I suppose the opportunity was too great to resist? I saw John Simpson slobbering on about how Iran represents our best chance to “save” Iraq on the BBC news. Given that Obama and Cameron have thrown their weight in behind the Mad Mullahs as the salvation of Iraq, it was inevitable that the likes of the BBC would then row in extolling the virtues of the same regime that keeps Assad in place in Syria and which seeks to wipe the Jews off the map.
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Does Hague really think that toadying around the Iranians is going to change anything? The days of the Shah are long gone. They’ll use the West to suit their own purposes, nothing more.
The best policy for ALL concerned would be to stay well away from that particular hotbed of instability, and protect our own, and our own borders, in view of the trouble we have caused either accidentally, or deliberately, in the past.
Damn right! Leave the camel-buggering sand-monkeys to squabble amongst themselves.
If Tony Blair wants British intervention, then his son, Euan, must be just the right age to go and join the Iraqi army.
The capitulation to Iran was inevitable, given the lack of leadership, vision or testicular fortitude in Western Governments. It shows the failure of Western policy for some decades. As soon as we Invaded Iraq, we gave a huge boost to Iran. As the original Draft of the J.I.C. stated, Iraq was not a threat to us or indeed her neighbours. Containment was working. There was no way intervention in Iraq, afterwards to be managed by wooly, multiculti, liberals, was ever going to work. We created more terrorists that we killed. We should have put all our resources into fulfilling the mission in Afghanistan, before ever considering Iraq.
And this is not just spouting with the benefit of hindsight. I was saying this from 2002 onwards. I hate being proved right sometimes.
If the aim was to curtail our own freedoms and civil liberties here, by creating and excacerbating a massive Islamic terrorist threat to us here, where there had not been one before, then the policy is working.
If the aim was to stabalise the Middle east and provide more security for Israel, then the policy is a massive failure
Yet another Fabian “solution” that precedes the problem.
I think we should start building the internment camps in the UK now.
If we could get them guarded by UN troops, with a no-fly zone, then perhaps they might provide a safe haven for the British in their remaining days!
Meanwhile our political leaders could roam the world stuffing their pockets from public speaking. After all, as Gillian Reynolds told us on Radio 2 yesterday, Nick Clegg (who?) was a great success(!) on LBC.
“…I think we should start building the internment camps in the UK now.”
Don’t worry – all in good time. The Caliphate is on its way, headed right to our front door, ably assisted by every common purpose, PC-correct, apologist surrender monkey the left can mobilise here in the UK and across the EU.
It’s been obvious for a decade now (at least) that Islam – the glorious Religion of Peace – is never to be questioned or criticised; it’s been very clear that the spectre of ‘moderate’ Islam (no such thing – the Qur’an, as every Muslim knows full well, is a ‘non-negotiable’ holy text) has been quietly very busy, inveigling itself into every corridor of power, every aspect of public life and culture across Western Europe: This is how we end up being afraid to publish cartoons, and how our state broadcaster turns itself into a pathetic mockery of honest, truthful journalism.
There is no easy to say this (which is why it never gets said): Islam hates us and at the very least it wants to subjugate us to its will, if not a lot, lot worse. We are the infidels, the heretics, the unbelievers. Islam reserves a very special punishment for us: they all know it, we don’t seem to want to recognise it – even though they never, ever hide this.
Never mind, we are hurrying to the conference table in Tehran to visit with our New Best Friends. They smile, they make the right noises (for now). We can overlook their animalistic brutality, their sworn (sacred) mission to wipe the Jewish race off the face of the Earth, their intolerance, bigotry and their homicidal tendencies (God tells them to do it)…because we need ‘friends’ in any part of the world in which the ‘Religion of Peace’ dominates proceedings.
There is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’. A phobia is an irrational fear of something, after all. Ask yourself: is it irrational to fear the killing crews of Boko Haram, Al Shabab or Isis?
The Iranians are more interested in protecting their religious shrines in Iraq than removing a muslim fundamentalist / extremist / terrorist threat.
Ken’s views are 100% spot- on.
It is time for the rise of Christianity again. A peaceful, loving religion. I am pleased that a mate asked me to study about Christianity. I still like a beer and watch footy but am so happy now. I was kinda brain washed by Labour and the BBC about Christainity being bad but then I understood it is because they hate everything I love; peace, family values, respect of our Christian heritage, love of England.
Damn the BBC and their covering of the news. Its an outrage!
It seems quite clear to me: if we want the Iranians to act as a proxy force in Iraq then they will expect us to be nice to them with regards their nuclear programme.
Which is a trade-off that suits the appeasers like Obama and Hague just fine