Religious based carnage in Iraq
Terror attacks in Kenya
Trojan horse plot in Birmingham schools
New laws to combat forced marriage
Terror cell uncovered in Madrid.
I couldn’t help thinking there was some common thread running through the stories, but the BBC didn’t tell me what it might be.
[copied from the tail of an earlier thread. hope ok]
The BBC won’t tell us who is causing a bit of mayhem across the world eh. Strange that isn’t it!
But the militants, insurgents, activists, rebels, separatists, terrorists, bombers, beheaders are all so happy to tell us themselves, and then film their actions and put it and Facebook and YouTube. And I think they even have a book that tells them to do it.
So why won’t the BBC tell us?
Perhaps if we paid them more money they would tell us?
Perhaps if they had a sort of Charter thingy, which said they must speak the truth, would that help?
Perhaps our Members of Parliament could make them tell the truth?
Perhaps the Queen could order them to The Tower until they promise to be good and tell the truth.
I know let’s have a British Spring revolution) and all sit in Trafalgar Square for a few months (paid for by the CIA of course) until we get to the bottom of it and then depose the President. Ah, we haven’t got a President have we? Oh well, let’s all go and trample on Prince Charles’s lettuces.
Anyway the answer to the billion dollar question is….. Muslims. There now that wasn’t too difficult was it?
“Not a hint nor whisper of the Religion of Peace.”
Nope, no mention of any religion in ANY of the stories above except for a brief ‘sunni miltitants’ wrt to Iraq.
Oh and I forgot one other story, more violence in Pakistan.
If Nigeria had had another recent massacre [not unusual] then the BBC would have had their entire schedule filled with Islamic terror… and all with no mention of the cause of much [all?] of it. Quite remarkable.
The head of one the Birmingham schools at the centre of the ‘Trojan Horse’ controversy has revealed that parents of Pakistani origin wanted her to “get rid of the white kids” at her school.
Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, head teacher at Anderton Park Primary School, told the Sunday Times that when a small number of white children arrived at her school, which was predominantly Muslim, parents started making a series of racist demands:
According to Jo Brand, only white people can be racist, so it can’t be racism.
Clearly these Pakistani parents have been traumatised by white colonialism and that’s the problem. Their seemingly racist comments are actually the fault of the white oppressors.
Martha Kearney on world at one interviewing Jack Straw re ISIS invasion of Iraq
Martha clearly believes that the removal of Saddam Hussein made the Jihad situation worse in Iraq adding ‘many people would think’ it has. The overly cautious Jack Straw tiptoed his way through his answer, but felt that the over throw of Saddam hadn’t made it worse, though matters could have been handled better after he was overthrown. Martha finishes with words along the lines of ‘well many people would disagree with you,’ and ended the conversation.
Of course many would disagree. Those ‘many’ like Martha appear to believe the attacks on New York, Somalia, Paris, in fact all over the world, took place AFTER the invasion.
However ‘many people’ know that Jihad was growing all over the world and especially in the middle east, throughout the 1980s and 90s, i.e. before the invasion.
Would Martha have finished any other discussion with the words ‘many would disagree’? ie dissing the observations of the interviewee without him being able to come back?
Because many would disagree with everything said by anyone on the World At One. I for example disagree with Martha.
(sorry if your read this before, as I tried posting it earlier)
Programme on R4 now[16.35] discussing Islam education.
Apparently its all about seeking knowledge about the world.Nothing about the dogma ,inhumanity to fellow humans or male /female hierarchy. More innacurate shite covering up the real muslim school curriculum.
Actually Yasmin was the only sensible voice I heard.
For all her faults she is an intelligent woman and can see just how dangerous the current situation is.
The missing link in all the BBC stories this morning was of course Islam. The dinner party conversation on Saturday night, we are all working class (proper jobs, own businesses) was that the whole world’s problems are pretty much Islam based. Conclusion was that we have no one saying this. The EDL did and look what happened to them. UKIP sort of did and looks what the liberal majority think of them. Basically we’ve been abandoned especially by the BBC. Final conclusion after quite a lot of wine/beer was consumed was nuke the middle east. Even after we sobered up that still seems like the best option, provided we can avoid Israel of course…
The risk of Islamist Jihadists trained in Syria returning to the UK intent on violence was the “number one security issue” facing the government, he added.
Given the scrutiny that the BBC gave comments made by UKIP candidates during the Euro elections can we expect Newsnight et al to ‘compare and contrast’ the words of our esteemed Deputy PM?
The compassion for our outward-facing, diverse, ‘modern’ Britons, for Syria, Iraq etc. repatriated to the UK must surely be a cause for ‘love’?
“I love the diversity and compassion the outward facing values of modern Britain…”
Call me old fashioned but I prefer old Britain, when we didn’t have mosques, black ghettos, race riots, knife crime, rap ‘music’, sharia law, halal meat, honour killings, female genital mutilation, muslim terrorism, no go areas, gypsy pick pockets, etc etc.
There are some things I don’t admire about the Japanese, but one of the many things they have got right is that Japanese people born in the 1950s, like me, can still live in a city that feels recognisably Japanese.
I spent sometime in Tokyo, every street has a standalone vending machine of some description, selling almost anything. How long would one last in the smallest of our towns let alone our capitol?
I think that’s a bit pessimistic. A few years ago I worked for a company with offices in Ryder Street, Behind The Economist building off Piccadilly in the West End. The newspaper vendor points around there were often unattended and people left cash on the metal boxes. As far as I could tell, it stayed there all day.
Not saying that the UK is perfect, obviously, but it isn’t all the same. I’d say the gap between the best and the worst has probably widened though.
Having recently returned from Japan, I can agree with you, John.
My abiding impression of Japan, even with its faults, is that it is still a Nation, a seamless combination of 21st century technology & tradition, a country with a strong identity, something the people are proud of & wish to maintain. Exemplified by their wise & realistic attitude to Islam.
This sentiment, if expressed by Britons, elicits the predictable sniggers & eye-rolling from the beeboids & their cronies. That’s merely the outward reaction. Andrew Marr, after a long night conversing with Lenin on the astral plane, came up with this addition to the NKVD handbook: “…the final answer (remind you of anything?), frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce & repress…Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough & you can almost kill them off.’
Walking around Japan’s cities without the constant regard for personal security that London requires was a delightful novelty. After an hour back in London, & 2 incidents of ‘cultural enrichment’, the streets of Kyoto, Tokyo, seemed like a beautiful dream.
I was reminded of what an American friend said to me: ‘Diversity means nobody can ever relax.’ It wasn’t Bonnie Greer.
I was rushing to catch a train at the beautiful Kyoto station. My rucksack zips split open – everything was scattered across the pavement. If that had been Waterloo – people would have walked past, maybe pinched stuff, kicked it, etc etc. At Kyoto a small crowd gathered. One person held the bag, the others collected and handed all the items to be packed – and they were all very solicitous, telling me not to worry, stay happy !
Then two of the people insisted on walking me to the train I was catching. All this was unsolicited helpfulness and courtesy. An abiding memory of a safe and friendly country that retains its civic dignity.
I concur, culturally the country is so different and this is what makes it such a wonderful place to visit. Language wise normally when visiting a foreign country one can make some sense of the written word, but because of the way its written Japanese is very different. We were traveling from Shinagawa (Tokyo) station and attempting to get to ‘Electric City’ (Akihabara) with our very poor Japanese managed to buy a ticket, but the ticket vendor summoned a a smartly dressed attendant and he politely led us to the correct platform and saw us on the train.
We also traveled on the bullet train (Shinkansen) during Friday evening rush hour from Fuji back to Shinagawa, yes it was busy but perfectly relaxed and genteel, compare to the 6.15 out of Waterloo….
Japan had an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear meltdown all on the same day, no riots in the streets no break down in law and order.
Meanwhile police in London shoot dead a black gangster rapper drug lord Mark Duggan and the blacks all over London decide to riot in support of their fellow kinsman. And the place descends into Hell.
No book shops were robbed, they were left untouched, strange that ? But the shops that were robbed are Nike trainers, mobile phones and TV stores.
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, no riots but they don’t have large ‘effnik’ populations.
And another way of looking at it. A soldier was beheaded in Woolwich but no riot in response, in spite of talk of “EDL-this” and “EDL-that”. And no killing spree from Woolwich barracks either.
No riot in response to PC Blakelock’s similar fate either.
Mr Brims has some very off colour opinions but does that mean he doesn’t have the right to air them. Should he shut himself up in a box and mumble away to himself? Would you prefer that?
Tolerance means listening politely to opinions you don’t like, not simply not liking them.
But what I and the rest of the UK want to know is. Has Clegg got a suitable yet incomplete verse from the Koran he can recite for us to convince us all it has nothing to do with Islam.
Just like he did when he shat on the memory of Drummer Lee Rigby 24th May 2013 before the poor mans body had even gotten cold on
Clegg cited verse 32 chapter 5 the Koran, which says: “If anyone kills a human being it shall be as though he killed all mankind whereas if anyone saves a life it shall be as though he saved the whole of mankind.”
However the correct interpretation is:
‘ We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely…’
So it is the children of Isreal that the reference is aimed at. That is THEY kill anyone it is as if THEY…
I nearly choked on my cornflakes this morning when John Humphrys on Today referred to the militants, jihadists, extremists, islamists et al, as terrorists. Has he had a falling out with his colleagues? The thought police are sure to get him!
I’ve noticed its been very quiet on the ‘global warning/climate change’ propaganda front from the BBC. Could this be something to do with the 272 journalists + the 1000’s more + 10.000 of spectators all descending on Rio for the World Cup?
I notice Obama Messiah brought the subject of climate change up. No one mentioned to him the fact he takes helicopters, fuel, massive bullet proof cars, 100s of staff his own hospital etc etc whenever he goes abroad.
Most likely the fact that temperatures haven’t increased significantly for 15+ years and that people who put forth the global warming/ climate change meme are now openly laughed at.
The climate scientists latest gambit is to claim that the earth hascontinued warming, but the problem is that we are measuring it and it is those darned misleading measurements which must be wrong. They want another way to measure global temperatures, without using measurements of the temperature which may mislead us into wrongly thinking that the earth is not warming.
So, nutters start a killing spree in Iraq which is close to the border of Iran who might have nuclear capability. America starts talking to Iran about the nutters and let us not forget that there was said to be a Jihadist at the controls of a Boeing 777 that has vanished. Hmm.
That old mantra, “religion of peace” doesn’t get spouted quite as often as it once was and thank God for that! With mad rag-heads slaughtering fellow members of their absurd superstition at a phenomenal rate it would be insane to quote this pc bullshit. In generations to come, when the British public have finally awoken from their slumbers, our political elite’s conniving acquiescence to this backward, third world fascism will stand naked for all to see. Their collective cowardice, dressed up to look like “tolerance” will make Lord Haw Haw seem like Horatio Nelson by comparison.
Scribbling scribe wrote: Martha Kearney on world at one interviewing Jack Straw re ISIS invasion of Iraq Martha clearly believes that the removal of Saddam Hussein made the Jihad situation worse in Iraq adding many people would think it has.
I’ve noticed that train of thought on a number of bBC articles. But the interesting thing that comes out of that is, that it shows that in Islamic countries you cannot have democracy, as the militant branches of Islam will soon take control and walk over everybody and anybody in order to remain in power. Be it School Governors in England , An Islamist government in Egypt or just plain blood thirsty thugs the one common theme is while they are happy to pander to the human rights crowd in which to play the victim card so as to gain power. As soon as they get it, the knives come out.
So going back to Saddam, it appears that the only form of governance in Islamic lands which can keep these bigots under control and allow people to live in a sort of peace are….dictatorships.
The very thing that the liberals, Greens, Muslims and the so called anti-war crowd scream Blue murder agaisnt. You know those who sing..”We are all Hezb-allah now”, those who bitch about the Jews and those idiots who shed faux tears over the selling of weapons to third world countries.
And then when they get their way, they can happily walk away smug in the fact they can berate the government of the day just that little bit more for all the turmoil in the world today and if you work at the bBC, you do so by blaming the white British working man.
