I saw the other night that the BBC showed their ” The greatest Crash ” , the story of the 1955 LeMans tragedy .
It is typical that they take an event that saw the death of so many , & turn it into a lie about a rich Public School boy leading Britain into war with Europe & causing a disaster .
But I guess that with the election coming next year it will be shown more times to try to get their lies across .
Link to original pictures & testimony which prove that Hawthorn did not brake suddenly causing the crash , & although some people have tried to blame him for , all the evidence from the time , & an investigation by the Authorities
cleared him completely
“Liberal political class ‘fuelling voters’ anger over migrants’: They fail to understand the public’s concern at their peril, say experts.
“Gap between urban elite and rest of Britain helps Ukip, says annual study.
“British Social Attitudes survey says fewer Britons support multiculturalism.
“Some 95% say speaking English is a crucial part of being ‘truly British.'”
“The party has more or less apologised for this, but has still given no explanation as to why its administration allowed 2.5 million immigrants from outside the EU to come here.”
We already know the answer to this Norman my good chap:
‘some locals have reported that the islamist fighters have been treating them very well’ droned the droidess this morning’.
F me gently….
‘Treating them very well’ in a ‘we haven’t got round to slaughtering you yet but don’t worry we will’ kind of way.
And of course if you haven’t been ‘treated very well’ by ISIS you’re out there in the desert under two feet of sand and not really in a position to comment.
They got history the droidesses: the humanity of the taleban : wailing at the death of Palithug Arafat: and of course going into full howl whenever an ‘immoderate’ gets on the business end of a Reaper strike.
I can only blame a comfortable middle class upbringing reading Mills & Boon under the bedclothes with a torch after lights-out. When they’re eleven some of the droidesses wanted to be swept off their feet by Omar Sharif (sp?) and galloped off to his tent in the desert for a night of forbidden love.
Fast forward forty years and they want to be given a good old-fashioned ‘seeing too’ by an islamist ‘commander’, lying on a black flag, and with his AK47 still strapped to his back.
‘Going troppo’ doesn’t begin to describe it.
And just for the benefit of this particular droidess, according to ISIS’ ‘Annual Report For 2013’ these ‘verywelltreaters’ have let off 137 car bombs, 4635 regular bombs and murdered 1083 people.
I remember as a kid my Mum used to collect Robertson’s Marmalade jar labels and, once she had enough, send them off to get the Golliwog broaches (proper enamel jobs, actually very nicely made). Me and my siblings (I’m one of five) used to love collecting the broaches. Race never came into it; it simply didn’t ever occur to any of us that there could be any ‘racist’ overtones to collecting the broaches.
Many years later I was informed by the wretched, joyless PC police just what a nasty, bigoted, racist little kid I must have been. *sadface.jpg*
My mate’s mum had a black sambo savings bank. You put a shilling in the little chap’s hand, cranked a lever, and he put it into his gob and swallowed it.
Can only buy them ‘under the table’ now in antique shops.
This is a post about the anti democratic EU. It uses an example, but the post is not about the example ! Please do not be distracted by it !
Tomorrow there will be a decision made by an EU Commissar called Tonio Borg on whether to allow a GM Maize 1507.
This is despite the fact that 19 EU states and the EU parliament have voted against GM and banned them since 1990s !
It’s not a post about GM, but the anti democratic institution which is the EU, where a single Commissar an simply ignore democratic process and over ride the governments of member states and the EU parliament !
Needless to say the BBC aren’t covering this, but there is plenty about it on line.
It’s not a discussion about GM ! It’s about an anti democratic EU in action !
Do you know, I’ve never, ever decapitated a Shia dog! In fact, now I come to think of it, I’ve never even come to think of it. It never crossed my mind: âWell, there’s a fun thing to do on a rainy Sundayâ. I wonder why that is? Well, it certainly couldn’t be my birth into that racist and homophobic backwater which was 1950s Britain, could it? Nor the fact that blessed, er, sorry, cursed with that accident of birth I left school in the ’70s able to parse a sentence, make a few token quotes from Shakespeare, untangle some of the major threads of history, jab a finger towards a map roughly in the vicinity of a named country even before they started dropping bombs on it and knowing a bit about Laplace Transforms and differential equations. No!; so what could it be?
Diversity Awareness Training, that’s what it was.
Now, wouldn’t you think that before they cut the buggers loose after the invasion, our wonderful, far-sighted leaders would have thought to give the Iraqis some?
Diversity training trains us to tolerate people who are utterly intolerant and lack diversity. It is meant to force the white heterosexual male become subservient to every other minority and accept without question, all the backwards and intolerable actions of any other group of people without daring to complain.
It is our own fault for allowing it ,how many times have you heard some middle class prick saying ‘can I say that now’ ? my answer is YES say it as loud as you like you gutless prat !
Not what you think… There’s an article on the BBC website today entitled “The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-27883685). During recent decades, Christians have been persecuted, intimidated (both directly and indirectly) and forced out of the “West Bank” (sic) by their Islamic Palestinian brethren. But is this article about that? Of course not – it’s those dastardly Israelis who are responsible for this outrage. Now it is an unfortunate fact of life that some Christians, Muslims and yes even Jews have been forced to relocate due to the dictates of the security situation. Some of these will be genuinely hard luck stories and some miscarriages of justice where the Israeli state has played a heavy hand. But the fact remains is that Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the local Christian population has actually increased since WWII and one of the very few where Christians do not experience discrimination. So why have the BBC chosen this particular example? I think we can guess why.
Rik Mayall had it right. When an undergraduate in media studies (yes, I know, but bear with me …) wrote to him asking his opinion of the main difference between writing comedy for radio and for television, Rik Mayall replied There is none. They’re both run by BBC neo-situationalist class-racists.
He signed himself ‘love and violence, Lenny Henry.’ https://twitter.com/Guyston_Walker/status/477026526106746880/photo/1
Britain is full of box-set snobs who shout about their love of American imports and fail to realise that British drama is the best in the world, the head of BBC TV has suggested.
Domestic shows such as Happy Valley and Broadchurch are just as good as the most celebrated American and Scandinavian versions, according to Danny Cohen.
In comments likely to trigger fierce debate among TV fans, Mr Cohen said that viewers and critics who thought that the big-budget American shows, such as Mad Men and Breaking Bad, were the best in the world were out of touch with ordinary British audiences. âA trope has developed, a cultural meme that asserts that American drama is far superior to drama produced in the UK and at the BBC,â said Mr Cohen, the BBCâs director of television.
âItâs an argument driven by box-set consumers who have a louder voice in Britainâs cultural dialogue than the average family who sit down at night in Britainâs towns and villages to decide which drama they want to watch.â
British dramas were more celebrated in America than in their home country, he added. âIn Britain, we are not very good at celebrating our success. We somehow find it embarrassing. We often see the cup as half empty.â
Mr Cohenâs defence of British drama reflects the BBCâs sensitivity about its peak-time programming amid pressure on its production budgets and increasing competition from pay-TV and online services such as Netflix, which have fuelled the popularity of foreign shows.
(ÂŁ) http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/arts/tv-radio/article4122419.ece
Seems the BBC market rate floor is stirring, if slightly free of irony, with a ÂŁ4B pot of cash to play with on their pet projects. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/igor-toronyilalic/2014/06/the-outsourcing-of-music-education-to-the-bbc-will-precipitate-further-cuts-to-funding/ ‘sounds good until you realise itâll be the BBC deciding the music and the musicians’
Quality (and a few others) control, no doubt.
Must be nice to be a vastly, and uniquely funded, and unaccountable, monopoly.
And in such as Mr. Cohen, top execs who appear to feel telling folk what they like, or else, is the best route over providing it to be chosen voluntarily.
Each outing from this chap makes me wonder just how immune the top brass feels itself to be.
âBritain is full of box-set snobs who shout about their love of American imports and fail to realise that British drama is the best in the worldâ, the head of BBC TV has suggested.
Assertion â box-set snobs are happy to consume good quality drama from anywhere (including Scandinavian cop series)
Domestic shows such as Happy Valley and Broadchurch are just as good as the most celebrated American and Scandinavian versions, according to Danny Cohen.
Assertion â probably right but that is not the point is it?
âIn comments likely to trigger fierce debate among TV fans, Mr Cohen said that viewers and critics who thought that the big-budget American shows, such as Mad Men and Breaking Bad, were the best in the world were out of touch with ordinary British audiences.â
Assertion â evidence suggest that US shows are very popular
âA trope has developed, a cultural meme that asserts that American drama is far superior to drama produced in the UK and at the BBC,â said Mr Cohen, the BBCâs director of television.
Assertion â the evidence (BAFTA/Emmys etc ) is that they are
âItâs an argument driven by box-set consumers who have a louder voice in Britainâs cultural dialogue than the average family who sit down at night in Britainâs towns and villages to decide which drama they want to watch.â
Assertion â I suspect families are also âbox-set consumersâ â and is that such a bad thing?
âBritish dramas were more celebrated in America than in their home country, â
Assertion – Evidence is? I seriously doubt it â maybe in metropolitan east coast USA, no doubt his natural habitat, but I suspect not in the mid-west
âhe added. âIn Britain, we are not very good at celebrating our success. We somehow find it embarrassing. We often see the cup as half empty.ââ
Well the BBC is pretty good at celebrating UK failure 0- unless there is a Labour government in power
Mr Cohenâs defence of British drama reflects the BBCâs sensitivity about its peak-time programming amid pressure on its production budgets and increasing competition from pay-TV and online services such as Netflix, which have fuelled the popularity of foreign shows
Yup ÂŁ3.5billion telly tax and he can only point to Happy Valley as competing with the US
Lucky they continue to output quality programming like âcash in the atticâ, âmaster chefâ and send 100s of people to Glast and the world cup in Brazil
Ah yes, the glories of ‘Holby’, ‘casualty’, ‘spooks’ that execrable sci-fi shite set on planet PC (I have forgotten the name of it) That crap “Mayday” where the only sane positive characters were non-locals. “Bone kickers” – you remember the one where mad fundamentalist chriatians were beheading people. Ripper street – a comic book version of london.
NOTE, HONOURABLE EXCEPTION – the remarkably excellent BBC production “37 days”.
Compare these with great productions like “City of Vice” or the”Devil’s whore” (C4)
If the BBC tried just one or twice to place the plot, script and acting above their mission to socially engineer Britain and re-write history they may get somewhere. Africans in Dr Who’s Elizabethan England anyone? The truth is that BBC drama has never been very good, it was just a it better than the other offerings available at the time.
I am sure that Danny wouldn’t be complaining if the “box set snobs” (first against the wall bourgeoise parasites when the revolution comes, eh Danny) were buying his ‘left of centre’ stuff in huge numbers. There is a free market out there and people elect to purchase drama that the like, and they are not buying BBC material. The BBC doesn’t seem to get this and fels that we should be educated by their constant agit prop. As I said in another post a few days ago how about a lavish BBC drama about the life and death of a anglo-pakistani girl, when faced with being forced into a marriage with her cousin back ‘home’ rebels and dishonours her family. There is enough material there for a 12 part box set and it is entirely appropriate and legitimate, it is a genuine issue. Ditto grooming gamgs – plenty of tuff there for a real insight into the social conditions in our children’s homes an how the state ‘cares’ for kids. Something less controversial perhaps ?(from an organisation that still pouts with pride at Cathy Come Home and the Bolsheviks from the Blackstuff) How about a historical drama about building the Great Western Railway / Forth bridge. Social Realism – how about an accurate BBC ‘Benefits Street’ drama…… Or how about a ‘behind closed doors’ drama about the establishment of the EU (along the lines of 37 days)
Not a chance of even getting past the first editorial sift Danny is there!
If the BBC tried just one or twice to place the plot, script and acting above their mission to socially engineer Britain and re-write history they may get somewhere. Africans in Dr Whoâs Elizabethan England anyone?
Well yes, there were black people in Elizabethan England. It would be very odd for people of colour to crop up in several â I think 8, but I could be wrong â of Shakespeare’s plays if the society he lived in were of just one ethnicity. The existence of black people in Shakespeare’s London is well documented. Here’s just one example.
But thanks for telling us what dramas must be allowed, and what mustn’t. I’m sure it’s going down well with the usual Biased BBC contingent who aren’t happy unless they’re convincing themselves that they are morally superior. Although that does have the vital element needed â complete fiction.
The irony failure with this one strong stays. ‘But thanks for telling us what dramas must be allowed, and what mustnât.’
Only there was no telling; simply opinion in response to what is served or advised.
The kind that Mr. Cohen, Mr. Ben ‘More Left of Centre Thinking’ Stephenson and, of course you, rather ironically demand be crushed whilst actually indeed telling all and sundry what they should or will get, or think.
You are of course correct Scott, but, and it’s a big but, this is an example of the tolerance of the English going back hundreds of years and it demonstrates that the Fascist left are completely wrong in their portrayal of the English and their part in history.
You must also however be aware that Queen Elizabeth repatriated all the Africans because she felt that there were too many of them.
Of course black people existed in the UK in the distant past, but they were an incredibly tiny minority. less than 0.01% of the population, so why the BBC has to cram unrepresentitive people into every drama is beyond me. It must be political because it is not factual.
Even in the 1960s, the none white population of the UK was tiny and many towns and cities did not even have a single none-white inhabitant.
I saw a very enlightening TV series, hidden in the backwaters of BBC4. It used the Pathe newsreel from the 1960s to show Britain in the early 1960s. Each episode covered a different aspect of British society. They had fashion, food. our places of work, our holiday and recreational activities.
Every social strata and community was represented, from the highest social class, to the lowest, from working in small shops, to huge factories, from the poshest restaruants and Haute Coiture fashion, to cafes and corner shops, To holiday camps, beach holidays and all forms of activity. The series covered society from London and the regions to give a massive overview of the whole of British society in the early 1960s.
I think in total, I saw 3 non white faces out of the tens of thousands shown. One was black and the other two were Indian.
This idea that Britain has always been a cultural melting pot of many colours and religions and races is an utter myth.
Yes, I was going to say something similar about early photographs of crowds of ordinary people.
Ports around the world have always been diverse (see – I can even use the proper word!) – Deptford, Tiger Bay etc, but elsewhere, the proportion was insignificant.
Might as well include a dwarf in every historical film as well.
Of course black people existed in the UK in the distant past, but they were an incredibly tiny minority. less than 0.01% of the population, so why the BBC has to cram unrepresentitive people into every drama is beyond me.
In CCE’s cited example, there were a couple of background artists, referenced to in passing at the beginning of the story. Suggesting it was anything more would be more of Biased BBC’s usual MO â exaggerate something to the point of fiction so that you have something to flail against.
