This is from Labour Uncut…..I leave it to you to fathom out/enlighten the rest of us what is going on with the BBC, Labour in Wales and Julian Ruck:
UNCUT: Letter from Wales: Arts Council of Wales referred to Welsh Audit Office
BBC Wales, whilst usually being keen to report on the minutiae of its director, Rhodri Talfan Davies’ day, is apparently not so enthusiastic about broadcasting the culture of endemic greed that seethes through its nationalist hallowed corridors at Head Office, Llandaff.
On Monday, I attended the press conference at the Senate and not being inclined to exercise the habitual mealy-mouthed and pretty syntax of Welsh media sycophancy and deferential hero-worship, I well and truly went for it.
Naming and shaming BBC Wales presenters and staffers was the name of the game, exposing their taxpayer bungs and making sure certain matters were finally rubbed in to the Welsh political scene was the intention, and not to mention openly exposing all those Dick ap Turpins of artistic impersonation and poetic delusion at the Arts Council of Wales.
Mission accomplished.
Welsh politicos have already filed a report on the Arts Council of Wales with the Wales Audit Office, and if there is no satisfaction here I’m told, a Public Accounts Committee may well be the next step.
About time too!
And did any of the spineless Welsh media platforms report any of this? Like hell they did. What? Bring the Crachach into disrepute, can’t have that now can we? We’ve all got season tickets on the Taffia Express gravy train too!
So much for democratic accountability.
So much for democratic scrutiny.
This is Wales.
Wake up Ed, for God’s sake wake up and see what Welsh Labour is doing.
‘Kenneth’ seems familiar, mind, from being first on station to persistence in trying to derail the actual topic.
Well at least Ukip finished 2nd there in the Eu Election!
Mind you the the former Deputy Speaker (Con.) did make an infamous name for himself at Westminster (he was from Wales too). It almost seems whatever main party represents the electorate (or taxpayer) they really don’t represent local people or concerns. It’s no surprise then that the BBC is often involved in promoting locally these cretins on local Belfast/Scotland/Wales TV / Radio as a vanity fest binge and sod the taxpayer, (or Author in this case).