Anybody seen this sham of an article from the bBC: Somalis sent back home in fear of al-Shabab “I live in constant fear. I don’t go anywhere because I face threats from all sides,” says the 39-year-old Somali man who asks me not to use his name. “I was taken in handcuffs onto a Turkish Airlines plane in London, and flown to Mogadishu via Istanbul. In Istanbul, the British guards accompanying me beat me to the ground, breaking my front tooth.”
Living in fear my arse, virtually each and every Somali in the West goes home for holidays. Deport the fucking lot of them and tell them sort their own mess out. While the bbC article plays the concern card for these bunch of vagabonds (Who lets be honest are a stain on humanity) these omit that any Somali wanted for terrorism,murder or rape in the west buggers off to….Somalia.
News report on Radio 4 PM told of a statement made by Justin Welby following a meeting about slavery with the Pope, saying that the UK would need to accept higher levels of immigration if it was to fight this horror still continuing in the 20th century.
What a contrast to one of his predecessors George Carey who like was described as the most vilified Archbishop of Canterbury since William Laud, Charles the Ist’s Archbishop. He said in 2008 “Immigration must be kept under control if we are to retain the essentials of British society that have been built up over the generations. … If this scale of immigration continues, with people of different faiths, cultures and traditions coming here, what will it mean to be British?”
Funny because that question is exactly the one being asked now !
No wonder he was vilified, saying things like that. Like all good Fascists they hate Christianity, just like Hitler did.
In the absence of David Preiser it falls to me to try to live up to his superb standards and note the events in North America that the BBC chooses not to tell you about.
The crisis on the US/Mexican border gets worse by the day. Border patrol agents are being overwhelmed by the number of illegal immigrants entering the country each day. People smugglers are now using jet skis to ferry the illegal immigrants across the Rio Grande at $100 a time. I a seven month period over 162,000 illegal immigrants have accessed to US, nearly 50,000 being unaccompanied children, some as young as 5 years of age.
Just love the emotive headline.
“Almost two million undocumented immigrants have been deported from the US ……..”
Just as the BBC cannot bring themselves to utter the phrase ‘muslim terrorists’ nor can they say ‘illegal immigrant’. Ever euphemistic they refer to them as ‘undocumented immigrants.
Remember the recent ‘Blocked’ programme by Radio 4? Humour exploiting the murder by the IRA with a bomb of Lord Mountbatten and a 14 year old child in a fishing boat in 1979?
I complained to the BBC.
This is the wording of my complaint:
Complaint Summary: It had a left-wing agenda in being anti-royalty.
Full Complaint: Why has such comedy not been directed by the BBC against Nelson Mandela and his wife, Bobby Sands and other such icons? Mandela was a terrorist. Bobby Sands was a terrorist. Mountbatten was not. And a 14 year old child was murdered when Mountbatten’s fishing boat was blown up by the IRA. Humour has to push boundaries and sometimes in the process inadvertently cause offence. ‘Blocked’ was a vehicle of left wing hate against the innocent victims of terrorists.
Reply from the BBC:
Thanks for contacting us. We’re sorry to learn that you didn’t enjoy BBC Radio 4’s situation comedy programme ‘Blocked’ and that you found some of the content offensive.
‘Blocked’ was commissioned as a one-off pilot programme, written by the comedian Frankie Boyle. As part of a wide range of comedy programmes, Radio 4 seeks to devote a little time to experimental projects. Although his act has undoubtedly been controversial at times, Frankie Boyle has also been celebrated as a smart and educated performer and so, when we were offered the opportunity to produce the first situation comedy he had written, we commissioned it in that spirit of experimentalism and development.
The programme was set within a struggling provincial theatre run by Felix, an author with writer’s block, who lacks social skills. Much of the humour derives from his incompetence and social failings when dealing with delicate matters – and, far from laughing with him about the people and situations he talks about, the audience is invited to laugh at him for the lack of self-awareness he exhibits.
Nevertheless, while there is a long comic tradition of deriving humour from bad taste, we do recognise that it can be very sensitive and challenging – particularly when dealing with difficult subjects for a comedy programme, such as the death of Lord Mountbatten and child abuse. Consequently, Radio 4 invested a great amount of time reviewing the script at a senior editorial level.
In the case of Lord Mountbatten, the team took great care to ensure that none of Felix’s comments about injuries actually referred to Lord Mountbatten himself or made jokes about him as a victim. So, while there’s an absurd comedy scenario that begins with confusion about whether or not Felix killed Lord Mountbatten, it is established within just a few lines of dialogue that there had been a mix up and in actual fact Felix had been accused of unintentionally killing an entirely fictional character – Lord Mintbutton, a member of the House of Lords with a similar name. As a result, any provocative comments Felix goes on to make in relation to supposed injuries are actually entirely concerning that fictional character.
Thank you again for getting in touch; we value your feedback about ‘Blocked’. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we’ve included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensure that your complaint has been seen quickly and by the right people. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
I’ve got an idea for a comedy. It involves the leader of a trades union called Unitson. He is the son of a Polish immigrant and thinks that Aslan is evil and all Moslins should be killed.
The humour is that all his members are thinking of leaving and anyway there is no religion called Aslan and that he probably got locked in a wardrobe when he was a child.
N.B. Any confusion with any person, living or dead, religion or organisation is purely coincidental. This is a work of art and does not necessarily reflect the views of the author, actors or the BBC.
Yes the BBC has had some reports about yesterday’s killings of over 40 people in Kenya – but as usual, the BBC does not tell us the real details about these atrocities. How people were selected and shot for not being Muslim, or not speaking Somalian.
Meanwhile all over the Web there are YouTube and other videos of what ISIS has been doing in cities and towns it has attacked. Deliberate brutality, random “executions” ie cold-blooded murders designed to terrorise. But the BBC is not calling them terrorists, and is sanitising most of the coverage of these further Muslim atrocities.
It includes this quote: ‘The gunmen shot dead anyone who was unable to recite verses from the Koran.’
And this quote, exactly the same as in the Breitbart story you linked to: ‘They came to our house at around 8pm and asked us in Swahili whether we were Muslims,” local resident Anne Gathigi told the AP news agency. “My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head and chest,” she said.’
So when you said ‘the BBC does not tell us the real details about these atrocities. How people were selected and shot for not being Muslim, or not speaking Somalian’, you weren’t being accurate.
Rubbish. You point to one sentence lost in a long article. The Breitbart article gives full details – not just the briefest of mentions.
Similarly – Sky’s main story is about executions by ISIS – a very long article, giving details. Whereas the BBC does not lead on the executions – which are what is getting even the US administration exercised – and gives very little detail.
……and it appears the stories are lifted from an Associated Press report – how come Breitbart, a small new website, was carrying the report at 10.30 this morning, ABC in the US had it 19 hours ago – whereas the BBC as the biggest news organisation in the world did not carry it until this evening ? I wanted to hear this stuff on the radio as part of what the BBC reported this morning. It appears they chose to sit on the AP report and not include it in their stuff this morning. Oversight ? Inefficiency ? Or as-usual sanitisation of Islam by some creep of a subeditor at the BBC who had the AP report but chose to hold it back ?
Sky LEADS with the ISIS atrocities, in full detail. The BBC does not.
And the BBC failed to report the Kenya atrocities against non-Muslims until this evening – it had nothing on its website let alone the radio and TV this morning where most people get their news, even though the AP report from Kenya was available.
In my book truth deferred or minimised is truth disguised or denied. Or – sanitisation of Islam.
This story
give full detail of the ISIS massacres. It isn’t the lead story but is still very prominent on the BBC news home page. Also prominent is the word ‘Sunni’, which I think everyone knows is a reference to Islam.
The Sky news home page features just one reference to Islam – ISIS. I was not yet familiar with this acronym, and I doubt as many people are aware of its reference to Islam as are aware of ‘Sunni’s connection to Islam. By your logic, surely that means Sky is the one ‘sanitising’ Islam here?
As you say – the BBC does not lead with the ISIS executions story. It is not “prominent” on the front page – there is just a link to a story on the Middle East page. Having a link on the main page is nothing like the headline-and-picture prominence that Sky gives.
Sky has the story as its main lead – a huge lead. Just go check it out ! They don’t tuck it away somewhere (albeit with a link)
And your trying to say that people do not link ISIS with Is;lam is laughable.
There is a further stark contrast between Sky and the BBC. The Sky main headline is “Captured Iraqi soldiers lined up and shot” . Obvious to a blind man it is about war crimes.
The mealy-mouthed BBC story – tucked away on the Middle East page – is headed “Iraq crisis: ISIS ‘releases more execution footage'” – not the typical BBC scare quotes. And then uses words like “purporting to show”
The BBC web-page story is 3 sentences long – of which only one sentence concerns the war-crime killings of soldiers who have surrendered. By contrast the Sky web-page story has lots and lots more detail – and far more grphic video of ISIS prisoners.
Sky is giving a pretty full story. The BBC is giving the bare minimum. Sanitisng Islam.
Do you not agree that more people recognise the word Sunni than this relatively new acronym?
The ISIS massacre story is hardly tucked away, given there’s a link to it so near the top of the news page. I agree it is a little less prominent. But it is still easily visible, so your point that the BBC is trying to hide/sanitise it does not stand up.
Sky makes comparatively little of the seizure of Tal Afar, not mentioning it until the end of the article. This site’s logic is often that if the BBC doesn’t report something, or doesn’t make it as prominent as people here would like, then that implies support for it. Does that also apply to Sky News?
The BBC has not got a single report, about the ISIS atrocities on its front page. It has a link to some other page – but NO STORY ON ITS FRONT PAGE !
Sky gives the ISIS atrocities the main lead.
Can’t you see the plain fact that Sky gives the atrocities story major and direct prominence, with a full story and vivid video, whereas the BBC tucks the story away on an inside page, devotes just one sentence to it, and has minimal video – plus it uses the weasel word “purports”.
What part of “sanitising Islam” don’t you understand ? Is English your first language ?
The ISIS atrocity story is more prominent on the Sky news page, yes.
That does not mean the BBC is hiding it though.
Why does the BBC not showing the entire video (and it makes very clear that the footage is disturbing) mean that it is trying to sanitise Islam’s role in this? It’s not pretending that the footage is anything other than gruesome. That’s the leap in logic you make, which I think is unjustified.
The “Iraq crisis: ISIS ‘releases more execution footage’” article you refer to is currently on the BBC News home page. Not ‘tucked away’ on the Middle East page.
The BBC headline is about the capture of a city virtually no-one has heard of, a city with none of the importance of Mosul or Tikrit.. The BBC treats the prisoner atrocities as a lesser issue – even though John Kerry seems to see it as the main reason for the US to get involved.
By contrast the Sky top headline is directly about war-crime killing of surrendered prisoners. Illustrated by 2 videos about prisoners being mistreated / killed. That is – full and clear coverage by Sky.
flipping hell,nicky campbell described these isis lot in iraq as fascists this morning on radio 5 live,move on to channel 4 news tonight and jon snow described these head cutting mass murdering cowardly jihadi isis lot as fascists,but we always knew that didnt we,but here is the thing.calling these lot fascists is to me being a bit to nice to them.roll back to world war 2 when the ss and the gestapo went around torturing and commiting genocide against the innocents,they was called nazis and that is exactly what the isis lot are but just nazi genoicidal mass muderers,have we learnt anything from the defeat of nazism and fascism from world war 2,judging by the footage coming out of iraq of this mass murder and genocide by the islamist fascist it seems not.
Don’t forget that Hitler possibly converted to Islam and that the whole of the Muslim world knew of and approved of the Holocaust.
One of their representatives visited and wrote approvingly of the death camps and almost certainly inspected the ovens at Auschwitz.
Islam = Fascism
Although Fascism does not necessarily involve the murder of anyone, Islam certainly does Nazism and Fascism are not the same thing, but certainly a product of the left.
The Ghana national football team is popularly nicknamed as the Black Stars. The BBC didn’t invent anything.
I suppose we will have to wait until a team of ‘white stars’ appears to know how the BBC would react. I expect they would use the label ‘white stars’ but bend over backwards to explain it had nothing to do with skin colour.