Of course, the more Biased BBC indulges in such flights of fancy, the more it exposes how shaky the foundations are upon which its resident clique rest their prejudices…
Scott, You may have difficulty in comprehending my purpose, blinded as you are by prejudice, but my post suggested that people do not like the BBC drama output because it is poor quality and seen as a vehicle for cocial engineering – I was not telling anyone what to produce, I was a suggesting that the BBC could provide some diversity in its productions, and by diversity I do mean it in its true sense, that of variety – rather than the BBC monoculture. I suggested that the BBC could tackle some very real and achingly relevant social themes in Britain today – ‘honour’ murders, for example, the sexual exploitation of children, and then suggested some historical dramas that focus on positive aspects of the past. My opinion was that the BBC would never produce such dramas however relevant or accurate for ideological reasons.
My passing reference to the Africans in Dr Who was to illustrate the overpowering desire of the BBC to include its world view in everthing it produces rather than stimulate a debate on the number of Africans living in London in 1595, which was insignificant as a proportion of the overall population. Consequently the chances of seeing such people at random in London would be extremely remote. (There is a saturation population of Falcons in Britain today – how many do you see on your trip to work in the morning?). http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/p/peregrine/population.aspx
Compare the obvious tokenism endemic throughout the BBC with the brilliant inclusion of ‘Jamaica Mary’ in C4’s City of Vice which was set in Georgian times, a real and credible role in the plot serving a genuine dramatic purpose.
As for your pompous vapouring about “flights of fantasy” – do you actually watch or listen to any of the BBC output?
Putting aside the fact that the coloured population of Elizabethan England was a few hundred at most, as others have pointed out, I’m not sure Shakespeare counts as a reliable social commentator or historian in this context. For instance, the Merchant of Venice features Shylock, a Jewish money lender and unflatteringly so. But there were no Jews in Elizabethan England: they were expelled as a result of the Edict of Expulsion in 1290 and did not return until invited to do so by Oliver Cromwell via the Navigation Act of 1651. Shakespeare could certainly not have been writing from first hand experience or reflecting common experience. Ditto with the ‘people of colour’ (a racist epithet if ever there was one, but we’ll let that pass).
To the extent there were some coloured people in England in Shakespeare’s time – they were virtually all brought in as slaves, or then used as house-servants. They were not allowed to immigrate here freely. They were here as a by-product of the slave trade.
“Black people in 8 of Shakespeare’s plays” is another false argument in the sense that they did NOT appear as characters in plays set in Britain. They were in his plays that were set abroad – so it is quite natural that the lead of Othello should be a Moor, for example. Many of the plays were set in cities on Med or on islands in the Med, where we know there had been a lot of settlement from North Africa.
Idiots like the persistent TROLL should not be ded – they set out to mislead and distract, they make false arguments and then use them to attack all who visit here. The troll knows he is lying – as usual. Just to be contrary, to distract – not to make any really valid point.
How many Africans in Macbeth or Henry V or King Lear ? Not many !
That is why it is ridiculous for the BBC to insert immigrants into historical pieces in character roles. All part of the BBC’s PC nonsense.
Doesnât a Jew have eyes? Doesnât a Jew have hands, bodily organs, a human shape, five senses, feelings, and passions? Doesnât a Jew eat the same food, get hurt with the same weapons, get sick with the same diseases, get healed by the same medicine, and warm up in summer and cool off in winter just like a Christian? If you prick us with a pin, donât we bleed? If you tickle us, donât we laugh? If you poison us, donât we die? And if you treat us badly, wonât we try to get revenge?
Not being a Shakespearean scholar I hesitate to doubt such a noted thespe as your good self but if you mean the following plays then you are onto a sticky wicket:
Titus Andronicus – Rome,
Othello – Africa,
The Tempest – Milanese in Foreign parts,
Antony and Cleopatra Egypt,
Pericles – Greece,
The Merchant of Venice – er, Venice,
A Midsummer Nightâs Dream – Athens,
Henry VIII (All is true) – England
As you can see only one of those plays takes part in England. I’m not sure which character is supposed to be the black character is but I’m sure you’ll let me know…
Scott, I am sure you are well informed concerning Shakespeare. But I wonder how many of his plays that feature black people were set in Elizabethan England? And specifically London? Romeo & Juliet? Othello? Midsummer Night’s Dream, Troilus? Anthony & Cleo? Titus etc etc?
Africans in the reign of Elizabeth 1 1596-1601 Fear of increased black population in London and other towns leads to Royal proclamation by Queen Elizabeth I to arrest and expel all “Negroes and blackamores” from her kingdom. I assume this is historically correct?
“Happy Valley” – had some potential but was so “gritty” (ie negative, sour, cynical and depressing) that it was hard to watch. Even cloth cap fish ‘n chip eating Northerners in Halifax and Hebden Bridge manage to find some humour in their lives.
I noticed that the cast wasn’t as diverse as we’ve come to expect. Don’t want them in gritty stuff like this unless they’re victims of white racism, I suppose.
Can I suggest a plot for “Happy Valley 2”? “Men” return from Iraq and Syria and cause mayhem in Harrogate or York by shooting the place up.
Abdul is a detective in a Northern town where he has a constant battle with the racism of his white colleagues.
Mohammed and Aziz have just come back from Syria and are finding it hard to fit in. There’s little work in Tory Britain, even for immigrants, and racist employers don’t like their attitude.
Boyed up by resentment at their treatment they turn to the Koran and Nazir their friendly Mullah for comfort. Nazir introduces them to Tracy …
Tracy is in care because her dad, local Tory councillor and Police Inspector (huh?) has been abusing her.
Tracy’s dad sees Tracy with her new friends and chases them in his Jam sandwich causing a car crash by not chasing them slowly. Aziz is killed and it all kicks off in the community.
Only Adbul can save the day and as he worships at the same mosque he manages to calm things down and arrest his boss, Tracy’s dad.
‘Lucky they continue to output quality programming’
Plus where would we be without the springboard to Mr. Cohen’s success and ability to speak on our behalves as to what constitutes the creme of broadcast achievement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snog_Marry_Avoid%3F Snog Marry Avoid? has received positive reviews, complimenting its useful beauty tips and ‘cliche’ gimmick. BBC Three’s boss has declared it a “roaring success”.
âA trope has developed, a cultural meme that asserts that American drama is far superior to drama produced in the UK and at the BBC,â said Mr Cohen
Obviously what the people have found from experience is their taste is simply unacceptable to the BBC, people have to realise BBC drama is the best whether it is or it isn’t !
If you call a circle a square long enough then people will believe it ?
Where is the BBCs version of game of thrones? Or Falling Skies. The list of very watchable American drama is enormous. The problem with the BBCs drama is that it’s so worked over by political officers that by the time it’s finished all that’s left is a grey mush pretty much indistinguishable from the other grey mush of output.
The TV I enjoy the most is on Sky: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Penny Dreadful, etc. These are my most anticipated viewing pleasures and all are of exceptional quality, both creative and technical – I can’t think of a single thing the BBC offers that enthuses me. Everything the BBC does is, for me at least, tainted by association with the BBC’s wretched common purpose values…
I enjoyed the Three Musty Queers earlier this year. One of the rare gems in the BBCs output.
Atlantis was a complete flop. and it was a great disappointment to find another series commissioned – it never would have been in the private sector.
Ripper Street is watchable but programs like ‘Being Human’ or that other thing about integrating zombies into mainstream life are so obviously loaded with Fascist political correctness that they’re unwatchable.
I can’t think of anything I’d even look forward to, let alone stay in for. There’s so little of any real quality these days.
“…thing about integrating zombies into mainstream life are so obviously loaded with Fascist political correctness…
It’s terrible. It’s called ‘In The Flesh’ and it’s absolutely dire. Another great example of how the BBC manages – always – to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. A great idea made unwatchable by the Politburo’s ‘Political Correctness & Thinly-Veiled Political Messaging Department of Pointless Interference’.
Zombies. It was supposed to be about zombies.
With the BBC no idea is ever allowed to survive intact, free from meddlesome Diversity Awareness Kommissars and other ideologues, which is why for me so much of the Corporation’s output is so completely unwatchable.
Tonight is the final episode of ‘Tigers About The House’; 2 of 3 episodes in and it’s been a rare delight. The tiger cubs are amazing, the only preaching being to rail against illegal Tiger poaching. But I’m fearful for tonight’s final episode – there hasn’t been any mention of it yet, but (as is the tradition with the BBC) will they somehow find a way to sneak in a climate change reference during the final five minutes..?
I watched The Pallisers shown recently, repeated from exactly 40 years ago. A reminder – rather a painful one – that the BBC could make good drama even pre Danny Cohen. Servants were in it but we weren’t reminded every five minutes how miserable and hard their lives were; women it was clear were forced into subservient roles but often exerted influence behind the scenes. We were spared, however, interminable preaching about their role and unfairness of the patriarchy. The point was made subtly and nuanced. (What’s that mean, asks Danny.) And just as a matter of interest, each episode started where the previous one had ended. No recap, no “Previously on The Pallisers” for 10 minutes.
Agree absolutely, I’ve harped on about this before. The Beeb makes party political broadcasts dressed up as drama. Doesn’t matter what the story is the social engineering lecture is what you get whether you want it or not.
A real hoot listening to the ‘Today’ programme on R4 this morning on the subject of why disadvantaged white boys (and girls) from low income white families are doing so badly in education compared to other groups. So many shots loosed off all missing the target by miles. They don’t have the intellects or experience to identify the real reasons for this issue.
The cause is still “racism”. Only this time it’s the racism of those stupid white children who are not embracing diverse, wonderful, multi-cultural Britain blah blah blah.
Being left behind as teachers try to teach English to non-english speaking kids, instead of the subject needing to be learned is never ever considered as a reason for the minority of white English speaking kids being bored and left behind though.
So there you have it direct from Mark Harper the Immigration Minister on BBC Daily Politics just now:
If returning jihadists, (if, and only if, they are spotted and identified?), will be:
A. Possibly, ONLY POSSIBLY, not allowed back in to UK, if they only have a right to reside, (as opposed to being born here with full passport) .
B. Those Full British Passport holders, (again only if spotted?), could have broken the law and be charged.
C. The Minister stated that those let in and not in jail will have to be monitored.
Mark Harper realises it takes up to 10-12 security agents on each case, (and there are hundreds UK jihadists fighting out there)!
So we can all rest in our beds now assured the problem will be solved.
What should happen is they either should not be let back in to UK or put in the slammer, until they either take up an offer to deport them back from whence they have been fighting or have ancestral ties, or until it is safe to let them out.
It may need a change of law, well get on to it now, this is urgent.
Great interviews on ‘Today’ this morning with, ahem, “British” muslims. Or is that muslims who happen to live in Britain? I think the answer to that question was definitively provided during the course of the interviews…
Don’t worry, I’m sure someone from The Muslim Council of Great Britain will be along shortly to reassure the BBC that what’s going on in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Kenya, Afghanistan, etc are nothing at all to do with ‘Islam’.
Because their actions aren’t ‘unislamic’, and are perfectly normal, everyday Islam? just a guess…
Recall the parents and accused governors of ‘Trojan Horse’ infamy saying their detractors were “Islamophobes”. They didn’t say the accusations against them were false. See what they did there? Nice sleight of hand…
But after that event a liberal US journalist Dana Milbank tried to claim (against the video evidence) that the panel member had viciously attacked the poor Muslim “student” who asked the question. Absolute bollox – pushing the false Islamophobia nonsense.
It turns out the Muslim “student” questioner is a known trouble-maker, always claiming victimhood for Muslims – including a friend of hers who was on a terrorism charge.
As you say – it is way past time that people gave a robust reply to the Muslims who claim that they are all moderates at heart.
Our waxworks PM has decided that ISIS are a threat to Great Britain not just because of their takeover of Iraq but because they are planning to attack us here. They have very big canoes in the Iraqi desert these ISIS chaps apparently. So we must do something about it says Dave Dastardly, but he did not specify exactly what. I donât suppose The Golfer across the pond has had time to make up his mind yet and itâs not something he is very good at anyway, so how could Dave know yet anyway?
So, if I read the situation correctly, we will be at war again with all of the consequences that will bring. Thank you (it was nothing to do with me gov.) Tony for getting us involved in the first place. And thanks (I will withdraw our boots on the ground and I donât care if the militants take over again) Barry. And an especial thanks to Milipede, Cleggybottom, Theresa Stone Face and the leader of the pack of dim wits, Cast Iron Guarantee Dave for letting millions more of British hating terrorists into our green and pleasant land. The irony is that the BBC and other idiots call them British. How can you be British if you fight against Britain?
If it wasnât so bloody awful and if so many good lads from England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and of course the USA will be losing their lives again it would be a joke. But it is not a joke and the fools in charge of us will once again fight every enemy they can find from the safety of the mucky cess pit they live in, called the Westminster Parliament.
Perhaps I’m taking your comment the wrong way – it’s hard to tell. If so, I apologise, but:
Is it not the case that approx. 500 ISIS fighters are British citizens, with passports giving them the right of return to the UK, obviously?
That is technically a battalion of 500 ISIS men in the UK, spread about in Bradford, Luton, Tower Hamlets, wherever. And we’ll let them back in, and that is no problem? Is the ‘clue’ phone ringing yet? Maybe you should pick it up…this is a far bigger threat than anything Saddam could ever have mustered in 100 years, and the 45 minutes bullsh*t lie.
I would have thought it was obvious but I’m always happy to help out.
You said canoe. I made a joke about 45 days (minutes). Do you see what I did there? A canoe takes 45 days to get to the UK from Iraq. Very funny eh? đ
I would have thought Joshaw’s piccy would have been a clue?
As to the ISIS mob/equivalent showing up back here I think you’ll find I was warning about that last year, so yes I do see the problem.
No matter how many times I type this, the message just doesn’t seem to be getting through !
You are falling victim to the BBC lies !
Lies of omission !
They keep you in ignorance deliberately, and unless you make the effort to find the facts yourself then you will never find out what is being kept from you.
Worse still though I’ve taken the trouble to type it here four or five times, and you still haven’t picked up on it !
ISIS are a massive threat, as they wish to establish a new Caliphate, which would certainly have the ability to threaten the UK and America.
We didn’t need to fight Saddam, we do need to fight ISIS because of the threat they pose.
Just because you remain unaware of it does not mean it doesn’t exist !
Er, but at the moment they’re fighting each other: Good. Let them get on with it. Then, when a victor emerges, let’s nuke the site from orbit: It’s the only way to be sure.
Thoughtful, we do not need to pick on each other here. We are in agreement and trust me I am not a victim of the BBCâs lies. You and I may write it down differently but we all know what the problem is. We are not being told the truth by our British Broadcasting Corporation. I am not going to debate Caliphates with you, or any other title you or they wish to use, they are murderous scum by any name and should not have been fed cash and arms in Syria by the USA, which they (ISIS) have now used on a soft cowardly target, namely Iraq, to take over a large part of that country.
