…interesting stuff and nothing any regular poster here doesn’t know. At least the army of dissenters is growing.
“That Labour views about the EU were not worth exploration. This added to the bias by omission and reinforced the impression that withdrawal is a ‘right-wing’ issue.”
“Be more British Cameron tells UK Muslims: PM issues powerful new pledge to combat extremism.
“He plans to use 800th anniversary of Magna Carta to reassert British values.
“Prime Minister said it is time to stop being ‘squeamish about Britishness’
“He said refusing to accept British laws and the way of life is ‘not an option.’
Cameron just doesn’t get it, does he? Any talk about “British values” or, even more, “English values” invites trouble. Whatever he says will be pulled to pieces and ridiculed.
I refuse to discuss it because I feel it is an affront to be expected to justify my existence in this way. Minorities, or should I say “favoured minorities” (because we are a minority), are never expected to do so, so why should I?
The trouble is – we have no sanctions to encourage proper assimilation – like “Shape Up – or Ship Out”.
And we should not be on the defensive about “our values”. We should be on the offensive about THEIR values – medieval brutal nonsense, frozen in time – worthy of mockery and scorn rather than any respect.
Another pointless, valueless Cameron soundbite, to feed the media machine’s infinite appetite for verbal diahorrea, without actually saying anything. He opens his mouth and sounds come out, but nobody believes it any more, especially not him.
The multicultural lie wasn’t just fed to us, it was fed to THEM. They came here in their millions, encouraged to believe that all the benefits of our society were theirs for the taking, but that they could leave out the bits they didn’t like and just cherry pick the parts they wanted. No adjustment required on their part, no surrender of their “cultural identity”. Any adjustment or surrender would be done by the indigenous Brits, who as we all know have no culture worth talking about anyway. Ask any “liberal” fascist.
So does anybody sane think that we can now reverse that and tell them to leave their traditional comfort zone and embrace what is (for them) an alien and amoral culture? Not without a struggle they won’t.
The only way to achieve any meaningful integration at this late (some would say TOO late) stage would be to give them no choice. Real sanctions would need to be imposed for non-compliance, together with a propaganda campaign on a par with the PC insanity to which we have been subjected for decades. It would require a government with real grit and determination to see it through, as well as a state broadcaster committed to promoting British values. It goes without saying we have neither, so it’s not gonna happen.
So what will we have? I see no alternative in our pretty hopeless situation to more and more “separate development”. You’ve heard that phrase before, in South Africa a few decades ago. We will see the current creeping apartheid expand until parts of our country are no longer recognisably British. Eventually, if current demographic trends are continued, we will be the minority, confined to our tribal homelands and even further discriminated against, legally and economically.
At some point, the growing resentment will boil over into violence. It’s inevitable. What is also inevitable is that the level of violence will be hideous, as is always the case with civil wars (I’ve been in several).
Interestingly, the BBC and their fellow travellers always (and still do) took the ANC’s side. They virually beatified Mandela, despite his pretty dubious record. I wonder whose side they will take once the barricades start to go up and the necklaces get lit in our Green and Pleasant Land.
“Professor Jean Seaton, the BBC’s official historian, has at last agreed a title with it for her volume on the 1974-87 period, due in January. These were years of endless friction with the Thatcher government over reporting of Northern Ireland, the Falklands War and the bombing of Libya, and ended with the sacking of director general Alasdair Milne by BBC chairman Marmaduke Hussey, a Tory appointment. The book was delivered last summer, but “the BBC threw away about 15 titles, until I thought it would be called The BBC In Slightly Difficult Times” she told Monkey last week. “Then I went to see Tony Hall, suggested Pinkos and Traitors, and he said ‘yes’.” A glance at Amazon indicates one of the titles “thrown away” was Under Siege: The BBC in the Crisis Years, while Seaton’s academic profile still has the title as Holding the Line; which together suggest the BBC is determined to resist anything conveying the idea of it as beleaguered – even 25-40 years ago. But a hotbed of leftwing subversives and people willing to betray their country? Not a problem.”
Professor Seaton and James Curran last book on British Media (c1981) can be found below. No wonder the BBC are ‘worried’ that the BBC left wing hidden agendas might not altogether be in the ‘public interest’ vis-a-vis BBC license fee extortion. It also indicates how the BBC has changed and benefited to ‘remove’ press competition by claiming to be somehow ‘independent’ from the left wing ‘press’ is something that concerned the Royal Commission in 1977. (p378) ‘We are strongly against any scheme which would make the press, or any section of it, dependent on government through reliance on continuing subsidies from public funds. We are also opposed absolutely to the establishment of any body which could, or might have to, discriminate among publications in such a way as to amount to censorship in the sense of preferring to support some publications and not others.’ A good argument to abolish the BBC monopoly state license fee in 2016 and create a media level playing field. It’s the same argument somehow conveniently ‘lost’ on the BBC trustees. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Professor+Jean+Seaton+%27BBC+subversives..%27&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&gfe_rd=cr&ei=MAyfU-H8GMPX8gei1YCIDw&gws_rd=ssl
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The link doesn’t show up in the front page piece.
They never do, nor does html (“quotes”, different fonts etc.): all that appear in the body of the post only.
…interesting stuff and nothing any regular poster here doesn’t know. At least the army of dissenters is growing.
“That Labour views about the EU were not worth exploration. This added to the bias by omission and reinforced the impression that withdrawal is a ‘right-wing’ issue.”