BBC-NUJ campaigns politically against British public, re-mass immigration:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Political class ignore strength of feeling on immigration ‘at their peril.’
“The ‘liberal political class’ dominating Britain is out of step with the mass of the electorate on immigration, major study warns.”
“‘My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head’:
“How al-Shabaab militia went from door to door killing non-Muslims as Kenyan village watched World Cup.
“Kenya attack happened as residents watched World Cup matches last night.
“Authorities have blamed al-Shabaab, Somalia’s al-Qaida-linked terror group.
“Assault happened in Mpeketoni which is 60 miles from Somali border.
“Witnesses say gunmen went door to door asking if residents spoke Somali.
“If the answer was no they shot them dead on their doorstep, say locals.
“Images of Iraqi men being shot dead in a ditch by ISIS militants shock world.
“Taliban insurgents hack off fingers of 11 men for voting in general election.
“Search continues for three Israeli teens kidnapped by Hamas in Palestine.
“Former Nigerian president says kidnapped schoolgirls may never be found.”
A Muslim imam invited to participate in last weekend’s “prayer for peace” event at the Vatican went off-script and asked Allah to help him gain victory over the unbelievers. To Counterjihad activists this news is no big surprise. Anyone who has delved into Islamic theology and liturgical practice knows that Muslims always insert a call for Allah to defeat the infidel (also arguably translated as the unbelievers) into their prayers. It’s as much a part of praying as “Amen” is to a Christian.Taqiyya, Vatican-Style
Newsnight – Also reports Islam not the only Fundamentalist teaching establishments in UK – we apparently have many fundamentalist Christian Schools teaching creationism, for example.
This equation has been pushed now by BBC for 4 days on Radio as well as TV and on line, including Jeremy Vine show the other day.
Why do the BBC do this?
On the scale of equivalence Islam is off the chart compared to Christian fundamental teachings.
The BBC know the huge difference is the ex-pupils of the Christian fundamentalist schools are not flying planes into sky-scrapers, engaging in FGM, going off to Syria to kill, or chopping up a soldier on the streets of London.
It can only be the BBC does have an agenda. to equate the Birmingham Islamic controversy with Christian teachings in the UK at this time to obfuscate and divert the issue.
It was so obvious. The agenda is clear. Pathetic and so poorly done. What do they think we are? Complete idiots?
Answer is of course the BBC does. It is confident that it can control the news agenda and so influence the debate and any outcome. They are badly misinformed.
It will have been quietly noticed and more of us become determined to ignore every single word the BBC says.
The greatest weapon the conservative has is the arrogance of the liberal left and it’s lack of awareness.
Why are the BBC not giving the country taxed for its services, has a remit not to be biased giving us outrageous misinformation like this example?
It has obviously got a obfuscation, diverting agenda with this Islamic Fundamental schooling for it’s own reasons. The majority of the Nation and the democratically elected Government Department tackling this subject want the truth, not the BBC to sleepwalk us into the destruction of our hitherto respected and excellent national culture.
Who else with such media influence in the UK has equated Islamic fundamentalist teaching on the scale it is being practiced in the UK with the stupid Christian minutely practised equivalent here, which has no comparison to the deathly, mutilating, negative affects of radicalising Islam?
Nobody? So why do it?
The deliberate decision to disseminate this misinformation throughout the BBC networks, from Jeremy Vine Radio 2, (think also been on Today?), but definitely on Newsnight plus a feature online and all over the organisations other networks, must mean the BBC has an agenda on this.
We do not want this agenda please stop it.
Sky News gives top headline to the war crimes by ISIS – the “executions” of surrendered prisoners, with some pretty graphic footage. Even though they are prompting John Kerry into action, the BBC fails to give top headline to these war crimes – and we know how exercised the BBC can get about war crimes in the Middle East ! And the BBC has not shown anything like the horrid videos widely available from Iraq.
I call this “sanitising Islam”. Other more delicate souls may disagree, that is their choice. But here is a taste of what ISIS stands for – animal brutality in the name of Islam :
That’s where I think we’ll have to agree to disagree.
You say that the BBC is not showing the videos in their entirety, or giving them highest billing, because they are trying to sanitise the entire religion of Islam. I do not think you can state that as fact when you are not party to the editorial decision making process. I am of course not party to it either, and I don’t know why they choose not to show the full videos. But I don’t think it’s because they are trying to downplay the savagery of ISIS.
“Pleasure debating with you”
It’s possible those at the sharp end of what’s going down would if still around be thrilled with your enjoying your remote, protracted defence of what is or is not news enough to report or elevate to positions of morally equivalent relevance.
Maybe they should in future consider calling ISIS soldiers ‘plebs’ to see pro-bono uniquely taxpayer-funded lawyers and BBC editorial head their way, front page banners flying for weeks.
Actual armies on the march committing Geneva Convention-busting war crimes in name of something or other, again, does seem…. significant.
An interesting expenditure of effort on your part to try and justify it getting ‘mentioned’ just enough by the BBC.
Without seeking to be drawn into pinhead angel exchanges that serve only the cause of distraction, I can admire the principle of watertight oversight and even concede tricky editorial triage decisions. However, those the BBC’s finest take often seem unique to the point of predictably unidirectional. In, or out. Obsessed over, or barely covered. Propaganda, and censorship.
I pity the next squaddie who does not offer full fog of war courtesy to an un-uniformed combatant bent on mayhem based on the vague, shifting values of a dogmatic death cult, that rips up the civilised world’s rule book until cornered. At which point they seem to become big fans. And enjoy near limitless BBC PR coverage.
The key point, I think, is that the BBC under-reports Islamic atrocities time after time after time. It never over-reports them. The bias is uni-directional so cannot be random. Other media give such atrocities fuller coverage than the BBC.
This is deliberate and sustained policy by the BBC. Therefore there are reporters and editors suppressing the news. And even when the atrocities are reported, the BBC often omits the fact that those committing them are openly and loudly declaring that they do it in the name of Islam.
Precisely. Having helped create the problem by encouraging the liberals’ suicidal decision to allow hundreds of thousands of muslim immigrants into the country, the BBC is now in a state of terrified denial about the potential consequences.
Any story which shows Islam in a bad light raises uncomfortable questions about multiculturalism and moral equivalence, so the BBC and its cohorts in the liberal media suppress it.
Newsnight Tuesday ends with a discussion between three lefties (Aaronovich, Paxo & Toynbee) who all agree how Blair was pretty good really despite Iraq. Inbetween agreeing with each other how great New Labour was, Toynbee complains that Blair doesn’t get fair press ‘because 80% of the media are controlled by right-wing media barons’. I kid you not.
Ms. T clearly not a great reader of CiF comment pages when our Tone being discussed by her core audience, and has her work cut out even with Labour loyalists noticing the way the wind is blowing.
The notion of right wing media barons being the cause of press that does not suit her narrative gets dafter daily. Why she is still deemed a BBC staple is bizarre.
On the Sunday Politics Toynbee got away with saying … Cameron’s government is the most right wing government there’s ever been … or something like that … she’s full of shit.
I haven’t seen a posting on the outrageous and blatant use of Radio 4’s Desert Island discs on Sunday as a way of putting forward anti Israel propaganda.The guest was Raja Shehada co founder of the politically active group against Israel Al Haq.
Kirsty Young the presenter took the opportunity to add her own reinforcement of his message against the Jewish State. “because of course there was a displacement that led up to the declaration of the State of Israel”
Will anyone in the BBC ever quote Mahmoud Abbas’s own statement in the PLO journal al Thura of 1976 as to the reason . “The Arab armies entered Palestine ……. abandoned them forced them to emigrate …..imposed on them a political blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in eastern Europe”..
The full report is at This use of light entertainment to indoctrinate people is shameful.
The article dates from 2nd May 2013. It appears on today’s ‘Most Popular Read’ section. It is questionable that the list of articles on this section is generated dynamically, based upon the frequency of visitors. Rather, the suspicion is the list is populated by editorial staff and could more correctly be described as BBC ‘We want you to read this’ content. Suspicious folk might think the article has magically reappeared after 13 months to try and deflect attention away from the current killing sprees by Islamists in Kenya and Iraq. See! The Buddhists are just as bad! Note the provocative and misleading use of phrases such as “So, historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion of peace than Christianity. ” Beneath contempt.
‘The article dates from 2nd May 2013. It appears on today’s ‘Most Popular Read’ section’
First of all, I must admit to contributing to the irony that it may stay there a while more.
That little tally is quite the mystery.
It has before been noted the BBC doesn’t seem quite on top of what, or who, is reading what or when, and one is sure ‘purposes of’ exclusions are well in place to make sure such a thing is never investigated outside of BBC control and oversight.
It is possible that current kicking offs has sparked interest on current stories from which this archive was linked. One might wonder why, but sure that those from Any. Newsroom will confirm that this is actual newsworthy equivalence at such a juncture.
Looking at the actual numbers on certain BBC social media threads (recall well some on the now defunct Newsnight blog that managed 3 posts before often closing in embarrassment… the new FB is no better in numbers and indeed truly woeful in calibre – the current top, ‘discussing’ football attire, is at 3, one of which is flogging dodgy cars) it’s possible it’s not too tricky to seed a run by a quick rallying call on the intranet round the office, assuming it was not felt simply easier to ‘help’ nudge things from the admin end.
For ‘Suspicious’ read ‘Paranoid’.
Here’s a couple of other stories that regularly appear in that section. Maybe you can help me out with what the BBC’s trying to do here:
My pleasure. The two stories referenced are designed to titillate and by showing how funny those silly foreigners are (or maybe they reflect the sexual interests of some BBC staff). The piece about Buddhists and Muslims appears to be carefully crafted to promote a specific agenda. And remember: just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean they aren’t after you…
I have raised this issue before on here, although I’m not sure they actually pick the errant stories, but it is not beyond the bounds of reason.
I have a feeling that the ‘most read’ are heavily selected and controlled, like the ‘Editor’s Picks’ which, more often than not, select the left-wing view point over the popular one.
What I think happens is that they use the page_id to big up the hits on a page in their database but every now and again they update the number wrong and an odd story from the past emerges.
Alternatively the story is an old one with a high hit rate and it has been updated today, for whatever reason, with the update_date being one of the criteria for picking the top 10. The update_date BTW doesn’t have to be the one displayed at the top of the page.
Incompetence rather than pro-muslim chicanery but still crap either way.
I just saw the outrageous article. The BBC seem oblivious to the fact that muslims have been waging terrorism against buddhists for many years now. Muslims can only ever be victims.
It’s starting to become a farce now. At the same time we have Al-Shabab, Boko Harem, ISIS, FSA, and Al-qaida all slaughtering non-muslims (or the wrong muslims) and yet the BBC continue as normal in their parallel universe where muslims are persecuted and non-muslims need to be more tolerant. They must think people are stupid.
BBC News ticker this morning: apparently the great power that is the BBC has deemed the word “inflation” politically incorrect and replaced it with “cost of living.”
And here’s the rub: whereas inflation has been falling recently the BBC ticker said that the cost of living was increasing by 1.5%. See what they did there?
I don’t seem to recall the BBC describing the cost of living increasing when Labour were in power, despite the fact that inflation was always positive then and the cost of living did indeed rise.
‘I thought a quote was a ‘quote’ was a quote….?’
So did… do I.
Sadly, to see the context, on clicking the link I get:
“The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.”
Any chance of a repost?
The BBC seems to have a very dubious history on the Welsh NHS and how it gets reported, so I’d be keen to see this article, in all evolving forms, in full.
The BBC’s use and abuse of “quotes” is already the stuff of legend, but this would be the first I’ve heard of where they retune them to fit… ‘sensibilities’.
Ta very much.
Turning a gap into a crisis takes a fair leap, as it were.
As Newsniffer shows (presuming it to be accurate), the 11.15am BBC headline was, indeed: NHS in Wales ‘facing £2.5bn funding crisis’ says research
Looking at the text that follows, the first line reverts to ‘funding gap’. The word ‘gap’ is repeated a few times more.
35 minutes and the crisis has resolved to a consistent gap.
So where did that first headline quote of ‘crisis’ come from?