The threat from ISIS is not the threat of an invasion across the English Channel, it is the threat of returning men who are called British by the BBC because they normally live here or even may have been born here but will then use the skills they have learned in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to do harm here in Britain. It is therefore here that we should use our armed services to help the customs and immigration people at the sea and airports to send them away by whatever means is quickest and most efficient, no questions asked. Drop them out of helicopters over the sea for all I care. And the same for the ones who are here in Britain already just waiting to strike. We know who they are, get rid of them quietly, efficiently and for good. The time may not yet be here though, and certainly our current leadership do not have the bottle for the job. But it is what we will have to do eventually.
I said in my comment, which you clearly are disagreeing with, that we must thank Blair for this mess when he started a war on the basis of a lie. But having established control in Iraq and losing so many British and American lives doing it Obama then decides to pull out leaving an inadequate sectarian government in charge. Only a back street community agitator from Chicago/Hawaii, with a colour complex could have been so crazy. The result is undoubtedly a mess 100 hundred times worse than before the incompetence of Blair, Bush and Obama .
As to whether we should fight them on their own turf again is another matter. What can we do bomb them into being good little chaps by flattening Mosul and killing a few thousand innocent women and children again? Or send in our boys with their hands tied behind their backs again by politicians who will not let them get on with the job in the way it should be done. Then they come home and face the Daily Mirror and the Civil Rights lawyers again. My answer to that is NO, NO and NO again. Not one more good and true British life should be wasted fighting the ISIS monsters or any other regimes in foreign lands only to be driven out once again with our tail between our legs after a few years because we have become too soft.
Chilli was maybe being facetious but he was correct. Only if and when they become a serious threat to us by invasion or in any other way then we should flatten them without mercy with the nuclear option. It is what should have happened to Mecca after 9/11. That is where most of the men and the cash came from, Saudi Arabia. There would have been a more co-operative attitude from our friends in the BBCâs favoured religion then I think. It could hardly be worse than it is now when we are very afraid that our own so called British citizens will start a war here. Could it?
So it’s BBc Breakfast. I see the weather forecaster is off to the races tommorow why she needs to tellme an approximate weather forecast from a race track is beyond me, Oh yes the one that caught my attention this morning. Poor white kids are under performing. They are then compared to Indian & Chinese children, is it me or is something missing here. So they need to have longer days. Seems to me that kids are never actually at school these days, when their various holidays have finished there always seems to be a teacher training day tagged on the end. At the end of the report they added in the right circumstances this group pick up faster than all the other groups or words to that effect. Which of course you could interpret to read as the teachers are showing other groups more attention, but I’m sure that couldn’t possibly be the case.
Actually it has already happened. Remember those footballists that were ambushed outside a night club and, because there was a larger group of them, kicked the shit out of one of the ambushers.
Result: Footballers in the dock.
NB This trick was played on my nephew who was ambushed leaving a nightclub with his girlfriend by a group of ‘anti-alcohol’ campaigners. Nothing seems to have been done to catch the bastards. That seems to be a common occurrence ‘Oop North.
Radio 4 PM and BBC playwright Alan Bennett has been whining about private education, and how unfair it is.
To balance it the BBC invite a previous head from a public school and Owen Jones from the Guardian.
So that’s Two against and one for – hardly fair. But worse than that they gave both Bennett and Jones much more time to express their politics of envy.
the bbc,the fake anti racist groups lke the uaf and hope not hate and all these other left wing groups could not care less about white victims of muslim racism and violence,why arent those muslim racists charged with racially aggravated offences against this white lad,they wont because we have a 2 tier system in this country when it comes to muslim on white racism.from the trojan horse racist plot in birmingham and its defenders like those teachers david hughes and lee donaghy on the home affairs select committee yesterday to this racist attack on that white lad in london these racists will always get away with this racism because left wing groups will always defend these people as proved in this trojan horse plot in birmingam,thats that i am afraid.
I think you know the answer to that one. No. The only reason the Left adore every step his sandals take is because of the colour of his skin. It’s so patronizing isn’t it? It’s the same type of infantile ethnic discrimination you find in every modern university politics/sociology/Marxist textbook… if you’re an ethnic minority you can do no bad. If you are white, a Christian and English you’re buggered!
Actually he owes more than just the 50% of his genes to his white mother and her parents, he owes everything; his work ethic his education. His Kenya black father, apparently very clever, did what so many black men seem to do and left his white wife to bring up their child on her own with the help of Obamas grandparents.
The influences on him are far more white than black.
It always puzzles me that so much is made of the dark skin of those who have done well, while the 50% white genetic make up of the child/ individual and virtually all the upbringing is ignored.
Dame Kelly Holmes got it right I think; when her absent dad who abandoned her mother the moment she was born, tried to come back into her life years later when she was successful, she referred to him as merely a ‘sperm donor”
The first ”black” female Oscar winner? That would be the one with the Liverpudlian white mother and the absent black dad.
The obliteration, when it suits, of any white heritage is a puzzlement, but one the BBC and leftie media are always keen to promote.
They may love him because of his complexion, but also surely because they agree with his hippy dippy lefty useless style over substance (lack of) policies.
Radio 4 reporting on the ISIS group in the Middle East, and the fact that they want to establish a ‘new state’. No mention of the size of that state, or any coverage in any depth.
Certainly no mention of a Caliphate and the problems which might ensue.
I’ve noticed much chatter during the day about the shortfall in NHS finances. The stand out phrase for me has been “our population has grown”. Yes good very nearly there but all they had to say was why exactly has our population suddenly increased.
I’m leaving for good now but this is a good site. Keep up the good work. Ultimately I think you’d all be better off like me in not bothering watching much on the BBC it only annoys me half the time. Keep up the fight against the bonkers left and its’ spokes er people! Or is it persons?! Keep chipping away at the edifice. Ken makes enormous sense in his comments. He’s worth listening to. Good luck to you all and Mr Vance.
This is very unusual question but do you no longer have remit to report this Public Interest type of UK Tax spend results?
If not, do you feel this sort of Public Interest reporting, (must say of great interest to those very many in UK who deal with analysis Government spending), should be a subsided Public Broadcasting tax spend given to other TV/Media to report?
The bBBC mentioned this on its 6 o’clock ‘news’ this evening, saying that a major study had shown the NHS to be the most efficient health service. Strangely they didn’t mention that the same study showed that the NHS came 10th out of 11 countries for ‘healthy lives’, i.e. our NHS was the second-best in the world at killing people.
As the Guardian (the print arm of the bBBC) put it The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive. On a composite “healthy lives” score, which includes deaths among infants and patients who would have survived had they received timely and effective healthcare, the UK came 10th. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/17/nhs-health
Hmmmm – the articles seem to refer to the UK NHS – which, as I recall does not exist…the Welsh and Scottish NHS bodies are run independently, and to different standards, by their local ‘parliamentary bodies’…. so the assessment must presumably be about NHS England.
I wonder where the Welsh NHS appears in relation to these others…. you know, the one wholly under Labour control, as opposed to the one being currently managed (and surprisingly well managed, it would appear, if one were to believe the Guardian) under a Conservative-led government (I am sure that’s the phrase oft-used by the BBC when it wants to have a dig at the Tories on their own).
Mind you, according to the comments on the Guardian article, this government has practically run the NHS into the ground….funny that independent, international judges don’t think so – and neither does the Guardian, apparently.
Guardian/BBC staff must be crucifying themselves trying to make this into bad news for the government – but no doubt there will be time for the nail holes to heal whan they’ve found the formula they are after.
The BBC ‘News’ is not news – it is just a political propaganda outlet, like Pravda, Iranian Press TV, or Al Jazeera. TV news is dying, along with newspapers and The Big State, but those foolishly dedicated to them don’t realise it yet. The worst of all has to be MSNBC in the US, which makes the BBC look like Breitbart edited by Margaret Thatcher.
‘The BBC âNewsâ is not news’
Beyond its agenda-driven priorities, I have to wonder what drives what is, or is not ‘news’ anyway.
With all going on, I just got this as a rush ‘breaking’ email: Caver surfaces after marathon rescue
Well, that’s nice, but hardly front page holding stuff.
Shame it’s only one, or they could get a German-speaking correspondent and team out there to count them out like Whack-a-moles.
MSNBC does not even pretend to be a “breaking-news” outlet any more, as its boss told the HuffPo. Its daytime programming is as opinionated as its evening programming. One may profess to see, in the emphasis given to certain aspects of stories and indeed the choice of what will be covered live, perhaps a certain rightward view on FOX, but FOX clearly differentiates its news programming from its opinion programming with a 1900 watershed hour– which MSNBC fails to do.
(Perhaps this is unfair, but three of MSNBC’s hosts are reputed to be untreated alcoholics whose Howard Beale-esque nature apparently must make for better television, according to Mr. Griffin, one can only surmise.)
In any event, MSNBC is consistently trounced in the viewership numbers. It is considered choir practice for a cadre of Washington/NYC/LA Leftie opinion leader types, nothing more. Its only worth in viewing is as a window into the minds and souls of the cultish worshippers of Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Of course, none of this would mean anything to the sort of person who would view uncritically the BBC’s coverage of the same issues which gain international traction– like Lord Nelson, they would see no problem. The domestic coverage of ANY outlet, whether government or private owned, must always be taken with a grain of salt, and it is their international coverage which is where you will hope to see whether journalism is being committed or not, so to speak. If that too is similarly agenda-driven, even with there being no incestuous beholdenness to the local authorities, then you have a problem. If it is the MSNBC view that is in the main the tack the BBC will take, ask yourself why.
Arthur, yes of course it is weather. Weather is a consequence of Climate. the point I was making here is that the BBC are always telling us about Climate Change due to Global Warming caused by man made Co2 increasing levels. The Hockey Stick graph which the BBC tells us is now settled science, should be revealing a growth in temperatures around the globe. Unfortunately, the opposite is now happening with temperatures falling and as a result of this, events such as my link are happening. If only the BBC would spend as much time discussing cooling climates as they do warming ones. Oh and if the temperature in Norway was 30c, then that is not climate but a temperature anomaly.
Good morning from the BBC. And this week’s death of an obscure person is Horace Silver. You won’t of heard of him so we’ve helpfully included a picture of Miles Davis, whom you might of. Have you been affected by the death of an obscure person? If so, please contact the BBC in time for next week’s one and include words like “legend”, “top” or “acclaimed” in your report. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-27916044
Here comes Mr. Jordan again… http://bbcwatch.org/2014/06/19/bbc-announces-new-guidance-on-online-content/
Sadly, as this piece illustrates, the BBC guiding itself is often a variable affair, too often resulting in their guidelines being designed to ensure they get it about right.
Or, in the event they do not, still get it about right.
‘An investigation by the BBC has found 1000s of paedophiles…..’
It has been noted previously hereabouts that the BBC don’t do irony.
This so-called ‘investigation’ appears to me to be little more than a puff piece for those wanting more ‘policing of the internet’.
The fact that the BBC couldn’t spot a pervert in their own car park for 20 years and then happily – with a nudge and a wink – named a random Tory in this respect goes by the board.
What do you call it when an organisation has no shame and apparently no internal memory? Has to be an ‘ism’ of some form.
Evan Davis’s dog, Mr. Whippy can forecast the outcome of the World Cup, apparently. This is news? Apart from the fact that the dog is a whippet, one has to wonder about the origins of its name…
Womans hour, that bastion of Fascist left propaganda, tells us:
In about half an hour a document from the IPPR will be released which will form the basis of the Labour parties manifesto.
So we thought we’d indulge in some shameless promotion for the Labour party !
This has been “news” since yesterday and featured on the Radio 4 8:00 am flagship “news” this morning to be followed up by a cringingly helpful “interview” of Rachel Reeves (who, by the sound of her, is the intellectually challenged shadow something or other). There is no item of the Labour manifesto for next year’s general election which isn’t given an uncritical OTT “Paradise on Earth” coverage by the BBC (with a 5-second throwaway “impartial” footnote that the Conservative-led government doesn’t agree).
Saw the pre ,News 24 ( copied from Sky News) coming up in the next hour, 9am news ; “At 0910 we go live to East London ,where The Millipeed is giving a speech “. Turned off the tv to mow the lawn , had a quick flick at 1050 to watch weather forecast, the Millipeed was still going on about shite “live” , over on Sky something else . It occurred to me I must now be living in North Korea , as “The Great Leader ” Kim Il Sung Millipeed was giving a speech & North Korea Broadcasting Corporation (al bbc) had been duty bound to broadcast our “Great Future Leader`s ” Kim Il Sung Millipeeds 1 hr 40 mins speech in full . If that evil twat ever became PM ( God Forbid) we can expect more of the same on daily basis from those socialist scum. It was amusing to see even Paxo , on his last show ,choose Boris to take a bike ride with , if it had been Millipeed , Paxo would of hopefully puked all over Millipeed`s back !
And yet more puff for this “policy” of starving the thick back to work”.
PM tonight reports on the “more in sorrow than in anger” nature of this hare-brained hair of a scheme.
The IPPR most sad and all cow-eyed at offering the plebs the life chances of the marginalised, vulnerable-if only we could find it in our hearts to trust Ed in this painful adjustment; then Labour will be OK.
Outrageous biased slops and slurry from the BBC-if the Tories had suggested penalising the thick and lazy like this, the BBC would be up in arms…as would the class warriors of Labour who prop them up.
But no criticism of this crap from Muddibland…just sadness at what we the electorate have turned him into!
When will Labour have to fund their own carrier pigeon, water cooler goss…when did the BBC see its job as giving Labour as much free “talkng shops and workspace facilities”, at our expense?
Another bad dose of VD this morning as Victoria was in full-on Radio5 chav-mode: an obese man in Denmark has been sacked from his job as a child-minder, after numerous warnings, because he can’t do his job. This is terrible discrimination, of course, and VD thinks everyone should be given a job for life regardless of whether they can actually do a job or not.
Really a can’t lose for the BBC there.
He gets fired… outrage.
Kid suffers because they can’t fire him… outrage.
All manner of (possibly) unsuitable folk head to a tribunal for not being offered the job.. outrage.
BBC does something similar… raft of licence fee money on legal/FoI exemptions even discussing them keeping their little secret.
‘This is terrible discrimination, of course, and VD thinks everyone should be given a job for life regardless of whether they can actually do a job or not. ‘
This is a page well worth the bookmark and occasional scope: http://www.bbc.co.uk/helpandfeedback/corrections_clarifications/index.html
Seems the BBC pretty much again got it about right as far as this month’s ESC is concerned, but amazingly a few did get upheld…
Had to love the ‘result’ to one: ‘Staff will be reminded to ensure the wording used in accounts of court cases accurately reflects the content and outcome of the proceedings.’
Yes, that is well worth the reminder.
Especially when things stay very internal… ‘The Senior Editorial Complaints Adviser (the Adviser) decided that the complainantâs appeal did not have a reasonable prospect of success.’
So… the BBC doesn’t think the BBC needs to worry about the BBC being held to account.
