s Hour
They get a free pass from fat Salmond and Jeanette Krankie et al.
So, the BBC reports that the ‘Prisons inspector accuses ministers of prisons ‘failure’. – It’s all about overcrowding! I just wonder how many foreign people are incarcerated in our jails that give a far better quality of life, healthcare, food and shelter than they would enjoy in their home prisons? We cannot deport them back to their own countries because of the EHCR. In short, British Prisons are no deterrent to those from the eastern countries in the EU. We are being taken for a ride!
Long piece on Broadcasting House – putting all the blame for ISIS on “2 prime ministers, – malaki and Blair”.
Not a cheep about Obama, who ditched Iraq after the surge had succeeded and the Sunni insurgents had been put back in their box by David Petraeus who got the majority of Sunni tribesmen onside. In 2011 Obama could and should have arrnaged to keep a supportive US presence in Iraq and should have forced Maliki to be more inclusive in his Government, less corrupt. Instead, Obama chose to walk away in a huff.
Obama was not even mentioned in the long BH piece. Not even in terms of speculating what the hell to do now the chickens have come home to roost.
What we are about to see is the greatest religious massacre for centuries as the Shiites finally can get at the Sunnis without worrying about the West.
Arthur wrote:
“What we are about to see is the greatest religious massacre for centuries as the Shiites finally can get at the Sunnis without worrying about the West.”
Are you sure, according to the bBC, Islam is a religion of peace.
What are we to say…
I am thinking of how the UKs Interfaith groups joined with the UAF, singing We are Walthamstow/Tower Hamlets/ Bristol, wherever anti Muslim protests took place.
So we say
‘We are Sunni we are Shia,
we are Lesbian gay and Jew,
we are many more than you.
Yes. We are Iraq, Tower Hamlets, Bradford, Birmingham, and we are coming for you..’
And remember well from the BBC’s record. If the UK and USA bomb ISIS, the BBC will recycle photos of hospitals bombed in some previous war to show injured children and blame the allies
All ISIS need to do is to find some old hospital beds and store them in a bombed depot.
Just read Fatty Mardell’s piece on the latest situation in Iraq. I loved the intro – “The Obama doctrine, set out at West Point, appears to be in tatters as Iraq falls apart. The critics have been quick to point to what’s happening there as another sign of the weakness of his foreign policy.
But there is another way of looking at it. That he’s right.”
Lots of ‘brownie’ points there Mark!
Just reading this bBC article regards the PM promoting British values:
Cameron: ‘Stop being bashful about Britishness’
People in the UK should stop being “bashful” about being British, the prime minister has urged. David Cameron said the country should be “far more muscular” in promoting its values and institutions.He repeated Education Secretary Michael Gove’s call to promote “British values” in the classroom following the Trojan Horse claims in Birmingham schools.
and here is how the Guardian reports what he said:
Extremism and division is flourishing in the UK because of a “worrying” failure to push British values, David Cameron said, as he set out plans to teach all school pupils about the Magna Carta. Teachers were told by Michael Gove, the education secretary, that in the wake of the controversy over Islamist influence on some Birmingham schools they must in future “actively promote British values”.The prime minister said they included “a belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law”.
Of course this being the bBC, they had to insert this:
Its report followed claims conservative Muslims had sought to influence the ethos and curriculum of schools in the city.
In an article about the PM, whom would you think the vast majority of thick leftwing bBC followers will seek to blame?
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
bBBC = Anti British. Paid for by an unfair & unjust British Tax ! No Taxation without representation – where have the Chairman and Trustees been all these years ?
This morning on Sunday Radio 4 it seemed the BBC needed a member of the Sikh community Jasvinder Sanghera to talk against forced marriages in her community. This is not the community where there is a major issue with this practise and again the BBC was able to avoid criticising the Moslem community directly . And isn’t it time that Muslims spoke out against these practices within their own community ?
“And isn’t it time that Muslims spoke out against these practices within their own community ?”
Why would they do that?
Another reason for BBC-NUJ to continue giving its political support to Labour Party-
“BBC licence fee could be slashed in Government review next year, Culture Secretary Sajid Javid reveals.
“Minister says £145.50-a-year fee is a ‘large amount’ of money for families.
“Says the fee needs to take account of ‘big technological changes’ like iPlayer.
“Clearest signal yet that Tories may cut BBC budget after next election.”
Read more:
Javid also suggested that the License Fee could be lumped in and collected as part of your Council Tax! They know that many people are wise to the fact that the fee is nothing more than a tax to pay for a left-wing propaganda organistion full of self-hating white liberals. Making the fee part of council tax will make it almost impossible to avoid paying it as councils are gung-ho in their council tax collection, ever missed a payment? I have by accident and almost immediately started receiving threatening letters from them, saying that if I didn’t pay I would have the ability to pay by installments removed, then there would be bailiffs and court summons and subsequent imprisonment! All I did was mistakenly cancelled a direct debit using online banking and missed one single payment.
‘Javid also suggested that the License Fee could be lumped in and collected as part of your Council Tax!’
Also something floated a lot in the Future of the BBC inquiry.
I know many are giving Mr. Javid the benefit of the doubt, but he was very vague in the Marr interview, and there’s a danger if he gets cut slack too long things become done deals.
I think I may write to my MP and ask for a specific answer from him and the Minister on this, and clarify certain answers will make future voting intentions very easy.
Plus the local campaigning will make life very uncomfortable for LA candidates, especially if from any party that squeezes that one in.
Councils are reeling from ‘cuts’ excused service failures or withdrawals (potholes, rubbish collection… even grass cutting).
Popping extra taxes ON TOP to collect and pass to a public sector black/green/pink hole like the BBC will be a tricky political sell.
OT, for now:
‘The usual suspects from the taxpayer-subsidised charity mafia will tomorrow try to pull off one of their coordinated outrage stunts.’
The question is, whose PR will become whose ‘news’? ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
And what context will be preserved by watertight oversight to avoid narratives being spoiled by any excess in investigation beyond going to broadcast.
And yet, that rabble don’t get arrested for brandishing such slogans of hate.
And you will see women demonstrating in support of them.
Not only TURKEY, but ALBANIA too.
Britain’s political class (with BBC-NUJ political support) is speeding up the colonisation and Islamisation of E.U and Britain with its campaigning for entry of Turkey and Albania into E.U.
“Cameron Breaks Pledge, Will Provide Albanians an Open Door to Britain.”
By M E Synon.
Cameron only has to make a so called pledge for a reasonable man to lay short odds on how long he will take to break it.
One of life’s mysteries is why the BBC is hostile to him or is it an elaborate charade.
He is one of their own.