Not expecting an answer, but as someone has clearly just spilled a jug into the Mogwai box to release a whole breeding colony of them all at once, as there’s now apparently acceptable levels of pseudonymous if temporary aliases abounding, and they are clearly lurking, they might at least like to give this some consideration.
The Guardian article offers no further clue, and indeed it and the BBC version mirror each other to an extent the respective ‘journalists’ involved may be nervous of that website that used to highlight and mock such churnalism efforts.
As to the BBC’s story evolution, let’s take a lead from the Graun (and do take a gander at the comments, which may explain why the usual suspects may be falling out a bit over this beyond holding to the party line): ‘The report will cause concern within the Labour-run government’
As, it seems, did certain headlines, quickly corrected.
Quite rightly too, as the ‘quote’ seems more ‘editorialising’.
Now one could argue that this was having a dig at Labour. True. But it was corrected PDQ. And no several month fights with ever grander CECUTT titles getting ever more sure the BBC was about right, until it wasn’t.
So a less than impressive precedent has been further set on what BBC headlines, especially in ‘quotes’, are ever based upon.
Which may not serve them well.
INBBC, oblivious to Islamic jihadists’ threat to London, continues with its dangerously misguided political propaganda for its ‘left + Islam’ alliance:-
“UK-born ISIS jihadis: ‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London'”
“Did the British really think that all the Muslims in the country were ‘moderates’? Only now, after taking steps to make London a global capital of Sharia finance, is Cameron saying that they have to defend British values? He is as incoherent as Barack Obama, who is aiding jihadis in Syria whom he wants to fight in Iraq.”
Things are getting bad for those poor Roma in Paris.
“France’s Hollande condemns attack on Roma teenager”
“French President Francois Hollande has condemned a lynch mob attack which left a Roma (Gypsy) teenager badly injured on a Paris housing estate.
A mob took the 16-year-old from a Roma camp in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine on Friday after he was accused by locals of burglary, a police source said.
Found dumped in a supermarket trolley, the victim is in a critical condition. ”
If they have Billy Bragg to do the entertainment, they’ll need Dom Perignon on the rider. I hear Billy likes the ’85. Firstly, because it’s a great year, and secondly, it reminds him of Fatcher, who made his career. So, a toast to Maggie, somewhat counterintuitively! Thirsty work, this workers’ revolution, doncha know?
Watching that video, i got the impression those nice peaceful black youths armed with nothing more than baseball bats and such were going to help those evil nasty white people who couldn’t walk properly due to all those heavy goods on their persons (Watches,mobile phones, wallets) and did you see that racist white bastard wearing a gun, how dare here. Doesn’t he know that black Muslims are always victims.
Mind you chuffed to fuck over how that Romanian thief
was shown the error of his ways. As this is the bBC we are talking about, you can only presume that whites were the guilty party. Which is funny as the area has the highest number of immigrants in France.
Around 03:15 GMT today the World Service broadcast an alleged report on the World Cup. The ‘reporter’ bemoaned the fact that Ghana’s performance reflected badly on African football without even mentioning the USA victory, leave alone the stunning goal 32 seconds into the match.
The alleged reporter also praised Iran’s performance in the qualifiers and the game against Nigeria. I hadn’t heard the result and was sure Iran must have won the game and was amazed to find out later that it was a boring, goalless draw.
It’s well known that BBC hacks are deeply in love with the Islamic world but they are also deeply in love with Africa. so I was surprised to hear the alleged reporter lean so strongly towards Iran, barely mentioning Nigeria.
But even more remarkable than the in-your-face political agenda was the fact that subsequent World Service reports were balanced and informative, accurately reflecting the drama of the three games played on Monday.
This is perhaps evidence that the BBC can resist political idiocy creeping into its sports reporting.
I`m guessing Nigeria will get the BBCs “respect” once it`s become an Islamic state-at present , too many Christians there, and too much British colonial influence.
Maybe if Iran or Nigeria were to give the BBC their first gay footy player…then they might be further luvved up by the Beeb. Saw no efforts for the BBC to find one either as they went onto the pitch.
Yes-would agree with Billy Bragg doing a Bob Marley and bringing Sunni and Shia together with his “Dick van Dyke as Bert” song and dance routine of that ole Cockney fave of `is…”Sexuality”…sing along there Abdul!…
I`m guessing Nigeria will get the BBCs “respect” once it`s become an Islamic state-at present , too many Christians there, and too much British colonial influence.
The fawning sycophancy was evident in the last world cup when the beeb went totally overboard with those ridiculous vuvuzelas, comparing them to western musical instruments.
Those noisy vuvezelas with their inane monotones took much of the enjoyment out of that Cup. At times I was reduced to muting the sound – which naturally diminishes the experience.
Naturally for the BBC it was jolly cultural expression and to hell with anyone who objected.
I’ve heard faint echos of the vuvuzelas during the current games. I’m praying those instruments of torture don’t catch on in Brazil.
I listened to “Generation Right”, Radio 4It took a look at the 16 to 30 generation’s political leanings and found them to more right wing than older generations.
Unfortunately the main theme that ran through the programme was that the younger generation was more self-centred.
The idea that the welfare state had made us more self-centred hadn’t occurred to the programme makers and so they stuck to their theme.
The programme makers seemed to misunderstand the messages that youngsters were giving them.
The BBC could have kept this programme impartial and simply reported what they had found.
Oh no.
They couldn’t resist editing the programme to fit their theme and providing commentary that was oozing with alarm and worry over their findings. Yes, the right wing leanings of the young generation was seen as a bad thing, according to the BBC.
Why didn’t they respect the welfare state or the NHS? Was it the internet? Was it Thatcher (yes, they managed to rope Mrs Thatcher into it somehow)?
According to the BBC it’s all the fault of selfish youngsters.
Sorry BBC, you just don’t get it.
Yes, they mentioned Margaret Thatcher TWICE as the cause of the new youngsters “selfishness”.
She of course has not been in political office now since 1990-but I reckon the Lefts history will continue to remind us all how grateful we ought to be for her life..
Only the Left seem to think that Maggie is toxic-we(and virtually all real people who aren`t teachers, media or public sector union blowhards) know the Great Lady to be catnip to the electorate-and garlic to the BBC ghouls, bloodsucking zombies.
Her name lives on…maybe we need a new Thatcherite Party…seems to worry the Left, doesn`t she?
These youngsters mentioned White Dee, NHS leechers who`ve not paid in…and they won`t be funding such parasitic dross when THEY get to power.
Imagine-these people won`t buy into Project Beeb…that license and Graham Nortons pension look a problem!
I`m with the young on this one-and that Newsbeat are upset encourages me greatly!
OT A useful account of the mergence of ISIS, written by the author of “The Loomimng Tower”, the superb history of Al Q from the early days of the Muslim Brotherhood through to 9/11 :
As some have already mentioned at the top of this Thread, almost every occurrence of violence in the world in the last few weeks has been carried out by Muslim extremists, and this in addition to the whole Trojan Horse scandal (which the BBC spent so much time trying to sanitise). For some reason the BBC is always on the side of Muslims; but why? Is there some funding source we don’t know about? Is it purely down to the BBC being a melting pot of upper-class liberals, wannabe Marxists and craven metro-trendy coffee house frequenters? Are they just gutless cowards who are afraid to be beaten up by Jihadi thugs? What is it that makes them want to shield these supremacist thugs from any negativity (using our money!)?
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GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m waiting for BBC News coverage of the culture secretary’s comments about the licence fee. I feel I shall wait in vain.
The main news items on radio four this morning;
Religious based carnage in Iraq
Terror attacks in Kenya
Trojan horse plot in Birmingham schools
New laws to combat forced marriage
Terror cell uncovered in Madrid.
I couldn’t help thinking there was some common thread running through the stories, but the BBC didn’t tell me what it might be.
[copied from the tail of an earlier thread. hope ok]
Bodo, we must be kindered spirits.
I was about to post exactly the same observation but in respect of Five Live’s morning news bulletins as opposed to Radio 4.
Not a hint nor whisper of the Religion of Peace.
How strange?
The BBC won’t tell us who is causing a bit of mayhem across the world eh. Strange that isn’t it!
But the militants, insurgents, activists, rebels, separatists, terrorists, bombers, beheaders are all so happy to tell us themselves, and then film their actions and put it and Facebook and YouTube. And I think they even have a book that tells them to do it.
So why won’t the BBC tell us?
Perhaps if we paid them more money they would tell us?
Perhaps if they had a sort of Charter thingy, which said they must speak the truth, would that help?
Perhaps our Members of Parliament could make them tell the truth?
Perhaps the Queen could order them to The Tower until they promise to be good and tell the truth.
I know let’s have a British Spring revolution) and all sit in Trafalgar Square for a few months (paid for by the CIA of course) until we get to the bottom of it and then depose the President. Ah, we haven’t got a President have we? Oh well, let’s all go and trample on Prince Charles’s lettuces.
Anyway the answer to the billion dollar question is….. Muslims. There now that wasn’t too difficult was it?
Is the common link that they are all ‘men’?
Or maybe even ‘militants’?
No the common link is “Islamophobia” – like McCarthyite the enemy (for the Leftist BBC) is anybody who believes in a free society.
“Not a hint nor whisper of the Religion of Peace.”
Nope, no mention of any religion in ANY of the stories above except for a brief ‘sunni miltitants’ wrt to Iraq.
Oh and I forgot one other story, more violence in Pakistan.
If Nigeria had had another recent massacre [not unusual] then the BBC would have had their entire schedule filled with Islamic terror… and all with no mention of the cause of much [all?] of it. Quite remarkable.
its those teletalibantubbies terrorists again.the ones who have a rectangle instead of a square…
Message to all the left wing liberal morons who infest the BBC:
Religion of peace my arse, you treacherous t**ts !
Soon it will be Ramadan. Islamists tend to ramp up the terror as that time approaches.
Wonder if this is true? I’m sure one of the BBC’s 5500 journalists is looking into it as I speak.
Get Rid of the White Kids’ Say Pakistani Parents
The head of one the Birmingham schools at the centre of the ‘Trojan Horse’ controversy has revealed that parents of Pakistani origin wanted her to “get rid of the white kids” at her school.
Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, head teacher at Anderton Park Primary School, told the Sunday Times that when a small number of white children arrived at her school, which was predominantly Muslim, parents started making a series of racist demands:
A long-banned controversial poem has this final sentence, which could be very apt for those parents :
“Plenty room in Pakistan.”
According to Jo Brand, only white people can be racist, so it can’t be racism.
Clearly these Pakistani parents have been traumatised by white colonialism and that’s the problem. Their seemingly racist comments are actually the fault of the white oppressors.
I wonder if the ‘liberal left’ will protest if signs go up at school gates saying ‘No dogs, no pork, no whites’
Martha Kearney on world at one interviewing Jack Straw re ISIS invasion of Iraq
Martha clearly believes that the removal of Saddam Hussein made the Jihad situation worse in Iraq adding ‘many people would think’ it has. The overly cautious Jack Straw tiptoed his way through his answer, but felt that the over throw of Saddam hadn’t made it worse, though matters could have been handled better after he was overthrown. Martha finishes with words along the lines of ‘well many people would disagree with you,’ and ended the conversation.
Of course many would disagree. Those ‘many’ like Martha appear to believe the attacks on New York, Somalia, Paris, in fact all over the world, took place AFTER the invasion.
However ‘many people’ know that Jihad was growing all over the world and especially in the middle east, throughout the 1980s and 90s, i.e. before the invasion.
Would Martha have finished any other discussion with the words ‘many would disagree’? ie dissing the observations of the interviewee without him being able to come back?
Because many would disagree with everything said by anyone on the World At One. I for example disagree with Martha.
(sorry if your read this before, as I tried posting it earlier)
Programme on R4 now[16.35] discussing Islam education.
Apparently its all about seeking knowledge about the world.Nothing about the dogma ,inhumanity to fellow humans or male /female hierarchy. More innacurate shite covering up the real muslim school curriculum.
As soon as they said Alibi-Brown would be on I switched it off.
how true that is
Actually Yasmin was the only sensible voice I heard.