However, the BBC does appear to see precedent as valuable, if on a case–by-case basis.. ‘âIn-keeping with some of the jokes featured in the past, we included a scripted joke which played on a name; on this occasion the name was van Cutsem, with a nod to Harryâs reputation as the party prince. Given the established audience expectations for this irreverent, post-watershed BBC One series we felt that such a joke was editorially justified, would not have exceeded those expectations, and would be in line with the BBCâs Editorial Guidelines.â
I must remember ‘established audience expectations’ as an excuse when the BBC, or its kapos here mount the outrage pony.
Will they see the double standards and irony? “I have to say that I think, on balance, that this is very unlikely.”
This next was a further gem: ‘The Adviser agreed with the ECU response. She also noted â as the ECUâs Complaints Director had done, that the joke had been followed by a comment from Ian Hislop, who had interjected: âHave we lost the lawyersâ and considered this would alert viewers to the idea that this was a contentious statement that should not be taken seriously.
If only Newsnight had thought of that when dropping the McAlpine legal costs ball on licence fee payers. Hope the next Flokker worrying about defamation is taking note.
And finally, there’s this one: ‘The Panel concluded that:
⢠the BBC had not listened carefully enough to what the complainant was saying and although the BBCâs intention may have been to help the complainant by immediately escalating his complaint, it had not treated the complainant fairly, which had resulted in a breach of the Complaints Framework’
Worth reading to see what moved the mighty BBC deflection machine to shoulder blame and be humbled for not acting quickly enough or being clear before rolling over. I’ll leave it to readers to locate.
They’re all in two massive PDFs of upwards of 60pp of mostly rehashed waffle.
Not so much precedent, but this odd form of ”just joking” excuse that gives comedians a pass does seem to be pervasive. http://www.spectator.co.uk/features/9238331/since-when-has-steve-coogan-stood-against-censorship/ Its chief executive, Jodie Ginsberg, told me that as an âedgyâ comedian he understood the need to confront oppressive power
That word ‘edgy’ does crop up a fair bit. Senor Montoya may have a notion on what it really means.
That HIGNFY’s most loyal boot boy has found some cojones is not before time, but give the players and allies in the frame… including the BBC, Hacked Off, etc… the various groupings vying for the power to tell the public what they can or can’t learn about, or whom (especially not them) seems very much in sack of rat territory already.
This is a cracker from your link, GW! Regarding the ‘Sun Has Got His Hat On’ DJ and the ‘N’ word…
We have received complaints following the departure of presenter David Lowe from BBC Radio Devon.
“We accept that the discussion with David Lowe about his future could have been handled better, and the door remains open to him to return to BBC Radio Devon should he change his mind.
His offer to resign was agreed locally but once it was escalated it was decided that his resignation should not have been accepted.
David was initially invited to return to his show on 6 May. He has declined and so we would like to thank him for his many years presenting on Radio Devon and wish him well for the future.”
They dumped on him, then thank him ”For his many years presenting on Radio Devon and wish him well for the future”
That was sad on so many levels, not least amongst staff, where it became more than clear the ‘dob you in’ brigade are now in charge of the neck end of the rat sack.
Can’t be fun to work permanently worried if your co-worker or boss is going to whisper a few magic words into the system if they don’t like your style.
Very Eastern European… from a another time.
The amazing part is how quickly the thing was swept away, yet I believe the offending incantations were until recently and indeed still may be lurking in archive to catch the unwary archivist.
Of course, there are certain criteria that do need to be met, as Mr. Lowe and Ms. Thatcher found, whereas other staff can posses immunity for word or deed simply because the BBC corporate ethos agrees with them.
Hence the institutional nature of the organisation from rotten head through cowering middle to disgruntled cannon fodder.
Unique. Not pretty.
And in other news, it seems the austerity is really biting the BBC staffing and salaries along with all the rest, as old roles become new roles or new roles appear to cover what clearly could not before, or was, or now needs more money to do, or… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/minted.html
Have to say those ÂŁ20-30k ‘boosts’ look a lot like what many outside the BBC comfort zone still call ‘salaries’.
A newspaper in Abu Dhabi has just published an analysis of all sorts of links involving the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK. Included in the analysis are some people who appear to get invited into the BBC.
Time for the BBC to put a bar on these characters – or to require them to be described as having links to the Muslim Brotherhood ? Nope – the BBC will probably turn a blind eye, they are perfectly happy for paid propagandists to pollute our airwaves.
On You and yours Radio 4 the guest that said she was happy living in England was asked as the last question what she particularly liked about it. She said that she liked the different type of people, the multi -culture especially in Manchester. This was clearly what the producers wanted to leave you with. . It just sounded so rehearsed and I’m pretty sure she was asked to say that.
Myth and reality. If the BBC’s leading programme Eastenders portrayed life in the East End as it really is – rather than the honeyed myth of Cockneydom – they’d lose most of the audience.
Lose the audience? How about 99% of the cast, first of all!
One story line for the new ‘Eastenders’ could be ‘Mohammed organises a rape, torture and pimping of non-muslim females gang with the guys from the kebab shop and min-cab place’. That would work…well, they do like gritty realism in ‘Eastenders’, don’t they?
I’d have to take issue with the headline (beyond it hardly reflecting the copy).
Newsnight is not ‘dying’, as a brand or anything else.
The old slipway is more holed and unfit for purpose than any in Kiel after a squadron on Tallboy-toting Lancs re-landscaped the pens and bunkers.
And has been for a while now.
All it does seem fit for is to provide employment to endless Katz-acoloytes to produce more apology and correction fodder on the public tab.
Maybe, like the Telegraph, they see their future online.
The last five ‘stories’ do not reassure:
Paxman bows out with Boris bike ride http://www.bbc.co.uk
Here’s a bit more of Jeremy’s and Boris’s bike ride. See the interview in full on Wednesday, 10.30pm, on BBC Two.
Boris and Jeremy in tandem – Newsnight
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Paxman share a bicycle on the streets of London. Find out why on Jeremy’s last programme, Wednesday at 10.30pm.
Saatchi: ‘Abolish corporation tax’
Lord Saatchi explains his plan to abolish corporation tax for small companies.
Cupid’s arrow
Is romance at the heart of London schools’ success? Chris Cook examines the evidence.
Can oldest player erase dark history?
John Motson tells the story of Colombian goalkeeper Faryd Mondragon – the oldest player in the 2014 World Cup and a link to one of the competition’s darkest moments.
Nor the fact that most barely generated a handful of comments.
It’s a dead parrot walking, and has been for a fair while.
I’m sure we have all heard of the recent tragic death of a student in Essex, where it has been reported that the victim was *probably* a Muslim because of her dress sense. The BBC leads with “Colchester murder: Religious hate crime a line of inquiry” but as the police suggest, there are other lines of enquiries at this point in time and within the article the police state: “But… there is no firm evidence at this time that she was targeted because of her religion.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-27902604
Nice of you to assume for us BBC.
Just re-read the piece.
It’s an amazing mash-up of supposition from start to finish, mixing incredible detail one minute and astoundingly vague throwaways the next.
There is a ‘man’ in the frame, and the victim seems a mystery figure, yet the highest levels of Saudi diplomacy seem totally on top of it and involved already.
Given no one knows, there are all sorts of other possibilities from so-called honour issues to high-level hits to simple wrong place, wrong time. A mode of dress these days hardly projects anything to the level it has been.
If more is known than being let on officially, they have hinted at it in the most ham-fisted way possible.
One to keep tabs on.
I’ll be intrigued how this pans out in both fact and reporting of it.
At the moment, a woman has died in violent circumstances, and that is enough tragic news to handle for now.
Clicked a link and here’s a later, less editorialised version: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-27923606
I know this country is pretty inured to murder, but two days later this one seems restricted to the local zone still.
This seems like a heinous murder of a student, which needs reporting.
But is INBBC reporting this?:-
“ISIS jihadi from UK calls for jihad attacks on British civilians to avenge Muslimaâs murder”
[Excerpt, Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“The murder of Nahid Almanea was heinous enough, and now Abu Rashash Britani is trying to compound its evil by calling for more attacks on innocent civilians. Has anyone inquired into who this person Abu Rashash Britani is, and where he learned his understanding of Islam? Or would such an inquiry in todayâs Britain be ‘Islamophobic’â?
Reporting, yes.. what is known.
Not cherry picking what juicy theory is suspected, that can only inflame (QED) and hand the propaganda pr directly to those who can and will abuse it (QED).
Here’s another ‘possibility’… a false flag op. Who knows?
But interesting where the media thrust appears so far to have headed vs. Newsnight dispatching cabbies around to emote with Tell Mama of communities now living in fear of ‘the backlash’.
In Lee Rigby’s case it never materialised. Here the national broadcaster (and others) do not seem to have had such responsible concerns, appearing much more confident of ‘community’ calm than they were post-Woolwich.
What next? This Abu Rashash Britani on Today to Newsnight to ‘understand his motivations’?
Even if it turns out to be a ‘hate murder’ by a card-carrying ‘ism nutter, the BBC would be well advised to report vs. Speculate as it is doing currently.
The media that often rush to calm in such events before seem curiously quick to do anything but in this case:
@LBC: Police investigating the murder of a Muslim woman have warned people about going out in Muslim dress. Is this a Britain you recognise?
I struggle to see this as responsible journalism (or police advice… it’s idiotic on any measure).
Sadly, this is a media reaction I now recognise in this country all too well.
The comments in response may give LBC some pause, though.
Sorry for the family whose relative’s passing has already been co-opted into a media agenda, but given that no one knows squat at present that headline is hard to justify on most grounds, from professional integrity to throwing already strained community cohesion to the winds.
Dumb as box of rocks of the police to provide that “quote” (I presume they did), but when in the realms of ‘could have’ it is bonkers for them and any media to pitch only a possibility at this stage the way it has been.
Whatever happened to the usual ‘men… and that’s yer lot’ inevitably po-faced churned out under selective watertight oversight? This is vast, unproven detail that cannot be known yet.
If this turns out not to be as first boosted, there really needs to be some serious introspection in editorial.
The BBC with any reference to WW2 prefers to use the word Nazi rather than German. For example, the RAF in the Battle of Britain defeated the Nazis. It’s as if the Nazis were from a different country to Germany.
But being so pro Europe, the BBC has a dilemma as well as an agenda. Oh, they do wish the last veterans would die soon so that they the BBC could ‘move on’.
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MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 đ¤Łđ¤Łđ¤Łđ¤Ł https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
I saw the other night that the BBC showed their ” The greatest Crash ” , the story of the 1955 LeMans tragedy .
It is typical that they take an event that saw the death of so many , & turn it into a lie about a rich Public School boy leading Britain into war with Europe & causing a disaster .
But I guess that with the election coming next year it will be shown more times to try to get their lies across .
Link to original pictures & testimony which prove that Hawthorn did not brake suddenly causing the crash , & although some people have tried to blame him for , all the evidence from the time , & an investigation by the Authorities
cleared him completely
Of course, BBC-NUJ doesn’t reflect British people’s interests;
instead, it politically campaigns against them:-
“The people have spoken on mass immigration. So will the political class hear them?”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2660839/NORMAN-LAMONT-The-people-spoken-mass-immigration-So-political-class-hear-them.html#ixzz34yn5Bbc5
“Liberal political class ‘fuelling voters’ anger over migrants’: They fail to understand the public’s concern at their peril, say experts.
“Gap between urban elite and rest of Britain helps Ukip, says annual study.
“British Social Attitudes survey says fewer Britons support multiculturalism.
“Some 95% say speaking English is a crucial part of being ‘truly British.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2660762/Liberal-political-class-fuelling-voters-anger-migrants-They-fail-understand-publics-concern-peril-say-experts.html#ixzz34yo3lPPQ
“The party has more or less apologised for this, but has still given no explanation as to why its administration allowed 2.5 million immigrants from outside the EU to come here.”
We already know the answer to this Norman my good chap:
“To rub the right’s nose in diversity”
‘some locals have reported that the islamist fighters have been treating them very well’ droned the droidess this morning’.
F me gently….
‘Treating them very well’ in a ‘we haven’t got round to slaughtering you yet but don’t worry we will’ kind of way.
And of course if you haven’t been ‘treated very well’ by ISIS you’re out there in the desert under two feet of sand and not really in a position to comment.
They got history the droidesses: the humanity of the taleban : wailing at the death of Palithug Arafat: and of course going into full howl whenever an ‘immoderate’ gets on the business end of a Reaper strike.
I can only blame a comfortable middle class upbringing reading Mills & Boon under the bedclothes with a torch after lights-out. When they’re eleven some of the droidesses wanted to be swept off their feet by Omar Sharif (sp?) and galloped off to his tent in the desert for a night of forbidden love.
Fast forward forty years and they want to be given a good old-fashioned ‘seeing too’ by an islamist ‘commander’, lying on a black flag, and with his AK47 still strapped to his back.
‘Going troppo’ doesn’t begin to describe it.
And just for the benefit of this particular droidess, according to ISIS’ ‘Annual Report For 2013’ these ‘verywelltreaters’ have let off 137 car bombs, 4635 regular bombs and murdered 1083 people.
… and finally.
‘Ho-ho’ chortled Gameshow, ‘…mah dotter sayed why is that man (Fellaini) wearing a wig ho ho ho ha ha ha’.
Of course then realising he’d just committed career suicide backtracked very very quickly with…
‘Wonderful hair, yes, wonderful hair’.
‘Yes wonderful hair’ echoed ‘Rache’.
Now in case you didn’t quite get that…
Yes, Britain, 2014, this is really what we’ve come to đ
I remember as a kid my Mum used to collect Robertson’s Marmalade jar labels and, once she had enough, send them off to get the Golliwog broaches (proper enamel jobs, actually very nicely made). Me and my siblings (I’m one of five) used to love collecting the broaches. Race never came into it; it simply didn’t ever occur to any of us that there could be any ‘racist’ overtones to collecting the broaches.
Many years later I was informed by the wretched, joyless PC police just what a nasty, bigoted, racist little kid I must have been. *sadface.jpg*
Nothing is sacred. Not even our childhoods.
When I was a kid, I actually never made the connection to the little gollywog character on a jar of silver shred & black people.
The innocence of youth, eh?
Smashed to pieces by the PC brigade of do-gooders & liberal hand-wringers.
Ho hum.
My mate’s mum had a black sambo savings bank. You put a shilling in the little chap’s hand, cranked a lever, and he put it into his gob and swallowed it.
Can only buy them ‘under the table’ now in antique shops.
This is a post about the anti democratic EU. It uses an example, but the post is not about the example ! Please do not be distracted by it !
Tomorrow there will be a decision made by an EU Commissar called Tonio Borg on whether to allow a GM Maize 1507.
This is despite the fact that 19 EU states and the EU parliament have voted against GM and banned them since 1990s !
It’s not a post about GM, but the anti democratic institution which is the EU, where a single Commissar an simply ignore democratic process and over ride the governments of member states and the EU parliament !
Needless to say the BBC aren’t covering this, but there is plenty about it on line.