“News-watch has monitored and analysed almost half the editions of the Today programme since 2002 – almost two thousand programmes.”
The poor, poor bastards!
Shouldn’t the BBC be doing this? And reporting publicly the results to show how it meets its statutory duty of impartiality?
BBC-NUJ’s next political cause:-
to campaign FOR these people?-
“Migrants threaten to sew lips together as they go on hunger strike in Calais demanding to be allowed into Britain”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2656434/Migrants-hunger-strike-Calais-demanding-allowed-Britain.html#ixzz34efpznJz
-and campaign AGAINST British values?:-
“Be more British Cameron tells UK Muslims: PM issues powerful new pledge to combat extremism.
“He plans to use 800th anniversary of Magna Carta to reassert British values.
“Prime Minister said it is time to stop being ‘squeamish about Britishness’
“He said refusing to accept British laws and the way of life is ‘not an option.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2658033/Be-British-Cameron-tells-UK-Muslims-PM-issues-powerful-new-pledge-combat-extremism.html#ixzz34ec7ntYu
Cameron just doesn’t get it, does he? Any talk about “British values” or, even more, “English values” invites trouble. Whatever he says will be pulled to pieces and ridiculed.
I refuse to discuss it because I feel it is an affront to be expected to justify my existence in this way. Minorities, or should I say “favoured minorities” (because we are a minority), are never expected to do so, so why should I?
The trouble is – we have no sanctions to encourage proper assimilation – like “Shape Up – or Ship Out”.
And we should not be on the defensive about “our values”. We should be on the offensive about THEIR values – medieval brutal nonsense, frozen in time – worthy of mockery and scorn rather than any respect.
Another pointless, valueless Cameron soundbite, to feed the media machine’s infinite appetite for verbal diahorrea, without actually saying anything. He opens his mouth and sounds come out, but nobody believes it any more, especially not him.
The multicultural lie wasn’t just fed to us, it was fed to THEM. They came here in their millions, encouraged to believe that all the benefits of our society were theirs for the taking, but that they could leave out the bits they didn’t like and just cherry pick the parts they wanted. No adjustment required on their part, no surrender of their “cultural identity”. Any adjustment or surrender would be done by the indigenous Brits, who as we all know have no culture worth talking about anyway. Ask any “liberal” fascist.
So does anybody sane think that we can now reverse that and tell them to leave their traditional comfort zone and embrace what is (for them) an alien and amoral culture? Not without a struggle they won’t.
The only way to achieve any meaningful integration at this late (some would say TOO late) stage would be to give them no choice. Real sanctions would need to be imposed for non-compliance, together with a propaganda campaign on a par with the PC insanity to which we have been subjected for decades. It would require a government with real grit and determination to see it through, as well as a state broadcaster committed to promoting British values. It goes without saying we have neither, so it’s not gonna happen.
So what will we have? I see no alternative in our pretty hopeless situation to more and more “separate development”. You’ve heard that phrase before, in South Africa a few decades ago. We will see the current creeping apartheid expand until parts of our country are no longer recognisably British. Eventually, if current demographic trends are continued, we will be the minority, confined to our tribal homelands and even further discriminated against, legally and economically.
At some point, the growing resentment will boil over into violence. It’s inevitable. What is also inevitable is that the level of violence will be hideous, as is always the case with civil wars (I’ve been in several).
Interestingly, the BBC and their fellow travellers always (and still do) took the ANC’s side. They virually beatified Mandela, despite his pretty dubious record. I wonder whose side they will take once the barricades start to go up and the necklaces get lit in our Green and Pleasant Land.
[Excerpt from ‘Guardian, Media Monkey’]-
“Professor Jean Seaton, the BBC’s official historian, has at last agreed a title with it for her volume on the 1974-87 period, due in January. These were years of endless friction with the Thatcher government over reporting of Northern Ireland, the Falklands War and the bombing of Libya, and ended with the sacking of director general Alasdair Milne by BBC chairman Marmaduke Hussey, a Tory appointment. The book was delivered last summer, but “the BBC threw away about 15 titles, until I thought it would be called The BBC In Slightly Difficult Times” she told Monkey last week. “Then I went to see Tony Hall, suggested Pinkos and Traitors, and he said ‘yes’.” A glance at Amazon indicates one of the titles “thrown away” was Under Siege: The BBC in the Crisis Years, while Seaton’s academic profile still has the title as Holding the Line; which together suggest the BBC is determined to resist anything conveying the idea of it as beleaguered – even 25-40 years ago. But a hotbed of leftwing subversives and people willing to betray their country? Not a problem.”
Professor Seaton and James Curran last book on British Media (c1981) can be found below. No wonder the BBC are ‘worried’ that the BBC left wing hidden agendas might not altogether be in the ‘public interest’ vis-a-vis BBC license fee extortion. It also indicates how the BBC has changed and benefited to ‘remove’ press competition by claiming to be somehow ‘independent’ from the left wing ‘press’ is something that concerned the Royal Commission in 1977. (p378) ‘We are strongly against any scheme which would make the press, or any section of it, dependent on government through reliance on continuing subsidies from public funds. We are also opposed absolutely to the establishment of any body which could, or might have to, discriminate among publications in such a way as to amount to censorship in the sense of preferring to support some publications and not others.’ A good argument to abolish the BBC monopoly state license fee in 2016 and create a media level playing field. It’s the same argument somehow conveniently ‘lost’ on the BBC trustees.