For all her faults she is an intelligent woman and can see just how dangerous the current situation is.
I heard it, and I thought Alibhai Brown was her usual head in the clouds Taqqiya mongering pro Islamist bigot she normally is.
All about how wonderful science was in Iraq under Islam, and people learning 5 languages etc.
No mention of Boko Haram, being against education, nor the Taleban wanting different teaching for boys & girls.
Funny that.
The missing link in all the BBC stories this morning was of course Islam. The dinner party conversation on Saturday night, we are all working class (proper jobs, own businesses) was that the whole world’s problems are pretty much Islam based. Conclusion was that we have no one saying this. The EDL did and look what happened to them. UKIP sort of did and looks what the liberal majority think of them. Basically we’ve been abandoned especially by the BBC. Final conclusion after quite a lot of wine/beer was consumed was nuke the middle east. Even after we sobered up that still seems like the best option, provided we can avoid Israel of course…
Ahhhh….there he is, the “Wanker of Mass Diversity” (WMD)
Anyone remember the BBC reporting of the Jenin ‘massacre’.
“Jenin ‘massacre evidence growing'”
As everyone, apart from Jeremy Bowen and the BBC, knew it was a complete crock of shite.
Here was the reality:
“‘No massacre’ at Jenin, says UN report”
What Really Happened in Jenin?
The So-Called Jenin “Massacre”: The Media at its Worst
It is the BBC after all so what would you expect.
Now look how they are trying to deflect the latest islamic atrocity:
“Iraq ‘Massacre’ photos: What we know”
With a sub heading of:
“What do the photos purportedly show?”
With all the journalists and news editors this bloated parasitic organisation employs at the taxpayer’s expense this is what they come up with.
I missed the second sub heading
“Why are there doubts about the authenticity of the pictures?”
Just when you thought the reputation of the BBC could sink no lower.
Nick Clegg, during the Farage-Clegg ‘debate’:-
“I love the diversity and compassion and the outward facing values of modern Britain…”
Nick Clegg today:-
The risk of Islamist Jihadists trained in Syria returning to the UK intent on violence was the “number one security issue” facing the government, he added.
Given the scrutiny that the BBC gave comments made by UKIP candidates during the Euro elections can we expect Newsnight et al to ‘compare and contrast’ the words of our esteemed Deputy PM?
The compassion for our outward-facing, diverse, ‘modern’ Britons, for Syria, Iraq etc. repatriated to the UK must surely be a cause for ‘love’?
“I love the diversity and compassion the outward facing values of modern Britain…”
Call me old fashioned but I prefer old Britain, when we didn’t have mosques, black ghettos, race riots, knife crime, rap ‘music’, sharia law, halal meat, honour killings, female genital mutilation, muslim terrorism, no go areas, gypsy pick pockets, etc etc.
There are some things I don’t admire about the Japanese, but one of the many things they have got right is that Japanese people born in the 1950s, like me, can still live in a city that feels recognisably Japanese.
It’s all going to end in tears.
……and the cities of Japan are amazingly safe. And clean. And – to my mind when I visited – very friendly.
The BBC pays far too little attention to the cultures and history of Japan and China. Civilisations with much we can learn from and admire.
I spent sometime in Tokyo, every street has a standalone vending machine of some description, selling almost anything. How long would one last in the smallest of our towns let alone our capitol?
I think that’s a bit pessimistic. A few years ago I worked for a company with offices in Ryder Street, Behind The Economist building off Piccadilly in the West End. The newspaper vendor points around there were often unattended and people left cash on the metal boxes. As far as I could tell, it stayed there all day.
Not saying that the UK is perfect, obviously, but it isn’t all the same. I’d say the gap between the best and the worst has probably widened though.
Having recently returned from Japan, I can agree with you, John.
My abiding impression of Japan, even with its faults, is that it is still a Nation, a seamless combination of 21st century technology & tradition, a country with a strong identity, something the people are proud of & wish to maintain. Exemplified by their wise & realistic attitude to Islam.
This sentiment, if expressed by Britons, elicits the predictable sniggers & eye-rolling from the beeboids & their cronies. That’s merely the outward reaction. Andrew Marr, after a long night conversing with Lenin on the astral plane, came up with this addition to the NKVD handbook: “…the final answer (remind you of anything?), frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce & repress…Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough & you can almost kill them off.’
Walking around Japan’s cities without the constant regard for personal security that London requires was a delightful novelty. After an hour back in London, & 2 incidents of ‘cultural enrichment’, the streets of Kyoto, Tokyo, seemed like a beautiful dream.
I was reminded of what an American friend said to me: ‘Diversity means nobody can ever relax.’ It wasn’t Bonnie Greer.
I was rushing to catch a train at the beautiful Kyoto station. My rucksack zips split open – everything was scattered across the pavement. If that had been Waterloo – people would have walked past, maybe pinched stuff, kicked it, etc etc. At Kyoto a small crowd gathered. One person held the bag, the others collected and handed all the items to be packed – and they were all very solicitous, telling me not to worry, stay happy !
Then two of the people insisted on walking me to the train I was catching. All this was unsolicited helpfulness and courtesy. An abiding memory of a safe and friendly country that retains its civic dignity.
I concur, culturally the country is so different and this is what makes it such a wonderful place to visit. Language wise normally when visiting a foreign country one can make some sense of the written word, but because of the way its written Japanese is very different. We were traveling from Shinagawa (Tokyo) station and attempting to get to ‘Electric City’ (Akihabara) with our very poor Japanese managed to buy a ticket, but the ticket vendor summoned a a smartly dressed attendant and he politely led us to the correct platform and saw us on the train.
We also traveled on the bullet train (Shinkansen) during Friday evening rush hour from Fuji back to Shinagawa, yes it was busy but perfectly relaxed and genteel, compare to the 6.15 out of Waterloo….
Japan had an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear meltdown all on the same day, no riots in the streets no break down in law and order.
Meanwhile police in London shoot dead a black gangster rapper drug lord Mark Duggan and the blacks all over London decide to riot in support of their fellow kinsman. And the place descends into Hell.
No book shops were robbed, they were left untouched, strange that ? But the shops that were robbed are Nike trainers, mobile phones and TV stores.
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, no riots but they don’t have large ‘effnik’ populations.
”Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough & you can almost kill them off.’’
Horace quote ” You can drive out nature with a pitch fork but nature has a habit of always coming back.”
And another way of looking at it. A soldier was beheaded in Woolwich but no riot in response, in spite of talk of “EDL-this” and “EDL-that”. And no killing spree from Woolwich barracks either.
No riot in response to PC Blakelock’s similar fate either.
Worlds apart.
Then you sir, as I understand it, are a racist.
Mr Brims has some very off colour opinions but does that mean he doesn’t have the right to air them. Should he shut himself up in a box and mumble away to himself? Would you prefer that?
Tolerance means listening politely to opinions you don’t like, not simply not liking them.
I would also prefer to be without:
“mosques, black ghettos, race riots, knife crime, rap ‘music’, sharia law, halal meat, honour killings, female genital mutilation, muslim terrorism, no go areas, gypsy pick pockets, etc etc.”
So, according to your definition, I am also a racist. And you know what? I don’t care.
”Then you sir, as I understand it, are a racist !!!! ”
But what I and the rest of the UK want to know is. Has Clegg got a suitable yet incomplete verse from the Koran he can recite for us to convince us all it has nothing to do with Islam.
Just like he did when he shat on the memory of Drummer Lee Rigby 24th May 2013 before the poor mans body had even gotten cold on
Clegg cited verse 32 chapter 5 the Koran, which says: “If anyone kills a human being it shall be as though he killed all mankind whereas if anyone saves a life it shall be as though he saved the whole of mankind.”
However the correct interpretation is:
‘ We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely…’
So it is the children of Isreal that the reference is aimed at. That is THEY kill anyone it is as if THEY…
I nearly choked on my cornflakes this morning when John Humphrys on Today referred to the militants, jihadists, extremists, islamists et al, as terrorists. Has he had a falling out with his colleagues? The thought police are sure to get him!
I’ve noticed its been very quiet on the ‘global warning/climate change’ propaganda front from the BBC. Could this be something to do with the 272 journalists + the 1000’s more + 10.000 of spectators all descending on Rio for the World Cup?
I notice Obama Messiah brought the subject of climate change up. No one mentioned to him the fact he takes helicopters, fuel, massive bullet proof cars, 100s of staff his own hospital etc etc whenever he goes abroad.
I doubt that is the reason.
Most likely the fact that temperatures haven’t increased significantly for 15+ years and that people who put forth the global warming/ climate change meme are now openly laughed at.
The climate scientists latest gambit is to claim that the earth hascontinued warming, but the problem is that we are measuring it and it is those darned misleading measurements which must be wrong. They want another way to measure global temperatures, without using measurements of the temperature which may mislead us into wrongly thinking that the earth is not warming.
I kid you not.
Cor blimey – BBC allowed Blair ‘unhinged’ comment on their pages:
But if General Rose trashes Blair, that is good enough for me, (excellent piece halfway down this page):
This is one hell of a man that definitely knows:
Should read:
Hell of a GOOD man……….
So, nutters start a killing spree in Iraq which is close to the border of Iran who might have nuclear capability. America starts talking to Iran about the nutters and let us not forget that there was said to be a Jihadist at the controls of a Boeing 777 that has vanished. Hmm.
No nutters, and it’s that sort of thinking that allows the BBC to deceive and manipulate the public.
These are clever & determined men, and they know exactly what they want and are well on their way to achieving it !
If they do gain what they are looking for then a small Iranian nuclear device will the least of your problems.
That old mantra, “religion of peace” doesn’t get spouted quite as often as it once was and thank God for that! With mad rag-heads slaughtering fellow members of their absurd superstition at a phenomenal rate it would be insane to quote this pc bullshit. In generations to come, when the British public have finally awoken from their slumbers, our political elite’s conniving acquiescence to this backward, third world fascism will stand naked for all to see. Their collective cowardice, dressed up to look like “tolerance” will make Lord Haw Haw seem like Horatio Nelson by comparison.
Scribbling scribe wrote:
Martha Kearney on world at one interviewing Jack Straw re ISIS invasion of Iraq Martha clearly believes that the removal of Saddam Hussein made the Jihad situation worse in Iraq adding many people would think it has.
I’ve noticed that train of thought on a number of bBC articles. But the interesting thing that comes out of that is, that it shows that in Islamic countries you cannot have democracy, as the militant branches of Islam will soon take control and walk over everybody and anybody in order to remain in power. Be it School Governors in England , An Islamist government in Egypt or just plain blood thirsty thugs the one common theme is while they are happy to pander to the human rights crowd in which to play the victim card so as to gain power. As soon as they get it, the knives come out.
So going back to Saddam, it appears that the only form of governance in Islamic lands which can keep these bigots under control and allow people to live in a sort of peace are….dictatorships.
The very thing that the liberals, Greens, Muslims and the so called anti-war crowd scream Blue murder agaisnt. You know those who sing..”We are all Hezb-allah now”, those who bitch about the Jews and those idiots who shed faux tears over the selling of weapons to third world countries.
And then when they get their way, they can happily walk away smug in the fact they can berate the government of the day just that little bit more for all the turmoil in the world today and if you work at the bBC, you do so by blaming the white British working man.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Anybody seen this sham of an article from the bBC:
Somalis sent back home in fear of al-Shabab
“I live in constant fear. I don’t go anywhere because I face threats from all sides,” says the 39-year-old Somali man who asks me not to use his name. “I was taken in handcuffs onto a Turkish Airlines plane in London, and flown to Mogadishu via Istanbul. In Istanbul, the British guards accompanying me beat me to the ground, breaking my front tooth.”
Living in fear my arse, virtually each and every Somali in the West goes home for holidays. Deport the fucking lot of them and tell them sort their own mess out. While the bbC article plays the concern card for these bunch of vagabonds (Who lets be honest are a stain on humanity) these omit that any Somali wanted for terrorism,murder or rape in the west buggers off to….Somalia.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
He says, “An old friend of mine gives me rations of oil and rice, and a little money to buy fresh vegetables. That’s all the help I get.”