It’s not a discussion about GM ! It’s about an anti democratic EU in action !
Do you know, I’ve never, ever decapitated a Shia dog! In fact, now I come to think of it, I’ve never even come to think of it. It never crossed my mind: âWell, there’s a fun thing to do on a rainy Sundayâ. I wonder why that is? Well, it certainly couldn’t be my birth into that racist and homophobic backwater which was 1950s Britain, could it? Nor the fact that blessed, er, sorry, cursed with that accident of birth I left school in the ’70s able to parse a sentence, make a few token quotes from Shakespeare, untangle some of the major threads of history, jab a finger towards a map roughly in the vicinity of a named country even before they started dropping bombs on it and knowing a bit about Laplace Transforms and differential equations. No!; so what could it be?
Diversity Awareness Training, that’s what it was.
Now, wouldn’t you think that before they cut the buggers loose after the invasion, our wonderful, far-sighted leaders would have thought to give the Iraqis some?
Diversity training trains us to tolerate people who are utterly intolerant and lack diversity. It is meant to force the white heterosexual male become subservient to every other minority and accept without question, all the backwards and intolerable actions of any other group of people without daring to complain.
It is tyranny, nothing more, nothing less.
It is our own fault for allowing it ,how many times have you heard some middle class prick saying ‘can I say that now’ ? my answer is YES say it as loud as you like you gutless prat !
I see that Owen ‘Shouty Boy’ Jones, the BBC’s favourite Guardian hack is giving – wait for it – a “masterclass”. Stop sniggering at the back there. A snip at only ÂŁ39…
Jones is mana from heaven for the right, keep it up son, your doing a grand job.
‘Writing compelling columns with Owen Jones’.
The little twerp compels me to use bad language and punch the wall.
Not what you think… There’s an article on the BBC website today entitled “The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-27883685). During recent decades, Christians have been persecuted, intimidated (both directly and indirectly) and forced out of the “West Bank” (sic) by their Islamic Palestinian brethren. But is this article about that? Of course not – it’s those dastardly Israelis who are responsible for this outrage. Now it is an unfortunate fact of life that some Christians, Muslims and yes even Jews have been forced to relocate due to the dictates of the security situation. Some of these will be genuinely hard luck stories and some miscarriages of justice where the Israeli state has played a heavy hand. But the fact remains is that Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the local Christian population has actually increased since WWII and one of the very few where Christians do not experience discrimination. So why have the BBC chosen this particular example? I think we can guess why.
Bumper crop…
BBC Unique Financing
(before you get to secretaries, mini-cabs etc)
BBC Unique Staffing
It’s a Not enough Market Rate Chiefs vs. Too many In-house Indians thing, one supposes. Likely another BBC ‘little secret’.
‘I can find no record of a job advert’
This may change however…
‘Indescribably boring report on #newsnight on #fracking. How I wish they’d go back to the good old days of libelling Former cabinet ministers’
Dark looks around the Newsnight baked spud microwave surely? If not a visit from Danny Cohen & the boys.
BBC Unique Diversity (as it’s so in vogue)
Mr. Javid may find the whole thing hideously stitched up by the club.
Rik Mayall had it right. When an undergraduate in media studies (yes, I know, but bear with me …) wrote to him asking his opinion of the main difference between writing comedy for radio and for television, Rik Mayall replied

There is none. They’re both run by BBC neo-situationalist class-racists.
He signed himself ‘love and violence, Lenny Henry.’
Britain is full of box-set snobs who shout about their love of American imports and fail to realise that British drama is the best in the world, the head of BBC TV has suggested.
Domestic shows such as Happy Valley and Broadchurch are just as good as the most celebrated American and Scandinavian versions, according to Danny Cohen.
In comments likely to trigger fierce debate among TV fans, Mr Cohen said that viewers and critics who thought that the big-budget American shows, such as Mad Men and Breaking Bad, were the best in the world were out of touch with ordinary British audiences. âA trope has developed, a cultural meme that asserts that American drama is far superior to drama produced in the UK and at the BBC,â said Mr Cohen, the BBCâs director of television.
âItâs an argument driven by box-set consumers who have a louder voice in Britainâs cultural dialogue than the average family who sit down at night in Britainâs towns and villages to decide which drama they want to watch.â
British dramas were more celebrated in America than in their home country, he added. âIn Britain, we are not very good at celebrating our success. We somehow find it embarrassing. We often see the cup as half empty.â
Mr Cohenâs defence of British drama reflects the BBCâs sensitivity about its peak-time programming amid pressure on its production budgets and increasing competition from pay-TV and online services such as Netflix, which have fuelled the popularity of foreign shows.
(ÂŁ) http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/arts/tv-radio/article4122419.ece
Seems the BBC market rate floor is stirring, if slightly free of irony, with a ÂŁ4B pot of cash to play with on their pet projects.
‘sounds good until you realise itâll be the BBC deciding the music and the musicians’
Quality (and a few others) control, no doubt.
Must be nice to be a vastly, and uniquely funded, and unaccountable, monopoly.
And in such as Mr. Cohen, top execs who appear to feel telling folk what they like, or else, is the best route over providing it to be chosen voluntarily.
Each outing from this chap makes me wonder just how immune the top brass feels itself to be.
âBritain is full of box-set snobs who shout about their love of American imports and fail to realise that British drama is the best in the worldâ, the head of BBC TV has suggested.
Assertion â box-set snobs are happy to consume good quality drama from anywhere (including Scandinavian cop series)
Domestic shows such as Happy Valley and Broadchurch are just as good as the most celebrated American and Scandinavian versions, according to Danny Cohen.
Assertion â probably right but that is not the point is it?
âIn comments likely to trigger fierce debate among TV fans, Mr Cohen said that viewers and critics who thought that the big-budget American shows, such as Mad Men and Breaking Bad, were the best in the world were out of touch with ordinary British audiences.â
Assertion â evidence suggest that US shows are very popular
âA trope has developed, a cultural meme that asserts that American drama is far superior to drama produced in the UK and at the BBC,â said Mr Cohen, the BBCâs director of television.
Assertion â the evidence (BAFTA/Emmys etc ) is that they are
âItâs an argument driven by box-set consumers who have a louder voice in Britainâs cultural dialogue than the average family who sit down at night in Britainâs towns and villages to decide which drama they want to watch.â
Assertion â I suspect families are also âbox-set consumersâ â and is that such a bad thing?
âBritish dramas were more celebrated in America than in their home country, â
Assertion – Evidence is? I seriously doubt it â maybe in metropolitan east coast USA, no doubt his natural habitat, but I suspect not in the mid-west
âhe added. âIn Britain, we are not very good at celebrating our success. We somehow find it embarrassing. We often see the cup as half empty.ââ
Well the BBC is pretty good at celebrating UK failure 0- unless there is a Labour government in power
Mr Cohenâs defence of British drama reflects the BBCâs sensitivity about its peak-time programming amid pressure on its production budgets and increasing competition from pay-TV and online services such as Netflix, which have fuelled the popularity of foreign shows
Yup ÂŁ3.5billion telly tax and he can only point to Happy Valley as competing with the US
Lucky they continue to output quality programming like âcash in the atticâ, âmaster chefâ and send 100s of people to Glast and the world cup in Brazil
Ah yes, the glories of ‘Holby’, ‘casualty’, ‘spooks’ that execrable sci-fi shite set on planet PC (I have forgotten the name of it) That crap “Mayday” where the only sane positive characters were non-locals. “Bone kickers” – you remember the one where mad fundamentalist chriatians were beheading people. Ripper street – a comic book version of london.
NOTE, HONOURABLE EXCEPTION – the remarkably excellent BBC production “37 days”.
Compare these with great productions like “City of Vice” or the”Devil’s whore” (C4)
If the BBC tried just one or twice to place the plot, script and acting above their mission to socially engineer Britain and re-write history they may get somewhere. Africans in Dr Who’s Elizabethan England anyone? The truth is that BBC drama has never been very good, it was just a it better than the other offerings available at the time.
I am sure that Danny wouldn’t be complaining if the “box set snobs” (first against the wall bourgeoise parasites when the revolution comes, eh Danny) were buying his ‘left of centre’ stuff in huge numbers. There is a free market out there and people elect to purchase drama that the like, and they are not buying BBC material. The BBC doesn’t seem to get this and fels that we should be educated by their constant agit prop. As I said in another post a few days ago how about a lavish BBC drama about the life and death of a anglo-pakistani girl, when faced with being forced into a marriage with her cousin back ‘home’ rebels and dishonours her family. There is enough material there for a 12 part box set and it is entirely appropriate and legitimate, it is a genuine issue. Ditto grooming gamgs – plenty of tuff there for a real insight into the social conditions in our children’s homes an how the state ‘cares’ for kids. Something less controversial perhaps ?(from an organisation that still pouts with pride at Cathy Come Home and the Bolsheviks from the Blackstuff) How about a historical drama about building the Great Western Railway / Forth bridge. Social Realism – how about an accurate BBC ‘Benefits Street’ drama…… Or how about a ‘behind closed doors’ drama about the establishment of the EU (along the lines of 37 days)
Not a chance of even getting past the first editorial sift Danny is there!
If the BBC tried just one or twice to place the plot, script and acting above their mission to socially engineer Britain and re-write history they may get somewhere. Africans in Dr Whoâs Elizabethan England anyone?
Well yes, there were black people in Elizabethan England. It would be very odd for people of colour to crop up in several â I think 8, but I could be wrong â of Shakespeare’s plays if the society he lived in were of just one ethnicity. The existence of black people in Shakespeare’s London is well documented. Here’s just one example.
But thanks for telling us what dramas must be allowed, and what mustn’t. I’m sure it’s going down well with the usual Biased BBC contingent who aren’t happy unless they’re convincing themselves that they are morally superior. Although that does have the vital element needed â complete fiction.
The irony failure with this one strong stays.
‘But thanks for telling us what dramas must be allowed, and what mustnât.’
Only there was no telling; simply opinion in response to what is served or advised.
The kind that Mr. Cohen, Mr. Ben ‘More Left of Centre Thinking’ Stephenson and, of course you, rather ironically demand be crushed whilst actually indeed telling all and sundry what they should or will get, or think.
It’s ok it’s only the twitching of the bBC corpse, soon to be relegated to the recycle bin of history, the sooner the better.
You are of course correct Scott, but, and it’s a big but, this is an example of the tolerance of the English going back hundreds of years and it demonstrates that the Fascist left are completely wrong in their portrayal of the English and their part in history.
You must also however be aware that Queen Elizabeth repatriated all the Africans because she felt that there were too many of them.
Of course black people existed in the UK in the distant past, but they were an incredibly tiny minority. less than 0.01% of the population, so why the BBC has to cram unrepresentitive people into every drama is beyond me. It must be political because it is not factual.
Even in the 1960s, the none white population of the UK was tiny and many towns and cities did not even have a single none-white inhabitant.
I saw a very enlightening TV series, hidden in the backwaters of BBC4. It used the Pathe newsreel from the 1960s to show Britain in the early 1960s. Each episode covered a different aspect of British society. They had fashion, food. our places of work, our holiday and recreational activities.
Every social strata and community was represented, from the highest social class, to the lowest, from working in small shops, to huge factories, from the poshest restaruants and Haute Coiture fashion, to cafes and corner shops, To holiday camps, beach holidays and all forms of activity. The series covered society from London and the regions to give a massive overview of the whole of British society in the early 1960s.
I think in total, I saw 3 non white faces out of the tens of thousands shown. One was black and the other two were Indian.
This idea that Britain has always been a cultural melting pot of many colours and religions and races is an utter myth.
Yes, I was going to say something similar about early photographs of crowds of ordinary people.
Ports around the world have always been diverse (see – I can even use the proper word!) – Deptford, Tiger Bay etc, but elsewhere, the proportion was insignificant.
Might as well include a dwarf in every historical film as well.
Of course black people existed in the UK in the distant past, but they were an incredibly tiny minority. less than 0.01% of the population, so why the BBC has to cram unrepresentitive people into every drama is beyond me.
In CCE’s cited example, there were a couple of background artists, referenced to in passing at the beginning of the story. Suggesting it was anything more would be more of Biased BBC’s usual MO â exaggerate something to the point of fiction so that you have something to flail against.
Of course, the more Biased BBC indulges in such flights of fancy, the more it exposes how shaky the foundations are upon which its resident clique rest their prejudices…
Don’t feed the supercilious troll
Scott, You may have difficulty in comprehending my purpose, blinded as you are by prejudice, but my post suggested that people do not like the BBC drama output because it is poor quality and seen as a vehicle for cocial engineering – I was not telling anyone what to produce, I was a suggesting that the BBC could provide some diversity in its productions, and by diversity I do mean it in its true sense, that of variety – rather than the BBC monoculture. I suggested that the BBC could tackle some very real and achingly relevant social themes in Britain today – ‘honour’ murders, for example, the sexual exploitation of children, and then suggested some historical dramas that focus on positive aspects of the past. My opinion was that the BBC would never produce such dramas however relevant or accurate for ideological reasons.
My passing reference to the Africans in Dr Who was to illustrate the overpowering desire of the BBC to include its world view in everthing it produces rather than stimulate a debate on the number of Africans living in London in 1595, which was insignificant as a proportion of the overall population. Consequently the chances of seeing such people at random in London would be extremely remote. (There is a saturation population of Falcons in Britain today – how many do you see on your trip to work in the morning?).
Compare the obvious tokenism endemic throughout the BBC with the brilliant inclusion of ‘Jamaica Mary’ in C4’s City of Vice which was set in Georgian times, a real and credible role in the plot serving a genuine dramatic purpose.
As for your pompous vapouring about “flights of fantasy” – do you actually watch or listen to any of the BBC output?
It was pretty remote in parts of London even in the 60`s , I remember regulary going to London from Braintree on the the train in the 60`
Opps , in the 60`s with Mum & Dad , can`t remember seeing other than “Hideously White” passengers.
Putting aside the fact that the coloured population of Elizabethan England was a few hundred at most, as others have pointed out, I’m not sure Shakespeare counts as a reliable social commentator or historian in this context. For instance, the Merchant of Venice features Shylock, a Jewish money lender and unflatteringly so. But there were no Jews in Elizabethan England: they were expelled as a result of the Edict of Expulsion in 1290 and did not return until invited to do so by Oliver Cromwell via the Navigation Act of 1651. Shakespeare could certainly not have been writing from first hand experience or reflecting common experience. Ditto with the ‘people of colour’ (a racist epithet if ever there was one, but we’ll let that pass).
To the extent there were some coloured people in England in Shakespeare’s time – they were virtually all brought in as slaves, or then used as house-servants. They were not allowed to immigrate here freely. They were here as a by-product of the slave trade.
“Black people in 8 of Shakespeare’s plays” is another false argument in the sense that they did NOT appear as characters in plays set in Britain. They were in his plays that were set abroad – so it is quite natural that the lead of Othello should be a Moor, for example. Many of the plays were set in cities on Med or on islands in the Med, where we know there had been a lot of settlement from North Africa.
Idiots like the persistent TROLL should not be ded – they set out to mislead and distract, they make false arguments and then use them to attack all who visit here. The troll knows he is lying – as usual. Just to be contrary, to distract – not to make any really valid point.
How many Africans in Macbeth or Henry V or King Lear ? Not many !
That is why it is ridiculous for the BBC to insert immigrants into historical pieces in character roles. All part of the BBC’s PC nonsense.
Don’t feed the troll !
Doesnât a Jew have eyes? Doesnât a Jew have hands, bodily organs, a human shape, five senses, feelings, and passions? Doesnât a Jew eat the same food, get hurt with the same weapons, get sick with the same diseases, get healed by the same medicine, and warm up in summer and cool off in winter just like a Christian? If you prick us with a pin, donât we bleed? If you tickle us, donât we laugh? If you poison us, donât we die? And if you treat us badly, wonât we try to get revenge?
Not being a Shakespearean scholar I hesitate to doubt such a noted thespe as your good self but if you mean the following plays then you are onto a sticky wicket:
Titus Andronicus – Rome,
Othello – Africa,
The Tempest – Milanese in Foreign parts,
Antony and Cleopatra Egypt,
Pericles – Greece,
The Merchant of Venice – er, Venice,
A Midsummer Nightâs Dream – Athens,
Henry VIII (All is true) – England
As you can see only one of those plays takes part in England. I’m not sure which character is supposed to be the black character is but I’m sure you’ll let me know…
Perhaps you should read the contents of the plays, and discover the characters’ thoughts and experiences, rather than just rely on a scene heading.
What, as in “I think I am black therefore I am black”, is that what you mean?
So you don’t know either eh?
Thought so.
Don’t feed the lying troll
Which eight of Shakespeare’s plays have black people in them? How many of these plays are set in Elizabethan England?
Scott, I am sure you are well informed concerning Shakespeare. But I wonder how many of his plays that feature black people were set in Elizabethan England? And specifically London? Romeo & Juliet? Othello? Midsummer Night’s Dream, Troilus? Anthony & Cleo? Titus etc etc?
Africans in the reign of Elizabeth 1 1596-1601 Fear of increased black population in London and other towns leads to Royal proclamation by Queen Elizabeth I to arrest and expel all “Negroes and blackamores” from her kingdom. I assume this is historically correct?
It is historically correct. And all three of them were duly expelled.
“Happy Valley” – had some potential but was so “gritty” (ie negative, sour, cynical and depressing) that it was hard to watch. Even cloth cap fish ‘n chip eating Northerners in Halifax and Hebden Bridge manage to find some humour in their lives.
I noticed that the cast wasn’t as diverse as we’ve come to expect. Don’t want them in gritty stuff like this unless they’re victims of white racism, I suppose.
Can I suggest a plot for “Happy Valley 2”? “Men” return from Iraq and Syria and cause mayhem in Harrogate or York by shooting the place up.
Your last sentence is actually a good idea …
Abdul is a detective in a Northern town where he has a constant battle with the racism of his white colleagues.
Mohammed and Aziz have just come back from Syria and are finding it hard to fit in. There’s little work in Tory Britain, even for immigrants, and racist employers don’t like their attitude.
Boyed up by resentment at their treatment they turn to the Koran and Nazir their friendly Mullah for comfort. Nazir introduces them to Tracy …
Tracy is in care because her dad, local Tory councillor and Police Inspector (huh?) has been abusing her.
Tracy’s dad sees Tracy with her new friends and chases them in his Jam sandwich causing a car crash by not chasing them slowly. Aziz is killed and it all kicks off in the community.
Only Adbul can save the day and as he worships at the same mosque he manages to calm things down and arrest his boss, Tracy’s dad.
On second thoughts, maybe not.
You should be more careful. If this plot turns up on the BBC, I will be coming after you with a very big stick!
You won’t need to I have my service revolver and a study … ;p
I trust you have the Section 7 paperwork for it.
‘Lucky they continue to output quality programming’
Plus where would we be without the springboard to Mr. Cohen’s success and ability to speak on our behalves as to what constitutes the creme of broadcast achievement.
Snog Marry Avoid? has received positive reviews, complimenting its useful beauty tips and ‘cliche’ gimmick. BBC Three’s boss has declared it a “roaring success”.
âA trope has developed, a cultural meme that asserts that American drama is far superior to drama produced in the UK and at the BBC,â said Mr Cohen
Obviously what the people have found from experience is their taste is simply unacceptable to the BBC, people have to realise BBC drama is the best whether it is or it isn’t !
If you call a circle a square long enough then people will believe it ?
Where is the BBCs version of game of thrones? Or Falling Skies. The list of very watchable American drama is enormous. The problem with the BBCs drama is that it’s so worked over by political officers that by the time it’s finished all that’s left is a grey mush pretty much indistinguishable from the other grey mush of output.
The TV I enjoy the most is on Sky: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Penny Dreadful, etc. These are my most anticipated viewing pleasures and all are of exceptional quality, both creative and technical – I can’t think of a single thing the BBC offers that enthuses me. Everything the BBC does is, for me at least, tainted by association with the BBC’s wretched common purpose values…
I enjoyed the Three Musty Queers earlier this year. One of the rare gems in the BBCs output.
Atlantis was a complete flop. and it was a great disappointment to find another series commissioned – it never would have been in the private sector.
Ripper Street is watchable but programs like ‘Being Human’ or that other thing about integrating zombies into mainstream life are so obviously loaded with Fascist political correctness that they’re unwatchable.
I can’t think of anything I’d even look forward to, let alone stay in for. There’s so little of any real quality these days.
“…thing about integrating zombies into mainstream life are so obviously loaded with Fascist political correctness…
It’s terrible. It’s called ‘In The Flesh’ and it’s absolutely dire. Another great example of how the BBC manages – always – to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. A great idea made unwatchable by the Politburo’s ‘Political Correctness & Thinly-Veiled Political Messaging Department of Pointless Interference’.
Zombies. It was supposed to be about zombies.
With the BBC no idea is ever allowed to survive intact, free from meddlesome Diversity Awareness Kommissars and other ideologues, which is why for me so much of the Corporation’s output is so completely unwatchable.
Tonight is the final episode of ‘Tigers About The House’; 2 of 3 episodes in and it’s been a rare delight. The tiger cubs are amazing, the only preaching being to rail against illegal Tiger poaching. But I’m fearful for tonight’s final episode – there hasn’t been any mention of it yet, but (as is the tradition with the BBC) will they somehow find a way to sneak in a climate change reference during the final five minutes..?
I watched The Pallisers shown recently, repeated from exactly 40 years ago. A reminder – rather a painful one – that the BBC could make good drama even pre Danny Cohen. Servants were in it but we weren’t reminded every five minutes how miserable and hard their lives were; women it was clear were forced into subservient roles but often exerted influence behind the scenes. We were spared, however, interminable preaching about their role and unfairness of the patriarchy. The point was made subtly and nuanced. (What’s that mean, asks Danny.) And just as a matter of interest, each episode started where the previous one had ended. No recap, no “Previously on The Pallisers” for 10 minutes.
Agree absolutely, I’ve harped on about this before. The Beeb makes party political broadcasts dressed up as drama. Doesn’t matter what the story is the social engineering lecture is what you get whether you want it or not.
Why we shouldn’t beat ourselves up over Iraq too much is rather neatly told in “Not Blair’s Fault” at:
BBC reporting NHS in crisis!
Perhaps the answer is to get rid of 46% admin staff and replace with doctors and nurses – simples
And implement 21st century computerised process management to efficiently control the throughput of patients.
A real hoot listening to the ‘Today’ programme on R4 this morning on the subject of why disadvantaged white boys (and girls) from low income white families are doing so badly in education compared to other groups. So many shots loosed off all missing the target by miles. They don’t have the intellects or experience to identify the real reasons for this issue.
When black boys were at the bottom, the cause was definitely, definitely “racism”. Now whites are at the bottom, the cause is…?
The cause is still “racism”. Only this time it’s the racism of those stupid white children who are not embracing diverse, wonderful, multi-cultural Britain blah blah blah.
What idiots. Serves them right, the little so-and-sos…
Being left behind as teachers try to teach English to non-english speaking kids, instead of the subject needing to be learned is never ever considered as a reason for the minority of white English speaking kids being bored and left behind though.
So there you have it direct from Mark Harper the Immigration Minister on BBC Daily Politics just now:
If returning jihadists, (if, and only if, they are spotted and identified?), will be:
A. Possibly, ONLY POSSIBLY, not allowed back in to UK, if they only have a right to reside, (as opposed to being born here with full passport) .
B. Those Full British Passport holders, (again only if spotted?), could have broken the law and be charged.
C. The Minister stated that those let in and not in jail will have to be monitored.
Mark Harper realises it takes up to 10-12 security agents on each case, (and there are hundreds UK jihadists fighting out there)!
So we can all rest in our beds now assured the problem will be solved.
What should happen is they either should not be let back in to UK or put in the slammer, until they either take up an offer to deport them back from whence they have been fighting or have ancestral ties, or until it is safe to let them out.
It may need a change of law, well get on to it now, this is urgent.
Take passport back when they try to return and deport to Syria/Iraq/Otherarabshithole
We cannot do that while we are still in the EU and constrained by the ECHR.
Vote UKIP to get us out of the EU and the ECHR and allow our country to take the radical and necessary action to tackle Islamic extremism.
Great interviews on ‘Today’ this morning with, ahem, “British” muslims. Or is that muslims who happen to live in Britain? I think the answer to that question was definitively provided during the course of the interviews…
Mass Immigration, Manchester and Media City.
BBC is censoring what’s happening on its doorstep, and as even observed by leftists, Soros, and local Labour MP Stringer:-
By Nick Hallett.
Why is there no ‘British’ muslims denouncing the actions of ISIS as ‘unislamic’ or prepared to debate with all their supporters such as Choudray etc?
Don’t worry, I’m sure someone from The Muslim Council of Great Britain will be along shortly to reassure the BBC that what’s going on in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Kenya, Afghanistan, etc are nothing at all to do with ‘Islam’.
Isn’t that how this usually works..?
And the BBC faithfully buys into every act of Taqiyya that those extremists on the Muslim Council of Great Britain engage in.
Because their actions aren’t ‘unislamic’, and are perfectly normal, everyday Islam? just a guess…
Recall the parents and accused governors of ‘Trojan Horse’ infamy saying their detractors were “Islamophobes”. They didn’t say the accusations against them were false. See what they did there? Nice sleight of hand…
Here is the best answer I have seen to the argument that the majority of muslims are peaceful and are picked upon. If only Bimbedum had a panel member like this woman.
But after that event a liberal US journalist Dana Milbank tried to claim (against the video evidence) that the panel member had viciously attacked the poor Muslim “student” who asked the question. Absolute bollox – pushing the false Islamophobia nonsense.
It turns out the Muslim “student” questioner is a known trouble-maker, always claiming victimhood for Muslims – including a friend of hers who was on a terrorism charge.
As you say – it is way past time that people gave a robust reply to the Muslims who claim that they are all moderates at heart.
A great answer from Brigitte Gabriel on that clip.
….and I await with bated breath (just kidding) the BBC showing this response, or allowing such a response on one of its panel shows.
Can you possibly imagine the hysteria that would be generated if anyone gave a similar response on ‘Question Time’ , or on ‘Any Questions’ ?
I think I just fell in love with Brigitte Gabriel…
Appearing on question time no time soon ….
PMâs Questions today.
Our waxworks PM has decided that ISIS are a threat to Great Britain not just because of their takeover of Iraq but because they are planning to attack us here. They have very big canoes in the Iraqi desert these ISIS chaps apparently. So we must do something about it says Dave Dastardly, but he did not specify exactly what. I donât suppose The Golfer across the pond has had time to make up his mind yet and itâs not something he is very good at anyway, so how could Dave know yet anyway?
So, if I read the situation correctly, we will be at war again with all of the consequences that will bring. Thank you (it was nothing to do with me gov.) Tony for getting us involved in the first place. And thanks (I will withdraw our boots on the ground and I donât care if the militants take over again) Barry. And an especial thanks to Milipede, Cleggybottom, Theresa Stone Face and the leader of the pack of dim wits, Cast Iron Guarantee Dave for letting millions more of British hating terrorists into our green and pleasant land. The irony is that the BBC and other idiots call them British. How can you be British if you fight against Britain?
If it wasnât so bloody awful and if so many good lads from England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and of course the USA will be losing their lives again it would be a joke. But it is not a joke and the fools in charge of us will once again fight every enemy they can find from the safety of the mucky cess pit they live in, called the Westminster Parliament.
It was ever thus.
They have very big canoes in the Iraqi desert these ISIS chaps apparently
Apparently they can reach us in 45 days …
The SBS managed to get a shot of this prototype earlier today:
Perhaps I’m taking your comment the wrong way – it’s hard to tell. If so, I apologise, but:
Is it not the case that approx. 500 ISIS fighters are British citizens, with passports giving them the right of return to the UK, obviously?
That is technically a battalion of 500 ISIS men in the UK, spread about in Bradford, Luton, Tower Hamlets, wherever. And we’ll let them back in, and that is no problem? Is the ‘clue’ phone ringing yet? Maybe you should pick it up…this is a far bigger threat than anything Saddam could ever have mustered in 100 years, and the 45 minutes bullsh*t lie.
I would have thought it was obvious but I’m always happy to help out.
You said canoe. I made a joke about 45 days (minutes). Do you see what I did there? A canoe takes 45 days to get to the UK from Iraq. Very funny eh? đ
I would have thought Joshaw’s piccy would have been a clue?
As to the ISIS mob/equivalent showing up back here I think you’ll find I was warning about that last year, so yes I do see the problem.
Keep smiling, the worst is yet to come. đ
No matter how many times I type this, the message just doesn’t seem to be getting through !
You are falling victim to the BBC lies !
Lies of omission !
They keep you in ignorance deliberately, and unless you make the effort to find the facts yourself then you will never find out what is being kept from you.
Worse still though I’ve taken the trouble to type it here four or five times, and you still haven’t picked up on it !
ISIS are a massive threat, as they wish to establish a new Caliphate, which would certainly have the ability to threaten the UK and America.
We didn’t need to fight Saddam, we do need to fight ISIS because of the threat they pose.
Just because you remain unaware of it does not mean it doesn’t exist !
Er, but at the moment they’re fighting each other: Good. Let them get on with it. Then, when a victor emerges, let’s nuke the site from orbit: It’s the only way to be sure.
Yes, just let them get on with it. The ideal outcome would be that both sides lose.