It’ll make a change from the bountiful munificence bestowed on him by the British taxpayer for however long he was in the UK
So Pounce is still allowed to post on this site despite nearly causing a libel action never mind police investigation.
Keep posting. Get Vance bankrupted!
Seig Heil !
To cap it all, despite the headline only 1 has been sent back to Somalia out of less than half a dozen from the whole of Europe.
News report on Radio 4 PM told of a statement made by Justin Welby following a meeting about slavery with the Pope, saying that the UK would need to accept higher levels of immigration if it was to fight this horror still continuing in the 20th century.
What a contrast to one of his predecessors George Carey who like was described as the most vilified Archbishop of Canterbury since William Laud, Charles the Ist’s Archbishop. He said in 2008 “Immigration must be kept under control if we are to retain the essentials of British society that have been built up over the generations. … If this scale of immigration continues, with people of different faiths, cultures and traditions coming here, what will it mean to be British?”
Funny because that question is exactly the one being asked now !
No wonder he was vilified, saying things like that. Like all good Fascists they hate Christianity, just like Hitler did.
In the absence of David Preiser it falls to me to try to live up to his superb standards and note the events in North America that the BBC chooses not to tell you about.
The crisis on the US/Mexican border gets worse by the day. Border patrol agents are being overwhelmed by the number of illegal immigrants entering the country each day. People smugglers are now using jet skis to ferry the illegal immigrants across the Rio Grande at $100 a time. I a seven month period over 162,000 illegal immigrants have accessed to US, nearly 50,000 being unaccompanied children, some as young as 5 years of age.
Reputable news agencies are reporting it:
‘Wave of humanity’: Border Patrol overwhelmed by flow of illegal immigrants
The BBC? Forget it. Not a peep. Sweep it under the carpet. Not happening.
However they did manage to run this piece back in March
“Broken lives of immigrants deported from US to Mexico”
Just love the emotive headline.
“Almost two million undocumented immigrants have been deported from the US ……..”
Just as the BBC cannot bring themselves to utter the phrase ‘muslim terrorists’ nor can they say ‘illegal immigrant’. Ever euphemistic they refer to them as ‘undocumented immigrants.
Not to worry. We’ll soon have Hillary and Bill Clinton back in control and …….Oh God 🙁
and who do these immigrants vote for when they can?
No wonder Obama wants to allow them in unhindered !….shocking racism
Remember the recent ‘Blocked’ programme by Radio 4? Humour exploiting the murder by the IRA with a bomb of Lord Mountbatten and a 14 year old child in a fishing boat in 1979?
I complained to the BBC.
This is the wording of my complaint:
Complaint Summary: It had a left-wing agenda in being anti-royalty.
Full Complaint: Why has such comedy not been directed by the BBC against Nelson Mandela and his wife, Bobby Sands and other such icons? Mandela was a terrorist. Bobby Sands was a terrorist. Mountbatten was not. And a 14 year old child was murdered when Mountbatten’s fishing boat was blown up by the IRA. Humour has to push boundaries and sometimes in the process inadvertently cause offence. ‘Blocked’ was a vehicle of left wing hate against the innocent victims of terrorists.
Reply from the BBC:
Thanks for contacting us. We’re sorry to learn that you didn’t enjoy BBC Radio 4’s situation comedy programme ‘Blocked’ and that you found some of the content offensive.
‘Blocked’ was commissioned as a one-off pilot programme, written by the comedian Frankie Boyle. As part of a wide range of comedy programmes, Radio 4 seeks to devote a little time to experimental projects. Although his act has undoubtedly been controversial at times, Frankie Boyle has also been celebrated as a smart and educated performer and so, when we were offered the opportunity to produce the first situation comedy he had written, we commissioned it in that spirit of experimentalism and development.
The programme was set within a struggling provincial theatre run by Felix, an author with writer’s block, who lacks social skills. Much of the humour derives from his incompetence and social failings when dealing with delicate matters – and, far from laughing with him about the people and situations he talks about, the audience is invited to laugh at him for the lack of self-awareness he exhibits.
Nevertheless, while there is a long comic tradition of deriving humour from bad taste, we do recognise that it can be very sensitive and challenging – particularly when dealing with difficult subjects for a comedy programme, such as the death of Lord Mountbatten and child abuse. Consequently, Radio 4 invested a great amount of time reviewing the script at a senior editorial level.
In the case of Lord Mountbatten, the team took great care to ensure that none of Felix’s comments about injuries actually referred to Lord Mountbatten himself or made jokes about him as a victim. So, while there’s an absurd comedy scenario that begins with confusion about whether or not Felix killed Lord Mountbatten, it is established within just a few lines of dialogue that there had been a mix up and in actual fact Felix had been accused of unintentionally killing an entirely fictional character – Lord Mintbutton, a member of the House of Lords with a similar name. As a result, any provocative comments Felix goes on to make in relation to supposed injuries are actually entirely concerning that fictional character.
Thank you again for getting in touch; we value your feedback about ‘Blocked’. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we’ve included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensure that your complaint has been seen quickly and by the right people. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
That makes it worse. They admit to spending a lot of time at senior editorial level reviewing the script – but they still let it go ahead.
Sack the bloody editors, and quit hiring foul-mouthed Boyle.
I’ve got an idea for a comedy. It involves the leader of a trades union called Unitson. He is the son of a Polish immigrant and thinks that Aslan is evil and all Moslins should be killed.
The humour is that all his members are thinking of leaving and anyway there is no religion called Aslan and that he probably got locked in a wardrobe when he was a child.
N.B. Any confusion with any person, living or dead, religion or organisation is purely coincidental. This is a work of art and does not necessarily reflect the views of the author, actors or the BBC.
Yes the BBC has had some reports about yesterday’s killings of over 40 people in Kenya – but as usual, the BBC does not tell us the real details about these atrocities. How people were selected and shot for not being Muslim, or not speaking Somalian.
The BBC – forever sanitising Islam.–Witness–Gunmen-spared-Muslims
Meanwhile all over the Web there are YouTube and other videos of what ISIS has been doing in cities and towns it has attacked. Deliberate brutality, random “executions” ie cold-blooded murders designed to terrorise. But the BBC is not calling them terrorists, and is sanitising most of the coverage of these further Muslim atrocities.
Have a look at this article:
It includes this quote: ‘The gunmen shot dead anyone who was unable to recite verses from the Koran.’
And this quote, exactly the same as in the Breitbart story you linked to: ‘They came to our house at around 8pm and asked us in Swahili whether we were Muslims,” local resident Anne Gathigi told the AP news agency. “My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head and chest,” she said.’
So when you said ‘the BBC does not tell us the real details about these atrocities. How people were selected and shot for not being Muslim, or not speaking Somalian’, you weren’t being accurate.
Rubbish. You point to one sentence lost in a long article. The Breitbart article gives full details – not just the briefest of mentions.
Similarly – Sky’s main story is about executions by ISIS – a very long article, giving details. Whereas the BBC does not lead on the executions – which are what is getting even the US administration exercised – and gives very little detail.
Sanitising Islam includes minimising the references to the atrocities being carried out in the name of Allah.
……and it appears the stories are lifted from an Associated Press report – how come Breitbart, a small new website, was carrying the report at 10.30 this morning, ABC in the US had it 19 hours ago – whereas the BBC as the biggest news organisation in the world did not carry it until this evening ? I wanted to hear this stuff on the radio as part of what the BBC reported this morning. It appears they chose to sit on the AP report and not include it in their stuff this morning. Oversight ? Inefficiency ? Or as-usual sanitisation of Islam by some creep of a subeditor at the BBC who had the AP report but chose to hold it back ?
My first quote was in the first part of the article. Not exactly ‘lost’. And you initially said the BBC didn’t mention it, when it had.
Currently the ISIS execution story is in the first block of stories on the BBC World News page.
The video here
mentions the ISIS ‘reign of terror’ very early on. I don’t see how that sanitises Islam.
Sky LEADS with the ISIS atrocities, in full detail. The BBC does not.
And the BBC failed to report the Kenya atrocities against non-Muslims until this evening – it had nothing on its website let alone the radio and TV this morning where most people get their news, even though the AP report from Kenya was available.
In my book truth deferred or minimised is truth disguised or denied. Or – sanitisation of Islam.
This story
give full detail of the ISIS massacres. It isn’t the lead story but is still very prominent on the BBC news home page. Also prominent is the word ‘Sunni’, which I think everyone knows is a reference to Islam.
The Sky news home page features just one reference to Islam – ISIS. I was not yet familiar with this acronym, and I doubt as many people are aware of its reference to Islam as are aware of ‘Sunni’s connection to Islam. By your logic, surely that means Sky is the one ‘sanitising’ Islam here?
As you say – the BBC does not lead with the ISIS executions story. It is not “prominent” on the front page – there is just a link to a story on the Middle East page. Having a link on the main page is nothing like the headline-and-picture prominence that Sky gives.
Sky has the story as its main lead – a huge lead. Just go check it out ! They don’t tuck it away somewhere (albeit with a link)
And your trying to say that people do not link ISIS with Is;lam is laughable.
There is a further stark contrast between Sky and the BBC. The Sky main headline is “Captured Iraqi soldiers lined up and shot” . Obvious to a blind man it is about war crimes.
The mealy-mouthed BBC story – tucked away on the Middle East page – is headed “Iraq crisis: ISIS ‘releases more execution footage'” – not the typical BBC scare quotes. And then uses words like “purporting to show”
The BBC web-page story is 3 sentences long – of which only one sentence concerns the war-crime killings of soldiers who have surrendered. By contrast the Sky web-page story has lots and lots more detail – and far more grphic video of ISIS prisoners.
Sky is giving a pretty full story. The BBC is giving the bare minimum. Sanitisng Islam.
Do you not agree that more people recognise the word Sunni than this relatively new acronym?
The ISIS massacre story is hardly tucked away, given there’s a link to it so near the top of the news page. I agree it is a little less prominent. But it is still easily visible, so your point that the BBC is trying to hide/sanitise it does not stand up.
Sky makes comparatively little of the seizure of Tal Afar, not mentioning it until the end of the article. This site’s logic is often that if the BBC doesn’t report something, or doesn’t make it as prominent as people here would like, then that implies support for it. Does that also apply to Sky News?
The BBC has not got a single report, about the ISIS atrocities on its front page. It has a link to some other page – but NO STORY ON ITS FRONT PAGE !
Sky gives the ISIS atrocities the main lead.
Can’t you see the plain fact that Sky gives the atrocities story major and direct prominence, with a full story and vivid video, whereas the BBC tucks the story away on an inside page, devotes just one sentence to it, and has minimal video – plus it uses the weasel word “purports”.
What part of “sanitising Islam” don’t you understand ? Is English your first language ?
The ISIS atrocity story is more prominent on the Sky news page, yes.
That does not mean the BBC is hiding it though.
Why does the BBC not showing the entire video (and it makes very clear that the footage is disturbing) mean that it is trying to sanitise Islam’s role in this? It’s not pretending that the footage is anything other than gruesome. That’s the leap in logic you make, which I think is unjustified.
The “Iraq crisis: ISIS ‘releases more execution footage’” article you refer to is currently on the BBC News home page. Not ‘tucked away’ on the Middle East page.
The BBC headline is about the capture of a city virtually no-one has heard of, a city with none of the importance of Mosul or Tikrit.. The BBC treats the prisoner atrocities as a lesser issue – even though John Kerry seems to see it as the main reason for the US to get involved.
By contrast the Sky top headline is directly about war-crime killing of surrendered prisoners. Illustrated by 2 videos about prisoners being mistreated / killed. That is – full and clear coverage by Sky.
It was on the Middle East page
Any one seen that chap called Scott?
flipping hell,nicky campbell described these isis lot in iraq as fascists this morning on radio 5 live,move on to channel 4 news tonight and jon snow described these head cutting mass murdering cowardly jihadi isis lot as fascists,but we always knew that didnt we,but here is the thing.calling these lot fascists is to me being a bit to nice to them.roll back to world war 2 when the ss and the gestapo went around torturing and commiting genocide against the innocents,they was called nazis and that is exactly what the isis lot are but just nazi genoicidal mass muderers,have we learnt anything from the defeat of nazism and fascism from world war 2,judging by the footage coming out of iraq of this mass murder and genocide by the islamist fascist it seems not.