Thoughtful, we do not need to pick on each other here. We are in agreement and trust me I am not a victim of the BBCâs lies. You and I may write it down differently but we all know what the problem is. We are not being told the truth by our British Broadcasting Corporation. I am not going to debate Caliphates with you, or any other title you or they wish to use, they are murderous scum by any name and should not have been fed cash and arms in Syria by the USA, which they (ISIS) have now used on a soft cowardly target, namely Iraq, to take over a large part of that country.
The threat from ISIS is not the threat of an invasion across the English Channel, it is the threat of returning men who are called British by the BBC because they normally live here or even may have been born here but will then use the skills they have learned in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to do harm here in Britain. It is therefore here that we should use our armed services to help the customs and immigration people at the sea and airports to send them away by whatever means is quickest and most efficient, no questions asked. Drop them out of helicopters over the sea for all I care. And the same for the ones who are here in Britain already just waiting to strike. We know who they are, get rid of them quietly, efficiently and for good. The time may not yet be here though, and certainly our current leadership do not have the bottle for the job. But it is what we will have to do eventually.
I said in my comment, which you clearly are disagreeing with, that we must thank Blair for this mess when he started a war on the basis of a lie. But having established control in Iraq and losing so many British and American lives doing it Obama then decides to pull out leaving an inadequate sectarian government in charge. Only a back street community agitator from Chicago/Hawaii, with a colour complex could have been so crazy. The result is undoubtedly a mess 100 hundred times worse than before the incompetence of Blair, Bush and Obama .
As to whether we should fight them on their own turf again is another matter. What can we do bomb them into being good little chaps by flattening Mosul and killing a few thousand innocent women and children again? Or send in our boys with their hands tied behind their backs again by politicians who will not let them get on with the job in the way it should be done. Then they come home and face the Daily Mirror and the Civil Rights lawyers again. My answer to that is NO, NO and NO again. Not one more good and true British life should be wasted fighting the ISIS monsters or any other regimes in foreign lands only to be driven out once again with our tail between our legs after a few years because we have become too soft.
Chilli was maybe being facetious but he was correct. Only if and when they become a serious threat to us by invasion or in any other way then we should flatten them without mercy with the nuclear option. It is what should have happened to Mecca after 9/11. That is where most of the men and the cash came from, Saudi Arabia. There would have been a more co-operative attitude from our friends in the BBCâs favoured religion then I think. It could hardly be worse than it is now when we are very afraid that our own so called British citizens will start a war here. Could it?
So it’s BBc Breakfast. I see the weather forecaster is off to the races tommorow why she needs to tellme an approximate weather forecast from a race track is beyond me, Oh yes the one that caught my attention this morning. Poor white kids are under performing. They are then compared to Indian & Chinese children, is it me or is something missing here. So they need to have longer days. Seems to me that kids are never actually at school these days, when their various holidays have finished there always seems to be a teacher training day tagged on the end. At the end of the report they added in the right circumstances this group pick up faster than all the other groups or words to that effect. Which of course you could interpret to read as the teachers are showing other groups more attention, but I’m sure that couldn’t possibly be the case.
“Well he would say that wouldn’t he”
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but Satao, one of Africa’s largest elephants, was killed by poachers this week. The people that slaughter these animals are disgusting, vile individuals as are the traders. I looked for information on the net and found on one website that there has been a surge in elephant ivory poaching across Africa over recent years and that elephant poaching in Kenya is at least 10 times the official figures.
I also found out that a Kenyan poacher has boasted how he brutally slaughtered more than 70 elephants for their valuable tusks and that the brutal slaughter of African elephants for their ivory is helping Moslem extremists to bankroll jihadists around the world.
Checking the BBC for information, all I can find out is that the animals ‘face survival threat’ (BBC’s inverted commas), that ‘poaching numbers had dropped’ and that transnational organised crime appeared to be involved in the trade. I can only think they must be referring to the Mafia.
A disgusting trade and the loathsome organisation the BBC has become.
The bBBC doesn’t seem to have space to report this: http://www.luton-dunstable.co.uk/News/Old-Bailey-court-hears-how-Luton-Muslim-preachers-left-football-fan-covered-in-blood-after-attack-in-London-20140617170553.htm
It will be interesting to see if the judge decides this attack, by ten Muslims on a white man, was a racially-motivated hate crime. Amazingly, out of ten defendants, none is named Mohammed.
If ten Christians had stepped out of a church and attacked a passing muslim, the BBC would certainly have mentioned it a few times or more.
They would have linked it to the ‘rise’ of UKIP and other ‘far-right’ organisations.
And also extensively criticised the Police (especially if the hated Metropolitan Police) for a ‘bungled’ investigation with racist overtones.
Actually it has already happened. Remember those footballists that were ambushed outside a night club and, because there was a larger group of them, kicked the shit out of one of the ambushers.
Result: Footballers in the dock.
NB This trick was played on my nephew who was ambushed leaving a nightclub with his girlfriend by a group of ‘anti-alcohol’ campaigners. Nothing seems to have been done to catch the bastards. That seems to be a common occurrence ‘Oop North.
Radio 4 PM and BBC playwright Alan Bennett has been whining about private education, and how unfair it is.
To balance it the BBC invite a previous head from a public school and Owen Jones from the Guardian.
So that’s Two against and one for – hardly fair. But worse than that they gave both Bennett and Jones much more time to express their politics of envy.
Rank obvious & outrageous left wing bias.
Owen Jones implied that public schools don’t produce ‘well-rounded’ adults.
What’s his excuse? He should get an honorary degree from McDonald’s University for the chip on his shoulder and his battering of red herrings.
Jones is no son of toil. He comes from Bramhall in Stockport and attended one of those paid by the public well funded ex grammars in a leafy suburb.
He’s a fake, of course.
PS Look at his Wikipedia page – a product of PR if ever there was one.
the bbc,the fake anti racist groups lke the uaf and hope not hate and all these other left wing groups could not care less about white victims of muslim racism and violence,why arent those muslim racists charged with racially aggravated offences against this white lad,they wont because we have a 2 tier system in this country when it comes to muslim on white racism.from the trojan horse racist plot in birmingham and its defenders like those teachers david hughes and lee donaghy on the home affairs select committee yesterday to this racist attack on that white lad in london these racists will always get away with this racism because left wing groups will always defend these people as proved in this trojan horse plot in birmingam,thats that i am afraid.
Can I ask one simple question? If Obama was white, would the BBC, the Guardian, Channel 4 and so on idolize him?
I think you know the answer to that one. No. The only reason the Left adore every step his sandals take is because of the colour of his skin. It’s so patronizing isn’t it? It’s the same type of infantile ethnic discrimination you find in every modern university politics/sociology/Marxist textbook… if you’re an ethnic minority you can do no bad. If you are white, a Christian and English you’re buggered!
Try being Jewish.
Actually he owes more than just the 50% of his genes to his white mother and her parents, he owes everything; his work ethic his education. His Kenya black father, apparently very clever, did what so many black men seem to do and left his white wife to bring up their child on her own with the help of Obamas grandparents.
The influences on him are far more white than black.
It always puzzles me that so much is made of the dark skin of those who have done well, while the 50% white genetic make up of the child/ individual and virtually all the upbringing is ignored.
Dame Kelly Holmes got it right I think; when her absent dad who abandoned her mother the moment she was born, tried to come back into her life years later when she was successful, she referred to him as merely a ‘sperm donor”
The first ”black” female Oscar winner? That would be the one with the Liverpudlian white mother and the absent black dad.
The obliteration, when it suits, of any white heritage is a puzzlement, but one the BBC and leftie media are always keen to promote.
They may love him because of his complexion, but also surely because they agree with his hippy dippy lefty useless style over substance (lack of) policies.
If he’d been a Republican they’d call him a ‘coconut.’
Radio 4 reporting on the ISIS group in the Middle East, and the fact that they want to establish a ‘new state’. No mention of the size of that state, or any coverage in any depth.
Certainly no mention of a Caliphate and the problems which might ensue.
Yet again the BBC are protecting Muslims.
I’ve noticed much chatter during the day about the shortfall in NHS finances. The stand out phrase for me has been “our population has grown”. Yes good very nearly there but all they had to say was why exactly has our population suddenly increased.
I’m leaving for good now but this is a good site. Keep up the good work. Ultimately I think you’d all be better off like me in not bothering watching much on the BBC it only annoys me half the time. Keep up the fight against the bonkers left and its’ spokes er people! Or is it persons?! Keep chipping away at the edifice. Ken makes enormous sense in his comments. He’s worth listening to. Good luck to you all and Mr Vance.
M. Pourquoi nous laisser maintenant l’heure de notre besoin?
dont leave duke,we need you on the front line to fight the good fight,dont desert us man
Just sent to BBC breaking news (also blogged on previous blog subject on this site):
Hi BBC News
Part my research on NHS Taxpayer spending/value am looking to add what our Official Public Interest broadcaster has to say:
You must have missed this very newsworthy report:
It has been widely reported elsewhere:
Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/17/nhs-health
This is very unusual question but do you no longer have remit to report this Public Interest type of UK Tax spend results?
If not, do you feel this sort of Public Interest reporting, (must say of great interest to those very many in UK who deal with analysis Government spending), should be a subsided Public Broadcasting tax spend given to other TV/Media to report?
The bBBC mentioned this on its 6 o’clock ‘news’ this evening, saying that a major study had shown the NHS to be the most efficient health service. Strangely they didn’t mention that the same study showed that the NHS came 10th out of 11 countries for ‘healthy lives’, i.e. our NHS was the second-best in the world at killing people.
As the Guardian (the print arm of the bBBC) put it The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive. On a composite “healthy lives” score, which includes deaths among infants and patients who would have survived had they received timely and effective healthcare, the UK came 10th.
Hmmmm – the articles seem to refer to the UK NHS – which, as I recall does not exist…the Welsh and Scottish NHS bodies are run independently, and to different standards, by their local ‘parliamentary bodies’…. so the assessment must presumably be about NHS England.
I wonder where the Welsh NHS appears in relation to these others…. you know, the one wholly under Labour control, as opposed to the one being currently managed (and surprisingly well managed, it would appear, if one were to believe the Guardian) under a Conservative-led government (I am sure that’s the phrase oft-used by the BBC when it wants to have a dig at the Tories on their own).
Mind you, according to the comments on the Guardian article, this government has practically run the NHS into the ground….funny that independent, international judges don’t think so – and neither does the Guardian, apparently.
Guardian/BBC staff must be crucifying themselves trying to make this into bad news for the government – but no doubt there will be time for the nail holes to heal whan they’ve found the formula they are after.
The BBC ‘News’ is not news – it is just a political propaganda outlet, like Pravda, Iranian Press TV, or Al Jazeera. TV news is dying, along with newspapers and The Big State, but those foolishly dedicated to them don’t realise it yet. The worst of all has to be MSNBC in the US, which makes the BBC look like Breitbart edited by Margaret Thatcher.
‘The BBC âNewsâ is not news’
Beyond its agenda-driven priorities, I have to wonder what drives what is, or is not ‘news’ anyway.
With all going on, I just got this as a rush ‘breaking’ email:
Caver surfaces after marathon rescue
Well, that’s nice, but hardly front page holding stuff.
Shame it’s only one, or they could get a German-speaking correspondent and team out there to count them out like Whack-a-moles.
MSNBC does not even pretend to be a “breaking-news” outlet any more, as its boss told the HuffPo. Its daytime programming is as opinionated as its evening programming. One may profess to see, in the emphasis given to certain aspects of stories and indeed the choice of what will be covered live, perhaps a certain rightward view on FOX, but FOX clearly differentiates its news programming from its opinion programming with a 1900 watershed hour– which MSNBC fails to do.
(Perhaps this is unfair, but three of MSNBC’s hosts are reputed to be untreated alcoholics whose Howard Beale-esque nature apparently must make for better television, according to Mr. Griffin, one can only surmise.)
In any event, MSNBC is consistently trounced in the viewership numbers. It is considered choir practice for a cadre of Washington/NYC/LA Leftie opinion leader types, nothing more. Its only worth in viewing is as a window into the minds and souls of the cultish worshippers of Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Of course, none of this would mean anything to the sort of person who would view uncritically the BBC’s coverage of the same issues which gain international traction– like Lord Nelson, they would see no problem. The domestic coverage of ANY outlet, whether government or private owned, must always be taken with a grain of salt, and it is their international coverage which is where you will hope to see whether journalism is being committed or not, so to speak. If that too is similarly agenda-driven, even with there being no incestuous beholdenness to the local authorities, then you have a problem. If it is the MSNBC view that is in the main the tack the BBC will take, ask yourself why.
Record snowfall in Norway for June. Not since records began 100 years ago has Norway……….http://www.thelocal.no/20140616/norway-sees-snowfall-in-june
This isn’t climate – this is weather. If the temperature was 30C in Norway – then THAT would be climate.
Arthur, yes of course it is weather. Weather is a consequence of Climate. the point I was making here is that the BBC are always telling us about Climate Change due to Global Warming caused by man made Co2 increasing levels. The Hockey Stick graph which the BBC tells us is now settled science, should be revealing a growth in temperatures around the globe. Unfortunately, the opposite is now happening with temperatures falling and as a result of this, events such as my link are happening. If only the BBC would spend as much time discussing cooling climates as they do warming ones. Oh and if the temperature in Norway was 30c, then that is not climate but a temperature anomaly.
I think you must have missed the sarcasm as I was taking the p*ss on BBC weather reporting.
Oops! Sorry Arthur and sorry I stole your thunder. (gedit?)
Speaking of Norwegian gods and thunder :
To his horse : “I’m Thor !”
Horse : “You forgot your thaddle, you thilly thod !”
Nothing wrong with the weather – just the wrong clothes.
I once got sunstroke in Oslo one June in the late ’70’s, fell asleep in a park near the Viking ship museum.
That was weather too apparently …
Global Warming of course ! simples
From the article linked to – “He said he had found reports indicating snowfall in the city during July a century previously”
So, what’s the big deal about it being in June, now? And what about BEFORE records began? Like, say, 80,000 years ago? Any ideas?
Good morning from the BBC. And this week’s death of an obscure person is Horace Silver. You won’t of heard of him so we’ve helpfully included a picture of Miles Davis, whom you might of. Have you been affected by the death of an obscure person? If so, please contact the BBC in time for next week’s one and include words like “legend”, “top” or “acclaimed” in your report. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-27916044
I think you’ve missed out one important qualification ……
Ah, but I was following strict BBC principles. If something obvious is not stated you can safely assume it most of the time.
Ahhh, silly me.
Here comes Mr. Jordan again…
Sadly, as this piece illustrates, the BBC guiding itself is often a variable affair, too often resulting in their guidelines being designed to ensure they get it about right.
Or, in the event they do not, still get it about right.
‘An investigation by the BBC has found 1000s of paedophiles…..’
It has been noted previously hereabouts that the BBC don’t do irony.
This so-called ‘investigation’ appears to me to be little more than a puff piece for those wanting more ‘policing of the internet’.
The fact that the BBC couldn’t spot a pervert in their own car park for 20 years and then happily – with a nudge and a wink – named a random Tory in this respect goes by the board.
What do you call it when an organisation has no shame and apparently no internal memory? Has to be an ‘ism’ of some form.
BBCism i think its called or Savilism take your pick
Evan Davis’s dog, Mr. Whippy can forecast the outcome of the World Cup, apparently. This is news? Apart from the fact that the dog is a whippet, one has to wonder about the origins of its name…
Good job it wasn’t a Shih Tzu in that case.
Womans hour, that bastion of Fascist left propaganda, tells us:
In about half an hour a document from the IPPR will be released which will form the basis of the Labour parties manifesto.
So we thought we’d indulge in some shameless promotion for the Labour party !
This has been “news” since yesterday and featured on the Radio 4 8:00 am flagship “news” this morning to be followed up by a cringingly helpful “interview” of Rachel Reeves (who, by the sound of her, is the intellectually challenged shadow something or other). There is no item of the Labour manifesto for next year’s general election which isn’t given an uncritical OTT “Paradise on Earth” coverage by the BBC (with a 5-second throwaway “impartial” footnote that the Conservative-led government doesn’t agree).
Saw the pre ,News 24 ( copied from Sky News) coming up in the next hour, 9am news ; “At 0910 we go live to East London ,where The Millipeed is giving a speech “. Turned off the tv to mow the lawn , had a quick flick at 1050 to watch weather forecast, the Millipeed was still going on about shite “live” , over on Sky something else . It occurred to me I must now be living in North Korea , as “The Great Leader ” Kim Il Sung Millipeed was giving a speech & North Korea Broadcasting Corporation (al bbc) had been duty bound to broadcast our “Great Future Leader`s ” Kim Il Sung Millipeeds 1 hr 40 mins speech in full . If that evil twat ever became PM ( God Forbid) we can expect more of the same on daily basis from those socialist scum. It was amusing to see even Paxo , on his last show ,choose Boris to take a bike ride with , if it had been Millipeed , Paxo would of hopefully puked all over Millipeed`s back !
Ohh look like it’s already going well for Millibounds IPPR stitch up !http://order-order.com/2014/06/19/tories-troll-miliband-ippr-speech/#comments
And yet more puff for this “policy” of starving the thick back to work”.
PM tonight reports on the “more in sorrow than in anger” nature of this hare-brained hair of a scheme.
The IPPR most sad and all cow-eyed at offering the plebs the life chances of the marginalised, vulnerable-if only we could find it in our hearts to trust Ed in this painful adjustment; then Labour will be OK.
Outrageous biased slops and slurry from the BBC-if the Tories had suggested penalising the thick and lazy like this, the BBC would be up in arms…as would the class warriors of Labour who prop them up.
But no criticism of this crap from Muddibland…just sadness at what we the electorate have turned him into!
When will Labour have to fund their own carrier pigeon, water cooler goss…when did the BBC see its job as giving Labour as much free “talkng shops and workspace facilities”, at our expense?
Another bad dose of VD this morning as Victoria was in full-on Radio5 chav-mode: an obese man in Denmark has been sacked from his job as a child-minder, after numerous warnings, because he can’t do his job. This is terrible discrimination, of course, and VD thinks everyone should be given a job for life regardless of whether they can actually do a job or not.
Really a can’t lose for the BBC there.
He gets fired… outrage.
Kid suffers because they can’t fire him… outrage.
All manner of (possibly) unsuitable folk head to a tribunal for not being offered the job.. outrage.
BBC does something similar… raft of licence fee money on legal/FoI exemptions even discussing them keeping their little secret.
‘This is terrible discrimination, of course, and VD thinks everyone should be given a job for life regardless of whether they can actually do a job or not. ‘
Well she is living proof, isn’t she? đ
This is a page well worth the bookmark and occasional scope:
Seems the BBC pretty much again got it about right as far as this month’s ESC is concerned, but amazingly a few did get upheld…
Had to love the ‘result’ to one:
‘Staff will be reminded to ensure the wording used in accounts of court cases accurately reflects the content and outcome of the proceedings.’
Yes, that is well worth the reminder.
Especially when things stay very internal…
‘The Senior Editorial Complaints Adviser (the Adviser) decided that the complainantâs appeal did not have a reasonable prospect of success.’
So… the BBC doesn’t think the BBC needs to worry about the BBC being held to account.
However, the BBC does appear to see precedent as valuable, if on a case–by-case basis..
‘âIn-keeping with some of the jokes featured in the past, we included a scripted joke which played on a name; on this occasion the name was van Cutsem, with a nod to Harryâs reputation as the party prince. Given the established audience expectations for this irreverent, post-watershed BBC One series we felt that such a joke was editorially justified, would not have exceeded those expectations, and would be in line with the BBCâs Editorial Guidelines.â
I must remember ‘established audience expectations’ as an excuse when the BBC, or its kapos here mount the outrage pony.
Will they see the double standards and irony? “I have to say that I think, on balance, that this is very unlikely.”
This next was a further gem:
‘The Adviser agreed with the ECU response. She also noted â as the ECUâs Complaints Director had done, that the joke had been followed by a comment from Ian Hislop, who had interjected: âHave we lost the lawyersâ and considered this would alert viewers to the idea that this was a contentious statement that should not be taken seriously.
If only Newsnight had thought of that when dropping the McAlpine legal costs ball on licence fee payers. Hope the next Flokker worrying about defamation is taking note.
And finally, there’s this one:
‘The Panel concluded that:
⢠the BBC had not listened carefully enough to what the complainant was saying and although the BBCâs intention may have been to help the complainant by immediately escalating his complaint, it had not treated the complainant fairly, which had resulted in a breach of the Complaints Framework’
Worth reading to see what moved the mighty BBC deflection machine to shoulder blame and be humbled for not acting quickly enough or being clear before rolling over. I’ll leave it to readers to locate.
They’re all in two massive PDFs of upwards of 60pp of mostly rehashed waffle.
Click to access mar_2014.pdf
It’s like they don’t want, or expect anyone to read them.
Not so much precedent, but this odd form of ”just joking” excuse that gives comedians a pass does seem to be pervasive.
Its chief executive, Jodie Ginsberg, told me that as an âedgyâ comedian he understood the need to confront oppressive power
That word ‘edgy’ does crop up a fair bit. Senor Montoya may have a notion on what it really means.
That HIGNFY’s most loyal boot boy has found some cojones is not before time, but give the players and allies in the frame… including the BBC, Hacked Off, etc… the various groupings vying for the power to tell the public what they can or can’t learn about, or whom (especially not them) seems very much in sack of rat territory already.
This is a cracker from your link, GW! Regarding the ‘Sun Has Got His Hat On’ DJ and the ‘N’ word…
We have received complaints following the departure of presenter David Lowe from BBC Radio Devon.
“We accept that the discussion with David Lowe about his future could have been handled better, and the door remains open to him to return to BBC Radio Devon should he change his mind.
His offer to resign was agreed locally but once it was escalated it was decided that his resignation should not have been accepted.
David was initially invited to return to his show on 6 May. He has declined and so we would like to thank him for his many years presenting on Radio Devon and wish him well for the future.”
They dumped on him, then thank him ”For his many years presenting on Radio Devon and wish him well for the future”
That was sad on so many levels, not least amongst staff, where it became more than clear the ‘dob you in’ brigade are now in charge of the neck end of the rat sack.
Can’t be fun to work permanently worried if your co-worker or boss is going to whisper a few magic words into the system if they don’t like your style.
Very Eastern European… from a another time.
The amazing part is how quickly the thing was swept away, yet I believe the offending incantations were until recently and indeed still may be lurking in archive to catch the unwary archivist.
Of course, there are certain criteria that do need to be met, as Mr. Lowe and Ms. Thatcher found, whereas other staff can posses immunity for word or deed simply because the BBC corporate ethos agrees with them.
Hence the institutional nature of the organisation from rotten head through cowering middle to disgruntled cannon fodder.
Unique. Not pretty.
And in other news, it seems the austerity is really biting the BBC staffing and salaries along with all the rest, as old roles become new roles or new roles appear to cover what clearly could not before, or was, or now needs more money to do, or…
Have to say those ÂŁ20-30k ‘boosts’ look a lot like what many outside the BBC comfort zone still call ‘salaries’.
Transparent Propaganda.
A newspaper in Abu Dhabi has just published an analysis of all sorts of links involving the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK. Included in the analysis are some people who appear to get invited into the BBC.
Time for the BBC to put a bar on these characters – or to require them to be described as having links to the Muslim Brotherhood ? Nope – the BBC will probably turn a blind eye, they are perfectly happy for paid propagandists to pollute our airwaves.
On You and yours Radio 4 the guest that said she was happy living in England was asked as the last question what she particularly liked about it. She said that she liked the different type of people, the multi -culture especially in Manchester. This was clearly what the producers wanted to leave you with. . It just sounded so rehearsed and I’m pretty sure she was asked to say that.
Myth and reality. If the BBC’s leading programme Eastenders portrayed life in the East End as it really is – rather than the honeyed myth of Cockneydom – they’d lose most of the audience.
Lose the audience? How about 99% of the cast, first of all!
One story line for the new ‘Eastenders’ could be ‘Mohammed organises a rape, torture and pimping of non-muslim females gang with the guys from the kebab shop and min-cab place’. That would work…well, they do like gritty realism in ‘Eastenders’, don’t they?
I suspect they interview 20 people in the street and select the reply they seek.
I’d have to take issue with the headline (beyond it hardly reflecting the copy).
Newsnight is not ‘dying’, as a brand or anything else.
The old slipway is more holed and unfit for purpose than any in Kiel after a squadron on Tallboy-toting Lancs re-landscaped the pens and bunkers.
And has been for a while now.
All it does seem fit for is to provide employment to endless Katz-acoloytes to produce more apology and correction fodder on the public tab.
Maybe, like the Telegraph, they see their future online.
The last five ‘stories’ do not reassure:
Paxman bows out with Boris bike ride
Here’s a bit more of Jeremy’s and Boris’s bike ride. See the interview in full on Wednesday, 10.30pm, on BBC Two.
Boris and Jeremy in tandem – Newsnight
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Paxman share a bicycle on the streets of London. Find out why on Jeremy’s last programme, Wednesday at 10.30pm.
Saatchi: ‘Abolish corporation tax’
Lord Saatchi explains his plan to abolish corporation tax for small companies.
Cupid’s arrow
Is romance at the heart of London schools’ success? Chris Cook examines the evidence.
Can oldest player erase dark history?
John Motson tells the story of Colombian goalkeeper Faryd Mondragon – the oldest player in the 2014 World Cup and a link to one of the competition’s darkest moments.
Nor the fact that most barely generated a handful of comments.
It’s a dead parrot walking, and has been for a fair while.
‘Telegraph’ (ÂŁ)-
Would this be another reason why INBBC would not support such an anti-Islamic jihad effort?:-
“We will use the courage of Margaret Thatcher to defeat militant Islamism, says George Osborne”
I’m sure we have all heard of the recent tragic death of a student in Essex, where it has been reported that the victim was *probably* a Muslim because of her dress sense. The BBC leads with “Colchester murder: Religious hate crime a line of inquiry” but as the police suggest, there are other lines of enquiries at this point in time and within the article the police state: “But… there is no firm evidence at this time that she was targeted because of her religion.”
Nice of you to assume for us BBC.
Just re-read the piece.
It’s an amazing mash-up of supposition from start to finish, mixing incredible detail one minute and astoundingly vague throwaways the next.
There is a ‘man’ in the frame, and the victim seems a mystery figure, yet the highest levels of Saudi diplomacy seem totally on top of it and involved already.
Given no one knows, there are all sorts of other possibilities from so-called honour issues to high-level hits to simple wrong place, wrong time. A mode of dress these days hardly projects anything to the level it has been.
If more is known than being let on officially, they have hinted at it in the most ham-fisted way possible.
One to keep tabs on.
I’ll be intrigued how this pans out in both fact and reporting of it.
At the moment, a woman has died in violent circumstances, and that is enough tragic news to handle for now.
Clicked a link and here’s a later, less editorialised version:
I know this country is pretty inured to murder, but two days later this one seems restricted to the local zone still.
This seems like a heinous murder of a student, which needs reporting.
But is INBBC reporting this?:-
“ISIS jihadi from UK calls for jihad attacks on British civilians to avenge Muslimaâs murder”
[Excerpt, Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“The murder of Nahid Almanea was heinous enough, and now Abu Rashash Britani is trying to compound its evil by calling for more attacks on innocent civilians. Has anyone inquired into who this person Abu Rashash Britani is, and where he learned his understanding of Islam? Or would such an inquiry in todayâs Britain be ‘Islamophobic’â?
Reporting, yes.. what is known.
Not cherry picking what juicy theory is suspected, that can only inflame (QED) and hand the propaganda pr directly to those who can and will abuse it (QED).
Here’s another ‘possibility’… a false flag op. Who knows?
But interesting where the media thrust appears so far to have headed vs. Newsnight dispatching cabbies around to emote with Tell Mama of communities now living in fear of ‘the backlash’.
In Lee Rigby’s case it never materialised. Here the national broadcaster (and others) do not seem to have had such responsible concerns, appearing much more confident of ‘community’ calm than they were post-Woolwich.
What next? This Abu Rashash Britani on Today to Newsnight to ‘understand his motivations’?
Even if it turns out to be a ‘hate murder’ by a card-carrying ‘ism nutter, the BBC would be well advised to report vs. Speculate as it is doing currently.
The media that often rush to calm in such events before seem curiously quick to do anything but in this case:
@LBC: Police investigating the murder of a Muslim woman have warned people about going out in Muslim dress. Is this a Britain you recognise?
I struggle to see this as responsible journalism (or police advice… it’s idiotic on any measure).
Sadly, this is a media reaction I now recognise in this country all too well.
The comments in response may give LBC some pause, though.
Sorry for the family whose relative’s passing has already been co-opted into a media agenda, but given that no one knows squat at present that headline is hard to justify on most grounds, from professional integrity to throwing already strained community cohesion to the winds.
Dumb as box of rocks of the police to provide that “quote” (I presume they did), but when in the realms of ‘could have’ it is bonkers for them and any media to pitch only a possibility at this stage the way it has been.
Whatever happened to the usual ‘men… and that’s yer lot’ inevitably po-faced churned out under selective watertight oversight? This is vast, unproven detail that cannot be known yet.
If this turns out not to be as first boosted, there really needs to be some serious introspection in editorial.
The BBC with any reference to WW2 prefers to use the word Nazi rather than German. For example, the RAF in the Battle of Britain defeated the Nazis. It’s as if the Nazis were from a different country to Germany.
But being so pro Europe, the BBC has a dilemma as well as an agenda. Oh, they do wish the last veterans would die soon so that they the BBC could ‘move on’.
The Major had it right !
“Bunch of Krauts, that’s what they all are. Bad eggs !”