Newsnight just called them Fascists as well. A good example of Leftist group think.
Don’t forget that Hitler possibly converted to Islam and that the whole of the Muslim world knew of and approved of the Holocaust.
One of their representatives visited and wrote approvingly of the death camps and almost certainly inspected the ovens at Auschwitz.
Islam = Fascism
Although Fascism does not necessarily involve the murder of anyone, Islam certainly does Nazism and Fascism are not the same thing, but certainly a product of the left.
World Cup: Beeboid colour preferences?
Beeboids seem happy to call the Ghana team ‘Black Stars’; would they be so happy to have to describe a nation’s team as ‘White Stars’?
The Ghana national football team is popularly nicknamed as the Black Stars. The BBC didn’t invent anything.
I suppose we will have to wait until a team of ‘white stars’ appears to know how the BBC would react. I expect they would use the label ‘white stars’ but bend over backwards to explain it had nothing to do with skin colour.
The only time the BBC will be happy to use the phrase “White Star” is when naming the company that owned the Titanic.
BBC-NUJ campaigns politically against British public, re-mass immigration:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Political class ignore strength of feeling on immigration ‘at their peril.’
“The ‘liberal political class’ dominating Britain is out of step with the mass of the electorate on immigration, major study warns.”
Apparently, INBBC thinks that this latest Islamic jihadists’ massacre in Kenya is a “raid”.
Three reports:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Islamic jihadists murder Kenyans who fail Islam quiz”
2.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“‘My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head’:
“How al-Shabaab militia went from door to door killing non-Muslims as Kenyan village watched World Cup.
“Kenya attack happened as residents watched World Cup matches last night.
“Authorities have blamed al-Shabaab, Somalia’s al-Qaida-linked terror group.
“Assault happened in Mpeketoni which is 60 miles from Somali border.
“Witnesses say gunmen went door to door asking if residents spoke Somali.
“If the answer was no they shot them dead on their doorstep, say locals.
“Images of Iraqi men being shot dead in a ditch by ISIS militants shock world.
“Taliban insurgents hack off fingers of 11 men for voting in general election.
“Search continues for three Israeli teens kidnapped by Hamas in Palestine.
“Former Nigerian president says kidnapped schoolgirls may never be found.”
Read more:
3.) INBBC-
“Kenya attack: Mpeketoni near Lamu hit by al-Shabab raid”
Note: by 4th paragraph, INBBC ‘report’ gives Islamic jihadists’ justification for their massacre, a massacre which INBBC severely censors.
A ‘raid’ for INBBC to report?:-
“Spain raids jihadist cell ‘led by ex-Guantanamo inmate’ and recruiting for ISIS”
INBBC’s “militants” euphemism again-
I guess the BBC missed this part of the ‘Prayer for Peace’. Pope Francis peace plea at Israel-Palestinian prayer meeting
A Muslim imam invited to participate in last weekend’s “prayer for peace” event at the Vatican went off-script and asked Allah to help him gain victory over the unbelievers. To Counterjihad activists this news is no big surprise. Anyone who has delved into Islamic theology and liturgical practice knows that Muslims always insert a call for Allah to defeat the infidel (also arguably translated as the unbelievers) into their prayers. It’s as much a part of praying as “Amen” is to a Christian. Taqiyya, Vatican-Style
Newsnight – Also reports Islam not the only Fundamentalist teaching establishments in UK – we apparently have many fundamentalist Christian Schools teaching creationism, for example.
This equation has been pushed now by BBC for 4 days on Radio as well as TV and on line, including Jeremy Vine show the other day.
Why do the BBC do this?
On the scale of equivalence Islam is off the chart compared to Christian fundamental teachings.
The BBC know the huge difference is the ex-pupils of the Christian fundamentalist schools are not flying planes into sky-scrapers, engaging in FGM, going off to Syria to kill, or chopping up a soldier on the streets of London.
It can only be the BBC does have an agenda. to equate the Birmingham Islamic controversy with Christian teachings in the UK at this time to obfuscate and divert the issue.
It was so obvious. The agenda is clear. Pathetic and so poorly done. What do they think we are? Complete idiots?
Answer is of course the BBC does. It is confident that it can control the news agenda and so influence the debate and any outcome. They are badly misinformed.
It will have been quietly noticed and more of us become determined to ignore every single word the BBC says.
The greatest weapon the conservative has is the arrogance of the liberal left and it’s lack of awareness.
Why are the BBC not giving the country taxed for its services, has a remit not to be biased giving us outrageous misinformation like this example?
It has obviously got a obfuscation, diverting agenda with this Islamic Fundamental schooling for it’s own reasons. The majority of the Nation and the democratically elected Government Department tackling this subject want the truth, not the BBC to sleepwalk us into the destruction of our hitherto respected and excellent national culture.
Who else with such media influence in the UK has equated Islamic fundamentalist teaching on the scale it is being practiced in the UK with the stupid Christian minutely practised equivalent here, which has no comparison to the deathly, mutilating, negative affects of radicalising Islam?
Nobody? So why do it?
The deliberate decision to disseminate this misinformation throughout the BBC networks, from Jeremy Vine Radio 2, (think also been on Today?), but definitely on Newsnight plus a feature online and all over the organisations other networks, must mean the BBC has an agenda on this.
We do not want this agenda please stop it.
Sky News gives top headline to the war crimes by ISIS – the “executions” of surrendered prisoners, with some pretty graphic footage. Even though they are prompting John Kerry into action, the BBC fails to give top headline to these war crimes – and we know how exercised the BBC can get about war crimes in the Middle East ! And the BBC has not shown anything like the horrid videos widely available from Iraq.
I call this “sanitising Islam”. Other more delicate souls may disagree, that is their choice. But here is a taste of what ISIS stands for – animal brutality in the name of Islam :
That’s where I think we’ll have to agree to disagree.
You say that the BBC is not showing the videos in their entirety, or giving them highest billing, because they are trying to sanitise the entire religion of Islam. I do not think you can state that as fact when you are not party to the editorial decision making process. I am of course not party to it either, and I don’t know why they choose not to show the full videos. But I don’t think it’s because they are trying to downplay the savagery of ISIS.
I’ll leave it there. Pleasure debating with you.
“Pleasure debating with you”
It’s possible those at the sharp end of what’s going down would if still around be thrilled with your enjoying your remote, protracted defence of what is or is not news enough to report or elevate to positions of morally equivalent relevance.
Maybe they should in future consider calling ISIS soldiers ‘plebs’ to see pro-bono uniquely taxpayer-funded lawyers and BBC editorial head their way, front page banners flying for weeks.
Actual armies on the march committing Geneva Convention-busting war crimes in name of something or other, again, does seem…. significant.
An interesting expenditure of effort on your part to try and justify it getting ‘mentioned’ just enough by the BBC.
Without seeking to be drawn into pinhead angel exchanges that serve only the cause of distraction, I can admire the principle of watertight oversight and even concede tricky editorial triage decisions. However, those the BBC’s finest take often seem unique to the point of predictably unidirectional. In, or out. Obsessed over, or barely covered. Propaganda, and censorship.
I pity the next squaddie who does not offer full fog of war courtesy to an un-uniformed combatant bent on mayhem based on the vague, shifting values of a dogmatic death cult, that rips up the civilised world’s rule book until cornered. At which point they seem to become big fans. And enjoy near limitless BBC PR coverage.
More on what the BBC finds newsworthy, or not, can be found, and ‘discussed’, here:
The key point, I think, is that the BBC under-reports Islamic atrocities time after time after time. It never over-reports them. The bias is uni-directional so cannot be random. Other media give such atrocities fuller coverage than the BBC.
This is deliberate and sustained policy by the BBC. Therefore there are reporters and editors suppressing the news. And even when the atrocities are reported, the BBC often omits the fact that those committing them are openly and loudly declaring that they do it in the name of Islam.
If that is not “sanitising Islam” – what is ?
Precisely. Having helped create the problem by encouraging the liberals’ suicidal decision to allow hundreds of thousands of muslim immigrants into the country, the BBC is now in a state of terrified denial about the potential consequences.
Any story which shows Islam in a bad light raises uncomfortable questions about multiculturalism and moral equivalence, so the BBC and its cohorts in the liberal media suppress it.
Great video John. Well worth a watch. And Blair let a million of these savages into our country. God help us.
Newsnight Tuesday ends with a discussion between three lefties (Aaronovich, Paxo & Toynbee) who all agree how Blair was pretty good really despite Iraq. Inbetween agreeing with each other how great New Labour was, Toynbee complains that Blair doesn’t get fair press ‘because 80% of the media are controlled by right-wing media barons’. I kid you not.
Ms. T clearly not a great reader of CiF comment pages when our Tone being discussed by her core audience, and has her work cut out even with Labour loyalists noticing the way the wind is blowing.
The notion of right wing media barons being the cause of press that does not suit her narrative gets dafter daily. Why she is still deemed a BBC staple is bizarre.
On the Sunday Politics Toynbee got away with saying … Cameron’s government is the most right wing government there’s ever been … or something like that … she’s full of shit.
They don’t put La Toynbee on these programmes for her knowledge and insight. She’s just eye candy.
She’s just eye candy
You sick, sick, puppy.
In her university days, such as they were, she would not have curdled milk/stopped a train in its tracks/stopped a clock, choose your ugliness metaphor. It’s all that bitterness of soul (and probably not a small amount of bitter, too, it must be guessed) that has turned her into the hideous old bat asshat we’ve all come to know and love.
If you removed all muslim related stories in the news we would have the World Cup and nothing else.
I haven’t seen a posting on the outrageous and blatant use of Radio 4’s Desert Island discs on Sunday as a way of putting forward anti Israel propaganda.The guest was Raja Shehada co founder of the politically active group against Israel Al Haq.
Kirsty Young the presenter took the opportunity to add her own reinforcement of his message against the Jewish State. “because of course there was a displacement that led up to the declaration of the State of Israel”
Will anyone in the BBC ever quote Mahmoud Abbas’s own statement in the PLO journal al Thura of 1976 as to the reason . “The Arab armies entered Palestine ……. abandoned them forced them to emigrate …..imposed on them a political blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in eastern Europe”..
The full report is at This use of light entertainment to indoctrinate people is shameful.
There were a lot of posts about tis on a thread a few days ago headed “Desert Island Discs”
Oops I apologise I must have missed it!
BBC article insinuating a bad Buddhist – good Muslim dichotomy: “Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims?”
It’s this subtle setting of the parameters of a story that exemplifies the BBC’s bias in my mind.
The article dates from 2nd May 2013. It appears on today’s ‘Most Popular Read’ section. It is questionable that the list of articles on this section is generated dynamically, based upon the frequency of visitors. Rather, the suspicion is the list is populated by editorial staff and could more correctly be described as BBC ‘We want you to read this’ content. Suspicious folk might think the article has magically reappeared after 13 months to try and deflect attention away from the current killing sprees by Islamists in Kenya and Iraq. See! The Buddhists are just as bad! Note the provocative and misleading use of phrases such as “So, historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion of peace than Christianity. ” Beneath contempt.
‘The article dates from 2nd May 2013. It appears on today’s ‘Most Popular Read’ section’
First of all, I must admit to contributing to the irony that it may stay there a while more.
That little tally is quite the mystery.
It has before been noted the BBC doesn’t seem quite on top of what, or who, is reading what or when, and one is sure ‘purposes of’ exclusions are well in place to make sure such a thing is never investigated outside of BBC control and oversight.
It is possible that current kicking offs has sparked interest on current stories from which this archive was linked. One might wonder why, but sure that those from Any. Newsroom will confirm that this is actual newsworthy equivalence at such a juncture.
Looking at the actual numbers on certain BBC social media threads (recall well some on the now defunct Newsnight blog that managed 3 posts before often closing in embarrassment… the new FB is no better in numbers and indeed truly woeful in calibre – the current top, ‘discussing’ football attire, is at 3, one of which is flogging dodgy cars) it’s possible it’s not too tricky to seed a run by a quick rallying call on the intranet round the office, assuming it was not felt simply easier to ‘help’ nudge things from the admin end.
For ‘Suspicious’ read ‘Paranoid’.
Here’s a couple of other stories that regularly appear in that section. Maybe you can help me out with what the BBC’s trying to do here:
My pleasure. The two stories referenced are designed to titillate and by showing how funny those silly foreigners are (or maybe they reflect the sexual interests of some BBC staff). The piece about Buddhists and Muslims appears to be carefully crafted to promote a specific agenda. And remember: just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean they aren’t after you…
I have raised this issue before on here, although I’m not sure they actually pick the errant stories, but it is not beyond the bounds of reason.
I have a feeling that the ‘most read’ are heavily selected and controlled, like the ‘Editor’s Picks’ which, more often than not, select the left-wing view point over the popular one.
What I think happens is that they use the page_id to big up the hits on a page in their database but every now and again they update the number wrong and an odd story from the past emerges.
Alternatively the story is an old one with a high hit rate and it has been updated today, for whatever reason, with the update_date being one of the criteria for picking the top 10. The update_date BTW doesn’t have to be the one displayed at the top of the page.
Incompetence rather than pro-muslim chicanery but still crap either way.
Could it be that its currently the most read/shared/viewed? Just a theory….
… and the moon is made of cheese?
It’s a possibility but not a probability.
I just saw the outrageous article. The BBC seem oblivious to the fact that muslims have been waging terrorism against buddhists for many years now. Muslims can only ever be victims.
It’s starting to become a farce now. At the same time we have Al-Shabab, Boko Harem, ISIS, FSA, and Al-qaida all slaughtering non-muslims (or the wrong muslims) and yet the BBC continue as normal in their parallel universe where muslims are persecuted and non-muslims need to be more tolerant. They must think people are stupid.
BBC News ticker this morning: apparently the great power that is the BBC has deemed the word “inflation” politically incorrect and replaced it with “cost of living.”
And here’s the rub: whereas inflation has been falling recently the BBC ticker said that the cost of living was increasing by 1.5%. See what they did there?
I don’t seem to recall the BBC describing the cost of living increasing when Labour were in power, despite the fact that inflation was always positive then and the cost of living did indeed rise.
Mind the gap….
Newsniffer tends to expose the BBC going for broke then retracting a little..
Version 0
NHS in Wales ‘facing £2.5bn funding crisis’ says research
Version 1
NHS in Wales ‘facing £2.5bn funding gap’ says research
I thought a quote was a ‘quote’ was a quote….?
‘I thought a quote was a ‘quote’ was a quote….?’
So did… do I.
Sadly, to see the context, on clicking the link I get:
“The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.”
Any chance of a repost?
The BBC seems to have a very dubious history on the Welsh NHS and how it gets reported, so I’d be keen to see this article, in all evolving forms, in full.
The BBC’s use and abuse of “quotes” is already the stuff of legend, but this would be the first I’ve heard of where they retune them to fit… ‘sensibilities’.
Oddly the report has gone awal from the Newsniffer recent listings
Here’s the BBC ‘gap’ version
17 June 2014 Last updated at 12:21
I’m sure other crises are available
Or, I suppose, we could (just like the BBC) go straight to the Guardian
Trying again
Ta very much.
Turning a gap into a crisis takes a fair leap, as it were.
As Newsniffer shows (presuming it to be accurate), the 11.15am BBC headline was, indeed:
NHS in Wales ‘facing £2.5bn funding crisis’ says research
Looking at the text that follows, the first line reverts to ‘funding gap’. The word ‘gap’ is repeated a few times more.
35 minutes and the crisis has resolved to a consistent gap.
So where did that first headline quote of ‘crisis’ come from?
Not expecting an answer, but as someone has clearly just spilled a jug into the Mogwai box to release a whole breeding colony of them all at once, as there’s now apparently acceptable levels of pseudonymous if temporary aliases abounding, and they are clearly lurking, they might at least like to give this some consideration.
The Guardian article offers no further clue, and indeed it and the BBC version mirror each other to an extent the respective ‘journalists’ involved may be nervous of that website that used to highlight and mock such churnalism efforts.
As to the BBC’s story evolution, let’s take a lead from the Graun (and do take a gander at the comments, which may explain why the usual suspects may be falling out a bit over this beyond holding to the party line):
‘The report will cause concern within the Labour-run government’
As, it seems, did certain headlines, quickly corrected.
Quite rightly too, as the ‘quote’ seems more ‘editorialising’.
Now one could argue that this was having a dig at Labour. True. But it was corrected PDQ. And no several month fights with ever grander CECUTT titles getting ever more sure the BBC was about right, until it wasn’t.
So a less than impressive precedent has been further set on what BBC headlines, especially in ‘quotes’, are ever based upon.
Which may not serve them well.
Oh dear…
In its own unique way the BBC likes to inform us about the misdeeds of ‘British Men’
This is a new one on me…..
‘Businessmen guilty of football match-fixing’
Businessmen eh? Those rascally capitalists… they should all be locked up….
It’s fascinating how much passive-aggressive cultural-marxism is contained in the subtext of BBC articles.
INBBC, oblivious to Islamic jihadists’ threat to London, continues with its dangerously misguided political propaganda for its ‘left + Islam’ alliance:-
“UK-born ISIS jihadis: ‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London'”
“Did the British really think that all the Muslims in the country were ‘moderates’? Only now, after taking steps to make London a global capital of Sharia finance, is Cameron saying that they have to defend British values? He is as incoherent as Barack Obama, who is aiding jihadis in Syria whom he wants to fight in Iraq.”
Things are getting bad for those poor Roma in Paris.
“France’s Hollande condemns attack on Roma teenager”
“French President Francois Hollande has condemned a lynch mob attack which left a Roma (Gypsy) teenager badly injured on a Paris housing estate.
A mob took the 16-year-old from a Roma camp in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine on Friday after he was accused by locals of burglary, a police source said.
Found dumped in a supermarket trolley, the victim is in a critical condition. ”
Just one teensie weeny little criticism of the BBC here.
Not one mention of the underlying racial tension here.
Seems like a nice neighbourhood, perhaps this might clarify things for the BBC
Perhaps the BBC could suggest twinning Pierrefitte-sur-Seine with Page Hall in Sheffield, another area where muslims and Roma are in disagreement.
If they have Billy Bragg to do the entertainment, they’ll need Dom Perignon on the rider. I hear Billy likes the ’85. Firstly, because it’s a great year, and secondly, it reminds him of Fatcher, who made his career. So, a toast to Maggie, somewhat counterintuitively! Thirsty work, this workers’ revolution, doncha know?
Watching that video, i got the impression those nice peaceful black youths armed with nothing more than baseball bats and such were going to help those evil nasty white people who couldn’t walk properly due to all those heavy goods on their persons (Watches,mobile phones, wallets) and did you see that racist white bastard wearing a gun, how dare here. Doesn’t he know that black Muslims are always victims.
Mind you chuffed to fuck over how that Romanian thief
was shown the error of his ways. As this is the bBC we are talking about, you can only presume that whites were the guilty party. Which is funny as the area has the highest number of immigrants in France.
Around 03:15 GMT today the World Service broadcast an alleged report on the World Cup. The ‘reporter’ bemoaned the fact that Ghana’s performance reflected badly on African football without even mentioning the USA victory, leave alone the stunning goal 32 seconds into the match.
The alleged reporter also praised Iran’s performance in the qualifiers and the game against Nigeria. I hadn’t heard the result and was sure Iran must have won the game and was amazed to find out later that it was a boring, goalless draw.
It’s well known that BBC hacks are deeply in love with the Islamic world but they are also deeply in love with Africa. so I was surprised to hear the alleged reporter lean so strongly towards Iran, barely mentioning Nigeria.
But even more remarkable than the in-your-face political agenda was the fact that subsequent World Service reports were balanced and informative, accurately reflecting the drama of the three games played on Monday.
This is perhaps evidence that the BBC can resist political idiocy creeping into its sports reporting.
I`m guessing Nigeria will get the BBCs “respect” once it`s become an Islamic state-at present , too many Christians there, and too much British colonial influence.
Maybe if Iran or Nigeria were to give the BBC their first gay footy player…then they might be further luvved up by the Beeb. Saw no efforts for the BBC to find one either as they went onto the pitch.
Yes-would agree with Billy Bragg doing a Bob Marley and bringing Sunni and Shia together with his “Dick van Dyke as Bert” song and dance routine of that ole Cockney fave of `is…”Sexuality”…sing along there Abdul!…
I`m guessing Nigeria will get the BBCs “respect” once it`s become an Islamic state-at present , too many Christians there, and too much British colonial influence.
Very good guess.
The fawning sycophancy was evident in the last world cup when the beeb went totally overboard with those ridiculous vuvuzelas, comparing them to western musical instruments.
Those noisy vuvezelas with their inane monotones took much of the enjoyment out of that Cup. At times I was reduced to muting the sound – which naturally diminishes the experience.
Naturally for the BBC it was jolly cultural expression and to hell with anyone who objected.
I’ve heard faint echos of the vuvuzelas during the current games. I’m praying those instruments of torture don’t catch on in Brazil.
I listened to “Generation Right”, Radio 4It took a look at the 16 to 30 generation’s political leanings and found them to more right wing than older generations.
Unfortunately the main theme that ran through the programme was that the younger generation was more self-centred.
The idea that the welfare state had made us more self-centred hadn’t occurred to the programme makers and so they stuck to their theme.
The programme makers seemed to misunderstand the messages that youngsters were giving them.
The BBC could have kept this programme impartial and simply reported what they had found.
Oh no.
They couldn’t resist editing the programme to fit their theme and providing commentary that was oozing with alarm and worry over their findings. Yes, the right wing leanings of the young generation was seen as a bad thing, according to the BBC.
Why didn’t they respect the welfare state or the NHS? Was it the internet? Was it Thatcher (yes, they managed to rope Mrs Thatcher into it somehow)?
According to the BBC it’s all the fault of selfish youngsters.
Sorry BBC, you just don’t get it.
Yes, they mentioned Margaret Thatcher TWICE as the cause of the new youngsters “selfishness”.
She of course has not been in political office now since 1990-but I reckon the Lefts history will continue to remind us all how grateful we ought to be for her life..
Only the Left seem to think that Maggie is toxic-we(and virtually all real people who aren`t teachers, media or public sector union blowhards) know the Great Lady to be catnip to the electorate-and garlic to the BBC ghouls, bloodsucking zombies.
Her name lives on…maybe we need a new Thatcherite Party…seems to worry the Left, doesn`t she?
These youngsters mentioned White Dee, NHS leechers who`ve not paid in…and they won`t be funding such parasitic dross when THEY get to power.
Imagine-these people won`t buy into Project Beeb…that license and Graham Nortons pension look a problem!
I`m with the young on this one-and that Newsbeat are upset encourages me greatly!
Agree. If it distresses the BBC it is surely a good thing.
Actually the BBC nearly did get to the answer when they mentioned the internet.
Youngsters no longer relying on mainstream tv and radio but surfing movies and music and chat across the internet.
No more BBC.
No more propaganda.
No more socialist indoctrination.
No more radicalisation.
The free generation. Let’s hope so!
OT A useful account of the mergence of ISIS, written by the author of “The Loomimng Tower”, the superb history of Al Q from the early days of the Muslim Brotherhood through to 9/11 :
The results of multiculturalism….
As some have already mentioned at the top of this Thread, almost every occurrence of violence in the world in the last few weeks has been carried out by Muslim extremists, and this in addition to the whole Trojan Horse scandal (which the BBC spent so much time trying to sanitise). For some reason the BBC is always on the side of Muslims; but why? Is there some funding source we don’t know about? Is it purely down to the BBC being a melting pot of upper-class liberals, wannabe Marxists and craven metro-trendy coffee house frequenters? Are they just gutless cowards who are afraid to be beaten up by Jihadi thugs? What is it that makes them want to shield these supremacist thugs from any negativity (using our money!)?
Perhaps a Saudi financial bailout when the licence fee goes tits up